Morning Minute: Snopes and Facebook? - 12.21

Published Dec 21, 2016, 11:00 AM

Facebook has announced that they'll partner with to serve as a fact check for their content.  Is that crazy?  Mark Simone thinks so.. if you have the time to listen to him.

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You know, it's hard to find a person that doesn't totally love this great holiday spirit we have every year, and well everyone is into the season of giving. Don't forget the best way to ring in the holidays is to send your friends, your loved ones, your coworkers a beautiful, vibrant bouquet from our friends at one eight hundred flowers dot com make them happy this year one eight hundred flowers. They have a vast election of elegant roses, lilies, daisies and much more. And the best part is the only so you can deliver one eight hundred flowers seasonal bouquet to any friend, co worker, love one. It's the perfect way to let them know how much they mean to you, especially during the holidays. One eight hundred flowers is the only company I trust to deliver fresh flowers from the field for of course, our holiday gift giving. Now to get beautiful and vibrant bouquets starting at just just go to one eight hundred flowers dot com, use your desktop your mobile device, click on the radio icon and put in my last name, Hannity one eight hundred flowers dot com. Don't forget to click on the radio icon put in my last name, Hannity. There was a guy on the radio, this is like the fifties and sixties, and his name was Jean Shepherd. He's the guy that wrote that Christmas movie what's it called? You know about the boy with the red flyer sled Christmas story? That was his, That was his best story. It was about him. But he would come on the radio every night for an hour, eleven o'clock at night, he would tell one story about his childhood that would last an entire hour. And he would tell him like this, and he would start the story, a little music would play under and for an entire hour we tell this one little anecdote and people would sit there riveted. Now it's two thousand and sixteen. If you don't get to the point in like a half a millisecond, everybody switched in the dial. This guy as big as he was. He see he said his victor. A lot of people like him. A hundred years later, they remember him, they revere him. If you can't get to the point in four seconds, now, everybody shut off. It's a whole different world. So I guess I guess it was better back now it's better today. Look at this phone. I got everything in the world, like I watched TV, watch movies, read books, do any It's quicker. It's better today. Hey, speaking to which, I want you once again to go to my Twitter feed because I've I retweeted my own tweet. Facebook is gonna use Snopes for fact checking, so I put it now at the top of my Twitter feed. Snopes is not anything real. It's an amateur, homemade, ridiculously stupid website. These two slobs run it. I have a picture of them up on Twitter, Mark Simone in White Twitter. Look at their picture. They're sitting on their Roseanne show couch. That filthy couch is the world headquarters of Snopes, and they're silly looking cats with it. Just go look at that, Mark Simone in White Twitter. Look at that picture. Always picture that when you someone tells you to check Snopes. And this is ridiculous that Facebook is gonna let them decide. These two slobs in California will decide what's fake news. I don't think so.

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