Life After Duck Dynasty

Published May 6, 2019, 10:00 PM

The Robertson Family is at it again. Phil, Al, and Jase Robertson are here to talk about their new podcast, Unashamed and Phil’s recent book release The Theft Of America’s Soul. Today we learn about their life after Duck Dynasty as the tables are turned and Sean becomes the guest!

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Hey, it's Linda from the Hannity Show here. And as you know, Sean and I never promote the stock market or investing in it, but now we've discovered doctor Richard Smith and his incredible financial software tools. It's trusted by thousands to track over twenty billion dollars of investments. So if you're planning for your retirement and have any money at all invested in the stock market, go to Hannity dot com forward slash retirement. All right, glad you with us, Happy Monday, and write down a toll free telephone number. It is eight hundred and nine four one sewn if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Look, it is not complicated to understand what is going on with the Democrats. They this to them might be worse muller, no collusion, no obstruction than the loss in twenty sixteen, Like Trump winning in twenty sixteen. They did not see any of this coming. They did not think in their wildest imagination Trump had a shot. And one night, I'm just gonna do a an election twenty sixteen media reaction segment where we're gonna go through the night and how the media went from absolutely being giddy and just the happiest people. They thought they knew. The eggs and Poles confirmed that they were right. Donald Trump had not, according to the Eggs and Poles, won a single solitary state. And they were app ecstatic that. I mean, this was like omnipotent ecstasy. You know, a heavenly choir was singing to them. Yes, we beat him, and Hillary was gonna be president. We did the impossible and yes we can. And you know we're gonna shove it right down Donald Trump's throat that he lost. He lost, loser, l loser, and then the night starts unfolding. But remember, so the eggs and Poles come out and I actually called the candidate at the time, Donald Trump, as soon as I saw them, and I remember what I said, though, I said, right now, your staff is in another room and they're about to draw straws in terms of who gets the task of coming in and telling you the horrible news, and that was that you didn't win a single state. You didn't win Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvan. It was over. That's where the eggs and Pole showed Hillary Clinton was going to be the next president. Then I told him the story of two thousand and four, Those same eggs of poles showed that John Kerry was going to be the next president. That Bush and Cheney lost Ohio and Florida and probably a lot more. And at five thirty five on election Day that was two thousand and four, this radio program got a call from then Vice President Dick Cheney with a certain degree of urgency, asking the people in the Panhandle in southwest Florida, and others in Florida, and people in Hamilton County and people in Ohio to get out and to vote, because he had read the same thing I had read. And we know that John Kerry never became president. So I told that that Donald Trump, I said, sit tight, nobody knows. I know this. You don't pull the same as any other politician. And I was right, and I really believe that I did. Never for a second the amount of the amount of credibility I put in those exit polls at that point was next to zero. I just have been through it too often. I've seen it happen time and time again. We just saw it again unfolded Israel when they had the election for Prime Minister bro those eggsit poles, Channel ten, Channel two, Channel whatever, all said that it looked like Prime Minister Netanya who was headed towards a massive defeat. Well, no, it was one of his biggest margins of victory ever and they didn't see it coming. So if you watch election night and you watch just the media, they come on the air, now you're not allowed to talk about eggsit poles. Supposedly when you go on the year, you know, you're supposed to maybe use a little bit of anecdotal information, like early signs are showing that voters, male voters went for Trump by this percentage versus female voters going to Hillary. I mean everything is demographically broken down, etc. Etc. So you're hearing that. But there was a skip, There was a bounce in their step. There was a happiness bordering on giddy and just downright frankly or gasmic almost. For some of these people in the media, it was like to thrill up their leg all over again, and they they wanted They had never thought for a second Donald Trump could win. That is the night unfolds. Now my little private story is this. I don't work on election nights at Fox I don't want to work. They dragged me in one election year, and I was miserable because I don't I want to do my thing on election. My thing is having multiple computers, multiple TVs, having a beer, eating you know, bad food, and going and looking at results county by county with the percentage needed for in based on past history for Republicans to win. I'm always focused for examt Hamilton County. I'm looking at that particular county in Ohio. I'm looking at Northern Ohio, Cuyahoga County, I'm looking in Florida. Okay, the Panhandle information comes in an hour later. What's the turnout in the Panhandle? How is Southwest Naples, Fort Myers, Sarasota? What are those numbers looking like heavily? You need big turnout if you're gonna have any potential for a big night. And then I'm also looking at Broward in Palm Beach Counties because all the Shenanigans had always go on in those county counties historically. You know, we all learned in two thousand dimpled, pimpled, you know, scattered, smothered and covered, hanging, swinging, dangling chads. It was ridiculous, and so we know what can happen, and believe it or not, in some states, every vote really does matter. And I'll never forget the two thousand night either. Anyway, So the media comes on, a lot of them started their coverage as they were getting this information from the eggs of polls, and if you watch their their demeanor, the happiness, the joy, the orgasmic delivery of their information because they think they know they they think they have information, so they want to act like I think I'm pretty safe in making this bet. All they're doing is reading the eggs and poles, but they're not telling you. But you can tell by their demeanor that they read the same crap that everybody else is reading. And I remembered so that election night I had, like usual, I'm home and I frankly had had a a kind of knockdown drag out with Fox this particular year because I was told, well, you you need to be on the air. You basically you know you. You're the one who's been leading the refrains saying yeah, Donald Trump is in this and he can win, and we want to hear what you have to say. I said, The audience is gonna win here, I said, well, and the audience can hear me the next night when I'm back in my regular time slot, because otherwise I sit there in a green room. I get maybe three minutes on the air, and I'm like, this is a waste of my time. I am not getting the information I want. So I'm home and all of a sudden things start to change. All of a sudden, I'm beginning to notice Wisconsin. Now, Wisconsin I know really well because of Scott Walker's elections. And this guy had what three elections in four years. I mean, it was ridiculous at one point, but he had he had built a Republican paradigm, a model for a conservative to win in Wisconsin, and that was So I'm watching, you know, I'm looking at Okay, what was the governor's race, What were the numbers, What were the turnouts? Where are the areas that we need to have turnout for Trump versus say Hillary. What were the Obama turnout numbers in the previous two elections. Then all of a sudden, I'm paying very close attention. What is the turnout in Philly? For Pennsylvania to go blue, there has to be a big turnout in the cities, especially in and around the Philadelphia area, you know, on the outskirts. You know, if you look at Philly County by County, there's a lot of rent in Pennsylvania, and you know, was the turnout unusually high in some of the less populated but nonetheless Republican areas of Pennsylvania. So I'm looking at that. Then I begin I mean, really, it just sort of came in on the periphery that Michigan might actually be in play, because I'm also on the phone with people that are really weird and stupid like me, and just love and obsess over trying to figure out what's actually going on on the ground versus the narrative that the fake news media is putting out. But I was following the giddiness all night, and it's around eight o'clock at night, and I'm beginning to notice a shift in tone because they are, whether they like it or not, they have some Every network has some smart person that is actually going county by county that understands the history. The person that I will say is the most knowledge bowl of this is probably Michael Barone, because Michael Barone can actually tell you what district voted for Kennedy and by what percentage in nineteen sixty over Nixon. I mean, that's how that's how deep his knowledge base goes. For me, I need to actually have printed out before me all the previous years. So I referred to that because they don't have it etched in my memory the way he does. It's actually an unbelievable amount of data that he stores in his head. So these all these people, then all of a sudden, I'm beginning to see I said, this is a turn. And I'm talking to other people that like me, follow this the same way. We're all seeing the same thing at the same time. Now, at the time I had the candidate Donald Trump, he had a cell phone. I called him. I said, you're in this and the world for how do you know? Just just sit tight. This is not what they said it is. This is you're going. Very early, we figured out that we thought we were going to win Florida. I remember thinking that, and now I remember they stopped reporting at ninety eight percent on election night. And then I'm looking at North Carolina and I'm making calls to meadows and people that really know the state of North Carolina, and they're saying, hold hold the press. This North Carolina is moving right towards Trump. And he was the one that first told me North Carolina is gonna be Donald Trump's and I said, okay, North Carolina was on the list that he lost. All right, if they're wrong, there where else are they wrong? And then Florida began to look very that I'm here in the turnout models. The lines were massive in the Panhandle, and that the turnout that we had heard originally in the day in Southwest Florida, because Don Junior called this program about five forty five that afternoon and he said, the turnout in Southwest Florida is awful, and the same with the Panhandle. It turns out none of those reports were true at all, just the opposite had occurred. So and then I remember I got a call from Fox once they started saying, Ohio, Florida, Michigan's, and play Pennsylvania's, and play Wisconsin. I think it was after Wisconsin. Then I got yelled at for not being there. And after they were done yelling, they said, well, you have a studio close to your home. Go I said, I can't. I'm drinking beer and I'm I'm in a sweatshirt and T shirt, sweatpants and T shirt and a baseball at And I said, I just had like three beers. I'm not calling on TV. Call in now, that's an order. I was told those words, so I called in with why Donald Trump won. But but the point of this story is simple is that I think the media, as traumatized as they were on election Day twenty sixteen, they are more traumatized now because they thought Muller had him. They thought Muller the fix was in. They were gonna nail him for conspiring with Russia. They were gonna Impete Chim and that Muller was going to do it for them. They are now in the midst of a huge denial, and their go to is the new narrative, which is rage over Bill Barr. Bill Barr did the right thing. And if Mueller wants to testify, good luck to him. He is going to be grilled at a level he's never experienced in his entire life about why didn't you bring up the dossier if he's supposed to be looking you know, all these other when did you know that there was no conspiring or collusion. We'll get to all this I'm gonna explain more as we continue eight hundred nine four one Seawn. If you want to be a part of the program, this is now officially you know, Donald Trump derangement, rage, psychosis. That's how bad this is for Democrats. They can't handle it. By the way, it is confirmed what we've been telling you about this DNC operative conspiring with Ukraine. It's all true with evidence. What's up, everybody, Linda executive producer from the Sean Hannity Show, here to talk to you about your money, your retirement. Your money is like your health. It's something that you don't think about until you need it. So many people make disastrous retirement mistakes and they're retiring without enough money, and that is just wrong. But to have no fear one of the most incredible financial minds in America, doctor Richard Smith, and Richard's extraordinary tools are trusted by thousands of Americans to track over twenty billion dollars in the stock market, and his tools can help you reset your retirement. You're going to be hearing a lot from shaunoy about Richard and literally we have never endorsed any financial software until now. Why Well, because some of his customers say he's created lightning in the bottle. So go see for yourself. Go to Hannity dot com retirement. That's Hannity dot com forward slash retirement, a right just to go full circle on all of this. So what's happening now is the left's cry, which is Bill Barr, you don't have him locked up. It is all rooted in the same built up hopes and fantasies and real belief that Donald Trump had broken the law and that Robert Muller was going to throw the book at Donald Trump. Now remember ken Starr had a list of eleven specific felonies that Bill Clinton could be charged with, an exact list, you know, the idea that it says no one from the Trump campaign conspired, colluded whatever with the Russians. It is now the fourth time that conclusion has been gotten to FBI's nine month investigation before Muller, then the House Intelligence Committee conclusion, then the Bipartisan Senate Committee conclusions. Now it's the Mueller report conclusions. And then for them to try and thread the needle and say, but he obstructed, he obstructed. You know, if they cared about obstruction, well, then they would care about Hillary's thirty three thousand, the leaded subpoenaed emails that were bleach bit and devices busted up and zimcards removed with a real underlying crime. They don't care about that. If they cared about collusion, I just broke some news. We're confirming right now. It is confirmed a d NC operative conspired with Ukraine and we have evidence for the twenty sixteen election to help Hillary. They don't care. They don't care about the me too I believe movement only if you can bludgeon a high school student. Kavanaugh, not the attorney the Lieutenant Governor of the Common Walth of Virginia A NOI believers for real allegations of rape and violent sexual assault. They're full of it. Selective moral outrage. Hey guys, this is Linda, producer for the Shawan Hannity Show. He might also know me as Shawn's daily sparring partner now that he's a ninja, of course. Well today I'm here to tell you about how to fight for your retirement, and that's right. Fight. There's a huge crisis in America. Millions of people are retiring without enough money and don't make that you. We have one of the brightest financial minds that help you make sure your investments for your future retirement are on the right track. And I'm talking about doctor Richard Smith, the founder of Trade Smith. His mission is to help Americans be more financially literate, make better investment decisions, and avoid the catastrophic mistakes that could cause your retirement to be a disaster. Thousands of people trust doctor Smith's investment tools to track over twenty billion dollars in the stock market, and I'm telling you you should too. When we're talking about retirement. You're in a financial fight for your future. Do yourself a serious favor of folks. Register right now for doctor Smith's special online event, the Great Retirement Reset. Go to hannity dot com forward slash Retirement. That's Hannity dot com forward slash retirement. Eliminate the stress and worry of investing in the stock market. Register now at Hannity dot com forward slash Retirement right twenty five now till the top of the house. So why did I go through this long explanation of psychologically how this has impacted the ninety nine percent of the medium mob that they did not see Election twenty sixteen coming. There was nobody except for a few of us saying, yeah, Donald Trump can win, get your ass out and vote. That's what we were saying. That was my message. He absolutely can win. Now, it's always harder for a Republican candidate to win the presidency, which is why they now want to get rid of the electoral system. And they would they want to go to New York, New Jersey, the city's you know, with the highest populations of liberals determining every election outcome. It would be New York, California, Illinois, and New Jersey. Do you favor doing away with the electoral college? I think when you have a guy in the White House right now who received three million votes less than his opponent, something as fundamentally, well, yeah, okay, you know what that's their problem. Now do you really think all of those red states? Did think Montana? Do you think Alabama, Tennessee? You know all these Do you think they're gonna stay a part of a union where, let's see, New York, California, New Jersey, and Illinois decides the president every time. There's no incentive for them to ever stay ever, if they'll have no say in their federal government. Our framers they understood all of this, They said as much in order to more perform a more perfect union established justice. But baaaa, it's it's all there. So now that the population centers are well, although it's very interesting to watch New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, they're losing, you know, tens of thousands of people every week, month and year because people are leaving. Why are they leaving because of burdensome regulation and burdensome taxation. That's why you know that you see the mass migration. You know, Texas alone, Florida alone, both nearly picked up four hundred thousand people moving into their states because they are absorbing the population from the high tax states. And they have zero federal income tax. Nashville is booming, Tennessee another no income tax state. Then you have the Carolina's low income tax, low taxes overall. You know, New York, you get hit with a quadruple whammy. You get you know, ten percent federal, you get the whatever the federal rate is now. The President rightly so, and I now am paying more taxes because of the President's tax cut plan. Because all of these high tax states, income tax states like New York nine point nine percent. The rich tax, the rich tax the rich. We did forbid the rich leave. They left, and they're leaving, and they're gonna continue to leave. It's like California thirteen point five percent state income tax, all right, added New York Um. I grew up in Nassau County. It is the second highest property taxed county in the country. Number one is Westchester County, New York. Then not far behind or New Jersey counties in California counties. And that's property taxes. Here's another thing, you know, my love them. My accountant says every year I could not, if you stuck me in a room for six months, ever figure out how to do taxes. I have no idea. I get very strict instructions. Pay pay, that's what I say. Don't take the deduction, pay pay pay, I said, because they're coming after me, I'm like, just pay it, and they're like, well, for all other clients we do it. No, No, it's not worth it. I've been sure enough. You know, they come after you all the time. It doesn't matter what you pay. Then they tell me something really that pisses me off. Every year, whatever you do, you can't die in New York. You gotta be a resident of like Florida, And I'm like, okay, how do you how do I plan that? You know, I don't know how, I don't know. If I have another second thinking about it, it's gonna give me a heart attack on the air, which would make many liberals probably very happy, because if you die in New York, you pay ten percent more income tax. They take ten percent of what you did save. So if you're look, this is no bs here, this is what you got. So forty percent top marginal federal tax rape for an individual, then ten percent New York. That's fifty cents of every dollar. Then you work in the city. The city of New York has their little income tax for just the honor of working in the same city as comrade du Blasio, who doesn't want to build skyscrapers any longer with steel and glass, Well, we can't use trees because they wouldn't like that either. How are you going to build them? All? Progress will stop an he's serious in five years and they're gonna put such massive penalties on any contractor that builds it. It's like, wow, let's destroy the entire construction industry in New York along with everything else. The one of people are getting out. By the way, if you leave New York, California, New Jersey, and Illinois, you can leave, but don't bring you stupid politics with you and destroy the states that you're going to because you voted to destroy your own state. Don't do that to the people who have just who have decided that they don't want highly tax being in a highly tax state. Now New York, Florida, for example, Texas for it, they have better infrastructure than New York. Everything in New York is about to crumble, Subways about to cave in. You know you have you have the bridges. Sorry, they look like they're about to collapse. I'm sure they're engineering, engineered in such a way that they won't, but they sure look like crap when I'm going over, except for the GWB, which looks pretty good I think recently painted. But my point is so my accounting gap will say, well, don't die in New York. All of these states when you die, they take another ten percent. So New York forty ten four that's federal state local income tax. Then you got the second highest property tax county in the country I live in. Then you've got all the hidden taxes, then you got the gas taxes. Where do you want to die anywhere but New York. I don't want to die as a New York resident. So what we'll do. What we'll do is what I can't leave. I will put you on ice. We'll put you on life support, life support. We'll put you on a plane, on a plane, we'll fly to Flora. Okay, you got to keep me alive for six months in a day's right. And if you can show him alive for six months in a day, I can officially be a Florida. He's like, all right, but this is the point. And then Elizabeth Warren says no, no, no, And the Democrats they want to seventy percent top marginal rate for individuals and a ninety percent top marginal right for corporations. Okay, what does that mean. They're not just gonna leave New York, California, New Jersey, in Illinois. They're gonna leave the country and they're gonna do what Cuomo was talking about, take their money with them, and they're gonna build their businesses abroad. This is what Trump is work the hardest at doing, is incentivizing business. He literally asked these people in industry and the steel business, and you know, the the car business, manufacturers, factory builders, what do you need is what is killing your incentive to build here? Why are you building in Ohio? Why are you not building in Pennsylvania. You know, they just restarted that steel plant that had been mothballed in an, Alabama because now the president, you know, everyone got freaked out for a little bit today because the President tweets out about China. If China doesn't believe he's serious, China is never gonna change the rules that only benefit them. And what the President has successfully done on top of ending burdens and regulation. And by the way, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and California, guess what, people like me that got to deduct our state income tax bill from New York I don't get to deduct it any longer. And guess what it's fair? Why because the people in all the states that elect smarter politicians that don't tax this edison read to death. They didn't have the same benefit and perk that I did because they're not being they don't have a state income tax. Why does New York and California and Illinois and New Jersey get this added benefit of deducting their state income taxes. But there's no incentive for these governors to do anything else but keep raising it because people just deduct it. Well, that doesn't help people in Texas, Florida, Tennessee, or any of these other low tax states. So the President's right, you know what you want, lower taxes. Elect governors that will and legislatures that will give you lower taxes. Anyway. By the way, Trump has hit all time high in the gallop pole. Whoopsie. Daisy Pelosi is warning twenty twenty candidates we've caught to see mainstream and not to follow left wingers in her party that are about to probably unseat her at some point over the cliff, and she's down on the impeachment idea. We're gonna get into this in detail at the top of the now. Our newness is challenges challenging Muller straight up his account on key Russia Gate witnesses. Listen all this talk about let's let Muller testify. I'm all for it, but this I want to know when Robert Muller and his merry band of Democratic donors, his pitbull Andrew Weissman that was at Hillary's victory party at the Javits Center, and Jeannie Ray used to be the Clinton attorney on the foundation. I want to know when they knew about there was no collusion. I want to know why if the mandate was so broad that they could look into taxi medallions, loan applications and taxes and Farah violations. Okay, why didn't they look at the dirty Russian dossier that Hillary paid for to impact the twenty sixteen election. And the fact that even the New York Times is saying that dirty dossi might have might have always been Russian disinformation designed to create chaos in our electoral system. How did he ignore that in his entire investigation? You know, now Bar's going to do his job, and he gave He said, Muller's over, absolutely done. There's nothing to talk about with Muller. Anything you hear on Muller anymore from these House Democrats send a demo rat. It's only noise that's going nowhere. And now Trump is not going to cooperate. He didn't invoke executive privilege. He allowed every person, including the White House Council, which to me is dumb. Don McGann. Why he ever testified for thirty hours is beyond any comprehension I have, because that's clearly attorney client privilege. In that situation, they certainly could have said where invoking executive privilege? I mean Obama invoked executive privilege un fast and furious for his own Attorney General Eric Holder at the time, But not one time did he invoke executive privilege. Everybody was encouraged to testify the Muller Muller's band of Democrats, and they turned over point five million documents and the President answered whatever questions Muller had and they still had nothing for the fourth time. But nobody in the media. Look, there's such phonies. They care about collusion. Well, we have new evidence today that, in fact, yeah, the DNC did try to collude with real evidence, with Ukraine's government to help Hillary in the twenty sixteen election. Where are all the I hate collusion people. They're deaf, they're just silent. They don't want to talk about it, just like they don't want to talk about the dirty Russian dossier of Hillary that's likely Russian disinformation, just like they don't really care about obstruction because if they did they'd care about Hillary's deletions of subpoena emails, bleach bit of them busting a part of with Hammer's devices and pulling simcards, just like they don't really care in spite of saying so, I believe I believe Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh's accusers from high school, but there's no eye believers. As it relates to the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, when you have credible allegations by credible people that told people at the time of violent rape and violent sexual assault, this is one big scamp. They are not who they say that they are. And if Mueller wants to go up and testify, well there's a thousand questions he probably doesn't want to have to delve into. And if they want to go after Bill Bar the way they're going after him, good luck with that. Because the difference between Barr and what happened with the Special Counsel, and even Rosenstein himself went alone agreed with Barr, as did the Office of Legal Counsel. This was not a hard decision and it was not based on any Justice Department policy or any constitutional potential problem that could arise. As it relates to whether or not you can indict or not indict a sitting president. Now, those same people that denied the election results couldn't believe that they were wrong. And by the way, to be clear, the same people that never vetted Obama and Frank Marshall Davis and a Lensky disciple and Acorn and Community Community Organizing or the Church of ged America or Black Liberation Theology or his best friends, the unrepentant terrorists heirs endorned those people, yeah, that never did their job. There, that just worshiped at the altar of Obama. They were they worshiping at Hillary's altar. They thought election Day twenty sixteen they had Trump beat beaten and down. They were giddy and then it was a visible change on their faces. This Muller report is a shock to their system at or above the twenty sixteen election results because they really thought he had them. They thought they had him. And now the only thing they've got to do is they're floundering with noise and lies and more conspiracies. Rather than maybeternal little bit introspective and say we messed this up. We lied, and we created conspiracy theories, and we did no fact checking, and we took on every anonymous source that was thrown at us. They never told you Obama's record. Oh, they got it wrong with Richard Jewel in ninety six. Yeah, they're still doing it with UVA, Dupe, Lacrosse, Ferguson, Missouri, Cambridge police in Baltimore, Maryland. They suck. And now we have a poll out today seven out of ten Americans think they lie regularly to the public. And you know what they do. What they failed to say in that same report is that Mithsood was actually related to Italian intelligence services. So you can't if you're a moller, you don't get to just report part of what you want in the story. You have to put the entire piece before the American people. He didn't do that, so we're calling him out. This is not how investigations are supposed to be run. When you look into Mithsood closer, Professor Mifsud Closer, you realize that he is connected with all kinds of intelligence agencies, include our own FBI. And in that letter Shan, you'll see there's pictures with FBI agents at the Link campus where Professor Mithsud teaches at. So we asked the question and I'll just get to the I'll sum it up like this. We want to know every document that these agencies have related to mipsud because if he is in fact a Russian agent, this would be one of the biggest intelligence scandals for not only the United States, but also our allies like the Italians and the Brits and others. Because if Mithsuod is a Russian agent, he would know all kinds of our intelligence agents throughout the globe. So we ask those questions, we want those documents. We're giving them a week. I'm not worried about whether or not they were spying on the Trump campaign, that is fact. What I want to know is how many spi with an S were involved in this. There's been no president in history that has given what I've given in terms of looking at just a total witch hunt. I call it the Russian hoax. It turned out to be no collusion, no obstruction. It was a total hoax. And yet I was transparent. We gave one point four million documents, We gave hundreds of people. I let him interview the lawyer, the White House lawyer, for thirty hours. Think of that thirty hours. I let him interview other people. I didn't have to let him interview anybody. I didn't have to give any documents. I was totally transparent because I knew I did nothing wrong. It turned out I did nothing wrong. All right, an hour or two Sean Hannity Show. Right down a toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. They're the president, as he has done for two plus years, denying. Now we have four separate investigations can affirming that the President has been right. There was no collusion. There was no conspiracy as it relates to Trump Russia, the Trump campaign and Russia in the lead up to the twenty sixteen campaign. Now, specifically, what Devin Nuness is talking about is this English professor. Now we knew part of the story, but we didn't know all the story. This is where the Papadopolis quote spying aspect of everything that happened came in. Remember the Attorney General said there is spying. The question that Devin Newness just asked how many times and how many spies were involved? Up until last week, we did not know that as part of Stephan Helper's attempts to he was told to spy on Papadopolis and Carter Page also expanded out to Sam Clovis. But we didn't know we had the young thirty something flirtatious model involved in kind of making it known to Popidopolis that she's available, but she's seeking really information about Donald Trump Russia in the campaign. In this setup of Popadopolis, When did it happen? Who approve this? What other intel agencies may or may not have been involved in other words, did our again not rank and file intelligence officers, those at the very top, not the ninety nine percent that do a good job every day, just like the FBI rank and file, But were their top intelligence officials in our country as a means of bypassing American laws on constitutional rights? Were they outsourcing illegal activities that they could not do for the purpose of spying on Americans to even some of our allies like Great Britain, Australia, perhaps Italy. I don't bring those three countries up by accident, because that is, you know, the the undercurrent of what we've been hearing now for a long time. And how did we get to this point and when did this real Russia collusion narrative, When did it get started, who knew what, when and where? And when did they know all of this? Greg Jarrett, author of the number one bestseller The Russia Hoax, The illicit Scheme to clear Hillary Clinton framed Donald Trump, now seemingly prophetic in its very title. There will be a part two coming out eventually when a lot of this information is known. David Shown, criminal and Civil Liberties attorney, is with us. There's a lot to unpack between what Papadopolis said to me last week that the only thing the New York Times got wrong is it wasn't an FBI spy, right, And how did we get to a counterintelligence investigation? Which was Lindsay Graham's question to the Attorney General. Well, there was a lot of lyne and spying going on on, principally by the FBI and probably the CIA. In fact, Line in Spine is the title of one of the chapters of the forthcoming book. It'll be out in a few months. But it looks like George Popadopolis, a fairly naive young guy, was absolutely set up by the FBI and intelligence agencies. He's fed phony information from this guy. Math sued, who has connections to the FBI and Western intelligence sources. Who leans over a breakfast one day and says, Oh, the Russians have dirt on Hillary Clinton, They've got her emails. Papadopolis is then suddenly contacted by a bunch of different people, including Alexander Downer. He didn't just run into in a bar. It was a set up, the Australian diplomat. That's right. Downer pulls out a phone and starts apparently tape recording with leading questions. George, you're the middleman with Russia and Trumpe. You were involved in the hacking of Hillary Clinton's emails. You know, George tell us about the collusion, none of which was true. And you know, Papadopoulos is like, what are you nuts? And he you know, he eventually says, I have nothing to do with this. I'm out of here. Fast forward a few months and you've got Helper who's on the FBI payroll. You've got Azra Turk. They both do the same thing. They set him down. They seemingly tape record him with leading questions, trying to set him up, and this was used as part of the pretext to investigate Donald Trump, along with the phony dossier that the API knew was fabricated, they couldn't verify it. They didn't care. They used both of those to go after Trump. All right, David Shone, I think now you know everybody had this, you know, collective gasp that the Attorney General said the word spying, as he said, it's not a pejorative. We spy on them, meaning our enemies, they spy on us. The thing that flabbergasted me is that we have literally been, we have not created in over three or four decades now, the ability to prevent outside countries from getting our most sensitive materials, which which heightens the severity of why the Hillary Clinton email server in a mom and pop bathroom closet with classified top secret information on it was such an important national security issue. But what we're saying we're seeing here now is between the FISA warrant the Popadoppolis issue. Now we add the blonde flirtatious bombshell to the equation, and we've got multiple times now with multiple spies and multiple attempts to get inside the Trump campaign. Right. Well, I think the story that you have uncovered now the past several months, and the Greg wrote so clearly about and is going right more clearly about is that the problem right now that we face is getting our own house in order. We have a politicized Department of Justice. Leadership sets the agenda. If we know now as we do, and you have proven without any question that the leadership at the FBI, leadership of our intelligence agencies were willing to abuse the FIS the court, the most secret court in the land, the most intrusive court in the land, and they gave license then to any other operatives to go and spy on the Trump campaign to suit their agenda, which was ensure that Donald Trump never was elected president. Everything is turned on its head. If there is evidence of spying, it came from the Clinton campaign. If there's evidence of spying, it came from our own Justice department. So while we obviously have to be vigilant about foreign governments intruding in our affairs and hacking our computers, right now we have to get our own house in order and make sure that this never ever happens again. Well, I agree with all of that. You know, we're now heading into whether I want to go back to last week, and I know I keep highlighting this when Lindsey Graham goes through a list Greg of you know, what are things we need to now investigate? What we need to look into? And the last thing is, you know, he goes through a whole litany of questions about the Mueller Report, and no, Mueller's dead. Anything we hear from here on out about the Mueller Report is over. It's all noise. Do you share my concerns about the FISA warrant process? Yes? Do you share my concerns about the counterintelligence investigation, how it was opened and why it was opened? Yes? You share my concerns that the professional lack of professionalism and the Clinton email investigations something we should all look at. Yes. Do you expect to change your mind about the bottom line conclusions of the Mueller Report? No? Do you think the president's campaign in twenty sixteen was thoroughly looked at in terms of whether or not they colluded with the Russians? And the answer is no. According to Bob Muller, that's right, he couldn't decide about obstruction. You did, Is that correct? That's right? You feel good about your decision? Absolutely? That says it all to me, Greg. Is that basically everything you me and our ensemble cast, including David and so many others, you know, which was really a small group of US versus the ninety nine point nine percent that went down the Russia hulks rabbit hole with lies in conspiracies. We were right the whole time, oh absolutely. And you know, we always knew there was no evidence obstruction of collusion, and Muller founded no evidence. That's what he found in his report. And as for obstruction, it is not obstruction. If the president is exercising his constitutional authority to fire somebody. You cannot take an improper purpose and convert an otherwise lawful act into a crime. Period. Can a president be charged with of course you can for destruction of evidence, for concealing witnesses, for other acts, but not for exercising constitutional authority. Stay right there, Greg, Jared David Shone will continue more on the other side. And as we continue, Greg Jarrett and also Attorney David Shone. All right, David, we've given our list of where this is going. I just played before the break everything that the Attorney General. We have the Attorney General now an investigation. We have the Inspector General abuse investigation. We have the leaking investigation with Hoober. It seems that the Attorney General now is literally going into every aspect going back to the rigged investigation into Hillary, through FISA abuse, through an attempt to unseat a duly elected president. I believe this is going to bear a lot of fruit and a lot of top names. If there's justice, will be in deep legal Yeah. And I think that's exactly the reason that vocal members of Congress are coming after mister Barr. They'd like to eliminate mister Barr from the process and hope for someone who's going to be intimidated out of that investigation, because there is a great deal to fear from that investigation. I'm hoping mister Barr stands strong, as he has said he will. Now, Greg, you have your own list, but really it does. We if we're gonna have equal justice, equal application of our laws, and remain a constitutional republic, we better start with Hillary's rigged investigation. Not out of revenge. It's just simple fundamental equal justice issues. If law enforcement and government officials were using their positions to ignore the law and clear somebody of a crime for political reasons, that's a whole host of crimes, including obstruction of justice. What about their desire to have Muller testify before Congress? Doesn't he work for Bar on this case? He does, and Bar would have some say in it. Although he said last week when he testified, I have no problem with Muller testifying. The president cannot invoke executive privilege because he really had no conversations with Muller. He answered some questions, But doesn't the statute say that he's to report to Congress. I'm sorry, he reports the regularly the attorney general and it's up to the attorney general. But as I say, Bar said, I have no problem with Mueller testifying. The question is you know, does Mueller even want to testify? We don't really know the answer to that. Well, does Mueller would have an answer to the question when did you know that there was no collusion? That would be the principal question that I would ask him, is you've known for more than a year. Haven't you that there was no How do you know that he's known for more than a year Because he had that conversation with one of the president's attorneys and readily admitted they had no evidence of collusion. The question is why would you put the American public and this president he wants another shot. He wants another shot, a redo to make it seem worse than it was. David, you agree with that. Yeah, I agree with that. And here's what I agree with very strongly. Bob Mueller, if he's a man of integrity, must refuse to testify. He doesn't have the right to testify. Listen. The law was changed in nineteen ninety nine, before nineteen nine Democrats by Democrats, by the Clinton administration. Before nineteen ninety nine, the nineteen seventy seven law, people like Jerry Nadler and Chuck Schumer could run their mouths and say, we want the Special Council before us. He owes us the duty. Because the Special Council owed them a duty. Congress could appoint or remove the special investigator at that time. That's not the case. Intentionally changed the law. Yeah, and Gerald Nadler didn't even want the Star report out. You know, all right? Thank you. Both. Will have full coverage a lot of breaking angles on this tonight on Hannity ninety Eastern on the Fox News Channel. We'll take a quick break. We'll update you on the latest than the border and much more. As we continue you are on the record as saying the House should be prepared to imprison people held in contempt of Congress. Are you really serious that you're going to go down and arrest the Attorney General. Well, what I'm serious about, Chris, is the Congress has the absolute responsibility to collect evidence, to compel the presence of witnesses to testify under oath. If the executive branch can prevent us from doing that, they will have effectively extinguished our oversight function. So we have to take this in a deadly serious way. We have several ways to enforce the subpoena. The first is to judge someone in contempt and to initiate a civil proceeding. The Congress also has the inherent authority to judge people in contempt, and there is both an eighteen twenty one and a nineteen thirty five Supreme Court decision that recognizes Congress's right to do that, and in both those cases, individuals were taken into custody pending their compliance with the subpoena. It of course should never come to that. We expect the Attorney General to honor a subpoena when properly served, and we will fully enforce that through the courts. The House Judiciary committ Committee is reportedly in talks with Special Counsel Robert Muller about testifying before your committee. In fact, has he agreed to testify and has a date been set at? Tentative date has been said of May fifteenth, and we hope the Special Council will appear. We think the American people have a right to hear directly from him. Let me just interrupt when because we're running out of time when you say attenative that has been said? Has the Special Council agreed to that date? Well, I think counsel for the Special the representative the Special Council has but obviously until the date comes, we never have an absolute guarantee. The White House says so far indicated they would not interfere with mister Muller's attempts to testify. We hope that won't change. We've got to get to the bottom of how all this started. I mean, the American people have a ready though, how this investigation even began. And as the Attorney General said when he testify Core Converse, there was spying. We need to understand why there was, whether there was a sufficient predicate. Well, I think we need to find out, We really need to get to the bottom of how this all began. And if there was a violation of the rules, it's the law was broken. The people that were responsible need to be held accountable. All right, there you hear it again. This is now the latest obsession, the latest manifestation of rage and hatred of all things Donald Trump. And you know now it's then they have focused almost completely on the Attorney general. But they're ignoring everything the Attorney General has said. They don't care that great attorneys like Alan Dershowitz and others. Yeah, it's bar that is right, and all the others that have been wrong here. Muller is wrong on the law. If Muller dares to testify, it's going to be interesting because number one, when did he know that there was no collusion? According to the first attorneys at Donald Trump, he knew that over a year ago. Why did the investigation can tinue and we're looking at Russian influence in the twenty sixteen election. How did he ever avoid the whole issue of Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for what The New York Times is now saying in suggesting a Russian disinformation dossier to impact the twenty sixteen elections that resulted, and of course, you know, widespread fraud against the FISA court using the Russian disinformation to get there. And what about all the other spying that went on. How did Muller, if the mandate was broad enough to get into Taxi Medallion's tax issues, loan application issues, how did it not get into the FISA abuse issue? How did it not get into the dirty dossier's impact on the twenty sixteen election. I don't think Muller has as easy a decision here as everybody on the left seems to think, as they, you know, demand more and more that he show up. That sounds to me like another potential boomerang impact. And you've got Nancy Pelosi rejecting the impeachment Trump now putting it her at odds with the radical extreme, even though she's pretty radical herself. Barr's disclosure in his she doesn't want impeachment, she knows it's political suicide. Barr made a major disclosure in his Senate hearing. The Daily Caller picked up on this. We had picked up on this. You know that the Senate during that the former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer was an FBI source for information about Papadopolis. We learned a lot as we were just discussing with Greg and David about Papadopolis. Now you can add a blonde, flirtatious, thirty something spy involved in the meeting with the London professor and Stephan Helper. I mean, it just gets deeper and deeper and deeper as we move on. And then if we care about collusion, how could we not pay attention to the Ukraine saying they've got evidence that the DNC sent emails looking and hoping to collude with Ukraine. We don't care about that type of collusion, that conspirat No, it's only if it's Trump. It's like if you can only bludge in Trump on me too. I believe we'll do that with Kavanaugh back in high school. But we'll ignore, you know, allegations of rape and violent sexual assault against the Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Just like every other bit of hypocrisy that exists. It just stinks to high heaven whole a whole lot of it anyway. Joining us now is Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona. He wrote an incredibly strong, powerful piece today. He just came out about a couple hours ago, why the House Democrats are out to get the Attorney General. You sound apoplectic in this, and I think you make the most compelling arguments so pretty much anybody else on this. How are you? Yeah? Well, Hi, Sean. Thanks? And you know what, it all boils down to one thing. The Democrats hate Donald Trump, so they're they're willing to do anything they want to shoot the messenger here. But William Barr is merely the messenger and there's really nothing that he has said or done that is actually in the contrast or refute mister Mueller's entire his entire memo. But you know what, that is not what they want. They were trying to impugne Donald Trump through his currocuits and attack him in any way they can. And that's what I'm trying to get at. And it's all lined up for the twenty twenty election. They're also providing distraction because they know that when the IG report comes out from mister Horowitz that they're in trouble with that. There's a whole lot of stuff going on right now. That they really don't want the American public to focus on, and that's why they're going after William Bark. We've been lied to for over two years. Where's I mean between the corrupt media mob and the deep state, those in the upper ruschelon of the intelligence community and the FBI and the DJ that abuses power. And it's very important I make this distinction every time, not the rank and file ninety nine. You know, we have the premier law enforcement in the world and the FBI, and the same with our intelligence officials, the premier agencies in the in the world. But you know now in the powerful tools of intelligence so used as a political weapon to bludge in political opponents and American citizens in the process, we've got ourselves a big problem we do this is this is a free republic. It's a it's a pluralistic society. And part of what has to happen is you have to be able to trust your institution such as the FBI and DJ, your your police apparatus, your your executive d and that is not available to us today. I mean, I don't know if you've seen polling. Polling today says that the American people don't trust these UH, these institutions anymore. And part of it is because for political purposes. And this what makes what makes this kind of a soft couitive a soft a real co attempt is using political UH and police against political opponents. That's what happened here and and now there's to cover up. You know, you mentioned the Ukraine. That's right, Ukraine is as as formally they're part of Parliament said they want to adjust theate to get to the bottom of this. Then you have the intelligence community of the Big five around the world that seems to have been in on this this UH conspiracy, and that's really what it seems to have been, as a conspiracy to prevent Donald Trump from winny the twenty sixteen presidential And it runs deeper than that. You know, for the New York Times to now recognize spying, for the Attorney General to use the word spy, spying is not a pejartive. We know we need it in a very evil, dangerous world with very evil actors. And by the way, I'm all four bringing Putin and Russia the hostile actor and regime to its knees. We can due it with energy and we'd win that we'd win that battle and cripple their economy in seconds if we did it the right way, which the President's trying to do. Use these bad actors are constantly attacking us. And by the way, why do we after thirty or forty years, why have we not built up the the IT defenses necessary so that our secrets are not hackable? I can't, I can at some point it's shame on you, Shame on you, shame on us. You know we have right, we have the smart, smartest brains in the world. Why haven't we done that? We have been asleep at the wheel and in so many, so many instances, but but never more so than protecting our security. Our cybersecurity is weak. Our apparatus of defenses week A. Secondarily, we have allowed our adversaries to co opt our intellectual property. We've allowed them to come in and co opt right now, our our immigration policy. I mean, these these things happen because we have not been vigilant and um and that that is a shame on us. I mean we because we know the bad actors are out there, we know they're out there, um, but despy on Americans for political purposes. That that's that's about as bad as you can get in a free Republican. Okay, So now we have the Democrats doing their doing their thing, the predictable, you know, harping and hounding and staying on the false lie narrative, etc. But I think to really get to the bottom of all of this, we do need an answer as to why and how the Clinton email investigation was rigged. We do need answers as it relates to this, you know, fraud and abuse of power, fraud on the FISA court, you know, ending up in warrants, despire the Trump campaign and denying American citizens constitutional rights. You know who signed off on the dirty dossier, perhaps Russian disinformation dossier is the New York Times is suggesting. Then we've got to find out how they tried to bludgeon Donald Trump with same as part of an insurance policy, advancing a narrative that many knew was never true from the beginning. I mean, with now closed door testimony release of Struck and Page, they're saying that, well, first of all, there was never any evidence in the lead up to the appointment mull or no evidence whatsoever about any conspiring or colluding with Trump and Russia. Nothing and no they're there a structs phrase, and that the Attorney General was guiding the and protecting and rigging the investigation into Hillary and her server. And at this point, you know, we're beginning to find out everybody knew that dossier was dirty and it was political and it wasn't verified. What about people that lied to a court like that? What would happen to me if I lied to a court like that. Well, if you'd lied to a court like that, you'd be going to jail. And the reality is, because the House is controlled no by Democrats and Republicans didn't do enough while we were there, we're relying now on the Inspector General, Michael Horrows. And don't forget Michael Howis did a great job because he's the guy that revealed all those struck page Bruce and Nelly or connections with vice warrants and with the dossier that was so bad. We were relying on him and his report to come out, which hopefully we'll be out in the next couple of months. But that will do no good if mister Barr is hampered by the Democrats, because he's the one that will have to prosecute. And that's he's gonna have to continue an investigation and he's gonna have to prosecute these people because that is the only way that you provide a general deterrent against this kind of behavior in the future by our police apparatus. And so these two people I'm relying on. America has to rely on the aspector General because he's going to reveal a whole lot. And we also have to rely on Bruce assuming Bill Barr to prosecute. All right, take a quick break while more with Andy Biggs is a freedom called GUS member from Arizona. We'll also get an update on the latest issues involving surrounding the border battle where he is front and center. I'm doing something extraordinarily dangerous. On our news Roundup and Information Overload hour, we have Phil Robertson, the patriarch of Tuck Dynasty and Jays's son and his other son Al. They're going to actually take where my show and interview me. And as we continue with Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona, and they had a very powerful piece. We'll put it up on Hannity dot com. Why are the Democrats out to get the Attorney General bar You're on the front lines of this border battle. We see now, yet the biggest caravan ever is headed our way. And now the president seemingly has funds to build the wall because they weren't able to override as Vetos in terms of emergency funding. What's the latest down in Arizona. I read that thirty thousand people were released in Yuma, Arizona. Yeah, it's the number of releases Sean is outpacing even the people we catch. Our facilities are overrun down here. I visited two weeks ago a facility designed for two hundred and fifty people for a twelve hour processing period having seven hundred and fifty people in it that they're keeping for a couple of days. If there's no criminal record and there's no ice holds or wants, they're releasing these people. And I was told the other day by some border patrol agents that right now people aren't even decrying asylum anymore because the word has gotten out. You don't even have to declare asylum, because if you declare asylum, then hold you for twenty days. Without asylum, they're holding you for two or three days and releasing you into the country. Thousands being released because we don't have the facilities, and it's it's an overwhelming situation. There's not even enough buses to transport them out. Ice and CBP are having to release these people because there's no place to keep. Unbelievable man, that they be released. Yeah, it's it is. It is unbelievable at this time of the time of year. All right, Andy Beggs is with Congressman from the great State of Arizona. Thank you, sir for being with us. When we come back, we take a huge programming risk as we allow Phil Robertson. I see him in the other room, his son jaysus on al to turn the tables and interview me. Oh boy, whatever happens happens. Let's straight to hud The backwoods of Louisiana is now home to a new breed of me and there my family. Pretty scary hum idea of happiness is killing things. Forty years ago, my father Phil Robinson invented a revolutionary time of duck call that changed the duck in the industry in our way of life forever. Look here, look here, good time to come our way. As CEO, I've turned my dad's one man operation into a booming family enterprise. Willie. He took the whole thing way further than I ever would send me. I'll check every month. My brother Jason designed duck calls come on and manages the assembly team. Somebody gonna get fueled food, run on this mail. Uncle Sam heads up operations, come to get it. And my mom, Miss Kay that is always cooking up new ways to expand the brain. Welcome kid. I gotta say, though money didn't change some things, I don't like me from the negotiator. It makes me nervous, happy, happy, happy. We still managed to stay true to ourselves. Yes, crazy bouts as. I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is because the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes, first for the Jew, then to the gentile. From the Gospel, the righteousness of God is revealed, a righteousness that is about faith from first to last, just as it is written, the righteous will live by faith. I am not ashamed, I am not ashamed, I am unashamed. What about you? All right? That's the trailer of what is called the Unashamed Podcast of the Robertson Clan. And by the way, Phil Robertson, it's patriarch is with us now, along with his sons Alan and Jason Duck Dynasty Fame as a brand new book out, the Theft of America's Soul. It is a fascinating read and it's on Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere. And we're actually doing something very brave and courageous. We're allowing all these three guys to interview me kind of sort of for their podcast. Guys, welcome to the studios. What are you guys here for today? Our brand new podcast. It's called Unashamed with Phil Robertson. It's Jason, it's me, it's Dad, It's uh, it's Willie. How Willie get out of coming on? We don't. We don't really get anywhere near a serious discussions. You know, you've been around him before, right, Oh, yeah, no, I've been around him before. He thinks he's the boss, and yeah, it's the great patriarch of the family that did it all. What Willie does is he waits and he sees if it's successful, and then if it is, he comes in and takes credit for it. Is that is that what happened with Dynasty? Well? Yeah, come on, and started the business, and Willy took over and add such a big deal right allow the money his uncle side. Why didn't he up in New York? You couldn't hand last famous line is he said, boys, let me just explain this, he said. I've acted like an idiot my entire life, he said, but I never thought i'd find a bunch of foods like A and need to pay me. That's true. But he's got a great sense of your he does. I had the pleasure of interview and you guys, so I'm listen. I'm gonna you guys control those interview because otherwise I want to just take a look. I notice what you do. So look. So the first thing I thought of is we call this unashamed because it's been obvious from the family's sake that we stand up for what we believe in, no matter what I mean. Obviously, we had a huge dust up with A and E over it and other things that have happened. And by the way, Sean, you were one of the first guys that called us to check on us and to help us. And we appreciate that because there were others, I mean, but not many, but people that said I know what you guys are about to go through. You know, well the one thing everybody selectively hears what they want to hear. And I was raised a Catholic, but I did go to eight twelve years of Catholic school. In high school, it was a seminary. I had to study. We went to Mass every day, we studied Latin. You know, this was seriously you had to say you would consider the calling in the church. Except three weeks in they said everybody about Hannity because we don't want you. And by the way, and that is a true story, lie behind that. I was pretty incorrigible. I was seventeen, eighteen years old. Tend to Bartel four thirty in the morning, you know when I was seventeen, and it was just a different life that I had. But I do have a conscience. I believe that's a living God within all of us that I know pretty darn well what I'm doing wrong and what I'm doing right, and my conscience convicts me, tells me to knock it off. I mean, by the way, yeah, you're telling me to knock it off. Go ahead. No, the people you are sparring with, yeah every day, you just said the magic word. Their conscience has been seared over as with a hot iron. You see what I'm saying, Because when the lies come out and you're saying, wait a minute, how could you lie like the conscience, it's just seared over. You see what I'm saying. Plenty of tech say that. Many you know, there's a reason why one of the big ten in the Bible, if we're going to go there, is thou shalt bear false witness because it's so damaging. Fate, Jesus said, is the father of lies and the father of murder, and I'm looking at both of them. The ones you're dealing with are champions of both, and it's a it's a it's a tough battle of you're end. That's why we've talked to you about spiritual matters, because we want to make sure that God has given you his spirit born of water, and you must be born again of water and the spirit. So when you look at that, you say, we're trying to make sure you've got the power to withstand the onslaught you are currently participating in. But you see what I'm sayings and point about this line. Look, you can deal with anything, you can work out anything. But when you have lies. You can't work that out. That's the only thing I punish my kids for them. I'm like, I don't care what you did. Let's hear it. I have my daughter's phone. I picked it up as like, is there anything in this phone? Before I check it? I checked my kids phones, and I'm like, is there anything in here? She's like, nope, I got in there. She's thinking all this stuff has been deleted because it's you know, yeah, I found it. And I'm like, what happened to this? I'm not gonna find anything here? And That's what I was trying to explain to it. No matter what you do, we can work though when you lie, When we can't discover the truth, any progress ends right there. That's where you are with what the current struggle. You're in spiritual warfare. The evil one works in those, He works in them, so we're warriors work. And you say, how come they are in lockstep and their mind is just straight and nothing seemed. How many of them have you seen that you change their mind? You're none that went down a two plus year narrative full of lying, full of abusive power, corruption, and they did it willingly. All right, We'll take a quick break, we'll come back more with the Robertson clan. It's led by its patriarch, led by its patriarch, Phil Robertson, and of course his son's Jason Al. His book is out now too, The Theft of America's Soul Amazon dot Com, bookstores everywhere, Hannity dot Com. As we continue, all right, as we continue with the Robertson clan. Of course, the patriarch, Phil Al and Jay's They got a brand new podcast called Unashamed, and Phil has a new book, The Theft of America's Soul. Listen. I've always thought for myself. I tell a story that I was a local radio host in Atlanta when the Richard Jewel thing happened and the Olympic bombing, and I was on the air at the time when the Atlanta Journal Constitution came out with the headline that he fits the profile of the lone bomber because he lives with his mother. And I remember, that was the dumbest thing I've ever I'm on, the dumbest thing I've ever heard. That doesn't mean he its it was with his mother, probably doesn't make enough money, so I didn't know it at the time, Richard Jewell was listening to my radio show, and I was the only one in the media that said, I'm not I'm not rushing to conclusion here, and it's not guilt by accusation in America. And it ended up he gave me one of his first interviews. When it was all said and done, he died forty four. I'm sure the press killed him and he did not like it. But then, you know, the media has been wrong on George Zimmerman and Trey von Martin. I was right. I actually took time to go down there and talk to the people when the Duke Lacrosse came the case came up, I went out to Long Island and Garden City and I met with the parents and kids. I did my own research UVA or Baltimore, Maryland, or Ferguson, Missouri, or the Cambridge police or believing that Donald Trump absolutely could win this election, or going back. I think I was the only voice vetting Obama. And you know Frank Marshall, Davis and Olinsky and Black liberation theology and Acorn and community organizing and oh and he sat in the pews of the Church of ged America for twenty plus years, and he started his political career in the home of two unrepentant domestic terrorists to bomb the Pentagon, the Capitol in New York City police headquarters and nine to eleven two thousand and one, quoted in the New York Times and saying we wish we did more. That's where he started as So, you know, the answer to your question is, I don't phil, I don't think about what I do. I just do it. You know, to have people said to Hannity, You're probably gonna have a pre dawn raid coming pretty soon, you know, when I'm taking on you know, pretty powerful people and the intelligence community, only only a few are good, honorable Americans to protect us. Same with the FBI, just a few. The ninety nine percent do their job and obey the laws and would never abuse power. But for me, it's not like I have a choice. It just as you know, I do what I do. You do what you do, and I know it's the right thing because I'm driven to do it. Whether I want to or not, I'm stuck doing it. Listen, how serious this is. This is how you can recognize the spirit of God, every spirit that acknowledge acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God. But every spirit who does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. He's the spirit of the Antichrist, which you've heard is coming. Now, what's this you deal? Children are from God and have overcome them because the one who is in you, God's Spirit is greater than the one who is in the world. They're from the world, and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to him. We are God, and whoever knows God listens to us. But whoever is not from God listen to this, does not listen to us. That explains why you say. It's just like they're in lockstep, coordinated evil from the evil One himself. And you say, what we're telling you is you said, We say, Sean, make sure you got the power within you to withstand it. We're just saying do this. It will help greatly. The one in you is stronger than the one in them. You will watch the Passion of the Christ. Oh yeah, I cannot watch that movie. Nut take me down. Yeah, that's right, that movie touches me deeply. I believe. Oh, I know you wanted to me in the backup with in the swamp with the alligators, and I said, I'll do it, but I'm not doing it there. Trust me when I tell you I want to dunk you anywhere. Get a bucket now, you can tuck me right here. I don't get air in some water clide all over my head. Son, You're you're a good American. The reason we connected with you immediately. I want to tell you one thing. Sure you know how you know there's a God? Okay? I argue with atheists on this radio program, and I say, so you don't believe in God, Okay, you believe in the Big Bang theory. I said, well you what you believe then, is that all of this energy existed. You're not giving me a source of the energy just existed, and then it collides together and creates perfection. You know, the taoon, the Sun, the stars, the planet, gravity all at sixty six thousand DNA seven hundred miles an hour as I speak, the planet and it's doing like this to turning like this at a thousand miles an hour, universes within universes within universes. That just happened, and it's a way and it's going around around around right. You say, you talk about precise, We're just the right distance from the sun. Mercury's too close, Venus is too close. We're just right. Mars is too perfect perfect, the only ones is not perfect as us that didn't. But by the way, you know, but you can be considered viewed as one hundred percent lawlessly perfect once you believe Jesus died, was bed and raised from the dead. And look ready, believe it. I know it. Now you've got to enact that. You've got to die to sin you the old you bury it. It's kind of talked about your old life. You are just as bad as me used to be. Verse, I'm inviting my incorpibility is right. When she told you, when you said, look them old gray Beard said, I need to be baptized. But honeyway you think you're in divinity school? She said, Sean, because I'll told me this that you said, Sean, technically they're right, I said, Well, technically if is woman and all three of the people that love him, the Robinson Clan, if we're all technically right, move all right, Well we need to go busy man. Thank you so much for me Podcast don't get kicked out of hotels, Jason, next time you know you're up in New York City. Well, facial profile. We'll have more. We'll have more on this podcast about our friend boy that's dangerous. Thank you all for having me. All right twenty five now until the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one. Sean is our toll free telephone number if you want to be a part of the program. Now the story is, and I want to be clear, you weren't on the West Monroe, Louisiana trip, were you? I know James was there and I know that too. I wasn't, okay, and I remember because I remember Tim. We we cooked out steaks at the Duck Dynasty compound and it's the strangest thing I've ever seen. I mean, the place is packed wall to wall with just visitors, just people wanting to stop at Duck Dynasty. And by stock Well, it's the Duck Commander, Yeah, the Duck Commander. But this is the main location if you've ever watched Duck Dynasty, I mean, this is the real place. And honestly, Phil's home is a trailer. Behind the trailer is Miss Kay's. You know, state of the art building cooking facility because she loves to cook. I mean, I can only imagine what it costs to build that thing which they built for her. Phil is kind of like me. He's except pieces Cama. I'm just jeans and T shirts and baseball hats. Are you growing a beard anytimes? I'm not growing a beard. No, I'm not growing notice al the one son does not have a beard, and he stands out like a sore Thumbwe well, because when Jason last came to New York, he was thrown out a Trump Tower because they thought he was a homeless guy and they had to apologize to him. I think Trump called him, this was before he was president and said he was sorry. That a security I mean, because you don't really see Duck dynasty beards in New York and it's it's frankly, you know, you could easily make them now. Actually they blend in because because now beards are very very popular, not their beards. I don't know. If you've been to Brooklyn lately, I don't. Then I don't see that hockey game recently. They fit in quite nicely. There's definitely some changes, but I'm just telling it's not it is, but they dress in camel that looks like it hasn't been cleaned in fifteen years. I'm not saying, and there's nothing dirty. It just they just looked like they come just got back from honey, which they did, and so he got kicked out. Anyway, So they have those bigs. We're cooking out and I remember, because I was as usual, I'd take over and cook the steaks. I love to grill. And Willie was there, and Uncle Si was there, and Phil was there and anyway, I remember everyone thought their steaks were too rare, and I'm like, you know you are, Tim, and everyone running back to the grill because I'm like, no, that's how you cook a steak medium rare. You don't cook a steak well on or meat or medium well done. You ruin the steak, you ruin the flavor, you destroy it. Anyway, So long story short, Um, we're hanging out there, and that chair that he sits in all these years on Dog Dynasty, that's the real chair. That chair is filthy. That I did. I did, there's got I mean that chair has been there a hundred years. And I even said to them, you know, he goes. I said, well, miss Kay wants to get rid of this thing. Why don't you buy a new one? You can afford it. No, I like my chair. It's my Bible reading right here, and that's what we do. And he, by the way, this is his passion. He is a pastor and very very open about all the sins that he committed in his life. He doesn't hide anything back. Uh yep, committed adultery, yep, did this, yep? Did that yep? Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. You know, admits at all. And I remember when they I don't even remember what the controversy was. I couldn't. I can't remember it. And I just called them one morning and it's early in the morning and Jason picks up the own and I said, how are you doing. I said, uh, well, get ready because I knew it was gonna blow up big and it did. And this is what the conversation was. I'm here, I'm here with Dad. We're talk hunting. It's like seven in the morning, six Louisiana, tot. And so every two seconds in the conversation goes hang on, hang on, hang on, and I'd hear quack crack crack out boom, He's still there. Then he'd pick up the phone again. One time, I hear quack crack crack boom. Quack crack quackrack boom, and it's like he forgot me for five minutes and he picks up the phone. Are you still there? I forget it. There's no point. We're not. We're just gonna spend the day hunting. Talk to you later, Hannity. That's what they call me, Hannity. Okay um. But they wanted to take me to the back swamp. I've told this story before. Phil Phil Robertson, the patriarch, literally says me, Hannity. It's like rock him back in that old chair. His He goes, you really want to get the ratings up? He said, yep, that's how I make my living. Yeah, he goes, y'all just come on back with me and let me give you all dunk in the swamp. I'm like, Phil, I've watched your show. They were real, real, live big alligators in the swamp because the alligators fall right up into your yard and there was one episode where you guys had to chase the big alligator back into the swamp. And I'm like, I have no problem, saying that I believe in God and Jesus, and he died for our sins. The son of God came to earth and suffered, died and was buried and sacrificed himself all humanity. No, no, no, all, I'm I'm in. And he goes Yep, he still need to get dunked, and I'm like, I'll get dunked, but you better find a pool because I'm not going in that alligator swamp to get my baptism that he wanted to give me. I said, take a bottle, take take a bucket of water. You can shove my head down that way. I don't care what you do, but I'm not doing it in the swamp. He was serious. I said, did you ever do that before? Yeah, I've done it hundreds of times in the swamp with the alligators. Why are you looking at me like that? And say, hey, he upgraded you to what number two? Right before he come on the air, he said, I'll do it in a jacuzzi baptism by anything but an alligators swamp. You know, God gave us common sense, and I think even God is saying that's a bad idea. Listen, you get no argument for me, I hate nature. Oh, you wouldn't have been able to handle this. I don't go in your nature. Oh no, you wouldn't have been able to handle. But you know, it's very interesting because remember last week we're going over the comments of Alec Baldwin. Hey, Trump, he's convinced all these flyover States people they're so stupid. He's deceived them all, And it's like, that's so arrogant. Or when he made you know you're just a former construction where Hey Kennedy, I'm like, yeah, I'm a former construction worker and I did all the restaurant jobs in the world. Yeah, I'm proud of it. Actually it Uh, I never forget who I am, Sean Hannity, is that Brian Whitman. Hi, Sean, Alec. I wanted to give you an official WABC welcome considering you, Uh, you was supposed to come on my program last week and you you didn't show up. What happened? No, I wasn't supposed to come on your program, Sean Hanny, who were supposed to come on the program because a deal is made with your agent that if you're going to come out with Brian first, you'd come out with me. I wouldn't dream of coming on your program, Sean Hannity. I'm here with Brian, I'm here with a really talented people. You don't tell the truth. I'm here with a really talented broadcast. Why would I want to come on the show with a note talent former construction worker hack like you stop? Stop? There a note former construction worker hack Well, who builds Alex Holmes, who builds his fancy hotel rooms that he lives here, who puts in his extravagant plumbing and fixtures and electrical Does Alec do it? I doubt it? And you know we all are benefit from the talent of construction workers that build all these things for us. Every By the way, this is another myth about life. Now that we're just doing random thoughts here, let me tell you something. Nobody owns anything. Take everything you think you own. I definitely own my dresses. Okay. No, you own your You think you're own a house, right, you bought your house? Thought I own my house? All right? But you you you're you're you own your car, you're own your house, your house, Okay, but it's not because one day you're gonna drop dead and somebody else is gonna be living in the house you thought you owned. You're not fearing your house. You're not taking your car, not taking your drawers and your dress and your clothes and whatever else, none of it. You don't own anything. We all rent whatever we have, We rent, whether we want to, Yes, ethan rent it. You think you own a home because you're bought at home. You don't own it, because when you drop dead, somebody else is gonna live in your home. The only person we have to pay rent too is the tax man. No, it's you're missing the point. Nobody owns anything because you think you own it. I own this. You own nothing. You rent it, And when you die, you don't die and float it up with you or down, pending where you might be going or headed. Why are you looking at me with that puzzled look? By the way, So, how do you think happens when you die? I believe in heaven and hell. I believe I think that those should you be buried or cremated. I am not gonna go seventeen feet underground and I'm not getting cremated. I'm gonna build a musoleum in the wilderness somewhere that says Hannity's America, and leave enough spots for like loved ones for generations to come. It's gonna say Hannity's America. I'm gonna have a whole security system around it. In case anyone wants to grave, rob me or anything, I'll break it. That's interesting, interesting, And I guess Alec was right about that science He was listening to the radio one night and this guy, I think described it backtrack. So you've read that don Or Dan Piper's ninety Minutes in Heaven, Okay, and the best selling book that was on this Heaven is for Real, And you know, almost with exact duplication. People that have had these near death experiences, they describe the same thing or something similar. They describe the tunnel. They describe a peace and serenity that they never had in this life. They describe a light that is drawing them closer to it quickly. They describe their entire detailed life flashing in their brains, every detail that they long had even forgotten. They describe a warmth, they describe meeting loved ones. They describe music, songs, angelic voices within angelic voices, but they comprehend you know simultaneously dozens of separate singing songs at once. They describe real pearly gates. They describe meeting relatives, and often describe a relative saying it's not your time yet, you have to go back, and they all say they don't want to come back, they want to stay there. So that you know it's too coincidental to just think that there is nothing after this the only thing that makes sense. And when we argue on this program, and it's not your favorite topic, when an atheist calls in and I say, okay, you believe that all of this energy existed on its own to do to be an atheist, you have to believe something comes out of nothing, that it all existed. Where did it come from? You're talking about, you know, an explosive, majestic amount of energy that collides and creates the heavens, the moons, the stars, the universe, planets, universes within universes within universes within universes, from the tiniest you know, creature that we can't see with the naked eye, to a little baby, and to an elephant, a rhino, and a giraffe, to human beings and to babies being born. You have to believe that there is something so powerful and majestic. I think God transcends time. I think this idea. I think God always was and always will be. That there is no past or future. It's always always to God the present. And we don't we don't have, as human beings, in my mind, any real ability to comprehend the majesty of God. We just don't have it. We don't even take the time to look at the craters on the Moon. When you get a good telescope or pretty fantastic or look at Mars. You can get a good shot of Mars, which is amazing. And now that we create these other telescopes and you know, we send our site reaching ability into the stratospheres, we're learning that the universe is even that much more majestic, that much more unending. And I think that the story of God is one that only we will know on the other side. And I believe that every man, woman and child was created by a God with talents and ability and a proclivity towards either good or evil, and that this life is a bridge and you can cross over from one side to the other as long as you're breathing at some point at the end of the road, you're on one side of the other. Amen. All right, as we wrap up for today, all right, We're loaded up tonight Hannity on the Fox News Channel with news and information you won't get anywhere in. The most amazing story that is not being told is all the Trump economic armageddon talk. Where are all those people? Now? You know, historic jobs report, incredible economy. Europe grows a point three percent the last two quarters. You know, we have a government shutdown and grow at three point two percent. We'll get into all of that tonight. Now, this issue involving Ukraine collusion conspiring to impact the twenty sixteen election is getting bigger by the second. We have full and complete coverage of all of that. Carter page also reacts to all of the new news that has come out the degree of spying, including a hot Russian bombshell, Greg Jared, Larry Elder, Karl Rove, and yes, the Robertsons that want to baptize me in an alligator swamp. I can't do it. It's all happening tonight, nine Eastern Hannity Fox. Thanks for being with us. We'll see you tonight. Back here tomorrow,

The Sean Hannity Show

Sean Hannity is a multimedia superstar, spending four hours a day every day reaching out to millions 
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