As evidence continues to trickle in, it appears that the untimely death of DNC staffer Seth Rich could be more than just the reported robbery!
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There was a young man d n C Stafford gunned down in Washington on July tenth last year, and his name is Seth Rich. Rod Wheeler, retired d C homicide detective. He was hired by a third party to help the family out to go in and look at this. You know, this was a guy that was shot in the back that they kept saying as a robbery. Everybody had his wallet and he had his watch on. Anyway. At FBI forensic report of of seth Rich's computer, generated within ninety six hours of the murder showed that he had contacts with Wiki Leaks. A federal investigator tells Fox News, I've seen and read the emails between seth Rich and Wiki leaks confirming the McFadden connection, and he said the emails are now in possession of the FBI. We might have to add this to the list of reasons why Comey needed to be fired.