Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, joins to discuss the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and the lack of strength that America is currently showing on the world’s stage.
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Right News, rounded up information, Overload Our Sean Hannity's show eight hundred and ninefold one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. A lot happening all throughout the day today. Going back to Joe Biden's statement and sanctions that he's putting on Russia in light of the invasion of Ukraine and the President's pledge that we will follow through Article five. An attack on one NATO country is an attack on all and what that actually means would be interesting. The President reiterated, we are going we are discussed in discussions with oil producing countries, and we'll go into our petroleum reserves, which he's already done. The one thing that I'm kind of a little shocked and expected, and it would have been the most natural answer, is, you know, consider restricting lifting the restrictive policies he put in place on the entire energy sector of our economy, bring America back to being energy independent, return America to being a net X border of energy to help out our NATO and Western European allies. Nobody asked the question if he's going to stop importing oil from Russia. Last year, Biden imported two hundred two hundred and thirty million barrels of oil, even a million barrels of oil from Iran. And this Iran deal, now, is that going to be part of the deal. A wink nod. We'll open up world markets for you if you just quote cooperate. Remember that deal with Obama and Biden and the Mullos in Iran did not have any place anytime inspections, so they were meaningless anyway. Joining us now. But it was nine fifteen last night in the middle of my show, I got a text from Senator Mark Rubio and it said the invasion has started. He was the first person to tweet it out, and it altered my show dramatically right from the get go. Senator, I do appreciate the heads up on this, and this is well beyond I think what everybody was predicting, except maybe people like you and me. I expected the worst here, and I think it's as bad as I've been predicting. The question is how far does Putin's territorial ambitions go, because I don't think he's going to be particularly upset at all or give too much of a Adam schiff about these sanctions. Well, I mean there's two things happening at the same time, so that they graving me on the first is that you're going to see global oil prices climb, which actually helps him right because of their main export as well and natural gas, both of which will go up. And I'm guessing and I think there's a reason to believe they've probably ordered some cash and gold reserves as a buffer between now and the time that Europe has to sort of capitulate or forty percent of the natural gas going in the Europe fifty percent from some countries come from Russia. So there comes a time where they're going to have to cave in because energy prices will be hind and people will be in the streets complaining, and that's what he's bad. I think it's important to the US five hundreds and millions stars in all from question ourselves. In fact, it's recently as yesterday evening toward commodities by Russian oil and so forth, and sort of sit there and wonder at the same time as Joe Biden's waging war on oil and natural gaps here in America, when under Trump in twenty eighteen, the nation for the first time and a long time was exporting more than importing, and now in just two years, who reverse that. So it's almost it's almost like helping out the blon Yar Prutin, And he's one of the things that gave him great confidence and moving forward on this. Lets let's go to the sanctions that you know, Biden is blocking all these major Russian banks. He's going to convene a summit with NATO tomorrow. On the energy question, he says that he knows Americans are hurting, and he says, we're going to be coordinating with all the major oil producing and consuming countries towards our common interests to secure global energy supplies. The one thing he did not mention is the massive amount of natural resources we have in this country because he purposely is part of the Green New Deal. Social Ism abandoned American energy independence and abandon America being a net exporter of energy, something Trump accomplished that hadn't been accomplished in seventy five years. Yeah, that's exactly right. I mean, look, it's for him to announce that we're going to expand global, that we're going to expand production is to go to war with a squad. You know, just today there's an interview out there with John Kerry saying, Oh, I hope the stuff with the brain doesn't distract from the global warming agenda. I mean, it's it's a radical less the center of a far left position, and either he doesn't want to take it on or he believes it and he wants to go along with him. But you're absolutely right. I mean, last year, I think we bought two hundred and thirty million barrels of oil from Russia. And when he talks about working with the energy producing countries, what he's basically saying is at a time when we're producing less, he's going to go around and ask other countries to produce more. In essence, we can't make Can you explain this to me? I really would like to understand it. If, for example, you're drilling for oil and the rationale behind not drilling in America America is that it's bad for Mother Earth. Okay, what is the difference if you drove for that barrel of oil in the continental United States or in anmir in Alaska, whatever, Or if you drove for that oil in Russia, or you drove for that oil in Saudi Arabia or anywhere else in the Middle East. Can you explain to me why that would it be, why it might have any different impact on Mother Earth? No, it doesn't. The only impact that has is that if you're doing it in America, you're going to have people chaining themselves the pipelines and protesting, you know, the people that got him elected, people that are volunteering and giving money to his campaigns. If it's happening halfway around the world, they won't notice that, they won't care. They only don't want it to happen here. Look after Europe. What happens when you walk away from you know, nuclear energy, coal oil, you know in controlling and prinatural gas, and you depend on other countries to provide it. You get held hostage, and that's what's happened. You now become vulnerable to this sort of extortion, which is what you know Putin's holding over the head of all Europe right now. Can you explain. When the President was asked about China and whether he's urging China to help isolate Russia, he said, I'm not prepared to comment on that. We've been watching the territorial ambitions of China play out. China seemed to give a green light to Putin's actions in Ukraine and rationale behind it. I'm expecting that probably, well, we're gonna let you take over Ukraine and maybe the Baltics, but we're taking Taiwan. And we've seen how aggressive president she has gotten. Ironically, The New York Times points out today that the Justice Department yesterday said it was ending the Trump era effort to fight Chinese national security threats and target professors and ferret out potential Chinese spies that are in this country. And I would assume this is something you're familiar with, being, you know, in the position that you're in on the intelligence community. Yeah, two things on the China things, is he talking to China and do anything about the thing with Russia? They're probably not going to come out and cheer it on the attack. America will say America provoked it. But ultimately what China wants is to be nice to rush on this because they expect Russia to be supportive of them two three, four years down the road when they make their move on Taiwan and on the FBI. But cent, why do you think it would be that far down the road. Why wouldn't it be soon? It could be soon. But I think China's preference with Taiwan is to go to them and say, did you guys see what happened to Uskrane? Do you see what happened? NATO didn't do anything about it, America could do anything about it, and no one's gonna do anything about you guys might well, so is my interpretation of fighter jets over Taiwan airspace on a regular basis? Am I wrong to think that this is imminent? Oh? Well, I think that it's. I don't think we'll finish this decade without them acting on it. There's no doubt about it. The reason why I don't think it's overnight, it's because I think China actually believe they have a chance to get Taiwan to just cave in. Convince Taiwan that listen, you guys. I actually think they could walk right in give Here's the problem I have explain to me now. The President was clear, we will defend NATO, and we will we will stand by Article five of NATO. Okay, attack on one country's attack on all countries? All right, Well, the Baltics are members of NATO. So explain to me what options that the United States and NATO might have if in fact, he goes after a NATO country next, because it seems, you know, once he went for the capitol last night, it's clear that he wants the entire country, and he's going to take the entire country, and he'll make up any story that he has to rationalize it. So if in fact that happens, I really don't see the US and NATO strong enough to stand up to and be willing to participate in the war against Putin and Russia, even though there really would be no option at that point. Yeah, So if he takes all of Ukraine, it'll put him right at the border of Poland, Romania and so forth. And even now those strikes are conducting here, that border could lead to miscalculation at that point if they made it. If he made a move against the NATO country, one or two things is going to happen. There's going to be a war that could be proved to be catastrophic, or NATO will no longer exist. It will be proven to be a paper tiger and just a piece of paper. The problem is we have American forces embedded in those countries. We would have American casualties at that point we would have Americans on the front line and the trip wire force. There would be a war. I think, you know, NATO has more conventional capacity than Russia, but it wouldn't be a conventional war for long before Russia escalated the tactical nuclear weapons in the battlefield to try to force everyone to the negotiating table, you know, escalating in order to de escalate. Yeah, all right, quick break more with Senator Rubio of Florida on the other side. Then we'll get to your calls eight hundred and nine for one, Shan, if you want to be a part of the program, I know a lot of you want to react to all of the unfolding events. Today we continue. Senator Marco Rubio from Florida is with us. Of course, he's on the Senate inte Committee. So what do you think the best move you've you've heard the President outline the sanctions that he has in place. I don't see them as as that punitive to putin. I would imagine that the Chinese probably will make a deal and probably be buying a lot more oil and getting their energy from Russia as their alliance now gets stronger. Now we have to worry about both Russia and China also aiding and a betting and assisting Iran in their pursuit of nuclear weapons. I think that's very real. Also, yeah, I think the two the sanctions on the two big banks, the ones they just announced today, those are the ones they should have announced three days ago. They should have released that in the middle of the speech, like while that speech was being run, they should have hit they should have announced it in the middle of that almost as a message that we're not waiting around. I think the second piece now have to be Look, we're not going to send American soldiers to fight in Ukraine. They're not a member NATO, we have no obligation that where candid Ukraines' aren't asking fort but there is going to be if they remove the government from Kiev, there's going to be a government in exile, and we're gonna we're gonna work with those guys and we're going to help them help themselves. And essence, Ukrainians will fight. And even if even if Putin takes over that country, he's got to occupy it, and these people are not just going to let him roll over. They're going to be shooting at him. They're going to be striking at him for months and years, for as long as they're there, and it's going to create real propsitive. He laid out his intentions and his manifesto, if you will, back in July and July twelve, to be specific, and he's followed through on every level of what he said he was going to do. There has been a long troop build up on the border of eastern Ukraine, including the military build up of Putin. And I guess what I'm wondering is, as this was happening, why why didn't the NATO countries, including Joe Biden in the United States start arming the Ukrainians so that they would have at least a fighting chance for what was seemingly inevitable. Well, let me tell you something that the Ukrainians have inflicted more punishment already on the Russians and the Russian thought they were going to have, and they're going to do more of it. These guys are brave people. Eventually they'll be overwhelmed by just the sheer volume. You know. I will say the US now lately, not not under Obama, but now under Trump and then most recently leading up to this, and the UK most recently Lithuania have been providing some of this weaponry they're seeing out there. But let me ask you, because I have the numbers in front of me. The Russia has nine hundred thousand troops armed forces, Ukraine two hundred and nine thousand. If you look at tanks, Russia has got nearly three thousand, and Ukraine doesn't even have a thousand artillery. Russia has four thousand and six hundred and eighty four versus eighteen hundred for Ukraine army attack helicopters. Ukraine has thirty five and Russia has four hundred. Armored personnel carriers. Russia has sixty one hundred and Ukraine has six hundred. I mean they don't even have an air force and Russia has one thousand jet fighters. Yeah, there's That's what I'm saying in Ukraine. There's no way Ukraine could win a straight had up conventional war, but what they can do is inflict a tremendous amount of punishment, especially an insurgency. Yeah. I don't know, people know a lot about Ukraine, but you're going to see, you know, old men or that haven't seventies and eighties out there shooting at these guys. I mean, these guys are not just going to lay around and let the Russians occupy and govern that country. And even now I think they've had more success than the Russians thought they were going to have against them. Obviously, we'll learn more and as the facts come out, but already, even as we speak, they've inflicted far. This has been much longer and harder so far for Putin than he thought it was going to be. His defense people probably knew that, but they don't tell them because they're afraid to give him bad news. And now it's bearing out. But ultimately, look to waitful, Why am I seeing this a little bit differently? It looks to me like Putin doesn't have a care in the world. Looks to me like Putin calculate, made a calculated decision. He's been playing chess the whole time, and he knew that there would be little to no resistance to take in over the entire country, and he used as a pretext the recognition of these two regions to send in so called peacekeeping forces surrounds the entire country and then bombs every area pretty much within the country, including the capital. It doesn't seem like there's any fear on his end at all. No, I don't think he had any fear going in. And I'm not sure how much of this real time information he's still getting. I'll sure he's getting some of it. My point being is that now you've got to run the place right now. If anyone knows how painful it can be to occupy a country doesn't want you there, it's the United States who've had to go through that in multiple places, and it's Russia who had to feel that in Afghanistan as well, And you're gonna have to face that factor. He's gonna have to face that factor. And he's also gonna have to face the factor that even as we speak in Russia, there's a growing number of people in Russia that are protesting, like why am my is my son? I don't know if you've seen some of these pictures, some of these a sixteen year old kids, seventeen year old kids that he sent over there as cannon fodder. I mean, they're gonna be some bodybacks coming back and some angry Russian mob my mom asking why did my son die to take over a country that doesn't want it? Senator, we really appreciate your heads up last night and coming on last night and coming on today and on tonight again. Uh, this is a fluid, unfolding situation, obviously, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, thank you, sir, as always, we appreciate you being with us. Thanks for having quick break right back, holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress had twenty five to the top of the hour eight nine one sewn you want to be a part of the program. I just see this differently than I guess a lot of other people are seeing this. I see Vladimir Putin planning every single solitary step of this, knowing predicting the West and NATO and our Western European allies reaction, and I think it went exactly as he had planned. That's my take. I saw zero Hedge pointing out the China jets are approaching Taiwan yet again and going over airspace. But don't worry that hard hitting news show the view Joy's Joy Behar is devastated at the invasion by Putin because it might impact her vacation to Italy. You can't even make this up. Well, I'm scared of what's going to happen in Western Europe too. Yeah, you know, you just you plan a trip, you want to go there. I want to go to Italy For four years I haven't been able to make it because of the pandemic. And now this, you know, it's it's like, who's gonna what's gonna happen there? Yeah? Too? Yeah? I mean, and you know, this guy, he's a singular sensation in a certain way, you know what I mean. I don't know that the whole that he has that much support in his country, like you say, and maybe that has to be addressed because we've seen this movie before. This has impacted my vacation schedule. Oh the thought of it. You know. There was a tweet out from John Berman over at fake News. CNN didn't age particularly well. The Ukrainians will fight like hell, if every Ukrainian takes a gun, Russians don't have a prayer. I mean, the military can fight, but Ukrainians they're really ready as of today, Okay, they didn't look too ready to me. We now see in Europe natural gas up sixty percent as of last night, and I go back to the you know this ridiculous, you know, return of nuclear weapons by Ukraine with the promise of the United States and Russia and others in Great Britain that oh no, no, no, you're giving up nuclear weapons. But it's going to work out well for you in the end. Thomas Friedman, I think nine days ago, writes, the Ukraine's story is far from over. But if Vladimir Putin ops to back away from invading Ukraine even temporarily, is because Joe Biden, that guy whose right wing critics suggest is so deep in dementia he wouldn't know Kia from Kansas or the AARP from NATO, has matched every Putin chess move with an effective counter of his own. Like, how can you people be this dumb? I can't believe they're in this industry of ours and they're that dumb and ignorant. Anyway, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, Bonnie is in the great state of Florida, where we should be. Bonnie, how are you glad you called? Hi? Sean, Thank you for taking my call. How are you doing. I'm good, Thank you for calling. I'm just trying to keep my literal anger in frustration over bite me what she's doing. He's so smart in making all these strategic moves, but Putin is just plowing right ahead. My god, why would it surprise you? You show me where Joe Biden has made a single decision that has worked out well for the people of the United States. Name one it hasn't. I can't think of one. And I read news hours and hours and hours and hours every day. I can't think of one, and no neither can I, you know, and the media today, the most obvious question is this, if you want to beat Putin, we're not getting get into a shooting war with him and the idea that he's committed to Article five of the NATO Alliance and an attack on one country as an attack on all. Now, Ukraine is not part of NATO, Okay, understood, but okay, the Baltics are. And the same rhetoric that Putin used in a lead up to invading Ukraine, he's using that same language as it relates to the Baltics and even other countries. And my question is do we really believe that NATO and Joe Biden, under any circumstances are going to stand up to this guy militarily and really break him economically. To me, what Joe Biden should have said today. I have now spoken with all of the energy producing corporations and companies in the United States, and I have told them all that I, as of immediately, as of twelve o'clock today, I have lifted all restrictions on exploration and production of energy, and I have asked every single company too. He wouldn't use them to warp speed production of energy so that we can get our energy supplies of which we have so much, to our allies around the world, so they are no longer dependent on Russia and Vladimir Putin. That's what I would have done today. Man, Now, am I talking about and putting one boot on the ground and Ukraine? No, Ukraine's a corrupt country. I understand that, but it was also a sovereign country. And how far do his territorial ambitions go I don't know. And as it relates to China, the message I would send to China today, he said I can't talk about it. I would say, I'm going to send the message to China. They've been showing they have territorial ambitions against Taiwan. Now, is he going to announce that he would help defend Taiwan? I doubt it, And I don't think I wanted one single American boot on the ground in Taiwan either. But I would say, as of today, I have had I had to have phone calls with all of our allies, and we are prepared to immediately and all imports from your country. As soon as you show one more hostile maneuver, I'd say, thank you all. God bless America and God bless the people of Ukraine tonight. That's that's what I would have done. But I'm what do I know? I'm just a talk show host. I'm not the president. Yeah, yes, I wish you were. You're gonna run anytime soon? Why why would you hate me that much? Bonnie? You see what they do to you see what they've done to the entire Trump family. Who wants that headache? God bless you though, thank you. Um, it's sad Bill in New Jersey. Bill, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Congrats again to our New York affiliate wo R one hundred years of incredible broadcasting. Bill, How are you great? Sean? But you know honestly, as as a third generation American, as an ethnic pole, my heart to blee for the Ukrainian people today. I know that it is. It has to be awful. You know, I really don't understand certain mindsets. And when I wrote the book in two thousand and four, deliver Us from Evil, and I was researching the last century and one hundred million human souls Mao China, Stalin and Russia and Hitler and Germany and Mussolini and fascism and communism and imperial Japan and fascism and the killing fields in Cambodia. I've concluded that it's really hard for good people, and I think most people are good to understand real evil. There is real evil in this world. That's why I called the book deliver Us from Evil, Defeating terrorism, despotism, and liberalism. You're calling liberals evil. Now I'm saying that liberals have the wrong philosophy to deal with evil, because only is one way to deal with evil, and that's from a position of strength. In spiritual warfare. It would be the strength of your belief, your faith if you're a Christian and Jesus Christ, if you're dealing with military strength, if we're dealing with a country, then you're talking about military might. It's called peace through strength, the meanest, toughest, baddest kick ass military on the face of the earth, so that nobody would dare ever mess with you. And you know what, every time a Democrat gets elected, our military might begins to dwindle. And every time a Republican gets elected, we start to have to build it back up again. And we did so under Donald Trump, and we'll have to do it again in twenty twenty five, when hopefully a Republican is back in the White House. Well, that's part of the problem. Biden does not understand that oil is a strategic weapon, whether it's the Cold War or an increasingly hot war. That's why they cool the strategic oil reserve. Basically, Biden pursued a policy of unilateral disarmament as far as the petrochemical industry was concerned. Allowed Germany into a position where up to forty percent of the German gas supply comes from Russia. He pushed them. He pushed all of all of our Western European allies and all the Arnato allies into Putin's arms. He did it. In fact, I mean you say unilateral disarmament. I'd say it a little differently. He artificially reduced the world supply at a dramatic rate, and in doing so, he compromised our national security, our economic security, hence a forty year high in inflation. And we could we would have been in a position to easily ratchet up production now and the lead up to all of this, and start supplying all of our partners and allies around the world with all of their energy needs, and that would have bankrupted Putin. And all he did was drive up the price of energy worldwide today over one hundred bucks of barrel for oil. He's making all of the OPEC nations rich, again, begging them. It's pathetic. The fact that he's even talking to the Iranians is pathetic. The fact that he imported tun and thirty million barrels of oil from Russia last year himself was pathetic. And we have more natural resources than the entire Middle East combined. Why what difference, somebody explained to me, if he's so afraid of these New Green Deal socialists and the climate change cult alarmists in this country, tell me the difference between importing a barrel of oil from Russia, the Saudis, the OPEC nations, or extracting it on our own in this country because we have enough resources. Number One, we don't have to care about the Middle East except for Israel, in my opinion, the Straits of Hoor moves. We don't have to worry as much about Iran. We don't have to worry about Russia. Russia will be broke, Putin will be bankrupt, and hopefully change would then come and he would not have the means and he would not have the motivation to do what just happened. Joe Biden helped make Russia and Putin rich again, and he's not lifting a finger to fix what he damaged, and that, to me is the biggest fallacy in all of his response to date. We're going to talk to oil producing nations, and what are you going to say to them? Are you going to tell them that we're going to produce enough energy? Can you tell our allies in Europe we will mass produce energy immediately and we'll get it to you within a month, two months, three months? How long would it take to ratchet up to our full capacity? That's what I would have done, and I've been saying it in the lead up to this entire situation, because it was obvious where this was headed. You didn't have to be a brain surgeon to figure it out. When China does take Taiwan, remember you heard it here first. Not that it's something we'd ever be proud of being right about. I don't want sovereign countries invaded by these these dictatorial, power hungry regimes. But if we are foolish and reject what history has taught us, and this is where I go back to the last century, over one hundred million people slaughtered in the name of you know, communism and Mao and China and Stalin and Russia and Nazism and fascism and imperial Japan. It's if you doubt that could happen again, you're not living in the real world. You know. A lot of the economy, a lot of the conflicts we have are all based on a fundamental formula, which is that's all predicated on a foundation that energy is the lifeblood of the world's economy. And then that becomes problematic because you need to protect the free flow of oil energy at market prices, and a lot of the conflicts in the world come from that very equation. Now, somehow, some way, some genius inventor comes up with a real cheap, effective way to to to produce energy. It would be transformative and probably would end a lot of the world's conflicts. There was this guy that wrote this book. I always would go to the invention convention. I forget the guy was from New Orleans. I forget his name. And I read his book and he had this theory that if we could tack, if we could somehow attach or tap into the gravitational pull of the Earth, that they would be enough endless free energy for every And I thought about it for a long time, and I thought, first my first thought was Wow, that could be the answer that would transform the world. Then my next thought was, yeah, but evil people will find a way to misuse that technology as well and use it to kill other people. I think the guy's name was Joseph Newman, of my name is my recollections. Right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. While the very latest on Russia's invasion of Ukraine tonight with reporters all throughout Ukraine. Peter Doocey also joins us. We'll check in with Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg Jack Keen will join us tonight, Dan Hoffman, Mark Meadows, Kaylee mcinaney, Senator Rubio, and a man who is in Ukraine trying to rescue Americans because Joe won't do it. It's all happening nine Eastern tonight, Hannity on Fox News. We'll see you then back here tomorrow. Thank you for making this show possible.