President Obama criticized Wall Street during much of his 8-year tenure but now he's slated to get $400K for an appearance... perhaps Washington did teach him something afterall?
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So after his multiple vacation to Richard Branson's islands and billionaire yacht parties, well, the anointed one Obama, He's now taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from Wall Street delivering speeches. Now. Fox Business Channel reported that Obama is going to get four hundred thousand dollars to speak at a healthcare conference for investment banking and that firm Canador Fitzgerald in September. How nice. How The Daily Caller points out that the hefty payout is the equivalent of the annual presidential salary, and it's roughly seven times the medium house coal hold income in the US. G I guess Obama forgot about what he said about Wall Street full of fat cat bankers. He must have also forgotten all the times that he blamed Wall Street for the financial crisis. So nice to see him following and Bill and Hillary's footsteps