Mel Gibson - April 1, Hour 3

Published Apr 1, 2022, 10:00 PM

Mel Gibson, actor, producer and director is here to talk about his new movie, Father Stu, out next week.

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All right, News round Up, Information Overload, Hour eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I don't find many movies I like. I really don't. I don't find many series that I like. You know, I've kind of gotten to a place in my life. I'd watch all these the series in this so dark and you binge watch him and by the time you're done, you know, you want to jump off a bridge. And I'm tired of watching that crap. And I don't spend a lot of time doing it anymore. I've even now retreated back to books. But when I find something that I really really like, I like to share it with you. And I got a trailer. It's a long trailer. It's about three and a half minutes long, with Mark Wahlberg in it and mel Gibson in it. And it's about a movie called Father Stew. It's based on a true story, and it's it's about an amateur boxer, in this case Mark Wahlberg and Anyway moves to La wants to be a star, and Anyway doesn't work out quite the way he wants. He meets this girl he really really likes and she doesn't really care about his bad boy image. The first thing she says to him, well, you got to go to church, and he says she tries to charmer goes to church. He's an agnostic And anyway, long story short, ends up in a terrible motorcycle accident and starts reassessing his life and then leads to a surprising realization that he thinks he's drawn to the priesthood. I know it takes a wild turn here and despite this health crisis and so on and so forth, and his estrange parents are mel Gibson in the movie. He pursues this vocation and it's just I want to know the rest of it. I figured it out. Yeah, seven times a charm. I'm being an actor. Oh god, you don't belong with those silly folks. There are a bunch of fascist hippies. What brings you here? And I'm taken no better place to be discovered in the supermarket. Hey do I see you on the television sary? You do movies? You don't work an entertainment industry at off? No, man, we don't know you're fassing with this truck on the sun. Just born it. I reckon it's a few months worth of cleanups on aut four to pay off at the U. I am pom. What can I get for you? Miss? I got beef? I can see that, all right. All right, let's not waste either of our time. I'm a Catholic. There are what confessions for I can't date someone who wasn't baptized. I thought you was gonna say, hispanic, where's the war? I'll do it now. I know I'm not what you used to and now when you deserve either, I'm just gonna give you gut full of reasons to be angry. No only need one to be grateful. I think God, I saw something that you were saving. Just up to you to decide where you've got to offer. It's the place you told me you believe in me. I thought it makes sense being back here to do this. Your son is about to make a huge mistake. I'm going to be a priest brow loween. I'm praying for you, Bill. Don't you dare you violate my right as a man going round taking name. We've all been wrong, and we've all done something wrong, but he came to forgive us. Everybody won't be treated all the same there's no easy way to de lover listeners. You have a progressive muscle disorder, the muscles weaken and until he sees the function, is there anything it doesn't mess? Well? Yeah, I rucked off function. I'm trying to be a priest. Put the wise man will bound down before the throne. I want I want to why that to speak. We'll kiss the golden crowd. Man don't lose when he gets knocked down, won't get up by There is concern amongst the diocese that's your infirmitive will render you unable to be a priest. Listen to the words, Now, what's you guys? Get one phone call the weekend? Here? What you're gonna call? Huh? When no one else gives a ship? What you got to say? God does? When the man ain't giving up on you, don't you dare go giving up on yourself. Mel Gibson is in the movie and produce the movie, and he's with us. Now, how are you, sir? Hey? How are you? You know you're one of my favorite movie guys from all time. You probably don't know that I like people like you. I like you know what I really like? I like Mark Wahlberg two I like Denzel Washington. There's not a mental a lot of people out in Hollywood, I particularly like I think a lot of their movies are just crap, don't you. I don't think so. I mean it's like it's it's what you're into at the moment. I mean I try, and to be quite honest, I haven't actually been in the limelight that much. I'm just making a living quietly on the side over here, by the way. That's good advice for you. I would offer that advice to anybody in Hollywood, you know, stay away from the TMZ cameras. So tell me about what got you interested in this project and how it's based on a true story. Yeah, well it was actually it was a project that my girlfriend actually was. She wrote and directed it. She's an incredibly talented writer and Mark you know, realizes that as well, and he employed her services to really make that story come to life. It was an idea that he'd had, he'd heard of this guy and was inspired by the story, and she pended very competently. And you know, the great surprise about watching this film back that an audience is that the entire audience was rolling with laughter, you know, and even though it does have a very serious and kind of uplifting message, um, it doesn't miss the fun, so you know, you see the fun side of it. That's what I love about a good music musical artist. If you go to the concert, they take you on a journey and you know you're you're up and you clap and you're having a great time, and then they take you on this this other side, an emotional journey. And it seems like from the trailer it's it's a real life story. And what I what I'm looking for in movies and books and things that I read outside of my work world are things that lift me up and things that make me think and things that touch my heart, mind and soul. I've often said that, you know, I do radio three hours a day, or do an hour or TV every night, but the most powerful mediums, if you want to reach people and really touch them deeply, our music and movies. Do you disagree with that, No, not at all. I think it's quite true. I mean, we explore who we are and what we're people in our art forms, and it's always been that way. I mean, some of the greatest art you know, it's like you know, in paintings and but you know, film and music and you know, all these things are their expressions of who we are. And I think they could be used in a negative way, and sometimes they are, and they can be used to inspire and to teach and to elevate, you know, And I think that this film does the latter, you know, it elevates, and you know, in these times especially, I mean, we're going through hell here. It's like, you know, there's pestilence and war and you know, all these negative things that are afflicting our society, and the last couple of years has been no picnic. And I think a film like this where you laugh and it actually means something, and people I think are beginning to question, you know, who they are and you know, at their very core and spiritually, you know. So it's you know, it's not a bad little little film to watch. I mean, I got a kid when I first thought, I was so pleased because it worked on every level that that one hoped it would. It seems at times it's not only making you laugh. At least my read on the trailer is it's also going to make people cry. Am I wrong? Well, yeah, you end up there, But Uh, and that's because you know, it's kind of true, and there's some pathos and some there's some sadness attached to it, you know. But well that's what I was saying. We're all dragging a boulder, Seawan somebody, you know, it doesn't matter who we are, we got a boulder that we're dragging. And this character is no different. In fact, his cross that he bore was a little little heftier than what most of us have to deal with. So it's you know, relatable to all of us. Things music and movies could move people to cry. Talk radio and talk television. Being a member of the press doesn't usually make people cry. Well maybe people on the left that just hate my guts. They cry in anger, which makes me happy. Actually rage probably tears of rage exactly exactly. You know. Um, you probably don't even remember. When I went out to California and I met with you. I was Apocalypto was the movie. You were promoting it at the time, and I spent a lot of time with you, and I found it fascinating. I went to your office and you I think you're still into the old style Latin mass. You had a sacristy and you had an altar in your office? Are you still doing that? Not in the office now, I have a regular chapel where that happens. Now, you know, that's how I worship, you know. And of course so that it's becoming even more rare now because there's some new moto propero out that wants to sort of squish it. But when you stay true to your your faith. And but what's what fascinated me. I left the Catholic Church because I found the church. The Mass is beautiful to me. I'm and by the way, I'm more. I wouldn't say religious. I want God in my life more now than I ever had. And I really have a problem with a lot of organized religion. And there are some very good people, very good priests out there, and very good ministers and reverends. And I don't paint with a broad brush here, but I felt with the Catholic Church, in particular, with the you know, eleven of the twelve apostles were married. For the first one eleven twelve hundred years of the church, priests were allowed to marry. I'm not sure why that church made rule came into effect. I suspect it probably had to do with finances, which it was. It was it was about property and money and stuff like that, I think, and they, you know, the rule came in. I'm probably oversimplifying that. Well, you know, I don't think so. Yeah, but but you know, all those apostles were married, in fact priests. You know, even in the Eastern Union Catholic right, they're still allowed to be married, which I think is healthy, you know, but you know, it's just not the way it went. And I guess, uh, and today it's you know, it's just it's pretty tragic what's happened. And I think also the institution itself is in serious trouble. Quick break, we'll have a few more minutes with Mel Gibson. Your calls on the other side on this Friday, eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn our number if you want to be a part of the program. I'm not the best at making decisions about decorating. I wear jeans and sweatpants and baseball hats and T shirts. So that's that's pretty much my design level anyway. But I do trust the design consultation professionals at blinds dot com. You get that free anytime you go to Blinds dot Com and remember no store beats their prices nobody, and right now, on top of their everyday low prices, they're offering an additional forty percent off sitewide to make your dream home a reality. I've seen firsthand custom window treatments. It's a minor home improvement, it could have a major impact, and Blinds dot Com make it fast, affordable, simple, easy. You get upgrade one room or tackle the whole house with huge savings on premium blind style of shades, interior shutters, and much much more. You get installation now, get this for unlimited windows. 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And I watch it because it just it just moves me so much, and and it reminds me as a Christian of the pain and sacrifice of the Son of God's giving his all to reconcile man to God, and and for the forgiveness of sins and all have sinned Him, fallen short, etc. Especially me. I might have read a column or two the You might have had a moment or two, but you know nothing yet. Nobody's perfect, right, nobody? Well, the truth isn't you know what? Nobody is perfect? You're right, yeah, we're only need of a little salvation. I think, uh, yeah, I'm the Christian that needs to be saved. But I wanted to ask you because there's all the talk that you might be doing a sequel to the passion. Can you tell us about that, Yeah, a little bit. I mean it's a it's a big subject. And I'd say, oh, it's a really big subject because when you're talking about post resurrection and it's it's a it's a big one to tackle. And it doesn't make sense to just tell a linear story. You have to juxtapose it against other things, other documented things, in order for it to make sense. And you know, I have to mix that with you know, whatever I can bring to it creatively to you know, have something that's compelling, understandable. And I don't want to preach to the choir. I just want to nobody to be able to look at him and somehow you don't understand it. Well, you know, it's an interesting moment with this, you know Oscar Academy Award thing that happened with Will Smith and Chris Rock. I'm sure you saw it. I call it the slap herder around the world. I was not as offended as so many other people feigned being offended. But I'm a little old school. Comedians can say they should be able to say anything they want. And you talk about somebody's wife, girlfriend, mother, father, brother, sister, he might get hit that kind of grew up under that ethic. But I know it's not fashionable. It's probably toxic masculinity today, and we have all of these We have a new society in the sense that you know, wokeism is real and here you want to tell a story about God, Jesus, Christ, faith, etc. And when you told it the last time, people, it was like it was it was necessary for the time. I kind of sense, this is the time I think things are that bad. Yeah, well, you know, I mean the world's you know, as I said before, you know, if there's not pestlo and some wars, you know, some understaying, you know, And I did see that thing. It was like, you know, at first I was just stunned by it, and then I was just sad. And you know, sad as well for everyone involved. You know, it's kind of takes some kind of forgiveness to heal that, you know, for them and for us, I know, anybody who witnessed it. So it's it's just unfortunate, you know. All right, So when's the movie out. It's the thirteenth, I think correct, thirteenth. Yeah, Mel Gibson, always a pleasure, my friend, God blush you thank thanks, thanks God blessed. Eight hundred nine four one sean our number. You want to be a part of the program, quick break right back alright, twenty five to the top of the hour. We'll get to your calls in a couple of minutes. Here I want to update you. All of these money is the trillions of dollars that we've discussed in detail for covid aid in relief. Well, was a significant amount of money needed to help people through no fault that they were absolutely I have no problem with that. You know, we had to get the ppe. It's not time to say, oh, if you want to pair of gloves or a mask, you gotta pay for it. I mean, it would be pretty stupid, especially when it since it's the worst pandemic since what nineteen seventeen and eighteen. But we really don't have answers as to where a lot of the money went, and there's not a lot of talk in Washington. There's basically no talk in Washington about fiscal responsibility. I mean Joe Biden's budget, which by the way, is dead on arrival, as I predicted. Even Joe Mansion said that's not going to fly, and you know, taxing people in the middle of inflation. Corporations only got to pass that tax onto you the consumer, you know, penalizing the energy sector, going to pass that cost on to you the consumer. And if you think as prices are high, now get ready for the average that is southern California, which is six bucks a gallon. None of which is good long stories short, but there are people that believe in fiscal responsibility. One of them is the governor of Nebraska. His name's Governor Ricketts, and he has engaged in his state in efforts to push back against big government and their effort to control his state with more COVID money when his constituents are no longer in a state of emergency. I know that you're hearing me right. You're thinking, no governor is going to not take the money anyway. It's only one of two states, Nebraska, who have elected not to take a second round of federal emergency assistance. Originally build as the COVID Relief Bill, these payments will subsidize people's rant for the next three years and don't even require any proof that COVID is a related factor to the need. Okay, that's using as what rom dead Fisher Manuel used to say, never a lot of crisis go to waste. That's taking a crisis and using it to advance their radical New Green Deal socialism. Anyway, I'll let the governor speak for himself, Governor Ricketts. So the great state in Nebraska is with us. How are you, sir? I'm doing great, Sean, And frankly, you covered it really well. I don't need to say anything else. You did a great job. That's exactly the case. Nice nice talking to you. I wish no. By the way, I did spend a lot of time in your states when my kids were young. I can't tell you how many tournaments I ended up in Omaha and elsewhere around your great state. I enjoyed it a lot. But I remember one time flying over Nebraska. It might have been for a speech, or it might have been for my kids' sports, but man, I remember when you guys will flooded. I could not believe the devastation from the air it was. I was shocked because it was very little national coverage of it. Yeah. Absolutely, I was twenty nineteen. That was the most widespread flooding we've we had in our state history, and it was a great example of how Nebraska step up to take care of themselves. And you know, in those types of emergencies, we do ask for assistance, whether it's a flood or tornado. For this pandemic, we recognize that we need extra help, and so the state asked for that from the federal government. But by the same token, at some point we've got to recognize those emergencies are over. You know, we ended the emergency and the pandit for the pandemic last summer here in Nebraska, and now the federal government is trying to force more money on us that as you pointed out, it's not even tied to the emergency. I mean, we've got the lowest unemployment rate in state history, as well as the lowest unemployment rate in the country right now. We've got sixteen thousand more people employed today than pre pandemic. We've got the highest number of people employed in manufacturing, which is our second biggest industry segment here in Nebraska. We've got the highest number of employed in manufacturing, which your great jobs since August of two thousand and eight. So we are not in the state of emergency. Don't ask for assistance when we don't need it. We can't justify taking more money. But that's exactly what the Thar government is trying to do. They're trying to not only you know, they didn't. That's like they said, well, the program's out there if you want to take it. We said, now, thanks, we don't need it. Now they're trying to force it on us because just a couple of days, well, you're not gonna take the money. You're saying you don't need it. That what Nebraska is not a welfare state, and it's not who you are. And we're in good shape right now. And if we have a problem, we'll let you know. And then how are they trying to force it on you? So just two days ago, what they said is, hey, if you're not gonna use this money, we said, yeah, fine, you can take it, go give it to another state. We don't need it. They said, well, what we're gonna do and they just change these rules two days ago because we didn't take the money. They said, well, we're gonna just take the money and reallocate it maybe to your bigger cities like Omaha and Lincoln. And so they're gonna go around me as a governor who Frankly, I think that governs no best about how to manage their states and say, well, even if you don't think you need a govern we're gonna give it to, you know, Lincoln and Omaha and make them take it. And do you have the ability or any authority to stop that. I don't. That's the that's all going around me, And frankly, we've got to My legislature is trying to force me to take the money. And part of what they're doing by going around me like this is to get my rural senators to vote to override my veto because they're like, well, why should we get Omaha get money if we're not getting Omaha get money? And I'm like, hey, guys, you don't want the money. This is going to just make it so that people will not go back to work. And every employer all across the state is looking to find people and right now, if we just continue to pay people to stay home, they will. This is a biggermer socialism. We don't want this. I give you a lot of credit, Governor. I mean, there's not many people politicians I'm in my thirty fifth year in radio that I've ever spoken to that take your position. I have a lot of respect for what you're doing here. It sounds like you're going to get a lot of heat from people that want. You know, politicians historically always wanted the money because they use money and they build the bridges, and they do the big ribbon cutting ceremonies, and they take the shovels and they have the photo op and they take, you know, one scoop of dirt. See we're building, all right, and they walk away as heroes. So they think and they think that's what's going to help get them elected. I prefer people like you that are saying I'd rather run my own state the right way and if we don't need your money, we're not going to take it, because that's not who we are. I prefer that type of governance. And it sounds like you're getting, you know, some heat for being responsible. I mean, I give you a lot of credit. Thank you for what you're doing. Well, thanks, you know, we're just trying to do the right thing for our families here in the state. You know, we think it's best if people get the job and take care of their family and they're not dependent upon the government. And this is how we manage the pandemic. In fact, Politico, would you know is not exactly a conservative news source ranked Nebraska the number one pandemic response state because we set our own course. We never shut down, We slow to spread the virus while letting people live more normal life, and in fact, that's one of the reasons why we were able to end this emergency last summer. And these dollars, as you pointed out, are not even tied to the pandemic anymore. You don't have to show you a COVID impacted. You can just take the money and pay your rent. And that's that's the good socialism. That's not who we are in Nebraska, and it's frankly not who we should be in this country. We should be saying, hey, when we have emergencies, we take the money. When we're not an emergency, we shouldn't take the money. Well, we appreciate you being with us, Governor Ricketts, so Nebraska, I won't tell you my feelings about ben SaaS, but then not particularly and not particularly ones that I would believe a lot of people have in the Nebraska at this point would agree with me. They're not complimentary. But anyway, sir, thank you for being with us. We appreciate what you're doing. All right, thanks very much, thanks for having me on. All right, eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Mary in New York, Mary, how are you glad you called? Happy Friday to you? Happy Friday to you, and thank you for taking my cause. And I'm gonna keep it brief. Finally, the same news is bringing portions out of the laptop from how it is beyond infuriating. Obviously they have to, they have to touch on it. They're only mentioning it now is because they know it's about to the floodgates are about to open. And it's called the classic cya that all these people that ran out it's Russian disinformation two weeks before the election. None of this is true. No credible news organization says it's true. It's what Joe Biden's said. Fifty one Intel officials write a letter not true, looks like Russian disinformation. They never looked at it, They never took a second to look at it. It was a campaign donation to Joe. Oh Sean. It's beyond I just don't even have the words. It's so disgraceful what they did to our president Trump him. I gotta tell you something. Everyone says, well, Donald Trump fights, He fought. There's never been a president that has been under fire every second of his presidency. Most of it predicated on huge lies. Be it the Russia conspiracy theory, that the Hillary Clinton Boughton paid for dirty Russian misinformation dossier. You know, there was a real quid pro quo in Ukraine. But it wasn't Donald Trump, it was Joe Biden. It is repulsive, it is sickening, it's dangerous to the republic. Journalism is dead. This is activism. These are donations in kind. There's cover ups. You know, you don't You don't think the media knows that Joe doesn't likely doesn't know it's Friday. They know, they don't care. There's one standard for conservatives and another standard for others. But here's the difference. Donald Trump's policies worked. I'll take the guy that fights back with a few mean tweets and he's competent and a fighter for this country and puts this country first over you know this guy that looks like half a corpse, that can barely string two sentences together, Sean, thank you for mentioning me last. It's all true. I mean, is there anything I said that's false? I mean, I mean I used member, I used to call him sippy cup and all that stuff. Yeah, I stopped doing that because I realized, I really did. I realized in my heart. I mean, part of it's funny. Oh this shoods to meself. I have a man created equal now by the oh you you know the thing, you know the thing. I mean, it's insanity. But Sean, real I know you're gonna think this is a little out there. There's times that I wonder if it's all an act. That's not an act. He's everybody knows he's out to launch. Nine of registered voters disagreeing with the statement Joe Biden is mentally fit. Not even a majority of Democrats who responded strongly affirmed that statement. We'll let you all make the judgment than correct. Well, So the question I have for you, sir, if you'd let me finish, is why do you suppose such large segments of the American electorate have come to harbor such profound concerns about your cognitive fitness? Thank you, no idea. I'll do what he's unable to do. I'll lead an effective strategy to mobilize. True, an act of pressure, isolated, punished China looks fun and some of them. Let me. Now, this is the guy that last week told our troops in Poland, you'll see for yourself and your grain. Huh. This is the guy that said we'll respond in kind if Putin uses chemical weapons. In other words, well we'll use them. Uh. This is the guy that calls for regime change and then his staff cleans it up, and then he called for it again. This guy is out to lunch. Everybody knows it. By the way, that's why we are Yes, it's dangerous, and let me let me heap on more. Then we know that the entire Biden family is compromised by China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and god only knows how many other countries. Oh, the corruption goes so deep, so deep, And as I said, we are in danger. Yeah. I don't know what about the twenty fifth Yeah exactly. I don't think anyone wants to go there. As Ted Cruz said, we shouldn't go there. I don't know. If this keeps getting progressively worse, it might just be self evident that it has to happen, and I'm not wishing this on Joe or the country. I want a strong American president. I want a successful American president. If if America is successful, why should I care if it's a Republican of a Democrat. I just know that that socialist policies will always fail. So that's why I oppose democrats and their socialism. Conservatism works. It creates prosperity, liberty, freedom, capitalism, our constitution, choice in schools, law and order. You know, secure and safe borders, energy independence, lower taxes, less bureaucracy, free and fair trade, piece through strength, constitutionalists on the bench. It's not complicated anyway. I appreciate a good call. Thank you so much. Eight hundred and ninety four one shown you want to be a part of the Well, we'll wrapping up the program pretty soon. We have a great Hannity tonight, nine Eastern. All Right, you look in the mirror. How old do you think you'll look? It doesn't matter. You can delay an asking that question for five, ten or fifteen years. 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We'll talk about all the happenings, what he saw on the ground there and LJ and Stephen Miller. Nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News, see you tonight. Back here on Monday. Have a great weekend.

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