Live from Vietnam!

Published Feb 25, 2019, 11:00 PM

Dan Bongino, Fox News Contributor, Former NYPD Officer, Secret Service Agent and author of the novel, "Spygate", is here with us in Vietnam. He joins to discuss the upcoming summit with North Korea, the ongoing battle for security at the border and the left’s unwavering desire to find anything and everything wrong with Trump. Joining him is Daniel Hoffman, FNC Contributor and a member of the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board. 

The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and 

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All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code topper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep you ever had. All right, glad you with us. We are live. We are at the home of Summit number two, President Trump and a little rocket man, Kim Jong Un. We're in Vietnam. It's crazy. I mean, I've actually finally been able to adapt to the time. I just stay on New York time. But it's three am here, three o'clock on the East coast, PM three am here, and of course twelve pm on the West coast. A lot happening here, but we're also going to do a lot of the other news. Most of the President, as reported, is in the era as we speak, making his way over, and the meeting will take place actually Thursday, Vietnam time with Little rocket Man and on Wednesday Eastern time or United States time, I know which, with twelve hours ahead here. To make it very simple without making a complicated we have insane updates on Hannity watch on socialism in America. A Kasio Cortez is now taking it a step further. Now. Remember the world is going to end in twelve years, but in ten years, we got to eliminate planes, redo every house, say goodbye to cows because of flatulence increasing the co two gases in the environment, then everything's gonna be free. I mean, it's such a great country we are that we're providing every single solitary thing that you've ever wanted in life. Free Americans shouldn't be eating hamburgers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Okay. Now, she says it's time to stop having children because the world is about to end, and so many are agreeing with her. I mean, Kamala Harris, we're gonna feature us tonight. We're beginning our Hannity Watch the twenty twenty extreme radical Democratic candidates, and tonight we start with Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris supports the Green New Deal. Kamala Harris actually said, it doesn't matter how We're gonna have to pay for it anyway. Kasio cortesays our planet is going to hit a disaster if we don't turn the ship around. And so it's basically like there's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult. He said, our planet is going to fit disaster if we don't turn to ship around. And so it's basically like there's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult, and it does lead I think young people to have a legitimate question, you know, should is it okay to still have children? And I mean not just financially, because people are graduating with twenty thirty one hundred thousand dollars worth of student loan cat and so they can't even afford to have kids in the house, but also just this basic moral question, like what do we do And even if you don't have kids, there are still children here in the world, and we have a moral obligation to them to leave a better world for them. And this idea that if we just you know, I've been working on this for X amount of years, it's like not good enough. If we need a universal sense of urgency and people are trying to like introduce watered down proposals that are frankly going to kill us. A lack of urgency is going to kill us. It doesn't matter if you agree that climate change is an important issue at this point, it doesn't matter. This is insanity. This will destroy the greatest wealth producing system ever created by man that has created more ingenuity, more innovation advanced the human condition than the United States of America and produced wealth and prosperity for you know, even compare America's poor to the world's poor. I can tell you havn't driven through now the streets of Hanoi. There is poverty on a level that is widespread and frightening and chilling. Welcome to your socialist, communist you opia. And look at what's happening in Venezuela. Look at what happened in Cuba, and all the lofty promises of everybody, Oh, everything's gonna be free. So on top of having to redo your home, stop eating meat, stop having children, eliminating airplanes, now they're talking about getting off all fossil fuels completely in ten years. That means get rid of get no more cars with a combustion engine, no oil, no natural gas. At the same time, for the first time in seventy years, we're now energy independent because of Donald Trump, and we still have two pipelines on track to be built, and we also have anwar which and we are the world's capital of energy with gas and oil and coal, and that means we can be the mass exporter and we don't have to rely on countries that hate our guts any longer for the lifeblood of our economy and to promise you know, these high family sustaining wages and that guaranteed economic security for all. And we're gonna have family and medical leave and free government vacations, and retirement security and education security. And then you add Elizabeth Warren. Now we're going to use the wealth tax. Why so we can pay for childcare. We'll just take the money from the people already tax Then we'll take another bite of the apple. We'll legalize government stealing after you already paid all your taxes. And don't forget, when you die, they'll take another fifty percent if you live in New York, forty percent nationally. And don't worry, we haven't screwed up K through twelve enough. Now it's going to be K through college. Wow, government schools. We pay most per capita than any other nation on the face of the earth for education for our students. And we have you know, we rank what thirty seventh is. It is unbelievable. And what would give you? You know, when they offer healthy, you know, free high quality healthcare. But you can, according to Kamala and others, you can't stay on a private health system. One hundred and seventy seven million Americans lose their private healthcare. This is what they're saying now publicly, that they're going to do what they want to do, which is literally a one eighty on the greatest economy that has created more wealth, more human advancement in the history of mankind. This is what they want. Guaranteed wages, guaranteed college, guaranteed daycare, guaranteed healthcare, government healthcare, guaranteed housing, an environment free of monopolies. That means we're going to take over all industry. It's over America as we know it and love it will be over. This is a prescription towards disaster. Now, the problem is, you got one hundred Democrats supporting us. You got Spartacus, you got Kamala, you got all these candidates and Bernie and Elizabeth Warren all supporting this madness. Now, even if you ever doubted that the extension of all things liberal, leftist, socialist Democratic Party is runs through their corrupt, abusively biased media. The Times editorial board applauding the Green New Deal on Saturday, insisting that the ambitious and costly environmental bill is quote better than our climate nightmare. What now the media is jumping on board this insanity. Anyway, The board addressed the contentious points surrounding the deal, including the apparent issues with its rollout and ambition of the project, but said New York Times so called paper record, that the more important thing is that the bill changed the national conversation around climate change and global warming. The same people that told us in the seventies an ice age was coming and that evolved into the Earth was going to melt away from global heating, and then they just went to a generic climate change because if it gets hot or cold, they have an excuse and they get to advance the political agenda behind all of this. I mean, it is it is madness that is unfolding. And this is what now the Democratic Party, this isn't what they're gonna run on. Wow, and Acasio Cortez supporting congresswoman to leave and Omar supporting let's see impeach the m effort the leader of the Democratic Party, you know, farting cows and Green New Deal. Maybe we shouldn't be eating burgers. How about we get to decide what happened a pro choice leftism, liberalism. These are the quintessential lies of socialists that have been made throughout history. It's all a promise, it's all a guarantee, it's all a platitude. It's a bumper sticker. Lofty promises deliver nothing but poverty and misery unless you're part of the ruling class. It's like they pass bills before you read what's in them. By the way, how did Obamacare work out? Did you keep your doctor? Did you keep your plan? Did you save money? Note? Note and note? And now when you eliminate all private healthcare, how do we recover from that? You don't. If you if you get off fisible, how do you transition back? You don't. It is it is a guaranteed prescription for misery and failure for all people. I mean, this is insanity. But this is what the New Democratic Socialist Party represents. This is what they are now saying. You know, Elizabeth gor we're gonna have a wealth tax. After you've been taxed, We're gonna take more of your money, and we're gonna redistribute it. This is quintessential statism, communism, redistributionism, socialism, all the lofty promises that can never ever be fulfilled. Now we're talking about wow, parents, kids need to stop having children. Sounds a lot like, uh, well, one child policy, what are we gonna do. Nobody's irresponsible. We're gonna tell people it's irresponsible to have kids. And the Democratic Party is embracing this, you know, generally. You know Kamala Harris not only did she torch complaints about the use of identity politics. It's designed to shut people up. No, it's not. How about we're all Americans, you know, Harris. Of course we can afford trillions of trillions of dollars of spending in the New Green Deal. But you know, she said, it's not about the cost. They'll hear things like the Green New Deal. You hear things like Medicare for all all. You hear things like whether it's taxes. You'll hear things at what point do you say, that's our north star? But we have to be realists, there's no question we have to be practical. But being practical also recognizes that climate change is an existential threat to us as human beings. Being practical recognizes that greenhouse gas emissions are threatening our air and threatening the planet, and that it is well within our capacity as human beings to change our behaviors in a way that we can reduce its effects, that's practical. Can we afford it? Of course we can afford it. She would have three trillion dollars a year for Medicare for all by some study. I don't depending on which portion three point three that's money, but that, you know what the Republicans are going to say, tax and spend liberals by in the sky. One of the things that I admire and respect is the measurement that is captured in three letters, ROI, what's the return on the investment? People are all right, we got to stop this standing right you just you hear what she's saying. The matter of the cost. You know, remember they always pass bills and burdens on you. But they don't want that healthcare system. They have their own healthcare system. You know. Pelosi wants Trump's tax returns, but her chief of staff will release our tax returns that she only runs for president. They're a bunch of phonies, all of them. Then the which hunt the media that goes along with all of this insanity and madness, because it's now bordering on madness. The Senator Feinstein making headlines this weekend meeting with the you know, appeared to lecturing children and reminding one teen activists, you're not old enough to vote, you know, to declare to the kid activists. See a seasoned politician, she knows what's going on. You don't. Actually, I'll take the common sense of a two year old over some of these idiotic policies. You know, then you got what more? Democrats are just getting more extreme, one Nebraska lawmaker calling the American flag a rag, comparing it to a swas sticker. And you know, when Bernie Sanders becomes a moderate, you know, you've got major problems here. And it's you know, Cortez telling us what to eat, telling us whether to have kids, telling lashing out, saying I'm the boss. Wow, unbelievable. Maxine Waters warning foes that she has the gavel and we're that we'll hear the sound all over the world. All right, we'll get to all this. Now we're in Vietnam. Where are we time wise here? Okay, we got to take a break. We'll come back. There's so much happening in terms of the president. Why this is so important and why actually, in spite of all the president's economic success, it may end up being his foreign policy that defines his presidency. And I'm gonna explain all of that. And everybody that didn't think little Rocket Man would ever stop firing his missiles over Japan and threatening Guam and the continental US and China and everybody in the region, Well it happened. Hasn't fired a single one. And what fifteen sixteen months is he ever get credit? No? All right from Vietnam. By the way, three twenty am here, Good morning, Vietnam. We'll come back. Oh Linda's story. Linda leaves a day early, gets in an hour later than me, twenty eight hours ahead of me. She leaves, and her and Blair didn't get here till way later. You know, there were more than thirty four million American smokers. I bet that finding a satisfying alternative to cigarettes is at the top of your list if you're a smoker. Look, I've been there before. But after many years of smoking, I finally made the switch to Juel. Is no more worrying about the way my clothes smell, worrying about what people are gonna say. With Juel, everything is so much easier now. Jewel is a vaporizer that contains nicotine for a satisfying transition. When I found Jewel, it was a complete game changer. Jewel was designed by smokers for smokers to be an alternative to cigarettes, from it's simple to use interface to its clean technology. Well, Jewel has no cigarette ash, odor or mess. So if you're one of the thirty four million adults who smoke, know that there is an alternative to cigarettes. How to discover the smoking alternative that's nothing like you've tried. Visit Juul dot com slash switch America. That's Juul dot com slash Switch America. And warning, this product does contain nicotine and nicotine is an addictive chemical. And as we roll along, we're in Vietnam for the historic Summon to coming up later this week. Also Linda's story from Hell. Apparently sixty four hours from wheels up to wheels down in Vietnam and we leave, you know twenty eight wait wait wait wait wait? Can I can I talk about something positive? Talk? Go ahead, you want to walk? I just want to say something nice. You know this is a crazy set up. We're here in Vietnam. Want to give a shout out to our engineer Blair. You know he suffered with me through those four days and food days, and you know I was merely just I feel terrible for you. I mean, wait, wait, wait, I'm not done, and I just want to say he's done a very good job of setting this all up here four days to listen. I have friends back in the States, you know, writing me now saying it sounds amazing. So you know, I thank you and both of you, and you know my TV team was here. I don't have a lot of time to get out because I like to really stay focused when I'm on the road like this, because I want to be fresh for all that's coming up. We have an interview with the President this week, You've got the summit. We have a lot of travel to do. And my staff, actually they like to go out sight seeing. I'd take that as downtime, reading time and relaxing time and vodka time, but putting out aside. And they went to the Hanoi Hilton. My TV crew, Oh and you went Tom as well, right, um, and uh they said it was unbelievably eerie and like they try to rewrite history there that Oh it's um, this is where they played soccer, this is where they played basketball. I'm like, hey, where did you where did you nearly kill people? And bust their legs, like John McCain, where's that place? You know? Five years but look it's you can see. Look, this country has advanced, but you see real poverty surrounding a city. I mean, driving in is such an experience. It's like we were all so blessed and we don't even know the magnitude of blessing until you get out and see other countries like this. All right, I'm gonna we'll give you a preview why we're here. We're in Vietnam. We'll get to your calls. Linda's you know, trip from hell and much more straight ahead. All right, twenty five until the top of the hour. We're in Vietnam, three thirty five am Local, Hannity Live Tonight, nine a m. Local. A lot of my friends are asking, well, how do you you sound like yourselfies. I'm fine because there's one thing I do. I stay on. I get into my hotel room, I close every shade, every single thing, and I'm not It sounds weird, right, I just locked myself in my room like a lunatic. And but what I do is I stay on New York time. So I'll do this for me. It's three in the afternoon Eastern time, but it's three thirty five am here in Vietnam for the historic summit, which we're gonna talk about here in a second. We also have that kid that was was beat up on tape in Berkeley now says three eyewitnesses have come forward. Was there from the beginning? Interesting? You know, guy's getting punched in the face numerous times and it's on video, and nobody in the media seems to care at all why it doesn't advance the story like the Covington kid, or doesn't advance the story like the Smallett story. And as soon as those too, Mam, we'll just rush to judgment. We'll smear, will slander, will be smirch. Character assassination is a word of the day. You wanted to say one thing. Linda is with us, Blair and everybody, the whole team is here, and sweet baby and our buddy Thomas here all right, So what did what did you want to say? Oh? I just was kind of talk about the motorcycles that I hear. Oh it's crazy. I've never seen anything like it, you know what's amazing. I give the people that ride these motorcycles a lot of credit. Although it's it's hard to cross the street in the busy parts the street. Okay, but I haven't crossed the street yet. Well, there's a Starbucks nearby where we are, and everybody knows finding ways to cross the street. But you do risk your life. You know what the most amazing part of it is. Now there's not the wealth that we have in the United States, but you watch all these the people of Vietnam and they ride these these many motorcycles, scoots like a schooldest you know, they're like scootes. School does put it online? Yeah, we'll put it on, But but what's so amazing about Oh, you'll put it up on Hannity dot com. I watch they got like couches that they somehow Oh yeah, it's like an art form. They have couches and the box and boxes and boxes. I think we should talk about the more precious cargo that I saw on these scoodas, which were children, infants, infants, but strapped not scary. I mean sandwich between a mother and a father that's driving. No, So there's they got the older kid in the front because you know, he's four now he can he can drive the scooda. And we got the father. Let's say scooter again, Scuda. Then they got the infant, then they got they got the second parent. I'm like, what is going on? No, but I I will honestly say the ability to stack boxes furniture children, well that I'm not exactly the fan of the kids part. I mean, but the ability to stack those boxes as high as they do. I was in the gym this morning, and so where I'm where I'm at is right across from let's not talking about where you're at. Go ahead. In Vietnam, there's big there's a big establishment which a lot of people were going to, and there was an in and out underground parking garage. And I'm just talking like, there's absolutely complete disregard for the lanes. The lanes are a mere suggestion. They're just there. Lets you know, there are no traffic laws here. It's don't believable the way people drive. It's not And I'm on I'm on the elliptical. I'm going huh uh, I'm just watching from the window. You know what. The coolest thing scared So it's you know, three forty am here on the way over, we're like driving over or you know, and all of a sudden, we're looking and like, oh, these guys are playing cards, Oh yeah, with lights, you know that they've it's crazy. And there's a lot of poverty here. Oh yeah, the infrastructure is not like even the it's not even Oh maybe New York's worst. I don't know. I mean New York's a pitt in turn. Yeah, of course, no jobs. But it really is amazing to me. And we'll talk more about this later in the week. I don't want to waste a lot of time on it now, but I will tell you it's amazing what people what, what what they are able to do to thrive and survive in conditions that are nothing like the opportunities that we have in the US, which you know, brings us to this idiotic Green New Deal, which is gonna We're gonna remodel every home and no cows, and no airplanes and no combustion engine and no oil and gas and you know, but everything else is free. We're gonna pay for it all. But don't worry about the cost, even though Medicare for all alone is seventy to eighty percent of our budget, and that doesn't include all the other promises. Lofty promises they're making, and they will destroy the lifeblood not only of our economy, but it'll tank the world's economy and into a depression unlike anything I've seen, but all under the guise of free, free, free, and this is gonna be great utopia. Never gonna work anyway. We are here, We're in Vietnam, and we'll be here all week. The summit is taking place. Well, locally here it's gonna be on Thursday, but in let's say Eastern time in New York, DC time, it is gonna be on Wednesday night. Actually, I think the timing is just around when Hannity gets on the air, will know what time they're meeting. I have an interview with the President coming up this week, following the historic meeting that he has with Kim Jong Un. Expectations by the media other than non existed. They would rather talk about a Muller report that we're told is not coming out this week at all. And it's funny to watch every news outlet they've gone all in for two years. Trump Russia collusion. Well it might not be what you thought. Well, this is just gonna be now for Adam the biggest liar in Congress, shift it's gonna be for him to now begin the process of really, really, really describing the Trump Russia collusion, because Mueller two years that wasn't enough. And as they as they now squirm to manage expectations that they have built up with their breathless, hysterical reporting every day is mind numbing. But the idea that here we are after the first summit, the president, what did the President get to the United States? He got, let's see, he got a promise from Kim Jong un that he's going to release the hostages done. The remains of US servicemen from the Korean War the nineteen fifties have been sent back to the United States. The President got a promise of, you know, the process of beginning to denuclearize the entire Korean peninsula. We haven't had a rocket fired over Japan or anywhere else in what fifteen sixteen months now? And then the President what did he give? He's given nothing. And leading up to the first summit, what had happened, Rockets like every other week, threatening the continental United States, promises of destroying the United States of America. You know, little rocket man, fire and fury, and my buttons bigger than your button. I mean, really serious tensions. Everybody afraid because the President's language was too rough. The president was being too tough. He's going to start World War three. And we end up getting all these concessions, and in exchange, nothing was given by the US, nothing except the hope, the opportunity that North Korea can literally denuclearize the whole peninsula, and that means Guam is protected, Japan is protected, China is even more safe. Big announcement by the President over China this weekend. He's delaying those sanctions because the talks would China have gone so well and we may even have an announcement at some point this week. And so part of these talks, i am told from my sources, will literally include and focus on the dismantling of major North Korean nuclear reactors. That would be huge for the world. I was watching nat GEO two hours on World War two. You think of how close the world came to the precipice of disaster. All the countries, France and you know, every country that was conquered by Hitler and Nazis and fascists and Toto Japan and the attack on Pearl Harbor and Russian Stalin and communism, rigidly aligning with the Hitler and his forces and then eventually getting you know, attacked and then reversing course. But we have now you think about this, so all the economic records, you know them, consumer confidence, everything that we talk about on a regular basis, the President's success never gets any focus. You know, President tweeted out this weekend. Since my election, the dal Jones is up forty three percent, okay, and as that composite, almost fifty percent. Great news for your four oh one k We're bringing America back faster than anyone thought possible. We now have US energy production breaking every single record in the book in terms. We're now energy independent for the first time in seventy years in the United States, and we are now a net exporter of energy, which I've always said there's a lifeblood of our economy and also the path to prosperity, because you're talking about hundreds of thousands of high paying career jobs for Americans in the energy sector. But of course AOC wants to get rid of all of this, you know, now, the president and look what he's saying about China, I will be delaying us increase in terroiffs now schedule from March one, assuming both sides make additional progress, we will be planning a summit for the President of China and myself at Mara Lago to conclude an agreement. A very good weekend for the US and China. Wow, that would be historic. Now add to this one other part of the equation that the President decided to get out of this horrific Iranian deal. Now we have, I believe for the first time since the UN Partition Plan in nineteen forty seven and eight, I think for the first time you have the possibility of a real shift in terms of real potential for peace in the Mid East. Hannity, that's a lofty prediction. Why well, number one, we're not dependent on the Saudis or anybody in the Middle East for our lifeblood of our economy. That's huge. That means we can be anx net exporter of energy. But number two, you now have we know intelligence sharing is at an all time high, that relations have never been better with the President, the US, Israel, the Jordanians, the Egyptians, the Saudis, the Emirates, all recognizing Iran as the world's biggest danger. The President leading the way with sanctions, bringing that country financially as quickly as possible to its knees. I know, it's maybe some of you liberals are not used to dropping one hundred and fifty billion dollars on the tarmac of Muller's the chant death to Israel, death to America, and burn both our country's flags. But that could happen on top of let's see record low unemployment for African Americans, An Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, and the employment of our vets. Wow. President says about the talks with China, substantial progress on important structural issues, including intellectual property protection, which is a big deal. I know because my best friend was the adminter of the year, one of my best friends. Oh, they steal everything. Issues of technology transfer, agriculture meaning good for our farmers, good for American you know, growers, agricultural services, currency, many other issues. Why because China is now suffering. Why because the President put you know, put the squeeze on them. And all the Democrats care about is phony Trump Russia collusion and advancing a new green deal that will blow up this country as we know it. President also tweeting out this weekend, the only collusion with the Russians was the crooked Hillary and the DNC. But of course we've chronicled all of that, and the media ignores the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in history. And the President tweets, where's the server that the DNC refused to give to the FBI? Another great question the FBI asked for the server. You say, no, no, thank you, We'll hire our own company. And the FBI comes banging on my door in a pre dawn raid. I'm gonna say no, I'm gonna keep on my computers myself, and I'm gonna hire my own company. That's gonna work. It's like, oh, I deleted thirty three thousands of pion at emails, and oh, James Baker, the Chief Council of the FBI and to call me, actually agrees with Sean Hannity that Hillary should have been indicted for the violation of the Espionage Act. And he tweets out, we're the new text between Lisa Page and our agent lover, Peter Struck. We want him. Now. Look at where the president is in the polls. I told you about this last week ninety three percent approval rating in the Republican Party except for never trumpers, which will never grow up and doesn't matter. Supreme Court originalists doesn't matter, the largest tax cuts doesn't matter. You know, better, trade deals with every country so far that the President has been dealing with, and he puts out fifty two percent approval rating overall. Then the president writes, not bad, considering I get the most unfair bad press in the history of presidential politics. And don't forget the witch hunt. Oh one other thing the president's doing. Did you see he meets with our friend Alvida King. We love Alvida King. She's awesome anyway, and she's happy. President is restricting funding the Planned parenthood. The only thing we have to worry about this week is weak Republicans in the Senate that might not go along with the emergency order of the president, even though every other president has used that power. Really unbelievable. So we got all these all these things happening. Oh, when they make a big deal all the president said, Oh, that's where me and Kim, little Kim Jong unfell in love. Now that's where we started to connect. Let me interpret Trump speak for you. That's where we started to connect, and we began to build a relationship that brought us to the point he stopped firing missiles over Japan and threatening Guam in the continental United States, in the entire region. Well, he said he fell in love. That's where he fell in love. No, that's where they began a relationship which leads to better deals and a safer world hopefully. But I know it's not what liberals are used to. They used to bribing dictators like Kim Jong UN's father, Kim Jong ull Ill got bribed by the Clinton administration that didn't do any good. It's like the Iranians got bribed by Obama and his weak, horrific foreign policy. Eight hundred I don't even know what you did with this thing that you gave me. Oh here, I got it eight hundred nine for one. Shaunas to free telephon number. All right, we have all the other news of the day. Dan Bongino and Dan Hoffman are coming up there with us right here in Vietnam. Then Li Linda's trip from Hell, Well we have to get to that. You're gonna meet the kid who was beaten up at Berkeley and he says he has now has three eyewitnesses. The media is ignoring it, not exactly the same treatment as the Smollet case. All right, from Vietnam tonight, we're amazing Hannity by the way, nine am local time, but nine Eastern Live will continue from Hanoi. Oh, go to Hannity dot com. Where do you see the motorcycles? All right, glad you're with us our two Yeah, from Vietnam where it is now four am, believe it or not, in the morning, four pm on the East coast. Glad you are on board here for the hopefully what is a historic summit with the President Kim Jong un. A couple of weird stories as we get here. One is little Rocketman decided to take the train. I don't think he has a presidential plane because last time in Singapore we had apparently borrowed it from the Chinese. But who knows. The President says, also on another note on China, that China's president has been helpful with the North Korean summit. President of course, also made a big deal over the fact that he is not imposing greater sanctions on China, as the negotiations have gone very well and a possible announcement is coming, which is good for everybody, which I was talking about in the last hour, and it appears, you know, this is the amazing thing media would rather talk about Robert Mueller today, media, and there's no Robert Mueller report. It's not coming this week at all. Rather than the idea. If you think back and I met these great marines from that are stationed in Okinawa that we had some breakfast with and we're talking along about how many missiles were fired over Japan. You know, when did we ever think we'd get our hostages back? When did we think the remains from the Korean War would start coming back? So is it perfect? Is do we haven't an answer that we thread the needles that well, not yet, but we're making a lot of progress that no other president has made, similarly with China. Similarly another promise kept with Canada and with Mexico. UK Guardian at least they'll acknowledge the president's strategy with North Korea has already been a tremendous success. And what is the president up to this point given North Korea nothing? The only hope for them is that they join the world community and their people are not as impoverished, and we have trade with North Korea and a better relations, which, by the way, is going to keep millions of South Korean safe from whatever nuclear potential Kim Jong un would ever get. You know, he's bringing his foremost trusted advisors with him, which is a sign that they're taking all of those pretty seriously. And they added a dinner to the schedule just recently. They're gonna have dinner on Wednesday night. We have a diplomatic sourcing. The presummit talks are focusing on total dismantlement of the North Korean nuclear reactor. Okay, that's denuclearizing the entire Korean peninsula, and we have so much more anyway, joining us our experts. They're so kind to come the twenty six hours, which is about what it takes us. Of course, if you're Linda who goes a day early and arrives an hour later than I did, a little bit of we'll find out more about that in a news roundup hour. Dan Bongino is with us former now Fox News contributor, former NYPD officers secret service agent, author of the number one best seller Spygate. He's here with us in Vietnam. Daniel Hoffman, also a Fox News contributor and a member of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board, scaring the crap out of every one of us about how we're being spied on, even in the shower, which is insane. Anyway, guys, thank you for coming making a long track. I know the media, Dan Bongino there, I'm making as big a deal about this. You know, I was watching that GEO for two straight hours summary of the entire World War Two and how far Hitler got, you know, and the moment when Hitler was partnered with Tojo, Japan and Mussolini. So it was fascism, Nazism, and in the beginning the former Soviet Union and communism until he makes the trek into Russia. Then all on switch sides and joins forces with us. But you think how far he got and how dangerous it was thinking ahead about denuclearizing the entire peninsula. Wow, you know, I thought liberals wanted to imagine a world of peace. Well they're not. And you saw Chuck Todd I think it was this weekend who said that, Wow, this is just gonna be like a press kind of photo op for Trump, which is the height of being disingenuous. I mean, Sean if the North Koreans. Now, I said this this morning on Fox and Friends. If they were about it, say a nine on the danger scale out of ten, and Trump can cut that down to a seven by getting a full accounting of how many weapons they have, you know, by getting our remains back, which is a nice gesture to start, and we can get an idea of even where their technology is, because we don't even have an idea about their capacity for re entry vehicles. It's still an open question now obviously, which wouldn't affect like EMPs or any kind of atmospheric of detonation or anything like that. But the fact that he could take it down from say a nine to a seven would be a success. And the media pretending like this stuff happens over now, it's just the misreading of history. But Dan Hoffman, we're not talking about a seven here. We're talking about if the president is fully successful, number one. He has a ton of success. Nobody in the media wants to give him any credit. But if we get a denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, Okay, South Korea, North Korea, Japan, Guam, even China, the world is a much safer place. And if you ever got rockets that could reach the continental US. We're really all in much more serious danger. Yeah, Sean, no question about it. That's a laudable goal, and we have achieved a lot so far. Let's remember that there's been no nuclear tests in September twenty seventeen, no missile testins November twenty seventeen. As Dan mentioned, we got three hostages back the remains of our fallen soldiers. Let's also remember too that Kim jongoon has started dismantling the rocket engine side it's so hey, as well as the nuclear test site in Pungaree. Those are places where we need to get inspectors. I would highlight. Look, let's have realistic expectations. Kim Jongoon is a ruthless dictator, but I think you have to applaud the administration. We're having taken us as far as we have. We're on the path to arms control before we get to denuclearization. You know, it may be in spite of all the economic success, Dan Bongino, you know here we have something in the Middle East that's unprecedented, where you have the Saudis, the Egyptians, the Jordanians, the Israelis, the US, the Emirates and other countries aligning against Iranian hegemony in a partnership putting Kashogi aside, which is, you know, unforgivable to me. And I've been the most outspoken person I think on public television and radio about the Saudis and the money. I mean, we're talking about deep, profound, historic changes, and add to that, we don't need their oil anymore. We're the number one producer of oil and gas in the world because of Trump, you know what, I think it's been trying to read this and put the lead out first. I think it's his strategic unpredictability. You know, Sean, we have tried things from the establishment intelligency on the foreign policy front the same way for what five decades now, and candidly outside of Reagan. Yeah, there have been successes. I don't want to be hyperbolic, but we're at the same stalemates in places like North Korea and in the Middle East. I think the fact that Trump has said, you know what, we've tried that it doesn't work. We're gonna do it my way from an all business I need deliverables approach has changed everything because they don't know what he's gonna do next. But you know, I was just thinking about it. I didn't want to undersell his success before. I hope he didn't take it that way. Trump's success with North Korea Sean, the country's dying. They have no hard currency. Remember, Kim doesn't care if he feeds his people if they die, that's just a negative externality of his tyranny. But he does care if he can pay off his military. He has no hard currency. Trump was bankrupting. These sanctions are killing them. So again a success that will be completely ignored by these killing Iran Iran too. Yeah, Dan Hoppin, Look, you have traveled the world, You've worked in intelligence all your life. You have this uncanny ability to scare the living daylights out of everybody that works for me, John uh, because you know the capabilities of intelligence, and you're basically saying the minute we all land in a place like Vietnam, everything we have on is hacked everything, and that I'm probably be in spired on when I take a shower, which is really frightening to me. Yeah, that's frightening to all of us. Sean Frankly, Um, Thanks, Thanks Dan, welcome. Never turn the lights on into shower. Listen, you know, uh, some of us need to see in there. Dan, there's the summit is of is of great interest obviously to to US and to North Korea, but it's also of great interest to Russia and China. And they have extraordinarily just extensive and sophisticated espionage capability. They are here in full force with cyber capabilities, and they've got human assets on the ground seeking to obtain as much intelligence as they possibly can. Um. You know, it's a chance to get at the North Korean hermit kingdom. As you all mentioned, Uh, Kim Jong un is bringing advisors with him, and I'm sure the Russians are interest. Didn't target them and the Chinese as well for intelligence. But on the other hand, you said something they caught my interest. You said, they're not interested in it for lord details. They're more interested in this for like for example, there would be more likely to hold onto all of this, and they're more interested in the president. They don't care even if they were say videoing Dan Bongino and you in the shower, they don't care about that. They care about not. At the same time, they came out, Yeah, I came out kind of maybe we should just skip the whole shower reference. But you know, the Russians have plenty of video of me over the five years I spent in Moscow. But how do you know they have that video you're I mean, you say it with such I wouldn't just total confidence that is of course, that video of me naked. Well, I mean it's I would hope it's not that important to them, but but if it was, it would have been leaked long time. Like all this stuff you're saying, they're accumulating with such ease just as happening. Well, look, the Russians have a saying chem chelly, but you in English what makes a person breathe. And what they do essentially is the amount a full court press to collect as much intelligence information as they can on people, their private lives, whom they engage with, and they put it all together to try to understand the person as well as they can. They're doing that with every single one of the President's team who's out here. They're probably focused on you two, Sean, I don't know about me and Bongino would probably lesser targets for them. Frankly, that that'd be information, But that's kind of that's what they do, and there's also an intense interest on their part in tracking how the president and his team and Kim jongu and his team react to that dinner you talked about and all the other engagement that they have over these coming days. Do you think, especially in the line of the president apparently developing Dan Bongino a pretty solid relationship with the president of China. Yeah, do you think that it is maybe reassuring to them that the president keeps his word. They I'm sure that they respect that it negotiates hard, because that's what they do well. The China these are in a delicate balance here. They don't want yeah, but they don't want a democracy align with the United States right across their border. But also they don't want an unstable North Korean regime either. Remember the Koreans ninety percent, the North Koreans ninety percent of their economy is China based. I mean, they export minerals and cold to China. Without China, they're nothing. So there's kind of this delicate balance where you don't want instability. So those launches over Japan certainly weren't helping, but they don't want a US ally unify denuclearized peninsula there either. So it's kind of an interesting dilemma they're in. But can I just say one that Dan's right by the way show and you asked him, how does he know that? When I was overseas with the Secret Service, we would rely on Dan's agency to give us all These guys were phenomenal. I can't applaud what they do enough. And they do it quietly, obviously they candid. But isn't that the danger of weaponizing, you know, our intelligence, like we've been talking about phinal for two years of why do you think this sole spygate thing interests me so much? To understand that? But we would get an RSO briefing from the DSS guys who ran the to see or sometimes from his agency, depending on where we were, and they would bring actual pictures out the face is blanked out and say this is the CEO of a company in with a honeypot and basically this is what and this happens and it's real. I mean, Dan's not making itself. This stuff is legit. All right, take a quick break. We're in Vietnam in light of the summit that is forthcoming eight hundred nine four one, Seawan told free telephone number, all the other issues, Linda's flight from Hell. We'll have some fun with that in our final hour today coming up and eight hundred nine four one, Shan. We'll get to your calls, all right, as we continue Sean Hannity Show, We're in Vietnam. Eight hundred nine four one, Sean is our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. As we continue with Dan Hoffman and Dan Bongino. All right, So we got a lot happening here as the week unfolds. Predictions usually summits Dan Bongino are not predetermined, but you kind of have at least a baseline agreement going in and then hopefully things get even better, well supposedly from here in these lists of demands, give us your whatever twenty top priorities from the North Koreans and vice versa have already been exchanged. I've seen everything from you know, putting North Koreans ICBMs under control of the more you know, stable Chinese regime too. They're just going to get a statement out on what the nuclearization actually means going forward, so you know, you never know. But but Trump, you can't count Trump out, Sean. I mean, he has managed to do some incredible foreign policy breakthroughs, and I would even hate to render a guest this could this could go really really well, or you know, it could be could be just okay. I mean, that's the best you can say with him, Damn Popman. Yeah, A couple of things that I would think are in the realm of the possible here. Establishing liaison offices where we would have an official presence in Pyongyang and the North Koreans one in Washington. That would certainly enable negotiations going forward. An agreement for inspectors to visit those sites. I talked about, maybe North Korea at least open to getting back into the Nuclear non Proliferation Treaty, which from which they withdrew a three. But I think the big bold move we might see is an official end of the Korean War. I think that might suit Kim Jong lun, and I think it might suit President Trump's policy as well. Would dial down the level of intensity in this relationship a little bit in a positive direction, And I wouldn't be surprised if if that issue comes to the fourth All right, last question, will it be a full agreement and what about the thing with China. What does that mean The president's tweet today that he's withholding more sanctions announcement forthcoming, Well, it's huge news for our economy. I think it's a it's a great idea. I think we have to do a lot with the Chinese on the agricultural front and get them to back down on intellectual property theft also government procurement over there. But that's a huge breakthrough with the Chinese. I mean, you show the stock market respond already, and you know, can only positively impact this summit as well. We need you know, we need the Chinese to negotiate with the North Korean's last word, Dan Hoffman, Yeah, if there's just one among many things I learned at the CIA is just the extent to which this world is so interconnected, and there's a real confluence there between our economic negotiations with China and our strategic negotiations with North Korea. And I think the President is playing that extremely well right now. All right, guys, thanks so much. Both will join us on Hannity tonight right here from Vietnam, and throughout the week we'll be checking in with them as things develop. Eight hundred and nine four one sean, if you want to be a part of the program, all right when we come back. The absolute sick, duplicitous corruption in your news media now more revealed than ever before. And by the way, the antics of Mike Lee at last night's Oscars and Linda's trip to Hell to Vietnam. Glad I wasn't a part of it. Straight ahead, Good evening, and welcome to the one Millions Academy Awards. We are not your hosts, but we're gonna stand here a little too long so that the people who get USA today tomorrow we'll think that we host it. That's great, that's great. So just a quick update for everybody in case you're confused. There is no host tonight, there won't be a popular movie category, and Mexico is not paying for the war. Well tonight I get praise or ancestors who will built this country and west today along with the genocide of his native people. We all connect with the ancestors. We will have love, wisdom regaining, we will gain our humanity. It will be a powerful moment. The two twenty in prisondential election is around the corner. Let's all moobilize. Let's all be on the right side of history. Make make the moral choice between love verses. Hey, let's do the right thing. You know, I had to get that in there. There are a lot of evidence violent incidents that happen at these MCGA rallies, and I just don't want to get you know, have Jesse Smillett distracts from that. Obviously we're not going to put what happened on Trump, but we can put on Trump clearly is the heightened panic and angst today. You know, folks that believed Jesse as a default position, we feel sadness today. We don't feel stupid today. I feel bad for the people who did not default to that empathy, who think that this is a game, who are gloating today. Those people have something fundamentally wrong with them. This is a Jackie Robinson against homophobia in the Black community. An icon, a beloved icon, and now you have the fall of an icon. There is an atmosphere, as I said last week, and it remains true today, an atmosphere of menace and fear. MACA supporters are painted themselves as that. I mean, when you look at footage, when you hear things they say these are this is the honestly goodness true, and we have to be bold enough to call a lot from the court of public opinion. It matters, it matters, And he lost that because of how not his fault. Maybe people were I don't know what they were saying to him, how maybe because of his representatives, who knows. All right, five now till the top of the hour, as we continue our broadcast from Vietnam, it's well four thirty five am here, amazing twelve hour difference, we'll get to Linda's flight from hell. She left the whole day before me and arrived an hour later and was not too pleased or happy about it. But she made up for her because she got the presidential palace at some extraordinary hotel. I meanwhile, and meanwhile, I'm in a hotel room that is so an odor that is indescribable is in there. But anyway, I am sorry you went through all of that. Joe consha, joins us. So there was also this drama of Spike Lee walking up and down I guess the aisle during the naming of the I guess best Picture of the Year, which turns out to be a green book, which I know nothing about but Joe consha what was going on? I'm here they didn't actually have ABC seven on in Vietnam. Wow. So despite the rancid in the hotel room in the long flight, something did work out for you by not having to watch this train wreck. I look at it that way, Sean. Look, Spike Lee was mad that his picture didn't win Best Picture, and reportedly he was yelling things and it was all angry. So it's kind of funny that this guy's up on stage giving a speech going off on Trump. But with the usual things. We've heard so many times that the American public is numbe by them, right, they have no impact when you call somebody this name, that name, this name for two years straight and it's the boy who cried wolf, or in this case, it's the director that cried wolf, and no one pays attention anymore. So yeah, Spike Lee apparently was angry that his film didn't win, and instead of just being, you know, the type of guy who knows that except defeat graciously, he instead just goes off on a childish ramp. But that's that's nothing new because it's Spike Lee. Well, I mean, look, I guess they got a better bump and ratings not having Jimmy Kimmel, because I guess the early ratings show that what they were up about nine percent. But what I don't like about all of this is what do you wear? Whoa is that? The saucy is that I don't even know any of these designers. I mean, I wear Levi's and I'm right now in an f D NYT shirt, hanging out usually wearing my NYPD cap twenty four to seven, and I you know, I don't care what some spoiled, brat, self important narcissist from Hollywood is wearing just because they think they're the greatest things in sliced bread, or that we even care about their uninformed political opinions. And Sean, a lot of people feel the way you do. And I look at the numbers. You can say, oh, they're up nine percent from last year. When you hit the basement, when you hit the floor, how would you like to be Jimmy Kimmel. By the way, that the hostless oscars your oscars by nearly ten percent, but the ratings got so low they only could go up at this point and look back in nineteen votes at ninety eight, right, so we're talking twenty years ago. Fifty seven million people watch the Oscars, fifty seven million. Last night they may get twenty seven million, thirty million people gone. Where did they go? They're the type of people who think, like you do, I don't need to see this sort of platform. We're gonna obviously we're gonna get a political view. And it happened. If you played the clip with Maya Rudolf before talking about Trump and who's gonna pay for the wall? Thirty seconds in and already I'm not getting the escapism I want, which I get when I go to movies. Instead, it's going to be a political thing. They didn't go as political last night because there was as a host, but still that's fun to make. People are predisposed not to watch Sean. I am going to make a bold prediction like I did in two thousand and seven and eight, Hollywood is dead. They just don't know it yet. There is now a network of independent filmmakers. I'll give you an example, and I'm not going to talk about my film. That'll seem self serving, but it was a faith based film. Very proud of the product. Let there be Light. If you've ever heard the song by Mercy Me. I can only imagine an unbelievable movie that was made about that song. By the way, I pull up the song case and so people know what it is, and it was over a hundred million dollars last time I checked. Now, let me tell you what that means. We don't need Hollywood anymore. We don't. It is not necessary. And with all of the platforms emerging from Amazon to Netflix and straight on down the line and all the demand viewing, people have more choices, more options, and they're less inclined to go with the formulaic. Oh, Jennifer Aniston falls in love with actor ABC D E F G H I j K element ope. I mean that's one formula. The other is, oh, let's do another car, Let's let's do another cartoon or comic book hero movie. I can't stand those movies anymore. It's it was maybe novel in the beginning, but who cares. You're saying the ten Star Wars isn't working for you anymore? Or a Spider Man. Yeah, they're out of ideas, it seems. I like Star Wars. I think it's fine, but it's you know what it's not. We don't have to go to the movies to watch it anymore, and you can watch it at home. Well that's the thing, right, I mean all the prequels and everything else like that. To your point, it seems like all we're doing is recent kling things. And you're going to see now a lot of biopicks on rock stars because of Bohemian Rhapsody and Queen and now there's gonna be one of Elton John and then just pick a guy like Mick Jagger or Robert Palmer or anybody you know, and it's it's gonna be the same thing. So that that's one way we're gonna go down one road. But yeah, Netflix is changing the ball game, and Hulu all these big time actresses and actors are now doing movies for them because they have the money to pay them. And a lot of people are saying, you know what, I don't want to go to a movie theater on pain if I want to just take a girl there for fourteen bucks and then I got dumb on my shoe and I'm in an uncomfortable chair and all that stuff, when I could just watch it at home on a TV that's almost like a movie screen. Because they're so big at this point, and you could get them relatively cheap. That. Yeah, no one wants to leave their homes anymore because you're getting good quality stuff on the Netflix and Hulus of the world when you don't have to go to a movie theater. So I think that's certainly playing a role here with Hollywood as well. Yeah, I think so too. And let me just play this song now, who would think look at the biggest box office movie of all time, Mel Gibson, The Passion of the Christ. I mean to this day, you know, and I'm not the greatest question. I just try to be better and Christmas kind of guy when you go to church? Just all right enough? You really you? Okay, jeez, thanks a lot, consent, just say I agree? All right? So but look, so here is what is known as a Christian anthem song. Right, let me just play a little bit of I can only imagine my mercy. Me. Let's play a little bit of this. I can only imagine, but it will be like when I want my side. I can only imagine what my eyes will see when you face is perform me. I can only imagine surrounded by your glory, one whom my heart feel. Will I dance for you Jesus, or in all of you be still were lasting in your presence. But my knees when Leo blassing halleluia, will I be able to speaking? Oh, I only imagine. I can only imagine that becomes a massive blockbuster. Now. I love the song, I love mercy Me. I think they're great, and the movie was unbelievable and people and people word of mouth got people out, not Hollywood now, those movies they were checked for years. Yeah, it's like that. Political campaigns also, right, and look at what Donald Trump with social media and Twitter. Right, you don't need to buy all these advertisements in all these markets. Now you can be your best messenger and for free get your message out. It's the same thing with music. That's that's the way things are going now. No one buys albums or CDs obviously anymore. It's an antiquated technology. But yeah, things can go viral quickly, like songs like that because they can be shared so easily from it. But I don't think these others, I don't think these people know how to touch they are. I mean, there's a whole America there and red state America. I don't like going red and but there's a whole America and Hollywood, DC, San Francisco, New York have nothing but contempt for so many America. Look, let me give you examples, irredeemable deplorables. Oh, smelly Walmart people. I love Walmart. I'm a proud of people that cling to their God, guns, Bibles, and religions. Oh, there's so many worse things in life than to believe in God. When this nation was founded on Judeo Christian principles, Oh how horrible. You know, Learn not to lie about your neighbor, bare false witness, Learn not to kill not, learn not to you know, are thy father and mother? Oh gee wow, it's horrible. So what was Charles Croudhammer had? He had a great line about rodderals and Fox News and he said, you know, the reason why Fox News is so successful is because Roger L's found his niche audience. In other words, you know, the verious, precise audience. Half the country that's the niche audience. In other words, they had been neglected for so long from what they had seen from media. And there are a whole bunch of people out there that were just sick and tired of all the things that you described in terms of the ACCELA media, I call it New York and Washington, the two major hubs for national media deciding what the narrative is. And Fox News steps in and you know this isn't because you're on there, and I'm saying this because I'm a media reporter and I follow this stuff. They filled a void that hadn't been filled before and hasn't been challenged since. So yeah, I think Fox News is a perfect example of what you're describing in terms of people being tired of what of being basically degraded and diminished and demeaned. And now there's there's an alternative, and now several whether you're talking about Drudge or a lot of other conservative outlets, that people now have options. And that's why the media doesn't have the impact at East two Sewan, because so many folks know where to get other sources of news, other places to get their information other than the big three networks. When we're growing up to four and seven, where I lived in New York and that was it. All Right, we'll take a break. We're in Vietnam. We'll be here all week for the historic summit. We'll be interviewing the president after that summit coming up later in the week eight hundred and nine for one sean toll free telephone number, we'll give you a preview more of what's coming up. Also apparently Linda's trip from hell to get here? All right, last final thoughts with Joe Conscha. He is, of course the media writer over at The Hill, media editor and Joe, all right, so now you got this push to the hard left. Now you got the media exposed again in the Smollet case, in the Kentucky case, the kids from Covington, Kentucky, and time after time after time they're wrong. What is the what is the fallout in the end of all this? Well, until there's accountability, nothing right. I mean, how many people were fired or suspended over the BuzzFeed story that said the president had directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress? Zero? How many people were fired over Covington Catholic and all the people that got that wrong because they couldn't just wait for other videos to come out besides the heavily edited one zero. How many people have been fired over Smolette. In fact, some people are even doubling down, still trying to defend that somehow zero. So until you actually hold people accountable. I'm not saying fired, but at least suspensions or a good spanking in a corner office somewhere, it's going to keep happening. And that's the way. But I'll tell you what they are losing is all credibility. But the American people that you cannot even monetize what that's going to mean for them down the road, especially in the day and age where people have more options choices than they ever had. Let me put it this way, when President Trump leaves the national stage, whenever that may happen, bye bye, yeah, Yeah, it's going to be like the two thousand and eight financial crash, because he is the oxygen that's keeping all of this going. Whether it be by people who are interested in what the president's doing or hate the president, doesn't matter. When he goes away, everything goes down into the gutter in terms of not forget credibility, profits, ratings, clicks, all that stuff. We'll go away and you're going to see a crash we haven't seen since the two thousand and financial craft course, thankly, except it will be in mostly mediate all right, Joe Conscha with the hell you can catch his articles. We often post them on Hannity dot com as well. Eight hundred nine for one Sean Told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program when we come back. As we continue from Vietnam, as we begin our five am hour here, that's what time it is. Anyway, we'll give you a preview of more what's coming up this week from Vietnam, Linda's trip from Hell, the other news of the day, and much more. As we continue straight ahead, stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. You have to come back to where we entered this and the Trump administration to think about the path forward We've We've always known this would take time and it would be a step forward and slower than the world has demanded. Right, this is a UN Security Council resolution that we're attempting to achieve by getting North Korea fully denuclearized. We started when the Obama administration had a policy which was essentially a test prey and color right, let them test missiles, let them test nuclear weapons, prey, they stop and cower. When the North Koreans made a threat, they did sanction. Also, not remotely what this administration has done, and they didn't build out a coalition, an enormous global coalition. We built out through the United Nations to put that pressure in place to allow us to begin to have what have been real negotiations over the past now six or seven months. I'm hopeful that when President Trump and Chairman Kim get together, they'll make a big step towards realizing what Chairman Kim promised. He promised he denuclearized. We hope you'll make a big step towards that in the week ahead. We've got work to do on the denucleization pillar. We've got remains back, we've had testing stop. Those are all good things. Tensional on the border is reduced, if you ask the military leaders. Frankly, on both sides from South Korea and North Korea, tensions are reduced. There are many things he could do to demonstrate his commitment to denuclearization. Our negotiating team was on the ground the last three days and they'll be on the ground again today. I'll be there tomorrow to continue the discussions. There are I don't want to get into the details of what's being proposed, what the offers and counteroffers. Maybe, but a real step, but demonstrable, verify will step is something that I know President Trump is very focused on achieving. All Right, news, round up, information overload. Yeah, it is well six past the hour. We're in Vietnam here for the second now historic summit. But I have no expectations except that I'm pretty sure that we're going to make more progress. And the denuclearization and the dismantling of North Korea's nuclear capabilities absolutely has a shot that we never thought of before. We're gonna get to that. Also, we're following all the other news of the day, including the insanity Acasio Cortez No more Meat, and she's even taken it a step further further than I even thought it was possible for somebody to take, you know, because of course the world is going to end, we should now stop having children. Our planet is going to fit disaster if we don't trying to ship around. And so it's basically like there's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult, and it does lead I think young people to have a legitimate question, you know, should is it okay to still have children? And I mean not just financially, because people are graduating with twenty thirty one hundred thousand dollars worth of student loan cat and so they can't even afford to have kids in a house. But also just this basic moral question, like what do we do And even if you don't have kids, there are still children here in the world, and we have a moral obligation to them to leave a better world for them. And this idea that if we just you know, I've been working on this for X amount of years, it's like not good enough, Like we need a universal sense of urgency on top of the New Green Deal and everything, rebuilding every house and getting rid of airplanes and cows because of flatulence. And free free, free, free job, free guaranteed wage, family medical leave vacations, free healthcare. But you can't have your own free college, free daycare now if you believe Elizabeth Warren. But that's gonna be the wealth taxum and free retirement. Everything's free. Amazing. Ask Kamala Harris or a EOC how you pay for it? But either hear it doesn't matter how we pay for it, Yeah, because it's an impossibility to pay for it um. But that trump's everything. When we get to what the heck happened on this flight from hell. So Linda and sweet Baby, James and Blair and everybody from radio and TV are here. You guys left a day before me on Thursday at APM, and you arrived an hour later than I did. And I thought it was bad because it was twenty five and I hand you the problem is, I am never gonna live this down. Well no, well, so my trip was this. It was twenty five or twenty six hours from the moment I went up after Hannity on the Fox News channel Friday night, wheels up at around eleven Eastern PM. And the first leg, you know, is long, and then the second leg it was, you know, still long. Um, but it was twenty five hours from wheels up to wheels. Now when I landed in Hanoi, how did you arrive after me? When you left more than twenty eight hours ahead of me? So I, Blair is here with us, my partner. You need to talk directionally, you know that right here you're on radio Sunshine speak up. Yeah. So, so the problem here, there's so many problems. Where do we begin, By the way, you're gonna say, singlepoore Vietnam? How do you say Vietnam, Vietnam? What did I just drink a cup of coffee? And where do you live again? What state? New York? Right? Actually I just left that crap. You'd went to a better one, but I left Cuomo and his crap. And what do we do? What's this called radio? What kind of radio? Talk? Twalk? Okay, talk radio, twalk radio? First of all, do I amuse you? Do? I amuse you? Just like the Gladiata twenty eight hours? No, first of you left twenty eight hours ahead of me. Let's okay, just slow your role here. You know, I love that you can tell this experience better than me, and you weren't there. Okay, I haven't even shared all the details with you because I knew that Monday was gonna be my day of reckonings. So anyways, we get on the we get on the plane. Well, you know, my car broke down too on the way to the airport. Because you can't make you can't make this up. Hit My driver almost gets hit because he gets out on the van Wick. And the van Wick in New York City is very dangerous because people drive like banix, because everybody's in a big hurry to get the next red light and you know, the guy almost gets hit. Moody, very nice guy, mak mood and we called him Moody and he's, like I said, Moody, do me a favor. Try not to get killed, because I don't think I can handle it. But you don't want to happen to Terrence Williams, the Twitter guy that we put on TV a number of time. It happened. Oh my gosh. He was in one of those services. It wasn't Uber, another one popular. I wasn't a kneuber either. Okay, the guy had a horrible accident. He broke his neck. What yes, little driver, No, Terrence, Oh my god, I didn't know that. Yeah. Um, and I've talked to him. He's gonna be fine. Oh my god. I got one of my does this just happened? Yeah, I got one of my doctor friends right on it to help him, and thank god I did. In New Yorker somewhere else well, in the state that he was visiting. He was actually on his way to the White House, so I'm wanting something near there. I don't know, something in Washington and broke his neck, hurt his fine, and now he's flying home. Thank god too. You know he lives in Texas, but I couldn't believe it. Yeah, it's pretty horrible. And well the good news is I was you know, you think about a broken neck, you're thinking about paralyzed from the neck down. Yeah, for sure, Thank god he's safe. Well that kind of killed my joking round vibe, so we can move on to something else. Now. It's not funny anymore. All right, So you nearly had a crazy accident on the way, Aaron, that's a sin, all right. So anyway, so yeah, so finally the backup driver comes. Poor Blair is at the airport without his passport because I have it because I handled all the visas, so he's got to sit outside. He can't even go in or check in or anything without me. So I'm like, listen, I'm gonna be a little late because my car broke down and they got to send me another one and I'm stuck on the van wick And he's like, are you serious. I'm like, yeah, I'm totally serious. So we finally get to the airport, You get on the plane. How long did it take? Extra like another half an hour forty minutes. We're very relaxing. I was totally unstressed by the time I got to the airport. And then we get to the airport, all our bags are too heavy, so we had to repack six bags of gear because each bag was over by six to eight pounds. So we're sitting in the middle of the airport. No, forget about it. We just reorganized and shifted it around, and the woman was very kind and we just kept putting the bags on the scale until we got it to the right weight. It was the disaster. I still paid an additional five hundred dollars to take it because there was an extra bag and they were all heavy. So okay, so now you know, I'm I'm broken down. I got a pick up claw, I'm forty minutes late. All my all my bags are too heavy. We have to repack them all in the middle of JFK. We have six bags of gear. It's just me and Blair. I'm getting a headache and we haven't even gotten on the plane yet. I'm getting ahead. I'm like, this is fantastic. So we finally get to the airport lounge. We got about a half hour before we take off because of course it's taken us for everything. What do you do? You take off, take off, Okay, so we get on the plane. We're like, all right, fantastic. Honestly, that first five hours was no problem. Forget about it. Get to Germany. That's where the layover was. Go up to the lounge. Oh, it's a short layover, a fifty minutes hour, right until they discovered engine mum was leaking oil all across all across Europe, all across New York. On the runway, engine is down. So every half hour they would cump and say, it's going to be another forty minutes. It's going to be another forty minute. So finally I get this check right, I take it at the side to go listen. I got a question for you. I just need to know the truth. How long are we going to be here? For real? She goes, oh, girl, it's a mess. And I said, what are we talking? Were talking like three? She goes, Oh, You're gonna be here at least six o'clock. I'm like, fantastic. So we're supposed to leave at eleven in the morning. We ended up being in Germany for twelve and a half hours. Yeah. All these people that are on the same flight with us, and you're staying in one spot, like the one where the boarding area is for that particular plant. It's a disaster. Okay, fine, did you sleep No? Well, I think Blair and I each took maybe like a ten minute power napper. Yeah, and then we got back to work. I did a lot of work there in the lounge, like some stuff done. So finally we get back on the plane. Now we're on well I should let me let me back up. Well, you should be thankful for one thing, and I'm not looking for praise, but I did upgrade everybody the first class myself, My god, is this really the time? Really? Oh my god, it's so inappropriate. Oh it's twenty five hour trip, but for you fifty but go okay, it was thirty six hours for us. And then we ended up traveling for sixty four hours. But that's at the end of the story. So we finally get the word at seven o'clock that the plane is ready for its people. We're like, yes, they've changed the gate sixteen times. We get down to the gate. It's on the lower level and Blair and I are like, this is so weird. It's not a terminal. What's going on. They're busting everybody to the cargo area where the plane was fixed. So we don't have to wait in a queue to take off, so we'll be first, regardless. So four hundred people have to get on buses, that whole fifty. So now we're waiting for bus after bus and I just look at Blair. I got this cannot be real. Like this cannot be real. We finally get bust over to where the freaking plane is. They got outside steps, they got us climbing up the steps. I said the Blair, no one's going to believe us. So we took a video because you can't make it up. Right as we get on the bus, you know what they hand do. I'm not kidding. I'm not making a bag of chocolate. And I look at the woman and I say to her, what is this? You think you're funny? You handed me ridders. This is a joke. Holy crap. So we get on the bus and we get to the plane. Now we're on the plane. It's Mayhem on the plane. Because the flight attendant tells me, he goes, listen. I just want you to know we're just trying to hustle everybody in. You know, we're really sorry. We can't give you the best service right now. But had we waited ten more minutes, you would have been grounded in Germany because we were past our point of service time. I'm like, oh, okay, So finally we take off. Okay, fine, we're up in the air. I get an email because I have Wi Fi because of the delay of your flight, you will now miss the connection to Hanoi. And I literally just think to myself, Oh my god, am I gonna cry? Now? Should I cry? Okay? So I say to our team back in New York, guys, I beg of you. Find me a way to get to Hannoy. This cannot be this can't be true. No plans to Hannoy. Nobody will take the gear. Can't move the gear. You gotta stay over in Singapore. He said, Oh my god. I look at Blair. I'm like, this is a joke, right, okay, fine, So this flight attendant comes over. I said, do me a favor. Come here for a minute, do me a favor. Call your people on the ground. I'm not making this up. Call your people on the ground at Singapore. Ask them if to hold the plane. Our plane lands at three fifteen in the afternoon that plane leaves at three to ten. I waited twelve hours for you people. They can wait five minutes. I'm not kidding. She goes, I'm so sorry, but we even if we get you on the plane, we can't get your bags. Well, of course I'm not going to leave the gear right. So Blair and I make the decision. All right, if we can get on the plane, will get on the plane. Otherwise we're screwed forget about it. So long story short, which is very long. They gave us I got a bag and wallet, so we have free wallet, and that you didn't get on that plane. And she hands me I swear to God. She hads me a voucher for a hotel for the hotel, the airport hotel, which is adjacent to the terminal, and she says to me, I swear to God. She goes, uh, the one good thing I can offer you. It's amazing. What is the hotel? Is a chash to this terminal. You don't have far to walk? Just like, oh my god, So how many total hours? Sixty four? So did I was a little off all my time? Did I get in an hour after you or an hour before you got in? An hour after Linda almost got into a fight in the oh. Yeah, then I got to be an hour, so we sleep over. We get the first plane out to Hannoi. Everything's going great. We land in Hannoi, Blair and I high five on the plane. One second alright, a whole bunch of f bombs being dropped behind me. I think that can only be Linda, you speak like that in public. I look over and Linda's flipping the bird to some guy. By the way, Linda grew up in like the poorest area of Philly, so just saying all this is like, you know, she's come along that. Yere maya culpa from me? Yeah, pretty, I'm giving it anyway. But so what happened. Some guy pushed you, literally pushed you, literally physically slapped me so hard. I'm standing in line. I'm waiting for the agent. Mind you, this is a this is a nation where the military runs everything, so the military runs immigration. I'm waiting in line, and the guy slaps me in the back so hard and squeezing me. And I turned around to him and I said to him in language that is not appropriate or allowable on this radio show, really, anywhere, excuse me, or anywhere exactly, which is a typical lit Excuse me, sir, I do not like that. Quick, quick, quick, quick note, you didn't say excuse me, sir, sir. I'm from New York. But guy's lucky I wasn't there back I wouldn't have gone over very well, get away from me. Well, we are in you know you took up the whole time, but we are in Vietnam. I'm very sorry you had to do that. But with all you want to talk to me about time, I'm not gonna I am not really. I am not gonna tell everybody the real reason you could have been on my plane. No, and you're so stubborn, the real reason bay stubborn? Or what did you get here an hour before or after? Oh my god, are you done? You're a problem. Quick break from Vietnam. Yeah, we are here. We will be interviewing the president and following the summit. Um. I'm hopeful that this could be really historic. You know what, I think, a bunch of a better world. Oh but he won't get any credit from anybody in the media, trust me. All right, Live from Vietnam. It is well pretty close to twenty five after five am here, twelve hour difference from Eastern Standard time. Quick break, right back, we'll continue from Vietnam Hannity tonight at nine. When we come back to the kid that got cole cocked and punched in the face, he does have three eyewitnesses at Berkeley, and we'll have more about that straight ahead. You want to hit me, I'll shoot you all right. Twenty five now ntil the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one Seawan our toll free telephone number. That was some audio the video we played last week on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Um, literally at Berkeley. You see Berkeley, you know, the ever so tolerant left wing campuses of America, Berkeley, the home of free speech, supposedly. Um. Anyway, after that is what you see is, you know, literally this guy beating a crap, trying to beat the crap out of young man by the name of Hayden Williams. Sees a Leadership Institute field representative, you know, conservative groups calling on the University of California now to take action against the campus employee who you know, praise the alleged assault on this activist. Now here's the thing. There are three eyewitnesses in a minute We'll go to Hayden Williams, who cool cocked in this battle. Why would you see Berkeley, an employee that works for them be elated by the violence against an innocent person in this particular case. What is it about the Maga hat that is now triggering people? Make America great Again? Is now a trigger? How does it? How does a hat that says make America great again become a trigger? I mean, I can see it now used in the court of law at some point as well. Let's let's say not guilty by reason of insanity because the Maga hat triggered him anyway. But that is now happening all over the place. You know, look at Elissa Milano, radical left wing extremist, Hollywood nut job calling the Maga hat the new white hood. You know, look at what all of these people. By the way, Lynnwood is coming your way, all of you that accused him of being a racist, etc. And told a ball story about the sixteen year old kid. Good luck to all of you, because it's not going to work out very well. And you know, a professor of the classics in ancient history at the University of New Brunswick, you know, said had the hat is equivalent to the ku Klux Klan hood or a rope and the Washington Post saying that wearing a Maga hat constitutes a deliberate political act and a deliberate provocation. Imagine if anyone said the saying, well, I got angry because somebody had an Obama hope and chain shirt or hat on. What would the reaction be? You know, the same newspaper, Washington Post, as a fashion critic, to wear a Maga hat is to wrap oneself in the Confederate flag, look maybe more modern and fit more precise. And it goes on from there. You know, look how wrong the media was in the case of Nicholas Sandman or in the case you know, more recently, of what happened with Jesse Smollett. You know, can you come to any restaurant wearing a Maga hat you're not getting served, wanting to you know, the co owner and a tweet sent out by the owner of this you know restaurant. Think of what's happened to Ted Cruz and Kirsten Nielsen and Pam Bondi and everybody else that has been assaulted in an attack just for wearing a Maga hat and Sarah Sanders for crying outlet said disgrace anyway, joining us now to tell his side of the story is the person you heard in the video that we showed on TV, Hayden Williams um Now were you even? You weren't wearing a Maga hat from what I understand, correct, correct, I was not wearing a Maga hat on this day. However, we did have a stigment that said this is Maga country to show that you know, we're condemning hate crime, hoaxes and hate crimes in general, and that this this is what you know, supporters of the president, or this is what we believe. Well, I would think that you see, Berkeley is the home of free speech, but not if you're a conservative, which we've seen with conservative speakers now for many many years, shouted down, can't speak, attacked. You know, it's pretty unbelievable, but they've allowed us to go on. So let me go right to the beginning. And in light of what happened with Jesse Smallett, you know a lot of people are saying, well, you know, how do we believe this story? And I think you would probably understand that in the light of everything that's happened, right, Oh, definitely. And I'd just like to say it's not this. This isn't just you know, to protest speakers coming to campus or just me. This is this is a problem that affects conservative students all over Berkeley and all over California, but also across the country. But the point is is that you see what's happening to Smallett, and this guy's likely to spend years in jail if the evidence, as the police superintendent is pointing out as so overwhelming and incontrovertible. Um, you you wouldn't tell a phony story, which is what I'm saying. And if you did, you know the consequences. Correct. Oh, absolutely, Sean. I would never make up some sort of story to portray myself as a victim. In fact, I don't even really want to be, you know, the victim of such in the public. Yeah, you know, this isn't This isn't mine. Let me ask you this. You said you have three eye witnesses that were there from the get go, from the beginning, correct, Yes, And they've all come out publicly and back you up right, And and in fact, one of them is the president of the Turning Point Group that I was helping on campus. Now you immediately tried to get your phone video on, which I think was really smart on your part, and videotape this guy right right, yeah, there was there was only you know, he approached our table and immediately started yelling and cussing, and right then I realized this was probably not a safe situation for myself or the students I was helping. So so right then is when I started recording. How long into the confrontation did you get that tape? I think it's about six or seven seconds if that shown? Wow, wow, Now you know we've added on TV and I watched somebody. You know, you were trying to Obviously you were the one being assaulted based on all the tapes that I've seen, and there are different tapes and angles out there, um, and it looked to me like you were just trying to back up and in the end he cole cocks you, you know, after it gets really close in your grill. And have they found this person yet? So the person I believe he's been identified, but it's still under investigation and they haven't released any names for the suspect. But it's my hope that he's he's arrested soon, whoever it is. Yeah, I hope so. But you think you've got the identification of this, and what are your plans and what was your reaction to Berkeley when they have an employee cheering on this assault against you, and do you expect and want the university to fire that person. I think it's absolutely disgusting that that anybody, let alone of a member of the faculty would would you know, hail this person as a hero and and encourage this sort of behavior. You know, it's it's totally unacceptable, and it speaks to the sort of culture that that some universities, uh, you know, not just Berkeley, but across the country, that they're harboring, the sort of hostile culture, uh and violent culture toward conservatives. And it's it's only gotten worse in recent years. Now. We've chronicled this, this problem on college campuses for years. The Berkeley employee actually tweeted out, oh my god, the MAGA people on UC Berkeley campus yesterday got punched in the face by someone. This makes me feel emotionally so much better. Um, if this was the opposite and it was a liberal that was hit on UC Berkeley campus, that person would not be working for UC Berkeley anymore. Now. They did say Friday night that police identified the suspect based on current information available, and the suspect is not a student or affiliate of the university, but the person that supported it does work for the university, right right, Yeah, It's it's like I said, man, it's just so tragic that that some of these people would would condone that kind of behavior. You know, on Friday, I went to the hospital because I was still having ringing in my ears and a lot of symptoms, and you know, I got a cat scan and you know, I'm still recovering and everything. But this was a really serious injury. And it's a shame that some people at the university or you know, members of the campus community don't take it so serious. Well, I listen, I saw your black eye on TV. But on the other hand, look, I trained mixed martial arts five days a week, an hour and a half a day, and I have for six and a half years, So this is all I trained for. And but I'll be honest from I would do the same thing you did. I would just do everything I could possibly do to back off, get away, avoid the assault, you seem to try everything within your power to prevent this from escalating. Yeah, And honestly, I hoped that by recording the situation that they wouldn't do anything too stupid or crazy. But obviously that wasn't it. How many different videos are there of the attack, to be honest, shot, I don't know how many there are, but there was, you know, there was well we had a couple of different angles. I know, we had a couple of different angles. They were well over what there was well over three witnesses, like there was the entire plaza stopped and stared at that. What was going on? Yeah, Now when you look at the attention from the media with Jesse Smollett and you compare it to your case where there's violent video, what is your reaction? I want to believe him instantaneously, and they did. They went in all the way. Yeah. I think it speaks to their credibility or lack thereof, really, because you know, even even in the article where they they state that I was allegedly assaulted, they clearly have a picture of me getting punched in the face. And you know, similarly with Jesse, uh, they didn't say it was alleged when in fact it didn't even happen. Now, what are your plans going forward? What do you plan to do with the police, the university, etc. So I mean, as I said, everything's still under investigation, and I'm reviewing the options and just kind of taking it step by step. First, first we've got to arrest this individual, whoever it was. But mainly I'm just focused on recovering and getting back in good health so I can continue, you know, promoting conservative principles on campuses. It's really only emboldened me. And how old are you hating and how did you become a conservative at such a young age. Well, I'm twenty six. I just turned twenty six. I've been involved with youth politics all my life, you know, throughout middle school and high school I did mock legislature and mock the United Nations and that sort of thing. And I carried that into college with me, and after I left, I wanted to continue that sort of sort of activism, so I started working with the Leadership Institute, and I just think what they do is so amazing and really necessary now more than ever. Well, I just want to tell you, I know, maybe publicly it's hard to get cold cock like that. But you know what you ever I'm a big fan of rocky movies. You ever watch rocky movies? Oh? Of course. It's not about how hard you get hit. It's about how hard you get hit and you keep moving forward. Let me play a little bit of us. Let me tell yourself. Do you already know? The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place. And I don't care how tough you are. It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it, You me or nobody. He's gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can't get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take They keep moving forward. That's how witted has done. Now, if you know what you're worth, they go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers say you ain't where you want to be because of him or her or anybody. Cowards do that, and that ain't you. You're better than that. You know what you think about that line, and you think about how powerful one of the most powerful scenes in all of the Rocky movies. You know, nobody's gonna hit as hard as life, Hayden, nobody. But it is about how hard you can get hit and get up. And I admire you getting up and moving forward. I really mean that. Thank you so much, Sean. All right, keep us in the loop. We want to be updated. Okay, absolutely, all right, eight hundred nine one, Sean, as are told, free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. You're a huge fan of Rockies too, Glenda, And oh, I mean, you know this kid didn't he could have. He could have just said screwed this, dropped his gloves and you know, gone gone. And that's and that when I grew up, that's what we did every day. I think what I'm more offended by is just the lack of publicity around it. I think it's absolutely disgusting. I think it just shows that this media just doesn't care about people. They care about a narrative, They care about a story, and whoever plugs into that, that's all the mattters, Linda. They didn't care about the furloughed employees, they didn't care about DACA, they didn't care about dreamings, about anything. They didn't care about. They don't care about sexual assault. Look at the lieutenant governor issue in Virginia. Yeah, Lieutenant Governor Fairfax. Yeah, we allegations a sexual assault and a rape, a rape where the woman told people the next day or that day, and yet we don't hear anything about it. But if his name was Cavanaugh, we hear a lot about it from forty nine years ago, I honest to god. I mean with the amount of people witnesses they had in the Cavanaugh case, and every witness was like, I don't remember, I wasn't there, that didn't happen, and even sweat Nick afterwards. You know, it's like one of those things where you literally get to a place and you got nothing. It's just ridiculous, unbelievable. All Right, we're in Vietnam. We haven't been taking a lot of calls. Don is in Iowa. Don, Welcome to a Vietnam. Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Glad you're with us, sir, Well, good morning Vietnam. On how you're doing well. It's kind of close to six am Vietnam time and six pm Easter and then three pm on the West coast alow weird being upside down like this, but you know what, I'm glad to be here, and we want to give you the best coverage to always come answer, and you always do. I've traveled quite a bit out there myself in my Marine Corps days, and so I sympathize you with you. But I called to remark about Cortez and even Diane Feinstein. They're gonna repair our environment, and I love that. That's that's fantastic. I love that they're gonna save the environment. But the funny thing is they can't even fix our budget or our immigration. No, listen, you're gonna get free everything. You're gonna get free housing, free, retirement free, you know, job at a free adopt guaranteed wage, and family and medical leave and vacations and how healthcare but you can't have your own anymore, and college and daycare and free everything, and don't worry how much it cost. That's even Kamala Harris now saying the same thing. It's unbelievable. By the way, thank you for your service, simplifying marine appreciate. I got a great lunch. I don't even remember how many days when we landed We had a great lunch with a bunch of Marines that were stationed in Okinawa. What right time, great guys, had a good time. And anyway, do you have time for one more call? I do not? All right, all right, that's gonna wrap things up a little bit here from Vietnam. Hannaday. Tonight we are loaded up. We're gonna have Acascio Cortez. Yes, he's literally now talking about well maybe we need to stop having children because the world's about to end and it's not good for the planet. I'm not making it up. And Kamala Harris all on board. We do a deep dive into the twenty twenty candidates, starting with Kamala. Tonight, we'll have a preview of the summit. Dan Bongino and Dan Hoffman here with us. Monica Crowley, we'll see you regular bat time, bat place. Have a great night.

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