Manafort Pleads Not Guilty - 10.30

Published Oct 30, 2017, 11:28 PM

Today former aide to President Trump, Paul Manafort, was indicted for collusion with Russia. Gregg Jarrett and David Limbaugh analyze the 31-page indictment which includes zero mentions of President Trump. Evidence suggests that the DNC actually paid for false information from the Russians. Where is the liberal media in persecuting this side of the story? The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. Now, my pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep peeling and recuperative sleep that you've been raving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code Hannity, you will love this pillow. All right, what a day this is, and we've got more to say than we could possibly get in in the course of a three hour program. One sewn. You want to be a part of the program full complete reaction from j. Seculo to the Manifort indictment, which had nothing to do with the president, nothing to do with this campaign, nothing to do with campaign activity, And when we get to the specifics of this, you will see everything I have been saying is true. The challenge for America today is as deep as and profound as any moment in our history, considering all that we have been breaking in the last number of weeks as it relates to the the phony Russian fusion GPS, Hillary d n c Obama funded dossier with misimprom Asian propaganda, all designed to mislead the American people and impact an election. So anyway, J. Secular Victoria Tunsing, who is the attorney for the FBI informant in the uranium one case, you know now that we've discovered bribery and extortion and kickbacks and money laundering and all sorts of racketeering crimes involved. And now we've discovered Robert Muller and and people like Rod Rosenstein and Eric Calder and maybe even then President Obama uh knew about Putin's designs on getting into the Uranian market in America. They did nothing to protect national security and then the Clinton sold it out. And we'll get those details in in the course of the program. Lare Ingram stops by today. We'll get the attorney aspect of all this with David Limbaugh and Greg Jarrett in the course of the program before I I've just gotta say one thing before I get started, and all have more maybe later in the program of time allows so we start. We launched this movie on Friday, and we're now told it's one of the top five ever grossing faith based film debuts in the history of movie making. This is beyond successful. Let me give you some It is our movie independent. No studio would touch us, and nor did we really want them in the beginning, because we wanted to tell our story, not have any input any people telling us what to do what to say. And yeah, it does mention faith, but it's a It's a heartwarming story that you know. I'm blown away by the reviews, I'm blown away by the tweets, I'm blown away by the reaction. I've never everything that I ever wanted this movie to be, it has been, and then some let there be light. We were in the top ten of all movies this weekend. Here's the catch. We were. When you look at the top ten movies in America this past weekend, all of them were over two thousand screens. We only had fourteen percent of the average screens of the other top ten movies. The other nine let me give you an example. George Clooney and um, what's his name? Matt Damon, Linda, what's the name of that movie? I don't even know the name of the stupid thing. So their movie was in two thousand and forty six theaters. Our movie was in three hundred and seventy three. We almost did as well as they did. We had an on screen average of over five thousand. Their on screen average was We had a like rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Um, if you look at the we were the second behind the number one movie, the second highest per screen attendance of any movie in the country. This weekend. And let me just say one other thing. We had everything writing is an independent with only fourteen percent of the the screens. That every other we had to be able to break through this way now is in short, we have all these people calling us today. Can we have your movie? Can we have your movie? Can we have your movie? Can we have your movie? Can we have your movie for DVD? Can we have it for on demand? Can we have your movie? Uh for foreign distribution? We have your movie for now? Everybody believes. Um. The good thing for me is everything that I wanted this movie to be, touching people's hearts, your minds, your souls. It's I've read more feedback that have touched me so deeply. It's everything that I ever dreamed it could be. And there was a lot writing on this weekend. Uh, much more than you would ever known. And it doesn't really matter. The good news because so many of you went this weekend, and some of you really went out of your way. Um is now so many more people are gonna see this movie. We're gonna have more theaters next weekend in the week after. That means we're gonna stay in the theaters now for so much longer period of time we could have been out this week. And it also means that you know it trigger is all these output deals, which means everybody's gonna be able to see this movie, which was the whole purpose. All right, uh So, a lot more on that later in the program. Paul Manafort's lawyers now just stepped to the microphone. Let's ask him, let's listen to him rather, and in that he was seeking to further democracy and to help the Ukraine come closer to the United States and the EU. Those activities ended in two thousand and fourteen, over two years before Mr Manafort served in the Trump campaign. Today you see an indictment brought by an Office of Special Council that is using a very novel theory to prosecute Mr Manafort regarding a parafilet. The United States government has only used that offense six times since nineteen sixty six and only resulted in one conviction. The second thing about this indictment that I myself I'm most ridiculous is a claim that maintaining offshore accounts to bring all your funds into the United States as a scheme to conceal from the United States government is ridiculous. Thank you. You think in the White House, worry, that's the lawyer for Pullman. That's Kevin Downing, the lawyer for Paul Manafort. Um, pretty amazing. Uh wow, So that's a pretty Now let me go through all of this here. So you have Paul Manafort and you have a guy by the name of Rick Gates. It's a thirty one page indictment. Let me start with the highlights here. No allegations against the president. Now you've got to pay close attention because your media out there is so full of breathless hysteria and reporting out there that none of this has a single thing to do with Trump Russia collusion. We are now facing a moment of truth and crisis in America which I'm going to explain to you. It's it goes on nothing to do with the president, nothing to do with the presidential campaign, nothing to do with campaign activity, and yet we have evidence of real crimes, which I will explain to you in in just the second. There's another guy, George Pompadopoulos, and you know he apparently is I never heard of the guy, never heard of him, and I was as close to the Trump campaign as anybody, and Apparently he was desperately trying to get people higher up in the campaign so he can get a meeting, and he wanted to get a meeting with some Russian actor. He's paying the doors of everybody, and everybody in the campaign ignored this guy. Nobody paid attention. So you've got a thirty one page indictment. You've got the money, which is all about money and finances of Paul Manafort, going all the way back to two thousand and six, the last transfers two thousand and fourteen, long before Paul Manaford even knew or any of us knew that Donald Trump was even running for president. And what's so fascinating about this is all the evidence that we do have now in terms of Manafort and Rick Gates. I'm listening to his attorney, this this specific crime indictment, this show. I've been telling you that they're gonna overreach. I've been telling you that there's gonna be investigative creep. I've been telling you that this is There is no and remains no evidence of Trump Russian collusion, although there is evidence of Hillary Clinton fusion GPS and real collusion, real payments, twelve million dollars Hillary campaign d n C. And even apparently according to the weekend reports, Obama kicked in about a million bucks and that was all going to this guy in Great Britain, a former agent there, and he's using Russian sources paying for false missive aformation about Donald Trump. That information is paid, bought and paid for by the Clintons. That information is used by democratic activists, by television reporters, so called reporters, and the mainstream media, and it's regurgitated again and again, and all it was was Russian propaganda, misinformation, disinformation to help Hillary Clinton win the race and impact the election. Now, in terms of Paul Manafort, and by the way, where's the special counsel into what is real collusion? Now? Paul Manafort and and Rick Cage. You look at their their twelve count indictment, thirty one pages under what they're accused of, you know, acting for a decade as unregistered agents of the Ukrainian government, hiding tens of millions of dollars in income for work from the US government, Laundering the proceeds through scores of corporations, partnerships, bank accounts, uh abroad and offshore etcetera. Etcetera. And they're claiming both men hid their work for the former Ukrainian and president by the way, and they're trying to make the money appear closer than it ever was the last transfer of money was and that's what they're claiming. And this has worked for the Ukrainian president, by the way, which plenty of Democrats do for plenty of countries. I know Dick Morris did it for tons of countries. I know the Podestas have done it for tons of countries. Manafort, they're claiming laundered more than eighteen million, all right, so will lavish lifestyle. Okay, let's find out if in fact this was legitimate money, whether he paid taxes where he had a tax liability and whatever. We'll find out what the truth is. But this has nothing to do with what this special counsel was appointed to do, and of all people, Alan Dershowitz got it. What they want to do is they want to put Manafort in a chair and say, Paul, you're you're you're facing thirty years in jail. Paul, We're gonna go full boar, Paul, what can you tell us about Donald Trump? Mueller cares about nailing Trump He doesn't give a rip about Paul Manafort or General Flynn. The greatest irony in all of this is not only the Fusion GPS deal that I told you about, Russian propaganda, propaganda bought and paid for to impact the American people for the election. We don't have a special counsel on this, but all the people involved in this, from Rosenstein who appointed Muller, both of them, and Eric Holder, and likely even President Obama himself. Hillary was up to her eyeballs, as were her husband in the Suranium one deal. And they knew, many of them knew back in two thousand and nine that Vladimir Putin had a network within the United States that was using bribery and extortion and money laundering and racketeering to get a foothold in the uranium market in America. Mueller knew in two thousand and nine as the f BEHIND director. Eric Holder was the head of the Department of Justice, which oversees the f I. Right, Rosenstein looked at it and his job, it was his specific purview where he was working at the time. And then Hillary Clinton literally, you know, not only did she sign off on it, Eric Holders signed off. Nobody cared or stopped the bribery, extortion and all these crimes going on. And on top of it, Bill Clinton doubles his speaking fees in Moscow, supports the deal. The bank that paid him literally had a financial interest in uranium one. Bill Clinton's in favor of it. He's asking his own wife State Department to meet with nuclear officials when he's getting his five grand in Moscow. Instead, he meets directly with Vladimir Putin and then a hundred forty million from all the people associated with the uranium one deal, which sacrificed our national security. Literally, you know, they sent back a hundred million Clinton Foundation. This is so corrupt. So now it's a matter of does America have the stomach do we have equal justice under the law. That's question I'm gonna be asking uh today, tonight and elsewhere. What do you think of when you hear the word Lutheran? Do you think liberal women in clerical colors? Gay marriage? Social justice warriors find out how the sixteenth century Lutheran Reformation was really a conservative movement intent on reform, not revolution. With the podcast issues Etcetera Issues, etc. Dot Net Real Reformation radio issues, etc. Dot Net issues etc. Dot Net. Al Right, as we were all along with Seohn Hannity show. You know, one of the things you've got to understand about grand juries, especially in areas with Donald Trump I think got four percent of the vote. But putting all that aside, you gotta remember the defense never gets to talk to the grand jury. You've heard the statement you can die to I am Sandwich. There's a lot of truth to that actually, And the reason that you have Mueller going after mana Fort and those other guys finances is pretty basic and simple. What do you know about Trump? You tell us about Trump, we're gonna we're gonna lessen your sentence. But the grand jury, remember, their standard is is far much lower than that of beyond a reasonable doubt, and that is, you know, probable cause is not the standard that Paul Manafort is gonna face. He plugged guilt innocent in the in the corporate seating today. But you gotta understand. So his lawyer spoke today for the first time and he talked about what Paul Manafort was trying to do. He said he was trying to to seek to further democracy and help the UK come to the U S and the u UH and the EU. These activities ended in over two years before Manafort served ever in the Trump campaign. And he writes, and he says that today, as you've seen in the indictment brought by the Office of Special Council, that is using a novel theory to prosecute manifort regarding the foreign agent filing requirements of the US government. And he points out that has only been used as an offense and a charge six times since nineteen sixty six. Only one of those six resulted in any conviction. He said. The second thing about this indictment, which manta Fort, now his lawyer, is finally spoken, which I find ridiculous, is maintaining offshore accounts to bring all your funds into the US as a scheme to conceal them from the US government. Well, that indicates that they feel that they've paid all necessary taxes and did nothing illegal, and offshore accounts do not is not, by its very nature illegal. Now, what's fascinating about this? George Popandopolis, you know alright, he admitt he lighted to the FBI. What did I tell you all the time? I said, I love the FBI and my friends in the FBI have told me, God, do you ever talk to the FBI. Don't talk to him? And I said, well, I love the FBI. I want to help the FBI. He goes, it doesn't matter. He goes, You'll be charged with line to the FBI, which is a crime if you say one thing. And I said, so, let me get this straight. So for my own protection, I can't help an agency that I happen to love and respect most of its members. And they go, yep, what my FBI friends tell me. But the papadopoulis it's literally he wanted to create an anti Clinton dossier and he got nowhere because nobody in the campaign paid attention to him. Meanwhile, we have a real Russian paid for Clinton d n c Obama paid for dossier. We got the evidence. They paid for the propaganda till the top of the hour, one sewn toll free telephone number. There's nothing in this Manafort indictment, nothing Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, not a thing in their twelve count indictment that has to do with the President or Russia or the campaign or campaign activity. Nothing, No allegations of the President or the campaign. The media, the way they're spinning this is just the opposite. So you've got a special prosecutor indictment out here. Paul Maniford is actually the best evidence yet that the Russia Gate witch hunt has come up pretty empty. And now the tactics they're using are just trying to intimidate Maniford into saying something to lower his sentence or eliminate his sentence, And the same would go for Gates figuring, assuming that it happened. Now because Muller's big Russia Gate indictment has nothing to do with Russia Gate, it's now a huge, massive problem for the Democrats because Mueller is really their last chance now two confirm the conspiracy theory with no evidence that they have been hyper ventilating over now for a year, all congressional investigations have come up empty. Every major player is just another there's plenty of smoke, and there's smoke, and there's plenty of smoke and no fire, and don't fire, don't fire, no pens on fire, nothing. So the list of scandals now that have sprung from these investigations are far worse than anything Trump has been accused of, which is, frankly, that's the investigative creep that I warned you about, and they all point fingers towards the Democrats. You know. As a result, what do we now need to investigate? The unmasking scandal, the James Comey, the fix was in scandal, the Fusion GPS, Hillary d n C Obama funded phony information, Russian dossier. Do you realize this was propaganda paid, bought and paid for. Hillary Clinton paying money, good money for made up stories about Donald Trump, regurgitated by the Democrats, by liberals all over the country. False information she paid for that used Russian sources that were all paid by the the Himer you know whatever, he was, spy Christopher Steele. That's all it is. Now this must be investigated. And on top of that, what you see is everything they have accused Trump of doing, they themselves are guilty of. I don't know which stories worse, Fusion GPS or the uranium one. I'd probably argue uranium one. If uranium one probably Now, I don't think so, because I've known for a long time that this this FBI informant had all of this evidence. Do you realized he has firsthand experience that and knowledge of Vladimir Putin Back in two thousand and nine trying to corner the market on the American uranium market. He's got emails, he's got documents, he's got tape recordings, He's got it all. And now just last week, by the way, you think any coincidence. We've been hammering it was such a horrible week from Mueller last week and his corruption and his own involvement in that whole uranium one deal and what did he know and when did he know it that he needed to change the narrative? Does anybody doubt that they just expedited this as quickly and as sloppily as they possibly could because they needed the media to focus on what anything other than what Sean Hannity, Sarah Carter, John Solomon, and Victoria Tunsing we're talking about. Oh, and I've got so much more tonight. Wait do you see that? I think tonight's opening monologue will be the best we've ever done. And Robert Mueller, you may want to watch, You may be paying attention. And I'm told people in his office watch every single night every night. They want to know what I have. Every night. They're getting more nervous every night. They hate my guts. They can indict me tomorrow, they probably would, considering all the Clinton Obama donors he hired to work for him. You know, I was telling some people all mentioned names, the names, you'd know. They keep saying, No, I think Mueller wants to just wrap this up. I said, Bologny, Mueller wants to wrap this up. Maul. There's prize here is he wants to get Trump. It was like every other never Trumper. Well he's a Republican. Hand Look at all the Republicans, you know, Ben the ass sass whatever his name, Ben the sass ass whatever his name is. And John McCain, and you know the Snowflake himself, Jeff Flake, and the list goes on. Or not they hate bitch McConnell hates Donald Trump. Their Republicans. Look at all the n r O guys, you know, with a few Victor Davis Hansen and a couple of others that might have some level of objectivity left. They've just all that. They'd be happy in the end of the day, they say, Hey, Trump, So when a special prosecutor now starts going after what I've been saying here the umasking scandal, which you know we have an exclusive on this program tomorrow, that this all may have been prepared back in December of last year. We got new information to share tomorrow, we'll be breaking news tomorrow. TikTok tomorrow, and James, comey, oh, let's let's predetermined. How come before we even interviewed the witnesses. And then the Trump dossier, real Russian propaganda, real Russian misinformation, real Russian attempts paid bought and paid for by Hillary and the d n C to impact the American voters and propagandize the American voters, and all byproducts of this democratic war against Donald Trump, which showed no boundaries. And then of course uranium one where our national security was compromised. Where they knew in two thousand and nine, because we now know from the informant of the FBI that in fact, bribery, extortion, racketeering, uh money laundering all happening right under their nose, That means Mueller knew. Why didn't Mueller stop it? That's that's that Vladimir Putin trying to corner the uranium market, which is the foundational materials for nuclear weapons. Mueller was the head of the FBI Rosenstein. It was his office in charge of the investigation Eric Holder's Justice department, Eric Holders signed off on the Uranian one deal. Why would anyone sign off on giving the the hostile nation Russia, the hostile agent Vladimir who's bribing, extorting, laundering money, and etcetera, etcetera to corner of the market on why would we ever give him of our uranium? Who would ever be that stupid? And why didn' muller do anything about it? And why did why did Eric Holder sign off on it not doing anything anything about it? So when you get a real special prosecutor starts looking at the real Russian scandals, the initial targets are gonna be top Obama Clinton officials, not not Paul Manafort will only spent five months with the with the Trump campaign, maybe it was three months, I don't even remember, you know, before and all of this the final transactions that they mentioned in the indictment ended in that's it. Wait long before Trump ever ran. So you have the media now hyperventilating, going hysterical over the fact that Mueller's finally found somebody to indict a there all these months, you know, listen to how Bloomberg News characterizes this so called bombshell development. Quote the indictment of Manafort in his associate Rick Gates, means that this investigation is going deep into the weeds. It's gone often to another track that has nothing to do with the campaign Trump Russia collusion, nothing anyway it goes on. Once it's there, it could become permanently entangled with arcane bank accounts, front companies, weird names, pro Russian Ukrainians, and even more unpronounceable names. The problem with the Manafort route for the anti Trump crowd is that it may be extremely difficult to craft a clear, publicly digestible narrative of collusion between Russia and the Drump campaign because they're looking for a year and they absolutely have nothing to show for it. And if they did, it wouldn't be Manafort that was indicted on something that he did money wise in two thousand and six. That's how absurd this whole thing has. And then you've got a little bit of tidbit of information. You know, the media is suddenly covering this like, you know, this guy, George Papadopoulos was you know, President Trump's John dene Okay, George Papadopoulos wanted to approach the Russians. He wanted to do with Hillary and the Democrats did pay for Russian dirt on Hillary. He wanted to do that. I never heard of the guy till today. I have no idea who this Papadopoulos guy is, no idea, and I knew everybody in the campaign, anybody that mattered anyway. So but his plan was rejected. Guess who rejected it. Paul Manafort rejected it. Daily News reporting that Papadopoulos was a volunteer with the campaign. A volunteer. Volunteers stuff envelopes. They're not part of strategy anyway. Emails supposedly show the cod campaign chairman Sam Clovis, adviser of retired Admiral Charles Cubic, and the campaign manager Paul Manafort all voiced open opposition to papadopouloss pushes in April and May, citing reasons such as needing to meet with NATO allies, and Papadopolis sent Manafort the possibility of meeting Russia officials through the Kremlin backed International Affairs Council, though the campaign chairman put the kabash, meaning Manafort on the whole idea, we need someone to communicate that Donald Trump is not doing these trips. Quote, Paul Manafort pulled his business partner, Rick Gates. It was an account, an account of his spokesman, according to the Daily News. Oh so he did the opposite of what Hillary and others did. Uh so this is going to you know, the big crisis in this country is do we have equal justice under the law. Is there one set of justice for the Clintons and their cronies and their Shenanigans and another for everybody else? Because we have in controversible evidence that Hillary and Bill Clinton sold out America's national security interests or only beginning this investigation and were so far ahead in terms of evidence. We have in controvertible evidence documents that FBI informants, emails, tapes, government informant, that Eric Holdert, Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein all knew what Putin was doing, and they also there is a strong belief that Obama knew of Putin's crimes in America and his presidential Daily briefing. What did he know? When did he know it? What did what did Mueller know? When did he know? How is he in any way objective to anything with Russia? When he didn't stop what was a literally a spy invasion of our country and a successful one because he didn't act. All these people knew in two thousand nine of bribes, extortion, kickbacks, money laundering, racketeering, they didn't stop it. We have incontrovertible evidence they all tried to cover it up by putting a gag order, a nondisclosure agreement on the FBI informant that had all this evidence. We have incontrovertible evidence that the Clinton's benefited financially in a massive way on the Iranian one deal, double speaking fees, Clinton Foundation, kickbacks to their foundation from all the people involved in the deal. In controvertible evidence that Putin and his spies and thugs were successful because the very people now involved as a in this investigation and as a result of all his crimes, they they won Putent one. Putin beat us even though we knew that his agents were here committing crimes, and he now has control of of our uranium. We also have the fact that in spite of Hillary and Holder and Muller and Rosenstein and others, they did nothing to protect our national security. We have evidence now major crimes were committed being committed by Putin and his thugs, and they did nothing. We have incontrovertible evidence the Clintons and the d n C and now Mamma used Fusion GPS to hire a former intelligence agent that paid Russians to produce a phony dossier that was full of disinformation, propaganda, misinformation against Donald Trump. That they tried to use Russian information and lies to hijack and steal an election by spreading the Russian lines that they paid for. And we have Muller and his band, a big Democratic donors supposedly investigating Trump Russian collusion. I predicted there's no evidence. I knew this would there'd be no evidence today of collusion. There hasn't banned, there still is none. The media would have you believe otherwise, but that Manafort's indictment has zero nothing zip. Rick Gates indictment nothing zero, zip to do with it. George Popidopoulos, low level volunteer, lied to the FBI. He tried to get everybody in the campaign to listen to him. That didn't happen either. And the evidence that they're using for Paul Manifort, as it relates to all of these so called crimes and indictments, that's all money dealings from two thousand and six and the last payment was made in two thousand and fourteen. You understand we're at a crossroads as a country because there's a massive amount of evidence on one side, and then you've got Robert Mueller hiring every Obama Clinton donor he could find, not one Trump Republican donor to the Mueller investigative team, and how he's not recused himself or step down is beyond any comprehension I have. And with as a report, Hillary met this weekend? Who did she meet with? Tony Podesta? Oh? That's great. Tony Podesta now stepped down from his lobbying firm because of the investigation by Special Counsel Mueller. Oh John Podesta's brother. Oh this is interest, this is interesting. Has nothing to do with Russia Gate, but they're real evidence, real crimes. This is a diversion. Wall Street Journal on Friday called from Mullow's resignation and rightly accused the Clinton campaign and the d n C of collusion with Russia. We're getting the story right, and we have from the get go. Everybody else is getting it wrong, and we're not gonna stop hammering this in any way shape matter of form. We'll do what the mainstream media won't. All right, when we come back, J Seculo, it was the attorney for the President, Victoria Tuntsing, The attorney for the FBI informant, Sarah Carter has been breaking all of this wide open. Also, we have David Limbaugh, Greg Jarrett law Ingram coming in and we'll get to your calls. All right, quick break, right back, We'll continue an amazing show we have today and tonight at nine. Don't miss our opening monologue will continue. Well, this is telling because let's see Hillary Clinton met with sid Vicious Blumenthal and Podesta John Podesta this weekend. Why is she hanging out with sid Vicious Blumenthal and Tony Badesta this weekend? Delhi caller reporting. All right, when we come back. J. Suculo, Attorney for the President, Victoria Tounsi, attorney for the FBI informant, Sarah Carter, David Limbarg, Greg Jared lor Ingram, All coming up. Busy newsday, stay with us. Today's anounction has nothing to do with the president, has nothing to do with the president's campaign or campaign activity. The real collusion scandal, as we've said several times before, has everything to do with the Clinton campaign, fusion, GPS, and Russia. There's clear evidence of the Clinton campaign colluding with Russian intelligence to spread disinformation and smear the president to influence selection. We've been saying from day one there's been no evidence of Trump Russia collusion, and nothing in the indictment today changed the specifically about the campaign. It has nothing to do with the activities of the campaign, has to do with his failure to tell the truth. That doesn't have anything to do with the campaign or the campaign's activity. But it's the clearest evidence yet of the ties between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. Again, there are no activity their official capacity in which the Trump campaign was engaged in any of these activities. Most of them took place well before the campaign ever even existed. It's all about leverage. They're going after Manaphort on something that apparently has nothing to do with Trump years ago, his own business from Yeah, but what they're saying to him is we got you now, and we don't care about that. But if you can tell us something about Trump and the campaign and collusion, will give you a get out of jail card free. So it's all about leverage. That's the way prosecutors want gates last a little bit longer, a long time protege with the into the same international context. And after Manaphort with jettison, he stayed. Then he wants to a superpack, and then they told him to leave the superpack. One thing is the Trump people did move quick to get rid of Manaphort as soon as easiestern European ties came up. Sure, and that that will help Trump distance himself. But Maniphor knows where the bodies are buried. He was an intimate, and if anything happened wrong in the campaign, there's no evidence that anything did, Maniford would know about it. Even if he wasn't directly there, he'd heard about it. And so this is an important event for Mueller to try to get leverage over this intimate. You know, the first rule in American crime is if you're going to commit a crime, commit it with somebody more important than you are, so you can turn them and they can't turn you in. And that's what's gonna happen now. You know, there may be a deal in the works. He may be trying to make a deal with the prosecution. He may be dangling the information so that he wants Trump to pardon him. I don't think Trump's gonna pardoner. I think politically that would be could of course, politically that would be difficult. Legally, constitutionally, there's been no problem in doing it. But Manaphor now is the first domino, and what Mueller wants to do is see him as the first domino, the second domino, the third domino, ultimately trying to get to the big domino that is President. I can't disagree with one thing that Alan Dershow had said their hour to Sean Hannity Show eight D nine for one Shawn Tolfree telephone number, not the least of which this indictment of Paul Manaford another nothing to do with the president, nothing to do with this campaign, nothing to do with this campaign activity, nothing, And yet we have crimes we know we would that have been committed. We know there was collusion with Fusion, GPS and Hillary's campaign, Hillary's campaign and the d n C pay for it, and apparently Obama contributed, and then of course uranium one they knew in two thousand and nine, a bribery, extortion, UH, money laundering, kickbacks, and all sorts of other racketeering, and Mueller knew and let's see who, Oh, Eric Holder knew, maybe the President knew through the Presidential daily briefings. And still Vladimir was able through his agents to infiltrate and successfully take over of America's uranium market, which of course means that America's national security was compromised. And I didn't even mention the increased speaking fees for Bill Clinton, the sign off of Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton and the hundred and forty five million kicked back to the Clinton Foundation. That's collusion, that's trouble, that's a crime. Now, the big question we have this day is is there equal justice under the law joining us now? Jay Secular, Chief Council, American Center for Law Injustice, Counsel to the President, and also Victoria Tunsing of the Jenneva Tunsing, who is herself now representing the FBI informant as it relates to the Uranian one case. Sarah Carter has been at the forefront of breaking all of these investigative reports about real collusion and real wrongdoing and compromising national security. Welcome all of you, Jay Secular, I'll throw it to you your thoughts on this Manaford indictment and what it says and doesn't say. I actually agree with Alan Dershowitz. This is all designed on a separate issue to get Paul Manafort to say something about the president. Let me say what it does, Okay. So this is not any great shock that Paul Manaford was a subject of an indictment. We've been expecting this for two or three months now. I remember they had that pre doll, had that pre dolls, So it's not surprising there that they did it. What is in trusting I think what's important from my client for the president is that the indictment itself is based on activities events that are not related to the campaign and in a non involving campaign activity. Fact, it goes back to two thousand and six, uh involvement. I mean, these are serious charges. Obviously we're talking about money laundering, uh, failure to register tax crimes, but none of these are involving campaign or campaign activities. If they're trying to quote put pressure on Paul Maniford, I'm sure they've been trying to do that. While that's just the nature wave prosecutors work. They ended up now making an indictment, but I'm not concerned about where that goes. Sean again, Paul maniforts engagement with the campaign for that about three months that he was engaged. UM, he did his job. We don't know of anything that was done inappropriately by as it relates to the campaign. I can't speak to his his businesses or his business activity, and and that's it. And on the George Popidopolis guilty ply there. What I'm trying to point out to some media here is that you notice what they didn't charge the fact that he was having a meeting with UM someone from Russia. Professor. That wasn't what they charged him with a violating along because did not what they charged him with as far as the legal violation lying to the FBI was lying to the FBI agent Daneta courses a ten USC one thousand and one. Victoria certainly can speak to that. She knows the area has defended those cases and brought those cases, and that's a whole different ball game. You don't go into an agent line, Victoria. Let me go to you, because you're representing the FBI informant and you're watching all of this unfold here and you know what your client has in terms of evidence, and we Sarah and others have broken the story about bribery, extortion, money laundering, racketeering, etcetera. And you think of what they're doing here. We we have evidence between fusion GPS and uranium one that to me seems like real significant Russia collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign. That's not even being investigated fully, there's no special prosecutor on that. John Bill Clinton met with Putin and he asked to meet with people in the energy fields, the nuclear energy field when he was in Russia getting his five grand in his back pocket. Now interesting about this to Popolos charging instrument. I think he's pleaded guilty. It's not an indictment, it's a complaint. But in it I'm gonna say George because I can't say that long name real well. I can say it once, but I'm not keep forgetting it. George was banging on the campaign, Hey I got this deal. He kept sending emails. Did the campaign say yes? But to do it? No? The campaign ignored him. He was really he was a side guy. He was, you know, after his initial being put on this committee. He was really somebody that wasn't part of anything in the campaign. He was a bystander, but he's if there was a collusion going on, why is he trying to get people to have a meeting. Why is he having to keep saying Hey, I got this, I got that, and the campaign never gets back to him. That's so well said Sarah. Uh. Let's get your take overall on all of this, especially in light of all the investigative reporting you've done about real clear, actual crimes committed, which I actually now believe all going to come out in the near future. Yeah, with Victoria and j both, I I have to say they brought up such important points. And Victoria brought up a point here. I mean, even though George Papadopoulos was, you know, pushing out these emails, nobody from the campaign apparently bit or took the hook on them, and and he basically I mean, if you're looking at the criminal complaint, it was it was just it was about lying to the FBI. It wasn't because he met with this guy. But if you look at Fusion GPS, John, if you look at those connections with Fusion GPS and the fact that the d n C and the Hillary campaign had money going into the attorneys through Fusion GPS paying Christopher Steel. Christopher Steel then in effect allegedly paying the Russians, the FSB agents, you know, for information on Donald Trump, which was by in large part, according to everyone that I've spoken to, disinformation. There is a direct line right there, and I think that there's a lot of questions that need to be answered. The first and foremost, and I don't know if Jay agrees with me on this or Victoria, but is what did the FBI know? What type of evidence did the FBI layout to get these by the warrants to continue these investigations? What did this dossier? And by the way, the meeting was Don Jr. With Natalia vesselment Skaya, who by the way, was connected to Fusion GPS, which was lobbying on behalf of the Russian government. I mean, those are very serious issues, and I think if you connect the dots here, I mean, it looks like the Russian well let's just talk. Let's talk legally then about that. If if in fact the phony Russian dossier paid for by Hillary, the d n C and and now maybe even Obama contributed and that was what was used for any type of warrant, a secular would any of that be admissible, Well, it's the fruit of the poisonous tree. I mean, if if the doctor, if the basis upon which a FISA warrant was obtained was was not was not evidence that would either be admissible or wasn't valid, it raises a very serious legal issue as to then the result of that warrant. So when they went in and got the FISA warrant, uh, and if it was based on that dossier which proves to be not only salacious and unverified, but now a political opposition research, I think the FBI is in a very difficult person, which means the department of just defending it's gonna have a tough time. I mean, do you look at the accusations in it? If somebody said it read like a third third grade tawdry novel, how could they look at something like this and think it was even serious? And I never heard of the FBI paying someone else to do their investigation. I've heard the FBI paying people for information, but not to go out and be the investigator. I mean, they're the premier investigators. Sean. I want to point out one thing if I may, and that's a footnote in the in George's complaints, and it says when when George was banging on people to meet with him, and one of the people that kept paigned if he sent the email to send a campaign sent an email onto somebody else higher up and said and not back to George, let's discuss we need someone to communicate that DT is not doing these trips, meaning Donald Trump. It should be someone low level in the campaign, so it's not to send any signal. So I disagree with Alan Dershowitz on this basis. I don't think there's any more domino. You think this is basically it what about General Flynn? Well, but that's not even in this that's true. It has nothing By the way, is this is this is this investigative creep because it's supposed to be about Trump Russia collusion and has nothing to do with it. I don't think that there is anything here to do with it, and I think that it was investigation creep. And I think that as soon as they started investigating the other side of things, we're going to see a lot more connection, possibly regarding the d n C, the Hillary Clinton campaign, fusion GPS, but the FBI, is it gonna be Mueller And how could it possibly be Mueller Muller was the FBI director when they had all this evidence of bribery, extortion, money laundering, etcetera. I mean, that's would seem like a major It cannot be, I would argue, I agree with you. All right, quick break, we'll come back nine one, Shawn told free telephone number, Sarah Carter, j Secular, Victoria Tunsing will have full coverage of this, probably one of the most important monologues I'm doing tonight for the history of this country. Nine Eastern on Fox. Will continue more with our panel straight ahead right as we continue, Jay Seculo, uh and Sarah Carter, Victoria Tunsing all with us. Jay, where is this now headed? As you read the thirty one page complain indictment, As you look at the media now spitting this as if somehow this proves Trump Russia collusion when it has nothing to do with it, Where does this go from here? But it points out two things. One is you look at the main indictment that's come down today against Paul Maniford, and there's, as I said, no knowledge, there's no evidence or allegation of collusion. The ointment has nothing to do with the campaign or campaign activity. Nothing. I mean, it's money laundering on deals from a decade ago and then up through I guess until he was he stopped doing them, so that it's completely irrelevant. And then if you look at the Papadopolis plea, notice what's not charged as a crime the meeting he was allegedly gonna have with some professor that was in Russia to you know, a gain information, which again opposition research is it's it's called now And the fact is he's not charged with doing that because that's not a crime. It was the line to the FBI g And I think that, um, I think this proves the point that this is moving forward expeditiously, and I am optimistic that we get this wrapped up as to the president, because I think you saw when the the major player, probably the major target of this whole thing, uh with Paul Mantaford. You saw the indictment today and there's no allegations regarding the campaign or the president your tank Victoria. And in fact, the most recent date of any of the money transfers that it's listed in the indictment, it's two thousand and fourteen, I mean, two years before he even started working with the campaign, so and and the and what they cleverly did is that they extended the date into two thousand and sixteen, two thousand seventeen because Manifort kept lying on documents that he was signing at the time. But all of the transfers, all of the transfers were completed in two thousand and fourteen, So I didn't nothing whatsoever to do with the Trump Trump campaign or Russia. Sarah, Let's go to uranium one and its future and fusion GPS and it's future in light if this is all they've got here, does now, if we have equal justice under the law, doesn't that mean all of all of the evidence that you have been uncovering now becomes front and center. Yeah, I think so, Sean, and I think what needs to happen, and this is according to a number of sources that I've spoken with, it needs to move forward with either a special Council investigation and it needs to be outside of the purvy of Mueller and Rosenstein. So that those are the two those are the two big issues right there. And also answers. I mean, I know that the Senate Judiciary Committee wants answers and it goes straight to the informant. Right, this former FBI informant, it has information that he needs to deliver to the Hill and to the Senate, and that information let's be allowed to be made public and people have to know what happened so that the I guess that the tools of justice can be used equally. I mean, if you're looking at Trump and you're following this rapid ble and this expansive special counsel, and the same when you're looking at the uranium, one feel the passage of scipists all of the events that took place with this former FBI UH confidential informant. And I think Victoria would agree with me on that. Alright, Victoria, last word, we gotta go. Well, I think the real Russian investigation is yet to occur. It will and it will not include Trump. People. Wow, that's a powerful statement and I agree with you wholeheartedly. And the media may have a short moment here, but this is not what they thought they were getting and it's not what we were told and what we were told the investigation was even about. Uh, thank you both. Eight one Shawn Tolfree telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. We'll get to your calls. Coming up next, we got David Limbaugh, also Greg Jarrett, Laura Ingram stopping by. We'll get all their thoughts on this a much more straight ahead every night, we're gonna hit the big issues of the day and some surprising notes from all angles. That means, Heartland, America, you have a champion working class Americans. I came from you, and whether you're Republican or Democrat, your voice will be heard. Your values, your patriotism, your straightforward approach to issues, your demand for the truth. We'll have a hearing here on the show. Don't miss The Ingram Angle, premiering October on the Fox News Channel to the top of the hour. That was the promo. Apparently those rumors that it actually may happen tonight The Ingram Angle will be following Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Laura Ingram making her debut tonight. We don't want to miss this program. And with a lot of news out there, there's a best selling book across the country she just released a week or so ago, Billionaire at the Barricades, The Populace Revolution from Reagan to Trump and are you really coming to work tonight because you signed this deal like two months ago. What's going on? What's the real truth is this is a game that foxes playing with everybody. You're actually gonna show up. I have a question. Once you finish your show, and before you get ready for your next show, can you help me write my monologue. I have a couple of I have some hand puppets, and one is the establishment represents you, and the other is popular. You are not doing that just for a couple of segments, you know, and then a couple of segments. You're gonna use puppets on the show. There's a there's a there's a formula for success that's never been before. Yeah, and then and then and then somewhere along the line, we'll sit in General Kelly, who we're also talking to. So I'm listening to you when you're I'm listening to you. In your promo is General Kelley on tonight? Yeah, that's good, tonight, awesome, awesome. Uh. Well, you talk about the heartland and the working class, and I'm like, what am I chopped liver her? I mean that's me. I mean, in that sense, you and I have a lot of a lot in common. Yeah, we come from humble beginnings which made us hungry frankly and made us appreciate what we've earned. Uh. And I never I never left that behind. I mean, I I carry my mother with me and her hard work ethic and her love of country. I really I think about her all the time. She died many years ago, back in um. But she was just one of those scrappers. She was like a working class waitress, you know, didn't put up with a lot of guff, straight talk or very street smart, even though she didn't get to go to college or anything. And she just she didn't like phony. She didn't like politicians to her phony. She was obviously a big fan of Reagan. She was a volunteer in the Goldwater campaign all those years ago, Seawan, and so she really kind of gave me my my sense of of who I am and and I think I I owe it really to my mother, just like what got this justist ethic I developed and made a lot of mistakes along the way, and we'll make a lot more. But I'm really I'm really blessed and I feel really grateful to be following you on Hawks. And it's a it's been a long time coming, and I think it just it came just at the right time. Everybody has their own thing, their own identity. I mean, I know they'd like to say, well, they bunch all of us in radio into one group, but they're not listening and they don't really care to listen or actually learn on their own. But you know, Rush has his own separate identity and does the show his way, and Mark does it his way, and you do it your way, and I do it my way and and the same and TV A Tucker, etcetera. My show, Um, how do you differentiate yourself even though we may have you and I in particular, I think I have a lot of agreement on issues. Yeah, I think that for me, especially kind of at the end of the night. Uh, we're going to do politics from the rest of life. So how politics affects the family, parenting, education, how we deal with the screen obsessed society, and what's government's role in all this, if there's a role at all. I'm going to talk about what the meaning of America is tonight on the show, you know, General Kelly talked a lot about sacrifice and how there's just a very thin layer of Americans who sacrifice as the military sacrifices, and how do we really appreciate what services if if we ourselves don't know anyone in the service. And those ideas, those kind of big ideas we're gonna we're gonna, you know, really explore in depth. And and also we have to remember that it's life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness where you know, things get fixed and you know, we should all be a lot happier with the way government goes, but we have a we have a lot of work to do before we get there. So it's it's kind of politics and and everything else. It's a big it's a big bulliod base. There's a big mix of issues and perspectives and and and every now and then, just like you and I do and we're still on the show together, every now and then, you just need a belly laugh. Let's face it, I think the belly laugh is gonna be me handing off to you and you're actually showing up. I think people will be shocked. Are you wait a second, Shawn, are you going to hand me a marguarite? It's nice Assault rocks margarite. That's for eleven o'clock at night when you get off work. Also, Shannon Bream is short starting her news show tonight. I guess I think I'm like the only person besides Martha that's left in New York. Now this is Fox is now a d C based, you know network. At this point, I'm coming up there. Don't worry about it. I'm gonna I'm gonna do the show from up there. They claim that the graphics actually moved from studio to studio technology today. No, listen, I use different studios all the time, and nobody would know the difference. But I mostly am locked into my one studio in New York. Um, what do you make of the Man of Ford indictment today? I mean, I'm reading thirty one pages and I'm like, okay, tell me, where's the Russia stuff. I'm looking at financial information from two thousand and six and transfers that ended in two thousand and fourteen, And I'm looking at one guy that wanted desperately to get somebody's attention in the campaign. Um, this guy, George Papadopoulos, and and he got nobody's attention, and he only got you know, this plea deal on the FBI lying. And I'm thinking Okay, where's uranium one? Where is fusion GPS? The real collusion that we have been reporting. Oh, I'm sure they're getting to that, don't worry. Well, look the thirty one pages is you know, this is classic white collar indictment. I used to practice white collar criminal defense law, and so whether it's false statements of thousand and one statute or conspiracy or money laundering, tax fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, this is all the classic throw throw all the charges in the one big tot and stir it up. I mean, that's that's what they're doing with Manifort and his associate, Mr Gates. Now I don't know what Manaford did all those years ago. I don't know let these clients he represents. But the idea that this somehow redounds to the the conclusion of of of Russia manipulating the election to help Donald Trump is just ludicrous on its face. And Papadapolis is a minor figure who made the mistake of apparently allegedly lying to the FBI. Well, I mean I guess he pled to that. I mean, that's just really stupid for him, Like, I don't know why he did that. Don't why he quote forgot to mention his meeting with that that Russian person. But I mean, again, there's no there there. This is just millions and millions of dollars of taxpayer money, dozens of attorneys, some of them connected to the Clinton campaign, loyal to Hillary Clinton, and Bob Muller, who of course presided as FBI director during one of these other scandals that you just mentioned. So again, I think this whole Special Prosecutor statute is probably unconstitutional. It's just this roving band of unaccountable lawyers who, you know, if they want to if they want to indict somebody, uh, they can probably indict somebody, and in a group of people, they can find one person they can indict on something. I mean, that's that's cool. I mean a lot of people don't like it. I think that's such a good point. I mean, you can indict a ham sandwich. I mean this is as I understand that this was put in a grand jury that where Donald Trump got four percent of the vote. And you know, on top of that, I mean, the defense never gets an opportunity to present a thing to the grand jury. These standard is probable cause, which is way way below um the legal standard to get a guilty verdict. So all of that is going to come into play. Paul Manafort saying absolutely, hell no, I didn't do it, and he deserves the presumption of innocent like everybody else. But I think the thing that stands out the most to me is it's not the president, it's not the campaign. It has nothing to do with campaign activity. And we have evidence of real crimes as it relates to real Russian collusion with fusion GPS funded by Hillary, by the d n C and now maybe by Obama, and they use false misinformation and propaganda to alter presidential election. And that was all information that came from Russia. And I haven't even mentioned uranium one. All right, Well, I'd like to I'd like to see a real honest investigation into potential false statements by Clinton campaign officials about the origin of this dossier about who paid for the dossia. I mean, we need the bank records, Okay, you find that the reason they were able to charge Maniform is that they got his bank records. They subpoened the bank records, and it showed probable cause. They got the bank records, and they got the wire transfer records and so they were able to indicte him. Now, where the bank records for Fusion GPS, who paid for what one exactly? Who knew who authorized those are all? Those are all really apt questions, and I would assume that we get answers to those. But I don't think Bob Muller is the person to be doing any of this investigation. I think we need a separate count special counsel to invest investigate the special counsel perhaps. What do you make of Tony Podesta, founder of the Podesta Groups, stepping down from the firm that bears him and John Podesta's name after coming under investigation by Mueller and to fight Mueller's investigation. I mean, obviously this has now taken on a whole different turn than its original purpose, which was Trump Russia collusion. Yeah. Well, I think you're gonna have a hard time getting hired by people as a political consultant if it turns out that you end up being at the center of a firestorm involving your previous client. And I'm sure he has investors in his group and they probably didn't like the fact that he was at the center of this either. I means people do want to make money at some point. So I don't think any of this. Hell, it reminds me of of Weinstein stepping down from his group. You know, it's if there's a cloud of suspicion. Whether or not he did anything, I don't know, but there's a cloud of suspicion, and people want him to move on, and you know he should move on. What do you make of this battle between the geop establishment and say, those of us that support the president believe that his his agenda represents very similar to Reagan. This is a predicate in your book, at a point that you make in your book, because I agree with you. I I can't think of any one single program or policy or idea that Trump is espousing that doesn't in some way reflect the values of Reagan, with maybe the exception of trade. Well, even on trade, Reagan slapped those tariffs on Japanese motorcycle imports and saved Harley Davidson, and he was derided by the Cato Institute back in a long article trashing Reagan is a great protectionist. So Reagan y and understood that trade had to be you know, done smartly and for the benefit of the American people. American worker um. But on the larger issue, Sean, here's what's happening, and I'm going to talk about this to night in the open of the show. The reason there's all this gnashing of teeth and wailing by by the left and by the never trumpers, but you know the neo conservative globalist Republicans is they're losing power. They're they're losing ground, and it's not fun to lose power. I remember what it felt like Bill Clinton want and I remember what it felt like in two thousand and eight Langarack Obama one, and and then in two thousands twelve. I mean, when you lose power, it's it doesn't feel good. But this is this is a natural interplay that that happens in a representative democracy. They went way too far. They pushed policies that the people didn't want far too long, and people are sick of it. They want real change and they want the government to work for them. And that's why Trump was elected. They want someone who's going to shake it up, dust dust it off, and put in a new set of policies to to advance our interests and our liberty or life or pursuit of happiness. Laura ingram is with us. She starts a new program tonight at tend following mine on the Fox News Channel. You gonna like put on makeup for television and everything like I have to do. I'm doing the open in a in a in a Nancy Pelosi costume. Actually for Halloween. That's right, Halloween is coming and I'm not gonna be clutching al because, by the way, Halloween is one of the worst. You know what we're teaching our kids with Halloween to bang on people's Well, no, you're you're teaching children to bang on people's door and beg for free stuff. Right, well, it's a liberal Halliday? Did you when you are other way? I say this stuff, and you know what happened. I said this like years ago, and liberals right handed. He says, Halloween's liberal because we're teaching kids to beg for free stuff. He's so sick and like they're so humorless. They do you remember when we were kids, like you just went at a bomber or whatever. I was always a bomb. I was a poem every year. That's all I did. I used to take cork and I put it on fire and then put the chalk on my face. Yeah, yeah, and it's just you just and you look like kind of like you rolled out of the construction site you used to work on that pretty good thing. Pretty much. Now it's you gotta get a mask of Hillary or Donald Trump. Oh no, now it's all It's cost hundred dollars to outfit a kid in the stupid holloween. Yeah. The Ingram Angle tonight at ten, right after Hannity on the Fox News Channel. You're really showing up? Is this a total light? I'm waiting and I'm waiting to see what I'm gonna get, like free stuff from you through the double boxes. If it's good, I'm gonna show up. Oh man, lame like fizzy water, I'm not going to show up. Don't give me something like a healthy juice or something to keep me going at ten o'clock. Now she's whining about her hour. So first night at the job, she's complaining about being on late. I can't believe it. I've been there twenty three years and I'm not complaining. All right, John, what I need? I need to go take a nap, so I gotta go. Oh my god, God help us. All right. Ingram Angle tonight at ten after Hannity on Fox News. All right, we got time for a quick call here as we say hi to LEVI is in Pensacola. What's up, Levi? Hey Sean, how are you doing. I'm good, sir. What's on your mind? Good? Yes? So I'm a millennial and um, I mean I'm used to, you know, getting a bunch of friends together and going to the Movi movies, And honestly, I haven't gone in months because we're all sick and tired of all of the BS that they're pumping out. Um, and obviously the box office is showing in. Honestly, I'm super stoked to go see a movie. I looked it up online and there's one, uh theater in the city that shown us. So well, we're gonna be adding theaters by the end. This movie was so successful. Do you understand we only had fourteen percent of the screens of every other competitor this weekend? We only had three seventy three. We're in the top ten and every other movie had over two thousand. Do you realize that we made only nine hundred thousand dollars less than George Clooney's movie. He had two thousand four hundred seventy theaters and we had three hundred seventy three. It is one of the biggest breakout hits. The response has been phenomenal. Levi's just hang on till Thursday. This week we have our new list of of theaters we're going in and the response has been phenomenal. And I've never been more proud. And you're competing against movies that have multimillion dollars like I mean, Hunter million budget, and and we had to do. Honestly, I couldn't tell you what's in theaters right now, and I don't care because that's how sick entired I am of it. Everybody has. The notes I've gotten have been inspiring, and that's what I did. That's the only reason I did this movie. And the feedback has been phenomenal, the testimonials phenomenal, and uh, I'm very proud of it. And we're gonna now all the studios shunned us now they're coming knocking, which is and you made that possible, not me by showing up this weekend. We'll continue to day. We find out in the Washington Post that this dossier was in fact paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign and in fact, this former British intelligence agent while there was some research being done and funded by one of President Trump's Republican rivals, that once the British intelligence agent was hired, that in fact that was funded by the d n C and the Clinton campaign. Now, I know this was before your watch, but presumably you must have some curiosity about how this came about and what this dossier said, and uh, you know why you guys didn't kind of come forward and acknowledge earlier than I find this issue, UM somewhat curious because here's a news flash. Candidates conduct research on their opponents, um. And in the case of Donald Trump, the imperative for that is to not do that is political malpractice. Why because Donald Trump refused to release so many documents. Here's what we know, though, Donald the Russians hacked the d n C. They hacked it with the purpose of helping Donald Trump out. They didn't had the r n C because they wanted Hillary Clinton to lose and Donald Trump to win. There have been incredible, questionable, possibly criminal engagement between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians during the election. All of those things occurred, and we would the Democratic Party or anyone and the Republicans, as you correctly pointed out, we're doing the research on Trump before the Democrats did. We would be committing malpractice if we weren't to do that because Donald Trump has a very shady and complicated history in Russia. And so I'm glad that this research was being conducted. And the research centers around whether the Trump administration and the Russians conspired to steal an election. That serious stuff, my friends. And you know what, there's a criminal investigation. And I used to be a prosecutor, Karen, and I got information from a number of sources when I would do an investigation. And this is a very professional team there, and they will take a look at all of the information. But you know, the real issue here is whether Donald Trump's campaign and perhaps himself was in cahoots with the Russians to effect and impact our election. So so the d n C had this information before the election, but decided not to go forward with what was in the dossier. Is that because I'm not sure I'm understanding. First of all, did the did the d n C actually know what they paid the lawyer who commissioned the dossier? Did the d n C know what was in it? Well, again, you're gonna have to ask folks who were at the d n C at that time. Well, now, I mean I learned about the dossier a few days ago. Okay, how how is that possible? I mean, well, because you hire a lawyer, and we we hire lawyers all the time who hire the third party vendors to do their work. And so we knew that we were paying for opposition research at the d n C, but we didn't ask questions about who they're hiring, uh, in the context of doing their research. And what we know is that Donald Trump, you know, we had a very strong reason to believe that Donald Trump and the Donald Trump campaign and the Russians, Uh, we're potentially conspiring to affect the election for the president of the United States. That's the issue here. When did you learn the d NC in the clinic camp paignment behind the doceat I wasn't aware of the arrangement at all. And then how can you could you have lead the d n C and be in the dark about the dust Yet I wasn't aware of the arrangement all right, News round up information overload, So they have Tom Perez regarding the Christopher Steele Phony Russian dossier, saying, well, it would have been political malpractice not to do research. The research they got was paid for, bought and paid for by Russia to influence our elections. And it was false, you know, and Russia hacked the d n C. There's no evidence that they hacked the d n C. Nobody has proved it. And the one guy that released and said that didn't happen, that's Julian Ossange. I learned about the dossier a few days ago. Yeah, okay, now we know there's twelve million dollars paid by the Clinton campaign and the d n C and even Obama put a a what a million dollars into this whole thing, and Wasserman schew I wasn't aware of any arrangement between the d n C and Hillary campaign with the Steel DOSSI. Oh, but it only came out of their their pockets. As I have been saying from the get go, with the with the Paul Manafort indictment and this other indictment, I just keep saying, do we have equal justice under the law here in this country? In other words, knowing that we had evidence in two thousand and nine about bribery, extortion, money laundering, and racketeering and other crimes. Everybody knew. That means Muller knew, as the FBI director, Eric Holder knew, is the head of the Department of Justice. It's likely in the presidential Daily briefing that took place. It's likely that everybody, and in spite of knowing that Vladimir Putin and Russia in America with their spies for the very purpose of cornering the Uranian market and not doing anything to stop it. And this whole thing starts out, well, this is about Trump Russia collusion. And the only thing they've got is nothing to do with Trump Russia collusion. But years ago, long before Robert Muller was ever web sorry, long before Paul Manafort was ever with the Trump campaign. This has to do with financial issues involving Ukraine in other places, nothing to do with Russian collusion, which was his task. Anyway, we have two attorneys now to go through and analyze all of this. We've got Greg Jarity's with the Fox News Channel David Limbaugh, bestselling author and columnist. Welcome both of you to the program. Thanks for being with us. David. I think the big takeaway from the Maniford indictment is it has nothing to do with Russia. Nothing, zero zip. Yeah. You know, the may medium the Democrats is smugly been promising collusion between Trump and Russia from the very beginning. They've been able to produce nothing with all these congressional investigations, with all uh the special prosecutor stuff. Now we finally have an indictment. It has to do with alleged corruption of Manifort, which preceded his involvement with Trump Trump and in which everybody acknologists has nothing to do with any kind of collusion with Trump. So I'm not faulting Mueller for finding collateral things to to uh pursue like Kim's starr might have. I mean, that's another issue we can talk about. But the fact remains our eyes on the big ball. This has has not moved the Democrat and mainstream media's case toward Trump and Russia collusion one molecule. You know, over the weekend, as I was watching you know, the cable channels, the mainstream media, they were giddy with delight upon learning that there would be an indictment on Monday morning, and show all weekend long. It was like a two day long tailgate party. Well, it turns out it was entirely premature. The indictment comes out thirty one pages, no mention of Trump or Russia so called collusion. And you know, the media was kind of dejected as a kid wakes up on Christmas morning with no presence under the tree. And and but then they learned about George Popadopoulos pleading guilty to a single charge of, you know, making a false statement to the FBI, and they thought, surely this is evidence of collusion. Well, guess what it's not. He wasn't charged with any underlying offense so called collusion because, as you know, Sean, no such crime exists in American statutory law except anti trust matters. It has no application to elections and political campaigns. But try to tell that, Try to explain that to the thick headed mainstream media. They have an abusively biased agenda. But there is evidence of Trump Trump Russia collusion, and it's in two forms. One, it's obvious that they paid for Christopher Steel dossier that made wild, selacious allegations against Donald Trump in Russia with hookers in the ritz. They're urinating on his bed. And now, in spite of denials for a year, we find out Hillary's campaign the d n C and it looks like maybe even Obama helped pay for all of this. Uh, and that was false information derived and paid for from Russia for the very purpose of altering and impacting our election. Secondly, David Limbaugh, were crimes not committed when we look at the fact that in two thousand and nine we know that Putin and Russia wants the corner of the Uranian market, And in spite of all the bribery, all the crimes, everything that we knew that had happened, they ended up not paying attention to it and allow of our uranium to go to Putin in Russia. And then there's massive kickbacks here that to me is corruption. Why isn't that being investigated to the level that this, You know, we've spent a year on Trump Russia collusion with no evidence. You know, Sean, You're exactly right. For for so long, the the Democrats were advocating that we reset with Russia. The Republicans are too mean, that Romney was terrible to the Russians, and then, uh, it turns out they tried to say that that Trump was in bed with the Russians, and they somehow changed their substance position like that's so terrible now Russia's is Russia bad or good? But the whole time, now that these false allegations of Trump Russia collusion were being promoted, the Democrats were specifically colluding. And whether you want to talk about them doing anything criminal, that's one issue. But they were definitely colluding under the turn under the definition of that term in the dictionary in the English language, Russia Hillary Clinton. And here's the point I want to make about the the Russians Hillary scandal, just the Urani in one, the compromise of our national security by itself, with no evidence of Clinton money being involved and Clinton coffers being enhanced, is scary and alarming. The separately, the payment to Clinton's of these exorbitant moneys, even without evidence of connection to the the uranium scandal, is alarming. But then when you put the two together, it's combustible, and it is amazing to me something more hasn't yet surfaced. I'm not giving up yet on on Mueller's investigation on this. It could well end up going in that direction. I don't see that. All right, Greg, We'll get your take on that one when we continue eight d on Shawn, Greg, Jared, David Limbaugh. If you want to be a part of the program Quick Breaking, Amazing Hannity Tonight a nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. Will continue all right, As we continue Sean Hannity's show Told Free, I'll telephone numbers eight hundred nine, Shawn, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza, We're talking with attorneys David Limbaugh and Ran Jared from the Fox News Channel. Greg, I'll ask you about the Uranian one deal, and more specifically, you know now that we know, you know, under no circumstances could I ever reconcile in my mind giving Vladimir Putin of our uranium. And then when you realize that they knew in two thousand and nine that Putin had agents in the country and that there was bribery and extortion and money laundering and other crimes being committed. They knew it all Muller knew it, Holder knew it, the Justice Department, the FBI knew it, and they did nothing to stop the deal, and Vladimir ends up being successful. Then you had the kickbacks that David was talking about, um, and then a man of Ford indictment that has nothing to do with Russia. Nothing. Well, it's a crime to use your public office like secretary of State to confer a benefit to a foreign government uranium one sale in exchange for money, millions to Clinton foundation and half a million to buildin. It's bribery, gratuity, mail fraud, wire fraud, the racketeering, what's that and play? Yeah, yeah, those are all pay to play statutes there. There really are six of them. Um. And it's confounding, I think to a great many people how Hillary manages to continue to get away with it. And now you've got the Trump dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign and the d n C look Papadopoulos. Um was not charged with collusion because it doesn't exist. It's not a crime to talk to a Russian. It is a crime, in Hillary's case, to lavish millions of dollars on foreign nationals Russians and filing a fault or misleading campaign report about it. That's a crime under the Federal Election Campaign Act. And so it's it's equally confounding that she's managed to get away with that as well, David, what's your reaction to that? I couldn't agree more. And and it's hard to imagine that there isn't some causal connection in the Russians payments to the Clintons and what the Clintons served up by way of United States UH security compromises. Why would the Russians pay Bill Clinton five hundred thousands UH to give a stupid speech? What do they care about his stupid speeches when he's no longer in power. But it's even worse than that. He was being paid by a bank that had a financial interest in uranium one. He tried to meet with nuclear nuclear representatives from Russia, then he met with Vladimir Putin. UH. The Clinton Foundation got millions upon millions, A hundred and forty hundred and forty five million, we're told, yeah, but for what are they interested in? The Clinton Library? Really? This is how can there not be a causal connection? Greg Jarrett, Well, you know you can prove a case like that just based on circumstantial evidence. And I'm looking forward to the confidential informant UH. And you know, Sean and I have both talked to the lawyer for the confidential informant who has indicated that her client can connect the dots implicating Hillary Clinton. So we'll we'll have to wait and see. But even without him, you could still prove a case. You know, you know, you guys, the never Trump guys are always saying that we Trump supporters are using what about ism, are always trying to divert charges like the Clintons used to do when they got accused of something they fired. But this is not what we're doing. What we're saying is there is no collusion between Trump and Russia, therefore we don't need to divert for from it. But there is collusion or strong evidence of collusion between the Clintons and Russia, and there ought to be an investigation about it, and there ought to be consequences. It's not what about is M. It's not diversion, it's not rationalization. I gotta let you both go. We're gonna have more coming up at the bottom of this half hour. Thank you both for being with us. We'll have more on TV tonight nine Eastern Hannity. This is gonna be probably the hardest hitting monologue I ever give, because America is now at a crossroads. Are we gonna have equal justice under the law, and I will explain all of it in detail. That's coming up tonight at nine when we come back. Lord Ingram joins us so much more. Right here on the Sean Hannity Show, Ladies and gentlemen, this is Linda of the Sean Hannity Show. We have an announcement today that unfortunately our boss will never make because he's two modests and two proud But let there be light with number two in per screen average nationwide and its debut week in movie theater. So this past Friday already said this earlier in the show. Excuse me, but I'm saying in a special way, I have a breaking new sounder. You know, I've got effects. If people could see me, my hands are waving, it's very effective. And not only that, there's a whole new list of people listening. Now. People just got in their cars, they're on their way home. Maybe they didn't hear you earlier. You know, well, I want to say thank you, You're welcome, No, not to you to the audience. You saw the movie a year ago. You saw it's the first original cut. Um. I know I had no idea what to expect this weekend, absolutely none. We did this whole thing independently. We had no studio backing at all, and it is extraordinarily difficult too to have a success. But we knew we had a great product. We I and that's the whole reason I got involved, because this, this will stimulate your mind. Let there be like your heart, your emotions, your soul. And the testimonials that we got back just have blown me away beyond our wildest dreams. Let me give you a number. So we're in the top ten movies in the country, and we only had fourteen percent of the screen screens that all the other movies had in the top ten. That we only had fourteen percent. Now, let me give you one example. So what's the movie with Dame and in Clooney? They were they debuted this weekend to do stupid names, Suberberican whatever. Alright, So Cluney's movie is in two thousand and forty six theaters. We let there be light as in three hundred and seventy three theaters. We nearly beat them in terms of box office this weekend. We had about nine hundred thousand dollars less than their movie, which was in two thousand we're in three seventy three, and it is has one of the highest ratings ever on Rotten Tomatoes. It is I think number five. I was told earlier today, don't hold me to this fact of all debuts of all faith based movies in history, number two in terms of the what do you call it, the number two in terms of the purse screens. Number two in the purse screens rating. Purse screen rating, which is number two in other words for exams. I'll give you an example. So we had over five thousand UH dollars per screen per person and they only had a thousand, meaning George Clooney's movie. It has become a massive breakout hit. And here's the fascinating thing. Because all of you work so hard to get to the movie this weekend, You're now gonna make it easier for others to get to it this weekend. And the word of mouth and the testimonials and the inspirational message that people have gotten for this and the letters and the things that I've been reading on Twitter has blown me away. And it's the only reason that I did the movie, the only reason at all anyway. Number two in in per screen average in its debut week, and it attracted over five thousand dollars a screen, compared to like a little over one thousand for This Stupid movie, one thousand, three hundred for George Clooney's movie. It's unbelievable. And all of you made that happen, and I'm glad you liked it. I'm not gonna lie to you. This is a massive financial risk on my part. I did it because I loved the story. I did it because I loved the message. I did it and I never thought it would come out as good as it came out. And I was nearly brought to tears all weekend reading what people had to say, how this movie has impacted them in a positive way, how they're sick and tired of Hollywood movies. You know, the same old formula. You know what, what's come out? Another iron Man? I guess this weekend four? Is that what they're calling this thing? You know? You have? You have uh thor rad narakah Okay, Spiderman ninety, Batman eight two, Superman one hundred and fifty five. Jennifer Anniston falls in love with some Hollywood good looking actor nine hundred and seventy eight. I mean, this is different. This is a totally independent, different project. And obviously your response has been phenomenal. If you can tell your friends if you liked it. There was one lady that wrote me said she didn't like it, one lady on Twitter, and I wrote her back on direct message and I said, would you like me to fund your money? I said I'll give your money, and she said no because I want to see more faith based films. And you know, she just didn't like She actually said she got so angry at Kevin Sorbo in the opening scene. She couldn't get over it because he was so good at playing the atheist that wrote the book of boarding God. But I've I have been told people stayed in their seats the whole theater watching the credits roll. Nobody ever does that. People were crying, people were sharing experiences. It's everything that I wanted it to be. And the good news is, and the weeks to come now this is guaranteed that so many other people will be able to see this movie. I'm gonna be frank, if the movie bomb this week past weekend, that would have been it. It would have been straight to DVD and over, and I probably would have lost the fortune, which I didn't care about. I didn't do this for money. I don't care about the money. It's not my it's not my thing, but I did. It's no fun when you're not a little bit glady. I'm really enjoying this. What did I tell you all that last week? I said I have Privately, I said, I have no idea what to spect. No, We've been talking about it like it's just I just have no idea. I don't know. I had no idea what to expect. But but I was very proud of the outcome and how we came out, and I thought people would love it, but and they did. There's just like a little piece of me. And I know you're you're you're very Christian, and I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna you want to gloat for I'm gonna gloat for you. I'm gonna own it a little bit. I'm gonna have a little bit of that. I'll tell you. I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you why when you read the testimonials and you hear people say I couldn't stop crying. This touched my heart so deeply. This helped heal well. George Clooney is crying tonight too. It's a beautiful thing. Oh. George Clooney is very aware. George Clooney is very aware that Sean Hannity got into the movie business this weekend. Oh, they got their ass handed to them. I'll say that. Yeah, all right, there's that part of me. But but reading the testimonials and the feedback and the reviews of people that saw it absolutely blew me away in terms of the impact it's had on people's lives. And that was that's you told me about two years ago. I was crazy to do this. And then when I only had three three theaters because no studio would touch us, I said, you're right, I'm probably gonna get crushed this weekend, and I was prepared for it. I can handle anything. But it just is so mate. We can imagine we're in the top ten. We only had fourteen percent of the screens. Every other movie had fourteen percent. You know, literally, we almost we almost beat Clooney's movie. He had two thousand, forty six theaters and we had three seventy three. It's crazy how good this thing is done. And I'm very thankful to everybody uh for supporting it. And you have now created an opportunity for us to grow this movie and send it around the country and hopefully touch more people's hearts. And that's all I wanted to do with this thing, and so far as success, and I hope you'll tell your friends about it. We'll have new movie theaters as the week unfolds. I won't tell you about that until later. But um, I'm very humbled by all of it, and thank you to everybody. And the Sorbos did a great job. They produced a great product and that's what inspired me to get involved in the first place. All right, let me get to um. Let's say hi to Mary Beth is in Arkansas? What's up, Mary Beth? How are you glad you're there? What's happening? Hey? Way to go. Good things happen to good people. Did you see the movie? By any chance? I haven't. I'm in Arkansas and I'll find I'll find a studio like around four states right here, and I will find it. But you do know that independent movies do get nominated for Academy Awards. Wouldn't that be another miracle that hell will freeze over before I'm ever nominated? For Best Executive Producer. Don't say that it's Could you imagine the speech I'm gonna give in front of all of those Hollywood elites. I promise you now, it's gonna it'll make news. I promise it will make big news. Wait wait, wait, you know what Shan will do. Shan will get up and he'll give his acceptance speech, and then he'll say, so, let's talk about the abuse that's going on in the culture here and the pedophilia and Marfy want to make everyone looks super uncomfortable. I think you would do that, and he will look so good in his Luji. Oh yeah, exactly. Wow, Thank you, Mary, congratulations, thank you. So I hope you see it this weekend, Sonny, all right, Sonny and Alexandria Virginia did see it, all right? Straight up? How do you like it? Sean? It was great. I'm glad you liked it. Oh my gosh. I was just so deeply, deeply moved by. I put three words to describe it. It's personal, it's powerful, and it's poignant, and it's just everybody. And for those who haven't seen it yet, keep on pushing forward, go get it, go see it, because it's such an important thing for everyone to see. It touches into the depths of all of us. Let me ask you this that a lot of people in the theater cry yes. And did people stay after the movie and watch the credits role They did, Sean, that never happens there. That's what everybody's telling me, that that that you know that never happens. Everyone like, can't get a fast enough. Well, they stayed. I stayed it just I was so deeply moved by it. And I have just two questions for you, Sean. First one is when will it I know it's going to be in theaters for a while now, and praise the Lord for that. But I would love to get it on DVD because I want to give it is I want it in my collection and I want to give it to everyone I love. Well, it's interesting you say that without getting too deep into the business aspect of this, and this is all new to me. But because of its success this weekend, we have already triggered the the home on the man market. We have triggered triggered an Epics deal, we have triggered a DVD deal. Everything this weekend literally means that millions and millions or more people will see it. And it was all contingent on one weekend, believe it or not. Everything was writing on this weekend and frankly next weekend. And because it did so well, it's gonna hit all of those markets. I'm just glad it touched you all right? To be honest, did you cry? And did the d did the ending kill you? Or what the ending? You didn't predict that part, did you? Well? No, no one could have predicted that. And I don't want to spoil it. No, don't spoil it. I don't want. I do have to say that. I looked at that and I thought, now, if we can have life imitate art and have the same ending in a sense, and that would be with your special special program that you did in the movie, and not have that just be part of the movie. But can we make that happen in real life, Sean, because I think that would be just the greatest thing that could happen this Christmas. Let me just say, from my my heart to yours, that is my better self. That's what I would wish as well, I really would, because you know what, there's a lot of As the movie started out, there's a lot of darkness in this world today. And you know what, we need some more light, We need some more goodness. We need you know, some you know, if people fall down, everyone wants to crucify them, you know, can they get back up? I'll say this like we've been following the Mark Halprin story. Did you really the Mark Helprin story? This had happened, I guess a decade ago. And in the in the last decade, he wrote about how he knew he was wrong, he knew his behavior was atrocious, he went to get help. It doesn't mean that all these companies associated with him didn't have to do what they did. But he wants to be a better person. I don't even like Mark Helper, but I felt that, you know, everybody at some point needs a chance to have be a better person in life. And uh, he owned up to it. And I I don't wish anybody, you know, to have darkness dominate their lives. And um, so maybe put me down as I hope he stays on his path. I don't wish wish him any ill will Uh, Sonny, you made my day? I Um. I just never said to the audience that there was so much writing on this weekend. I had it was all writing on one weekend, and when we couldn't get theaters that we were actually boxed out, if you want to know the truth, by big studios. Now they're banging on our door, and um, so we'll see what happens. We're gonna we're gonna try, and we're gonna be adding this week. Between this week and next week, there's gonna be you know, hundreds of new theaters that the movie is going to appear in. But it was it was a little gutsy and uh, you know, dangling out there and thin hair for a while, but it all worked out. I'm glad you all loved it. The feedback is amazing. All right, let's get to our phones as we say hi to Thomas and Phoenix, Arizona. Fifty five kf y I what's going on? Tom? How are you? How are you? What's going on? Sir? Well? How shown? A longtime listener, first time caller. Appreciate everything you do and would love to say that to me two hours a night. You and Tucker here out of the park every night. You guys are devastating to the left and I love the truth and what we get from you guys and as two hours that our dv art every night for me, and thank you so much for what you're doing, sir. Secondly, I just want to talk about the Trump dossier, and for me last week was kind of putting my plull in my hair out listening to some of the stuff that was going on with that. And as far as I'm concerned, it seems like to me everybody's talking about where it came from, where it started, whatever. But somehow this got to John McCain quite early, and I don't think we do everything where his fingerprints lie and what's not you know, what's going on with that. I just think that somebody to take it out and look at that and then checking where he got everything from and who he tried to peddle it to and where he went with this thing and how that was working for us. So I just think that's a problem. Hope somebody can try to find out you were. I promise you we are not giving up. And I think tonight at nine is one of the most important monologues I'm gonna do, because we are going to tell you the things that matter and how absolutely deceptive, dishonest, corrupt, all of this is and I actually say America is hanging in the balance based on whether or not this country is going to have equal justice under the law, or whether or not we have a dual justice system. This is now a moment of truth for this country and I will explain all of that tonight on the Fox News Channel nine Eastern. UM. Anyway, thank you for your call, good points. All right, Hannity, tonight nine Eastern. We had have a monologue about the future of this country. I don't think you're gonna want to miss. Also, we have the Counselor to the President, Jay Secular, we have New King Rich, we have Sebastian Gorka, we have Greg Jarrett, and up much more. It's all coming up tonight nine to ten. Sent you DVR. I promise this is gonna be hard hitting. This will tell the truth the media lies about. All right, Thanks for being with us, see tonight at nine. Back here to Marrow.

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