Joe Concha, Fox News Contributor and columnist for The Hill and Miranda Devine, NY Post Columnist, talk about Governor Cuomo’s increasing number of accusations, and the ongoing investigation into his nursing home deaths. They also discuss the interview that Markle and Prince Harry did with Oprah the other night, which has taken the world, and the royal family by storm.
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All right, thanks Scott Shannon, and we're glad you are with us. Right down our toll free telephone number if you want to be a part of the program, it's eight hundred and nine four one Sean if you want to join us. This is you know, this has been a very strange little journey for me. And inasmuch as look, if you're gonna be on the radio and three hours a day and on TV an hour every night, and you give strong political opinions, there's going to be people that do not like what you have to say, which I'm fine with. You're going to be attacked. I'm fine with that too. They're going to There's a whole industry that has been built out on the issue of silencing. They call it no deep platforming or removing conservative voices. That's what a lot of these boycotts are all about. There's an industry that tapes every single second of every minute of every every broadcast day of not only yours truly, but any conservative that's in the media in the hopes that the host will say one thing, one phrase, one sentence that they can then use politically to bludge in them or boycott them, to silence their voices. This is modern day, you know, liberalism, wokeness, cancel culture, whatever new phrase you want to use. It's real, and it's frankly it's a little ironic now that the rest of the world is catching up with basically the life of being a conservative in my case now going on thirty three years, if you can believe. At twenty five at Fox Now, I had been saying all during the campaign that Joe Biden is hiding in his basement bunker. Now this book comes out written by mainstream media people, once from NBC. I forget the background of the other co author, and the book is called Lucky How Biden Barely won the Presidency. And it's not a conservative book. It's not pro Trump at all, it's frankly the opposite. But the book does do an honest analysis on this point, which I actually found the description pretty fascinating. And I was reading it and I invited them on TV. We'll get them on radio if they want to come, and they're welcome anyway. So it basically is take your crazy uncle. It's keep your crazy uncle in the basement campaign strategy of the Biden campaign. Now, and they had a quote, well, somewhat reasonable, I guess, or justifiable or seemingly common sense of Well, because of COVID everything is. Because of COVID. We're going to destroy literally our election system and change the way elections occur, which, by the way, HR one would federalize our elections, which I argue is unconstitutional, and codify you know what, We're only supposed to be emergency voting procedures during the pandemic into the rhetoric of voting rights as anything. But it will destroy all the integrity in our election system and we will never have confidence in a future election. If, in fact, the Democrats get push this through. If Mansion buckles and send them a buckle and they have a fifty fifty vote, they can knock out the legislative filibuster, it will be an unmitigated disaster. Now there will be lawsuits, but they actually try to coordinate in the legislation. Oh, if you have a constitutional challenge, you're gonna have to use the DC Circuit Court. Only now they judge shopped for you in this thing. It's so bad, all right, But back to my original point here, So I call I'm looking at Biden, and we've done this on television, and we've played it on radio. You can hear it, you can see it. We play Biden in twenty twelve debating Paul Ryan. We played Biden given a speech in twenty twelve, we played given a speech in twenty sixteen. We played Biden talking today, and it's now almost every single military day. It is a screw up. And now, oh, he's just too busy. Jensaki is circling back with why he can't give a press conference. There's no president in the modern error at this point in their presidency that hasn't given a full on press conference. And what they're trying to do is buy time every single big moment if you go back and you watch. And I pointed this out at the time, whether it was the virtual Democratic National Convention, they rested Joe and rested Joe and rested Joe before any debate. It was five days off the campaign trail completely, and I was arguing, look to trying to maximize his peak cognitive hour to coincide with what the debate hours are. Okay, conspiracy theory, And what did I say the whole time? He said he's weak. He looks weak to me, he looks frail to me compared to the guy that left four years ago, and he struggling cognitively. It's obvious. Now, what's fascinating about this is that I set it through the whole campaign. Then Joe becomes president, and then Yahoo News Hannity is spreading vicious, horrible conspiracy theory that Joe Biden is weak and frail and struggling cognitively. And I'm looking at this and then I'm getting hit from all sides by the medium mob. And then so I defend myself. And what's the best defense Joe struggling time and time and time again. Now, the reason I'm starting with this, there's a reason is that Joe Biden couldn't remember the name of his own defense secretary nor the building that this defense secretary has his office in. It's called the Pentagon. And I'm gonna play it for you in a second. But so when I started getting hit, which I'm perfectly fine with, you know what I deserve it. Let me be clear, you disagree with me, you have every right as an American to loudly speak out and not want me, you know whatever, criticizing what I say. I don't ever want to cancel any liberal voice. I've done just the opposite of my career. I don't even like certain people, and I've defended their right to stay on the air. I did it to Joy Reid, I did it with her. I did it with Bill Maher. I've done it with every single time conservatives have asked me over the years, joining join us in this boycott, and I'm like, no, I'm not joining. I don't believe in them, because ultimately, that is an effort to silence. Like if people didn't like Howard Stern, they didn't like Rush, they didn't like I missed, I turn the dial. I can't make you listen three hours a day. I can only try my hardest to put on the best show possible in the hopes that you'll listen every day three hours a day. That's all we ask. But anyway, so I started getting hammered. I even mentioned this to Lenda, said, where's this coming from. It's like, did they not hear me throughout the entire campaign? And I My theory on this is is that it took on more significance since January twentieth, at least in the minds of the mob, the media, or as I pointed out during the campaign, and even afterwards the candidate Protection program like Big Tech wouldn't let you read what was a true story about what was on. By the way, we still haven't gotten the full story. I've been briefed on what's on that laptop, and none of it's good for the Biden's Joe or Hunter, and that will come out. Why am I not breaking it? I have my reasons now, and I've interviewed the guy that repaired the laptop, the guy that handed it over to the FBI. In the FBI, I didn't even want it in the beginning. He didn't want any part of this anyway. So long story short to say, let me play this latest brain freeze a Biden. He forgets the name, by the way, as to Fense secretary does have a name. His name is Lloyd Austin. And anyway, He's given a speech at the White House after highlighting his nomination of two women as general officers for positions as four star combatant commanders air Force, an Air Force general general and an Army lieutenant general, and then he can't remember the name of his Defense secretary nor where he works. Listen, I just want to thank you both, and I want to thank you secret me, the former general, I keep calling him general, the guy who runs that outfit over there. I want to make sure we thank the secretary for all he's done to try to implement what we just talked about. The guy that runs the outfit over there, the guy that and just look what's been happening in recent weeks. He gets lost and I got a card. Let me know, you know, get the card. Should I take questions? Now you want me to take a question? Be the idea that over five hundred I think it's I have a card. I carry a card with a total number of folks who have been effective as incredible talent. Now am I supposed to speak or as swath a you're going to say something I was told I was gonna here's gonna swat and it's amazing. Indians sent Americans are taken over the country. You, my vice president, my speech writer. When I I tell you what the last thing we need is Neander Foal thinking that in the meantime, everything's fine. To take off your mask and I'm happy to take questions if actually I'm supposed to do nance whatever you want me to do. By the way, that happened again today. Now I told you that the foreign press is now picked up on this Sky News Australia Joe Biden struggles to name his defense secretary. Biden seems to forget his defense secretary's name. That guy that runs that outfit over there, that would be his defense secretary, Lloyd Austin that works in that over there, the Pentagon over there, that guy. Now, why do I say all this? And now they're not criticizing me in the media because I just go. What I do is I just play the best of Joe, Joe and his own words. Now it's interesting too. And I've been telling you that there are people Democrats. I know, some Democrats, some prominent ones, and they're like, yeah, trust me, everybody sees what you see, but they're just afraid to say it. Every time he speaks, we're all like on pins and needles, praying they just get him out of there. Just spit it out, Joe, Let's get out of this. Hurry up. A good job, Joe, good job, you got it out. That's how democrats and the media sees it too. But they're not telling you. If it was Trump, they would tell you. But the American people are seeing it. Also, we have a brand new rasp mus some poll out that shows the American people are losing confidence that Joe Biden has the mental acuity or the physical stamina to handle his job as the president of the United States. Washington Examiner, Fifty percent say they are not confident that Joe Biden is quote physically and mentally up to the job of being the president of the United States. And by the way, they're only thirty four percent or very confident that he's up to the job. So I guess, Sean Hannity was, I guess we know why the article stops. The foreign press is talking about. Here's the worst part of the equation. Okay, anybody can have a brain freeze. I've had on myself. We're not talking. This is not the same and doubt by the thing, oh oh, you know the thing, or oh oh, what am I doing here? When we're gonna have let me repeat, we're gonna have three hundred Americans vaccinated into the summer. Let me say it again, three hundred Americans vaccinated in the summer. Look at the headline, Biden brain freeze. Biden struggles to name his secretary of defense American thinker. You may not like I didn't make these headlines crazy old Biden and the countdown to Kamala, red state. Biden's incoherence. Just take critical masks. This is scary awful. Joe Biden forgets his mask again at the White House. In other words, he did it again. He was to wear the darn mask. Walks away without wearing a mask to shake hands. Man. Now he does have a primetime address on Thursday. My guess is he's going to be practicing from now until Thursday night. It was a long you know, before the lead up to a debate with Trunk, they wouldn't see him for five days. You wouldn't see him before any big moment in the campaign. But the rest of the time he was in the candidate protection program, a big tech in the media mob. Now here's the biggest problem. Putin is a hostile actor. It's a hostile regime in Russia. The mulls in Iran, they're watching too, a hostile regime North Korea, same thing. Kim Jong un President Chi China, hostile regime, hostile actor. They're watching a little scary Now, I just want to know, could people know that he was struggling around him before the election. That's my question. And you know, inquiring minds would like to know. So I know some people are gonna say, Hannity, you make fun of the Joe Biden loses his place, and I got a card here, and you know my name is Joe. He can't remember numbers, he can't remember names, he can't remember places, can't remember Endowed by our creator. You know, truth over facts and go home and play the record player just blurts out bizarre things. You know what would be You know it's all Hannity, you're being mean. I'm not being mean. I'll tell you what was mean is the Russia collusion lies for three years dragging the country through hell based on lies and conspiracy theories and a hoax, or denying the American people access to truth and information with the big Tech Biden protection candidate protection program that big Tech provided him, or the medium mob protecting Biden and just going after Trump every second of every day doing Biden's job as he's hidden away in his basement bunker. It's pretty unbelievable. No, I mean, you know it would be mean if if people knew that he really was struggling, and that they let him do this and pursue this anyway. That would be mean, not the fact that Americans have a right to know whether somebody's up to this job. It is the hardest job in the world. I wouldn't recommend it to any of you. I've known many presidents in my life, and I'm telling you you don't want this job. And the people that run for it, God bless them, because it's a hard job and you have a lot of responsibility. But this is getting downright scary at this point. Twenty five till the top of the hour. So it happened again. I told you about the bars in tone, and by well, I think I'm supposed to take questions and bee fade to bars in tone. Anyway, Biden's gone forty eight days in office without holding a press conference, longer than any modern day president. And anyway, aids to the President pushed away, shoot away the traveling press corps as they were shouting questions again, just like they did last week. This is now a big problem. Way do you hear what Jensaki said about the border? Um, those there are a crisis at the border. I don't think we need labels. Let me circle back with you. I'll get to that. Look, I don't think we need to sit here and put new labels on what we have already conveyed. Is challenging. Can you imagine if Donald Trump put kids separated from their parents for long periods of time the way Biden is doing it in cargo shipping containers, not letting any media go inside, with a tiny window with bars on it. But they tell us there are butterflies on the wall. Oh that's so comforting. Latest testing this in the Washington Times. I'll get to this in a minute. Twenty five percent of illegal and you're betting dropped off. In one Texas town, twenty five percent tested positive for COVID nineteen coronavirus. According to the guy that runs the homeless shelter where border patrol agents are bringing the migrants that they're catching and releasing. No wonder why Greyhound is saying, show me a test or you're not getting on. They're trying to protect their customers. I don't blame them. Eight hundred nine four one, Shaun is our number. All right? This just breaking out of Albany, OH headline. Cuomo accused of touching and aided the Executive Mansion. Let me interpret that for you. A sixth woman, number six has come forward to accuse Cuomo of sexual misconduct. And by the way, this includes an accusation this new, according to this Albany The Albany Times Union reported it a six woman has come forward and leveled allegations of sexual harassment or inappropriate conduct against Governor Cuomo. A supervisor in the Executive Chamber recently became aware that the woman had alleged the governor inappropriately touched her late last year during an encounter at the Governor's mansion, where she had been summoned to do work. An official close to the matter today confirmed to the Albany Times Union that the new allegation has been made. The governor's office learned of the matter on Monday. According to an aide, a sixth woman whose identity is being withheld by The Times Union because she could not be reached for common as a member of the Executive Chamber staff, now, I do have another report that names the woman, but you know, I honestly I don't like to do that, and I know if you want to find it out, you can find it. Aids to the governor on Tuesday said the governor stands by his statement he never touched anyone inappropriately. The new allegations by a sixth woman potentially undermine that statement by Cuomo and are certain to intensify pressure. Now, if you're interested in that, don't forget. Now this is the It's very interesting on a couple of levels. And I think there are two things going on simultaneously. When Ron Kim, a Democrat in the Assembly, spoke out about his bullying behavior, and then the media and somebody in the media had followed up and said the same thing. In many ways, I see this as a culmination of treatment of people over time and kind of like it's the straw that broke the camel's back on that part of it. And then to you know, then you watch this whole nursing home scandal. You know, remember a year ago, yet Andrew Cuomo saying, well, I know this sounds arrogant, but I speak for the may all and this one. We have the best healthcare system in the wild. We're not like these other countries. That was one year ago. We'll get into that later. But now the sixth woman has come forward name being withheld at this time and certain to intensify pressure. Now the Democratic legislatures leading the way. The most powerful Democrat in Albany, New York right now is Senate Majority Leader Andrew Stuart Cousins, who on Sunday said Cuomo, a Democrat, should step down. The Assembly speaker a Democrat. They have they have veto proof to veto proof House this year. I mean Republicans are meaningless in this state. To be very blunt, they have no power at all. Anyway. That included the State Assembly Speaker, Karl Heasty, who then fell short of, you know, saying to step down. Question whether he can be remain an effective leader, and you have more assembly men and women, the Lieutenant governor would take over the position. Name is Kathy Holkel. I had to look it up. No offense, I'm not being rude. I just kind of gave up a New York politics because there's nothing that Republicans have no power zero, They can't do anything. They have veto proof majorities. Democrats in the House and the Assembly, forget it. And then a democratic governor states become more radical by the minute. Anyway, she would take over in such a situation. I'm confident everybody's voice will be heard taken seriously. I trust the inquiry to be completed thoroughly and expeditiously. Five of the women now have said this, Now, what's so? You got those two things happening. So I think it's a tipping point as it relates to how people in the media and how people in Albany, even Democrats, feel they've been treated. That's again, that's speculation on my opinion might read on this. The other thing that I think is happening too is I really believe that some of this is probably rooted on a more national basis. Is probably if I'm right in the America and the Rasmussen is right and Joe really struggling the way he's struggling, they might be seeing this as a as an opening for twenty twenty four for a Democrat. And why do I suspect knowing Democrats that play the same playbook every two and four years? You know, Republicans of racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, now transphobic add that to the list, want dirty air and water, and want Grammont Grandpa thrown over a cliff in a wheelchair. Why do I suspect that there are many high ranking Democrats that would want to run for president, assuming Joe Biden's not gonna be there running into in twenty twenty four, and they would love to posture to get Andrew Cuomo out now and make it so he's not viable as a presidential kennidate. That is that an interesting theory, that's all it's meant to be as a theory. But now he's been hit. Albany Union came out with another point, Albany Times investigating a cover up of a bridge's safety and upstate New York. As if he doesn't have enough problems with what happened with the nursing home scandal and the cover up there, and now six women making accusations against him. Anyway, It's been discovered that a signature infrastructure project, a four billion dollars Mario Cuomo Bridge, named after Andrew Cuomo's father, which spans the Hudson Rivers, chock full of structural defects. These defects are so severe, according to the Albany Times Union quote, engineering experts were concerned that the girders could separate and the bridge would collapse without notice. Four billion dollars geez don't worry, j Uncle Joe's going to sign the fifteen billion dollar check for New York and all you read states that elect fiscally responsible governors and state legislatures, you'll be footing the bill for all of this mess. It's a high strength bolts now app that the threads. As an iron worker. This is from the Albany Times Union, Jimmy Jordan used the torque wrench to tighten it into a steel plate connecting two massive girders. Apparently a piece of the broken bolt bounced off an overhang and split his lip open as he looked up. I was in January twenty sixteen and Jordan was part of a team constructing the Tapanzee Bridge replacement at the project's main assembly the site along the Hudson River, about one hundred miles north of the bridge. And it's a four billion dollars twin span and it would ultimately be named the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge. Underway now for a little more than two years. The infrastructure in New York. You think, with all the high state taxes and every tax that they can imagine, it's the worst in the country. Everything's falling apart in New York everything. It's a disaster. It's an unmitigated disaster. I talked to friends that were visiting the President. The President Trump was in New York yesterday and they said they were shocked at what they saw in New York City, and they said, this place is never coming back anyway. It would emerge that dozens of these bolts had similarly broken at the port assembly site, an abnormally high number that indicated the potential for a serious problem. And bolts also had been breaking on the assembled girders loaded onto barges, and even on some pieces already installed on the bridge, including some more than a year after they had been tightened into the plates that hold the girders together. Now, for a structure like a bridge, it was a great piece by the Albany Times Union and High Rises. You talked to any expert, they rightly point out in the piece, even a few broken bolts can weaken the immense splices and result in a catastrophe if collapse here. Now, despite the state's knowledge of this, none of this was on the agenda when the three point one mile bridge was dedicated three years ago, and as Governor Andrew Cuomos ceremoniously drove across it in some nineteen thirty two packard convertible during the formula put in. Four days later, the Attorney General's office met with the tappan Zee Constructors, which built the bridge, to disclose their investigative findings and the allegations the company had defrauded the state and concealed the bolts used old the structure together. We're breaking now. It's a matter of who knows, who knew what when. Anyway, that triggered an investigation by the Inspector General in New York. Later, the state Attorney general allegations the tappan Zee Bridge Constructors had potentially endangered the public, violated the contract, falsely certified the bridge was safe quote, despite concerns from engineering experts that the girders could separating. The bridge could collapse without notice, according to the state's investigations, which moved that slowly. Many workers at the site, some with first hand knowledge of the extent of the broken boats, were never interviewed by investigators. Oh boy, you can't make this up, you really can't. It just is that bad. By the way, it's this is now spreading now to California. It's game on they've got They only needed one and a half million signatures for a recall of Gavin Nusson. They now have one point nine to five million, headed towards two million. The deadline is March seventeenth. Thirty one percent of sample signatures came from people who are not Republicans. Same thing that's happening in New York. Ernie had to jump in to try and save Gavin Newsom. He's urging his supporters out in California to rescue him from a recall. Now you have prosecutors in Michigan investigating their possible nursing homes candle with governors shutdown Whitmer. So that's now happening. Wow, all the talk, I think Donald Trump will ever get credit building the hospitals in New York, manning the hospitals, converting them to COVID capability, sending the hospital ship eighty percent empty. Jensaki is saying, I don't think we need labels. Asked if there's a border crisis, really, because Joe said, we don't have a crisis. Now, we don't need labels. She'll circle back. I'm sure with that on us now. The Washington Times points out twenty five percent of the illegal immigrants dropped off in just one Texas town tested positive for coronavirus. How is that possible? But that's what they're saying. And the border patrol agents are bringing the migrants that they catch and release to this homeless shelter, food and shelter bank, and it's in Harlington, Texas. Said cases likely but not being detected because given the conditions, testing is almost useless. We can't quarantine them, he told commissioners. Even if they test positive, they're gonna leave the next where they go. They're getting on a bus and an airplane and they're gone. And Joe's lecturing us about our mask wearing good grief. This is a mess. They're just lying to the public. DHS chief request volunteers to help at the border after denying there was a crisis last week. What they want the minute men back? Good grief. What a mess. The record number of migrant children detained the border has tripled in two weeks, even the New York Times reported, and these holding facilities are quote akin to jails. Of course, the cargo containers we can't get a look at. Bodies are also starting to turn up at the border. Great one hundred and nineteen thousand migrants have been apprehended since February first. There's not a crisis. That's a crisis. That's a big crisis. And Democrats get schedule. By the way, part of this one point nine trillion dollars fiasco bill healthcare, free healthcare for illegal immigrants. How about giving the money to our vets. How about you know, if you broke it down and you get you can give every American over five grand instead of the waste, fraud, and abuse that they'll be spending in twenty twenty two, three four, and twenty twenty eight as they forced their social liberalism right down our throat. Then do you understand why I'm telling you you can't go away the battle for liberty and freedom and capitalism. There's a lot on the line here. There's no time to disengage, all right, glad you with us our two thanks. Scotch had an eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the I didn't say it on purpose. Mario Quomi had a biden. It's a biden if you mess up verbally. It wasn't on purpose, I promise you. Andrew Cuomo. Now we find out it's not really a pressor, but it's just him on the phone. So he's gonna be talking on the phone about COVID, and that means he's not going to address the nursing home scandal we are monitoring. I'm not going to carry bs fluff. If there's anything worthwhile in this phone call, we'll bring it to you. We'll get to some of your calls to this hour eight hundred nine four one Sean. A lot of you have been very patient. We'll get to you. You know, it's fascinating stuff that we haven't really gotten to. Look, I never really paid a lot of attention to, nor did I care about the never Trumper movement, you know, from the very beginning. And there are prominent people that have done complete one eighties on Donald Trump, after saying the most vicious and vile and unbelievably outrageous things. Then all of a sudden they began to realize that it was impacting their careers, and so they changed. And I don't know how they do it, but they seem to be able to scrub their past comments from all sorts of social media. People that were attacking me by name, on a regular basis. I don't really have that much respect for them because I don't really think. I don't see the principles guiding them. I see career ambition blinding them. Listen, I am who I am. I've been doing radio for thirty three years, and my first my journey started in nineteen eighty seven and radio and I lived the Howard Stern private parts life, except doing a different kind of radio obviously than him, and traveled around, lived in five different states. And you know, I really haven't changed my political philosophy, maybe becoming a little bit more libertarian over the years, admitting I'm wrong times when when I'm wrong, I don't have any problem doing that, and just trying to do better shows every day. And this whole issue of wokeness is real, and I mean it is real for shutting down dissenting voices, and it's something that anybody that's a conservative is known for decades. Conservatives can't speak on college campuses. I mean, you go back. Bill Bennett dealt with this how many however many years ago, I mean, and Coulter's willing to go into any college arena and debate anybody, and they don't want to let her talk. The same thing happened to what was the name of the guy that worked for Bright part, the same thing happened to him. I mean, it's it's unbelievable how it's like they're an ability to even hear a different point of view. Senator Tim Scott apparently was on with Trey Goudy hosting the seven o'clock on Fox last night and he actually were bonded to something that was said on msd NC claiming the Senator was essentially a prop that was used by the GOP to show diversity and and you know it's so insulting, so rude. The same person, by the way, attacked our friend James Golden aka bo Snerdley. I've known I've known James Golden over twenty five years, the nicest, one of the nicest human beings you'll ever meet in your life. You haven't lived unless you've been behind the scenes at the Russia Limbough Show when God bless his soul. We miss him already a lot, and you'd watch him to the call screening. He there was a show happening inside the control room with James Golden and the callers, and he it's kind of was him and Linda exactly alike. It was no holds barred, it had no restrictions. There were no seven words that weren't allowed to be used in those conversations. I mean, Linda, you've sat through those moments. It's pretty amazing. That's actually how me and James met. I was. That's where you connected. Listen, No, listen, this is true, your total bootpepp. No, seriously. I'm down the hall. So we had just moved to Midtown from our other studio, the Ex Wife, and uh, I'm my office. I have the door open, YadA, YadA. And by the way, Russia's Russia's New York studio was in his headquarters, and Mike Mamone were in New York, right, We're all together. So I'm down the hall and I just hear this screaming. I mean this guy, this guy is he means it. I'm like okay. So I go down the hall and I'm like, I don't know who's on the other end of this phone, but I'm so glad it's not me. So it puts the phone down and go, how are you doing. He's like, I'm good. I'm like, okay, I was like, so I'm Linda. He goes You're Linda. I said yeah. I was like, I just want you to know that I passed on the torch to you, because clearly it was ever given to me. I don't know what just happened there or who that person hurt that you know, just busted out laughing, because that's how you had to talk to people. I'm like, oh, yeah, okay, I'm like, I'm gonna take you on the subway with it. It was it was he's a start. It was a whole other show going on, for sure. And he's louder than all get out. Oh my gosh, he's got a very strong loud. Oh my god. Remember the James and Joel show, Santista Band, Remember that it was a fun show special Joel was a nice guy like him. They're anyway. So so first, James Golden was insuld now now over at MSDNC that the Senators used by a prop by the g O. Peter Show diversity. This is just damn insulting and and it's just nobody in NBC News finds any of this inappropriate. And again, I'm not going to be part of a call for firing deep platforming shut down Boycott. Scott fired back, woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy, and we needed to take it seriously, he said to Trey Gaudy. When she calls a United States Senator who's a subject matter expert, a prop, a token, a superficial covering, that's personal and that's wrong and she should be held to account. NBC is allowing this to happen, because it's happened now twice in a month, less than a month. Pretty sad, I mean, meanwhile, one conservatives one little thing out of the norm. Forget it. By the way, ninety one of LA Teachers Union members voted against returning to the classroom. They don't want to go back to work. They don't care Cleveland Teachers Union's refusing to return to in person learning. Is anyone not told the teachers that we got a vaccine? Anyone? And by the way, my number still has not been called. Now, I will share one thing. I do have one minor blood pressure issue. And my doctor said, based under the rules, you would qualify. Said, no way, I'm waiting for my age group. That's it. I'm not going early. I'm not putting I am not going to be charged with he jumped the line. My doctor said, you're not jumping the line. You can fall within the category that you can get the shot. I said, I'll wait. He just shook his head. He says, I just I can't deal with you, Hannity. And but I'm trying to do the right thing. I think their teachers should get priority over me. The elderly should get it. People with underlying conditions people would call morbidities. You know, anyone that works in the healthcare industry, they deserve it before me. Anybody that's in an area of high concentration where of COVID breakouts, they should be an we should we should go into those neighborhoods and help people now while we can, and then when when everyone else is done, I'll go. I don't mind waiting. I'm fine with that. Just to me, it's just the right thing to do, and I do. By the way, I'm falling into the category being a member of the press as quote essential. I would even argue that we're essential. Well that's my own thing. But anyway, Arizona Department of Education at a launcher probra to why they labeled babies potential racist did you see that story. I mean, you got all these crazy stories out there. A New York City mom angry because she caught a teacher playing rap videos during zoom economic class. In other words, you're not These kids need to get their education reading, writing, math. We start with the basics. You know, do you have a New York Democrat pushing for sex ed that would teach eleven year olds about pan sexuality and quote anal sex I saw that story too. Oh my gosh, this is what we're dealing with. How about reading writing math? Let's stick with that. Can't get history right, Let the parents teach history. Oh okay, now they're talking. Let's go to the Cuomo pressure on phone. Actual allegation. That's the smart way. We have an allegation. Let's find out what the facts were. You can allege something might be true, might be not true, you may have misperceived and maybe other facts. So let's get the facts. And that's what the investigation does, and that's what the Attorney General is doing, and that's what we should all respect. By the way, he just said, other fact. Risian operator, your next question comes to the line of Dan Clark from BBS. Your lines now open, Hey, goleric, can you hear me? Yes, sir Dan, Hey, Governor, just wondering, you know, with all of these allegations going, I know that it's obviously a year off, but are you reconsidering a run for a fourth term? I know that you had previously committed doing that, but I know a lot of people in political circles are wondering whether you're going to go ahead with that first term or whether you're going to stop aside, uh, Dan, first, today is not a day for politics right now, focusing on my job. My job is vaccine, getting a budget done, rebuilding New York. All right again, you see whether you don't know the way California lawmakers want to ban retailers from displaying a boy and girls section in part of this gender neutrality. I see that Governor Christie Nome has weighted on that issue, which is a pretty I thought it was pretty interesting if she did in South Dakota. And let me find that piece that I had here, because it was pretty interesting anyway. She she basically said, well, to protect women in sports. She made it in her state possible to do so by saying that, Okay, if you're biologically male, you can't play in women's sports. She said, to protect women in sports. Um, we have now. I remember watching pepe Lpeu. Remember that pepe Lepeu. Apparently now he's the latest cartoon character to be targeted for I guess cancelation, canceled culture and the New York New York Times far left columnist thinks the cartoons skunk pepe Lpeu, it's a skunk normalized quote rape culture. If I remember, Oh mysel, let me take you to the Kasba. Remember that as a kid, That's kind of what you would do. They also dislike speedy Gonzales. Comedians hit back in a big way. Let's see that. Larry the Cable Guy said, enough is enough. You know what? You don't want my favorite comedian right now, Linda, I bet you can guess who's my favorite comedian? Thought this? Who? Okay? Sebasti Menas Kolko, No, my favorite is Chris Rock. I don't know what. Chris Rock is my favorite because Churs Rock can say anything he wants, and he's funny. He is funny. Comedians are supposed to be funny. And I love Larry the Cable Guy. I love Jeff Foxworthy. I've always loved Richard Pryor. You know, I like outrageous comedy. If you're gonna go to a comedy show, no, it's comedy. We totally have lost our sense of humor. And I'll tell you that this guy, Brian Regan, I've never heard of him before. But he doesn't curse, he doesn't defame anybody. It's literally like the Seinfeld of stand up comedy. It's just watching everyday life. He's hilarious. SEMy a link. I want to take a look at it. That's awesome. The Lincoln Project guys wanted to limit the number of people so they can make billions. Apparently, George Conway said he called for the Lincoln Project to be shut down based on the fact that, yeah, they revealed twenty seven million have been paid to OH firms of the people of the Lincoln Project became a big money making guy. Here's what Larry the Cable Guy said. He said the controversial French Skunk l o l these canceled morons literally of mental issues. He says, problems pushed back folks seriously where neck deep in comic stupidity. Just say no to thugs. Controversial French skunk cartoon you know, is that really the things? You know, we still have a pandemic going on. We have millions of Americans out of work. You know. That's why I have no interest in the royals or any of this nonsense. It is just this is dangerous for the country, just warning everybody. In twenty eighteen, within about three hours, allegations against Eric Schneiderman came out. You called for his resignation. He resigned. Why doesn't that same expectation apply to you. It's obviously allegations and then there allegations, right, uh, and there's a spectrum of allegations. Ah, different rules for everybody else, just like Kavanaugh. By the way, Linda, I do know Brian Riggan, the Riggan, the guy that uh you talked about the kim He is funny. I've watched him. He's hilarious and too I mean, and by the way, I even like Buddy Norton, Remember Jim Norton. He's funny. I mean, he's definitely blue. You don't go there unless you're really willing to hear at all. Yeah, yeah, I mean, he unloads. He could be crazy funny. It's at times. Um. Oh, By the way, things just got works apparently Cuomo ordered facilities housing developmentally developmentally disabled to admit COVID patients and never rescinded the policy. Wow, that just broke on the internet just a little while ago. It gets worse for him. All right, your calls coming up next, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Thanks for being with us, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. You know, it's a fascinating from my standpoint, it's kind of a fascinating position that we've been in for the entire campaign. What did I say about Joe Biden? He is weak, he is frail, he is struggling cognitively, and you know, it's kind of funny. There's new book out Lucky. By the way, it's not complimentary towards Trump either. You know, you got an NBC reporter and another mainstream media you know, reporter actually interviewed. They were pretty nice, but they basically said, Lucky, how Biden barely quote one the White House? Okay, And in this they suggest, yeah, the Biden campaign said, yeah, keep the They ran with a strategy of keep your crazy uncle your biggest liability. Joe locked up in the basement. Well, that's what we were saying, the basement bunker where he hit out and he has a somewhat well believable excuse. He's being responsible and light of COVID and whenever he step out, he'd step in it, or if he didn't even step out, he'd step in it anyway, you know, with his basement bunker. You know videos do I talk now to take off the glasses here or you know, I mean just crazy moments, you know, I go through the old hits of Biden, and I just you know, all these people now that he's that he's president, and initially the mob in the media, they just start attacking me. Hannity said, he's weak and he's frail, and he's struggling cognitively. And I'm like, I even said the Linda at one point, I said, have they not been watching and listening? Because I've said that in the whole campaign, and we actually have done the hard work, which isn't really hard at all, and we've gone back and we play Biden from twenty twelve and Biden from twenty sixteen and Biden today. You can even hear it on the audio. He send me two letters saying, by the way, can you send me some stimulus money for companies here in the state of Wisconsin, we sent millions of dollars. Play the radio, make sure the television. Excuse me, make sure you have the record player on a night, the phone. Make sure the kids hear words. Now they got a new plan. Trust me, it's not gonna cost you anymore. Folks, follow your instincts on this one. We owe these truths to be self evident. All men and women creative. You know that, you know the thing they put one foot in front of the other, they keep going. That's the unbreakable spirit of the people of America. That's who we are. And representatives Shirley Jackson, Lee al Green, Sylvia Garcia, Lizzie Finelli. Excuse me, finell And what am I doing here? I'm gonna lose track here. That's s Biden today. He stepped out yesterday and he stepped into it again. Now he just made the appointment his defense secretary. Not a hard name to remember, not a hard name to pronounce. His name is Lloyd Austin, pretty easy name to remember. Just like I got this card in my pocket here, yeah five hundred, oh yeah, half a million and give us the number of COVID DUTs the day before he had a vigil all I had to say it was over five hundred thousand. Wasn't hard to remember. I'm like, what else is on the cart? My name is Joe, My wife's name is Jill. If I get lost, I live at sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue. And you think I'm making fun, I'm not making fun. I'm worried. This is now extremely concerning to the country. The foreign press is now paying attention to what's going on here and raising the questions that the mob in the media that protected him like big Tech protected him. I called it the candidate protection program and let him hide in the basement and never ask him a tough question. You know, why did he always take off six days before an event of any kind that was anything of substance or that mattered during the campaign. They got they had to get him over a few hurdles here. They had to get him over the hurdle of showing up and giving a speech at the Democratic National Convention, which was virtual that benefited him. They had to get him over the hurdle of debating Trump twice. Trump wasn't as aggressive in the first debate, he would have done better in my humble opinion, that's why you shouldn't have early voting, because he's slaughtered him in the second debate. But this is Joe Biden. Just yesterday. He can't remember the name of his own Defense secretary, nor does he remember that the Defense secretary actually works in a building that has a name too. It's called the Pentagon. Listen, I just want to thank you both, and I want to thank your secretary, the former general I keep calling him general, the guy who runs that outfit over there. I want to make sure we thank the secretary for all he's done to try to implement what we just talked about. Okay, this is a problem. We now officially have a crisis, in my opinion, not a medical diagnosis. I'm not a doctor. I don't play doctor on TV or radio. No I don't. But he's weak and frail, and he's struggling cognitively. I have in my mind. I'm not ready to say it yet, and some of you're gonna say, Hannity, say it, speak your mind. I'm just not there yet. But I think I know what's going to happen here. I think I've figured out how they because they, for example, if everybody around him knew that he was struggling cognitively during the campaign, which is why they kept him in the basement bunker, and they didn't tell the American people the truth the whole time, not in and of itself, would be quite a controversy because there was a lot of evidence he was struggling during the campaign. Anyway, stay tuned, let's get to our phones. Let's start in the great state where I should be right now, Florida. Chet Chet, You're on the Sean Hannity Show. Thanks for checking in, Thanks for taking a call from Thank you. It's talking about crisis. I'm a nom vet, and with what's going on at the border right now, they say that there's not a crisis, but everybody knows that there is, but it's it's pushing another crisis. We have probably tens of thousands of homeless vets who are being pushed to the side by this administration. Trump did what he could for us, and we're appreciative of that. But all these illegals are coming in with COVID, which is creating another crisis. They're being given vouchers to go someplace, which means they're probably gonna have a place to live, and our vests are homeless. We have a crisis, and the fact that vets are committing suicide and record numbers every day, and this is probably going to create more of a crisis when they see that these people coming in with the blessing of them administration and being given things that we're not. I hope I pray that more of them don't punch their own ticket because of being left. Oh God, I pray you're right. I mean, nobody wants that. You know, if you actually broke it down, it's between five and six thousand dollars the one point nine trillion dollars we could give every American if you just distributed the money without the waste, fraud, and abuse. But of course they put it all towards big blue state ballouts for fiscally irresponsible governors and state legislatures, and then responsible states end up footing the bill. It's it's unbelievable to me. Yeah, I see that. Let's see, even even felons in jail will be getting you know, fourteen hundred dollars checks. Illegal immigrants will be getting it. Part of this bill pays for foreign healthcare. Part of it pays for illegal immigrant healthcare. And could that money be better spent helping vets, Yes, sir, absolutely positively it could be. We've gone from America first policies now to America last policies. That's that's what I tried to warn the world would happen. And believe me us that we're listening to you in record numbers, Sean, and we appreciate what you try to do. I know there might be a tendency just want to tune this out and say, oh the hell with it. You know, there's no hope. There is hope. We got an election in a year and a half, we better win it. Chet. First of all, I want to thank you for your service, your call and really a reminder. You know, we do have our friends of building Homes for Heroes dot org and they're a great organization helping the most you know, the vets with the worst injuries, and yeah, they helpe vets with PTSD and yes, some that have suicide thoughts as a result of the trauma that they lived through being over deployed. They were overdeployed, many of them. Anyway, thank you, M all right, the United socialist utopia known as California. We have Alan standing by Alan. Thanks for checking in. How are you sir? Hey Sean, I just wanted to call and give you a report about the increasing price of gasoline here in southern California. It has now passed four dollars a gallon. I just throw buy a Chevron station four thirty a gallon for unletted. And I remember when President Trump was in office here in California, in southern California, it got down to about two fifty a gallon. You know, it's stuff like this. Now you pay at thirteen and a half percent state income tax and your socialist utopia out there, comrade, and it just you know, I just remember, it's like etched into my brain. I can't get rid of it. My family thinks I'm nuts. Sometimes I still think like I did when I was frankly at the word which Zacher would be. I didn't have any money and I struggled to pay my rent. And I that mindset never leaves me. And yeah, I can afford four to fifty a gallon if I have to do, it just pisses me off, you know why, because it's not necessary. This is impacting real hard working Americans and it's all because of this environmental extremism. Now we're gonna make Putin rich countries in the Middle East rich again, and the Iranian Mullahs and China rich again with these stupid policies. When we had achieved energy independence for the first time in seventy five years, You're gonna pay more at the pump. You're gonna pay more to heat your home, and when it gets hot more to cool your home. It pisses me off. It's money wasted. And to make matters worse, all these guys that have specific skill sets for the energy sector, that have devoted decades of their life building up these skill sets, they're now getting pink slips. That means guess what they may have to sell their home, move, you know, tap into whatever retirement they had planned on college fund. Those are all out the window, you know. And now that they lost their careers, well, we want you to get other high paying career jobs. What with seventeen million other Americans out of work during a pandemic, and now you're gonna legalize fifteen million more people all competing for limited jobs because of draconian shutdowns. That's where that's what they've done here. This is the three of Die was the name of my book, America and the World on the Brink. This is the Brink, Part Chapter four. Socialism, It's history of failure. Energy is the lifeblood of the world's economy. And now we had cheap energy which helps Americans in the multitude a ways at the pump, heating homes, cooling homes, creating jobs, and more importantly, for national security. We're not dependent on these countries that hate us. Gosh, this makes me mad, it really does. You got me mad, Allen. Sorry, so sorry, Sean. But President Trump predicted this, he did. He predicted it all a lot of good the border wall construction. Now they go to the areas that weren't finished. Four fifty miles wasn't enough yet. All right, let's get back to our busy telephones. All right, the other United Socialist State of the US. That would be New York and Riches in Long Island, New York. What's up, sir, Glad you called and thanks for being with us. Thank you Freeman. I do feel like I'm in Janes. I'm calling because I want to talk about something that Hinsaki and the rest of the children that are running the federal government don't want to talk about And I'm not being redundant by saying this, but it's the only reason I want to talk about it, because they won't talk about it. Can I proceed, Yes, sir. Talk. They are talking about test strips, that's science. They're not talking about a vaccination plan for the illegal refugees at the southern border and the people that they're releasing into the country. She needs to be asked. And it doesn't matter what she says, It doesn't matter her answer. It's the wrong answer. She needs to be asked what the vaccination plan is for the people invading the southern border. Thank you, sir, all right, I appreciate it. Now I mentioned earlier in the program. I mean, we have a report out today that in fact, as many as twenty five people late US tests on illegal immigrants, as was in the Washington Times. I'll cite my source, shows that twenty five percent now people coming in crossing the borders illegally are testing positive for COVID. Well, but Joe Biden walk by the way, he walked away again today from the podium. They literally shut him down again from taking any questions. They don't want him to take any questions. Unbelievable. I don't still like to see the cargo shipping containers with the beautiful butterflies on the inside with bars on the window for the kids that are separated from their parents for months. Quick break, right back, News Roundup, Information overload, Coming up Coming up next our final news round up and information overload. Hour all right, News round Up, Information overload. Our Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Look as I said to you yesterday, I'm not like the biggest royals, the royals, the royals, the royals. I know a lot of people in America are fascinated with it. I mean, you got seventeen million people that actually watched this thing in the United States alone, maybe eighteen million. I don't know how many people online we're watching. It could be much more. I don't know the final numbers here. And the passion though, And you know what, I could appreciate different countries, different priorities, different systems. They like their institution. They love the monarchy. Most people they love to complain about the monarchy. And in Great Britain on a fairly regular basis. My only observation is if Prince Harry and Megan Marco want privacy, I'm not exactly sure why they're going on and doing a two hour as Piers Morgan called it, a winathon ouch with Oprah Winfrey. If you want privacy and you're concerned about security, don't go on Oprah show because you're not going to achieve those two goals there. Now, I've lived in Santa Barbara and there's some very elite expensive property neighborhood known as Montecito, which is you know, you're dealing with fifteen million dollar homes in the area and much higher. And apparently they lived down the block from Oprah Winfrey. I guess they bought a house there. So we're talking about millionaire problems here. Now what is claimed is horrible. If true, it would be Is it possible? Sure, And it's possible. They're horrible, racist, bigoted people on this earth. I don't believe the majority of people are, but there are those people, and it's very possible. I guess the os they wouldn't mention name names, which if you're gonna say it, say it. If you're gonna complain about it. Name names so people know. But anyway, so there's been Piers Morgan went absolutely nuts, Um, well, not really nuts. I mean, it's just very passionate about how selfish this was and how wrong he felt it was. And let me play some of a little bit of an argument that he had on his morning show, which does very well in Great Britain, and from yesterday and today it just hasn't stopped. And then he eventually stormed off the set after people took issue with his comments about Megan Markle. Listen, the Royal family has an institution is rooted in colonialism, what supremacy and racism, the legacies right there. So you're now surprised that the comments would have been made by several members of the Royal family about how darker actually faith can't spew? You guys, are we allowed to engage in any of this finished stocking. That's Harry and Megan had the audacity to speak that truth that you should be at the actual outrage of races it right, Okay, I'm allowed to respond to this. I am allowed to respond. Yet you respond now, Okay, I think what you've just said about the Queen is disgusting. I think it's unbelievable. Are you talking about you talk about the behavior of allow me to allow me to explain, allow me to allow me to defend our world. And I understand that you don't like Mega Markle. You've made it so clear a number of times on this program a number of times. And I understand that you've got a personal relationship with Mega Market or had one. And she cut you off. She's entitled to cut you off if she wants to. Has she said anything about you since she cut you off? I don't thinks she has. But yet you continue to trash her. Okay, I'm done with this. No, no, no, sorry. Do you know what that's pretty No? No, no, I'm sorry, absolutely diabolical behavior. You see. I'm sorry, But Pierce spouts off on a regular basis and we all have to sit there and listen. Six thirty to seven o'clock yesterday was incredibly hard to watch. Wow, passions running high, and then Pierce walked off the set. Joe Concho Fox News contributor Calumness for the Helm Miranda Divine New York Post column has had some pretty heart hitting comments about this as well. Um Miranda let me start now, if that is true, the allegation that they were members of the royal family. Now, specifically, Harry did say that it wasn't the Queen and it wasn't the print. Her husband, who is in a hospital, apparently didn't make the comments or suggest what the the ski in tone color would be, which would be just flagrantly outrage despicable, disgusting and racist. But they didn't name names, So we'll put that off to the side here. Your general thoughts about how passionate you hear people in Great Britain about this, and your thoughts on the interview, Hi, Sean, Look, I think it's just reprehensible what Megan and Harry did, leaving that race charge up in the air, not saying who it was, and then sort of ruling out people after the fact, and then still leaving a cloud hanging over Harry's own father, Prince Charles, his brother Prince William, and their wives. You know, it's really a very damaging thing to do, and it was obviously calculated. That was the central allegation in Megan's interview with Oprah, and the one that Oprah really played up as a big deal. It was explosive and you know today, Well, if it's true, Miranda, you would agree with me. It would be explosive if there are people that you know have those ignorant views in the royal family. I think it would greatly shift public offenpinion about whoever it is, Ye, greatly, So give any specifics. They gave no specifics, they said Megan made out that this comment was made specifically about Archie when she was pregnant with him, and she also made out that it was the reason that Archie did not get a title the title of Prince was because of the potential color of his skin. And in fact, when Harry was allowed to come into the interview halfway through the two hours, he told a quite different story. What he led us to believe was it, in fact that comment was made at the very beginning of their relationship. It was made as a hypothetical and a sort of a question of curiosity. So while it's not a great comment, it's certainly a lot less rade than the way that Megan made it out. And I think that the way she rolls everything is drama, exaggeration, pretense, bakery and just seeing the worst in people, casting herself as a victim it's quite pathological and there's a lot of falsehood in it, a lot of falsehood. I mean, for one thing, that charge that Archie didn't get a title because he helped the color of his skin because he was mixed race is a total lie. There's a one hundred year old Pallas protocol that only the grandchildren of the direct in line to the throne gets a title. And what that means is that when Prince Charles becomes King arch she will become a prince. Except probably now Megan has blotted his prospects for people that want privacy and security, how do think going on Oprah is the place to achieve that goal? Joe Kancha, Yeah, sure. Nothing says victimhood quite like the royal couples with a billionaire interviewer about how hard they've got it, with the background looking like the Garden of Eden. That over, he man, you guys are both called you guys are cracking me up. Go ahead, hey man, it's optics right, Oh my goodness, billionaires, let's talk to the billionaire over about, oh, how we're victims. And you're right for a couple of didn't want to be in the public guy, they sure do live in the public eye, don't they Like Megan Markle, She's everything I hope my daughter. She's only seven, all right, so I got time to kind of a shape or like play dough right groomer the right way. I hope she never becomes a chronic complainer. So it was good to see President Biden at least praise the Duchess of Sussex for her courage coming forward. Of course, Biden didn't save himself. That was his press secretary, because Biden doesn't speak to the press. But look, Prince Harry said that the royal family, all right, quote literally cut me off financially. Hey Harry, you're thirty six, all right, I'm pretty sure my parents cut me off. By then, he's already worked ten million dollars. He's worried about being cut off. So, like he asked about the numbers for this interview. By the way, Sean CBS, seventeen point one million people just for then. In context, the Golden Globes that was on the week before got one third the audience. So people are still interested in the stuff and we're talking about it. So, hey, we're hypocrites, right, I don't think we're hypocrites. I mean it is a phenomenon. I mean it is a cultural phenomenon. The Queen did respond, and she said the whole family saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years of ben Va, Harry and Meghan. The issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning, and while some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately. Harry, Megan and Archie will always be much love family members, which I thought was the high road and probably the right thing to say at the moment. I don't know. I mean at some point here I would assume the pressure is going to mount to identify who this person was that made a comment as to the skin tone of their son. Yeah. Look, I think that the Palace is behaves in a very classy way. That was a beautiful response, very short, sharp and compassionate, considering that Megan and Harry have just thrown the entire family under the bus and done real damage to the monarchy reputation, especially in America. I think that was they really measured and kind reply, talking about their love still as a family. For Megan and Harry, and Archie and their Unford daughter, and also raising and not running away from more ignoring those race allegations, saying that they are concerned that their troubling allegations and that the Royal Family will be looking into them themselves. Although and this is a very important caveat, they said, recollections do vary, and I think that at the number of it, you know it's a real he said, she said, and considering the rest of the way during that interview, that Megan has its represented, other people, misrepresented facts, you know, you wouldn't believe anything that she says. And I think that the Royal family is probably going to discover that maybe an off color remark might have been made at the very beginning of their relationship, which I'm sure is regrettable. But it doesn't say that the Royal family is the set by institutional racism, or that Megan was chased out by racism, or that her children were discriminated against, which is a really disgusting, despicable charge. And lastly, I think it was interesting. I think you could hear the Queen's voice in this just expressing regret that she and the family weren't fully aware of the extent of Megan and Harry's distress. And you can read that two ways that perhaps that far from Megan and Harry actually making their complaint gone, they kept them to themselves. And my particular theory, based on nothing much except a knowledge of human nature, is that Megan really wanted to leave London and go back to la with a prince on her arm so that she could hop knob with her new celebrity friends like George and Amile Clooney and Oprah and Tyler Perry. That's the world that she was desperate to break into when she was a B grade actress on a cable series that got discontinued. So now she's made it. She wants to show off her new found status and she can't do that in Buckingham Palace under the strictures of the monarchy. If she really was struggling, and it sounded very serious the issue of suicide and her thoughts on suicide, I just don't think it's healthy for anybody at that point. I think retreating away from the public I would be a much better strategy to really make sure you get well. I'm not sure that somebody that was in that such a high level of distress, says she described, and I take those things seriously. I just don't see this helping anybody that might have issues underlying what brought her to that space not that long ago. But we'll take a break. We'll come back more with Miranda Divine, Joe Concha and your calls coming up. Eight hundred nine four one, Shaun is our number. If you want to be a part of the program. Your call's final half hour of the program today, Joe Concho, Miranda Divine with us. I'd be negligent if I didn't ask both of you in the minute and a half we have left about the ongoing scandal with the esteemed governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo. Joe Concha, does he survive? He survives, I think, Sean, but it depends how he defines survival. He probably won't run for reelection because even now a majority New York and now they're moving towards impeachment, and now you have the Democratic leader in the Senate, the most powerful Democrat besides him, and the Democratic leader in the Assembly both saying he's got to go. Correct. They need seventy six one hundred and fifty goes obviously a simple majority to impeached, but I think it's only around fifty right now in terms of the numbers, so the numbers are still on his side. Fifty New Yorkers don't want him to resign, but they don't want him to run for reelection either, So I think he's going to pull a Ralph Northam and just kind of keep his head down and try to just survive this. But he is adamant about not resigning despite the fact he has multiple scandals here. And everybody talks about the sexual harassment sewn and that is a big deal, but the nursing home scandals, fifteen thousand dead and the cover up that went along with it should be the bigger story, and that ultimately will be to decide whether he is impeached or not based on the results of that investigation by Attorney General Tis James Branda twenty seconds. We're almost out of time. I couldn't agree more with Joe this nursing home scandal, and we also find out that the disabled were treated just as poorly. That is the real that is the important and deadly question that he's the scandal that really he should be answering for and Unfortunately he's getting away with it because these sexual harassment allegations are much more tutilating and they're consuming media attain But you know the New York Post, Michael Goodwin broke that story about the nursing homes back last April, and I just ask why it has taken so long for anyone to pay any attention to it, and now they're burying it and got the Cromo is not going to resign. He thinks that it's part of his mucho leadership credentials to tuck it out. Thank you both, Joe Kachamrana divine when we come back your calls eight hundred and nine for one Sean. As we continue at twenty five to the top of the hour, you know we played this yesterday, one year ago. Yesterday. This is the ever esteemed Anthony Fauci saying tough, I don't need to wear masks. Maybe'll stop a drop. It ain't gonna help. Listen now, in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks. You're sure of it, because people are listening really no closely to this right now. People should not be worried. There's no reason to be walking around with a mask when you're in the middle of an outbreak. Wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better, and it might even block a droplet, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is, and often there are unintended consequences. Oh maybe if you can wear the stupid thing, it's not going to help, might stop a droplet. A year ago today, Bout you said, sure, go on a cruise. Listen a lot of people who are planning cruises over the spring break. Do you recommended anybody, even a healthy person, who get on board. I think if you're a healthy young person that there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship to go on a cruise ship. Personally, I would never go on a cruise ship because I don't like cruises. But that's another story. But the fact, the fact is that if you have, if you have the conditions that I've been speaking about over and over again to this group, namely an individual who has an underlying condition, particularly an elderly person that has underlying condition, I would recommend strongly that they do not go on a cruise ship. Okay, you can go otherwise. About a year ago, here's the ever so loved by the mob and the media, Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York. Oh, does he saying a year ago this time about about COVID and New York is the belt healthcare system in the whale? Listen, we have the best healthcare system in the world here and excuse our arrogance as New Yorkers. I speak for the mayor also on this one, we think we have the best healthcare system on the planet right here in New York. So when you're saying what happened in other countries versus what happened here, we don't even think it's going to be as bad as it was in other countries. We are fully coordinated, we are fully mobilized. This is all about mobilization of a public health system. And then they stopped. If you remember, it was towards the end of the month when this executive order was put in place by Cuomo forcing sick patients back into nursing homes. Now about not long after this, when it is pretty much when sugar started hitting the fan and it started getting awful. And then came Donald Trump. Now did he do PowerPoint presentations as good as Andrew Cuomo apparently not. He never got an Emmy or wrote a book on leadership. But he built the biggest hospital in the country pretty much on a moment's notice, and then converted it to patient capability by changing the ventilation system. He manned that very big hospital at the Javits Center. He also built other hospitals around the state. He brought in the Navy hospital ship and converted that for COVID ability. Eighty percent of the beds on the hospital ship and eighty percent of the beds at the Javits Center remained empty. He manned them, He built them. He provided all the masks, all the gloves, all the gowns, all the shields, all the medicines. Remember Cuomo at that time too, even though now we have what six seven separate studies that show yeah, taken early eighty four percent effective in helping people with COVID hydroxy chloroquin Let's start with the Henry Ford study and let's move on from there. And the two studies that the mob and the media cited from medical journals. He had those journals rescinded those articles, saying it was dangerous. Doctor Daniel Wallace in April of last year, the risk of taking this dose of hydroxy chloroquin is nil. After prescribing it as the foremost leader in in hydroxy chloroquin and that would include number the biggest rheumatoid arthritis lupus practice in the country that he's been running for forty two years, two hundred and fifty peer reviewed articles. Risk is nil. And look how that got politicized, Doctor Oz famously saying on this program again and again. Yeah, when medicine and politics collide, politics always wins. Sad, sad. What happened here? Now with all the talk about Biden lecture, he walked again. He walked away again today without wearing his mask again. Couldn't remember the name of his Defense secretary, couldn't remember that the Defense Secretary as an office in the building called the Pentagon. Then when they started asking him questions again, beep bars in tone. Now we've got According to the Washington Times, twenty five percent of immigrants dropped off of this one Texas town tested positive for coronavirus. Well, it's not hard to tell why. I mean, we've shown you the images and our investigative reporting this week and last week on TV. There's no social distancing and not a lot of mask wearing. But yet in Greyhound has said, look, we've had it. Either you get tested or you can't get on the bus because they're not even testing them anymore. I mean, that's twenty five percent. Andy Biggs pointed this out. One hundred and twenty thousand illegal immigrants pouring across our border now every single month. Twenty five percent. That's thirty thousand positive COVID tests in a month. I mean, it's stunning to me. But they're gonna lecture you even if you get the vaccine, don't forget to wear your mask. Well, what's the point. Get to our busy phones eight hundred and nine four one, Sean getting a lot of calls today from our comrades in New York and California. We have Diane and the United Socialist Utopia of California. Diane, welcome, comrade, thanks for joining us. Okay, Sewn, it's not that bad of a state. I live on the beautiful Central Coast of California, So I love the Central Coast of California. I lived in Santa Barbara for I was the poorest person there for five years. Yeah, Venture County, the beautiful agriculture part of the world. I'm not. The beauty is I can't even begin to describe it and give it justice. The highway one on one freeway, the one on one freeway up and down the Pacific Coast Highway is amazingly beautiful, great drive, truly. The taxes you can keep thirteen and a half percent state income tax. You own that. Oh no, kidding, huh. We paid for the beauty. Well, no, you're not paying for the beauty. You're paying for corrupt government. The beauty is for free. The beauty comes from God. Well, you know, we are recalling our governors, so we're almost there. Well, you have enough now, apparently you've reached the threshold. And it looks like one point you only needed one point five million signatures. You have well over four hundred thousand more than necessary. Now they'll do a check so you do need extra and then I would assume that you're gonna have a special election. Then at some point in the near future I look forward to it. Yes, with signature verification. Yeah, by the way, and I don't trust Listen, people of California a stupid they'll probably vote for Newsom again. Oh no, we want we want somebody special. He was in truth administration. Oh yeah, we know who we're looking at. Who you're looking at? Well, let's see his initials are r G. Rick Granell. Yeah. I like Rick Reranell a lot. I think Rick Granel would be great. Yes, if Rick Rannell runs, all support him. But unless he doesn't want me to, I always have to have that caveat. Is it better for you that I indorse you or just shut up and act like I don't. I actually have had people say so when Joe Lieberman lost the nomination and ran as an independent. I've always liked Joe Lieberman. Joe Lieberman is a very decent human being. He really is. I've gotten to know him. His wife is amazing, and he's always right on national security issues, wrong on everything else. But I like but he's a pleasant human being. He's not He's not like the swamp creatures of Washington. And so he's running as an independent and I'm saying, you know what, I'd vote for Joe Lieberman and he calls me and he goes, um, I don't know how to say this. I said, what every time you mentioned me that bludgeoning me with your that you're a supporter of mine, maybe just a little less endorsement would be helpful, So I shut up the rest of the campaign. Well that's okay. We all have our favorites, right, correct, So let's let's just kind of talk about the border wall a little bit. What happened to our defense on money that had been approved by Congress? Does that just go away? Is it didn't? It was money that was appropriated, it was actually taken. Well, the president had to thread the needle there, and he found a very creative way to get the money to build the wall. And there were other moneys that were allocated. And the answer to the question is Joe Biden, through executive Fiat, once again bypass this other coequal branch of government known as the legislature, and on his own, just with the stroke of a pen, stopped the building of the wall. And now, well that's why we see this mass influx pulled in our border wall. That's what it is. Well, that's that's what we're watching. Southern border is paying the price for that. Anyway, hang in there, Diane, We're gonna be watching closely what happens out there. Let us say hi to Kelly is in Rochester New York. What's up, Kelly? You know upstate New York. I could solve the problems up there and in ten minutes. So if I was governor, with the stroke of a pen, open up fracking and upstate New York and guess what, Upstate New York would get rich again. Probably thanks for taking my call. So on, you know, I wanted to bring this to everyone's attention. There's there's something going on with the Andrew Cuomo saga that I just think people are unaware of. Not a lot of people know that between the dates of April seventeenth through April twenty second, Cuomo and the New York State Health Department issued a DNR for New York. So Sean, that's basically a don't resuscitate order for New York. That means if you called an ambulance for a suspected heart attack and no calls, typically an ambulance crew does CPR for twenty minutes. But the way I recalled discussing this at the time, yeah, that is correct. Order Dan from doing this. It was a short period of time. It's hard to find this because Cuomo's team quickly scrubbed it from the New York say the website. But unfortunately, on April twentieth, during this small window of time of do not resuscitate, they had to call the ambulance for my dad. They thought he had a heart attack. When the ambulance crew came, they could only instruct how did you cpr to his wife? My dad died. Could he have lived longer? We'll never know because Clomo was playing god deciding who could be resuscitated. Well, I'm sorry about what happened with your dad. I really my heart goes out to you. That's number one and number two. I have a colleague at Fox and for a year she's been outspoken to her credit and her name is Janice Deane and she lost both her in laws in this nursing home scandal. And I asked him the last time I interviewed her, I said, are you thinking of a class action suit? And the answers yes. If I was you, I'd find out who that lawyer. If you want, we can try and find out for you, and I would absolutely be a part of it because I think that's a suit if there is any justice that has a lot of merit, and everybody should be I think it's a suit you would win. But I'm not a big sewer person. I'm not. I think I don't believe. I think it's too much frivolous, too many frivolous lawsuits out there. This is not frivolous. Life and death And what are the real numbers? How many people really died under his leadership while he's writing books and getting Emmy's. They had the real numbers. And remember this was late March, and they had the real numbers in June, and they covered it up, and they consciously covered it up, and they and they even stated why they covered it up. They covered it up so to prevent the Justice Department from investigating what the hell they did here? I mean that that is classic obstruction. That is, by definition obstruction. We're listed on do not resuscitate and look Sean. I respect these women for coming forward with their accusations of inappropriateness, but let's stay focused. He should resign. He should be in jail because of his dad leadership. He kills people. My dad died. There is way more numbers of people that died than they're even reporting. Let's check out the do not resuscitate time for him. I gotta tell you, I think he's going to be in deep trouble over time. That's my prediction. And I am sorry about your loss, Kelly. You know I miss I lost my dad twenty five years ago this month, and there's not a day that goes by I don't think about him, not one day. All right, let's gonna wrap things up for today. Let not your hearts be troubled. Hannity. Tonight, please say you DVR nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. We've got all the news on Cuoma, all all the news on COVID one year later, all the news on the problem at the border, full investigative reporting you won't get from the media mob. Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Lindsay Graham, dam Bongino, Tammy Bruce, Joe Kanscha, Miranda Divine say a DVR Ninetiesterned Hannity, please join us. We'll see you tonight back here tomorrow. You make the show possible. Thank you for being with us as always