The press isn't mentioning it but the real crime with Russia is not anything that Donald Trump or Michael Flynn did. Let's look at where 20% of our uranium supply went, under Hillary's guidance!
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Hey, with optimism once again on the rise in America. The working people of this country are more important than ever. Well, now they have a podcast that celebrates them and tells their stories. On the Job from Hired to Retired. Also new podcasts from our friends that Express employment Professionals that digs into the lives of men and women at work and explores their journeys as they fight to make the American dream of reality. On the Job takes the listener through the ups and downs of making a living in America. Now check out the new podcast On the Job from Hired to Retired on I Heart Radio, iTunes, or wherever you download your favorite podcasts, or just go to Express pros dot com slash podcast for more information. If we really care about Russia collusion, can we just start with uranium? One of America's uranium handed over to Vladimir Putin because of a Hillary Clinton signet and millions funnel back to the Clinton Foundation. You've got a deep state that is leaking. What's the deep state? The deep state is the intelligence community, the same people that leaked on Flynn, the same people leaking in the Washington Post, the New York Times and every other news outlet because what they think they're better, they're superior, They think they know who should be president over you, the American people. You know, why isn't a deep state being investigated? Why isn't Flynn's leaker being investigated. Why isn't Loretta Lynch being investigated for obstruction of justice for crying out loud? Why isn't Hillary Clinton in jail at this point? You know, when, why don't we gonna investigate the real crimes? We know where they're committed here