Making The Government Work For Us

Published Dec 27, 2018, 12:05 AM

Mark Simone fills in for Sean and hits the ground running discussing the government “shutdown” that has the liberal media outraged. It’s clear, sometimes we need to make tough decisions to keep a growing Government in check. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Hey, welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. It's Mark Simone here for Sean. I'm on our big flagship station in New York w R along with Sean and Rush and all the great It's the number one talk station in the world. But here we are on the greatest radio show of all, The Sean Hannity Show. Sean taking a day off. He'll be back soon. We got lots to get to. There's breaking news all over the place. The President, it turns out, has made a surprise visit to Iraq. The Tao has stunned everybody by making a huge comeback. Now this is all very bad news. I feel terrible. You know, these democrats, it's getting tougher and tougher. It's two years in now and again all these Democrats sit around all day trying to figure out how to make the President look bad. And after you've come up with seventeen hundred scandals that fizzle and have forgotten about a day later and don't work, and nobody cares about it's so hard for them to come up with something. This endless campaign of what President Trump calls presidential harassment. It's a great term, presidential harassment. So they worked really hard over Christmas. You know, it's tough because he's not there's not a lot going on. You can't find a scandal to gin up. So they came up with he doesn't visit the troops. First president. You always hear this, first president in ten years, first president, eighty years. First they always got this first presidents. So this was the big scandal. They worked so hard on that he's the first president not to visit the troops. Well, it turns out and this is not in response to that. This is a visit that had been planned for some time. In fact, the reporters were starting to learn about it a day or two ago, but were sworn to secrecy. Believe it or not, even the fake news kept its secret. So it was quite a secret visit to Iraq. Flying over there, curtains drawn, lights off on the plane, obviously for security reasons. And the President visited the troops in Iraq, spending a lot of time with them Christmas, addressing the huge gathering your troops, then meeting individually with them, taking selfies with them, all of this stuff. So it completely screws up this latest democratic scandal narrative. They came up with so they had to go back to last week's fake scandal they've jimmed up, which is that the Dow is crashing, the economy is crashing, We're going to a bear market. This was the big thing they had before that, And now the Doo comes roaring back today, up six hundred points today, completely screwing up that fake narrative. So I don't know what they're gonna do. I don't know what they're gonna come come up with next. And you gotta feel bad for them. They had their hopes pinned on Russia and Muller and collusion, and I think even the most Democrats are starting to realize now, you know, so it's a couple of years. If you're just gonna find any collusion, he would have found it by now. So. And then they've expanded this investigation into everything, you know, every inch of everything Donald Trump has ever touched is now under investigation. They put that in big headlines in the fake news. Every organization Donald Trump has ever been involved with is now under investigation. I guess you're supposed to think, Wow, he must be a bad guy if that's the case. No, actually it's the opposite. When you hear that. It means they can't find a darn thing. That's why they have to keep expanding and expanding this investigation. Anyway, we've got lots to get to today. I got a lot of great guests coming up. We'll get to we'll get to Russia. We'll get to the stock market. We'll get to Hey, there's a movie out. This is another democratic plot. We'll get to this. We'll get to Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We'll get Kevin Spacey. Have you seen this very bizarre comeback he's trying to make. I don't know what the heck that's all about. We'll get to that coming up, and we'll get to the retail world. Is it dying? Is it's a retail sales strongest in ten years. They've had a big season, but the retail stocks are dropping. Well, we'll get to why. Coming up. We'll get to the shutdown. Of course, it's day five of the shutdown. I love a government shutdown. It is great. The only real danger with a shutdown is every time they reopen the government. So if it could just stay shut down, now, what's going to happen here? And first of all, it's a shutdown, how come I'm on the Sunday shows. I'm seeing Schumer and who's that bead eyed little guy, Adam Schiff? If the government's shutdown, why do we keep seeing these guys on my television? Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Pelosi. Respect the shutdown, Please stay home. It's Christmas. We don't need to see you. Right now, here's what will happen. It's like, you know, they think Trump has painted himself into a corner. It's the other way around. January third is going to roll around. When is that? That's a week from today? Right, it'll probably stay shut down till them. They're not going to compromise and he's not gonna budge. But what's going to happen is January third, they're supposed to take control of the House and they've got four million hearings that are going to begin. They're going to investigate everything. They're gonna investigate the Trump organization, they're gonna investigate us extra turns. They're going to investigate. Oh, January thirty is Thursday. Oh, it's a week from tomorrow. So here's the problem with the government shutdown. They're gonna realize, oh, we can't hold any hearings the government shutdown, then the one are they gonna do? You know, I say, leave it shutdown until twenty twenty. That way, there's no hearings nothing. Now, listen, there's some people in the federal government, A lot of it is funded already. This is not a full shutdown. It's like a twenty percent shutdown. But if you look at it an employee wise, it's like a fourteen percent shutdown. So you got to get those people paid. They're all paid, by the way, they don't get their checks every week. They'll have to wait till the shutdown's over to get paid. But I bet they're looking into something right now, some way of getting in their money ahead of time. They don't lose any money. But obviously you don't want to wait weeks for your paychecks. So though, I'll bet they figure out something of that and just leave it shutdown. Who needs it open. So and the other thing is, you know, when you see these check Schumer types on television trying to terrify you with the idea of a government shutdown, it's not that terrifying. I mean, does he think we're that dumb? We've all been through in recent years eighteen government shutdowns, it doesn't really affect a whole lot. A couple of memorials get closed down. That Jefferson Memorial is closed, you guys still go look at it, but you can't walk inside. Here in New York, it means the Statue of Liberty is closed to visitors. You know, the Statue of Liberty. A lot of people go to the Battery park there and they look at the statue. But you could actually take a ferry and ride over there and go around the Statue of Liberty into the Statue Liberty. So that becomes closed. But what they did here in New York, they've decided to pay to keep it open. It costs I forget some number like sixty thousand a week to keep it open. And it looks very generous on the part of the local officials that they're going to chip in and keep it open. But it turns out it brings in millions in revenue, so that's the reason they're chipping in to keep it open. So it's not the worst thing to shut down. If it'll keep Congress home, it's probably a good thing. And again, we've had a lot of shutdowns in the past. Do you remember the last shutdown, No, remember the one before it. No, it really wasn't much, didn't have much effect on your life. So but again, these poor Democrats having to come up with a scandal day. They thought they had something there with Maddis. You know that was that was big fake news. General Maddis out. This indicates total chaos in the administration. But I know they don't want to hear this, but if you look back, wait, wait a minute, President Obama fired Maddis too. In fact, when President Obama fired Maddis, it was quite humiliating. Matdis found out by watching television that he was fired. But they make it sound like if you switch the secretaries of defense, what chaos. They forget to remind you there was a period where Obama went through four secretaries of Defense quickly, very fastest up switching secretaries at Defense. It's not chaos. Mattis a good guy, but but he just disagreed with the president on everything. I mean, this is going back a year or two. He even disagreed on the Paris Climate Accord. He didn't want to pull out. So they've been disagreeing all along. Mattis has gone. He had originally been recommended by General Jack Keane. That was first choice for Secretary Defense. That's who President Trump wanted. General Jack Keeney went to keene and asked him to take the job. Keene couldn't at the time. His wife was sick, he was having things to deal with his personal just couldn't do it at the time, but he recommended Matdis. Mattis had been his number two guy for a long time. So that's how Mattis got in there. Hopefully now that he's out, General Keane will consider taking the job. He'd be great. Hey also would get to the wall. I love these democrats. He Schumer's and Pelosi's all over CNN, Oliver EMERSNBC, all over the fake news New York Times, the Basis Post all saying, you know, a wall doesn't work. Experts say a wall doesn't work. What experts say? Have you heard any experts say a wall doesn't work? Border Patrol says it works just fine. Have you ever heard of prisons say, you know what, the walls aren't working. We're going to take them down. Every prison has a wall. It works just fine. Remember East Berlin when they had the wall, Boy did that work? Nobody got out that wall was great. In fact, it was so strong Democrats everybody kept yelling teared down that wall. Thirty eight countries have a wall. Israel's got a wall that works just great. I mean, it's doing a phenomenal job. Obviously, walls work. Hey, if there's a Democrat listening, would you call me and explain to me this fear of walls. What is this wall hatred all about? I never quite understood this. I know it's a symbolic of you know, anti illegals. It prevents illegals from breaking into the country. But when Pelosi and Schumer's are argue, you know it's it's in more world. What is the actual argument against the wall? First of all, Democrats are always crying for infrastructure. This is infrastructure. It's a great infrastructure project, and at five billion dollars, it'd be one of the cheapest infrastructure products ever. You know, here in New York City, here in Manhattan, if you live around the country, this might not seem like a big crisis, But to these New York politicians, this is a crisis. We have two we get tunnels that go from Manhattan to New Jersey. There's the Lincoln Tunnel, is a Holland tunnel, and then there's also two railway tunnels. The trains come in under the Hudson River on a tunnel, So supposedly we need a new railway tunnel. Now, it costs eleven billion dollars to build this railroad tunnel just to get into Manhattan. And if the government says eleven billion, you can figure it's probably a billion anyway. It's like a ten year project. Schumer our governor here, Cuomo, our mayor in New York. They're always going to Washington pleading bay, crying, we have to have this tunnel. It's only eleven billion dollars. They begged the president. They run articles here in New York all the time. What kind of miser is this that he can't give us eleven billion for the tunnel. Supposedly that's nothing and he should be paying it right away. He should be writing the check today. But when you ask for five billion for a wall, they'll tell you it's a fortune. You can't spend it, it's a waste of money. So this is one little tunnel to get to make it easier for commuters into Manhattan, but a wall to protect the entire country. The entire border. They can't do it. They can't do it anyway. Let's take a call or two. Let's go to Let's go to Jim in Houston, Texas. Hey, Jim, how you doing. Welcome to Sean Hannity Show. Hey, thanks so much. I'm glad I got on first time caller. Really would I would think that there would be a way to fund the wall and bypass the government and still make you know, the Mexican people tie for it. And that would be simply by putting attacks or a fee on money that sent south of the border. You know, these people, you know send the money home. That's why they're here working. Yeah, there's a lot of illegals who send money home. It's a huge amount of money goes back to Mexico. If there's a way to seize that and use that for the wall. You could also get Mexico to pay for it in different ways. We have a lot of trade with Mexico. You could yanktifive billion out of there. Just the renegotiating of NAFTA, you know, that freed up a lot of money. The President's pointed this out. If you look at how he renegotiated the NAFTA agreement. We probably easily saved five billion there or get five billion back, so that could be used for the wall. There's a lot of ways to do it. I'd love to see a go fund me. Maybe not a go fund me because they take a fee out of that, but something like that. You know, if you took all the Trump supporters, all the people that voted for Donald Trump in America, if each one chipped in eighty bucks, you'd have the wall paid for it. That's all. It would take eighty bucks from every Trump supporter. Now, obviously you don't have to get eighty from everybody. Some people could give eight because some people will give eight hundred, that sort of thing. But you could easily fund the wall that way. Well, we'll see. Anyway, we got lots to get to today, lots of stuff to talk about. Remind me to get to this Dick Cheney movie. It is really this is quite a plot by Democrats. We get to that. If you want to follow me on Instagram, Mark Simone NYC at Instagram, or make sure you follow me on Twitter, Mark Simone ny at Twitter, and don't go away. We've got lots coming up. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. Hey, if you're one of thirty four million Americans that smokes, you know what a hassle it can be. For me. I'm out playing golf and I come back smelling like cigars. It's the smell on your hands and your breath, your clothes. But now, thanks to Jewel, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Jewel is a vaporizer. It does contain nicotine. For a satisfying transition. Now, when I found Jewel, it was a complete game changer in my life. I don't smoke any cigars any longer. And Jewel was designed by smokers for smokers to be an alternative to whatever it is you're smoking. So if you're one of thirty four million adults who do smoke cigars, cigarettes, pipe, whatever, well there is an alternative to all of them. Now to discover the smoking alternative that's like nothing you've ever tried, just visit Juul dot com slash Switch America. That's ju Ul dot com slash Switch America. Now warning, this product does contain nicotine, and nicotine is addictive. Hey, welcome back. It's a Sean Hannity show. It's Mark Simone here for Sean. He'll be back soon. We got lots to talk about. You know that you met this movie Vice. It's a movie. It's a brand new movie as a Christian Bale. There's a bunch of big movie stars in this and it's about Dick Cheney. Now, this is another Democratic tradition. When there's a conservative that they eight after they're out of office, they often put together a movie just to trash the person. Do you remember Nixon. It was a movie by Oliver Stone, and they're really the most biased, distorted, slanted films. For instance, with the Nixon movie. Nixon did a lot of great things in its presidency. There was some great successes in the Nixon years, including openly ador to China and all that. So when Oliver Stone makes the movie, it's basically two things. It's about him drunk at the end, in the middle of Watergate, running around the White House. He's drunk, not knowing where he is. It's just him the last few weeks in turmoil. And there's a couple of other scenes where he's meeting with donors. It looks real shady. So that's the whole story of Nixon. According to this movie, I mean just totally biased. And then you remember the great Margaret Thatcher it gets out of office. You remember the movie Thatcher. It was Meryl Streep or some great actress, was a Glenn Cloe, somebody played Thatcher. But the whole movie nothing about Thatcher's great career, nothing about the brilliance that Thatcher showed in office. The whole movie it was about Thatcher at the end, the last year where she had Alzheimer's and jeez, bumping into walls. That was the whole movie. So now Dick Cheney is getting that treatment. Hollywood has made a movie about Cheney. It all it focuses on is the worst of Cheney, exaggerated to ridiculous extremes. They made up quotes and scenes that never existed. So this is just for liberals. This is it's like revenge porn for liberals. So it's actually doing pretty well, believe it or not, because there's a huge audience of liberals that love this kind of stuff. So avoid it if you can. Hey, we got lots to get to on the Sean Hannity Show. Greg Jared will be a little later one of our favorite guests. Also, what's the next Trump scandal. It's not a real scandal. But what are Democrats planning to be the next big scandal? You know, they just got the like research and development coming up with the new scandals all the time. I'll tell you what it is in a moment. We'll take your calls. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. It's the Sean Hannity Show. Hey, welcome back. It's the Sean Hannity Show. Mark Simone here for Sean. The breaking news. Just a little while back, the President has made a surprise visit to Iraq with the First Lady. This has screwed up newsrooms all over the country. You know, yesterday they started at first president ever not to visit the troops on Christmas, all that kind of stuff. He saw, all those little things that a lot of columnists were writing columns for tomorrow about the window attack him on this. Well, it turns out he visited Iraq yesterday and this was not in response to those jabs in the news. This had been planned for some time. In fact, some in the press actually knew about it, but we're sworn to secrecy for security reasons. Presidents spent a lot of time with the troops and not only speaking making a speech to them, but taking a lot of selfies with them, shaking a lot of hands, a lot of conversations with the troops. So that's one one one scandal they won't get away with. They'll try something else that. Yeah. Also, we're planning on going after the stock market it's crashing. This is it where plunging into recession. Remember about twenty minutes ago, I told you the dow roaring back up six hundred points. It's up seven hundred and fifty now. So there goes that narrative too. But they'll they'll try whatever they can try. Hey, Also, retail sales the biggest year in ten years. It was a big boom in retail sales. Now. I don't know how twenty nineteen is gonna be, but it was probably the biggest Christmas season in many, many years. And it's just not you know, in stores but also online, but a huge, huge Christmas season. You know, when they talk about the Dow dropping one of the problems, it's the top smartest guys in Wall Street will tell you the problem is we got used to one thing. In the Obama years, the Wall Street was doing fine and main Street was a disaster. Well, under this Trump economy, main street business is doing great, better even than the stock markets. The first time we've had that in many, many, many many years. So some of the top Street guys tell me that's part of the problem. They don't know how to play that, they're not used to that scenarios. They didn't figure out exactly how to adjust to that. Dow up eight hundred now, So it's a good day on Wall Street, but Main Street doing very well. You know, you always hear the GDP and all that gross domestic product. It's up, it's way up. It's been a big year in the economy. But GDI is very important. That's gross domestic income and that's way up for the year. That's a key thing. You got two key factors. Income is up for the first time in years, and gas prices are dramatically down. So that's like another tax cut. So he got income up, gas prices down. That's like another tax cut, more money to spend, and it's showing up in the retail world this holiday season. Hey John McLaughlin, he's the best polster around. He's got a great article. You check this out. It's a Newsmax right now. You know, when they tell you the president is dropping him the polls, it looks bad for twenty twenty. He goes over in real detail, read that article. The president's doing fine, and he looks very good in the polls for twenty twenty. And if you look at the mid terms and say, well it was drowed down from here and down from we'll read the artist's pretty good. It really explains that Trump is fine. The Trump movement is fine. It's the swamp Republicans, the old Republicans, the old RNC who are deep down, secretly never Trumpers. They're the ones that are hurting things. They're the ones that had a problem in the in the midterms. You know, the Paul Ryan's of the world, who's basically you know, the Republican Chuck Schumer just says one thing, does another thing. For example, the president takes office together, this is it. We'll get this healthcare straighten out. We'll have an alternative to Obamacare. You assume that all these years Ryan and company were putting together the alternative Trump takes office. Even he was stunned. Not only didn't they put together any alternative. Secretly they're all for keeping Obamacare. It was put together by drug companies, insurance companies. Both insurance and drug companies love it. They happen to be the biggest single lobbyists in America, the biggest lobbyist of all. More money flowing into Congress from drug companies, insurance companies. So Ryan and Company making sure that Obamacare stays the way it is. So it's good to see him gone. It's good to see one rhino swamp snake after another leaving Washington. Hopefully in twenty twenty you not only have a Trump victory, but a clean house some more out of these swamp creatures. You know, as a lot of people pointed out, you know, it's nice to say drained the swamp, but this swamp was built over fifty years. You're not going to drain this in two years. This swamp has deep infrastructure. It's going to take a long time to train this swamp. Hey, what's the next big scandal coming? Not a real scandal, but they'll, you know, Democrats busy with the fake news, trying to gin up some big scanal. Here's the next one bone spurs you. You know, sometimes they'll pick on the president for not serving in Vietnam bonespurs. You know, he had a medical excuse. Bonespurs got you out of the draft back then, and the doctor diagnosed him with bonespurs. So, but sometimes you'll see them make fun of the president over that. They love to make fun of who didn't serve when it's a Republican meantime, if it's Bill Clinton who went to great lengths to dodge the draft, no mention of it. President Obama didn't serve, but of course he was after Vietnam. You know, the last great real combat veteran ian office was George HW. Bush. And then you went into a world of a lot of baby boomers and younger where they just didn't serve. It just wasn't that common to serve. You know, it's I think something like five percent of America serves. So you're going to have presidents who didn't serve. And the president got that medical deferment. So what is coming out now? This is years ago in Queens, New York, where the President was eighteen years old or nineteen and eligible for the draft, and the doctor diagnosed him with bones burns and wrote up the medical report and that got him out. I think there was another doctor that also backed it up. So the doctor who diagnosed him with a bonespurs is dead. He's no longer with us. But his daughter has now come forward and said the whole report was a fake. He faked this medical report. The president didn't really have bonespurs This doctor who wrote him a fake medical excuse. And the reason the doctor did according to the daughter, who knows if she's telling the truth. But this doctor, his landlord was Fred Trump, the president's father. He was in a Trump building. He did it as a favorite of Fred Trump, and then in exchange for that, he got very favorable treatment for years after that far as rent and renting space and all of that. And what about that other doctor, Well, supposedly he was also in a Trump building and backed it up just to get favorable treatment from the landlord. But there's no evidence of this at all. This is the daughter say it. Who knows. She's probably one of these very liberal democratic Trump haters. She may have just made the whole thing up. It's also I mean, the father's dead, but it's also a terrible thing to do to your father. I would assume if you write up fake medical reports and then submit them to the government, I assume you're committing all kinds of crimes there. So she's basically turning her father into a totally crooked doctor and criminal. I don't know who would do that to their own father. Anyway. Let's take a call or two. Let's go to Matt in Florida. Hey, Matt, Welcome to Sean Hannity Show. Hello, sir, Just a little note about the wall. If a wall is good enough for the pope, and how come it's not good enough for the United States? A wall is great. Every prison uses it. What prison ever said? You know that wall is not working, tear it down. Every wall works. You're right, good call. The Pope has a wall. Hey, remember when Barack Obama got out office, he bought that beautiful house in Washington, DC. First thing he did was spent a fortune to put a wall around it. They work. Every thing has a wall around it. What is this thing that walls don't work? Who came who could say that with a straight face. You gotta be Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi actually looked somebody in the eye and say walls don't work. Remember a few years ago they were all for fences. Fences, they don't mind the walls they mind. That's why the president lately starts calling it the fence. You know it's gonna be a big concrete fence. Actually, if you look at the latest design for the wall, it's these enormous steel spikes that go up like thirty feet into the air. And the reason its spikes you can see through it, and Border Patrol has told the president very important. It's a big help to be able to see through the wall because if you do have the wall, you really don't know what's going on on the other side. Who's approaching it could be somebody with explosive trying to blow the wall down. You gotta be able to see through the wall. So that's why the latest design is made of enormous steel spikes. You can go online and see it. It's really impressive looking and the steel poles have these spikes on top of it, making it really impossible to climb over. But the way it looks it looks like you could call a defense. I guess that's why it's calling a defense. It looks like an enormously strong, state of the art sort offense. Anyway, let's take another call or two. Let's go to UH let's go to Gerald in Bakersfield, California. Hey Gerald, Yeah, hello Mark, how you doing Christmas? Sir? You two good. Say I just wanted to touch base and just express my Let me stop waite, stop right here. I hate when people touch base. That's the worst thing. Let me do this. We get these calls, they leave a message. I just wanted to touch base. How about I trying to talk to you. I'm sorry. How about I've been waiting forever to call you and talk to you at I just wanted to touch base. Sounds like you're not really uninterested. Oh I am very interested. All right, let's start over again. Say you've been waiting to talk to me. I've been waiting to talk. Oh that's great, looking looking forward to it. All right? Well, my um, what I would like to express is my disappointment and I haven't heard it made that often the hold the Republicans. As it turned out, some forty one incumbents retired during the midterms and the Democrats picked up forty seats. Now, some of these guys that retired, I have to say, including Ryan. Now he may have been a well let me just let a lot of people didn't realize this the loss of the House was all Paul Ryan's fault. When you're the speaker and you've got forty guys retiring, this is traditionally done. You go to ten of them and convince them to stay one more term. You can do it. It can be done. Ryan didn't do it. A lot of people believe he deliberately didn't do it. I don't trust this Ryan for a second. He's got all sorts of lobbying jobs lined up and waiting, Chamber of Commerce, business roundtable. Basically he's in league with them. A lot of people think he deliberately didn't ask anybody to stay. I hate to say I believe that too, because I think the next thing he's gonna do is become a huge lobbyist. And I'm not sure what side is going to be on, but you know it's not gonna be ours. Don't work. I know is succeed in reelection and forty retire. I mean it basically handed the base and handed the Democrats the House, and anyway, I just wanted to touch base. I know you had to touch base all right now, Gerald, excellent point, excellent call. Thanks for calling. Boy. You know you gotta always keep your eye on this Ryan. Watch this Ryan. He's a slimy, dangerous character. He deliberately You can you can do it. It's been done by other speakers. You can convince ten people to stay one more term. That way you won't lose the house. You could have had ten stay, would have been easy to do. He deliberately didn't do that. He lost us the house for whatever money lobbying reason. He has Paul Ryan one of the biggest snakes in the swamp. Anyway. Mark Simone here. Hey, if you want to follow me on Twitter, it's Mark Simone ny a Twitter. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram too, Marks Simone NYC at Instagram. In fact, you'll see a little tour of the studio. I just put that up on Instagram. Mark Simone NYC at Instagram. Hey. Also, don't forget Hannity dot Com, Hannity dot Com and Hannity Tonight and every night on the Fox News channel. Course at nine o'clock. Back in a moment, it's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. Hey, welcome back. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. If you're a Democrat, you might turn the radio down for a moment I want to get you upset, you might start to cry or something. The TAO is having a phenomenal day. It's going to close up over nine hundred points. This messes up every Democrat who all weekend? Have you been at Christmas dinners? Family dinners? Arguing? Everybody always say, hey, well, what at the stock markets crashing? What are we going into a bear market? Well, it had a huge day, up almost a thousand points today. Now look, how how will fake news report that a thousand points up in one day? How? Well, here's it's one of the fake news headlines. US stocks whip saw erratic. So this is bad. That's going up, and it says with bear market looming, Well, we don't know if there's a why would a bear market be looming again? Earnings up, fundamentals very strong. Anyway, the best economists, three best economists in the world, Larry Cudlow, Art Laugher, Steve Moore. Steve Moore will be with us in the next hour and we'll talk to him about that. We got Greg Jarrett coming up. We'll go over the latest with Muller and all of that government shutdown. Believe it or not, it doesn't affect the Special Council. They pass some little weasley little laws somewhere that the Special Council is permanently funded no matter what, no matter what happens, the Special Council keeps working. And the latest word coming out of there is they'll be done in February, and in February they will finish and submit the report. The report from the Special Council goes to the Attorney General. That's it. That's how it in. Special Counsel writes a report, hands it to the Attorney General. He can throw it in the drawer and not tell anybody about it. He can look at it and decide on action to be taken. But here's what's gonna happen in Congress, the House. The Democrats are gonna subpoena the document. They're gonna demand to see it. So that'll be the big fight coming up. And as I said, we've got Greg Jarrett coming up in the final hour. He's the expert on this best book, the Russia Hoax, all about the Muller investigations. We'll get all the latest from him. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, they say she's working from the hospital, all right, I'll believe that one. I see it, but we wish her well. I hope she recovers. First of all, she God forbid anything happens to her. You think the Democrats are hysterical? Now? Can you imagine if President Trump gets to fill a third Supreme Court seat? It will be unbearable. All family holiday dinners will have to be canceled. It'll be too much screaming. Did you fight with anybody over the holiday dinners and all that? It's terrible. You can't listen to it. You just can't listen to it. You got to get those little earbuds, stick him in your ear. Just crank up the music, just tune it out. Anyway, We've got a big hour coming up. Steve Moore, the great economist, will be with us in the next hour. We'll talk to him anyway, we'll go over everything coming with Muller and company. What's the latest on all of that. We'll have all the latest for you on the shutdown. Sean will be back soon. It's Mark Simone here. Normally I'm on WRR, big flagship station. Well, another two hours to go. Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. Well, welcome back to the Sean Hannity Show. Mark Simone here for Sean. Normally I'm on w o R, our big flagship station here in New York, but I've been off all week, so I'm actually wiped out here. I'm tired. I'm not used to, you know, I'm not used to doing a radio show for the last five days. Like you know, you take a week off and then you go back to the gym for the first time. But we got a big hour coming up. Doug shown we don't have me yet, do we no what happened to him? We'll find him. Doug Show's a great guest. Oh and then we got Steve Moore, the great Economist. We've got breaking news all day to day. At the beginning of the show, we found out that the President has made a surprise visit to Iraq to see the troops, upsetting Democrats who had planned to attack him for this the whole week. But he and this is not a response to that. This was something that had been planned in the planning stages for many days, secret visit to Iraq, but it was unveiled today. Now the other big news, the DOAO has made a roaring comeback. It closed up over a thousand points, a thousand and eighty five. The dow up in one day. That's the biggest day in the Tao in seven years. That is huge, a roaring comeback. What's today Wednesday? So you got two more days of the Doao. It could be a big week the year ends. We didn't find him, Dug shown no what I'm worried about him. He's usually a very reliable guest. So the DOO up a thousand points, This is great news. Now here's so what's you know? The controversy has been the FED chairman, Chairman Powell, who even if you're willing to accept the rate increase that has justified the quarter of a point, his language upset everybody. The last Fed announcement, everybody had kind of got it through their head, we're going to have a quarter of a point increase and that'll be it for a while and we'll live with it. So he did the quarter of a point increase, but then afterwards made this incredibly hawkish statement, very unusual for a FED chairman, and after the Tao had been through a really rough, choppy month. Usually you watch your language, but he was brutal not only the rate increase but he said, there's more common, probably a lot more coming. It was extremely antagonistic language from a FED chairman. So that's why all the calls to for the president to fire him. And there's some controversy as to whether a president can fire a FED chairman. He's a governor. You can fire a governor. But this a lot of legal thinking that you can't actually fire a FED chairman. But we'll get back to that. We found Doug Shown, who's the great polster, author, political analysts, great guy, very smart guy, Fox News columnist for Newsmax. Doug shown, how you doing. I'm doing just fine. Thank you, as always marked for a very very kind introduction. Well, thanks for being with us. And listen, we explain these democrats to us. They just seem to lack basic coping skills. They just seem to be hysterical about everything. They just can't seem to accept the fact that Trump won and come back in four years and try again. What's wrong with them? Well, I think they see Trump's approval rating thinking, they see that they've got the house now and they're digging in in ways that may not be productive for the country, but they believe is productive for them. Politically. I think that's the best quick explanation I can offer. Mark. Yeah, but you know he's all right as approval ratings, he's fine. Now, you know, the Democrats are going to start a hearing on everything of it here on his tax returns, hearing on this on that, it's the whole thing. Aren't they going to shoot themselves in the foot with all these hearings? Well they could, but you know, his appropal rating is about forty two this morning as a real clear politics. So I think the Democrat's attitude is it worked pretty well in the congressional midterms. Why not stick with it, especially given a left wing that you know as well as I do, is emboldened and arguably empowered and also nuts when you agree, Well, I'm not going to call them nuts, but I certainly don't share their worldview. I think that's fair. We certainly different on that and different fundamentally. Look, I'm not pretty market capitalists who believes in the social safety and not a lot of them the far left believes in socialism. I'm not a socialist and never will be. Hey, but you know, Sin, you're the expert poster. You know, if you look at these Network polls in New York Times, all these polls, the metrics are terrible. These they put Republicans like a twenty three percent in the sample, which is idy. So really as approval ring is probably fifty, I don't know. I don't think it is fifty. I think he is underwater. And I think what the Democrats believe, rightly or wrongingly, is confrontation keeps the party together and you know, is passable as a political strategy. Look, I believe in compromise. I think we should compromise on immigration. Do some sort of border security enhancement combined with a path to citizenship or data and for the illegals to give them a right to stay here legally. I think that makes sense. It's passed before and arguably should pass again. That's that's what I think. Yeah, but you know, what is the fear of walls? What is this wall hatred among Democrats? Who do you say border security enhancement? You build a big wall? Problem solved? Well, Trump himself that build a waller of fence, and if that represents a little softening, hoping, hopefully we can get to a consensus, because one thing is for sure, we do need border security yeah, Well, I think the reason is if you've seen the latest design of what the wall will be, it's these big steel spikes. It's it's like the most incredible state of the art fence on steroids. So I guess under you know, if you look at it, you could technically call it a fence, but it's it's it's as big as a wall. So when Chuck's humor and these people say with a straight faced walls don't work, what on earth are they talking about that? I don't know. I mean, Mark Luck, They've voted in the past for walls. I'm not against walls, per SAE. I'm for enhanced border security anyway we can get it. I think the issue was not to fight politically, but to make the country safer. But don't you think if they do hearings, and they will, The problem is it's not like Muller ware. It's mysterious and secret. The hearings are on TV. You can watch them live, and people start to watch this and say it's a lot of trivia. They don't seem to really have anything here. Well, until it happens, we don't know that that'll be the case. Certainly, the demo krets could overreach. It's happened before. I remember in nineteen ninety eight the impeachment when I was working for Bill Clinton, and clearly that did not help the Republicans one bit. But until we see what happens and what's done, I don't think we can say definitively what the outcome will be. Mark. Yeah, hey, you're you're a great poster and analyst. Twenty twenty. Who do you think is the leading Democrat right now? Like a couple of them. I think Joe Biden is probably the leader of Bernie Sanders second, But I have no certainty that either of them will be the nominee. My only certainty is that it will be a chaotic process. In the probable beneficiary of a chaotic process, notwithstanding what I've said before, will probably be the incumbent Donald Trump. Yeah. Hey, but you've worked with Mike Bloomberg, and you know when he wants to do something, he's determined he'll spend money, He'll open up the check. But what if he wants to really do this and spend one hundred million or billion or whatever he wants to spend. He's I mean, he's a big force. He could take that nomination from everybody. Well, look, I obviously have worked for him for twenty years of great respect and affection for him. He's not made a decision, but I would agree with your assessment. When he puts his mind to something, he is purposeful, committed, and willing to do what it takes to win. So, look, he would be a very good president in my judgment, and it would be a I think a great race between Trump and Bloomberg. But we're not there yet. But when you say Biden is that kind of doesn't say much for the Democratic Party. There's not much bench there. If you've got Bernie and Biden, two eighty year olds, well, I have to agree with you. You know, Bernie is outside what I think makes sense, and I don't think he could get elected and Biden, you know my senses, his time has largely passed. He may well have a broader appeal than most, but he is a gaff prone guy who has not exactly been too successful when he's run on his own. Yeah, when when they talk about Beto o'roorica or something like that, that's just another Obama. It's a charismatic guy with no resume. That's That's also a bad formula too, isn't it. Well, I mean, compared to Obama or compared to Rooric. Obama did have a resume and then the Senate for a couple of years. Rooric has been a congressman, what six years of our member correctly, yeah, hard And you know, I mean I thought he ran a novel campaign, but it wasn't clear to me what he stood for or what he said that that was so distinctive. Well, he look good, you know, they said he's the new Bobby Kennedy. Took his jacket off, he rolled up his sleeves. Instead of standing still, he walked back and forth on the stage. It's old gimmicks and image. And well, I was gonna say, looking like Bobby Kennedy is not a criteria to be elected president. But explain the phenomenon of Democrats embracing people like that, Like look at this o'casio Cortez. She was a bartender eight months ago. How does this happen? Well, I think the left wing of the Democratic Party, like the right wing of the Republican Party, wants something new and different, and at least in the Democratic Party, there is a willingness to opt for socialism, left wing politics and policies like medicare for all, jobs for all, fifteen dollars, guaranteed minimum wage for all that I think are unrealistic and potentially destructive. Yeah, and what is this democrats love of socialism? You know, any socialist a country that has a problem with the illegal aliens trying to break in the way around, it's the other way around. And I remember my dear friend, client, teacher Pat moynihan saying he hasn't seen a country, a communist country that people are fighting to get into, they're fighting to get out of it. And I think, you know, that's basically right. So, but do you understand the democratic mine? What is it with these I mean it all sounds great, you know, bleeding hearts sort of help everybody, but it's not real. It's not the practice. Well, the reason I said it was destructive is, I mean, the principles themselves are good. I want more people covered by healthcare, want more people to be employed, I want more people to earn more income. But we got to pay for all this. And I'm like you, I think, Mark, I'm very skeptical of government run programmed So those are my key objections. Yeah, so what do you think is going to happen as far as the shutdown? You know, I think and hope that the Democrats and the Republicans move closer together. Trump having cold the wall potentially offense and the Democrats having in the past embraced a wall or enhanced border security. I hope that happens, but so far there's no evidence it is. You guys got to stop saying enhanced border security. It sounds like one of those Pentagon terms. How about a bid all. I don't mean it that way, as a way of protecting our country from people who shouldn't be here. Yeah, well right, he dug show. Where should people go to read you? What's the best? I'm at foxnews dot com and uh, you know at Douglass shown on Twitter and Mark, I can only say it's a great pleasure to be with you during the holiday season and anytime. Your graciousness is only exceeded by your intellect. Oh my god, I love this flattery. But he's a great guy, very smart guy. So followed Doug shown at foxnews dot Com. Hey Doug, thanks for being with us. Mark, thank you as pleasure as always. Take care. Oh coming up. Steve Moore, we'll be with us in a little while. He's one of the great economists. It's been an amazing day on Wall Street to doubt, up over a thousand points, biggest day in seven years. We'll talk to him about all of that and what it means coming up. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. Hey, welcome back. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. Sean will be back soon. You can follow me on Twitter. It's Mark Simone ny a Twitter. I just taking Twitter. Lot of people writing to me. There is a go fund me for the Wall. Yeah, that's true. There's a great guy, triple amputee, a veteran go fund me for the Wall. It didn't start that long ago, about two weeks ago. He's up, but the eighteen million already, so you can you can look that up. Biggest day in seven years on the Dow. Amazing day, up one thousand and eighty six, almost almost eleven hundred points. Phenomenal day. Let's take a call or two. Let's go to Greg in Ohio. Greg, welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Thank you Mark for Shire. Thanks Greg. There you good. Cool is I keep hearing democrats, you know, talk about gun control, but how can they ever have good control if they don't shut the border. Well, that's a good point. It's a big source of illegal guns coming over the border. Not to mention drugs coming over the border. Not to mention who knows what we've caught terrorists coming over the border. You know, when I share that video people crossing the border illegally, you know, it's like a knapsack, suitcase's pack stick. Who knows what's in there? Terrorists bringing stuff into the country. Where are you in Ohio, Greg, other than Shunter, Ohio and too far from Columbus. And what have you noticed this past year? People doing better, People happier, people making more money. I think people are doing better. And see what people seem to be happier? I think, you know, you're a lot of people negative talk about people haveing fights in this and that ye other, and there's a lot of road rage. I do see a lot of that. But when I'm in the store to people to stir go out away, to be nice and hold doors for people and help each other. So it just seems different than what you hear. Now, you know what you got to come to New York for a couple of days. You'll love it. It's so different. You get pushed and shove. Nobody holds the door for you. I'll knock you over to get through the door. But we love it here in New York. But Greg, welcome to the show. Thanks for calling from Ohio. Great talking to you. Yeah, it's I don't know, it's We're going to talk to Steve Moore in a moment. But the thousand points, it's a huge day in the Dao. He'll explain it to us exactly what's caused in it. It was down for all the wrong reasons. A lot of people like to point to the China negotiations, the battle with China, the tariffs. That is a slight factor, but not a big factor. You know, one thing they got buried by the fake news. They don't make mention of it anywhere. In that China fight. China made an enormous concession about ten days ago, a startlingly big concession for round one. They agreed to cut auto tariffs from forty to fifteen percent. That's a huge, huge concession from China, especially in the first round. So that fight is going well earnings are very strong. Retail sales, We've had the best retail year and I think ten years this holiday season GDI. That's an important number. Gross domestic income, it's way up. Fundamentals in business very strong. So we'll talk to Steve Moore when we come back. He's one of the great economists in the world, and we'll what he's got it. He can explain all this to us. Record day on the Dow, biggest one day rising the Dow in seven years, up almost eleven hundred points. It's Mark Simone here, Follow me on Twitter, Mark Simone NY at Twitter, and of course don't forget to go to Hannity dot Com and watch Hannity Tonight every weeknight at nine o'clock on the Fox News Channel. It's Mark Simone here for Sean. Back in just a moment, we'll talk to Steve Moore coming up. Don't go away, well, welcome back. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. The big news is today the Dow had the biggest day in seven years, up almost eleven hundred points, huge day on Wall Street, and we've got with us. Isn't the three best economists in the world. Steve Moore. Of course, Larry Cudlow and Art Laugher, all three of them got together on a book and it's come out. Now. It's a book you should get. It's actually Larry of course left to join the Trump administration, but it's Steve Moore and Art Laugher. It's trump Bonomics. If you want to have all this explained to you, really well, it's trump Bonomics. Get the book and the author best selling book. The author is on the line. Steve Moore, How you doing well? Mark? I do believe in Santa Claus after today? That was an amazing What did you say? Is this the biggest day for the dower in how many years? Seven years? Seven years? Wow? Well he Santa Claus has varying guests this year. I predicted that. You know that when the went you know what, the twenty two thousand, there were a lot of Jackson stops are very cheap right now, even with the thousand point game. You know, the real economy, Mark is very strong. I mean Trump has created an economy where twenty eighteen was probably the best year for the economy in twenty years. We had three three a half percent growth, We have the lowest unemployment rate in fifty years. We have construction manufacturing through the roof. We have seven million more jobs than people to fill them. So I don't know. You've been in this game a long time, mark, but I've not rarely seen where you know, the economy's headed in one direction and then the stock market has been headed in the other direction. But look, I think fundamentally this US economy continues to steam forward. You know, a very smart guy and Wall Street told me they're one of the big problems, not China, not the other Somebody said they're not used to Wall Street not doing as well as Main Street. Mainstream has been booming more than Wall Street, and they haven't figured out how to play that yet. That's part of their problem. Does that make sense? I think it is. Look, I think that the Fed did a disastrous job and made a catastrophic decision last week to raise interest rates. Well we have we I mean, think about this, We've got the perfect economy. Up until when the FED raised interest rates. We had very strong economic growth, as strongest economic growth in something like fifteen years. We had nice industrial production numbers, high consumer confidence, and no inflation in the economy. You know, it was like you know, what's the old cliche that the FED really truly took the punch pole away from this parody just when it was getting going, and there were no signs of inflation. So I don't really understand that. In fact, if anything, there's deflation. Look what's happened to the royal price. Looks app from the prices to of things like silver and to you know, ask farmers whether they think there's inflation in the economy. You know, with the price of soybeans, the price of wheat and cotton have been following, so you know, there is not inflation. We've got high growth. Mark, somebody has to explain to me why the FED would be raising interest rates and that kind of environment. The other thing, of course, that's you know out there, as you know the eight hundred pound grilla, is this trade war with China, which I believe Trump is right to fight because any China is a you know, increasing menace on the international scene. But if you know, Mark Calpey, that's if Trump can get this trade war fixed, and he can win some concessions from China and opening their markets and stop stealing our intellectual property, you think it was a good day for the stock market today. Wait till we get that deal done. Hey, Shana made a big concession the other day on autotiffs. They loaded him. They loaded him from forty to fifteen percent. That's an astonishing concession. But the media hid the story and buried it. That may have heard the market by not publicizing that enough. And you're exactly right about that. And you know what's so interesting about that is it's just the opening bid for China. I mean, China's gonna have to make some very significant, uh you know, concessions here. I mean they put most very high, you know, costs on American because it's very difficult for American businessmen and women to do, you know, business in China. And then as you know, they've been stealing and cheating and uh, you know, you saw what happened when they're hacking into the you know, the databases of American companies. That's that's thievery. So I think Trump is writing the fighting, the good fight here, and I think it's about time somebody confronted Beijing. Um, we'll see whether Trump can get them to back down. I think they're going through. As Trump once told me, Look, if we you know, if we can't trade with China, we sneeze if they can't read with us, they they they, you know, catch pneumonia. And there's a lot of truth to that. Yeah. Now, Steve Moore has been advising President Trump all along, and he's written a great new book with Art Laugher called Trump Aonomics. Get this book if you're interested in this subdi there's no better books than Trump Eonomics. Hey, getting back to this Fed Commission, since the economy is doing so well, maybe you could justify a quarter of a point increase. But his language, his language was ridiculously aggressive about many more rate increases coming. Why would he do something like that? Because I think the fact that has a failed model, Mark. I think that the set has been operating on the principle that there's a kind of limit to our economic capacity in our growth, and that you know, we can only grow it's a two percent and if we get past that, it's going to cause inflation. That's that's wrong on two counts. Number one, there's no limit to our growth, as you remember, aren't We had rates of six percent growth under Reagan and you know, six percent growth under John F. Kennedy after his tax cuts so you expand the production of capacity in the country. There's no reason we can't grow it three, four or five percent with the right set of policies, which, by the way, Donald Trump is putting in place. The other fallacy is that liberal You know, a lot of these liberal economists believe that, you know, increased growth causes of more inflation. But as you know, you mentioned our is one of the great economists. You're exactly right about that. You know, as our laugher has taught us, when the economy produces more apples, the price of apples goes down, it doesn't go up. So an increase in growth should lead to more products and lower prices, not higher products. You see what I'm seeing? What I mean? Yeah, hey, Now it turns out the retail Christmas season is the biggest in ten years. A lot of money. Is great, And explain the number GDI that's gross domestic income. That's a crucial number of people do have more money, now, don't they? We do. And you know this is a point that you know, economists like myself and Larry Cutlo and others have been making. You know throughout the years that the average for all the talk about this being a tax cut for the rich. I mean, as you know, our Laugher and Larry Culo and I help write the plan for Trump, so we know that building than just about anyone. This was not a tax cut for rich people. It was a tax cut for our businesses. So they can invest more and hire more and pay more. And guess what, that's exactly what they're doing. They're investing more in their companies. They're paying workers more and bonuses and pay raises and more benefits. And we estimated at the Heritage Foundation that the average family saves about twenty five hundred dollars a year. Well, guess what, you know, you you give the average you know, fifty or sixty thousand dollars worker a twenty five hundred dollars raise. I don't care what Nancy pros she says, that ain't what did she call them a problems? That that isn't problems. And guess what. People feel better about their financial situation. They feel like they got a little bit more money in the bank and their in their wallets and they spent Yeah, you know, look look at the the uh, the retail not the retailers, but the you know, online sales for Christmas. I think they were record high this year and shattered the old record. Yeah, Amazon had a record and also what they call the fang stocks, Facebook, Apple, Netflix, Google, all that stuff. Uh, they were having the only problem with those companies as their stock. Right, their stocks have fallen a lot, but they're still selling a lot of goods. Yeah, but they had they even that's when the thing is that they've been in trouble. But they had a big comeback today as part of this rally. So that's good news. Biggest. Look, I think I'm really bullish on the US. I think there's way too much negativity. There's way too much, you know, concern that we're headed into a recession. Now. Look, I don't have a crystal ball. I can't tell you what the economy is going to look like a year or two from now. But I can tell you this mark that Donald Trump has put in place very pro growth economic policies on regulation, on energy. By the way, mark, did you see the story a few weeks ago that the United States is now producing more oil and gas than we're consuming And that's the first time that's happened in our lifetimes practically. Yeah. Also, gas prices way down. Now, people forget that's another tax cut. Basically, yeah, oh yeah, yeah. Every every penny reduction in the price of gasoline at the pump puts over a billion dollars into the hands of consumers that they can spend on going to the store or buying groceries, or paying for their health insurance, or going out taking their spouts out for dinner or whatever it might be. So that's a real stimulus the economy as well. It's like a tax cut when the price of gasoline goes down at the pub. Wow, hey, now had the biggest day in seven years, up eleven hundred points. You know who I felt really bad for. I saw you on some TV show yesterday. Nice woman, but you were saying the economy strong, fundamental, and she was screaming at you. That's a recession. The whole market's gonna crash. I feel bad for. What must she think today? Well, you know what, there's a lot of people who hate Trump so much that they're rooting against American account. These are a lot of people who just want the economy to fail. And you know that's that's too bad, because we want everybody to succeed. We want everybody to get a pay raise and more money in their pockets. And so I'm rooting for America. As I said today on CNN, I'm just bullish on America. And if we keep with these policies in place, we're getting more growth, more and middle class workers. That's what it's all about, Mark, is helping the middle class have more jobs and higher salaries and higher take home pay. Yeah. Well, Steve Moore, you advised the president. Uh you aren't Laugher. Larry Cuddler are best economists. What do you think is next? What can he do this year? Could there be another tax reform bill. I think we've got to get the Fed to stop raising interest rates because I think that's sucking a lot of the oxygen out of the economy. I think he's got to get this trade deal done with China. That's the number one goal of the Trump administration. And by the way, I think about this, Mark, there are how many people live in China over a billion, right over a billion Chinese. Imagine if we can sell our products in an open market to China what that would mean in terms of our productive capacity to sell things. You know, countries like China and India and you know these Asian countries that have so many people. So you know, it's let's open up our trade, but do it in a way that's fair and Trump Trump has always told me Mark, So I believe in free trade, but it's got to be fair trade, and it's got to be a level playing field. If we've got that level playing field, I believe America can help compete anybody. Hey, well, Steve Moore, just explain too. There's probably some Democrats who listen to Radio another screaming about all these tax cuts. Only do is help the corporations? This terra for if you win it all? Does this help the corporations? But explain how that helps the average American. Well, as I said earlier, you know, if you get a better business climate and you help businesses. You know my old boss, Tecarmy, who used to be the House Majority leader for the Republicans many years ago, he used to say, you know, liberals love jobs, but they hate employers. And a Mark, you can't have a job without people, you know, providing the jobs. People you know, entrepreneurs and businessman and women establishing their own businesses. Did you know, Mark, today we have something like twenty seven million small businesses in America, and this was a tax kept for those businesses so they could instead of hiring ten people, maybe they can utter twelve or fifteen. And you know, small businesses become medium businesses and some of them may become the next you know, Google or Apple. So that's how you do it. You make your businesses. American businesses succeed and they can hire more workers. And incidentally, if you look at the situation today in terms of the global economy, mark you know this. Guess what country has the high best performing economy this year? The United States. Well, I love Steve Morek is not always be smart, but he always throws in Mark, you know this as well as anyone else. But I know because you follow the stuff that you've probably followed it as long as I. How long have you and I known each Other's a long time. Yes, I'm sure after time you're nine steps ahead of me on this, so I don't always know. Well, you hang out with smart people like Larry Cudlow, so I know you can all this stuff too. Yeah, well, hey, if you want to, if you want to really know this stuff, if you want to really learn this stuff, it's a great book. Steve Moore wrote it with Art Laugher, and it didn't Larry Cudlow have a hand in it too? Oh yeah, I mean he was working on it with us, and then all of a sudden Donald Trumps stole him away from us, and now he's the chief economist for the White House. And that's you know what an honor that is for the country and for Larry and for Trump. I mean it's a great combination. Yeah. So if you want to really understand all this stuff, actually, if you want to and then sound like a genius with all your friends, get the book. It's a great book by the three best economists. It's called trump Andomics. It's a new book. It's already a bestseller, Trump Andomics. Go out and get the book. And Steve Moore, where should people go to read your columns? Well, let me just say one thing about the book. You know, people say, I don't want to read that book like economics. This isn't really about economics. It's about how Trump did it, how we you know, made America first and lending this philosophy behind us. And you know, so people can read my stuff at Heritage dot org. And Mark, I hope you have a happy, Happy New Year or my friend. All right, Steve Morrier, I get us another tax cut coming this year, and thanks for being with us. Take care. Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. Sean will be back soon. We'll take some calls him in. Oh, non't go anywhere because Greg Jared is coming up. We'll get the latest done. Muller and the Russia Hoax. That's the title of his great book. It's Mark Simone. You can follow me on Twitter, Mark Simone ny at Twitter, Mark Simone NYC at Instagram, and don't forget Hannity dot Com and of course watch Hannity tonight and every weeknight at nine on the Fox News Channel. Back in a moment on the Sean Hannity Show, Welcome back. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. It's the day after Christmas? Is this a holiday? And we were all working this Kylie. There's Jason in the control room, but uh, during the break and I walk out there in the office, I don't see anybody. A lot of empty desks. But it's a day after Christmas. If we had enough of those Christmas songs, hi or those Christmas movies? What's your favorite Christmas movie, Christmas Story, Yes, Christmas Story or Charlie Brown Christmas Charlie Brown Christmas. No, what is that really? I guess that's a Christmas movie. Oh yeah, Kevin McAllister. Yeah, Now listen that Home Alone. That kid who's now looks like he's seventy. Now, how old is he must be like thirty. He's got a new commercial. You can see it online. It's it's actually for Google. It is a great commercial where he's home alone. Only now he's a helpless millennial and he uses his Amazon We must be the Google home pot actually to do everything for him. That would make a great movie. You know, the worst Christmas film is It's a Wonderful Life. I don't get that film at I mean, it's brilliantly done, it's well acted, but it makes no sense at all. You know, they show you what the town would look like without Jimmy Stewart look much better without him at nightclubs, at had casinos. With him, it was the dullest town in the world. So the whole movie makes no sense at all to me. Anyway, when we come back in the next hour, Greg Jarrett will be with us. He's got a book that you got to read, called The Russia Hoax. Now, when it comes to Mueller, when it comes to what the hell went on at the FBI with McCabe's Strock, Paige Comy and all their biased partisans Shenanigans tampering with everything. He is the expert on it, so we'll talk to him. Coming up next, we'll get all the latest developments. Muller report is supposed to wrap up in February, but we'll go through that with him. And then it's a report that's delivered to the Attorney General. Supposedly he can just throw it in his desk and ignore it if he wants, but Congress will try to subpoena it. Will find out all about that. Coming up in the next hour, it's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. Big hour coming up. Hey, welcome back. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. One of the best books of two eighteen facts, the number one bestsellers, Greg Jared's book, The Russia Hoax. You've got to get that book. No better book on the subject of Komey Muller and all this witch hunt. Greg Jared's latest book. And he's on the line with us. Now, of course you seem on the Fox News Greg Jared, how are you, Mark, I'm well, great to be with you. Mary, Christmas, Merry Christmas. Is I'm hearing rumors that the Mueller report will be wrapped up and completed and handed it in February. Now is this true? It just goes to the Attorney General and it's up to the Attorney General what he'll do with it. That's right under the Special Council regulations. It goes to the Age. He can give it to Congress, he can make it public, or he can divide it up and only give a summary to the public. But you can expect the Democratic House to subpoena the Inspector General and try to elicit the information that way if the Attorney General doesn't make it public. So a lot of ifs in that scenario. So we'll have to wait and see. I'm skeptical that Mueller will finish up by February. We've heard these reports before. He was going to be finished up in October and November and December, and you know here we are almost January. So I'll wait and see. Now, Adam Schiff on one of these shows has pretty much said, they will definitely, the Congress will definitely subpoena this report. What legal authority do they have to actually do that? Can they do that? Well? They can. There's nothing in the Special Council Regulations that say in response to a subpoena you may withhold the information. Now, if the Attorney General thinks that there is some privileged information in there, he could always go to court and fight to subpoena, and that, of course, as you know, is a very long process. So I have no doubt that Schiff and others in the House will attempt to get their hands on the document. The Attorney General may just decide to give it to them anyway, and of or so it'll be immediately leaked. Yeah. Now, also, could the Attorney General read it and then throw it in his drawer and not say a word about it? Is he illegally allowed to do that? He absolutely is, And in fact that's happened before with Independent Council Member Patrick Fitzgerald decided that essentially in the Scooter Living case, he was only going to make public that portion of the investigation. Everything else was kept confidential to this very day. So just because a report is written doesn't mean it's made public. So let's say it's not made public. Can they congress legally? Can they subpoena Muller to testify? And is Muller free to talk about what's in there? He probably would be unless the Attorney General sought an injunction or a temporary restraining order, and then, as I say, would become a battle in a federal court. Yeah. So you know, one way or another, Democrats in the House are going to try to make it republican. You know, we're assuming, of course, that the information contained therein is negative. It may well be something that even Republicans are welcoming in a public venue. Well, you listen, we all started out thinking Muller is a straight arrow, Mueller will do the right thing. But after I used to think that about Comy years ago, after watching that and reading your book, I'm not counting on Mueller doing the right thing. I'm like the rest of them. He's going to make it as negative as he can make it. I was actually surprised that the moment Mueller was appointed, everyone jumped on board and said he's the perfect person. He's got impeccable credentials. I wrote a column the next day, saying, wait just a minute, he is conflicted by virtue of his close relationship with James Komey, who may very well be a key witness, and in fact that Coomey has been interviewed by the Special Counsel as well as Rod Rosenstein. That's a disqualifying conflict of interest. Mueller should never have taken the job. And you know he has more than one conflict of interest. He actually has three, as I identify in my book, So you know, and the fact that he hired a team of seventeen partisans, some of whom represented Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, suggests to me that he cannot and will not be fair and objective and neutral. Yeah, what can the president do? I know he's talking about releasing his own report about the Muller Report. Well, is that going to have any effect? I mean, what can he say to it? You mean the lawyers for Donald Trump? Yeah, yes, And in fact, I've talked with them about it. They have pretty much concluded their report, although they'll modify it depending upon what's in the Mueller report. But they're very prepared for this, and if the Muller Report has made public, they'll immediately and simultaneously make their report their counter report public as well. And when you think about it, that's only fair. Yeah. You know, Muller and his team of partisans will probably write a report that is highly critical of Trump, although it may be entirely circumstantial evidence. They may conclude we have no definitive proof of collusion, and it's only fair therefore, that the president's lawyers be heard as well to present their side of the story. This is the problem with prosecutors. Prosecutors always only present their version of events, and to any potential defendant or defendant, that's inherently unfair. Yeah. Hey, the best book on the subject is Greg Jard's book Get It the Russia Hoax, number one bestseller, best book on this subject. Now, can I guess the acting Attorney General is afraid to do too much here? And there's probably no chance that we get the new Attorney general confirmed before the Muller report. But if we did, couldn't he step in and say you could fire Rod Rosenstein? You can say, you know what, you're all over the map here, stick to this. Just look at this. Yes, and you know, much depends on how quickly the Senate Judiciary Committee can confirm William Barr the nominee. And you know, the people I've talked to you up on the hill on the Senate side, say they think he can get done pretty quickly, within about five or six weeks. Democrats will drag their feet, So we'll wait and see. But you know, the person that is more conflicted than anyone else is Rod Rosenstein. You know, the Special Council regulations specifically state that if you have a personal or political interest in the case, you must recuse yourself. My goodness, he's a witness. He wrote the memo for the firing of James Comey and Muller interviewed Rosenstein's So think about this. Rosenstein his mother's boss, and yet the subordinate interviewed the boss who may, in the long run, determine what action will be taken. That's a terrible conflict of interest. Rosenstein should have recused himself a long time ago, and the fact that he hasn't suggests that he is biased and motivated against Trump. Well, you've been saying this and stay one, and of course you're absolutely right, But why doesn't somebody just thrown the hell out of there and say you got you gotta recuse yourself. I think the political optics were negative for Trump. Trump certainly had the authority to fire Rosenstein, especially when evidence emerged that Rosenstein was trying to get others to tape records secretly the president and depose him under the twenty fifth Amendment. And of course, you know Congress wanted to hear from Rosenstein to answer those questions did you do this? And he continued to defy their requests, slow walked it until Democrats took over the House. So you know, Rosenstein could have been fired, should have been fired more than any person at the Department of Justice. Yeah, hey, Greg Jarry, we only got like a minute left. But the Southern District of New York, that's the local US attorney here, is looking all through a Trump organization business here in New York. When't a new attorney generalists just say stop that there's no report of any crime there, wait till something is discovered. Well, you're right, good incompetent and responsible attorney general would say, show me why you are doing this and what real evidence that you have that connects the President of the United States to any of these things, And especially since it was motivated by Robert Muller. None of this has anything to do whatsoever with Trump Russia collusion. These are collateral issues that are being driven I think by a personal political animus toward Trump. Yeah, the US Attorney seems to be a very good guy, Jeffrey Burman here in here, so he's had to recuse himself. It's the people under him that are doing this. But we're not gonna get anything really happening here until we get a new attorney general. Right. The acting Attorney General probably a little afraid to take some action here. Well, I think you're right, Matthew Whittaker, the acting age he feels handcuffed by virtue of the political salvos he's been taking. So I you know, I think much will depend on how quickly William Barr can be confirmed and takeover. And you know, not that he is a you know, Donald Trump's sick offant. You know, this is a guy who served as attorney general for two years back in the nineteen nineties. He's a brilliant legal mind, highly regarded, impeccable credentials, and I think he'll do what's fair and honest and equitable. And that's all you can ask in an Attorney general, as opposed to Jeff Sessions, who had no earthly idea what he was doing in that position. Yeah, well, Greg Jared, thanks for taking the time today. You got to get his book. It's the best book on the subject, The Russia Hoax, number one best seller's Greg Jared's book. Go to Amazon or wherever you want to go and just get the book, The Russia Hoaks. Greg Jared, thanks for being with us. Yeah, you're very kind. Mark good good to be with you. And happy holiday. All right, happy holiday. Thanks for thanks for being with us. That's right. It's the day after Christmas, New Year's Eve coming up. When is New Year's Eve? Monday night? Right, that's the worst night of the year. There's so much pressure on you. Everybody you talk to, what are you doing New Year's Eve? What are you doing New Year's Eve? You better have a hell of an answer or they look at you like you're the biggest loser to people like me who go out every night to every party, every club, everything. I hate New Year's Eve. It's the worst night of the year. Any place you'd go normally, even the greatest place, if it's New Year's Eve, suddenly it's five times the normal price. They don't have the regular men either. Got a special New Year's Eve menu, which means like three things that are cheap to serve on New Year's Eve. Everybody's drunk. It's the worst night of the year. You got every cop in America all over the roads looking for drunk drivers even if you don't drink, or stopping everybody. It's a horrible night. Stay home, watch the ball drop. Anyway, We'll come back in a moment and take some calls. The numbers eight hundred nine four one Sean, eight hundred nine four one Sean. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. You can follow me on Twitter. Mark Simone ny at Twitter or Instagram. Mark Simone NYC at Instagram. Back in a moment on the Sean Hannity Show. Hey, welcome back. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. Let's take some calls. Let's go to uh, let me see, let's go to Jane and Arizona. Jane, welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Well, thanks, Mark, How are you good? How are you doing, Jane. I'm doing well. I just finished the clean up from Christmas dinner. And did you have a big fight at the table with all the relatives? Nobody spoke of politics. I know it was dull. What is any rate? He had a lovely time. I hope you did too. Yes, And what do you want to say, Jane? I wanted to say that as frustrated as we all get as conservatives listening to the mainstream media pratt and why and all my word? I think, and I have done it myself. I decided, all right, I'm wearing my colors, and I think if all our conservative friends would wear their colors. I have my Magma hat. I go to Costco with it and any other r and I might make and more more often than I get many compliments. Yeah, so we can all if we all started to do that, we could, you know, annoy liberal here or there and then find like minded people. All right, what's good idea? Everybodys you wear their Maga hat. The only thing is it depends where you live. If you live in Arizona, you can probably wear your Maga hat. And if you're in let's say you're in the New York City area, you go up in to Westchester, out in Long Island or Connecticut, you could wear your maga hat. But if you live right in the middle of Manhattan to the Upper West Side where all the crazy liberals are, you probably can't wear the maga hat. And if you go down to there's incidents here downtown, you know, Greenwich Village, Soho where when you wear the maga hat, people chase you out of a restaurant, they refuse to serve you, they start yelling at you and screaming at you. I don't know who's gonna want to have to deal with it, but you're right, it's a good point. If everybody starts wearing their maga hat, what are they gonna do. What are they gonna do throw fifty people out of a restaurant? What are they gonna do on the Upper West Side of the two hundred maga hats? I think that's the key. All got to start wearing it. Let's go to Earl calling from Kentucky. Hey, Earl, welcome to Sean Hannity Show. Yes, thank you for taking the call. You know, since the dev's have been planning in months, if not years, to impeach Trump because he's not one of the party, one of the good old boys to be able to change up the plans of the socialist Democrats since President Trump picked Vice President Pence, if he was to publicly come out and say, if you even think you will impeach President Trump, I was picked to follow his goals, and I will follow out all of the plans that mister Trump has put in place to make America great again. And that would throw them off their game if he was stick the lock and step with mister Trump, as long as Pence is not also going to try to play the other game and be well, it's a good, good point, Earl, that's an excellent point. If Pence would come out and say I will follow up on everything Donald Trump is going to do, maybe that would head off an impeachment. But I don't think so. I think they'd rather deal with Pence. You know, it's not just the policy. It's something about Trump. Maybe it's the brashness, the bragging, the boldness, something about Trump that just sets them off. They just go nuts when they see him. And again, you know, I like Pence, but who knows. If you know, he comes from the swamp, he's not the outsider. But it's just they just go nuts. It's the personality of Donald Trumps He's called them every name and the world. Pence hasn't. And the other thing is, I know they're secretly plotting Democrats to find some way to impeach them both impeach Pence and Trump together. That way, Speaker the House, Pelosi becomes the president. Can you imagine that anyway? Back in a moment, there's more on the Sean Hannity Show coming up. Hey, welcome back. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. Sean will be back soon. You got the fake news? You know, you can't trust anything you watch on CNN or MSNBC or I mean, can you take the New York Times seriously anymore? Or the Jeff Bays those post or any of that. But one of the things that you know, this fake Chuck Todd and fake news Lester Holt and whenever you see them say and they'll quote this all the time of these shows, and the president has been caught lying seven thousand, five hundred and forty six times. Now, the way that works, besides totally corrupting the news media, all the fact checking sites have been totally corrupted. Fact check dot org, PolitiFact. You can't trust them for a second. Even that Washington Post fact checker Pinocchio can't trust it at all. For instance, I took a look at them. Now, the Washington Post fact checker says President Trump has made seven thousand, five hundred and forty six false statements over seven hundred days. Well, now if you look into that, you got the most bias guys evaluating this, So most of them are not lies. And here's another thing they did, and this is preposterous. If the president said in one of the rallies or one of the speeches, this is the best economy in history, that's counted as a lie. And they found two hundred and forty times where he said that in rally, so they counting that is two hundred and forty lies. Or another one where he said it's the biggest tax cut in history. That's counted three hundred and ninety times that he said it as a lie. Now, obviously every president does that, whether it is or it isn't the best economy in history. You can go back to any president out on the campaign trail. They speak in those slogans best economy in history, the best tax cut in history. It's a normal thing for any president to say. It's a campaign boast. You can't count that as a lie. So whenever you see these crazy numbers, President has been caught lying seven five. Remember it's a lot of nonsense like that. Hey, the other thing going on, this has been the year you look back at twenty eighteen. What a me two year this has been. I mean, if you went back a few years ago you told somebody you'll see Bill Cosby go to prison in your lifetime, they would have thought you were insane. But here he is sitting in prison right now. Less moonvest she couldn't be a bigger, more powerful guy in the entertainment industry. He's gone. Doesn't even get his severance. They said he lied to the investigators, covered up in the investigation. Hey, by the way, a lot of top CBS people I wanted to see the reports. CBS brought in some big law firms to do a massive investigation, and there were people at CBS that we're waiting to read this final report. Well it turns out there's no written report. CBS hired these big law firms and a totally unprecedented you'll never do this, they said to them, don't write a report, just report to us verbally. So nothing is in writing that gives you an idea of how creepy whatever he was. They didn't even want it in writing. Then of course she got Harvey Weinstein. You know. One of the interesting cases is Kevin Spacey, who got caught. In fact, it's so bad. One of them has gone criminal. And on January seventh, he's going to be arraigned in Massachusetts. Now they say they're going to arraign him in Massachusetts. Don't say whether he'll be there to be arraigned, but as January seventh. One thing about Spacey was twenty seventeen, he vanished off the face of the earth. Even his friends, people that know him, said they had no idea where he was. And the best word was that he was hiding on some island in the South Pacific, totally hiding. Maybe that's what you do if you're a me too guy. But he's just released a video. It's on YouTube. It's already gotten seven million views. It's the creepiest thing you'll ever see. We're not gonna play it. It's just too creepy. It's Kevin Spacey, and he's in character as the creepy guy on House of Cards, as Frank Underwood and he does the same Frank Underwood creepy character, and he looks into the camera and he purrs in this creepy voice, you knew what I was up to. And then as a part where says, I know you want you want me back, as I don't know what the point of this video was and why I do this when you're finally about to be arraigned in a criminal charge a disc attorney in the Cape and Islands, Massachusetts. He's going after him. But as I said, it's got seven million views already. Hey, the big news today, two things, two big breaking stories. Today President Trump visited Iraq. It was a surprise visit for Christmas. It was the President and the first Lady. The press, the fake news starting to go after him for being the first president. This was their big scandal of the day, big first president not to visit the troops on Christmas Day. Well turned out he had and it wasn't in response to those stories. This had been planned for days and days and days. Takes a lot of planning, obviously for security reasons, to get the President over there and back. It was a very secret flight, curtains drawn on Air Force one. I don't. Actually, I don't know if they took Air Force one. They probably took a different plane. Curtains drawn, lights out on the flight top security. He was on the ground for several hours in Iraq, addressed the troops, then met with them, and then took selfies with him, all that stuff, and he's back. It was a great visit. He said he plans to visit Afghanistan at some point. So that's a big breaking story today. Now, the other thing this will really infuriate democrats because the other big narrative was how the whole economy is crashing. The market is crashing. Today was an unbelievable day in the stock market. It closed up almost eleven hundred points. That's huge, up a thousand eighty six points, almost eleven hundred points. That's the biggest one day increase in seven years. Phenomenal day in the economy. You gotta figure tomorrow will be more of the same. Anyway, Let's take some calls. Let's go to let's go to New Jersey. Let's go to Rob. Rob. Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Hey Rob, Hey, Mark, how are you doing? Yes? What do you want to say? Rob? I love you? If I didn't have to work so much, i'd love your show more often in the morning. Oh thanks, Well, normally I'm on wo R here in New York ten to noon. But what do you want to say? Well, I took a little note and I dialed the phone because I heard what you said about the hatred for Donald Trump. And I always hear this phrase hatred for Donald Trump. I have a little bit of a different opinion about that. I don't think it's the hatred. I think it's the fear about the agenda over the last twenty thirty years, at least of the intentional downfall of the middle class and America in general, as both Republicans and Democrats enriched themselves, as they're really all on the same team, both paid actors, and they're all paid actors, whether it's from campaign donations or what have you. So I just I think the hatred thing is an easy scapegoat as opposed to really what the true agenda is of the establishment. Really, well, okay, I know I understand what you're saying, and you're absolutely right. Republicans and Democrats have been awful on this for decades, whether it's both parties leaving the border wide open, both parties allowing Obamacare. They've been in all both parties in bed with the lobbyists. It's been horrible. I can see why the swamp hates Donald Trump. He's there to bust up their game. But the public, the liberals in the public joined in. Suddenly they're engaging in McCarthyism with Russian witch hunts. Suddenly they're defending the swamp. Why do you think that is, rob Well, you know you mentioned the public to the establishment is a lot more. They're profiting from it directly, so you know why they want to keep them out of power. But the I have a phrase on my page that I use. It's called media zombies. It's unbelievable to me that's such a large percentage of the America, and I think it's it's really is changing. But they're really don't think for themselves. So this media zombie mentality is just unbelievable. They believe what they're told and it's slowly starting to turn. But you know, on my page, I try and do my part every day, and uh, it's really it's a shame when you see you run into people and you try to talk to them and they really have no idea what's truly going on with that. I call them evil geniuses about their intention of this country. All right, well, Rob, thanks for calling. Yeah, I mean, listen, the media was always crazy liberal always. You go back to Dan Rather, he listened. He was the founder of fake news, I mean major modern day fake news. You remember he had a whole fake story on Bush going a wall. It was so bad that CBS fired him. He was the main anchor, he was the face of CBS News, but his fake news was so bad even CBS had to throw him out and fire him. And then I'm trying to remember after Rather, I guess it calm well Obama one, I guess that's what calm things down for a while. And I don't know if it's just twenty eighteen. People are so spoiled and immature. They just can't cope with losing anything. You know, normally, when you lost the election, the other side one, all right, so you know, you wait four years and you win it back. You look for candidates, you look for issues. Of course, you attack the current president when you can. You know, when you're asked, you attack him on issues. But this crazed, insane presidential harassment, trying to take him out every day with another fake, made up scandal. And you know everything they point to, you know, they fire as a general Maddis all of a sudden, fake news, the public, the liberals go crazy. It's total chaos in the White House. How could he fire? Total chaos? Obama went through four secretaries of defense and rapid fire. There was a period where Obama had four secretaries of Defense. In fact, Obama fired Mattis at one point and it was a nasty, ugly firing. He didn't even tell him, he just fired him, and Mattis had to hear about it on TV. So I didn't hear much about that back then. You know what, everything they bring up they call this what aboutism? But what aboutism pretty much proves the Democrats to be like industrial strength hypocrites. You know, like they talk about pay and Stormy Daniels to keep quiet. That's obviously campaign finance of violation, but no it's not. And you think about Obama. You know there was a point where he offered to pay Reverend Right to keep quiet. Remember how Reverend Wright was screwing up the election for him, So Reverend Wright was approached, offered one hundred and fifty thousand dollars by Obama. Obama admitted to it, so in fact, that offer is actually better. So Stormy only got one hundred and thirty there. But anything that they're upset about went not all the time. It's just the most ridiculous, over the top hypocrisy and crazed anger. Let's go to Joe in Las Vegas. Hey, Joe, welcome to Sean Hannity's show. Are you doing Mark? Marry Christmas? Merry Christmas. Two quick points. The first, there was a calling that said a Pence would come out and say what you know that he would followed from agenda. The problem is they would go after Pence just like they'd say he was part of the deal, just like look what they did to you know, Romney, and Romney was about as sweet as anything. So they'd go after Pence just as hard. Yeah, and my second point was like the reason why they really fear Donald Trump because he'll actually do what he says. So for example, everyone's been talking forever to move the embassy to from to Jerusalem. Trump actually did it. Trump said he was going to cut all these things, He did it. So when Trump says because he's going to build the wall. Republicans these finals and the Democrats for sure are really afraid to say know he's gonna do it. No, that's a good point. Well, Joe, thanks for calling. Yeah, maybe that's part of it. You know. Obviously they didn't agree with Bush, and when Bush was present, they sure went after him a lot, but nothing like this. But maybe as much as they disagreed with Bush, they knew he was a real swamp guy, and they took some comfort in that that he wouldn't really rock the boat too much. But this is unlike anything we ever seen. Hey, I mentioned this before. Let me just go over this again because I've heard some serious talk among the hierarchy of the Democratic Party. This is a strategy they've been thinking about this. You find a way to not only impeach Trump, but impeach Pence and Trump together. You impeach them both somehow. If you do that, if you impeach the president and the vice president, Speaker the House becomes the president. Here's the part two to that. Anybody can be Speaker the House. They may not want Pelosi as president, anybody can be Speaker the House. The Democrats with control of the House can vote anybody they want as speaker. You don't have to be a congress person, you don't have to be a member. So let's say they want Joe Biden's president. They could remove Pelosi and appoint Joe Biden as Speaker of the House. In other words, they impeach both Pence and Trump and then they pick who they want as president, appoint them Speaker the House, and they would get the job. I know it sounds crazy, but it's possible. Odds are a million to one they could pull this off, but I know they've thought about it. Anyway, we'll come back in a moment. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. Hey, welcome back. It's a Sean Hannity Show. Mark Simone here for Sean. You know you're Democrats. You've got a real problem with the Hillary Clinton. I don't know what you gotta do about this, but you're not getting rid of her that easily. You know, every poll shows Democrats want a fresh, new face. Obviously, Hillary is the biggest loser of all time, I mean just loses every you know, first time she runs for president, a rookie came out of nowhere and took the nomination from her second time she runs for president, A total amateur in his first race ever in politics takes it away from her. So yesterday she tweeted out a Christmas message and the picture with it is a picture of her in the White House. I mean, this is getting creepy. You know, remember when she was running and they would tell you a most qualified person ever for president, which of course wasn't true. George H. W. Bush had a far greater resume. Nixon had a greater resume when he ran most qualified. You know, they said she's destined to be Now she's like the old woman, and Sun said levard you know, trying to make some sort of weird comeback. So I don't know what you Democrats are going to do about her, but if you hope to have any chance in the twenty twenty, you're gonna have to like lock her up somewhere, can kidnap her or something. Hey, it's been a great day, unbelievable day. The Dow up almost eleven hundred points, biggest day in seven years. The President visited Iraq. That was the breaking news earlier and it was a great visit. We're just about out a time. Sean We'll be back soon. I'm Mark Simone. You want to listen to me wo R here in New York, or you can get me on iHeart. Just get the iHeart app. By the way, it's a good app to have on your phone, that I heeartapp. It's really good. You can listen to everything on their music everything. Follow me on Twitter, Mark Simone ny A, Twitter, Mark Simone NYC at the Instagram and have a great rest of the holiday. It's New Year's Eve coming up. Then it's twenty nineteen predictions. Let's see. I think the tech industry has a big problem. I think finally Congress steps and it starts regulating it, controlling your privacy. I think if anybody's gonna have a bad year, it's the tech industry. But it'll be a good year for us. Hey, we're out of time. Sean will be back soon. Mark Simone here, Thanks for listening, and have a great New Year.

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