Elise Stefanik of New York, represents a vast district (NY- 21) north of Albany that stretches to the Canadian border, has received some newfound fame following her participation with some other key Republicans in the fight against Shifty Schiff and the Schiff Sham show.
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All right, buckle up. This is an unbelievable day. I mean, what we've got lined up for you is spectacular and amazing and frankly mind numbing. We're gonna get through it all. We have very specific stuff. We've got to get to it. I gotta start in Iowa town Hall. You know, it is amazing. You know, we the people that this is why in three hundred and thirty four days, I have hope. I have optimism. I don't have hope in the process. I mean, look, I know Monday, Yeah, we're gonna We're gonna get a lot of good stuff about corruption. We've already had four Horowitz reports, you know, four, We've had Comy Struck, Page McCabe. They've all been referred for criminal you know, investigations already. I know nothing's happened. The only difference between what happens Monday and what gets corroborated on Monday. And maybe he'll say it the way I wanted to be said. Maybe he'll water it down a little bit, but the facts are not in dispute, so it doesn't matter. The only difference now is that John Dorham is in the game and it's an official criminal investigation, and there's no way any prosecutor that has any any intellectual honesty, reason, common sense, and applies the law equally that you can come to any other conclusion than premeditated fraud committed on affies a court. I'll get into those details, but in Iowa today, I can't even even I am shocked at quid and pro and quote Joe. And there's a lot of things that I'm about to play here that reveal a ton This exchange reveals a lot about Joe Biden and who he really is. But it's really not Joe. I want I want to sort of have you look over the rising and realize it's not just Joe with this one voter. Oh, by the way, it didn't sound like a Trump voter either. Maybe now will be. But the thing that really stands out here is the smelly Walmart Trump supporters, those comments, they irredeemable, deplorables comments, the you know, bitter people in Pennsylvania that cling to God and guns and their Bibles and their religion. Wow, that's Obama. And he said that there is all of the mob in the media. There's a condescension and elitism. It is and by the way. Even within the never Trump or ranks, there is an elitism, the nro mentality, the Jonah Goldberg's of the world, the Stephen hayz Is of the world, and David Frenches of the world. You know, they just they're they're smarter than us, They're they're more intellectual than us. They are they are farcet. There's a perioity complex that they have that's not rooted in reality, and that is here's a voter with Joe Biden and the voters saying, well, I saw the tape and you're bragging and he didn't get it perfectly righte, which I understand because he doesn't live, eat, sleep, breathe this stuff like I do, or frankly should he. In other words, he has a life. He's busying whatever he does every day like every other American. We the people that do most of the living and working and serving and building and dying. Can't they missed the potter, you know, live and breathe and die in a decent home with a bath, remember that moment. It's a wonderful life. But that's sort of the same thing. It's the people, the bricklayers, it's the contractors, it's the house painters, it's the plumbers and electricians. Yeah, how do we get on in life without those people? And the cops and the firemen, and the first responders, and the nurses and the doctors that save our lives, and even the lawyers that you help us when we need that, whatever legal help, whatever it happens to be. That's Those are the people that make this country great. Those are the people showing up at Donald Trump's town halls with thirty thousand inside and another thirty thousand outside. And meanwhile, no Democrat can get a crowd period. Obama had a spark. You know, there's a lot of lofty rhetoric there. Yes, we can and change, change, change, but at the end of the day failed miserably. I won't go over the record now. So we're now two months before voting starts at the Iowa Democratic caucuses, three months before California's March third primary. You got a new LA Times poll out there. California voters placed Bernie Sanders in the lead out you know, in California, Warren behind at twenty two percent, Joe at twenty the latest LA Time survey, Buddha Judge is only twelve points there. So at this event, you know, it's very interesting. In one event, he recalls a voter fat and Jack challenges him to a football of football a push up contest, says he was vice president in nineteen seventy six, tells voters in Iowa. They were all in Ohio. But this exchange in particular with this one voter, this guy, he'd watched the tape. He says, you're not getting the billion. You're not going to get the billion unless you fire the prosecutor. I told him, they're not getting a bill. You call him up, called Barack, called Barack Obama, You're not getting the billion, and lo and behold, you know we what do we? What do we learned? We know that Joe knew that they were investigating his zero experienced son who was paid millions and millions of dollars. Any of your sons and daughters get paid millions, any we the people, any nurses, doctors, contractors, police, fireman, first responders, any of you guys get a million dollars for your kids with zero experience. And by the way, he's not a kid. Baron Trump is a kid. Leave the kids alone, they're in school, they leave their kids leave. The forty nine year old, dopey adult, he's held responsible and Joe says, you got six hours, you're not getting the billion fire the prosecutor, he knows he's investigating his zero experience son, who's being paid millions by that gas company. This guy saw it all, and he saw dopey Hunter. The worst interview any forty nine year old adult, not kid, could ever give. Do you have any experience when I worked for Amtrak? Well, okay, do you have any experience in Ukraine oil gas energy at all? No? No, no, no, no no, but I don't think anyone else did. Okay, and you're paid millions of dollars. I'm not gonna tell you how much I'm being paid. That's outrageous. Okay, why do you think they gave you the millions of dollars? Not somebody else? I don't know who. Do you think it is because your last name is Biden? Yeah? Actually, yeah, probably you got I think you're right. Yeah, worst interview anyone's ever given. Now he's confronted now the mob in the media, and this is a very This is a moment of clarity that came out of this when when Joe says, you don't hear this on MSDNC. No one has ever said nobody, No one has ever said anything. You know I'm doing anything wrong at all. Nobody's ever said that I have. Linda's berated me on this program because I won't let it go. I can't. I can't let it go because there's nothing with Trump. And I'm gonna get to Pelosi in a second. And this ridiculous call that she had. But listen to how Joe Biden with the working Joe, regular Joe treats a regular Joe and Iowa at this town hall. Uh, that's the messing around from your crangle and they're holding their ny for well them to come up staying for the best beach back. Would you, on the other hand, that's your humble over there, give the job and work for a guest on you you had no experience of the past or nothing in order did you get access to for the president? You're you're selling access to the president just like so, you're not damn liar man. That's not true, And no one has ever said that, no one. You see it on the t now. I know what you're doing. By the way, That's why I'm not secretary, I don't. I get up in them and let let let'll go, Let'll go. But the reason why I'm running is because I've been around a long time and I'm not more than most people out and I can get things done. That's why I'm running. And you want to check my shapeline. Let's do push ups together, man, let's do, let's run, Let's do whatever you want to do. Let's take a dude, I mean, rum number sus. No one has said my son has done anything wrong. I did not, I had any occasion, and no one has ever said it. No one way you were going to anything wrong. I said, I set up my son to work in an autio company. Didn't know what you said. I get your work straight, Jack, Jack, But I hear all that. I'm NSC. You don't hear that, an NSNBC. You did not hear that at all what you've heard. Look, okay, I'm not going to get an argument you man. I don't love you. Yeah, well yeah you do. But uh oh man, what look fat? Look here's a d fat. It's like you know that you the only And again you said I set up myself. Okay, I don't know if he set up his son. Doesn't matter. He knew his son was being investigated by the prosecutor. He's on tape, braggy, over and over again. You're not getting the billion dollars. You're not getting the billion unless you fire the prosecutor. You've got six hours, six hours, he was speak. I'll give you the exact words. You know, he's at this Council of Farm Relations. I went over, I guess the twelve thirteen time in Kiev, and I was supposed to announce that there was another billion dollar long guarantee. I'd gotten a commitment from Poorishenko that they would take action against the state prosecutor. They didn't. Why did he want the state prosecutor fired? Why would any vice president of the United States of America ever want some Ukraine prosecutor fired? Because the New York Times and others told him his son, with zero experience being paid millions, was being investigated by the prosecutor. That's why. And he goes on he's bragging. They said they had. They were talking out to a press conference. I said, no, I'm not going to where not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, well, you have no authority you're not the president. The president, I said, call him, ha ha ha. I said, I'm telling you, you're not getting the billion dollars. I said, you're not getting the billion. I'm going to be leaving here, and I think it's about six hours. I looked at them and I said, I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutors not fired, you're not getting the money. Well, son of a b he got fired, and they put in place someone who was solid at the time. What else do you need? And Pelosi, it was such a disaster yesterday she has to call a press conference early this morning to announce we're now moving forward articles of impeachment. We can't get embarrassed like this anymore. These are the most incredible times that we are living in. I keep saying the Bier bifercated, will call it bifurcated brain syndrome, where you have to suspend, You have to live in a world of utter, putrid swamp hypocrisy, and you have to ignore all that with Joe and Hunter and then even though aid was never discussed ever, five meetings after the phone call, Big Ones, Vice President Bolton, everybody, no time was Zelenski said it again this weekend. We never felt any pressure, we never told to do anything, We didn't do anything, and we got the money. The only one fact witness that would ever appear in the Senate is this ambassador Sonlin. Yeah. Well, I asked the President what did he wanted to exchange for the money. He said nothing, no quid pro quo. Everyone else is either a hearsay or opinion witness. And these Ivory Tower jackasses yesterday that have a record of hating Donald Trump, let's bring them in now we're ready. Let's impeach him. Three professors, law professors, a steam law professor, one that wanted to impeach Trump for saying fake news. You've got to cut your brain in half, compartmentalize at a level of utter putrid, repulsive dishonesty to be pulling to ignore Biden and Hunter and say let's impeach Trump. That's how bad this is. Now, that's why in three hundred and thirty four days, your vote matters. What you do matters up today, John Solomon, Matt Gates checking in with us. I honestly I'm looking at this. I still can't believe it, but it's here. Hey, look, fat, here's the deal. That's what he said to the guy, you want to do push ups, You're a damn liar. He actually said it. Here's the problem. Now the media's run their course. Oh MSDNC will never they've never aired that, of course, not because they're proven what I said. They are liberal state television like fake news CNN, ABCNBCCBS, The New York Times, Washington Post. Anyway, here's their problem. The judge just ordered Hunter Biden to come clean on the Verisma payoffs. Yep up, see Daisy, Yeah, they'll Senate Republicans say they're gonna force Hunter to testify as part of any impeachment trial. But down in Arkansas state judge seems to be in the process of forcing Hunter to divolge the very same financial evidence that congressional Republicans want to get their hands on. And if, by the way, the information gets out, well, I might blow the lid on Barisma and then we'll find out if he's really making Mi lillians from his China deal too. Anyway, he's now gonna have to tell an Arkansas judge exactly how much he made by sitting on the board of the Ukrainian oil company because originally the judge presiding over the case. This is the custody case or you know the Maury Povitch You know you are the father DNA thing anyway, that he had been asking for for three years. On Tuesday, sent out a blunt letter to the attorneys, including the one that Biden fired five minutes before hearing on Monday. And it's come up with the financial details in ten days. Whoop. So that's gonna have to tell the judge in this paternity case exactly how many hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars that he's been making. Oh Joe, quid and pro and quo Joe. We have those shirts for sale at Hannity dot com. That's why staying on the best beach, you know that, But you go other sas your un over there, you get out to work for a guest he had no experience for us or nothing. In order to you in access to the president. You're you're selling access for the presidents. Like so you're a damn liar man. That's not true, and no one has ever said that. No one people. You see it on the team. Now, I know you're doing by the way, That's why I'm not sent to you. I know I get up in them and let let will go, let him go. The reason why I'm run it is because I've been around a long time and I've been on board than most people know, and I can get things done. That's why I'm running. And you want to check my shape. One, let's do push ups together, man, let's do let's run, Let's do whatever you want to do. I mean number, no one has said my son has done anything wrong. I did not have any occasion and no one has ever said it. Now, say you were going. All you said I set up my son to work in an oil company, and know what you said. I get your word straight, Jack, that's what I hear. All that I said. You don't hear that an MSNBC. You did not hear that at all. What you've heard. Look, okay, I'm not going to get an heart with you. Man. I don't love bro. Yeah you do. But look fat. Look here's look fat. Here's the dude. Look fat? Looks like any other questions, any other questions? Let me, uh, look fat, here's the dude. Wouldn't do push ups? Bush ups? I'll do push You're you're a damn liar. The only mistake. You set up your son, you said, you said, I set up myself. Okay, let's get the technicality out of the way. We have Joe Biden bragging on a video. You're not getting the billion dollars unless you fire the prosecutor. He Knew was investigating his zero experience son, this forty nine year old son that went on GMA with the dumbest interview. You have any experience an oil, Knew asked, no, Ukraine, No, why do you think you got the all these millions of dollars? I don't know. Is it because of your last name? Yeah? Probably? Yeah, Yeah, I think you got it. Yeah, that's the guy. He's a quid pro quoe. The very thing they're acting that Trump didn't do. He gets called out. But it's so revealing, isn't it? Because the mom You're not gonna hear these get your words straight, man, Man keep saying, Man, you're not gonna hear this on M D N SEE of course, not their state run TV. You know I'm not gonna argue with you. Man, No gonna go damn liar. No one has ever said it. I did. I've been saying it and saying it again and again, so he calls a voter. Fat Jack said he was vice president in nineteen seventy six and in one event, pulled voters in Iowa. They were in Ohio. We're gonna be on this all day today, but I have to get to Nancy Pelosia. But first we're checking in with Louie Gomert, who did a fabulous job yesterday congressman from the great state of Texas and apparently has some big breaking news from us. You did a great job yesterday, Louis. We're proud of you. Well. Thank you. Sean. You have been on the cut and edge of everything from the very beginning, and as a matter of fact, a very exact thing you were just talking about if you've talked about and you've been relentless. Thank God, Thank God for you. By the way, Linda, are you listening, Louis says, I'm right to keep telling everybody the quitting, the pro and the quo with Joe. Thank you, Linda, he's been awesome. Thank you. How much would you pay him to do that to me? I was really down today. You know that Pelosi has set the bar so low for impeachment. You don't have to have done anything you can divide this country and all. And what hit me today is actually the Democrats. They you know, and you we talked about it, You've been preaching it. The Democrats project they commit some crime, they do something wrong, and then they say, oh, these Republicans, this person did this Republican did it. And that's exactly what's happened. And just while you were talking about with Biden, he did abuse his office. He did threaten to withhold a billion dollars and he's leaving in six hours if they don't fire this prosecutor that we know was coming after his sons. So it happens. So what they have done is unwittingly given Republicans an insurance policy. I think they've also assured the White House for Donald Trump. Since they're going to go ahead with this vote. Because they have the vote, then Pelosi will get the vote she always does when she demands them, and it will go to the Senate. They won't get two thirds, and they will have helped reelect Donald Trump. But not only that, as our friend Peter Struck like to talk about this insurance policy, So what if they were able to have enough people vote illegally or switch votes because the big cities are mainly controlled by Democrats, and they'll do the counting. Suppose they changed enough votes that they helped. And we're told Biden's the only one modern enough to actually he wins the presidents. Where you're going we have to do is every document that they have prepared wrongfully alleging this against Trump and use those to actually and legitimately impeach Joe Biden. They have laid out the entire case wrongfully against Trump, and just replace that with Joe Biden. And by the way, the court in market saw in case you haven't seen it, has just ruled that Hunter has to come clean on how much Policeman was paying them. And that's in ten days. Louis now now I guess maybe seventh I got a role. But you're a phenomenal yesterday, thank you for all You're always phenomenal. Thank you so much, Sean, and thank you for defending me because I've been saying it. Linda's like, you gotta stop saying, qui pro quoe Joe. We actually have T shirts on Hannity dot com. They're great Christmas gifts. All right, let me now move on because this is important. So Pelosi it was such an unmitigated disaster yesterday. I mean it was a disaster. You've got three of the most liberal Ivory Tower law professors. I mean it was it was like out of Central casting these people, you know that it's you know, they can't get over the Trump one. Which is funny. You know, liberals tend to cluster more. Conservatives, especially very conservative people, tend to spread out more because they don't want to even be around themselves. Yet Professor Carlin said that, yeah, that's kind of insulting to we the people, don't you think. And then he goes on, you know this whatever she's talking about, who knows here? And Gates will join us later on. I guess we don't want to be around each other. Oh okay, yeah, maybe not in the Stanford University halls of the Ivory you know, the how are of these professors? Yeah, and then he went out hard against her for attacking Baron Trump. And then it also goes on, there are some facts you can escape in this. It was such a disaster. Nancy Pelosi had to come out today. We have no choice between pizza president, no choice because they can't do anything. There's no witness to bring there's no act witness. They've only had one and the only people we all ought to really be bringing in is Adam SCHIFFA. By the way, Ambassador Taylor couldn't identify a single impeachable offense. Matt Gates, Can any of you identify any impeachable crime here or a crime? Nope? Let the record show nobody raises their hand. Mister Kent never met with the president. Fiona Hill never heard the President reference anything, nothing, zero. Mister Hale was unaware of any nefarious activity. Was Colonel Vinman, you know, rejecting a democratic talking point? The bribery was invoked Tier Sean, that's Lieutenant colonel, Lieutenant colonel, sorry, Lieutenant Colonel Vinman. The only direct evidence came from one guy we have. Everybody else was either an opinion or a hearsay witness. Okay, Gordon Sunland, Ambassador Sounlance, he's the one guy that actually would be relevant and be called under the federal rules of evidence in a Senate trial. And guess what happened there he was doing I open ended question the president, do you want something for the release of the money from Ukraine? I want nothing, no quid, no pro or quo. Just that's exculpatory. And you know, and by the way, now now we might have wire tapping issues with Adam shift too, if that's going to be interesting to find out here. Then we have Jim Jordan, who was a rock star yesterday too, and he lays out his case better than anybody, you know, and he points out, we got forty four Democrats, four people have voted for Clinton. Then they can't even agree and that the constitution. You got democrat professor. The only one that made any sense, that any good yesterday in describing the danger of what these Democrats are doing was Jonathan Turley. Now you gotta understand there's no subpoena power for Republicans like Newt gave Clinton and his attorney. They gave their attorney and Clinton right to pick the date when they would be prepared to come before the committee. Can you imagine that they didn't do that. There was no time to prepare for these professors. All they were his opinion, people that hate Trump with a record of hating Trump. Adam Schiff, you know, he hand picks audition depositions and any prevents witnesses from answering Republican questions. Behind closed doors and coaching them. Not what every and I got, every Democrat's question get answered. Not a Republican ship says, you don't have to answer that. You don't have to answer that. No, I wouldn't answer that. Then Democrats promise the whistle blower, remember the whistle blower, non whistle blower, heresay, whistle blower who doesn't meet the standard federal standard of being a whistle blower. And then he's going to testify why because the whole world finds out that Adam Schiff, he's talking to the visit office, is talking to the whistleblower, non whistle blower. Whistle blower had no first hand knowledge the whistle blowers are here, whistle blower, and we find out that the BFF of the whistle blower started working the day after the call for Schiff. That's how sick this has been, That's how unfair it's been. But even still, as Jordan says, the facts never change, the key facts four facts never change in this case and never will change. We have the transcript. By the way, I'll add one they never mentioned aid once there was never any quid pro quo. Ever, you know when the president says, I need you to do a favor, do us a favor because he's talking about election interference. Oh well, you mean, Hannity, you're saying Ukraine interfered, but not Russia. No, Russia is a hostile actor. They did interfere in our elections. Devin nun has warned they would interfere in our elections in twenty fourteen. And Obama Biden didn't do a thing. He's a hostile actor. They're a hostile regime. Yep. They interfered absolutely, like they did in every other election. But that doesn't But according to well a Ukrainian court, Well, they determined Ukraine interfered. Politico determined they interfered. And here's the best part. It wasn't a quid pro quo. They never discussed Aid. Both guys on the call, Trump and Zolenski, no pressure at all. Zolenski again this weekend. What are you guys doing over there? I keep telling you there was never a quid pro quo, no pressure ever by anybody. The Ukrainians didn't even know AID was held up at the time of the call. And then I forgot this fact and Jordan reminded us yesterday Ukraine, never started, never promised to start, never announced an investigation. I did remember that part. In other words, when he asked Sunlin, when did they make the announcement, what announcement that they were going to do what Trump's wanted? They never did announce it. That's the point. They got the money anyway. What we know that fifty five days, there were five key meetings after the call, well five key meetings means Zalinski and senior officials, five meetings, you know, after the call on July twenty fifth, the very next day, the first one Ambassador Volker Taylor and Sonlon Meanwood, Zelenski, and you had Ambassador Bolton, and you had the Vice president literally meeting with the President Zelenski. I guess Pence met him on September. The first two senators meeting with Zelenski, Democratic Senator Murphy with Republicans Senator Johnson, Lindsey Graham September the fifth. And I'm sorry, President Zelenski, not Lindsey Graham. And none of these meetings, not one after the call, not one meeting, not one of the meetings was a'd ever discussed in the exchange for an announcement of an investigation of anybody or else, you don't get the money. In other words, everything is exculpatory, you know. And the thing is here. The facts are on the President's side. Facts are not on Joe Biden's side. That is the key point in all of this. Now, yeah, I believe the Russians interfered, but a Ukrainian court determined that the Ukrainians interfered and September I'm sorry. January eleven, twenty seventeen, headline Politico ken Vogel, by the way, it happens to be in David Stern. Ken Vogel now works for the fake news New York Times. V headline Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire headline Kiev officials scrambling to make amends with the president elect Trump after quietly working to boost Clinton. Donald Trump wasn't the only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials of a former Soviet bloc country. Ukrainian government officials try to help Hillary Clinton undermined Trump, publicly questioning his fitness for office, also disseminating documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggesting they were investigating the matter only to back away after the election, they helped Clinton's allies research damaging information on Trump and as advisors, it continues. A Ukrainian American operative, Alexander chalupa consulting for the DNC paid by the DNC, met with top officials in the Ukrainian embassy in Washington in an effort to exposed ties between Trump top campaign aide Paul Manafort, and Russia. According to people with direct knowledge, Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Trump, helping to force Manafort's resignation, advancing the narrative that Trump's campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine's vote to the east Russia. But they were far less concerted or essentrally directed than Russia's alleged hacking into the dissemine. They're not mutually exclusive. And I'll tell you one other thing. You know, we're told that the Chinese and maybe six other people hacked into him, getting it hacked into Hillary server. Fine, glad you with us our two eight hundred nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program we have. He was a rock star. Yesterday, Congressman Matt Gates coming up from the Great State of Florida. Wow, he took it to him yesterday. We do have some updates. I mentioned earlier that this court in Arkansas now a judge state judge is ruled in this I guess custody case. I'm not sure. Maybe maybe it's not custody, paternity case. I apparently he bothered some kid. Anyway, I'm not getting into his private life. But the judge said that he has to reveal how much he's been paid the last five years. That means, yeah, that's gonna reveal how much. But Risma paid zero experience hunter, which he said in the interview with Gma Odd that's my own personal information. And I got no, not a penny from China. Yeah. And then his lawyer had to clean up that mess by saying, well, he hasn't cashed in his equity yet. Oh so you got equity, millions of dollars in equity. Oh great, but you didn't get paid a penny. No, you got paid a millions. Great, let's see how much that equity ends up being with the Bank of China. With no experience in that case anyway, So he has to tell the judge exactly how many hundreds of thousands of dollars he made by sitting on the board with zero experience with the barisma. Now, Biden, and if this is separate and apart from this meltdown today over this guy asking the question. Poor guy man, they went after him. This guy tries to pick a fight with this guy after Anyway, we'll get to that later. But anyway, Biden was asked while campaigning if he'd testify. Well, because White House is now saying that if there's an a Senate impeachment trial, they may like to call you as a witnesses. That's something where you would appear voluntarily. No, I'm not gonna let them take their eye off the ball. The president's the one who's committed the impeachable crimes. No, the president's the one that has a bunch of Ivory Tower law professors with no first hand knowledge, with actually no knowledge except the transcript where no aid was ever discussed. Followed up by the five meetings high level meetings with President Zelinski where no aid was ever discussed, where the money was given with doing nothing. They didn't do any of the things. The President said, I need you to do us a favor. You know we've been you know, we hear your country's evolved in election interference. Now the liberal meetings to see it's a conspiracy theory. He doesn't believe Russia did it. No, everyone believes Russia did it. I believe Russia did it. Their hostile regime, a hostile actor by the name of Putin, and Devin Newness told us they would do it. In twenty fourteen, Biden Obama did nothing. But then again we have the Ukrainian court decision, they admit that they did it. And then of course Politico keep temp warning everybody just go back and read it, because it's all there. You read it for yourself. Off the headline, Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire, yep, and that they go into great detail. January eleven, twenty seventeen. Now one other update, and this was the Epic Times is now reporting they've got an independent Ukrainian lawmaker saying today that he'd met President Trump's attorney. I guess it's talking about Rudy to discuss the alleged misuse of American taxpayer money by Ukrainian state bodies anyway, in Facebook accompanying photos. Anyway, He said that he and Rudy discussed creating an inter parliamentary group to fight corruption. He also said he and a lawmaker from President Zelinski's party had invited several senior figures in Washington and help form the inter Parliamentary Group of against Corruption, including ranking member Devin Newness and a Judiciary Committee chair Lindsay Graham, Mick mulvaney, and he said in a press conference in November, he unveiled the allegations against Barisma and the Bidens, including a claim that Hunter received sixteen point five million from Barisma, which he said was stolen from Ukrainian citizens. Oh yes, Rudy, the crime fighters back and they're gonna have to deal with that. One of the real stars to emerge it I give. I gave last night on TV big props to the House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. I've been very critical or Republicans for years on this program. I'm not a Republican, I'm a conservative, registered conservative, but they've been weak, feckless, spineless, visionless, and I can't be any more clear. The show votes on Obamacare repeal replaced Oh Bologny. Same at the Senate. Seven senators both for straight repeal. Twenty fifteen, same bill they back off when it matters in twenty seventeen really ticks me off. But anyway, is New York Congresswoman Elie Staphonic. You might remember this as her in her exchange with the well compromised, corrupt Howard and congenital liar who needs to go under oath themselves, Adam Schiff. I do want to comment, and Chairman, I have a point of order. Under Atres. Six sixty, the general will state or point of order. The point of order is will the Chairman continue to prohibit witnesses from answering Republican questions, as you've done in closed hearings, and as you did suspects when you interrupted our question. A proper point of order, Generalman will suspend speaker. I do, Chairman, have it YEA Jenners not recognized. Chair have a point of Genoma is not recognized a point of order. Though Jennam was not recognized. I do want to respond. I allowed the order. John was not recognized. This is allowed in their four Gentlemen scripts that have not been relieved. Is not recognized. Ranking member was allowed to see the opening statement, and I was happy to allow him to do so mister chairman, I have a point of order. Mister chairman, I have a point of order. Only not recognized, so we know clearly you're going to interrupt us throughout this Here a woman is not recognized to ask for sent request today. Now I have your animals entamas not quit not recognized anyway, congresswoman, at Leastafanago, New York is with us. So Nancy Pelosi comes out today, announ says, oh, okay, it was such a disaster yesterday. All you have is Trump hating Ivory Tower professors, law school professors, the one guy I wanted to impeach Trump for saying the word fake news and tweeting it out. That's how, and of course the woman that had attacked a thirteen year old kid. It was such a disaster. We're gonna that's it. We're done. We're gonna do articles of impeachment. Are your Democratic colleagues gonna go along with us? Well, Nancy Pelosi has crossed the rubicon and there is an obsession on impeachment that we've heard from Democrats since the day President Trump was elected, and they have been looking for any opportunity without a single shred of evidence. And you know, I think the clip you played, Sean really speaks for itself. How partisan and unfair this process has been. I have never seen an abusive power as I have seen from Adam Schiff, and we saw it in their report that was just released. When he's actually subpoena in phone records of members of Congress and members of the press, every American should be by the way, everybody needs to understand us that they were talking about Devin Newness talking to Rudy Giuliani. From what I understand, three of the four calls were under a minute, and there was like one seven minute call that was it. That's correct, and this is this is by the way I heard. I heard I was in it, and I had a thirty six second call with Rudy thirty six seconds. I don't remember the call. It's un american, Sean, to utilize a position of power, it's an invasion of privacy. And for members of the press, there was a reporter that was subpoena in terms of their full John Solomon, we know who it is they have. John Solomon's done great work, but can you imagine is it not my job, congresswoman to work sources and do digging. I'm a talk show host. We break news, we investigative reporting, we offer opinion, We like the whole newspaper. Is that not my job? Am I not a member of the press too. I'm a talk show host, I'm on TV and radio. Absolutely, that's part of your job to get the information to the American public, because they're certainly not getting it from certain news sources, as we know. So I appreciate your focus on the truth, your focus on the fact, and that's what I've focused my questions during the impeachment hearings on. And what has been so stunning is the disastrous hearing that Jerry Nadler chaired this past week. We still have yet to hear a single shred of direct evidence. And I was particularly proud of the one Republican witness we were allowed to call. It was an attorney who voted against President Trump but talked about how there is no impeachable offenses and this is a very dangerous historic precedent that's being set for future congresses. All we have and this is so important that we highlight this. And because go through the list of witnesses, Congresswoman, you were in the room, you were there. We all watched it on TV. Every witness yesterday was a Trump hater except for Jonathan Turle. You didn't vote for Trump, but said, guys, there's no evidence here, and every other one is a Trump hater. Let's impeach him because I have a good reason because he tweeted out fake news. That's a real reason for impeachment. Then the woman attacking Baron Trump. But if you look at your list, then you were there and you sat in the room, and you know, first of all, we have a compromised, corrupt chairman and a guy that liked to us for three years, the cowardly our Adam Shift. He needs to be put under oath absolutely. And I was the first member to question when Adam Shift had access to the whistleblower, and I was ridiculed by the mainstream media. But we know that was a very important question to ask because it's clear that there was coordination before the whistleblower even submitted the complaint to the IG. Which is why I believe it's important when the Republican Senate this gets pushed over to them, that they call Adam Schiff as a witness to testify under oath in addition to other witnesses that we were unable a call like Hunter Biden. Not one person raised their hand when Matt Gates said yesterday he identified any crimes. Even the liberal professors and their ivory towers couldn't do it. But if you go back to the shift show you had, Ambassador Taylor couldn't identify an impeachable offense. Not one Kent met with the president. Fiona Hill never met. By the way, mister Kent never met with the president. Biona Hill never heard the President reference anything regarding military aid. Then you go to Lieutenant Colonel Vinman rejecting a Democrat talking point that bribery was invoked. Here Volker the ambassador denying there was a quid pro quo Morrison, since you know there was nothing wrong on the call. The only direct evidence only one white witness. If we use the Federal rules of evidence admissions of evidence that could be called that would be Ambassador Sunlet an ambassador he did admit, I have conjecture. I thought two plus two. Okay, what evidence? Did you talk to the President? Yes? What did you ask him? Well? Is there anything Ukraine you want them to do to get the money? I want nothing nothing. He said, I want nothing. I want nothing, and that was ambassadors Tomlin's testimony. I asked most of those questions focused on do any of those witnesses have direct evidence? And the answer was no in every single case. And you know what's happened, Sean, Hollywood and the far left has attacked me because they don't want to hear the truth and they have funneled millions of dollars to smear me and support my far left democratic opponent. So I need to support from your listeners to fight back. They can donate at fight shift dot com. I actually think that's hilarious. And by the way, unlike Joe three three three zho, it's actually a real I mean it's actually a real website. What is it? Fight shift anyway? How do you spell that? I just fight shift? What shift dot com? What shi dot com? Oh? Okay? Uh, congresswoman, you're a rockstar. Thank you for what you did. Um. I'm glad that you took the strong stance you did and it was very it was a pivotal moment in this whole witch hunt process. Thanks for being with us, and I hope people will help you. Eight hundred nine one Sean is our number. Oh now we got He actually says fat. Oh and you want to do a push up contest? Oh no, No, he didn't call him fat. He claims Biden said facts not fat. Well, we all heard it. And then he talks about look fat, all right, how does it look? Facts? Look fat? And then earlier he was talking about I'll do a push up countoos with you. Come on, man, I'm not getting to know you as you men. You know, you're a You're a liar, You're a you're a You're a damn liar. Wow, he wants to be president. They're all nuts. We are living. I mean, these are insane times, insane. So, by the way, Linda, you get a kick out of this. I guess what's his name? Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes and David French, all those nrrow elitists you know that hated Trump. You know this guy has governed as I went out on a limb and said he's gonna govern conservatively. I've known this guy for twenty some odd years. Remember, I put it all in the line like I always do. Right, Obama, we did the work of everybody else. Are you listening? Are you just going to ignore me. Yes, boss, I'm listening. I'm letting you finish your thoughts. So I guess they're starting some other group they left NRROW whatever. You know. I just look, it is roadkill failure for all of those guys. And I have nothing against them. And you know what, some of them are smart, some of them make great points. I don't care that they don't like Donald Trump. I don't care they don't see his conservative style. I don't care that they look down on talk radio and me and Fox. I don't care. And I'm listening a little bit. Somebody sends me a clip of Jonah's on some guys radio shows libertarian. It sounds smart and and you know, I have nothing against that guy either. By the way they're trying to say, I'm I don't like Howard Stern. I actually love Howard Stern. I just think the old Howard would have supported Trump. I couldn't believe the Hillary thing yesterday and um but anyway, every single thing these guys have been involved in fails. The Weekly Standard was subsidized and it failed spectacularly. Build crystall and Company, and I don't wish My success is not predicated on anybody else's success or failure. It's not I want I kind of Look, if we agree eighty percent of the time, and you don't like Trump's style or my style or what don't, then okay, well we agree on the other eighty percent. I have friends that don't like the president. I don't care. I still like Lanny Davis and I hate Lanny Davis's political views. Um, what's you know? We like our friend what's his name? From Chicago, the Boots School of Economics, which Austin Golesby. He's supporting Buddha Judge, by the way, which cracks me up. No, he's not. Yes, I swear it's out care. Everyone when they walk into the booth makes their own personal decision. I don't care what they say. I'm yeah, that's probably true, but I'm listening. There's such an elitism even within Republican ranks. There's never been a president. Judge's largest tax cut, ending burdensome regulation, finding money for the wall, getting better trade deals, yeah, free and fairer and fairer trade deals, eliminating the Caliphate in Syria because he took off the handcuffs and the rules of engagement. You know, there's two hundred ninety accomplishments. Washington examiners found out, doesn't matter what he does. We hate him. We're smarter, we're better. And how come they keep failing and begged me when their books come out to be on the show. All right, glad, you're with us twenty five now until the top of the hour eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza before we get to quit and pro and quote Joe's epic meltdown. Wow, we'll have fun with this all night tonight. Back to this crazy lunatic Stanford professor. Oh, Matt Gates was going to join us and a say what a beat down he gave her, But she uses let's go to the attack on a thirteen year old kid. Obviously there are no lines in this obsession of hating all things Trump. Then Matt Gates is beat down, and then her semi apology, well you have been Donald Trump needs to pullet. That's not an apology. My kids do that to me. That's like say I'm sorry, I was wrong. Stop there, I'm sorry, I'm wrong, But you did it. You did it, you did No, that's not an apology. Listen, in what comparisons, Professor Carlin, can we make between kings that the Framers were afraid of and the president's conduct today? So kings could do no wrong because the king's word was law. And contrary to what President Trump has said, Article two does not give him the power to do anything he wants. And I'll just give you one example that shows you the difference between him and a king, which is the Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility. So while the president can name his son Baron, he can't make him a baron. When you talk about how liberals want to be around each other in cluster and conservatives don't want to be around each other and so they have to spread out, it makes people you may not see this from, you know, like the Ivory Towers of your law school, but it makes actual people in this country when you like, excuse me, they don't get to interrupt me on this time. Now, let me also suggest that when you invoke the president's son's name here, when you try to make a little joke out of referencing Baron Trump, that does not lend credibility to your argument. It makes you look mean. It makes you look like you're attacking someone's family, the minor child of the president of the United States. Then if I can just say one thing, I want to apologize for what I said earlier about the President's son. It was wrong of me to do that. I wish the president would have obviously, for the things that he's done, that's wrong, but I do regret having said that. Anyway, Glad, you're wow, what a newsday this is. And oh so that was it. Now we have now we have the opinion left wing, radical extremist Ivory Tower. You know, elitist professors that have done nothing but hate Donald Trump. We bring them in and Nancy Pelos. Now we're ready to go. One fact witness and the whole time, the whole time. That's it. Anyway, we welcome back to the program. Uh, the man who crushed it yesterday. Very proud of him yesterday, Representative Matt Gates. If he'd only listen to my career advice, he'd actually goes somewhere. He's in Florida. First of all, great job yesterday. That was a viral moment. That was a great moment for you, but more importantly a great moment for the country and I'm gonna play in a second here. When you actually asked them that, you guys, can you identify any law broken? Nothing? Crickets, It was probably I know you're young in your career, your best moment of your career. Well, thanks for saying social. And my hope is that our work yesterday showed this impeachment for what it is, a truly partisan exercise, not a legitimate exercise in congressional oversight. And they really brought America into the faculty lounge yesterday. It wasn't an opportunity for us to develop facts, learn about what occurred in this particular circumstance. It was just an opportunity for people who hate the president, who live in the very insulated world of academia at Harvard and Stanford, to just come and say bad things about the president. And I think they did go over the line when it didn't just become about the president. It became about a chief insult against a member of his family and mocking the name of a thirteen year old boy. It doesn't get any lower than that. And I think the country is now starting to see that this is more about the partisan ambitions of Nancy Pelosi Adam Schiff and House Democrats than it is any sort of improper conduct by the president. Listen, I will tell you. And that's what made it so clear. Let's go back and let's play this moment. And I thought Jonathan Turley Verry did a great job yesterday. And I know he didn't vote for Trump. I know he supported Hillary. I know he supported Bill Clinton, although he saw real crimes in that particular case. But I think this moment ended the whole discussion yesterday. But on the evidence presented so far, is it your view that there is no credible evidence that any crime was committed by President Trump. Yes, I've gone through all of the crimes mentioned. They do not meet any reasonable interpretation of those crimes. And I'm relying on express statements from the federal courts. I understand that the language and the statutes are often broad. That's not the controlling language, it's the language of the interpretation of federal courts. And I think that all of those decisions stand mightily in the way of these theories. And if you can't make out those crimes, then don't call it that crime. If it doesn't matter, then what's the point. Call it treason? Call it endangered species violations. If none of this matters, do you believe you're outside of the political mainstream on the question of impeachment. I believe that impeachment is warranted whenever the president abuses his power for personal benefit or to correct the democratic process. Did you write an article entitled It's hard to take impeachment seriously? Now? Yes, I did write the article I wanted on time, so Tina, I wrote you write Since since like twenty eighteen midterm election, House Democrats have made it painfully clear that discussing impeachment is primarily or even exclusively, a tool to weaken President Trump's chances in twenty twenty did you write those words? Until this call in July twenty fifth, I was an impeachment skeptic. They all changed my mind, sir, and for you appreciate your testimony to all of the witnesses. If you have personal knowledge of a single material fact in the Shift report, please raise your hand and let the record reflect no personal knowledge of a single fact. And you know what that continues on the tradition that we saw from Adam Schiff, where Ambassador Taylor could not identify an impeachable offense mister Kent never met with the president. Fiona Hill never heard the President reference anything regarding military aid. Mister Hale was unaware of any nefarious activity with aid. Colonel Vinman even rejected the new Democrat talking point that bribery was invoked here. Ambassador Volker denied that there was a quid pro quo, and mister Morrison since there was nothing wrong on the call. The only direct evidence came from Gordon Sonlin who spoke to the President United States, and the President said I want nothing, no quid pro quo. It just ended right there. Nobody raised their hand. It was crickets. What else needs to be said? And then and then how do you explain Congressman Gates Nancy Pelosi say, oh, that's it now, I've told them to prepare articles of impeachment. I think that Nancy Pelosi's decision today to triple down on impeachment as a universal electoral and governing strategy was a direct consequence of the failure that Democrats have had over the last three weeks. Because Democrats have been descending an altitude when it comes to public opinion support for an impeachment, they keep trying to have to do new and creative things to try to inject some other element into what is otherwise a failing effort. And so two bigness where the things happen. To day one, Nancy Pelosi indicates that she is in fact directing these chairmen the draft articles of impeachment, despite the lack of evidence, despite the lack of legal underpinning. And then second, a hearing has been scheduled for Monday for the investigators to come in and give testimony before the Judiciary Committee. But this is a key point, Sean. They're not sending Adam Schiff. Adam Schiff is not going to stand behind his own report, behind his own work product and answer questions from Jim Jordan, John Ratcliffe, Wie LESCo, myself and many others on the Judiciary Committee. Now, how cowardly is that you want to sit there and go on MSDNC and the fake news CNN and trash the President won't go on your show, of course, but then doesn't have the guts to stand behind his own work product in the House Judiciary Committee. And I think that is shameful. If you really believe that these things happened and that you've got evidence to support impeachment, then at least have the stones to get there yourself and to make the case. Did you see the exchange earlier today with Pelosi? And I think who was maybe James Rosen of Sinclair TV. Yes, do you hate the president? Madam? Speaker Pelosi stops. I don't hate anybody. I was raised in a Catholic house. We don't hate anybody nobody in the world. So don't accuse me of that. I didn't accuse you, and he didn't. He asked her, and he told Pelosi was quoting remarks that Doug Collins who said it during the hearings. And I agree with Collins, and I stand by him, and I think the president is a coward. Let me ask you this because I think this is This gets to the part that I don't think anybody can put any rational, intellectually honest rationale behind. We saw Joe Biden absolutely lose it today in this town hall when he was confronted over Ukraine and the quid and the pro and the quo that actually happened. You're not getting the billion dollars unless you fire the prosecutor that's paying you know, that's being that's investigating my son who's being paid millions and millions of dollars for zero experience. He loses it. How do the Democrats when there's zero evidence of any quid pro quo. You pointed this out yesterday, you went through the list of people that testify it. I want to do it again, and how do they justify ignoring the bidens? Because I'm having a hard time understanding the mental processes, the compartmentalization skills necessary to defy such blatant hypocrisy. The Democrats have set up a system allowing them to cheat on what evidence is admissible, and that is really really unfair to the defense that we are presenting in this specific way regarding the bidens. If Hunter Biden is a crook, if Barisma is a corrupt entity, then one could never impeach the President of the United States for asking reasonable questions about those entities. Now, if everything was on the up and up, if no question was reasonable, if this was just a way to try to smear a potential opponent, then I think Democrats might have a reasonable argument. And so what they're trying to do is limit our access to the proof that Barisma was dirty and that Hunter Biden was dirty. The best evidence we have in the record actually came from one of adams Ship's hand selected witnesses, George Kent. George Kent said, the State of Partment was so concerned about corrupt Barisma that we wouldn't even allow our embassy to engage in a public private partnership where Brisma was tangentially involved. We also have the evidence from the Obama administration where during the preparation of ambassadors for Senate confirmation, they had to have special sessions and special prep to how to deal with the fact that the son of the vice president of the United States was also working for this corrupt foreign energy company. And so I think that if we can prove how corrupt the Bidens were, it totally vindicates the president. And that's why the Democrats are doing so much to protect Joe Biden. I don't think they're protecting him because they think he's ultimately going to win the Democratic nomination. I don't think he's radical enough. He yelled this guide today in one somebody I saw this on Twitter. In one of them, he called the voter fat and Jack said he was vice president in nineteen seventy six and he told voters an I that they were all in Ohio. That's how bad this guy is. That's how messed up this guy is. Anyway, Matt Gates, you uh, I gotta tell you. I thought you this was a moment for you, and if you'd only listen to my career advice once in a while, you might get somewhere. Sean. I'm eager. I always listen to your No, you want me to bring this public, because I'll bring it public? No, I will? You know what? No, No, of course not. You don't want smart man, smart man. Let me tell you. You know. The thing is, I might be nice to you, and it's like a little inside jokes, little back down by the Harvard law professor, Sean, But you scared me with that, exactly, all right, eight hundred and nine for one show. By the way, there's nothing bad here. It's an inside joke, all right. As we continue, one of the rock stars yesterday, Matt Gates, Congressman Florida. Have you ever thought about running for the US Senate. I have not thought about running for the Use. I think you need to start thinking about running for the US Senate at some point. If like I don't, I don't know if Mark Rubio wants to continue. Would you consider running for the Senator if he decided not to running. I know you like Marco. I love Marco. I would never running in Parco, but yeah, if a US Senate seat came up, and I'm sure they'd be so excu I want to talk to me. I know you're friends with him. I'm just asking right now. I've got the greatest district Sean, You've gone there with me, you see, then you do Northwest Florida. Who who could aspire to anything greater than the job I have? I will say this, you know your district in the Panhandle is so pivotal and important for Florida because every election year, that Panhandle has an extra hour to vote. That hour every single election year, It's like, what's the turnout in the Panhandle? What's the turnout in Southwest Florida? Because that's where Florida's won and the I four carter. Honestly, they's so pivotal back because what people don't understand. I'll do a town hall, I'll do a town holiday. We got to do it. People don't know how funny you are. You know, they see on TV you're always breaking news and doing analysis, but when you actually are able to get I see what I did to poort Congressman Collins with you the other night. I thought it was fun. It was very funny. You have a great it's humor. People also don't know how many impressions you do. I do. Which one do you want me to do? Pick one? Your Bill Clinton is my favorite. I want to say that all the hot chicks and Matt Gates is this ring. I'm gonna be coming now. I'll give you a tour of the hotel and the well. Well, I'll just tell you nobody will know about. It's with me, me and you so great, wait till I get you. All right, Matt Gates, we love you eight hundred nine four one Sean to the phones when we get back. Sleepy creepy, crazy Joe three three three oh loses it today, stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. Your over there. You're so access to the pass so d wire man. That's not true, and no one see I know you do. And by the way, that's why I'm not sitting there. I get up and let them go. And you want to check my shape on Let's do push ups together? Man, Let's do what's wrong. Let's do whatever you want to do. Let's do push ups, man, we could do push ups. A voter asking a legitimate question. It is more legitimate than any of those witch hunt nonsense, you know, conspiracy theories, this impeachment, coop attempt with Trump Ukraine, You've got it all with Joe and Hunter, it's all there. What so we do you? You fat shame the guy? Really? I mean? Is this how low um we're getting? You know what I mean? It's go back, Let's go back to the original question of this guy there completed. You're so access to the president just like you're a damn liar man, and the guy stays on it. I give this guy so much credit. By the way, these are the people we the people of voter. Scott doesn't like Trump either. Just to make a point here, he's asking, but you know, whoa, whoa what about this? Because you're on tape bragging you're not getting the billion dollars unless you fire a prosecutor that he was told is investigating his son. Zero experience, Hunter getting paid millions of millions. The media can say, and Joe can say, and ms DNC, is this even points out. They don't even cover it, and Joe knows he's covered by the MSDNC. That's how sick that is. And but they can't run and hide from words. People can hear. We hear him. You're not getting the billion you got six hours unless you fire the prosecutor. We know is investigating my son. Why is his son he's on GMA hunter. Do you have any experienced so I was on the board of mtrak okay, do you have any experience in oil gas or Ukraine? No? No? Oh no? Why do you think you got the Joe Volo muloo? Do you think maybe because your last name is Biden? Yeah, probably that's the one. I never thought of him before. Again, play this next exchange. That's your tug over there completed. You're so access to the front of it, just like you, Dan wier Man. That's not true, and no one has ever said that you see it? No, I know you do. And by the way, that's why I'm not sentary. I get up and let them go, and you want to check my shape on. Let's do push us together, man, Let's do that's wrong, Let's do whatever you want to do. Nothing says I guess no mo larky, you know, than just lying about what we hear, you know, and then insult the guy's wait, I mean, wow, unbelievable. Anyway, eight hundred ninety four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. Now, we have a lot of other issues we're getting to today and our news round up in Information Overload our number one Washington Post Harowitz has confirmed that the Steel dossier was unreliable. It's more than unreliable because Steele himself has no idea if any of it's true. That means it's unverifiable. And it also means that the multiple warnings they were given, one by Kathleen Cavlack, one by we know Bruce or don't trust that it's not verified. Steele has an agenda, it's anti Trump and Hillary paid for it. So I know we're getting a lot of leaks. I've been warned by people that know. The only one that's really seen it all is Bill Barr And there's a lot of posturing going on, So we need to get to the bottom of all of that. Our friend John Solomon, who was broken a lot of the stories regarding FISA, and you know, I think one of the big ones is is this premeditated fraud on the FISA court? Will this report address whether Christopher Steele not only handed over a document that they used in their application, but whether he lied to the FBI And was the FBI also warned by great written not to trust Steel because then it's even more premeditated fraud in other words, And does Horowitz try and say it in a nice way or not a nice way? Now, if you go back to the previous reports by Horowitz, well, he's the guy that revealed the struck page text that was pretty powerful, and everybody seems to forget that he did make referrals as it relates to McCabe and Comey, as it relates to very important issues. They lied lack of candor. Now he can't do anything as Inspector General. But nothing's happened yet Everyone's wondering if there's going to be referrals. I would bet every dollar I hand is going to be referrals, because there were in the last couple of reports that he put out. Now, the question is what's the difference. The difference is, well, we've got a criminal investigation and we got the comments of the Attorney General that are devastating anyway, John Solomon has his top ten things to look for that he believes will be in this report. How are you. I'm doing Wellshan. You did a good job of really capsulating in the moment we're about to experience on Monday. It's a big moment. I am told that have just don't believe anything you're reading yet, and that is going to be depend It doesn't matter how it's written, it's still the conclusions, the same premeditated fraud on a FISA court. Yeah, if you look at the journalism in the last two weeks, there's an old fashioned tactic that tr people use, which is to find one tiny little nugget or straw man that you put at the top of the story, and then you bury all the bad news below. And that's what really was going on. The beginning of the post story had a straw man. No one's ever suggested that miss Suit was working for the United States. It's always his lawyer has suggested he might have been working for Western intelligence or private people, but not the United States. So they knocked that straw man down, and then, oh, by the way down the bottom, they mentioned all the things that you and I have been talking about for the last year or two years. All confirmed the dossier's bad Steel's credibility. Who has challenged early Remember we talked about this a year ago, Sean. We said that the FBI interviewed one of his sources very early on and came to conclude they didn't trust Steel's reporting anymore. That's confirmed in that Washington Post story, which means it's most likely going to be in that IG report next week. So a lot of the things that you and I have talked about for the last two years are going to be exposed for all the world to see. You know. One of the things that they can't deny either, now I know that we have McCabe is now running away from what he's been quoted extensively as having said, is that there is no Fizer war without the dossier. In other words, that they wouldn't have gotten it. That means that people purposefully, consciously premeditated they're fraught against the court. Mister champions Wood, would you be able to just say with specificity what the FBI verified in the Steel dossier before using it in FIS applications. I've heard generally, you know, I've heard generalities, but specifically what was verified in the dossier before it was used. And also if there's an explanation for why in the FISA applications the FBI didn't just say, you know directly or indirectly that Steel, Christopher Steel was being paid by the Clinton campaign. There are a lot of caveats, and there's a lengthy footnote in there, But I was just wondering if you'd be able to answer those two questions. Sure, So the answer to your first question is no, I will not go into specificity about what the FBI verified prior to the FISA or after. And the answer to your second question is I will wait, as I'm sure you will, eagerly to see what mister Harrowitz's conclusions are in that report. That's a matter that he is, assume at the center of his investigation, and I am anxious to see what his thoughts on it are. As you've mentioned, there was an extensive and detailed explanation inserted by the Department of Justice into that FISA package that everyone involved believed accurately, or I should speak for everyone else speak for myself. I believed accurately reflected what we knew about mister Steel, so well anxious to hear what the IG thinks about that, and we probably won't have to wait too much longer. Ah, wow, what do you think about his production? It doesn't match my reporting and what I'm hearing, But again I think that there is some good advice. We're just three or four days away. We're going to know everything on Monday, and then we'll be able to dissect what the FBI got right and wrong in this investigation. But we know a lot of things already, right. We know about the spreadsheet, We know about these sources being interviewed in waiving the FBI off of some of the information in the DASSI. We know a senior FBI intelligence offers said they had just begun validating the report when they had already submitted the FISA, so it can't be validated. They'd just begun the process when they were using it in the FISA. We know they didn't mention Hillary Clinton's campaign. They use that sort of COI footnote to suggest maybe his employer had a motive, but they stowed up. But they knew Hillary paid for it. They knew they knew to have. Do we know for sure that the British warned the FBI don't trust steal. So what I've been told, I've interviewed a couple of sources in Congress who were present for a meeting recently where that statement was made in an unclassified setting. Now people seem to have known it before then, but in an unclassified setting, they were told that in twenty fifteen, the British passed some warning to the United States that they had concerns about steals subsourcing, the large use of subsources that he had in his reports. Let's wait and see if that comes out in the report. But I have two people that were present for that claim that have said that was stated to them in a non classified setting for the first time. I suspect that's going to come out in the report on Monday, and as we continue. John Solomon, investigative reporter, Fox News contributor with US. Now, one thing I want to go back to this to have previous referrals that were made by Inspector General Harrowitz, for example, call me's lack of candor, the lying of McCabe, Lisa Page. I believe and do you remember others? Because my brain is fried trying to keep only came out of months ago, all right out and nothing happened. And the point is, what is the difference this time? Okay, you'll be another report, more referrals, will get facts. He really is not going to make the conclusions about Okay, this is because it's not his role, this person violated this law, etcetera, etcetera. But the difference this time is we've heard the words of the Attorney General and we know John Durham is now has a full fledged criminal investigation. And unlike Harowitz, he has the ability, the ability to convene at grand jury, he has the ability to indict, he has the ability to charge, he has the ability. There's real teeth behind what he's going to do. That's right. And remember that Congress has some skin in this game and may have evidence that they will refer to the Justice Department after this before it came out. And remember Lindsay Graham has said I'm waiting for this report, so I don't get away of the investigation. But we're going to start down our own path. Once Michael Horowitz publishes on Monday, it publishes Wednesday, Lindsay Graham has his first hearing. Congress has the ability to highlight and to make referrals as well. There are lots of referrals pending. There's a referral of Glenn Simpson for whether he lied under oath. There's a referral of Bruce or his wife Nelly, or there ares the referral of Andrew McKay from the IG. And I want to point out something just a month ago, just last month, Horrowitz put out another damning report that really has significance to what we're going to learn on Monday. He get a more broad look at how does the FBI vet its human sources like Christopher Steele, and he said it's a mess. And the most important thing he highlighted was a culture inside the FBI that if they found out something derogatory about one of the sources, their analysts were told keep it out of their validation report, don't tell the courts. We don't want people to know we have problems with our sources. That sort of culture creates the sort of scenario where we end up with a Christopher Steele who's being paid by Hillary Clinton, but we don't staved in the fights of warrant who might have had warnings from the Brits we don't mention in the fights and report that culture, and that very damming report that Horrowitz just wrote a few weeks ago, I think really lays a pretext for what we're going to learn on Monday about Christopher Steele. Well, I you know, I go back and I'm going to be honest, John, I'm looking and I've really dug this up, and I looked over the previous Horowitz reports, right, and you know, the findings for example, in November twenty nineteen, which is what you're talking about, numerous issues related to the FBI's validation process for secret sources. That's a problem, ineffective management oversight confidential sources resulting in jeopardizing FBI operations, putting agent sources subjects in harm's way. That's a big deal. You know. Then on the Collby member language, Yeah, he declined to prosecute. He referred, comey, the dj didn't prosecute on the issue of lack of candor. Right, So, and then we go back. He found that the FBI engaged a misconduct disclosing, you know, information to the media that had been filed under seal providing without authorization law enforcement of the FBI sensitive information given a two reporters, dozens of officials contacts with the media. Again, they lied about that too. They provided the report for the FBI or appropriate action. Then you know their actions towards Trump. You know the handling of the email server, for example, senior officials willingness to take official action to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president. That's in there. Five employees literally referred for investigation on whether their messages violated the FBI code. Five employees referred, including Page and Struck. No criminal referral ends up happening. But the difference, I guess now is you know Durham first of us, I think you're onto something here, and you and I have talked about this many times. There's a Department of Justice which prosecutes Republicans and everyday people, and there sometimes appears to be the Department of just us, meaning they protect their own more than they would protect an average citizen in that dual system of justice frustrates everyday people when you talk to them out in American I think John Durham is the judgment point. We're going to find out if the Billbar Justice Department has the teeth to hold people accountable and to prosecute people for crimes that every day other Americans would have gotten prosecuted for. It's really hard to imagine that Michael Flynn gets convicted for lying such a good point. And Andrew McCabe isn't. And by the way, Manaport and Cone, John Solomon, we'll have you on Tannity tonight nine Eastern and Monday is the big day. Can't wait, thank you, sir. Yeah, it's gonna be a lot of fun, no doubt about it. All right, eight hundred nine four one, Shawn Tolfree telephone number, quick break, right back. We will continue all right twenty five to the top of the hour. We'll get to a lot of your calls here. Eight hundred and nine four one, sewn you want to be a part of the program. It is, this is it. This is the viral moment right now so far of the twenty twenty campaign. This is in Iowa, sleepy, creepy, crazy uncle Joe three h three three zo is finest moment when you have a voter, when you have we the people asking legitimate questions. I remember he's just oh no, no, no, no, no credible person even says it here. Whatever has ever said anything bad about me, my son, and a quid and the pro and the quo. It defies all intellectual honesty, common sense reason. I call it what it is, a bifurcated brain. It's a compartment mentalization of your mind that you're looking for a quid pro and quo with Trump and there is nothing. There's no evidence at all, just the opposite. You got exculpatory evidence. When you take away the fact. Witnesses here will say, witnesses, what are he's left with? You're left with, I want nothing, no quid, no pro or Oh and they did nothing and they still got the money. There's nothing there. But with Joe you got it. And this voter in Iowa calls him out and stands, stands his ground, and June you push ups and literally Joe Biden loses it. And then even fat chames the guy. Which oh, I thought liberals were against such treatment of people. Apparently not. Listen, that's an hold. Say your yere you get access president, You're you're sowing access to the presidents. Like so you a damn liar man. That's not true and no one has ever said that, no one. You see it on the team now, I know you're doing. By the way, That's why I'm not sententary. I don't like get up in them and let let him go, let 'i go. But the reason why I'm running is because I've been around a long time and I've no more than most people know, and I can get things done. That's why I'm running. And you want to check my shapeline. Let's do push ups together, man, let's do let's run, Let's do whatever you want to do. Let's take you under number two. No one has said my son has done anything wrong, and I did not in any occasion, and no one has ever said it. Now once you were going to anything wrong, I said, I set up my son to work in an auto company. Didn't know what you said. I get your work straight. Jack. You don't hear that. You did not hear that at all. Okay, I'm not gonna get it hard with you, man, b Yeah, you do it. But is that any other questions? Any other question. We're not gonna gonna argue with you. Man. Hey man, you want to do some push ups and do some push ups? Okay, I'll take you up on the deal. Joe. I can out push up you. I promise you I trained like a crazy person every day. I will tell you you don't treat people this way. And some people say, well, Hannity Trump he hits people hard too. Trump doesn't hit the pee we the people hard. He hits the swamp hard. He hits are you know, people that need to pay more hard, like our NATO allies. He hits Muller hard. He hits you know, the witch hunt hard. He hits the Democrats hard, he hits the media hard. He doesn't hit the people hard. You know, well, what did he say on the tape? And okay, locker room talk a lot different than in a guy's face. And what's so spectacular here? No one has ever said anything anything at all that you know, well, you said, you know, set up my son. Okay, the guy got that little piece wrong. This is not what the average person does every day. His sentiment is aunt. This guy saw Joe Braggy saw you're not getting a billion. He saw it with his own eyes. Unless you fire the prosecutor. You know you're not getting the billion. You know, Camo Obama, call Obama, you're not getting the billion. You know. You got six hours and then we have the hunter's interview. You know you have any experience, no, none, whatsoever. Why do you think they hired you? I don't know. Maybe because your dad's last name. Yeah, probably, And then we know that Barismo went to the State Department afterwards. Oh hundred Biden is on the board. It is a slam dunk case. But Joe can say with a straight face, you don't hear this on MSNBC, by the way, that's true. That's all you need to know, because they are his propaganda arm. They're every Democrats propaganda arm, state run d NC television period. I will tell you it is remarkable. These events are unprecedented. And you wonder why, Linda, do you feel? Am I a little justified now? And me staying on this hammering this point home and you're like, uh, stop with the quid and nebro and the quo Joe, and you've been giving me such a hard time. Well, you know the problem, Sean is that I just feel that people's words are best heard in their own voice, so as lovely as your voice is. No, no, no, no. Probably we've played it a lot. We need to play it over and over again for people to hear it a lot today. But you say it a lot so instead of you saying it a lot, will how I'd say it a lot. All right, So let me ask you this. I think this is this is now going to be a panic moment. The only reason Pelosi came in with her, oh all right, we're ready now because they don't have anything else. There's no witness for them to go to. It's that bad for them. Anyway. Did you hear about the I want to know what Pelosi was thinking saying she's a Catholic. I'm you're a Catholic. You're a Catholic. You're in the Democratic Party that is pro planned parenthood, that takes taxpayer dollars and gives them to other organizations. It's I'm labeling it now bifurcated brain syndrome. I want to know where this word came from. This is a big word in our in our apartmentalization brain syndrome. Crazy man. Did you hear about the twelve million dollar mansion that the Obama's got in Matha's viney did? Indeed? Pretty cool? Oh? I want to stay so anyway, there's a headline on media yesterday about me and Stern. Hannity suggests Howard Stern sold his soul. No I did. That's not what I was really saying. He's interviewing Hillary and I'm watching this thing. And by the way, only Howard could ever get Hillary to bring up the idea of her sexuality issues. I don't even want to bring it up, and by the way, never would bring it up. But only all kudos to Howard because it was like a hell of an exchange. But he asked at one point, did Lindsey Graham sell his soul? And I'm sitting there thinking, all right, what has happened? Because you and I both grew up listening to Howard Stern. Everybody in that room now I understand there's actually a parallel between Stern and Trump. There's some people in the country that don't get Howard Stern. It's a very New York thing, although it's obviously national. And Howard always had this disability to do anything he wants on the radio. He had his years of dealing with crazy program directors and Boycott's and all the other nonsense. But the reality is he can do stuff that and I frankly think everybody should have such freedom, but we don't. And maybe we're just not as courageous or you know, but I kind of feel there's a double standard. If a conservative says something over any line, we're all going to get fired and boycotted and run out of town. So I do believe that's true. And Mard. I always defend Mar and I hate Mar. I don't I like Stern. And all I said was, are you kidding me? The old Howard Stern I knew would never support an establishment figure like the corrupt Hillary Clinton. Okay, so here's my devil's advocate ahead. Howard Stern is all about making news. He's going to do the thing that everybody else isn't going to do. Right. So, Howard is known to be socially liberal, fiscally conservative, right, but at the end of the day, nobody really knows where he stands on politics because his show is about politics on the surface, you know, and then he gets into all the silly stuff. You know, back in the day when he started out and he was doing his show here in New York and you know, literally breaking every barrier there was and he didn't care, you know, And I think that what he's doing, he's getting a little bit of that back. I think when he was on AGT, it's slowed him down a little bit because you know, you got those TV people that are saying, you can't say this, and you can't say you know what, Maybe maybe I didn't look at it that way. I will tell you this, there is no better interviewer than this guy. I've never It's remarkable. His talent is remarkable. And people, no, I'm telling you here, I don't think he's that great of an interview I think he No, he can bring out of people stuff they never plan on saying, and going into that show, going into that environment, he does it every time. It's it's actually a gift. I think. You know, I only get to really hear him over Christmas and they play the best interviews of the year on like a loop, and it's actually well done. And all I was really saying is the old Howard would have supported the iconoclass, the fighter, the outspoken disruptor, Donald Trump. I'm having a hard time understanding why you didn't support him in the campaign. But I don't. He's one of his favorite guests and he's supporting or not supporting Trump, do you know what I'm saying. But I would think I would think he'd look at Trump as a mirror image in the sense of him, say what you mean, mean what you say. Let it all hang out. To hell with what people think. There's no such thing as a boundary, which is I think the country has grown accustomed to Trump's style, and frankly, everyone in the country's grown accustomed to Howard being Howard, and I like, for I do give him credit because they wanted the tapes that he wouldn't give the tapes. Good for him. But I'm listening to this with Hillary, I'm like, I want to I'm like, oh, Howard, come back, come back, Where are you? What are you doing now? It was a great interview because in the sense that she's not she's saying things nobody else ever got her to say. He did it again. I'm telling you, it's amazing, right. But the thing is about Howard is that he listened. He's a pro, no question about it. But I do believe a big part of what he is doing is by interviewing her is just getting some publicity. You know, he doesn't want to be seen as just the America's Got talent guy anymore, do you know what I'm saying. He was great on that show. He was, But it also required him to tone down who he really is. I never felt he did. I all forget about the problem is on that show his heart came through and like there would be somebody and he I saw him once walk up and give somebody a hug, you know, And I'm like, you know that the reason he like, for example, there are other shock jocks, and I think where they missed the mark is that when they talk about women, it can be degrading. And I can name names, but I'm not gonna but I don't think that's the case with him at all. I think with him he worships women absolutely, you know, loves them. And I think that's been the part of the secret sauce for that style of radio. And why the way, why didn't he come on the show in his book come out? He because he was going everywhere else? Why didn't he come I'll be perfectly honest with you. We didn't reach out to him, and he didn't reach out to us. I'm sure if I reach out to Dawn, his agent, that we can make a work. It's not I probably shouldn't have said this stuff about the Hamptons, but because I don't think he's changed, I really don't. I think I disagree with you. I think when you become a father. I think he had three daughters, and he once he had them. You know, he always loved his wife. He was faithful to his wife. He talked about that. But I think that, you know, once he had his kids, and I think as a mother myself, for you, as a parent, you know, it changes you. It just does. No But you know what it's like me, I don't want to argue with liberals all the time anymore. I used to do that for years with Alan. It's like you, I'm now fifty seven years old for crying out loud. Do you think I want to argue with the dumb liberal? I don't. I mean, you can always just do push ups with Joe Biden. Now that I would watch. That would be a very funny show. But I think the old all I was really saying is wow. I think the old Howard would have embraced Trump's icon of classed style, icon of classic style. He would have embraced that. You disrupt her. Remember he was going to run for governor and they wanted his tax returns. He told him to shove it. He's not doing that. It's nobody's business. And he's right, it really isn't. I don't think that Howard does not embrace him. I just think that he's kind of like m I think he's just like you know what. You know, there's a ton of interviews with Donald Trump. There's not that many interviews with Hillary Clinton. She's been you know, hiding, god knows why or where, and you know she comes out of it. You know, Well, the talk to Lindsey Graham, why does he say? How does Lindsey Graham sold this song? What do you mean he sold this? Why not? It's gonna tick everybody off. He's all about the ticks. He's all about getting the media. He's all he's he's very smart what it comes to manipulating the me. The only thing that I didn't understand is when I was fighting Kimmel and he's best buddies. I guess with Kimmel, which is fine with me. I don't care. He said, well, Hannity probably wants to be on ABC, and I'm like, no, I don't. I have probably three times the viewers of that failing show of Kimmel, and I'm like, how does he not know that three point six million a night average Kimmel is like one seven. That's it. That's his entire audience. Maybe he has more eighteen to forty nine year olds. I got more eyeballs. I take the eyeballs over the specific demographic. We beat him eighteen to thirty four. You know, women, I oh, okay, you win. And that's what people do all the time. Anyway, Man, you know, you may be right. I don't know, because he usually I listen, he's sharp on his interviews are amazing. I really all right, I got a break? Is that what you're telling me? I wish I had his clock. I mean it goes for an hour and a half. It doesn't have to take a break ever. Listen by all means you want to start doing that? Let me know, yes, all right, load it up tonight. We've got so much on Quid and pro and Quo and Joe are losing it today. I mean, we've got the best tape you're gonna love tonight show. We do have Kevin McCarthy, Andy Biggs, Mike Turner, also Dan and Haraldo, Dan Bongino, John Solomon, and much much more. Get so much going on tonight as the Democrats literally go over the Cliff into the Abyss nine Eastern Kennedy, Fox News. No, we're not the mob in the media. See it tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us.