My Body, My Choice - October 14th, Hour 1

Published Oct 14, 2021, 10:02 PM

Thousands of military members are coming up against vaccine mandates and they just don't want to get the vaccine. Nearly half of the Chicago Police Department is threatening to stop working. Where are the "my body, my choice" people now?!

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A number sixty one day sixty one, Joe Biden hasn't mentioned the Americans that he abandoned behind terrorist enemy lines, the Taliban enemy lines, in over forty days. He doesn't care. He's turned the page. He's tells us. You know, we got another article out there saying, oh, the State Department says they're meeting with senior Taliban leaders were candid and professional. Okay, I got why aren't they showing this video everywhere? Even the New York Times points this out, Uh, anyway, where an Afghan Army veteran was nearly beaten to death by the Taliban. We're getting these images almost every day. These stories are coming back to us almost every day, that this businesslike and professional Taliban, the candid discussions, the leverage that we have, we have all the leverage. It's all a lie. They just lie through their teeth. New York Times points out about this video it was bad enough that American citizens were left behind and our afghanist is by Heather Naward, I guess former State Department official, former Fox colleague of ours, very smart and this is an important piece. But I found out that we have active service members whose families are stuck in Afghanistan. She rightly points out the State Department cannot get them out. It was like the worst of the worst cases. We need to get them out because the Taliban is actively hunting. She quoted Representative Jason Crowe, Democrat Colorado. Former Army rangers served in Afghanistan. They are systematically working through their list. You know, the list that Joe Biden gave them and the biometrics that he gave them and left them. Time is of the essence here, amplifying the sense of urgency. Lawmakers, veterans groups, you know they're being stonewall by our own State Department. Well you can't and that charter playing with Americans on it in America. And if you get another country that will accept your charter, that's fine. But if they need our sign off, it will not be forthcoming. Wow. Or if you need your papers updated, you'll need to go to another country. That's the point. They can go to another country, you idiot. Lincoln is the dumbest human. Well maybe by night. They're just ignorant as hell. It's so incompetent. I never dreamed this would happen in this country. Nobody else seems to want to talk about it right now. Mister Walt said that his office recently received a video of a woman who had served in the Afghan National Army nearly beaten to death, arms ribs broken. Every day there are gutting getting images and stories, Heather Nawertner piece says, from their former comrades stuck in Afghanistan, and some of them had family members who have been hunted, captured, tortured and murdered. Anyone care to hear the truth here? And now this illustration. The State Department, under this idiot Blincoln is now meeting with senior Taliban leaders and they're negotiating. We already gave him sixty four million. We're about to give them more humanitarian aid. Let me let me translate that for you. That's called ransom where I grew up, because that's the only leverage they have. That is if they can buy the security of the Americans that they abandoned. And by the way, there's a poll out on this and thankfully, seventy seven point four percent of Americans, Yeah, they're again strongly opposed giving foreign aid to the Taliban controlled Afghanistan. The Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, Oh. And by the way, that interpreter that helped rescue Biden that he abandoned also he snuck out, He was able to get away. He was on Fox News and he says, ye, yeah, the Taliban have no mercy at all. Why would you Why didn't he take him out when we had full control of the entire area already? Ever give up Bagram Airbase. It's now the Biden administration is going to exempt Taliban era members of the Taliban from US terror related entry restrictions. We're inviting the Taliban to come here. Are you out of your freaking mind? Do you think they change their views? Oh, we don't believe in Sharia law that mandates that they treat women like fifth class citizens. You know, they tell them how to dress, they can't leave the house without a male relative, they can't go to school, they can't go to work, and there are public beatings of women almost every day in the streets. Now, with the Taliban and charge, we're gonna now, we're gonna lift the restrictions and allow them to come to the United States. We're going to remove the terror related entry restrictions to protect America and the homeland. Are you kidding me. You cannot make this up. And the poor marine guy, Lieutenant Colonel Stewart Scheller. You know, we've made the viral videos. He was right in his criticism about this disaster. Anyway, he's now apparently going to plea guilty to some of the court martial charges to get him the hell out of this so we can get his life up back. He was three years away from his pension. Oh that breaks my heart. I mean, it's it's these are just unbelievable times we're living in here. I am not in the mood for this. There's a story out today too. This was in Congressional quarterly transcript. You got, you know, blink and engaging in some tough talks regarding Iran. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Iran is doing everything they want, and they're setting the stage to take away all sanctions and let the Iranians get more money from other countries. They're even pressuring they were pressuring South Korea to release seven what billion dollars in funds to the mullahs and ran. How stupid do you have to be? I know, but the media only cares about mean tweets of Donald Trump. That's all they really care about. Is that the most important thing? Good grief. We had a lot of ground to cover today. We're gonna have on experts. I'm gonna give you some economic news. And I've been warning you that this is going to happen. I told you last year it was going to happen, and it's even worse than I thought. And add to that, we'll have this discussion later. Thousands of our military members now are coming up against this vaccine mandate date and they're not going to get vaccinated. Now. I'm not telling them what to do. I'm not a doctor. For whatever reason, I don't know. Maybe it's a rare medical condition, maybe they just don't want it. I believe in freedom. I believe in oh what happened to all my body, my choice people in the country. I believe in medical privacy. I believe in doctor patient confidentiality. And some people they're gonna lose their pensions here. They're now saying in Chicago, likely half of the Chicago Police Department, as it's already a shift show there. Every day. You see the death toll every weekend, you see the number of people shot every weekend. Now they're gonna lose half the police department. We're losing military personnel. We're gonna lose police officers in mass teachers, drivers, bus drivers, everybody in every field. It's gonna be an unmitigated disaster all across the economy. As if things aren't bad enough, the Biden inflation crisis is driving the average new car price because supply and demand dictate price right to forty five thousand dollars. According to Kelly Bluebook new study, they put out forty five grand for a car midsize SUVs. Now, my daughter's leases coming up, and in six months mine is coming up in nine months. The guy did me in favor and said, I'm not going to be able to get your car in nine months or six months if you don't order it now. I ordered the car because you know, he was not selling me anything. I have a great relationship with my dealerships. I always have, you know, I never even I never haggle over price. I said, give me to give me a fair deal. That's all I ask, and I want good service. If the thing needs to be fixed, that's your problem. You fix it, because I you know, I just leased a stupid thing. So all of this is now happening this is all preventable. Every crisis, the energy crisis, the COVID crisis, the border crisis, the Afghanistan crisis, China Taiwan crisis, all of this preventable, by the way. New report, Oh, new emails just uncovered the Daily Mail show that Hunter and Joe Biden were using the same bank accounts to pay each other's bills. Some of them were wired transfers. Two bad Janet yelling wasn't peeking into their bank account on every six hundred dollars transaction that they had at the time. Anyway, these emails from Hunters abandoned laptop from Hell, you know, show that between Hunter and another business partner at Rosemont Seneca, you know that they were working on Joe's taxes, discussing the father's son, paying each other's household bills, fielding requests for a book deal for the then vice president. Now you wonder why did Putin get the exemption? Why did he get the waiver? Well, this probably is the reason. Why why why is the president so afraid to confront China over what they're doing in Taiwan, which is flying into their airspace with their you know, with their military jets. You know, one hundred and fifty times a day. Sometimes Joe, he has nothing to say about it. Nothing. It's pretty unbelievable, you know, Jen Saki. Oh, by the way, we're expecting today they're going to have the court packing commissioned. A release traft. Let me interpret it for you. We believe in court packing. We already know knew the the answer before they started. Of course, they want to pack the Supreme Court. That fight is coming soon. Even Obama's ethics chief has slamed Jensaki's dismissals of these color these these conflicts of interest with Hunter Biden, especially more specifically the art deal. You know, if I think I can do the art, it's not art because I have no artistic talent. I promise you, Linda, true or false. I have the worst handwriting you've ever seen. True or false. Okay, Now it looks to me like Hunter, you know, kind of looks a little paint fine numbers. I can do paint by numbers and pretty much color within the lines. It's not worth a half a million or seventy five grand. And he's meeting the people that are interested in bidding in his great artwork, Portraits of a crackhead, unbelievable. Maybe you should take that art lesson. And you know in art, I don't have the art off you, and I don't have the patience for art. I look at God's majestic beauty and I say, I can't duplicate that one of my weird because you're the picture of the beach with seagulls and a boat and such a patient person too. I just that's so weird. Okay, okay, okay, Now you're just downright lines. This audience already knows who I am. One thing, you can't be on radio as long as I've been three hours a day every day. You just can't be on that long and people not know who you are because you can't fake it. I mean, I believe in God, faith, family, country, you know. I mean, I'm a pretty simple guy. My conservatism has not really changed a whole lot. For closures. Now are surging that now the COVID mortgage bailed outs are ending. This economy is headed for a disaster, and now we're going to take out large portions of key aspects we're gonna get They're gonna have Nurses are being fired in droves because of this. This mandate madness. One size fits all medicine. Now, I want to reiterate, I'll say as many times as possible. I love you, my audience. You make my life possible. You give me this microphone every day, you give me that camera every night. It's an honor to be here, to do this every day. It's my passion. Please be careful this thing. Take it seriously. Research research, research, Now, why don't I say research? Because the more informed you are, the better the questions you can ask your doctor if God forbid your test positive, or making the decision on the vaccine based on your unique medical history, current medical condition, if you have a breakthrough case or you didn't get the vaccine, you know what if therapeutics? What are monoclonal antibodies? Because as soon as you get the COVID tests positive, my recommendations, get get on the phone as fast as possible with your doctor and call you doctor. What are monoclonal antibodies? Would that be effective for me? Now that I've been been I tested positive. I'm not telling you what to do. I'm trying to help you make informed decisions that you will make in conjunction with your own doctor. I know what I do. Eight hundred nine four one Shawn as our number. If you want to be a part of the program as we roll along, eight hundred and nine four one Seawn, if you want to be a part of the program. All right. So now we've got inflation at a thirty year high. I've given you all the numbers. We've gone through this in great specificity. You know, by the way Democrats, you know they're doing. All they're interested in doing is harassing Kristen Cinema. Republicans did this, they'd be accused of whatever. The CBO has blown up the lie, the big lie of the Democrats. They won't cause to us a penny because they literally said, you know, they were trying to blame tax cuts for the fiscal woes in the country that just ended in September. The fiscal year ends in September. The federal government's fiscal year begins October one, and they collected over four trillion dollars in taxes last year. Corporate tax collections up seventy five percent as the economy reopened. And what is amazing is the CBO projected the government would collect almost exactly what they collected. In other words, the most recent financial fiscal year, the government raised thirty six billion more than was expected before the Trump tax cuts were passed. So that is ridiculous, you know, costless, you know, ridiculous, out of control. New Green Deal socialist spending is their answer for everything. And now you have a push to get amnesty in any way they can because they see this as their only opportunity. They can sense what's going to happen in twenty twenty two. And progressives begging Pelosi, don't cut back on the New Green Deal socialism. You can't cut back a penny on this Congressional Progressive Caucus, Writing Speaker Pelosi, we have been told that we can either we can either adequately fund a small number of investments or legislate broadly would only make a shallow short term impact. We would argue that's a false choice. Wow, unbelievable. I'm gonna tell you about the callousness of this government and how they feel about we, you, the American people, in ways that I don't think you understand. Now we're gonna get to all of that. We've got to take a quick break here. We'll come back on the other side. Eight nine sean is our number then we're going to look at all these people, nurses, doctors, military professionals, teachers, drivers, they're all they're not going along with the mandate. That impact on the economy is going to be drastic. Count Bull Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour. So now we've got the you know, the supply chain disaster. Later at the top of the next hour. What's going to happen if thousands of people nurses, teachers, doctors, medical professionals, truck drivers, you name it. What's gonna happen with our military when thousands of them, for whatever reason, I'm not having the discussion about getting or not getting the shot right now. What's going to happen when those people now are either fired or can't go to work. By the way, they're already telling you your Christmas is gonna suck. No, yeah, no kidding. We already see the disaster. This thirty year high in inflation. You're all feeling it. Every one of you listening to me knows how much more you're paying at the pump. What you might not be ready for is that. Let's say you heat your home with natural gas. Guess what your heating bills are going to go up? Oh, a whopping average of close to a thousand dollars seven hundred and forty six bucks. This winner a massive increase from last year. This could make this winner's heating bills the highest since two thousand and eight, not a good economic year. If you recall, you know, or if you heat your house with electricity, you're paying a dramatic amount more. You know, most people will be paying anywhere between five hundred and a thousand dollars. Now, how much more are you paying to fill your car? Then you take? Then you build this whole thing out, you know, imagine that the Janet Yelm still arguing that, well, we want to know every six hundred dollars transaction. Why do they want to know that? That's about his big brother intrusiveness than I've ever seen in my life, because they'll be able to put the pieces of your life together. It's like the government now will spy on every American. I think it can happen. Oh, let me remind you about the dirty dossier that was used to spy on Donald Trump that ruined Carter Page's life that turned out. You know, there weren't hookers in Moscow at the rich Carlton peing in Donald Trump's hotel room, and that whole lie. Biden doesn't won't take any questions about all of this. You know, a Wall Street Journal as a place of a phrase that we've been using, the Biden inflation tax. Hourly earnings, by the way, they're down two percent since Biden's inaugural I mean that's that's hourly earnings are down, and you're paying more for everything that you buy. And get ready for these higher prices to heat your home. And if you live in a really cold climate, you're screwed because you're gonna pay even more this year. It could be thousands of dollars for you. I don't know how much it costs to heat your home, you know. Oh, this is a great irony. I played for you a cut yesterday, Linda, if you can pull this up, or Jason Ellen or Ethan, I played this cut yesterday. We're gonna put it. I'm serious, man, I'm serious. We're gonna put these CEOs of oil companies in jail now. I'm gonna play that in a second. But now the White House because OPEC turned them down. Their first instinct after they gave up energy independence was and they only gave the waiver for a pipeline to Vladimir Putin because the Biden's are compromised by Russia, China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and God only knows how many other countries. Can you imagine the dossier They have one hunter and anyway, we'll get to that minute. So the White House is now because they got turned down my OPEC and it's now over eighty bucks a barrel. Now they're begging and consulting with the oil industry to seek a remedy for the rising gasoline prices as Biden self inflicted crisis because again the demand for energy, the lifeblood of the world's economy, is not changed. The only things changed is that America's supply contribution, and we were energy independent, has been cut off. And now it's making Russia and Putin rich again. It's making the Middle Eastern countries that hate us rich again. The only one suffering are American workers. But Pete Buddha Judge, the compassionate man that he is, Oh yeah, you lost your job working on the Keystone hil pipeline. But we want you to get another high paying union job. Yeah, where are they These are very skills specific for pipelines. Just not going to get another thing anyway. So now they're begging the oil industry. This is Joe Biden in twenty nineteen talking about oil execs that he wants to put in jail roll dead join it where any subsets for fossil fuels number one, number two holding them a liable for what they have done, particularly in those cases where you're underserved neighborhoods and you know the deal, okay. And by the way, when they don't or they deliberate, put them in jail. That's what I from. I'm not joking anyway. Now Biden is planning wind farms along nearly the entire US coastline. Even the Kennedys didn't want wind farms in their backyard. This is dumber. They're dumber than dirt, these people. Biden turns his back on reporters. He won't ask answer a single question about his disastrous economy, or about the supply chain crisis he caused, or the energy price increases that we're all suffering from, or the rise in inflation because now because the energy costs going up. Yeah, guess what, everything you purchase costs more. That's why you see in record high prices for every single item and every grocery store, drug store, and any other store that you go to, and Biden praising the supply chain team as the White House fails to guarantee you could even get orders fulfilled for Christmas. It's October and I have friends of mine saying, Hey, do you want to go to a dinner in November? Blah blah blah. I'm like, November. What month does this? It's October, asked me in November. I don't know what I'm doing from day to day. And even if I make plans to go away, what percentage of the time. But I plan to take a day off, Linda, did I call and say, nah, it's too important. I gotta get in. I gotta work. I gotta work. I don't think you take days off. I think you took good day off. Yeah, which we didn't plan and we all have to scramble. But most of the time what happens is you tell me I'm going to take which I want, which I'm a dude, Hello, who is happier than me, super happy, out of my mind, did a whole dance, very excited all about it. Supported it. But you never keep your days off, never and you always you always yell at me. Now, this is how compassionate your White House is. You know first yea Jen Saki yesterday just snotty comment there not the ups and we're not fed x and we can't guarantee your I'm like, really, you just that cold and callous. We you caused this, this act, these policies. Ron Klain might be the great puppeteer. White House chief of Staff criticized. He retweets a post from a Haffed professor that summed up our top economic issues as a high class problem. These dumb asses. The people that are suffering the most are middle class Americans and low income Americans. I hate to be you know, there was a point in my life I was one of them. It's not fun. And now if you're paying thirty five bucks more to fill up your gas tank, you know it's got it's it's impacting their lives dramatically. It's not a high class problem, you jackass. Sake on if Americans will get their their Christmas gifts on time. We're not the Postal service or UPS or fed X. Oh okay, tell that to your son or daughter on Christmas time when the doll your daughter wants and the trucks that your son wants aren't available. And then this idiot Boodha Judge, the same idiot that said, well, I'm sorry you got fired from the Keystone XL pipeline that was paying you two hundred grand a year. You'll get another high paying union job. No, they're not very skill specific, Booda Judge. Now, you know, over the past several months, he's been tasked with coordinating private companies across the trade and transportation site, you know, and then he goes out there on social media, you know, trying to make light of this disaster with the supply chain. He's not lifting a finger to fix it. He's asked in an interview on Fake News CNN about millions of Americans that celebrate the approaching holiday and the possibility there could be a supply shortage of various goods. Well, I think there have always been two kinds of Christmas shoppers, he said, the ones who have their list completed by Halloween, and then there's people like me who show up on them all at Christmas Eve. If you're in the latter bucket, obviously they're gonna be facing more challenges. Not funny, so holiday expectations management as really can't stand to hearing these people at this point. You know, two types of Christmas. Everything you buy is more expensive everything. And I was saying but that that beef might might become like a Champagne luxury top white I was officials. Oh, it's a high class problem, you know, Biden says. The officials dealing with the shipping backlogs are doing a heck of a job. No than not, because that we have tons of ships that can't get to port and drop off their loads. You idiot, people are so dumb and now, oh but we can't. We can't guarantee a rival of Christmas presents. By the way, ten thousand John Deer workers I see now are on strike. That's not good either. Anyway. Eight hundred nine one shun is our number if you want to be a part of the program. I do not have patience for this. Trade experts say Biden's plan to fix the supply chain problem is too little, too late. Players from ports to retail chains. They're working full tilt to handle the surgeon imports. Then you've got companies like Walmart and Costcos and other they said that, how with this, we're doing our own shipping. They're chartering planes. They want to they want to take care of their customers. By the way, if you haven't eaten at Costcos, you need to as cheap as hell. I'm delicious. They're hot dogs, pizza. It's great. Is that on the new diet? No, it's not right next to the vegetables. No, but I have stuck to this diet now for an entire week, and I deserve credit the whole week. Grengratulations, Thank you very much. I appreciate your kind words. You know, Biden is out there. No, I can't wait for the Court packing Commission to come back in you know. And by the way, this is like Blue state Red state too, and GOP congressional fundraisers. They have record breaking donations and calls for oh in New York. By the way, you know, they're not arresting people for shoplifting out and what was it San Francisco? It was what six? What was it? Walgreens? Walmart? Walgreens stores are closing. You know why, because you can steal a thousand dollars worth of crap and then I'm going to arrest you. Now, the same thing as in New York six thousand cases, you know, shoplifting January to September. Up about I'm sorry, up six thousand cases from last year. And now all of a sudden, this this surge, and now New York is beginning to notice, this is what happens when you do the fund and dismantled the police. What happened? And on one case in New York, I forgot, you don't remember. I don't remember. Oh and by the way, we find out now that it looks like Zucker of Facebook helped swing the twenty twenty election, as they Daily Mail points out today, four hundred nineteen million into a nonprofit local election administration boards to help turn out likely Democratic voters. It's a great piece in the New York Post about this today. Four hundred ninety million dollars. They give it to these specific democratic groups. And what they do is they give it to counties to help with the election, implementing Democratic approved practices for mail in voting, etc. It probably tipped the balance, Oh, Mark, I guess he's the one that's going to pick their elections. We're going to allow Mark Zuckerberg to buy them. Apparently that's what it is. Anyway, you see where the money goes, and these key states, swing states and key counties, and now you got an unprecedented merger of public election officials, and you know there's money coming from Mark Zuckerberg and his wife four nineteen million nonprofits all to get Democrats out in the right counties to win the election. Is that okay with you? Just a disaster. Terry mcculloff's in deep trouble. Terry mcculloff now comes out in full tilt on against the Second Amendment. Parents shouldn't have a role or a say in their kids education. Unbelievable. You just you just can't make this up. We're gonna get to a lot of I love what Joe Rogan forced doctor Sanjay Gupta, the CNN guy. I don't know, why do you lied about you? Yeah, they shouldn't lie about you. It was I'll play it later. It's very funny, you know. All I said, isn't. I'm glad Joe Rogan's alive. Joe Rogan doesn't know me. I don't know him. I've watched this podcast. I get pretty interested in it. I think he does a pretty good job. And he's also into MMA. That's that's a big plus on my life. So I don't care if you're a liberal and you get this, this this virus. I want you to live. Even if you're going to spend the rest of your days, you know, trying to get me fired, I still want you to live. I am pro life. You know, Time Square Billboard hammering Biden over the COVID jebs, Hey, Joe, it's time to let the mandate go. Now we're gonna get into this. The judge in New York ruling and this is huge and a US district judge and main ruling, you know, on religious exemptions for COVID nineteen on the vaccine mandate. Sorry, the New York case. I mean, this is pretty amazing. Actually, that is a big, big win for freedom, if you believe in freedom. I've given you my speech on COVID. I'm not gonna I can't. I'll do it in the next hour, but it's you just can't keep doing it. By the way, I love how Katie kirk Now decided to secretly edit an interview with Ruth Bader Ginsberg as apparently Ginsburg those was very critical of people that kneel during the national anthem, and she said it shows a contempt for government that has made it possible for their parents and grandparents to live a decent life. Oh, of course we got to edit that out.

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