Little Guy Wins - November 30th, Hour 2

Published Nov 30, 2021, 11:01 PM

Daniel Suhr, of the Liberty Justice Center who represented Brandon Trosclair, and David Schoen, Civil Liberties Attorney, are here to discuss the vaccine mandates, the big win for the little guy in Louisiana, and why the federal government’s mandate was delayed until the New Year. 

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Where will coming to y'all city, saying you, well, I'll be desire high and if you want a little bag and come along, I represent science. And if you damage science, you are doing something very detrimental to society. Families that once they own that electric vehicle, we'll never have to worry about gas prices. Again. I don't know if you've cooked a turkey before, but at twenty pound turkey is a pretty big turkey. I think we can all agree they're about one dollar more. But I just want to be clear that there are abundance of turkeys available. They're about one dollar more for a twenty pound bird. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the Revolution, yea where I'm coming to your city, going to play off New Sean Hannity Show, Maryhind the scenes, information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind Enemy Lines, Day number one oh eight hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine for one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Uh here we here we go again. As it relates to COVID. As it relates to shutdowns as it relates to, you know, draconian shutdowns on the economy. All of this is having such a negative impact on the entire country. One of the funnier moments at the White House yesterday, Fox's own Peter Doocey confronting circle back Jen Saki on the idea that I thought, I thought travel bands were hysterical, xenophobia and racist, and Jen didn't have a particularly good answer. Before Joe Biden's president, he said that COVID travel restrictions on foreign countries were hysterical xenophobia and German drinks of what change well, I would say first to put it in full context, Peter, what the president was critical of was the way that the former president put out I believe a xenophobic tweet, and how he called what he called the co coronavirus and who he directed it at. The President has not been critical of travel restrictions. We have put those in place ourselves. We put them in place ourselves in the spring. But no, he does not believe he believes we should follow the advice of health and medical experts. That's exactly what he did, and putting in place these restrictions over the weekend. Now, also, remember the Democrats said that they're not going to ever have a COVID vaccine mandate. Now you want to know where vaccine hesitancy comes from. No masks, masks don't work. One masks, two masks, vax or masks. Then it's vax end mask. Then it's vax and mask and booster and then booster again and again and again, and it just never stops changing, and the bar keeps moving and flip flop. Fauci keeps lying and keeps getting everything wrong, just like on the gain of function, as he's been called out by Senator Rampaul, who'll join us at the top of the next hour. And it's you know, in the news, just keeps getting worse. Massachusetts governor may impose a vaccine passport requirement there. But down in Florida, Rohn de Santis is vowed to protect Florida from Biden lockdowns. Florida right now as the lowest coronavirus case rate in the nation, and it dropped even further. Now you do have these up swings in geographical areas at times. But he's the one that put in place the monoclonal antibody centers all around the state of Florida. But to this judge and this ruling is is he on so many different levels. But they said they wouldn't do this. Los Angeles now is enforcing vaccine mandates at gyms and restaurants and businesses. They're just like New York. You know, there's only this less than a third of for example, of minorities in New York City that are vaccinated. I don't know why. I don't know what the reason is, but I think the debate over vaxx or don't vax is kind of over because people have made up their mind whether you agree with them and don't agree with them. So now we're going to shut people out of everyday life to such a large extent. You know, again, Democrats said they'd never do this. Listen, No, I don't think we should be mandatory. I wouldn't demand to be mandatory. Perhaps the federal government should step in and issue man means. And if not, are you putting the needs of unvaccinated people ahead of the needs vaccinated Well, I think the question here one that's not the role of the federal government. That is the role that institutions, private sector entities and others made. We cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That's just not what we can do. I am all for more vaccination, but you know, I have nothing further to say on that except that we're looking into those policies, and quite honestly, as people are doing that locally, those are those are individual local decisions as well. I don't think you'll ever see a man dating of vaccine, particularly for the general public. Yeah, Biden said it, Saki said it, Pelosi said it, the CDC head Walinski said it, and flip Flop Fauci all said it. And now it's happening kids. We have a one hundred and sixty two kids, very comparable rate of death from coronavirus, same rate of kids that would die from the flu, almost identical. You know, I've been very consistent. Take it seriously, I've seen the worst of this. I know people that died from COVID. I know people that have been intubated and have survived barely, and those that have passed away on a ventilator. I know people. To your own research, and I'm not talking about putting on a lab code. Read everything you can, things you agree with, disagree with, so you can ask intelligent questions of your doctor, factor in your unique medical history, your current medical condition, talk to your doctor doctors, and then you're gonna have to make an important decision. I'm not a doctor, I'm not trained as a doctor. I'm not going to dispense medical advice without a license like everybody else on radio and TV. But I do believe in freedom, and I do believe in the idea of medical privacy and doctor patient confidentiality, which apparently many people do not. Daniel Sir is with the Liberty Justice Center representing Brandon trust Claire. I'll tell you about this case in a minute. David shown is with us of a Liberty's attorney, and the federal government has been ordered to stop the implementation now of the enforcement of this vaccine mandate. First we had the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, then we had yesterday's Court of Appeals. This Brian trust Claire employees five people across fifteen grocery stores in Louisiana, Mississippi, and thankfully, he says, this ruling recommends now marks a tremendous success as the court is recognizing how the mandate would impair our liberty and infringe on our constitutional rights anyway, Daniel, David, Welcome to the show. Daniel tell us about Brandon. Yeah, Brandon is a grocery guy, right. He's a small business owner in a multigeneration family business in Louisiana, and he just wants to service customers and take care of his employees. And he doesn't think it's his job as a boss to get involved in these intensely personal medical decisions. And yet the Biden administration, with his mandate shown his poor thing Brandon into this position of having to either force his employees to get vaccinated against their will or saying to people who've worked for him for years that he's got to show them the door. He just thinks that's wrongs, right, And what's more, it's illegal. Do you want the court to stop it? And we're winning, We're getting courts to agree with us that this goes beyond the power of the government. It's really unbelievable. David shown that it's it's taken this long to get the courts to finally weigh in on the side of liberty and freedom on this. Do you think this holds? Do you think this gets to the Supreme Court? Yeah, it could well get the Supreme Court. But I have to tell you it had to be a great lawyering job in this case and the Missouri case, because these opinions are real lawyers, judges opinions. They're very clear. They support founding principles, they support the idea of federalism, and basically what they say is we've just gone too far. Some of these decisions, by the way, may clear we're not passing any judgment, has had some of the lawyers. We're not passing any judgment. Just what you said, Sean, it's a decision for people to make. You know. As you know, Sean, I've had COVID, my entire family has, and I lost my beloved mother to COVID. So I take this all very seriously. But these decisions say, though, is the government's go too far. The decision that you're talking about a Fifth Circuit decision, the Court said, basically, the government just decided they wanted to have some kind of fix, so they scoured the regulations and various agencies they came up with this one. It just doesn't fly. As the Court said in the case, it's too broad and it's under inclusive both at once. It said the mandate is a one size fits all sledgehammer that makes hardly any attempt to account for differences in workplaces and workers that have more than a little bearing on workers varying degrees of susceptibility to suppose of the grave danger the mandate purports to address. It doesn't take into account any individual concerns. It really doesn't. It seems like nobody wants to talk about and many people have actually come out publicly and said that hell with your freedom, you don't have the right to make anybody else sick. Well, what do we you know we're going to fire, For example, a lot of these healthcare workers Daniel in hospitals, nurses and other healthcare workers. These are people in the middle of this entire shift show that were diving on COVID bombs every single day working COVID petrie dishes. We now have two countries with hundreds of thousands of people being studied in the case of Israel, showing that you know, when it comes to natural immunity versus the vaccine, there's a twenty seven percent greater protection rate if people have natural immunity. And this specifically was against the delta variant. I thought we were supposed to follow the science. Now it's not peer reviewed. I want to see the final results, but certainly those early numbers for nearly eight hundred thousand people are encouraging. And now we have a second study out with over three hundred thousand people showing pretty much the same thing. Yeah, Sean, you're so right about these healthcare workers. I'll tell you I represent over fifty nurses at a hospital in Illinois who have asked for religious exemptions because of their deeply held religious pro life convictions, and the hospital has denied every single one of them. These nurses have been showing up day in and day out for the last twenty months of this pandemic, putting their patients first, and how the hospital is willing to just throw them to the side because they're not willing to compromise their convictions. And that's that's just wrong, but it's also illegal. Right. The law protects us in our individual right, especially when it comes to something as as deep as our faith, to make these decisions, and it expects employers to respect our conscience rights and to protect people. So you don't have to choose between your deeply health beliefs in your job you know, David, you want to weigh in on that. Yeah, well, I think one of the most important things that you know, the court has said in this health worker case is what on earth are we doing? It was a type of broad based remedy. You're going to eliminate the health workers so they can't there'll be no one there to provide not sufficient people there to provide healthcare in order to purportedly address a health problem. You got to get your mind. Yeah, essentially, quick freak. We'll come back more with Daniel Sir David Shone. Your calls at the bottom of this half hour eight hundred nine one, Shawn on number if you want to be a part of the program. Right more about the court orders now stopping in ten states, the vaccine mandate of Joe Biden. We continue with attorneys Daniel Sir and David Shone. You know, but if you look at issues like freedom, medical privacy, doctor patient confidentiality, David Sir, that they seem to have been totally eliminated from the conversation. Yeah, that's so true, Sean. There are these foundational principles about our country and they're they're true. As David was just saying, about states and federalism. The federal government has to respect the right of states to be the primary decision makers in these areas. But ultimately, both the civil government and state governments need to respect individual liberties. And that means individual religious liberty, it means individual medical privacy and the right of people to make these sort of deeply personal medical decisions for themselves. The Constitution protects us in those rights. And though we've seen great progress in the court so far on some of these structural limits on government power, we need to see more from the courts recognizing people's individual liberties that are also at stake in these debates. Yeah, I mean, David, you know shown I know you're a civil liberties attorney. Nobody talks about civil liberties anymore. Yeah, that's that's one hundred percent right, because what we've seen today is, as for the last year at least, is the complete political partisanship attacking the Constitution. We're willing to throw away bedrock principles in order to suit a political agenda everybody recognizes is a terrible health crisis here. But we also have a system of laws boats have to be respected. No, I think the fact that the ACU has flip flopped on vaccines, tells you everything you need to know. That the ACOU, you know, was historically the civil rights group cilbrities group would have protected people's rights, and they have totally fliplopped in the last year, and that it's just one more example of our David, you still have the federal government firing people in the military. They're losing their jobs now, I know because people are calling this show and telling me that the same with nurses. They're being replaced in spite of the court rulings. At what point does a stay actually mean to stay? It's a fair question, Sean. You know, the OSHA mandate has suspended nationwide, but what we're seeing is these so many layers of mandate from the government, and so even though for workers broadly they're protected by the state that brandon one, for a lot of people in individual circumstances, that's not the case. And that's why it's so important that we fight not just on one front in this battle, but we have to fight on every front. We have to see them on every mandate. We have to stop them in state court, we have to stop them at the federal court. We just have to keep fighting and standing up for our rights because we know that they're not backing down, they're not slowing down, and that means we have to confront them on every single one of these Yeah, I'm gonna say one last thing, and my view as a lawyer, what you're doing is more important than what we lawyers can do, because at the end of the day, this has got to remain a government of the people, and you've got to continue getting a message out to uphold individual liberties while still be you don't speak against vaccines. You're just talking about the rule of law and our constitution, and you've got to get the people, you know, to understand what's going on. That's what you do so beautifully. It's more important I think in any given legal case. Yeah, last word, David, Sir, Daniel Sir, Sorry, Daniel, sir, Sir. I totally agree. This is a time for the American people to stand up and fight back. Like what we're doing in court is important, but it only happens when we have clients. Right. It's people who are willing to take on the government, who are willing to show up at work knowing it might be awkward at the coffee machine because you're the guy who is not vaccinated. You're the guy who's suing your employer or suing the government to stop this like that. That's hard. It takes courage, do you know what? Like Brandon had that kind of courage to sue the agency that regulates his business, and he won. And the more wins we get, the more momentum we get, it just builds on itself. So this is a time for people to stand up and fight back in court and in their community to make sure we don't lose these precious liberties. Yeah, well said, Thank you both, Daniel, Sir David shone eight hundred nine for one, Shawn our number. We're gonna get to your calls next half hour, quick break, right back standing up for what's right with America. We're back on the Sean Hannity Show. Twenty five ounces. At the top of the hour, we'll get to your calls here. Eight hundred nine one, Shawn our number. Um. You know, it's funny when you think back ten days after the first identified case of coronavirus in America happened to be January twenty first, twenty twenty. Within ten days, Donald Trump put in place a travel band, and he was called every name in the book, racist, xenophobic, hysteric, racle. You know this is a discriminatory etc. Now Joe Biden is implementing one. There's an exchange with Peter Doocey and Jen Saki, as I played in the last half hour yesterday over this and what's amazing then also Jen Saki says, well, the objective of the president's travel ban is to protect the American people. And I'm thinking, look at this, and I'll play this for you, and think of this answer through the prism of Joe's cages for kids at the border. Look at it through the prism of, oh, we don't need to test illegal immigrants for COVID because then I'm going to be here very long that big Jen Saki administration lie. And then of course flying people all over the country in the darker night, and the preferential treatment, which is no COVID testing, no vaccine mandates for illegal immigrants, only for American citizens. And then of course amnesty, which they're trying to stick again into the reconciliation bills. Six point five million people would get amnesty in that bill of it goes through in its current form. They've now attempted this three separate times, the Senate parliamentarian and has said no each and every time. I assume will say no again. What we'll see, but listen to Jen Saki and think about the border, and think about Biden's cages, and think about the preferential treatment of illegal immigrants. But even the policy that would pay illegal immigrants separated at the border, people that didn't respect our laws, borders and sovereignty foreigner and fifty grand for family. As you listen to Jen Saki's answer, President insisted that the travel ban in South Africa doesn't punish them in the neighboring countries. But South Africa's leaders say it does. How long does the White House vision that travel bans staying in places? We will continue to assess it. I would say that the objective here is not to punish, It is to protect the American people. As you just heard the presidents say, this is not going to prevent, It is going to delay, and that delay is going to help us have necessary time to do the research by your health and medical teams to get more people vaccinated and get more people boosted. And he's always going to err on the side of protecting the American people. Oh really, did they do that at the border? I don't think so. All right, let's get to our busy telephones. Here a lot of you are, you know, hanging in here? All right, we gotta go to Brooklyn, New York. Now, Mo the liberal and Brooklyn, New York has been calling the show for over twenty five years. I like Mo. Mo for some reason, actually has in his head that I'm like the most dangerous person in America. Do you still believe? That's sillyness? Sean, I think you've been neutralized, but I'm not gonna go ye. Wait a minute, Wait a minute. What you used to say I was the most dangerous person? Why did you say that? By the way, why did you believe that? Because I'm not well, Sean, You're you're really an obstructionist. You keep talking about originalism and our rights and our freedoms and liberty, freedom, capitalism, our constitution. Those are those are bad concepts to support in your mind. Look, Sean, you know I come from working people, and my family were iron workers and fishermen. You know I was teaching what do you know my background? I come from working people too, well. I was teaching college when I was twenty three, and I love I was washing dishes at twelve. You want to go, you know SOB story to SOB story here, I mean, I feel blessed to live in the greatest country God he gave man. Well we are, yes, we agree on that. And Joe Biden you can't name you can't name instance one working together to make the world positive? Why are we written? You tell me? Tell me how we spread the needle? Now? Was Joe wrong? Thirteen days prior to he did this? Was he wrong to abandon Americans in Afghanistan? Can you at least acknowledge that? But you know, if I was have a conversation with him against it. Follow the bouncing ball. There was Joe Biden wrong. He promised he wouldn't abandon Americans and he abandoned hundreds of them and thousands of people with green cards and are Afghan allies? Was he wrong to do that? Sean, you're my host. I'm not going to embarrass you about some of the things that I have not You're not going to embarrass me. I'm asking was Joe to those people helped me out here? Not going to embarrass you? Yes? Or no? Was Joe wrong to abandon American citizens, our fellow citizens behind enemy lines in Afghanistan? Was he right or wrong? Our president is never wrong, He's never been as Joe as Joe Biden done a good job on the border. And do you have a problem with his cages that he built in the middle of a pandemic? Help us that it's disgraceful. What's going on on the boarder. We understand that, and who caused that? Graceful? And who caused our enemy? That people are coming here to work for us? Okay, but but they have to come here illegally. Mo. We have laws they have to we have to follow. Maybe you, as a liberal, you can get away with breaking the law. But you know if I break the law, I'm going to jail. You're laughing because it's all good humors rooted in truth. All right, let me ask you this question. Every day, don't you wish? Don't you wish that we still were a country that was energy independent? And isn't an embarrassing that Joe Biden is begging OPEC and importing oil from Russia? Isn't that embarrassing? I don't think we should allow any internal combustion engines to be built in America. What do you want us to ride bicycles to work every day? I don't know what the answer is, but believe you don't know what the answer. In the meantime, we'll hitchhike. Oh that's what. That's right. They won't be any cars to get on. You know there will be an answer. You see. The problem is you can't answer my questions. But I'll tell you why. Because Joe Biden. You can't name a single thing he's done that has benefit of the American people. His energy policies have now hurt the poor and the middle class. It's caused implation. He's responsible for the supply chain crisis. He caused the crisis at the border. He could fix it by going back to the Trump policies that worked. The world knows that he's a cognitive mess because he is all of these issues. He never should have abandoned a single American in Afghanistan. That's not who we are. Mo. You know better than that, and yet you fight me on these things for I don't know what, Because you're too loyal to your party. I don't give a flying rip about the Republican Party. I'm not even a Republican. I'm a registered conservative. Conservative principles work. Republicans are weak. A lot of them. Some are really good, but a lot of them are pretty weak. You know, I don't understand what you're talking about a lot of times anymore. Sean. I'm really and I'm seventy two years old, so I could be losing it. How have I been neutralized from the most dangerous person in America? What happened? Well, you know, I'm not going to say the issues that you're bringing up are gas lighting or not important, but I mean, we all know what the real issues are. You know, Well, you think paying a buck fifty more gallon and paying win a minute more for poor middle class people to have to pay twenty twenty five bucks more to fill up their tank, five hundred to a thousand bucks more to heat their homes. Everything they buy in every store they go to cost more because it costs more to transport it there. Joe Biden caused those problems, and you're telling me that those aren't issues that are important to me. It's important and now I can afford it, But there was a time in my life when I couldn't. You know, my life story you know that. You know I was struggling to pay my own rent for years, cooking in a dime at doing any of the stuff you're doing now. I know it was a higher end that. It was a no, it was a pub. Give me a break. I'm you know, a little higher end than that. And I was cooking steaks and making stuff lobster and burgers and fries and you name it. I am vetecchini Alfredo. I make the best shrimp scampy. I made all of it. I'm really good, all right, MO. We love you anyway, But MO, you're losing it though you're not on your A game. You gotta call back when you're on your A game, all right, But you really are, You really are a tremendous dignitary in America. So you are? How am I a dignitary? I'm a nobody. I'm just I'm somebody that's You're probably among the top hundred influences in America. Probably, Oh my gosh. If I was that powerful, Barack Obama and Joe Biden would never be president. Anyway, Mo, the liberal. We love you, God bless you have a grade. If I don't talk to him. A great holiday, all right? Merry Christmas. Oh, you actually say it, and the most liberals won't say it anymore. Marry Christmas. Um we love mo. No, Linda, it's been too long. I love him. He was one of the first people I ever talked to when I started working here. First of all, I talked to be scared the crap out of me, and you know, I'm like, I don't know what to do with this guy, but you know, he is he is. You know, it's great. He the liberals can't answer these questions. I was not asking him tough questions. I was asking him basic questions. It's not even about that though. He actually believes what he's saying to you. And I think that's why I like him, because, unlike other Liberals, he believes it. He's you know, and honestly, he kind of reminds me of like, I'm sure you've heard this expression a thousand times and you've probably said a thousand times you said elf. But it's kind of like the Reagan Democrats and the Kennedy Republicans, Like those were the days where we could meet in the middle, where we could have some issues, where we agreed. One Reagan and Tip O'Neil is it after six? Meaning? Have a drink? Can we have a drink and just talk? You know? And we just don't do that anymore. I mean I was talking to talking more. Gotta talk a right back to our busy telephones. Uh, Neil is in Vegas? What's up? Neil kadon radio? What's happening by Sean? Yes? By the way, you got a great candidate out there for Senate lack Salt. I like lack Salt. Oh yeah, yeah. He seems like a good conservative. He is a you know what, it's time for Nevada to go back to red. Same with Arizona. Anyway. What's on your mind? Well, you know, Um, I was at a family get together over Thanksgiving and uh uh one of my relatives came in and uh, she had she was. She was all wide eyed saying, oh my gosh, you know what. I charged my tesla up as full as I could, and you know, it's uh, it's supposed to have one hundred and eighty five mile range. And I got in my car and started driving to Vegas, and um, and after a hundred miles it died. It's just it's just died. And now I'm done just to be fair. They have this plan as part of the New Green Deal. Uh so radical socialism is that they want charging stations everywhere. How long is it going to charge? How long does it take the charge of battery? I mean you have to sit there and wait till the battery gets charged, or do you replace it with another one? I mean, I'm not sure how that system is gonna work. Look, I am fascinated in new technology. I once had a hybrid escalade and it saved some money on gas. And I didn't like it as much as as the regular escalade, but it was it was decent. It was a good, you know escalator. You really can't go wrong. And I tried it, and you know, I'm fascinated with Elon Musk. I'd love to interview the guy. I've asked him, I've texted him directly. He's texted me back, but he doesn't seem to have any interest in coming on my show. And I just want to if somebody comes up with a way for cheaper energy, which is the lifeblood of the world's economy, and we don't have to be reliant on oil, gas and coal, I'm not against it. The windmill ideas is the bad expensive failure of an idea doesn't work. Solar panels have never been perfected either that I've seen. And right now, the lifeblood of the world's economy is energy, and that energy is oil and gas and coal. And by us saying OPEC, we want you to produce more when we can produce our own is just plain stupid. And now we're the people that are suffering the most or the poor in the middle class in this country, but all of us are paying more, and we're paying more for everything we buy. Um, So I'm actually open minded. I'll give you the last word. Okay, Yeah, Well, the whole thing is that it's not just the vehicle died when it discharges. For you like that, you can't just plug it into something. They had to be pulled up on a flatbed co truck and code the rest ways to Nevada and they were in podunk. So you want something plug into out where there's nothing but desert, it's not going to happen, you know, and so it's not Listen. I think they would build charging stations. I think they would have battery trade out stations. I think there's ways to do it. Um. I'm not though, convinced yet. I'm sure they'll figure out ways to extend the battery life so it can go further and further and further, probably eventually maybe even you know, coast to coast, So there are ways to do it. I'm I'm into it, in it, but I have not been convinced that's the future yet. But I think that people like Elon Musk are making, you know, great strides in doing it. And you know, I'm interested in the Henry Fords of our day. One of the greatest series I think you'll ever watch and you really like is the men that built America, the Rockefellers, the Carnegie By the way, these people were ruthless business people. They were I mean, they just were hardcore. They have this reputation at oh they're rich and classy and Fifth Avenue and Park Avenue in New York City, And let me tell you, and you watch this series, you see how tough they are.

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