Major Conflict of Interest - 8.2

Published Aug 3, 2017, 12:01 AM

Congressman Trent Franks joins Sean to share the outrage over the developing news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a particularly close relationship with former CIA Director James Comey. It's becoming increasingly clear that Comey's relationship with Mueller is closer than it might have originally appeared with some former staffers suggesting the two have a "close professional relationship." Isn't it time we put an end to this huge taxpayer waste? The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. Now, my pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarrantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep pealing and recuperative sleep that you've been eaving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code, Hannity, you will love this pillow. Glad you with us Happy Wednesday. You know it's rare that I have to admit I was wrong, and as of today, I am wrong about Treat making it in school. You know, she's gonna be a guide dog, what do you call a service dog? And there was no way Treat was gonna pass. Now apparently Treat is graduated and is now in California. This is the one that sunshine here. Um, my name is Lauren. Okay, Lauren is the who answers your calls. Uh. That dog listened to nobody except me when I said jump, and that dog was never gonna make it. Now. You saw Treat when he when she graduated from school, right, I saw her a couple of weeks ago and I said goodbye. We played fetch for about an hour and a half. And did she still have a jumping problem? Did she they'll have a jumping problem? Yes or no? Slightly she had a jumping problem still now, so what they're gonna do is send her out to California. You know they're gonna use the old choke chain on her and trainer. That way it's gonna happen. But but it looks I I am stunned that Treat made it this far, and if Treat makes it, I am gonna be bewildered how it's possible. But do you know what she's gonna be doing, specifically, know what she's gonna be working with veterans with PTSD. Well, I think that's awesome. And I just hope the veterans like dogs that jump, because Treat is not gonna stop jumping. I mean it's in Treats the and they to jump all over everybody, even if you say don't jump. All right, I got a lot of news today eight nine four. Why I am happy for the dog. I am. And you're proud of you for able to do that. And you're crying the day to Treat left here, and I said, oh, don't worry, Treat will be back in three or four weeks. Treats gonna be back here and be the Sean Hannity Show official dog of the Show. And I would have been very happy to adopt Treat and have her be a part of our family. And I offered to pay all of treats expenses and take care of treat as the show dog. And but if treat makes it, it it can help somebody with PTSD. I'm I'm stoked, I'm happy. I'm just glad that Linda believed in treat. Great great Linda behind your back was telling everybody's no way that and no way that makes it. Oh, excuse me. I never why ever, if the one freaking person in this world is going to tell you the truth that he excuse me first of all. First of all, when you're on my time, I can reclaim that. All right, I gotta get to work here, I gotta get the news. And anyway, glad you are with you know you're not gonna hear And the Republicans. I hope you're proud of yourself because guess what we got some interesting information Senate failure, Republican failure to repeal Obamacare. Well, now, health insurance premiums under the Obama insurance boondoggle, Well they're gonna go up another thirty percent next year. John McCanny, you proud of your vote now because in the past year, well, Arizona went up a whopping hundred and sixteen percent top health insurance companies. Numerous states are now looking to hike premiums by double digits, up to thirty or more for Obamacare plans in twenty eighteen. No excuse me, A lot of us has lost focus on the fact the system we have doesn't work, said the OMB Director White House Budget Director Mick mulvaney. A great job. Now there are good news. Let me start. I know you don't hear good news almost ever ever who talks about good news. I mean, all the media cares about his process, palace intrigue, and Russia, and they're never gonna tell you the truth about real investigations that need to be held, real special counsels that need to be appointed. If Republicans would use the power of the authority that you gave them to subpoena and conduct investigations, they would be on it now. And I'll get to that in a second, you know, but it is pretty amazing. I've never been the person that looks to the stock market as the indicator of how the economy is doing. But it's not a bad sign. But it's not. It doesn't help people out of work, it doesn't help people in poverty, and it doesn't help people in food stamps because they don't have any money for the stock market. But if it's an indication that in fact, the economy is growing and that there's anticipation of growth because of the President's economic plans, which I do believe is happening, then that's a sign of really good things to come. And I got a lot of economic statistics that you're not gonna hear in the mainstream media. And what would be worth pointing out. The stock market did do well during the Obama years, and that was, you know, we had the Fed and quantitative easing policy that you know that pumped eighty five billion dollars into Wall Street every month. You know what about we're bailing out Wall Street when I'm bailing out Main Street eight five billion. That's quantitative easy, that's the FEDS policy. At the same time, the Fed artificially depressed interest rates down to zero just to keep the economy afloat. Now quantitative easing is over, and Janet Yellen has raised interest rates three times since President Trump was elected, which is usually a drag on economic growth, especially doing both at the same time. Now, if she had done that during the Obama years, the economy would have collapsed. So let's hurt the Republicans chances having a good economy. It's not difference, it's it's it's it's obvious what's going on. But anyway, the difference now is Mean Street as well as Wall Street, is surging under President Trump. Investors Business Daily Today. Earnings right now are strong. Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that se of SMP companies have reported earnings exceeding forecasts for both revenue and earnings, and the earnings for SMP companies rose in the first quarter, likely to grow at double digits again in the second quarter based on incoming day. The fastest growth we've seen in six years. Let me tell you right now, it's not an accident. It's not a fluke. Businesses didn't all just decide that they were going to be investing and things are gonna be better. You know, you've got new products continuing to emerge from the tech industry based on new technologies. You've got whole new industries such as like the the gig economy, Uber lift, uh and many many others, not to mention the energy sphere. You know we're gonna create if we truly become an energy independent country. We're gonna create millions and millions of high paying career jobs for Americans, and we'll have the added bonus benefit of not having to kiss the backsides of leaders of countries that literally despise and hate us, and that makes us less likely to have to get into some type of conflict in the Middle East over the free flow of oil at market prices, which would be good for everybody. The President has literally started the US down a path towards substantial economic growth GDP now two point six percent. Remember they said he'd never reached three percent. Obama is the first president in history that never had one year or growth at three percent. Ever, and some have even been so bold to suggest the markets are in the grips of a little bit of a mania and arguing stock prices keep rising, and but they always say that about it. I never liked the stock market. I'm not getting into the stock market any more than my my financial advisor makes me now, which is annoying. And anyway, Trump has cut sixteen old regulations for each new regulation he's added. His Labor Department is now considering eliminating Obama's overtime rule, which costs small businesses billions of dollars, and that discourages hiring full time workers. Then there's the energy policy. I think that is gonna be the number one driver of economic success growth in our economy, and it's gonna help millions of Americans literally changed the trajectory of their lives. You know, when we were involved in partnering with these these energy companies, we were getting drivers jobs at eighty or a hundred thousand dollars a year, people that were either out of work or were making thirty thousand dollars a year. And you know, of course the saudiast what do they do. All of a sudden, We'll start making some progress, and they dropped the price of oil to manipulate us, to discourage us from staying and becoming energy independent, and they have the power to do that. Now the Saudias are literally discussing how that can they possibly transform the economy from one that is oil and energy based into other growth areas because they're scared to death that America's wising up. So the US labor market expanded in June two jobs that was far better than what Wall Street was anticipating. The unemployment rate historic glows. More importantly, the labor participation rate. We have more people in the labor force than we had before. We have the lowest number of people on food stamps then in seven years. The average hourly rate wage, which is important to the forgotten men and women of this country, that's up two point five one of the key missing ingredients in under the Obama years, and another sign of strength. Average hours worked also grew in June. Average work week for employees on private non farm payrolls rose to thirty four point five hours in June, and manufacturing the work week edged up to forty eight hours. Average work week for production and nonsupervisory employees on a private non farm payroll that's up to thirty four How do people work thirty four hours a week? I mean I worked thirty four hours if I could in a day. I know, there's only twenty four handed your notes. Who's more ut it up? The stuff that they nippick on me is hilarious. The health center healthcare sector rather added thirty seven and jobs in June. By the way, it's gonna be a growing sector with the baby boomers now growing older every day. I'm sorry, it's good news. I'm sorry. I'm not breaking bad news here on the program. But it's just a fact, you know. I I look at what's happening in this country and then I just sit there. I am bewildered because the things that I advocate. By the way, please key in, will somebody please call it Senator John McCain's offer. Sean Hannity is talking about how we can help the forgotten men and women that actually mattered in this election and offering solutions to America's problems. Stop listening to the bombastic lab television and the internet. To hell with them, Hell with me. They don't want anything done for the public good. Our incapacity is their livelihood. Our incapacity is their livelihood. Okay, Well, healthcare is going up, Senator next year, and if current trends continue, I means your state of Arizona got a hundred and sixteen let's say it's the thirty on average. Okay, that's a hundred and forty six percent increase in healthcare. Great tip, Senator. I think you should give him some credit though, just a little bit. And I mean he did admit his incapacity. Okay. All I'm saying is keep your word. And this is what's missing, they're missing. Okay, let's balance a budget, live within our means, cut one penny out of every dollar, and don't have baseline budget. That's a handity solution, so we don't rob our children. Pretty fair corporate tax rate. Wow, corporations will be investing unbelievably, you know, unbelievable amounts of money were patriate trillions abroad multinationals. Trillions will be invested in factories and manufacturing centers. Repeal, replace healthcare, create competition, lower cost health savings, healthcare cooperatives. Oh, that's gonna be like the biggest tax cut Americans have ever had. These are solutions, Senator, to problems. We go through them all the time. Energy independent, I've been I've been literally screaming this for years. The money is under our feet, we own it, it's ours, let's use it. It's so dumb not to Oh, education back to the States. I'm all for it. These idiots in Washington don't have a clue securing our country and building a wall. And I like the president's plan today as what he calls the Rays Act. With this, let's do that. But the media doesn't want solutions. They don't Democrats don't want to do anything. They think that's the plan to win. Good luck with that plan. Republicans are too weak and too spineless and too visionless, and they're a party without identity. But what I just outlined for you, it's not that hard. What's so hard about anything? I just said, it's not hard. Covert operative Mitch Rapp is ready for anything, but this time the enemy is ready for him. Read Order to Kill, the explosive novel in Vince Flynn's number one New York Times best selling Mitch Rap series. Because of unscrupulous members of the Pakistani Secret Service, Rap finds himself chasing false leads in an effort to keep Pakistani nukes from falling into the hands of terrorists. Soon, it becomes alarmingly clear that the forces in Moscow are bent on fomenting even more chaos and turmoil in the Middle East, and Rap must go deep into a racky territory, posing as an American ISIS recruit. There, he uncovers a plan more dangerous and insidious than he ever expected, one that could have far reaching and catastrophic consequences. Written with the same relentless action as Vince Flynn's greatest novels. Mitch Rap's latest adventure is as timely and provocative as ever. Ordered to Kill a Mitch Rap novel by Kyle Mills, is now in paperback wherever books are sold. All Right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred Dying Fall one, SHAWNA can't wait. I'm gonna play this at the bottom of the hour. There was such a great beat down video that I caught up. But this was in October before the election. Congressman Ratcliffe with James Comey, and I want to just point something out. I I am convinced now more than ever that the things that we are talking about that everybody else is is trying to ignore as they focus on palace intrigue process and and nothing about the president's success or policies, and and of course Russia, Russia, Russia. I'm just you mark my words here what you saw yesterday with the unmasking of issue involving Ben Rhodes on top of Susan Rice, on top of the FBI General Council and him being in involved James Baker, him being involved in possible intelligence leaks, just like Comey and the Records Act and the Espionage Act. And just like we keep saying already three thousand deleted emails, acid wash, bleach bit, you know what he called, servers and and computers. Then you've got devices blackberries, iPhones smashed with hammers according all these reports. And then you get the FBI getting devices without SIM cards. And then Debbie Wasson and Schultz in r I T Guide double billing, stays On, stays on the payroll and and how did that happen? And his connections and people that had no qualifications for the job, you know, getting paid huge sums of money. And then of course real collusion with Ukraine and the d n C operative meeting with the Ukrainian ambassador at the Ukrainian embassy, and political reports. It goes back to the d n C and the Hillary Clinton campaign. And then I think the biggest of them all is uranium one, and that is the pay to play quit pro quo, the Clinton the Clinton Foundation kickback, and the fact that the Clintons were offering favors to some of their big donors while she was in office. Statute of limitations haven't worn out, although conspiracy statutes, of course go way beyond quote. The so called statute, So it doesn't matter, but the idea she signs off America's uranium to Vladimir. Now it's a big, long list of it. And what I am saying is stay with us. Everything you're hearing here and we've been telling you, and Ben Rhodes was just a small sampling yesterday is a preview of what I know are coming attractions. I will be vindicated on so many different levels, I promise you. And the great thing is I'm able to share with you, bring you in the inner circle here and tell you everything that I know from my secret sources, and will continue to stay on it, holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress alright till the top of the hour, nine f one, Seawan our number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. Congressman Ratcliffe, God bless this guy. What were this was just before the election in two thousand sixteen, and he's talking to James Comey, you know the guy that was writing on the government computer government information secrets with the President, classified some of it and then leaked it through his friend of the New York times that guy, not the guy James Baker the General Council is now being accused of leaking information, uh intelligence information. Uh. Not to be you know, in any way tied to Lauretta Lynch who met on the tarm back of Bill Clinton. Not and then of course called it a matter, and James Comey just called it a matter. Not to in any way be associated with Ben Rhodes who was now being investigation investigated for unmasking, and not to be confused with Susan Rice similar issue. Not to be you know. I don't want this in any way sort of to to make you think the increase in unmasking leading up to an election and surveillance of opposition candidates, I'm not talking about that issue. I'm not talking about the leading thirty three thousand emails and destroying the hard drives with acid wash bleach bit or or then destroying with hammers, blackberries and iPhones and then handing over to the FBI devices without sim cards, or having Debbie Wasserman Shoultz double billing. I T guy who has guys that work at McDonald's and and the card dealerships that are on the payroll at the top rate and four million dollars they got paid. And you know, he gave three thousand dollars to Pakistan and send it for himself and was going to get out of the country. And then of course they found government hard drives smashed and bashed in his garage. And not to be confused with this woman from the d n C was paid over four hunder a thousand dollars. Who meets at the Ukrainian embassy with the Ukrainian ambassador and the political says is reporting back to the d n C. And Hillary not to be confused with uranium one and and that whole deal which I've gone into the great detail about of the foundational material and nuclear weapons handed over to Vladimir, you know, not to be confused with any of that. But the one thing he does talk about his Hillary. And if you look at Hillary and you look at Debbie Wassonman Schultz, what is it about Democrats that they bashed devices with hammers? They delete thing is the acid wash bleach bit them? And they have I t guys that have government hard drives in their garage smashed into smith reens and the Because I dare to bring this up, I am a bad person. Hang on a second, ow ow ow, No, I'm not really hitting myself obviously a different person, because you know, I see this as Congressman Ratcliffe, I actually see real crimes here, real need for Republicans to step up and use the power of subpoena, their investigative authority to get to the truth. So we don't have a two tier justice system, so we have equal justice under the law in America. And it's not just about eleven months of Russia Russia and Rachel Maddow conspiracy theories and and MSNBC conspiracy theories and see it and conspiracy theories and and deep State leaks a hundred and twenty five leagues and days and abusing the tools of intelligence to go after the American people, and you know, all that sort of thing seven times what happened in the previous two administrations. Do you know how hard it is to remember all of this. It's not hard for me because this is what I do. But that's what we're now up against. This is now that's the synopsis of what we need to be looking into. On top of Republicans. Would be nice if that actually legislate, It would be nice if we didn't have a thirty percent across the board average increase in healthcare premiums again next year, be nice if we moved towards balancing a budget living within our means. Would be nice for corporations to have attacks so that they can invest the money into factories and higher American workers and manufacturing centers and hire more American workers. It would be nice to have trillions of repatriated dollars from multinationals that will just pour money into the US and and help those people that we love, our friends and our neighbors and our coworkers. And I know people have been fired to camp find work. I I've never although things are actually beginning to turn. I've actually been in a position the last twenty five years of my life to help people that are out of work to contact mega jomps. And it's a it's a great feeling to be able to do that. And it's gotten harder during the Obama years, a lot harder. And I've been unsuccessful at times, which annoys me. I don't like to fail. Listen to Congressman Ratcliffe and see if you if you this is right before James Comey's face. He does this listen to this at this point, based on everything, do you think that any laws were broken by Hillary Clinton or her lawyers? Do I think any laws were broken? I don't think there's evidence to establish that. Okay, well, I think you're making my point when you say there's no evidence to establish that. Maybe not in the way she handled classified information, but with respect to obstruction of justice, and you've got a pen here. I just want to make sure the records clear of the evidence that you didn't have that you can't use to prove. So this comes from the FBI's own report, says that the FBI didn't have the Clinton's personal Apple server used for Hillary clinton work emails that was never located, so the FBI could never examine it. An Apple MacBook laptop and thumb drive that contained Hillary Clinton's email archives was lost, so the FBI never examined that. Two BlackBerry devices provided the FBI didn't have SIM cards or st data cards. Thirteen Hillary Clinton personal mobile devices were lost, discarded, or destroyed with a hammer, so the FBI clearly didn't examine those. Various server backups were deleted over time, so the FBI didn't examine that. After the State Department and my colleague Mr Gowdy here notified Miss Clinton that her records would be sought by the Benghazi Committee. Copies of her emails on the laptops of both of her lawyers, Share Mills and Harrold Mills uh and Heather Samuelson were wiped clean with bleach beds, so the FBI didn't review that. After those emails were subpoenaed. Hillary Clinton's email archive was also permanently eleted from the Platte River network with bleach bit so the FBI didn't review that, and also after the subpoena, backups of the Platte River server were manually deleted. Now, Director, hopefully that list is substantially accurate because it comes from your own documents. My question to you is this at any one of those in that very very long list, to me, says obstruction of justice. Collectively, they scream obstruction of justice, and to ignore them I think really allows not just reasonable prosecutors, but reasonable people to believe that maybe the decision on this was made a long time ago not to prosecute Hillary Clinton. Wow, that was before the election, you know, I know that It's really amazing the world we live in. Because what we're up again, so you know in the media is a bunch of sheep. I'm serious. It's like it's group think, it's indoctrination. It's like a mass hypnosis, and they just do the same thing, the same thing over and over and over, and there's there's there's no freethinking out there. I've actually had conversations with people in the media times and I'm like, you want to be different, Stop hanging out with those other people in your profession. Don't hang out with them, because if you watch you can see it very clearly on Twitter. I've been pretty quiet on Twitter lately because I've been really busy to be I'm just trying to work harder and smarter, and if I get into these Twitter fights, that's like three hours of my life. And I I love it because it's entertaining as hell, and I love, I absolutely love being in fights on Twitter because for me, they're fun. But for the ego maniacs I work within the media, they can't handle it, and they bubble and fizz like Alka Seltzer, and every ego is very predictable and they're all ego maniacs, so you know, they can't stand it. You know that liberal Joe is trying to use his perch over there at NBC to run for president. He thinks he should be president. I'll stop it. Yeah, not enough. We don't need the Monkey House president here, mystified. We don't need it. So I'm only saying this. I'm only gonna give you this little bit of a track record because I think it's important that you stay with me on these things, because I know I know more than I can tell. Oh, you're talking to the White House. No, but I do talk to sources. I do my own work regularly, and I have sources that others don't have. That's just the fact. And I dig deeper than a lot of these people in the media do because they're lazy sheep, and they just copy each other on Twitter and then they repeat the same thing, and they retweet each other and everything. You tweet me, and I'll tweet you. It's like kindergarten with these people. And so I never wanted to go to a White House correspondence dinner, and proud I never did. If I just want to remind you in case those of you out there have doubts, I am not worried about the president. I'm not worried about his administration. I'm not worried about where this is headed. I'm not worried about Russia. But I would be worried if I'm Hillary Clinton. I would be worried if I was worried. If I'm a deep state leaker. I would be worried. If I'm Debbie Wasson and Schultz. I would be worried if I'm a d NC operative that met with Slow. The Ukrainian ambassador in the Ukrainian Embassy, James called me, I'd be worried. James Baker, General Counsel Up, I'd be worried if I was involved some of you, and I know names involved in Uranium one, and you people don't even think I know. And you're up to your eyeballs. And the fact that you didn't go forward with Hillary Clinton and you think your name is not going to be revealed, you are clueless. And those of you in d C you know who you are. You know exactly high ranking people. And if you're Susan Rice and your Ben Rhodes and your others and James Clapper and Brennan, if you did things wrong, don't think you you were clever enough that you covered your tracks with the deep state deep enough you didn't. And if you think that the rigged election with Hillary Clinton is not going to be revealed in full, you're not thinking deeply enough. So just to give you some background, when I was in Atlanta and Richard Jewel was labeled by the Atlanta Journal Constitution as the lone bomber because he lived with his mother, I was on the radio at the time and I said that that doesn't make you the lone bomber, and I asked questions. Richard Jewel was listening that day. I learned a lesson that's stuck with me the rest of my life. One day later, many years later, or a year or two later, he thank me, said thank you. Like the year later I interviewed him. I think I had the first interview with him on the Fox News. Came up the Fox to do the interview with me. He was innocent. He was actually a hero. When we vetted Obama, A Lynsky, Acorn, Reverend Wright, his radical background, Frank Marshall Davis, Black liberation theology airs, and Dorn, I was told by friends of mine not to touch it out on a limb proof right. He was a rigid idealogue that had absolutely no pragmatic sign to him. The eight year statistics that I gave all last year about how bad he did not even including Iran and other things. It's it speaks for itself. He didn't have Bill Clinton's corruption. They didn't have Bill Clinton's pragmatic side. You know, other issues have come up, like Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman, and we withheld. All we did was with whole judgment, Harvard Police, Cambridge police acting stupidly. The President rushed to judgment. President rushed to judgment, and Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. I interviewed George Zimmerman. I did with an open mind, and we had an eye witness that saw tray Von grounding and pounding his head into cement and George Zimmerman on tape screaming whoops. That changes everybody's perspective. Everyone thought it would be guilty verdicts. Ferguson immediately was that first day, hands up, don't shoot. It turns out we had many African American eyewitnesses that said that this guy reached into Darren Wilson's car and tried to what's it, Michael Brown reached into Darren Wilson's car and tried to steal his gun. That's where the first shot went off, and that in fact he charged Darren Wilson and that hands up, don't shoot never happened. And then the video of him intimidating a clerk and robbing the store. And then we were right about Freddy Gray. And once we got some details on Freddy Gray, I went out there with a bold prediction they're never gonna be convicted. And then we've got the Ducal cross case, and we kept an open mind about that. I actually took time at the time and I went to see the kids. But you didn't know that, did you, because I didn't tell you at the time. And I met their families and I gathered my own evidence, and then I realized, no way that happened the way they said. And then I predicted Donald Trump could be president. Now I'm not patting myself on the back here. I'm saying we do things differently on this program, and we're doing them differently. Now nobody is talking about these things that we are. But I'm telling you pay close attention, Uranium, want pay very uranium. Want very close attention. Two things that are happening I'm not giving. And by the way, a lot of other things deep state hanging there all right, lock calling on tonight news and information you won't get in the mainstream media. I gotta give Congressman Trent Frank's is gonna join us in the next hour at some point. Uh. He is pointing out something that most people don't know. That Mueller's gotta go because it's a clear violation of federal code. What he's doing because of his conflict of interest and why he doesn't go based on what the law says is sort of mind numbing to me to begin with, I don't understand. And on top of that, we need second and third, and fourth, and fifth, and seventh and ten special counsels. But as a matter of law, it is mandatory that he shall dies qualify himself cfr S CFR RT too, that the languages, because he shall just qualify himself because he has a personal relationship with somebody uh involved in the case. That's James Comey. But when we come back, Sarah Carter CIRCU News, Tom Fitton, did you know that Ben Rhodes on top of Susan Rice that they now are being investigated from masking just like the general. It's all FBI leaking intel. We're getting there at this point based on everything. Do you think that any laws were broken by Hillary Clinton or lawyers? Do I think that any laws were broken? I don't think there's evidence to establish that. Okay, well, I think you're making my point when you say there's no evidence to establish that. Maybe not in the way she handled classified information, but with respect to obstruction of justice, and you've got a pen here. I just want to make sure the record is clear about the evidence that you didn't have that you can't use to prove. So this comes from the FBI's own report says that the FBI didn't have the Clinton's personal Apple server used for Hillary clinton work emails that was never located, so the FBI could never examine it. An Apple MacBook laptop and thumb drive that contained Hillary Clinton's email archives was lost, so the FBI never examined that. Two BlackBerry devices provided the FBI didn't have SIM cards or st data cards. Thirteen Hillary Clinton personal mobile devices were lost, discarded, or destroyed with a hammer, so the FBI clearly didn't examine those various server backups were the let needed over time, so the FBI didn't examine that. After the State Department and my colleague, Mr Gowdy here notified Ms Clinton that her records would be sought by the Benghazi Committee, copies of her emails on the laptops of both of her lawyers, Share Mills and Harrold Mills uh and Heather Samuelson were wiped clean with bleach bets, so the EPI didn't review that. After those emails were subpoenaed. Hillary Clinton's email archived was also permanently deleted from the Platte River network with bleach bit so the FBI didn't review that, and also after the subpoena, backups of the Platte River server were manually deleted. Now, Director, hopefully that list is substantially accurate because it comes from your own documents. My question to you is this, at any one of those in that very very long list, to me, says obstruction of justice. Collectively, they scream obstruction of justice, and to ignore them I think really allows not just reasonable prosecutors, but reasonable people to believe that maybe the decision on this was made a long time ago, not to prosecute Hillary Clinton. All right, that is probably the defining indictment against Hillary Clinton, and the defining moment about obstruction and lying in bleach bit and acid Washington deletions and and hammers and and smashing hard drives and all of this that has happened. But no, it's still Russia, Russia, Russia, uh, never ending. Now, the big story that we have been working on today is also the new revelation Sarah Carter Circuit dot com about unmasking. And we've talked about Susan Rice, and we've talked about well, let's see the Clapper, and we've talked about Admiral Rodgers, and we've talked about Devon Nunez for example, and the Admiral Rodgers wrote or Devin Nunias wrote Admiral Rodgers saying specifically, please provide a total number of unmasking requests made by Ben Rhodes, the former Assistant to the President deputy National Security Advisor. Okay, yeah, Why did we have a three and fifty percent increase only during the election season and sixteen? How is that possible? How is it that Americans now are not only being surveiled without any warrants. Okay, if they're picked up incidentally in some type of legitimate n s A surveillance of the enemies of this country, all right, I can understand that, we accept that, but there are certain processes that need to take place, like what's supposed to minimize the American on that side of that conversation. We're not so supposed to unmask their identity unless there's a very very specific need. Why did James Clapper make it easier to do unmasking. Why was Susan Rice involved with this? Why was Ben Rhodes involved in this? You know who's who's looking into these issues. And on top of that, we've got the intelligence leaks, like in the case of General Flynn. Nobody seems to care about the one felony we know committed here, and that was against General Flynn when they leaked raw intelligence about him. Sarah Carter, Circa News dot Com is with us. Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, all right, I think your last two articles have been massive. One, as we've got an investigation into James Baker, who is the General Council the FBI and whether he was leaking intelligence. That is a massive story. And then now we have on top of Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes is a person of interest in the unmasking investigation. And this is everything that we have been discussing is coming and now it's here. Sarah Carter tell everybody why this is so important. Well, particularly when it comes to Ben Rhodes. Sean, I mean, he's an aide. We know he was a national you know he worked with Susan Rice and others who was a President Obama's aid. Um is not common for Ben Rhodes or even Susan Rice or UN Ambassador then UN Ambassador Samantha Power and Brennan even to be unmasking at the rate that they believed they were unmasking. And now we can see based on what the intelligence community has you know, committee has put out there that there were hundreds of unmasking a lot of them centered around Tron and the people in his circle. And they appear because remember these are classified, so they have to go view these documents in a skiff. They can't share these documents outside of those protected walls. But it appears that a lot of this didn't have anything to do with national security issues, and this is alleged it don't have anything to do with it national security issues or anything of that matter. But instead they appear to be very curious. It appears to be that they were unmasking people in the Trump campaign then and people surrounding Trump and looking at personal maybe phone calls, emails, things of that nature. So there definitely needs to be an investigation into this because concerns is political espion. I but you reported with John Solomon a three ft increase in unmasking just during the political season you both from That was from two thousand eleven until the end of until the end of the presidency. What we did see was that massive increase after they relaxed the laws, and then a super increase during the election season where like a large majority of unmaskings occurred with from those dates. And this is one of the reasons why I believe the House Intelligence Committee is asking for specific dates with then Rhodes, it's very specific. It's that last year from January first, two thousand sixteen to January twenties. What about what about an early report when I first started interviewing you and John, was that in fact Trump power during the transition, that there was a FISA warrant that was granted an association with this and some type of other criminal warrant, but it didn't deal specifically with the president elect himself. Did we ever find out what those were about? What we do know, and this is what we did know when we started to investigate, that that it was a server off of crump Power that was connected to Trump Tower. That they went into the server and they looked inside that server, and then they immediately pulled out when they didn't find anything. At least that's what we were told and that is how that investigation went. So they went into the server, they went into a Trump Tower server which was located outside of Trump Tower. They viewed material inside that server and felt that there was nothing significant there and then backed away. But remember, there's a lot of pieces of this puzzle that I mean, our mystery to everyone. We're trying to connect these dots, and every day something new comes out, and every day we discover something more. You talked about it like peeling back an onion, and I think that that's the right way to approach it, because we're peeling back an onion layer by layer, ensuring that what we're looking at is factual and what we get out is factual and what they did UM is exposed if it needs to be. So we look at this the unmasking. We started out with Susan rice Um. Eventually that led to others like John Brennan. We saw a lot of officials unmasking a lot of these rules that were relaxed were signed. We have the documents I mean by Loretta lynch Um, the a G and then by Brennan himself. We saw the relaxed rules at the CIA. We know that the FBI was conducting UM warrantless searches which the face of chords, which the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, this very secret court, chided them about and said that this was unacceptable sharing information with outside parties, one which was a forbidden party. So there is more than enough here to say they're really need to be a serious investigation and the American people deserve to know what was going on. What's your take, Tom Fitton and and all of this, where is it going to end up? Well, the trick is is their special counsel going to look at this? Because right now there is no other vehicle for examining these issues. And I don't trust Mr Mueller to look at this remember the first use on FISA that people knew about in a large way was the targeting of James Rosen where they accused him falsely of being a foreign agent UH in a court filing related to a FISLE warrant. And whose FBI was behind that Mueller's So do you trust Mr Mueller, who is a former who is looking to become FBI director and obviously is still close to the agency, to look at what the FBI was up to under President Obama By all reports, Sarah, I'm sure you agree, the FBI has been still walling information requests about this issue, and they're covering up their role in the and this unmasking scandal and the targeting and who knows what relates to the leaks related to all of that, and this ought to be the focus in addition to, you know, the issues of the conflicts of Mueller is getting the special counsel to look at the serious crimes out there as opposed to the unicorn theory of the election and the unicorn theory of the Russian collusion that is obviously the target of the day. You know, Sarah, I'm looking at Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, or, of course, palace intrigue is the next biggest thing that the media is fixated on, not the success of the president, but more importantly, not how the d n C operative went to the Ukrainian ambassador and met in the Ukrainian embassy and reported back to the d n C and to Hillary's campaign is political reported. Not the Uranian one deal, which I think is the most outrageous in terms of a pay to play kickback scam with a million Not the deleted emails, bleach bit hard drives busted up, you know, recording devices or phones and blackberries, and or Debbie Washerman Schultz's case, Not the General Council of the FBI, Not Loretto Lynch, not James Comey. There's real evidence in all of these cases, but nobody in the media seems to want to pursue the truth at all. Well, this is something that I mean, d FBI or anybody else with continent would want to investigate. I know there are people within the FBI, good people, good agents, people that want to do their job within the bureau that believed there was enough evidence to bring a case to a grand jury on the Clinton Foundation and on many other issues, and so we look at look at this on its base sein Um, they're going after President Trump, uh and a basing this on what now we know to believe and believed to be an erroneous dossier filled with lies, which we have been told by people in law enforcement over exaggerated. Uh. So they're using a dossier or they use this dossier to move forward with an hold on Yeah, now hold on on the dossier. We've got bills to pay here. We'll continue with Sarah Carter and Tom Fitton and a lot more on. Congressman Trent Franks is going to join US Arizona rightfully. He's outraged that Mueller is allowed to stay on a special counsel and exciting laws that demand that he stepped down. And as the law says that it's not really an option in any way a matter of form that that he himself must resign otherwise it's a clear violation of law. We'll get into that right as we continue with Sarah Carter with Circa dot Com and Tom Fenton is with Judicial Watch. You were talking about this fusion GPS group. That's another thing that needs to be investigated, and you got this former m I six spy comes up with this dossier, got some of the information from from Russians, and didn't they pay people for some of that information? Yeah? Absolutely, he paid people for some of that information. And another thing that is fascinating here is that nobody's looking at this as if you want to look at a Russian operation. They were trying to disparage President Trump during the campaign, so it kind of moots the idea that it would be uh an operation to put Trump in office, right, And if you look at the history of Fusion, GPS and the connections they have with Russia, and I mean down to Natalia vessel Nitskaya, the woman that that everyone has been talking about, the Russian Layer, the mcginsky Act, and Prevazon holding all of these connect back to Russia. So it kind of takes that idea away. Now if they're willing to look at this erroneous dossier, the salacious dossier as everyone wants to call it, as some type of platform to conduct an investigation, Sean, isn't it curious that with all of the information out there on the Hillary Clinton Foundation, the questions that still arise out of the Uranium one deal, the deals with Ukraine, on and on and on, there's not one special counsel or no investigation that we know of into any of those deals. If a dasier that's been now disproven is the reason that all of this started for President Trump, I'm just saying, let's be equal here. It's that's so all set, And that's what I've been saying. Tom. You actually were able to through Freedom of Information Act request to get info on Hillary clinton emails again top secret classified Special Access Program information that we didn't even know about until you got them tell us about it. Yeah, well, there's uh, you know, twenty two or so t c I classified materials on her system. And uh now just today we found more records from human Abodeen's email account, which was also on Hillary Clinton's secret system, where there was classified information on it. So she's getting and receiving Both Aberdeen and Miss Clinton are getting and receiving class life information and it's coming out in drips and drips through the Freedom Information Act process. And in addition, there's all this new pay for playing material where everyone is going through the Clinton Foundation, who are big donors, to get favors from the State depart So why is it now this Justice Department after six or seven months of disclosure after disclosure of more misconduct by Mrs Clinton and her people not taking steps necessary to figure out what went on here. And I think the White House needs the order of the Justice Department to do this because it is not going to be done on its own. And I and You've got to wonder who's running the show over there, you know, I think Senator Sessions are turning General Sessions now as recused himself also from the Clinton email matters. So it's a double issue in terms of lack of leadership at Justice Department. And rosen Stein has his own issues because he's implicated in the mass of the Fuller appointment. In the end, though, the Justice Department is responsible for doing this, and they need to prove to us the American people that gotta taken still infecting their value. It's called equal justice under the law. Tom and well, you guys have both done phenomenal work. Really appreciate you being with us eight hundred nine pol one Seawn, if you want to be a part of the program, We're gonna look at all the legal aspects of this and the weak side of the Republican Party. We have Joe Degeneva and Victoria Tunsing are gonna stop by quick break, We'll come back. We've got an amazing Hannity tonight attend tell you about that and more straight ahead, holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress at this point, based on everything. Do you think that any laws were broken by Hillary Clinton or her lawyers? Do I think that any laws were broken? I don't think there's evidence to establish that. Okay, well, I think you're making my point when you say there's no evidence to establish that. Maybe not in the way she handled classified information, but with respect to obstruction of justice, and you've got a pen here. I just want to make sure the record is clear about the evidence that you didn't have that you can't use to prove. So this comes from the FBI's own report says that the FBI didn't have the Clinton's personal Apple server used for Hillary clinton work emails that was never located, so the FBI could never examine it. An Apple MacBook laptop and thumb drive that contained Hillary Clinton's email archives was lost, so the FBI never examined That two BlackBerry devices provided the FBI didn't have SIM cards or st data cards. Thirteen Hillary Clinton personal mobile devices were lost, discarded, or destroyed with a hammer, so the FBI clearly didn't examine those. Various server backups were deleted over time, so the FBI didn't examine that. After the State Department and my colleague, Mr Gowdy here notified Ms Clinton that her records would be sought by the Benghazi Committee, copies of her emails on the laptops of both of her lawyer's share Mills and Harrold Mills uh and Heather Samuelson were wiped clean with bleach bits, so the EPI didn't review that. After those emails were subpoenaed, Hillary Clinton's email archive was also permanently deleted from the Platte River network with bleach bit, so the FBI didn't review that, and also after the subpoena, backups of the Platte River server were manually deleted. Now, Director, hopefully that list is substantially accurate because it comes from your own documents. My question to you is this, at any one of those in that very very long list, to me, says obstruction of justice. Collectively, they scream obstruction of justice, and to ignore them. I think really allows not just reasonable prosecutors, but reasonable people to believe that maybe the decision on this was made a long time ago not to prosecute Hillary Clinton. Alright, well twenty four now until the top of the hour. That was Congressman Ratcliffe. I think one of the most concise, hardest hitting takedowns of Hillary Clinton and obstruction of justice I've ever seen in my entire life or heard of my entire life. There is a video of it, lindaf we get time later, maybe we'll link it on Hannity dot com, and maybe we can even tweet that out because I think that's just a great idea. Um, but it is. It is everything you need to know. Oh, we got Debbie Wasserman Shultz smashing or her I T guys smashing hard drives, at least hard drives, government hard drives smashed in his garage. How did it get there? And you got let's see blackberries, other devices smashed with hammers. Then we've got deletians thirty three plus thousands. Then we got bleach bit acid washing, and then we've got oh, let's send the let's send these phones over to the FBI, And what do we do there, We send them over to the FBI, and the FBI says, what, oh geez, there's no sim card in here now. Congressman Trent Frank's of Arizona has done something that I think has needed to be done for a while. And he sits on the House Judiciary Committee. That's the same committee, by the way, demanding come and Clinton and Loretta Lynch and others that in fact they be subpoenaed and brought in and talk about what are potential crimes that they are involved in. Anyway he sits on the Judiciary Committee, has called upon Robert Muller to resign as the Special Council in the Russia investigation, and he cited very specific laws governing the Special Council c FR six point seven interpreted even the appearance of conflict is sufficient for qualifying as a violation. The same Code of Federal Regulations defines what constitutes a conflict, and that is a personal relationship with any person substantially involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or the prosecution. In the same code CFR to the same passages, language is mandatory saying the employee shall disqualify himself not should. It's not a suggestion, it is shall that means do when you look at legal language, and he's in clear violation of law. But that's not the only issues that I have brought up, and that is the group of people that in fact Mueller is surrounding himself with, and that is, let's see Hillary Clinton's own lawyer who worked at the Clinton Foundation. We got what sixteen lawyers, the vast majority of them have donated to Obama, Hillary Clinton and Democrats significant amounts of money. Well, if the deck isn't stack there, if that's not a conflict of interest, I don't know what is. I give Congressman Trent Frank's a lot of a lot of props here because I've been trying to get people's attention on this now for a long time. And Congressman I give you a lot of credit because you're doing the right thing and you're actually following the law. Well, Sean, thanks for having me on. I appreciate it so much. And I have to tell you that after hearing the opening that you did with Congressman Ratcliffe and your own uh dialogue there, I it's really hard for me to know how to add a whole lot because it was so compelling what you've already said. But I'm just convinced. Sometimes there's two reasons why there's such a dual standard here, because the dual standard is obvious to any reasonable observer. One of them is that our friends on the left are committed to rule a ruin no matter what they're willing to just their their their commitment to power is so significant that they simply do not hold themselves constrained to the truth. And they are intense, and they are committed, And unfortunately, the second reason is sometimes Republicans are not. We're so busy trying to look respectable that we forget to speak the truth, We forget to tell it like it is. And I I think sometimes we become sort of victims of our own decency or our own desire to look respectable. One probably perfect example, you know, um Senator Sessions is a personal friend of mine. I love this man, He's a great man. But I think he kind of got kind of caught us as a victim of his own decency really because he was trying to do everything absolutely ethical and step back from anything that looked, you know, like there was some duplicity or or some bias or some conflict. Now he was really committed to that. And yet what that did is it put the hands in the hands of of of someone that was really even though they worked in other administrations on Obama hold Over, that appointed this special counsel that Comey suggested was his reason for creating leaks was to try to create a special counsel. And so the president just kind of got hung out to dry here. And uh, I know this president doesn't speak diplomat, but you've got to call things for what they are. And there's an injustice here that's occurring. Almost be like having a jury. Let's say there was some type of political issue. And by the way, liberals would love this, and and I'm on trial and I'm being charged and and there's a jury, and let's just put Democrats and Bernie Sanders and Hillary and Obama supporters on the jury. Would that be a fair trial for me? No? And you know it's that's a perfect example what you're bringing up, because Mr Mueller, if this were a court case, would be eliminated as a juror because of the obvious bias that he has. Uh. This this notion that you know, you can have a close personal, long term friendship with the guy that's really the only main witness in this presidential discussion that sensibly took place. Uh. He has to judge between those two as to which one is telling the truth. And that has a clear impact on his motivation, um in which way that the case goes, or which way that his um you know, his his discussions go, and how he proceeds to prosecute or or investigate the case. So there is a clear, clear conflict here. And Mr Mueller would never be allowed on a jury that would adjudicate this case. What do you make? Is it true? And there were reports that come and Mueller met before he spoke and gave testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee? Is that confirmed? Heard that same thing? And Sean and I, you know, my backgrounds engineering, and we try to stick to what we do know and what we don't know. And uh, and so I'm not going to speak to that directly, but I think it's certainly an object that should be considered. I mean, it should be invested. We should ascertain whether that's true or not. Now we do know, we've ascertained that in a government car and a government computer, and we have the Records Act, that James Colemey wrote these notes after seeing then presidential candidate Donald Trump. That's a violation of law to leak that to the press, isn't it or violation of the Records Act. It's it's a used to use the government resources like that. I absolutely believe at least a technical violation of the law. But here's what's astonishing to me. In open committee, Mr Comey said that the reason he deliberately leaked or caused this to be leaked, to use the friend, to cause this to be leaked, was because he hoped that a special counsel would be appointed. And then, surprise, surprise, that special council has happens to be someone that is a very close friend of his. I've seen, um, you know, excerpts of their conversations, the transcripts of conversations, and this is a this is a close friend. And to suggest that somehow now that Mr Mueller is going to be an unbiased or un conflict conflicted um leader of this investigation is just it's just ridiculous. It's just not possible. And no matter what a person might say without attacking Mr Mueller's motivations, I mean, no man knows the other man's heart, but any reasonable or even unreasonable person should be able to say there's clearly an appearance of conflict and that alone is enough for him to be legally wire to resign. Well, I agree on on all fronts here, and I think the conflicts are obvious. Do you believe if he doesn't do what you're saying, and you've cited the law here, what is the penalty? And again the law says shall disqualify himself if he doesn't recuse himself. If he doesn't, you know, resign, Is that a violation of law that is prosecutable? Well, I I absolutely believe it is. And the strange thing about this, you know, the Democrats have been or the Left has been so committed to this total politics of destruction here that we could see a special counsel investigating the special counsel. And it's just insane where this is going. I said early on, you know that Mr Mueller has good enough reputation, and I don't seek to to sully his reputation. I truly don't. I'm simply saying here that there is a clear conflict, and the appearance of conflict is beyond comprehension, beyond beyond contestation, and so uh he should for the sake of the law. He says he upholds and wants to uphold follow that law and step down. And uh. And I hope that somehow the American people are paying close attention because I'm not going to let it up show. I'm not letting it go. Yeah, I'm not letting this go. I'm not letting Ukraine go. I'm not letting call me off the hook or Lauretta Lynch or Hillary Clinton or you know any of these uranium one the leaded emails and obstruction of justice Debbie Wasson and shows I've never seen such corruption and obstructure to my life, Congressman never Well, the left is far better at playing this out in the media and in the in the public square than we are. They can do almost anything, and they will rally around Charles Manson in terms of protecting their own and somehow are friends on the right. That concludes me, sometimes we don't look at the big picture and how much is it stake for our children and future generations, and we stand there and get so committed to being respectable and not trying to to get in the fight and get blooded up a little it that we let these things go that the left does. They're absolutely off the charts in terms of corruption. So I'm glad that you're doing what you're doing, and and I hope somehow that we've catalyzed a little closer scrutiny to all of this. All right, thank you, Congressman for what you're doing. We really appreciate it. Congressman Trent Franks, by the way, bucking a trend of establishment is um in Arizona. And you know what I'm talking about, Congressman, I won't drag you into it. Nine one Shaun is a number. We'll get to your calls when we get back. All right, let's set the phones here as we say hi to Patty Is in Houston, Texas. Patty, Hi, ktr H. What's going on? Glad you called and welcome to the program. Thank you, Sean, and thanks for taking my call on actually on vacation in Montana, and everyone here loves you. When we got here, wow, the TVs were on the TV's watch on handy. My son and at had Handy on the radial and we got the car. So I feel very welcome here. And shoot too. You know what, Patty, I'm gonna tell you when I one day, when my time has come to go off into the pasture and retire. You know what all I want to do is I want to get away and and live in in a place like Montana, and I want to get a couple of a couple of cat a little baby ranch or maybe Texas, and I just I don't want to talk to anybody anymore. I'll just go away. I'll talk to myself. You're gonna need that, and listen. I love Texas in there many many years. But this is this is just no one's trying to impress anyone, and it's truly not. They're real, you know what. That's real America. These are people that work hard, that are responsible, that pay their taxes, obey laws, played by the rules. And here's one other thing they do. They make this a great country. I want to talk to them. When I said I don't want to talk to me, I don't want to talk to this. I don't want to talk to the people that are pushing and shoving me on the streets of New York, or the swamp people and the sewer people in d C. I want to talk to real people. So just to clarify, I know the property manager here of the place we're staying start of talking about the bat. I didn't even ask, and he just started going on about you know, that's the only channel I really need. Why do I have table? I only need. I only need Seohn Hannity. Maybe I can get that on YouTube or something. It was funny. Well, I have a question for you, and I trust your judgment. You know, I think just from hearing me that I've certainly account supported. I just want your opinion on something because I don't think our president is trying to enlarge his face. I know that s base. I went to the Trump rally in Denver. I recognize that, but I don't know, And I want you to tell me. What do you think he's doing to make those people who are who votice form but our kind of cringing every time they hear something that makes they think, oh boy, he went two steps forward and now was one step back. Do you think our president is doing everything he can to increase his face? The answer is if the president creates millions of high paying career jobs in the energy industry by becoming energy independent he'll increases base if if the President gets his economic plan through an is able to get people out of poverty, off of food stamps, back in the labor force and buying homes. He'll increase his pace. If the president succeeds, if if he makes a better healthcare system, for example, he'll increase the base. So as long as he fights for the right agenda and wins. And this is where Republicans need to actually do something because they're so pathetic if they if he gets his agenda done, he'll increase his pace. And that is just mathematically a certainty. All Right, quick break, News round Up, Information overload. A Hannity on Air fight is coming coming, Emily Shire and Kevin Jackson. Next, stay right here for our final news round up and information overload in the final hour of the Sean Hannity Show. All Right, Sean Hannity Show News Round Up, Information Overload, our eight nine four one shot. I want to play this. This is so good, Kin Ratcliffe, I want to just play it one more time so you can hear this and then we'll get to my friends and attorneys. The Jenneva and tunt Sing listen to this at this point, based on everything. Do you think that any laws were broken by Hillary Clinton or her lawyers? Do I think that any laws were broken? I don't think there's evidence to establish that. Okay, well, I think you're making my point when you say there's no evidence to establish that. Maybe not in the way she handled classified information, but with respect to obstruction of justice, and you've got a pen here. I just want to make sure the records clear about the evidence that you didn't have that you can't use to prove. So this comes from the FBI's own report, says that the FBI didn't have the Clinton's personal Apple server used for Hillary clinton work emails that was never located, so the FBI could never examine it. An Apple MacBook laptop and thumb drive that contained Hillary Clinton's email archives was lost, so the FBI never examined that. Two BlackBerry devices provided the FBI didn't have SIM cards or st data cards. Thirteen Hillary Clinton personal mobile devices were lost, discarded, or destroyed with a hammer, so the FBI clearly didn't examine those. Various server backups were deleted over time, so the FBI didn't examine that. After the State Department and my colleague Mr. Gowdy here notified Ms Clinton that her records would be sought by the Benghazi Committee. Copies of her emails on the laptops of both of her lawyers, Share Mills and Harrold Mills Uh and Heather Samuelson were wiped clean with bleach bits, so the EPI didn't review that. After those emails were subpoenaed, Hillary Clinton's email archived was also permanently deleted from the Platte River network with bleach bit, so the FBI didn't review that, and also after the subpoena, backups of the Platte River server were manually deleted. Now, Director, hopefully that list is substantially accurate because it comes from your own documents. My question to you is this, at any one of those in that very very long list, to me says obstruction of justice. Collectively, they scream obstruction of justice, and to ignore them I think really allows not just reasonable prosecutors, but reasonable people to believe that maybe the decision on this was made a long time ago not to prosecute Hillary Clinton. So that's just outlines in every bit of detail. Joe, what do you do? Are you fixing the microphone? What happened over there. So I've known Joe dig of Victoria Tunsing and even though they have different names, with Victoria with Tunsing and the genov or de Gennovan Tunsing, how did his name get to go first in the alphabetical? Is that how it worked out? Seriously, you're so full of it. Everything. Well, the D is small C in there in our logo, so it makes it easier to get to the T. The T overwhelms. Yeah, you gotta speak in to the mic. I know you're used to being on the phone. You can pull it up, don't worry. You can back there. You go over the T, Lord Telford, Looms, Lord Looms and lords over the D. You know you were what were you assisted that? You were associate assistant? You were working? I was justice. I was the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, okay us, I was Mayor Barry's best friend. Was that during the during the set me up? Yeah? After Actually that happened after me. But I did the major investigation into the mayor prior to that. Did you know he was doing that stuff? Oh? Yeah, everybody knew. Everybody in the police department, and the police department was covering up for him. That's what was so disgraceful about it. The reason we got so deeply involved was the cops knew that he was doing cocaine, they knew he had a dealer, and they weren't doing anything about it. Wow. Well, I mean, when you think of the insanity of those that work in this bubble, it's crazy. But here's what I want to ask both of you about. So we live in a world where the media is fixated on either palace intrigue, did not certainly don't want to say a good thing about the president. We live in a world as Russia, Russia, Russia. Now, you guys are both superb lawyers, investigators. If I'm in a dog fight, I want you both on my team. And here's my question. You've got Ukraine collusion in this past election and a DNC operative meeting at the Ukrainian embassy with the Ukrainian ambassador feeding information back to the d n C. In the Clinton campaign, you got the whole uranium one deal, Hillary signs off D forty five million kicked back to the Clinton Foundation. Okay, that looks horrible to me. Then you've got Hillary the leading thirty three thousand emails Bleach bidding the computers involved in this hammer smashing, according to reports, blackberries and iPhones, and then sending the FBI devices without SIM cards, which render them useless. Then you got the latest with Debbie Wasserman Schultz and what she did and and r I T guys smashing those hard drives. Then you've got James Comey. We got the Records Act as was government information apparently classified, leading to the New York Times setting up a special counsel. Then you've got Robert Mueller's conflicts. Now we've got the leaking with Ben Rhodes and Susan Rice and James Clapper loosening the rules were unmasking Americans. I'm to be honest, it takes a lot of work to keep up with this. But in each case I'm describing, we have real evidence, real proof of crimes committed. And the only thing we hear abouts Russia where there's no evidence. Help me out, Joe. Bottom line is this. For eight years, the Obama Justice Department did nothing about evidence of criminal activity involving the Clinton's, the Clinton Foundation, and other things involving Russia. The operation that former President Clinton and Hillary Clinton set up involving his state department was clearly a pay to play operation which involved kickbacks to the uh Clinton Foundation. She used her official office to generate those funds. The fact that not a single U. S. Attorney in the Obama administration or Main Justice opened up a grand jury to investigate activity shows the corruption of Lauretta Lynch and the people who proceeded. Here's another one. She was it was outrageous that there was no formal investigation. And you know what else, it shows you Comy didn't do a thing about it. He never ordered an FBI investigation, He never worked with any U. S. Attorney or anybody at Main Justice. If he's such a good FBI director and he you see all these facts that you've just outlined, there is no way that a professional law enforcement person does not demand a grand jury investigation of the Clinton Foundation and everybody involved with it. And now the unmasking, the unmasking and the leaks of those names to the papers, the sub that is clearly criminal activity and that required and I hope this savage and let me let me add it, Shawn, that was such a great list, But you forgot that Bill Clinton personally pocketed five hundred thousand dollars from a Russian entity twice A yeah, it's a little more than mine. And um, nobody nobody said were Now she's secretary of state and he's getting five hundred thousand dollars for a foreign entity. In fact, he got six point two million dollars total from foreign entities while she's secretary of state. Why should any spouse of a secretary of state get one red cent from a foreign government. But I'm going to add something else. Joe went to the Justice Department and talked about how they didn't do anything. The Republicans, they suck. They do not know how to message. Now you listen to the you listen to the Democrats war on women, or on women, or on women. They repeat it over and over again. You listen to Republicans conducting a hearing, not one can repeat a thematic. There is no motif to anything that they did. Republicans on the Hill are a barrassment when it comes to oversight. This is disgraceful. What they have not done, what they've been unable to uncover, the refusal to issue subpoenas. What in the world are they there for? Only starting Joe, I mean and and to be honest, I have been pounding this and I feel like a voice in the wilderness here at times, and I'm not patting myself on the bat. I'm so frustrated because we have a two tier justice system. This is not equal justice under the law. And the media is so corrupt, worse than I've ever seen it, where they don't do their job. This is why it's very important that the Attorney General authorized grand juries into the leaks of classified information. This is not about the leaks from the White House about who shot John and all this backstabbing stuff, the leaks of classified information to embarrass the president, the leaks of his conversations with foreign leaders. There is no question that civil servants have committed crimes, that political appointees have committed crimes. And if this Justice Department does not investigate this thoroughly, they will have abdicated one of the most important responsibilities that this election created. The American people made a statement they didn't like what was going on, and when the government turned on the new president and Comey cooperated with that turning. Comey was interested in one thing, regicide. He wanted to destroy a president. Every bit of his actions when you go back and look at it was calculated to find a way to kill the President of the United States politically, Donald Trump. Comey will go down in history as the rast sputant of this administration. He was one of the most disgusting. Yeah a tell all. And you know what, I'd like to see the FBI cleared that book before they allow it to be published. And and Comey has a history of this because he did it back in the Bush administration when he went after Dick Cheney. They went after the Valerie Plane so called leak, which wasn't a league and she was not at all covert, by the way, And the special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, now on day one who the leaker was that wasn't a leak of Richard Armitage exactly, never charged so there was no crime. And yet they went after Scooter Libby and and said to him numerous times, well, if you just give up Vice President, if you just give up to Cheney, this will all go on. What do you make of the people that Mueller has appointed all Obama Clinton Democratic donors, One was Clinton's own attorney, Some with ethical issues about doing the exact thing you're describing here, Patrick Fitzgerald should have shut that down on day one. I didn't. I think the optics of his hiring is disgraceful. No matter how good a guy Robert Mueller. Maybe when you coupled that with his close personal and professional relationship with James Comey and these hires, it is disgraceful. The optics of this, all these people being donors to Hillary Clinton. He couldn't find some good Republicans to put on the staff. Nobody, nobody is that naive. And I think that Mueller Owes has a duty at this point. I think he has to recuse himself, giving Comy's centrality to all Frank Trent Frank says he'll violating the law if he doesn't get out of the way. It's it's the same kind of ethical consideration that Jeff Sessions had to go through in order to recuse himself. I thought that was a mistake. Do you think that was a mistake, No, not at all. He had to do that because it was really Russia, it was involved in the political campaign, and the words are clearly there in the regulation. But that didn't mean there had to be a special council of different In other words, he could recuse himself, Rosenstein and the Department could have handled that case that did not have to be given to a special council. That was a big mistake. We'll take a break, we'll come back. Joe Degeneva, Victoria Tunsing, different last names, same law firm, and they've been friends of this program and friends of mine for years, and they're really good at what they do. I would not want to be on the other side of some type of of legal matter facing them anyway. All right, as we continue with attorney is Joe Degenneva, Victoria Tunsing. They are with the same law firm together. How about I guess I first met you guys during impeachment. Is that when we really began to understand each other, you know. So we've been through a lot of different wars together, and we followed a lot of different issues together. One of the things that I guess I have in my mind is have you ever seen when I give my list and I don't even have time to repeat it? About everything? Hillary Clinton, everything, Ukrane, everything, Calming everything, I'm asking everything, Loretta Lynch everything, now, the General Council, the FBI. Has it ever been this bad or this corrupt? That you can remember, I can't know. And I'll say, when you did this the other night on your show, and you did that incredible list. It just even for those of us that are informed and follow it, when you hear it all at the same time, it almost bowls you over with how obvious it is that crimes have been committed, that they've been ignored, that the FBI has done nothing, that d o J politically refused to do anything. When I when I go back and I think people that have been attorney general and the great people have been there and look at Loretta Lynch and look at what a hack she was and what she did to destroy that department. That meeting on the tarmac and Phoenix Aravona with former President Clinton, no self respect thing attorney general would have ever agreedenty five minutes talking about grandchildren in golf. Give me a break. He hadn't even played golf. It was four degrees. Why do I think that he said something to her, let's getter off. That's just my instincts, just my gut. I don't know, we don't know what you said to it. Certainly certainly wasn't about the case. And now if I'm FBI director. When that occurs, I call in all the FBI people who are around her, because that's who guards her. And I asked, what happened? Do you think that was done? He never did that, apparently didn't care to know. Well, why did call me? Accept her classification of an investigation into a matter? How does he accept that? Well, you know, Comy is a scheming, manipulative individual. He's dickensiean. He comes out of of of Charles Dickens novel as a manipulative lawyer, because that's what he was. That man does not all this nonsense about what a guy of integrity is. He's not. He's a manipulator, he's a pal, he's self interested. The only thing he cared about was James Comy. This book which going to be a tell all about all the great moments he's had. How does he get permission to do that? You know what? You know what the story is it? Well, he may not get permission to do all of it. The story about him in the Justice Department that everybody talks about. He would always have the same answer when he was Deputy Attorney General to anybody that he disagreed with, he said, your moral compass is askew. Can you imagine he would do it repeatedly? This is this high this phony high ground that he put he was the only honest man left in Washington. Nonsense. Comey was politically corrupt and always was. For those of us who are lawyers and practice this, we argue all the time about whether something is proper. Had to be in the middle of that fight. I mean, if you two are arguing all the time, I don't want to get in the middle of that. We're used to it, and then we kiss and go ahead. Okay, man, thanks for sharing. I appreciate it. But I mean, but that's what that's what you're supposed to do in the Justice department. One side says, you know, this is why we should indict in Another side says, unless you affronted the cardinal cardinal only what they used to call it more, don't disagree with him. It's so anti the legal process. Do you think at the end of the day the truth is going to come out? Do you think that this is a powder keg that is just about to blow and be exposed all this corruption? Because I do. But it's a race. I'll tell you what the key is fusion GPS. That's the key. Everything falls apart when they finally get Glenn Simpson to talk about who gave him the money, and then it's going to all go back to the Clintons. Is it the money? Everything? Is there a subpoena? Not yet. I can't figure out. Does Jeff Sessions need to step up his game? I love Jeff Sessions. Does he he can quietly to start a revolution with grand juries? We hope he's doing it behind the scenes. Yeah, And I've always thought the world of whim and I'm hoping a great guy, great guy. We love them to love. I just want him to do that job because we need equal justice under the law. But this crimes committed here, this persona is a Southern gentleman. That's what who he is. Victoria Tunsing Joe to Jennifer, thank you both for being great to see in New York. What are you doing and you come from one seward to the other. Great job. We'll continue exposing left wing media bias. No stone left unturned to Sean Hannity Show is back on the air alright now till the top of the Shawn is our number. So the President today along with Senator Tom Cottenho I'm very very fond of, and and Senator Purdue of Georgia put in what is the Raise Act or the introducing the Rays Act. Let me play the President from earlier today. It's a merit based immigration system called the Rays Act. He goes into details of what it is, ending chain immigration, migration, replacing low skilled system that favors applicants who speak English, which is the language of success, and financially support themselves and their families and demonstrate skills for contributing to the economy. And then the President did something the media will never do, touting great economic news and picking up four trillion to net Worth and GDP is growing and you know, Fox con might spend up to thirty billion dollars in the stock market. It's at as high as level ever. Over, here's the President from earlier today. As a candidate, I campaigned on creating a merit based immigration system that protects US workers and taxpayers, and that is why we are here today. Merit based the RAYS Act are a I s C. The Rays Act will reduce poverty, increased wage is and save taxpayers billions and billions of dollars. It will do this by changing the way the United States issues Green cards to nationals from other countries. Green cards provide permanent residency, work authorization, and fast track to citizenship. For decades, the United States was operated and has operated a very low skilled immigration system, issuing record numbers of green cards to low wage immigrants. This policy has placed substantial pressure on American workers, taxpayers, and community resources. Among those hit the hardest in recent years have been immigrants and very importantly minority workers competing for jobs against brand new arrivals. And it has not been fair to our people, to our citizens, to our workers. We've picked up substantially now more than four trillion dollars in net worth in terms of our country or stocks our companies. Uh, we have a growth rate g d P which has been much higher than as you know, anybody anticipated, except maybe us. But then it's gonna go. It's gonna go higher to We're doing a job, and you're gonna see jobs are pouring back into the country. Factories and plants are coming back into the country. We're gonna start making product in America again. And that's happening all over. As I mentioned yesterday, Fox Con is going to spend ten billion dollars in Wisconsin and other places, and I think the ten billion dollars is going to end up being thirty billion dollars. They make the iPhones for Apple and others, and it is a truly incredible company. So we have a lot of things happening that are really great. But again at today the stock market hit the highest level that it has ever been and our country is doing very well. All right. Joining us now to discuss and debate all of this, we have Emily Shier, journalists who appeared in the Washington Post, Daily Beast, in the New York Times, all three of my favorite places. And Kevin Jackson, Fox News contributor, executive director of the Black Sphere. It's been a long time friend of mine and he's a syndicated radio host. Welcome both of you back to the program. Emily, I'll start with you, Um, do you disagree with this this merit system that's raised act? And don't you agree that you have to have no English in America because it's the language of success. I mean, I think we have a history of I can speak to my own relative ancestors coming and not knowing English and them learning and also retaining some of their native language skills along their way. Um, I'm not opposed to what I know of this legislation so far. I don't know if I would say English should be the prime prerequisite for admittance to our country. Well, I'm not saying it isn't reform. In other words, if we have limited slots available, we can't take everybody that wants to come into this country. At any point. We only have limited slots, shouldn't we first look for people that can contribute to medicine and engineering and and to all the positions that that we need to fill that are going to help grow the economy. And I'm not saying they take people just based on what they offer, but for the most part, I mean, we want to make sure that they're not going to be dependent on the government from the first day they get here, right Kevin, Well, you're exactly right, Sean. But I want to cover the language issue first because that's a hot topic. I can tell you. I just got back from Paris, and I've traveled throughout Europe, lived in China, lived in France for a while, and one of the major immigration issues the the barriers, and I'm thinking of Scandinavia right now is people can't speak the languages. When you go to say, Iceland, Icelander is a difficult language. You can't just go there and expecting your work. So the if you're going to immigrate to a country, you should respect that country enough to learn its language. It's going to give you a barrier to that. And what's funny Emily didn't answer the question. She decided to tell you about a personal thing about her family. Look, it is a common sense thing to sell yourself. If I want to go to Mexico, I should probably go legally, and I'm gonna have a lot easier time in that treat if I speak the language. That Why is it so difficult for leftist to just say the obvious? But they won't do that because they know by answering your question, Sean, it's going to set the narrative off the wrong way. Now you can look at the other impediments to to all the other things. Culturally, you should learn the culture. Before I lived in France, i learned the culture of the French. It wasn't absolutely necessary, no, but it was a good thing to learn because it endears you to the culture you're going to final point. I didn't go there to change the culture. I went there to embrace it. Emily, Well, I think what we're missing in this whole debate is that the bigger issue with this still is that it's going to slash legal immigration by leaps and bounds. Um. The language part is perhaps interesting, but I think the heart of the issue is that we're going to cut down on legal immigration, which could potentially create only exagcerbate our problem with the legal immigration. I think that's the prime policy concerning this still. Um. And while the language parts certainly is that thing, we can talk about it and have a charge debate. I think the real life implications and what it's going to mean for Americans to particularly the American workforce, is if we're reducing have and potential for legal immigration, I have to think it's only going to increase illegal immigration, which is a problem that I think everyone, regardless of their side of the aisle, we know needs major reform. Yeah, but look so, Emily, the the argument for you is that we don't know what the implication is going to be. Therefore we should allow illegals to come over, not worry about language issues and all the other problems that I said. I said, we need a channel that doesn't slush legal immigration, because your legal there's more illegal. Okay, But but the point is this America has a legal immigration system that is wholly ignored, and in fact, if you were to listen to the left, you wouldn't even know that we had a legal system. If you want us to address legal immigration, I don't think there's a conservative on the planet who doesn't want to address that. And in fact, I think most of us would even go to tell you that these dreamers, some of these kids that are brought over at the age of two and their parents won't even have the guts to tell them that they're here illegally. We would even be willing to take our compassion and understand their situations. But when the only way that we look at a problem is through the eyes and the optics of the lawbreakers, that's when you get the ire of conservatism. I don't think we're only looking after the optic of lawbreakers. I think we have a serious problem where we do have huge numbers of illegal immigration, and cutting down legal venues is not the answer to it. Also Alex Norna and immigration policy analyst at the Cato Institute has looked at this ability sees no evidence that the way it's structured will actually bring in more skilled working And what's funny about that is when you guys are arguing a point, you always want to go to somebody that's a quote expert. How about we go to the people who are impacted by these issues, the people who are impacted by the MS thirteen gangs, the people who are impacted by the lawlessness. Thats who created the people who are impacted by the long weight lines. I will speak for the minority community because we get the brunt of it. These are not kids who are going to school with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid's children. They're going to school in places where I live. I live in the city of St. Louis, on the south side of St. Louis, where we have to deal with the fall out of this because these kids don't speak English. These kids, at one point, we're bringing scabies into the country. They overflood our hospitals, They tax every system that is really meant to help bring America. Kevin, I haven't heard the words scabies and how many are you serious? Right? Yes? I mean, is that true? Yes, I don't even know what it Isn't that a vitamin A my freshman year of college and it was, let's just say, a Tony privilege institution. It happens sometimes. No, no, no, I'm not being critical. I just I haven't thought about it. I haven't heard have you heard about it? There was a break, there were two or three outbreaks that came from kids that came over through. The two or three is not But listen, there's no doubt that we now pay billions and billions and billions because of illegal immigration. Our educational system is impact, that our health care system is impacted, and our criminal justice system has been impacted. And you know, to say that we're gonna try and bring in the best of the best of the best. I kind of like that idea in terms of it's a merit based system to help Americans, by the way, and that doesn't that competes, that doesn't compete with Americans that need jobs. They're hopefully bringing jobs with them and bring creativity and brilliance with them. And you know, I just think that I know for New Zealand and Australia and a bunch of other countries. If you want to get into their country. You have to you have to contribute to the economy. This is not new. Well, Sean, let me let me say one quick thing. Look what's funny about when we look at immigration, When we look at it strictly through the eyes of the left and what it means, they talk about the humanitarian aspects of it, etcetera. Well, we could do the same thing with education. The left will not allow people to go into Harvard willy nilly, but they'll give you community college willy nilly. I contend America is the Harvard of countries. Why is it that we can't set a standard that says if you want to get here, and you alluded to it, we used to bring the best and brightest. We no longer do that. We allow anybody to come over. It doesn't matter whether they want to come over to work and go after the American dream. And I think Emily would would even contend that in many cases these people come over, they become a drain on the system. And I will even go further and tell you that some come over knowing they only want to be a drain on the system, because why not, America is an amazing place to live. If you live on three dollars or five dollars a day. I mean, I would just like the counter. Studies consistently show that immigrants as a whole commit times at lower rates the native born Americans and actually contribute tremendously to our economy, um, regardless of skill set level. And I can certainly tell you, and I know you're going to harp that's a personal anecdote, but I don't think I'm the only one that My ancestors who came over did not necessarily come with tremendous skill set, but they worked hard, and then their children worked hard and became educated. And I do believe that as part of the American story. And I don't think reducing legal venues uh for immigration is the way to maintain that ideal. Emily, first of all, and you keep talking about your people coming over, you sounds of me like this wasn't in the last twenty thirty years. We're talking about decades ago. We can all concede that the immigration system at the time brought over people that didn't speak the language and all that, but they came over with the work ethic. If you want to ask me, do I think the majority of people coming to America today are coming over in search of the American dream. Yes, are they bringing that same work at work at that The answer is no, because they've learned that the American system, welfare system, the system of entitlement will let you live better by doing nothing. And we have far too many of those folks. So look, as far as the legal system goes, should we relax it and figure things out? To Shawn's point, yes, if you have a skill set and we need that, get into our Let me change the topics just a little bit here. You have more scandals. I went over earlier in the program. All the economic success and every indicator we have is rising, and all the media cares about his palace intrigue and Russia. And we have Ukraine, and we have uranium one and deleted it emails and acid wash, bleach, bit hard dry and busted up our drives and busted up blackberries and busted up iPhones. And then we've got simcards removed from phones and devices sent to the FBI. Then we've got unmasking and leaking of intelligence. Now we even have the General Council the FBI being investigated for that, and call me being investigated. Then you've got Debbie Wasson and Schultz, and then on on top of all of that, you know, you've got more scandals out here than anything I've ever seen with real evidence. And I want to ask you a serious question, Emily. Do you see the media bias the way I do? Do you see how abuse? For example, name any one of those scandals and put the word Trump or Trump campaign in there, the leading smashing, breaking, acid washing, bleach bidding, or or of America's uranium sent to Russia hundred forty five million and kicked back. If any of those were were Trump and not Clinton, wouldn't it be a bigger scandal. I don't believe so, because the empirical evidence suggests otherwise. Of mas news publications during the election, they didn't excuse me, there's a recent study, excuse me, study a b of NBC, CBS and CNN n negative Trump. Did you know that? I'm not surprised there's a lot of negative news. But if we're going to compet a period of time where we can actually assess negative coverage, can turn to the Harvard Kendy and that was that was for the election. We're not talking about the election, Kevin h you're laughing because it's funny, Chuckily, it is because, first of all, Emily, look, I don't need to refer to studies. It's a very simple thing. Trump has done nothing, and they've got this witch huntgoing. It quite frankly, is going to be the death spiral of the Democrats to progressive whatever they call themselves. There, you just gave plenty of evidence. I'm talking about. This is irrefutable evidence of what happened leading up to Debbie Washerman shows being a crook, Hillary Clinton being a crook, Podestive being a crook. It's got Barack Obama's finger prints all over it, and yet we find ourselves debating this. Look, if I gotta I got, I'm just out of time. I'm looking at the clock. I want to tell you both, the fact that you see things so differently is mind numbing to me, because the evidence is so overwhelming and incontrovertible. But then again, if you just turn on NBC or ABC or CBS or CNN or MSNBC, I mean, it's an altar universe. To me, it's an alternative universe. They they're clueless and they're gonna be proven wrong. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today, Hannity tonight, ten Eastern. Alright, I got a killer monologue, and we're gonna put it all together, and we're gonna name names about the corrupt people, the Democrats that Muller's putting on his investigative team, investigative creep. And yeah, we've got now Ben Rhodes on top of Susan Rice and I'm masking and deb Wie Wasserman Schultz will have all of it. Sarah Carter, Greg Jarrett, Ja Seculo tonight. Also Sarah Huckabee stand Sanders the hardest job in America, Herman Kane ten and Lou Dobs ten Eastern, thanks for being with a set, and I back here tomorrow. M

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