Massive Voter Fraud In Texas

Published Oct 27, 2020, 10:00 PM

James O’Keefe, Founder and President of Project Veritas uncovers MASSIVE voter fraud that is now being investigated by the Texas Attorney General.

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All right, one week from today I will be coming on the air. I can tell you exactly what I'll be reminding you do not pay attention to exit polls and the mob and the media because they're so wrong, so often. Wrong in two thousand, wrong in two thousand and four, let's see wrong in twenty sixteen, and who knows whether they'll be right or wrong this year all pollings. They don't seem to learn from any of their mistakes. I spent a lot of time talking to posters yesterday off air, Robert Kahali, who runs the Trafalgar polling, that they nailed it in twenty sixteen, Rasmusa nail that. I talked a lot to Matt Towery. Matt Towery actually senting you don't say. He thinks he's figured out exactly where the polling companies are getting everything wrong. And his take is and it was very similar to what Robert was saying from Trafalgar, which is that one of the major disconnects in the polls national survey showing men almost evenly split over Trump and Biden. And for example, he looked at Investors Business Daily in the latest Yugov poll, but in the battlegrounds he pulled men preferred Trump on average by eleven points, and they know that number is correct. These posters also using panels or cell phone users who have agreed in the past to be interviewed, and they're getting these hyper political center left respondents who really skew the mail vote, and he thinks that you know, they did it the last four years, they've gotten away with it. This is why their models, they're both saying that they're way off. Rassmusm have had a thirteen point bounce in just three weeks with I don't know where. I didn't look at it today, but we had Trump down twelve three weeks ago, now is up by one as of yesterday. And now we have two polls showing that the president is winning in Pennsylvania not by a lot, very tight, and two in Michigan and one winning Wisconsin. So at the end of the day, I still think it always comes down, you know, assuming that the president holds Florida, Ohio, A lot of assumptions here Georgia and North Carolina, which is a little tighter than anybody would like. So if you're in North Carolina, especially, pay attention that your vote's going to matter there. Same in Arizona tight, but things seem to be breaking and breaking heavy for Donald Trump at this point. I also think the Democrats have miscalculated the fear factor of the American people. It's it's the American people that understand what final phase human trials of a vaccine actually mean for them and their family and for this invisible enemy. You know, when you start these trials with as many as thirty thousand some of them even expanded to forty four thousand people in late July, and you're continuing them by August at the end of October. The only reason they've been able to go on this long is because number one, nobody's dying from the vaccine. Number two, antibodies are being created, just like in phase two human trials. And number three, whatever side effects there might be are not enough to stop the trial, because if they were severe enough, they would they would stop the whole thing right there in its tracks. That it's we had one or two minor stops, and they get restarted right away when they determine it's not vaccine related. So a lot most people get that we are now about to turn the corner around the bend if you will, and we'll be able to move forward as a country fully opening up, We're also going to have some good news. So I think by Friday, as it relates to the economy, when does third quarter GDP numbers come out, I think they come out Friday morning, right, I mean it could be twenty five thirty percent, maybe higher. I mean massive. They will probably shatter every record for GDP growth for any quarter in the history of the country. As the country is not even fully opened up, a lot of these blue states are still shut down, you know, like they were in March for crying out loud. And you have these liberal governors, liberal states. They're not letting they're not letting businesses get up and running. The problem is those businesses will never get back in business. It just it's gonna be mathematically financially impossible for them to ever reopen their doors again. And and that is and all you hear out of Biden is this fear. Also if you listen to the mob in the media and Joe Biden, I mean Biden, it's just COVID COVID fear, panic, fear, panic goes to Georgia, to a fear, panic, panic, fear, you would think we made no progress in the treatment of coronavirus, when just the opposite is true. And probably exhibit A would be the seventy four year old president that got Regeneron, which by the way, is going to be made available to every American now. And Eli Whitney has a similar product itself that creates antibodies faster and kills off the virus, along with rem dissevere and other therapeutics that they've developed, certain steroids that they've now found. As our medical a team have repeated often on this program that they're trying to convince you in the mob and the media that this has just gotten worse. We knew there'd be different spikes here and there, and they're they're happening. We knew there probably would be with the colder weather, people going indoors ventilation systems. But they're trying to say that the hospitalization levels, you know, hospitals are now being overrun and overwhelmed with COVID patients. So Kaylee mcinan, he was asked about it on Fox this morning and said that as of right now, just six percent of American hospital beds are occupied by COVID patients. Anyway, We did some checking the website that keeps track of coronavirus hospitalizations versus capacity on a state by state basis. It's called the Becker's Hospital Review. They have the number of COVID nineteen hospitalization state by state, and as of today, October the twenty seventh, their numbers as it relates to COVID hospitalizations versus hospital bed capacity for the states where COVID case count case counts are now been growing. Wisconsin, for examples, at the top of the New York Times list as a state with the fastest growing rate of hospitalized coronavirus patients with one thousand, three hundred and fifty while the hospital bed capacities over twelve thousand. That's about ten eleven percent of the hospital beds. It means eighty nine percent of the state's hospital beds are available for other patients with other illnesses. That's not overrun. It's not overrunning the hospitals because remember, with the new therapeutics, more people can be treated and not have to be hospitalized at all. One of the things we learned is all the talk about ventilators, ventilators, ventilators is it's best to keep people off of ventilators, because the odds if you got on one of survival went down dramatically for a lot of different reasons. I won't give you the medical analysis of it, although I've interviewed doctors about it. In Illinois now it's just eight percent of hospital beds occupied by COVID patients. They looked at Tennessee and that's six percent of the beds there, which, by the way, what about big states New York, Florida, Texas, New York, it's about two percent of hospital beds. Florida, it's about four percent, Texas about eight percent, California four percent. And I'll tell you another thing that's coming through is that young people have had it with these shutdowns, and you know, you can see it with all these schools that have in fact reopened, and even when they're having hotspots breakout and some of these these schools, most of these kids are experienced zero to very mild symptoms. And again we're back to the most critical people to protect with COVID or older people, and they are being protected. And the new therapeutics are saving a lot more lives than we were in the beginning because we've learned a lot although listening to Joe Biden in his list of things that he would do that have already been done, is redundant. I mean you're gonna die. No, No, we're not gonna die. It's not gonna be a dark winner. We'll have a vaccine by winner that will be available for any elderly person that's gonna want one. You'll have the therapeutics available for every American that needs it anyway, you know. Interesting side note two. I noticed Reuters has a pull out about Biden's supporters. Now, I wonder if Joe Biden's ever going to be able to be asked a question. But forty three percent of Biden supporters are saying they will not accept the results of the election if Joe Biden loses. Well, wait a minute, I thought that was only a question for Donald Trump. Smaller portions would take you know, according to some they will not accept the Trump victory. Is that a threat? Or forty one percent of Americans who want to reelect Trump said they wouldn't accept the Biden win. It's actually less. Smaller portions would take action to make their displeasure known. Twenty two percent of Biden supporters, sixteen percent of Trump supporters said they would engage in street protests or even violent if they're preferred candidate loses. Unbelievable that we even are talking about this. You know, we had a situation a shooting took place, police shooting in the streets of Philly. I guess a white, a knife wielding guy, you know, moving towards police officers got shot. I looked at the video. You know, once again, it reinforces my view that we need to give police more non lethal alternatives. I keep telling everybody I bought this. I bought this product. It's called Burner. I actually bought a couple of them. B y r NA. Go to their website. And what's phenomenal about it is it shoots projectiles. And I actually get a laser because I can't see like I used to. I can't hear like I used to, can't see like I used to anyway, getting old, but anyway, and I can hit a target from thirty feet away and what happens is it's guy. Although New York has different laws, so I have the weaker version of projectile, the follow the laws of New York. It's so stupid, But for most states you can get it with tear gas and two separate pepper sprays and it's called Bernard Black. And what you end up doing is it literally if you go you know, if you aim top masks on somebody and you hit them with the projectile, it explodes and tear gas and pepper spray, you know, burst into somebody's face and they're incapacitated and you can get away. In the case of a police officer, law enforcement officer, you know, if you're ten feet away or eight feet away or whatever it happens to be, and somebody does have a knife, you can stop them. If you make a mistake, at least the person's not dead, you know, where you don't have only one option. You know, when you talk about these tasers, they're close quarter weapons and they're not that great. I just think every law enforcement officer needs a plan B, something other than a firearm, and that that would be something like Burner. I just happen to like this product. I'm a customer. I have no financial interest in it, and I although I wish they did, to be honest, that's just a great product. And you know, for people even it's great to have in your house. You know they're gonna be cases where cops have to use deadly force, but there are cases. And I watched this video many times from Philly with this guy with the knife yesterday, and I just wish that the cops had another non lethal alternative that they could have at least attempted first. And if it works, great, then you'd be able to apprehend the suspect with ease because they'd be incapacitated for a period of time with the tear gas and the pepper sprakes bloading their face. And the good news is then you can, you know, save a life in the process. Us but then if the only other option to protect yourself as a firearm, then somebody dies. By the way, we're going to get these numbers on Friday on GDP, new orders for US made capital goods rose more than expected in September, wrapping up the quarter potentially record growth and business spending in the overall economy. Durable goods jumped a solid one point nine percent. Commerce Department reporting and data for August revised higher to show that more core capital goods increasing even more then and you know now pretty much pulling above their pre pandemic levels, which is great news for the economy and keeping Americans working. Imagine in the middle of the worst of COVID, if medical manufacturers shut down and farmers shut down, and packers shut down and truckers shot down, what would have happened. Yeah, we wouldn't have been able to eat or survive in states that were overrun by COVID. At the time, I'm watching the president, he's holding a rally in Lansing, Michigan now and now at every rally he's playing videotapes on the JumboTron of Joe Biden lying and flipping and flopping and flailing on the issue of fracking, and also being called out by Bernie Sandez Bolshevik, Bernie his new economic czar, for pushing to cut Social Security and Medicare, and he just lies through his teeth maybe or maybe he just doesn't remember. I don't know. Anyway, long discussions with these polsters, I they're all seeing the same thing, and that is the number of African Americans now, it is indisputable. It's every single poll. These are not outliers and Hispanic Americans are literally we're doubling and tripling support for Donald Trump at this point. I mean, these massive numbers, and it's just hard to break down some of the early voting. Sixty two million people already have voted early. You always wonder about cheating. Project Veritas, by the way, has a new voter fraud video that they're going to break on this show coming up later in the program today, we'll get a lot of your calls in and will update you on the campaign trail. Leo, Terrell and Burgesso and a more twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one shot. You know, it's so funny. Russia always talks about the stack of stuff that you know, all of us have in front of us, and the voluminous you know, articles we're reading every second of every day, and so I was reading about I was talking about therapeutics and the vaccine and the panic that Joe Biden is trying to put the country and with covid as if there's no end in side dark Winner, when just the opposite is true. We would not be this far along in final stage human trials if things were going poorly and they all started at the end at the end of the July or early August. So if they don't stop them It means that they're duplicating the success that they had in place two. And then I was talking about therapeutics and I was looking for an article, so I said Eli, I said general, and Eli Whitney. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. Sorry, I had my Joe Biden moment instead of Eli Lily the pharmaceutical giant. Oh Man, I am working too hard and getting way too little sleep here, you know, unlike Joe, I don't have time to nap every five minutes of every day, which is pretty funny. Let me go to some early voting. Look, here's my analysis. If the president wins Florida, and I would say, now we have the president leading in Florida. Not again. Florida's always a tough state. You can't take any of this for granted. In Ohio, you know, I talked to Bill Cunningham. Bill Cunningham, I want a full report. Will the American people, the great Americans in the state of Ohio, will they vote for Donald Trump? Sean Hannity. I can report that Ohio was solidly read and going to go out enthusiastically and vote for Donald J. Trump. That's what he said. He's never been wrong all these years. We actually went on the campaign trail together. When did we go out two thousand and four and two thousand and eight? And in two thousand and four we knew that George W. Bush was gonna win Ohio. We just knew it. We could see it, you can feel it. And we went back in two thousand and eight and it was just the opposite. I remember being on stage with Willie and he's like, We're looking at each other and I said, this is not good. He goes, no, this is not good. And we were right, unfortunately, but that was not gonna happen. So suming that assuming Georgia, now you've had some shifting demographics in Georgia in terms of people moving leaning Democrat moving into the state. Same with North Carolina a little tighter. I did get some breakdown of the numbers of North Carolina, and again, if that these are must win states for the president, they really are. Same with Arizona anyway, North Carolina Democrats have a ten point five percentage lead over Republicans and early voting. Now, my assumption and my discussions with all these posters, how much of this extra early voting is going to be cannibalizing day of voting, and I'm assuming some for the Democrats in particular. And if that's the case, then election day, assuming everybody does their job and gets out to vote, when we from now, and I mean, you better vote like your country depends on it, because it does. We've been through what the stakes are in great detail yesterday. Then you know, now Donald Trump has to pick off. Assuming you hold Io, assuming you hold Arizona, North Carolina, Ohio, Georgia, Florida, and you hold your Red Wall, and then you've got now Pennsylvania. How could anybody, I'm really trying to understand this, How could anybody in Pennsylvania not understand what Joe Biden's plan would do to the state of Pennsylvania by eliminating fossil fuels and fracking. You are talking about with fossil fuels, millions of high paying career jobs, same with the fracking industry and low oil prices. That all of this has led to the manufacturing boom, which has helped states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan and Wisconsin and elsewhere. It's all because of the energy boom. One of the best underrated things at least discussed successes of Donald Trump has been energy independence for the first time in seventy five years, and now the US being the leader, the lead producer of energy in the world. It's just huge anyway. So if you look at North Carolinia said, all right, well, Democrats have a ten and a half point advantage over Republicans and early voting. Okay, you'd say, well, that's that's great for the Democrats. But if you compare it even the twenty sixteen Democrats had a thirteen point one percentage point lead there in early voting. By the way, there's a great attorney general candidate out there, would be the first Republican Attorney general. Jim O'Neill's running out in North Carolina. Another great guy. Actually, a week to go is looking like the same as it did at the end of twenty sixteen. If these numbers keep getting pushed down, and if these numbers are real with every polster, even the ever quoted and loved liberal Nate Silver five thirty eight, why don't they Why don't any of these polling companies with five to thirty ever get held accountable for the times they're wrong? But you know, I don't know we'll see maybe they'll be right. I hope not, because I think that's like saying eighty seven percent chance Biden wins. I'm I'm not buying it. After talking to Robert Kehelly of Trafalgar, who nailed it in twenty sixteen, Matt Matt Towery who nailed it in twenty sixteen, McLaughlin who nailed it in twenty sixteen, Rasmussen, who nailed it in twenty sixteen, they're all saying the opposite. This is a very very competitive rank. But you know, remember Michigan was only one by ten thousand and seven hundred votes, Wisconsin was only one by twenty two thousand and votes. Pennsylvania only won by forty four thousand votes. You better believe your vote matters here, Every single vote matters. If every person listening to this program and these christ in these very vital states Florida, Georgia, Ohio, North Carolina, Iowa, certainly Arizona, Nevada. I mean, really, are all you Union folks in Nevada you're going to be voting Democrat this year? A lot of good they're doing for your jobs and your livelihoods and your families out there. What they're insane shutdown laws because he's not doing anything. Is anyone paying attention to what Joe Biden is doing and planning to do is stated policies the amount of he will destroy the energy sector in this country, and he's saying he's going to do it. He is literally going to abolo fracking and fossil fuels. And you know, it's funny because when Congresswoman Accio Cortez was asked about it, I'm not worried at all that we have a quote disagreement on it because she's convinced that he's not going to be in charge. And Congresswoman Omar said she and other progressives will force Biden to ban fracking. We will have a cohort of progressives that are very clear about our objectives for wanting the implementation of Medicare for all and a green New Deal, raising the minimum wage, and not allowing for fracking, she said in an interview with Axios. Then added, and there has been a level of responsiveness to the policies progressives are advocating for that progressives know will have not just a future in the Biden administration, but a future in the upcoming administrations. After his well, if they go along with the court packing and ending the legislative Philipbuster an amnesty for fifteen million people that I'm sure if something that valuable would be, it would almost be required and expected that you'll be a reliable Democratic vote for you know, the rest of your life. It's it's gonna be danger. They ad DC statehood to that factor and another statehood. Anyway, it's a little scary, all of it's a little you know. That's why I hope you understand the stakes are high here. Everybody's vote is gonna matter everybody, and if you're in these swing states, you need to understand that you better get out and vote. If you can vote early, vote early. If you can't, you know, go on election day. Wait as long as you have to wait. By the way, Joe Biden, out on the campaign trail today, referred to his running mates husband as Kamala's wife. Oh boy, it's unbelievable. An expected crowd of thirty people for the big rally in Georgia. The media they're so corrupt they don't even show how tiny these Joe Biden events are. It's like, I guess I gotta get out there because you know, I'm being embarrassed by Donald Trump, who's in the middle of another massive rally, one of what is he doing for today? Four rallies today? Unbelievable. Joe Biden can barely survive answering three questions. He looked awful yesterday answering those questions. And you know, Joe Biden keeps saying, you know, most of my donations are forty nine bucks. Well, the majority of his donations are coming from the wealthiest zip codes, according to Business Packer Review, blue Collar Joe's Scranton Joe, which is a big lie anyway. New York Times analysis twenty five million donations between April first and October fourteenth found the bulk of the former vice president's cash coming from urban, well educated, wealthy Porsche of the country. You know, highly educated, idiot, set of all common sense. Supreme Court siding with the GOP in the Wisconsin ballot dispute, and they sided before Amy Coney Barrett got on the court, which is a huge win for the president, huge win for the country to be honest. Five three vote. Yesterday, highest Court refused to reinstate a lower court order calling for mail ballots to be counted if they're received up to six days after November third, I mean, how are we ever going to get an answers who wins the election? If this happens at some point, especially if you have them early, you determine if it's a legitimate ballot, and on election day you start counting them. What's so hard about that? The longer it takes, the more suspicious I get. I really don't. I just don't. I just just call it a I have a deep level of distrust. But I think the president's you know, path the victory is really through Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, North Carolina, Ohio, Florida, so you know, Georgia, it's the same states. You know. One thing I think I'm noticing too. One smart thing the Trump campaign did is they took over the YouTube homepage. They actually bought it for twenty four hours for an entire week before the election. I thought that was a pretty smart move on their part. Hillary Clinton saying she's worried, sick that Donald Trump could be reelected. It literally makes me literally sick to my stomach to think that we'd have four more years of this abuse and destruction of our institutions. He's just probably hoping for her own sake that the investigations that would prove her guilty will come to a quick halt if, in fact, Joe Biden is elected. It's really scary them, the whole thing project. Veritas has a new videotape today of vote to Fraud gone down in Texas. I mean, it's just so alarming what we're seeing. It really is. Anyway, one week from today, you're the ultimate jury. Sixty two point six million Americans so far have already voted, and let's see, there's been thirty one million, nine hundred and thirteen requested ballots by mail. The President is adding more and more events to his campaign schedule. He's in Lansing, Michigan, West Salem, Wisconsin. He's also in Omaha tonight, back in Arizona, two events tomorrow. Biden had his thirty five people event down in Georgia, and he's gonna be off apparently tomorrow, and then in Florida on Thursday. And he may even go out two days in a row Thursday and Friday. Unbelievable, unbelievable, and the media let him get away with it, the questions he's not been asked he's gotten away with It's unreal, big tech companies, institutions, the media mob, Democratic Party Week, Republican rhino phony, Republicans all against the president. The only thing that can prevent them from winning is you, we the people. You can you have the ability to shock the world one week from today. And could you just imagine the mob and the media and their faces. We can now project Donald J. Trump has been reelected the forty fifth president. Just think about that for a minute. Wouldn't that be worth the price of admission? Anyway? We are fighting for the soul of America. We know that the stated agenda of Kamala Harris, Bolshevik, Berney, Joe Biden, aoc boz Obeto, we know what to do to the country. Forget it, turn it on its head. And I don't think we can recover a aad you with us eight hundred and nine four one seawn if you want to be a part of this extravaganza, so the media mob, they won't tell you the truth about zero experience Hunter. What we know Hunter Biden? We know all about Bisma, we know all about Joe leveraging a billion dollars. We all know about the Kazakhstan oligarc and the wire transfer the Russian oligarch first Lady of Moscow three and a half million dollars the wire transfer. We know about the Bank of China one point five billion dollar deal and of course an expensive shopping spree. We now have a report out on just thenews dot com. That's John Solomon's website. Hunter Biden's twenty seventeen rant about Barisma. I'm fighting for the only income I have left. I was fighting for the only income I have left right now from Barisma, and he wrote in a series of fbomb laden text messages to Tony bob o Lynski, who is the chief executive officer the China related adventure the Biden family was creating at the time. We'll get to, of course John first. But listen to the media and how they protect Joe all things Democrats. What an extension they are of the of the press office of Joe Biden and the DNC. Listen to this Biden secret emails A really fishy story. The Post claimed that the emails were found on a laptop computer that was brought to a repair shop in Delaware in the spring of twenty nineteen. The FBI is now investigating whether those alleged Hunter bign emails are actually connected to a larger foreign intelligence operation. They may be related to a foreign intelligence operation, foreign intelligence operation, foreign intelligence, foreign intelligence, foreign intelligence operation. For all we know, Russian Russian disinformation, Russian disinformation, disinformation campaign. This is a classic example of the right wing media machine. So if Donald Trump would like to attack Vice President Biden's family tonight, I don't know how well that's going to go over with the voters. Which Biden he'll be ready. And let's just be clear. If the President decides to amplify these latest sneers about the Vice president and his surviving son, that is Russian misinformation. Okay, that is what he is doing, and we should call it as such. That is well, the D and I, the Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe said no, The DJ said no. Other intelligence agencies all said no. It's a made up, phony charge with zero evidence. Of course, the only Russian election interference that we do know of was Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for dirty Russian dossier. Anyway, Greg Jarrett is with US, host of The Brief As New podcast, author of two number one best sellers on the New York Times. John Solomon, the editor in chief. This is his growing news site, just thenews dot com, and he has an article out today Hunter Biden's rant in twenty seventeen about Barisma, I'm fighting for the only income I have left. By the way, Smussen Reports had tweeted out earlier. Today comes now word that Hunter was in business with a Chinese company in twenty seventeen and may have taken five million dollars while stiffing his partner, Tony bobo Lensky. Moreover, the former Vice president was a silent partner, the big guy in the operation. His name was never to be mentioned. Joe Biden, this is all not fair. This is all a lie, Russian disinformation. Anyway, John will start with you in your news report. What'd you find? Yeah, Listen, Hunter Biden was concerned that once his father left office, all this money that had been circulating around in foreign countries and heading his way was going to dry up. And he writes an angry text message because at the time Babolenski, Tony Bobolynski's running its Chinese venture that the Biden family and Bobolensky have created together, and Hunter's not paying attention to that thing because he's trying to save his financial gig at Barisma. What was going on. Barisma had landed a Kazakhstan gas deal back in twenty fourteen when Joe Biden was vice president. Hunter was on the board and that deal was falling apart, and Hunter Biden was worried if that deal fell apart, fell apart, my gravy train, all this money I've been getting four million dollars according to the Senate report, would dry up. And so he has a very terristic change selling Bob Lensky, I don't got time for you in the China deal right now. I got a fight for the only income I have left. It really shows you how dependent Hunter Biden was on these foreign moneies and how concerned he became once his dad was out of power, that he wouldn't be on that foreign gravy train any longer. You know, Greg Jarrett, when you make comparisons, for example, the real Russian interference happened on Biden and Obama's watch, and apparently they knew a lot more than they were letting on, as we have discovered, even meetings inside the Oval office in the days leading up to Trump's inauguration in January. And you know, then we have Hunter Biden, we have Joe Biden on ta bragging about firing the prosecutor invest stigating his son. Now we have Ron Johnson, Charles Grassley's report, then Bob o Lensky's text messages that apparently he spent hours with the FBI. You know, I assume it's another five years before I we'll ever get to the bottom of this. But the reality is that they really did sell the country and put a for sale signed with the Biden family name all over it, and a lot of these deals only happened in what is clearly cashing in on the fact that his father's the vice president of the United States. That's right, Hunter Biden is profit heuring from his father. He's peddling influence and importantly access because his dad's a powerful vice president of the the United States at the time that many of these transactions were undertaken. And you're right, it's you know, it is certainly the Chinese. It was very clever of Joe Biden to say, well, I haven't gotten a penny of it. That doesn't necessarily mean he wasn't going to And as everybody knows failing to succeed in robbing a bank is no less a crime than succeeding. And so when you've got in an equity split deal with the Chinese, the big guy, whose some including Baba Lensky, have identified as Joe Biden, you know, getting a you know what would likely have been you know, tens of billions of dollars, You've got to wonder what's going on. Now. There's new audio coming out, apparently from Hunter Biden's laptop, in which Biden is fretting about a conversation that Joe Biden is having with one of his business partners, and fretting about how the media is peppering him and his father with telephone calls. You know, almost every day, new very compelling evidence, a treasure trove of evidence seems to be emerging. But I still maintain that the biggest problem Joe Biden has is his threat to withhold a billion in taxpayer money unless the Ukrainian prosecutor is fired, who just happens to be investigating his son's company, Barisma. And there are emails here apparently from Hunter Biden's laptop, and he's worrying about the foreign Corruptions Act and trying to evade fairer registering as a foreign agent. I mean, all of this has been in the hands of the FBI, and it's time that they're But it's been in the hands of the FBI, we're told since December twenty nineteen. You know. So here we go again and Director Ray? Where's Director Ray? There are reports the President in a second term might fire Director Ray. Frankly, he's done nothing to clean up the premier law enforcement agency in the entire world of greg And what other crimes are we talking about here? I mean, if you got wire transfers from Russian oligarchs and Kazakhstan aligarcs, and you're going on expensive shopping sprees and you're getting sweetheart billion dollars deals with the Bank of China when you have no experience, just like no experience with Barisma. Isn't that selling your office? Isn't that type a corruption? And doesn't that compromise a candidate in his family? Legally, the FBI and the Department of Justice should be looking at things like money laundering, RICO, Racketeer Influence Corruption Act. There are a variety of other felony statutes that may have been violated, including tax evasion, SEC violations. All of this should be in front of a grand jury because the MBIs have the evidence for more than a year now. You know, I'm trying to understand. I know that you have sources that you used all throughout our you know, three and a half hundred Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine investigations. John, and I know that the rank and file special agents that you know, watch these people abuse power at the highest levels of the FBI are disgusted, and yet no efforts been made to clean it out. You know, what did all these people know? When did they know it? And whatever happened to John Dourham? What happened to the indictments? You know what I mean? There was so much low hanging fruit he had over a year ago that he could have gotten indictments on. There's no doubt Craig Is laid out the cases and the first year law student could have brought them in before a grand jury and got him done. It's a shame that the Justice Department and the FBI have been asleep at the switch under a president who didn't want them to ben as if he wanted an aggressive pursuit of all crimes anything that was wrong, and he hasn't gotten that from his Justice Department of the FBI. There is a lengthy, thorough investigation, but it didn't produce any real results before election day. And here's one of the things I want to go back to on Hunter Biden and Joe Biden because it's so important. It's so easy to say, well, it's just halpless Hunter Biden, the other drug problem and alcohol problem. He lost his mom in a car accid. He's a tragic figure. It's really not about Joe Biden. But that's not true. Time and time again, the evidence shows Joe Biden was a facilitating assisting making it possible for Hunter Biden to do what he was doing. Two thousand and eleven, Joe Biden hosts some Chinese businessmen it is at the at the White House, who then go in business with Hunter Biden. Twenty and thirteen, Thanks Hunter Biden on Air Force two and he meets with the Future Business Partners that's going to put together the one point five billion dollars Chinese investments. On twenty fifteen, we have an email now that says he met with Ukraine Barisma officials the number two or number three officials in Ukraine and Barisma all throughout this process. Joe Biden is the enabler of these conflicts of interest. Joe Biden is the enabler of these corrupt foreign deals, and he can't walk away. Scott Tracying, Ah, that's Russian disinformation. There's no Russian disinformation. These are Hunter Biden's business partners that are coming out in this information public One of the crimes we're looking at here off the top of your head, Greg Jarrett, Well, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act would be the main one. I'd look at um para violations for sure. You know, you have to register as a foreign agent when you're engaging in conduct like this, and I you know, we do know that the grand jury subpoena that the FBI employed to seize the laptop last December arose out of a grand jury money laundering in investigation. And so where where is that all of this has been? That was that was the section two seven two designation of what they were looking into, money laundering? Correct, right, Yeah, that's our understanding. But Christopher Ray has sedulously covered this up, and you know, which is why, as you will know, because I've said it to you one hundred times. You know, Christopher Ray needs to be fired. Bring somebody in who will provide some accountability and transparency so that Americans know what's going on. But you know, maybe two late, there's only a week left. Fifty some odd million Americans have already cast their ballot. Jill Biden is counting on the media to serve his football blockers as he limps toward the goal mine and he could succeed. That's pretty frightening, and he's out of it on top of it. All Right, we'll take a break more with Greg and John, and then we'll have Project Veritas is James O'Keefe will join us to talk about his latest undercover video that exposes more voter fraud, this time in the state of Texas. Well. Full coverage of all of this and more tonight on Hannity nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. Right as we continue, Greg, Jared, John Solomon and the massive Biden cover up. So where does this go from here? Now, let's assume for a minute that these that things are now breaking in Donald Trump's direction. If Donald Trump is reelected, I've got to imagine that there is what a special prosecutor appointed Greg Jarrett to look into the Biden family corruption business. Well, I've never been a fan of them, and the Mueller example is a perfect example of it. Now, I think that if Trump wins his Department of Justice under Bill Barr and John Durham, the US Attorney needs to continue pursuing this. And but if if Joe Biden wins, it'll all be swept under the rod. And mostly because you've got now collusion between social media tech giants like Twitter worth with the media. In the thirty seconds we have left John Solomon, have we fully authenticated that laptop that everybody's been reporting on. I'm not fully upthdicated the full laptop. There are emails on there, about a dozen or a dozen that we've reported that we've gotten independently authenticated. All the emails from Bob Olynski have been authenticated, and all the business other business partners emails have turned them over the journalists for two other business partners. They've all been authenticated. So about eighty percent of the new data about Hunter Biden's business deals are now authenticated by independent sources. Well, we haven't enable to authenticate the pictures and supposedly videos that are on there. That's correct. We have not, with the exception of a couple of I have authenticated a couple of pictures, business related pictures of Hunter Biden with business people who confirm that those were they were there. That's a photo of us when we were decay there are appreciate it. Thanks so much, John Solomon, Greg Jarrett. When we come back, James O'Keefe Project Veritas, his latest undercover investigation, voter fraud, this time in the state of Texas. Next h twenty five till the top of the hour, one week from today election day. You are the ultimate jury. Let's go back and do play two things for you. Joe Biden again, No controversy with z Eero experience Hunter Biden, and he's asked if Hunter's emails are part of the Russia disinformation campaign, which is the go to on pretty much everything these days. If if you're guilty of something, just blame Russia, or if you can't win an election, just blame Russia. Listens a controversy. There is no controversy about my son, and there's all a lie. It's a flat lie because the president has nothing else to run on. If you notice, while American people are talking about what's happening to their families, he has no plan, and the debate, he has no plan. Everything from the Wall Street turn Over, every other major news out of the said what he's saying is simply not true about my son. Do you believe the recent leak of material allegedly from Hunter's computer is part of a Russian disinformation campaign? From what I've read and no, the intelligence community warned the president that Giuliani was being fed disinformation from the Russians. And we also know that Trutin has tined very hard to spend disinformation about Joe Biden. Well, the real Russia hoax happened on his watch, which so many people seemed to forget, including Hillary's dirty Russian missinformation dossier, followed by that dossier then being used as a bulk of information to acquire four separate PHISO court warrants, which we know was done under the pretense of premeditated fraud because they're unverifiable. And even the FBI knew in January of twenty seventeen that Christopher Steele's subsource happened to be a known Russian agent operative for over a decade, and they knew Steele had an agenda, they knew Hillary paid for it, and they kept all that information from the Phizer Court and then spied on President Trump's campaign, his transition team, and then deep into his presidency. But the reality is all of these issues involved having zero experience Hunter, Biden and the billion dollars that Joe leveraged our money to get a prosecutor, Victor Schokin fired, so zero experience Hunter could make millions in Ukraine happen. We know that there's a wire transfer three point five million dollars with a Russian oligarc, former First Lady of Moscow. There is a wire transfer to Hunter's firm from a Kazakhstan oligark. We know the one point five billion dollar Bank of China deal made by zero experience Hunter ten days after he flew with his dad on Air Force two to China. Then there's the hundred thousand dollars family shopping spree courtesy of a Chinese national. Anyway, here, somebody that's been following this probably is closely or even more so than us, is our colleague over at Fox. She anchors the morning show on the Fox Business Channel, has her own weekend show on Fox News Channel. Also as brand new book out today, The Cost Trump, China and the American Revival Maria Barrett to Romo is with us here. We are one week away, Maria, and now they're talking about blaming Russia already. Yeah, it's pretty incredible, Sean. I mean, it just seems to me that the people who defrauded the public the most and committed the most fraud in twenty sixteen are the very same people that want to be back in power. These are the people who abuse the power by turning the apparatus of the US government, the intelligence apparatus, turning that into weapons against the sitting president. These are the same people that abused power in twenty sixteen that I write about in the book. They want to now be back in power. Well, it's not only would they be back in power, it probably would mean only I guess, because it's taken so long with John Durham, that those that are responded would never be held accountable. That that would be a great fear of mine, because then they'll be emboldened to go even further next time. Well, that is a great fear, and you hope that John Durham is going to do the right thing and ensure that people are held accountable. I can tell you that based on many people that I've spoken with, you've spoken with, I believe there will be indictments after the election. Unfortunately, they did not hold people accountable before the election, and that made very well result in the fact that many Americans still do not understand what truly took place. I mean, I think, you know, a big portion now have a much clearer idea now that we've seen the declassified handwritten notes in the declassified written testimony, But there's still a big portion of American America that does not understand that this president had a coup against him. That you know, they use the intelligence agencies, that is, entrapment and spying and leaking and lying to Congress. All of these things took place against the sitting president. We know what took place, we know how they schemed and they cheated, but not everybody does. So it's unfortunate. I hope that we will see accountable fairly, accountability fairly. The problem, Maria is the media are so called colleagues in the media. I call him the mob because they have a mob mentality. They're ninety nine percent pretty much just an extension of all things radical democratic, socialist and all things to elect Joe Biden. They had no desire. I mean, the breathtaking is hypocrisy. You know, look at the Ukraine impeachment. Okay, they were looking for a quid and a pro and a quo, and you got Joe Biden on te bragging. You have six hours far other prosecutor or. You're not getting a billion taxpayer dollars, the prosecutor investigating his son who goes on Good Morning America and admits he has no experience. They didn't care. They didn't care about Russian interference when it came to Hillary Clinton's Russian disinformation dossier. They didn't care about abuse of power, corruption as it relates to subpoena emails that were deleted and bleached, bit and hammers and everything else involved with that. They didn't care about premeditated fraud on Afiza coord it. Not one time did any Democrat that I can name say a single word about it. Not one colleague of ours in the media ever reported on any of this. It's never been this corrupt. And then they're still not. And we just witnessed that in our faces. The other night on sixty Minutes with Leslie's Stall, which was really unfortunate. It was obviously exposing just an uninformed situation there. I mean, that's what that exposed in October of twenty twenty. If you're going to say you can't verify that this present was spied on, well then you're just uninformed. Unfortunately. Look, I think that at this point is it is. It's not one to inform. It might be a little meaner than you. It's just willful ignorance. And frankly, they are advancing a political agenda. Leslie Stall sixty Minutes are so called media colleagues have an agenda the Press office extension of the Democratic Party. Well, you know, in some corners, I do believe that's true. I don't. I didn't. I didn't realize that Leslie was Leslie Stall was part of it. But this really very it's hard to come to any other conclusion. I agree with that. Look, they won Pulitzer Prizes fort Sean, right, I mean for being wrong. They won politzar prizes, So they're steaking to it. They're digging in, and I don't know how you can approach your job as a journalist and not have a burning to tell the truth, to seek the truth. I mean, look, I learned it, understood it, and was seeking the truth. You wanted to seek the truth. That's what we did. I'm fortunately they did not, and they ignored all the other successes that this president has achieved. I mean, Adams Shift, really an elected official, going on all these TV networks and saying that the president committed collusion and it's in plain sight, and then walking off the TV cameras and going behind closed doors and interviewing seventy witnesses and every which every one of them, thirty witnesses at a clip, every one of them said no, we have no evidence of collusion. He gets out of the closed doors, he goes on the set of CNN and MSNBC and he says, collusion is plain sight. That is disgusting. And you know, this is what we write about in the book, the fact that this president has faced the most resistance that any leader has in all of the history. At the same time, he's clocking in win after win economic policy, foreign policy, keeping promises, creating jobs, I mean for the first time in decades. In earlier this year, before COVID showed up, we actually saw income inequality narrow for the first time in decades. This is what we've been hearing from the left for years, income inequality. How are you going to move the needle? How are you going to move the needle? Our approach and their approach meeting, is to just give it away, give money to people who are on the lower end of the income scale. Donald Trump had a different idea. Open up the spigot of opportunity, create jobs, gives people all they can opportunity so that they can work, they can make money on their own, they can work hard and achieve success and make money on their own. That will push rages up. And that's exactly what happened. But they buddies. But but there listen, every institutional force from the medium mob, big tech companies, the democratic establishment, the party establishment, and even the Republican Party establishment types rhino Republicans week they're not even really Republicans. They are are aligned against this man to defeat him. How do you see this race playing out? Look, Frankly, I think I think President Trump is going to get a second term. I think that it's just beyond. It's just beyond to think about the other side and the crimes that have been committed. I think the American people are onto this, and I think you're right in terms of the resistance from all ends of government. But now at least you've got those people around him in the Republican Party understanding what he's done and they are getting behind him. Now it's been it's you're right, it's it's really a disgrace that it's taken this long. But he does have his base now within the Republican Party, and I think that the American people are onto the corruption on the other side. And by the way, he said the other day he wants term limits for Congress, I'm all in on that. He's right. The American people need to under need to know that the people representing them are actually representing them and not sitting around for forty seven years. I mean, look at Said Francisco. This is Nancy Pelosi's district. Look at La throughout California, Adam Ship District. The homelessness problem, the drugs natos on the floor. San Francisco was a mess. When I was there earlier this year in January. We've been sending people out there, well, hanging there. Maria barrat Romo's with Us. Our new book is out. We have it on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot Com, just out today, bookstores everywhere, The Cost Trump, China and the American Revival. One week from today is election Day. We'll get back into the election. On the other side, Burgess Owens will join us, and James O'Keefe Project Veritas gives us his latest dump, this time voter fraud in the state of Texas. All right, a final moments. Sub Maria Barrat to Romo's with Us, Fox Business and Fox News Channel. Your Sunday show, by the way, gets massive ratings on the Fox News Channel. Congratulations, and you have that very successful morning show every day. It's great that you're on both networks. Her new book is called The Cost Trump, China and the American Revival. In just a little over a minute that we have left, it really always seems to come down to Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, assuming the President's going to hold North Carolina, Arizona. Your thoughts, Yeah, and I think in those states you want to really ensure that we're talking about oil and gas and the industry there. You know, you're talking about ten million jobs in the oil industry. Seven and a half million jobs would be affected if Joe Biden decided to close down fracking, and that's going to be a major issue for the economy because there are a lot of direct as well as indirect jobs there are catched to fracking, whether it's deep deep drilling or whether it's the service companies, etc. There are all the indirect jobs related to that would be a real major issue for these people and for those communities. I think people in Pennsylvania have been talking a lot about that. I know the President's talking about it. Unfortunately, Joe Biden keeps going back and forth, and we know how Kamala Harris feels as well as Biden on fossil fuels. They want to do away with them entirely. That's one of the levels that this president used to really change the story on the economic growth story. It was number one tax cuts, number two, d regulation, number three, new trade deals, the number four opening this figot on energy. It moved the lead needle on economic growth, moved the needle on jobs, and he's promising to do it again in the second term. All right, Maria, congratulations on the book at Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere, Maria bert Romo. Thank you. Eight hundred nine four one, Shawn our number when we come back. Leo Terrell on the campaign trail for the president. Burgess Owens is surging out in Utah in his quest for the fourth congressional district. Out there. We'll talk to him quick break, right back, we'll continue, all right, News round up and information overload our one of the big questions that came out of the debate, and I thought the President just pounded Joe Biden on his crime bill and referring to inner city youth as predators and super predators, and Biden even admitting, yeah, I was wrong to support that bill. I think he was more wrong to praise the former segregationist. Kamala Harris called him out on the debate stage during the primary and she said she wouldn't even be in the Senate if the people that Joe Biden praised had had their way, and saying that the former klansman Robert Bird is his friend, his mentor, and then partnering with Bird, the guy that again filibustered the Civil Rights Act, was against the Voting Rights Act and partnered with Joe Biden to stop the integration of schools, as Kamala Harris had says she was that little girl and tried to stop it in the late seventies and because he didn't want his own kids, according to him his own words, going to schools that were racial jungles that history now seems to be having an impact on the race, every single whole. A minimum Donald Trump seems to be getting with African Americans is fifteen percent. Even the ever so liberal Nate Silver, the gold standard for all things corrupt left media mob, even he's recognized that African Americans, especially those below the age of sixty, are moving in big numbers to Donald Trump, and the same with Hispanic Americans, double digits in each case. Anyway, here's Joe's history of racial issues in Delaware. The largest growth in population is Indian Americans. Movie Trump Indian you cannot go to a seven eleven or Duncan Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accident. You got more questions, y if you have a problem figuring out whether you're Fremire Trump and you ain't black. We have this notion that somehow if you're poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as brighton, just as twn as white kids. I'm a twenty nine year old odd ball. The only reason I was able to raise the money is I was able to have a national constituency to run for office because I was twenty. No, I'm like the token black or the token woman. I was the token young person. If we don't, they will, or a portion of them will become the predators fifteen years from now, and Madam President, we have predators on our streets. I think the two party system, Although my Democratic colleagues an't like me saying this, I think the two party system is good for the South and good for the good for the black in the South. Yes, and by the way, what you all know, but most people don't know. Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community. Although I and my colleagues behind me Revere the Senate, Robert C. Bird elevated the Senate, Well, I think you know, to even answer your question more deeply, I think you know when it comes to those black people you see, you see who maybe you know showing support for Trump, I just think you know it's because Trump is actually talking to young black mail boarders. He's directing ads towards them. They are a group that you never get caughted. I mean, black people don't get caughted either as a whole. But that old Democratic regime speaks to old black men and they think everyone else in the black community, the black family is just supposed to fall in line. They know black women are going to show up regardless. And you know they, like I said, they speak to old the black men, and they think the rest of us all speak the same language. So Trump is targeting young black males and promoe marketing. It works well. Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. Joe Biden. Set record low after record low, after record low unemployment levels for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. And during the last debate, the President went through his Platinum Plan designed to help minority neighborhoods and they redeveloped, just like he set up Opportunities zones, just like his biggest commitment to historically black colleges ever in governmental history for the longest period of time with the most amount of money, and criminal justice reform and police reform, Joe and Barrock didn't get any of that done. Joining us now at the Leo Terrell official campaigner now on the Trump campaign. He's out all over the country campaigning Burgess. Owens now is closing in and has a great shot at winning Utah's fourth congressional district. I hope everybody out in Utah paying attention to this race and go out and vote for Burgess. Anyway, former NFL starved one the super Bowl, which is an experience you'll always treasure. Leo, what city are you in today? Well, no, I'm back in Los Angeles. I'm scared you to go back to Ohio. But Sean, I'm telling you right now, the movement towards Trump is real. You look at Real Clear Politics. They put Florida in Ohio. That was one of my states that I went to back in the Trump category. And the bottom line is this Biden is a racist and black people are voting their economic pocket book like every other American. And I will sit here and tell you this that, honestly and truly, the trend is towards Trump because more Blacks are going to vote for Donald Trump than any other previous Republican nominee. The reason why is that Platinum plan five hundred billion dollars in economic investment over the next four years. And we have talked at nausea about all the things he has done. But I'm telling you, Sean, when I was in Ohio, when I was in North Carolina, people didn't see color. They saw a president who is trying to move this country together the unit. The Democrats are nothing more than racist dividers and they're playing the race card. And last point, Trump, I mean, Obama is in Philadelphia, He's in Miami. Don't why those are Democratic stronghold And that's because the black vote is shifting Republican. And you know, look at how come somebody like Barack Obama and Joe Biden, you know, four thousand homicides in Chicago while they're president vice president. They never lifted a finger for Chicago. Twenty thousand shot in Chicago. They didn't lift the finger none of the things that Donald Trump accomplished for African Americans and minorities in this country. Burgess Owens did they ever accomplish as as leaders in the Democratic Party. Why is that? Well, first of all, burgessuca dot com and uh, either the difference is this uh And somebody just mentioned earlier that further Trump is in marketing towards the black community. Now, what he's been doing is put together policies to help all Americans. And that's the reason why you have the lowest employment for Blacks, Hispanics, Asian women, veterans, teams, that because he cares about America's first. One of the things that happened through Obama is we had eighty three percent of black boys across this country, black teams across this country and employed, and he never talked about it. We had we had murder rates going up, we had a bush rates going up. These are things that bringing mystery to any people, particularly those at risk, and that I would say that the greatest president of President Obama is such a lousy president, and Biden was such a lousy vice president and people walk up and say, what's happened to hope and change? We're seeing today that people are asking themselves what happened to hope and change? And they're leaning towards the light, the lightest hopefulness, the lightst opportunity. And it doesn't matter what our color is, our religion is, we love the same thing as Americans an opportunity to fulfill the American dream, and we're seeing that with President Trump. And it's it's the actions, the actual results that's getting the Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Gay Americans that are finally leaving the plantation. I'm so excited to join people like like Leo. We're on the same team as this one that I'll tell you what, no question. We understand what it was to grow up in the community that was positive for moving forward back in the sixties, and now we see what they've been turned upside down. So I'm excited about where we're heading off to right now. Took me a lot of years to finally convert Leo. You know, Burgess took a lot of heavy lifting, prayer and fasting a mind part to get this guy, you know, to start thinking right Leo, it's endorsed. So I'll tell you I'm only in thank friend Owens. I endorse him completely. I'll tell you right now, when Joe bite you listed a long list of racist statements. What he said, if you don't vote for me, you ain't black. That was it. I was off the Plantation and I'm happier now. You see me smiling more because I have realized that I'm on the right side, and that's Donald Trumps. By the way, I've already voted for Trump two weeks ago. Well all right, well you're you voted early. I did not vote early. Can people vote early where you are? By the way, Burgess, Yes, yes, Actually the balance already and we've been doing it for eight eight nine years, so we have it. We have it down to a science. Nobody to get it done right. So I'm excited about that this shore I'll be a big pickup to get that seat, and you have a very good chance of winning that seat the Utah District four. All right, so Leo, you've been out and about to tell us what the experience is like. Do people recognize you when you're out on a campaign trail? What's it like? I'll tell you right now. And I'm humbled by it because it's almost like nothing humble about Leo two point oh, but god to I have to say this, But you know what, the people on the left wing media, they don't get the Midwest. They don't understand it. When I was out there in Ohio and Michigan and in those states, those battleground states, those people care about America. They put country first. And I'll tell you right now, the CNN, the MSNBC, they misrepresent what people are thinking about in those battlegrounds states. Donald Trump put country first. When I was in those areas, when I was in Ohio and Michigan, Sean, I was truly almost like a rock star because they saw me aligned with Trump, they saw me supporting the Trump principles. And I'm telling right now there is tremendous energy, just frenzy energy in those battleground states. And I'm telling right now the momentum is shifty. They West, the inside the belt Way, they don't get what's going on in those battleground states. They don't get it. You know, I'm watching this election and it's certainly seems like there's been a big, huge momentum shift, and we're seeing it in all of these swing states. And I think people, you know that maybe we're on the fence or just didn't want to or weren't really engaged in in the political process. I think they watched the last debate, they saw President Trump, they saw Joe Biden. I mean, you watched Joe Biden give a speech Purgess and it's like watching paint dry and it's like, oh, the dark winter is coming in COVID. I'm like, does this guy ever read any medical journals or any newspaper articles that were on the verge of a vaccine that we have new therapeutics, that we've done more testing than any country by by fiftyfold. For crying out loud, we'll see. First of all, we're seeing the miracle of America shown in front of eyes. And I know this because I've seen our history. We the people come together, were still attacked, whether it be Pearl Harbor or nine eleven. This last year, we now understand cross the board Democrats, independence, Republicans, that we've been under attacked by the left has been trying to take away our rights of life lived in pursuit of happiness. Once we understand, once we wake up, we just win, baby, as Allidabis used to say. So I'm excited about this because the values of when I was going up in the Deep South, the values here and across our country in Midland, it's all about four things. Education, faith, the free market, and the family. We commit to those things no matter who who we are. When we get here with language and speak. We commit to those four tenants. We're literally one generation way from middle class. And if you fall out of it like I did, your liter years for getting back into it. That's the promise of America. We commit to the right tenants and anybody can succeed. And I'll tell what's going to happen. We're gonna win the House back, get the Senate, keep our presence the next four years. Who shows what American loving leadership looks like. The next four years is gonna be a true renaissance for our nation. We can come together like we never have before, because America's when we win, we unite, and we're gonna be able to also see who our true enemy is. I don't think the left's going to be able to accept the results if it goes to Donald Trump. I think they'll lose their minds like they lost at the last time. Then here we go another four years or Russia or Russia. You can already see him setting it up. But you know, the alternative is the most radical, extreme democratic socialist agenda that will bankrupt this country, eliminate free markets and capitalism and fossil fuels and energy, the lifeblood of the world's economy and it will lead. Honestly, I am convinced these stated policies will drag this economy down. In four years, it will be a sewer and you'll be begging to have Donald Trump back off. God forbid that happened. But I still think he's gonna pull those out quick break. We'll come back. Leo Terrell, Burgess Owens, James O'Keefe Project Veritas. His latest video, this one on voter fraud in the Great State of Texas. That's coming up all right. Final moments at the Leo Terrell and Burgess Owens with us Burgess, of course, running for Utah's fourth congressional district. Leo Terrell, when are you getting back out on the road for the campaign? I told him, please? I want to be a Sean Hannity corresponded back in Ohio because I thought that was very You want to go back to Ohio. What is it about Ohio? You're gonna move there? By the way, if you moved out of southern California, you'd save a fortune. Well, I know, but let me sit here and say this, John. We've been telling you this and you were leary about this. Donald Trumps didn't get over twenty percent of the black vote. He's going to get a record number of black voters. He's going to make historical games with the publican party because he redefined it. And I'm telling you right now, I may go back on the road either Dirty and Friday as a Fox News slash Hannity correspondent out there on the road campaigning. I love it. And by the way, you should stop in Utah in the fourth Congressional district to help out Burgess. He's my buddy. I endorsed him, I know. But you know, if it was Leo one point I would have been the kiss of death for Burgess. Owas you look, you lost that bet. You cannot bring up one point. Oh every Burgess. He used to come on the TV show and I'd get him so pissed off and worked up. He'd rip out his earpiece, rip off his microphone, and walk off the set on me. I remember debating Leo. So believe me. I'm excited about about how how we've all we can all go end up moving towards the light, and I appreciate that. Let's just say this, I'm excited about the fact that the black community, as Leo just mentioned it's gonna be a game changer this time. How much how cool is it that that the race that's been used abused for decades by the left can now we're finally waking up thanks for how miserable life has been made to us by them, and we can littly be the country The race of Nano brings my community back to the business socialism, but in the process of doing that, bring our country back. And I'm so excited about us being able to say, because we love America first, and we we go toward our principles and values as opposed to policies of a party and a politician, we're going to actually be in the lead of showing what it takes to leave the plantation for good and bring our country again back to the light, which we end up doing right now. Look, I'm very much excited about it. All right, gotta leave it there. Thank you, Leo Trell, Thank you Burgess Zwens. Eight hundred and nine four one sean toll free number. The latest installment, James O'Keefe will unveil his latest undercover project for Project Veritas. This time we got voter fraud in the state of Texas. And he's going to share what he discovered next. All right, twenty five until the top of the hour, Project Veritas back at it again. And you know, we keep hearing over and over again on voter fraud. That's not real. You know, that's just a Republican or conservative talking point, and nobody in the media looks into it. Well. Project Veritas and their founder CEO, James O'Keeffe went down on the ground in Texas of all places, and quote, our journalists discovered a voter fraud system position to swing Texas in twenty twenty. He said, talks about so called ballot chasers using a mix of gifts and coercion to work down their list of targeted voters and make sure that they vote uh the way they are wanted to vote and which would obviously violate federal state law and be a direct threat to the integrity of the election. M let me play two of the cuts from this investigation. It's O'Keefe. It's her name is Raquel Rodriguez, and you can hear her convincing a woman to change her vote to a Democrat. In other words, person's going to vote for John Cornon. No, no, no, don't vote for John Cornyon, and then we have Raquel Rodriguez. Everything I am doing is the illegal and admitting it undercover tape. Let's play it. I'm just gonna break break it down to you as simple as I can, because it's good for you to understand. Okay, So what I do is I get the vote. She didn't vote for who who wanted her to vote that. Now, if I was there earlier before she did not, I would have caught it and that would have never happened. I would have never happened. Right, But what does happen. All they need to do is to check the next person, put a line through it, put their initials, and that's done. She was like like, she didn't want to do it at first, and then you reminded her that she was a Democrat, said you're voting straight democrat for our conversation, and she's like, well, yeah, you know what, You're right. She changed, says, I mean she was voting. He's clearly voted for John Porter and then you made her. But that's my job. Ten Namei's gonna going to tomorrow. Their ballots are going to be empty, Okay, so I gotta have because they're a precinct. I've got to take all these ten ballots to them and um, you know, and I'm gonna have it already filled out who I want, right, and then I'm gonna say, listen, those are my choices, like who I like because I'm going under me tell me what you think, and they're gonna say, oh, okay, well yeah, well did you vote. Did you saw how it works? Yeah? Yeah, it's and it's not being persuasive. Yeah, I guess it is being persuasive that right there is against the law for me to tell her, like you really as you voted for you say nothing, you out, you don't fill it out, and then I'm not even supposed to give him a stamp. Are not even supposed to pick it up? Right everything, I've done it right back right now? Wrong? Hey, like, these are the people that did the balance. Yeah, hey, you mind bounding with the people you're I'm taking them back. You take them, look back the balance somewhere from them and bring it away too. These are people that vote voted that name right that these are all the chips. Yep, okay, so I got a day like that. How many bouts you think that you can do that? This I've already done. I don't know, probably like, well, that's a lot of chips to the post office. It's a lot of everything. Those are illegal to have. I gotta go to the post office right now, and dropped off. Okay, do you ever like any particular post office. I don't do the entire sea. I have a bunch of them. What I'll do is, if I have a bunch of them, I'll take twenty here, thirty here followed the exit about the same post office. Of course, not what I do. Thinking of the balance. When he was with the Nazi illegal I could go to the jail. So I'm a little apprehensive to tell somebody you know what I'm doing. You know what I'm saying. And again once he works with me, once he's gonna say she's I guess Trump was right. I'm sorry about doing I'm sorry about something. Yeah. Oh hell no, he's not. It's true because you're not supposed to do that. I take the beer. I was like, are y'all gonna come and rote or not? And they're like, we're gonna meet you right now. It's gonna meet me because when you get to the bargain, I'm gonna have a bucket of beer for all A got to drink. I don't do it. I just took care of it. And Roder just did your buckets there. Yea, it's beers and balances all right. Joining us now is the CEO, founder and president Project Veritas, James O'Keefe. Why don't you give us the full context of what you found down there and what it is we just heard. Hey, thank you, Sean. This is a political consultant San Antonio, Raquel Rodriguez works for judges, local candidates. And this is the most clear evidence, maybe even more so than eil on Omar tapes in Minnesota, where she collects all these ballots, which is illegal in Minnesota. She drops them off the post office to quote avoid suspicion, and she coerces people, older people to vote a certain way. In this case, it would be for Democratic Senate US Senate candidate Hagar, switching votes from Republicans to Democrats. She says, that's my job. She says, it's blatantly illegal, and she tells our undercover person not to tell anybody, otherwise she'd go to prison. And this is kind of an open secret this in San Antonio, Texas. Maybe just like we always do, Sean. We're getting stuff on tape. We're confirming what we suspect to be true. There's one quote in a state where she actually says we say, I guess Trump is right and says, yes, Trump is right about the fraud and all the illegality. So this is a real smoking gun, and we have reason to believe this woman will be arrested by the Attorney General of Texas in the next twenty four hours. Have they asked for the tapes that you've acquired here. Did you work with the state of Texas on this. Yes, they've reached out to me today or yesterday, and we are giving them some of the raw tapes. We're kind of making an exception here because this woman is violating so many laws, a federal law, state law. I mean, she's on tape saying, you know, you call her a ballot chaser, I guess whatever, harvester or chaser. I'm not sure what the proper term is, but even saying, you know, pressuring people to change their vote in the case of the Senate race with John Cornan that's going on down there. That's my job, and I can honestly say I'm bringing at least seven thousand votes to the polls. And she said that Garza gave her a twenty five hundred dollars gift. Budget. Can you explain who Garza is and then we'll get to the other things she's saying. Yeah, this is a local congressional candidate. The name is Maura Garza. He's actually a Republican, but he's an anti Trump Republican. He's a never Trumper. And Raquel Rodriguez says that Garza gave her gave her two thousand, five hundred dollars to go chase ballots. Now, chasing ballots or ballot harvesting is illegal in Texas. In fact, one of the women that is kind of the top political official in San Antonio there says that says that it's illegal and says, I'm not going to go to jail and do this. But this is what Raquel does, and she works for these people. These are candidates, vocal judges that pay her to go get votes. And she says she can get is eight dollars a vote or eleven dollars a vote. She talks about doing this that thousands of ballots. This is so significant, Sean, it could sway the election in Texas, and this giving voters gifts to secure a vote, like what she does on tape. She gives her a scarf, this older woman, she gives her a scarf and switches the vote. This is in violation of Texas Election Code two seven six in Federal off fifty two USC ten three or seven. You can't do that. And I hope Sean that people go to jail. People always ask me, where's the Department of Justice? Well, maybe they're going to take some time, but hopefully the state of Texas can prosecute. And if they do that, this will make this a really big news story in the mainstream media, which is where we need it to be. Is there any other moneys that are coming in for this effort, because twenty five hundred bucks as a gift budget doesn't seem like a lot of money. Doesn't seem like she's paying a lot if it's a scarf for five or ten bucks for a vote. But maybe it's a lot of money to somebody that doesn't have any money. Well, you know, this is local politics here, this is how it works. Raquel Rodriguez says, my seniors. She's talking about older voters I'm going to your house. I'm doing your ballot. I have a bunch of ballots. I'll take twenty ballots here, thirty ballots here, forty belluts here. And she's I go to different post offices so as not to arouse suspicion. So she's literally doing doing crimes. You're saying it's not a lot of money. Well, you know, she says, I can do fifty five thousand votes for five thousand dollars. It's not a highly paid activity. But these are local races, local judges, local candidates, and well cornans a Senate race that's a statewide race. And you know, she even admits on tape, quote, I can go to jail. I'm a little apprehensive to tell anybody what I'm effing doing. You know what I'm saying, And you know you you're voting. You're voting straight Democrat, per our conversation, because that's what you want to do. Correct sounds like a wink wink, nod nod moment to me. And you're right. She said, I'll drop off bundles of ballots of different post offices to avoid suspicion. I go through the entire city. I'll take twenty ballots here, thirty ballots here, forty ballots here, and what you've been able to discover on the covers of voter fraud system to basically switch or you know, the state of Texas rigged the state of Texas to go Democrat in twenty twenty. Yeah, she says she's done the thousands and thousands of times, so this could swing elections. And this is the thing, Sean, that the director, remember the director of the FBI, Chris Ray, said this proto fraud doesn't exist. Remember when he said that a month ago. And people say Trump is wrong. In the tape, Rocarla Riguez actually says, no, Trump is right. This is a woman committing fraud on behalf of various people, including Democratic US Senate candidate in Texas. Said no, Trump's right. There's totally illegal about what we're doing, and it's true. And she says, you're not supposed to be doing this. Don't tell anybody. She says, I wouldn't look good in stripes. So this is an incredible piece of reporting. I'm very proud of our undercover people who built the rapport with this individual. And the real issue, Sean, is if you're listening to this program. You're in Texas, contact your governor, contact your attorney general. This woman violated so many state laws. And what is going to happen? You know, why? Why aren't these people in jail. It's just amazing that people get away with this and our media just just doesn't do anything about it. Sean, and it's just time for us. And it's very sophisticated because she's describing basically people that she can easily manipulate. For example, she talks about taking people to bars and getting things to eat for them and giving them beer and are you going to come a vote or not. I'm gonna have a bucket of beer for y'all to drink. I'll just take care of it. And people are like, really, you're gonna pay for everything? Sure of what do you want me to do? And she acknowledges repeatedly it's illegal. You're right about what she said about Trump. Trump was right, you know about this stuff being the illegal. You know you're not supposed to be doing any of this. She goes on and says, and anyway, she then told you all how she chases the ballots and then says, you want to go to jail because I'm not. Uh, you know, it's pretty unbelievable to me. She's that open about it. Yeah, she talks about that. I'd call this the beer for ballots. She says. She takes people to a bar and she gets them beer and has to buy them quote effing beer in order to get them to vote a certain way. That's also a state crime. You can't you can't give people gifts in exchange for a vote. Remember, all of this is a thing that the powers that be in the media and in our beloved federal government says it does not exist. This is impossible, it doesn't happen. It's not widespread. So what we're doing is we're piercing the veil. And it's really thanks to people who send us these tips at Baritas, tips at ProtonMail dot com, brave people on the inside. Local people in San Antonio have been telling me they've been trying to work this story for decades, but you can't breakthrough. You can't. But this is on video, This is this woman is on tape. The video is getting millions of views on social media. Local news is going to cover it today and I'm telling you, Sean, there's gonna be a lot of mail in ballot fraud, absentee ballot fraud, ballot harvesting like we've never seen. And it's very crucial that citizens out there come to Project Veritas. I hope this inspires you to do that. I think this woman will. I think there's a warrant out for her arrest as of either today or tomorrow, and the Attorney General Texas should be issuing a statement momentarily. Unbelievable. Great work, Project Veritas. We have the link up on Hannity dot com also at Project veritas dot com. Great work. James O'Keefe will show some of us on Hannity tonight. Thank you for being with us and sharing it with us. As always, Thank you, Sean. Look forward to it all right, Hannity Tonight ninetiestern Fox News. We will have the latest analysis state by state one week away, and you are the ultimate jury and our posters will join us. Dan Bongino, Haraldo Rivera, LJ. Lawrence Jones out on the road with the President, Senator Tom Cotton, Larry and Leo are much more. Nine Eastern Hannity Set DVR, Fox News. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow, six days, and you are the ultimate jury. Best election coverage available on your radio dial. The Wednesday edition of The Sean Hannity Show

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