Sgt. Tre Pennie, a 21 year veteran of the Dallas Police Force, and President of the Dallas, Texas National Fallen Officer Foundation talk about the attacks on police as of late around the country. With so many calling for the defunding of the police over the past two years, is it any wonder that crime is at an all time high and liberals are now asking why? Let’s remember just how ‘supportive’ the left has been for our officers
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This is a special edition of the Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind Enemy Lines, Day number one sixty five. Stay right here for our final news roundup and information overload. All right, news roundup, Information overload our Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one Shawn our number Sadly, the second police officer that was shot and shot again and again execution style after the original shooting has now passed away. We now know that Joe Biden is going to make a trip to New York to meet with its new mayor, Mayor Eric Adams. Eric Adams basically has been told by New York's legislature dropped dead. We're not getting rid of the note bail laws that we passed. How stupid that is. And you know they have other issues involved as well. We have crime breaking out all over the country. We had a Wisconsin deputy shot during a foot pursuit after a traffic stop. There's no such thing as a routine traffic stop ever. And you know, then you look at the history of the people involved in these shootings and how often is it that, in fact, these people have rap sheets going back decades. You know, cops are blasting the new mayor on this residency requirement. They can't afford to live in New York City. It's too expensive, so they live on the outskirts of New York City to save some money. You look at some GOP congress members from New York or backing his bid to get tough on guns, but New York has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country already. New York gun laws are not the problem. The bidendj is. You know, bank rolling groups that support this defund dismantle the police movement. You know, New York's legislatures not backing down on their position on crime. It's pretty unbelievable. And no bail laws, it's insane. You have another shocking video showing a man shot while in an emergency room waiting to get some care. It's just terrific. If you look at the last year, we had three hundred and forty six officers shot in the line of duty. According to the National Fraternal Order of Police, ambush style attacks against officers were up last year one hundred and fifteen percent compared to twenty twenty, and twenty twenty was a violent year. Carjackings are up a massive five hundred and ten percent of major US cities like Chicago and New York, Philadelphia, New Orleans, they're all experiencing massive increases in crime. And you know, as long as you're going forward with defund dismantled no bail laws, well, this is the type of thing that's going to be ongoing. It's not going to stop on its own. We know how to stop it. People like Rudy Giuliani stopped it, and they did it with Okay, looking at the areas of the city where the most crime is taking place, putting as many police resources as necessary to protect these communities so that people can live safe and secure and pursue their happiness in life. Without law and order, you can't do that anyway. Sergeant Trey Penny is with US, twenty one year VET of the Dallas Police Force. Trey, I mean, I look at these numbers and frankly, it's all predictable. But yet the same old arguments as guns that are the problem. It's ridiculous. It's not guns. They cut a billion dollars from the police budget in New York City. Yeah, you absolutely right, Sean, and it's look, it's not a gun of problem. We don't have a gun parlement his country. What we have the crime and a criminal problem. We have not been able to deal with the bollet offenders that are on this that on the streets. Unfortunately, when we police offers are doing our job, we go out, we may these arrested, put these volume defenders in jail, and it's up to the DAIS the prosecute them. They have to they have to be the ones to keep them behind bars. But unfortunately they're not doing it. And these liberal politicians unfortunately or disconnected from reality, and that's what's putting all law enforcement officers in danger. Is I just saw today, Sean, that the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee released a statement about propagandists or falsely manufacturing the crime way. Well, you know what, you tell that to the number of people that are out here being murdered and killed every day in these communities. We can't stop it. Police can't stop it. This is real. This is very real, and we have to deal with it every day, day in and day out, and we have to protect our police officers. Well, we're not doing it because when we're arresting people like they do in the state of New York, immediately. Even even if you rob a bank or a gun, they're letting you out with these no bail laws. You know, when you when you cut a billion dollars from the budget in a city like New York with nearly ten million people, and you expect what what what is the what is the obvious result? What we see happening? And then we see respect for law enforcement has gone way down because you know, you have people demonizing all cops, you know, acting like they're they're all like Derek Chauvin in the George Floyd case, when that is the exception, that is not the rule of Good cops are the ones that risk their lives every day to protect and serve their communities. Uh, in many big cities now we have a majority minority police force, so there's a lot more diversity than there's been in years past, and yet there's this blanket demonization of cops that can only lead to more instances like what happened in New York this week. Absolutely, yeah, you know what's on. I think we do have to start getting back to start. Um, we got to start addressing hearing the problem from a current so many of these states, unfortunately, is all the liberal states that don't have the desctilty on the table. So when these guys are going out here that commit these violent crowns, they're killing people the robin look robin and killing is a capital offense, right killing our police office is a capital offense. But unfortunately, when these guys do this, they're being recycled in. They're being treated as just as just a low level criminal. And we cannot afford that. We have to find a way to get all the politicians on board to prosecute these individuals. And it look bring back to bring back capital punishment. Every state I believe should have capital punishment because certain people does not deserve to be on our streets. Let me ask you this. You're in the state of Texas, and if I moved to Texas, I don't have a record. I'm a law abiding citizen and I wanted to purchase a firearm, what would it take. You gotta go through the normal background checks. I mean, you want to do a legal purchase of a firearm, you'll go through a normal background check. Unless you buy it on the street or you buy from somebody you can. But if I want to buy a legal weapon, I would go through a background check. Would I get it that day or would I get it how many days later? No, there's an automatic hole. I mean you gotta you gotta at least a five day hole on getting you picking up your weapon. Okay, you know it's nearly impossible. I can't tell you how hard it is if you And by the way, what if I wanted to get a carry from it in Texas, no record law abiding citizen, would I be able to get one? You can hit one, but it's a process. You still have to go through training. We we're going to make sure that you are properly equipped to be able to carry that weapon in the state of takes. By the way, I support that. People ask me all the time because they know that I'm a gun collector, and they know ever since I've been a ten years old, I've been firing weapons, especially pistols, and I'm a pistol marksman, or at least I used to be. I can't. I can't shoot her anymore because of my hearing loss. Um. But when I the rare occasions which I do, I haven't totally lost my skills. Put it that way. But the reality is, you know, to get a permit in New York. You have no idea how hard it is. And you really have to have a very high number of death threats, real security issues, which by the way, I happen to have unfortunately because of the job that I do. That's public, that's right, And but I mean, most people, you know, don't have the ability, you know, in New York City to protect themselves. And in Texas, you know, most people have a gun in their house, a lot of people have carry permits in Texas. Guns aren't the problem. If you listen to the mayor in New York, he's telling us that guns are the problem. Look, he's bond into that liberal, liberal propaganda that they're putting out there. The reality is he knows and look he's been in law enforce and he knows that it's not the guns that's killing people. Look, I think everyone in America should be able to lawfully carry their guns. They should puttess a gun because you know what, the criminals don't care whether or not you have a license or not. They're gonna get the gun and they're going to commit the crime regalless of what's going on. So people need to be able to protect themselves. That's why we have this tecond Amendment. The reality is the criminals. We have to deal with the behavior and say we have a way to effectively deal with bad behavior in this country. We're going to continue to have problems, and Sean, I say again that we have to start locking up our prisoners. We have to start holding these DA's accountable. Look there, there's never been I don't think at this point we've had any type of derelection of duty charge and place for these for these das that don't do their job, I think we need to have that. They need to be held to the same standard that police officers are held too when we don't do our job. We have to find a way to hold these individuals accountable that are not protecting the citizens of their community. Well said, all right, Sergeant Trey Penney. Thank you, twenty one year veteran Dallas Police Force, President of the Dallas, Texas National Falling Officer Foundation. We appreciate your time, sir, absolutely, thank you. Bad me all right, quick break, We'll hit the phones when come back. Eight hundred and nine for one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, And we got a great Hannity tonight nine Eastern on Fox. This is the Sean Hannity Show. Let's set up busy phones. Let's say hi to Kevin Is in Florida. Kevin, how are you? You're a genius. I'm an idiot. You're saving money and I'm paying way more than I should. How are you? I'm doing great, sir? How are you? I'm good. We'll part of Florida in I'm up in the Panhandle, the Redneck River year. I bet you've been to the floor of Batman once or twice, at least a few times. Absolutely, it's a great place, a great, great area down here, and they have some they have some great music that's played there. I'll tell you a lot of a lot of great performance. What performer performers been in and out of there, sir? Yes, sir, absolutely, what's on your mind today? I'm just curious, you know that when we get these guys that are up in front of the president to ask questions or all, are they able to ask whatever's on their mind? Because somebody needs to hold him accountable for what's going on on our southern boarder. I mean, we're people are coming in and they're sounds now like they're sending them all out in to purs of the country, get on an airline with just your warrant to appear. I guess just curious if the answer is your observation is correct. Not only are they facilitating the law breaking, they're aiding and abetting in the law breaking. You know, when you when you swear to uphold the Constitution, the Constitution is the foundation of every law that we have in this society. It's a violation of that sacred oath. I have no doubt if Donald Trump was picking and choosing what laws to obey and not obey, and aiding and abetting others and lawbreaking, they probably want to impeach them, and they might even convictim. If you were to go down to the border and facilitate people crossing into this country illegally and then and then flying them to different parts of the country or transporting them to different parts of the country, you'd probably be arrested for trafficking of illegal immigrants, and you'd probably go to jail. But that's what Joe Biden is now institutionalized down at the border. You know, that's what catching, process and release is all about. They don't stop anybody from coming in they basically opened the door. They give preferential treatment to illegal immigrants. There's no vaccine mandate, there's no there's no COVID testing even, and then pre transportation to the state of your choice. That's why I love states like Florida and states like Pennsylvania. They're deciding, uh, no, you're not going to be able to in the dark of night dump all these people in our state that I hear illegally. We're gonna send them over to Joe State in Delaware. We're going to send them to Washington, d C. You deal with the problem you created by facilitating the law breaking. I like that idea. I think it's a pretty bold idea. We love our governor, and we love our first responders. And I've been employed through the whole pandemic. I've not stopped working. Everybody else is locked down or whatever, and we've been able to provide for our families and so forth. So up until this week, I mean, especially since we started having breakthrough cases. In other words, vaccinated people were getting DELTA. And now you've vaccinated, boostered and even have natural immunity, can you can get the COVID still and all throughout the state of Florida. Once breakout cases began, Governor Rhnda Santas set up all these regenera On centers all throughout the state of Florida. I saw assigned today and notice outside of one of the centers that said notice, the Biden administration has removed the ability for any state to administer Regeneron or the Eli Lily version of monoclonal antibody treatments. As a result, this site is closed. Now there is now Regeneron has and Eli Lily's monoclonals have been life saving for so many people, and they've done a phenomenal job. I've yet to see any peer reviewed scientific evidence at all that would confirm what they're saying. Is it's not quote, it's not working on omicron. Okay, they claim the gsk so troma mab is a better monoclonal specifically for amicron, Then why aren't they masked producing it? You know, how do we run out of tests? Why do we keep hearing about these anti virals from Feiser, and especially Feiser, but one also from Murk that apparently have incredible potential to save lives and not mass producing that either. You know, it seems like that all they want to do is lock themselves into one size fits all medicine, which is vaccine, vaccine, booster, booster, booster, booster, booster, booster, brewster. Okay, now that there's breakthrough cases for fully vaccinated boostered people, well, what are you gonna do when they when they get sick? The only next scientific logical thought ought to beat therapeutics, the therapeutics that have worked the best, or monoclone lantibodies. If they think so, trauma MAV is the better one for omicron, then mass produce it. You know, if how do you run out of tests? You know, going into the third year of a pandemic, can't make it up. He's asleep at the wheel. Yeah, it's it's ridiculous. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one sean our number. You want to be a part of the program. All right, let's get back to our phones. Let's say hi to Kenny's in Florida, the Great state of Florida. Where are you in Florida, Sir? And gains Bill Gainesville, Florida Gators? Oh, Gainesville Gators. What's going on? Man? How are you glad? You called them. I'm doing great, doing great, man. Let me guess it's probably about seventy five seventy seven degrees right now, Sonny, beautiful outside, Am I right? Actually it's a little cool. It's an overcast, like fifty eight degrees. We got wow, had some cold weather every day this week, and we got more of it coming in. So it's been kind of follow me for north. Yeah, we may be getting like eighteen inches this weekend. I really I don't feel bad for you, just saying God help you. I'm just something that you touched on yesterday. This is Peter Duchey thing with Biden calling him, and this will be listen. This is just me. I'm just old school, and I think if a gentleman's going to be a gentleman, if you're gonna be a uniter, then you need to apologize in public because you assaulted the man in public. This phone call nonsense is ridiculous. Peter Duchey is as good a gentleman as there is, and he handles himself the same way and he didn't even really require apology, but Joe Biden owes him one publicly, not a phone call, not a text. That's a cheap way out if you didn't want to show yourself. No, he did, you listen, he did it to stop the press because the press was about to go off on at all. I'm not gonna feign like it really outraged me. He's did it to Jackie Heinrich, He's done it to other reporters now. Uh. He seems to be losing. Anytime Joey has to work even a little bit, he gets very cranky. And he had to work, you know, last week, so he's very he's extremely sensitive right now. Um, you know, Peter doocey, Um, you know it's not personal, pal, that was his answer. Um, you know what he's not. I would have negotiated an interview out of it, as I told him, or try to get something in return for him being a jackass. But whatever, I mean, the President is allowed to say whatever he wants. You know, the medium mob, they would they would feign outrage over every single tweet, every single comment, and Donald Trump all the media is corrupt, fake news. They couldn't stand it. Enemy of the people, they couldn't stand it. You know, I always thought all of that was contrived. I'm not gonna sit here and act like I'm really offended at what Joe Biden said, you know, calling him a son of a bitch. It offends me. It doesn't Frankly, I think it's hilarious and good for Peter Doocey because Peter Doocey obviously has gotten under Joe Biden and the administration skin in this. Yes he has. And I like Peter Doocey and his dad too. They come on in the morning, the good guys. It's just not personal. It was personal. You made a personal, slanderous remark to Peter Doucy and his parents. U s ob so his parents are bitches. So no, that's classless to me. I don't think you would have heard that kind of encounter from Donald Trump. I don't. But actually that's actually Donald Donald Trump did not hold back. He said a lot of things like that about the press, and they I feigned all their outrage. I think it was contrived. I think it's phony, and I look, maybe I don't know. Maybe it's because I was born in New York, Kenny. I don't know. Um, if words, sticks and stones may break your bones, words will never hurt you, right, UM's that sort of thing just doesn't bother me. If that's how you feel, say it. Yeah, Well that just tells you what his mindset is, what a little bit of mind that he has left because he can't. His cognitant skills are gone. And that's obviously take a fool to not recognize that. And it doesn't take analogy from a doctor to understand that. All you do have to sit there and watching. That's common sense. The man's got problems and we do too, and I'm just pretty god. It's been great to finally get through to you. I've been trying to get through to you for about ten years and I, oh man, that's a long time. I'm glad you made it. Kenny, you have a great day. Sorry it's a little chilly there for you, but it's twenty nine degrees and where I am, so I don't feel that sorry for you anyway, have a great day. Glad you got through. John and Arrows, Zonah, what's up, John? How are you hey? I'm doing good. Just a quick comment about Russia and Ukraine. I think the psychopathed on both sides, the Republicans and the Democrats, need to really evaluate what they're about to get into if we go to war. With Russia. The US and Russia have enough nuke alone to obliterate the world. This goes for Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, all of them who, if you look at their voting record, have voted in favor of wars. As long as I've been alive, the better. I have yet to hear anybody say, have you heard anybody suggest or say that they want a war with Russia? Because I mean that that was the stupidity of yesterday's comment by Biden that we're we're going to put eighty five hundred troops on a heightened state of preparedness. And I'm like, okay, Vladimir's got tanks, missiles, everything lined up, and about anywhere between one hundred to two hundred thousand troops at the border. Eighty five hundred troops on a heightened state of preparedness means nothing nobody wants. Nobody's going to go to war with Russia. We're not going to go to war with Russia. Now. There should be a penalty. Well, it's not gonna happen. Joe Biden is not going to have a traditional war with Russia now, we may go back to a bit of a Cold war situation, and that would entail if you want. Look, I do believe that we've got to protect the sovereignty or the principle of the sovereignty of an individual country. And I'm not a big fan of Ukraine either. I think, you know, if you look at both countries, at two peas in a pod, and I don't see you know, I see a lot of corruption in both countries. That's my take. But Russia is at another level. It's a hostile regime to the United States. It's got a hostile actor leading it. And the way I would deal with at Vladimir Putin number one, I never would have given him the nord Stream to waiver for his pipeline so we can make billions and billions and billions and make Russia rich again. Joe Biden did that while simultaneously cutting our own supply of energy and oil. So I guess from my perspective what I would do that Joe is never gonna do because he's beholden to these climate change cult fanatics. They don't have an alternative source of energy, the lifeblood of the world's economy. And now we put ourselves in a position where we're now more vulnerable to countries that hate our guts for our energy. When we can be energy independent. The answer would be to me, is to outproduce, because we have more natural resources than Russia by a long shot energy and I'd get that supply as quickly as possible to our Western European allies, and then they're less reliant on Putin and I'd cut off his spicket and I'd say, we're gonna put you out of business. That's how i'd beat Putin financially, it's half the Russian economy. The way i'd beat China and take on China because I think post Olympics, I would anticipate aggressive, an aggressive geopolitical play on their part, and that is, you know, they want their territorial ambition fulfilled of taking over Taiwan, and the consequences should be that the world's stops importing any and everything from China. That's half their economy, and if you break them financially, you win. That's how I would do it. I'm not calling for war. I wouldn't put one boot on the ground. I wouldn't fire one missile. You know, Ukraine, every country has some responsibility to protect itself and right now, I mean, if Putin decides to take over the whole country, he'd roll right through it. There's not a thing that Ukraine is going to be able to do to stop it. I agree, I agree with that. But at the same time, you look at Afghanistan and all the people who I mentioned, they voted in favor of that war, and in my opinion, it was a war just to grab oil. And I just don't trust these those a war to grab oil, why didn't we grab the oil private interests, big money. I mean, you start getting military defense contractors in the situation, and they have a lot of influence of their I mean, their owners. So the beauty of energy independence is we don't have to, from a geopolitical standpoint ever, worry about the Straits of Hormuz again and the Iranians and then various activities that they're involved in there. If your energy independent, you don't have to worry about the Middle East. We don't. We don't have to be reliant on them. And then from just an economic advantage point, we're going to create you know, literally hundreds of thousands of high paying career jobs in the energy sector and simultaneously drive down the price of energy for every American because we're producing it at home, and we wouldn't be paying more for every item we buy in every store, more to heat and cool our homes, and more to fill up our tanks. So's it's in our best interest to do it. But Joe's never going to be able to do it because he's beholden to the radical environmental leftists in this country. Yeah, I agree with that. I think you hit the nail on the head with the energy independence, but I don't know. I still don't trust these politicians when they have their track records of voting in favor of almost every war we've ever gone to. Listen, we're not going to war with Russia, and nor would I advise it. It would be a dumb idea and it would end. It would be a disaster for everybody. Anyway, John, appreciate it, my friend. God bless you. Ronnie and Georgia. Ronnie, how are you glad you called? You? Watch it? Herschel Walker run percented there And yes I am. I have one of his signs sit in my front yard. Yeah, I'm a fan of his and I'm supporting David Purdue for governor. Yes, or I am to what's going on? Quick question for you. I know I've heard of people having the double shots and the double boosters and still getting them COVID nineteen and it's getting natural immunity and still contracting COVID nineteen even with all the boosters and everything else out there? Are there people still getting COVID after they have the monoclone A lot antibodies that you're thinking or anybody yes, okay? Are they still contracting covid monoclone? Anybody's if you test positive, it's and it's been described to me it instantly goes to war with the spike protein and the virus to prevent the virus, the worst parts of the virus from impacting the body. The earlier it's taken, the more effective it is. You know doctor Jen Saki today telling us that, oh, regeneron and Eli lilies monoclonals don't work on omicron. I know people that got omicron and had the infusion of regeneron and Eli lily and they swear, you know, on their lives that had helped them. That should be you know, whatever whatever happened to the right to choose, and what happened to the rights for the States to decide by rescinding the FDA temporary use authorization. Now they have not done that to gsk strova. MAB, which I have been told by doctors and we have discussed at length, is better at working and more effective on omicron than say, Regeneron was more effective on the delta variant or the alpha original COVID nineteen virus. I'm not a doctor. I don't know. I would imagine. I want to see the scientific studies, the clinical studies, because I don't trust Jensaki. She told us we wouldn't have vaccine mandates. I wouldn't trust Joe Biden and Fauci. They said no vaccine mandates. They also said that if you got the vaccine, you'd never get COVID. The same with the CDC, the NIH. I don't trust any of them. And I think this should be a decision between a doctor and a patient, and the availability should be out there for people because I believe in the right to choose your own medical care. Now, if I got positive with omicron, i'd call my doctor, and I don't think my doctor would have any problem after previous conversations we've all had with me getting either one of those monoclonal antibodies. Probably ideally, now that we know the GSK sotrovamab would probably be the option of choice, but it's in short supply, and that's because Biden has failed us. He ran out of tests, ran out of monoclonals, and he's doing nothing with the anti virals that every doctor I talked to swears are very very effective at preventing hospitalization and death from COVID nineteen. But we don't have any of these things available, and the ones we do have available he just took off the market. So you know, it's to me, it's all part of the one size pitsol mantra of vaccine booster booster, vaccine vaccine booster, and it just doesn't work that way. But I don't know if anybody had monoclonals. If that, I know it it stops the immediate infection, especially taken early, but I don't know if it prevents future By the looks of everything, even natural immunity is not stopping another infection. So if that's not working, boosters aren't working, vaccine is not working, and you can still get COVID. You know now that they've changed the mantra from it, you'll never get COVID if you get vaccinated. Two, you're not gonna die if you get the you know, I just don't trust these people. They've been wrong too often. That's why I say I'm not a doctor. I'm not going to play one on TV or radio. My advice is, you know, do your own research. Talk, you know, take into account your unique medical history, your current condition, talk to your doctor, your doctors, and have a plan. That's going to wrap things up for today, A full complete coverage of the news of the day, the cancelation of monoclonal antibodies, which is quite shocking to me in Florida and elsewhere. Kelly and Conway, Mike Huckabee is going to be with us. The new Attorney general, very good job he's doing in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Will analyze the likely options now the Briars out as Supreme Court Justice retiring Greg Jarrett, Alan Dershowitz, also Congressman Jim Bank, Scott Brown. Ryan's previous news. In other words, you'll never get from the media. Mob. Please set you DVR nine Eastern Hannity on. Thanks for being with us. You make this show possible. We can't thank you enough. See you tonight. Back here tomorrow