The more facts appear the more it's clear we had no other choice but to leave the Paris Accord....
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Hey, with optimism once again on the rise in America. The working people of this country are more important than ever. Well, now they have a podcast that celebrates them and tells their stories On the Job from Hired to Retired. Also new podcasts from our friends that Express Employment Professionals that digs into the lives of men and women at work and explores their journeys as they fight to make the American dream of reality. On the Job takes the listener through the ups and downs of making a living in America. Now check out the new podcast on the Job from Hired to Retired on I Heart Radio, iTunes, or wherever you download your favorite podcasts, or just go to Express pros dot com slash podcast for more information. So the President's decision today to pull the plug on Obama's decision to sign into this Paris climate hoax accord couldn't have come a moment too soon. You know. Then the next step on that agenda is a four trillion with a t trillion dollar global warming tax that would torpedo America's economy and everyone else's economy. Investors. Business Daily pointed out that a new report by thirteen economists was on old global warming. True believers call for this four trillion dollar global global carbon tax to avoid dangerous climate change. As as Britain's Independent reported, there's no evidence that a carbon tax of that magnitude would do anything other than crush the world economy, making billions of people poor