Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, is here to talk about the state of the country ahead our nation’s birthday, Congress’ missteps on police reform bills and a look ahead to what another “stimulus” package might look like for corona virus, especially as cases continue to rise across the country. Republicans have ideas that don’t necessarily include throwing more money at the problem, rather tapping into American ingenuity to get the engine running again.
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All right, one hundred and twenty seven days to go. You we the people, the ultimajority. While it's fourth of July week something week, and I guess kind of celebrate maybe a little electric time off, family, friends, barbecue, socially distant of course, eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza. How long will Joe Biden be allowed to hide in his basement bunker? How he's like the ghost, the invisible candidate. No wonder why Terry mcculloff is out there saying I'm fine with Joe and the basement. You know, he steps out of the bunker basement for two seconds on Thursday of last week, he's talks about one hundred and twenty million Americans have died from COVID. Now we have over one twenty million dead from COVID. Just like he referred to H one N one N one h one, he is it is bad. The question that was asked in nineteen eighty four, is Ronald Reagan in some time aside some type of cognitive mental decline? He put that answer. He put that question to rest. In the second debate with Walter Mondel, he had not had a good first debate. One of the reasons sometimes these presidential candidates do not have good debates is because they just are overprepped. In other words, there's got to be a certain balance. I can tell you. For example, right now, this whole hour of the show I have in front of him, he has Rush would say, stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks of paper, and I'm gonna get to some of it, and I'll read from this article what I've circled to read from that article or this article or that article. But at the end of the day, it's it's, you know, pretty much ad libbed. And that's how you do it. And when I do my monologue, and I sure I write out a monologue every night for Hannity on TV, and then it goes in the prompter. And the hardest, one of the hardest jobs in the control room and TV is being my prompter operator. This young kid, Tommy, his dad's an FDNY guy, great guy. He's a great kid. And if Tommy's off, it's not good. In other words, there are certain signals I'm flying that throwing at him, I don't think would be perceptible to the average person, because now I'm going off script and I started ad libbing because that's what you do on radio, and I'm so used to doing that. I find it harder to actually read something. Once I know I want to make this point, I make the point. Once I know I want to make that point, I make that point. Well. Anyway, so Biden as it relates to him. This was in the Washington Examiner. Latest Rasmussen survey shows the twenty percent of Democrats now believe that Joe Biden is suffering from some form of dementia. Many Republicans sixty six percent of them agree. Overall, thirty eight percent believe that that is the case. You know his disastrous podcast Zoom Calls, and let me tell you what's happening too, because I have I know people that are Democrats. You'd be amazed during presidential campaigns, type of people that want to get in touch with Sean Hannah to your friend here, Linda can testify to this fact. When I was doing the vetting of Barack Obama, guess whose campaign was trying to be our best friend. You'd never guess in a million years, Linda, you would you like to do the great unveil well, there's actually two. You gotta speak louder. There was actually two campaigns at one well, the one that shocked us the most, let's put it that way. I mean, there was Romney and there was came forward that in the primary Hillary. No, I don't know, oh Hillary, I thought even on our side. No, no no, no, no, no, that that I mean Hillary. They literally and they were very let's see they were they weren't even really sneaky about it. By the way, did Shaun happened to see this? Did sewn c that? I mean, it's it's kind of comical behind the scenes, uh, Wall Street CMBC. Today many Wall Street analysts warning their clients that a Biden presidency will not look be good for the stock market. Some even say poles showing Biden with a solid lead of already have investors, you know, scared. Jim Kramer saying, as the market sold off last Wednesday, now it's up four und fifteen today twenty five five about now eight Anyway, So if Biden wins and Warren is the favorite to become the nation's first woman Treasury secretary, god help us. And that would be a nightmare for Wall Street. And it would be everything that Biden is advocating, from the Green New Deal to I guess now he's supporting reparations in spite of a history of saying the most incendiary things that if Donald Trump had ever said it, it it would be a disaster, Open borders, amnesty, you named DC statehood? Do you know combined that because you're getting a package here. You get the Biden experience, you get the Schumer experience, and you get the Pelosi experience. That's a hundred in twenty five years of service in the swamp and the sewer of DC. So now the question is what have they done in with all of these collective years, because it's gonna be Biden, Pelosi and Schumer and you gotta ask hisself that question because that matters well if Donald Trump doesn't need to fight on it. Donald Trump is doing his job. He's out there. He states his position. How refreshing that you actually know where he stands. And when he stated his position. The last time he told you that he would give you tax cuts, he'd delivered. He told you he'd picked from this list of justices. He's delivered. He told you his judicial philosophy he delivered. He told you he would open up energy. He has the keystone pipeline at Dakota Pipeline and war and when now the world's largest producer of energy in the entire world, where energy independent for the first time in seventy five years. He told you he'd build the wall. They gave him hell, but he found a way to get the money reallocated and lo and behold, by election day, you'll have over four hundred plus miles of the wall built. And then he said he'd get better trade deals, while he delivered on that with our Western European allies, and with Japan, and with Canada, and with Mexico, and even with China, which by the way, he is helping farmers in states like Wisconsin and elsewhere. He said he'd build up our nation's defenses. He's doing it. And he said he would get us out of endless wars. But that didn't mean that the might of America's military would not be used when appropriate, as is exemplified by the defeating of the Caliphate in Syria. Completely took off the handcuffs that Joe and Baroque put on the military, and he also took out Solomani, took out al Baghdaddy and company took out the al Qaeda leader in Yemen. So yeah, he's talking, he's making promises, and it's like, there's nothing this man can do that's right. And on the top of it, he did it with the biggest abuse of power, corruption, attempted coup after coup in the process. I mean, yeah, he's a fighter and his fighting has helped the American people as evidence pre Corona with record low unemployment for every demographic group in the country and record growth in Wall Street growth. Wall Street has confidence in Donald Trump. There's no doubt about it, you know, like for example, the President even said if I said something one hundred and twenty million dead people from Corona, like Biden said, forget it. It was such a different thing. And I'm gonna say, this was an interesting town hall media piece. Jason, what does it Kilmer? I forget his name. It was well done. I apologize. These are the Biden rallies talking about, you know, the anarchists, the occupy, the Chaz Chop Zone, the Autonomy zone or Autonomy's zone, the spaghetti potluck dinner zone, the summer a free love zone where we even had more people hurt. This Weekend. Oh, we have apparently the Zero Experience Hunter. This was broken by just thenews dot Com apparently went on twenty nine international trips with Secret Service in tow And maybe it's not just Barisma Holdings in Ukraine and China, in the Bank of China. Maybe there's a bunch of other deals we haven't figured out yet. But we found that through the Freedom of Information Watch. I mean, you have four hundred and eleven international and domestic trips during the Obama years and using secret Service a whole bunch of times. Well, that cost us a lot of money. I didn't hear anybody complaining about that. Now it's too Look we're one hundred and twenty seven days away and the mob in the media is perfectly content to leave Zero, leave the ever forgetful Joe, who is literally cannot he seems. Look, he's gonna do fine in the debates. They're gonna turn them into a little robot. You know, they're gonna they're probably practice to see hours every day and trying to build up his staminas so it becomes so wrote, so automatic, so programmed, that you know, he can't mess it up. I don't know if they could even pull that off. But that's apparently what they're gonna do. But we'll see over time. But does he not have to answer questions at all for the one hundred and twenty five years worth of experience that he has and Schumer has and Pelosi has, and why they haven't gotten anything done? You know, there's a lot of talk all weekend long, and I'd like to know where he stands on memorials and the Jefferson Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial and all these other you know, memorials that are out there and statues. If everybody wants to just rip down, where does Joe stand on this? Now? As long as that has come up historically, we know that people like Joe, Biden and Schumer and they've supported let's say, planned parenthood. Well, they're asking taxpayers every year to pony up millions and millions of dollars for planned parenthood. Margaret Sanger and her views on racism and eugenics and literally I mean saying we don't want work to get out there, we want to exterminate the African American population. What she said in a letter to Clarence Gamble. We have the date, we have the letter and then goes on from there. I mean, and why are we funding that? And we're ripping with that, talking about ripping down every memorial we does Joe stand on the more memorials? I'd like to know? You know, you got okay Lincoln statute UW students are calling for the removal there all right of Abraham Lincoln. Princeton wants to remove the Woodrow Wilson name from the Public Policy School. You know, it's happening all over the country. Where does Biden stand? Now? Is Biden gonna have to answer his own statements about, let's see, a two party system in the South was good for black people, because that's what he said, you know, demanding to know what senator was going to what they're going to do to prevent children from being reassigned to schools that had been majority black. That's Joe Biden or is supporting an anti bussing amendment to a federal bill, supporting an anti bussing amendment by Senator Robert KKK Bird, praising Robert KKK Bird. Pelosi praised them, and so did Chucky Schumer praise in this guy's a former clansman. What about you know, at the double state. He's got a lot of questions and the mob. This is now eighty eight days. He's hiding this guy. You know, what does he get questioned about his comment about the quote racial jungle that would happen that his children would grow up in if integration was not done in a quote orderly way, or lying about marching in civil rights protests. It was found he didn't referring to inner city youth as predators. You know, does any are they gonna ask any of these questions of Joe? Where does Joe stand on anything you know? Or talking about as a US senator, doesn't matter whether or not they're victims of society. They resolved to about to knock them my wife on the head with a lead pipe. Shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take my sons. So I want to ask what made them do this? They must be taken off the streets, you know, as he says, If we don't, they will a portion of them, they'll become predators fifteen years from now. He goes on, and you know, poor kids, by the way, are just as bright, just as talented as white kids. He said that in twenty nineteen. Or you ain't black, he said that in twenty twenty, or put y'all back in chains, he said that in twenty twelve, or you know, oh this is I mean, you got the first time sort of mainstream African American who's articulate and bright and clean, the nice looking guy, that storybook man. And of course you can't work at a seven eleven or a dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. You know, when is he gonna get asked any of these questions? Everybody saying, wow, the Poles, the post, you're dealing with an him visible ghost of a candidate with a mob in the media that is allowing him to get away with things that they'd never allowed Donald Trump to get away with. Does he have the strength, the stamina, the mental alertness to be president? They asked that about Ronald Reagan. They ought to be asking it about Joe because now even Democrats are saying, yeah, we better keep him in the basement bunker. Well, who's gonna be president? That No, I am where I was last week, and that is on Friday. I mean, we're one hundred and twenty seven days away. It's always tough for a Republican to win the presidency because look, the Democrats start out with California and Oregon and Washington State and New York State and New Joysey and Illinois. I mean a lot of electoral votes as a right out of the gate. So for a Republican to win Florida is critical, Ohio is critical, Georgia, North Carolina a critical. Those states can no longer be, they cannot have them in play in any way and have a shot. And you got to pick off Pennsylvania. By the way, Pennsylvania, you will lose fracking and you will lose jobs if you'll elect the ghost, the invisible ghost of a candidate, Joe Biden, the forgetful one Joe three zero three three zero, that's what's gonna happen. But if anyone says they know, they don't know. Two hundred and seventy some odd polls in twenty sixteen, I think there were sixteen that had Donald Trump winning. You know, our posters all called it, right, So I kind of stick with the guys that know what the hell they're doing. But I think it's too early, if to judge any of the polls. I think there's gonna be a lot of factors. How good is that we don't expect a full V recovery, but all indications are it's gonna be a huge bounce back. We already have retail sales two and a half new a million new jobs created. I mean nobody expected that from May. And things we get better. Then we have to deal with coronavirus, you know, put out all these hot spots. We'll have more on that later today. Then you have the you know, other factors that will come up. Whatever the October surprises will be. Joe has to come out of his basement. I mean, are they gonna try and allow this guy to not debate because he's afraid to leave his bunker. I mean, there's nothing that they would not pull that would surprise me, but likely if the economy comes back, Joe speaks, if we can contain Corona's rebounds and put out those hot spots, and then ask the question, are you better off with the president that broke every record imaginable? I think we'll do okay, you know, I m there's nothing we're gonna be able to do about the mob. The media, they're all in. They're okay with Joe. I'm fine with Joe in the in the basement bunker. You know it's fine. Let him stay there. They don't ask him any questions. No, he's only sees two people a day. You pull him out of the basement bunker for ten seconds and he screws up. He can't even do a podcast for crying out. Like you would have thought after the tenth bad podcast disaster, somebody might have gotten smart and said, I know how to do a podcast. I can do this right. You're gonna hear there's a pond on the other side of my property here a lot of Canadian geese. If you hear them honking away, it's they're cheering. That's what they're about. Scale scale, I don't know who school that is with the scale of the loss is staggering. It's been two months as Congress giving that money. Is it incompetence corruption? Trump is out there and tweeting again this morning. I called President tweeting, tweeting reopened the country. End of quote. You can't even look. Here's the question, let's let's just go to just a few Well, I mean, we're does not, but then we're touching the surface. We'll show you a great montage tonight. Because the mob won't do it. The mob's protecting Joe. The mobs, they're spending every second minute of an hour, hour of every day attacking Donald Trump, just as they have now. Between Pelosi, Schumer and Joe, you got one hundred and twenty five years experience in the sewer in the swamp at eight more with a Obama, well ted more, let's say, or even more than that, you got like one hundred and forty years experience. What did they do? Did they get the crime bill done? Nope? After Ferguson, Baltimore, after Cambridge, after all these other incidents. Did they get any police reforms done? Nope? Criminal justice reform nope. Did they dedicate for as long a period of commitment to historically black colleges as President Trump? Nope? Did they open opportunities zones? Nope? Did they give us the lowest record after record low unemployment numbers? Let's see for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. No. Now, Joe and Barrock gave us thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, the worst recovery since the forties, lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years, and they accumulated more debt than on forty three pass presidencies combined. Are they answering any of that, any of Joe's record on racial issues? Why didn't they do anything? How did that Obamacare thing work out? Keep your doctor, keep your plan, and save money? On average average family is gonna save twenty five hundred dollars a year per family. How did that work out? Now, we're gonna have Medicare for all. We're gonna have guaranteed government jobs, guaranteed government healthcare, guaranteed government healthy food, guaranteed government retirement, guaranteed income. We're gonna have guaranteed Let's see what school they've done. Such a great job with the schools in all these cities and states run by liberal Democrats for decades. Now we're just gonna turn our kids over, like ten minutes after they're born, to government schools so they won't be able to read and write, just like the thirteen schools in Baltimore. Third per capitas, highest spending in the entire world. The city of Baltimore, thirteen public high schools. Not one kid, not one of our American family kid is proficient in math. Oh is anyone in the mob gonna ask those questions? I don't think so. Oh. I love this little story. There's gem of a story. You know, the City of Minneapolis they have that veto proof let's see majority to defund the police. Well they're now the City of Minneapolis. They're spending forty five hundred bucks a day on what you ask private security for three council members who received threats following the police killing of George Floyd. City spokesman said the private security details have cost the taxpayers in Minneapolis sixty three thousand dollars over the past three weeks alone. By the way, the three council people, I won't give the names. No point. Well that's interesting. That's kind of like reminds me of Comrade de Blasio on my TV show. You know, he comes in with four armed New York City police officers. They're all over my studio, nice guys. I talked to him, thank them for their service, and I said, well, what about the people in New York? Do they have the right to protect themselves in their homes and their workplace. The way you do is answer every New Yorker has the right to be safe. Well, you're not doing a good job, Mayor. And then I go back, I said, but you have those guys that are armed with firearms, they have pistols by their side. Does every New Yorker have the same right They have a right to be safe. So the answers No. Portland City Council they put aside fifteen million that they cut from their police budgets. Now Philadelphia is canceled, and a planned nineteen million dollar increase in police department there, and shifted fourteen million of the police department budget elsewhere. Artford, Connecticut, they voted to reallocate two million from the police budget. Okay, who's gonna want to be a cop today? I don't know. I wouldn't do it. Latest Seattle chop shooting, while we got one dead, one in critical condition. This is in the summer of love zone, the Spigettie pot luck zone. This is in the autonomy zone. This is in the chad zone, the chop zone. Now, of course the President keeps offering New York in New York City, New York, State of New York City all the support that they could ever want. They say no. They've offered the state of Illinois, the city of Chicago all the help they want. They say no. Seattle says no. California says no. Okay, you bought it, you own it. You're wondering why people are leaving New York, California, New Jersey, and Illinois and droves because of the incompetent leadership. They can't even provide the single most fundamental basic role of what a government should provide, and that's security and safety. Doesn't every American child have a right to live in a safe neighborhood? I would, I'd like to think so. But apparently not even the chop zone. We got another shooting, another debt, another and critical condition unbelievable. Got four men not charged to bring down a statue of Andrew Jackson. What does Joe think about that? Got a man eighteen charge for an unprovoked assault on a Macy's manager. That's a viral video that went out. You got a Chicago violence a one year old. I'm gonna get into this story in a second, but let me tell you how bad it got in Chicago this weekend. Now remember, let's go back to last weekend. It ended up the total number was one hundred and six people that were shot last weekend, and twelve of them would dren. Fourteen of them died. I think on Hannity tonight, I'm just gonna scroll all through the Obama years, all the people who got shot and were killed, and all the people that got shot in Chicago, and we'll give you the whole rundown on what Barack and Joe did, which is nothing. They barely mentioned it. So we had this weekend in Chicago, three more youngsters killed. A ten year old girl. By the way, ask yourself in the car, do you know this young girl's name who's ten years old. I'll tell you her name. Her name is Lena Newnez. I'll tell you what happened to this poor kid in Cook County, struck in the head by a stray bullet that came through a second floor apartment window in Logan Square. Well, she ended up being the second young child that was shot and killed on Saturday. Earlier. You have a twenty month old child. The boy he died after he was shot, and his name is cecare Gaston. Have you heard his name? He was shot in a car seat while riding with his mom in an Inglewood neighborhood in Chicago. And we had a seventeen year old young man. He was named is Antoine Douglas. He was shot in a neighborhood park after some kind of fight broke out there. You know, bloody Saturday, some people were calling it. Eight people, including children, killed in separate shootings. By Sunday, four more fatal shootings were added to the growing toll. I mean how many if you want to look at the whole weekend shootings, you know last year, I mean at least six people were killed sixty others wounded over the long weekend over the fourth of July. We have the latest shooting. As I said in the Autonomous Summer of Love Zone, A miss Mayor, what are you doing about it? Jay Insley? What the hell are you doing to protect the people in your state? No wonder people leaving these blue states in droves. But take a good look at it, America, because what you see in New York and the shift show that was the coronavirus. Disgraceful response of both the mayor and governor. That's why people are leaving. On top of ridiculously high taxes, you know, burdensome bureaucracy, you can't now know, fracking for life in New York. Great, get out of New York. I'm getting the hell out of here as soon as I can. I really am. There's no reason I'm telling I gotta get out of here. Then you got New Jersey. Same thing, you know, the brilliant executive order March twenty fifth, Let's put COVID patients inside a nursing Home's genius move. This is on top of oh, we don't have any ventilators that are our own health department fifteen thousand, seven hundred and eighty three for New York State, nearly ten thousand for New York City. They didn't buy them. And then they're screaming, then any ventilators. Then they're forcing COVID patients into nursing homes and long term care facilities. And while they're doing it, they're leaving empty all the hospital beds that Trump built, thousands of them, and the navy ship that he sent and built and manned all of it, converted them to COVID nineteen patient capability. And then they're blaming the nursing home saying, well, you were not responsible for your ppe. That's your responsibility. It's your fault that this happened, and then even going as far as to say the governor in New York will people die? By the way, back to the violence in New York, eleven people shot in twelve hours under Comrade de Blasio's right in a beautiful city of New York, New York City. Cops responding to shots were fired, with crowd by throwing bottles and debris. I guess there was I guess a combination of Black Lives Matter and a gay pride parade in New York. Well, you know, now we have, let's see, you know, nine hundred to a thousand cops that have been hurt around the country with rocks and bottles and bricks and Molotov cocktails. And we have all the cops that we've mentioned that have been killed, and we have the cops that have been permanently, you know, paralyzed from the neck down in Vegas. Now you have a vision in a couple brandishing of firearm outside I guess their little mansion in Saint Louis. You know why, because a video of you know, a bunch of I guess people protesting outside there their house when viral the protester entered apparently a gated in private street, which led to the couple to emerge from their house. And you know some oh they were pointing guns of people. Well, because they didn't know what I guess the peaceful protesters were gonna do, because we've seen a lot of peaceful well you have seen peaceful protesters. We've seen a lot of violence and anarchy too. It's so bad in New York that New York's police commissioner is literally saying with reporters. He's said, you have to step back and look at this. You have a criminal justice system that is imploding, imploding, and that's the kindest way to put it. He said, I want to go further. Well, now you've got let's see. Oh, the head of the Bronx NYPD he quit, I'm not working here anymore, Deputy Inspector Richard Bray, hanging it up after nearly three decades. They told our friend Curtis Sliway, you know, he put in his papers because his bosses won't even give him any guidance on what they should do to get guns and drugs and the criminal activity to stop, so he quit. I don't blame him. Who's gonna want this job? You know from year to year it's up three hundred and eighty five percent. Oh, Senator John Kennedy, he's got away with words. He was pretty funny, but it's nothing funny about the topic. If you hate cops, next time, I guess you're get in trouble. What are you gonna call a crackhead? Who are you going to call? I keep asking that question, who are you going to call? Congresswoman Pressley. I thinks she's part of the AOC squad Alexandria Costio Cortez. Anyway, she Remember there's a difference, and I make a distinction between the group Black Lives Matter. You know, they're chanting on tape, what do we want to cops? When do we want them now? And pigs in a blanket? Fry them like bacon. And then the comments that were made on Martha McCallum show last week, you know, give us what we want or we're gonna burn this sucker down. Anyway, But those people that are rightly protesting the death of George Floyd, but it's gone way beyond that. Those are the anarchists now that are taken over in hijacking. Otherwise at the time were peaceful protests. I can understand their outrage. I was outraged anyway, so she is. She's now saying it's time to I'm not sure exactly what this means, but it's time for you to pay us what you owe us. She said it on the floor of the House of Representatives. Minneapolis business owners targeted by riots in the city Council. They plan to dismantle the police department. They got their own private security. They're gonna be fine. You know, Hollywood actors, they'll be flying flying in their private jets with their private security. What everyone else, you know, fend for yourself. By the way, we know where the president stands on destruction and vandalism. Where does Joe stand? Where does Joe stand on law and order? When is Joe going to come out of his bunker and say something while all of this is happening. The answer is never, because the mob in the media is gonna let him. And we've been through this, We've seen this movie before, and that is that you know what they gave Barack Obama pass fighting the pass, and they're gonna give Joe a pass as long as they can. Now, the question is, you know, is America going to elect somebody that hides in his basement bunker that now, according to two poles, show that he's in a significant cognitive decline. And I'm trying to say it as charitably as I can. Now the mob in the media Democrats had no problem asking that question about Ronald Reagan because it's getting a little scary. Our two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. In a second, will be joined by Kevin McCarthy, the House GOP leader. All Right, who is best to rebuild the economy? Basement bunker Biden or President Trump? You know, it's like the invisible candidate in the eighty eight days no press conference. Let's just now that we have two polls out that have recognized the obvious cognitive decline and even Democrats now believing that, yeah, there's a significant decline and Biden. Let's just put together some of the best moments of Joe. Let's say, if you agree with me, go to Joe three three three, Oh, I'm here to ask you for your help, where I come from. You don't get far unless you ask. My name's Joe Biden. I'm a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Look me over your like. Weacy help out and not both the other by give me a look though, Okay, we choose truth over facts. Hey, the radio, make sure the television, excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night. The phone, make sure the kids hear words. No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman. We have to just change the culture, period and keep punching at it and punching at it and punching at poor kids are just as bright and just as tall as white kids. But if Donald Donald Trump is reelected Freudian slip, Donald Trump does pose an excellent strength to this. It's not hypothetical. We all these truth to be self avenue, oh man, and women creative by go. You know that you know the thing, the words that stun the nation, and I would argue, I know, shocked the world. International leaders spoke about it. You had people like Margaret fat excuse me. You had people like the former chairman and leader of the party in Germany. You had a Angela Merkel dislike in my generation, when I got out of school. That when Bobby Endo, thean doctor King had been assassinated in the seventies late seventy, I got engaged my son, the one who my deceased son was the Attorney General in the United States, and before that he was a federal prosecutor, one of the largest offices in the country in Philadelphia. Look tomorrow, Superstar Tuesdee, and I want to thank you all. I'll tell you what I'm rushing ahead, aren't I something I've heard from some voters, maybe not at your events, but in detail. But the details are irrelevant. I just spoke at a dartnous on healthcare at the medical school. Not I guess I wouldn't act now on the campus, but the people from the medical school at that I want to be clear, I'm mind going nuts. I'm not sure whether it's a medical school or where the hell I spoke puts on the campus. And folks, you know all those Democrats who won against incumbents from Jimmy Carter to a guy named Clinton, the guy named Obama, My good friends, what they had overwhelming African American support. Although I had met solely and his wife at an event in Los Angeles back in in the spring, late fall, or I mean late spring, late winter, early fall, early anyway, you know what I mean. You must register that weapon. You must register it. When you register it, the likelihood of it being used diminishes exponentially. One of the things I'm proudest of is getting past getting moved, getting control of the Paris climate accord. I'm the guy that came back after meeting with dun chaoping and making the case that I believe Chinauld join if we put pressure on them. Why in God's name should someone who's clipping coupons on the stock market make in fact pay a lower tax rate than someone who in fact is, like I said, a school teacher and a fire part jepon and support our campaign text Joe two three excret me. I got to get this right, Joe two three oh three three oh. We all these truths to be self evinue, all many women creating go. You know that. You know the thing now, we have over one hundred and twenty million dead from COVID one hundred and twenty million, and it gets longer. That's not even everything. This raspus some pole. As printed by the Washington Examiner, this follows the Zogby pole, which is even higher. And that is even Democrats now believe that that in some form Biden's suffering from dementia sixty six percent of Republicans thirty eight percent overall. But he's hiding in his basement bunker answering. I'd like to know if he's going to answer questions on law and order and the chop and chaz and autonomous zone and the free love zone, or is he you know, what is his solutions for violence? And why didn't you stop the violence? The eight years you're a vice president, between Schumer and and Pelosi and Biden, you got one hundred and twenty five years of failure, all the things they said, Oh we're gonna do that, I'm gonna do this all, I'm gonna do this. What have they done in one hundred and twenty five years of swampness combined? Nothing? Three three kids killed again this weekend and many others. Now we got the chops, one more violence there, one shot and killed, one murdered. You got three kids killed in Chicago this weekend. What did you do, Joe? What did you and Barrock do? And of course, well we got questions about is well, really, you know, his anti bussings, amendments and predators and in all the other comments that he's made over the years, you ain't black and everything else, that is so bizarre that he says anyway, he's the House GOP leader. Kevin McCarthy is with us one hundred and twenty seven days. We the people. You get to go to the polls. You get to make the ultimate decision. Congressman, how are you. I'm doing well, Sean, And that was excellent. The only clip you need to add on and we take requests, go ahead. Yeah, he's in twenty ten, he's a vice president United States. He goes and speaks at Senator Bird's funeral. This is a member of the KKK, and he calls him a friend, a mentor, and a guide. Well, it fits him with a lot of the comments that he's made over the decades. And you and I both know, now Donald Trump has only been in politics. He's only served less than four years. They didn't set every record for every little, every single demographic in the country in terms of low unemployment. You know, we know that without coronavirus, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. I mean, these these States were not prepared for anything, and now we're beginning to see signs of a good rebound, a v shape recovery. I hope. Well, they thought there would be more than eight million jobs loss than we gained two point three a ten million part flip. You watched retail sales up seventeen percent. Who is best to rebuild, renew and restore this economy. It's easy, President Trump, who did it well. Biden thinks somebody when he was there with Obama, you needed a magic wand to do it because they never created a job. They don't know how. Let's talk about a tweet that you sent out or a letter actually that you sent out, but then you tweeted it to Speaker Pelosi about the forty five day covered period that was designated on May twentieth, pursue into the House resolution, and that you and the Republican strongly opposed the unilateral decision to renew this period. And that means what that they don't view themselves as essential because I would actually agree that they're not essential workers. And the more they stay home, the happier I'll be. Well, the problem is they're staying home, they're getting a paycheck. But they're still voting for the liberal ideas that we all oppose from the comfort of her mansion and negated community a mile away from people living on the streets in San Francisco shooting up drugs and defecating on the streets. Because we've chronicled all that. Yeah, And also, you know what they tour over in San Francisco sat Sarah's statue, the same statue that Biden, Pelosi, myself and Pope France's preyed at. Well, it's the same same person, but a different statue sitting there. It's in Pelosi's district. And she's never said a word about that, Never Nancy Pelosi. Is she ever going to be asked about her father and the monuments that are statues that he put up in Baltimore? And what about Margaret Sanger? Don't we spend a lot of how many taxpayer dollars do we spend a year on planned parenthood? And we all know the racist underpinnings of planned parenthood, don't we? Oh, yes we do. And what you asked a little earlier about the proxy voting, this is shadow voting. The speaker put this in. It goes against the Constitution, people expect members of Congress to be essential to show up for work. We showed up during yellow Fever. When this building was burnt down in eighteen fourteen, we still showed up for work. We showed up during World War Two, we showed up during nine to eleven. But now the Democrats put in this it's only for people who can't make it because of COVID meaning that they're sick, meaning that they're a certain age, and they have to sign a letter that they physically unable to be here. Charlie, Chris, you know what he did. He signed that letter and then he got in the car and drove two and a half hours because he wanted to watch a launch of a spaceship. Others decided, well, didn't seem too important. Half of all the Democrats in California stayed home and said, oh, I'll just phone it in. What they did is they gave all their power and their vote to Pelosi. That's not what their voters decided to see. I think this is bigger between Biden and Schumer and Pelosi, because that's really that they're the ones the New Green Deal. They're the ones that obviously have this double standard in terms of hypocrisy and everything else regarding you know, they haven't done They didn't do the Criminal Justice Reform bill, they didn't do police reform, they didn't do you know, helping historically black colleges for the longer period of time than this president and with the most money. They didn't create record low unemployment in all the years that they've been in Congress. Trump did it. And it's really one hundred and twenty five years when you add it up of unmitigated failure. That's the power that they had. I mean, think about it. Our constitution, our country expects us to convene, but they don't because it makes Pelosi more powerful. It's exactly what you talk about in your book. This world is on a brink. It's either we're going to live free or we're going to die. Because what's going to happen If they vote to continue to have these Democrats in power, you're not voting for your member of Congress because they're giving their vote to Pelosi. So this week we will wrote on Green New Deal. They did vote last week about making DC statehood. Think of every angle of what they did in the Senate, where Tim Scott worked so hard to have police reform. The Democrats said they could not go forward even though they are offered twenty amendments. You know how many amendments the Democrats offered the Republicans of the House, zero not one. Have you looked at district by district and have you come to a determination? Can Republicans win the House back and keep the Senate? The answer is yes. And you know what, We had a special election in the middle of covid in a Democrat district in La California where Democrats out number of Republicans, where Hillary Clinton carried the district by a majority, where the Democrats won it by nine points a year and a half ago, they got the candidate that they wanted in their state rep We got Mike Garcia, the first time Canada first generation American, went to the Naval Academy, came a fighter pilot serves back in the district. And then they changed the election long They said all of it has to be by mail. Everybody's going to get a ballot. And then right before the election, a weekend before, they said that some people being dis tranchise, so they put an in person voting place in the most Democrat area. And you know what. We didn't lose it by nine points. We didn't win it by a hundred votes. We won it by nine percent. There are forty two other seats that are better for Republicans that Democrats hold today than the seat Mike Garcia just got sworn into. Well, either we get that done now, or look, I view this and you're right. I actually sent you over a couple of chapters in the book specifically, and I'm glad you had a chance to look at it. And it's out in about thirty six days, and I'm going to be out in California. Maybe I'll be able to see out there and everybody read there. Well, because this is it. I mean, we know the history of socialism's failure, we know the founding principles, I go over all of them. We know what the Democrats twenty twenty agenda is, we know what the presidents has been successful at, and we know the mob and the media they want. They're on one side. I'm like, I'm like an odd ball, one of the few out here on radio and on Fox that actually have opposition voices, and they want to silence us every second of every day. Yep, all right, So I'm gonna run. So how do so where do you get you have you put like a conglomerate of like these races that you're watching on line or anything. Take the House dot com. They can get all the information they need there. Just go in there, sign up, and we'll will provide you the opportunity to keep America. If you keep Pelosi, and you keep Schumer and you and you really like Donald Trump, we're getting another shift show for four more years. Oh yeah, imagine what the President could get done with them out of the way. It would be amazing. Congress, thank you, thank you for grants on the new bit. Thank you, sir. Eight hundred nine is our number. Right as we roll along, we'll update you on COVID nineteen with our medical a team, and also we'll have the latest where's Joe hiding in the basement. Then we'll talk a lot about the election and has passed with racial comments and whether that will be a factor or the media mob gives them a pass. Dean is in Illinois, Dane. How are you glad you called sir? Hey Sean real quick, No, you don't have a lot of time. Joe Biden, first of all, your your pick his VP And do you really think he's just holding a spot for November for them to slide somebody else in because he'll never debate Trump in the first five minutes? And do you really think that they're trying to push Michelle into that spot? You know, I mean, I don't think. I mean, if I had to guess, I mean, I don't know the internal workings of You know, you've got different factions within every party, including the Democratic Party, and there seems to be it's sort of like a Hillary Clinton or Clinton faction, Obama faction, and everybody knows Joe's a mess. I mean, Terry mcculloff said the best. Do I think Michelle Obama would ever take that job? Not in a million years my opinion. Do I think the Democrats are capable of anything, any last minute dirty trick once they realize they're gonna lose, or if they think they're gonna lose. Yeah, I think they're capable of anything. But how are the Bernie people going to react? If I had to say who the contenders are? Probably Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Lauren val Demming's is the congresswoman from Florida, but she has a past in law enforcement that may be problematic. And I guess maybe last, but not least. I think they're looking at the Atlanta mayor. I just vice presidents usually or vice presidential selections usually did not lift the top of the ticket. And I think the Democrats they've locked into Joe, and Joe's their guy, and that's why the media mob is going to allow him to stay in his basement bunker and hide and he'll get away with eighty five days, eighty eight days of no press conferences. I won't have to answer any questions about the issues of the day. And when he pops out, I mean, I'm sure they they're probably training him now and trying to etch into his memory every possible answer to any question in a debate, just as he survives it. We'll see a lot's going to happen in one hundred and twenty seven days. Probably the events that will define it haven't happened yet. People took the attitude in some places of either all or none, either a lockdown or you just let it fly, and you just ignore many of the guidelines of physical distancing, wearing a mask, shaking hands, avoiding I mean not shaking hands, avoiding crowds, and what happened is you see pictures on the TV of the fact that even in states that are telling their citizens to do it correctly, they're doing that. There are crowds, they're not physical distancing, and they're not wearing masks. That's a recipe for disaster. It's something I spoke about time and again. We do need to open up again, no doubt about it. We want to get the economy back, but you've got to do it in a measured way. And now we're seeing the consequences of community spread, which is even more difficult to contain than spread in a well known physical location like a prison or a nursing home or packing place. When you have community spread, it's insidious because there are so many people in the community who are infected but asymptomatic. It makes it extremely problematic to do efficient contact tracing because most of the people who are infected don't even know they're infected. So how do you do contact tracing when someone doesn't have any symptoms. Inarguably, as we see where we are today as a nation, because of what the American people have done, because of the incredible work of our healthcare workers, because of a partnership with governors in every state. We did just that. We slowed the spread, we flattened the curve, We saved lives. In the midst of that, we exponentially scaled testing capacity, partnering with private sector commercial laboratories. We've now reached some thirty million tests across the country, conducting some five hundred thousand tests a day. In that partnership with governors, also, the President directed us to make sure that states had what they needed when they needed it. And at this point, I'm pleased to report that the federal government both delivered and facilitated the delivery of billions of supplies of face shields and gowns and gloves and masks, and we continue to be on track to construct more than one hundred thousand ventilators in one hundred days. And as I spoke to governors last night, they confirmed to me again what femas reported. We have no outstanding requests from any state at this time for personal protective equipment or medical supplies. Let me say that again in the affected areas, particularly the states down south that are seeing rising cases, we have no outstanding requests. But as I told the governors, we already at a moment's notice, to search personnel, to search supplies, to expand capacity into support their healthcare response. In the midst of all of that, I think it always bears saying that because of the great work of our healthcare workers and because of American manufacturing, no American who required a ventilator has ever been denied a ventilator in the United States. All right, that's the latest from the Coronavirus Task Force as where now. And know a lot of people are getting upset, They're worried, they're they're concerned. The global death toll from coronavirus has surpassed a half a million. It's not it's not one hundred and twenty million, like Joe says the five seconds he comes out of his basement bunker like he did last week. Here's what we've learned, and here's what we're learning. And again a lot of this is fluid. The one thing that has been consistent though throughout this entire time, with all the models wrong, all the predictions wrong, all the idiots and the media wrong, you know, like the Washington Post. Oh worry more about the lou I'm fine when I have the virus. All that crap in the New York's toilet paper times who says you can't travel to China after the travel bed anyway, forty three percent of coronavirus deaths are linked to nursing homes forty three percent. Well, that then puts all of the you know, highlight on. For example, New York. The governor of New York State refuses to take responsibility. He's blamed everybody in their mother and then he comes up, well, people are gonna die anyway. Then of course New Jersey follows. Then of course Pennsylvania follows, and Michigan follows anyway, So we're watching now a resurgence in some states, for example, like the state of Florida. And we have, for example, Miami beaches are going to close for the fourth of July weekend. Gavin Newsom has ordered bars closed in La County. It's other hot spots. But here's what we know. There is some interesting phenomenons happening, and I don't really know how how to interpret that, which is why we're bringing in our experts in a second here, doctor Josh Humber and doctor Brian mcdonnaugh. But anyway, it looks like which is a very strange phenomenon. The newest cases in Florida, for example, are younger people. Now the fatalities are You're gonna look at all, right, who are the people most at risk for dying? You know, cases a fatality perage group. Well, it's overwhelmingly what we always knew. Eighty five percent of all Florida COVID nineteen related facilities of fatalities have occurred and the age group of sixty five plus, you know, and we also know the underlying conditions. We've even been able to narrow that down to people overweight, diabetic, highpertensive, and their mortality rates flat over the past two weeks despite the increase in the total cases. Anyway, we bring in our medical experts here, doctor Josh humber Atlas, MD, Doctor Brian mcdonnaugh. Doctor Josh, you see an increase, you see Why are we seeing so many such a high percentage of younger people in Florida getting it? Well, I think it's a multifactorial. I think it's a combination of we knew people would eventually get this. The whole idea of staying in was to prevent a mass amount of people getting infected and overwhelming the hospitals. Now that we've managed that, then with the incredibly low death rate in young, healthy populations, they're going to get out, they're going to go to work, they're going to be exposed, but they're going to have very little burden to the system. And now that we're offering so much testing, I know locally we've opened up testing to anyone, regardless of symptoms, for free. Well, the natural result of that is going to see more cases, but it doesn't mean more burden when hospitalization rates are going down and death rates are going down. So I think there's a lot of different issues at play here, and you'll take doctor McDonough Yeah, Sean, I think a couple of things. I think what Josh said is really true about young people getting out more. I think one of the things we're learning about young people it's not a free ride for them. We're starting to realize even those who are asymptomatic, they're starting to find when they X ray them crystallized material and the lungs, which suggests that ten, fifteen, twenty years later they may have issues. So the one thing I'm trying to get across to young people throw a podcast is just don't think that you got a free ride. I really recommend you know, you wear masks, you really try to social distance and do all you can, not just for the older people obviously, but for the younger people as well. The other thing about the hospitalization in deaths, you're always going to see it weeks after the young people get it. In other words, as you know, you get the fourteen day experience with a young person, then they meet someone who is older, who then has another fourteen days before symptoms and maybe hospitalization. So there's always that lag. And I worry, very scared about what could happen in the next couple of weeks after these spikes, and I think we got watch that closely. Well, I think we got to watch it too. And again, you know, now if we're dealing with a less susceptible of dying population that's contracting it. My worry and the reason that I said, doctor Josh, just wear the stupid masks so we can open up, you know, stadiums and outdoor concerts and have football in the fall is because if it means okay, I get to go to the game, but to protect Grandma, Grandpa, mom and Dad, that if you ever if you ever contracted the virus, you pass it on to them. I'm fine to do it to protect others. I'm not really not worried about myself. I mean, maybe a lot of people would be pretty happy actually if I drop dead, well, I think if you look at Florida open to almost forty days ago and there is a steady dropped in death rate and a steady increase in cases, so that it's been plenty of time to see if there was a correlation with rolling, you know, eleven to fourteen day cycles. But again looking at the infection in the response in its entirety is there's still been a number of very prominent medical professional saying the deaths of despair, alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic abuse, depression, anxiety, suicide are going to be equal to or greater than the number of deaths from COVID. So it's not just that we want to go out and have concerts and enjoy life, but it's that we need to get back to you a productive society that employs this forty million people that are now unemployed. That's the equivalent of the lowest, smallest twenty two states. So there's a lot of people who depend on the economy opening back up so they can take care of their families. And that's part of this whole picture is we have a fraction of the daily death yesterday was two hundred and fifty. So far New York's only reporting fifteen deaths in the light of that, when we had twenty one hundred deaths at per day at a peak, I think we've done a great job. Everything's working, and we don't need the same response now that we did back then if it's going to further hurt the economy and those most disenfranchised by that. I mean, look, we don't want any death but a half a million people. I mean that we're now talking about a pandemic. What the worst one Brian since what the Spanish flu? Or in the end it will be the most Yeah, Yeah, you're right, you're right on target there. Probably the Spanish flu is the last time we've seen anything to this nature. Yeah, I think you're right shown and I think you know you and I talked way back about shutting down the whole country. I remember talking about it with you. By the way, the New York Times says I killed people, Well, they pretty much suggested it. I meanwhile, you're the one that said don't travel to China, and they're saying, oh, it's fine to travel to China. There's such hypocrites. But Gun, I recall, yeah, I recall you say I think this was important. It's not at all or nothing. In other words, there's parts of the country you have to shut down when you have those moments. Parts of the country doing better, are doing things well, let's learn from those that are doing well. Let's bring it back down and those that are having tough times and look at it logically. And I think to Josh's point, that then allows people to feel they have a sense of being a part of society. You know that they actually are not home all the time. And we had to do it once. Now what we have to do is selectively do it, but not back off. Really watch it, watch the numbers closely, and react to them. I think that's going to be the key. All right, quick break, we'll come back more with doctor Brian McDonough and doctor Josh Umber. And as we continued, doctor Brian mcdonnah doctor Josh Umber, as we update the COVID situation in the country. When all is said and done and all of the bad modeling, Doctor Josh and all the wrong predictions and two and a half million dead, three million dead, sixty thousand dead, and us. You know, the one thing that really did remain constant and this now stays constant today, and that is that nearly half of all COVID related deaths in the US were directly tied to the nursing homes. Now, that goes directly to the heart of the March twenty fifth, I mean, that's late in the game, directive executive order by Governor Cromo in New York, and that goes, you know, four days later, the Governor Murphy in New Jersey April sixth, the governor of Pennsylvania Wolf followed suit and you know, shut down Whipmer, I mean, didn't want you to cut your lawn. And she's out there with the protesters, and nobody talked about COVID when people were protesting. But when Donald Trump held a rally, everyone was getting all worked up again. And I think Trump's only mistake there was calling it a rally. You should have just called it a protest. Well, I think you're right on a lot of those points. You'd put it into context. Five hundred thousand worldwide deaths. There's one hundred and fifty five thousand deaths every day worldwide, and so over the last one hundred and eighty days, give her take, this is still a fraction of the result. Every death is bad, every death is painful, but like you said, to put into context that half are the most at risk population, so we can to the doct this point. I think it's it's great if healthcare. If politics is local, then healthcare and COVID responses should be local. That way, you have five hundred cities adjusting just to the effort that they need to control themselves, but not be this heavy handed sledgehammer when a scalpel will do. Close the beaches here, maybe decrease the bars there. But in context, we are where are we with treatment? So where are we with the vaccine? And my guessing wrong thinking. A lot of Americans don't want a vaccine and may not be willing to take it. But we're learning a lot about the antibody reaction and the vaccines and those things, and what we're finding is for some people the antibodies are only especially those who have the casual cases may only be lasting two to three months in there, and it may not be an antibody response as much as a memory of the illness response, which kind of changes it up a little bit. So I think we have to have a combination of treatment and the hope of a vaccine, and in the short run, I think as a national effort, really the only two things showing we can do right now is pretty much tell everybody to wear masks and social distance and making a national effort. That's the one thing I think we should do countrywide, and then otherwise, you know, pick and choose. But we do know that those places who have done that have done well and cut down the number of deaths, and that's around the world. Those that haven't have not. So I think the mask and social distancing are the best we got. I just wish we had more. I think a little success with Randezevie that we've seen, but the decks of methone trials are underway. They're looking at that. But I think we're getting better at it too. I mean, that's anecdotally, that's what I've been reading, and I agree with you. The better treatment and people in the ICU and handling them knowing what to expect. We look at it without getting too technical as an endothelial lining disease. It attacks the lining of the blood vessels, kind of blows them up and that reduced that that increases clots, inflammation and release a fluid. And that's what really gets a lot of the people who are already sick or older in trouble because their bodies just can and handled it attack all right, Thank you both, doctor Josh, good to hear from you. Doctor McDonald, thank you. Great to hear from you as well. More shots fired, more shots fired, more shots fired, more shots fired. Breaking news in the so called Capitol Hill organized protest zone, there has been another shooting. Early this morning. Protesters finished a march back to cal Anderson Park when they say gun shots were fired nearby. Several protesters were live streaming at the time and you could hear gunshots, but the supposed gunfire did not stop there. People on scene say some of the protesters within shop hold two people with gunshot wounds out of that jeep and rendered aid to them. And this wasn't the first report of gunfire. Over last night, at about one fifteen, there were loud bangs as well that went off at eleventh and Olive. Some people at first thought they were fireworks and people later thought that they were gunshots. And then the confirmed shooting, of course, happened at three am. Two more shootings in two different burrows. Here on East one hundred and fifth Street in Harlem, at twenty year old man shot in the leg. Police say the gunman got away on a city bike as police looked for the shell casings and the gun possibly tossed under a car. And then in the one oh three Precinct and Queens another young man shot in the leg, bringing the number to more than twenty four people shot in the last twenty four hours Saturday night. In New Lots, Brooklyn, the most deadly a man died after being shot in the face and a woman killed from a bullet to her back. Both the NYPD crime statistic experts and those in the neighborhoods have their theories. What have you heard of? Is up everywhere and it's like a snowball from the pandemic onto the riots. It seems to be a trend. From Sunday, June twenty first through Saturday June twenty seventh, the total of seventy nine shooting victims in fifty seven incidents, and police say there are a number of factors to blame for this apparent rise in street lawlessness. The NYPD says bail reform, laws, backed up systems, and the release of so many inmates from rikers because of COVID concern. There were one hundred and twenty five shootings in the first three weeks of June, more than double the same period as last year, according to police, and at least one East Harlem resident believes the ongoing protests have empowered the criminals as well as those legitimately seeking social justice. I think they're really taking advantage with the protest. They're just because now you know, people are acting out, and I guess the cops are not trying to do anything about it, so I think they're trying to take advantage of that. Now. No, this is the second weekend in a row we've had to tell you about multiple children being killed by gunfire in Chicago. A total of sixteen people killed this weekend, three of them were children. Grand total of sixty three people shot this weekend, and now group of Chicago business owners are putting up a big pot of money to ensure that those shooters of these babies are caught. The youngest victim killed this weekend was twenty month old Sincere Gaston. He was shot in the chest while riding in his car seat near sixtieth and Halsted Saturday. His mother was grazed by a bullet as well. Ten year old Lena Nunez died that evening after being hit in the head by a stray bullet. She was inside his second floor apartment in Logan Square when bullets came through the window in the thirty five hundred block of West Dickens. Police believed the stray bullets came from two groups firing at each other outside. Then there was a seventeen year old killed in Humble Park that same day during a fight. An eight year old girl also shot while sitting inside on the couch at sixty six in Southwood in West Inglewood. Luckily, she did survive with the grays wound to her head. Though. Just last weekend, one hundred six people shot, including three year old Mackay James and thirteen year old Amara Jones, both of whom were killed during the deadliest weekend of the year. A newly formed group called I'm Telling Don't Shoot is now offering fifty thousand dollars in reward money to help fine shooters in the cases of the littlest victims. We're talking about mccayon's and see her. If fifty long, get you, we're gonna put up another twenty five standley fanon'll get You're gonna put up on a hundred. So you tell me with one hundred thousand dollars reward, nobody's gonna say say nothing. All right. So that was some of the sight of all the sounds that you hear, audio of the reporting, and some of the television reporting more violence, you know, And this gets to the heart of Joe's hiding eighty eight days no presser. He has a total one hundred and twenty million dead Americans from COVID. I'm like, Okay, he's out of his bunker basement for five seconds. But what do we have another weekend of gun violence in Chicago? What did Joe do? What did it? Brock? Do you know? Ten year old girl? How many of you know the names of these young kids? Ten years old Lena Newness is her name, struck in the head by a stray bullet coming through a second floor apartment window where she lives. Don't we deserve safety and security in our own homes. The second child killed Saturday earlier, a twenty month year old boy dies. He was shot in a car seat while riding with his mom and in the local Englewood area of Chicago. And if we go on Saturday as seventeen year old boy identified as Antoine Douglas, he was fatally shot before at noon in a neighborhood park after there was there was some type of a confrontation that took place. We have eight people in total. How many Americans know the names of all of the people killed in Chicago? And it's not getting any better anywhere else. Now we have another person, you know, at the autonomous Chaz Chop Summer of Love zone out in Seattle, which they're not getting a control of. At eleven shot in twelve hours in Democratic control New York City. New York City shooting is now one hundred percent increase over last year, three hundred and fifty eight percent increase in violence. Multiple NYPD officers assaulted during a Black Lives Matter gay Pride rally in New York City for arrested in DC for trying to topple you know, the Andrew Jackson statue. Where's Joe. Where did Joe stand on all this? Why didn't Joe fix it after Ferguson? Why didn't Barrock fix it after Ferguson. You know there's pro defund police officials in Minneapolis. What do they do? Because they are pro defund the police, they have now hired their own private security. You get it security for them, but not with anybody else. You know, more cops being pelted with bottles, debris, and rocks and bricks. In New York. You have an image of Saint Louis, a couple emerging from a mansion brandishing weapons. There, You've got the NYPD commissioner warning that New York's justice system is imploding. And again we have one bronx NYPD boss says he's done. I'm out. We have no guidance from anybody in the City of New York. You have a Congresswoman Pressley actually saying that it's time for you to pay us what you owe us is what she said. Minneapolis business owners, where again, where does Joe stand on all this? Minneapolis business owners targeted by riots on city council. They want to dismantle the police department. We know where the president stands he's offered help to all of these cities, and they've denied every every offer of help to bring law and order, safety and security to the people of their states and cities. Leo Terrell, Greg Jarrett, and David Shona with us. You know, Leo, I might just scroll the names of everybody again tonight on TV. Everybody shot in Chicago. This is Obama's hometown and here it's every weekend. Now you should do that, and I think it's a great idea, and we should highlight. We should go into those cities in Chicago and Washington and ask democrats what's going on in these cities going to run by Democrats. It is unbelievable. They want to point the finger at the president. He's offered help to resolve the situation in Seattle, He's offered federal assistance. They turned it down the expense of hurting black communities or people of color. You know, for Democrats to play the race card, all they need to do, Sean, is to look in the mirror. They are masters that planned in the race card and pandery because they get the impression. They want the black community to believe that only government can help. And where were all these black leaders the last three or four years before the incident of George Floyd. They control their governments, they could get weed out racism, but they point to this invisible person that does not exist because there is no systemic discrimination where cities are run by black people and people of color. And your reaction, you know, David Shon, if we don't have law and order, safety and security, that is the most fundamental role of government, you know, And I love these Minneapolis you know, defund the cops, council members. They've got their own security now. So it's sort of like Comrade de Blasio comes into my television studio when nineties got four armed police officers with them, and I say, well, does every New Yorker have the right to have the same weapon in their house to defend themselves and their families? And all the answers over and over again, like a robot, is every New Yorker has the right to be safe? I said, do they have the same right to fight back like you do? They have a right to be safe, So obviously the answers no, there's a double standard. Yeah, you know, I wish the media gave more courage to what people on the scene are saying because the Chicago Sun Times article recent yeah, specifically about Chicago, showing him May thirty, first there were eighteen murders. That was a record seven or sixty four murders twenty sixteen. But what the local people say is we need a local solution. It's not a national issue here. One of the expert Price said there's a complete lack of collaboration between academics, clergy, neighborhood leaders. And as to the most recent virus, a universe is Chicago expert Max Kapustin said, these demonstrations, for example, divert manpower, a vacuum opens up and that's final weekend or two. He says, at least you've seen this burgeoning violence. So you're also right that in all fairness, candidate mister Biden has to be asked where he stands. Does he see a national solution? What does it see is the cause of this if you're gonna put this on the national plate, and he needs to carve out a position. But Chicago specifically has had, you know, gang problems forever, like most cities. But you got el Rukin there, which Jesse Jackson's half brother was running. Got Latin kings. I've represented some Latin kings before. These are there are a whole lot of reasons for it, but the local people are hurt most by it, and the local people know what's required. The solution just isn't there yet. And your take on a Greg Jarrett, well, I agree with David Sean. I mean, look at Chicago. For a long time, the mayor there was Ramamanuel Obama's first chief of staff. He ran for the job based on public safety. His moniker and legacy is Chicago's murder mayor. Violence went up. He did nothing about it. Murders went up, assaults in battery went up, a violence against people, violence against property, all went up during Rama Manuel's term. The places where Democrats control the politics, in cities and counties across the nation that have the worst record of violence and lawlessness are run by Democrats, and I think that speaks volumes about the politics of that particular party. You know, as I look at this, Leo, and you and I have talked at length about this, now you know, and this was actually the probably the funniest thing that I've seen all weekend, Although there's nothing funny about what's happening in the country right now. But I'm watching and I'm looking at all the coverage that is out there, predictable coverage. And actually, and so the Washington Post actually puts out and attempts to fact check the President last week and his claim that democratic run cities have the highest rates of violent crime. Now, then the newspaper ends up proving exactly what the President's point was. And they say, well, you hear certain places like Chicago, you hear what's happening in Detroit and other cities all democratic run. Every one of them is democratic one twenty out of twenty. In other words, the twenty most dangerous city cities New York, LA, Chicago, Houston, Philly, Memphis, Detroit, Dallas, Phoenix, Baltimore, San Antonio, Vega. It's all democratic run for decades in most cases, if not at least in a last decade, you know. And what's so amazing by that? And this is where I've made slightly disagree with my colleagues David and Greg. It is local issues, but they nationalize it on each of these democratic cities. And let's be clear, Detroit, Chicago, LA. They have been run by democratic machines for thirty years, or more. And the problem is very simple, is that they want to point the finger again at the national level that we're not getting enough aid all of a sudden, Now crime is a health issue that is outright ludicrous. But they nationalize these local issues. That makes it seem like somebody else is to blame. And let's not safe and I'll say it again over and over in all these big cities. Black on black crime is a problem in all these cities. And yet will you say that, if you say that, you're being a racist? How do we take race out? How about we just take race out of it. You go to the areas wherever they happen to be and wherever it's not safe and secure for the residents. And how about we stop the violence wherever there is the most violence and we protect the people that are American citizens that deserve safety and security. Why it doesn't, Why does this have to be a race issue. This is about protecting American citizens. Are one American family. Look, the biggest concern here is this that's the elephant in the room. Because these cities, for example, in Chicago's people of color being hurt. It seems to me that the government, the mayors should have some type of connection to this earth because they got they're in a position of power to do something about it, but they have not done anything. And again they have nationalize a local issue and blame some boogeyman that does not exist. David, Yeah, you know, I don't think Leo was disagreeing with us. I think he was making our point. Frankly. The point is that it's a local problem that has to be solved locally, and they continue to blame the national administration. But listen, white, black, or otherwise. It's the local people being hurt the most. Here. You can hear them crying out. Business people these demonstrations looted for no reason. They're innocent people. What did Wendy's do wrong in Atlanta? But I'm talking about even small business owners, white, black, and every race, creed, color, and so on. They're being hurt by it. Your idea of scrolling the names is critically important because people need to know who these unnamed people are. They can't just vanish, and the local people being hurt by it, most can't vanish. They're the ones calling for collaboration by their local leaders, and they're not getting it. They're just getting possible from before Ram Emmanuel or Deblasio in New York. It doesn't work. All right, We're gonna take a break. We're gonna hold these guys over into the next half hour. Now, if all the Democrats, I want to know where Joe stands on removing memorials and statues. But I also want to know where he stands on Margaret Sanger and the racism and eugenics that found a planned parenthood of which taxpayers are paying a fortune. Nobody else in the media will ask that question. I guess we'll have to do their job as usual. It doesn't matter whether or not they're the victims of society. The end result is they're about to knock my mother on the head with a lead pipe, shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take on my sons. So I don't want to ask what made them do this. They must be taken off the street. We should focus on them now, not out of a liberal instinct for love, brother and humanity, although I think that's a instinct, but for simple pragmatic reasons. If we don't, they will, or a portion of them, will become the predators fifteen years from now, and Madam President, we have predators on our streets. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian Americans. Movie from India. You cannot go to a seven eleven or a dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. Not much. What kind of a chance with a Northeastern liberal like Joe Biden stand in the South better than anybody else. And you don't know my state. My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black population in the country. We got the first sort of main stream cical American who is articulate and bright and clean. My Cican guy. I mean, that's a story bo unchanged Wall Street. You're gonna put y'all back in change. It's a long way into November. We got more questions, You got more questions. I tell me, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're Fremire Trump and you ain't black, Oh you know, I ain't black. The first time ever. He's articulate, he's prior, he's clean. Man, this is storybook. Well we've got, you know, all these questions, and of course the spirit of Joe Biden hiding in a bunker basement someplace like the ghost candidate, the invisible candidate of Joe Biden. So he talked about demanding what the senator was going to do to prevent their children from being reassigned to schools that had been majority black, and he was actively working with desegregationists in order to slow integration. Nobody in the mob has asked in that question. In nineteen seventy five, he supported an anti bussing amendment. You know, you know, you think about this too. You look at one hundred and twenty five years. That's how many years Biden, Schumer, Pelosi have been working in the sewer in the swamp of DC. Well, I'm going to keep going. I mean, he supported an anti buzzing amendment by Robert KKK Bird. He praised Robert Bird, the former clansmen. Imagine if this has been Donald Trump. Donald Trump has not even served four years in government. Combined Pelosi, Schumer, and the invisible Joe hiding in his basement bunker, one hundred and twenty five years they have served. That's a lot of years for failure. You know, he goes on, well, you ain't black, and you know, poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids. He said that last year, you know, a seven to eleven dungan Nonan's gaff same thing. Pelosi praised Robert Bird, Biden praised them, Schumer praised them. You know, I mean, it's it's pretty unbelievable the history that nobody else in the media will ever talk about. But they've all said words about it, and it goes on from there. You know, we have all of this discussion now around the country in terms of okay, well, what are we gonna do with the Jefferson Memorial, What are we gonna do with the link Immemorial? Okay, where does Joe Biden stand? Anyone ever think to ask the invisible candidate who's hiding? You know, Princeton wants to remove Woodrow Wilson's name from the Public Policy School. Where does Joe stand? Robert Morris University changing student IDs from freedom cards to Robert Morris uid because I guess they don't want to use the word freedom. Not really sure exactly why saying freedom cards are dehumanizing. Mississippi legislature passing a bill to eliminate Confederate symbol from the state flag. We have now you know, it's now impacting just about every aspect of society. Now, if this is what the Democrats want, well, we need to know where their presidential candidate stands Now. If memorials now are in play, and we're gonna ask presidential handidates sport, what about Margaret Singer? Margaret Sanger is the pounder of planned parenthood. Oh, we don't want to go out and we don't want word to go out that what we want to do is exterminate the black population. Actually wrote that in a letter interview with Mike Wallace in nineteen fifty sevens And I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world and that have a disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically, you know. And she goes on from there, saying the Linquins prisoners all sorts of things, you know, just marked when they were born. And she goes on even further, saying that the campaign for birth control is not merely of eugenics value, but practically identical and ideal in the final aim of eugenics. Wow. I mean, then she talked about sterilization of certain citizens against their will. I mean, does that we got now can we talk about that, does Joe will have an opinion on supporting planned parenthood taxpayer dollars and we continue with Greg Jared, David Shoon, and Leo Terrell. Leo, I'll start with you on that one. I'll tell you right now, I think one of the real that montage which you just gave me is the reason why I can't vote for Biden. I mean, first of all, he's insulted black to the last forty years and he gets a pass. Every question you just rain needs to be asked to Joe Biden. And I'll tell you, Sean, the only way Joe Biden is going to come out of the basement is with these three debates. And there's going to have to be someone providing the types of questions you're asking on your radio show and have Joe Biden answer these questions outside of the bunker, because I don't think he's going to come outside the bunker other than these three debates that he's going to have with the President. The one thing you can say about the President, he's clear, he's concise, you know where he stands. But right now Joe Biden is being propped up by extremists on the left and primarily by Black Lives Matter. And I'll tell you right now, he's losing a lot of quiet Democrats who don't want to really make friends, but will not vote for him in the fall. And your take, Greg Jarrett, well, you can't confront Joe Biden with his bigoted comments and his abysmal track record on minority issues because he can't possibly remember them. I mean, the man can't remember what color tie he's wearing, even when he's wearing it. So you know, it's true that they're you know, deliberately hiding him out in the basement of his home, but they have a complicit media that would never ask those questions because the media buy and large is liberal and they're all in for Joe Biden. They're all in for anybody who's against Trump. Well, and you know, Den David, this is where we would get to here, you know, and maybe Donald Trump should just like not talk anymore, because I guess you're right, I guess your poll numbers according to the mob and the media. If Donald Trump goes twenty four hours without talking to the mob or trying to deal with real problem albums and real solutions, you know, there's now a pole out and where there's going to have to deal with you know what is no longer even an elephant in the room, and that is you know, Joe Biden. Does he have the strength, does he have the stamina? Does he have the mental alertness to be president? Because if you look at Rasmus and Reports and their latest poll, twenty percent of Democrats think Biden has some form of early dementia, thirty eight percent among all voters. There was a Zogby pole that was as high as fifty four percent. And it raises the question, by the way that the mob asked about Ronald Reagan in nineteen eighty four. You know, is he too old? He is he having a decline? This is the toughest job in the world. Nobody seems to really want to ask it. Everyone dances around it. You know, on the other side of the equation here raised earlier, if you were advising Joe Biden, wouldn't you tell him to stay in the bunker? He has ther campaign the world could imagine, at least in this country. The New York Times, Washington Post, and on and on and on. We're facing some of the greatest issues of the day today. This COVID nineteen virus was foisted on the country and the president during his administration. You're seeing all sorts of problems around. And so if you have everyone in the media just attacking the president and Joe Biden every time he opens his mouth saying something that puts his foot in his mouth, the best campaign advice absolutely would be for him to stay in the bunker. Greg Jared, I don't think that's bad advice. I guess if you know, he comes out of his bunker for five seconds last Thursday, and he says one hundred and twenty million Americans died from COVID. Now there is over five hundred thousand worldwide. There's been a resurgence in some states. But the reality is, how do you run a campaign from a bunker basement? You do what Nixon did. He hit out in the White House during the nineteen seventy two a re election campaign. He basically refused a campaign, said he was too busy being president, but he had too much to answer for at the time. He refused to debate in the seventy two elections. And that was a strategy that worked perfectly as McGovern self destructed. And so you know, there is something to this strategy of keeping your mouth shut, hiding out. You've got the perfect excuse og the virus, and you know this is a strategy that arguably is the only one that Biden can adhere to. Well, I'll if we say this, the President needs to hammer on the fundamental issue of law and order. As we have this virus, we also have this lawlessness in the streets. And I guarantee you Democrat and Republicans support law and order. He has to stay focused on that issue. Is going to force Biden to come out and take a position the President is right on law and order. Well, I mean, I think this is what this all comes down to. I mean, the President is right that we're not keeping our city safe and secure where failing kids at the most spectacular level, again, mostly cities, mostly states that are blue, that have been run by Democrats four decades. Now, that's all on the ballot, Because if you've got one hundred and twenty five years of Biden, Schumer, Pelosi failure, it doesn't seem that smart to double down on the people that failed and whose policies have failed. And then if you look at the policies in the direction they want to take the country with a new green deal and medicam for all and everything's free, Greg Jarrett, America won't survive. And what you see in Chicago, New York, Seattle, California, and New Jersey, you're gonna see elsewhere. Oh yeah, I mean it's unsustainable financially and politically. And I'm glad you brought up Seattle. I mean more shootings in the chop zone that the mayor there has indorsed into nothing about it. You're talking about rampant acts of violence and destruction of local property of business owners, people who live there. They've lost control to anarchists who have taken over that area of Seattle. And you know, there has been a lawsuit filed by the property owners saying asking you, judge to put a stop to it. Let's say a judge issues an order to cease and desist. Who is there in Seattle to enforce it. How is it that if Donald Trump or allowed an autonomous zone, a free love zone, a spaghetti potluck dinner zone, a chaz chopped zone to be you know, and the takeover of an half a city or six city blocks, including a police department, and didn't do anything and people started getting murdered the way they are or didn't. I mean, I look at all of this. Chicago says no to his help. New York says no to his help. Seattle and Washington States say no to his help. I'm like, okay, well, then you own it because as don't we unless he invokes the Insurrection Act, which he can do. You know, if this is their problem and their their failure of their citizens, they don't. The Democrats don't care about this country. Shot. Look, they sat on their hands on the on the police reform bills by Senator Scots. They will not do anything for the interests of this country. They are self interest in trying to the beat Donald Trump by doing absolutely nothing while the country burns. It's said David Shown, I've never seen anything like this in my life. And you know, uh, nobody will know the names that we mentioned that I'll scroll tonight on TV. Great, that's right, or even the three the three Last week, one hundred and six people shot, fourteen dead, twelve children shot. This week we got three dead kids, one one ten year old little girl, one twenty month old boy, and one seventeen year old kid dead. They're dead and This is an every weekend thing, and we're heading into the fourth of July weekend when historically things get even worse, especially in the middle of apparent heatwave that's on its way. Absolutely right, listen, there's no place for this anarchy anymore. These these zones have to be shut down. But nobody's also hearing the names again of the locals who are being hurt. Needs to do his or her job. Get in there and interview those people who are being victimized me who can't get the police to respond now because they can't get past or the political leaders are telling them not to go past these demonstrators. But I'm gonna tell you one other thing that I resent, and that is that in all of this talk against the president with these things, he doesn't get any credit for what he did with the First Step Act. I'm telling you, someone who works in the chruches all the time, Patch showed the greatest compassion that we have seen in an administration for the poorest and the most vulnerable and the most helpless among us. Take a look at some of the people who've gotten out from under sentences, who are now some of the most productive members of society, who learned that, oh it is Joe Biden and company. They wanted to put people and again, desparate sentencing was real, and it happened under let's see Democrats, Bill Clinton, and then under Barack Obama they did nothing. No criminal justice reformed, no opportunity zones, no long commitment with greater some money for historically black colleges, and no criminal justice reform. And now we're police reform on top of that. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Hannity Say, DVR nine Tonight, Eastern Fox News. The violence over the weekend, I mean, it is exploding. The double standard on COVID nineteen coverage of it's a protest, it's fine, if it's a rally, forget it. We'll get to that double standard. Also, Biden, now eighty eight days hidden in a bunker basement, and when is the mob going to demand that he answered questions about his past, his failure. Ari Fleischer, Dan Bongino, Haraldo, Leo Terrell, Burgess Owens Tonight, Sarah Sanders, Day, Ruben, Matt Gates and Moore nine Eastern Hannity, Fox Will see you then back here tomorrow. Thanks for being will us