Congress is not moving very quickly on a number of issues and it'll be their own downfall...
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I will say this, on top of all of these vicious, file, hateful leftist attacks against the president, you know that certainly has contributed to an environment where things aren't getting done. But if the Republicans want to hold on to their power, which you know they wanted this in two and they got the House they wanted it in, they got the Senate, will some of us not all of them while we wanted Donald Trump to win the presidency And to me, Congress is moving extraordinarily slow. Minch McConnell's got a finish healthcare. They're talking about a fourth of July vacation then an August vacation. The Freedom Caucus is say no, stop going on vacation. Let's do the work of the American people. That thought process is now gaining momentum, I know in the White House, and I think getting the President's you know, if the president wants, if the Republicans want to stay in power, and the President wants to be successful, it's not going to be the noise and the the iol rhetoric that prevents him from being in office. It's Uh, what's gonna keep him in office is the president keeping his promises