Media Bias Isn't Funny, Adam Carolla Is!

Published Dec 17, 2020, 11:00 PM

Adam Carolla, Comedian and host of The Adam Carolla Show on PodcastOne 

Talks about the bias of the media, the lockdowns across the nation and the ridiculous hyperbolic nature of any and all political conversation.

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I'm glad you whether Sean Hannity's showed toll free, it's eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. You want to be a part of the program. And I was thinking about this today is you know, I'm watching and we're showing and we're introducing you on TV and on this radio program to people just devastated their businesses upended and destroyed because of mandates from the government, and then now shutting down all the New York restaurants completely. They're just shutting him down, no more outdoor dining. California same thing. They're just going to shut down the whole state. And through the context of you know what's gonna happen in about nineteen days in Georgia, which is the January fifth Senate runoff, and Kelly Leffler and Senator Perdue and the stakes are high, I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen. You give control the Senate to Chuck Schumer and these radical socialist Democrats, and you got Pelosi or whoever replaces her in the House. It will be more left of her if it's even possible, based on what AOC was saying yesterday. But you do that let me tell you the state of Georgia in particular, because all eyes are on you, and we do love you, by the way, and how important this is. You need to understand that the economic catastrophe that is going to follow is going to result if these democratic socialists have their way. You even though people in Georgia and Tennessee and Florida and Ohio and Kansas and Mississippi and Alabama, Louisiana, and I can't mention every state, but all these states that are fiscally responsible, like Georgia, all the states that fund their retirements and their pensions, all the states that don't have the waste, fraud and abuse of states like New York and California. The financial consequences that these states are gonna have, it's incalculable. And let me tell you, unchecked, Georgians will be paying to bail out New York and bail out California, and bail out Illinois and bail out New Joysy. You're gonna you're gonna foot the bill when you pay for illegal immigrants healthcare. Now they're even talking about dismantling the wall. You're gonna be paying for all of that. And I'm just trying to I'm not trying to put pressure. I'm trying to give you a reality check of what's at stake in nineteen days and it all you know, open borders that that's a fate to complete, you know, ending energy independence, gone, judicial activists that are so far left, I mean literally like you know, right there on the on the fringes of radical socialism, you know, Marxism almost. I mean it's insane, and you know barely add you know, even conservative justices not willing to follow the law and the constitution, or the Wisconsin Chief Justice said in the Wisconsin Supreme Court case and a blistering descent is that unless they start, we start having judges that have the courage to follow the law and follow the constitution, this is never gonna end. He's right. So you know, then you can add that the additional consequences of undoing four years of cutting back taxes and the bureaucracy. And then you can add to that, well, you're going to fund the New Green Deal and everything is free. You'll pay for New York, California, New Jersey, Illinois bailouts, and that would be that's out of your pocket. So now I'm appealing to the people of Georgia your own self interest, and I just I have no appetite at all to ever even discuss until twenty twenty two, your governor or your Secretary of State. It just is it's too infuriating. But in spite of that, you can't let that stop you. Now, Kelly Lefler did say last night, and I hope this is true. I was given a lot of false information before the November third election, because I asked many, many, many, many, many many people, many many, many, many times. Do you have pole observers at every location? Do you have lawyers on the ground ready to go at every location I mentioned? It's not hard to predict the areas that likely would be well lend itself more to fraud issues, because we've just look at history and so you know, and I was told they have. Now I hope there are four thousand additional poll watchers in Georgia. I'm told that the drop boxes are being monitored by the campaigns have eyes on them. Twenty four to seven. All right, slight change, the slight of hand by the Secretary of State is oh, we're gonna We're gonna do a signature verification check of sample ballots in Cobb County. That's not where the problem was in Georgia. It was in Fulton County. That's where they should be doing it. So you add the whole thing up together. Weak foreign policy, green New Deal madness, socialism on steroids and human growth hormone, open borders, you know, raising taxes just at the levels they're pledging, it will all go higher. None of these promises that they're making you will ever be fulfilled. It's it's impossible. The worst words in the English language. I'm from the government and I'm here to help you. No thanks. I mean, it's interesting to watch in California, now, know I think it's gonna go far. I don't think so. Maybe I'm wrong, Maybe I'm misreading the public. We've put a lot of people, a couple of people on from California were that have lost their businesses over these you know now that the state is shutting down pretty much everything, you know. I don't really get too excited over a recall movement. We do remember Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected a governor in two thousand and three after the recall of Governor Gray Davis. Would a recall against Gavin Newsom be successful well. Political reporting today that after banging at the recall door unsuccessfully five times, Conservatives in the state of California in their effort to get rid of Gavin Newsom may be gaining traction apparently. I guess they need a million five they're getting close to a million signatures now and what they're saying in Politico and that's because the perfect storm of political developments that could make this the latest long shot attempt that one might want to now begin to take seriously. The California Republican Party, in its chair guy by a woman by the name of Jessica Blam Patterson, have endorsed recalling Newsom, so as the entire California GOP House Caucus, and according to Devin Nuness, who said as much last week. He said, the party is helping the fire up the recall push and we're encouraging people to sign the petitions, he said, and then the California delegation as they sit is in favor of it, and newly elected Representative David I don't know how to say his name completely. I don't know him yet. David of Volatio or whatever has confirmed the move. We all support it, So there's something going on there. I mean, but now, I mean, you're going to shut down the state. Does anyone ever stop and think for a second of the impact that this has on businesses? You know, why is it that you get all these great, brilliant, creative solutions And I'm just looking at the state of New York now, they don't have the luxury of the warm weather that they have out in California. Even in northern California doesn't get anywhere near as cold as the northeast. We got to foot as snow dumped on us yesterday where I live, and Linda said she had eighteen inches where she is. I mean, that's a lot of snow, a lot of shoveling, a lot of snowblowers out there, a lot of need for people who plows and anyway, So you don't have the ability. But businesses have gotten smart. You know, they're trying to make money. If you think of what a cost, then the dream and the amount of energy and money and borrowing that goes into opening a restaurant, it is it's it's so hard to actually make it in that business. I don't know what it is that happens to be a dream of so many people. They want to own their own restaurant. They want to own their own bar, they want to own their own, you know, place and serve people. And I think it's an awesome dream. I just put when I look at the math in terms of an investment, I'm just like man all my years in the restaurant business tells me this is a hard nut to crack and be successful. Because after you pay the mortgage, after you pay the rent, then you then you build the place out. You build the bar, you build the dining room. Then you got to get the chair and the table cloths, and the silverware and the glasses and the cups, and stocked the bar, stock the kitchen with whatever you're selling. You gotta sell a lot of booze to pay the month's rent. You gotta sell a lot of hamburgers or lobster tail or steak or whatever it is that you're cooking in there to make the month's rent. And there's only so much people are gonna pay for food, and only so much they were able to pay for a drink. But the creativity of business owners. Okay, in New York, some of these restaurants really really smart. They have individual like bubble tents and they got the heaters in them so you're not freezing your tail off. Then you're around people socially distant dining. Some places they even have the plexiglass between people that are dining, and just you know, we have this one blanket or we're not going to think out of the box. We're just gonna shut everybody down. I mean in New York, every now restaurant out, all dining is stopped. It's done, it's over. It's unbelievable to me. And now the people of this country are beginning to get it. Majority of registered voters now worried that the government is going to retain their newly claimed expansive powers following the COVID nineteen pandemic. I mean, you want to know what let they use that they didn't listen to the great doctor Fauci, who they love to quote, who had said that voting in person can be done safely even with coronavirus and COVID nineteen, if you're socially distanced and you wear a mask. They could have made accommodations. They still can in Georgia make the accommodations for the runoff race, so that partisan observers has written into the law would actually have the ability to observe the vote counting from start to finish as the law provides. And a lot of Americans, I think rightly, so sixty two percent of them say that they're worried that government is going to hold on to their pandemic powers after this health crisis finally subsides. And I don't see anybody in the media mob, or one single Democrat there's said, you know what, Donald Trump's push, We didn't think it was gonna happen. We all stated publicly, we didn't think it was gonna happen that we'd have a vaccine in late fall or early winter. The President was right. And now here's the frustrating part. Remember these these final phase human trials started in late July and early August. And the only reason that the trials continued all through the month of August, all through the month of September, we had one hiccup or two little hiccups for like a day or two is because nobody was dying from the vaccine. They weren't seeing massive side effects that we were harmful to people, and early on they were they were seeing what they saw in the in second phase trials, which is that antibodies were created. There's so many different ways. Now entrepreneurs can figure it out, Brilliant people can figure it out. But that you know this, you know, the rigidity of government is what it is. It's oppressive. And they seem they just don't care. This poor guy that we had on the other night saying are you gonna pay my rent? They wouldn't even let the guy sell, you know, pick up orders for crying out loud and he's I'm following your stupid rules and you just keep hitting me with these fines. How do they think people are gonna pay that? And you know, people's dreams literally going up and done gone. Now they're in debt up to their eyeballs. But I'll tell you what, you know it had it been better managed, California is like the perfect state. Like Florida. You're gonna have hotspots, you're gonna have breakouts, but if you manage it well and you protect the elderly, those with underlying conditions, those with compromises, the immune systems, you will have done everybody a good service. And God forbid you you talk about an out of the box solution in terms of treatment. Oh, don't mention the evil word hydroxy chloroquit on what did doctor os always say, you go to war with the with the army you have, not the one you wish you had. Let's ignore doctor Daniel wall Us out in Cedar Sinai, who been the biggest rheumatori to arthritis lupus practices in the country for forty two years. Dispensing is sixty five year old drug hydroxy chloroquine. And the two studies that got pulled were the ones that said it may be dangerous. The studies subsequent to that said no, actually it taken early. It works. No coverage to that in the media. Well, because if Donald Trump recommended it, why would we ever do that. Well, I'm not taking the Trump virus. I'm not going to take the Trump vaccine. Trump didn't make the vaccine. He facilitated the fast, the faster process which got us to this point. Can you say a good job for that? At twenty five ounces to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, sean, you want to be a part of the sixth Ravaganza um I'm watching the pressure campaign now by the radical left in the Democratic Party. We saw this, that's interesting. It is not by accident that you got AOC out there saying it's time for the likes of Schumer and Pelosi to go, which I don't really disagree with in terms of leadership, but there's more than that. Then then AOC is trashing Joe Biden's quote corporate revolving door team quote, it's horrible, she's saying. Then, asked about the choice to give cabinet positions to Washington insiders and big tech employees and Wall streeters, etc. You know, she called it a corporate revolving door. I guess corporations, remember, are bad. And then I'm looking at these liberals. Senators now are trying to um threatening to obstruct Biden's nominees if he's not aggressive enough climate change. I mean, Georgia, are you watching this? Sheldon Whitehouse literally saying that, you know, these nominees and not aggressive enough on climate change, We're not going to support anybody. He's now the leader on the climate change in this party, but also shown to be bipartisan. You do understand what climate change means. It means the Paris Accords that exempts all countries like China from the rigid and expensive standards that we will be paying, which is billions of dollars. It means that, yeah, student loan forgiveness, guaranteed government jobs, wages, vacations, healthy food, retirement, healthcare. That's what it all is. They'll call it a Green New Deal. They'll they'll literally try and put all the makeup around it to make you think it's something other than pure socialism. And guess what, Georgia, You're gonna be paying for all of it. Twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Let me just go back to one thing. Let me play this guy Anton and later on a program we're gonna Adam Corolla on and he's like, you know, people are sheep, They're just sheep, and he supports the recall of Gavin Newsom. Anyway, just this is one La restaurant owner. We had him on TV and he's getting hit with yet another fine and he's trying to explain to the guy, I'm following the rules, and then he ends up with are you gonna pay my rent I followed the rules. I continue to follow the rules, and you are still time after time are giving the citations to post my business, getting out hold of my employees. My tables are inside, just because the health departments have the whole process and go through the team. However, a lot of that taste. I have to post my papers. But who are you gonna pay my rents? How are you gonna pays take the decision? Trying just the contest, I putting my tails outside and I rehit her in again. I never suck one single person outside. I can all take out foods and delivery to what exactly I was supposed to be doing. That's exactly what I did. I did not break any end of It's not even the law. I did not break any rule. There is a lot of breaking right now by operating it up because you guys putting this closure on the restaurant right so you you guys yourselves are creating your own rule and you're getting guys ciritation for your own rule. It's created. It's not my law. You cann't get outside of knees. That's not law. That's what if the warrands get it so you did not give me a closure citation based on that it's already in I'm not issuing closure. I see, I what do yousual the closure? You guys close, You're not asking to close me. I'm not issuing the citation. This is a closure the restaurant already closed from it had made suspended. However, your refusal of cloth warrants at least petre a, I'm gonna do my close? Are we gonna pay our rests? No? No? All? Okay, well good, I canna pay. I'm not close it. I mean, I mean, just put yourself in the shoes of this guy, this business owner, his life and everything he's like. I mean, what else does this guy have to do to get to get anybody to pay attention to him? What are they gotta do? It's unbelievable eight hundred and nine for one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, so our down in Georgia election officials down there. Paul Sperry in Real Clear Investigations, Real Clear Politics is pointing out that Georgia election officials refused to prosecute double voters. The majority of double voters they found were Democrats. Why do we even bother having election laws. If we're just gonna change them, well, you know, just the day of three days before three days after, we're gonna we're gonna make deals with Democrats that sue for you know, just the sake of suing to make things better for them. We'll give them, you know, we'll cave into the demands on signature verification, standards, on drop boxes. I mean, they did that in Georgia, but more than seventeen hundred Georgians singled out for illegally casting two ballots in the twenty twenty elections. In other words, they've identified them, but their fraudulent votes weren't canceled out, according to state election officials, and so far none of the cheaters have been prosecuted, which of course rightly would raise concerns about the continued fraud as Georgia prepares to vote again in nineteen days. In these two Senate runoff elections, the majority of double voters were Democrats who cast absentee ballots either by mail or by drop box, but also voted in person on election day, which case you're interested in the law, which is a felony under state law. The highest share of offenders. Oh, Fulton County. I noticed the Secretary states slight of handled, We'll do signature verifications sampling in Cobb County. That's not where the problems were anyways. The highest share of people voting twice that have been identified Fulton County, which includes Atlanta, many of whom were allowed to cast a second ballot by poll workers. Hundreds of workers assigned to the county poll sites were recruited and trained by the Democratic run Georgia chapter of the ACLU, another fact that we had broughten up in the past. In other words, they got to get trained by liberal Democrats as part of this idiotic consent decree and apparently attempt agency run by Democratic donors. They were the ones that actually were recruiting and training the workers at the polls. How stupid is your Secretary of State down there? I mean, good grief. Most of them inexperienced, and of course what were they telling them to do? And the acceptability rate. Remember in Pennsylvania, what did we say in twenty sixteen there was twenty seven times higher rejection rate of mail in ballots. Now that they shouldn't have had mass mail in ballots because the Constitution of the State of Pennsylvania expressly prohibits such but they had them anyway, I follow the law, you know, why not just do what they did in Wisconsin. Well, legally you're not allowed to have early voting. Let's set it up this way. Meet in the park and say you're permanently disabled and can't leave your home, but you got to go to the park to do it all, and we won't make you sign the application, which also mandated by law. It's so frustrating to me anyway. Hundreds of workers that were signed down in Georgia, the poll sites were recruited, trained by trained by the Democratic Chapter of the ACLU and a temporary agency run by Democratic donors. According to real clear investigations and before the election, the acl you urged anyone quote threatened with prosecution over double voting allegations to contact their local chapter for assistance. It's now signing up poll workers for the January fifth runoff races. By the way, if you're in Georgia and you actually care about free, fair and accurate election results, you might want to sign up and be a part of this. Kelly Leffler said, there's a lot more people. There'll be a lot more poll watchers, But are they going to be kept six feet away kicked out of the room like they were the first time so they can bring out the suitcases full of ballots. It's unbelievable anyway. So they're now actively seeking people for this job, and the runoffs will determine control of the Senate. And the number of suspected double voting felons is the largest and state history. According to Real Clear investigations, they learned that no cases, not one, have been referred to the Attorney General for criminal investigation. In spite of promises that they were going to enforce these laws, this office does not have any referrals on double voting cases so far from the state election board related to the June twenty twenty primary or the November third, twenty twenty election. According to Katie Byrd, spokesperson for the Georgia AG Chris Carr, a Republican lack of action undercuts the Georgia's Secretary of State, this guy Raffensberger and his promised last month to prosecute those who undermine our elections to the fullest extent of the law. Yeah, where are you, mister? Georgia's Secretary of State. Where are you, Governor Kemp I can't do anything. You can call a special session. You could fix this ridiculous consent agreement that was made by your secretary of State, and could do that you've chosen not to, but you can't. But for the people of Georgia, the Patriots, Conservatives, Republicans, those that want free, fair elections, you just we can't afford to lets you sit out here. And I'm not asking you to do anything. I promise you I myself wouldn't do and I'd go out and vote. There's so much at stake for the entire country here and every poll has raised it thin margins anyway. ForSight County Commissioner Dennis Brown, a Republicans, said, I'm disappointed in the lack of enforcement of all of our election laws. We're not asking for the same outcome in January during the runoffs. If something is not done soon, he said, we are asking for it. So he's telling people and warning people about Ravensberger faced the backlash. You know, just you know, it's sort of like if you remember in the movie Braveheart and William Wallace, you know he's with his friends and the nobles have asked them to a meeting after they betrayed him numerous times, and he says to his friend, if we've got to try it, gets on his horse, goes by himself, goes to meet the nobles. They jump him, and then he's put to death. We've got to try. I mean, that's that's kind of how I feel. I'm asking people to try, but I can't guarantee that these idiots are going to get anything right, which is beyond infuriating to me and it should be to every American. By the way, another polls come out. We've had numerous ones Quinnipiac galloping the gallipole. Eighty three percent Republicans think that this election was not free and fair and accurate, and a lot of shenanigans went on. President had tweeted out, hey, Mitch, is Mitch McConnell's calling Biden president elect. Seventy five million votes, a record for a sitting president, adding it's too soon to give up. The president added the Republican Party must finally learn to fight. This is what I think the lesson of all things Donald Trump, as he's fought and I know many of you have been been fighting hard I applaud all of you and trying to get to the bottom of this and straighten all this out. It's hard to do after the fact. And you know, one of the big questions I was asking before the November third election is do you have lawyers? They have Paul watchers? Are they trained? Do they understand that they know what the law is? The law? They're not looking for them to bypass or overturn the law. We're looking for them to just maintain the law, enforce the law, and call out those that wouldn't do it anyway. You just look at it. A large majority of Republicans agree with the President that this record number of Republicans that they weren't voting so much for the Republicans as they were Donald Trump, and the Republican Party doesn't seem to understand, well, why is Donald Trump able to get crowds the likes of which no politician has ever in my lifetime ever gotten. How is it that there's such passion for him. I'll tell you what the reason is. He fights for the promises he made and he keeps them, and he's accomplished more in four years, culminating with the vaccine that everybody said, is not going to happen, is not going to be a miracle. Joe Biden said that happened too. Got to give a shout out to our friends at the Amistead Project of the Thomas Moore Society. They released a thirty nine page report yesterday alleging that Mark Zuckerberg's five hundred million dollars given to election officials in twenty twenty was in fact a violation of election law. The funds were then used to treat voters unequally and improperly influenced the election for Joe Biden. Large portion of the funds went to the Center for Tech and Civic Life, which is a nonprofit only to this article that I'm reading, nonprofit group, and that's an awful lot of money. But just you can't even calculate between Twitter, Facebook and all these social media giants, you know, by censoring the New York Post story, etc. Etc. And they never censored the Russia collusion lie. They ever censored, you know, they'd everyone wanted people to talk about quid pro quote Joe zero experience hunter. I don't even think they're allowing the Johnson Grassly report on the bidens to be put out. I mean, it's pretty unbelievable. The whole thing is unbelievable. Do you think it can happen here? Do you? It's kind of like I'm in a dream world at times. I'm like always thinking it can happen here. A lot of the stuff happens in other countries. You know, we're more advanced, sophistic than it happens here, and it asks throughout history. We're gonna be very blunt and honest about it. You have more witnesses again testifying on election irregularities at the Senate hearing. These are, in other words, they're whistleblowers, as I've been calling them, patriotic, courageous whistleblowers, just like the anonymous hearsay, non whistleblower, whistleblower one person in charge of, you know, impeaching a president, only one fact witness the whole time. Republican senators said they believe fraud did occur. They're looking into it, and they these whistleblower witnesses, patriotic conservatives, you know, are telling stories I find extraordinarily believable and signing affidavits under the penalty of perjury. You got a state representative Francis Ryan telling senators in his testimony the state's mail in ballot system for this year was so fraught with inconsistencies the irregularities that the reliability of the mail in votes in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is impossible to rely on. It's also their state constitution forbids it. But while we let something like the log get in the way, Newke Gingrich is going to join us next. But he's been out there saying, well, Republicans in Georgia, they gotta get enough votes that's gonna overcome whatever cheating they've gotten stored for the January I runoffs. Robert Kaheley of Trafalgar is actually factoring in a three point seven percent fraud rate into his polls, anticipating that that's what the people of Georgia have to face. We're the United States of America. Really, now, can we design a system that people trust, have faith, hope confidence in? Yes, of course. How to twenty eight states use voting machines that Republicans, Democrats and the mob actually agree shouldn't be used. Why would we do that? How did that happen? All? Right? Now? We're two Sean Hannity Show thanks for being with us eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza, New king Ridge tweeting out I will lead in what will lead to major fraud during the January fifth US Senate runoff elections. There is no indication that either Rafsburger the Georgia Election Board plan on taking any action on the chain of custody documents from absentee ballots placed in drop boxes. At least this time, we've got one minor improvement. They're actually monitoring the drop boxes. Kelly Leffler said last night on Hannity that they're gonna have about four thousand new observers partisan observers, but has many accommodation has been made that they can truly observe anyway. The speaker joins us, Now, how are you, sir? I'm doing great, and you've captured part of the problem perfectly. You have a Georgia's Secretary of State Ravensburger, who behaves as though he's a liberal Democrat, who has been totally destructive, and who has refused to enforce the law and refused to prosecute people who are breaking the law and it's just sort of a mild disaster. Now. Despite that, the most recent polls show that Centator Loffler is ahead of the most radical candidate in modern American history in terms of Senate races, that's Raphael Warneck. And the same pole shows that a Senator Couldu is now beating as by a pretty good margin. But they've got to win by a big enough margin that all of the effort by the Democrats to steal the race fall short. And I have to say that I think both the governor and the Secretary of State and the election board have really fallen short of their sworn constitutional duties. Look, this is what it's frustrated a lot of people. My fear is the more we talk about it, the more it just ingrains and people in Georgia. This this frankly righteous anger that they have towards the governor and Secretary of State. I mean the secretary of State, you know, makes this deal with the drop boxes based on the Democratic Party at George's lawsuit, along with the Democratic Senatorial campaign Committee and Democratic Congressional Committee, and then just without going to the state legislature would be which would be the proper constitutional way to do things. He agrees to the drop boxes, they weren't monitored. You have chain of custody issues that then arise. Then of course we have the whole issue of the involving signature verification. You have rigid standards if you vote in person, and you have relax standards if you vote by mad and apparently those those now stay in place for January fifth. But you know, I'm what I'm saying that people in Georgia that doesn't give you a pass not to vote here, I totally agree with your criticisms. Well, I think they should do just the opposite. The should make every conservative in Georgia so angry that they're going to guarantee not only that they turn out, but they turn out their relatives, their friends, their co workers, the folks they go to church with, and they make sure that matter how badly run the elect is that we simply drown them in votes. And that seems to be what's fening to happen. I think people are so angry about how this whole thing has been handled that conservatives and people who don't want to see Chuck Schumer as the Senate majority leader, don't want to see radical policies. Don't want to see somebody like Raphael Warnerck who is rapidly pro abortion and really literally I think the most radical candidates the Senate by any either party in the US Senate race. I think those folks of this turnout and vote. And I'm very encouraged by the early voting because people are starting to show up and say, look, I'm not going to let these folks run over me. And in a sense, that's what this whole post election process is about. We've watched all the big Libs, all the big radicals, all of the folks at the New York Times to run over us, and now we've people who are showing up and saying, you know, I'm gonna fight for what I believe. By the way, I'm not exactly sure what's going on with your phone, but you keep pitting buttons. We're gonna gonna put you on hold for a second and see if we can straighten it out. It's actually pretty funny. But for the people in Georgia, let me let me just remind you you got this omnibus bill being debated today and it's gonna apparently go into the weekend this weekend and you know, it's I mean, the amount of money that we're gonna spend and we'll talk about it more with Andy Biggs in our next hour. The amount of money they're spending on a stimulus. Again, we're back to a situation where, you know, it's not about just helping people that are unemployed, but they'll be getting more money in many instances than they would if they were actually working, which would totally take away the incentive for people to work. Pretty fascinating when you hear a former Speaker of the House talk about, well, you Republicans, you need to win by a big enough margin that they can't steal it or that Trafalgar Robert Gahley's polls factoring in a three point seven percent fraud steel factor into his polling. I mean, this is a level of madness that anyways, you're back, all right, mister speaker, let me ask you about that. You know, it's pretty remarkable to me, and you said a very matter of factly, you know, and that is that, well, Republicans will have to win the state of Georgia, these two Senate races by a big enough margin overcome the stealing or Trafalgar and Robert Kaheley. Factoring in a three point seven percent fraud rate in the election doesn't exactly instill confidence in me or I don't think any American about the institutions, because this is only happening in some states, not others, and I just can't believe that we're saying it and we believe it. Well, look, I think it's pretty straightward. There are states that have gone to great length to have accurate, honest elections. Flordi's one, o Hires another, and there are states that are just why opened the fraud and corruption. I would say Pennsylvania's one, Michigan's another. Nevada is even worse. And part of the great challenge the next couple of years is going to be to have a reform movement nationwide that insists in passing laws that really make it possible for every honest American to vote and impossible for people to steal the elections. But there's no question that in Georgia, a series of deals were cut, largely whether sector of state to make Stacy Abrams happy, and as a result, the state has been opened and invulnerable to a level of theft and a level of ballot stuff in on a degree where personally, I have zero doubt that President Trump, if you only counted honest, legal votes, I have zero doubt the President Trump carriage Georgia, and I have every reason to believe that the margin which Biden won is literally entirely of volts that should not have been counted if you had and I would argue, if the law and the constitution, both our US Constitution and the state constitution in Pennsylvania were followed, there would have been a different result there. If, as the Supreme Court Chief Justice in Wisconsin said, they followed the laws there, that was two hundred thousand votes impacted. And again the law was clear, there's no ambiguity. And that's where the frustration of the eighty three percent of Republicans that have no faith in the outcome of this election. Now, the other thing I wanted to ask you is you got all of these people, all of these witnesses now going before the Senate Committee. They're all laying out what it is they viewed. They've all signed affidavits under penalty of perjury. And you know, I go back and I compare it to the way one anonymous hearsay non whistleblower whistleblower was treated, and that's just one person, and then that resulting in the impeachment of Donald Trump with only one fact witness who actually benefited the president's argument that there was no quid pro quo. And I look at all of these these people, hundreds and hundreds and all of the states were following, and they literally are giving in accounting of all of all of the things that have happened in this election, and there's like a medius shutout of all of them. They don't even want to talk to these people. They're not They're no longer calling whistleblowers patriotic and courageous. Okay, I think we have a problem of language. We don't have any reporters left in the mainstream media. We have activists to the left. We don't have any news media, we have propaganda media. We keep pretending that somehow these places will be Okay, the Washington Post has this, you know, slogan democracy guys in darkness, and then they're after part of the darkness. So I think you have to recognize you've had an effort by what I would think is an oligarchy of the left. You've had the big Internet companies the big news companies. The billionaires in New York have made so much money out of China. The radical left is to want to change our whole country. They form a coalition. They're wants to profoundly change America. Knows that they have to drive Donald Trump out of office to do it, and they believe that any activity is legitimate. So you want to censor the fourth largest newspaper in the country and the oldest newspaper in the country, Front of Bolexander Hamilton, the New York Post, Kiss, go ahead and censor. You want to censor the President of States, Jess, go ahead and censor. You want to censor Russia Limbaugh. Four out of five tweets get censored. Don't worry about it. And then you want to make sure nobody noticed is that Hunter Biden is a crook and nobody notices that China has its things right in the middle of a Biden family. Well, you don't want to cover those things and needs go down this list. This is the most dangerous period for our freedoms since the Civil War, more dangerous than World War Two, more dangerous than the Cold War. We are on the edge of having a group of people who are so deeply indebted to China that for all practical purposes, they're just going to open the gates and let the Chinese dominate this country. And they're doing it by using every possible mechanism that they've got. And it's truly, as a historian, that is truly a sobering and frightening experience. You know, I gotta tell you, just frightening times. But just listen to what you're saying. You're a great historian, a professor at heart. I mean, with all your knowledge of the history of this country, the most dangerous period ever since the Civil War, that's pretty profound, mister speaker. We have a more phone, Linda, What are you laughing? On air or off air? Because you're laugh Are you enjoying this? You will enjoy your hostess. It's just hilarious. Sometimes, you know, you just need moments like this to remind you. Maybe he was trying to play Christmas jingles on his phone's keys. Oh my god, No, we're nodding control obviously, you know. I love I love these mob people. Hannity and these guys and talk radio of Fox have so much power, of so much power. Obama never would have been president ever and we would have won this election free and fair and rules would have been actually followed. I look at if we don't change and get a hold of all that happened this year, and we don't learn from this the buckle of an election, and we don't voter ID and chain of custody issues, and we're gonna have elections for you know, three months, early voting two months, or if we don't get this together and make sure that the laws are followed, we'll never have a free, fair election again. And all I see with the Democrats is they're going to double down on this madness. Oh look, I couldn't agree with you more. I think America is really teetering on the precipice. On one side, you have honest elections, you know who votes, you know that it will be counted accurately, you know that people will not be allowed to vote illegally. On the other side, you have a machine which dumps in extra ballots as it needs them, which votes people who already did, which votes people multiple times, which doesn't care whether they're legal or illegal. And those two worlds are not compatible. I mean, we're either going to become a country once again of law, or we're going to become a country dominated by machines that are breathtakingly corrupt and that are prepared to dominate the rest of us, to impose their radical values and their left wing agenda. But it's that simple, and the choice is that big. How stupid have I been naively thinking, well, that only happens in these other places. You know, we have some instances of it, but not on a mass scale like this, And sure enough it is happening. It did happen. It's hard to wrap your mind around how this happened here. This is the moment where we choose between the United States in Venezuela or the United States Zimbabwe or United States and Blusha. I mean, either we're going to have a popular refusal to allow holigarchs and giant companies and radical left wingers and corrupt politicians to dominate us, or they're going to win. It's that simple. It's a historian industry. In the end, these things come down to who won who lost, And we have an enormous fight ahead of us if we want freedom to survive. The fight. Also, the state legislators, constitutionally they have to bring that fight as well, that's right. I mean, we still have an opportunity in the not very distant future to have amazing things happen, and to have them happen in a way which I think between now and January sixth could change history. But it does require the state legislators to step in where the Secretary of State is in Georgia have failed or where the courts have failed totally, and to recognize that the Constitution provides for a very powera role for the state legislators and a very powera role for the House and Senator seconds left. Do you think they'll do that? I think they may. I think the country is getting to be more and more aware of just how sick the whole thing is. You do have some friends that think like, I don't know, I think that's I'm so irish. I just always predict the worst. Anyway, mister speaker, thank you for being with us. Eight hundred and nine fold one Seawan Andy Biggs's next on the Omnibus Spending Bill twenty five till it's the top of the hour, eight hundred nine fold one, Shawn are told free telephone number. So I interviewed this guy on TVDEO. His name is Anton van Happen, and he is an LA restaurant owner. By the way, in case people don't know, I lived in Santa Barbara a few years. It's actually warm in southern California anyway, asking government officials, are you going to pay my rent? Because they went in give this guy another citation. Now they're shutting down the whole state and that's leading to now this recall petition that apparently has gotten a lot of traction out in California. Listen to this poor guy. This like so many people in the shutdown everything, every hope, every dream, every dollar they ever had they throw into their businesses only to have the government come in shut it down and destroy their dream. Listen, I followed the rules. I continue to follow the rules, and you got still time after time are giving these citations. No, No, I have to close my business, hold of my employees. You're not. I ain't following the u My tables are outside just because the health departments have the whole process to go through that taste. However, a lot of that taste, I have to close my papers for that. Who are you gonna pay my rents? Are you gonna pays take the decision. Try chose to contest by putting my tails outside, and I rehit it again. I never saw one single person outside. I did all take out food and delivery to what example I was supposed to be doing. That's exactly what I did. I did not break any and the costuming the law. I did not bring any rule. Yeah, I'm gonna pay my rent. I'm not closing. It's unbelievable. Adam Carolla, who hosts his own podcast Waiting on the support of the recall of Gavin Newsom. I listen, I don't know the Newsom thinks he is. He's not a monarch. Can't shut down society. You got to offer some proof. It's dangerous. And by the way, sheep, wake up, sheep, it's not Newsome. It's all the sheep that just listened to Newsom. I got it. This Newsome recall. Then, what do you think about that could be nice? Yeah, yeah, I do think it'll it'll gain some all ground. I think it is gaining some ground because he's an imbecile and he's incompetent. He's running this state into the ground. So hopefully we can listen, we should recall him and just replace him. With one of those plastic owls they put on top of restaurants. A seagulls don't shot on the roof, and we would be much better off. You understand, we'd be much better off with no replacement than with Gavin Newson. Adam Carolla joins us down. I couldn't tell because it sounded like at an audience there were they hissing and booing when you said that, or they like it. I was going to a friend of mine's restaurant in Burbank, California, Orna who I've known since high school, who's essentially going out of business because the state of California has made it impossible for him to do business. But he said, as long as I'm going out of business, screw it. I'm opening my patio and I'm defying the lockdown. So me and my son went there for dinner two nights ago to support him. Good for you, you know, But I honestly I'm getting like COVID, you know, the COVID role, because I'm trying to support all my friends that own restaurants where I live. I mean, they're dying, they're they're all struggling, and they you know, they'd be happy if they could even break even at this point, and then incomes the government. Now in Southern California, Adam, I think everybody out there understand social distancing wearing the mask, right, there's nobody that's ignorant of what they're being told. Am I Right there, I see the lion share of people. When I say lion share probably into the mid nineties, wearing a mask walking alone. I see people in my neighborhood, which is a very quiet neighborhood, walking at night alone with a mask on. Okay, but another one I'm trying to get to here. If you get in your car and you're driving, you know the one on one in freeway, or you're driving wherever you're driving in Southern California, you know they're a risk of driving. Every time you've gotten on an airplane. You know the risk of getting on an airplane. If everybody knows the risks, and then they would choose, for example, outdoor dining in Southern California, with whatever mask mandate you have, except when you're eating your food. Why are they not providing the freedom to even make that choice. I don't know. I mean, you think about New Year's Eve, is coming up. You know, every year a bunch of Americans die driving drunk at night coming home from New Year's Eve's Eve party is the most dangerous night to drive a car. So according to their logic, why not just lock it down? Why not just set at ten pm New Year's Eve? I mean people are going to die. I mean, listen. I'd like to say that life doesn't have risks. But I think the government they did their job. They've educated everybody. I'll tell you they even did better than their job. Nobody would have ever dreamed of a vaccine. Trump should get credit. Nobody can ever say one nice word about the guy with operation warp speed and the fact that we have now numerous vaccines. People are getting vaccinated as we speak. But I know people just like your friend. I mean, every single scent they've ever saved in their life and then going into debt up to their eyeballs, and every dream they've ever had, it's being wiped out. And it's just like, oh, check, check check, without any consideration of any alternatives that would provide them a means of even paying the rent and keeping people working. Well, they were closing member, they closed the beaches down here. You know, every time someone tells me to follow the science, I go, what about a couple of months ago when they closed the beaches out? What about after when they closed the beaches down, they said you could walk on the beach, but you couldn't lay down on the beach. Should I have followed that science? What science are we're talking about? There is no science. Science. Setting outdoors is dangerous, no science. And as a matter of fact, the health director in Los Angeles County just admitted there is no science. We just want people to stay home. Well, I don't know if that's the job. I don't know if that's part of your job. Your job is to tell us the science, let us weigh the rest, and then get on Like American. You know, it's interesting you say this. Now, you take a lot of heat just for saying that, just for saying that. Okay, people get the choice, people get to decide. Now. The only thing I would urge other people is you do have to think of those that would be vulnerable, most vulnerable to coronavirus, older people, underlying conditions, compromised immune systems. If you're going to be going out, I'd strongly advise you, you know, not to see Grandma and Graham hot this time until they get the vaccine and they're safe. That sound fair, absolutely, but we act you know, when this thing started, we'd say, well, how come the schools are closed? Kids don't kids aren't harmed by this. They don't seem to be able to spread. It seems like one of the safest places in the world. I mean, what's the difference between airport TSA and a tool teacher. The TSA shows up at the airport every single day and see thousands of people go by them. Is that less dangerous than a school teacher standing ten feet away from a class with a piece to lexan in front of them. And who is an essential worker if not teachers? But they act like, well, your kids are gonna go, your kids are gonna be safe. But then they're gonna return and they're gonna give it to their grandparents. They act like seventy percent of Americans live with their elderly parents. That's insane. I don't live with elderly people. I'm the oldest person in my house. A fourteen year old twins reopen the schools Hall of the science, you know. The thing too is then it creates this problem for parents because they got to take off work and maybe their work's not gonna let them work from home. Then their income is lost on top of it, and then you have a you know, literally it starts like a snowball running downhill and you don't know where this thing ever stops. You know, but at the end of the day, you know you live in a state where they have a state income tax at thirteen and a half percent. You're watching the biggest mass exodus out of states like California, New York, New Joysey, and Illinois. The problem I have, I don't care. It's and it's all told in the one statistic. If you want a U haul from LA to Texas, it's probably gonna cost you about twenty five hundred bucks. If you take the U haul from Texas and drive it back to California, you'll get it for four hundred bucks. The reason being is there there's a need for people to bring the trucks back because so many people are leaving your state, well, you know, to things. Gavin Newsom, who's a complete imbecile, get an interview I heard on a podcast a few weeks back. He said, Hey, where are you gonna go? Is if people aren't fleeing and going everywhere. Number one, number two. As you know, elon left. All right, here's a little fought experiment. Von Musk is the smartest man on the planet and he's leaving California. What does that say about California? Quick freak. We'll come back more of Adam Corolla on the other side, the eight hundred and nine for one sewn on numbered As we continue, Adam Carolla is with US five hundred thousand people out of New York City. Now you have big Wall Street companies, Goldman and others taking some of their largest divisions and moving them down to Florida, so they'll go from a thirteen percent state city income tax down to zero and they'll save money galore. Now I'll also tell you well people will never know is the New York government will go in and offer them sweetheart deals that nobody else gets in order to keep the perception that Wall Street is really in New York. Watch that as the next move. But you know, it's very, very frustrating. It seems like nobody really does want to think for themselves. You know, if I did a segment with a doctor from Yale or a doctor from Baylor or you know doctor Oz for crying out loud, and they said, yeah, let me tell you about the studies that show that hydroxy chloroquim with a zpac and zinc and courcertain and vita himin D three in vita himin c IF taken early shows that it's effective. And now there are numerous studies that have come out since then. Just by even exploring a choice for somebody, somehow I'm a bad person for even discussing it. The only two medical papers pulled on hydroxy were ones that were negative towards it because they wanted to rush them out to propagandize people, and it seemed like, well, Donald Trump recommended it, therefore we've got to hate it. Well, hydroxy clark Win is a perfect example of the news the media and the bias of the mainstream media. I mean, this drug is a nert it's been around for sixty years, that's given out. Yeahs is sorry, I stand correct. And here's an interesting piece of information. Because I sit next to doctor Drew and talk to him about it all the time. Do you know that if you are on hydroxy CLOrk Win and you become pregnant, you don't have to get off it. Now, how could that drugs be dangerous if pregnant women don't have to stop taking it. Pregnant women can't drink a glass of white wine when they're pregnant, but they can droxy Clark Win. What else do you need to know? And of course the meet the mainstream media could find all this information out in ten minutes on their phone, and of course they choose not to. You know, it's so funny you say that. I mean, you have out there at Cedar Sinite the premier expert in hydroxychloroquine as the largest rhum of toid arthritis and lupa's practices in the country, over four hundred peer reviewed articles, and early in April of this year he wrote it and said that the risks of people using it as a treatment are nil. At the doses and the time that he was even talking about using it for thirty or sixty days most people is five, ten or two weeks max. And the recommended doses the risk is nil. And still these people Daniel Wallace's name, Doctor Daniel Wallace, Cedar Sinai Medical Center. I mean, but still you couldn't even discuss it without having your head chopped off. Well, this is how you know the media is corrupt and you know they have an agenda. If the media was just ignorant hydroxychloric wine and they said, I don't know if it helps, I don't. I don't know that there's any proof that it helps with COVID nite, but doesn't seem to hurt anybody. If they couched it that way, I would tend to believe then at least they didn't know what they were doing. When they came out with a smear campaign to talk about how dangerous it was. That's when I knew they had an agenda. No normal person who looked into this medication for more than five minutes would would come back with that conclusion. And if it is dangerous, as we heard how dangerous it was four months ago from the mainstream media, then where's all the fall up reports on all the Americans that have been injured or harmed or permanently damaged by hydroxy clerk and where's your follow up stories? Then, CNN, where's the follow up? He said it was dangerous five months ago, good millions of Americans took it. Now we should be having a story about all the Americans that were harmed, right, you'd think so they'd love to stick it in our face and say they were right. By the way, you're in your twelfth year of your show. Congratulations, you've written a book. I don't even know what to begin to think of the title, I'm your emotional support animal, navigating out of all woke no Joe culture. Isn't it really sad that even comedians, I mean, there's like a checklist of what you cannot say. You know, the saddest state is the comedians because the comedians were always there to push back against the man. So think about this concept. You know, Lenny Bruce or Mort Saul or Richard George Colin always there to push back against the man. I am the only comedians I'm aware of who's pushing back against California, and it's lockdowns and Gavin Newsom and the comedians who are essentially cowards. I think that Donald Trump is the man. Donald Trump is not the man. Gavin Newsom is the man. All the comedians live in Los Angeles. Elly a word, not even a joke about Gavin Newsom. I can't watch them anymore. Like Chris Rock is the only one that just lets it rip and I love him. I love his onstage act says it all. And he doesn't give a flying you know, he doesn't care. I mean, it's so sad, all of this that's going on anyway. Your new book, congratulations on it. We really appreciate it. And it's Adam Carolla's book. It's I'm your emotional support animal, navigating our all woke no joke culture. We need to get back to joking again, even if it's about me. Tear me apart, tear me to shreds. I'd love it, all right, Thanks Adam, appreciate it. Eight hundred and nine four one sean. You want to be a part of the program, quick break, right back. We'll continue right here for our final news round up and information overload. All right, News round up, Information overload, our eight hundred and nine four one sewn You want to be a part of the program, all right, So seventeenth of December, that's where we are now, fourteen days left in this month, and then on day five of next year, nineteen days away, people will be voting these two Senate runoff seats in the Great State of Georgia. It couldn't be any more important. Race with the worst date possible. And that's why the early voting started on Monday. It's going on right now, or if you're gonna do it absentee, now is the time to act. Make sure you get your ballot, make sure you get online. Please vote because there's so much at stake. Anyway. Kelly Leffler is running on against Rafael Warnock. And here's one of her heads. Oh body, console god, I'm the military. Rafael Warnock attacks our military police power, the kind of against the folk mentality. Warnock attacks our police so bad it's got to open the jail. Rafael Warnock is dangerous anyway. Joining us now, people that really understand the great state of Georgia. You got Craig Kashician with US, educated Cornell Princeton, Yale Law served on the White House staff of President Reagan. Matt Towery back with us. This guy nailed the twenty sixteen election the twenty twenty election. Knows Georgia as well as anybody. He alone puts interesting because trafalgars Robert Kaheley, same thing. I mean, they're both from Georgia. Matt Slady's Pole insider advantage has a forty nine forty eight lead for Purdue of Razor thin Kelly Leffler forty nine forty eight one point race. There, Matt Towery, welcome back. What is the state of this race? Looks very very tight to me, too close for comfort. Yeah, Sean, it looks really tight. And you know George as well as I do, and you have elluted many times for the fact we could easily have an ice storm in Georgia that could wipe out the voter turnout that day, which which is all the more reason for people to go vote early and to get their vote in and counted in this race. I can't tell people in Georgia, particular in the rest of the country how close these races are really are. It's amazing. I'm looking at the turnout numbers and I calculated today, Sean. I think right now the Republicans are between one hundred and one hundred and ten thousand votes behind. Now. They were certainly at that level of not more in the general election, where you have a slightly larger turnout. So that doesn't mean that the Republicans can't win, but what it means is that Republicans have to get back out and vote like it's a general election, or they could lose both of these Senate seats in Georgian. What's your take, Craig as you analyze these two races, the runoffs on the fifth the same as Matt. Matt Yer teamed up on this one, and he's a great partner. And I will tell you what Matt said is absolutely the case. Georgia Republicans have to vote like they never have before. Their future and the country's future is dependent upon it. I see some positives. I see that our senior citizens are coming back into the polls. We need them now more than ever. Senior citizens of Georgia, we need you, and you need to vote Republican on this point too. I do see another big moving item here, and Matt touched upon this. Actually Matt uncovered it. We see that the radical left positions on no bail at hoc prisoner release, closing down the Atlanta City Jail and turning it into some sort of playground are deeply disturbing. The Republicans and Democrats and African American women of all political affiliations are worried about this, as whites are, as everyone should be. This is a matter of public safety and if you can't sleep soundly in your home at night, then what the heck is government all about? So yeah, these are the things that you know that drive polls and should be driving Republicans to the polls here. I mean, there's so much on the shoulders of the people of Georgia, and by the way, I don't think it's been particularly helpful. I mean, the only changes I see that they've made since November third is apparently these drop boxes now are being viewed and monitored. All right, that's an improvement. I don't know that they haven't changed the signature verification issue that came up during the general election, and this was part of a consent agreement that was made with the Secretary of State and the Democrats that were suing the State of Georgia, Matt Towery, And they're not changing any of the other other considerations that were given, which means that in person voters voting, if you're there, you have to have an ID and you have the stringent signature verification requirement that has your signature as to match what they have in the state database. That standard does not exist for people to do mail in ballots. They haven't fixed it. It's ticked a lot of people off. Well, you know, to allude to Georgia, that's all gone with the wind, so speak, because nothing is going to change. The Secretary of State hasn't changed anything. And I had anecdotally yesterday some late conversations with some members of the General Assembly who said they're seeing ballots flying around once again. Things not secure. I think there's an effort on the part of the GOP and I want to get some credit that David Schaffer, the chairman there, he is, He is very smart. He liked Joe Gruders, who you know Joe. He's the chairman in Florida who really helped deliver the win for Donald Trump. These are the sort of chairman that you need, people who are savvy and know what they're doing. And I think David's doing the best he can to try to secure the ballots and get people out. But the problem is he's a Republican chairman who's very true, true to his party. But you've got a Secretary of State who really is fighting to instead validate something which can't be validated, and that is that he did the right thing in finding the consent agreement and creating those drop boxes and allowing to have this disparit treatment of ballots where you don't need an ID if you're mailing in for an absentee ballot, but you need an ID if you're going online or if you're going to appear in person. That none of that makes any sense, and it hasn't really changed. So that's why the voters have to make sure they get out and participate in this thing, because we don't know if the quote unquote cheap factor is zero or if it's the three point whatever percent that are colleague and friend Robert K. Hayway's foot to it. We just don't know right now, and so it's it's a very iffy situation. The other thing I want to know real quickly is that we also don't know we've seen an uptick in the early voting a bit versus the runoff. What we don't know is if the Republicans are voting now early vote and they won't be that big a vote on January fifth, or whether we'll still have a lot of the Republican vote on January fifth. All of those are variable that will really change the way these polls might turn out to be reality. When way or another, you know, if you look at Okay, so, what are the issues that are resonating the most? I mean, what issues will get Craig people out and inspired to vote. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, it's every one of Donald Trump's accomplishments. It's whether or not investigations will continue. It's absolutely by the way, Georgia, your vote here, you'll end up paying to bail out New York, New Jersey, California and all these states that have not been as fist responsible as you all have been. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, because it's absolutely true. Open borders that'll happen, free healthcare for illegal immigrants that will happen, energy independence that will stop liberal activist justices. There will be many of them. Nobody will be there to stop them, except if the people of Georgia, Conservatives, patriots, Republicans all get out seeing the magnitude of severity here and voting. I mean, I'm like begging the people of Georgia. I hope they understand what's at stake. Craig, oh Sean, you couldn't hit it more accurately. In fact, it's worse than that. There are ideas on the ground now in Georgia giving everybody a guaranteed income in the city of Atlanta. That means the taxpayers of Georgia have to pay for the federal bailout and also for their citizens who are going to be on the door. So the meta issues you just spoken to are right on, and Georgia patriots of all political stripes, whether you're a conservative or a moderate, please don't fall for the hat trap that that war Nahuku and ass Off are moderates. They are not. They want to change the undergirdings of American society as you know it, and the United States will not resemble its former self once the Democrats get control. So that's the big picture. But when it comes right down to the hearth again, safety, security, living in your own home, and you know, without having gangsters and criminals who are out on the streets thanks to liberal policies like this come right smack home, and Georgians have to realize that they have to perform not only a service for their country but to themselves too. But the service to the country in terms of keeping these people out and keeping Republicans in check is the is the greater duty, the greater cause. I hope they hear this, I think they will. You take Matt Towery, what are the arguments that should be made by Leffler and by Purdue on these closing days. I do like the fact that both of them are racing around the states as many counties as they can get to, and I think Perdue promised one hundred and twenty five. Kelley Lefler said something similar last night on Hannity. Yeah, so I start with the basis that don't run away from Donald Trump. Donald Trump, as I've said many times on this program, is not just politics. He's a religion in Georgia and in South Georgia, Central Georgia and North Georgia. If anybody thinks they're gonna win without having Donald Trump helped draw these people back out to the polls, they don't understand the difference between a regular politician and President Trump. That's number one. Number two. I agree with what Craig's talked about. I think the campaigns in their latter days need to become more localized. We've had a lot of ads running in Georgia that are national in nature. You had Mitch McConnell on and we've had all these discussions of socialism and the like. But until you start talking about, hey, they really are shutting down to jail in the city of Atlanta. Is that really what you want to see happen in your community? They really are talking about universal income a pilot program in Atlanta. Do you think people are going to be able to afford that along with everything else? The Atlanta Braves, there's a talk about changing the names of the Braves now. Our colleague Robert Daily talked about that just the other day. These are issues that actually move people, and I think when you take minatality and you reach out to the various areas where their affect there's some then you put meat on the bones of what are just saying someone's a radical and a socialist. And sometimes I don't like those terms because people get used to just like they used to get used to the to the term whipple and now nobody as you call somebody a liberal and they just roll all their eyes. Craig, absolutely sorry, Would you recommend these candidates be talking about Yeah, Director, to me, I mean, I would certainly recommend that they'd be talking about those sort of issues. But I think Craig could also add to that, crime, taxes, your your your business is getting shut down in perpetuity. Remember you see you're seeing this on the national stage. Man dates restaurant. I live in California. Sean restaurants are dying on the vine. Small business owners are crying in their hands. That's going to come to visit Georgia if you'll let the Democrats run the show. That's what's going to happen, is too true. Authoritarian government from the top down need to impact every small town, every medium size city in the state, every resident. You don't want that. It comes right down to the quality of your life, and that's what's going to be compromised. That's what I would be running on, not to mention the national issues, but the micro issues that affect your way of life. Higher taxes, I'll tell you about the micro issue that every Georgia needs to know. You'll be bailing out every fiscally irresponsible blue state in this country. You'll also you'll permit them to change laws in ways you've never dreamed of that will impact every American. I mean, you like Donald Trump. Guess what, they'll harass them into the grave. They'll never stop. If they had control of the Senate. That's one every accomplishment, they will undo it on day one if they have the power to do it. They need to understand it, all right, Thank you both, Craig, we appreciate it. Matt, thank you. Eight hundred and nine four one. Shaun is on number you want to be a part of the program. Let's get to our busy phones, just talking about Georgia. Lisa is in Georgia. Lisa, Hi, how are you glad you called so? How interested? How involved you sense the people of Georgia are in this race. Well, I early voted Monday, and which is the first day in Georgia. I spent two hours in line and I counted somewhere in the neighborhood of about two hundred people. And notice was within the first hour when the polls open where I live. And it's important to know that I don't live in the Atlanta area. I live in central Georgia. So I was talking to people that were in line, and we all agree that we knew at least two or three people who were very paranoid about early voting because of everything we've read and seen in the news about all this fraud. Georgia. Listen, Georgia every right to be mad over the way the last election was handled, and you have every right to be mad at you, dope be governor and Secretary of State, most definitely. And now I've just read about Raffensberger doing this this Cobb County signature verification. Well that's many weeks too late as far as I'm concerned, and it's just a slight of hand. You and I both know you should be doing it in Fulton County exactly exactly. I didn't hear a thing about Cobb. But anyhow, everyone I've talked to that has not voted yet, they're all wanting to wait until election day because they're for aid that if they could do it early, that if there's any monkey business going on, it's going to happen earlier than it is later. And I'm of the opinion, hey, look, if they're gonna do it, they're gonna do it, and it's not gonna matter when, so you know, show it to the world. If they're going to do it again, it's not gonna matter whether you vote earlier late. The important thing is to show up and vote and you know, make them work for it. And here, you know, it's really just voter intimidation if you're wor about changing your process how you would normally vote, if you vote early, and I always vote early. I voted early in the national election. There were people in line, highly upset during the national election that had ballots, you know, mail in ballots, older people that didn't really didn't have any business standing in a line because they were so upset that, you know, they'd heard all this stuff going on. They had ballots mails to them that they had not asked for. They had that multiple ballots, and there were Paul workers pulling them out of line and telling them, if you're here to vote in person instead, you know, we'll take this, but you've got to fill out paperwork to do this, so, you know, and those very same people, you know, because I live in a community where you know, a lot of people know each other. They're Leffler said, we're gonna have four thousand, you know, Paul watchers this time. I hope she's right. Why aren't you the governor and Secretary Estate. You do a far better job, all right, Lisa, we're counting on you and all your friends in Georgia. You've got to bail the country out. A lot hanging in a balance right now, a lot eight hundred nine four one sean. You want to be a part of the program. When we come back, we'll get an update from Andy Biggs on election integrity issues there and much more as we all right twenty five to the top of the hour. Eight hundred nine four one sean, you want to be a part of the program. There is a massive, huge omnibus spending bill that the House and Senator passed and the President has threatened to veto Andy Biggs, who is the chairman of the Freedom Caucus, and a letter to the White House asking the President to veto the end of the year omnibus spending bills. Pelosi is yet again giving a massive take it or leave it bill, negotiated behind closed doors, that expands government spending at record levels, well above the twenty eleven base cap, issues and funds unnecessary, even harmful federal programs. Andy Big joins us now, But Andy, I want to remind you that Donald Trump said this in twenty eighteen that he's not going to do this again. Therefore, is a matter of national security. I've signed this omnibus budget bill. There are a lot of things that I'm unhappy about. In this bill. There are a lot of things that we shouldn't have had in this bill, but we were, in a sense forced if we want to build our military, we were forced to have. There are some things that we should have in the bill. But I say to Congress, I will never sign another bill like this again. I'm not going to do it again. Nobody read it. It's only hours old. Some people don't even know what it is. At one point three trillion dollars, it's the second largest ever. President Obama signed one that was actually larger, which I'm sure he wasn't too happy with either. But in this case, it became so big because we need to take care of our military, and because the Democrats who don't believe in that, added things that they wanted in order to get their votes. Andy Biggs from Arizona joins us. Now any indication, I know you're joined by a lot of your Freedom Caucus friends on this President if they removed in the military authorization, they didn't remove Section two thirty also threatened to veto there your thoughts on the status of this Well, it's it's as always, it's going to be down to the wire. They're going to give us documents to read. They'll be thousands of pages and they're going to give us a few hours and then say come on, vote on this, and you got to do it or else we're gonna shut down government and you'll get blamed for shutting down government. But just as everything will have everything in there, including funding for planned parent whoo to go on. They're not going to give enough money to for border security, and they're going to continue empower insurance companies in the healthcare system. I mean, this is just all the mishmash that's going on. And right now, Sean, as you and I are talking, believe it or not, lobbyists and Democrats are putting their pet projects into this able to expand spending in the size and scope of government. That's what's happening, and that's why we're asking the President to veto this. Well, we've got to see what happens. That's why you bring up Georgia. You want to see spending like you've never seen. You want to say, taxes go through the roof like you've never seen before, massive redistribution, massive government controls, regulations on any house or building you ever have a own, or any you want to ever buy in the future, forget it, and it's gonna stimy and stifle economic growth more quickly than I think anybody has any an imagination for. Okay, so do you think you're going to get Have you had an opportunity to talk to the president and a response to your letter or no? Yes, I've had a chance to talk to the president, and since they haven't even given us anything in writing, they're going to have to see it in writing and analyze it, and his people are going to have to give him information from that side. But we're going to keep working on it. What is the latest out there with the election battle? I understand that they have a computer forensic experts now that might be given a look over in terms of the machines that were used in Arizona. That's correct, they're supposed to if if the county, Maricopa County turns over all the documents and the machines by tomorrow at five there's a forensics team waiting, just waiting to get started at five oh one, So it's just a matter of the county turning them over. They had a ward meeting yesterday and did not take any action, did not agree to to provide the documents and the machines, but nor did they say they were going to withhold them, so hopefully they're going to turn them over at the appropriate time tomorrow. All right, Andy Biggs, Freedom Caucus Chairman, thanks for updating us on the bill and all you do. And Merry Christmas, my friend. Thank you. Shan Bella, Minneapolis Bella. How are you glad you called? Thank you? Sean. Do you remember what I said in two thousand and nine the first time I called you. I'm trying to think I do remember the Paul, because I think if I remember correctly, I'm checking my brain cells here or whether I've gone full blown Joe Biden. The name Bella was kind of associated at the time with that werewolf series. What was the name of that thing again, Twilight? Didn't I bring that up with you? And you freaked me out because I was so serious and it was the first time I'd ever called anybody. But the point that I made with you is I said, let's get Donald Trump for president in oh nine. Well, I don't remember that aspect. Now. I'm actually proud of myself that I remembered that I had brought up the issue of Twilight and the character Bella from the movie, and that here we are nine years later that I still remembered it. I'm there's hope for me. I'm not going full on Joe Biden. I hope there's hope for this country. I mean, you know, min Ace stupid. It doesn't get any crazier than this. Um. I just want to throw this out there. The use of the virus to destroy small businesses has really created this epic destruction, and it's really children in government positions. They've got this abuse of draconian police state measures. And now we have businesses fighting these tyrant police state attorney generals and governors to walk out our doors, go to work, run our small businesses without restraining orders and unconstitutional fines. And you know, I'm just I'm so fed up with the Supreme Court. But I won't jump ahead because I know we want to focus on these small businesses. Sean he opened up outdoor eating in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the week before Christmas, outdoor only, and then we can't even set up legal structures to be able to serve food outside of Minneapolis. Well fresh straits me in terms of government shutdown, etcetera. Etcetera. Now it is the worst pandemic since nineteen seventeen and eighteen. A lot of people were wrong for almost the entire year. And this you know, the medical experts, projections, masks, no mask, gloves, no gloves, all of it. You know, it's it was disastrous. The lack of preparation, any preparation, even like a city with a high concentration of people, like New York City, it's unforgivable to me. And then you realize the State of New York's Health Task Force recommending you buy fifteen thousand and seven hundred eighty three ventilators. Nobody buys them. They had nothing ready. Donald Trump got it all done, and now we have the vaccine. Nobody will ever give them credit for any of that too. And you know it's well, it's missing in this is where is the Where is government having any capability of putting aside the rigidity. Take the knowledge we have about up masks and social distancing, etc. And if rest you've gotta give people alternatives, like it's some of my favorite restaurants. The next they have these bubbles now that they've created you and whoever you're with, you know, can be in a bubble that's actually getting heat, an individual bubble, you know, figure out ways that you can work with them, that they can keep their employees busy, people living as normal life as possible while the vaccine now is being put in people's arms every second of the day. And be creative, you know. But they come in their draconian heavy hand and shut everything down. And then they're gonna come this is why George is important, and they're gonna say, give me all your money because we have to pay for all of this, and a lot of it's not necessary, and there's absolutely zero willingness to be open to any any objective, smart, creative, out of the box thinking. But that is government and it's frustrating and unfortunately, I think we're all going to see a lot more of it in the months and years ahead. It scares the crap out of me. Last word, Bella. Well. So we have this coalition here that we wanted to educate and support all these businesses to reopen against these measures of the governor, and a few of them opened. And the part that I don't understand is instead of spending time on trying to figure out how to bring the crime rate down and to bring some rhyme and reason to the city. They're running to these small suburban areas, finding and threatening with jail time to these small business owners that are just simply trying to stay open, feed their family, and run their business. And I just don't understand what the endgame is because the data doesn't support, like the gym for the million gyms that we have in the state of Minnesota and the supposed seven hundred possible if the data even follows, so they shut them all down. Yet we can walk into Walmart where there's hundreds and hundreds of people. You know, when Trump said we got to learn how to live with the virus, that's what we have to do. But what's going to be left with our states after we shut down for as long as we have. I don't understand it. I don't understand. I wish I had the answers us. It's been a rough year. It's been a up and down, topsy turvy whirlwind of a year, and you know, I wish I shared some optimism. I you know, some of my friends are more optimistic than me. I'm I just don't. I just see just insanity about to ensue on a level I don't even think people are prepared for We'll be here. The battle for liberty and freedom never ends ever. Crystal, Texas, thank you, Bella Hey, Crystal, Hie's Crystal. How are you? I'm good? How are you okay? All I wanted to say was I really think Republicans need to start fighting my Democrats. And I wanted to see what you really think the chances that the electors in January could actually vote for Trump because they have absolutely nothing to lose. All the bell Weather counties voted for him, and whether they voted to support him in January or not, it's not like they would be losing votes when they go back to the ballot box. You're talking about January sixth, when it's that those votes then become official from the fourteenth understood, I mean, is it possible? Can it happen? One hundred percent of could? Will it? I'm doubtful. I don't you know. You know the problem is is that in so many different ways, and I keep going back to the Supreme Court or Wisconsin because I thought it was so powerful with the Chief Justice said and is stinging dissent and less and until they get the courage to do what the law says and the Constitution says, these problems are going to continue in perpetuity. You know, we see the beginning side minds and the emergence of you know, the same stupid mistakes that Georgia made, you know, now being made again. Um, I don't really hear enough people and state legislatures, legislatures demanding that this can never happen again, you know, voting in perpetuity, not having voter ID, chain of custody for the ballots, availability, etcetera, etcetera. You know, all these things. I don't know the attorney and I just I just think Trump would have been better served. Although I love Giuliani, he needs to put out a better PR team, like every day on on TV talking about the fraud that happened in Nevada and showing it, showing it to people and trying to get the word out because the media is failing to do it. Look, I'm not going to be critical of people that I think we're always putting their best effort in that that see the things that we see. And you know, unfortunately, yet the it was not the organization that I would have liked to have seen. The preparedness i'd like to have seen. I hope that we could start January fifth, that I'd like to see everybody that goes in and votes, you know, and to vote counters and partisan observers start videotaping a lot more than they did on November third, fourth, fifth, and in perpetuity. And I just think there are certain things that we can do and do better if we choose to do it. You know, I would even argue that a lot of this chaos is by design, and in other words, it's not complicated to figure out a system that works, that would work well, that we'd have integrity and confidence in with the results and only with dealing with complicated issues. I would eliminate these machines forever, you know, just like these European Union countries that have eliminated them. I wouldn't have ballot voting, maybe a week early if you want. I wouldn't have mail in ballots period. Why in the New York Times, the Baker Carter Commission all said that it tends to lend itself to a lot more fraud. I would end the practice. Voter ID got to be mandatory, all right. That's gonna wrap things up for today, as always we think if I'm being with us. Now we're loaded up. We actually have new Hunter news that we're going to break tonight. His associate asked to get Joe involved, make it look like a truly family business. We have those exclusive text messages. But don't worry. I'm sure they're gonna say that they came to us directly from Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, because that's where their heads are at. Meanwhile, I want to know how compromised all the bidens are by China. China. Anyway, Peter Switzer, Jim Jordan way In on that well, the latest on the election results. Kelly mcinaney and Carl Rove will look at the Georgia Senate race. Candice Owens, Pete hegseth Our buddy Mike row will be on tonight with Dirty Jobs. I always wanted his job because I love Deadliest Catch and he narrates I think one of the best shows ever on TV. I have no idea why I love that show, but I can watch it and binge watch it for hours on end. Anyway, Please set you DVR tonight. Hannity on the Fox News Channel nine Eastern six specific We'll see you tonight back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us.

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