Roger Stone, former Trump campaign advisor has been a long time friend of the President, and has promised that no amount of pressure from the left, or Mueller’s team, will encourage him to hurt or testify against President Trump. What is Mueller trying to accomplish? Stone and Hannity dig in... The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, eighty four days, the biggest, the most important election in mid term election are Lifetime. Glad you're on board. Glad you're with us. Right down our toll free number. It's eight D nine one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. We got a lot of news that we are gonna get to today. Uh, it looks like the trial of the century. The Paul mana for trial is now headed towards closing arguments. As What's interesting about this is the defense is basically saying, well, the prosecution never prove their case, and uh, sorry, we're not interested in putting on a defense because we don't see a need for one. Now, this is a common strategy, risky in a sense, but you know, on the other hand, they're just basically telling the jury we don't think you've reached the the beyond a reasonable doubt standard in a particular case, and nor are we going to give you an opportunity to cross examine the witnesses we were otherwise going to bring on board. And this case is now over and we'll make our final remarks and closing arguments in this case. Uh, the star witness for the prosecution for Team Mueller was, of course the partner of Paul Maniford, who faced well over a hundred years in jail. You got to get out of jail free card by Team Mueller, and uh, you know, which is a pretty incredible incentive. Every other person it seems that testified in the trial was given immunity on behalf of Muller and his team to just line up against Paul Manafort. The media, I can promise you now is you know they they they're just salivating in the hopes and prayers. You're gonna get a guilty verdict against Paul Manafort. And you know, honestly the odds are against him because you got a nine plus conviction rate in federal courts like this. But I'm not so sure this is a slam dunk. I actually think the jury just watching the how disgusted that the judge was in this particular case, that this case was even brought to trial. And now remember this is the same judge that said that the prosecution they don't really care about a tax fraud case dealing with a two thousand and five to two thousand and seven tax issue. That wasn't their motivation at all. Let's be honest. He said, this is to put the screws to Manafort, so Manafort will sing or compose meaning makeup uh in the hopes that they can get information from Manafort that they can use to prosecute Donald Trumper impeached Donald Trump. That's the only reason they did it. And everybody pretty much that is associated or that was used by the prosecution in this case was well, in a roundabout way, bribed, you're paid, Use whatever term you like. But if Rick Gates their star witness who admitted to being a liar, admitted to being an embezzler and a tax sheet and committing all sorts of fraud, etcetera, he's your main witness and he's given a get out of jail free card. How much credibility can such a person have with the jury. I've been using the example of Sammy the Bull Gravano commits nineteen murders, he gets a get out of jail free card, doesn't get prosecuted for those murders, and on top of it, gets a new life in Arizona with a new home and a chance to start over with the government protecting him through the Witness Protection Program. Okay, Now, if you're facing charges of nineteen murders, which means the rest of your life in jail, and you're already a murderer, how much credibility are you're gonna have testifying against anybody? And I think this is an incredible flaw in our criminal justice system, you know, because you're incentivizing people to say things, you're giving them something in return for their testimony. In this case of Rick Gates, the rest of his life potentially in jail. So I I just don't know how much credibility they have here. There was an interesting article about this. A veteran defense attorney argued many cases before Judge T. S Ellis said that the incompetent performance by Mueller's prosecutors during the Manaphort trial has exposed Mueller's democratic dream team is the gang that couldn't shoot straight. The headline on NBC news dot Com, a column by veteran criminal defense attorney got by the name of Greg Hunter, said, quote the Manafort trial judge snapped at Mueller's team because they're not ready for prime time I've heard from many people that have gone before Judge Ellis, you better have your act together, and you better have your game on, and you better know what you're doing, because he will tear you to shreds and has no problem at all doing it. As we now have witnessed here, as he has dressed down the prosecution again and again and again during this this ridiculous so called trial of the century. Anyway, Judge Ellis keeps yelling at the prosecutors. Now, it's not necessarily good news for the defense. But as Greg Hunter writes, I've spent my career defending criminal cases before Judge Ellis and his colleagues and Mueller's team earned his ire. And he goes on to say that you know I've I've spent my my entire career defending cases in the Eastern District of Virginia. Having watched the Mueller team in action, I believe they earned Ellis's anger and and lack of respect for their work and the jury's time. The fact remains, Mueller's team has to actually try Paul Manafort in this case, and only Paul Manafort, and no matter how strong their evidence, how righteous their cause, or how impressive their resumes maybe and actually are. Mueller's prosecutors simply have not done a very good job. This case started with the Mueller team's first appearing in in Ellis's courtroom without consulting the local United States Attorney's office. The Eastern District of Virginia has perhaps the best collection of prosecutors in the entire nation, and Ellis doesn't see much of a need for anyone from across the river come and to help, let alone to prosecute a case on their own. And Mueller's team mistakes didn't stop there. They did eventually bring in a veteran assistant U S attorney from Alexandria along with with them. After the first hearing, they didn't let him speak at any motions hearing in May, where Michael Dreaming, perhaps the nation's premiere ap pellet advocate, appeared to be poorly prepared and less than candid with the court, earning them even more of Ellis's ill will and through much. Although much has been made about Ellis interrupting and reprimanding the government from the first moments of the trial, even interrupting their opening statement, the Mueller team invited these interruptions by repeating the exact factual claims Ellis had already ruled were irrelevant to the case at hand. You're not even reading the judges orders and what the judges already resolved. The same sort of treatment has continued throughout the trial, and the prosecucution continue to bring up irrelevant points, even though they are often compelling. They've rolled their rise, They've complained, and even once argued that they should be able to present a chart the judge it excluded because the witness took a long time to make it, rather than telling him why they thought it was relevant. If you want things to go better and Judge Ellis's court, you have to live up to the high standards that he demands. Every attorney who has ever tried a case before him knows this, including literally hundreds of current and former assistant United States attorneys. Anyone who has simply google Judge Ellis's name and read the coverage of other famous cases he's presided over knows this too. And that doesn't mean I don't want people to get their hope, So I you know, I don't know what Paul Manafort did in two thousand and five and two thousand and seven. I do know that there that most of the people that testified in this case, we're all given immunity, and that means against prosecution and others. You know, in the case of the star witness, Gates, I mean admitted to basically every single crime that you could possibly admit, and being a liar and an embezzler and everything in between. Now, the question is how does he become their star witness and how's the jury going to view that? Now, maybe it just comes down to numbers and accounts and and the boring details of of how money was exchanged or handled, which is that, I guess the heart of the whole case. I have no idea. Well, I think the thing that everybody's missing in all of this is everything we talk about every day. How did we get here? How is this Mueller's big case. You know, He's got twenty nine people he indicted that are never going to see a courtroom in the United States, So that, okay, gives him a little Russia connection to this whole thing. You know, he indictes the equivalent of CIA operatives in Russia. They're never coming to the United States. They seemed ill prepared when they went after these Russian bot companies that they say, we're trying to influence the election, but they defended themselves in court, and Mueller says he wants to prevent them from even having simple discovery. That case seems to be falling apart as well. If he's not gonna allow discovery, then the case can't go forward. Means the indictments will have to be withdrawn in some way. So that's not working out particularly well. You know the fact that all these other people that are involved in the election, and that that there are real crimes associated with the election. It's obvious that if if you were to delete subpoena emails and and use bleach bit on your hard drive and beat up your devices with hammers, that I think most of you listening to me would be arrested, just like the Espionage Act has put innocent people in jail. Just like if any of you dare to ever lie or commit a fraud before a visa court judge, good luck to you in your life. It's not gonna work out well for you, which happened repeatedly by using the the fake phony Clinton bought and paid for dossier with a foreign national putting it together that turns out to be Russian lies. And then they never verified or corroborated it, but they signed off that they verified it, They signed off that it was legitimate and corroborated. They purposely didn't tell the judge that Hillary paid for it on four separate occasions. That's a fraud on the court. That's that is an illegitimate document presented to the court. Most of us will go to jail over these types of things. And all these Yates and Comy and and Rob rosenstud they all signed off on this thing. No wonder why they don't want to hand it over and allow us to see the FISA court applications and the renewal applications because we already know the bulk of information was steal dossier. These are in same times we're living in. Now. You know you're losing here. We we we've now healed away every layer of the onion. McCabe has gone, Comey has gone, Struck has gone, All these other people are gone. And now we have the Inspector General report now leading to an investigation into the FIS abuse. But we did have real Russian information that was fed to the American people, even visa v r C I A director Obama CIA director at the time, the former communist Brennan handing it off to Harry Reid, and then all of this through Christopher Steele, Bruce Or and others being leaked to the media, all designed to propagandize and misinformed the American people to sway an election. On top of putting the fix in on Hillary's investigation that was to keep her in the game. And then a group of people beginning not only exonerating her, but then beginning this pony Russia investigation much earlier than anybody and they had anticipated or saw, and that was their insurance policy after they had, you know, said of course we're gonna stop him. We need an insurance policy. It's like a forty year old dropping dead, okay, in case Trump happens to win. And they've implemented all of that. They care about Russia collusion. What about Adam Schiff on the tape, you know, begging for every single solitary detail of naked pictures of Trump and Russia that doesn't seem to come up very often in Mueller's take. And I guess they're going after him. And I guess now the next target is Roger Stone will talk to him later today. He's actually gone out there and said everything. They're obviously targeting him. Why are they targeting him? What did he do? Did he have any influence? By the way, what if he did try to get you know, information on Hillary Clinton? Is that a crime? Well, I mean, let's listen to the conversation with with Adam Shift, Shifty Shift. We know what he's done, all right. We see that Democrats insist Peter Struck's firing doesn't undermine the legitimacy really of Robert Mollow's investigation. Time will prove otherwise. I am convinced, even though it was launched by Struck under false pretenses and a obvious clear present political agenda. But i've Struck isn't all that important to the destroy Trump movement? Why are so many Trump haters rushing to pay his legal bills anyway? You know who says that sending anti Trump text to your girlfriend doesn't pay Anyway, Peter Struck, they see him have garnered uh enough to raise more than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for his legal suspense on his goal fund me page on Twitter page was launched on Monday, friends of Special Agent Peter Struck. They initially saught a hundred and fifty grand to be putting a trust dedicated to his growing legal costs and lost income. That sung was reached so quickly they now have gone up to three fifty and they say, as a man of integrity, and we saw that on display clearly, Um, there are new developments. It appears that bruce Or had sixty plus contacts with Christopher Steele, remember his wife Nellie were profusion GPS. Congressman Mark Meadows has pointed out that bruce Or will come before Congress on August and answer why he had sixty plus contacts with the dossier author Christopher Steele as far back as January. He knows the American public the full truth, Meadows tweeted. Lawmakers obviously believe war now is key to finding out how the Clinton campaign, the d n C paid Fusion, GPS and steal to fabricate this conspiracy of Trump and the campaign Russia collusion at the top levels of the Justice Department and the FBI. Obviously, or as contacts with Steele, the ex British spy that put together the Russian dossier lies I said to date back more than a decade, and you know this is the guy also to remember that was fired from the FBI, and they continued contact both before and after the election. Emails handed over to Congress by the Justice Department show that Or steal Will Simpson communicated all throughout as they were digging up dirt paid for by the Clinton campaign and the d n C. In Congress rightly now is set to grill Bruce Or on these secret contacts with Christopher Steele, with the members of the House Judiciary Committee and others. This will be interesting come the end of this month. Trey Gaudy telling Martha McCallum last night that the Justice Department is doing what Bruce Ord does right now. Both men are prosecutors. It's unbelievable a prosecutor would insert himself into an ongoing investigation for which he had nothing to do. Well, he worked for the Department of Justice. We're getting to the bottom of it. It's getting worse every day. It's all beginning to unfold alright now till the h to the top of the hour. One, Shawn is our toll free telephone number. Let me give you the latest on manaforts defense team rested today without presenting a case. Prosecutors resting their case yesterday. Closing arguments are set to begin nine am tomorrow morning. The attorneys will confer with T. S. Elis, the third later today to discuss jury interactions. Now there's eighteen counts of tax and banking crimes and the jury has now gone home for the day. They were brought back into the courtroom to learn that Mantaford is not presenting a defense. The judge told the jurors to go home, reminded them, as always that they must not discuss the trial, said the course of the court is now in recess, when we will begin a hearing about jury instructions. On their way out of the courtroom, the defense attorney Kevin Downing, said that the defense rested because the government has not met the burden of proof anyway. So what's playing out for the rest of the day today? There now having both rested their cases, that the attorneys will now confer with the judge discussed jury instructions. Ellis said he will announce his decision on another technical issue that the attorneys have asked about. And this all begins nine thirty tomorrow morning. Eat Ellis encouraged each side to keep them under two hours, and the judge old Manafort to the podium to answer a brief set of questions, all before the jury was brought into the room. Ellis asked if he discussed testifying with his lawyer, I have your honor, Ellis asked if he was happy with his lawyers. Man of Fort said responded affirmatently, affirmatively. Ellis then asked if he made a decision about testifying. I have decided. Ellis asked if Manafort would testify, No, sir, he took a seat. Manafford is not obviously required to testify because the Fifth Amendment rights against self incrimination. Ellis made this clear during his brief brief conversation with Manafort. You have an absolute right to testify before this jury. You have an absolute right to remain silent before this jury. So, UM, it's gonna be interesting. I think, you know, if they do keep it to that, you could even have this sent to the jury as early as tomorrow. And we'll be watching all of this very very closely. Um, we have other news today, It's some of which is pretty interesting. National Democrats are kind of tending what is going on with Keith Ellison is not happening. It seems to be getting bigger and bigger. You know, if it was Donald Trump news that it would be all over the place. But now we have a you know, apparently a high profile Democrat, Keith Ellison. You know, Democrats have not said a word. Nancy Pelosi nothing, Harriston, Jilla Brand nothing, Hillary Clinton nothing, Diane Feinstein nothing. What do we hear from Senator Warren nothing, Kamila Harris nothing, Maxie Waters nothing. Prominent Democratic women, the most vocal supporters of the me too movement, They're all now circling the wagons seemingly around there party leader Keith Ellison and um. You know, according to news that has come out today, a second woman I has accused Ellison of domestic violence and report supports this woman's accusation. This weekend, a woman by the name of Karen Mona Han accused Ellison, currently a candidate for Attorney General in Minnesota, being physically verbally abusive towards her. Allegations were posted on Twitter. We're also posted on Facebook by her son, and the post has now gone viral, and she took to Twitter over the weekend in a series of tweets to support her sons post about the assault. Following these allegations, another woman claimed that Ellison had abused her during a relationship, and so we're gonna watch this unfold. But the only difference is is his last name is not Trump. I don't know what happened in this particular case. I wasn't there, but certainly, uh, there is a different double standard as it relates to the news media in this country, which is my only point. I do believe people deserve the assumption of presumption of innocence until they're proven guilty. That's not how the media has been working in a lot of these cases. Um, what else do we have here? Some other news that I want to get to if we have time on Russia Gate? Um, if there's any question just how a far Robert Mueller is in this Russia Gate investigation and how it's running out of gas. His latest development, assuming it's true, could remove all doubt The Hills reporting that amar Rossa is now saying she's certainly willing to share recordings from her time in the Trump administration with the Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and that his office has already reached out to her, I mean, you can't even make this up anyway. But asked by Chris Matthews if she has tapes from her time working in the Trump administration beyond the two that she has shared publicly in recent days, she said, I have plenty. Anything Mueller would like to see, all of his office calls again, anything they want, I'll share anything they want. I'll certainly cooperate. She didn't elaborate on what previous interactions with the Special counsel what they may have involved, but asked if she believes Trump will be impeached at this point. Yes, and you just you can't make this up. You really can't. Um What other news do we have today? I mean, there's a lot going on, and some believe there is some good economic news. Does anyone ever care about the good economic news we have? Small business optimism has now hit a thirty five year high in the Country News survey, small business owners are now more optimistic about the economy than any time since the beginning of what was the Reagan Revolution and the Reagan Boom, which really began in night. Three year later, Reagan won re election in a forty nine state landslide. Small business optimism now marked as second highest level in the survey's forty five year history, at a hundred and seven point nine, just below the July record high of one oh eight. According to the National Federation of Independent Businesses, the index reading was expected to decline a notch from June's one seventy point one, and the rise to one oh seven point nine was four basis points higher than the highest estimate that economy of economists that were surveyed by Bloomberg. July report also contained good news for workers with seasonally adjusted and that of small businesses now planning to create new jobs. Thirty seven percent of owners said they have unfilled job openings. Small business owners and now leading this economy and expressing optimism, rivaling the highest levels in history. According to the n f IB, President, expansion continues to be a priority for small businesses, who showed no signs of slowing as they anticipate more sales and better business conditions. We have other good news, President, Steel tariffs and now generated a multibillion dollar windfall and new revenue for the US government, c NBC reports, and less than five months, the Trump administration collected more than one point four billion dollars in new revenue from steel and aluminum tariffs. According to a recent report prepared for by members of Congress, which, by the way, we all want free and fair trade. Congressional Research Service estimated between March and July the US read one point one billion and three four point two million from levies on foreign steal and aluminum, respectively. And now see those jobs coming back in a pretty significant way. Also, one other point on mueller landslide of the American people say they're losing patients with Robert Muller and his investigative fiasco, and they want him to wrap up things by election day, which kind of gives the bumbling special prosecutor a little more than two months. Two thirds of Americans would like to see Muller finished the investigation into Russian election interference before voters go to the polls in November. Democrats are more apt than Republicans to think Mueller shouldn't aim to wrap up things before the election. Of course, not majorities of cross both parties say you ought to be able to complete the investigation before voters head to the polls. Well, that would be good for the country. Why would we ever want something like that? To happen. But you know, you just you can't make this stuff up. It's pretty unbelievable. Um. One of the news you know what the sad thing is with the media is you know, I noticed that fake news CNN is actually saying, well, these people that we have on tape and I'll play it later in the show. We played it yesterday, even calling for the assassination of the president, that these same people were there to stop hate. And I'm listening to it and it's a person after person after person. They either want to punch the president in the face, slap him in the head, slap him around, or assassinate him. Now, that used to be a crime to threaten the president of the United States. I don't think I don't think anything is happening, though, that shows that that's anti hate. Unbelievable. Oh one other thing on Amarossa. She apparently is secretly recorded Jared and Ivanka. I guess we're gonna get a tape of day and the President fighting back, but at this point I don't even see any point for it. Um. Anyway, let's get to our busy phones. One Sean is our number. If you want to be a part of the program, Brian and Albani apparently wants to argue with me about something. Brian, how are you glad you called? What's going on? Hey, Sean, thanks for taking my call. I am a periodical watcher of the Hannity Show at nine o'clock and my question for you is very simple. In your endless defense of Donald Trump, why do you constantly talk about how the media is unfairly covering this President Trump is the engine that drives the car. The media is responding to what he's tweeting, what he's saying, what he's doing. I don't understand why you feel the need, when talking about the media coverage to call it fake new news in which haunts and you're actually the one who's topagating a message through the media, a pro Trump message. And I just don't understand why you're always beating on the media and calling the media the mainstream media. Fox News is the most watch media network in the country, aren't you guys the mainstream media? Well? No, not really. I mean, in many ways I would say, I want to answer your question thoroughly. Number One, I'm a talk show host. Number one, I give opinion, I give strong opinion, But We also do straight interviews. We we had one with Jack Dorsey of Twitter for example. Recently it was just okay, an informational interview. I do uh interviews with Roseanne bar occasionally more other straight interviews, even with politicians, just to get information, so you know, what's in the healthcare bill. What do you want to have in the healthcare bill? Why isn't this in the healthcare bill? Those are all straight interviews. We also obviously do opinion. We also do investigative reporting. I do my own research most of the most of the time. I have my team that helps me with some of the research, but I have my own sources. I make my own phone calls. As a talk show host, you wear many different you know, many jobs are are included including Yeah. We do journalism. We do straight journalism, We do investigative reporting, we do opinion, We we do debate, monitoring, We do everything. The difference between me and any of these people that you're mentioning is they say that there journalists. I'm saying I'm the entire newspaper, news, information, opinion. We do it all, and we tell people we do it all. I turn on any of these channels and you can turn them on any point at any time, any day, and all you get is NonStop hysterical coverage about Donald Trump. You don't get any coverage of the success that he is now and the things that he's accomplishing. They've ignored the biggest abuse of power scandal because of their own political bias. And I think that's a big part of the story. The way they say things, the things that they say every day, and the things that they claim to be are not true. And we pointed out it is but a small part of what I do. Um, we're giving you news and information you're not getting anywhere else. You know, our stories have been proven to be true. We did learn that Hillary violated the Espionage Act. Everything we told you about her subpoena emails, that she deleted or acid washed with bleach bit or destroyed her devices with hammers turned out to be true. She and the d n C did pay a foreign national through funnel money through a law firm, through gp a fusion GPS. That's all true, and that Christopher Steele, the foreign agent, yeah, had an opinion that was anti Trump, and he used Russian lies that were propagated to the American people for the purpose of influencing them with Russian lies before the election, and similarly was used after the election as a weapon to destroy Donald Trump. We have Phizer Court judges that were lied to repeatedly that information that was never verified, corroborated, that ended up being debunked, was presented to these judges with the purposeful odmission that Hillary Clinton paid for all of this information a vital point that they didn't uh present to the judges. That's a fraud against the court. That too, is a crime. Also, the considerations that were given by people that we now know through Freedom of Information Act requests and and different documents that have been subpoenaed and turned over to Congress, which has the authority for checks and balances. We've discovered that most of the people involved in the Hillary Clinton investigation had a pro Hillary anti Trump bias, you know, like Hillary should win a hundred million to zero, and that we're going to stop Trump, and that we've got an insurance policy, and that he's loathsome there's the same people that were writing an exoneration for even investigating that case. So all of the things that we've covered have turned out to be true. You can't give me a single bit of evidence because it doesn't exist about any Trump Russia collusion of any kind. But I can play you a tape of I can play you a tape of Adam Shift talking on a on a phone that was recorded by Russian hucksters hopsters, and he thinks he's getting dirt from Russia about Trump. Okay, and so met with you. I don't want to play this now. I'll give you a go ahead. You can respond to all that. Yeah, I mean half of the things that you just said there are either utterly conflated or just give me one thing that I said that is Give me one thing that I just said that's false. There is absolutely zero evidence of any attempts of collusion about the Trump campaign and Russia. That is utter not tell me what it is. I'll tell you what it is. A meeting in Trump Tower between Trump things higher campaign and Russian people close to the Kremlin while President Trump collusion. That that's not collusion at all. Then you would say the tape of Adam Shifty Shift is collusion. I have that tape and all that was the discussed at that meeting by everybody, and all the evidence showed they talked about Russian adoption, and that things that were promised that they might have some dirt on Hillary would never delivered, never even discussed. So there is no evidence of any collusion. What you're saying is false, and it's been repeated over and over again by leftist like you. Look, I can't convince you. If you want to. If you want to convince yourself that you you want to believe the worst about Donald Trump, go right ahead, but it's not going to end up well for those on your side, because the country succeeding in spite of you. Have you been asked up here before the Special Council's team. I have not, but it has been publicly reported that they have interviewed and subpoenaed a number of my associates. I know that there exists nowhere evidence of Russian collusion or Wiki leaks collaboration, or any nonsense pertaining to John Podesta's email, but I'm also mindful of any prosecutor's ability to squeeze underlings to get them to compose testimony against a bigger fish. I have not been contacted by the Special Counsel's office. I've made it abundantly clear that there's no circumstances under which I would testify against the president. I would not rule out cooperating if they think I could be helpful in some area, but beyond that, UM, I have not spoken to them. That was Roger Stone from earlier last night, and Roger Stone has now written a piece about all of this. Signs growing that Muller is zeroing in on. Roger Stone is a headline on the Hill and in their article he joins us now and of course he has a Stone's Rules, which is his brand new book out. You even go against your own rules in your article? How are you excellent? You know? Generally speaking, Sean, I think the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. But last Friday I might have taken exception to that when my long time associate Christin Davis went before the Grand jury, when my long time traveling aide Andrew Miller was charged with contempt because he refuses to allow them to violate his Fourth Amendment rights, and it was revealed that Randy Cretico, who I swore under oath before the House Intelligence Committee, was the source who told me that Assane did have the goods on Hillary and would publish him in October reef Steve's a subpoena. By the way, that testimony was accurate and truthful. So, by the way, why would not even be today? There is no evidence whatsoever that I either cluded with the Russians, collaborated with Wicky Leaks, or knew anything in advance about John Podesta's devastatingly embarrassing and incriminating emails. Well, let's just stop for a second and leave your statement on it's on face value versa. What if you did know? Well, that is an interesting point. You see, uh, Sam Nunberg and other misfits have been out there saying that Stone can be charged with defrauding the United States. Really prove that Julian Assange is a Russian asset, prove that Wicky Leaks is a Russian front. I know that John Brennan and James Clapper repeat this lie constantly, but it's never been found to be true in the US court of law, and you and I, I think both believe it to be nonsense. Well, I mean, I did interview Julian Ossans both on this radio program and I flew to England and I asked him specifically if it came from Russia, that this league, etcetera. He was adamant and saying, no, it wasn't Russia, nobody connected to Russian, it wasn't a state party. Um. But you know, if we're really interested in getting to the bottom of it, I have said all along in my humble opinion, he would want to be the one guy that I would assume would have the actual proof and evidence of where it came from. And there was a report last week or the week before that in fact, he might be invited to testify before the Senate, And I think that would be a good thing for the country to have resolved, don't you. I totally agree. In fact, there's been a lot of speculation that Ecuador would soon expel him from the embassy, that he the British government would extradite him to the United States to stay in file, although it's hard for me to understand what the charge would be unless they intend to charge the Washington Post in the New York Times as well for publishing class forward him for my information that they got from a whistleblower. That's what journalists do. But he is the one person who could clear this up. Yes, Julian Assange more than any person on the planet could really clarify these matters. And I think put the lie to the deep state claim that Assange is a Russian asset, which he is not. Let me go to what you think Mueller is trying to accomplish here. I mean, Kristen Davis is known as this famous madam in New York. Uh And I think she had a run for office herself many years ago. Your friends with her, and why is she being drawn into this Well, First of all, that was ten years ago. Christin Davis paid her debt to society. It's ironic that she went to prison and Elliot Spitzer, the guy she provided high level prostitutes for, went on to have a show at CNN rather than doing any time life. She's a single mother. She's trying to launch a cosmetology business. She certainly not engaged in any illegal activities today. But Shawn, She's worked with me, kept my schedule, worked with me on some I T projects. She put herself through school to learn web design. She's a fine person. She has no knowledge of Russian collusion or Wiki leaks collaboration, or any other illegal act, Nor does Andrew Miller, nor do any of the people who have been brought before the grand jury, So the expression which hunt comes to mind. In fact, I think it's a fishing expedition. Why me, because I'm for Donald Trump and I won't back down. So I'm not sure whether their goal is to silence me or whether their goal is to try to get me to flip and testify against the president I've known for forty years. But that's not going to happen. I'm not going to do that, no matter what they come up with. You even said in this piece, you know, I guess a lot of people have perceptions of other people that, uh, they're extraordinarily wealthy. But we've learned in this all of this nonsense that has gone on. You know, General Flynn serves his country for thirty years. Even Peter Struck and James Comey said there was no indication at all he's lying, but he can't afford attorneys, and I would assume they were probably putting the screws to him, just like they are Manafort, So he'll sing or compose for the purpose of getting to Donald Trump to impeach or prosecute. I think the same thing is going on all over the place. To be honest, and in his case he had to sell his house. You know, thanks for serving your country. The FBI didn't think you lied to them. But we want you to sign here, or maybe we'll go after your son and your whole family and you won't be able to afford to defend yourself. It's exactly what's going on with me showing there are a story you can find online, say Roger Stone has worked twenty million dollars in their dreams. Uh. You know, I'm not a wealthy man. I work for a living to provide for my family. I work hard to flog my books, and I'm glad you enjoyed my more my most recent books. By the way, I break every single rule in the book, and every other rule is about how you dress. And I dressed like a slob because I'm wearing jeans and T shirts. And that you've got some of the best neckties on television I have ever seen. Well, I know there is one hour a day that I clean up. The point of the course this is yes, they try to destroy you financially. Between the Democratic National Committee lawsuit against me, between this Obama based group that sued me a suit I recently got dismissed between the House and Senate Intelligence committees. Between Mr Mueller poking into every single aspect of my personal life shown, my private life, my family life, my business life, my social life, my political activities. My legal fees are are set to run a couple of million, which I don't have. So I had to set up a legal defense fund it Stone Defense Fund dot com. And I thank the thousands of patriots who are donating. I could not stay afloat, I could not fight without them having my back. But I'm fighting for something larger here because You're absolutely right. This isn't about Roger Stone. It's about taking down Donald Trump. It's about trying to flip me and get me to testify against him. Let me tell you, Roger, come up with I am not going to do that. I don't know what you have done or haven't done in your life. I don't know. I you know, I know you. We've we've mostly gotten along over the years. You've taken a few shots at me, which is fine. I probably deserved him. Um, I'm looking at what's going on with Paul mana Fort. What Judge Ellis has said, Uh, exactly what you just repeated and I am disturbed. More importantly, this was supposed to be about Trump Russia collusion, and we're digging down deep into a two thousand and five tax case as a means of putting the screws to him. And it has nothing to do with collusion, nothing with Russia, nothing with the campaign, not thing with Donald Trump. How did the mandate ever cover such a wide wide range of basically, anything you want to go after, you're free to go after a special counsel. Secondly, we do have evidence of Russian interference. We had warnings that Obama said, ignored of Devon Newness that should bother everybody. Devin Newness warned us all the Russians wanted to influence our election. In Obama told Trump in October of stop whining and go out there and try and get some votes, thinking Hillary would win. And what have we discovered? Hillary paid for a phony dossier full of Russian lies that was spread by the former CIA director to Harry Reid to literally influence the American people with what they knew were lies. Those same lies were used, never verified, corroborated, and it was used four times to obtain warrants to spy on a Trump campaign associate American citizens. They never corroborated the information, they never verified it, nor did they tell the Feiser Court judges on four separate occasions that Hillary bought and paid for this. All of that has to do with Russia. You want to hear about Russian collusion. We've got a tape of Adam Schiff, you know, breathlessly, you know, begging for naked pictures of Donald Trump as he being hoaxed, as a hoax has taken place with some Russian prankster that's on tape. I don't see any interest or or resolved to get to the bottom of that collusion or conspiracy. So I have an entire distaste in my mouth, and I feel that we're losing the country. I feel if we can lidify, as the court judges, that Hillary Clinton can literally have an investigation fixed. There's no American that will get away with the leading subpoena emails, acid washing their hard drive, and beating up their devices the way she did Roger. Those are all crimes. She got away with it. All these FBI, high ranking d o J officials, they all committed crimes. They all tried to steal an election. Here and the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible. So I don't know what you did or didn't do, but we do know these things happen, and nobody seems to give a rep Yeah. No, Look, Seawan Nolan has connected the dots like you have, and in fact, I think we both know that the entire Russian collusion investigation is a distraction from a much more serious crime, and that is the use of the phony dossier which was which was produced with the assistance of Russian intelligence and by the Clinton campaign, as the phony rationale for the use of surveillance by the state, the power and the authority and the capability of the state to spy on Donald Frump's campaign. Yes, that is a crime, far more serious than Watergate. At The New York Times reported on January seventeen that Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and Carter Page were all subject to warrants. Whistleblowers have come to my attorneys and pointed out exactly where my name was redacted from the Carter Page FIS warrant application released two weeks ago. There's far more of this story to be told, but I have none pension of turning on the President. I will fight, but I need to. I need to support of patriots like you and like others. Do give me this forum to tell my side of the story because the mainstream media is obsessed with the Russian collusion when they should be obsessed by the illegal and unconstitutional acts of the Obama Justice Department in the Obama FBI. Remember a conversation, a private one. I won't go into all the details that I had with Paul Manaford after all of this, and he actually said the words, there's nothing for me to tell. In other words, he didn't have anything that they wanted. Thus the case goes forward, and look at his partner, Rick Gates. What was he facing up to a hundred two hundred years in jail and and meanwhile he admits he's a liar, He embezzled, he committed tax fraud. He's guilty of every single thing that the government says Manafort's guilty of. But they gave him a get out of jail free card. Well, that is not exactly a credible witness to me, But there is a conviction rate in federal court. No, you're absolutely right. In fact, Gates said, understand that he had better a four hundred thousand. I believe it's more like three million. So clearly the rules are only for Trump supporters. Uh. I learned that the woman doing the questioning of my associates in front of the grand jury. Ye wait a minute, let me get this straight. So the woman who as a private attorney represented the Clinton Foundation in the email case, which is one of the subjects for which I am being investigating and being investigated, is now conducting the investigation of me. Can you say conflict of interest? I don't even know what to say. All of this thinks too hig have all. I gotta take a quick break. Welcome back. More with Roger Stone on the other side. Eight nine one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Right as we continue, Roger Stone is with us. His book is out Stones Rules, which you can get at his website. And here's my fear, Roger, that they are ignoring major crimes that they say their man date uh causes them to act on. And they're ignoring the biggest abuse of power scandal to literally steal a presidential election from the American people. If we don't solve this abuse of power the fundamentals here, we've lost the country, Roger, it's gone. It's over. Our constitutional republic will be dead. You can't have a dual justice system. You can't if you don't have equal justice and equal application of our laws. It's over. That's just the fact. There is really only one answer in my opinion, and that is President Donald Trump needs to clean house. He needs to He needs to terminate Mr Sessions. He needs to terminate Mr Rosenstein, who ought to himself be prosecuted. Uh. He needs to terminate Mr Mueller. This is a witch hunt. Um. It's interesting that the courts have ruled that Mueller's appointment is perfectly okay because he has the has the oversight of Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and the President. But the President and Rosenstein are both at a minimum witnesses in the Mueller investigation and therefore conflicted as a conflict. Well, there's two conflicts. For Rod Rosenstein. He signed the fourth fis of warrant A which was never verified or corroborated, and he should be answering questions and be he recommended the firing of Comey. And a third conflict of you will is his friendship with Robert Mueller, to that that he is withholding the fas of material obstruction on the basis of national security when it has nothing to do with national security, has everything to do with raw politics. Rosenstein is a weasel and a criminal, and he's the one who ought to be investigated and prosecuted. In my opinion, we'll be watching very closely. What is Roger Stone dot com and what's your website? You can go to Stone call truth dot com. All right, thank you. Roger Stone and his book, by the way, you can find there as well Stone's Rules eight hundred nine four one. Shawn is a told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program till the top of the hour. Glad you're with us eight D one Seawn if you want to be a part of the program, joining us Uh. John high bushes with us. Uh. Somebody've gotten to know. He's the executive director of the Reagan Foundation, author of a newly released book, The Second Coming, a sequel to the Shroud Conspiracy, and he highlights what's different what's the same about Ronald Reagan his administration and Donald Trump, the current president. What's different the media, the people, the protests, the conversations, et cetera. I think it's a fascinating read and a fascinating question. And uh, I want to John to come on a couple of minutes and talk to us about the How are you, sir, Oh, I'm just great, Sean, thanks so much for having me. It's great to be with you. Reagan Library. It is a must see for anybody that wants to just spend a little time and learn about one of America's greatest presidents and one of America's great turnarounds. And it is fascinating to me because there is a distinct stylistic difference between Reagan and Donald Trump. Reagan was the ultimate gentleman. Reagan was always polite, well not necessarily, but he was forceful. Um. Donald Trump is abrupt, he is straightforward. He's an iconoclass. Uh. He feels a need to break things and doesn't ever shy away from any controversy whatsoever. Doesn't play the political game at all. But I look at their policies on taxation, I look at their policies on on Supreme Court justices and judges in general originalists. I look at their even their philosophy, policies on immigration. Although the eight six Bill we can talk about specifically piece through strength, the need for energy and dependence, ending burdensome regulation. I see so many similarities, and I think we're beginning to see the similar results that Reagan brought us to by implementing conservative policies. Your thoughts, Yeah, Sean, you hit. I don't know I could describe it any better. You're you couldn't find two men who are more radically different in their styles but who are also so perfectly aligned in terms of their policies. I think President Trump has executed a very Reagan like agenda. So in reality, you know, what he's been able to pass through Congress and the things he's done are there's so much like Ronald Reagan, and I don't think he gets enough credit for it. You know, it's interesting because if you go back over the years and people forget this, Reagan was hated, absolutely despised by establishment Republicans. They're the ones that said that he was an amiable dunce and an actor or a great b actor, etcetera, etcetera. They're the ones who was Bush who said, you know, voodoo economics, Well, voodoo economics gave us the longest period of peacetime economic growth and twenty million new jobs, uh in America. And and Reagan and Trump both were able to do something that few Republicans can do, and that is get the working men and women on their side. Yeah, right, shown you know, it's funny now the media has a love affair, seems with Ronald Reagan. Now. But boy, if you look back, you're right. I remember Reagan saying, Remember he talked about he had a bile in his throats about the media. I mean, the way they treated him was so much like like President Trump. It's just in Reagan's case, he had had to work through the mainstream media right to get his message out. There was no Internet, you know, galgre hadn't inventitied yet uh and and um, so the way that Ronald Reagan could get his message across was through the media. I think with President Trump, he's got at least he's got the advantage of being able to tweet and and reach the American people directly with his message. And but you know, times and technology have changed so much on Yeah, I mean, talk radio was in its infancy. I mean, Rush didn't syndicate nationally until that's the end of the Reagan presidency. And you know, think about Fox News not existing until it's a different media environment. Then you had social media and Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and all these other means of communication. You know, the president with one tweet can reach you know, millions of people, like a hundred million people. It's it's massive. His ability to buy pay doesn't need the media anymore. Nobody these press conferences have become dog and pony shows. They're just a waste of everybody's time. There's no need for them anymore. Yeah, that's right, and that's the result. I I think, Sean, what's interesting is because the president's Trump in the media, you know, seeman at war with each other now, um the uh, it's it's it's just fascinating to see how how remarkably same he and President Reagan are with respect to with respect to each other. It's just that the media and the technology, everything is just so so much different. It took even you know, years later, but even Democrats begrudgingly begin began to acknowledge the success of Reagan. You know, everything is is going to be judged through the prism of success. Is this president going to follow through on his promises? He's doing it. Jerusalem, Iran North Korea, borders and taxes and regulation and energy and all of these policies. And if he's successful, it'll be amazing how many people turn around and say, yeah, he was a great president, but they had no vision that he could be. And I think that, you know, different times called for different type of leadership. And I think American American politics, our political system is in such a dramatic state of decline that it needs this jolt or shock to the system that is known as Trump, who was literally moving at his pace and not playing along with how the the swamp and the sewer in DC works. Yeah, it isn't an interesting too, Shawn. That at a time when the media and I don't mean just the editorial but reporters and all the talk show hosts have made Trump the enemy. At the same time they've never been making more money, right, I mean the New York Times subscriptions have increased and eyeballs have increased, and you know, everything's gone and all the subscriptions are up, but yet he's the enemy too. Well. You know, um, we have the highest ratings we've ever had by far, and and we're number one in cable and it's in large part because the media is so hostile towards him like they were hostile to Reagan. But uh, John high Bush, it's it's an honor to have you on. Executive Director Reagan Foundation, author of this new released book it's called The Second Coming, a sequel to the Shroud Conspiracy, highlighting the differences and and what the similarities are between President Reagan and Donald Trump. It's a great read. And thank you so much for being with us. Yeah, thanks so much for having me, Sean. I'm honored to talking. It's just been an honor to have you here at the Reagan Library. When you're able to come so, I would love to be back as soon as I can. Thank you, sir. Eight D nine f one Seawn is our number if you want to be a part of the program of Van is in Florida. Van high How are you glad you called? Sir? I'm doing well, sor to speak to you. How are you doing? I'm good? How are you doing? I'm doing very well. And my name is Van John's not Van Jones. That's a good thing. What's going on? Listen? There's so much I want to talk to you about, but we don't have time. I just want to run one thing by you here real quickly. Think you'll understand. Mr Trump is the same person now that he was back in the seventies, back in the eighties, back in the nineties. He was revered by everyone, the Democrats, the media, They all wanted him to be at their parties, they all wanted to be like him. He was revered. Now he is reviled. And all he did was change jobs. Listen, I gotta be honest. That's the thing that I think makes him successful. Donald Trump has been because he's running government like a business and he moves from issue to issue to issue to issued issue, and Okay, that's done. Now, let's moved to this. Now, let's move to this. You know, Mitch McCardell saying, well, you know there, Wodor wasn't quiet Harvard experience for Washington, and you know, it's not the way we do things around here. And well that's the problem. You know what You're supposed to have the a sense of urgency to serve the people of their states and and their communities. And I don't see that urgency. And when people are on food stamps and in poverty and suffering, and the country is not safe and secure, and you know what, where's the sense of urgency? I mean, I want to pull my hair out myself and go fix Chicago if I could. I mean, I can't believe that seventy one people can be shot and nobody blinks an eye. I'm like, where's this sense of urgency to get in there and save lives? It makes no sense to me. You know, I don't roll that way. I get up every day and I hit the ground running, and I have a job to do every day, and I work hard to do this job the best that I can. And most Americans do the same, you know, politicians telling us what they're gonna watch seventy one people get shot and not move and fix it. I don't get it. That's their job. Go do your job, and do it expeditiously into the best of your ability, and keep your promises. What's so hard about keeping your promise? You know? Try telling you kids you're gonna get they get straight age you'll take into Disney and then say, well, never mind, good luck with that. It's not gonna work. Keeping your promise is not hard for people such as you and myself and people like Mr. Trump, and like I said, sir again, all I was saying is you know that Trump arrangement syndrome TDS thing or whatever that got started. And all I'm saying again along the same lines, the man went from being revered to being reviled, and all he did was change jobs. He's the same guy. Yeah, and that by the way, and keeping his word. There's nothing he's doing that is the opposite of what he said, which is kind of the m O of most politicians. All Right, big time A J Houston, Texas has a big announcement. He made some new friends over the weekend or recently? What's going on? Big time? Big time? SI? Hey, I met Diamond It still you did? Where did you meet him? They were at the health to hear Houston then? And what a fun time we had. Did you tell them we're friends? That they did? They? Did you tell them we're friends? I told him? I told him. I think one I know was one of y'all don't do with Sean Hady, but both of y'all so awesome. I don't know what one it is, but what Sean. I at the chance to h bothum and take a picture with him, and I think it's both of me. On a website or something. I don't that Facebook, but it should be on a Facebook website or however you can get to it. But John, I didn't them drives of no funny. They so often they talked about how they got into the groove, and it was like wow, And you know me, I say, well, it's gonna ways. And remember I'm not so I'm not so confident in the red wave as you are, but I hope you're right. Oh oh, Sean. We've got to save this country because this election is wanted. This is just as big as the Trophy election. This lection, this guy to be what's gonna the Republicans the week gonna drag them over the top since this some of them don't have to cahony to do what you're doing and Trump doing, I mean the people missing and when I well what Trump done, I'm like, do you have your eyes open? Are you looking? I mean, they're trying to give Obama credit for what Trump done, y'all idiot. Just you know what they are. They're just political hacks, that's it. They just all they care about is is the game. You know. Look, I mean I'm watching with a little bit of amusement and a little bit of sadness. To be honest, this this Amar Rossa is now the love of the liberal media. And let me tell you, you know, two days from now, they're not gonna care about Amar Rosa at all ever. And they're only you know, this is the latest thing that they can focus and fixate on so they can avoid discussing the biggest abuse of power scandal in America in history. That if we don't get right, we're gonna be in deep trouble as a country. I'll tell you that. And we're not gonna have a country. You saw that and the requick and for the black folks, Emma Rosa and Obama they got into the sop spot and black with the liver Black they always say what we can't get there and can't do the two got there and failed the country. I mean, I'm sorry people, the the black the ball with Trump right now, I say it's more really but the media not reporting And I'm like, look at uh diamonister, look what they're doing. I mean, come on, whether they not looking at you, I guess. I bet they had a very big crowd as well. I bet they had a good crowd. Oh it was a night they had wine, they had the snack foods. Oh that it was set up beautiful, Sean. Them girls are slow, hey, re quick. They say, yeah, we got we had to get secret service. And but we had to get secret service. They wanted to protect people from us. That's hilarious. They said, Well, good for them. You know what they're They're wonderful people. They are great senses of humor. They stand up for what they believe in and they take a lot of grief for it. But you know what, they entertain people at the same time. It's a perfect combination. Big time. I got a roll. We love you, Thank you, my friend, eight hundred nine four one sewn toll free telephone number. We'll talk about the media corrupt, uh coverage of everything. When we get back. Joe Conscien is gonna check in. We have about a minute plus here. We'll give it all to Kimberly in Connecticut. Next on The Sean Hannity Show. Kimberly, Hi, how are you glad you called hi? Him? Thanks for having me on. I'm here. Today's binary Day in Connecticut. Only two thousand UM registered Republicans have voted so far, up the twelve thous and who are able to UM. What race are you talking about in particular? Okay, this is a gooberatorial race UM between the five Republicans. So we have two mayors UM and three businessmen. Stefanowski has Arthur Laugher's economic plan for Connecticut UM. Stefanowski's the strongest conservative UM candidate for the Republican Party. Stefanowski has the backing that low. I mean, that is amazing, domtime I have a primary. It's only of all registered Republicans in the state of Connecticut have voted. Well, there's only twelve thousand registered Republicans in the whole state I'm talking about. Sorry, alright, I gotta run. But all right, Kimberly, that's what a dumb time to have a primary in the middle of August on a Tuesday. People don't have their brains straight. All right, We'll take a quick break. We'll come back. So we also know who was a mediator between Trump and Russian government who met with ex adviser of Trump, Mr Flynn. It was the Russian singer where famous singer Arcadio Kupnik, who met with Mr Flynn on Brighton Beach in Brooklyn in a special Russian cafee Langeron. What's the Langeron Langeron? Yes, it's an other Brighton Beach, Okay, And it's a special right. It's a Russian district in Brooklyn. And do you know what was discussed? They discussed many things, but the most interesting thing is they use the special They used the special password before before their meetings, when they met each other. They said, whether it's good on Jerry buster Scare, whether the trains is good? And where? Whether it's good on Jerry Bososca. There is a name of a street in Ardessa. Did you did you hear? Yes? I did. We are asking people what they would do if President Trump were to show up at this march. Some of the answers have been pretty stunning. Uh here they are, whould you do Donald Trump? Shout up about the Trumper? Hurd him, murder him for the people. How about you, man? I'm Trump to get on the on the floor hest those toilets himself because you don't know how to clean. He needs to learn. He needs to learn how to clean trunks and toilets. I mean, yo, he's America's Caesar, except so you gotta take him down. Trump Trump Trump, If it came down to it, and it was a group effort. We'd have to do him like a duffy, like a doffy. Yeah, what would you do? Don Trump showed up? Yeah, I'm gonna will out. I'm gonna will out. Yeah, yeah, you come on? Yeah, honest, all right, I go to tattood. I wouldn't do that. Was that I get a tattoo? Come up? I would chance to come up. You wouldn't. Yeah? How about you? What would you do? I watch this smack smack him? Yes, I won't smack them that like? Yeah, all right, how about you? Sir asked on he'd be like a pimp. Stop if the president shut up this march? What will you do, sir? Beat his ass? Trump show up today? What would you do? Sir? Bell at him? You throw a bell at him? All right? What would you say? Tell him? Alright? What's that shirt? Say? Company on his leg? What's that I kiss on his legs? Tell? Yeah? I will tell his wife could go home and for him to get on his ja and get the g out of here, and want to to get out of here too? Yeah, be close. He uh, he hates everybody, but he forgets his wag his own immigrant to um, I wouldn't say anything, because if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. And with this kind of inspiration, I will go and take Trump out tonight. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. Who's the last time at your assassinated the President? I want to clarify I'm not an actor him. However, for a while, maybe it's to dare you say the things he does? Of course I want to punch him in affair. The press always asked me, don't I wish I were debating him. No, I wish you were in high school. I could take it behind the gym. That's what I wished, all right? There you hear? That was from the what Well c ann described as an anti hate counter rally. I heard a lot of hate and a lot of talk of assassination, and a lot of talk of slapping, hitting, beating, punching the President of the United States if they had the ability to. But none of it should surprise us, considering all the rhetoric that we've heard out of Hollywood and from left wingers, and what we've been watching with Pam Bondi and Secretary Nielsen and Sarah Sanders and the Trump family and even the the president's wife and daughter and kids and granddaughter. I mean, nothing surprises me, even his twelve year old son and four year old granddaughter. Nothing at this point surprises me. All right, joining us now, he's with the Hill. He covers all things media and has been on through all these crazy media cycles. He's kind of a unique island in the media. And as much as he's actually a little fair and balanced and uh calls out his fellow people in the media, I guess that takes you out of the circle or the loop or the I don't know what you want to call it, but I mean, they've got this bubble that they live in on Twitter and amongst themselves, and they seem to just think alike, use the same words and phrases and sentences and spin. I'm not yeah, Sean, I'm not in the trust try anymore. I guess no longer allowed in the group. You know, I don't really care. I don't want to be on the big panels and go to the big parties. I just want to call balls and strikes like any m should. Everybody's so compromise at this point and mainly even a lot of media reporters are. And that's a shame because we're supposed to be the refs and when they're even being compromised, and we got probably compromised. I mean, they've gone all in anti hate Trump. I mean it's not even you know. This is what the media doesn't seem to understand, is that there's a reason that trust in them is now at an all time low and getting lower. And I think this is one of the big reasons why they're all losing audience and losing in ratings wars, because they are, you know, predictable, and they have opinion and they try to serve it up as their news channel and they're not a news channel. Well that's right, and we've talked about this before. You're an opinion maker, right, and yeah, I know you break news on your show through like the John Solomon's and the Sarah Carters and the Greg Jared's, and I get that completely, but mainly you're an opinion guy, and a lot of these peoplesually beg to differ. Okay, go ahead. I'm a talk show host. Talk show host, you where many there's many roles associated with it. You don't call yourself an anchor. Correct, Well, you know, I mean I'm if I said I'm a journalist and that that puts me in a very narrow scope. But a talk show host, I do plenty of straight interviews. I think I did a straight interview with uh Jack Dorsey of Twitter or Roseanne Barr. I think I do straight interviews all the time, where it's just okay, give me answers to specific questions on the news of the day, but mostly you're where you're at now because of your opinions and your your your convictions, right, that's what you give strong opinion. I also interview newsmakers, We break news, we do investigative reporting. I use sources, and it's all encompassing. When you talk about what a talk show host does, we do do journalism and we do do opinion. We do both. In other words, I would say we're the whole newspaper. We're there, the news division of the newspaper, and they they claim to be, but they're not. Right. Okay, so you're not just the outbed, but you also are that you're saying you're you're that you're a hybrid. Well we'll put it that way. Yeah, Look, I mean, I think that's a lot of the problem here that so many people are called anchors when they're clearly giving opinions. I know, I know you mentioned, uh, you know, Chris Cuomo and Antifa, and you know, he's still listed if you look at to see them Bio as an anchor. Don Lemon's listed as an anchor or, Anderson Cooper. Yet they all have commentary, very provocative commentary on their programs, and I think when people here that they're saying, wait a minute, you're supposed to be the anchor. You're supposed to be giving us facts and let us decide at home what what our conclusions should be. But you know, the the Antifa commentary by Cuomo last night certainly getting a lot of play. And you know, I just remember when when Chris actually sent out a tweet last year and I didn't even see what Chris said. I wasn't talking about him specifically at all. But I will say this that they were covering this as an anti hate protest. That look, there were two thousand ignorant races morons that showed up in Washington, but by the coverage leading up to it, you would have thought, you know, a million people were going to show up at twenty right. I think that it was like, doesn't yeah, you can even get a football game together with that. By the way, I have no problem with people standing up against ignorant, racist, hateful people at all. Who would right, yeah, yeah, But but with the Cuomo's point, I think that he had said that, uh, you know, Antifa should not be compared to Basically he defended them, saying that you know, they're standing up to hate, therefore that makes it okay. And uh, you know, you can read about on the Hill today. I think it's on media as well as it's gotten some play. But you know, you gotta look at it, like you know. He also had a tweet of a year ago who where he showed Allied troops storming Normandy on D Day and saying, this is the same thing as uh, Antifa protesters, right because they're fighting Nazis. And now now, when when both sides are using violence to bring home a point, I say, you can equate them. I don't think there is any difference between. I've heard a lot of hate in the tape that the Daily Caller put together as they went into that rally, and and I experienced it recently myself when I was in London and I went into the middle of an anti Trump protest there. It was a little shocked that everybody there knew who I was. They were not particularly happy that I was there, and I didn't stay particularly long for a lot of obvious reasons. But um, you know, there there are calls for and talks of really violent attacks, even assassination of our president. And it's done daily, and it's done openly, and it wasn't hard to get these comments from people, right and put it up. Put the shoe on the other foot. Let's pretend it's two thousand ten, okay, And let's say members of the Tea Party marched and rallied, and reporters were sent into those rallies, and you had Tea Party members saying I want to assassinate the president at that time, right it could you imagine they would be shamed out of existence. Not that the Tea part didn't get a lot of bad press already, but they would be shamed out of existence. And I can't believe that we're hearing people defend Antifa, because if you're gonna defend Antifa and say, well, they're fighting hate therefore that makes it okay. Then I guess we should have rooted for Stalin as well because he was on the side against the Germans as well World War Two. That makes him a good guy. No, you could have both bad people on both sides, and that's clearly the case here and threatening to assassinate the president in attacking reporters, including Cal Perry from NBC. Again, we hear the media screech about these things so much, then we have to stand up and support the media whenever they're attacked. But it seems like they want a Trump supporter to be doing the attacking. But when Antifa does it, it gets ignored. The bias and omission against strikes. They're they're offender of the president, saying that the press is fake news and fake news is the enemy of the people. They're they're they if they're worried about potential violence against them, and you and I both know the reality. If you're in the public eye, you've experienced it. I've experienced more than I've ever brought in these airways. I've had threats against my life. I have had all sorts of incidents that I've had to deal with over the years. Unfortunately, that's the reality of being in the public eye. And I don't want any of my colleagues to do it. I don't want if I'm ever at any conservative event and anyone ever when I after the press, you know me, I'll be the first one to dive in and defend whoever is being attacked. And you're very capable of doing that too. From the very whole Cobra Kai thing that you've got going on. Uh, it's uh, we do some serious, serious training every day. It's it's hard work, but I would do it because it's the right thing to do. But words are different, you know, saying chanting fake news or CNN sucks is not the same as you know what we're hearing. I want to murder the President. I'd kill him, I'd i'd slap him, I'd punch him, I'd think an awful lot about you know whatever blowing up the White House. Yeah. Look, and you look at guys like you know, Ben Shapiro, even Guy Benson, right, and Guy Benson is not exactly provocateur. And he was telling me not too long ago that when he goes on college campuses and tries to just give a speech, right and you think Guy Benson, you're not thinking like Milo here. I mean, this is somebody who's just a regular conservative, and hundreds of thousands of dollars and securities needed to protect guys like Guy Benson or Ben Shapiro. So everybody's got it bad. And I think when the medium media tries to play the victim of oh boy, you know, we're we're getting mocked and we're getting chanted at. You know, well, you know that happened to Sarah Sanders, and it happened Kristen Nielsen, and it happens to a lot of people out there, And it's not just the media, And I think it's just the way the country is right now. We're all very polarized and no one knows how to have a conversation anymore. Yeah, alright, more with Joe Concho on the other side, he is a writer for The Hill. Right, as we continue with Joe Concha, he is a media writer for The Hill. Let me, um, let me ask you this question. Do you see the biggest story that I and Sarah and Gregg and so many others have been talking about in the media ignores And to me, it is the biggest dereliction of duty we've I have ever seen in the media in our lifetime, and I guess what it is. Yeah, I will say it's probably the fact that you had a campaign, during a presidential campaign, that colluded with a foreign spy to get information from the Russians to take down another political candidate. That is conspiracy conclusion. I'm not I'm not a lawyer, but I I have logic. It doesn't get covered. And I think the reason why is they said, well, Hillary didn't win, so that's her punishment. That's not the focus because Trump is president. No, it absolutely should be because the evidence is there. While we haven't seen the evidence yet against Trump as far as any collusion, correct, well, we haven't seen that. We have seen Hillary pay for We now know Boughton paid for Russian lies that was disseminated to the American people, UH in the lead up to a campaign that influenced their vote. It was never verified or corroborated by the FBI or or the Department of Justice, but it was used as the basis of a fiser warrant. They never told FIS. The court judges that it was paid for by Hillary Clinton an important O mission. UH. And we also know that that if you really care about Russia and you really care about Russian interference, well, Barack Obama missed all the warnings of devon newness and the like and lecture Trump to stop whining. And we have Adam Schiff on tape talking to Russians trying to dig up dirt on Donald Trump naked pictures and the like, and he's giddy about it, and yet all of that is ignored. Well why cover that, Sean? When am Rosa's father's brother's nephew's former roommate once heard from another friend that maybe Trump said the N word at one point. I mean, that's the thing. Like where amor Rossa is getting all the media coverage now when she has contradicted herself, when she's been caught in several lives, when she's made up things that are impossible to believe, like Donald Trump swallowed a piece of paper as if to destroy evidence. The germophobe did that really? And even Michael Cohen, here's no fan of President Trump, said I never saw anything like that when amar Rossa said he was right in the room. So that alone should have her dismissed from any media coverage or any interview that happens. She should be getting raked over the coals, and instead it's Michael Wolf, Fire and Fury Part two. Where we treat where we treat basically gossip. Gossip is gospel. And and then she's going to dominate the news cycle for the next two weeks when it's been proven that she lies, exaggerates, and has no credibility. But it doesn't matter to anybody because the narrative is the end goal here in terms of anything that can make the president look that. Yeah, it's pretty unbelievable. All right, Joe Concho, We appreciate you for being with us, and uh, thanks for your time. Thanks for your commentary, which is in a world of bias. Honestly, it is refreshing because you're basically an island onto yourself now in terms of a little bit of objectivity and in analyzing news. Thanks for being one of the stakes I've invent to my own party, by the way, the Pregnantist Party. What do you think? Appreciate it? Go conscience. Thank you to the top of the hour, the hot news, the burning issues. All you need to know eighty four days toll the mid term elections, the most important mid terms in our lifetime. There's no other way to put it. All right, let's get to our phones. Norfolk, Virginia. We have Pat standing by Pat Hi. How are you glad you called Sean? Thank you for taking my call, Thank you for calling. I am an eighty two year old, very conservative Republican, so I'm not a liberal. So I want you to know this one. I take you on, why are you supporting Dot Donald Trump? Well, because I went into great detail about this yesterday. If you were listening to the program Tom and I was listening at home, So okay, no, that's fair. Well, I'll give you the reasons I think he I think conservatism. I'll start with this a broad overview. Conservatism works. Conservative philosophy helps the forgotten men and women that suffered under Obama's policies, that have now been suffering for almost ten years. We see the proof in the pudding. I didn't even think things would turn around this quickly, but they are. And I agree with the President that we're over tax, not under tax. He gave us the biggest tax cut in history. I believe that government regulation has created a stifling environment towards business, which, yeah, Obama was right. If we kept all of that big government regulation, we would not be able to see manufacturing centers and factories going up, Nor would the President be able to appeal to businesses to continue to invest trillions of dollars in cities like Cleveland, and in Ohio, and and in Michigan and in North Carolina, Wisconsin. And that's all happening. So it works. We see it with four million new jobs, two million fewer people on food stamps. I agree with the President. He has now opened up American energy possibilities in a way that it has never been before, which gives us not only the opportunity to become energy independent, but also allows America to create millions of high paying career jobs for our fellow citizens. That is important to me. I agree with the President that we've got to build a wall to secure our southern border. I've been down there fourteen times. I've I've seen the crime, I've seen the drug warehouses, I've seen the tunnels. I've been out all over the place on the border. The statistics speak for themselves, but we can have a big open door and just vet people before they come in where an inviting country. Um. I agree with the President's peace through strength and making Jerusalem the capital of Israel, which many presidents promised and never delivered on. UM appreciative that he pulled out of that ridiculous Iranian deal and is not you know, dropping billions of dollars in cash and other currency on the harmack of of Mala's that that chant death to our country. I'm glad what he's been able to accomplish with Isis and degrading them to the extent that he has. UM. I agree with the President's tough position on North Korea China. I think we're getting better trade deals because he's willing to just negotiate. I don't think any of this is about a trade war. I think it's about better deals and free and fair trade with reciprocity. So uh, that's the shortlist of what I like about this president. And he's also a guy that is fearless and gets things done, and he takes on one issue after another. He also got rid of the individual mandate on healthcare and his fault like hell to get rid of Omama Care altogether. Okay, Now the reason I called you is I remember Ama Rosa. See, this is what sparked me to call you on Monday, because I watched Chuck todd sup interview of her. I have been working as a volunteer on campaigns. I mentioned to you I was eighty two years old. Since I was in my teens, I have never missed a vote in my community, even the Sore Commission. I worked on Jeb Bush's campaign and the last presidential election. Now, all those many many things that Trump is doing, I agree with, but he waters them down by his ugliness. Now, you know, to say am Arosa, I don't agree with a lot of things she did because I know I don't know her personally, but I met her on the Apprentice to call her low life? You know what, do this in the privacy of your office, hit the wall and put a make a hole into it. But why does he have to character assassinate everybody? And you know what, John, I have voted at every presidential election for over sixty years. I walked out of the polls two years ago, left it blank and in I now moved to Norfolk. I was in New Hampshire for thirty two years, and you know what a great state that is for politicians. I am going to work my backside eight off to get trim Trump out, not impeach you, but I'm gonna work in two thousand twenty to get another good Republican there. And I'm looking at Jeff like Sean, I love you. I mean, I have a son that your age, and my son thinks Trump is the greatest. But I can't stand that. Man Ian. What you're basically telling me is you don't like style. What you're basically telling me is that. And by the way, I get where you're coming from. I've had this discussion with many people You're talking about style. President Trump is never ever going to be the quintessential um establishment like and I mean this in all sincerity. President, It's not him. But I do think that things are so bad that America. It's sort of like, I don't know, if you've ever had a pull or taken care of a pull. It's a pain in the neck. Don't bother getting one, it's not worth it. But you sometimes have to shock the wall or shocked the system. I think America's political system needs this electric shock that Trump is bringing to it. And by that I don't I think I think both parties have become corrupt. You mentioned Jeff Flake. You know, with all due respect He's not somebody that can get a thing done in Washington. He's not somebody that is gonna make promises and fight like hell to get it accomplished. You know, I think the fact that the president fights so hard is been a blessing overall for the American people. I know it hurts some people's feelings, but I don't know. Maybe it's maybe it's the fact that I grew up in New York. I'm just not offended by it. I'm not offended by words. I don't feign this outrage every day that everyone in the media seems to feign. I look at the results, and I look at the promises made and the promises kept, and I find it refreshing. I look at him call out people for what they are and who they are, swamp sewer creatures, and and they're being exposed in ways that we never imagined. You know, when he came down on that escalator in UM, it doesn't upset me. I understand your level of being upset. But if you say you're a conservative, I don't see Jeff Flake as a conservative at all, UM, and I don't see that he has anywherewithal to get a thing done and that's part of Washington's problem. Weak Republicans, inept Republicans, spineless for Republicans, Republicans full of fear and not courage, no vision, the people perish. They can't even keep their promise of seven years to repeal and replace healthcare. It's pathetic to me, and so I feel very strongly that this is a moment in time. America deserves action, and President Trump is an action president. And sometimes when you're doing action, you're gonna step on a lot of tolls and pistol a lot of people off. And frankly, if as long as it's for the good of the American people, I don't mind, by the way, one other thing on my list conservative justices. I don't think there's one thing, if you're a conservative, that he has accomplished that I named to you that you can disagree with. In New York, Parker, can you hear me, Sean, Yes, ma'am, I hear you loud and clear. Well. I moved to New York in the fifties Middle America, met my husband. He's a New Yorker, same as you. But if he was alive today, he'd be ninety two. I couldn't believe how caustic New Yorkers were. So you know what, we were married in sixty I dragged him out of that city to Atlanta in sixty one and we never returned. You know what changed my life? You're gonna love this, Pat? Well know well that and I lived in this house. And by the way, I prefer that, Pat, I would leave here tomorrow if I could get out of here. I don't want to live in New York. I hate New York. Well, that's right. You lived in Atlanta where my son I was born at Peachtree Hospital, and he's fifty six years old. How old are you? I'm fifty six years old. You're old enough to be my mom. Yes, ma'am. Of course I'm old enough to be Listen. I'm only saying, and you didn't answer this part of my question. I know I've heard you loud and clear on style. But between judges and immigration and tax cuts, ending burdensome regulation, energy piece through strength, you know, Jerusalem ran North Korea? Are you saying that as a conservative that you disagree with all these accomplishments you don't like at so for you, it's all style, it's if you know what damn it, he can change that. I mean, for somebody that gets that's upset with people style, you just said, damn it, I wish he'd changed that. I mean, you've got a pretty tough core yourself, because it's hitting my hot button. And I've never called a talk show host until now. He could have come out and he could have said to the reporters, I'm sorry that Ama Rossa is going, but she just didn't. And and basically, you want him to be somebody he's not. He listened most politicians, and this is an interesting observation you're making. We'll spend their entire career years hiding who they really are and creating a false image of themselves. You know, Donald Trump's the opposite. Donald Trump wear He wears it all on his sleeves and he you know where he stands, and he doesn't hold back. And in a way, if you look at it a different way, it's kind of refreshing that he's not b ssing us. Jeff Flake, to me, who you mentioned, is the biggest phony I've ever seen in d C. I I gosh, you're too smart for him. I told you I'm going to investigate Jeff Flake. I don't support anybody unless I dig deep into them a snowflake. Well, okay, I'll look at somebody else. But I am going to work damn hard in two thousand to make sure Trump doesn't win the primary. I hope I can make a difference. Well, I love your passion. You sound like a wonderful person. And uh, I hope you feel that this was a worthwhile experience as your first talk radio call. We hope you'll call back again. I love talking to you, Sean. I really you're very sweet, You're very kind. I hear the goodness in your voice. I just um, I would just say to you, this country is headed It was headed down, a headed down on a on a slope that really frightened me. I think that we're exposing all of these flaws of the deep state ought to scare every American. I think we're at a precipice, a tipping point for the country, for our constitutional republic. And this is not a time to be soft spoken. I think there's a time to be you know, gentle, and there's a time to be forceful. And right now is a forceful period. And you know what we need to fix the country for the sake of our fellow Americans, and for me, that's all that I care about. I don't. I'm not in this for me. I'm not in this for fame, money, anything anymore. I'm done. I just do it because I really think that this country is at a tipping point. If we don't fix it, we're gonna lose this great gift that I believe it was divine providence from God. I love you like a son because, like I said, I'm out in the car every day, so I listen to you every day. Now I'm gonna tell you something. He's going to dump on you down the line because he dumps on everybody. And when that happens, I'm gonna fly for Norfolk dinner. Let me tell you something. There's nothing anybody in this world can say about me anymore that I care about. I have given up this idea that that I have to please people to um be happy, and I don't. This isn't a selfish you know, um as Just the reality is is you either know who you are where you stand, or you don't. And I am standing in my core. I know my heart is with the forgotten men and women of this country that have suffered needlessly because of, frankly, the horrific policies of government. And I want to do all I can because I still lemn that person to make sure that every American has the opportunities that God has blessed me with in my life. And if you want to call me names, he wants to call me names. The liberal media calls me names. I just don't care. I'm not going to live my life caring what other people think about me. I just refused to live that way with you more when I was about your age, I stopped caring. You gotta know it's it's it's freeing because in the sense that if I cared what these people said about me, I couldn't function every day. No, I wouldn't be able to be who I am, and I'm I am being blunt, brutally honest with you. I love this country and I see a chance to fix it, and I want to take advantage of it fully. Well, I've been doing that for years, And as I said, you know, one person can make a difference. But anyway, I God bless you. What about the woman that used to call you all the time, and she brought her grandchildren into New York to your office. I can't think of her name. I don't remember. Um, Linda, do you remember who she's talking about? No, I don't look. You know, if you think about it, you let us know you. Listen, take Linda's number. We'll give you a number you can call us whenever you want to yell at me. Okay, Well, did I really yell at you? I didn't mean to yell at you. You were not you were very respectful and kind, or you're good. I know, I don't know. I think I need to jump in Pat and say, say you gave him a little bit in New York today. I don't know. I don't know. I think you went a little New York on me, is right? I think Linda for is absolutely right. There you go, Pat, that's right there, own it. It was living in New York in the fifties. I was a flight attendant with United and that was a lovely job. It was a great job. That was your Those were the good old days. Now a flight attendant, I don't think it's as good a job as it used to be. All right, listen, we love you, Thank you, Pat, God bless you. You're welcome anytime, and we do appreciate your being with us and being out there, and I think this was a worthwhile call for a lot of people. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up for tonight. All Right, do huge developments as it relates to Deep State Gate. It is now unraveling even more deeply than we thought. Well of the latest details, Sarah Carter Mark Penn joins us tonight, we'll get the legal analysis from Greg Jarrett and David Shoon, also Jesse and Jessica and Dan Bongino, Sebastian Gorka and how obsessed the media is with their new favorite star Amarossa. That and more tonight at nine Hannity Fox News. Will see you then, and we'll see you back here tomorrow.