Morning Minute: Trump Taxes - 3.17

Published Mar 17, 2017, 10:00 AM

The liberal media had a field day this week with the unauthorized release of President Trump's taxes.  With all the commotion, it's hard to see the truth... namely, he paid over $38 million in taxes, a higher rate than NBC!  If this is the reaction the media will have over a payment that high, it's not a surprise why the President is holding on to his returns.  

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You don't look. Last night, we got new evidence as it relates to this deep state, shadow government Obama holdover saboteurs breaking laws in an effort to de legitimize the president. It is now focus one of the left. They are obsessed in spite of no evidence and as a matter of fact, now emerging news to the contrary about a Russia Donald Trump connection now one of And this was what all that happened at NBC the other night. You got all these all left propaganda destroy Trump media people. They got their hands on a Trump two thousand and five tax return and you saw utter, complete, breathless reporting NonStop. Now, the problem is is when you get somebody's tax return and you make a public news people have protection. Journalists have protection. That's not NBC's problem, but it is a problem for whoever got the tax return and leaked at that. Like in the case of these intelligence leaks, those are called felonies, in this case five years in prison of felony. Now that can result in a lot of people. Now, potentially, when this investigation moves forward, it's a great potential that a lot of people will be will be charged and probably spending jail time That's how bad that is. Now when you have criminal offenses, you know, and then the then the whole substance of the issue. We paid thirty eight million dollars on a hundred and fifty million dollars in income, not a scandal, a higher rate than the parent company over at NBC. And the bottom line is that if he pays more of a rate than a Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders and NBC Comcast, why is this in such a big story? Now? If I'm Donald Trump, if this is how they're going to react to two pages of his tax returns, I wouldn't release the thing to them.

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