Lindsey Graham: Case Closed!

Published Jun 5, 2019, 10:00 PM

Senator Lindsey Graham, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has been pushing back against the haters and the never-ending stream Mueller’s minions in the Democratic Party. He joined Sean on TV this week and is here today for the first time since the Special Counsel addressed the public a week ago. The bottom line?  Case closed!

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All right, glad you with us, and we got a busy day today. Right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza, it's eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn, if you want to join us. We got Senator Lindsey Graham. Well, he's on the Key Committee in the US Senate, and he has promised that he is going to do a top two bottom review of everything that has gone on with Operation Crossfire, Hurricane, the rigging of Hillary's investigation, which is now it's all true, and then of course the FISA abuse, and then of course trying to rig a general election using Russian lies and spying on the Trump campaign in a multitude of ways, and then using the dirty dossier to influence the American people before the election and undermine the Trump campaign, have a backdoor into all things world Trump campaign, Trump transition, Trump presidency, and it's not gonna be pretty. I can tell you all of it. So he'll join us today. Bill O'Reilly checks in with us today. And it's a seventy fifth anniversary of dd I don't know if you had a chance to watch any of the ceremonies today. It was. You know, you think back at this great generation of people and the courage of so many, and the forces of evil that like my father's generation had to face after Pearl Harbor. He's like so many of his friends, they're all signed up with, you know, to fight for their country. And my father spent four long years in the Pacific in World War Two, And you know, you think of and I wrote this in the book Deliver Us from Evil as I did my research, it actually is so shocking when you read that in the last century and you read the stories of evil in their time in the Manifestation of Evil. I mean, you think of it. It's hard for good people to understand evil. I've said there's many times, But what is it if somebody is so violent they can just kill innocent people. There's something so dark, so sinister within that human soul that would allow them to do that, and in some cases without a conscience of any kind feeling bad about what they did, or those that would harm a child, or those involved in sex trafficking of children like we have been chronicling. As it relates to the need for borders, that's a big, big problem. And I've talked to many of the agents that that literally have worked on that for fifteen years. You know, how does a person with a heart and a soul do that to an innocent kid and destroy that child's life, or a rapist or you know, just pick any violent crime. I mean, these are there's a horrible side to the human condition. And in the last century alone, as I was doing this history of evil, you know, you in that last century, we lost over one hundred million souls, over one hundred million. When you look at Russia and Stalin and fascism, communism, Nazism, Imperial Japan and the killing fields Cambodia, and then you think they look at what happened to Christians in northern Iraq. They were wiped out in a period of time, and the world did nothing. You know, That's why it was such a big deal when Obama drew a red line in the Sanda did nothing as assad is gassing his own people in Syria. Now, America, we can't cure the nation's the world's evil, but we can help when we can, and we do. And but if you know, just just thinking back to the heroism of all those young men slamming the beaches of Normandy and it was a blood bath, and they did it, knowing the risk, and they did it. You know, as wave after wave of soldier hit those beaches, they saw what had happened prior to them getting there, They saw the dead bodies all over the place as they tried to Then, you know, the liberation of France begins. No no can barry Farvard. No country has accumulated more power and abused it less than the United States. We're not a perfect people. Nobody's perfect. There's been no country on the face of this earth that has accumulated this much power and used it to advance the human condition more than the United States. That's why I can't understand the mentality in the mindset of some people that don't get America's greatness. For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of my country because they're gonna elect my husband. Or what about these World War two guys? What about the cost, the blood, the cost of liberty and freedom? It has been so high that we can you know, barbecue on Memorial Day and peace and in happiness. That but that's their gift to us. Pretty amazing people, you know, you think of I remember, you know, you know how is it that somebody, you know, I don't care. Look at Isis today, look at al Qaeda today, or any of these radical Islamic terror groups, those that could strap bombs on their own children, indoctrinate them and tell them that there's a special place in heaven with a special reward of virgins in heaven if you just kill innocent men, women and children. I mean to think that we give money to, you know, certain groups and associated with now the duly elect that hamas leaders, and they spend a good portion of our money giving money to those that have killed and have been killed, but killed Americans and Israelis. That's insane. But evil exists, and the cost of freedom has been high, one hundred million souls in the last century alone. And honestly, every generation faces evil in their time. And the evil, I would say the biggest threat we have today is radical Islamic terrorism hasn't gone away since two thousand and one. And it goes on, and it exists, and it gets you know, it gets perpetuated by for whatever reason of corrupt nature of some human beings and their souls. You know, you look at the polls today. There's a poll out today Now this is actually probably one of the most understated, biggest victories for Donald Trump, because Donald Trump has been the one president. Presidents throughout history, going back to Jefferson and Washington, they've all complained about the press, all of them, but we've never had institutionally what we have today, and that is an abusively biased and bigoted press. And frankly, in our lifetime, I can't think of a president now. Reagan got horrible press at times, and as did every president in our lifetime, Jimmy Carter at the end, he was getting bad press, and then you moved through all the way to Donald Trump. But Donald Trump has successfully called them out. And conservatives, well we've how many times have we talked about media bias, a liberal bias in the press. Well, now we've got evidence to back up everything we've been saying is true. And I think that the success of the president is he basically is branded and tattooed into the forehead of every mainstream so called media outlet in this country who they are, and expose them. And I don't think they ever overcome the branding because Americans now cite fake news as the single most important non healthcare related issue facing the country. And by the way, this survey was put together by the Pew Research people, one of the biggest problems now. Pew Research found fifty percent of Americans survey said that news was a major problem. Now, the media is not going to look in the mirror and they're not going to say, you know what, for two years, we've never told any story of success that Donald Trump's policies are working. We don't ever cover the fact that, unlike most presidents, he keeps promises. Look he did with Jerusalem and the Golon Heights, and look how hard he's fighting to get the border wall built. We had a big court victory yesterday. You know, the President followed through on the biggest tax cuts in history. President followed through on ending burdensome bureaucracy for businesses. We now have the lowest unemployments. In nineteen sixty nine, as a reference, the year the New York Mets won the World Series, I was eight years old. I can tell you the whole lineup, but I don't have time. And I mean that's massive. And those that had been so disproportionately negatively impacted by the Biden Obama years, they're the ones benefiting the most. And you see record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment. These are not statistics. These are real people, real lives that are getting better. Then you look at the lifeblood of our economy has always been oil and energy and gas, and for the first time in seventy five years, we're energy independent. Well that's a good thing for a lot of reasons. Because those energy jobs, as we had pointed out now for years, they're pretty high paying career jobs. They'll train you to be a truck driver in the energy industry and you're gonna start making eighty grand a year, and then you'll be at a hundred pretty quickly. And then if you work a lot over time, we'll be making one forty. And the other good news is, okay, well maybe you only work making forty thousand before that. Well, that extra hundred grand, eighty grand, thirty grand, fifty grand, all that means is a better lifestyle of raising the standard of living of every American, and that means the forgotten men and women of this country. If we really take this and run with this, it means we'll never have to ask any of these countries that hate our guts for one drop of oil ever again, so a matter of fact, we can drive them out of business. You can see the Saudis and others. They're looking for ways now to transition. Knowing America's vast resources and oil and natural gas. All these people that say they hate Russia and Vladimir Putin, Okay, I've got the answer. We can drive Putin the hostile actor he is to his knees, and Russia the hostile regime that they are by just simply outproducing energy, which is the life that this is it for them. They've got nothing else. We've got everything else. And then the President of course, negotiating new trade deals, we figure out how to get our gas and our oil to our allies in Western Europe and around the world. Let me tell you what the net result of that is. That means America's making the world safer and in the process we are dramatically raising the standard of living of every single American. I know, it's the exact opposite of what the liberal Democrats and the New Green Deal thing is all about. But the reality and the truth and the facts are not going to change in ten years. Oil and gas is the lifeblood of every single economy on the face of this earth. Now, it doesn't mean we shouldn't be good stewards and take care of the air we breathe, the water that we drink. It's pretty dumb if we don't. Doesn't mean there's not new technologies that won't become available, that we'll even drive energy costs to lower levels. But it's the single greatest asset we have towards pulling everybody, not just in America but around the world out of poverty and raising the standard of living. And that means vacations. That means a new truck, That means a nicer home and a safer neighborhood with better schools, and a vacation that you pay for on your own because you have the money because of the opportunity that is created by energy. All this is happening, but the media is not going to tell you. So. Donald Trump is successfully tattooed into the forehead of every fake news organization in the country who they are, and I don't think they ever overcome this branding. This is forever etched into people's minds. All right, as we continue, Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. So I think this is a big deal. I'll give you another example. So the president, if you look at the media in Great Britain, you look at and Joe Contra had a really good piece this morning when it was on Fox News, Fox and Friends, and it's like, Trump gets these glowing reviews from the UK media. But the UK media, by the way, it canna be pretty tough, while the US media focuses in on one thing, the baby Trump blimp that apparently apparently somebody punctured the thing, which is I think pretty hilarious. And but the coverage the president gets is largely positive. Even the stuff he said about the Mayor of London is all true and on about his visit. And so you have local coverage in Great Britain, the United Kingdom is positive, and the American media, state says, focused on always the negative. And you know, the mainstream media's coverage. They cannot get over the fact that Donald Trump even got elected. I mean, I'm telling you, this was a traumatic event for them. They saw the eggs and poles. They never thought he had a shot. They never I don't think Trump is a pollable public figure, to be very blunt with you, because I think people are like, yeah, I like I like this guy. He's tough, he speaks his mind. Too bad, it's about time. Now, who did you just vote for? They're not going to answer you. I've never been surveyed by any polster. And so the eggs and Poles commit here to win a state. They're giddy when they go on the air election day, giddy absolutely that all of a sudden reality hits and then it's like there since some of them are crying, and just like they expected. After the FBI nine month investigation failed, the House Intel investigation, the bipartisan investigation, they put all their hopes in Muller and that failed too, And now they're like scrambling for the next thing they can bash them on. All right, twenty five till the top of the our CNN poll. This has got to kill them too. And let me just add one thing about this Pew Research poll on fake news and the American people now seeing it more than ever, it's I don't know how they build back their credibility because they didn't have a lot of it. To begin with. And it's not like they're gonna admit that they're wrong. I mean, if they if you'll lie to your audience for two straight years and you create an expectation that is so out of the realm of even possibility, and both the Democratic Party have done this and the media and it doesn't happen. Well, it's like you never want to overpromise and under deliver. You always want to under promise and overdeliver. And it's it's just people are not going to trust them, nor should they. I mean, that's the point about it. Now. Late at CNN poll, most people now believe the President Trump's chances for reelection are better than Obama's were the year before he won a second term. Over half of Americans think that Trump will win re election. Fifty four percent say they believe Trump will win the twenty twenty election, forty one believe it would lose. And at a poll taken the same time during Obama's first term, and by the way, this was right after the death of Bin Laden, which by the way, we got the intel from the water boarding of only three people was not more than three under medical supervision, but it was KSM that actually gave up the courier, and that was the way bin Laden communicated. And once we found the courier, the courier led us to where bin Laden was and there we go. Then our brave men and women go in and pull off that operation. So I think that's interesting. I don't like to get into polls before elections because you don't know what the issues necessarily are going to be. Usually you don't know what are they going to be the big issues in October? What will happen now between now and then with all these deep state operatives that were involved in trying to rig the twenty sixteen election and then trying to bludgeon and undo a duly elected presidency, you know what's gonna Who's gonna be implicated in all of this. I mean, I think you can pretty much count on the fact that the Democratic Party is never going to focus on any solution to make America more safe, more secure, more prosperous. I think their focus now is twenty four seven hardcore rage, psychotic hatred of Trump, which has pretty much been the media story since the time he was really in the election. They laughed at one of the favorite montages we play, I won't play it now is when we play those drums running a Hillary's leading, leading lead, you know, leading up to Donald Trump is the next president of the United States. And the thing is is, like I maybe stylistically I had this conversation with a number of people. Maybe you don't like his style. He fights. He absolutely is a fighter. Now there's great benefits to a president that's fighting for promises he makes to the American people because he's fighting to keep them. And the idea that maybe there's some switch that you're going to turn off and just you know, sit on your hands and allow people to take shots at you and not fight back is I think a little bit unrealistic. I think the American people knew that they were getting a disruptor. I think the American people knew that he would be iconoclastic. They knew that he's not part of the establishment. They knew that things would be run very differently, and they are and seemingly all to our advantage, as by the record economy, by the way he deals with foreign leaders, etc. And so I think as we watched this unfold, then you look at our well, who are the twenty twenty candidates? I mean, let me just play for you. We'll have more fun with this as the show goes on. I mean, Joe Biden had to get out of the twenty twenty I'm sorry nineteen eighty eight presidential race because he literally plagiarized line for line the Labor Party leader in Great Britain, Neil Kinnock at the time, word for word. And he's done it with Kennedy, and he's done it numerous times. And then you look at what he's doing now. He is getting hammered. He took his well first. It's interesting because he was supposed to be the moderate. Now he has an eight year track record the Biden Obama economic disaster. You know, with all the thirty million more people on food stamps, eight million more in poverty. I'll give those statistics a lot, and I'll do it in the next year, but it's a horrible economic record. He's part of a decision that dropped one hundred and fifty billion dollars on the tarmac for the Mullahs in Iran for the purpose of getting along with people that hate our guts, the dumbest, the single dumbest decision ever made on foreign policy in history. He was a part of that. So they have the worst economic record. He's gonna have to defend it. Everything Russia, Russia, Russia that happened happened under their watch. All the three hundred and fifty percent increase in unmaskings and surveillance and you know, leaking of intel that all happened under Biden Obama. And so the fact that and I don't know why this is this one congresswoman has all this power. Well there's actually a few freshman congresswoman, but the leader of or really the Speaker of the House in reality, because Pelosi speaker in name only, I mean it really she caters to Alexandria Cossio Quartz and Acassio. Cortez slammed Biden over the fact that he was not getting it. He's the older generation as it relates to climate change. Here's here's her criticism of him. And then I'll tell you how responds, which is just basically capitulation to what is an economic insanity plan. Listen, but it's too much for me. Is the fact that in nineteen eighty nine, the year that I was born, the year that I was born, the year that many of us were born, and in years after and right before that, politicians were first informed by NASA that Congress was first notified by NASA that climate change was going to threaten my life and everyone hears life to come, and they did nothing. That is too much for me and I and I will be damned if the same politicians who refuse to act then are going to try to come back today and say we need a middle of the middle of the road approach to save our lives. That is too much for me, middle of the It's too much. So now Biden decides, all right, I gotta I gotta jump on the Green New Deal bandwagon. And he jumps in in a huge way because of the criticism. And remember, you know he's well he was praising Washington Governor John Insley as the gold standard. Whatever Acasio Cortez. So she co authors this Green New Deal even though she can't defend it, can't explain how they'll ever pay for it. It's like Medicare for All. That's ten years of basically the entire budget of the federal government. No more choices about healthcare options for people. You will not be legally allowed to get your own insurance. Well, how did it Obamacare worked out? It was a disaster. Nobody kept their well, many millions lost their doctors and plans, and everybody paid more. So Biden in order to appease this Green New Deal insanity. Remember, we would eliminate oil and gas in ten years. That's not changed. We would get rid of the combustion engine and build charging stations all around the country. That means our cars are rendered useless in ten years, and you got to get a new one. How you're gonna afford it? Don't deal with that problem. Then we're gonna retro fit every home in building in America. No explanation I We're gonna pay for that. And then the bigger goal is we're gonna have to get rid of cows because of flatulence issues. And then of course airplanes. Meanwhile, Agassio Cortez, who could take Amtrak from New York to DC, is always flying on the Delta Shuttle. Really amazing. So Biden comes out he's now being pressured to go hard left because he sees that he probably can't get the nomination any other way, and he announces his big plan that calls for fossil fuels to be eliminated by twenty fifty that's kind of his way of saying, Okay, wink wink, na, I don't think it's going away. But he's also going to spend one point seven trillion dollars in federal funds, five trillion in state, local, and private funds. And he's also calling for building small module nuclear reactors at half the construction calls to today. Maybe he doesn't know that the far left hates nuclear power also, so we're not gonna have that luxury. And in the process, don't forget everything is gonna be free, and of course to pay for it all, the top personal marginal individual tax rate will go to seventy percent, the top marginal corporate rate is going to go to ninety percent, which means every business in America is gonna shut down. They're not going to invest any more money here. And if you don't think it can happen, just look at what's happening to New York, California, New Jersey, and Illinois. The population loss is dramatic. It's tens of thousands of people every month. And then you look at the population gains and places like Tennessee, the Carolina Is, Texas, and Florida, and they're they're absorbing all of this population and along with it, you know, the factories, manufacturing centers, and etc. Because these states don't have or in the case of the Carolina is very low stay and income taxes. So and by the way, the ironic part is it Casio Cortez says, the world's gonna end in twelve years. But you're gonna have a guaranteed job, guaranteed government vacation. You're gonna have literally pre K through college now paid for by the government. And then if Elizabeth Warren has her way, well, then we're gonna pay for I guess school from the minute you're born. Maybe we just take our babies and hand it over to some government agency and they'll raise them for us. Then they're gonna have guaranteed medical care. Then they're gonna have guaranteed housing. Then they're gonna have guaranteed healthy food, and but no idea how you possibly pay for it. So Biden gets into more trouble because he slants solidly left. He appeases a Casio Cortez, and then he screws up by literally ripping off and plagiarizing again from nonprofit these liberal Green New Deal people and a number of different You know, he literally ripping the whole language whole cloth, as he has done in the past, and you know he's They're saying, oh, we inadvertently left out you know where this came from anyway, But we got this little bit we put together about Biden and his u let's just say, habit of plagiarism. And I started thinking, as coming over here, why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? Why is it that my wife, who sitting out there in the audience is the first her family to ever go to college? Oh? Why am I the first Kinnic in a thousand generation to be able to get the university base plan? Is the first woman in her family in a thousand generation? Was it because they were weak? Those people who but eight thous them to grow and then came up and pay football week? My ancestors who worked in the coal mines in northeast Pennsylvania, who come up after twelve hours and play football for four hours, get the growth natural product does not allowed the health of our children, the quality of their educations, for the joy of their playing. It does not include the beauty of our poetry, or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate, for the integrity of our public official. And in Ronald Reagan's America, the standard has been wealth, economic success, and personal gain the bottom line. But this standard is not a measure of how we can evaluate the condition of our society. Cannot measure the health of our children, the quality of our education, the joy of their play. It doesn't measure the beauty of our poetry, the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate, the integrity of our public official. The notion that every thought or notion or idea you'd have to go back and find an attribute to someone, I think is quite frankly ludicrous. I'm telling you that every they're out, they're trying to out extreme each other. It's not gonna work. This is so Kirsten Gillibrand, senator from New Yorker, wants to be president. Well, they actually found a two thousand and eight question and answer that she gave with the NRA because she was attacking the NRA as the worst organization in the country. And anyway, she says that I want to be clear, I've always, always have, always will believe that the correct interpretation of the Second Amendment is that it applies to an individual's right to carry arms. She's asked about banning guns in public housing. She opposed it. What about banning certain types of bullets and magazines? I'm adamantly opposed. She said, what about limiting the number of gun purchases? I share the NRA's concerns, and then concluded, I appreciate the work with the NRA and what they do to protect gun owners' rights. Look forward to working with you for many years in Congress. I'm telling you, if the American public absorbs the absolute insanity of this, it will be a runaway for Trump because this is not, as Joe Lieberman said, this is not that party anymore. It's like they're so unhinged. I started thinking of guys coming over here. Why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? Why is it that my wife, who sitting out there in the audience, is the first in her family to ever go to college? Oh? Why am I the first in a thousand generation to be able to get the university? Faceclare is the first woman in her family in a pousing generation. Was it because they were weak? Those people who put eight thours them the growth and then you up and play football week. My ancestors who worked in the coal mines in northeast Pennsylvania, who come up after twelve hours and play football for four hours, get the growth. Natural product does not allowed for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their playing. It does not include the beauty of our poetry, or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate, for the integrity of our public official. And then Ronald Reagan's America, the standard has been wealth, economic success, and personal gain the bottom line. But this standard is not a measure of how we can evaluate the condition of our society. Cannot measure the health of our children, the quality of our education, the joy of their play. It doesn't measure the beauty of our poetry, the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate, the integrity of our public official. May want to look somewhere else, I will just say, Chris Coons, we had on the first I had a really interesting defense to this, though, which is come on, guys, I mean in this compared to the things that Democrats say the president is getting away with that might be something that Democrats used to offset any potential gas or problems that arise or in the camp I mean not like that. Don't you go to the experts, to the expert's website and lift some of their terminology and put it into your play. No, you you you cite where you get your information from otherwise citations. That's what got him into trouble in the first play here, and of course fake news CNN literally defending the plagiarism now for like the fifth time in Creepy, Sleepy Crazy Uncle Joe's Life. Anyway, glad you with us our two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred nine for one. Shaun is a number joining us now is the great Senator from the great state of South Carolina. Lindsay Graham is with us. Um, Look, you've worked with this guy for years. You think he might have learned his lesson that the Neil Kinnock debacle when he first ran for president, But apparently not. Yeah, this is sort of a layout that you missed right here. That's worse than a layoup. It's a dunk. You You haven't see a guy miss a dunk and he literally bounces right back out. It's hilarious. But he's The other thing is, though he's now decided that he has to go hard left, and he's proposing now one point seven trillion dollars in federal funds another five trillion state, local, private funds for this climate change because he was, you know, taken a task by the Speaker of the House because Nancy Pelosi speaker in name only, but the real speaker is Alexandria Casio Cortez. And now he has to do it on that. He clearly has moved to the left on abortion rights and pretty much every other issue. So I don't know where Joe Biden stands on anything anymore. Oh ye had eight years as Vice prosident to do something about climate change. Any as far as I know, they didn't do anything. They never produced a one point sevent three in dollar bill to change the climate. So what's happened between the eight years of the Obama administration and now is that the party has lurks really left extreme views of how to solve the climate problem, extreme views about taking away individual healthcare, very extreme views about taxation policy. The word is extreme. So after eight years of being VP, never bringing up the topic in any meaningful way. The only conclusion you can make is that he's sort of being drug along by the hard lift. Well, if you look at two major things that nobody seems to bring up when it comes to Biden, Biden and Obama have a track record. It was thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the lowest labor participation rates since the seventies, the worst recovery since the forties, lowest home ownership rate fifty one years, and never reached three percent GDP in a single year of their presidency and vice presidency. And you know, collected more debt, took on more debt than all forty three presidents before them combined. Between that and Russia, all happening on their watch, you have to wonder, right, well, I mean, if you want to go back to good old days of a week foreign policy, this is the way you would go backward. Isis came about on their watch. They were told not to withdraw troops from a rock. They did it anyway. They had a side on the ropes. They blinked. They wanted the Iranian nuclear deal more than they wanted anything else. They gave Hezbollah and a line of pass when they were trying to dismember Syria. Their foreign policy was a miserable sayer across the board domestically where we're stuck, you know, basically in malaise, economic malaise. If you want to go back there, I don't think many people will. So, you know, I like Joe Biden, but those eight years were very long for me from a foreign policy perspective. Saw the American standing just go down in a kind of a death spiral. The apology tour started it all in the rest is history. All right, let's go. You're now the chairman of the committee in the Senate that has basically the major amount of authorities that relates to all things Russia Gate. Everybody was warned. Now we know repeatedly that the dossier was never verified. It's actually an unverifiable document because Steele himself doesn't stand by any of it, and that in fact Hillary paid for it. They hid that from the FISA Court and still signed the document. Anyway, to me, these are all crimes, you know, a conspiracy to commit fraud on the FISA Court and really impact the twenty sixteen elections with Russian disinformation and then destroy your presidency over it. These are no small issues. And you know we have all the investigations going on, but you also are going to play a big part in this. Tell us what you think, well, number one, Bill Barr has taken a much more aggressive approach to this. You know Jeff Sessions. I like Jeff, But the bottom line is the Department of Justice was a wall when it came to looking how all that started. Muller's report is in no collision between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Muller punted on any prosecution on obstruction. Who left that decision to Bar? Barr said, there's no obstruction of evidence here and then no structure of justice case here. Now Barr has Durham looking at criminality. Was there a criminal fraud on the fire support by signing an appidate that that the docier was reliable and credible? Did somebody actually not only mislead to port committed crime. Was there a legitimate reason to have a counter intelligence investigation of the Trump campaign or was it a backdoor attempt to prevail the campaign? How did the case Well don't don't we already know the answer to that though, don't we because you know I read these two important memos and you you probably know more about it than almost any personal life. The poor is that we want Durham to look at criminality, We want Floods to look at abuse of procedures inside DOJ, and I need to look as an oversight chairman at this situation to make sure it never happens again. To me, if we have to me, there's a lot of fundamental questions here because this can't happen again because had Hillary won and none of this would have come out. But when people commit a fraud on a FISA court and they premeditated basically a premeditated fraud, and we know that Bruce or warned everybody in the DOJ and FBI, We know that Kathleen Cavolic at the State Department warned everybody. We know that they purposely omitted Hillary's payment for the dossier with funneled money through a law firm, to an research firm, to a foreign national. I've got to imagine steel talking now is not going to be good for any of these players. But if you sign your name to that FIS application, and that application says I'm told at the top that you verified the information and you cannot verify it. You know, is that are these not felonies? Do people not go to jail? Or only people like Sean Hannity would go to jail. Well, see, let's let's just start with the idea of an affidavit to get a warrant its signed under oath, because you want to make sure that the cops who are always replying for warrants are on the up and up. So you've got Comy signing the affidavit on four different occasions that the dossier was credible and reliable for the court to issue a warrant, and the dossier, according to McCay, there would have been no warrant without it. So let's start with the idea that the docier mattered, it mattered or why? And let's also interject into this that Comy fills Trump in January of twenty seventeen, after he's president elect. I want you to know about this document, this fallacious and unverified. Now how do you square that circle? You got Comy telling the president that he's fallacious and unverified. That's the same document he's for two under oath, was reliable and credible. How do you how do you reconcile that? Well, I don't think you can. And then, for example, you know the fact that even Struck and Page, we're laughing at the fact that Loretta Lynch is involved in the cover up of Hillary. It all really seems to start there and in the whole. No, you gotta remember this. I think the reason she wasn't charged is because, Sean, if you want her to win, she can't win if you charge her with a felony. Well, how do you charge her? All right? Quick break, we'll come back more with South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham Gallant Pole shows more Americans now they're more worried about burglary than almost any other crime, more than mugging's more than terrorism, even more than kr theft and murder. And according to the FBI, the average loss in a burglary is over two grand. Well, that can be very hard to recover from there. Over two million burglaries every single year. That's frankly one everything thirteen seconds. And what's crazy is only one in five homes have home security. You've got to protect your home, your family, and I know the security business. Home security business has been a disaster and people have had horrible experiences. Well that's until simply Safe came along and they took away everything that was wrong about the home security business and they fixed it. And the bottom line is you get the latest, greatest, best technology, technology that will work in a power outage, WiFi down under all circumstances. It's easy to install. You can even take the system from house to house. Renting or owning doesn't matter. And the best thing is you are getting all the protection without paying installation fees, no contracts to sign, no big monthly payments, no hidden fees, and it's only fifteen bucks a month. And if you go to simply Safehannity dot com right now, you'll get a free home security camera when you order. That means you'll have eyes on your home, on your phone twenty four to seven and video evidence. God forbid if someone ever tries to get in. Protect your home, protect your family. The best, the greatest deal in home security. They are the best Simply Safe Hannity dot Com. Go there today. The final hour roundup is next. You do not want to miss it, and stay tuned for the final hour freeverall on the Sean Hannity show. All right, as we continue with Senator Lindsey Gramma, South Carolina. Okay, So if you have top secret classified information marked as such on a private serve her, is that or is that not a clear violation of eighteen Usc. Seven ninety three the Espionage Act. Every single lawyer that I know that as any intellectual honesty says it's a clear violation. And then of course you have the obstruction area, which has a real intent, real underlying crime. I mean, if there's going to be justice, don't we have to go back and find the truth here? Well, the statute that you're talking about does not require specific intent. I was familiar with the case in the Air Force when I was a judge advocate where a guy mistakenly took some classified information home with him in a pile of papers, lost it on the subway, right, and got court martials. What about Christians sauciate? Remember the kid, that kid that took the president. He spent a year in jail, but you know he took six pictures of a submarine that was nearly four decades old because he was proud to work in the submarine. He never shared them with anybody that was for his own personal use. He's been a year in jail espionage, Gail, But why is the military is so hard over on if the order and still into the troops. This is an important task here. Don't compromise classified information. And grossly negligent behavior has been the criminal standard up until this case. So they changed the criminal standard to basically specific content and it may it was gross negligence to extreme carelessness. Gross negligence as the legal standard, right so, but they did not apply that standard. So he in the memo describing what happened, they used the term gross negligence and they change it coast gross negligence as a legal meaning, right, right, So if they have used the word gross negligence in the July press conference, basically that would be an indictment of Clinton. So they said, extremely careless, careless, words matter, This wouldn't happen to a normal person. You wouldn't get the benefits. Well, they also, if I can add one thing by yourself, not under oath. Well, she was interviewed that they were writing that exoneration that you're talking about in May of twenty July. Second, they interviewed her in seventeen oh. The witnesses have you ever heard of an investigation where you get to bring in a witness and another person while you're supposed to be interrogated by the FBI for crimes. So everything was done in a way that is unusual, and the best explanation is that they had made up their mind that they were not going to charge her with a crime. So Colly for some reason holes of press conference talking about her being sloppy but not criminal, which is inappropriate. That's what Mueller did. You know? You know the goal is not to exonerate somebody that the goal is to find out whether or not you have a case. So the bottom line here is that the best explanation for the Clinton email handling was a political bias. That the reason the system was turned upside down is it wanted an outcome that fit the political narrative. So the question is once they got the used the dirty pillary bought and paid for, say after they saved her from what otherwise would be an indictment for anybody else, then they lie about its verification. Then they hide from the court she paid for it. Then it becomes a pathway to spy on all things Trump world through carter page, a campaign associate, and then all things Trump transition, and then all things Trump presidency, and that one the counter intelligence investigation, Well what was Well, when did it really start? And this is what I love to ask Muller. I'd love Mueller to go under oath. I don't know about you, but I have a lot of questions for him. Well, the bottom line here is the same group of people, the same group of people that investigated Clinton, investigated Trump, the same group of people that have swore that the dossier was reliable. When Credible opened up the counterintelligence investigation, the same group of people followed Trump transition team. So when you look at a process broken here, it's broken at multiple levels in the same group of people. The size of warrant application is to be looked at the harrow its internally as to whether or not they followed the rules of the Department of Justice. Durham is going to look at whether or not somebody defrauded the court. Primily, I'm going to look at a system to make sure that the next time this happens, there'll be rules as to how you surveil a presidential campaign. And if you've got to tell the court more about the source of a document. It is politically generated. Well, I do appreciate you looking for seeking the truth. We better get this right. This country is built on a We are a constitutional republic, the foundation of the rule of law. Equal justice under the law matters, Equal application of our laws matter. And I know you're a committee is going to play a key role in this, as the Attorney General, as Michael Horrowitz, as John Durham, and everybody else. And I do think we'll get to the truth. And I think when we get there, there are a lot of people that are going to be well held accountable if there's justice. But Lindsey Graham, thank you for being one. Talk again Sue twenty five. Now till the top of the hour. We'll get to Bill O'Reilly here in a second. First, I want to play the President reading FDR's D Day prayer earlier today is a really touching moment. And he'll be in Normandy, I believe tomorrow the seventy fifth anniversary slamming the beaches of Normandy. Almost ninety percent of soldiers killed that day. And also Queen Elizabeth giving a toast to the President and Melania Trump during a radio message. President Roosevelt led the nation in a prayer that will be forever remembered by the American people. The President of the United States, Almighty God, our son's pride of our nation. This day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity. They will lead thy blessings. For the enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces, but we shall return again and again. And we know that by Thy grace and by the righteous of our cause, our sons will triumph. Some will never return. Embrace these father and receive them, the heroic servants, into Thy kingdom. And our Lord, give us faith, Give us faith in thee, faith in our sons, faith in each other, and faith in our united crusade. Thy will be done, Almighty God. Amen. Of course, it is not en our security which unites us, but our strong cultural links and shared heritage. Every year there are almost four million visits by Americans to the United Kingdom, with a great number claiming British descent, and with your own Scottish ancestry, Mister President, you too have a particular connection to this country. We are also bound by the strength and breadth of our economic ties. As the largest investors in each other's economies. British companies in the United States employ over one million Americans, and the same is true by Seversa Whoster. President. As we look to the future, I'm confident that our common values and shared interests will continue to unite us. Tonight to celebrate an alliance that has helped to ensure the safety and prosperity of both our people's for decades, and which I believe will endure for many years to come. Ladies, intent from a nine virtual to rise and drink a toast to President and missus Trump to the continued friendship between our two nations, and to the health, prosperity, and happiness of the people of the United States. All right, that was the queen a toast that was given to the President and Milannia Trump joining us. Now. Bill O'Reilly is with us and his killing series on History, by the way, fifteen number one bestsellers. You can find all things O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com his website. I don't know if you're up early as I was. I actually was up watching this. I could not take my eyes off it. And you know, there was a guy that called my radio program years ago. His name was Marty Bill, and he was one of the many that slammed the beaches of Normandy, and he described in all the detail the horror, the massacre, the difficulty, the courage, the bravery of all of these troops. It was it was like mission impossible, and so many died, you know, slamming those beaches. It just you think of the sacrifice for the for our way of life. We could never pay back what these people have given us. You know, first of all, that's pretty darn impressive of a ninety two year old woman to deliver, and the dressed like that. I just am amazed at Queen Elizabeth's demeanor, and I was comparing her demeanor to the Mayor of London, Khan. By the way, ladies and gentlemen, let me let me just give you a warning. Get ready, O'Reilly's about to go off. Go ahead, all right, But I think it's really a valid comparison. So you have the Queen of England and then you have the Mayor of London, where the Queen lived. So the Queen of England understand what happened on d Day, all right. She was a teenager and saw it, and saw that her country came a whisker away from being dominated by Adolf Hitler a whisker and the only thing that saved them was the resiliency of the British people and the help of the United States. Okay, if you hadn't had the help of the United States, all the resiliency in the world would not have stopped the Third Right, they would have eventually overrun Great Britain. So she knows that, and she knows that Donald Trump, the President United States, is there to commemorate the seventy fifth anniversary of D Day. That's why he went to London. So she honors Trump and the United States by extension, correct, of course, of course. So that's the context of what is happening now. The American media doesn't understand the context because they don't want to, and most of them are idiots. That's extraordinarily true and well said. They have no idea, So they don't know why Trump's over there. They don't know anything. They're just looking for a way to diminish him. This is the American media. The British media, which is just as liberal as the American media doesn't do that. They basically report the story straight. Now whether they were afraid, I don't know. But Kahn, the mayor, he before things even start, writes this insane article in The Guardian, which is a piece of left wing garbage, all right, attacking Trump and of tours. Trump attacks him back, and then you have all of that. But Khan is no blanket idea what happened in World War Two and doesn't care. All he wants is this far left paradise that he envisions. Meantime, violent crime in London has quadrupled under his administration, as people are being stabbed every single day, to the extent that the British police have no idea how to stop it. Okay, So Queen Elizabeth understands the big picture that the nobility and courage of America saved Great Britain from Hitler. I've written two books on it, Killing the SS, Killing Patton. Anybody wants to know what really happened, there you go. If you're too lazy to read, watch Saving Private Ryan's Bilberg nailed it. That's the invasion, and in it he was very accurate and the way he portrayed in that film. But let me run a theory by you, because you're raising great points. You know you think of Winston Churchill. I mean, he was mocked, he was ridiculed. He saw Hitler coming right, and he saw the evil before anyone else. He when finally Pearl Harbor happened, he came to the United State, wouldn't leave until the United States engaged fully. And the bombing of Britain, he went out with the public every single day. He's the Prime Minister of Great Britain during wartime and they're being bombed. Here was in the tube with the folks in that famous scene in the movie. That was Churchill. But the essential question today I think for Americans to ask is could the thirty seven million American men between the ages of eighteen and thirty five. And I know, if we did have our draft, women would have to be included with the me too stuff and all that, I got it, but the heavy listing combat would be on the thirty seven million American men. All right, young men, could they today do what your father, my father, all of the greatest generation did in nineteen forty four? Everybody should really think about that. And you know what my conclusion is, No, why do you say you don't think they'd rise to the occasion. Like my dad and all of his friends signed up after Pearl Harbor. They didn't wait, they signed up and he served four years in the Pacifilian American men signed up for World War Two or were drafted, but went and said, but I don't want to denigrate the country, the United States. But here's my thinking. My father, your father were tough. They had to be. They were raised during the Depression, where you had a decade of deprivation, nobody had anything, Okay, breadlines, all of that. That toughened up the American people. And then when they were asked, obviously to defend their country after the Japanese bomb, there wasn't any controversy over the war. Had to fight them, all right, And Hitler was Hitler. He was allied with the Japanese. So we declared war and Hitler as well. And they went and they were scared, and many of them died or maimed. But they did what they had to do, and they did it in a way that will never be duplicated on this earth. I don't believe it will ever be duplicated. With the American forces and the British too, because they were the two armies, and the Russians were a whole different thing on the Eastern Front. But let's just stay with the Americans and the British. So they did what they had to do. But they were a generation that was not selfish. They were not self absorbed. They had no machines to look at twenty four hours a day. They weren't coddle, they weren't politically correct, they weren't any of that. There was racism, absolutely, Okay, there were bad things too, but these were tough, driven people and they didn't believe the world revolved around them. What do we have now, Hannity, What do we have now in this country? What we have individuals who believe everything should be geared toward their satisfaction, toward them, and the society caters to that. So what are they going to magically appear? And you know, and I'm not talking about the guys in Afghanistan and the gals in Iraq and our great military all over the world. These are volunteers. These are people who said, you know what, I'm going to sacrifice in my country. That's what I want to do. Talking about the draftees. All right, the people that would be forced into a war if it ever happened with the Chinese, do they really have the metal? I don't think so. Right as we continue, phil O'Reilly is with us, are talking about the seventy fifth anniversary in d Day. Let me answer your question by giving you a theory of mine. I'd like to believe that there's an innate goodness in the American people. Now. Do we wake up every day and say, ah, we're free. All these people sat and get on our knees and thank them for the sacrifice. No, we're busy, We're doing our thing. And yeah, I agree, there's a certain softness that comes with prosperity and wealth. You know, you see a difference with for example, kids in Israel serving in the idea for two and a half years. But I'd like when I wrote why book Deliver Us from Evil, and I was doing all the research for that book in the last century alone, when you look at Russia and Stalin and Nazism and fascism, Imperial Japan, the killing fields, you go through the list, we lost over a hundred million human souls. I think that it's very, very difficult for good people, and we want to protect our kids and you know, make them think life is a little bit of cotton, candy and rainbows. But I think it's hard for good people sometimes to wrap their arms around the fact there is evil. You see it on a micro level. You know, a child molester is evil, a murderer just for murders sake, evil drug dealers, evil government's evil, mass murder. It's still happening today. Look at these CDs in northern Iraq. They're basically wiped out in our lifetime. And I just think that that evil will always have to be defeated. It's never gonna go away, because that is the human experience. So I think they'd rise to the occasion. I like to believe. You know, we saw off to nine to eleven heroism and bravery on an unprecedented level, amazing people that all sacrifice their lives. They went up when everybody else was coming down, knowing they likely weren't Kambar, and they were the professional cadre that keeps us free. The officers and military people that I was talking about that aren't in the classification that I was describing. Let me just let me tell you one thing Colin Kaepernick. Okay, so Colin Kaepernick tells the American people, you know, your country is not really worthy of me standing and saluting the flag and respecting the national anthem. And I'm also gonna wear socks with police officers depict it as pigs, and I'm going to show them to the media. Colin Kaepernick was not one hundred percent shunned in this country. In fact, the media took up his cause and celebrated him. And I have to say, maybe half of our citizens said, you know what, nothing wrong with Colin Kaepernick. You know, they hid behind the descent and all of that, but the sentiment that the country is not noble and that it deserves to be disrespected as mister Kaepernick did. He was not. Yeah, he lost his job in the NFL, but he got millions of dollars for losing it. And let me let me not plagiarized Barry far but let him give let me give him the truest attribution. You know, there's never been a country bill that has accumulated more power. We're not perfect and abused it less. And I add to that, there's never been a country that has accumulated more power and used it for the advancement of the human condition more than the United States. Last word, I think that this country needs to wake up, agreed. I think the potential is there to do what our fathers did in World War Two and in Vietnam. Remember in Vietnam, we fought for the freedom. You're right of the Vietnam he's against the Communist I gotta get a plug in for your stuff because we're out of time. But listen, Bill O'Reilly dot com all things O'Reilly. I think there's an important discussion to have on this seventy fifth anniversary of it is D Day. Bill O'Reilly, Thank you, appreciate it. Hi John, always a pleasure. Thank you. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload in the final hour of the Sean Hannity Show, and I started thinking, as that's coming over here, why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university. Why is it that my wife, who sitting out there in the audience is the first in her family to ever go to college? Oh? Why am I the first Kine in a thousand generation to be able to get the university? Base Clannis the first woman in her family in a thousand generation because they were a week. Those people who wait but eight thous underground and then you up and play. My ancestors who work in the coal mines in northeast Pennsylvania don't come up after twelve hours and play football for four hours. Get the growth natural product. Does not allowed the health of our children, the quality of their education, for the joy of their playing. It does not include the beauty of our poetry, or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate, or the integrity of our public official. But this standard is not a measure of how we can evaluate the condition of our society. Cannot measure the health of our children, the quality of our education, the joy of their play. It doesn't measure the beauty of our poetry, the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate, the integrity of our public official. All right, News, Round of information overload hour here on the Sean Hannity Show. Is there anything that Joe Biden is not plagiarized? I mean, that's probably the bigger better question. I mean, he literally ripped word for word everything that Neil Kinnock had said. He's been lying for decades about about this. It's by the way, and it's not that hard to write a speech now, now, Sean what It's just not that hard. This is a man who can't spell jobs. So we just say, oh, b when we let Biden speak to us in his own words, perhaps we should play that and remind the audience of just specialists. Let me let me tell you something about Biden. Biden can't help himself. Nobody's figured this out yet, and he first, let me just stop and just backtrack a second before we play this, because if you look at this story that we highlighted earlier that now Americans, the branding of Donald Trump is now forever tattooed in the foreheads, if you will, of every fake news media outlet. In other words, he has called them out, he has exposed them. None of them are ever gonna do what we just didn't put him montage like that together, just like none of them would ever care about Hillary Clinton and what Hillary Clinton did with the phony Russian dossier and of course, yeah, the rigged investigation, and then yeah, tried to rig the well she did rigged the primary against Bernie her and deep state actors tried to rig a presidential election and then undermine a duly elected president. They're never gonna talk about it. And just like that, all of a sudden, they cared about obstruction because Muller didn't decide. And then Muller made a total complete fool of himself and had a clarification hours later because he had contradicted everything he had said prior. But you know, all of this, it dovetails perfectly together because if the Pew research finds that fifty percent of Americans surveyed saying fake news is a major problem, and you know, I'm telling you it is the end, and Donald Trump won. You know, fake news, fake news, It will be said. It is now in the American lexicon and will never go away. But it's the same thing. If Donald Trump said half the things that Joe Biden has said over the years, he'd never have a shot of them ever taking their foot off his necklace. And as they say, my bit business, I'm gonna I'm gonna give you the whole load. Today got the first sort of main stream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and my Clican guy, I mean, that's a story book. You're telling me we gotta go spend money to keep you going back from You don't know my state. My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black population in the country. My state is aiming from a northeast liberal state. You cannot go to a seven eleven or a Duncan Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not telling number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barrock says, a three letter word jobs, jobs, job see. I went to the big guys for the money. I was ready to prostitute myself and the man and the men in which I talked about it. Chuck Graham State senators here, Huck, stand up, Chop, don't see you? Oh God love you? What am I talking about? I tell you what you're making everybody else? Stand up? Opal. I promise you. The president has a big stick. Union workers. The UAW took instredible cuts in their future and their and their pensions and the let to get GM working. I promise you. Now, I'm like the token black or the token woman. I was a token young person and guess what mostly directed at quote people of color. You see it. We got Jim Crow sneaking back in. No, I mean it all right, So this is all Biden. I'll tell you man, he is just He's just magic, your magic. No, listen, The fact is I don't know which is my fait. You know, Oh God bless her soul. Oh she's alive? Or minus stand up, Chuck, Oh God love you, God love you Chuck, or you know you don't think about it. This is storybook man. For the first time you have a mainstream African American who's clean and articulate. I just want to follow him around, I really do. I want to know what precipitates these thoughts that he has. And amazingly these thoughts thoughts and Ethan was was kind enough to grab this audio from me. So this goes back to eighty seven. So for over thirty years, this man has been making excuses. And this is what he says about his plagiarism. Notion that every thought or notion or idea you'd have to go back and find an attribute to someone I think is quite frankly ludicrous. Yeah, it's absolutely ludicrous to give somebody credit for their work. I mean just crazy. Okay, But here's now what's happening, and this is amazing. You know, Joe Biden has been li also for decades about marching for civil rights, and his campaign was forced into yesterday Defcon five damage control over the plagiarism and beating back a slewer reports on the same kind of offense that ended his nineteen eighty eight presidential bid. And you know today's news that from the New York Times, reporting that Biden has been lying about his civil rights record for decades and he continued to float the false claim that he'd quote march for civil rights long after his senior aides begged him to stop. And according to a damning report, you know, Biden's been out there repeatedly and knowingly lying about this involvement in civil rights, despite everybody reminding him. He kept telling the story anyway. When I marched in the civil rights movement, I didn't march with a twelve point program, he said. I marched with tens of thousands of others to change attitudes, and we changed attitudes. When I was in the civil rights movement, I did not march with the twelve point program. I marched with tens of thousands of others to change attitudes. Well, he didn't actually march during the Civil rights movement. And that lie, you know, follows the revelation that he opposed integration through force bussing in a Washington Post interview where he blamed the poor quality of urban schools on the disproportionately large African American student population. I'm like, wow, So and then you're looking for example. Now he's trying to appease the hardcore left wing base. And now he's you know, Acasio Cortez criticizes him because he's old school and has no clue about quote, global warming and climate change. So what is he doing? Too much for me? Is the fact that in nineteen eighty nine, the year that I was born. Ye, that I was born, the year that many of us were born, and in years after and right before four that politicians were first informed by NASA, that Congress was first notified by NASA that climate change was going to Britain. My life and everyone hears life to come. We're nothing that is too much for me. So now he's proposing something he never proposed before. One point seven trillion in federal funds, five trillion more in state, local, and so called private funds, and he calls for building small, modular nuclear reactors at half the construction cost of today's reactors. I don't think he realizes that that's not going to fly with the crazy left wing either. And then he plagiarizes his climate change platform from nonprofit groups and he lifts entire paragraphs. Again, he steals the writings of others. I mean, you just you can't make this up with this guy, all right, So let me ask you a question. Why would he feel pressure from a Concio Cortez. I just want to know what is it that she has everybody, every presidential candidate, everybody in the House, Speaker Pelosi included, everybody's scared to death of a Concio Cortez. Why you know, Sean, I just don't know. Why don't you know the answer to that question. You know, she is a really special individual. She has everybody's scared to death. But what I have, what I have heard well with the record from inside sources, is that there are a lot of people in her office that are writing the scripts up for her. So she sticks to the script and she gets out there and they make it as left as possible. So her chief of staff and all her assistants. They write it off for her and she goes out and reads. I mean, none of this is her own way. Who think back though, I mean, what was what was the appeal of Barack Obama? I mean it was it was always smoken, just speechess well, and he was good at reading it to a prompt there and a lot of you know, I know it's basic, but there are politicians. I mean it tries me nuts. There's a lot to say about charisma and charm and the way that you deliver and your ability to look somebody in the eye and say that I care. You know. I think the one thing that I have learned that I think is the most powerful from so many of the people that you've met with, like Simbine Dirdan and you know, Steve Ronnebeck and Mariam Mendoza. People they didn't meet with the people and that one of these angel moms and Dad's right, so they're out there. I mean, one of the biggest talking points of the left is the immigration thing. So if we really hearken on that a little bit and we look at all the work that you've done, right, not a single one of them has met with a family an American citizen family that has lost a child to an illegal alien, not a single one of them. You know, I don't understand that for the life of me. But again, it's moving left left, left, left left, so we're going to embrace all these leftist issues. So Biden's just trying to reach out. Well Biden, Now, if you look at where he's headed, it's really simple. He's been lying about civil rights for decades. He's constantly sticking his foot in his mouth, and the constant plagiarism he voted, by the way, the left doesn't know this yet, he repeatedly voted to ban abortion funding for rape victims. I don't think that's going to go over with the you know, party of after birth abortion and fantaside and everything else that he's got. Look, everyone thinks that this is a slam dunk. He's the moderate. He's not the moderate. He doesn't even have positions, and he also has he has one position, one position, And I know, if I want the answer to this, it's not going to be that quinny answer. You know, kids are listening. All I have to say is this guy has one goal in one position, and that is to become president. He's been vice president, he's been a senator. This is all he cares about. He is dying to be the president of the United States. Yeah, but you know, everyone that's ever been vice president thinks they belong being president. Yeah, you're right, But I think with him, he definitely feels entitled. He feels like he's given his time in, he's got time served in the sense. Do you think he feels entitled to the position. Well, I gotta be honest, I don't think he can. I'm not sure he ever gets close to this nomination. There's something else happening. I don't know what it is, but the fact that he went m Ia for ten days around Memorial Day was weird. The fact that he didn't show up at the state convention in California. Something's up. Oh, I'll tell you what's up. And you know what, it reminds me of. They're hiding something like they did with Hillary and that didn't end well for them either. I'm not sure. I guess it's possible that there's that, but I really think what happens is is that they put him out there and they say, let's try this version of Biden. Oh, that didn't work. We didn't right there. Let's pull him back in. Okay, guys, let's rework this. Okay, now, let's try this version. Oh no, it's like you know, it's like a woman trying on nail polish. Oh that color doesn't work. Let's take that off. Let's try a new color. Every time he comes out, he's every time, he's a different He's a different guy. By the way, it takes too long to do it over again. I know he's the most awkward hugger. I mean the other day when he was it's creepy, so creepy. Hear around his neck and the other one on his beardy creepy uncle Joe. Get this. So Kristen Jellabrand same thing with her, So she called the NRA the worst organization in this country. In in response the NRA, which is you know, they came out with some questions that they asked her when she represented New York's twentieth District before she became a Senator, and she answered the following way. I want to be very clear, I always have, always will believe that the correct interpretation of the Second Amendment is that it applies to an individual's right to carry arms she said about banning guns and housing facilities public housing. She opposed it banning certain types of bullets and magazine. I'm adamantly opposed limiting the number of gun purchases. I share your concerns. Jellabrand then concluded that I appreciate the work that the NRA does to protect gun owners' rights, and I look forward to working with you for many years in Congress. I mean, the only way you're gonna get this nomination as a Democrat is to be crazy and to be hardcore left. And I don't even know if Bernie is left wing enough at this point for all these lunatic fringe democrats. I like watching Bernie, though it's like Seinfeld every day. One thing about Bernie, I mean he seems I mean, he's just dumb, but he's genuinely dumb, and he genuinely believes all this crap. He believes in his dumbness. He believes in his dumbness. I don't think I don't think there's any doubt about believing in dumbness. Twenty five till the top of the hour, eight one hundred nine four one. Sean as telling you earlier that Americans now cite fake news as the most important non healthcare related issue facing the country in a new survey by Pew Research, and that means that Donald Trump has successfully exposed and forever tattooed the branding fake news into the foreheads of all of these liars in the news media. I mean, for two plus years, it's been lies, a hoax, conspiracy theories, never ending, never, never, never ending lies, conspiracy theories. How does anybody ever trust these people? Again, they did it knowingly. They did it because of a political cause that they adopted, which by the way, was against the will of the American people. Pretty sick. Actually, let me give it just you know, the biggest conspiracy theorist of them all. I mean, I mean, you want to go when you listen to some of this stuff, nobody ever plays it. But now that you play it and you listen to it, you just see how nuts these people are, like a you know, fake news CNN or conspiracy TV, MSNBC. President Putin told reporters at the Kremlin to day it is quote complete nonsense to believe that Russian security services quote chase after every American billionaire while those billionaires are in Russia business Vladimir Putin also made comments today about how he didn't think that Donald Trump would ever visit prostitutes, but if he did, Russian prostitutes are quote, undoubtedly the best in the world. It raised that not because of its news value, but just so we all know what we're dealing with here, and here's the question. Is the new president going to take those troops out? We led last night. We led last night's show with news about the Russia connections to the new administration and what we are continuing to learn about those connections. What's getting to be, I think particularly unsettling is that simultaneously we are right now what's going on, I think is that we are number one, nailing down more direct connections between the Trump campaign and the Russian government at the time the Russian government was influencing our election, and number two, at the same time, we are also starting to see what may be signs of continuing influence in our country, not just during the campaign, but during the administration, basically signs of what could be a continuing operation. We're about to find out if the new president of our country is going to do what Russia wants once he's commander in chief. Of the US military. We haven't ever had to reckon with the possibility that somebody has ascended to the presidency of the United States to serve the interests of another country rather than our own. What's the corrective to that? How do you remedy that these are no longer hypothetical questions? This is where we are to receive the Order of Friendship from Vladimir Putin personally, the highest civilian award that Russia gives to non Russian citizens. Somehow, Rex Dolersen ended up as US Secretary of State under Donald Trump, who he never met. China and Russia can do this today now whatever they want to. In other words, we're relying on their good graces that they're not. And it is like negative fifty degrees in the Dakotas right now. What would happen if Russia killed the power in Fargo today? Right What would happen if all the natural gas lines that serve as Sioux Falls just poofed on the cold to stay in recent memory and it wasn't in our power whether or not to turn them back on. I mean, what would you do if you lost heat indefinitely as the act of a foreign power? The perception that the President may have ordered these strikes in part because of scandal will affect the impact and the effectiveness of these military strikes, even among White House sources. There's now open speculation that the firing of McMaster last night and the announced hiring of John Bolton was timed by the President to distract from one particular interview that aired last night on CNN. If you booked Donald Trump on your show, what would your first question be? Are you going to send me or anybody that I know to a camp? I mean, it's it's just you can't believe. But this is what they do every second, every minute, every hour of every day. And then how what are they gonna do? They're not going to admit that they're wrong. I mean, the fact that Tom Brokaw remained silent, as as this brand that he worked for his entire life, you know, turns into you know, Nightly Roswell New Mexico conspiracy theories is hilarious. You know, it's interesting. You just watch the media in general here, and they're not going to admit they're wrong. They're just gonna double down on stupid. And then when that all fails and blows up in their face. They thought they had another shot last week when Muller gave a nine and a half minute. Please, Jerry Nadler, don't don't subpoene to me. I don't want to answer these questions of Jim Jordan and Matt Gates and Mark Meadows. That's really what that press conference was about. And then loops a contrary. Dick did everything he had said prior, and then he has to get the Attorney General to bail him out with a joint statement from the Special Counsel's Office and from the Attorney General. A and you did never mind nothing I said was true. But they but for those few hours, you know, it was like manna from heaven and they thought they were back on track. Out how frustrated they must feel. You know, it's interesting too, Joe Conch had a great piece. Um He's interviewed on Fox News. And you know, if you look at the media in the in the United Kingdom and in Great Britain, you know Trump is getting hugely positive reviews and coverage, and the media here just you know, they say focused on a you know, a negatativity constantly. They're never gonna point out that Donald Trump's economic record is just all the records he's breaking the people that are benefiting the most of the people that were left behind in the eight years of Biden Obama's disaster. And by the way, and just as a side note, the person that's been toughest on Russia isn't the guy that said tell Vladimiro more flexibility after the election. It's not that guy. And with the president now moving towards energy independence, I mean, if we unload America's full capacity and energy production, it's over for Putin. The hostile regime of Russia will be on its knees. He will be, you know, an asterisk in history, and he'll watch over the biggest economic decline by any country if, in fact, the United States goes full bore with energy. All right, let's get to our busy telephones here, and let's say hi to Patty Is in Florida. Patty, Hi, how are you glad you called? I am just fine, and I want to thank you for taking my call. And I'm just going to phrase you up and down. I just think I don't need praise. I'm a spoke in the wheel. We're all spokes on the wheel. But I appreciate your kind words. I do. Yeah, but you're the only one we can basically you and rush that we can trust. Well, we got the great one. We got a lot of This is a fuel one. Oh yeah, I love him. I can't. I'm gonna say it. Nobody else will say it. There I said it. I love him. By the way, you gotta get his note book, un Freedom of the Press. It's really really good. Oh I bet I haven't had a chance to get out there and get the book though. I was my problem with this whole witch hunt. Uh see, President Trump and I were in the set. I'm seventy one years old and we are on the same page back in that time frame, his time. He is a rebel at heart, and that's what I am, and that's why we like justice. And you speak wrong. I know I'm guilty as the same thing. But he can't say all that he wants to right now because he they are after him and they're going to They're trying to get him before he gets to them. Okay, let me let me tell you they're trying Donald Trump. This is the amazing thing that nobody has ever picked up yet. Donald Trump lives in their heads I mean he is they cannot handle. He's it's like a force of nature and he fights back. He's look look at the Pew poll. Imagine you work in media and you've been trying to take this president out anyway you can, and it is boomerang back and nobody trusts you anymore. And that branding, I mean, you know when they put a tattoo on, I mean they go deep, deep into the skin. I mean it's forever tattooed into who they are. This is who they are, this is who they've been. And now they've been exposed at the highest level and then never gonna get their reputations back. And I'll tell you one other thing. When Trump leaves, it's over for them because it's gonna get boring and it's just not going to be any fun for them anymore. Oh. I know that the people better wake up. And I realize that if they if they let those Democrats in charge of anything, that they will destroy the best economy he's putting in place for trying to anyway. Patty, great observation. You're very kind. Remember every one of us plays a part. If you vote, you're playing a part. If you donate, you're playing a part. If you go out and tell your friends, you're playing a part. And we've got we've got a big election coming in twenty twenty. I want all hands on deck every step of the way. Um, we go to Mike's in Florida. Also, Mike, Hi, how are you? And glad you called? Sir, Thank you Sean for taking my call. Thank you to say that I'm a veteran and I appreciate all of your sport for veterans. Sir, well, thank you for your service to your country. We appreciate all you've done. So that was my honor. UM, I have a I wish. I hope you can elaborate a little bit on the FISA judges for me. I got a few questions. I would like to know who they are, who appointed them, and if there was something fishy that happened with them, which we know there was, can Congress call on them to testify after absolutely? Okay, First, the it's a rotating group of judges. It's a it's not exactly a secret court, maybe call it a private court. And it's designed for that very reason. Remember, the FISA originally was for enemy combatants, terrorists, covert operations, etc. It's the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, who makes the appointments. There are a number of them. They are rotating. And do I think that the FISA Court judges that had premeditated fraud committed against them are happy? Absolutely not. And I would bet my last dollar that they're dying to tell their story and hold those people accountable. Because the one thing I've learned in life, That's what I was going to ask you too. Yeah, I mean, look, the one thing about judges, Judge Judy actually who I've met. Judge Judy's a lovely woman. I met her once and I had a great discussion with her, and she's tough as nails on her show. And it really does reflect the courtroom is the domain of that judge. The judge designs. And if you go into a courtroom and you try to duck questions and you don't say yes ma'am, no, ma'am, yes, sir, no, sir, yes, your honor, no, your honor, and you want to be rude, it's not gonna work out well. You lie to a judge. That's really Look, there are certain people you should never lie to. Don't lie to your spouse. Don't lie to your best friends. Don't lie to your doctor. If you haven't chess pain, tell them you have chess pain. Don't lie to your lawyers, because you know your lawyers can't make help you if you lie to them, And don't lie under oath all those things. Don't lie to a judge. It's dumb and what they did. This was pre meditated lies by omission and just outright fraud. Those judges are not happy. I promise you that. Why haven't they come out yet? Well, again, it's a secret court. They'd have to be put in the right and environment. I suspect it would be closed door sessions. And I also suspect that at some point we'll get that information. I hope so yeah, me too, But I don't think it's ever gonna work out well lying to a court. Thank you, Mike, Appreciate it. Appreciate everything you're doing. Kadon radio. Bob is in Vegas, Bob, Hi, how are you glad you called, sir? How are you doing, sir? I'm good? What's going on? Well, I'm Mueller's has to answer a lot of questions. Muller, one question I'd like him to answer is when he was FBI director, he had an informant, Campbell with Fusion GPS won all the uranium, you know, going once to far. Will William Campbell was a spy for our government within Putin network in America and he chronicled bribery, extortion, kickbacks, money laundering as Putin was trying to get a foothold in the uranium market in America. But by the way we import uranium, we don't make enough of it, and we did give up twenty percent of it. Yes, And what I want to know is Campbell wanted to go and tell Congress what was going on when they were going to make this deal to give them twenty percent of our uranium. Mueller threatened him with jail if he said anything, so Mueller did not allow him to go to Congress, so the deal went through. Deal would have been killed if he would have talked to Congress, but Mueller didn't let it happen. And what happened that Clinton's got one hundred and forty five million, you know, end up for their foundation and they and they signed off on uranium going to Vladimir Putin's corrupt network. That is correct. All of what you're saying, and I want him to answer that. No one's asking that question right now, and I want him to answer for that. Why he allowed that? To me, that's treason. Well, I like, listen, I want Mueller to testify, and I don't think it would go well for him. And I think Errol Nadler is throwing him a lifeline by not supenating him. But you know, we're not done with the Iranian one. I could promise you that. And William Campbell was a hero, all right. Joe Biden plagiarists, huge issue, and even the left and the media are going after him. We have Karl Rove and Ari Fleischer, Joe Kancha, Well, the President gets great marks in the British media, but not in America. The great one Mark Levin. We have Alan Dershowitz tonight, Greg Sarah and John Solomon with breaking news on the deep State. It's all happening, nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News see it tonight, back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.

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