Meet Senator Herschel Walker?

Published Jul 28, 2021, 10:00 PM

Herschel Walker, former NFL player for the Minnesota Vikings, Philadelphia Eagles, and New York Giants (as well as former bobsledder, sprinter, and mixed martial artist), is now considering a run for Senate. 

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Thanks to all of you for being with us. Right down our twelve three number. It's eight hundred and nine four one. Sean you want to be a part of the program. I know many of you are frustrated, and at this point, to be very blunt, you have every right to be frustrated. You know, you start with Fauci, you know, doctor Fauci on sixty minutes Doctor Fauci on sixty minutes March of twenty twenty. He makes this comment as it relates to the use of mask. This is what he was telling us. Now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks. You're sure of it, because people are listening really no closely to this, and right now people should not be working. There's no reason to be walking around with a mask when you're in the middle of an outbreak. Wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better, and it might even block a droplet, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is, and often there are unintended consequences. Then it's one mask, Then it's two masks. Then it's well, there might be mass in perpetuity. Then it's oh, if you get vaccinated life goes back to normal and you won't need any mask. But now there's masks again, and you know, just let me just play a small but it's a little longer montage. Let me play this montage because there's a reason for me playing this, so you understand that if you're frustrated. And for those people that have doubt and concerns, you know, because they've been trying to blame conservatives, I think we've been the most responsible, and we have the timeline. You have no idea what we have prepared for the mom and the media in terms of our coverage. And I took a lot of heat when I said early on that you know what, I don't mind where in the remember Jimmy Kimmel. He even sweeted out, I can't believe it. I agree with Hannity, and I'm like, Okay, I just ruined my career. What did I say? What did I say? I just ruined my career. Anyway, but I believed it, and I was saying, all right, I knew it would be short term. I was saying in January twenty twenty, American medical researchers, scientists, doctors are going to save the world with this meaning therapeutics, meaning the you know, in six weeks they broke down the sequence of a virus. It would normally take six years. So I had great confidence that they would get to a vaccine. And again I'm urging you, yeah, take it seriously. All these people dying, I don't want any one of you hearing my voice right now to be one of them, or anybody you love and care about to be one of them. I've seen the worst of this thing. I've been up to my eyeballs trying to help people because most people don't do what I do every day, and that is immersed myself in all of the research and interviewing all of the doctors i'd even disagree with, to get as much information in your head and hands as possible. And I find that even friends of mine, you know, I have to walk them through the basics, the abs and c abcds of this. And I had a friend recently, as a matter of fact, we had George Farid on yesterday and he's seventy four years old. He's a great guy, and he got he tested positive. He hadn't gotten vaccinated. He tested positive, and I got him on the phone with doctor Farid who's been one of our regulars. We have a lot of regular doctors on this program. You know, We've had doctor Oz, We've had doctor Nicole Sapphire, We've had Brian A. Tyson on the program. And you know, all these great people and trying to give you as many varying viewpoints as possible to inform you to make good decisions for yourself and for your family. And it gets frustrating. You know, just listen to the constant shifting. You know, they've been wrong on pretty much everything. Their models were wrong, their projections were wrong. You know everybody you know Andrew Cuomo, Oh, we're in New York, is we We're not like these the countwies where New York is we have the best healthcast is to be in the entire wield. Well yeah, that was right before the shift show that became New York, and that led to the executive order that put people with COVID in nursing homes and all those deaths took place. Meanwhile, Donald Trump's built hospitals for COVID patients, fully manned, fully providing all the ppe imaginable, every ventilator that they were screaming that they needed, even though your chances we now know we're about twelve percent of surviving if you got on a ventilator early. It's a little better. Now it's in the year thirty to forty two percent range. It's not one hundred percent if you're at that point, it's and then, by the way, that's why I bring on all these doctors to believe in the therapeutics. You know, if you don't know about Regeneron and the Eli Lily version of Regeneron, please research it because I know more people that have had it, that have gotten the infusion. It saved their life literally, you know, and or even all the studies, Oh, hydroxy chloric win eighty four percent effective if taken early at mitigating symptoms. Why the media didn't like it because Donald Trump said, hey, we already knew that. The foremost expert, doctor Daniel Wallace, in April of what twenty, said the risk is nil. Number one practitioner of rheumatoia authritis, biggest practice in the country and lupus. Yeah, he's been dispensing hydroxy chloric Win for forty two to forty five years. And the risk, he said, is ill that means none zero. He's had two hundred and fifty peer reviewed articles. This guy is the real deal. Also dealing with malaria cases. Oh but if Trump says it, we can't. This is insanity anyone talking about it? How dare you talk about it? Or ivermectin, which has emerged as a as a therapeutic that has shown success. And again, we're trying to interview the doctors that are on the front line that are really proactive, you know, rather than so many doctors states hospitals they've basically been saying, oh, yeah, you're tested positive for COVID, go home, okay, check your oxygen levels, check your temperature. If your temperature goes up, take two extra title and I'll gay your temperature down. If your oxygen drops in seven, you know usually that happens in day six, seven, eight, or nine. If that oxygen level drops to ninety or below, you probably need to go to an emergency room. The only problem is, by the time you get to the emergency room, your lungs are an absolute adam shift show and if they get X rayed, it is a disaster. How do I know, because I've I have literally walked. I can't even tell you, and I haven't talked about I'm not patting myself on the back here. Dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of people through this process, not making the decision for them, but putting them in touch with people that give them information so they can make informed decisions information they didn't know about. Because I care about people and I'm pro life, I want people to live, and I was able to do it yesterday. I get a report now every night, my seventy four year old friend, yesterday's temperature with ninety eight point two is oxygen saturation level was ninety eight, which is a great number, and within twenty four hours thanks to our friend. But by the way, if I ever had to pay these doctors for all the times I've called on them, I'd be poor at this point because and they've done it, because they're dedicated to saving lives. They all deserve credit. You may disagree with one doctor another, I'm not telling you what doctor to follow, telling you to learn as much as you can. And a lot of the media never never talk about this. For generon to me is the best I ever met in hydroxychloric When read the studies that show that it mitigates, especially taken early, it mitigates some of the some of the symptoms of COVID, and then make your own decision. I'm not your doctor. I don't know your medical history. I don't know your medical condition. I can't decide for you. Just telling you things that maybe you won't hear in the mainstream media mob but you know, for all the people they're trying to say, well, conservatives are causing vaccine hesitancy. How many times do I have to say I believe in science. I believe in the science of vaccination. But I'm not your doctor. I don't know your medical history. There are some people, you know, we interviewed the girl that wanted to go to BYU and Hawaii couldn't go because a vaccine had paralyzed her for a month, and she tried to get a medical exemption. They wouldn't give it to her. You know, We've interviewed, for example, the nurse in Houston, Texas who got COVID. How'd she get COVID? She got COVID because every day, at the height of the pandemic, she went in to save other people's lives. She got fired. She has natural antibodies, natural immunities. Well, if we follow the science, the Cleveland Clinic study says, if you, oh, if you have even if you're antibody levels go down, you still have T cell antibodies which would be activated if, in fact, you came in contact with coronavirus for a second time, and that would probably, as rand Paul has said on this show a medical doctor, that would probably reactivate the bodies instantaneous natural immune response to the virus that it already is aware of exists because it beat it once, and that would include variance to it. All right, So but listen to the fusion. Oh, stop blaming conservatives when all I'm trying to tell people is to educate themselves. Take it seriously, talk to their own doctor, doctors, medical professionals. They trust um factor in your medical history and your current medical condition, and decide. In a free society, Listen, people should not be walking around with masks. Let me just state for the record that masks are not theater. Wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better, and masks are protective, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. Has not been any indication that putting a mask on and wearing a mask for a considerable period of time as any delatarious effects, there are unintended consequences. People keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face. Then can you get some You do not need to wear a mask indoors if in fact you've been vaccinated. But good that you're vaccinated. But in a situation whe you have people indoors, particularly crowded, you should wear a mask. So even if you are vaccinated, you should wear a mask. If in fact you are vaccinated, only vaccinated, you are protected, and you do not need to wear a mask outdoors or indoors. When the children go out into the community, you want them to continue to wear masks. You know, if you look at children outside, particularly when they with the family of walking down the street, playing a game or what have you don't have to wear a mask. The pediatric the Academy of Pediatric actually makes that recommendation that children should be wearing masks from two years old onward. And you're asking, now, if your child is a member of your household, can you walk outdoors with your child without a mask. According to that shot, the answer is yes, But the child can't not beat it today. Yes, yes, as now the CDC says, I mean I think I've got this right. One mask is better than zero masks, two masks is better than one mask, But you don't have to have double masks, is that right? I mean, you know, it became clear that cloth coverings that you didn't have to buy in a store, that you could make yourself, were adequate, and then he wanted to fit bet it. So one of the ways you could do it, if you would like to, is put a cloth mask over, which actually here and here and here where you can get Lika gin is much better contained there. Are you a double masker, doctor Fauci? I mean, everybody you know now that they're going back to, which is where I was leading this. Even the Department of Justice is declaring that VAX's mandates are legal. Now we're also the CDC is once again reversed itself on their indoor masking policy. Yeah, even if you're fully vaccinated, you gotta now go back to wearing the mask, which is not what they told us if you got the vaccine. And people have a right to be angry and feel betrayed and feel like this is the gang that can't shoot straight. They've got so many things wrong, so often for the entire time. Eight hundred nine one, Shaun is our number. You want to be a part of the program. You know, I've been telling you that, and I take it this once before and I don't know why I stop. It was so stupid. But now I'm back to using balance of Nature. I feel a discernible difference every day of my life. Look, I don't have the ability to have ten servings of fruits and vegetables every day. And that's what Balance of Nature does, is literally they put it in a capsule form. Linda's mom, but she's five years, four years in to take it in. She loves it and she never gets colds. She's very high energy that runs in the family, and she's been taking them for a long time. She has She's feeling really good. All right. Eight nine sean our number. You want to be a part of the program. So the CDC is now again change their mind. Now they have decided that fully vaccinated people will begin wearing masks indoors again in places with high COVID nineteen transmission transmission. What does that even mean? I mean anywhere there's other people, Because I would assume anybody can have it. What are we going to play the odds? Oh, there's ten people you don't have to wear the masks. Thirty people you have to wear the mask. I mean, what does that even mean? And and now people by the way in and I'll play this later in the program. A lot of you go back before we actually had the vaccines. Guess we're all the vaccine hesitancy came from the mob and the media MSDNC, fake News, CNN and the New Green Deal Democratic Socialists. Why were they showing vaccine? Oh, I'm not gonna believe it. If it's the Trump vaccine, Okay, someone will play politics with that too. So they now reversed their indoor I know you, I don't know you were told something different. They told you that if you got vaccinated, you don't have to worry about other people. Remember, I kept asking, it seems an awful It seems awfully strange to me that fully vaccinated, fully socially distant Joe and Joe Biden hiding hands walking outside into former President Carter's house. I keep saying this as an example, but did they know something that we didn't know then? Because it made no sense they weren't following the science. And then they get inside the house, they take off their masks. They're right on top of the old people ninety six and ninety three respectively, you know, spitting and breathing all over them so they can get a picture. That's the opposite of what they were saying to do, keeping Uncle Sam accountable to you every day, Hannity is on all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine one, Sean, And you want to be a part of the program, I'll play it later. The mob, the media, the Democrats, and all the vaccine hesitancy and doubt that they cast um when in fact it was as Donald Trump saying, well, it looks like we're gonna get a vaccine and record time, and we're in stage three trials now and the results look promising, etc. Etc. You know, but the White and White House, they can't really give a good explanation after all that they've told us why the CDC is announcing the new masking policies around the country. I know this is a slightly awkward timing. Jen Saki circle Back said, acknowledging at the press conference and throughout the briefing, repeating that they were battling coronavirus. Despite weeks of sunny rhetoric celebrating Joe Biden's success and handling the pandemic, we still are in the midst of ones in a generation pandemic. Oh okay, and they won't tell us how many people are infected at the White House. Really, you know, now you have CDC guidance fall out the House. The White House bringback mask mandates even for baccinated people, and the Department of Justice declared that, yeah, vaccine mandates are legal, all right? Is that for everybody? Does that mean if you happen to be somebody that had COVID and have natural antimbodies and the very prestigious Cleveland Clinic follow the science put out last week or two weeks ago that if you had COVID you don't need any vaccine. Are we following the science or are we not following the science? You know? And the CDC director then still pushing vaccination is the way out of this pandemic. Well, then if that vaccination worked and were supposed to live our lives normally, again, why now are you telling everybody that's vaccinated to mask up? Again. You know now, Biden, and I told you this was going to happen last week. It started out the administration, Joe Biden, Jensaki. They put the seal of approval on companies and schools and universities having the right to mandate vaccination. What do you do in the case of like, for example, the nurse that got fired down in a hospital in Houston, and this is happening to frontline workers all over the place. Not only did this woman put her life on the line, like so many others in the middle of this pandemic every day going to work was a risk for every healthcare worker. But she contracted COVID. She has natural immunity. She doesn't want the vaccine. She's following the Cleveland clinics science and they fired her anyway. Or the girl that wanted to go to Bringham Young University in Hawaii, that particular university, and it was her dream and she got accepted, but she when two years earlier, apparently had gotten a vaccine. I didn't ask her which one, and she ended up being paralyzed for a full month, and it took a while to be able to talk again. And her doctor is looking and she was seeking a medical exemption and they didn't give it to him. I mean, how hard and fast is this? And what about people? You know, whatever happened to medical privacy. I'm a big believer in medical privacy. I don't think if people ask you, you know, what is your status, that you have any obligation to answer, especially if you're willing to put on a mask and socially distance and follow those rules. It's really nobody's business, now, is it. But apparently I guess we're gonna have a database. And now the push towards vaccine passports. Watch how that's gonna grow. I promise you it's gonna grow. You know, it's either you're going to prove that you're vaccinated. Well, what if you proved you you had COVID? Would that serve as adequate? Following the science of the Cleveland clinic? And then you know, again, children have not been as vulnerable in any way, shape, matter of form to this virus. And I can't tell you how many kids when one of them now out of college, one's still in college, but how many kids that I know of their friends people they know that all got COVID And it's like two days and it's over. Not a big deal, thankfully. It was the opposite. If you go back to the swine flu attended to impact younger people but not older people. You know, we have a Texas police learned COVID positive illegal immigrants that were sent to local hotels after a what a burger encounter. Now, if we care so much about Americans and then being vaccinated, why did Joe build those cages? Nobody in the mob, in the media, no Democrats seem to care one wit about the cages that Joe built that were way overcrowded, people on top of each other, not tested, high rate of positive of COVID positivity in the middle of a pandemic. You know, where was the outrage? Then again, it's selected. It's always selective moral outrage with Democrats always is. Ted Cruz said this decision was driven by politics, not by science. Let me be clear. There should be no more COVID mandates, no mask mandates, no vaccine mandates, no vaccine passports, no lockdowns, and no school closures. Enough is enough. The CDC has lost all credibility when it comes to what decisions the American people should make about COVID. Nineteen and It's long past time that we got back to trusting the American people, not unelected federal bureaucrats. And I echo those comments. Ronda Santis is saying no should not be mandated responding to the CDC changes of mass guidelines for children. Now, I know a lot of people are worried about the delta variant. Now take this for what it is, and it's just information that you might want and might want to have. Is that Britain for a number of weeks were struggling with the delta variant. Okay, Now the good news that I can pass on. You know, there's an article in the Daily Mail that said, is the end in sight. COVID cases fall for the seventh day in a row. Experts hope vaccines, the vaccine rollout taking effect, and they say they see the light at the end of the tunnel. And in the UK COVID nineteen cases are decisively rolling over. If the US follows the template of the UK, they may be peaking in just the next twelve days. In other words, there was a point where they began to panic in Great Britain and the delta spike down there. Even the New York Times noticed seemed to be flattening without a substantial corresponding spikes in death. Again, if you want to look at it now, the Scott gott Leeb form of Food and Drug Administration Commissioner under Donald Trump, predicted Wednesday that the US will get through the worst of the delta varian surge in the next few weeks. I think he's modeling this after what we saw in Great Britain. That's my guests. I don't know, but that's my best guest here. He said. The bottom line is the vaccine does not make you impervious to infection. When we already know that. We call them breakthrough cases. People fully vaccinated that still contract the COVID nineteen. Now what we're learning is the rate of hospitalization is dramatically lower and the rate of death is dramatically lower, you know, but it's still happening. And you know, we knew from the beginning the efficacy was never one hundred percent, So just to be fair for any of the vaccines that were available anyway, Again, the Daily Mail is the end in sight COVID case has now fallen for the seventh day in a row. Now. Two weeks ago they were scared to death. They thought, oh no, this isn't working, so we'll have to We'll have to see how this all bears out there. But certainly in the UK cases are decisively you know, turned around and it seems to be flattening. Um, if you're interested in what's happening over there, is maybe a preview of what will likely happen here. And in light of those people that that you know, want answers, it's hard to predict any of this. That's why I gave a lot of latitude to people. Boy did Fauci turn out to be wrong again and again and again. I just don't trust the word he says anymore. It's gotten to the point, you know, I'm trusting more and more the people I'll tell you that I want to listen to more and more, the people that have been on the front lines, that have been in the middle of it, that have built COVID practices to dealing with it every single day. Those also that I believe in proactive medicine, not reactive medicine. So anyway, it's um, then we have this whole issue. I'm not going to spend much more time on this. Pelosi stacked, you know, predetermined collusion conclusion January sixth Commission, because that has one mission, one mission only. It's the smear Donald Trump. We've been consistent, I don't care if it's the five hundred and seventy four riots that took place last summer or what happened on January six that the Capitol. It's not acceptable. It can happen, and people that break the law and are responsible need to be held accountable. You know, what really is amazing to me is that these are the same Democrats that only focus on one riot, not all the other riots that took place. And by the way, these were the officially declared riots, the you know, by the cities themselves rocking. Almost every major American city. Even the White House was besiege at one point, so bad the Secret Service had to evacuate the president. Remember what happened at Saint John's Church in Washington that was little ablaze. Hundreds of other buildings throughout the country targeted. The Federal courthouse in Portland vandalized, lit on fire on numerous occasions, police precinct them. In Anneapolis, burned to the ground, they tried to do it in New York. You know, hundreds of police cars were torched, you know, thousands of police officers injured. You know, rocks and bricks and frozen water bottles and molotov cocktails. Twenty five Americans were killed in the course of all of this rioting last last summer. You know, remember Horace Lorenzo Anderson Senior lost his namesake, Junior in the Chaz Chop Summer of Love Zone. You know, the mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkin, never bothered to reach out to the family. We got to them first. Donald Trump was the first politician to ever call Horace Lorenzo Anderson Senior about the loss of his son. Kamala Harris was too busy promoting the bail fund to get the rioters that were arrested out of jail quicker so they could rejoin their comrades in the activities that they're involved in. Democrats barely mentioned it, downplayed it, denied it outright. And you know, there's no commission on last summer's five hundred and seventy four riots. Okay, why not, because that can't happen either. Twenty five people dead, thousands injured, you know, billions of dollars in property damage, and we're not going to take that seriously. I don't get it. Why because it's not politically expedient for them. It's a simple answer, not complicated. You know, we have how many Americans shot shot and killed every weekend in major cities, you know, many African Americans for example. You know, we're told black lives matter. Do those lives matter? They matter to me, which is why I scroll the names when others, you know, never discussed those names. If you can politicize it, then politicize it. Then then then you'll hear the name over and over again. But what about all the other people, hundreds and thousands of them that are killed every year? You know, if you can't, if you can't get a political advantage of it, about it? Why mother the same things with Russia? With Trump Russia collusion? What about Hillary Clinton's dirty Russian dossier used to spy on a candidate and a president. What about Hunter Biden's money from a Russian oligarch, the former first Lady of Moscow That doesn't matter. Never mind on Trump Russia collusion that was debunked, or the real quid pro quo with Joe in Ukraine, that doesn't matter either. You know now pretty much can threaten the United States are military bases, Japan and their military bases. And you know what, not a word has said why as Hunter as he compromised the Biden family, Russia compromised the Biden family because if it was Trump, those allegations would be made daily. It's just unbelievable. The level of hypocrisy is just it's breathtaking. It's beyond anything I ever, It's beyond any point I ever thought we'd get to. And how's it working out with these nobail loss Well, in San Francisco women caught on video bolting from a CVS. You know, people going with garbage bags into expensive stores, inexpensive stores, and as long as they don't steal more than a thousand bucks, they get away with it. Barbara Boxer, by the way, got attacked in robbed in California, and CNN fake news and MSDNC they didn't even cover it. You know, Seattle are proposing rebuilding the depleted police force. Then we have all of these defund people now using taxpayer dollars, but only to protect themselves, nobody else. All right, eight hundred nine four one sean is our number if you want to be a part of the program all Things simple Man Leonards skinnerd And that can only mean one thing, all things Bill O'Reilly, all things O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com, including his number one New York Times bestseller, Killing the Mob. Then there's gonna be one other killing book series coming out that is gonna be maybe his biggest ever. And then it's Killing Hannity, which I expect any day now, mister O'Reilly, sir, how are you in the hazy, hot human Hannity days of summer? You hanging in there? I'm always hanging in. I have a list of waves that I'm going to kill you and I want to go but you know, shows down the road we can discuss. How do you want to go out? Okay, you know it's funny in this woke world in which we live in and cancel culture world. If you kid it around with anybody else you probably it would probably be a headline O'Riley threatens to kill somebody, you know, because we've become that humorless. All right, I do have a serious topic. Um, you're watching like we're all watching the CDC Flip Flop Flail, you know, shift and turn and it's getting confusing, conflicting. People are upset. You know, now the DOJ is declared vaccine mandates legal. The CDC reverses their indoor ask policy, saying fully vaccinated people and kids should be wearing their masks once again. And I said, last week one s Biden gave the nod to business and schools and universities to mandate masking. I said, it's only a matter of time. Now, this is the push. So my question to you is, I want to first play you flip flop fauci and ask you how they could be so wrong so often, and then how the folks, to use your term, should interpret all of these changes. Let's play fauci. People should not be walking around with masks. Let me just state for the record that masks are not theater. Wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better, and masks are protective, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that. It is not been any indication that putting a mask on and wearing a mask for a considerable period of time as dela charious effects. There are unintended consequences. People keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face, then can you get some schmutz sting. You do not need to wear a mask indoors if in fact you've been vaccinated, good that you're vaccinated. But in a situation where you have people indoors, particularly crowded, you should wear a mask. So even if you are vaccinated, you should wear a man. If in fact you are vaccinated, fully vaccinated, you are protected and you do not need to wear a mask. Bill O'Reilly, simple man. This is the guy that, in his first interview on Sixty Minutes in March of twenty twenty, said, masks don't work. You know, maybe you can stop one little droplet, but that's about it. Your take on a complicated issue for the simple man. All right, I'm gonna break it down. Number one, if I were President Biden, I would wrap Anthony Fouchi up like a mummy. Remember the movie The Mummy Rapid Leah's nose. He can he can get air through the nose, but you have all the tape all over his mouth and the rest of his body, and so we wouldn't have to listen to Anthony Fauci again. That's number one, he should be the Mummy. Number two this is what I'm doing. And that's all I can really say, um, because you couldn't possibly understand the montage that you just played. Remember Abbott and Costello, the comedy duo Abbot and Costelo, Remember them, Who's on Who's on first? Who's on first? That's what that was. That's exactly what Who's on first? No? No, who's on second? No? Okay, so I don't know. I don't know third base. Ye, I don't know third base. So that's what that was. That was Abbot and Costello. I am back. I am not going to wear a mask unless for some reason, and I don't even know what that reason might be, maybe a plane trip, commercial airline and I'm around strangers and then I'm in close quarters with them. I probably would put on a mask, but I'm not gonna wear it on a daily basis running Errand's, going to the beach, going to the movies. I might take the man on a second. I'm trying to get over the image of you in you know, your speedo on the beach. No speedo, Hannity, I have I have Mocho Sam trunks, all right, yeah, And I'm gonna I'm gonna, I'm gonna market those O'Reilly's macho speed trunks and you're gonna get something. So I'm gonna get I had never bought your doormat either. You think I'm gonna get the macho you know, swim, I'm not a patriot by the country doormat, you're not a patriot. But anyway, circulation and you'll have to get your link ammutated if you wear speet up. But anyway, let's get back to my mask and my kids they're going to both are ones going to law school and one's going to regular college. Now that's a little bit different. So they're gonna take their masks and they're gonna obey what the school wants because the kids are on top of one another in the dorms. And you know, you are going to get people who harbor the virus they are around. Everyone knows that if you're back, then you catch the virus. It's very mild, all right, So you might get a cold or a couple of days, but it's not you. Now you're specifically talking about well, I want to be clear here, you're specifically talking about younger people. Ye, my kids are you know, one graduated college, ones in college, though that age has not been it's not been the great danger that it has been for older people and those with underlying conditions. But I tell my urchins to cooperate with what the school wants. Okay, to the greater do it. Just suck it up and cooperate. But if you have, if you're an American that has a debilitating disease, if you're over the age of seventy, you're not in good shape, it's worth it for you to wear a mask inside. It's worth it because even if you are bats, because you just don't want to go through it. This is such a horrible, horrible disease and it just turns on a dime and then there's another variant and the set the other thing. But I believe that I am protected by the bats as much as I can be protected. So I'm not going to virtue signal like Kamala Harris is. I'm not going to confuse everybody. I'm going to live my life and do it responsibly. And I think if American took that point of view, we'd be a stronger country in this area. You know, It's it's such an individualized thing too, And I don't like to give broad sweeping generalizations. But Bill, I've seen the worst of this thing. I know people that are barely survived being on a ventilator. I know other people that have loved ones they lost um. And I'm urging everybody to do their own research. Talk to your doctor, doctors, medical professionals you trust. Learn about these These different vaccines visam Maderna are a very different science than the Jay and Jay shot um. With that said, I think what people are most upset about now is we were told that if you got the vaccination, many every American was told, then then you're You're good. It doesn't matter what other people do. You. Life goes back to normal, they said to us, Bill, And now we're finding out life isn't going back to normal. Well, I think it's and the messages have been so conflicting. Go ahead, yes, And COVID has been politicized. So the far left wants everybody to obey the central government. And this is a good way to start that. Americans of the history of being very feisty, dissenting, not allowing Washington, DC to intrude on their personal freedoms. That is our history. But you can impose socialism and progressive values if you have that history embraced by most of the population. So here's my serious question. This is my non cupcake part of the interview. Now that they're mandating if you want to go back to work in the federal government, go back to work at a corporation or a university or a school, they're mandating that you get the vaccination. And if not. I've interviewed a nurse on the TV show and she had COVID, so she has natural antibodies. The Cleveland Clinic, if we're following the science, says as if you had COVID, you don't need any vaccine. Pretty respected medical institution. And now the question is what do people do for whatever reason they make the other decision. Maybe it's a rare medical condition, maybe it's maybe it's just you know, their own gut feeling they don't want to do it. I mean, I believe in freedom too. What about the mandate part of it? Okay, So the federal government at this juncture has a law on its side if it wants to force employees, people who at work at a paycheck from the federal government, to take the vaccine. It was litigated in the early twentieth century. So if you work in the federal government, you're going to have to get the vaccine or take a leave of absence. Now you could fight it, you get its note, I had COVID. You can do all that, but it's going to cause your money and it's probably not going to be victorious. So if you are working for a government or a private business, the private business, no question, they can tell you if you want to come into this building, you have to be back, and they're on the right side of the law. So people are just going to have to accept the fact that if you are an employee, you don't have as much power as if you are just a regular person not depended on a paycheck or working for an individual. And that's always been the way it is. I mean, there are rules, and you and I when we worked at Fox, they had rules you have to do X, Y and Z, and if we didn't want to do it, there was a problem. And I understand that I do because public safety. Maybe it's too extreme. I mean, Kamala Harris just drove me nuts when she said, well, it took her like ten seconds after EC came out and confused everybody just say for her to have the mask on and demand that any reporter covering her to wear the mask when she's vax and all the reporters vacts and all that was was virtue signaling, politicizing the fact that we're the federal government. We can tell you what to do, we can push you around. And that's why so many people resent it, and that's why we have such a controversy because they know that the imposition from Washington isn't going to stop with COVID. This is just the beginning of what the progressive socialists want. A government telling you how to live, what you can do and not do. You've got to have that if you're going to impose the socialistic progressive system. All right, quick break more with Bill O'Reilly all things O'Reilly, Bill O'Reilly dot com. We'll get to your calls on the other side. The eight hundred and nine for one Sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program, Quick break right back. We'll continue. All right, we continue, Bill O'Reilly is with us all things simple man, Bill O'Reilly dot com. It's very frustrating. Everybody I talked to now is at a point of you know, they've had it. They feel like that people haven't been straightforward, they haven't been honest. They don't they say, follow the science. They don't follow the science. Um, and it gets very frustrating. You know, not every you know, this is not a cookie cutter situation. People have rare medical conditions where their doctors say, no, you really, you really can't get the vaccine. I interviewed a young woman. But there are legal exemptions to that. Well, okay, but what about people that had COVID that are being told that they've got to get vaccinated in light of the science of the Cleveland clinic, they're being told to get vaccinated. That is a problem. They don't know along the anybody's say in the system. But here's another aspect of this that no one will talk about. That there are two primary groups of people who don't want to be vaccinated in the United States, and I'm speaking generally now right. The first is the people who don't trust medical people or the government, and most of those people are on the right, far right. The second group are African Americans. To African Americans. Actually, there's a much higher percentage of African Americans that have declined the vaccine than others. We got about thirty seconds. I'll let you finish your thought. Okay, So the corporate media will never report on the low VACS rate among African Americans. Ever, they'll lay it all on the conservatives who don't want to be vacs. And that's another example of the corrupt media culture that we have in America. Yeah, well, listen, I appreciate your thoughts. This is not cookie cutter. My advice stays the same. I really believe that you've got to make your own decisions. I believe in liberty and freedom, and I also believe in medical privacy, and I believe in doctor patient confidentiality. That doesn't come up. I believe you got to take it seriously, research it, talk to your doctor. Your doctor has taken to an account your unique medical history, your current medical condition, and then it's not it's not for people like us, Bill, to tell people what to do. In my opinion, you agree with that, I'm I'm very humble in this. I give the people, Yeah, give the folks the information and and then ultimately, you know, try and be is even information you might disagree with. Let him hear all signs, All right, Bill, O'Reilly all things. O'Reilly at Bill o'reiley dot com. Uh, we'll be uh, we'll be checking in with you next week, sir, thank you. We'll continue driving liberals crazy three hours a day, every day. The Sean Hannity Show is back on the air, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, gladual with us eight hundred and nine for one. Seawan is our number. You want to be a part of the program. Mike is in the well. Yes, our lousy stayed in New York. Mike, We're very stupid. We've not made it an intelligent decision in our life. We need to get the hell out of here and save more money and live in better weather. But for the moment, if anyone said, Hannity, you're an idiot for stand staying in New York, I'd say, you're right. I am. I shouldn't be here, nor should you, nor should you. Mike. Luckily for me, I'm upstate. You know we're awfully read up here, as you may know. Yeah, and you still pay the same taxes up there. Good luck. Don't don't remind me, don't remind me, YEA. I blame my parents. I blame my parents. Wow, anyway, what's on your mind today? Yeah? So, um, I've been hearing a lot of people on our side that, uh are you know, boycotting the Olympics and you know, all this cancel esque talk. Oh I'm sorry, I'm a mail man. I'm getting barked at all. Right, as long as you don't get bit, I'm pretty quick. I'm pretty quick. Uh. Basically, you know, I think it's a slippery slope um that we're treading on here of kind of playing into their way of thinking. And you know, I read this article. It was on NBC Sports, Um, and I between the regular games and the Paralympic Games, USA has about six hundred and thirteen competitors and um, you know, I'm trying to retrace here which ones have protested and you know, things that you know we aren't happy with and that we consider on American and you know, it's it's really just a handful. And I think to throw the rest of the six hundred probably you know or so of people who who work so hard and you know, especially Olympic sports, they don't get them the same recognition as you know, the mainstream sports here in America. You know, they worked so hard for this and for them for us to just cut them in the same cloth as a few people who spoke out and did what they did. You know, I think that's a little unfair. Um. You know, as a kid, I was raised in New York. You know, I had Mets fans in the house, Knicks fans in the house. Uh. You know, my friends were Yankees, Red Sox, you know. And the one thing we could always sit down and you know, agree on and route together with was the Olympics. You know, we you know that time would come around, we'd all be together and we're rooting for the same team, you know, And that's that's that's rare to have because you know, especially in the Northeast, there's there's so many different teams, you know, so you're always on the different page. You know. I don't think there's a greater moment in sports history than you know, al Michael's making the call. Do you believe in miracles? And and maybe Jason will pull it up again? Is the seconds you're looking kind of handing there the public still looks eleven seconds, You've got ten seconds. And then of course the movie and and just an incredible moment of patriotism. Remember the goalie, uh, you know, wrapping himself in the American flag looking for his dad in the crowd. It was amazing. But to answer your question, Mike, I don't support boycotts. I don't support cancel culture. My interest is less and it's for all of these sports that like the NFL now has adopted the black national anthem and saying that they're going to be actively pushing social justice causes. You know, to me, when you mix politics and sports, you're taking the most unifying event with the most diverse group of people, people of all backgrounds all you know, all racist creeds, colors, socioeconomic backgrounds, and they have a shared passion for a sport and a shared passion for a team. And now insert politics and people just get turned off by it. They're going to sports to get away from all of that. And if and if athletes or teams feel really strongly about particular causes that matter to them, I think there's another way to ask, voluntarily invite the fans to join them in their cause. You know, you know, we're raising money for kids for this, We're raising money for schools for kids, We're raising money to keep kids out of trouble. We're raising awareness about the dangers and gangs and guns or whatever and drugs. What are you know? I think there's a better way. I'll give you the last thought. I'm saying, are they really you know, is that really what they're doing? Or you know, is it just a horse and pony show here? You know, well what the numbers speak for itself. You know, they're losing the Major League Baseball All Star Game, lowest number ever in history, I mean dramatically lower. Watching the NBA Finals down dramatically. NFL ratings have been down ever since Kaepernick, and they came back towards the end. I got a little interested in the narrative about Tom Brady versus Drew Brees and Aaron Rodgers and whether he can win a Super Bowl with Tampa Bay, which he won. But short of that, I'm just not as interested, and I'm more interested in college sports. They seem to be keeping it a little bit away, the politics away from there. But you know, who knows what's going to happen over time at this point? Right that's my you know, because people you high five strangers when you have a shared passion of a team of a sport. You know, I can't tell him anytimes. I'm talking to some guys. I'm getting I'm gonna order a beer. Hey, give me one extra beer for the guy sitting next to me and buy him a beer. Or you know, I have a big bucket of popcorn because I'm I can't eat the whole thing myself, so you share it with the people next to here. Oh, I bought hot dogs. Let me. You know, I'm talking to some people. They got three young kids. I'm telling them how cute their kids are. Hey, guys, you want cracker Jackson, you want a hot dog? Boom hot dog. You know it's unifying. I'm not asking if they're a Republican Democrat. I don't care what race anybody is. We're children of God, you know. But that's up to them. And in the end, I'll tell you who's going to suffer the most. The athletes revenue. TV rights revenue is going to go down dramatically because these they're not gonna be able to make money. Then attendence is going to decline. That not going to make money, athletes are gonna have to start accepting less money if they want to play. And maybe at some point they'll realize, you know what I think people trying to get away from, you know, stress and politics, and you know, things are divided in the country, and it's it's a moment where we can put all of that aside and come together. And they're destroying that too, But that's up to them. My personal choices, I'm I've lost natural interest. I'm not telling people to boycott. I won't tell people to boycott, you know, but I'm saying my personal interests has declined. It's waned. I'm not as interested anyway. Appreciate the call eight undred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Phil is in Colorado. Hey Phil, how are you? Hey? Howdi there? Sean? I was giving you a ring because as I see Joe Biden on the TV, so they listen to him on the radio, I'm deeply disturbed with what he sees. And you know, I'm not a doctor. I know you're not a doctor, but I used to manage a pizzeria and I gotta tell you, I wouldn't trust this guy to deliver a pizza. I think you send him out the door with a large pepperoni. He doesn't come back. It doesn't matter if he has a GPS or not, and God help him if they're stairs on the way up to the apartment. I just don't think he's up to the job well, especially if it's windy out, you know, and we will remember what happening up blown over three separate times, according to his own staff, when he was climbing up the stairs to Air Force one. I gotta imagine, with Google maps and ways that he and GPS, that he's probably capable, you know, of delivering a pizza. I hope, you know. I it's not hard. It's not the hardest job in the world, but you need a little something, and I don't think he has it. With this team of handlers. He could do it if you get every you know, his handlers behind them, they'd walk him through it. But an eight hour shift, a four hour shift, oh no, he would be broken off, lost out in the city somewhere, never make his way. He might get tired and have to pull over, take a little nappy, maybe have some warm milky and a sippy cup. I don't know, all right, but you know, I can't really even joke about it anymore because it's so real and so serious. Anyway, how you used to own a pizza place. You don't own it anymore. Oh No, I was a general manager, not lucky enough to own it, but I did all the hiring. I know what it takes. It doesn't take a lot. But I really don't think Joe has it, at least not earn his currency ten years ago. Sure now, I wouldn't hire him to deliver a pizza. I swear to you. All right, Phil, thank you, all right, quick break right back, and we'll get your phone calls eight hundred nine for one sean if you want to be a part of the program. I love my pizza guys, Mario's pizza. It is so good. The food is so delicious. And the drivers like to come to my house because I take good care of the drivers. And if I go in and I see them and the man we've been I'm friends with the owner, manager guy for a long time. He always wants to give me free food. I'm like, no, I'm paying for the food. I'm no, I'm not. You work too hard. I can afford what I'm what I'm ordering. And you know this is a busy place. They got like thirty people working in this place. I mean, they're rocking and rolling, and they make everything the men use delicious. Everything they make is perfect. You might be happy, Linda, if you know, you'd be happy to know that I now califlower crusted pizza when you gotta get it with double cheese though, oh yeah, you gotta get it really brings out that vegetable taste. No, no, no it this was enhances all the nutrients. No, it makes it. Listen, the whole point is not to have the bread right, and it's all so clean. I think there are several points. I mean, I'm not a nutritionist. I don't want to play one on radio. Okay, cheese is not that bad for you. Sauce can be a little upsetting to one's stomach, not to me, cheese. I mean, listen, I love cheese. But you know, and you know what I like as my topping. I like onions. Oh yeah, onions are great. They're good for you. I don't care. I don't buy pizza because it's good for me. But first of all, pizza is delicious, and if you're eating cauliflower pizza, you are trying to be a little bit healthy that I'm trying not to put on the poundage that I can easily put on the right. That's that's the problem. When you're irish, you know, it just rolls right on you. I like cauliflower crossed pizza. I'm shocked because if you get the extra cheese, it tastes like real pizza from Mario. I have a news flash for you. I just want you to know, Ethan, could you play the breaking news sounder for me? This is going to be a big one. Get ready now. In today's news, it was discovered that if you put a lot of cheese when anything, it tastes delicious, It tastes awesome. It tastes like real pizza. To me, this is a news and and it's it's a lot less bread. So I can't even say it because I'll get in trouble. I call it, well, let's just say slightly overweight people's pizza like me, No, I will call it people that are health conscious. If you're health conscious, can you want to take like me that you're not say to get overweight? That it's it's you don't have a tendency to get overweight. First of all, you're on TV. TV ad tens pounds no matter how venus whatever it is, it's a lot, and so you always have to be thinner than you already are. And you're in great shape. You work out every single day. I mean, how old are you now? Like a hundred? You know? Um? Okay, why is ass um? You know? I can't win here. You look good for your age? Look good for your age? Wow, that's why you can eat double cheese. Well, I'm just telling you. Listen. You know if I set you down at a table with a bottle of salt and and a and like a block of cheese, block of cheese, I wouldn't hear from you for hours. You would be content, you would be a happy man. I listen, I'm a very in that sense. I'll steal O'Reilly's line. I'm a simple guy, simple man. I don't like very complicated dishes. I'm trying to eat more fish than normal. Oh, fish is great for you, man, Okay, I eat a ton of fish. I can tolerate like linguini and clam sauce. Does that count? I can? I can tolerate um, shrimp, scampy. I can tolerate. I like royal scalops. I prefer the smaller ones rather than the big ones. It's even better when you wrap it bacon if you haven't tried that, Yeah, exactly next to the cheese block with And then the next thing is I will eat um once it hall a bit, if it's fresh. And well, why the small scalp? You know, my buddy Kissan Keithan. Are you hearing the question I'm asking you? Are just not hearing it? Well? They they he catches stripe fast almost every day. I like when it's fresh like that, I like it. Go ahead, what's your question? My question was, what's the difference between the small and I love scalops. I'm just curious, what's the difference between the small and the big scalp? I like? I like the one is bay and one is sea scalops. Oh, I didn't know that the bigger ones are less fishing and sweeter typically. Well, this is Ethan does know a lot about fishing, not enough. Oh, that's true. I actually like them both. I mean, I'm not gonna not get it um. And I like lobster tail because I don't feel like sitting there, you know, getting that crap all over my hands, beating the crap out of him, fighting a dead, dead lobster to get the food out of it, you know, then allowed to boil them anymore. Yeah, but it's okay. I'm just saying, I'm sure I'm going to follow that law and to the letter. I know you will. You're a good citizen. By the way, That's not how I cook lobster anyway. Lobster very different. You cook it in butter and cheese. Oh my little Jesse Kelly coming up tonight from six to nine, mister New York Mark Simone tomorrow from ten till noon seven ten wo r I'm coming to y'all, sire, And if you want a little bangla, are you sticking by your decision to hold any vote on that deal until after the Senate passes a much longer your infrastructure package through reconciliation. Yes, it's time for mandates because it's the only way to protect our people. We cannot now go back to where we were. And I am telling you as I sit here, I have told you the facts on COVID from day one. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. Coming to y'all, sent you want to play our saying you a conscious news Sean Hannity Show, Mary, I'm the scenes information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. Stay right here for our final news roundup and information overload. All right News round Up, Information overload Our Sean Hannity's Show eight hundred nine four one seawn of here. Want to be a part of the program um A lot of people love, commented to me. We discussed it with a caller in the last half hour about politics and sports and in particular the Olympics and the announcement that the NFL is going to be partnering again and advocating for social justice causes and singing the black national anthem. It's impacted the Olympics. I'm gonna play two different opinions. One is from Gwen Berry explaining why she did not recognize the national anthem at the Olympic trials. The others from Olympian Lolo Jones talking about how athlete activism is contributing to low Olympic ratings. But it's not just the Olympics. And now people said they're just discussed it and fed up and they're not watching and they're not attending in the numbers. They did first Gwen Berry, then Lolo Jones. If you know your history, you know the full song of the national anthem, the dark paragraphs speaks to slaves in America, our blood being slang and piltered all over the floor. It's disrespectful and it does not speak for black Americans. It's obvious, there's no there's no question, all right, and Lolo Jones heart take on it. I don't know the percentage of people that would be tuning out because of those protests, but I will say that there has to be a percentage of people that are doing that. I had so many people coming up to me after the gwen Berry protests and saying, I'm sorry, I cannot watch the Olympics after that, And I've heard a lot of people call those program and the ratings bear out with the Olympics, with Major League Baseball, with the NBA, with the NFL, that this is having a negative impact on viewership, you know, and we explained earlier, the net result of this is going to be okay, less money for these these athletic organizations, the NBA, MLB, NFL and now the Olympics, as as people just they don't want to get lectured at an event and you're destroying a unifying moment. Doesn't make any sense. To me joining us now as herschel walker or former Olympian himself, on top of being one of the most gifted and talented running backs in the history of professional football. Sir, welcome back to the program. Great to have you. Hello, Sean, How you doing. I have important political questions for you. You know it's coming today, but yeah, well it's coming, it's come. But let me first ask you about this. Um. You were on the other night, George Foreman was on the other night. You're both Olympians. What are your thoughts about What do you think about Gwen Berry? What do you think about what Lolo Jones said? Well, you know it's sad. It's sad because you know, I think it's the wrong plays, wrong time. And the reason I say that is, you know, this is the United States Olympics, and you know, if you've got to compete in it, you know that's what you're supposed to be represented. And if you don't want to represent that, you don't have to go. But just say you're going to protest without having any kind of outcome. You know, you can talk about in the national anthem and you can sell all those things about it, but you know it's bigger than that. You know, if you want to do something about it, you got to hold people accountable. And what I mean by that is you need to get out and people need to vote. You know, that's one of the problems we have. People are not voting. You know, people are not getting out putting the right people in office that can go and change things. You know, things are staying the same. And what I mean by that is, you know, if you want to change anything, you gotta get people in office that's going to change it. Not just to make people emotional, because that's seemed to boy what they're doing right now. You want to make people very emotional, and people don't want sports to be something where you got politics involved. These are athletes, white, black, all different rays that are over they're competing in the Olympics. And yet you have someone complain about the United States of America when yet you're in a whole nother country doing that. I think it's it's shameful. I think it's very shameful because this is a great country and I want America to win. I'm sorry, but I'm I'm passionate about the US one in the Olympics. Well, Sean, this was so funny. I was very I was blessed to have an opportunity to compete for my country and in Bosley, and I was very honored and to be honest with you, for the first time in my life and this never happens to me. The seeded whole United States team coming to that coliseum in France almost brought a tear to my eye because I was representing the United States of America. And what I see here is people seem like these athletes from other countries. This is the honest truth. They are jealous of their American athletes because they think we have so much. But yet the athletes that we're here, we're not. We're We're like, oh, we're ashamed of America. I'm not gonna stand for the flag. I'm not gonna stand for this because of this or because that you know, I mean, the people that have died for that flag or die for that national anthem. And yet you're gonna complain like you're gonna change something. Well, if you're gonna change something, why don't you change it by holding people accountable and what I mean by going to vote to putting the right people in office. That's gonna change things. That's how it changed. It doesn't change by you not standing for the flag, not for the national anthem, by you want to change the flag, by you want to play a black national It's not going to change that way. The way it changes by you getting the right people in office that got the guts to hold people accountable. When you played professional football, when you played in college and for Georgia and played football there, when you've gotten in the octagon, when you're an Olympian um as as a top performing athlete, I mean you, I mean, there's nobody better Heisman Trophy winner than you. I don't think. I mean you're right up there. You know, is what does the goat the greatest of all time? I mean, your your record speaks for itself. And in the course of you, you know, garnering all of this success and fame, what did you learn about the fans? In other words, I would assume those people of all backgrounds and races. I've been around you and and anytime anybody sees you, you are you have rock star status. Well, you know what's strange about it is, I didn't get here by myself. I got here by African, American, Black, or white or Asian or I got here by all different races helping me to get here. I didn't do it, but I didn't do it alone. So when I get the recognition, the recognition is just not herschel alone. It's by a lot of different races having me to get here. And you know, for me to said that there's no problems like that, there are problems. You know, there are problems, but we can solve those problems together. We can solve them together if we have people that want to address those problems. But I think the goal to put down this country. And you know, and I've said a lot of time, and people can disagree with me, but I don't know how you can because what other country do you like? You tell me what other country that you like that you'll like to go to, that has better things than the United States of America. You tell me that country, and if you like that country, maybe you can go there. I'm saying, well, and I'm not being mean. I'm just saying, what other country have what the United States of America have? And I'm saying we can even make it better, But just sit in another country to put down this country. When all the athletes they are. I'll bet nine percent of the foreign athletes. They are look at America athletes as being spoiled, as being given everything, as being got it made. That's what they look at the United States of America as we are very spoil that we got it made, we have everything that we want. My friend Barry Farber was right when he said there's never been a country that's accumulated more power abused it less. And I add, and America is using its power to advance the human condition, nor the country and history has done that. And the beauty of our framers and founders is they've built a system that we had mechanisms and a path to right wrongs and correct injustices. And I don't care if you want to go back to the Civil War or if you want to go to the historic sixty four Civil Rights Act, the sixty five Voting Rights Act. America has made major strides in becoming a more perfect union. Do we still have far to go? Absolutely? Are there ignorant people in this country. Absolutely, but they are the minority, and they're frowned upon. And I could tell you, as a conservative, any of these people that hold these white nationalists to race is fuse. I want nothing to do with those people ever. And they're not they're not a they're not a Sean Hannity conservative. I'll tell you that. Well, you just said it. The majority of the people have nothing to do with anyone like that, because that's not American. America is us getting together. The youth have made it pretty cool now to go out and and say something bad about the United States South of America, that they're standing up to go out and beat someone who disagree with you. You know, that's not cool, and that's not America. That's not that's breaking the law. And I said, what we have to do is we have to get people that's gonna say no, what No, we're not gonna do that. We're not gonna do that. We're gonna do this the right way. And like you said, we have all problems like anyone else has problems, but we can solve them. Those problems can be solved. But you gotta you know, you can't do what we're doing right now. You know, when the NFL decided that they're gonna play the Black National anthem, it's like you opening up a can of worms. Because let's be honest here, if the NFL really want to be just why do they not go out and try to repeat you can try to get more black owners. Let's go get more black owners. Let's go get more black coaches, Let's go get more with this. Let's go you know, let's not just try to keep people emotional because that's what they've seen to be doing. No, I'm just gonna patch you on the head, but I'm not gonna change in it. I ain't. You know, that's what your people are looking for. You know, that's what you're looking for. You got a lot of African American players. You remember years years ago that was not in the African American players going through these major leagues colleges. Well now they are. Now they're in the NFL. Now things have changed in the historical black colleges has gone down because most of the African American players were not going there, So that the historical black colleges went down. And now that African American athletes are going through the big big schools now, so now they've got an opportunity to go play in the NFL. They got the opportunity to go play NBA basketball, Major League baseball. So I said, things are changing but right now we're setting it bike again because they're saying, oh, something is not right. Well, that's just a few. There's a few people that what's happening is though few voices are so loud because everyone is afraid to touch that word racism. You know when you mentioned racism. Everybody like that are scared of death and they don't want to touch that. Well, let's be let's be honest. This country has come a long long ways. Do we have some ways to go? Yes, we do. But the way we get it done is by having a fair election. The way we get it done and by holding people that we elected to office to do the right thing. All right, quick break more with herschel Walker on the other side. Eight hundred and nine for one, Shaun, is a number of your calls straight ahead? Are you're ready to get out of the media spin room while you come to the right place. This is the Sean Hannity Show on seven ten Whole High. All right, as we continue with our friend herschel Walker, let's talk about herschel Walker, a potential United States senator. You have told me that you're giving it serious consideration. Where are you in this process and what do you think will be the determining factor for you to get into this crazy. I know you've been in the octagon, so you know what a battle is and uh, your warrior, your whole career. What would it take for herschel Walker to jump in that race? Well, you know, it just takes that. My family, you know, they're they're you know, they're they're putting heads together as well, because it's not just about me. And that's why keep telling people. People don't needed to style like tomorrow, decide right here and ask a guy. I got to decide at my own term because I said, this is bigger then just playing football. This is bigger than playing getting into the oxagon. This is the United States Senate seat that can change the world. You know, it can change Georgia, It can change a lot of things. So it's not something I gotta I need to take like that. I need to take it very very seriously. And that's what I've been doing. And people may not understand that, but they don't understand hrschel Walker. So I said, guys, if you don't understand hrschel Walker, there's nothing you can do to me that's gonna deter me from my mission, and my mission isn't make the right decision for the State of Georgia, make the right decision for this United States of America. Because I love this country. I love the State of Georgia. I love what this country stands for. We're a country of law and order. We're country that have borders. And I'm like, guys, that's what I that's what I know. And then you know, I love our military. You know, I'm at a base for every three weeks. I love our United States military. And right now, I think what we're doing to this country, it's not right to them. Let me ask you this because and I think this is determinative and any different ways. If you if you've heard what Stacey Abrams and Raphael Warren on and Jim I'm sorry Joe Biden has said, you know, Jim Crow two point zero. Meanwhile, the state of Delaware has the most restrictive voting laws in the country compared to Georgia, which has some of the most accessible. How have they hurt that state with that narrative. Well, they just to continue to use that word Jim Crow. You know, like I said, Remember I said earlier when you mentioned Jim Crowe mentored racism or you're racist. Nobody can't say anything. Let's get away from that. But I think people have to be honest. As I said, I love the Lord Jesus, I love my God, but you got to speak the truth. The truth is we have a problem going on with something that's going on in the country. Our leaders don't see any want to respect what the Constitution of the United States stands for. And one of the things I were looking at, I said, the oath of office is you're supposed to defend the Constitute, foreign and domestic. That's an old TEU take well. I hear that they want to change the Constitution, but the Constitution is bigger than that. No part of whether you're Republican or Democrat, do you have the right to change the Constitution. I want to explore this further with you. I like the idea that you're doing it your way, and I know you that if you get in, I know you well enough and I'm long enough that if you're in, you're in to win that I do know herschel Walker. We love having your back. You're a dear friend. Think the world you would love to see your runs, would support your candidacy and a heartbeat. Thank you for being with us, Hey, thank you, thank you, Sean, appreciate it. Quick break right back. We'll continue working every day to remember the forgotten man. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. We'll get to your calls in a second. Eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, let me play. You know, with all the ever changing you know, rules and mixed messaging, the experts wrong, they're here, they're there, they're everywhere. You know, everybody forgets so conservatives are going to make people die. I supported Operation Warp Speed from day one. In January twenty twenty. I was saying, scientists, medical researchers in America are probably going to save the world with therapeutics and ultimately a vaccine. And lo and behold, we got it done. And Donald Trump did it by creating a system with warp speed where these farm mceutical companies were not going to risk losing a fortune if they didn't get the therapeutics, the vaccine and record time, which they ended up doing because they had the financial strength and support of the government to do that. At the time, all the vaccine hesitancy. Let's, for example, let's just listen to MSDNCT listen to their hesitancy what they were saying, in large part because I just hate Donald Trump. Since the pandemic began, we've heard a lot of promises about vaccines. The race to approve an effective vaccine has taken a toll on public trust, especially in the middle of a heated presidential election. Only twenty seven percent of Americans say they would definitely get an approved coronavirus vaccine. Trust in a vaccine among the American public is at an all time low, and as there's continuing to be mixed messages from the administration and from their own agencies. Strange announcement from the Trump administration that they want states to have vaccine distribution centers ready to go by November first, two days before the election, even though no vaccines are yet available. Laurie Garrett says, quote, I have no confidence that a safe, effective vaccine will be ready for use by Halloween. Worse, I can no longer recommend that anyone retained faith in any public health pronouncements issued by government agencies. Officials insist no corners are being cut, but the timetable is simply too short for full safety analysis of any vaccine, and it seems like it sort of cause for learn that there's no standard promulgated by the FDA or by anybody for comparing the relative effectiveness and safety of the various vaccines that are all being explored. Operation warp Speed is about delivering a vaccine faster than we have ever done it before. Can it be done quickly and safely? While the administration may want a vaccine for political reasons, yesterday and frankly all of us would love a vaccine as soon as possible, scientists found in the alarm that we must resist the urge to rush out of product we aren't sure about is the vaccine safe or is it not safe? Is it coming? As when is it coming? Donald Trump has politicized the treatment and vaccine process from the very beginning. I mean, it's pretty unbelievable. Now listen to Democrats. They were as skeptical about taking the Corona's vaccine. I don't trust Trump. It's the Trump vaccine. They don't call it the Trump vaccine anymore. But you know, President Trump has promised a coronavirus vaccine by the end of the year. Or maybe sooner. Would you trust that vaccine? No, I would not trust his word. I would trust the word of public health experts and scientists, but not Donald Trump. First of all, I don't trust the president on vaccines. I think it's going to be a very skeptical American public about taking the vaccine, and they should be. He will push anything to get reelected. Don't fall for it. And by the way, I will take the vaccine after Ivanka takes it. You would be hesitant to receive the vaccine if it were approved by the end of the year. I'm gonna yes, I would be hesitant. I mean if doctors and scientists like doctor Fauci are taking that vaccine, of course I will take the vaccine. But we also know that we can't trust the president and take his word. I trust vaccines, I trust the scientists, but I don't trust Donald Chaumpa. At this moment, the American people can't either. I believe all of course, in the country, you're going to need someone other than this FDA and this CDC saying it's safe, so predictable. Eight hundred and nine point one taunts a number. You want to be a part of the program, Cindy is an Iowa. Cindy, glad you called. Thanks for being with us. Hi there, I just have a couple of hairs. Yeah. First of all, just about every day I get a chance to hear part of what you're what you're talking abo and you keep talking about Delaware and they have stricter, st stricter rules and laws, and you know why that is because they always go Democrat. If they didn't go Democrat, they would be they would be the left of Georgia in Texas. So that's just something that I know, you know that I just wanted to point it out. And the second thing I've been wondering about is where's Kamala Harris Her little visit to the hospital on Sunday, and nothing that has been said. There's no routine, no routine physical or check up on a Sunday at a government hospital. So I'm curious. I think that if she were COVID positive and she's supposedly vaccinated, that would be a huge pr problem for the Left, and I'd really like to know where she is and how she's doing. I'd never believe for a second that this was a scheduled medical check up on a Sunday at Walter reed. This was right after she had met with the Texas lawmakers that flew up in their private jet while they themselves were filibustering to ask Democrats to end the filibuster. So I haven't really followed her schedule. Let me go and look into that and see if I can't get the answer for sure, But I don't recall seeing her after that. And you know they're this very weak. I mean, when Jensaki and the Biden administration have been asked how many people at the White House have contracted COVID after everybody there has been vaccinated, they don't want to mention it. Again. You have one hundred and fifty some on million Americans fully vaccinated, and then you have one hundred and fifty thousand breakthrough cases that we at least know about. Is probably a lot more where people fully vaccinated still contract coronavirus. That those are the CDC numbers, And you know, we knew the efficacy was never one hundred percent to begin with. Now we're seeing that maybe with the variants, that these vaccines are less effective than the original coronavirus, which wouldn't scientifically shock me or be surprising to me. But it's the mixed messaging that they keep giving us. No mask at first, then one mask, then two masks. Then it's if you vaccinated, no mask, but then maybe maybe you'll have masks indefinitely. Then if you get vaccinated, you're never gonna have to worry about wearing a mask. Now you're back to being vaccinated and wearing a mask. And the confusion and the lack of trust is coming right out of the Biden administration, starting with Joe and Jill Biden themselves. Anyway, I appreciate the call. Thank you. Send the eight hundred and nine four one, Shaun is a number if you want to be a part of the program. You know, I wanted to play this this these comments by Chip Roy. He wouldn't. He was very passionate on the House for today. We have a crisis at our border. We're playing footsie with masked mandates in the People's House. The sham of an institution is doing nothing for the American people. Here's what he said to see declarations United City Council that no illegal immigrants can be released in the City of Valdi per the CDC guidelines of countries on their list without a negative COVID test, and we have had our Health authority right orders that give us the authority to have them government border patrol and immigrants quarantine for ten to fourteen days. We have a crisis at our border, and we're playing footsie with mask mandates in the People's House. I mean, it's absolutely absurd what this body is doing the People's House. It's an embarrassment. It's a mockery. And the American people are fed up. They want to go back to life, they want to go back to business, they want to go back to school without their children being forced to wear masks, to be put in the corner, to have mental health issues. And we're running around here and the speaker comes down here at ten o'clock in the morning saying we got to wear masks and the people House while we've got thousands of people pouring across our border and Democrats don't do a darn thing about it. Heavily in factor the COVID. Wow, he was on fire. All right, let's get to our phones. Steve is in Ohio. Steve, You're next on the Sean Hannity Show. Glad you called? Oh John, how are you? I'm good? Sir, hey, I recently just had to have a COVID test done due to a procedure I was supposed to have at a hospital. It came back positive. I was asymptomatic, and I asked the public Health department when they called me to notify me, so which variant do I have? Do I have the regular COVID or I have the Delta variant. I was informed that they're not testing for the Delta variant unless you've already had the vaccine. So, hearing this and seeing what the White House said that all these new COVID cases are coming from unvaccinated people enter the delta variant, how could that be if my county says that they're not testing for the Delta variant unless you've already been vaccinated. I don't have an answer. It doesn't make any sense to me. I think you have a right to know what particular strain variant that you you've contracted. How many days now since you've tested positive? I tested Friday, So okay, so that's a systematic all right, Just so you're about what, um, well, six five days in six days? About five days in so I have to quarantine for it ten days? I believe. Yeah, look careful, I would I would urge you this because I know a lot of people that have had it a lot of times. You know, people are either asymptomatic or maybe just a little tired, or maybe they have a slight cough in the beginning. But be careful. I don't know how old are you. Did you mind if I ask? I'm about your age? Okay? And next question, do you have any preexisting conditions? No, any comorbidities, No? Do you have any immune compromise issues? Oh? I'm pretty healthy. Okay. The one thing I would urge you to research and then bring up with your doctor would be regeneron. I think Regeneron is the best therapeutic by far than any other one out there. Ivermectin. You know, read the studies about ivermectin and HCQ and ask your doctor about it and see if he thinks it might be a good idea for you. You know, we had George for Reid on yesterday. I'm sure he'd take your call if he wanted to talk to him about it, because in his practice he's been on the front lines dealing with thousands of patients and and that's their protocol. They believe more in proactive medicine than reactive medicine. You know. Too often. I don't like the fact that they're telling people, oh, you test positive, Yeah, if your temperature goes up, take two extra strength tileent all and if your oxygen goes below ninety yeah, and then you can come into the hospital. The problem is at that point, and that can happen off in a day six, seven, eight, nine, and ten, is that the damage is done at that point, or a lot of the damage is done. So that's why i'm I personally have put on people that are bigger believers in the therapeutics a special monol, especially the mono colonial cocktails. Regenera on Eli Lily has their version of it, and I know many people that have had the infusion. It's something you have to get at a hospital, but it's very quick, has had great results. That's my humble opinion. Vitamin D three, vitamin C, zinc with a certain you know, those are all the things that the standard protocol for most of the doctors that I know. And but but I'm not your doctor. I want to be very clear here. I'm I'll pray for you, but I would seriously, look at the arapeutics that mitigate the conditions of the virus or that would act earlier at preventing it from potentially you know, going south on you, which again it's rare, but we lost hundreds of thousands of people. I would take it seriously, Okay, and we'll prayer. Yeah, But here's my question though, then, how can the White House say that all these delta variants are coming from people that are unvaccinated when they're not even testing for those They're just testing for the normal COVID here in this county. You're you're asking a million dollar question, and the fact that you don't have an answer makes no sense to me whatsoever. And I think it's wrong. There's my answer. You know, one other things I'll say. You know, look, everybody I know that's gotten COVID, I mean, because we've heard so much about it. There is a mental component to this, and that is that you know, you're worried about the worst. Make sure you're checking your oxygen levels and your temperature regularly, Okay, And then I hope you'll talk about these potential options if they suit you in your medical condition and history and current condition at least at least you're you're digging deeper. That's what I'm urging you to do. Okay, eight hundred nine one, Shawn is our number. Fake news. I'll find it here here, all right. That's gonna wrap things up for today. Great Hannity Tonight nineties turn. You don't want to miss it. Hope you'll watch it. The conflicted COVID messaging of your government. Ted Cruz is apoplectic about it. He will join us. Also, vaccine mandates. Is it legal? Greg Jarrold will weigh in on the legal aspect of it. We'll get commentary Mike Huckabee, Steve Miller will join us. U Well, now the border crisis has worsened and illegal immigrants with COVID symptoms of pouring across our southern border. We'll have a live report, an investigative Hannity report, and Texas Governor Greg Abbott will join us, and we'll have the very latest on this stacked commission with a predetermined outcome on January sixth, while they ignore all the rioting that went on in the country. Bryan's previous Congressman, Jim Banks kicked off the committee, and also Senator John Kennedy will join us ninety Eastern tonight Hannity on Fox. We'll see you then back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us and you make this show possible. We'll never forget it.

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