More on General Flynn

Published Jun 23, 2020, 10:00 PM

John Solomon, Fox News Contributor and Editor in Chief of Just the News, has breaking news today on the General Flynn case. He also has a story out today on John Durham and updates in that investigation.

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All right, thanks Scott Shannon, just say, one hundred and thirty three days till you the American people become the ultimajority. It could not be. We can't have higher stakes than we currently have a lot of news to cover it today. Bernie Kerrig sending Linda a note reporting on the ground. He's in Atlanta today that the where the shooting took place, the Wendy's that was later burden of the grounds, and the Rayshard Brooks case, and he's been with copsule They apparently now surrounded with people with ar fifteens and now a city block blocked off there and apparently morale in the Atlanta Police Department is now at a dramatic all time low. And you know a lot of talk of sickouts and a lot of talk of people just saying, you know what, I'm just not getting involved this. This has been the danger, as I said, this mass demonization of the ninety eight ninety nine percent of good cops that put themselves on the line every single day so that we live safe and secure and in peace in the homes or neighborhoods that we happen to live in. You know, this is something we can accomplish. We are the United States of America, you know, we can restore law in order. I mean, this could have happened without apparently a third shooting now in the Chaz Chop Autonomous Summer of Love festive zone as the media calls it out in Seattle, and now, oh well, now that the shootings have taken place, including a young teenage African American, which I did not hear much reporting on in the news media. As a matter of fact, our friends at NewsBusters point out the liberal media insisted that this was a festive zone, both fake news CNN and conspiracy TVMSDNC, and both they were both live on the air reporting the same It's really like a festival. This is like a festival. They're all use the same words and talking points. They're so original in their in their statism and their problems. The like were porting anyway. So and while they're on again, two separate networks using the exact same words, the people in the autonomy zone or autonomous zone then correct them, say is it a festive zone? And you watch the reporters like okay, moving around in circles seemingly afraid it's not what they've done is they've given out fake news yet again. And our friends at NewsBusters pointed out that if you look at the big networks and CBS News by the way, neither CBS nor NBC gave the shootings any airtime during their flagship newscast. They didn't give any of it. ABC was the only network to cover any of the killings in the autonomous Chaz Chop Festival Summer of Love Zone only on Sunday and by Monday. They kept us far away from the story. How is that even possible? You know, we've been chronicling. I mean, one hundred and four people shot in Chicago over the week again, twelve kids, fourteen dead. You know, New York City up. You know, shooting is up three hundred and fifty eight percent from last year. And I can go on and on and on, and it's you know, these are problems that we could stop if we just have a desire to stop them. You Know, somebody said, I can't even remember the last time that they ever so forgetful. Joe Biden, Terry mccauff. I'm fine if Joe's days in the bunker, oh these two people a day. Let him stay in the basement bunk are only two people a day? Is two body men? Leave him there? Just you know that? Is that any way? One hundred and thirty three days and we're not even gonna hear from that the candidate. You know what we've got to now do is we now got to reverse this here. So one total I saw and is eighty two days since now Biden has held a press conference. Eighty two days. I mean, you know, we there are a lot of questions Joe is gonna have to answer for, not the least of which is his record after Ferguson, his record after Baltimore, his record after Cambridge. You know, he's nearly what fifty years in public life. What did the forgetful Joe ever due to combat systemic racism while he was in office? I mean, okay, then we could do a comparison in terms of what Donald Trump has done. Criminal justice reformed that happened under Donald Trump. Opportunities zones, well, that happened under Donald Trump. If you look at record low after record low after record low, unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. That was Donald Trump. You know what did Barack and Joe give us but thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies. You know, these things matter, helping historically black colleges out with more money in a longer commitment than any other president in history. That was Donald J. Trump. Media loves to say is racist, racist every two four years, same playbook. Republicans racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic. They want dirty year water, and they want grandma and grandpa to starve on cat food and dog food before a Donald Trump look alike or Kevin McCarthy or Paul Ryan look alike throws them over the cliff in a wheelchair. It happens. You know, I've chronicled this repeatedly, so you know, while he's hiding in his basement bunker, you know, he's got nearly fifty years of failure that he's got to explain. We do we not have a right to see whether or not this guy has the alertness, the strength, the stamina, the you know, except you know, planned out words that he butchers on some podcast I mean, anybody can put a podcast together other it's fairly easy work. Probably even I can do it, and I can barely download an app. And they can't even get that right on this campaign. But there they don't want him out in public to be seen. Why because he's gonna have to answer some questions. You can't run a campaign sitting alone in your basement bunker and avoiding the mob. Even when the mob, you know, questions, they're not going to ask him the same questions. I mean, I think a lot of us would like to know. All right, we have the news of the day today. All right, So the mayor out in Seattle, I mean that said that, how long is this gonna? Laugh? Maybe a summer of love? All right? So now she's saying, after the murders, there's one allegation of a rape that took place in there that we ever confirmed that from last night, Linda, because I did not get full confirmation. Now that we know one of the kids killed was one of the people killed in the chop zone was a young African American teenager. I don't know if anybody covered that, but you know it was a Father's day weekend, and you know that includes teenagers, three year old boys struck by gunfire and his father's car. Car homicides in Chicago up twenty two percent. Fourteen killed, one hundred and four people shot, you know, inside the Chop Zone. A nineteen year old was killed inside that roughly six block area. The cops are begging, can you please let us say, let me play this tape of the cops pleading to get there's been a shooting in the chop Zone, in the Chad Zone, in the Festival Zone, in the Summer of Love Zone. And the cops because they have allowed the anarchists to take over a big part of the city, because the dopey governor there, just like the dopey mayor there, just like the dopey governor of Illinois and the dopey mayor there, and the same with the dopey governors, a mayor in New York. You know, oh, we're gonna get out of bell you know, get out no bill, You arrest them, you give them a bench warrant to get right back into the action. And then the action was in many cases being involved in hurting now nearly nine hundred police officers. I mean, it's madness. And you know, these are America's children here. Twelve kids in Chicago were shot. Twelve kids. I mean it is it takes my breath away. Joe, how are you gonna stop it? You know? What is what is the ever forgetful Joe's plan? Hey, Joe, what are you? What is your opinion? As now Seattle has decided they're gonna slowly take back the chop Zone and the protesters in response to this, they've now set up barricades. They now are preparing to defend the Chop Zone from police. Let me know when you have that cut about, let's play it. The cops have to beg to go help the victims. They weren't letting them in. So, considering that the president is holding press conferences day after day, and you know all the press does is pound on Donald Trump, when is Joe gonna have to Joe? What's your plan to restore order in Seattle? Joe? What's your response? Because you and Barack didn't do much to help the shootings and the murders that took place all through your eight years when you were vice president and Barack was president. What did you do for Chicago to stop the violence. Nothing? Just like rom Rombo, deadfish, nothing democratic, decades of rule and failure. So you know every question. Now, what are you gonna do, Joe? What do you have to say about all this? Joe? You know, is any you know we're gonna have? Where do you stand on the defacing or taking down of statues? I think that's a fair question for Joe Biden. You know, is Biden or any prominent official? All right? How do you feel about Teddy Roosevelt or Francis Scott Key or the Ulysses Grant. What's Joe's answer? Why do US taxpayers continue to fund public universities that employ radical elements? That's another question. You have a prominent liberal activist, left wing activist, I'll give you more of the details on This person's name is Sean King and tweeting out that all statues of Jesus that portray him as a white European quote should be torn down because it's a form of white supremacy. Okay, what does Joe Biden think about that? Does Joe Biden support that? Joe Biden hasn't answer at any of these questions. Rhode Island is in the middle of considering a name change. Rice University the student group is demanding a quote African American house and statue removal. How did he feel about last night and Lafayette Park across from the White House? Does he support that? Does he support what happened at Saint John's Church last night when they painted outside the church b h a Z A Black House autonomous zone or you know? How do you feel about any of these issues? You know? Okay? So do you want to remove the statutes and historic monuments? Is he ever going to have to answer a question, because so far he hasn't answered anything. Now, the president about a crackdown on monument vandalism, we know where he stands, imposing penalties up to ten years in prison. Where does Joe stand? You know? DC protesters marched to the mayor's office to address issues following the attempt to remove the Andrew Jackson statue. Okay, we know where the president stands. Where does Joe stand? We know what the President's done in terms of opportunity zones, criminal justice reform. Why did you do it? How come Donald Trump in three years set record after record and you didn't send any records? What would you do? What would you have done differently? We know you oppose the xenophobic, hysterical, and fearmongering travel ban. What would you have done? Ten days after the first coronavirus case was identified in America? You have an artist calling out the Declaration of Independence, painting notes most men and you know, etc. Where do you stand on that? You know? Where's Joe? I'd like to know what Joe thinks about a lot of these things? What does Joe think? Does Joe get? What great would he give New York City in terms of, you know, a New York state? Does he support no bail loss? Does he support sanctuary states? Does he support sanctuary cities? What parts of the New Green Deal does he support? How deep into socialism does he go? Does he support a border wall? Because Donald Trump has to answer all these questions, I think it's time now he asked Joe questions. This is like time to ask Joe. Joe. Maybe he can do it during his zoom call. You know, maybe some you know, enterprising you know, maybe one of his two body men you know, can ask him the questions and then give us the answers. Tell America how Joe feels about all this. I think interesting minds want to know as we roll along eight hundred and nine four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. I mean, there's a lot of things we've got to ask, you know. They ever forgetful Joe, but he's in hiding and nobody in the media seems to care if now, if Donald Trump misses a press conference to day, where's the president? Where's the president? Where's the president? Why isn't anybody ask him where's Joe? Why is there no pressure by the mob in the media. You know, it's it's you know, this is about Joe Biden. This is about radical, extreme democratic rule that has literally wiped out and nearly destroyed one big city after another in terms of they don't even have basic fundamental safety and security for every American citizen in their states and cities. The schools are atrocious in American big cities democratic decades of democratic rule. And of course they're gonna want the red states that actually paid their pensions off and actually fund them, and they keep taxes low or they don't even have income taxes. And now like you get the governor Cuomos of the world, the New Jerseys of the world, the Pennsylvanias of the world, the Illinois and Californias of the world. They're demanding, you know, massive amounts of moneies from the rest of America that actually do balance their budget with far less money and provide far better services, more law and order, higher school standards, better school results. And they're gonna ask, you know, for a bailout for the rest of the country. It's not gonna happen. You know where Joe Biden has been in office all of these decades and in the eight years prior to Donald Trump. Donald Trump's been on the political scene for what four years. You know, everything's Donald Trump's fault though, okay, you know this is the Joe supports the policies that failed. These blue states run by blue state Democratic governors, blue state cities run by Democrats run into the ground. If you don't have safety, security, law in order, first and fundamentally, you don't have any social order or opportunity whatsoever. If you don't not have an education, you're gonna be shut out of any American dream. All right, twenty five till the top of the hour, just you know, when you think it can't get worse, Apparently, Mayor Durkin's office out in Seattle said in a statement late last night, I didn't see this last night. I saw it today. After days of peaceful demonstration, two nights of shooting have clearly escalated the situation on Capitol Hill. We have been meeting with residents and small business owners to address their safety and disorder concerns, including the ability of first responders to access emergencies in the area. In other words, the police and EMTs and those that wanted to help the shooting victims were having a hard time getting in. They didn't want them to be there anyway. Turkin then took to Twitter Twitter to defend the six block autonomous zone Monday, calling the chop a place of healing, education, and community. Quote, tens of thousands of people have been gathering in Capitol Hill for nearly two weeks to continue their protest. Well, no, that's not exactly called the gathering, because the gathering stops and ends. This would be called the hostile takeover of city streets in York City that you said would be a festival of love or summer of love. During the day, it's been a place of healing, education and community, but it's very different at night. She claimed. Okay, you know, I sort of I think, you know, I think I've heard it all at this particular point. Anyway, there were apparently Sadly, a New York Washington Examiner is reporting that a video of a man lighting fireworks and throwing them on sleeping homeless men in New York City in Harlem, that's so sick and that twisted, that's true. Police Department detectives tweeted that early yesterday morning, a homeless mail was sleeping on the sidewalk in front of sixty seven Lennox Avenue in A mail suspect through a lit firework on them, which exploded, causing burns to the victim's back. You know, that's a human being, that's a human being that is probably not exactly a happy human being. And this is what you do to your fellow human being. It's so despicable, so disgusting. I don't even know what to say. It's you know, where's your humanity, where's your conscience? Where's your soul? Nobody's asking you, even like people just leave them the hell alone. Let's start there. Immunity in humanity. This crime is so shocking to everyone who watches it. The NYPD will apprehend those responsible. Now will they? Because I don't remember Comrade de Blasio arresting all those people we have on video pouring water and dousing cops and getting all aggressive towards cops and the cops having to take it. I don't remember the people involved in that ever being brought to justice. I said this during Ferguson, I said this during Baltimore. I say it all the time. You have all of this video evidence of you know, people looting, and their faces are on camera. What do we do after the since we never arrest and charge people, that's a bad idea because that becomes a license to continue that behavior. Just sad. Now here's a question for Joe. Uh it's Rassmussen has hey survey. Now this is am I right that the Rasmussen report is different than Scott Rasmussen. The Posters reports has been sold. It is not Scott Rasmussen. All right, So who's running Rasmussen Reports? Not Scott Rasmussen? That we already established that fact? Are you kidding me? Scott's doing his own thing. Now, he's got a podcast on Just the News and he does ballot Pedia. Okay, well, anyway, this pole on Rasmussen but not Scott Rasmussen, which statement is closest to your own. This was on bright part. They covered the story all lives matter, black lives matter. Now there is a distinction. I think this has to be pointed out because this is important because we've played the tape of members of Black Lives Matter, What do we want dead cops? When do we want them now? And what pigs in a blanket frime like bacon? Now? Do I think that people that use the phrase black lives matter are associating themselves with the radicalism of people that made those chances? I do not. There is a distinction, and it needs to be made. It's it's just a fact. So anyway, they asked the question, and I would like Joe Biden's answer, considering he never leaves his basement bunker barely hardly ever, and Terry McCullough says, I'm fine with him there and he only sees two people a day as two bodymen. Anyway, what they found is among African Americans that forty seven percent of plurality picked all Lives matter versus forty four percent of picked Black Lives Matter. Americans of all races preferred all lives Matter over Black Lives Matter overwhelming two to one margin. Fifty nine percent of all voters voted All Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter was picked by thirty percent. But that's not The question is what does Joe think? Everything is not? Now? The President speaks a lot. Now, I think it's time to find out where Joe Biden's you know, stands on all of these issues of the day, and where does Joe Biden come down. We know where he stood on coronavirus, but would he have done differently? What would he have done ten days into coronavirus when the President put the travel ban in effect? How is it possible after eight years he and Barack were not able to get the record low unemployment levels that Donald Trump has gotten for every demographic group in the country. How would he handle that He's against energy independence and he's buying into the renew Deal, and he wants to double down on the stupidity of Obamacare. He needs to be asked that question too, because we now have a you know, everybody, We had millions of Americans lose their doctors, lose their plans, and for nearly just shy it's about thirty eight percent of Americans now have only one Obamacare exchange option, just one, only one, and it called and everyone's in two hundred percent more on average. I thought we were going to save on average twenty five hundred dollars per family per year. He needs to answer that question, you know, again, all of these questions he's not being asked. And it's only one hundred and thirty three days till election day. Now Biden saying that he's going to raise taxes on the middle class, small businesses, he wants massive increases in regulations. We know where he stands on foreign policy. I just point to one country, and that would be Iran, and that would be the Iranian Mullahs when they dropped one hundred and fifty billion in cash another currency and never got a thing. You know, he has to answer questions about China. I mean, the one person that was right, Oh, there are really two people, but the one most outspoken by far against China and their unfair trade practices and an intellectual property theft was always Donald Trump. Always Donald Trump. New Ingrage, She's pretty close second, but it was Donald Trump far and away, and it's and how does he answer the question about zero experience? Hunter after a trip that he took to Asia and stopping in China, and then what ten fourteen days later Peter Schwitz's book Chronicles as Well then has a billion dollars deal with the Bank of China, which became a one point five billion dollar deal. And that would be the kind of deal that I would think that maybe Goldman Sachs would get, or Deutsche Bank would get, or any one of the big banks of Chase would get. I don't know whoever else would get, not them anyway, So if he's a candidate of change, Joe Biden, Okay, well you've been there for nearly fifty years. What have you done, Joe? You know, there are some serious questions. You know, for example, his comments about segregation. He needs to be asked about. You know, he's having it, this discussion as a society systemic racism. Okay, give us the specifics. Then you're gonna have to answer questions about what you said. Why did you praise Robert K. K Byrd, you know, why did you say he didn't want kids? And you know, quote his words a racial jungle. He used those words. We have this now, this push by this left wing activists about white Jesus statutes taken down in churches? Do you support that? Do you think that you know, if you don't support defunding the police? Okay, what are the changes Donald Trump has put forward? His changes? You didn't make any changes after Ferguson or Baltimore? What would you do? Why didn't you do it? Then? Do you stand by your comments? So the crime bill about predators on our streets? Does Biden support tearing down the statutes and vandalism that we see playing out in major cities across the statues and you know, around the country. Is he gonna condemn calls from liberal leaders to dismantle the police? And you know, what does he think of the chad zone, chop zone, autonomous zone, And how does he feel that the mayor of Seattle and the governor of Washington of handle all of this? You know, will Biden condemn calls from liberal leaders on some of these more radical policies. Does he really believe that everything the New Green Deal offers that's gonna be free? Does he think that's financially possible? And could he please bring a calculator so we can actually see real numbers for his policies that he's supporting because he says he does support it. What about the president's new executive order putting American workers first, restricting foreign work visas. Why won't you go for more debates? Why don't you support fracking in a state like Pennsylvania for example? You know, what about the attempt to take over last night of Lafayette Park. Whose side are you on there? Do you believe? You know, let's talk about your health. Everyone wants to talk about Donald Trump's health. Let's talk about his health. Well, he released all his medical records. You know. Can we can we get to the bottom of why he seems to be struggling so much? Can we have a long two or three hour press conference? Trump was doing them every day with his Coronavirus task Force. A lot of it was pretty healthy. You know. The American people, I think and Democrats raised this question about Ronald Reagan. Do you have the strength, the stamina, the alertness to take on the most demanding job in the world. Why didn't you pass criminal justice reform yourself? Why didn't you make the commitment to historically black colleges like Donald Trump has made. Why didn't you build opportunity zones that Donald Trump has made you know, how is it? You know, a lot of questions here. You know, AOC is now advising your campaign. Okay, how much of her socialist vision do you support? You know, do you think that you know, your support of decoupling the US economy from China? And specifically, you know, are you going to encourage US companies to move their important supply chains out of China? Does he believe as he's had in twenty eleven that are rising China is a positive development not only for China but for America in the in the world. Uh, do you support Biden's increased you know, what are you going to do on the borders Trump is going to build By the end of this year, we'll have over four hundred and fifty miles a new border wall. Is that the right thing to do? And if you're going to eliminate fossil fuels, how do you plan on replacing it? Because you know, gas oil and coal or the lifeblood of the world's economy. And for the first time in seventy five years, because of Donald Trump's policies, we're now energy independent, you know, and by the way, I mean, you know, if everybody else is going to weigh in on on social issues, and you know, maybe you want to weigh in on some of those as well. You know, lately there's there's been you know, ABC Jimmy Fallon and he made an apology. You know, what do you say, how do you feel about Fallon? How do you feel about the latest Chimo controversy? Uh, the attacks against how George Stern and Robin Quivers of the Howard Sterns Show from twenty five years ago, and by the way, that is particularly you know, I've listened to Howard Stern my whole life. He's not a racist, He's trying to be funny. You know, how do you feel about it? Though? What about Al Sharpton's comments about the first African American mayor in New York, or comments he made at Freddie's in one hundred and twenty fifth Street, or comments that he's made about Jewish Americans or the gay and lesbian community. Do you support that? Do you want to go back all those years and see him lose his job on NBC? You know, what about for example, you know what you said about Barack Obama, what you said about working in seven elevens and Dungan donuts. You know it's okay. I mean, do you get the points here? You know? Do you like you know? Comedy again? I think Chris Rock is the funniest stand up comedian out there by far none. How does he feel about comedy? Where does the line get wrong? These are all questions for Joe. You know, I'm not running for president. Joe's running for president. Joe's hiding in his basement. Everybody seems to be fine with Joe hiding in the basement. I think it's time that Joe has to start answering a lot of questions here, because there's a lot you've watched. Why have you not been Why have you not stepped in and said a thing about you know, insisting in executive orders that put COVID nineteen patients and nursing homes in New York and New Jersey and Pennsylvania and Michigan that killed literally tens of thousands of people. That one executive order, when Donald Trump built hospitals, manned hospitals, provided all the ppe in the hospitals, and those hospital beds stood empty while these things were happening. Okay, A're you critical of any of these Democratic mayors in any of these states, any of these cities. I don't know. We haven't heard from Joe on anything. You know, Joe Biden launched a new TV ads. Okay, well, oh, you're gonna stand by the ads that you put out. You know, there's a lot of talk about the size of the president's rally this week in Oklahoma. Well, I think there's some context to that, but not the least of which is Donald Trump. Fox News and it's twenty fifth year, he said, a record ever, the highest number ever ratings record, seven point seven million people that watch that. Then I'm over. You know, I've read now estimates of at least eleven point three million watching the speech online. And we're not even talking about any other network. Well now we're up to like twenty twenty five million minimum. Okay, how many people attended your rallies? Joe? And when are you going to have a rally? When are you going to talk to the American people? Maybe if you're just going to stay in your basement bunker with your two body men, you know, where do you say, where do you stand on Israel? Where do you stand on the Mid East? Piece plans? Where do you stand on Jerusalem? Is the Capitol. Where do you stand on you know how Donald Trump defeat the Caliphate, took out at al Baghdaddy, beat the Caliphate in Syria, took out Solo Many, and took out the al Qaida leader in Yemen. Where do you stand on those issues? I don't know. I think Linda's that pretty comprehensive. I think I'm getting pretty comprehensive. Ryan, Yeah, I think that was awesome. Actually, I'm not running for president. I'm chose running for president. President Trump has already given his positions and gives them all the time. That doesn't know where he's running. He just does what he's told. I guess An hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. We have big breaking news as it relates. We have a brand new d J reveal another discovery, the Struck notes we believe from remember the Flint case was over on January fourth. Now we have notes from Struck and we're getting the details of them at the bottom of the hour in this crucial three day period of January third through fifth, and the implications it has on the case of General Flynn and it is. I am told Blockbuster. We're also getting new indications where the Durham report is moving. We'll do that at the bottom of the hour. Then we'll get to the issues at the top of now a showdown. It looks like we're headed for one in Seattle and the autonomous Chaz Chop festive zone. That is what they call the Summer of Love Zone, as the mayor calls it out there. But first we welcome back new king Rich. He's just authored a brand new book. It's out today. I'm a fan of all of his writing. It's Trump and the American Future. You know, it's I know some bookstores aren't available open today, but it's online Amazon dot com. We have at a link on Hannity dot com. And you know, Newton and I are on the same track here, and I have a book out August fourth that I've been talking about, but I want to focus on his book day because this election is unlike any other election that we've ever had in our lifetime. And new Kingridge and I go back to nineteen ninety four. Republicans imagine this, They hadn't had control of the House of Representatives for forty years. And because of his intellectual hard work and starting something rebuilding American civilization, transforming that into what became the Contract with America. That, by the way, in the first hundred days voting on those ten items, it changed history. I got to be the MC the night that the Republicans took back control of the House that night, and he then became the Speaker of the House. He's always been a conservative intellectual, just a force of sheer power, ideas and energy. Mister Speaker, congratulations, and I agree. This is Look, We've said it on many other occasions and our adult lives. This is it. This is a clear choice election. But before we get into the future, I just want to correct one thing for our friends in the audience. Great, here we go. Go back to ninety four. No, we'll go back to ninety four. Was it eighty nine or ninety when I first said it, agreed to be interviewed nine blue jeans, Alabama. I had a suit jacket on in a tie. You had a suit jacket a tie in blue jeans. Nothing's changed, by the way, I still wear the same garb. Probably I'm wearing the same jeans I wore then. I just look, I'm a historian, and I just want to make clear for the record of case some future historian listens to this tape. Now we go back a long way. We met at a holiday Inn Indicator, Alabama, when I was a local host in Huntsville, Alabama, and I did a remote broadcast. You were doing a speech there. You came to a room that we commandeered in the Holiday Inn, and I interviewed us. There is a picture somewhere. I've seen it. I gotta find it. I don't know where it is. We'll send it the legacy box. I have it correct. We ended up out on the balcony for some reason. Yeah, probably, I mean probably me smoking a cigar if I know me, but who knows. Great, But anyway, but anyway, but by the way, that wasn't That was a pivotal moment in my life that night and also the night you were speaker. But you know, this is it, mister speaker, it's I think. So. I tried to make the point in this new book, Trump in the American Future that this election is the most decisive choice since Abraham Lincoln in eighteen sixty, that not in one hundred and sixty years have we faced the scale of difference between Bush side wins. And if you think about Schumer, Pelosi and Biden as a team, and you compare them to Trump, McConnell, and McCarthy as a team, you'll begin to understanding exactly why I I truly believe that this is one of those things that happens, you know, once in a one hundred and sixty years, and America will be radically different on the day after the election, depending on which team is still standing. I think it's literally that important. I spend seven days a week trying to figure out how we can win this thing because I think it is so vital to my children and grandchildren into my country. You know, I fear for future generations. You know, let's be honest here, I'm getting a load. I've been doing this thirty years with you. That's a long time. And you've been a great friend and a great mentor in many ways as well, and an intellectual powerhouse in my life and have helped me in ways I can't even begin a list, you know. Terry mcculloff said, just what a week and a half ago. I'm fine with Joe being in the basement. He only sees two people a day is two body men. You know, we have all of this happening around our country, and he doesn't talk, and when he does talk, he can barely utter or string two sentences together. How did he get away with that? If you were well, look, if you were Pelosi and you were Schumer, you would love the idea of a Biden presidency because you'd be convinced that you were going to totally dominate him, that you were going to define how radical would be, that you're going to define who wed to point to the Supreme Court, and that you would be able to fill up the government with your radical friends. And so in a sense, Biden is just sort of the cork on the top of the water, bobbing along. But he's not the guy who's paddling. The people who are paddling are people like Pelosi and Schumer. They're left wing allies and all the very you know, the people like George Soros. Those folks are all paddling because they understand instinctively that if anybody but Donald Trump is in the White House next year, they're world is going to start to win. And if Trump wins, their world is going to continue as it has for four years to crumble and fall apart. And then that's how I really do believe. That's how gigantic this election is. On foreign policy, on Supreme Court justices, on the rule of law, restoring law and order. Who would have ever thought nine hundred cops now have been injured, We have an entire city blocks now commandeered by anarchists. We don't hear a word for Joe on any of these issues. You know, what does he think of the Chaz chop for Summer of free love zone, autonomy zone in Seattle? How do we restore orders? Should we have sanctuary cities in states? Why does he want higher taxes? Why does he support the Green New Deal? Why would he ever dump one hundred and fifty billion in cash another currency and the tarmac with mulas that chant death to America? Why did he fail to act after Ferguson, after Baltimore because they could have made institutional changes. Then He's been in government fifty years. Trump's been in there less than four and he set record low unemployment for every demographic in the country. And Joe and Barack gave us thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, you know, I think we have a real a lot of questions we need to answer here, mister speaker, Oh, I agree. And part of the reason when when I was writing Trump in the American Future, the first draft actually got done before the Chinese virus arrived. And it was fascinating because you know, lowest African American unemployment, lowest Latino unemployment, lowest female unemployment, steady rise in income for lower income Americans, many good things happening. And then of course we got hit by China with their virus, and then we had a public health policy was led to the only time I know of in history where government's deliberately created a depression. And then of course we had after that the tragic killing of George Floyd, and the whole experience of the demonstrations which were legitimate, and the looting and rioting which was illegitimate, and the total loss of nerve by democratic mayors and governors who could not defend their communities. It's just that it's astonishing to meet the history. Though you know, people got away with breaking law. No president has been more supportive of Israel. No president has done more for the faith community in America than Donald J. Trump, you know, right. I mean, you know, people questioned me and you and when we got hammered in the last election cycle, he's not going to govern as a conservative. And I put all of my credibility on the line and I said, yes he is, because I've known him that many years. And I know why he played the game in New York because it was the only way he can put a building up and keep jobs going and make money. I know that horrible word profit. And I know that I've never seen a president make as many promises and fight to keep him as much as him. I've never seen it. It's a force of nature. Now, some people don't like the style, but I guess when you're exposing the swamp every day, this is what you get. Yeah, I look, I mean I think to measure Trump against anybody except maybe Andrew Jackson, it's just absurd. Trump went in there, rolled up as leaves, took on the entire national establishment, took on all of the left wing propaganda media, and fought them to you to either a draw or I would argue slightly one. That's an astonishing achievement. Three hundred federal judges, all of them conservative, radical dramatic deregulation, tax SUTs the drove the greatest economic ricago. You look at the economic recovery under Trump and the failure to recover under Obama Biden, and you begin to ask yourself, well, now what is the selection going to be about? Please please join Biden and fail again to be an interesting slogan, but I don't play the work. I like what Ari Fleischer said. Don't call him sleepy Joe, call him weak Joe, and he is weak. You know, they brought this question up about Reagan. Does he have the mental alertness, the strength, the stamina. Okay, I remember once you told me when you were a speaker, maybe it was after you just finished your term of speaker, your time, you know. I remember you told me that on a daily basis, that you always had in the center of your of your brain, which is pretty you know, you're a pretty smart guy. It's a lot going on up there, and never ending tiredness and ache, and I actually now can relate to it. Never thought I would, but I can actually slightly relate to it in my own little humble way. Not quite up to your level, I promise, But um, I've never seen a force of nature like this guy. Now people complain about his style, but I don't know if we had anything done in this environment without, you know, having you have to battle on every issue. This is a battle for the heart and soul of the country, mister speaker, and I believe that with all my heart. Look I look at Trump. I look at ninety three percent propaganda media. I don't call him these media anymore. I've got ninety seven percent arounding three percent propaganda media sat. I look at the deep State trying to destroy him. I look at the Democrats trying to impeach him. I look at all the different fights, and then I think to myself and watching him get up the next day, same level of energy, same drive, same determination. I think it literally Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln are the only two guys I can imagine who are in the same league for just taking the beat and keeping on. And he has truly, in essence, proven to be an amazingly tough and resilient leader. And my hat's off to him. I don't know anybody else, at least in our generation, who could have gotten through this. And much as I loved and admired Ronald Reagan, I'm not sure Reagan could have taken the scale of beating Uh. This is really it really takes an unusual person. Oh no, I mean, and I'll be honest. I mean, you can take a punch too. I can take a punch. I just don't care anymore. It's so, you know, as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter that it's out today bookstores everywhere Amazon dot com. If your bookstore is open, probably better to go to Amazon dot com. Trump and the American Future Solving the Great Problems of our Time. All Right, we have some big deep state news. John Solomon will break at the bottom of this half hour. At the top of the next hour, Leo Turell, Larry Elder sick out continues with Atlanta police, and apparently the Wendy's where the shooting and Raychard Brooks died is now apparently being surrounded by guys with day or fifteens lot going on there. Um speaker New Gingrich joins us his brand new book out today, Trump and the American Future, Solving the Great Problems of our Timeboy, we do need to solve them, and ideas is the way. It's on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot Com and you know it's one hundred and thirty three days, mister speaker, I don't even know if the events that will actually define the winning have happened yet. I think the economy will bounce back a little concerned about the hotspots we're seeing around the country, as everyone else is with Corona. Joe Biden has you know, got He just hides, how do you see this? You know, how do you see this playing out? Look? I think it's very simple. If the president can get the economy moving, which I suspect you will, well it won't be back to February where we at the lowest African American unemployment rate in history and the lowest Latino unemployment rate in history. But if it's coming back up and people believe we're on the way, that's part one. Part two. He offers a series of really bold proposals like a twelve months payroll tax holiday, one hundred percent expensing for business to create real investments, a pretty big infrastructure program to make us equal to China and the quality of our infrastructure, things that people can say, yeah, I want that. And then third, he simply has to define the nature of the Pelosi Schumer Biden machine, and how radical it would because you're you're not just voting for Biden ire at the point you made just before the commercial rate, Biden is so weak that I am convinced that Schumer and Pelosi are eager for him to become president because they think they will dominate his presidency and he will be end up being so radical that it will have no resemblance, and I think it'll take They would, they would, frankly, let me get this out. We'll continue this on Hannity tonight, Trump and the American Future, solving the very problems of our time. Amazon dot Com Hannity dot Com speaker Gingridge tonight on Hannity. This is Sydney Powell for petitioner Michael Flynn. This is the quintessential case for mandamus because we have both issues of judicial usurpation of executive prerogatives and a clear abuse of discretion. The judge has no authority to do anything further in the case. There's no case or controversy any longer the parties have decided the government has quit, and he also has no authority to go into the reasons behind the executive's determination to dismiss the case as by the way, glad you ought us twenty five till the top of the hour, we have Leo Terrell's cel Bryant Bernie Kerrig is in Atlanta today sick out, and cops just not willing to do the job in Atlanta, a huge developing story, and the Seattle protest now setting up barricades to prepare and defend the chop zone. What Sydney Powell, the attorney for General Michael Flint, is saying here, there's no case, there's no controversy, And what Judge Emmett Sullivan is doing in this case, there's just even piling on more of a travesty of justice or injustice. In the case of Michael Flynn, we now know there's no ambiguity, exculpatory information, evidence was withheld Brady material in this case. We know that the agents never thought he was lying. We know that in fact, they opened up the case that they had just closed for purely political reasons. We have literally writings that say, what's our aim here is our aim to get an admission. But on the Logan Act, nobody's ever been charged with the Logan Act successfully since seventeen ninety nine. Is it to get an admission or to get the person to lie, so we can either prosecute that's a perjury trap or get the person fired, this being Michael Flint. Just like there's no ambiguity that exculpatory evidence was withheld in the Papadopoulos case, Like there's no ambiguity that Roger Stone never should have had twenty nine guys in tactical gear and frogmen and CNN cameras for a process crime. But even worse than that, every American is supposed to have a fair and impartial jury. That never happened in the Stone case because the jury four person we now know, spite of jury questionnaires, was vocal and extremely vocal against the person that was on trial. At least you set a date for a new trial. Not in this era of corruption. Nope, didn't hampen. And then Paul Manafort's case similar, that case was dead, gone and buried and brought up for one reason. Well, we have avantage. You know, we have this woman Chulupa working with the DNC then going to the Ukrainians, the very thing that everyone got all outraged about Trump and Russia. The only Russian collusion was Hillary's dirty Russian disinformation and Dacier that they knew was phony from the get go. Now we have new evidence. John Solomon just breaking this news that the Justice Department is now disclosed to the Federal Court today they have located a new page of notes from Peter Struck. You know, he was the one that interviewed General Flynn, lead FBI agents in all things Operation Crossfire Hurricane. Acting US Attorney Michael Sherwin informed US District Judge Emmett Sullivan of the discovery in a midday court filing, revealing the single page of notes that were believed to have been taken by Struck during the critical juncture of early in January twenty seventeen, when they had the ambush interview, of course, with Flynn four days into the Trump administration, something that Comey brags about that he wouldn't do or get away with in previous administrations. The same day that we know, the Deputy FBI Director McCabe told General Flynn, you don't need a lawyer, when in fact they were ambushing him. This age of notes was taken by Peter Struck. While the page itself is undated, we believe the notes were taken in early January twenty seventeen, between January third and January fifth. By the way, this was the time at which they would have they had killed the entire case against General Flynn. The prosecutor said it was more possible more documents may be produced to the court. John Solomon is breaking this news. He has a lot more on this than I do. And John just anews dot com just another another example of abuse of power and corruption that you have been very at the top of your game on exposing since March of twenty seventeen on this show. Well, thank you. It is extraordinary. I'll tell you one thing that some people who haven't been on the top of the game, and that's the US Justice Department. It is unfathomable that at this late date, after all we've known about Pete Struck, after all of the focus on Operation Hurricane ig investigations, Senate, in house intelligence investigations, that suddenly notes would suddenly be dis covered that would be further exculpatory to Mike Flynn. And these notes occur in such a critical window. The window they're giving is January third, twenty seventeen to January fifth, twenty seventeen. That is a three day period. But when when the FBI went from we're shutting down the Mike Flynn case because there's no derogatory information, no evidence he did anything criminal, no anything, no evidence that he did anything that posed to concot. I don't want to interrupt, but put emphasis on this. This was not one department, This was a number of departments saying the exact same thing. Yeah, the FBI was equivocal about it, and I remember the Justice Department was also telling the FBI, we don't buy the Logan Act. It's the stretch. We're not going there. We're not going to do it. So they were going to shut this case down on January third, and then on January fourth, pret Struck gives a call to the agent who was riding the clothes out in memo, says, hold off, you haven't filed that yet, and he said no, Well, how lucky are we good? Don't file at the seventh floor, meaning James Coombe and Andrew McCabe don't want this shut down yet. And then then the next day, on the fifth, they pivot to the idea that we're going to set Flynn up for an interview. Maybe we'll catch him lying and he can get fired and be prosecuted. And that's what is actually what happened. These notes will give Pete Struck's state of mind in whatever he knew at that moment. And I'm told from a person who has seen these notes they're highly exculpatory. They're going to be explosive when they're unsealed by the court. They've been filed right now under seal, but when they get released, there'll be a new revelation and more, even more concerning behavior than what we already know about the Flinn case. How soon will we get to see it? Because I heard the same thing from my sources that is beyond explosive. And now what position does that now put Emmett Sullivan in? I mean, can he be impeached because certainly he has been dead set at even one point suggesting that General Flynn was a traitor for crying out loud. He's had some tough moments in this case, and we have yet to see what the appellate court has done. Remember the appellate moments, he said there was no Brady material and there was John That's that's that's more than a tough momentterial significant Brady material, I mean game changing Brady material. It's just unbelievable that the Justice Department played this far off the line. I mean they were they were cheating. And it's only now because of the good work of Attorney General Bar and this Special Prosecutor Jensen and the Special Prosecutor Durham that these things are turning up. And one of the questions I have is if these notes weren't in the FBI system and they just turned up. Now, is somebody cooperating now for the first time that is forwarding these notes And that's a big question. I know I'm going to be reporting on how did these notes suddenly repair? Did someone flip and become a state's witness? Very important question that we're gonna to try to answer over the next few days. Now, on top of this, you wrote a really good column. I've been calling them little little like Handsel and Gretel breadcrumbs that have been laid out and I'm trying to read the tea leaves, the breadcrumbs left on the ground. The Bar has dropped. You call it the six big hints that the Attorney General Bar has dropped about Durham's investigation, and a lot of it got slowed down, as I understand, and because of the inability to convene a grand jury, because the coronavirus, and the inability to interview witnesses. But tell us about the six big Hince bars dropped. Yeah, he's been really clear. I mean, we have a timetable now. We now expect that by the end of the summer there will be the first developments, the first actions in the case, but that this is probably going to stretch beyond November election day. That's a big news headline. I think one of the most surprising things he said in the Sunday interview with Maria Bardaromo was that they are looking, not surprising, but they're looking at what happened between January in June of twenty sixteen, before the official opening of the FBI investigation known as Crossfire Hurricane. And he said, this is the Attorney General's own words, it is significant that the Steel dossier work began before July. He dropped a big hint there that maybe some of the things that we saw in the beginning of the year were related to things Christopher Steele was doing. So maybe some of these approaches to people like Carter Page and Papadopoulos they may have involved something related to the Steele dossier. That was a big hint. He talks about the fact that there are multiple League investigations, criminal League investigations in the Russia case. Another very important development on that front, and I think one of the most interesting things that we've all talked about recently. But it's become more clear from language he is looking at the ICA, what is known as the Intelligence Community Assessment. That's the conclusion that the Obama administration dropped on the American public as it was heading out the door in January seventeen, saying Russia medal. Now everybody agrees on that, but their intention was to help Donald Trump. Not everybody agrees on that. In fact, quite a bit of evidence has emerged that cuts against that conclusion. Barr has made it clear that John Durham is looking at whether political pressure was applied by people like John Brennan and others to come to that conclusion in the absence of evidence. So he's given us in the last few days. The Attorney General has given us a lot of leads, a lot of big hints about where this investigation should have headed. Hence to a coda. All right, stay right there, John Solomon, Just the News dot com that's his own investigative website and news source. We'll come back on the other side. We'll talk about Brennan, we'll talk about Clapper and names that could end up in an indictment. Right as we continue with John Solomon, just thenews dot com, big breaking developments today the DJ revealing the discovery of new Struck notes in the Flint case. Apparently blockbuster and should be released shortly, and John saying his sources and I've checked a couple of mine as well. Very exculpatory and explosive here. We'll get the details in the days to come when we see the actual notes. Now we were talking about the break, so we talked about the Durham investigation what you wrote as a column six. Hence Bars dropped about that investigation. But Durham has something available to him that Harwitz never did, and that is going beyond the purview of the Department of Justice and FBI one and number two, the ability to convene a grand jury and issue indictments. It seems we're going to read tea leaves and look at breadcrumbs that indictments seemed likely. Now, yeah, listen, the Attorney General has said on multiple occasion, now is there's evidence of criminal conduct here, and you wouldn't be waiting to interview witnesses, You wouldn't be waiting for grand juries to be restored again in the post COVID era if you weren't trying to bring a criminal case. And I think all the indications are there. And I think one of the most interesting comments he made over the weekend was that when you take a look at how the FBI opened this case on July thirty first, on this allegation that Alexander down Or an Australian diplomat, meets George Papadopplas at a wine bar in London. Because Papadopplas makes some comment that he heard the Russians at dirt on Hillary Clinton, they thought that was a big enough reason to open the case. And the Attorney General said, based on what he's learned from Durham, he thinks the case was opened on the quote thinnest of reads, meaning almost slim to know evidence, no real basis to spy on the opponent's campaign heading into the final days of the election. I think that's a really extraordinary statement by the Attorney General. He chooses his words very carefully, so I think we're learning a lot more that Durham, probably behind the scenes, has found out that this case wasn't based on a real strong predicate, that it may not have met the standards that the FBI has for opening a case. And then the question is why would they do that? And the Attorney General said, this is as close as I've seen to an organized effort to remove a president in modern history. So he's starting to lean towards that idea that maybe this was an organized coup effort rather than a legitimate criminal investigation. Very strong words by the Attorney General. You know, I think the one thing that people don't understand about Attorney General bar and I'm just watching him from a distance. Even this whole issue with the Southern District of New York. I mean, it was interesting to watch. Had Obama cleared out anybody that serves in any of these in these offices, they serve at the pleasure of the president. This was a temporary, an interim appointment number one, and also had to do more with Mayor de Blasio in New York that anything else. And another position was being considered for this guy that again since has left the position, which, by the way, is very common when a president wants to make the appointment him or herself, in this case himself, and that would be President Trump. And then we find out all the details that it had more to do with something unrelated, and then the president and then the Attorney General says, oh, by the way, if anyone ever puts pressure on you, contact Michael Horowitz immediately. I have told him to immediately take up any issue of any political pressure ever brought to bear on a prosecutor. Yeah, listen, the Attorney General doesn't play games. He says what he means, and he means what he says. And I think one of the things that you saw play out with Jeff Berman this weekend is the mentality of what we call the paramany brocracy, the deep state, as critics will call it, that they feel entitled to stay in their job even when their boss and the president, who's empowered by the Constitution, says I want to make a change in Hey, they play out this melodrama as though it's their job. They are the people's servant and they serve under the pleasure of the president. Because that's the way our founding fathers intended it. But you're seeing more and more of these career bureaucrats acting as though they have kinglike privileges that they can't be removed, they can't be meddled with, they can't be told yes or no based on the supervision of the intentions of the administration. That is exactly the mentality that Donald Trump came to smash in Washington. He wanted the bureaucracy to be responsitive to the people and not to itself, and I think the Jeff Berman episode plays that out perfectly. You saw the deep state mentality in public in real time, and what luck turned out to be like a soap opera. He turned it into a soap opera. All right, justinnews dot Com, John Solomon, investigative reporter, thank you for being with us one week. Come back. Apparently the Wendy's where the shooting of Rayshard Brooks took place, has now apparently been taken over. People reports now from Bernie Kerrigg on the ground of people they're around the Wendy's building with their fifteens, cops calling out sick in Atlanta, and many more details. We'll get to that Hannity tonight at nine, we'll take a quick break, news round up, Information Overload hour is next. How long do you think Seattle and those few blocks looks like this? I don't know. We could have a summer of love. Well tell that to the police who was supposed to be in that precinct. Thill, But I understand your sentiment, Mayor. We don't have to sacrifice public safety for First Amendment rights. Both can exist, and we'll make sure that both exists in Seattle. It was doomed to happen from day one, and no one wanted to say it. But I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. For a week, Matthew Pluse and his neighbors have been sounding the alarm about crime and violence from the chop zone. He says it shouldn't have taken a nineteen year old murder and two people getting shot in just four eight hours for the mayor to finally listen to their concerns. It should have ended when the cartender got broken into and the mob went and broke down his fence. It Yeah, did not have to come to this at all. Neighbors say they want to see a concrete timeline when officers will be phased back to the abandoned East precinct. Clear it out, you know, piece before we remove them. That's fine, but start start shuff on them away. They don't need to stay here overnight. A message on a barricade one of the chop entrances says protesters aren't leaving until these demands are met. Some say compromise is critical once the violence happens and all the craziness happens. Yeah, that's opening a Pandora's box. Jason Smith, who was selling Black Lives Matter t shirts, says the entire message has now been derailed. I think it was a black lives matter. I think there was harassing black people, killing black people, and that's what it was about. First they lost, they wave, all right, there are the sounds of what is an unmitigated disaster. Now we have the Seattle anarchists, the chad zone, chop Zone, autonomy Zone, Summer of Love Zone, festive zoned, Summer of Love, everything zone. Now we have two people shot, one allegation or rape. You hear the cops begging to get in to help save lives because the mayor and the governor refuse absolute any sense of law and order in all of this sadly predictable, n preventable. You had in one particular case, by the way, CBSNBC, they completely ignored the fact a young African American teenager was killed in this chop zone. And you know, I'm like, okay, why are we why are we not covering this? Because what they've been reporting live on fake news CNN, they were reporting live on conspiracy TV MSDNC that it's festive, and even the people inside the zone of saying this is not festive. Now there is reports that they are gearing up for battle, to prepare to defend the six block radius, even though now the mayor says, well, maybe the summer of love has to come to an end here. On top of that, we've got now the battle over the monuments that are taking place. We saw what happened in DC last night. We have one left wing activist, Sean King saying, tear down white supremacy statues of Jesus. We have Saint John's Church attacked again with the phrase and the letters of the black House Autonomous zone there that was put to bed last night while we were on Hannity, now this has become an issue in the twenty twenty campaign as and Joe Biden is nowhere to be found and when will he have to even take a stand on anything, has not said a word about restoring law and order anywhere, the President vowing to crackdown on monument vandalism, and it gets worse every day anyway, Joining us now, Leo Terrell at the Leo Terrell dot com on Twitter, Leo, glad you called. Thanks for being with us your overall thoughts on this. This is sadly predictable. I've been saying it. You've been saying it wasn't hard to predict, it was inevitable, was not a summer of love. And now them cleaning up this mess, well it looks like they're preparing for a showdown in the autonomy zone. You know, Sean. It's the reason why I just completely have to separate myself from the Democratic Party. The bottom line is the Black Lives Matter have hijacked the Democratic Party. Anyone who used to be a Democrat. They have basically said, we will determine which crime, which murders is important, and if it's not a black kid or a black man involved with a white police officer. We don't care about any black on black crime. We don't care about any the chaos, your order, CNN, MSNBC Democrats not to utter a word. What is going on in this country is outright lawlessness. And I'm pleading with every Democrat, you the ones we are just just keeping your mouth shut, opening your mouth and criticize the so called Democratic leader. Joe Biden, in my opinion, is to with Row Wilson after he had a stroke. He is being run by surrogate. And I'm telling you right now, the Democratic Party has been hijacked. President Trump, like him or not, is on point when it talks about law and order. Ninety percent of Americans want law and order, and they have basically handcuffed the law enforcement in this country, the people who protect us at two o'clock in the morning. And I'll tell you right now, they've made this issue a race issue. If you're black, you're not allowed to criticize Black lives matter, except Leo Terrell and Larry Elder and a few other people who won't take the kool ace, who won't drink it. And I'm telling you right now, as long as I have a vote or a platform. I'm going to call out those Black Lives leaders I'm going to call out those Democrats who are keeping their mouths shut because they are drinking the Black Lives Leadership koolates and taking their money. Well, we welcome to Reverend cl Bryant, author of the Race for Freedom, is a senior Fellow and Freedom Works. And over the weekend, cl And you're a pastor and you were formerly the head of the NAACP in Texas, Carlon, Texas. You know, we saw one hundred and four of our fellow American shot in the city of Chicago, including twelve kids, pastor, including fourteen of those one hundred and four that died. We see that in New York City and this idiotic get out of jail free without any bail reform the governor. That's not working well. You know, twenty eight separate shootings, thirty eight victims just in New York City this weekend. And shootings are up a whopping three hundred and fifty eight percent over last year. Minneapolis Democratic Mayerson's nineteen seventy eight Okay, now serious crimes. They are up seventy percent and they just had a city Council of Minneapoli's vote to get rid of the police department. I think that you know, if we don't, we can't even have a discussion on anything political now until law and order is restored. Every American, I don't care where you live. You're an American. You deserve a safe and secure home. You need law and order so you can go about your daily life and your pursuit of happiness. Absolutely, Sean. And when we think about the fact that if we as Americans do not concede this one point, if all of our lives are not valuable, and if all of our lives do not matter, then we are hypocrites, every one of us who get the free sunshine, the free air to breathe, and the water to drink. Let me tell you something, No life is more valuable than another. And especially when we look at this in the light of a three year old child killed in Chicago. Yet you have this great hooplah going on over a so called race killing, which is an absolute lie. When we look at this particular incident is horrendous as it was. And I've set this to you before, Sean, We've talked about this before. This is about a visual the visual of a white man killing a black man. This is not about black lives. If it were the black lives that are falling in legions in places like Houston, in Chicago and New Orleans, it would be absolute outrage over that as well. So let's end the hypocrisy black people in particular, and full disclosure, I'm black, just like you all my life grew up in the segregated South, and let me tell everyone this, Sean, this is not the segregated South. This is not the nineteen sixties. This is an opportunity for us to actually come together as a society and understand that we must move forward if we are to survive as a nation. I mean, it's very powerful what you're saying. Look, at the end of the day, you gotta put aside. We have to have some fundamental agreement as a society. One is let's all agree. Look, I take a religious viewpoint on this, and I don't think people mind I share it. It doesn't matter what religion you believe in or whether you don't believe in religion. But I believe that we're all created in the image of God, every man, woman, and child. There's good and there's evil. There's some good people, and there's some bad people. What we saw done to George Floyd that was evil on my mind. You know, it shocked the conscience, rightly so, of a nation. But at the end of the day, if we can start with the premise that we have got to make sure every American is safe and secure. If we can't start there in agreement, we're in trouble. You know, We've watched now decades of democratic rule in these cities and states, Leo, and they have failed miserably. And the next most important thing on my list is the basics. Every kid reading, writing, and math. We don't, especially in liberal cities, blue states run by the Democrats. For decades. It's been a spectacular fail. In spite of the money that's thrown at it. We've been more per capita than any other industrialized nations. So it's not about the money. It's about the unwillingness to get the job done and allowing unholy alliances with politicians and teachers unions to prevent schools from getting fixed. We're smart people, We can fix these problems. Every kid could get a quality education, Leo. And that to me is a ladder. That's the ladder to success. The more success, the more happiness you actually have to pursue. You are absolutely correct. Correct. Let me just hammer this point down. You know, I'm on your radio program because I got a good education. I had a mom and dad who told me how important education. Went to law school, got a teaching degree, got a law degree, practice. That's why I'm on this program right now. But there are three bullet points that are so important. You're talking about working together. There are profiteers within the I don't want to mention any names, Al Sharpton. These people make a living dividance by race. We got a great senator in Tim Scott trying to get a justice reform bill. You know what, the Democrats don't want it pass. You know why because they don't want the Republicans to work unjustice reform because that's their issue. So they're going to stowewall that issue. And then when you constantly hear from democratic mayor's, liberal black mayors in LA Chicago, Washington, DC talking about systematic discrimination, they run the system and the sad part about it being a product of public schools in Los Angeles, it is the Democratic playbook to keep minorities down and on their luck and point the singer at the other guys. They will not stay in power if they adopted principles of self, personal responsibility, and self growth. It is their playbook that's what keep people like Alice Sharpton and the Democratic leadership in power. They point the finger at the other side and say they're evil, we're good, and in reality they're holding us back. All right, stay right there, more with cl Bryant, More with Leo Terrell. Will also add Bernie Carrica on the other side of the half hour of this right as we continue, Reverend cl Bryant and Leo Terrell, they'll stay with us on the other side of this break and will also be joined by Bernie, who apparently is on the ground in Atlanta today. Um, Leo, is you know I mean, first things first, I don't think it's that hard to restore order if you're committed to it. You know, it's not going to be pretty at this point. I mean, now that they're setting up in Seattle barricades. They wouldn't even let the cops in after somebody was shot there, and so I'm concerned that this is not gonna, you know, look pretty at all. And here we go the anarchists are going to get violent, and here we go, more injured cops, more risks of death for individuals here because they didn't nip this in the bud like they did in Washington, DC last night. Correct, and the plum is it. The President has offered troops if necessary, The governor of Washington has got his he has his hands behind his back. And basically the Seattle mayor, I don't understand where she's from. She seemed like a flower child from the sixties. The point here is shot. It goes back to what I said, the black lives in the protesters, these extremist groups who never vote, who do not get involved in mainstream politics, they are hijacking in the city and the Democratic leadership, the liberal leadership is afraid of them, and they can nip this in the butte they wanted to, but they are afraid to because for some crazy reasons, they believe that those extremist groups represent the Democratic base. No, they represent a fringe group, and the Democratic base wants law and order. And what are you threatened, Reverend cl'bryant. I mean, I agree with Leo, but I don't see I don't hear Joe Biden say anything about it, so it's hard to find out where he is on it. You know, the Democrats that have spoken out have actually spoken out, you know, not just for the peaceful protesters. They just have not spoken out against all of these cops being hit with bottles and rocks and bricks and molotov cocktails either. And Sean, one of the things that we have to watch out for in that what you've just said, is this what happens next? Do we all see the national anthem no longer played anywhere in this country? Do we see the Pledge of allegiance fall around the country? Are we going to become unpatriotic because of a contrived, a malicious, made up type of fear? All right, c O'Brien stay there. Cl stays with us, Leo stays with us. Bernie Kerrig joins us. Next half hour, final hour, Free for all, eight hundred nine four one. Shaun has a number. Got an amazing Hannity tonight, nine easton on the Fox News Channel. We'll take a break, we'll come back. We'll get an update from Bernie. He's in Atlanta and much more straight ahead. New York City has been like the Wild West, this last week just shooting in East Flatbush, leaving one man dead another injured, adding two astonishing statistics that show us three hundred and forty two rise in shootings last week fifty three compared to twelve and twenty nineteen and four hundred and fourteen percent increase and a number of people shot seventy four compared to fourteen in twenty nineteen. The NYPD investigating as three of shootings on this first official weekend of summer, one of them eleven this morning. In just released surveillance video by police, a man walking down Milford Street in East New York shoots another washing his car That thirty five year old shot in the neck, the wound fatal. These shootings are a part of nearly two dozen overnight, with four people also shot in the Bronx. The YPD says so far there have been nineteen people who have been shot in the past twenty four hours since midnight, and there were thirteen incidents in all, and they also happened across for boroughs Manhattan. The Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn families are having a hard time getting in and out of their neighborhood. Armed protesters are blocking Road near the southwest Atlanta Wendy's where an officer shot and killed Ray Shard Brooks, and pictures on social media show some of the pro testers with guns at University Avenue and on Prior Road, and the faith based leader is telling us they want to see the group peacefully reopen the road. I believe that our people, especially in this community, should not be stopped from being able to peacefully protest and to peacefully travel and move about in this community. And please told us they are patrolling the area from a distance. All right, there it is quez we continue twenty four now until the top of the hour. Atlanta News reports about the armed protesters blocking roads at the Wendy's where Ray Schard Brooks was shot in that incident. That now we've all gone over from a lot of different angles news reports of the NYC shot and New York City shootings. I've been going over one hundred and fourth shot in Chicago over the weekend, twelve kids, fourteen dead at this hour. We also have apparently in Atlanta, sick out continuing. Arm protesters remain at the Wendy's where Ray Schard Brooks was killed. So what's next. Also, the Atlanta officer charged in the case says, I have one hundred percent of bait that the truth will come out. Bernie Kerrig now joins Leo Terrell and our friend C. L. Bryant as we continue our discussion from the last half hour. You're on the ground, as I understand it, in Atlanta today, and you've talked for a lot of the police there. I hear that they basically are either calling out sick or they have no desire whatsoever to get involved in anything because they don't feel they have the backing of the mayor or the confidence of the people at this time. Well, you know what's on. One of the problems is they're not sure how to address their use of force continuum. They have no support from the mayor if they do get involved in an incident, In any incident, they're concerned about whether they're going to be supported indemnified by the city. I was actually by the Wendy's this morning. They have created another occupied zone there, so to speak. They have members of the New Black Panther Party out there with They are fifteens standing around guard. Nobody's allowed to cross the road. A few people, you know, stopped and told us that if they were white, if they were driving down that road and they were white, they got turned around and told to leave. They couldn't come in, couldn't get by the Wendy's. So, I mean it's you know, I think the Atlantic cops are you know, they're demoralized, they're taken back by this, and it's going to be difficult. And you know who I feel sorry for, Sean. I feel sorry for the communities, especially the minority communities where the most violence is the highest violence, the highest murder rates. They're the ones that's going to suffer because the cops are afraid to do their job. Well, I mean, so you're saying that have they commandeer to block or just the Wendy's, And you're saying that there are people where they are fifteens surrounding that Wendy's. This is now, it was already burned to the ground, wasn't it. Yeah, it's burned to the ground. But the road they actually have the road blocked off with these orange barricades out there, and it was a whole group of these guys, you know, the New Black Panthers with RS. So, you know, I don't know how long they're gonna be there. I don't know why you went down there, Bernie. You saw this with your own eyes. Yeah, it was about a block or as in fact, I was from the highway. I could see it from the highway. Wow, unbelievable your reaction, Leo Terrell. You know this is what makes this country great because you got a guy like Bernie, yourself, Reverend Bryant, myself trying to tell the public we're in a era of chaos and lawlessness. You got these black panthers, as Bernie described with a AR fifteen. I thought the Democrats were against adult weapons, and yet where's the Democratic outcry in demand for law and order? And I'm telling you, Sean, You've given us a form to tell the American public. I'm telling the American public, those who are watching and listening to you on radio and TV. You gotta say something. You gotta fell on the phone and call these Democratic leaders to say you have to condone this and Kesa Lant's bottom stop running for VP. This city of Atlanta is in turmoil. One last point, Sean, you mentioned about Rashar. You have always had a keen eye on cases that are good cases in bad cases, and this shooting case in Atlanta is not an act of police misconduct. Ever since you've been broadcasting this issue, it is clear that DA over charged that obviously should be released on bail, and we should get law in order, not only in Atlanta, but in all these liberal democratic cities you know, see all. I look at this and embraced by heart. I lived in Atlanta, I love Atlanta. And again, now, are they going to allow this to spiral out of control like they did in Seattle? Because that didn't end well. This doesn't sound like it will end well. And if police don't have the backing of the mayor and the support, and we're gonna have trial by videotape when it's not so clear cut as Leo Torello's right. In this case, we have a video. We have the prosecutor on tape saying that a taser is a deadly weapon by definition by the law, turning and firing that at the officer before the shooting occurred, only turning halfway, which would explain perhaps the angle of where the shots went in the back Listen. I don't want anything like this to ever happen, but it's certainly not the same as the George Floyd Case Sean, we should not be surprised when we live in America where they're elevating a Colin Kaepernick to the status of a Pat Kilman or a Muhammad Ali or a Jackie Robinson. Yes, it is spiraling out of control, and they're using tampered athletes and elitists who are liberals in order to drive this narrative of fear and fearmongering in this country so that they can do exactly what they have been doing, and that's keeping the country shut down, America becoming less prosperous, and the constant barrage of attack on a president who, before this pandemic occurred, had us in an absolute roaring economy, and we need to get back to that. We need to open up America again, and we need to stop letting the asylum be run by those who are absolutely out of their minds. You know, I really fear for if we can't begin with the safety and Bernie. You know, one of the things that I tipped my hat to you on is when Rudy Giuliani became mayor in New York and he was criticized heavily, but they looked at numbers. It was purely a numbers, a numbers issue. Where's the crime happening? Well, wasn't about what people, background, color, race, anything. Where the crime? Where is the majority of crime happening. We'll put the heavier concentration of lease in that area. They implemented stopping frisk. The murder rate went from what twenty five hundred a year or thereabouts to five hundred a year. Yeah. Well, from the time he took over in nineteen ninety four until two thousand and two, we dropped it by about sixty three percent, violent crime, homicide by seventy and in the minority community, Sean, the homicide the murder rate drop close to eighty percent. And yes, you know, Rudy was criticized and aggressive policing, and you know, all the same kind of stuff. You here now that here's the thing. Thousands of black lives were saved as a result of what we were doing. We were doing it for the people of New York and all these cities. Leo just made a really good point, where's the democratic leadership every one of these cities that has the highest violent crime rate and the highest murder rate, whether it's Chicago, Baltimore, Saint Louis, Minneapolis. All these cities are run by Democrats. When are you going to do for the people of your city. When are you gonna create that safety net, that law in order? We did it in New York twenty two. We went from twenty two hundred homicides. I hate to break your heart, Bernie, your hard work is going down the sewer because I don't know if you saw the later well, I'm not even look well. Chicago out one hundred and four people shot this weekend, twelve kids shot, Burnie, twelve fourteen people died. We now have you know, between the mayor and the governor and there're no bail. Stupidity and their sanctuary sanctuary status in New York City and their woful response in COVID nineteen and putting elderly patients at risk and many dying because of the idiocy of putting positive patients in the nursing homes. But anyway, well, we have twenty eight separate shootings this weekend, Bernie, and thirty eight victims. And you look at the total crime numbers in New York City, your city, it's up three hundred and fifty percent over last year, We're good Dalla sewer. They took six hundred playing clothes anti crime cups off the streets and they're sole functioning lights. It is going after guns. So when you don't go after the guns, the shootings are going to rise. And when the shootings are going to rise. When the shootings rise, so does murder. You know, Leo, I go back to fundamentally, nobody brought up the fact that an African American teenager was killed in the chop zone. From my perspective, we got a first restore order, then let's have a debate and have an election. You know, Sean, that's the first thing, law and order, because you know, people want to be safe. And what I found amazing if you look at the channels. Fox News covered a major story yesterday one hundred plus shootings in Chicago. Those other two networks that I won't mention, those other two kids, they didn't mention at all. They don't want to cover that. They don't want to cover the issue of law and order because it's a winning position and it's a number one concern in this country. Instead, they want to keep this issue of racial division. Law in order is color blind. It helps everyone everyone benefits from it. But if not in the other Keyble Network's best interests black lives interest to cover this story like you have and put focus on it because they want to have racial divide instead of law and order and try to move forward with a color blind mentality. They love the race card. And you know what, as a civil rights attorney, I'll find racism when it exists. But my gosh, the way you look at it from the democratic perspective is twenty four seven, three sixty five a day. It doesn't happen like they portray it. Let me go to Bernie Caring one more time. Now, tell us what the cops are telling you and why you're down there. And because the cops in Atlanta that I know, they're either calling in sick or they're not actually working. They're just driving in the other direction. They don't want to see anything. Well, I think it's a combination of both. You know, today is Brooks funeral, so they have a lot of people detailed to that UM and and the cops are trying to do their job. But I'm telling you, Sean, from what I've heard from everybody I've talked to, UM responding is going to be. Uh, it's going to be difficult because they don't know. Uh, they don't know what to do. They have no use of force continuum. Uh, their their use of force policy is basically thrown out the window as a result of what's happened. Uh. They you know, they're just uh, they're really confused and you know, taking it one one day at a time. I came down. I'm looking to help them as as much as I can. You know, Sean, keep in mind, eight cops. Eight cops are out of work. These cops have families. UM, they have families. They're they're trying to deal with this the best they can. UM, but they're out of work. UM, and I'm going to do everything in my power to help them raise some money and uh, you know, put together some legal Bernie. Nobody talks about the nearly nine hundred cops that have been pelted with rocks, bottles and molotov cocktails and bricks. I don't hear or those killed or the cop in vegas permanently paralyzed from the neck down. There has been about six killed, you know, throughout this nine hundred injured throughout the country. UM, this is an ongoing thing. But you know what, nobody cares. Nobody, you know, you know who cares? You care? Leo cares, Heal cares, you know, no, you know what. I disagree. There are many in the American people watching in shock and horror, and I think it's fundamental to every American to want to live in a safe community. We can do that, Bernie. You know why. We know. I you know, I know we can do it because you did it. It's never going to be perfect, but we can do a lot better than we're doing. Where's the Congress though, Where's members of Congress? Where hold your breath? It's not gonna haven't all right? Leo Terrell and cl Bryant and Bernie Carrick, thank you all for being with us. We have a full Hannity on all of this tonight with the breaking developments everywhere, and we are just one hundred and thirty three days from the election of a lifetime All right, Hannity Tonight nineties start on the Fox News Channel. We have a late breaking story hundreds of ambush Tampa police that we're responding to a reporter shots fired. Two officers there now injured. We'll have an update on all of that we have full news coverage, breaking developments out of Atlanta and Tampa, n Seattle. We'll get to all of that. Pete Hegseth, Sarah Sanders, Dan Haraldo, Larry and Leo. Also we have Senator Tom Cotton and Nuke King Rich. All right, so it's all coming up, say DVR nine pm. Fox News. Don't forget Hannity dot com. We are only forty two days away from the release of Live, Free or Die America in the world on the brink now to discount of Amazon dot com. You can link it to Hannity dot com and check it out there. We'll see it tonight at now I'm back here tomorrow. Thank you for being with us.

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