Mueller Investigation Needs To End - 7.2

Published Jul 2, 2018, 10:00 PM

Sean takes a much needed break and guest host Rose Tennent fills in. Rose sits down with PJ Media editor Christian Adams to discuss just where the Mueller investigation is going and why it hasn't ended. Hint, there are politics at play. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Just go to my pillow dot com right now, use the promo code Sean and you get Mike Glendell's special four pack. You get to my Pillow Premium Pillows to Go Anywhere Pillows fifty percent off, and you'll start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep, peeling and recuperative sleep you've been craving and deserve. My pillow dot Com promo coach, Shawn, Welcome to the Shawn Hannity Show. My name is Rose. Sean is out today and I am Rose of Rose Unplugged And it's always an honor, of course to sit in for Sean Hannity and to work with his great staff Lauren and Ethan today. And here with me in Pittsburgh is my producer Greg Maxwell. And a shout out to my friend Frank Ioria, who was gracious enough to offer me the use of his studios here at A M thirteen w j A S in Pittsburgh, and Darryl. Darryl has been on call constantly since we got here to the studios. So thanks to all of you. I am looking forward to talking with you Sean. Shan's audience is just so awesome. I enjoy you so much. And then after the show, we we stay in touch through email and social media. My social media, by the way, is Twitter at Rose underscore unplugged, and Facebook is rose unplugged. Now you know that this week we're celebrating Independence Day, and we celebrate really that spirit that that gave birth to this country, and it's a spirit that still moves among us, but but not among all of us. America is more than a place. It's an idea, and that genius comes not from a ruling class but from the average human being who just has a dream. And the founders understood that the only way to unleash the power of individuals was to let them be free. And in that genius, they understood that the solution to the human condition was liberty protected by the rule of law. And it's interesting that we should be celebrating this at this moment considering all that's going on. What made America great, What made America America, was this understanding of the human condition and how it's so desired liberty. It wasn't just the rocky mountains or the fruited plains, and it's not just our beautiful lakes or rivers or wind swept shore wars. It's an idea. And once that idea is lost, America will be lost, because all that's necessary to make America great again is to never forget what made us great in the first place, and simply that is liberty. And we only have to look at the politics and academia, and media and law to see that the American idea has been gradually fading from our memories. But it's time to rescue that idea, to preserve that idea of liberty. We make America great again by remembering who made us great in the first place. And it was just men and women like you and I, men and women with a vision, a vision to create this, this fortress, a mighty fortress against the tyranny of the state. And and what I find interesting is that those men and women knew that while they were making America great, they might never reap the benefits of their sacrifices, of their hard work, of their courage. What they did, think about it, What they did. They did for the people, they would never know they did it for you and I. They did this never expecting to experience the fullness of their actions. They've forged this America with courage and commitment. Now we must make every effort to keep America great. And with that same spirit and with the same kind of leadership that's unafraid to take unpopular stands like Donald Trump. Our founding fathers are responsible for making a great America, and they certainly didn't take the easy way. And I'm gonna say something, neither has this president. He, like them, is committed to freedom. So yeah, this Wednesday, we celebrate the anniversary of our freedom and the declaration that cemented the fate of this country. And it was just last month that was the at anniversary of the ratification of our constitution, an effort that began a year earlier in seven. During that time, it was at the end of those deliberations at the State House in Philadelphia, which was, by the way, the same location of the signing of the Declaration of Independence just eleven years earlier. There were fifty five delegates that had been meeting and deliberating over the course of four months. Their efforts were to frame a constitution for a federal republic. I know everybody remembers the story when Benjamin Franklin left Independence Hall when the Constitutional Convention had finally come to an end in June of seventy seven, that woman that stopped him to ask the question. We all know, right, well, doctor, what have we got a republic or a monarchy? And you know his response, it was a republic if you can keep it, and we must keep it. By the way, you know, it was Benjamin Franklin that said about freedom that it wasn't a gift that was bestowed upon us by other men, but it was a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature. So now the Constitution, which descends from the Declaration of Independence that we're going to celebrate this Wednesday, it has life to it. It is this very thing, this Constitution, which really is or would have been, at a greater stake today. And that's why we're so fortunate that it was Donald Trump and not Hillary Clinton that won the election. You know, lately, a lot of people have been writing about the never Trumpers. You remember that hashtag never trump. Remember those people think about what they try to do. You know that they try to prevent the only chance, the only chance, of a Supreme Court that would interpret the law as it and interpret the Constitution as written, not as they wished it to be. Those never Trumpers no longer have any currency. They don't they've lost their credibility, because you know what, one of the things that happened was that they failed to see. They really don't understand. Didn't they didn't understand that that road to just about everything that they had been preaching for for the last fifty years, that road went right through Trump Tower. They didn't see it. They wanted lower taxes for your regulations. Trump did it. You know. I think it was a Heritage Foundation had this list of things that they wanted to see done. I think he fulfilled of that list, if I'm not. If I'm correct, President Trump has done much to reintroduce freedom by lowering taxes, ridding us of oppressive regulations, defending religious freedoms. I was reading in Breitburg, I think it was last week, and John Nolty, who is a frequent guest on my show Rose Unplugged, had written about the never Trumpers, and he just made such great points that I want to read a portion of what he wrote. He says, had the National Review, the Weekly Standard, David from Rick Wilson, Jonah Goldberg, Bill Crystal, Joe Scarborough, and the rest of this morally bankrupt crew called never Trump one the day Democrats would be looking at a six three majority on the Supreme Court. Think about that. Think about that. Had never Trump got what they wanted in two thousand sixteen, and that was a president Hillary Clinton, Supreme Court Justice Scalia would have already been replaced with another Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and that would give them an immediate five for left wing majority. But thanks to the man that never Trump told us was not a real con servative, we got Neil Gorsage, and Nulty goes on to say, if that's not enough of a real life nightmare, Wednesday's retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy would have increased that already unthinkable majority to six to three, and he's right, ensuring a left wing court rerunning the Constitution for decades to come. Nalty goes on to say, just look at the how these never Trumpers would have unleashed during the Supreme Court term that just ended. Listen to this, he's right. Kke artists forced to participate in same sex weddings, public employees forced to contribute to Democrat campaigns through forced union dudes, pro life clinics forced by the state to advertise for abortion clinics. States not allowed to clean up their own outdated voter rolls. John is absolutely right. I gets sick every time I think of those who so boldly contributed to that that special National Review issue. Do you remember it? It It was titled against Trump. Remember those so called conservative thinker those great minds, right, real great minds, twenty two of them that wrote never Trump essays. They look a little foolish right now, don't they? A whole lot of them? Then they look foolish, And especially now now you've got the left view of democracy, and that is, uh, the direct degree to which a government controls the population for the benefit of itself and preferred groups rather than we the people. So now we've got the left resistance to Trump and now his second Supreme Court nominee um. If you think about this, their resistance to the results of a democratic election. That's what you're seeing right now, their resistance to a democratic collection. So in the end, who is it that's a threat to our democracy? Not Trump? It is they that are a threat to our democracy. Thank god, the left did not get what they wanted, and in the end we're getting what we need, and that's the preservation of our constitution. That's what it really does come down to, doesn't it what that's what's most important. And that is, then, my friends, a very good reason to celebrate on Wednesday. Think about it. The Constitution is a liberating document and that's why the left hates it. You know, if you don't believe me, ask yourself this question. If the Constitution is the greatest political document that's ever been written, why has no other country adopted it? The answer is they would have to give up too much power. The Constitution is liberation. I've got another question for you, why are we so fortunate to have a Constitution at all? And I think the answer to that is there were no liberal There was no liberal bureaucracy here to oppose it, no swamp. And yes, I'm going to say it for this fourth of July, thank God for Trump, who is keeping America great, who is keeping his promises to us. Thank God for him. We've got a lot to talk about today, and i'd love to hear from you, um some of our guests. We've got uh J. Christian Adams is joining us today and I'm looking forward to that. He's going to give us his analysis on the latest and the Mahler probe and the FBI is mishandling of the Trump and Clinton investigations. Um Cohen was out there talking today. We'll talk about over the weekend. I'm sorry with Stephanopolis, we'll talk about that. Joe Concho is going to join us later in the show. We're gonna talk about the media. Oh my gosh, if I got stories for you, I mean, it's just I don't even know how they also have a job. There's somebody who doesn't have a job. And we'll get to that too in just a few moments. And then Karen Vaughan has a very exciting announcement to make good friend of mine, good friend of the Hannity Show. So what's happening? Call in? Also, I want to talk about women and how we're being treated by the left and the feminist movement. So if you want to weigh in on any of that, call in at one nine for one, Sean eight hundred nine four one seven, three to six. I'm Rose and I'll be right back for Sean after this. 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Lenning Club dot com slash today All loans made by web Bank member f d i C Equal Housing Lender. Welcome back to the Shawan Handity Show. I'm Rose. You can check me out on Twitter. It's at Rose Underscore unplugged. Facebook is Rose unplugged and call me here at one eight hundred nine for one Shawn. That's one nine, one seven, three to six. Why don't we take Charles real quick from Kansas City, Missouri. Hey, Charles, how you doing. Oh my gosh, Rose, I'll tell you I was so inspired for that monologue that you had at the beginning of the show here a couple of seconds ago. I just wanted to know if there was a written text of it. I'm I'm a moderate conservative the both coasts. You know, lived in New York for twenty seven years. I saw Schumer come out of nowhere. Uh. He was great for the state of New York. He's just not good for the for the nation. Yeah, Pelos the same way. You know what I mean. But the Midwest. I'm a modern conservative and you're playing music to my ears. Thank you so much, Charles, Thank you so much. You know what I'll do. I usually just have bullet points, but I will put something together and I'll make sure I'll talk to Lauren and we'll figure something out so that we can put it out there. And thanks for that, because I gotta tell you something, Charles and the rest of you. I just went through the craziest week last week, and I am not kidding you. Wednesday, I was getting ready to take my dog for a walk. I was tying one of those cute little blue you know, bags around my cross body bag so that in case he did his little judo somewhere, I would be able to pick it up. Right, So I'm paying attention to that and not paying attention to where I'm walking. So I go, I'm taking a step forward, and I go right off of my covered patio onto my cement patio and fell face down. So, uh that left me with a problem with one of my teeth and a fat lip. Okay, that was Wednesday, al right, So I went into the hospital got my X rays done to make where I didn't fracture anything in my face. Friday, just two days later, Friday, I'm on my way out the door to meet some friends for lunch and I and I look at my dog and I think, uh, I should play with you before I leave, And so I grab his frisbee. As I'm going down to get his frisbee. He's going down and he head butts me, slams me, and I saw black and I heard the crunching sound and there was blood everywhere, and I knew it. I knew my nose was broken. I mean, so now Friday, I'm in the hospital for the second time in three days, and the nurse comes up to me and she just says, you know, I have to ask you this question. Do you feel safe at home? And I know that you have to ask that, And I said, not of my dogs? There no heathen said I should probably ask for a restraining order against the dog. That being said, he is the sweetest dog and right now he looks so innocent. He has absolutely no idea what happened. As a matter of fact, his name is Tucker. He's an F two golden doodle. He is the dog I've always wanted, except for the broken nose thing and the chip tooth and all that and the big lip. So I'm gonna show him to you on social media. If you go to Rose Unplugged on Facebook or at Rose Underscore Unplugged, you will see a picture of Tucker. And yes, I did name Tucker after Tucker Carlson. Okay, they're almost My dog is a little cuter than Tucker Carlson. Okay, but Tucker Carlson, he's cute. Those eyes he makes. My dog makes the same eyes, you know when somebody's talking to him like you're crazy. So anyway, he is the sweetest dog. He looks so innocent. Has no idea, no idea whatsoever. Check him out on social media Rose Unplugged on Facebook at Rose Underscore Unplugged. The phone number for Sean's show is eight hundred nine four one Sean eight hundred nine four one, seven, three to six. I will be taking your phone calls when I come back. We're gonna talk about women. We're gonna talk about the feminist movement and what good have they really done us and how much do they care about women on the right? Not much in my opinion. Yeah it is. It's the Shawn Handed the show. My name is Rose of Rose Unplugged. Check me out on Twitter It's at Rose Underscore unplugged. If you want to see that headbanger Tucker, he's there, and also on Facebook it's Rose Unplugged. I'm going to talk about how the left treats women, but before I do, let me take a quick call from Debbie Culling from Wisconsin. Hey, dev how are you doing. I'm doing good. Thank you for taking my call. I thought it was interesting when you said, you know, right before the break, that you appreciate everything that Trump has done, and I shared with your screener that I've always voted Republican, but I changed my status to an independent because I didn't care for George Bush. But in this last UM election, I was a Ben Carson fans and then I was a Ted Cruise fan, and I voted for Trumps very reluctantly because he was the only, you know, person I could vote for Um. But if I knew then what I know now, I would be going to the poll with the very excited spirit. I love him and I think I'm pretty typical. I'm a fifty one year old white woman. Which I'm going to add one more thing. I didn't tell the screener, but the one of Hillary's famous, um notorious speeches when she talks about how the white men are talking their women into going and voting, I'm actually playing that coming up. That's ahead. Oh well, I'm a white woman. I'm married to a Mexican man of thirty years, and I talked him into going and voting. Wait until you're here what I have to say, Because Debbie, we all know who really has influences in the House, and and and women have they to Debbie, that's hilarious, But you know what, You're absolutely right, and you know it's interesting too because Um, I really believe we got the president that we needed right now. I really do believe that. And I had an opportunity to He's an awesome I really like him. I had the opportunity to work with his sons and to work with him. Uh. Anytime he was in Pennsylvania, I opened for him and I and I had opportunity to speak with him. Um, when Sean Hannity was here doing a town hall. And I really liked him. I really really did like him. And Uh, He's not what people try to make him out to be. He was a very kind and gracious man. I liked him. I I don't you know what, I don't even care what he does. As long as he's doing the country right, and as long as he does right by the country, I'm okay with him. I don't care about anything else. I really don't. I agree. I agree, And I think with Trump so much of his fault he doesn't try to hide. It's just out in the public, Whereas I don't think any of the other presidents have had any less than Trump has had. They've just kept theirs hidden. That's my belief. Yeah, I agree with you, Debbie. Thank you for your phone call. Wait until you hear what I've got coming up next. We are really insane here, my friend, I've got audio of Sunday's a m Joy. That's the MSNBC contributor, and she was interviewing Washington Post columnist Jennifer Ruben. Now this check. Reubin claims to be a conservative, but I don't know. You decide when you hear what she had to say. It's just so disappointing to hear women talk about other women this way. Take a listen the next time that Sarah Hauckaby Sanders or the President starts in with his fake news and enemy of the people. I would suggest one of two things. Either the entire press score walk out of the briefing room. Why did they put on air a message that is a coded word every nutcase in America to come after them, so get up and leave, or in unison, holler back. They sit there, they take it, they recorded. We have to be there. We have to let them say their piece. No, you don't um. Your lives are all in endanger, Your lives are on the line. Yeah, okay, walk out, do it? Do it? Who cares? Honestly, I get so sick and tired of all of you there. Poor Sarah Hugaby Sandras. What she's got to do and what she's got to put up with astounding, absolutely astounding, you know. And that's what I want to talk about. Is interesting that Debbie should say what she did because they just won't leave Sarah Sanders alone. And and it's not just her, and it's it's Kirsty Nielsen. She's hounded while eating at a Mexican restaurant. Sarah how canby Sanders asked to leave a restaurant and harassed all the way across the street. For God's sake, Ivanka Trump constantly criticized for well, for being the president's daughter. So to me, the messages, if you're a woman and you're not liberal, you are somehow a traitor to your gender. Wasn't it Keith Bailey Hutchison from Texas? Wasn't she called a female impersonator? Remember that? And I don't know about you, ladies, but I can assure those liberals that we are very real women who are independent thinkers and have decided to make our own decisions rather than accept their superior wisdom that they want to so graciously hand down to us If the feminism movement was designed by women for women in order to create a more perfect society where whole women are taken seriously, all women are respected for their contributions to that society, then where the hell do these feminists get off with the insults and the criticisms that they keep hurling at women who are doing just that. The women they're criticizing are being taken seriously, they are in those positions where they're respected for their contributions to society. It's because the left does what they always do when they see societal upheaval and major changes in thinking, they hijack the movement. So these feminists, these these leftist women, they want above everything else to confine us in our thoughts and our deeds. And these women, these leftist women, desire to dictate to us what to think, how to act, and in very much the same way that the so called patriarchy that they claimed to be fighting did. These these feminist movement, these women, they want to exercise the very type of control over us ladies that they claim they were fighting to free us from. This is what my friend Quinn calls his first law. Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent. They don't want you and I to think independently. They don't want you to follow your dreams of staying at home, if that's your dream, raising a family, if that's your dream, or god forbid, serving in the Trump administration, if that's your dream, whatever it is you choose to do. They don't want you to follow those dreams. They want you to validate theirs. They've become the new self appointed definers and masters of what is acceptable bought among women, what is acceptable positions and among women. Hillary Clinton, whose list of who and what to blame for her loss is longer than Rachel Maddow's face was. On election night, she included that line that Debbi reference women whose husband's sons, father's brothers, and bosses have somehow pressured them into voting for Trump. Really, listen, lady, the reason you lost is we don't want to be like you. As America's most prominent feminist, and after fifty years of pounding feminism into every single blessed corner of our culture, in our media, academia, law, after fifty years, you maintained that women still can't think for themselves, that we're still the little woman who looks to the man of the House for permission to have an opinion. Oh, can I think about it this way? Is it okay talk about a major cultural fail? No wonder you didn't get elected. No one is buying what you're selling, except for maybe in the women's studies department at your local university. I mean, listen, if you think about it, She's the only woman that you could point to who relied on a man who tolerated what this man did. Think about it, who broke every one of the rules for the purpose of achieving power, and whose only commodity she had to sell his influence. That's Hillary and and lad and I think it was. Last week the Huffington Post or huff Post ran a piece entitled women are Evil, with a portfolio of women who don't agree with them, Ivanka Trump, Kelly and Conway, Sarah Convey, Sanders, and the article, of course, starts out with the monsters are always men. They menace from the highest positions of power. They lurk in the shadows of your subconscious, maybe in your subconscious, not in mine. And maybe these women who find the shadows that are lurking in their subconscious and go talk to somebody, and then they go on to say that these intermediaries are all too often women, white women of privilege, who are doing quite well under the patriarch gay. See, it's not because they're good at what they do. And the article goes on to say, it's a neat trick and forcing a system that affords you an amount of privilege but also oppresses others just like you. And it's one white women have been playing for years. So this writer is saying that these women didn't achieve their positions by their own power, but by accepting the power of men above them. Yeah, it is a neat trick because the only way you can prove that you're not what they say you are is to quit. And that's that's intellectually dishonest. You know what they're trying to do. They're invalidating the achievements of these conservative women. Hey name a liberal female that was the first to lead a successful presidential election. I'll wait while you think about that. And what Hillary and this author have done is to insult all women. Yeah, feminism did play some part in redefining the rules of women in society, but it's it's got a dark side. It opened some doors, but it slammed others. Ladies in this audience, is there one of you one that voted for Donald Trump because your boss put on new pressure on you. And since the voting booth is private, how would your buss or your husband, your brother, your son even know that you did it. It's just absurd. Think about how many women can persuade men. And Debbie said this without even speaking a word. It is women who are the persuasive sex. You know it and I know it. Things can get pretty chilly if she's not happy. Remember that old country song. Is it code in here or is it just you? Hey? Ladies, coming up next, I'll take some phone calls from you, and I want to hear from you. Are your brothers, your cousins that are men? Your boss is your husband's your father said, they all telling you how to vote? To call me for one Shan. He'll be back with more after this. Welcome back to the Sean Andony Show. My name is Rose. Check me out on Facebook, Rose on plug Twitter, It's at Rose Underscore Unplugged. I will try to put into written form my monologue today. A lot of people have been asking for it on social media nice to hear from all of you. By the way, Uh, let's take some phone calls. The phone numbers eight hundred nine four one, sean seven, three to six. Let's go to Heather and Williams Fred Virginia. Thanks Rose, it's great to be on the show. I always love when you're on because I'm originally from Pittsburgh too, and it's nice to hear Pittsburgh boys. Nay, So tell me what you ran for office. I did. I ran for a House of Delegates, and um had significant community involvement, was school board member for a while. And the treatment that I received from quote unquote the indivisible groups, the common ground groups that really don't want to have common ground and the media was just ridiculous. And you know, independent, I'm strong minded, I'm hard working, and UM, it was, you know, kind of discouraging. And I love the fact that Trump has strong women, and UM, you know, I kind of agree with your previous caller that he at first wasn't my first choice. But every day I get happier and I get bolder and talk more and more about how proud I am that he's my president. So, UM, I really appreciate you. You bringing all that up, and you know, I'm not giving up. I'm still staying involved. And um, I just, you know, hope that more people will realize that they're going to face significant bias, but it's worth it because we have the better ideas. It is worth it. And I do hope and pray for the women who are publicly shamed because they were for this administration. And yet they are some of the strongest women, the brightest women, the most talented women, uh that could be serving this administration. And I really feel for them. And I gotta tell you, I love Sarah Huckaby Sanders. I'm I'm I love her. Please don't go away, Sarah, because we love you. We need you there. And you know that that woman Jennifer Rubin, you know what she's telling the the journalist to walk out, go ahead, walk out too. The head cares, we don't want you there anyway. You're such a disruption. I don't even care if they ever do. I just they drive me crazy, they really do. Thank you so much, Heather for your phone call. Jennifer from North Carolina. How are you hey? How are you good? So I was calling because I wasn't sure if you were aware of this kind of um viral video that has just kind of exploded on Facebook because some walk Away campaign. Yes, yes, as a matter of fact, we were going to have Brandon who um who has become almost the face of the walk Away campaign, but we ran out of time. Today. I am thrilled by this campaign. How do you feel about it? I I can't, I mean I can't get anything else done because all I keep doing is like checking the page and raining hill lot and like watching their stories. Like I just I cannot get anything else done. Like I conservative, I've been listening to Russ Lumball, you know, since I was a you know, a kid in the car and my parents. So but it's just like always been amazing to me, you know, like how people don't understand how you know, but given the choices why you would not be a conservative, But just to hear these people's stories about their awakenings is just like it's amazing. It's just incredible. And the membership in his group just keeps growing, Like I keep checking it. I think it's over like over thirty thousand members now. It's just insane. Yeah, I love it. I'm so glad you brought that up. Jennifer because I really did want to have Brandon on. Brandon Struck is this really good looking gay guy, And yeah, yeah, he's the feat. He's become pretty much the feast of it. He's from about Nebraska, and he said that he's one of the liberals who had first melted down after Trump was elected because he believed all the lines of media told him. And he said he's tired of them trying to dictate, the left, dictate who he should be, how he should feel. And he isn't like the the vitriol that's coming from the left. And you know, it's exactly what I was talking about where women are concerned too. I mean, all of these groups women Gaze, there's so many black Hispanics. They don't want to be dictated to. They don't want the support of the left only if they if they believe they don't need the support of the left at all. But you have to believe the way the left does or else you know, you're you're insignificant. It doesn't matter who you are. So anyway, thanks for recall. We are up against a hard break. I will be back my guest Jay Christian Adams joining me when we come back. We have lots to talk about. Welcome back to the Sean Hannity Show. My name is Rose of Rose unplug Check me out on Twitter, It's Rose at Rose Underscore unplugged. On Facebook, It's Rose Unplugged. Will take your calls later in the hour. The phone number here is eight hundred nine for one Sean eight hundred nine four one seven, three to six. So we're looking for an analysis on the latest in the Mahler probe and the FBI's mishandling of the Trump and Clinton investigations, and oh my gosh, and Flynn and Cohen, and so we asked the only guy you should ask when it comes to all of these things, Christian Adams. He's the president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, editor at PJ Media, and former d o J attorney. How are you today, Christian? Hey, I'm great. High Rose. Hi, it's good to have you on. Oh my goodness. I have so many questions for you. So why don't we start with the documents? Okay, if when you consider the documents and they still haven't been presented to Congress has been acting asking for them for a very long time. Yeah, and and and so now it's is this contempt of Congress. And if so, you know, when they held colder and contempt, it didn't really produce the fast and furious documents that they were looking for. Then, So in the end, what good would that do? I mean, they're talking about a whole lot of things that we could the next step actually, like, do is it contempt of Congress? Is there an impeachment? Um? Could Congress put Rosenstein in jail? I'm just throwing all this stuff out there that you keep hearing from so many different people. Also, Trump could, with just a stroke of a pen um demand that the documents be released. I mean, where are we right now? What is the next best step? Well, let's talk about the stroke of a pen for a minute, because what's been happening over the last year's Justice Department officials have been quietly threatening the White House anytime Trump comes close to considering such bold moves, they're like, you know, do you really want to do something like this? And particularly emanating out of Rod Rosenstein's office, And so that that's why that is not a real plausible alternative unless Trump wants to go to war as his own Justice Department. I don't think you're there yet. But let's start at the beginning. The Constitution, Congress is the oversight agency. Congress has the right to information. It's almost like we're in a parliamentary system when it comes to government investigations. And this Justice Department, not the President, but the bureaucrat as at the Department, and and they're some of their political overlords like Rod Rosenstein, have done all they can to hide the facts from the American people and the representatives in Congress. And they've threatened subpoenas, they've threatened to impeach Rod Rosenstein. Uh, They've They've talked about a lot of different things. But the bottom line is this illustrates what I've been saying for years. The federal bureaucracy, particularly the Justice Department, has become unhinged. It's become unmoored, untethered from the political branches. They think, they think they're a government unto itself, and they won't give Congress the information because they think the institution of the Justice Department is more important than the Constitution. Now that's scary. And we talked a lot on this show already about the Constitution and how important it is and how important it is that we have Trump in office and not a Hillary Clinton. But when when you consider what you're saying, I mean, that's that's a big deal. If they think that they themselves are bigger than our constitution, this is this is serious stuff. How do we put them back in their place? Well, there's a couple different ways. I mean, you have you have a great folks like Jim Jordan's in Congress from Ohio, Louie Gomert from Texas, Mark Meadows from North Carolina, a couple of a very courageous members of Congress on from the Republican Party obviously have been willing to take on these bureaucrats and their political overseers at d o J. And you know, they have floated ideas of contempt. They floated ideas of impeachment of Rod Rosenstein. And incidentally, not long after they threatened to impeach Rod Rosenstein, who by the way, testified last week we could talk more about that he cave. He capitulated on on one set of documents. So it's quite clear that these bureaucrats fear for their reputations, fear for their jobs, don't like their names in the news. So there are weapons that republic wigams can use to get the information they want if they're only willing to use them. Well, that's interesting. And you know, when we do talk about some have talked about the impeachment of Rosenstein Rosenstein and and and that would could go to court and fight impeachment and could drag on for as long as possible. Others have said, like Dershowitz and even Greg Jared, who's often on this show, Sean Hannity's show. Um, you know, this is something that Rod Rosenstein should look at himself and say, you know what, am I in the right place? Should I step down? Is it right that I continue in this position? But he won't. It doesn't seem like that's something that he wants to do. Isn't it something that just makes sense if you're if you're Rod Rosenstein, shouldn't you do that? Shouldn't you step down and say? Look, there's just too much of a conflict here. That's a great point. I've talked about Rod Rosenstein with Shawn on the show before, and you wonder what he's doing there. I mean, this is a guy who's been in the federal bureaucracy almost all of his life. It's not all of it. He got elevated to like the most second most covenant lot at the o J by the president. That's a whole another story. And he has surrounded himself with with moderate to leftist people in his office as deputies who probably didn't even vote for the president if I had to guess. And I've been a whole story on these individual deputies. And so the question is don't you have more pride? He's obviously very thin skinned. In the hearing last week with Jim Jordan's he became, uh, he became very animated and emotional as if you know, how dare you questioned me personally? If you saw the video Jim Jordan's railed into him, and you know what, These are personal decisions Rod Rosenstein's making. It's not some robot that spits out decisions to disclosing to hide information from Congress. Rod Rosenstein could release the documents if he wanted to. Yeah, exactly. And Jordan is doing a fabulous job. I have to tell you that I really appreciate the Democrats for their comedic relief. Um Adam Shifts said that that request for more documents is an attempt to discredit the smaller investigation. So well, I don't understand how does more evidence hurtain investigation, but you know it does provide some um comedic relief. I guess when they speak, some of them seriously, these guys are too much. How much longer will go ahead? Go ahead? I was gonna ask you, in your estimation, how much longer is this smaller investigation going to go on? I mean, I know these things can take time, should take time in many cases, but what do you think what's going on here? Well? Yeah, that that's a great point because ross scene was told at the hearing last week, wrap it up by Trey Gaudy from North Carolina. And look, remember this thing started out as some conspiracy theory that somehow uh Putin was manipulating the outcome of the election. You know, whether it be the machines that now the DHF and all the bureaucrats of the a S are now eager to get their clause into state election officials, which should be resisted at all costs. This critical infrastructure nonsense. But either that or something else, and low and behold what has come out of it. Paul Mayaniford was indicted for laundering money through a rug company. Okay, there has nothing to do with collusion. So far, we don't have anything to do with collusion. Nothing. The only collusion we've learned about in the last year is the collusion of a bunch of FBI agents, likely birds Peter Strock and Lisa Page, colluding to try to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president. Yeah, you know exactly. And you know and and speaking of collusion, I want to ask you a question too about the the i G Report. Just for a moment, harro Wood said he found political bias, but didn't find evidence that the bias did not affect the outcome of the election. So the media was all over that, but they ignored the rest of what was in the i G Report. So I wanted to ask you, in your opinion, what in the I Report do you find to be the most interesting or damning, or something that should have been covered a little more than it was or wasn't covered at all. First of all, you have to realize if you read enough IG reports, you you figure out what the code is because like this, conclusions always defend the Justice Department, the conclusion section, because that's written by the political people. More you know, the more political people. The facts don't always absolve the Justice Department in the case the IG report, the facts were damning. If you read the report and things around page four hundred. These are two things I want to tell the public that was in there that nobody was talking about. Number One, the FBI agents in charge of the Hillary investigation, we're sending around communications saying we need to interview Hillary, but don't bring many people. Don't don't come loaded for bear to the interview because she'll remember it and she might be the next president. We don't want to be in that situation. This quote is about reputational defense. Unquote. That's what the FBI agents were calling a potential criminal interview of Hillary, was that it was about reputational defense the thing in the report. The second thing was Peter Strock wrote to the love Bird Lisa Page and said, we need to write that Hillary closure memo. A closure memos when you shut down an investigation. We need to write that Hillary closure memo because I just watched the Republican National Convention on television and I'm getting nervous about Trump winning. So essentially, they were saying we need to shut down the investigation of Hillary because Trump might get momentum out of it. Those are clear cut examples where political biases, in my view and in the view of anybody who has a brain that works, were affecting the investigation. The Democrat nominee for president and Christian You know what, these are things that surprise and none of us, none of us. I'm not at all surprised by any of it. The reputational defense that doesn't surprise me, and and and and and the memo from from Struck to page that doesn't surprise me either. None of it surprises me. And it's something that we have all suspected, quite frankly from the very beginning, right, and whole report is full of other examples. We only have time for two of them. Well, those are pretty damning, right, And I think I've written a whole piece about this a PJ Media, which is a an enormous amount of things like that where decisions are being made. And by the way, there's other FBI agents we don't even know the names of them. We know the love birds, but there's other FBI agents in this report who were on the investigations of these people who were exhibiting absolute political bias, and we don't even know their names. What are their names. The Justice Department should be reveal who they are so the American people can dig in and see how biased the FBI is from stem to stern. All right, but let's be honest. I mean the American people, Christian, The American people want to know, and I honestly, I don't know that we ever really will fully know fully No, do you think we will? No? Because not as long as Rod Rosenstein getting information from Congress. This guy is not going to anywhere, is he? He really isn't. Well, I don't know where you would go. I mean, normally, what happens in these situations when Republicans turn on their own like Rosenstein has is they usually get a gig at MSNBC or CNN. They get a column at the Washington Post. So there's always a home for people like that. But he apparently doesn't want to go to his new home. Await thim. I'd help him pack and everything. Honestly, Christian, listen, let me ask you something. I have another quick question for you. If we can't get to the second additional question I have, could you stay with us just a little longer? Sure thing? All right? I appreciate that we're talking to Christian Adams. His Twitter, by the way, is at Election Law ctr Center at Elections Election Laws Ctr. His book is Injustice. Check him out at Election Law Center dot com. And I wanted to ask you about Flynn because right now we're hearing that the Mueller prosecutors still are not ready to see Flynn sentenced. And I'm just curious, what do you make of all of this? Why? Why is that? Why are they still pushing that aside? And I only have two minutes, So if you can't answer all of that in two minutes, we can come back. So you can begin, and we'll come back to amplicated one because I'll tell you why Mike Flynn is being charged with line to an FBI agent, which is the same thing at Andrew McCabe did, right. That's one of the things another i G report showed is the number two guy at the FBI and then the acting director, Andrew McCabe, was lying to FBI agents and the Inspector General under oh under oath about his leaking to the New York Times about trumpet Hillary campaign staff. And and there's multiple, i think six examples of him committing federal felonies detailed in the I Report and he hasn't been invited, but by goalie Mike Flynn has and that's part of the problem is that there's justice for some but not justice for all, and that's not how it's supposed to work. Amen. Amen, you're absolutely right about that. Listen, I'll tell you what. I will take a break right now. We'll come right back and see how much more we can fit in. We're talking to Christian Adams. Stay with us, we'll be right back after this. Welcome back to the Seawan Handdy Show. My name is Rose. I'm talking to Christian Adams with the Public Interest Legal Foundation, also editor at PJ Media and former d o J attorney. All right, quick question for you, Mike Cohen. He did an offcamera interview with George Stephanopolis over the weekend and he people are saying he's got to be making Donald Trump very nervous right now because he's hinting at cooperating with federal prosecutors. What do you make of all that you've heard about this interview so far? Yeah, you can always count that nothing will come out of interviews with George Stephanopolis and including this grand conspirator see to bring down the president. It's not going to happen. Think Cohen's not going to be behind it. Okay, very interesting. Christian Adams, you do great work. Thank you so much for joining us today. His book is Injustice. Check it out. His website is Election Law Center dot com. It was great having you on today and bringing us up to date on all these all the crazy things that are going on. Did you ever think did you ever think you'd be writing about all of this? I mean, this is just it's absurd, some of it right, It's the world has gone mad. You know. Laura Wilder is now in the crosshairs of this, this group of gangsters. It never seems to stop. It really doesn't seem to stop. Thanks so much, Christian Adams for joining us today. I appreciate it. I want to say thanks again to the crew over New York City, Ethan and Lauren and here, Greg Maxwell and Darryl have helped me so much. And and thanks to Frank Aorio at w j a S for allowing me to use his studios today. Check me out on Twitter at Rose Underscore Unplugged. Facebook is Rose Unplugged, dif

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