More Infrastructure Lies

Published Jul 21, 2021, 10:00 PM

Senator Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming sits on all three committees with transportation jurisdiction, and is here to give us the latest on the infrastructure lies of the left. With so much misinformation swirling around it’s hard for people to keep up with Biden’s blunders. Lummis has been very outspoken about Tracy Stone-Manning and David Chipman, two extreme nominees that President Biden is trying to place at the Bureau of Land Management and ATF. Wyoming has 18 million acres of public lands, and a rich gun culture. These nominees would have a significant detrimental impact on Wyoming. She spoke on the Senate floor about them this week.

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We come in to your city saying you a concocide. Well, I'll be desire Hi, then a jail, and if you want a little banging, ain't come along. Even if everyone did what they said they would do in Paris, the temperature of this planet will still rise upwards of two point five or three degrees setigrade. Now, why don't Republicans want us want kids to know how to not be racist? You are why one of the reasons people can't stand the media. Sorry and cracking me up. It's your fault. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. Yeah, come in to your cita, gonna play our gets. I'm to see his information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. All right, thanks Scott Shannon, and thanks to all of you for being with us. Right down our toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred and nine four one, sewn you want to be a part of the program. We are in beautiful sunny It is hot, but it is awesome. It attacks haven known as the Free Nation of Florida, unlike the United Socialist utopia where they confiscate everything in New York. Anyway, I gotta get down here. Sooner than later. Anyway, We're glad to be here today. We're in Miami. Many thanks for our affiliate, Miami WIOD. They've been a great affiliate for many, many years. Wonderful people that work there. They've been very helpful. Um. Now, the reason we are here is Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern on Fox. We will be now. I'm told this is the best Cuban food in the country. They even say that on their website in the country. Everybody that I know in Miami said one hundred percent true. And it's kind of been a congregating point as we've seen so many people in Miami in the Cuban American community standing up for friends and family and loved ones that have been living under this murdering communist dictatorship for what sixty some odd years. You know, when Castro, Fidel Castro comes to power, what does he do? Yeah, it says the world's most This is so cool. It's called the restaurant will be at tonight is Versailles, and it says, welcome to the world's most famous Cuban restaurant. Every single person. Because all I think about when I'm on the road, besides doing good shows is food and I like to get like, like when we're in Salt Lake City, we're gonna get a Crown burg. The first of all, you have to tell him what you did. We landed in Miami. We're not even wheels down yet. We're literally just touching, touching, and You're like, so we want to get for dinner and I'm like, dinner's at like ten o'clock. No, we after reading the menu at Versie, that's what we're getting for dinner, all right. So anyway, we're gonna be there. We're doing the show live Versailles at thirty five fifty five three five five five Southwest eighth Street in Miami. Ronda Santis will be there for the full hour with US Senator Mark Rubio. He may get a special trip to get in for the show. And the people, the Cuban American community in Miami is fighting so hard for their for their friends, their family, their relatives, that they may you know, once again, breathe free. I will say this, We'll get into more detail maybe the last bill. O'Reilly about it later today when he's on. I will tell you this, if this murdering communist dictatorship or to be replaced by a freely elected capitalist loving, freedom loving leader in Cuba, I would argue, if it will take less than five years for the most radical transformation economically to ever take place? And you say, well, how could you make such a bold prediction, mister Hannity, Or you're an economist. No, not an economist, And I'm not a doctor, and I don't dispense medical advice. I just urge you to be very careful. I don't want you to die from COVID, and be smart and research and study and talk to your doctor, your doctors, your medical professionals you love. I say that one hundred times, one hundred thousand times. And then this week the media finally caught up with me. They are the dumbest. Do you see Nicole Sapphire last night, doctor Nicoll? Yeah, she goes. I said, doctor Nicoll, how many times have I in the last year? And she started laughing. It's ridiculous because I asked that question. Am I doing the right thing? I'm asking the doctors what is the best way for me to communicate the seriousness of COVID, especially you know, obesity, co morbidities, pre existing conditions, comprominding them system and Bob blah blah, and it's on Hannity dot com with all the audio and video. No it's not with all of them. We have high years of examples. We just gave you like five or ten. I don't know whatever it is um anyway, So will be the show's live at the Versailles Cuban Restaurant. The best restaurant in Miami, I'm told, one of the best restaurants in Miami's definitely the best Cuban food restaurant in Miami. And uh and it's where a lot of Cuban Americans have been congregating. You know. I'll tell you this is amazing about the Cuban American community. If it weren't for the generosity the people that made it here, that used to live there wet foot, dry foot, you know, that gotten broken down, dilapidated, rickety boat, shark infested waters or literally people have made that perilous journey in inner tubes, you know, in shark infested waters. I don't want to be in an inner tube in shark infested waters ever, or broken down dilapidated boat that might sink in two seconds. Either, I don't want to be in that either. But they that's how badly they want to be free. You know, I told you his story about Armando de Quisada, that's his name. And and I met this guy. This is between ninety and ninety two. I don't remember when. I think it was around ninety ninety one, and I met him. He had a restaurant. It was Italian restaurant. It was a great restaurant. It was in Decatur, Alabama, and he was an advertiser on my show, and I used to I used to go there and eat all the time. We became really good friends. And he told me, you know, he lived through the rise of Castro and all the false promises of you know, free, free, free sound familiar, and his family that they were pretty well to do. All of the family property, like every other bit of property, was confiscated by Castro, many of his friends, many of his family murdered by Castro. Tried to be part of the resistance for as long as he could, but they were looking for him because they wanted to kill him. And but what so many people in the Cuban American community in Miami do, which is awesome of them, is if it wasn't for the money that they're making in America that they're sending back to friends and family and loved ones with. I mean, imagine five eggs a month, you get rationed. I mean that's just the tip of the iceberg. It is what do I always say? I said, I wrote about this and lived for your diet. Chapter four, Socialism It's history of failure. Okay, what does that mean? History of failure? It means any name, any manifestation, whatever form, whatever you call it. I don't care if it's Mao and China and Stalin and Russia or Marxism. I don't care if wherever it's tried it fails. It always promises are never fulfilled. You end up like Cuba, like Venezuela, you end up with more poverty, more people poor, And then it's a matter of calculating how much of your freedom did you give up in the name of false security. It happens every time. So we're excited to be back in Miami. It's been a while. It's great to be out of the United Socialism utopia of high tech. I wonder if I got a tax break for working down here for a day, I should have to only pay Florida income taxes for today with that. By the way, if you're a ball play get this. If you're a ball player, you know, I don't care if you play basketball, football, baseball, whatever, whatever sport hockey you play, that's okay. You know, the least of sports that that was good. You have to give that to you. Don't saying no, I don't have to you on the air or in my ear. So I was all right. So it's hard to distinguish all these voices. By the way, I only when are you hearing voices? When yes, I am yours. It's very irritating at times. I wish I see your CBD happy pills you can take. Why don't you take them? Now? Relax? Okay, when's the last time we've all been together. It's been when no Vietnam come on to Singapore. Well, you and I made a stop in Singapore. We weren't supposed Um, we want to talk about the hell. I want to talk about the trip to I almost had another unmitigated London trip again today and I read that room exactly right. Um. Well, and and we haven't all you know, I see sweet baby James every day and but oh and then we got a new member of my Bella and she's a friend and very close friend with my daughter. She's a great kid. I would tell the story about I don't. I don't want to give it all the way, Bella. You want to say hi and we'll get an MP. Well, if you stand up, you're hogging the mic. You're eating the MICR give me those happy pills. Maybe I need the happy pills. Say hi, Bella and bye. Now, by the way, Bella's dad is the coolest guy. Love her dad. I got got to hang out with him. We went to brunch with your dad and um ups, there goes the happy pills. You're not gonna be very happy now that you spilled them everywhere. No, I'm not taking a happy pill. But you can't. I can't be happy work if I take this thing, I'm gonna I'm gonna be like Hi, welkeome to the show. You'll sound like Joe Biden. Hey, the Thing, the Thing, Thing, God, the creator of everything. Come on, man, come on man, you you on crack man? Come on man, did you do cocaine? Are you a chunkie? You know? Now? We got hunter portraits of of a crack addict. You know? Five hundred grand. It's all anonymous. Uma, by the way, is a loyal friend because I tried to extract information. I'm very good. I do this for professionally for a living, because she's best friends with my daughter. And I can't get a word out of you, which is bothersome to me. Um, in so many different ways. Um. But so you're fairly new to the team. How's it going so far? Amazing? I feel so privileged and lucky to be a part of this team. Um. And you've been so supportive in every single way. And I am so nice to everybody that works for me. You are, no, you are. She hasn't even gotten a Chris bonus, and she's saying that, so you know it's July. That's true. You'll you will get one, probably not not long. No no, no, no no. I don't want to say when, but I try to give it to people earlier so they can plan their vacations around it. That's very nice for you. Well anyway, So I'm we are excited. Governor DeSantis will be there, Margot Rubia will be there, A lot of congressmen and women are gonna be there. It's gonna be a town hall It's at forsy thirty five fifty five Southwest a Street, Usual time nine pm, straight up, and uh, you know, if you want to come down and hang out with us, we'd love to see you. Apparently the restaurant's always busy. Didn't we have a hard time getting a reservation to do this? I think we had a hard time. I mean, I think there's a lot of people that are just doing their best to support the Cuban people since our administration isn't so, you know, a restaurant like that just really speaks to the quest. You know, how about the first thing that Joe does. Instead of lying and saying that the protests are about COVID, maybe he could have said, Mmm, looks like the Chinese or somebody gave them technology to turn off the internet in Cuba. The people in Miami, in the Cuban American community, they would like to check in with their loved ones to make sure they're okay because all of the people protesting are literally risking their lives. And then, of course I'd like an answer to well, Joe just processes people when they cross the border, our southern border, or ninety percent of America's heroin comes in from and where almost one hundred percent of the fentall comes in from, and were losing hundreds of people Americans every single week because of opiate addiction. I wonder why Joe is processing people at the southern border but has made a statement that if you come by sea, you're not getting in. Is there a fear that maybe the people that have lived under socialism communism maybe would be against right, maybe they'd vote Republican. Is that the reason Joe now doesn't mean Listen, a lot of people in Central America they don't like it either, and that's a perilous journey. Also, I mean, and I how many times I said, I feel for the people that want freedom, but we got to do it legally anyway. So um, we're really here to stand in solidarity. Nobody in the media wants to cover this, and it really pisses me off. It just does all right. Eight hundred nine one Shaun is our number in Miami. We'll see it tonight nine Eastern with Governor DeSantis Senator Marco Rubio. We made a big effort to be here tonight, which is great. At Versailles thirty five fifty five south west eighth Street right here in Miami. Listen, all right, as we roll along, we're in Miami today. Before there is a short segments, but before you get to the real news of the day, which is going to be significant. Um, did you see this in the New York Post today? The New York Posts, like the Daily Mail, those are the really cool papers right now we all love. We don't read the New York Times anymore or the Washington Compost. I use it for things, all right, So this is what they write. They weren't cheeky enough. Remember it's a tabloid. Okay, gals nick's bikinis and get fine. The Norwegian women's handball team was fine for improper clothing at the European Beach Handball Championship because they were they wore shorts instead of bikini bottoms. Now, the sports governing European Handball Federation confirmed they find these girls one thousand, seven hundred and seventy dollars. That's one hundred and seventy seven bucks per per player. Um, and I'm like, according to the rules they're required to wear bikini bottoms. Okay, what year is this? Clearly we're not cheeky enough for twenty twenty one apparently, and that's horrible. How rude is that? Where is it again? How sexist is that? I mean, this is in the Norwegian women's handball team beach Handball Championships. I don't even know what beach hamball is. I assume volleyball or I don't know anyway, but according to the the the International Handball Federation, so you wear you either wear bikini bottoms and no shorts or you get fined. You would think they'd have to pay them to wear the bikini. Okay, has anybody heard of um respect for women? This is like going back to Fred Flintstone era. It's horrible telling people what to wear. All right, from Miami, we'll continue more Hannity, Last Big Government. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four, when Sean, if you want to be a part of this program, where in Miami and Hannity Tonight Live Usual Show, nine Eastern. We'll be doing the show right here in Miami at Versailles. It's a Cuban restaurant, the best in the world. Everybody I've talked to about it says it anyway, thirty five fifty five Southwest eighth Street, and I'll be with Governor DeSantis, will be on set with US Marcus, Senator Marco Rubio and a lot of other people. And this has kind of been like, you know where the media barely touched it, and they've allowed Joe to get away with Lyne. I just can't take the line part. Oh no, they're protesting about COVID was their first statement. I'm not none, they're not, and you know they're not. You're lying, just just like he said, Oh, I never never ever spoke to Hunter about his foreign business dealings. I just don't like being lied to. You know, when my kids were young and they pull this crap on me. The problem is I have, we have street wisdom that probably is the equivalent of a thousand life years, and you know, and I would just look at my kids and I listen and I just be like, stop, just stop. You're insulting my intelligence. Just stop. You're dig in a bigger hole. I can get over the mistake. I'm not going to get over your lying about the mistake. And they did learn quickly that was the one thing that would get them in more trouble anyway, So we'll be there tonight nine eastern UM and and by the way, that's everyone's welcome. UM. I don't know what the restaurant's seating is. I don't know any of the details because I don't know anything. I'm the last person to know. I just don't have to show up on time. But I am glad that the governor's coming. Marco Rubio's made a big, big effort to fly in from DC and then he's gotta fly right back. Now. One other thing is we're sort of a little bit on the issue of immigration, and Joe Biden says, well, if you come by sea, uh, we're gonna turn you back. But if you crossed the border, we'll just process eat you, and then we'll give you free transportation without a COVID test in the middle of a pandemic to the forty eight continental States, and then the states. We'll then have to pay for food shelter housing, you know, that's redundant food shelter, and they're gonna have to pay for healthcare, then they have to pay for education and everything in between. And anyway, so the Governor Abbott has been fighting and using every tool at his disposal. And it's not easy that. Remember when jan Brewer was the governor of Arizona, Remember she lost that case and what is where? Where all we know? Okay, of course I don't don't care, but anyway, she lost the case. So here you have the state of Texas can't even protect their own borders. Then you've got a president that just decides which laws he chooses to enforce in which he doesn't. And then they take it a step further, sort of like cities that are sanctuary cities or states that are sanctuary states, like California, then they will aid in a bet in the law breaking. And in some states like New York and in California, they will literally give you checks even though you're not here legally. I just would like people to respect the law of the land and respect our sovereignty. And I don't want people, but Joe invited people to make this perilous journey. Joe invited them, Kamala Harris invited them. We played those tapes many times. So anyway, so now we have the governor. He's going to build his own wall. He's allocated two hundred and fifty million for it. We have the million plus illegal immigrants that have been processed by Joe Biden this year alone are being resettled by the bus loads and towns all across the country, and I'm guarantee you it's your state and your city in all likelihood as well. In Laredo, Texas, they're suing Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security, that would be Mayorcas in order to stop the transfer of quote migrants from the Rio Grand Valley to their hometown for processing. The lawsuit just filed on Friday. City officials in Laredo alleged that the border patrol has ramped up the number of migrant bus loads into Laredo, which is a border town of about two hundred and sixty thousand people, from three to six people per day, and that influx has now made the migrant crisis, their words, significantly worse for the town. I was Joe gonna pay for this, No, of course, not Joe's It's an unfunded mandate. M George P. Bush, the nephew of the former president in forty three, the son of Jeb Bush. He's a great guy. By the way. I don't know why I'm not understanding why he's thinking about challenging the attorney general in the state, but in the state of Texas, I'm just trying to figure out. I don't understand he's the Texas Land Commissioner Paxson, and he's challenging Paxson in the ag spot or maybe or potentially because he's definitely got a bright political future in my view, and he's more conservative than anybody in the Bush family. I'm not being critical. I'm just giving you facts. Anyway, he announced the lawsuit last week, and I'm glad that he's doing that to resume construction of the border wall. And Texas State troopers ended up busting a truck driver after finding one hundred and five illegal migrants in his trailer. Well, that's what he's supposed to do. That would be called aiding and embedding and lawbreaking. That would be human trafficking, if we really want to call it what it is. Meanwhile, all of the resources of ICE and Border patrol now are focused on the processing of the million people that enter the country illegally, the highest number in twenty five years. That they don't have time to watch the rest of the border and the gangs and the cartels, the drug cartels and the human traffickers. They're all taking advantage of it, and they're making a fortune on all of this. I mean. And now Senate Democrats, as I mentioned last night on TV, they're trying to slip a big amnesty provision into this human Infrastructure Reconciliation bill. Republicans better fight that tooth and nail. Now, there are some Senate Republicans that and to filibuster the so called Bipartisan Infrastructure bill. All it is is this. Let me, let me tell you why Republicans are being lulled into stupidity. It's not hard to figure out, Well, what have I said about Republicans for like the last However, many you know ten years that they're weak, visionless, feckless, spineless, and you know, but Donald Trump did give Republicans a backbone for the first time. I know so many of you were so offended by his awful tweets and oh you got the vapors and you could barely stand reading it, and you were feigning your outrage every day. But none of you seem to care about the fact that the current president I don't know, doesn't look like he knows what day of the week it is that would be a little more concerning to me. Maybe you should join me in McCall, let's just let's be safe. Well, let's prove Hannity wrong. Let's give Joe the same cognitive test that Donald Trump took. Donald Trump got a thirty out of third. How do we know because the doctor that administered the test, Ronnie Jackson, Congressman, now told us he got a perfect score. I wouldn't even want to take that time. I doubt I'm gonna get a perfect score. M You know, it just depends how distracted I am on any given day. On some days, some days, sorry, my staff knows this from the from the days that there's one crisis to another crisis, to a third crisis to a fourth crisis, while simultaneously doing your sholl, which, by the way, is you know, just part of living, right uh. Congresswoman squad member Omar wants Biden to put a special envoy to combat Islamophobia. I have a better idea. How about we have a special envoy just to combat members of the squads very anti Semitism. How about we go there. That's where I would start. And then Pelosi apparently may ban Trump supporters from her January sixth commission. Now, there was this one guy that got sentenced this week in the Capitol riot on January sixty got eight months in prison for obstructing an official proceeding. According to all accounts, he yes, he entered illegally. You know what, we can't have that at our capital. I'm sorry, can't do it. That's the law. Abide by the law. Just like about three hundred riots this summer before. You can't do that either, pelting rocks and bricks and bottles and molotov cocktails and cops and burning down police precincts and taking over entire city blocks. I mean that I'd prosecute those people too. Anyway, How is it that ninety plus percent of the people and the riots, three thousand injured cops. We've got videos, we've got pictures, in other words, overwhelming incontrovertible evidence that convict anybody in a court of law. But they're not going to prosecute them, now, am I saying one is worse than a riot is a riot to me? And it and even though you know what happened on January sixth can't happen, but what happened all last summer can't happen either, and how can we like the only people intellectually consistent on this stuff. It's it's just outrageous. Um. You know, we're in the middle of this battle, and this is what you need to understand about this big push today and this reconciliation process that they're going to use and trying to ram everything through executive orders or stuff into a reconciliation bill and not do anything by design. The trick for the Republicans is they'll they'll go along with historical infrastructure, roads, bridges, and tunnels, and they'll find a way to pay for it, which I believe they're probably sincere in wanting to do that. Then the Democrats will use the reconciliation to get every other thing they wanted, and they're being bamboozled. I wouldn't get suckered into doing a deal with them. Let them own this, let them eat it, let them own it, and then let's debate it, and then let's make it an issue in twenty twenty and let the American people decide. You know, Democrats deceiving the entire country. They're not calling they're now calling everything infrastructure. It's not infrastructure. Childcare, you know, PreK education paid for. That's not infrastructure. Free college is not infrastructure guaranteed, wage, guaranteed, job guaranteed, government healthy food guaranteed, retirement guaranteed, guaranteed guaranteed. Okay, they're not going to guarantee anything because the same people can't even keep their cities in town safe, which they promised, and that's their number one job. They lied on Obamacare. These same people that squandered and literally wiped out the lockbox that never existed in squandered social Security and Medicare, they're now headed towards insolvency. How salacads forty million for federal red flag gun confiscation program. We're gonna get into this later in the program with Cynthia Lummis, a senator from Wyoming. She'll join us about these radical people that in fact, you have the head of the a T A. Ye have the guy that has nominated David Shipman, he's a radical anti gun guy. And then this this lunatic lady Tracy stone Manning, you know, involved with the you know, this eco terrorism project of spiking, and I guess, being a spokesperson at the time, we've given you the whole story. Anyway, we'll get to that all coming up later in the program. Democrats now they're back to getting rid of the heighth amendment. What is the heigh amendment? They want you to You can't disagree on abortion, you gotta pay for somebody else's abortion. Really, Pelosi, Yeah, she vetoed two Trump supporters from the January sixth committee, and McCarthy. Good for him, he said, no, we're done, we're out. You know, smartest thing to do. Pelosi made it political. Okay, we're out, and we should look at all of my I don't want anyone. We got to protect our institutions. The capitals are, it's the people's house. Whether you like or dislike someone's politics is irrelevant. Got to protect our elected officials, period and a sentence. And you can't have cities being taken over by anarchists and rioters and looters and arsonists and there'd be no consequences. And it's just it's these are scary times we're living. And I'll tell you that we had a very funny piece up on hannity dot Com. Wrong Again, Big Letters, Medium Mob falsely accuses Hannity of suddenly supporting you know, people staying safe with COVID. Okay, I probably if we really wanted to put the effort in. I think I can find two three hundred instances of me telling people to take it seriously. I don't want you to die, that this thing is real and that you know you need to research, you need to talk to all your medical professionals in your life, your doctor, your doctors, and make an informed decision. But I'm I'm not a doctor, so I don't tell people. I don't. Can you imagine me administering medicine without a license. I even talked about hydroxy chloroquin and the left, you know, their heads were bursting, and it's just unbelievable. Anyway, we got a lot of ground that we're gonna cover here today on the program. Anyway, from Miami, it's great to be back, and I will tell you that there's a great community down here in Miami. And I'm gonna be at the Versailles Restaurant tonight thirty five fifty five Southwest eighth Street in Miami. Again, thank you to w IOD. It's a great affiliate we have down here. They're wonderful people. Um. Anyway, but Governor de Santis Senator Marco Rubio will be with us in person um at the Versailles and I'm looking forward to seeing many of you. If you feel like coming out, we'd love to see you. Well, we are coming to y'all city. Say we'll all be desire and if you want a little banging, ain't come along. Even if everyone did what they said they would do in Paris, the temperature of this planet will still rise upwards of two point five or three degrees si grade. Now, why don't Republicans want us want kids to know how to not be racist? You are why one of the reasons people can't stand the media. Sorry and cracking me up. It's your fault. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the Revolution. Coming to y'all. Sent you a conscious new Sean Hannity Show, more behind the scenes information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. Right simple man Leonard Skinner, that can only be one thing, All things Bill O'Reilly at bill O'Reilly dot com. And by the way, his number one best selling book out now ten ten weeks on the New York Times bestseller list at number one. Killing the Mob one of the best killing series ever. I am a big supporter of the freedom movement in the country of Cuba. We both know that this is a murdering communist regime when the Castro, when Fidel Castro came to power, he stole land, he killed people. He's continued to oppress the people in Cuba. You know there's a rationing. If you want eggs, you only get five per person a month. Bill O'Reilly, And I'd like to see America do more. I would like America first to restore their internet coverage. That apparently they got some technology rumors from the Chinese to turn off their ability, the ability of people to communicate. And what say you, simple man analysis, what can we do to help the oppressed people of Cuba. Well, first of all, we have to acknowledge with the reality that is in America, and that is that the progressive left does not want to bring attention to the Cuban people's plight. So you saw President Biden. His big thing was, well, I'll send a few more embassy personnel to Havana. Well, yeah, thanks a lot. What is that going to do nothing? Instead of making a speech in Miami where you are now, he should have gone down there and made very clear that the United States wants freedom for the Cuban people. He did not do that. The media does not cover this story in great detail because it reflects poorly on the progressive left, Bernie Sanders or Costio Cortez. That whole crew, which has basically a Philadelpaser wasn't a bad look at that income inequality? There's no income inequality. Well, the reason there's no income in equality in Cuba is there's no income at all. That you why told me last time, Bill, you've you've been to Cuba. You visited Cuba. I took my then twelve year old son to Cuba for a week so he can see firsthand what communism is. And he got quite a look. And I mean it used to be. Havana used to be one under the most fascinating cities in the world, and it still could be. But now it's a slum. Building's fallen apart. And here's what got me. When we were down there, we had a minder because they knew it was me coming. So I had a very articulate Cuban and I said, you know, it's about ninety five degrees here. What about the poor people in the tenements who don't have air conditioning? How did they get by? And the guy who's lied to me, he said, oh no, they all have air conditioning. So about a few hours later, my son and I split from the guy and we walked around. I speak a little as spend you do you have air condition It looked just like what on it are you from? Nobody has air conditioning here, and even if they did, is not electricity to pop it out. And I did that, and I wanted my son to see the difference between America and ninety miles away Cuba. In addition, I thought high school and I had a lot of Cuban students in Miami. That's the first job I got out of college. So I know the coach very well. I know how hard working Cuban Americans are and what a success they've made of their lives in Dade County, Florida. Yet we have a president who doesn't do anything, not even verbally, to help them, and then we have a far left progressive press that doesn't want to tell the story, the true story. You know, you're raising so many good points here, and you're right, the New Green Deal socialists left, you know, the Bernie Sanders, the AOC's remember Michael Moore praising the healthcare great healthcare system of Cuba's if we duplicate that here, which was probably one of the dumbest remarks I've ever heard from anybody. Bill, could you imagine five years from now, if this, if this freedom movement is successful, could you imagine every resort, every big hotel, every big restaurant, they would flood Cuba immediately and start building out that economy. And I would tell you it would be unrecognizable in every good way. Five years from now it would be. And by the way, the same would go with Venezuela as well, because of all the oil that they have available for their economy. It'd be an incredible to take a longer time to bring It would take a longer time to bring Downezuela back, but Cuba can go back fast. You know. The thing is, and this speaks volumes. I think about the Cuban American community down here in Miami, is that if you if you take out of the equation and all of the money and all of the things they're always sending back to their families and friends and even distant relatives, they are keeping people alive with bare necessities. That's how incredibly not only hard working, but generous the Cuban American community is to their loved ones that want to be free. And then Joe Biden and you followed this as I did. They went out and lied to us. They wouldn't call Cuba the murdering communist regime that it is. They would say, no, the people are protesting because they want more access to the COVID vaccine. Now, that was just an outright lie. And you know, what's the point of sending people to the embassy in Cuba. What is Joe Biden's embassy ambassadors to Cuba gonna do? Because Joe doesn't have the real courage to stand up and support this freedom effort. Now here's my question. So I don't think the American people have an appetite for any foreign conflict, but there are things we can do. Restoring the internet would be a good first step. Helping the freedom fighters because they're all risking their lives is also should that should be on the table too. From my perspective, what say you, mister O'Reilly. It's a complicated situation because of the smallness of the country, so that the Castro brothers created a secret police apparatus that basically contract you anywhere at any time. So the poor people you saw protesting last week, believe me, they've been dealt with already, and they'll punish not only the protesters but their families. So when you try to fostering bellion, That's why the Bay of Pigs didn't work in the Kennedy regime, because the people are so frightened. Most of the people there are so frightened because the reprisals are very fast, because the island is very small, and the military secret police apparatus is effective. So if you're going to basically the way to do this is to keep pressure on all countries in the world not to supply Havana with anything other than food. That kind of thing. You keep the people alive, but nothing else. Basically, don't break them down. But you know, but that's the opposite of what Joa's is offering. Now, Various stew comment, what's Biden gonna do if Russia sends a thousand troops down there to help help the dictatorship. Nothing. Biden is a captive to the far left. He is never going to go against that orthodoxy, all right, So whenever he gets a very intense situation arises where the solution does not lie in the progressive community, then Biden stays silent. All right, So tonight he's got a town hall. Right, you would think that to be a couple of pointed questions about how come you're not doing more? Just as you and I are discussing to help the Cuban people, why aren't you doing more? And then what exactly are you doing besides sending people to the embassy? Do you think they're going to ask that at CNN? Is that a rhetorical question or would you like an answer? I will take a quick break. We'll come back more with simple Man Bill O'Reilly on the other side, as we continue from Miami. Tonight, Hannity Live with Governor de Santa Senator Mark Rubio at the Versailles Restaurant three five five five Southwest eighth in Miami. If you want to stop by, we'd love to see you. Quick break from Miami as we continue. All right, we continue, Bill O'Reilly is with us all things, simple Man Bill O'Reilly dot com. All right, here's a very important question that I have. I agree with you, and they're not going to do that, and honestly, Joe Biden is as as boring as burnt toast. Now my question to you is this, why do you think And I'm pretty sure you're going to get this answer right. It's not a trick question. Why is Biden out there and may Orcas out there saying if you come to the US illegally by ce, you're going to be turned away, while simultaneously they are they're not stopping anybody at our southern border. As a matter of fact, all they're doing is not only processing them, but they are then shipping people that are here illegally not enforcing the laws to the other forty eight states in the continental US, for the very purpose of making and forcing the states to supply food, water, shelter, healthcare, and education. Why why is the difference? What is the difference of you come by sea or if you come through the southern border. The conservative answer is that Cuban Americans vote Republican far more than other migrants. But it's not the conservative answer. Isn't that the answer? Well, indeed, County, it's a split decision election bill. There was not a split decision in the last election. They went heavily Trump. They like Trump because Trump was very, very helpful to the Cuban community. But if you go back to Bush, if you go back there and you look, so it's not a Cuban Americans are not a voting blocks. They don't vote like African Americans do. However, they are more traditional, more Catholic, more in tune with working hard. Okay, they're very very traditional people. So the Conservatives say, well, Biden and left don't want them here because that'll till Florida further to the red side. I think there's an element of that, but I also know how dangerous it is physically dangerous for people to try to cross the states of the Straits of Florida to get here. It seems a mild I don't think they care how dangerous it is that the journey they're make them from Central America to our southern borders. Yeah, that's one of the criticisms I have of Biden. You've tens of thousands of migrants being murdered and horribly abused by these cartels because of his policy. But the same thing could happen, and believe believe me, the Cuban Navy will shoot you dead. The point is built. There really is no distinction except and I think this is very revealing, accept the belief that people that come from Central America tend to be more inclined towards socialism, and they don't expect that the that the Cuban people that did make it by c would be as conservative. There's no other rational reason that I can think of why they would make that one distinction. Because they're taking they just basically our ice and water patrol agents. They have become processors, are four illegal immigrants to Meanwhile, the rest of the border, the numbers are so great nearly two hundred thousand illegal imigrants per month, that they all they do is process which opens up the rest of the border to the drug cartels, the gangs, human traffic. We discussed it. Well, if that's true, then Joe Biden is a bad person. He's a bad person if that's true. If that's so, what are the odds. I'm not a dumb guy. What are the odds? I'm right pretty high. I'd say sixty. But if I'm glad I didn't go to your class in Miami. When you're a teacher, good grief, I get an half in your class. None he wouldn't. Look. I don't like to call a sitting president in the United States a bad person. But if Biden's calculation is this would be bad for the Democratic Party to let these people in, he's a bad person and one of this and who says it's Biden. I don't even think Joe really knows what day of the week it is half the time. Well, he has an address, he has not addressed that why he doesn't want the Cubans to come, but he does want everybody in Central America to come. But here's here's the real important point. The Cubans are genuinely seeking political asylum. There's no doubt about that. Okay, Bill, I don't even think that's what they want. You know, what they want they want their country back. And it's not that they want to come to that Hannity. But but if they get here their asylum claim, it's going to be protest in their favor. They communist government that's persecuting them. That's not what's happening in Central America and Mexico. But remember, if the freedom movement successful, five years from now, Cuba will be thriving. It'll be it'll be the economic recovery of no doubt about it. Bill O'Reilly all things O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. Thank you, sir for being one of us. We always appreciate you taking the time. Uh. If you're in Miami where we are today, we're gonna be broadcasting live regular showtime nine o'clock at the Verse Its. It's the defining the best restaurant, one of the best restaurants in all of Miami. It's at three five five five Southwest eighth Street. If you want to come down, Governor de Santis, Senator Marco Rubio, many others will be with us eight hundred and nine one. Shawn has a number. We'll get to your calls. On the other side of this break, we'll continue. You can't always believe what the other side claims. That's why there's the Sew and Hannity Show all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Many thanks, by the way, our affiliate, great affiliate down here in Miami, WIOD. They're just amazing people and always gracious every time we come to town. I want to say a big thank you to them. Hannity tonight, you're gonna love this show. We're doing a town hall. We're doing it with Governor Ronda Santis, We're doing it with Senator Marco Rubio. Many of the people are gonna be coming in and out, and we're gonna be at the Versailles Restaurant thirty five fifty five Southwest eighth Street. It's like the best restaurant in Miami, one of the best restaurants by far in Miami. And um, I can't wait to go eat there. Well I have. It's actually called the world's most famous Cuban restaurant. And I've looked at you look at that menu. Yet that menu you can talk, You're allowed to talk. I mean I looked at it. I won't be consuming any of it because I need to wear a dress. I need to fit into it. So but it looks amazing. This is like the first time I think we've we've all been together and seen each other like two years. It's sad. It's it's not that sad. It's not nice. That's not nice at all. No, it wasn't nice, But it was funny. You know. I used to like you three seconds and now three oh man. Uh. Apparently Blair and Linda had a little bit of a British pop problem earlier today. I'm just it was it was a tro Foggler square do over. Oh okay, I got it, I got it. Yeah, exactly. Sweet baby James is with us. Sweet got every Blair is with us, our engineer of this extravaganza. And Ethan and Jacone and Katie are grateful they're not here, Yes they are. Listen. I'm gonna tell you right now, it's gonna be fun tonight. Oh yeah, And I will tell you where are you gonna dance? All right? Stop? Serious of there's Cuban music. You're gonna get up and shake a little something. I bet some of those Muy time moves might work. What is wrong with you? I'm just saying if I could see a little jiu jitsu, you know something? What one day you're not getting worn out by Liam and look what happens? Listen, flying, Listen, Listen, New York. I'm now listen. Miami is New York with sand. Okay, these people they speak my language. Any minute. Miami is New York with sand. There you go, there you go, and you want perfect definition? Uh okay, look at it. That way we have norvious is whether us from Miami welcome to the program and our great affiliate down here, Wio d H. Norvius. How are you glad you called? We're gonna Are you gonna join us at the Versailles tonight? Definitely, mister Hannity, Oh that's awesome. Well, please introduce yourself. I'd love to meet you. My name is Norby's I'm a Cuban American and uh, I want to welcome you first of all and the entire team to Miami. And I basically wanted to say thanks in the name of the Cuban people, in the name of the Cuban exiles that you know most of us live here in Miami. We want to thank you for you for your support. We want to thank you for being in the right side of history again and uh, you know, supporting our calls and our costs for freedom. And you said it right. I was listening to you and mister O'Reilly, who I also like to say thanks, uh to um. We are asking for one thing and one thing only, mister Hannity. We want freedom from a communist dictatorship has been committing genocide against the Cuban people for sixty two years. And that's the only one thing that we are asking for. We are very frustrated that, you know, the Viden administration is not doing anything about you know, an enemy who supports enemies of this country as Iran, Russia, China and uh, you know, all the countries that don't like America. We do. We have a history of of you America, American product, American baseball and uh. You know, before the castles UH intervened, we we were, you know, like very close that the people of Cuba and the people of the US, and that we want to go back to our roots. That's those are basically our roots and we want to go back to to them, and that we need help. We need help. You know, the communist UH dictatorship is stealing our people. And we don't need more internet. They provement is overwhelming. All the pictures are out there, the old old, all the videos are out there. We need I just the only reason I'm saying I want the Internet backup is I want there are so many people in the Cuban American community that want to talk to and check in on their relatives that they know are risking their lives. And and by the way, you're right, all of these enemy countries of this country are helping this dictatorship, this this murdering communist dictatorship, and and that should, you know, wake Joe up a little bit. But I want to stand squarely with in solidarity with Cuba the right of the Cuban people to be free. I am a believer in what we call natural rights, God given rights endowed by our creator. That is not just for Americans. That is that is how God designed man to live free, and it is it is something that people of Cuba have been yearning for. They're risking their lives to get it. And we ought to be helping more. And I want Joe Biden to wake the hell up and help this freedom effort down in Cuba. I'm not saying to sending troops, but I am saying to support the effort. And there's a lot we can do that we're not doing and we need to do, thank you, mister Hannity. I think it's it's a matter of national security. Yeah, we don't need we don't need to have our hostile, hostile UH dictator, communist dictator dictators from our shorts. You know, it's really no help. Oh, and I believe me. I'm sure that the Chinese. I'm sure that the Russians, I'm sure that you know, every other rogue dictatorship and hostile regime in the world is right now helping to prevent this freedom movement from taking hold. That's why I'm down here. I'm down here for that reason. And I frankly and I'm disgusted with even a lot of the media coverage or the blackout of the real coverage, because the images are real. People are you know that they're carrying American flax and Cuban flax. They want they want freedom. I will tell you, based on the great geography which is Cuba. If if q I, you give Cuba five years, and the whole country will be transformed into a magnet of mecca where Americans would love to go and vacation and tourism will thrive, and jobs will be created, and the economy will flourish, and and let freedom ring for the people of Cuba. All right, my friend Norvis, we're praying for everybody there dying in Havana in ten years. All right, well, we'll hopefully come say hello to me that I look forward to it. Let's now say hide to Deborah's in Florida. Deborah, I'm down here with you. It's probably the smartest thing I've ever done. The dumbest thing I'll do is ever get back on a plane and go back to New York. But anyway, glad you called. Thank you, Sean. I can't believe I'm talking to you. Let's see if I can contain my enthusiasm and welcome to Florida. I just wanted to ask you your thoughts on two issues with this massive rise in COVID nineteen delta variances. You know, when Trump closed our borders at the beginning of the pandemics out, she said it was unnecessary. Right if Biden called President Trump was xenophone and scolded. And yet now President Biden has opened our borders as we were beginning to the end of the pandemic. So my question to you is do you think there is a direct correlation with the timing between the rise of COVID nineteen variances now and the massive illegal immigrants coming to our borders for the past six months. Look, I don't know what to believe. And this changes seemingly by the day. There were two articles in the New York Post today that I read that say Okay, don't panic, And the editorial was very well written in the New York Post. Quit the Delta panic, and he said, with COVID cases rising as the Delta variant spreads, the best thing our leaders can do is encourage the hesitant to get vaccinated. This is again in the New York Post view yet many instead are undermining confidence in the shots. Now one thing. The other article says by doctor Joel Zemberg, who I don't know, but I thought he wrote a very interesting piece. Delta is now the dominant variant in the US, and it is absolutely more transmissible than earlier variants and has led to an increase in cases. We're seeing especially large increases in Los Angeles, Vegas, places like that. And then they've gone back to indoor mask mandates, etc. Etc. And public health officials should disregard, you know, all of these calls for even more restrictive measures. That Delta is not the essential threat that the media is making it out to be. Despite the rising numbers, he writes of Delta cases in July, hospitalizations have increased only moderately, with most of the increase concentrated in areas with low vaccination rates. The COVID nineteen death eight per one hundred thousand in the population is lower than it was three weeks ago. The reasons not hard to understand. This delta variant does not appear to be especially deadly, but more contagious, and cases are no more likely to be hospitalized or to die than other variants. We're also keeping an eye on the Peruvian variant that has emerged, which is the lambda variant. So I'm only putting this out there. This is not my science. I've read this today. I feel like I know more about you know, coronavirus than ever. But you know, look, we all know what we all know what the options are. Debora, you know what the option, You know what social distancing is, you know what masks mean. You know that there are three vaccines out there. You know. I don't tell people what to do. I'm not gonna play doctor on radio or TV like somebody had pressured me to do. I'll say it again for the one millionth time. Research, research, research, All right, take it seriously, this can kill people. Then you talk to your doctor, your doctors, your factor in your medical history, your factor in your current medical condition, and then in consultation with your doctor, you make a very very serious decision. What you what you believe to be the right thing for you and your unique medical condition. Okay, yeah, well, thank you very much, and I look forward to seeing you tonight with our great gather. You're coming. Awesome. I'm so glad you're coming. I'm a little far from so you're gonna drive all the way down. Yeah, okay, Well you're gonna be watching on TV. Listen. We appreciate you watching. I can't do this without you. Thank you. All right, quick, freak, we'll come back and we'll get to more of your calls. Eight hundred and nine for one, Sean as we continue from Miami. All right, back to our busy telephones. We'll stay in Florida, Jarrett, how are you glad you called? Hey, Sean, pleasure to talk to you, and welcome to Florida. Just I don't know what you're doing. Get this, get over here and make the move. But the reason I'm calling in is I am one of those people who did exactly what you said. I did my research. In the beginning, I was against the vaccine. It scared the life out of me, and I did my research. I talked to my doctor I discussed it with my husband, my family, and I decided I work in the healthcare field, I'm gonna take it. That was the first reason. Second reason, I'm just a natural hypochondriac and COVID scared the life out of me, so I took it. Now at this point because of so much mixed messaging, I mean, what can be done to now convince the people, including myself who took it, who I refuse to take another one until I have more honest facts and data. What are they going to do to convince people to take this at this point there? To me, it's split. There's no new celebrity who's going to convince people to take this. They people have made up their mind, and at that rate, It's what scares me is what's coming out now, like the press conference from Mitch McConnell, where basically he's implying and some big leaders are implying, well, listen, this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated and if you don't get vaccinated, guess what the l word new lockdowns are coming. Well, come on now, Sean, When we first started this, we went out that was not what we were told. I agree, I only because of the constraints of time. I do want to give your a thoughtful answer. First got I gotta tip my hat to you, and that is you made a decision. You did everything right. From what I hear, you researched on your own extensively. You'd consulted your doctor, your doctors, you learn, you looked at you. I'm sure you're also looking at your own medical history and condition. So you know, I would go back to those doctors and probably they would give you a better answer than I will. Listen, you can't undo the past. At the end of the day, it appears that unvaccinated people are more susceptible than vaccinated by a pretty significant amount. But with all of that said, you just take the necessary precautions, and I would really really sit down with your doctor, your doctors go over all of this, go over the latest research. Is new information coming out every day, and and you know, we could spend our lives worrying about everything. Right, you know, I would say you made the best decision you could make for yourself at the time, and I respect it. I respect that you decided and you worked hard to get to that answer, but anyway, appreciate it. I wish you could join us. We'll talk again. God bless you. Eight hundred nine four one. Shaun is on number. We'll continue. Jesse Kelly coming up tonight from six to nine, mister New York Mark simone tomorrow from ten tell noons seven to ten wo r where we are coming to y'all city, saying we'll all be desire and if you want a little banging, ain't come along. Even if everyone did what they said they would do in Paris, the temperature of this planet will still rise by upwards of two point five or three degrees setigrade. Now, why don't Republicans want us want kids to know how to not be racist? You are why one of the reasons people can't stand the media. Sorry and cracking me up. It's your fault. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution, coming to y'all. Stay a consciens ne Sean Hannity Show, Mary, I'm the scenes. Information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. Stay right here for our final news roundup and information overload. All right, news round up, Information overload. We are in Miami, MANI thanks again to our affiliate down here WIOD We'll be doing Hannity Live tonight at the Versailles Restaurant thirty five fifty five Southwest Eighth Avenue, Miami, and Governor DeSantis will be with us, and Senator Marco Rubio will be with us and a lot of the dignitaries. And I don't think you're gonna want to miss this town hall. It's gonna be great. I hope. I'm working hard on it, and we hope to see many of you tonight. If you're in the Miami area, come come by and say hi, We'd love to see you. Let me let me just point out something here that there is something that's pretty unbelievable. I've been telling you about Tracy Stone Manning, and I will tell you this is unconscionable. This appointment by the ever clueless cognitive mess your President Joe Biden. Okay, And this is somebody that was involved with this Earth First group, remember that name from years ago. Well, they used to go around spiking old growth forests, meaning that if if somebody has a chainsaw and you're cutting down a tree, or if you're in a sawmill and you're cutting a tree that had been chopped down or taken down with a chainsaw that the risk of injury was severe, and they did it on purpose, because they cared more about the life of a tree than they did about the potential life and death of somebody involved in forestry and somebody involved in the timber industry. And this is one such person. It was associated with this group. Now there are some Republicans that have a backbone and they are fighting back. One of them will join us in a minute, and that's Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming. And she, by the way, said the following criticizing Tracy stone Manning and David Chipman both. I want you to listen to this because it was extremely It was just so articulate about what's at stake here. I'm so concerned about two of the President's nominees that the Senate is considering. First, there's Tracy stone Manning, President Biden's nominee to serve as Director of the Bureau of Land Management. I'm particularly interested in this nomination because the BLAM manages about eighteen million acres in Wyoming and huge tracts of land throughout the West. Under Miss stone Manning, I'm very concerned that multiple use principles will change and the reason is quite simple. This nominee is a radical. She's been involved with eco terrorists in the past, including a tree spiking incident in Idaho. Her extremist ties and past activism have even led a former Obama BLAM director to withdraw his support for her. Then there's David Chipman, President Biden's nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. One would be hard pressed to identify a worse candidate for the job. According to reports, Chipman may have lost his own gun while serving as an ATF agent. He also failed twice to define the term assault weapon during his confirmation hearing. This level of irresponsibility and lack of basic firearms knowledge is hardly an endorsement for someone tasked with overseeing gun use in the United States. Chipman has also reportedly accused black Americans who were successful on an ATF test of cheating because, in his opinion, too many were passing the test. Tracy Stonemanning and David Chipman have disqualified themselves and are direct contradictions to the bipartisanship and unity that President Biden called for and promised in his inaugural address. If these extremist nominees are confirmed, they will direct their respective agencies towards ends that are actively and openly hostile to the Wyoming way of life that I'm here in Washington to support and defend. Wyomi, by the way, has eighteen million acres of public lands and it is a very pro Second Amendment state, very articular case laid out by Senator Cynthia Loomis of Wyoming who joins us now. Senator, good for you, thank you for what you said there. It was very powerful. What are the odds that these nominees will get through? Well, if the Democrats stick together with a fifty fifty Senate in Kamala Harris breaking ties, they can get through. And it's enormously frustrating that Democrats would allow such irresponsible appointees to be advanced and potentially to be overseeing the Bureau of Land Management. About one eighth of the land in the United States has managed by the BLM. And then David Chipman over at alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives because he's a devout advocate for defunding the police and for gun control. You know, it's amazing. I gotta give you credit. I am critical often of Republicans, and I thought Donald Trump gave the Republican Party an infusion of courage that many Republicans up to that point had not had on their own. And I even see some kind of slipping back to their old bureaucratic, swampy ways. But that's certainly not the case with you. Have you spoken to any Democratic colleagues about either one of these nominees and is anyone showing any hesitancy? I mean, to be involved with a group involved with tree spiking. People can die in the process, you know, those that work in the timber industry, they can die. You know, we're going to have the head of the ATF that is a staunch gun control advocate. That doesn't work for the American people either, especially states like yours. Yes, and Tracy stone Manning actually lied to the committee when she's testified. So wait, isn't that a crime punishable by up to five years in jail. I might be mistaken. Well, I don't know what that's what that's what I've read. Yeah, I don't know what the penalty is, but I do know it is a crime to light a Congress and she absolutely did. So we've got two appointees that hopefully some of the Democrats who may be too embarrassed to vote for her but do not want to take on the Biden administration, hopefully they won't show up to vote, they'll take a walk, because these appointees do not deserve to be confirmed by the United States Senate, and they do not deserve to be representing the American people in these positions. You know, I guess the question. The only thing we can do is tell people to contact their senators, and I'd have some a lot of calls. Would maybe say Joe Manchin or we're told that Senator Cinema is potentially more moderate than this radical New Green Deal Socialist Party, but I'm not particularly hopeful at this point. Well, if you know a Democrat senator, call them. If you have friends that are from states that have Democrat senators, ask them to call them. These are critical appointments, especially to the West. So I strongly encourage you to call or ask your friends to call Democrat senators and ask them not to support David Shipman or Tracy Stonemanning. All right, quick break more with Senator Lummis of the Great State of Wyoming. On the other side, and as we continue keeping the truth alive, sanity is on right now, all right, we continue with Senator Lammas of the Great State of Wyoming, with us taking strong stands on a lot of issues. Let me ask you one question. I know you're on the varying committees, three separate committees involved with this, you know, transportation, jurisdiction, and infrastructure. I don't know. I never heard of human infrastructure before, Senator. I'm When I think of infrastructure, I think most Americans think like I do, and that would be roads and tunnels and bridges. But apparently daycare free from the government, that's infrastructure. Apparently, guaranteed government jobs and wages. Infrastructure guaranteed healthcare is infrastructure free. Colleges infrastructure. College loan forgiveness is infrastructure. I don't know. I think words usually have meaning, but in these cases, the historical traditional meanings don't apply. Isn't this really it pretty much has nothing to do with infrastructure, but everything to do with ramming down America's throw at the New Green Deal socialism. Without calling it what it is, they're lying to us. In other words, you're right, that is what it is. Mitch McConnell calls it a text and spending spree. Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana, one of our more colorful members, calls it a tax and spending org. It is three point five trillion if you look at their numbers. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget bipartisan group in Washington, d C. Says it's closer to five point five trillion. Because we usually score these things based on ten years. This is only using eight years of the spending to get to that two three point five trillion dollar number. They're also assuming that certain tax breaks will expire when they have never expired, and so their maths, even to get to the number of three point five trillion, has under estimated the spending. Here. The other scary thing, and all of us see it every day in our lives, is inflation. And inflation is a tax on the middle class because everything costs more. We are debasing the value of the US dollar, or driving its value down. Its buying power is driven down by this massive government spending. So the federal government and your members of Congress, at President Joe Biden's request, are driving down the value of the US dollar and making your dollar go less far. This is irresponsible in so many ways, both everyday ways. The cost of milk, the cost of gasoline, the cost of homes, the cost of garage doors, the cost of cabinet drawers, you name it. Everything is up than if you look at our spending as a on our debt as a component of our gross domestic product, which is how we measure how in debt we are, we're going to be at one hundred and six percent of debt to GDP. And when you get over one hundred percent of debt to GDP, bad things happen. And that has been the course of the world history, is that when a country gets over one hundred debt to GDP, bad things happen. And that's where we are. So it's time to put on the breaks. There's enough money floating around in this economy, and the American people who are concerned about this need to call their members of Congress and senators and say stop it, stop it our country. Well, I hope you keep speaking out and you're always welcome on the program anytime you're fighting these fights. If we can give you any support, we'd love to do it. And Senator Cynthia Lumis of Wyoming, thank you so much for being here. We appreciate it. Well my pleasures. Say hello to my dear friend Ron de Santis this evening. He will he was a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus with me when I was in the House. And that's right. You know what I forgot about that. My buddy Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan, all the good guys are in the Freedom Caution and your Freedom Caucus member. Just by listening to you, a few people like job. Yeah, he's all right, thank you, Thank you, Senator. You know this tree spiking, this group, radical group, it's it's eco terrorism. And you know this case after case after case. I'll give you one story from nineteen ninety was even the Washington Post even wrote about it. Guy by the name of George Alexander, third generation mill worker starting his shift Louisiana Pacific Lumber in California, when the log that would alter his life roll down the conveyor belt towards a high speed so that he was working on and anyway, he was twenty three years old. His job at the time was to split logs. You know, the things that we used to build every home in America. Those things would timber anyway, he was nearly three feet away when the log hit his saw and the saw exploded. One half of the blade got stuck in the log. The other half of the blade hit Alexander right in the head, tearing through his safety helmet and his face shield. And his face was slashed from his eyes to his chin, and his teeth were smashed, and his jaw was also cut in half. And he's one of lucky ones from this. This is terrorism, eco terrorism. And what's really sick about it is you know that this is armed with spikes and bolt cutters and sledge hammers. This this, this is now the new green deal of today without the spiking part. But it's among the most vicious things that you could do, all in the name of protecting Mother Earth. The co founder of Earth First I got by the name of David Foreman was quoted in this Washington Post article. The purpose of tree spiking is not to hurt anybody. It's to keep trees from being cut. Okay, no compromising defense of Mother Earth. Well, it's not your face that got cut in half, anyway. Eight hundred nine one Shawn is a number. If you want to be a part of the program Information download Sean Hannity and the breaking news you might have missed today that Shahn's insider information. Hannity is on right now, all right twenty five to the top of the hour. We are in Miami today and we'll be doing Hannity Live, nine Eastern. We'll be at the Versailles Restaurant. It's it's they build themselves, and everybody says it's true, the best Cuban restaurant in the country. I've looked at the menu, the menu, I am like salivating just for the eating part. But we're gonna be joined. We're doing a town hall. You're welcome to come down. We'd love to see you. Uh Marco Rubio, Senator Rubio is flying in just for the event. You know he's He's literally racing right out of the Senate right right to an airplane and coming down, which we really appreciate. Governor Ronda Santas will be there and I look forward to seeing some of you if you're down there. This has kind of been the congregating area of people supporting the liberty movement in Cuba, considering Joe Biden and his administration are so pathetically useless and first lying to us about what was really going on in Cuba. Oh no, this is about COVID and the need for more vaccines. No, it's about liberty, Joe. It's about freedom. Hello, Joe. You know, remember we're endowed by the thing that the thing, you know, the thing that God created, the of everything, Joe, that God. Anyway, So we'll be down there tonight. I hope you can join us. All right, Before I get to your calls, I want to just go over this again because Senator ram Paul was on Hannity last night and he said he's going after doctor Faucci and he's gonna make a referral, you know. And what Rampaul did so masterfully yesterday is, you know, he rightly accused Fauci of lying to Congress over gain a function research. Now there are emails that we know we're in doctor Faucci's possession as early as January thirty, first, twenty twenty. In the email, it looks like this specific genome. I know, science talk, right, I didn't pay attention in biology or chemistry either. Okay, this particular genome seems to have been manipulated in a labor or by a human being that's called gain of function which increase the transmissibility, for example like COVID nineteen. I don't think there's any doubt by any smart, intelligent person that gain a function research happened here, and that it happened in the virology lab in Wuhan. Now we knew from day one that they studied coronaviruses, and we knew number two from day one that they were involved in gain a function research. So A squared plus B squared, if you're a common sense thinking American, would equal C squared. But apparently not for doctor flip Flop Pouci, the guy that was wrong about mass, the guy that was wrong about gain a function. He knew. Then you have this these flurry of panicked emails at times. Is the grant money that we gave it to this group? Was that you Yeah, it was used to the Wuhan virology lab. Huh So, Rampaul's right, And then he said, that's not gain a function. You don't, Frankly, Senator, he's also a medical doctor. Rampaul, you don't know what the hell are you talking about. Well, he actually doesn't know what he's talking about. And the Cleveland Clinic proved that he was right in their research. If you got COVID, you don't need any vaccine. Okay, well, good thing. Sean Hannity did fall into the pressure trap of telling people playing doctor on radio and TV. You know, if somebody listens to me, why did you tell me to do something that I shouldn't do. Oh, you can't win, but take it seriously. I'm I don't want anyone. I don't want anyone anyone to die. I'm even praying for the Democrats in Texas, and I mean that it's not not bs. I love. I am a believer in life. It's a gift from God anyway. So I want to play this again because when rand Paul actually read the NIH's own definition of gain of function, it was the biggest checkmate moment that no one in the mob in the media because they all kiss Rand Paul, They're all kissed Doctor Fauci's ass would ever dare even tell people. So let me play for you. Then we'll get to the phones. Doctor Fauci, knowing that it's a crime to lie to Congress, do you wish to retract your statement of May eleven, for you claimed that the NIH never funded gain a function research in Wuhan. Senator Pole, I have never lied before the Congress, and I do not retract that statement. This paper that you were referring to was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain as not being gained a function. What was let me finish shaking animal virus and you increases the insibility to humans. You're saying that's not gain a function. That is correct, and Senator Pole, you do not know what you are talking about. Quite frankly, if the point that you are making is that the grant that was funded as a sub award from eco Health to Wuhan created Sauce Covie two, that's where you are getting let me finish. We don't know to the lab, but all the evidence is pointing that it came from the lab. You and there will be responsibility for those who funded the lab, including yourself. Totally witness, totally resent the law that you are now propagating. Senator I mean, what a beatdown. You know, let me now play fauci and is flipping and flopping and flailing. Listen to this. There is no need to change anything. If you're doing on a day by day basis right now, the risk is still low. Was just bad. It is bad now. I think these numbers are so stunning. If you're a healthy young person that there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship to go on a cruise ship. It is not a good idea to travel period in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks. Well, if one mask is good, it makes common sense that maybe two masks are better. If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, it is very very strong, longly leaning towards this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulating. Are you still confident that it developed naturally? Oh? No, I'm not convinced about that. I think that we should continue to investigate what went on and shine it. You know, of all people, you know this. But what have I been saying? Why are late night shows? You know? Like idiot Seth Myers? Is that in the name? Okay, I don't watch a show, so he takes he spends an hour talking about me one day? Shocking, right, I mean, but the problem is, you know the tree falls in the forest, you know, did it really happen? Um? This guy doesn't even have I mean this is a late night broadcast network show. He doesn't have a million viewers. Let me kind of like fake New CNN. Actually he's the Humpty Dumpy of late night. Yeah, exactly. That's a good point by Humpty got his ass handed to him as a beautiful moment. Michael Wolf. Yeah, he's by the way, he's a trip. And he was so he was like, oh that nervous laugh. I um. And and you look at Colbert's numbers. I mean, go back to the Letterman. Forget about Johnny Carson, go back to Letterman Atlanta. They had real audiences like five million a night. These shows are barely breaking a million. Foulon Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel or Old Buddy. You know it's stunning. Why because they're not funny anymore. Now John Stewart And by the way, John Stewart hates me, just so you know, but he now I do, I know, yeah, yeah, somebody was in a meeting. Yeah, but but I will tell you putting that aside, I don't care if if you if you're funny and do your whole show and make fun of me and make me laugh, have at it. He's great. On the nine to eleven stuff. I would think, you guys, that's true. You know what I mean, There's got to be some sent there. So he goes on with his buddy Colbert. Now, he would have been a far better host, let me tell you, if he was doing one of those late night shows. That would kick ass. Because he's smart, he's funny, he's he's looking for humor. He doesn't care well who the where the material comes from. I don't think Joe Biden would get the past that all these other Late nine hosts are giving Joe Biden, first as a candidate, now as a president. And he's on with his buddy Colbert, and he just kicked the living crap out of his friend without trying to. And he was funny doing it because it wasn't ideological. It was funny and it was true. Listen, because the disease is the same name as the lab. That's just that's just a little too weird, don't you think? And then I asked so signists they're like, how did this? So wait a minute, you work at the woo Inn Respiratory coronavirus Lab. How did this happen? And they're like a pangling kissed the turtle and you're like, no, you name your life. If you look at the name, look at the name. Can I let me see your business card? Show me your business card. Oh, I work at the coronavirus lab in wou An. Oh, because there's a coronavirus loosen wuan? How did that happen? Lady? A bat flew into the cloaca of a turkey and let it sneezed into my chili and now we all have coronavirus. Anyway, all right, let's get to our phones. We don't have a lot of time here from Miami. I hopeful a lot of you can come out tonight. That would be great to see you at Versaillase nine Eastern Marie is in Miami, Maria. How are you glad you called? And any chance you're gonna join us at the Versailles Restaurant on thirty five? Oh awesome, I'm glad you're coming at eight. No my show, my TV shows nine. You should know that if you don't know that you it's a pleasant to hear with you and have been seeing you forever. Thank you so much for your support to the Cuban community. It's mine play you know I support the Cuban community because they deserve support. Every human being longs to be free. That's God's gift to everybody. Yeah, I'm looking forward to your townhouse tonight and I will be there of course, And if you can dedicate more programs to the Cubans, because I don't understand why the government is sending troops to Haiti and they're not sending help to Cuba. Are we less? We're not humans? Oh well, it's I think the most unbelievable thing this week was when, well, first they lied to us about what was really happening in Cuba, and that means circle back, Jansaki lie, Joe Biden line. They all lied. The Secretary of State their statement that was a lie, and they were forced into a corner to say it's a communist dictatorship. Gee, did that take a lot of thought because we've known that for sixty whatever many years since you know, Castro came into power, stole everybody's land and killed anybody that disagreed with them. Um, so you know, it's I'm very disappointed. I want the people of Cuba yearn to be free, and we can help them. I'm not saying send troops in, but there are things we can do that we're not doing to help them. They deserve our help here, it's in our hemisphere. Yes, we need to we need to help. And I really appreciate what you're doing for us, because the Cuban community deserves deserve the best any other any other human being. I mean, they are suffering too much. God that I agree with totally. I will tell you this. I'm glad that Governor Round de Santis is coming. Senator Mark Arubio has been amazing consistently, uh standing up for the Cuban American community. Um. Senator Ted Cruise too. He's not with us tonight, but he's been amazing on this, and uh, you know, I hope people will join us. We'll be there, it said, by the way, Maria, it's nine o'clock. Say your DVR nine pm news. Okay, every night every night, but no, we will be We will be in the advertise this night. We will see you there. Is it as great as everybody tells me? The food? Is it really that the best? Try? And the food is echt over there. So we'll see you then. Okay, you're gonna if you come up, make sure you find me and say hi. Please. Okay, I'd love to meet you, of course I will. Is there anyone I need to talk to to, any name I need to gear. We're gonna be inside the restaurant, but we'll probably do some of the broadcast outside the restaurant. Okay, thank you so much. All right, God bless you, Thank you, Maria um. The passion yearning to be free, it's unbelievable. Well we you know, and we always take for granted, right, how many times when we wake up in the morning, Dear Jesus, dear Lord, thank you for the freedoms that we don't cherish enough, that we that so many sacrificed, bled, fought and died for. You know, we're too busy discussing, you know, trashing the fourth of July, trashing the American flag and not wanting to sing the national anthem sad. But the people of Cuba that don't have what we take for granted, they want it desperately because they've lived under oppression and a murdering communist regime. The information you need demand This is the Sean Hannity Show. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. We'll be with Governor Desanta Senator Mark or Rubio Hannity Town Hall at Versailles Cuban Restaurant. It's at thirty five fifty five Southwest eighth Street in Miami tonight and we will be broadcasting live nine Eastern tonight on the Fox News Channel. Please say you dvard never missed an episode. We'll see it tonight back in New York the Socialist Utopia tomorrow. Thanks for being with us, and we'll see you then. Are you tired of nutritional products that don't really work? Go Quantum. At Quantum Nutrition Labs, we specialize in nutrition that really works. 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