Guest Host Jonathan Gilliam shares a story about a $20 bill and how God changed his life with a simple gift..
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You know, it's hard to find a person that doesn't totally love this great holiday spirit we have every year, and well everyone is into the season of giving. Don't forget the best way to ring in the holidays is to send your friends, your loved ones, your coworkers a beautiful, vibrant bouquet from our friends at one eight hundred flowers dot com make them happy this year one eight hundred flowers. They have a vast election of elegant roses, lilies, daisies and much more. And the best part is the only so you can deliver one eight hundred flowers seasonal bouquet to any friend, co worker, love one. It's the perfect way to let them know how much they mean to you, especially during the holidays. One eight hundred flowers is the only company I trust to deliver fresh flowers from the field for of course, our holiday gift giving. Now to get beautiful and vibrant bouquets starting at just just go to one eight hundred flowers dot com, use your desktop your mobile device, click on the radio icon and put in my last name, Hannity one eight hundred flowers dot com. Don't forget to click on the radio icon put in my last name, Hannity. I want to share with everybody because they were close to Christmas. The story about the small silent voice or whisper of God that's in our heads all the time, that we tend to ignore because of our busy lives, because of our jobs, or our drama that's going on in our families, because we've heard Lina done him say something that's absolutely stupid. But here's what I want you to all to hear, because I know we all have these stories. Maybe you didn't know who was talking to you in your mind. I was working at a gym in Pasadena, California. Uh, this is back in I don't know, Like I'd had a motorcycle crash when I was living with my sister and she had to move and I had nowhere to live, basically, so I moved in the gym where I was working, and I lived upstairs in the gym, twenty four hour gym. I don't even know if they knew. I'll just go through a blanket down up there on some mats and go to sleep every night and get up and do my shift. And I was in uh the office one day, and and a guy comes in and says, hey, I'm a marine from Camp Pendleton. I um had a big breakup with my girlfriend and I lost all my money this weekend and I need to get back down to Camp Penpton. Can somebody give me twenty dollars? Well, I just gone back to work and all I had in my pocket was twenty dollars. A kid, you not, that was all I had was a twenty dollar bill. And I watched everybody in that office, who I knew they had money, They you know, said no, sorry, we don't have any money. We can't help you out. He went from person to person and they were kind of wanting to get him out of the gym. And this voice kept telling me giving your twenty dollars. I kept saying to myself, No, I'm not gonna give me that twenty dollars. It's all I got left, and I'm not gonna get paid for another week. I'm tired eating beanie wheenies and chili every day at the bar next door. So I followed the guy outside. I knew who was talking to me, and I walked up to the guy and said, hey, listen, here's twenty bucks, and uh god, bless you and thank you for service. He said, well, give me your dress. I'll send it back and said, no, no, no no, that's God's money. God told me to give you that money. Have a have a good trip. I hope everything works out with your fiance, your girlfriend. I never saw the guy again. About five minutes later, I'm sitting in the gym sweating because I don't know where I'm gonna get money to eat, and I don't wanna have to ask people for money. And but I I followed what God had told me. I followed that that's that whisper in your mind of what to do. And a few minutes later, this guy walks by. He's got this T shirt it's gonna cross on. It's about a music group. And I said, hey, I like your your T shirt there, brother, and uh, we started talking. I walked outside talking to him, and I mentioned to him, you know how important it is to listen to that voice, because this is a new lesson that had been pumped back into my brain. And um, I told him I gave this guy twenty dollars. I didn't tell him that I didn't have any more money. I just told him about giving this guy twenty dollars and we talked a little bit more and I said, nice to meet you. I hope to talk to again. He goes to walk off. He turns around, he says, you know what. He reaches his back pocket. He pulls out forty dollars and he hands me forty dollars and I said, what's that for. I said, God told me to give that to you, and I don't question God. I was shocked. I was shocked because I don't expect that to happen to people all the time. But in an instant, God had taught me a lesson, and that lesson carried forward my entire career, my entire life, all to steal training. When things were terrible and men were having to look at their souls and quit right there, I knew that God had told me to be there, and then if I persisted that I would be what he wanted me to be. Now, I'm no way shape or form the man that he wants me to be. I have my faults and I still have a long ways to go. But that lesson that I learned in an instant, because I list into that small voice, is a lesson that can pay off bigger than any college degree. Bigger than any going to performance of Hamilton and thinking that you know everything. Trust me, folks, Trust me. If you listen to God this Christmas, if somebody says they need something, help him out. If you have faith, he'll restore what you have, and in some