Kathy Barnette, is a candidate for Senate in Pennsylvania, and she is taking her message to a woke nation filled with hypocrites.
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Thank Scott Shannon, and thank you for being with us toll free telephone number eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza. We got more border madness that we will be talking about today. The latest on the MLB boycott based on nothing but lies. Joe Biden's radical agenda now moves forward in more ways than I can even explain to you. You know, it's amazing, and this is there was an announcement today America. First, the new organization Mark Meadows and Stephen Miller are partnering with with some others, and that is to challenge legally these actions, especially executive actions and illegal unconstitutional actions of the Biden Whitehouse. And I'm sure and certain that Biden now bypassing a coequal branch of government for another time on this issue of guns and gun control and your Second Amendment. By the way, he was fumbling all over the place. Did we get we're able to pull that tape yet? Guys? Did you find that? What's that? I can't hear anybody? We have? All right, let's this is Joe announcing earlier today. I mean, fumbling all over the place, barely I mean, you decide for yourself. Put it out. Nothing I'm about to recommend in any way impinges on the Second Amendment. Their phony arguments suggesting that these are Second Amendment rights at stake from what we're talking about. But no amendment, no amendment to the Constitution is absolute, absolutely determined, as Murphin and brothers are to get this done. Stabilizing brace shook and a pencil essentially makes that pencil a hell a lot more accurate. Section. Actually, the second action we're going to take finally, the Bereer of alcohol, alcoholic tobacco on firearms, the key agency worsing gun laws hasn't had a permanent director since twenty fifteen. Today, I'm proud to nominate David Chipman to serve as a director of the AFT. David knows AFT well, an anti gun radical. Now, first of all, it's uncons all these actions bypass the legislative branch of government, a coequal branch of government. Now it's about time that that third branch of government, the judicial branch of government, step in and stop these illegal, unconstitutional actions of Biden. Hopefully that will now begin to happen, you know, the stop the proliferation of ghost guns, criminals buying kits containing nearly all of the components. Okay, if you cannot, I'm telling you right now. People think that the fundamental flaw in the mind of the left as it relates to the Second Amendment and firearms is that criminals. It's predicated on this idea that criminals follow laws. They do not. They make up their own laws. They pay attention to no laws. And there is a pretty simple easy ability to go out and develop weapons that can hurt other people fairly, fairly easily, as we pointed out, you know Amazon canceling, you know, left and right, conservatives, etc. Etc. But you know, you could still go there and buy mind comp and the Anarchist Cookbook, which detailed instructions on how to build bomps, something I've talked about for you know, twenty years ago, and it's still available. But the idea the liberal the left, they think firearms somehow are wrong. You know, we will just ignore the thousands of occasions every year that occur, and we've highlighted many of them over the years on the show too. We're law biding Americans because of their right to keep into bear arms that should not be infringed. That would be an absolute right. Joe. You're not a constitutional attorney anyway, So the idea that these ghost guns exist, you can't just go around selling guns that don't have serial numbers. They at LASH made a good point about that last night on Hannity. You know, they're going to propose a rule to make clear when a device marketed as a stabilizing brace effectively turns a pistol into a short barrel rifle. What they're not understanding is that many of these parts, if people want them, they're easily buildable. Remember, drug dealers have no problem building meth labs, and I doubt they have chemistry degrees from MIT or Harvard, but they're still able to do it, and it's poisoned regardless of how it all turns out. You know, the the flag legislation for states, the administration is investing in evidence based community violent interventions. What does that even mean an annual report on firearms trafficking? Well, I mean, if they cared so much, maybe they'd secure our southern border, where a lot of opioid trafficking goes on and a lot of gang members come in from our southern border. A matter of fact, we just had another instance that took place, and everybody should pay very close attention to this. Down at the border, we've had terrorists now on the FBI's terror watch list if they have been captured at the southern border. Now we have you know, gang members being caught at the southern border, and I don't see Joe Biden or Kamala Harris or anybody else. MS thirteen gang member caught entering the US illegally. Twenty eight year old man from El Salvador will be deported, one of the few people that will be actually deported. Finally, Texas and Louise Yanna are suing Joe Biden for sanctuary country and offering the freeing of illegal immigrants into the US. You know, they're now transporting all of these the illegal immigrants to every state and the country in the Union. What are the states supposed to do at this point, considering they were aided and embedded by the President of the United States and his administration. You know, you have migrants smugglers now using groups of children to divert border patrol from adults crossing into the US. And then for the cartels and the drug dealers and the drug traffickers and human traffickers. While all of that distraction is going on and all those resources are being used, well, the next thing they're doing is they're they're just sneaking in at a different point in the border undetected. That's not good. You know, last night, a pretty powerful press conference by the Texas governor. He'll join us on Hannity tonight, Governor Abbott blaming Biden as allegations emerge of sexual assault at one of these child migrant facilities. Now, before we get to that specific charge, we've already reported in great detail the perilous journey and how these cartels and coyotes and gang members that they've been abusing the migrants and shaking them down financially. There's been great violence and rape and everything else that you could imagine happening, considering what you're dealing with here, the journey itself. This has been happening. If any American ever ran a daycare center and we had the same images as Joe's cages down at the border with kids in it, in the middle of a pandemic, on top of each other, the way they're on top of each other, if those images ever emerged in any town, any city in this country, in a daycare center, well I could tell you immediately Child Protective Services would shut it down and that the owners and operators would be arrested in charge with child abuse. And that's pretty much what Governor Abbott was saying yesterday. Now, remember they've been keeping his Child Protective Services out of these child unaccompanied minor facilities, just like they put a gag order on border patrol agents, just like they have prevented the media from showing images because they've been wanting to hide the cages that they're putting these kids in. Anyway, Abbott said, these allegations, a sexual assault, insufficient number of staffers, that children are not eating, they have an inability to socially distance or separate COVID positive children from virus free children, and they don't even test them, and then they send them out to your state. I mean, it's a pretty unbelievable, you know. Think by the way, Kamala Harris now two weeks in as the borders are, Let's see, she's been in her Brentwood home, She's been out in Oakland, she's been in Chicago going to bakeries. She's been in our nation's capital. She's been in New Haven, Connecticut, everywhere but where she needs to be. McCarthy now has called on Harris to attend an FBI CIA terror briefing on the border now that we have people on the known terror watch list coming across. I mean this border neglect. I mean imagine if Donald Trump were president and you hear about sexual assault, if you saw images of cages that he built with kids all on top of each other in the middle of a pandemic, what the reaction of the mob, the media, Big Tech, America's corporations, the Democratic Party would be be unbelievable. We have border patrol agents in California. They have caught an MS thirteen gang member as early as yesterday morning. He had illegally crossed the border into the US. This is not the first one. Biden's DHS chief now backs up this Trump style crackdown on illegal immigration. This is getting interesting from the New York Post. Despite Biden publicly trashing the hard line taken by his predecessor, his DHS secretary Mayorcas is now echoing former President Trump's key policies during a recent behind closed door meeting, vowing to stand up for ice and advocate for being an advocate for more deportation. I'm one hundred percent of pose to the abolition of ICE. Yeah, a little late, because right now he's been the great enabler up to this point. You have a heartbreaking video I saw this on the Blaze and off duty patrol agents stumbling upon a ten year old child last week in Texas by the border and in the desert. You know. The child is seen sobbing asking for help, tells the off duty agent guy was on his way home. They can rob me, they can kidnap me. And I'm scared. In the pockets of all of these kids and all of these illegal immigrants are usually bank routing numbers, and they're told that they either put money in those accounts as quickly as possible, or they will be making visits to their family members that remain back home. You know, as Greg Abbott said, you know, he pointed out today directed the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas Rangers to now step in and not only control the border, which he's already started, but also to investigate these allegations of serious child abuse and neglect inside these federal facilities and the governor announced that the state received these complaints whistleblower complaints. In some cases, you know, we now see overcrowding to the point of seventeen hundred percent in some of these instances. You know Jen's sake circle back Press secretary that she is. When asked why the Vice president had time to visit a Chicago bakery and not the border, well, she needed to get a snack, great answer. The Vice President was visiting Chicago actually to talk about COVID and the importance of communities getting the vaccine when it's available and accessible to them. And so while she was there, like many Americans, she got a snack. I think she's allowed to do that. But she was there to talk about COVID and play a role, as she's playing a significant role on our efforts to address vaccine hesitancy, communicate with the public about how we can do this. And it's imperative to get the vaccine that's available. Is it not imperative when when children are living in an abusive environment caused by their policies, that's not an urgent matter for the White House. When we have terrorists from Yemen that now we have caught on the FBI terror watch lists. That's that's not a call to urgency. I see that one of the squad members, Congresswoman Omar. It's shameful that they're actually talking about. Yeah, maybe we should finish Trump's wall. You have one hundred and thirty on documented migrants surrender, surrendering in Arizona to border patrol because they know they're not going to be sent home, because everybody that makes it across the border has been able to stay. That's the biggest problem. Look, we don't support on US program boycotts, but many are calling for them. Wall Street Journals Daniel Heneger saying, yes, boycott baseball. Liberals the past year become addicted to political wokeness. It's time for an intervention. Small business group condemning the Major League Baseball's action. What's Charlie Gasparino over Fox Business says the Major League Baseball Commissioner's decision to move the All Star Game came after pressure from Stacy Abrams. Yes, Stacy Abrams informed a commissioner what was in the bill because whatever was whatever description was given was not accurate. That we can assure you, and by the way, other groups Al Sharpton urging the commissioner to support a host of issues voter drives. Hr One Major League Baseball commissioner, you know, decided to move the game on his own after having extensive discussions with voting rights groups associated with Lebron James, Stacey Abrams al Sharpton Abrams now goes into full crisis mode after nuking her own state that was an article put out there. These are the real world consequences of Stacy Abrams and Joe Biden's disinformation campaign. Not a disinformation campaigns an outright lying campaign. You know, far left companies. You know, it's all these companies that bought into this. Former Major League Baseball Commissioner Fabe Vincent criticized the current commissioner, which almost never happens op ed Wall Street Journal. Major League Baseball can't become a weapon in the culture wars or a hostage for one political party or ideology. It can't be only for the richer poor, nor for one race. And he's right and everything that he's saying, but they're not listening, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sean, you want to be a part of the program. Now we watch the Biden and Obama disastrous Iranian deal and all this money dumped on the tarmac for Mullah's and Iran, and pretty much they started chanting death to America, death to Israel, burning American flags and Israeli flags thereafter. I don't know the mindset, the thinking behind the rationale at all, behind left wing Democrats thinking that if they're only a little bit nicer two countries that hate our guts and only want our destruction, that they feel compelled to just if we're just a little bit nicer, will we'll show them we could be really, really nice. Bill Clinton tried it with Kim Jong Ill, Kim Jong Gun's father. There's a good death of American people. Yeah, well that didn't work out well, and we end up paying and they end up shaking us down for more money. You know, that's the same with the Mullahs in Iran during the Obama administration. They get nothing for it. Iran has never abide They don't, they don't abide by agreements. They think we're stupid, because we are, because we fall for it every time a liberal Democrats in office. Anyway, he's now going to lift apparently preparing to remove all sanctions on Iran. What is Iran, the leading state sponsor of terrorism, done to deserve this reward and that they're gonna what continue to resume compliance with that idiotic Iranian nuclear deal where we had no know any place anywhere, inspections where American ex inspectors weren't even allowed in, and we're dumping a fortune on the tarmac and we're paying for their terror activities. How stupid are they? We're prepared to take the steps to return to compliance, including by lifting sanctions that are consisted with consistent with the agreement. State Department spokesman set know what that means. You're now capitulating to Mullah's and Iran that hates you. It's pretty spectacularly stupid. We have been concerned whether or not Joe Mansion was going wobbly on the issue of the legislative filibuster. We do have an update on that story. Epic Times reporting today that Joe Mansion is again reiterated that he will not vote to abolish or even weaken the filibuster quote under any circumstances unquote. The filibuster, he says, is a critical tool protecting that input and our democratic form of government, said at a Wash and Post opinion article. That is why I've said it before and I'll say it again to remove any shred of doubt. There is no circumstance in which I will vote to eliminate or weak in the filibuster. Okay, sounds pretty shermaness to me. But man Should also said he does not favor budget reconciliation. Well, that's not good, because that's the Senate parliamentarian this week said it would be okay with this ridiculous non infrastructure infrastructure bill to go ahead with it anyway. It comes as his own party is attempting to pass that infrastructure bill. Raise the corporate tax rate now, Mansion said he to go as high as twenty five percent, not the twenty eight percent that Joe Biden wants. Man Should further argue the Senate voted to week in the filibuster, and it's backfired. He said. The political games coming out of the halls of Congress only fuel the hateful rhetoric and violence we see across the country, adding the political dysfunction and gridlock have only grown more severe. Kristen Cinema apparently said something as well. Now Biden's paid a play scheme dwarfs by the way, anything that Rohnda Santis was accused of. All right, so Rohnda Santis didn't make the decision on publics. How do we know? Multiple prominent Florida Democrats say no, we'd made the decision. We actually had the Palm Beach County mayor on this program who said no, we made the decision on publics because we thought that would be the best place for the people in our community to get the vaccine. And our program has been successful. I think they got about two hundred and seventy five thousand residents in Palm Beach County that have been vaccinated. And Publics didn't charge the State of Florida anything. Public's known to give money to both Republicans and Democratic causes. They don't really take sides, but they've been generous to the community for sure. Anyway, Well, they're now going to focus on Joe Biden's two trillion dollars infrastructure plan. I got ton of that money, by the way, will be going to the unions that helped elect him. By the way, that's an old scheme. It runs both ways. Unions donate overwhelminglyated Democrats quote to help get out the vote, get them elected, and then income the favors as a result. Open Secrets records two hundred and forty five million labor contributions twenty twenty ninety percent going to Democrats, up from two hundred and seventeen million in twenty sixteen. The two biggest teachers unions forty three million dollars alone to Democrats, and that's just direct funding. And you got the Service Employees International Union, the SEIU. They vowed to spend one hundred and fifty million to get out the vote for Democrats. And Biden's path to the White House ran through America's labor movement. You know said that was even said by AFL CIO President Trumka. And in return, Democrats give big labor now the laws and regulations and subsidies and overturned right to work laws and states, which Biden is trying to do now. And Biden's infrastructure plan, just like his emergency COVID relief plan, have nothing to do with infrastructure or little to do with it anyway. It's the bill's hidden labor law agenda is all over this bill. You know, basically it's a job's plan buried treasures for labored unions, and that's been the whole thing to get right to work laws. It's all the payback unions. The Capitol Police top cop says Nancy Pelosi dithered on the National Guard deployment while the rioters ran wild. Well, why isn't that big news? Now we know that the chief of police of the Capitol Police had asked and requested six times that the National Guard be deployed before a lot of these requests were before anything had gone down. Donald Trump in the days before January six, said, yeah, there's a lot of people coming to town. You probably want to deploy the National Guard. That was denied. When's Nancy Pelosi going to take responsibility for this? So a you know, Kirsten Gillibrand puts out there paid leave is infrastructure, childcare is infrastructure, care giving is infrastructure. There's a New York Post headline, unicorns are infrastructure. I mean, she'd be mocked all over Twitter. I mean Twitter can be very funny. You know, childcare, care giving is infrastructure. No, it's not an infrastructure. It's basically your way of doing your Green New deal calling it something else. And trying to convince the American people that everything's infrastructure. There's like everything's emergency COVID relief when you bail out every Blue state as a payback to them for their mismanagement, fraud and abuse, high taxes and misappropriation of funds and not funding pensions as other states do and being fiscally responsible. You know, we got one Democratic senator saying paid leave, childcare, care giving his infrastructure. Love it. You can't make this stuff up. A friend, Senator Kennedy, who I really get a kick out of. He's very smart, great guy senator to Louisiana. He says, this infrastructure billows the Green New Deal plus welfare, which pretty much describes it. Listen to what the Randy Winearten, the American Teachers American Federation of Teachers Union president who leads the nation's most powerful teachers union, again, they've been fighting hard to prevent teachers from going back to the classrooms. She literally says the headline on Bright Bartells Jews not to criticize teachers unions. American Jews are now part of the ownership class. What does that mean? Delhi Wires headline, same topic, Teachers Union president attacks Jewish parents pushing to reopen schools as part of the ownership class. Well, what does that mean? Can somebody explain exactly what it is that she's referring to here? Pretty unbelievable. Anyway, listen to this. There's a story I see. I don't know where I got this for. I think it was Foxnews dot com. A female GOP representative girl from Guatemala was having trouble communicating. She lost her voice while being gang raped. Good grief, gonna help us? Representative Cat comic of Florida Joint, I guess, was on to Todd starn show, our friend Todd's show firsthand young girls who had been gang raped by human smugglers at the border. Why isn't the media covering this? They're too busy? What sixty minutes can't do an expos on this? They're too busy. What are they covering that's so urgent that they can't cover something like this? You think they would or you know, I guess that's too much to ask, right. Biden's Commerce secretary is now praising Donald Trump's China tariffs. Secretary telling reporters at the White House that the Trump administration tariffs on stealing aluminum saved American jobs. Wow, sure they'll be yelled at by day's end. Jobless claims take an unexpected jump despite passage of Biden's COVID stimulus package. Does that surprise anybody you know? By the way, Sean Davis pointed out on his Twitter account, there was a Daily callerpiece, you gotta go. You go to a gun show, You buy whatever you want, no background check. No, that's completely a lie. The only way you can illegally buy guns as prohibited as a prohibited person and get away with it is if your name is Hunter Biden, which I think is pretty accurate. Nikki Hailey warns God help us if Kamala Harris becomes president. By the way, more and more I'm finding liberals and this is getting to be an interesting phenomenon to me. You know, if I do my grocery shopping, if I'm out and out and about doing my chores, and I see people and people talk to me. Of course I have my mask on and socially distance. Anyway, when they talk to me, they say how long till Harris becomes president? How long do you think it's going to be? How many people ask me that question, Linda, you get the same thing. People you are asking you that know you do this job. Everyone's asking what do you think Harris becomes president? Well, I don't. I have a little bit of a different question from most people. People usually say to me, you do know that Kamala is president, or you do know that Susan Rice is Well, I get that one too. I get them all. I don't think anybody thinks that Joe Biden is running anything, least of all the country. It's funny because they tried, for a very short period of time the mom in the media, they tried to they tried to hit back on me on it. And then all I did was say, Okay, let's play this tape. Let's play this tape, Let's play all the tapes, let's play the hits together. And then I think they realized that every time they attack me, I just play more tape and let Joe make the case for himself. And every time you play the tapes and you play him consecutively, and you begin to realize, oh my gosh, this is a disaster. Not just a disaster, but I mean, for me, I gotta be honest with you, Sean. I mean I've been doing this a long time, not as long as you, but a long time. And the border thing with the kids, I just I don't know, man, it's it's just now I'm being a mom. I just don't understand how these Democrats. I mean, for Pelosi to say that, you know, he's got it under control. This is the pathway. I'm like, we never had this under Trump. We just didn't have it. There was no open door policy. We've been following this issue of child trafficking into prostitution, specifically with border troll agents that have exclusively only investigated these crimes for a long time. Now it's happening right before our rise. Now what's happening. Now we know why they want a child protective services nowhere near those kids in Governor Abbot's home state. And he had to force his way into the facilities, just like Ted Cruz and the nineteen senators had to forced their way in. And when they get in there and they bring out the pictures, then you can see the absolute disgusting, abusive conditions these kids are living in in the middle of a pandemic. But even beyond that, right even beyond the pandemic and the COVID. I mean the physical abuse, the sexual and physical abuse that's happening to these kids, and all these Hollywood stars that came out in their me too movements for these grown ups that you know they were assaulted, and you know they were all stood behind them, and you know, I mean, you know, thinking of Schumer saying we're coming after you, having all not one thing proven, and then you have a young ten year old saying I was so severely gang rape that I can't communicate to you what happens to me because I lost my voice from violently screaming for my life. And she's ten. Heart wrenching, But you know, think of the three hundred families every week that hear the news that a loved one's dead from an opioid overdose, an addiction. Where's ninety percent of the heroin coming from across that border. Where's ninety percent of the fent and all coming from across that border. That happens too, And these these human traffickers, while resources are thin and now focused on taking care of all of Joe Biden's kids that are now coming in and being put in cages and are overcrowded, they're just so overwhelmed and all their resources are in one area that now they end up. You know, it's wide open for the gangs, the cartels, the human traffickers, the drug traffickers to you to bring even more drugs and sell more kids into prostitution. And let's not forget just the families too. I mean, all American families are in peril right now. But you look at those families that are being deeply affected by this that live around the border, their kids, their farms, their livestock. You know, they have people coming up to their doors dine on their fields. They have to make a decision. Is this somebody that's starving and needs water or somebody that's here to kill me. And they're trying to feed their own kids in the middle of a pandemic under an administration that wants to get more money to illegal immigrants into American citizens. It's all of their own making, right an hour two Sean Hannity Show, Toll Free. It's eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. I know it's early, but choosing candidates to run in very important states for the United States Senate, it's going to be critical for if you're going, if you want, if you desire, if you want to stop this socialist madness and knits madness, is really only one way to do it, and that is you better start preparing for twenty two Now. It's interesting and fascinating. Yeah, well, why are the Democrats, why are they working so hard? Why don't they want voter identification and signature verification? And you need it for everything else in life, even including buying a six pack of beer, or applying for Medicare, social Security, unemployment, food stamps, you needed to apply for a job, get a rental car, you get the picture. Why don't they want it because they want the conditions that they saw were favorable to them in twenty twenty, and they want to lock them in in perpetuity. It's all a big power grab. But I can see, for example, I know there's been a lot of talk that maybe herschel Walker will run in the state of Georgia, a lot of talk Doug Collins may challenge Governor Camp in the state of Georgia Ron Johnson. That's an important race, must win race for Republicans if they want control of the Senate in Wisconsin. Sinunu appears to be preparing for a run in New Hampshire. That would be a very winnable seat. If if that's the case, you've got North Carolina. One pole yesterday had Laura Trump beating the closest competitor by like fifteen points. Then of course you got Ohio, you got Arizona. I mean, these are these are all all fascinating but important Senate races. And another one of them is in the great state of Pennsylvania, as Pat Toomey is leaving. And I saw and it's now gone viral, an ad put out by a woman named Kathy Burnett, African American woman, and it is a powerful, powerful ad that has gone viral. The white man that siss sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue believes he has the power to take away my blackness because I'm a conservative, but I will keep all Joe Biden after the November election in twenty twenty two, you can call me something else, because this determined black conservative woman is going to become the next United States Senator from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. And she joins us now, Kathy Barnette, Kathy, how are you thanks for being with us? I am doing so well. Thank you so much, Seawan for having me on. You know, I don't normally get involved in primaries, are involved in a Senate an election a year out like this, but Pennsylvania is so important. If Republicans could win your seat hold Wisconsin, herschel Walker were to win down in Georgia, they win in North Carolina, they went out in Arizona, New Hampshire, I mean, and keep Ohio, it would be it would be transformative for the country. It's that important race coming up in twenty twenty two. I agree wholeheartedly. And you know, Sean, you hit the nail on the head in your opening statements. Democrats are already campaigning for twenty twenty two, even twenty four, they're already campaigning for it right now. The reason why they are running like someone with their hair caught on fire, running through glass pane windows, trying to just get everything that their little harsh desire now is because they are preparing for twenty twenty two. You're absolutely right, everything that they were allowed to get away with in the twenty twenty election, they're trying to solidify that. And that is the reason why it is so important for people like yourself if your type of platform to get engaged early versus later. And one of the things I'm noticing is that on our side, right you have Democrats who are rushing out here, just already campaigning for twenty twenty two. On our side, we're like, oh, I want to keep my powder dry. I want to see who you know. I want to see who shakes out It is now when you see good people. Our side is desperate for leadership with backbone, leadership with a moral sense of understanding, who actually have a moral compass, understanding that they're is such a thing as right and wrong, and instead of sticking their finger in the air trying to figure out which way the wind is going to blow, you need leadership who come to the table with a sense of right and wrong and will take a stand for this country. Our country is on the precipice. These people are not playing with us, and they are coming with both barrels, and our side has yet to even throw an effective punch. And it's not a battle of fists and bullet in case I get in trouble by Democrats who don't understand hyperboles. But it is not a battle of fists and bullets is a battle of ideas, and we got to get our head out of the stand and we got to start standing up and speaking for this country. These people. This is not a fad. These people are trying to solidify what they already have gain and territory. All these years, Kathy, that I've covered election, I always point out to this audience and my TV audience said, it's it's the Democratic playbook that Republicans are racist, Republicans are sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic. Now they've added transphobic. They want dirty air, dirty water, and some Republican leader will take your grandma after feeding them dog food and cat food, put them in a wheelchair, and throw them over a cliff. That is the same thing. Now Joe Biden, who has his own history that is abhorrent to me on the issues of race, is now going around saying the Georgia election law that was recently passed as Jim Crow two point zero. But yet that very law is far more inclusive than his own state of Delaware. It's not even close the same with it. It's far more inclusive than the state of New York or Colorado, where the all Star Game is now going to be played after being taken out of Georgia, and the people of Georgia unfairly smeared the way they've been smeared. Your thoughts. Then, Joe Biden is the last living segregationist who has builled himself as the white hope to the black man. I mean, this man has been in office longer than I've been a lie, and all of a sudden, he is the black He is the black man's white hope. And the media has come alongside this and has perpetuated this, this lie and this ignorance. Last night, I was on your show, and I was in the waiting room, and I was listening to your opening monologue, and I now understand why your guests come out on your show going to the wall, gas pedal pressed all the way down because I'm listening. I had never heard that he had said about of course the people in the South are going to love him because he's from Delaware, it was a slave state. I mean that level of ignorance, that level of racism, and the way that it has just been whitewashed over to make this the last living segregationist, as I call him, being build out to be the black people's hope and savior. It is quite as sounding. But we understand that this division is profitable. It works because we allow it to work. We need to stop apologizing. If you are a racist, go fix that. But if you are not a racist, stop allowing people to bully you and to silence. It is an effective tool. And let me tell you, I have heard white people, white progressives primarily use the word racist and racism more than I have ever heard a black person. I mean, and I've been black all my life, and I have yet to hear black people use the word racist and racism a very powerful word that our people have inherited because when you see it, it is ugly and it is a very powerful word that should stop people in their tracks. But it has been so deluded and so in maligned and misappropriated that it is losing its meaning. Even when I hear the word, I roll my eyes that time, and it should never be that way, because it is a powerful word that was inherited by the black community in this country, and yet we see these progressive use it as as an inn mark, as a punctuation mark, as a way to I mean, if they can't explain something, they call it racist. If they can't defeat you in an argument, they call it racist. Even what we're looking at with Stacy Abraham down there in Georgia. One of the powerful things I learned for your audience who may not know me. I grew up on a pig farm in southern Alabama. I grew up wickedly impoverished, but I was loved. I know part of that story. You didn't even have running water in a bathroom, is that correct? Yes, I grew up. You know my great great great grandma Rota, she was born in eighteen forty six. She was a slave. I grew up in the same house that I describe on that on that campaign video, at home with no installation, no running water, an outhouse in the back of a well on the side. And although I grew up wickedly impoverished, I don't recall one person ever looking at me and saying, Kathy, you are a victim. Kathy. All the odds are against you, Kathy, you might as well not try. And I'm so grateful I was loved. I didn't have much as a child. I didn't know that because you're a child and you're insulated but as an adult looking back, I recognize just how little we had, and I am so grateful for the people who were in my life that didn't have much, but they poured into me what they had, and they never looked at me and made me feel as though I was a victim and I might as well not try. And I grew up in the very deep South of Alabama that has everything that comes along with that, and yet I became the first in my family to go and finish college. I spent ten years in the US Army Reserve, where I was accepted into officer candidacy school, worked in the financial industry Corporate America, an adjunct professor Corporate Finance, authored my first book, and now running for Sennett. Because this is my country. I understand my history. I don't walk around with a hat in my hand, as Stacy Abram would describe me, begging to be admitted into the American dream. I am the American dream, and I refuse to allow someone to destroy my country. I am so glad that I got off that pig farm before a white progressive thought it was beneficial to help black people. I am so glad because if it was up to the pack of them. I would still be on that pig farm today. I am just listening to every word you're saying, Kathy. I'm blown away. I want to go back to this issue that and you brought it up when you talked about race in this now viral video and quote. People who look like me in America could now not only vote without fear or violence, but running for office. And it was very powerful. I thought, and I'm thinking about this, and here it is the most most restrictive laws and voting or in Delaware and New York. It's more restrictive to vote in Colorado than Georgia. And the outright lie of this being Jim Crow two point zero. But this is also a Joe Biden that you know, talked about, um, you know, lectures about what is good for the other n word, as we say, or when he went on to talk at length about his his great relationships with segregationists, or standing with the former clansmen to stop the integration of our schools because he didn't want our schools to become racial jungles, or his you ain't black comment, or you know, let me play some of it for you. It's a long way into November, we got more questions. You got more questions if you have a problem figuring out whether you're fremire Trump and you ain't black. The two party system is good for the South and good for the good for the black in the South. Um your reaction, Kathy, I'm just thinking, and this is the white hope for the black man. How tone death? You know, I would use the word races, but it is quickly losing its meaning. How tone death? And it's not just tone death and disrespectful and ignorant. It is when it relates to just issues of race. But look at what's happening at our southern border. Is tone death is arrogance. These people do not care about us. I mean, look at the number of senior citizens and nursing homes that have been murdered. I mean, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to recognize. It doesn't take someone like Ben Carfin to come and explain to you that if you put COVID nineteen positive patients into a nursing home facility where you're housing some of the most vulnerable people and our nation, that you're going to get it's like putting. It's the equivalence of putting a fox in the handhouse, it's going to turn into a California brushfire. I mean, it doesn't take a ben constant to understand the implications of doing something like that. These people are tone death and thus putting it mildly our nation. It is a run a battlefield. I was very deliberate when we selected Gettysburg and in that particular location pick it charge. It is the last battle that was fought on Gettysburg, and we almost lost it. It was just by the providence of God and the arrogance of the Democrat The party sponsored a group a lee and the rest of them. It was just their arrogance that that caused them to lose that battle. But we picked it for a choice for a reason. And I'm also wearing the last pair of army booths I was issued in the military before I got out. Because we are in a battle for the very des mission of this country. These people are not playing with us, and so many on our side of the aisle they are behaving like this is just politics as usual, as though this is just I want to just say this only because I'm like, I'm sure our audience is just captivated by all you're saying, we're going to follow your race very closely, and I think you'd make a phenomenal senator from the great state of Pennsylvania. And we want to wish you well. We hope you'll come back off and on this program. Anything we could do to help you, please let us know we'd like to help you in any way possible. How do people get in touch with you? Thank you for asking, Thank you for having me on. Please go to Barnett fourth Senate dot com. I need people. If you want good leadership, I need you to support me. Now I cannot do this by myself, but I need you to help me create a ground swell that makes this campaign undeniable. Please go to Barnet fourth Senate dot com. Our Kathy Barnett dot com at all redirect to the same place. Well, we'll have you on again very often, and we'll have you on soon. Thank you, Kathy, appreciate it with following us closely in Pennsylvania twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one sewn you want to be a part of this program, this extravaganza. Yeah, Biden, Now moving executive action to take away your Second Amendment rights? Is there anything that we predicted that we've been wrong on? Not a single thing? That's how chilling this is. They mean what they said this as I said, No, no party, no major political party in this country, has ever run on a more radical agenda than this party. And Biden a shell of his former self, you know, just reading the utterances of others and doing the will of whoever is ultimately in charge here, which is pretty scary. Uh. Diane is in Midway, Georgia, Diane High, how are you sorry for the people of Georgia. You've been smeared, you've been slandered, and you lost one hundred million dollars in revenue, all based on Joe Biden's lie about the new Georgia law being Jim Crow two point zero. You know, I just don't get it why any kind of sports, especially MLB would um has anything to do with politics. It's not their business. What we do in Georgia is not their business. But the thing is is what the law in Georgia is more open than any of the states that we're talking about. Joe Biden for fifty years, his state of Delaware is far more restrictive in terms of voting. The same goes for New York, Chuck Schumer's state, the same goes for Colorado. It's not quite as restrictive as Delaware, but it's it's less inclusive than the new Georgia law. And my point is is that it's all been based on a lie. And then you've got the woke, canceled culture mob in the media and big tech and now corporations joining in that they all want to be seen as PC They didn't even read the bill. Major League Baseball does you know they're headquartered in New York. New York has far more restrictive voting laws. They do business with China. Joe Biden hasn't called for a pulling out of the twenty twenty Beijing Winter Olympics, but he did this to Georgia. Better wise it up. I'm like, no, the state that needs to wise up is Delaware. Your state, Joe, your state has some of the most restrictive voting conditions of any state in the country. And he never lifted a finger. And they smeared the people of Georgia, and they hurt hard working businesses in Georgia for no reason at all, all based on a lie. Well, it's actually in the law matters what the way it's been falsely characterized that. You know, when a president of the United States lies like that, it makes it has a huge impact because Delta and Coca Cola and one hundred and ninety eight other big companies bought into this lie. And I don't even know what the long term impact on the Georgia economy is going to be as a result of Joe Biden's lie. He owes the people of Georgian apology. So does Stacy Abrams. We now know. Apparently Stacy Abrams, according to one report today, at least that I've read, she's not coming on this program. I'd love to give her the opportunity to explain it, but Stacy Abrams apparently spoke to the commissioner of Major League Baseball before he made his decision. Anyway, Thanks for a good call, appreciate it. Chris is in college station in Texas. Chris, Hi, how are you glad you called? Hi? Sean, Thanks for having me on. It seems like I'm on a bit of a different topic here, but I'm gonna jump away from what you're talking about for a minute to get back to the George Floyd trial. If I could, Yeah, I just want to say, I have tremendous respect for you. Have listened to you for years when I can in the car. I have disagreed with you the entire time. You have been discussing this event and the way it unfolded, how it was handled by the mob media and the conservative media troubles me tremendously. In this country, we're innocent until proven guilty. Yes, by the way, I said that, I said that many many times. But I my eyes. By also, there's two factors here, just so you understand my thinking is we have nine minutes and twenty six seconds of tape. We have seven minutes and however many seconds of tenuous tape of what we see. And I'm speaking at this with my own eyes. Show me what I know about police training and my eight years of training four or five days a week, ninety minutes a day in martial arts mixed martial arts, and I and what I know about the vulnerability of one's neck. And by the way, this is something that except except it didn't that fence attorney introduce new footage from Officer King yesterday to my soul, that does not definitively show his knee was on his neck. You could interpret it anyway. Listen, I'm not going to try and convince you what I see. I'm just telling you what I see. Now. Is it true that fentnol met, the amphetamines whatever, all these drugs were in a system. Yes. Is it true he had underlying serious, significant health issues. That is true too, did contribute to his death. I wouldn't doubt it at all. Is that going to be a factor. But the question is this, if Officer Chauvin who did not follow police procedures, Remember he was in handcuffs the whole time at this point, and at that point was not resisting. The minute somebody's not resisting you, you know, and somebody's handcuffed, all use of force ends at that point. And my argument is number one, the police need more training side issue. But number two, I can just tell you as again, I'm a student of the arts. I don't want to overplay my knowledge here because I'm I'll be learning the rest of my life. If I took two fingers of George Floyd and manipulated him while they were in handcuffs, I promise you he would have full compliance that was unnecessary and excessive use of force that also goes against training. From all that I see, and I am only telling you that you can even look online there's a martial artist that takes on you know this, go ahead. I also have a son who was a police officer for a short time who also trained in Israeli Kravmagawa at a very high level and from the very big training in Krabmagaffa eight years love it correct. But here's the thing. There's a couple of types of individuals that, in my opinion, have a have the credibility to look with their eyes and then make a judgment in this body cam footage shows what it shows, but it doesn't show the nineteen some odd years of any police officer who gets up every day and weighs the risk. We none of us know what was going through his mind. It reminds me of the Marcus Latrelle interview with Jake Pepper and CNN when he got back and it Loaned Survivor was released and the guy said something like, uh, would you go back? And I don't remember what he said. It's just but it irritated Marcus Latruelle, and he's basically said, I've trained my whole life for this. If you think you can do that my job, then you put your feet in my shoes and go do it. And that's the way I feel. Chris, You're you're you're. You're talking to a guy who has a thirty three year track record of being one of the staunchest, most outspoken supporters of the police and law enforcement in the country. So you don't need to sell me on how hard a job is. Now, with all of that said, now, nobody will ever know what's going through somebody's mind at the time or why they did what they did. It is. I am just telling you what I know about the human anatomy from kravmaga, my study of Japanese jiu jitsu, my study in Kempo, my training situation. I do situational training every every single day. We work with blades, sticks, firearms, we do it all. We do boxing. I hit the heavy bag every day. I do all of that. And I am just telling you if a targeted strike towards the bottom of your jaw that would hit your carotid artery, just one strike for a fraction of a second. If I if I strike you, if the intended strike hits its location, you will immediately drop to the ground because because that fraction of a second with a carotid artery cutting off blood to the brain will put you on your put you down on the ground, and I bet that when you try and stand up that I guarantee you that you'd probably fall down again, just like if I put you in what's called and if you follow mixed martial arts or watch you know, if you ever watched the Octagon, you know what's called a rear naked choke hold. And I if I lock it in and i have both of your carotid arteries and I'm locked, you can't get out. You'll pass out in under fifteen seconds. And that's usually a lot quicker. And you know how I know because it's been done to me. I've had people do it to me where I passed out. Right, Doctor's gonna kill me for admitting it, but go ahead, Well, I understand. I think for me, the biggest problem in all this, the whole thing is very tragic, but the biggest problem for me is the way all media jumped on this, made a determined judgment. None of us were his judge and jury, and I don't think it's civilian media any of us. I am very much. I'm often with you, but the length of time of the tape, you know, speaks volumes to me. Look, here's what I'm gonna be, Here's what I'm gonna predict to you. I said during Ferguson, it's not going to come out the way people are saying. And I ended up being right because I had sources on the ground, police source. I was right. The media was wrong. I was right in Baltimore. The media was wrong. I was right about Cambridge police. The media was wrong. When everybody was saying that that down in Florida, Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, the verdict was going to come out a certain way, I said, none, not so fast, because I knew testimony was coming that would would place Treyvon on top of George Zimmerman, banging his head and grounding and pounding it into the ground, and that that would have a traumatic impact on the on the result of the the trial down there. I am telling you, I am going to be right in terms of where this is headed. I've been following it closely and I am just doubt he will go to prison because if he was acquitted, if if there was something that came out that acquitted him, this country would go into khas and mayhem. This country would never accept it, you know, you know, but but Chris, Chris, that didn't happen. The reason that we had the trouble in Ferguson in Baltimore is because there were expectations that never were going to be fulfilled. You know, I would argue that it's going to be a different result here. Look, you talk to your son, you talk to police. Because I have many, many friends in law enforcement, many and we've all discussed this case. And there's not one of them that thinks that officer Chauvin handled this properly. Not one these these are my friends in law enforcement, not one of them. Well, I don't know. I mean, I've only talked to my son and he has a differing opinion. And all your son think that officer Chauvin acted appropriately. He thinks that there is here's what he thinks. The media. Two things. Forget the media. Does he think that the officer handled this appropriately? He was trained in Sentinel. He knows about the superhuman strength. There's a multiple things I can Okay, okay, I understand all that he was handcuffed at this At this moment is when it matters. Though this ten minute period of time matters. You're you're answering a whole different question. Does he think yes, that that when the when the guy is on the ground pleading please sir, I can't breathe, and he's in handcuffs and he's no longer resisting, I would have to say that yes, because he doesn't know all of the circumstances. Neither do you, and neither do I. Irregardless of our martial arts information, irregardless of how many friends we have in the police forces. Nope, that is a horrible area as well. So I just gotta I just gotta gently, you know, I hear where you're coming from. I'm gonna say this is that one's neck is the most vulnerable part of the human anatomy. Police know this. They're trained in this. At that moment once, once, once a suspect in handcuffs stops resisting all use of fourth ends. That is basic training, one on one. There's two things. I'm not convinced the knee was on the neck, and there are others who are also not convinced. Based on the new footage that was also I've never been convinced of that. Neither has my son has been convinced of it. The footage does not clearly show that the knee looks to me to be more near the shoulder blade center of the back of the neck area, not near what everybody has the lying media has said. So I don't know it'll come out in the wash. I hope. I hate the whole thing. I just couldn't disagree with you anymore firmly. I see the knee right on the neck, right on it the whole time Officer King's footage that was released yesterday. I've looked at the I've looked at every bit of footage. This out. Okay, well, one more point. I'm gonna let you go. The whole point. Really, all this to me is this is a dangerous president setting case that has now changed policing forever. So that's what I have to run. But listen, God bless your son. You know, sometimes it's going to have to degree to disagree you're seeing something. I just see the opposite, And apparently I think most people agree with me. Eight hundred and nine four one, Shaun is our number all right news, rounded up information overload our Sean Hannity Show, your calls coming up, final half hour, eight hundred and ninety four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. So Joe Biden, mister unity. He calls for unity, but he demonizes the election reforms and refers to the reforms that are far more liberal and inclusive in the state of Georgia than his restrictive state of Delaware. He had fifty years to change the voting laws in Delaware. He's never even talked about it, never lifted a finger to do anything about it. And then, of course Stacy Abram urging people now at this late hour, oh no, don't boycott Georgia. Now, I didn't really mean it, because she wants to hang on to any possibility she can win. Jen Saki was asked, let's play the plethora of comments of those involved in this issue. To restore the soul and secure the future of America requires so much more than words. It requires the most elusive of all things in a democracy. Unity. For profit operations and businesses are speaking up about how these new Jim Crown laws are just anathetical to who we are. I pledged to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify. But I'm worried about is how Unamerican this whole initiative is. It's sick. It's sick. We've overcome incredible challenges in nation, and we've done it before and we will do it again. We'll do it by coming together, by uniting after years of pain and lass. It is the most pernicious thing. This makes Jim Crowe look like Jim Eagles Man. This is gigantic. I understand the passion of those calling for boycotts of Georgia following the passage of SP two O two. Boycotts have been an important tool throughout our history to achieve social change. But here's the thing. Black, Latino, API and Native American voters, whose votes are the most suppressed under SP two O two, are also the most likely to be hurt by potential boycotts of Georgia. To our friends across the country, please do not boycott us. I think it's important to remember the context here. The Georgia legislation is built on a lie's There was no widespread fraud in the twenty twenty election. Georgia's top Republican election officials have acknowledged that repeatedly in interviews, and what there was, however, was record setting turnout, especially BYO of color. So instead, what we're seeing here isn't for politicians who didn't like the outcome. They're not changing their policies to when more votes. They're changing the rules to exclude more voters. And we certainly see the circumstances as different. But ultimately, sorry, let me add one other thing. It's up to Major League Baseball to determine where they're holding They're All Star Game, all right, they have it from circle Jen Saki and Stacey Abrams and Joe's claim Jim Crow two point zero here to weigh in on it and the damaging legacy to Joe Biden on this an outright lie. It was a lie. What Joe says about Georgia's law is a lie. What Stacey Abrams has said about it as a lie. We've gone over and we've compared, and we contrast have contrasted all the differing laws in Delaware, New York, even Colorado, where MLB has now moved the All Star Game, and the state of Georgia now has been smeared unfairly based on lies. Leo Terrell, civil rights attorney for decades. David shown, also a civil rights attorney. Thank you both for being Willis, thank you, Thank you for having us Sean Leo two point zero Terrell? Really Jim Crow two point zero h No, If Joe cared so much about free and fair and open voting systems, why is his state of Delaware so restrictive? Then I'll tell you right now, he can't even reconcile that issue. Let's be very clear, because I want to make sure those people who suffered in the forties and the fifties and sixties under Jim Crow, up until the Voting Rights Act of sixty five and the Civil Rights Act of sixty four and the Fair Housing Act of sixty eight, there is no Jim Crowe. That is a lie. You know. If there was Jim Crow laws, why don't Joe Biden's Department of Justice go there and foul lasses? You know why they don't do it because it does not exist. He owes the state of Georgia an apology and Stacy Abram and that clip you played is Walkee back her statements? Why because she hurt black Brown's yellow and white in Georgia by basically expanding on this lie, and major League Baseball and a one hundred million dollars of revenue just left Georgia and went to Denver, Colorado, were they they are a smaller number of blacks. So this is blowing back against the Democrats because the lie has been exposed. Facing Abram's political career in Georgia is now over because this will haunt her for the next two years. It's gonna be fascinating to watch. I think the people Georgia feel rightly so that they've been smeared and slandered. I think David Shun first, let me get your original thoughts on. I got a few questions to follow up on. My original thought is that this Jim Crow analogy is the worst part of what we've seen. Frankly, it's not just an analogy. President Biden has said. This is much worse than the Jim Crow laws. Understand the slap in the face that that is to Americans, particularly to black Americans. People died because of Jim Crow laws. People were excluded from restaurants, from water fountains, people were not allowed to vote, They were given literacy tests and poll taxes. That's what Jim crow Laws did to suggest for a second this is anything like that, and then to say it's much worse. That is a lie, as you said earlier, but it's a very damaging lie. And you see that they're backtracked on it now with Nissaki is saying, well, the problem really is it was built on a lie. Was brought about because of voter fraud. That's also a lie. The Act itself two tells exactly the reasons why this was necessary, and it's not because they found it was voter fraud. It's because of the potential that some of these loosenings that happened during the last election because of the COVID scare brought about. This is a matter of election integrity. I spend every day in my practice with ballot access cases on my docket around the country fighting for the right of voters and candidates to free and open ballots. I've got two of the cases going right now, but it has to be all measured with election integrity. I want every person who's entitled to vote to be able to vote every single election, but only those are entitled to vote by law. That's how our sisters, you know, if you look at the state of Delaware, they don't have anything near. Now, this really comes down to two big issues in my mind, Leo, and that is they don't want voter ID Democrats don't and they don't want signature verification. That's what it comes down to. And at the end of the day, if you don't have now, well, think of the long list of things that I've been pointing out to anybody that'll listen. You know, if you want to go visit Joe Biden at the White House, you need a photo ID, or go to the Capitol you need a photo ID. Or the DNC you need a photo ID. Or to get on an airplane, or buy a house, apply for a mortgage, rent a house, buy a six pack by cigarettes, by jewel pods by, apply for food stamps, a job, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, social Security, unemployment, drive by, rent a car, purchase a gun, adopt a pet, rent a hotel, room, picks up a prescription, donate blood, purchasing Allegra D at the pharmacy, and on and on and on. I mean, you need a picture ID for every one of those things. Now, why wouldn't you need it for voting Leo. Well, I'll tell you right now, Sean is very clear, and here's a disconnect between the Democratic leadership that is basically socialist and the majority of Americans sixty nine to seventy percent of Black Americans one voter of a photo ID, seventy five percent of Americans in general one photo ID. So this is not something that Democrats are in favor. Up. It's the Democratic leadership that believes in keeping this type of election fraud by not having the photo ID because they don't want they don't want verifications. So that's a disconnect. And I also want to go back to the point Sean about the whole Jim Crow thing. The whole purpose of this Jim Crow is a distraction. It's a distraction so that the House can pass and the Congress can pass HR one. It's a distraction by biens because of bias, disastrous border policy, and it's a distraction because they want to tax the hell out of this country. So I honestly believe this Jim Crow argument is a big lie. Everyone knows it. But it's a distraction, and it's a wrong distraction because it's hurting America right now, because it's purty America because it's being divided by race. Let me good, okay, David, I just want to jump on the point you may. It's a very important point. You said. Let's isolate what the complaints are about. So it's about voter ID. Let's take a look at the Georgia law exactly. It requires just about any form of ID. Could be a driver's license, could be a utility bill, it could be a house statement statement and by the way, it could be your last four digits of your Social Security number. And by the way, if you don't have the ID, the state will provide any eligible voter with a free state ID. Well, you know, it's it's if you want to vote. I don't think you can do better than the state of Georgia. I really don't. When you actually look at the law as it's passed there are it is far less restrictive than most states, and they've done a lot. All they've done is to insist on the same exact standards if you're voting in person or voting by mail. That's really what it all comes down to. Georgia. You know, they expand access to the poll polls down there seventeen days early voting voters have more flexibility to vote, far less restrictive than these other states that we're talking about. Joe never lifted a finger, and yet they want to characterize it this way. And meanwhile, we're getting lectured from a guy that worked with the former Klansman Robert Bird to stop the integration of public schools because they didn't want public schools to become racial jungles. It's it's kind of a little difficult to take Joe Biden serious on any issue involving race, because you know, you ain't black and we're gonna put you all back in chains, and uh, you know, as comments about well, you can't work in a seven eleven or dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent, or his comments about Obama being bright and clean and articulate for the first time ever, there's a storybook man and every other dumb thing that he said, let me go and kill it. They don't They don't tell you, is what Georgia rejected. Georgia, many people reasonably feel that you should have a reason for voting mail in vote, for not showing up at the post to vote like we used to do. But Georgia rejected that idea not true for Delaware. In New York, many states still require valid reasons for voting mail in. You're over sixty five in Georgia, any reason you just mail it in. Listen. I don't even I think we should have a voting day with absentee ballots that includes photo ID and or if you can't get out of your house. We should certainly accommodate people. And that's under those circumstances. Four with Leo two point Terrell and David Shone. As we continue, let me ask you both about this trial of officers Chauvin that has been going on. We now have this nine minute and twenty nine second tape that has been introduced by the prosecution. To me, this is very straightforward. All my cop friends that I've talked to said, no, that is not that is not the training of a police officer. If somebody's handcuffed and at that moment, once they become compliant, as he was saying, please sir, please, sir, I can't breathe, showing that he was going to comply, he should have been turned over to me. It's pretty cut and dry. The tape speaks volumes there are other people that are pointing, well, he had fenton All in his system and other drugs in his system, and he had a pre existing health condition, all of which is true, and the autopsy bore that out, Leo. But I don't think the question is would he have died that at that moment if the knee of Officer Chauvin were not on his neck. To me, it's it's pretty clear. Hey, Sean, let me tell you right now, I think I agree with join this. I think the officer did wrong. But let me just throw one little case out for you. Because the videotape didn't convince a jury Rottney Keen Trial number one, and I'll tell you right now, the defense has a tremendous advantage. All they gotta do is look for one juror and raise the argument that this officer did not wake up with the intention that day to kill George Floyd, and that he's going to argue that he will follow police a policy. And I would be surprised if this guy does not testify. But the defense only needs one juror. Thing. No, I can't buy this. I think the prosecution overcharge. I think this is definite. But they do have options in this case. In certain cases they overcharge and you only have one option. That's not the issue here. I agree they do have options. But what I'm saying is it goes back the the fifth All they needed one, just one, and they got a mistrial again Rodney Key trial number one. David, Yeah. I mean, if they find that one juror in this case that doesn't convict of something, I mean they need to get the guy examined. It. Look, he's going to be convicted of something. It seems to me, And of course Citrell is right. Defense lawyer only needs one juror. But this case is quite cut and dry. The issue for the defense, however, is cause of death. Because they decided to charge them with murder. There'd be no question in the civil case here of liability going to be huge damages. Well, they've already paid out a huge settlement in the case. But he will be convicted of something. It's no there's no question that he violated police practices. You've heard from some of the experts. Experts are usually testify on the other side of the case. Um, it was a terrible thing that he did, isn't no question about it? What is convicted of is not so clear cause of death. You know, the carnder helps out the defense a bit in this case. But this is a terrible case to have to breed before the American public. Terrible commentary. But the varying charges. You believe that there will be a conviction, or at least one of them, David Show absolutely, absolutely, I believe that, and Leo, I hope there is, but I would not be surprised if there's not. That's a pretty bold statement, Leo. Listen, I think I think the guy, I think the author is guilty. I just don't know if they'll find him. Is he guilty of what? Though? There are different standards. If you're IF. If you're if, you're bringing the biggest charge against them, and you have to prove intent. I don't think you can prove intent for anybody. I agree you have to find a reckless, dissolute regard for George Floyd's life, and that third degree charge might be the one which finds them guilty. I'm just saying, Sean, that what we see in the court of public opinion is different inside that court room. That jury is confined to the jury instructures and the rules given by the judge, and I'm not going to sit here and sickly what's in the mind? Listen. I think that's a good reminder for everybody. I really do, because you never know how a jury is reacting inside the courtroom. And you're right, I do think that it's a very powerful nine minutes and twenty nine seconds that they see. And whether or not the defense is able to mitigate that in some way, I don't know. I will say at the end of the day that my argument that police do need more training because the easy manipulation of two of George Floyd's fingers while handcuffed would have brought full compliance and seconds without breaking his fingers. Anyway, Thank you both, appreciate it. Quick break right back twenty five to the top of the hour. Our friend Joe PAGs put together the all new version of New York, New York. We don't want to be a part of it. Start spreading the news. I'm leaving today. Don't want to be a part of it. New York, New York who almost abused COVID's here to stay right through the very heart of it. New York, New York. Don't want to wake up in a city run by that creep. I'll soon go over the hill. Believe this trash heat deep Blasio blows off words that crime goal, bad guys, run every part of it. My cold New York. I'll get right out of there, take my family anywhere in my rear view New York, New York, New York, New York. Do want to wake up in a city that's six feet deep and fine? I might be card tacked, Central Park, attacked taxes. I'm please. They don't like Holly Man? Are they on crime? Breathing out back? I got I hit that besy, threw away out of New York. I can get out of bear away from the mean streets. Glare you are all done. It's simple. No one hunts with an assault rifle. No one needs ten bullets to kill a deer. Man, oh man, oh man, what a great treat from our friend Joe packs. I brought this idea of yesterday. It is how good my team is, Linda, you put it together. He did it all. What did you get that? He actually so? Here's the thing. So Joe has an awesome audience. We share some listeners. They reached out. Joe reached out to me. He does parodies all the time. We started talking about us, said Joe, listen, if you feel moved by the subject, by all means, do it. I would love it. And he turns it around and no time. Unbelievable. He's so he's on a Newsmaker line. Now Joe PAGs my brother. How are you, Sean? How's it going? Man? It happened just like that. I got to funk your emails from people. They said Linda was trying to get Sean to sing a parody and yeah, by the way, Joe, hell will freeze over. That's never happening. So yeah, I connected with Linda and they said, I'll throw it together. See what you think? She said, make it happen, And then there it is. Man, Man, I had we've been friends for how many years have we known each other forever? It's got to be twenty one, twenty two years, right, And I'm like, and I've always known you're a great host. I know you've talented and and you've always been successful. But I had no idea that you did this. When did you know you could sing? I'm more of a saxophone player, to be honest with you. I was a music conjuring college Sean. So I just started putting these together and people laughed at him. They thought they were kind of cool. So I've been doing them for a while. You know, Linda can sing. Linda actually part of a serious band. I mean she made real, real coin singing at weddings and all. But let's let's be honest here. I think that Pegs was the right choice for Sinatra. I'm just saying, you know, I can be a woman enough to me. You might want to have a sing off between the two of you. Let's let's hear you sing a little of the song. Linda, you got the you got the lyrics in front of you. Not for nothing, Joe, this was fantastic. And your lyrics, I'm gonna put them up on the website. They're they're they're so funny. I can't wait for If I could just see if you think, thank you, Joe, If I could see Andrew Cuomo and Comrade the Blasio's face listening to that, it would make me laugh. I would love that. I would love well, but you're you know, you know New York well, and look what they've done to this place. It's a it's a shift. Or originally, Sean, you know this. I'm from I'm from Copeg. I was born in Ammony Vane, so I'm right from. I'm right from Metro New York. And our friend Curtis Leeway has told me, Joe, do not come home. Don't come here. Nobody wants to be here. This is horrible right now. Yeah, by the way, our friend Curtis is running for mayor. I mean I hope that he does well. He's been with the Guardian Angels. He's run that organization now for decades and decades. And you know, the sad thing is, you know, Rudy won in New York and he's Rudy's very liberal on social issues. People may not know that about him, but putting that aside, that was not what he was running on. He was running on cleaning up New York and bringing New York back. And he did it, and he did it with immense, fierce opposition from you know, the New York Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU, and the New York Times. They all hated him getting sued. But he started, you know, dealing with crime, and he started instituted stopping frisk and became America's mayor on nine to eleven and you know, we proved that we can do it. The problem is the people that did vote for Rudy. There were many Democrats, but any Republicans are now long gone. They've left. They're loving the city, but the state here in Texas. You know, I think Curtis said it, maybe maybe Rudy told me this, but for every year that you left the city go to pot it takes seven years to get it back. And that's a problem. It's a big problem. That's a huge problem. You know. Andrew Cuomo, by the way, he I mean this, this is out of touch, you is? This is him quote joking with the reporter that he's tall and good looking. Let's listen, Hey, Peter, remember me, tall, good looking, blind hair, blue eyes, button nos long time heck yeah, I'm like you not know you've got ten women accusing you of things. Maybe it's time to start shutting up a little bit and maybe being a little more sensitive to what's going on on. The very day a woman, you know, described in deep details groping activities. Joe, you're I love you for and well done. Yeah, we appreciate it as always. Joe Paggs, thank you, buddy. Eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I'm blown away anyway. Mindy is in Michigan. Mindy, how are you glad you called? Well? Hi, Sean, how are you doing. I'm good, Mindy. What's going on? Well? I wanted to call in regard to Delta's hypocritical position on the IDs and how I am approaching that is, I'm a crisis intervention specialist and I fly, and I teach that nationally. I worked with the first responders. I respond to critical events nationally. So I'm in the air a lot, all right, Um to fortify that, I have over a million sky mouse Okay, wow, So that just gives you, Yeah, that just gives you the dynamics. Now along with that, I have a service dog. Okay, a legitimate service dog, and one of the dynamics of flying. As you know, there's no way that I can get through TSA or get on a plane without having an ID. Correct. Correct. So now this has been part of the agenda with a service dog, is you know, Delta wants to know that you have a legitimate because there are a lot of people who try and cheat and take their little Fu Foo dogs on planes. But now things have escalated to the point that the United States Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation requires a governmental form of ID for me to prove that my service dog is a legitimate service dog proof of course decimation to use Joe Biden's definition. That's just bringing back Jim Crow, isn't it. There you go, And that's the whole thing is that they're requiring all of these documents, you know, and proof that my service dog is a service dog. But yet we are not willing to our country's greatest privilege in voting, to simply prove that we are who we are to keep our voting a legitimate and listen, I've gone through the list. It's almost everything. Now you ask yourself, why are Democrats willing to even divide the country and play the race card over photo ID and signature verification. Because it's about power that they are desperately trying to manipulate and divide the country because at the end of the day, if they get what they want, this is about power to them, and that's why we are where we are. It's that simple. The issue of service dogs should be a no brainer. You know, you have a note from your doctor that should suffice, but no, they have restrictive photo ID requirements as you're describing. But anyway, thanks for telling us, Mindy. That sheds a lot of light on it. Jake and San Francisco, what's up, Jake, I'm so honored and surprised that the communist premiere of Pelosi and PCP president Knussen allowed me to actually get through outside of the state of California. But I'm really having a hard time, just like with the man in New York, with the way that things are and the fact they're being a conservative or really just not being a Democrat and bowing down is absolutely something that we're being punished for every single day. Well, you don't have to be punished for being a conservative. You're talking, I'm sure cancel culture and wokeness and and they want to silence and shut down Listen the fact that that Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube, everybody in between. There's going to be the rise of alternative media tech outlets over time. It's just going to take time to build them out. There's now there's been a process of growth process that it's taken longer than anybody I think wanted. Parlor started, for example, and Rumbles started as an antidote to YouTube. There are other other organizations groups out there that are are going to continue building out their systems and eventually, you know, if we're not wanted on you know, these platforms, that's fine, we'll leave and we'll take our money and we'll take our advertisement and then we'll go elsewhere. Um. I can accept that people want to you know, it's but it's it runs. It's far more in citious in that in terms of they really do want a deep platform conservative voices. And it's it's not just Twitter, and it's not just Facebook, and it's not just these these known entities. It's did they go after any any platform, any place, any voice that is conservative? These are nothing but intimidation tactics, all of it. Anyway, Southern, I'm gonna go ahead and speak in my Southern voice real quick and say that I'm talking about a bigger issue. I'm talking about the fact that we cannot even fight human rights for the leaders, and not to mention all of the other people in China and elsewhere as well. By the way, can I just say something, what, Linda, what did I say when the first thing, when this guy got on the line, What did I say in the talk back that our audience can hear? He said, is this a real accent? What's with the phony accent? Jake? Why you call them a phony accents? Because I wanted to try to get Republicans to realize there's never been a more time to speak impeccably and factually, and so that quite there is my goal, Jake, be real on this show. We try to be real. You don't need to fake it, Okay, all right, you can be yourself. All right. That's gonna wrap things up for today. Governor Abbott joins us exclusively. Our investigative reports from the Border continue tonight nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News, Dan Bongino, Haraldo Rivera, also Candice Owens, and much much more. Say you DVR Hannity nine Eastern Fox News on the Fox News Channel. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us,