Congressman Tom Graves of Georgia, sits on the House Appropriations Committee, and was a part of the first round of hearings yesterday with Attorney General Barr. While the rabid democrats had their talking points which were rhetorical and rigid in nature; some of the committee like Rep. Graves were ready willing and able to discuss the issues that are affecting the American. people and treat the Attorney General with respect. It seemed at points yesterday that representatives from the left believed they were doing a cross examination. Congressman Graves made headlines with his hilarious tweet about the Mueller report when he wrote, "Liberals want to redact the conclusion."
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Three branches of government, our judiciary being one and the other being you know, we have our representatives and of course the executive branch, legislative branch, judicial branch. And if we don't get to the bottom of it, which is now happening, we won't have a country. It's that serious. We have had ninety nine of this rage hate Trump media mob. They have literally been the extension of this new extreme radical socialist Democratic Party in this country. They have been in sync. They even share talking points. Manufactured crisis at the border, um, everybody with a brain can figure out and any ounce of common sense can figure out what's happening at the border is serious. That doesn't matter. You can see it is transparent that they don't care when they champion I believe. I believe, but only against Republicans bludgeon Kavanaugh for something alleged to have happened when he was in high school. Mitt Romney cut a kid's hair. You know, he had he had application finders of women's resumes. Okay, wanted to hire women, but then ignore serious, real allegations of rape and violence, sexual assault by a Democrat, the lieutenant governor of Virginia. But I don't want to digress here. So we have now had two days of information come to us. We had William Barr testifying before the House Appropriations Committee today and he went before Senate, the Senate Committee today, and then we had part one of James Baker, who was the chief Counsel, the General counsel of the FBI under Jim Comey. And then we had today's we have another closed door meeting that was released thanks to Congressman Doug Collins. Let me start with the testimony though of William Barr before the Senate today, and you're going to see in the days, the weeks, the months ahead, and you're gonna say, well, why does it take so long? I don't know. The wheels of justice churn ever so slowly. You know, while everybody in the media with their tinfoil had conspiracies that they have pushed this Trump Russia collusion narrative now for over two and a half years, beginning in July of twenty sixteen, and we now have four separate confirmations, reports, investigations that have all concluded the same thing. There is no Trump Trump campaign Russia collusion. What about Manaphort Okay, Manafort was taxes and loan applications of Faraacht had nothing to do with this time with Trump. What about Michael Khan Okay taxi medallions and lying to Congress, nothing to do whatsoever with with the mandate of any evidence of any collusion with anybody. Now, what really broke today that has both the media and Democrats freaking out is that the Attorney General of the United States of America today confirmed yes, that which we have been telling you is going on for a long time, and that is and Senate Democrats Jerry Nadler are even full complete meltdown mode. Oh and as I look at the news channels, let's see Democrats. Oh, they're talking about the Democratic plan for healthcare. Oh and they're talking about Donald Trump's taxes on another channel. That's not the news today. They're avoiding the news today. They don't want to admit to their audiences how wrong they have been, the lies they have told, the hysteria they have pushed. You know, it's a breathless coverage, day after day, minute after minute, hour after hour, week after week, month after month, lying with these tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, you know, basically feeding on themselves, most often starting with anonymous sources. And they've been wrong, and what the damage they have, It's irreparable harm. Journalism is dead. They're not news networks. We do we have done more investigative reporting with our ensemble cast. I do not take all the credit here. We've done it mostly on my shows, but the Great Jarretts and the John Solomon's, and the David Shones and the Sydney Powells and Sarah Carter. I can't name everybody, but there's not a lot of us. There's not there wasn't. Or my colleagues, you know, on the few of them on Fox that stayed with the story, Tucker, Laura, Fox and Friends, or the great one, Mark Levin, Rush Lumbaugh. They've gotten it. They're on it. But we have been, we have been unpeeling the layers. Here's what Barr said today, under questioning from an angry Democrat Janine Janine Barr confirmed, yes, the Obama administration conducted a spying operation against the Trump campaign. Well, now, all hell's breaking loose, so you're not you're not suggesting, though, that spine occurred. I don't, Well, I guess you could. I think there's a spying did occur. Yes, I think spying did occur. Well, let me question is whether it was predicated adequately predicated. And I'm not suggesting it wasn't adequately predicated, but I need to explore that. I think it's my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned about intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane, and I want to make sure that happened. We have a lot of rules about that, Yeah, we do, and laws about that. How is it first story we ever broke? Solomon and Carter broke it on Hannity. What March of twenty seventeen, Well been over two years, three hundred and fifty percent increase in unmasking requests in the final year of the Obama administration. Interesting, that's only a small part of it. Yeah, I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal, Barr said, adding that the Vietnam War generation in which he grew up was very concerned about spying on anti war Americans by the government. Remember the government spied on Martin Luther King Junior. That happened that shouldn't happen in America, should not have happened in America. And he says he told the truth. He thinks spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. And I think it's my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane. In other words, we give them the most powerful tools of intelligence, and they're not allowed to weaponize them on the American people. They're to be used to protect the American people, And the Constitution protects the rights of Americans not to be spied on this way. And when you go before you know, this is where this is all headed. The evidence now is overwhelming and incontrovertible. Hillary Clinton's investigation was rigged. In other words, and with the new testimony, which I'll go over, James Baker, the top lawyer General Council FBI undercome, Yes, thought she should be indicted with the you know what we pointed out from his testimony yesterday, Yes, classified top secret special access programming information marked as such was on that server in the Mom and Pop bathroom closet eighteen USC. Seven ninety three. We've identified a whole host of felony she committed. If you want everyone that's say, well, there might be some evidence of obstruction in the Mullet report. You think the Democrats and liberals and the media care about obstruction. If they did, there's no bigger slam dunk case than somebody that takes subpoena the emails deletes them. As we now know the exact date, they ASCID washed Hillary's hard drive at the Platte Rivers network so that they can't recover them. Forensically, you didn't bleach bit it, they'd still be there, and then of course have an aid bust up your blackberries and your iPhones with hammers and pull out the sim cards and he says, and the bar says it did happen. Now, Nadler, Oh, he's freaking out, sounding like a man whose impeachment dreams have gone up and smoked. Today, Congressman Nadler got into full meltdown mode after, in fact, this was confirmed by the Attorney General that spying did occur, and anyway Nadler suggested he was misled. He's demanding answers. These comments directly contradict what the d o J previously told us. Yeah, the DJ lied to you. Then the evidence is overwhelming. Nobody wants to see it. Now you have a walk and the media they don't want to have to admit that they've been wrong with their conspiracy theories. And as there was Jennifer Rubin, you know, I was now calling for the Attorney General to be impeached. Now they want another witch hunt. By the way, thankfully it judge denied a request for immediate release of the Mulla report. You cannot give up sources and methods. You can't do that. You know, we do have enemies. By the way, I gave a full, complete roadmap you want to you want to make sure that Vladimir Putin a hostile actor on the world stage, and Russia a hostile regime on the world We can beat them easy. We just outproduced them oil and gas, and we offer to other countries at cheaper prices. That's how we're gonna win that battle. Now. In this testimony today, they went over unlawful surveillance of US citizens. They went over page McCabe Rod Rosenstein's discussion to record President Trump. They went through the timing how the Special Council aligns with the firing of Comey. They went through Rod Rosenstein McCabe page all planning to record President Trump, and we have all of this now in detail. They were seriously considering doing that. They have you know, Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan, you see in these interviews were amazing, they were spectacular. You know, were they trying to remove the president from office? We have that answer, we have. Baker never followed up to see whether Rosenstein moved forward with the plan to wire tap the president. What was that plan? You know, who were the people that the two people they said supported the twenty fifth Amendment, you know, or the conversations about the Special Council appointment, the same people who suggested the wire tap in the twenty fifth Amendment. In other words, a cabal, an attempted coup, not by a lot of people, but they were certainly the most powerful, not rank and file, you know, and McCabe and the FBI knew about what Rod Rosenstein was doing. Here's what's gonna happen real quick. You're going to see everything that we have been telling you now begin to happen. It's taken a long time. Some of you have doubted, some of you have wondered, some of you have said, yeah, you keep problem. I never said when I said it's gonna happen. We are now going to get criminal referrals. We now have an Attorney General that has opened an investigation into all of this. We are expecting the Horowitz Report on FIS abuse that will be devastating, uber Report on leaking. Then we have the FIS applications themselves, Gang of eight material three zero two's, and real issues about how an investigation into one presidential candidate was rigged that that candidate could win as she should one hundred million to zero and not let the smelly Walmart people vote in Donald Trump. It's all going to be revealed and there will be indictments and there will be convictions. That's my prediction today. Smoking is not about politics, it's about people. There are thirty four million Americans that smoke. 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In his now comar, I want to go through though Baker's testimony in detail, give you you know with now William Barr saying what he said, all right, Devin Nunez will have the beginning of the criminal referrals. All of those will now be investigated seriously. Well, I think a lot of evidence that's eight to start. More coming. Then we have Bar now saying that, yeah, he will confirmed that the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. That brings into play people like Clapper, Brennan, Susan Rice. The Attorney General, remember it was Paige and struck that again in closed door testimony, said yeah, we didn't have any power to make any decisions, and that the investigation into Hillary was ragged by Democrats and by the attorney general. Yeah, the same one that met on the tarmac with Bill Clinton and said to James Comey, it's not an investigation, it's a matter. Then we have the Horowitz Report, the Hoober Report, more closed door testimony, with more revelations, FISA applications, Gang of eight materials, three O two's it is now beyond an abusive power now it's about accountability. I'll explain when we get back. I want to remind you too, if you're an unhappy time share owner, you want on a vacation you have in the time of your life. Somebody says you can duplicate this every year for the rest of your life, and then you never end up going back, and then you realize there are other nice places I could go too, and I could better use that money. But every year you got to pay the maintenance fees and whatever other fees associated with it. You wish you never did it. Well, there's a way out. Thanks to my friends at lone Star Transfer, Brian and Karen. They run a family owned business. They will make sure that your experience is a pleasant one. They will get you out of your time share legally, ethically and quickly. 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You know in new testimony which I'm going to go through in some detail on top of bar saying today the Attorney General, the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign everything we've been reporting, and I just want to go back. And this is not a I don't like that any of this happened. I've told you my deep respect for the FBI. The FBI is the world's premier law enforcement agency. Law enforcement is frankly in my DNA. I don't know if many of you have family members that are law enforcement, but I had a lot a ton of them. My mom a prison guard, my dad, family corp probation. One point in my life, I nearly became a police officer in New York City. My cousins, a ton of them. Two were deity too. We had two guys in the family, my grandfather's brothers, sons too, from the same family. They were FBI's special agents. They were deity. We talked about them like that as they deserved. You know, I'm wearing an FBI flag pin every night on TV because to show solidarity with the ninety nine point nine percent. Some of my secret service friends are saying, really, you took off our pin for them, and a little intramural competition within law enforcement. So you know, in this testimony, we had part one yesterday at James Baker thanks to Congressman Doug Collins of Georgia. You know today part two, Baker admitting that he and other senior FBI officials wanted the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate President Trump even before Trump fired James Coomey. Before today, we'd all been told about the eight days in May, that it was Comey's firing, that that was the one and only reason, even though Comey under oath admitted he could be fired for any reason or no reason at all. He served at the pleasure of any president he worked for, and that Rod Rosenstein is up to his eyeballs and everything, as I've pointed out many times before. But the only reason he did that, we were told that's the only reason after the firing of Comy. That's not true, because in this new testimony behind closed doors, it's only a fraction of what's about to come. James Baker said, top officials at the Just Department, Justice Department and FBI discussed appointing this special council before Comey was fired. Mark Meadows told Baker, we now have evidence that would suggest that a special prosecutor was being discussed prior to the firing of Director Comy, and he said the information came from the Justice Department official Bruce Or's notes, where he was having conversations about a special prosecutor in March of twenty seventeen. The firing was in May of twenty seventeen. Meadows asked Baker, did you have conversations prior to the firing of Comey about a special prosecutor? Baker, to the best of my recollection, the topic came up, but I don't remember a specific conversation sitting here today about it. But I remember it coming up. He said he couldn't remember why it was mentioned as a possibility. Would what would be the conflict of you all continuing your investigation, Meadows asked. Baker said, I think it was. I think it was as the Russian investigation was moving forward in interactions that the President was having with Director Comy, and it was sort of on the margins of some type of conversation. I don't remember who said it, quite honestly, but I'm telling you the topic did come up before the firing, under questioning from Jim Jordan. By the way, these two are rockstars, and all of these interviews, and now that we're seeing what was going on. I remember how many times I'd have Jordan and Meadows on the program and I'd say, all right, is there anything that I'm saying here that's wrong because I knew they couldn't tell me things. Nope, Am I over the target? Yep. Because we were using our sources, many phone calls, me and my team and all the sources, by all our ensemble casts, we're making a lot. Oh well, Hannah, to your talk show host, you only give opinion. We do investigative reporting. We do real reporting. Too. We do it all and anyway, So Jim Jordan, Baker revealed he was unable to recall specifically who had the conversation about the appointment of the Special counsel, but it was a passing conversation that could have been with Director Comy and with Deputy Director McCabe and some other senior leaders. When pressed by Jordan on why Baker was discussing obstruction of justice and a special counsel prior to Comy's firing, well, Baker's attorney intervened, saying, well, we'll have to instruct the witness not to respond to a question that that specific that pertains to special counsel ongoing investigative efforts. We didn't get that. Now there is a timeline here about barr and you know, the Attorney General goes before the Senate Committee today, the Appropriations Committian. Of course, they didn't want to talk about appropriations at all. Doesn't know if if Robert Muller supported his conclusion, He says, doesn't know if Robert Muller supported the conclusion that the Special Council's report has insufficient evidence to establish Trump obstructor. Just as the comment came as Chris van Hollen asked Barr whether he agreed with Muller's assessment that there were difficult issues of the law. Are refused to answer von Holland's question several times, saying that he would say more when the report was out. Barr said in the summary Muller did not reach a conclusion. Barr said that he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein decided the evidence was insufficient. There you go, he said, a redacted version of timeline, etcetera, etc. All right, let me go through this what we have today. So we've had the testimony now of Paige Struck, Nellie Bruce or John McCain precep FBI Guy Bill pre Step and now we have part two of James Baker today. For example, let's go to the surveillance issue of US citizens reported to the FBI in twenty sixteen. Anyway, with regard to mister Klayman coming to busy you, was it with regard to all the surveillance concerns that he had concerning the general fact pattern that we're here to discuss today, Well, it had to do with surveillance. It had to do with an allegation about unlawful surveillance, but it was I believe, different from any fact pattern that we talked about the last time here anyway, unlawful surveillance of whom again, this is Jim Baker, James Baker, the number one lawyer, the special counsel, the top lawyer at the FBI, Dracomi, he says, well, of Americans, including government officials. Yeah, I can go, I mean, and then Jordan steps in. Who was the client? He says, I'm turning to the bureau to describe this. So his client was an individual named Dennis. I won't mention the guy's name, although it's out there who I believe to the best of my recollection, he said that the US government contractor and in the course of his work, had come across evidence of unlawful surveillance by government by the government of Americans, including yeah, US government officials, and wanted to give that information to the FBI, which eventually did take place. Jordan asked, I'm sorry, go ahead, he goes. During what period, he says, to the best of my recollection, that was in the late summer early fall of twenty sixteen, surveillance by whom by the US government itself of Americans do you under stand with the General Counsel of saying here committee, sensitive, sensitive, sensitive, unlawful everything we told you about illegal surveillance, unmasking, the leaking of law and teller he's confirming it. Then it was you know. Jordan asked, well, when did you talk to Lisa Page and Andy McCabe about the meeting they had with Rob Rosenstein. He said, I don't remember the particular data. I believe it was shortly after they met with the Deputy Attorney General. And this was in the days immediately after Comey was fired, which I'm drawing a blank on right now. Jordan says, okay, is it your understanding there were multiple meetings that mister McCabe Page Rosenstein had about the potential recording of the president. I know they had multiple meetings with the Deputy Attorney General discussing a lot of things in the immediate aftermath of the firing, and I don't specifically remember how many times this was discussed, Jordan asked, so to be clear, the firing of Comey took place twenty seventeen, and then the hiring of the Special Council May seventeenth, So these numerous meetings and the one you had with mister McCabe and miss Page took place between the ninth and seventeenth. I believe that's correct, and wrote. Then it goes on Jordan says, when they presented to you their collection of their recalling to you what took place in the meeting with Rod Rosenstein about the twenty fifth Amendment recording. The President says, yeah, I took it seriously because my assessment was they took it seriously. And then he says, he goes on to say, Jordan and says, okay, what did you do? Then we got the deputy well, actually got the acting director McCabe of the FBI, and Lisa Page, who has been intricately involved in the case, in the Trump Russia case, and now the FBI General Council, all taking it seriously that mister Rosenstein said he was going to record the president. Then he says, so, I'm trying to be clear and not confusing. I apologize. I believe that Andy told me about the conversation about wearing a wire. I think separately, Lisa Page told me about it. And then Jordan asked, so these are just conversations in the hall. Did they stop by your office? He says, I believe in Andy's office. Well, let it make sense, because then it gets into the whole insurance policy issue like they talked about with as we knew at the time it was mccabel, though they didn't say it. And then he says, well, did any type of anyone do any type of legal analysis? He says, to my recollection, we didn't do any legal research. Seriously, consider recording the president after Comey's firing. Mark Meadows follows up, So, you say that this was one of several things the team discussed after Comy's firing, discussed to do what I guess my question is was the feeling the president needed to be removed from office? I mean, what were the other things? Is there a list a litany long items you discussed, Congressman Meadows at the time will instruct the witness not to answer his lawyer steps in anticipate you will ask us to see clarity from our chain of command and reference to this question. Baker never followed up on whether or not Rod Rosenstein moved forward. The plan was for Rod Rosenstein to wear a wire. Baker, my understanding was the deputy Attorney General. The idea was the d ag would wear the wire. That's Rod Rosenstein. And it was discussed before the firing of James Comey. They hated Trump, the deep state. How many times we talk about the deep state abusing power, a deep state coup, FBI, a g Department of Justice, the reagant investigation. Yeah, he thought Hillary should have been indicted, but he was outvoted by everybody else. But he's the top lawyer at the FBI. Have conversations about the Special Council, go on and on, conversations over and over again about the So the twenty fifth Amendment, McCabe, the FBI knew about Rod Rosenstein's plan. Well, when are they gonna get when are they gonna get maybe a warrant to do such a thing to the President of the United States. You know, Meadows grilled them on whether or not Rosenstein reached out to the cabinet members himself on the issue of the twenty fifth Amendment. And they talk about the Page Struck text and Jordan says, well, you know, mister Komy gets fired. We now have a text message from Struck to Page where not. We've got to open the case now. While Andy is acting sure, looks like we're talking about an obstruction of justice investigation. Would you agree with that, Baker, I'm confused. I think it looks like as though they were talking about opening an obstruction investigation. That's what I interpret. Jordan says, an obstruction based on the fact the president fired Komey. He says, yes, an addition other things, they don't like this president. It was a smellye Walmart people's president, you know, one of the irredeemable deplorables, one of the you know, people that cling to God Gun's religion. FBI surveiling American citizens, Yeah, Meadows asked that question. You know, was it a common practice for the FBI to surveil individuals without their knowledge US citizens, tape them for investigative purposes with confidential human sources. He said, well, it is an improved it is an approved investigative technique under the Attorney General guidelines internal FBI policy to allow that to occur with appropriate predication and appropriate approvals. I can't remember the specific approvals, and again, community sensitive redacted anyway, Then it goes on George Popadopoulos and the FISA warrant. Were you involved in the FISA applications? Yes? Oh, all right, the Russia counterintelligence opened up in this particular case and Page and Popidopolis. I don't know whether the country of origin that person had publicly disclosed disclosed, but the information had to do with Papadopolis. Yes, how did we get to this point? Well, there have been a conversation about all this and the Trump officials campaign officials. Fis a warrant question. He can't answer that right now as to whether or not individuals connected directly or indirectly with the Trump campaign out of FISA warrant placed on them. Took no action to report Rod Rosenstein for what his actions were. Why didn't he report this to the executive Branch? I didn't because I didn't think the suggestion, you know, though it was operationally a bad idea, I didn't think it was an illegal concept. Why did no one to report this to the AGE? No, I didn't tell the AG. I believe he recused himself by that point. This is all new today. We don't get to the bottom of this. We don't have a country that's it. The rule of law, our system of justice, equal application of our laws, equal justice under the law, the constitutional protections under our law. They're shattered shredded. They're gone. All right, We'll continue on the other side. This process is going along very well, and my original timetable of being able to release this by mid April stands, and so I think that from my standpoint, by the within a week, I will be in a position to release the port to the public. And then I will engage with the chairman of both judiciary committees about that report and about any further request that they have. And then we have the sitting in the hot seat now two days in a row, the Attorney General of the United States, Bill Barr, first testimony since the end of the Russia probe, showing that well, there's a new sheriff in town. The rule of law is about to be followed. The Constitution means something again, those that have abused their power will be held accountable. And even going as far as today as saying, yeah, he confirmed the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign, something we brought up. And I'll get to this in a second. We've known for years, you know, we now have this is all coming. This week. We'll get criminal referrals for eight people, but more are coming after that. We have Bar now saying that he is going to be doing and conducting an investigation, you know, and he couldn't be any more clear, both yesterday and today. You know that his review is now distinct far more reaching, even than the investigative the I the ig Horowitz and his investigation of FISA abuse. It's gonna go a lot further than that, and it's going to probably end up where I said. It all started with a rigged investigation into Hillary Clinton. Especially in light of James Baker's testimony and the things that we revealed yesterday, we now know the exact date that Hillary had our secret server in a Mom and pop bathroom closet, acid washed with bleach bit. And then of course the Office of Inspector General as a pending investigation of the FISA process. The Attorney General said, in the Russia investigation, I expect that will be complete and probably may or June, I am told, and he explained giving the first answer, So hopefully we'll have some answers from the Inspector General Harowitz on this on the issue of the FISA warrants, and he said more generally, I am reviewing the conduct of the investigation, trying to get my arms around all aspects of the counter intelligence investigation that was conducted during the summer of twenty sixteen. Clear indication this is what's to come. We'll start with criminal referrals this week. Well Bar just announced yesterday a full investigation of all of this Horowitz's report on abuse, and I believe even other things that have now come into his purview. Same thing with the Hoover report on leaking and other matters. We'll have the release as we've now had two days in a row the General Council of the FBI under Komy James Baker. I just went through the last hour. His testimony shocks the conscience. Then we'll get the FIS applications, as the President said to me exclusively on my TV show last week. Yeah, we're gonna get where a week and a half ago. We're gonna get all the pies applications, the bulk of information the Grassy Graham Nounez memos tell us come from the Clinton bought and paid for unverified Russian dossier with Russian lies. Then we'll get the three O two's, and of course we'll get to the whole issue of insurance policies. Now that dossier was used to well, first stop a candidate that they saved from indictment, you know, the favored candidate that should win one hundred million to zero, and then used to bludge in a president elect and destroy a duly elected president. All of this is now going to becoming cascading down on them, you know, all these people. Well, maybe there's a sentence or two that we can hang our hat on. Maybe Muller, you know, maybe it was obstruction of justice. Well, if you really care about obstruction to Joe, you'll talk about Hillary Clinton's thirty three thousand deleted emails. We now know the date of the acid wash of the hard drive and the busted up devices with hammers and removal of simcards. Anyway, investigating reporter, you know, when you look at all of these issues, and you look at William Barr confirming the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign today, it makes investigative reporter John Solomon's column yesterday, the single sentence Russia bombshell that the Attorney General delivered to Congress even more powerful. Sounds to me like all the things that we began. And you are on the very at the very beginning of this, you and Sarah Carter about the surveillance, the three hundred and fifty percent increase in UM masking in the last year, the Obama administration leaking of raw intelligence. John Solomon, how are you. I'm doing well, And I think today's statements by Attorney General William bu Or even more dramatic. And then the ones he made yesterday, which were pretty darn important upon which I wrote that first column. He said today, I don't care what other people are saying. Spying on the Trump campaign did occur. He stopped using all the euphemisms of the Brennan's and Combs and Clappers and called it what it was. The United States Intelligence apparatus spied on a sitting presidential nominees campaign. And that's the first time we've had a person in power used the right terminology for what we all knew it was. But more importantly, he said his review would not only focus on the FBI's conduct, it would focus on other intelligence agencies. The first hints that there may have been spying that occurred involving Trump in Russia that go beyond the FBI, the FAISA Pete stroke and all the things that we know of Christopher Steel that it was a big clue to us. And I've been hearing and I've said on your show many times, Sean, I feel very confident that the FBI the Russia collusion case didn't begin on July thirty first, twenty sixteen, the date that Pete Strokes signed THEE Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think it began much earlier, in this spring of twenty sixteen, in a series of actions that probably involved the CIA and the FBI and foreign intelligence friendly agencies in places like London or Italy where we clearly have allies, Australia, and Australia we know clearly those are the three that I think most jump out. We've talked about it so much, but to have the Attorney General finally sort of acknowledge that this was more than just an FBI operation. And I think the other thing is that Democrats were, you know, wrestling with him, and he very subtly, but very powerfully reminded the Democrats there used to be a time when Democrats cared of the FBI spying on political campaigns and political efforts. It used to be in the sixties. And remember when all you guys are upset about that, you should be upset about this just as much. I thought that it was such a powerful turning moment in the conversation today. But I think for the first time, we are going to get that comprehensive review that so many people have been calling for. And I think we're going to learn a lot of ugly details. And I think a lot of those people who made money on books, the Komis and others, are gonna have a lot more discomfort over the next few months. I think it's more than discomfort. I see it. Look, if we really go through this and we do it objectively, I think we can say the following that in fact, the FBI and the DOJ, as a matter if struck in page acknowledge that the investigation into Hillary Server was rigged. It was run out of the AG's office at the time. That would be Loretta Lynch, right, what did she know, when did she know it? And that and they wrote the exoneration in May of twenty sixteen before they interviewed her or seventeen key witnesses, So it was a rigged investigation. Then you got the acknowledgement by James Baker that yeah, he thought Hillary should have been indicted for the Espionage Act. You know, all these all these Democrats upset about obstruction of justice, and maybe there's a nugget in the Mueller report, even though it didn't rise to the level of obstruction based on Rosenstein and on the Attorney General bar they don't seem to care about the obstruction of Hillary Clinton. They don't seem to care that there was Russia collusion. And that would be one campaign funneling money to a law firm, to anp research firm, to a foreign national that put together a series of documents that is now commonly referred to as the dossier that became the basis of a FISA warrant to spy on an opposition party candidate, even though Bruce hors testimony said, don't trust it. She paid for it. It's not verified. Now we know unverifiable because Steel doesn't stand by it. And they then used it months later in the FISA application by committing a clear fraud against the FISA. Quart am I right, so far, you are right, You're absolutely right. And then they turned it into a weapon bludgeon as an insurance policy a duly elected president. Yeah, that's exactly the narrative that the facts now support, and it took a long time to get those facts out into the open, but they're out there now, and I think now you have a sort of supervision at the Justice Department where real accountability and real clarity can finally be meted out. And I think that when we're done, we're going to find out that this was a multi agency effort that started earlier, probably as the Clinton email scandal was being wrapped up in a nice bow by James Coomey and Lauretta Lynch, and then it was designed to change the topic in America from Hillary Clinton's transgressions to what turned out to be a false narrative of Russia Trump collusion. And I think it's going to involve other foreign powers. I think you're going to find out Ukraine was involved. I think we've been able to begin the documentation the process of that. It's a complicated story, but I think at the end of the day, the real storyline is our US intelligence agencies are law enforcement agencies were used to carry out a political dirty trick to de legitimize a duly nominated nominee and then duly elected president. And that is something that should concern us all. Whether we're Republican Democrat Independent. It's a very very ugly story, you know, who wasn't for the likes of you and Greg Jarrett and Sarah and Sidney Powell, Joe Degeneva, Victoria Tuntsing, you know, Alan Dershwood's not investigating but confirming the law. With the legality of these things are. There wasn't a lot of us, was there. There wasn't And you know, your show was an important bullhorn when the rest of the media wouldn't pay attention to our stories. And we're grateful for that. And I think there was another group of people as well. Let's keep in mind there were four or five members of Congress who went against their own leadership, their own Paul Nevin, noonez, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, yeah, Chuck Grassley, right right. It's a remarkable group. And it was there Graham too, yep, Lindsey Graham. Those four or five people really made a huge difference in getting fighting to get access to the truth and then helping you know, we as reporters could then put it together and do our reporting. But it was a people forget how much resistance there was and how much emotion there was against anyone who dare go against the narrative. And we're very fortunate today that the facts prevailed, and I think there's a lot more facts than Our work is not done. We have another year or two of unraveling this onion, as I think you've called it many times, feeling it back even first. Do you remember that conversation, by the way, when we first really got to know each other, as we were beginning this a March of what twenty seventeen, I think we began. I was up in New York and I was about to walk off your set and you looked over me and said, please, don't stop peeling this onion. I never forgot that. And it was less than two weeks after that shown that I showed up in my home after preparing on one of your shows, and there were two gentlemen outside my mailbox at eleven o'clock at night in a blue Sedan government car that came up to me and said, we just saw you on Hannity. We want to let you know that there's some bad things that happened. And this is the first times before we knew steel Right knew any of these things. They said, our intelligence agencies were used for a political opposition research project. You have to you have to get to the truth. And it was those two moments that set us on this long journey. Stay right there. I want you to look into your crystal ball when we get back. None of this would have happened without people like John and Greg and Victorian and Joe. I'm gonna miss people's name, so please, if I'm missing it, don't get mad. It's not on purpose. Everybody that participated. You know, you guys deserve politzerprises. You know, hell will freeze over. But I had a lot to get to. Today we will talk to Congressman Tom Graves and he was with the Attorney General Barr yesterday. Congress is now flipping out that yeah, Bill Barr, the Attorney General confirming today the Obama administer stration spied on the Trump campaign. John Solomon investigated reporter one of many, many people who part of our ensemble cast. Well, there wasn't a lot of us, but that we wouldn't be where we are today. I don't think because of their great reporting and hard work. Where's this going? What do you see happening? And how quickly? Yeah? I think there are five seminal moments coming ahead, and the first is when the President declassifies all the documents to show what the FBI was telling the court versus what they knew. And I think at that point we will see a gap in evidence that will raise some very various serious concerns about the fairness of the investigation. I think the IG report will come out and we'll see what the IG says about the face abuses. Very important. Bill Barr will almost certainly announce what he found in his review. That'll be another very important seminal moment. We're waiting for a Florida court to release a deposition. In series of documents that come from Christopher Steel, we may learn a lot more about who Christopher Steele was talking to, what information he was giving, and who in the Clinton campaign knew. And then something that could happen as early as next week. We should keep an eye on this. I believe Ukrainian authorities are preparing to transmit some information to a prominent American to get to the Justice Department that will acknowledge Ukraine will formally acknowledge it attempted to interfere in the nine sixteen election on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Perhaps in concert with some of her supporters or campaign aids. So those are five things to watch. I think all of them are very important, and we'll move this narrative very much forward. Quickly remind our audience in thirty seconds. The five buckets of material you talk about. One obviously was the declassification FISA, Warrens three, ZO two's Gang of eight, and the other two or six. Yeah, there's an FBI series of emails that show the FBI knew that Steele was on the Clinton campaign doll and had been talking to media before they submitted the first FISA. That's a very big important one. And then a series of documents that are attached to the Gang of Eight thing that show the FBI's own review found serious deficiencies with their investigation. Why is not down Up be released? All right? John Solomon, investigative reporter. You've been amazing. Well, he was with Attorney General Barr yesterday. Corressman Tom Graves, Bill O'Reilly coming up, your calls coming up? Wow, what a Hannity we have tonight at nine. But let's start the process successful in this lawsuit that you're supporting, and the entire patient protection and an affordable care Act is struck down, millions of Americans who currently receive health and sharance coverage under the law are at risk of losing that coverage. Am I correcting that. I think the President has made clear that he favors not only pre existing conditions, but would like action on a broad health clan So he is proposing a substitute for Obama the one that's going to come after the next election. You mean, that's the one that will come down if and when. Let me be the one to inform you. Should the law be struck down, millions of people who get their coverage through the ACA marketplace would lose their coverage, and tens of millions more would see their premium skyrocket. In addition, if you're successful, twelve million people nationally and seven hundred and fifty thousand people in my home state of Pennsylvania who have coverage under the Medicaid expansion would also likely lose that coverage. Am I correct? And that, sir, do you think it's likely we are going to prevail? If you prevail, well, you're devoting scarce resources of your department or that effort, are you not? Attorney General? We're in litigation. We have to take a passion. Yes, we take position validata. And if you succeed that many people will lose their coverage nationally from Medicaid and seven hundred and fifty thousand from Pennsylvania alone. Right, I'm just saying that if you think it's such an outrageous position, you have nothing to worry about. Let the courts do their job. He's not gonna, I mean, we will, certainly, we will. Certainly we get the report, I assume at the end of this week being next week. Yeah, if it doesn't have everything that we required to do our work, which is to say, the entire report and the underlying evidence in it, we will issue subpoena is forthwith, and we will have to go to and we will go to court to ask for release in the Sigsy material. And it's unfortunate that he won't that he won't join us. Previous attorney generals have joined the Congress in that request and every in every similar case. Um. And I suppose my conclusion is that he's working, is that he regards his job as working as an attorney for the president personally, not for the government. Arsing to put the ball in your court in terms of asking for the grand jury information. Is that's something you would do? Oh? Absolutely, we're real. I mean you as a as the House of representave, asking well, his judiciary commit hid behalf the ass We were empowered to do that. We would subpoena to that, and we were empowered to do that by the resolution League Judiciary Committee. Guest he could do it. He show me the grounds and mission Chairman, Now they're actually what are the specific grounds under that statute that you could use to compel which to plead to the jests? Actually replaced that grounds your inflation because he was very suggesting there weren't. Actually, well, there are grounds. We have plentary jurisdiction to look into the content of the president, to look into the questions of instruction of justice, and that let's get his plenty of grounds, I thought, Gerald Nadler. And by the way, Nadler had a complete and utter meltdown because the Attorney General of the United States today during the hearing had the unmitigated call to point out what it is now obvious to anyone that cares about the truth, and that is that the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign, which we have gone through in great detail on this program all right, twenty four now to the top of the hour. You know, I'm looking at the attacks now. They cannot handle what is about to occur to them. This is going to rock their world and the media world because everything we've reported on, every single stone, we've unturned, every layer of the onion we peeled off, is turned out to be more than accurate and one hundred percent true on this programming on Hannity on TV. Everything the media has told you, everything the Democrats have told you, has been one big, huge, massive witch hunt full of tinfoil hat conspiracy lies, and that house of cards is about to collapse on top of them. Now I went through the entire list of everything that is about to happen. Now there's well, hopefully there's a liner to a Numulla report. There was no conspiracy. We had a nine month FBI investigation, no evidence whatsoever. There's no there there to even quote struck in page. After nine months they had nothing. That's before the appointment of Mueller. In the Intern, we had the Muller Report, no evidence of any Trump Russia conspiracy, none whatsoever, no obstruction. The Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein they concluded it in seconds. But what we do have coming this week are criminal referrals. We now know that the Attorney General Barr will do his job and he is going to get to the bottom of all of this, including the origins of this well attempted coup in the country, an attempt to influence the election beforehand, and the attempt to get into an opposition party campaign using and abusing the FISA process and not telling FISA court judges. Oh, the information was bought and paid for are by the other political candidate. I think the judges might might have thought that somewhat important, but they withheld that, they omitted that so they could commit their fraud on the court, and then of course it was never verified. Now we know it's unverifiable. How do we know that because Christopher Steele, he under oath said he has no idea if any of this is true, and a lot of it has now since been debunked, like Hooker's in Russia at the RITZ, Carlton in Trump's room, well, urinating on his bed not true, it didn't happen out of that the media leak before the election. Then of course we have the constitutional abuse forth Amendment violation of Carter pages rights. Carter Page is going to be a very rich man by the time this is all said and done, because what they did to him, they committed a fraud on the court. They denied him as constitutional rights, shredded the Constitution. In the meantime, and but we have the criminal referrals coming, bars investigation begun. We now have and await the IGS report on FISA abuse, and I'm telling you the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible. Then we have the Leak investigation John Huber and others, and I believe there are spinoff investigations with Hoober and with Horowitz. We have again today which I've gone over in detail, the release of even more closed door testimony. We have the FISA applications themselves. The President told me last week he will be releasing them. They will be declassified Gang of eight materials, which I'm told will shock the conscience and soul of Americans about the abuse of power that's coming out. Three zero two applications that's coming out. Then, of course there was an attempt, there was collusion. It was bought and paid for Russian lies to favor one candidate. After that candidate had a rigged FBIDG investigation when obvious crimes were committed and obstruction committed. Obstruction you need intent. We now know from today's record that, Yeah, the Chief Council the FBI thought Hillary should be indicted. Nobody in the news talking about that today. Oh let me see. I'm looking at the fake news channels, not one of them talking about it. Amazing. This will come cascading down and they are going to be exposed and held accountable, which is what I've been telling you. You know how hard it must be for all those fake news people to have to acknowledge Yet again, Sean Hannity and his team are right again. I'm sure I'm awaiting my Pulitzer price. I'm sure that's coming anyway. I'm kidding on that obviously. Congressman Tom Graves of Georgia is with us. By the way, a lot of great congressman there, Doug Collins, thank you for what you're doing. Tom Graves is he sits on the House Appropriations Committee, was part of this the hearings that took place yesterday with the Attorney General Barr. Did you get the same feeling that I got, which is this guy is serious and you know, with the big headline, as far as I'm concerned, out of all of this is Barr's statement, you know, not only today, but what he said yesterday, that you know, faced with an undeniable fact that this collusion is a hoax, and that at the end of the day, what he's going to do as a deep dive into all of this. And I think that when we get to the bottom of it, there's going to be a lot of indictments. What do you think, Sean, You're absolutely right. I mean, yesterday he was very firm in his responses, He was very resolved in his responses. And what came out of the hearing more than anything, is how much in denial the Democrats are at the outcome of the findings of the investor stigation. And you will call you to report it on this so much about how they were defending and protecting Muller two years ago and over the last several months until here recently and now all of a sudden they want to subpoena him. And you know, if you think about all the redaction discussion, you know they want to see the full report, even though it will violate the law. They wanted the Attorney General to violate the law by subpoenaing him to provide the report in his totality, of which he cannot do, and he assured us yesterday would not violate the law. But if there's one thing we know for certain they want to see redacted. If anything, the Democrats want the conclusion redacted because it is without a doubt, no collusion, no obstruction. The stories over it is done, and they just they're in denial. It's more than in denial. All right, we gotta take a quick break. We'll come back more with Thomas Graves, Congressman Graves from Georgia, as we continue the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal ever for the Committee. Is there anything new you've seen since the review of the entirety of the report that would change your conclusions? No, Congressman, as I explained my March twenty fourth letter, was meant to state the bottom line conclusions of the report, not summarize the report. Right, As we continue with Congressman Tom Graves of Georgia, Now we begin the process. As I've been saying, all of these other events are all about to happen, and you know, at the end of the day, do you see those people that abuse power, those people that presented to FISA courts. You know, a political document bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton, the opposition party, a woman who was given a get out of jail free card and a rigged FBI DJ investigation because she was the favorite candidate that, as one FBI agent said Peter Struck, she should win one hundred million to zero. And then interestingly, she funnels money to a law firm then hires with that money of research group that is a foreign spy that produces a dossier full of Russian lies to hurt this other candidate. And that was the basis of all those FISA applications. Are we going to get to the truth on that? Well, I was really pleased to hear the Attorney General touch on that today that he is he has begun that investigation that look into what started all of this, because just as you have said, and I know Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, myself and others have been saying, we have to get to what started this because if it was started with a bunch of lies bought by a political party in order to influence an outcome of an election and use the power of government to do that, somebody must be held responsible, or persons must be held responsible. This is unacceptable. But in addition to that, now they are going after the president's tax returns, and they refer to it as the president's tax returns. But this is a citizen of the United States. They're using the power of the Ways and Means Committee to request and try to get access to personal tax returns and corporate tax returns and trust trust tax Comngressman, are we going to empower the eye our arrest to go after our political enemies. I'm sorry, that would be a violation of one's constitutional rights. They have no right to this president's tax returns. No court will grant them that right either right, and they're seeking that out. And we had a debate yesterday as well with RS Commissioner as the Democrats were pressing the Commissioner on that to what he released them, Was he going to give them to the committee? And obviously we know that this has nothing to do with policy discovery or legislative priorities. This has to do with the attacks of an individual they don't like, they disagree with, and the outcomes of a Muller investigation. They're going to continue this on and on again. And that's why what you're doing exposing the truth each and every day, as you've done of the last couple of years, it's so helpful because this is giving us the opportunity to continue keeping the pressure on, and that is that the truth will prevail. And the Democrats are really struggling with the truth they've seen here of late well, Yox had a good tweet yesterday. Seems like the Dems only want to redact the conclusion that's pretty much accurate. You know, look at the Washington Post. They want to impeach bar because Barr confirmed that the absolute truth something we have proven over and over again, and that is that the Obama campaign spot on the Trump campaign right right at now point. You know, one of the questions I asked the Attorney General yesterday is in discussion about redactions and such, was after reviewing these four hundred pages or so of this report, has his conclusion changed at all? Has anything changed his thought or his conclusion? And he just looked with a smile and said, his initial findings speak for themselves. Nothing has changed. This story's over as far as whether or not the president colluded. Obviously, we know he didn't. There was no obstruction. But now the news story does begin, and that is who is behind all this in the beginning. All right, Congressman Graves at Georgia, thank you so much for what you do and thanks for being with us. And I talk about a political revolution. I know that's based sound radical to some people, but we are all going to create an economy and a government that works for all of us, not just the one percent. So to answer you a question, we are going to do away with those outrageous loopholes that allow large corporations owned by some of the wealthiest people in this country to pay nothing in taxes. We're going to end their ability to put their money in the Cayman Islands under the taxaments. So what democratic socialism means to me is having in a civilized society the understanding that we can make sure that all of our people live in security and indignity. Healthcare is a human right. All people should have healthcare. You can't get ahead in this country, in this world unless you have a decent education. We got to as a right. And the kinds of discrimination, the racism, and the sexism and the homophobia that exists so to me, when I talk about democratic socialism, what I talk about are human rights and economic rights. So when I say we, I mean that when we together are in the White House, we are going to create a medical for all, single pay a program. Healthcare is a human right, not a privilege. When we're in the White House, Unlike Republicans, we're not going to cut Social Security. We're going to expand social Security. Elderly people have the light, the right to live out their retirement is in dignity when we are in the White House, and I'm proud of the role that I played working with our working with many of you. We're going to raise the minimum wage to this country to a living wage at least fifteen bucks an hour when we are in the White House. Not a radical idea, much less so today than four years ago. We're gonna make public colleges and universities to wish in free. I want all of our kids, regardless of income, to be able to get a college education. And we're either going to substantially lowest student debt or end it completely. And you know, we're gonna pay for many of these programs by not giving tax breaks to billionaires in large corporations as Trump does. We're gonna tell them that they're gonna finally start paying their fair share of taxes. How stupid it is that you got a corporation like Amazon. Anyone you here know how much Amazon painting taxes last year? That's right, not a nickel. Well, that is gonna end. Will these people be able to keep their health insurance plans, their private plans through their employers if there is a Meticare for All program that you endures, what they will what will change in their plans is the color of their card. So instead of having a Blue Cross Blue Shield card, instead of having a United Health Insurance card, they're going to have a Medicare card. All right, that's Bernie Sanders, glad you with US News Round Up Information Overload hour. You know it's funny we spend all that time. We sent our cameras from TV over to Nancy Pelosi's district. You know, it can't be but a mile from the oh walled off enclave of the rich and famous. She's worth at least thirty million dollars. They say, that's the low side of the estimate. And what do you have what we interview people? They say, well, look at what's around us. We've got feces, and we've got needles and homeless people. She can't go to a rich neighbors in their in their walled off secluded community and help the people right outside their front door. I've said this so many times. The left, Democrats, socialists are always generous with other people's money, your money, and the fair share rich don't pay their excuse me, the rich quote top ten percent pay seventy five percent of the tax bill in this country. Top bottom fifty percent pay next to nothing one percent. That's it and unbelievable anyway, joining us now. He is the author of fifteen number one best selling books, his Killing series. He has, of course the Donald Trump The United States of Trump coming out in the fall, and of course Bill O'Reilly dot com is where you can find all things. Bill O'Reilly, how are you, sir? I'm the same Hannity, which is a tragedy. Of course. You know, I told you one story. I've said this on the air before. One time I said, when you want to get a beer? And you said, I don't. I don't drink, Hannity, I have no vices. And I said, Bill, if there's two people I met in life that should have a beer. It's you and you and Trump, and neither of you drink. Yeah. Trump doesn't drink either. You know it's funny. I got a column on Bill O'Reilly dot com about Bernie Sanders because he's a million yeah twice over, and he just putting his taxes out on Monday. He goes, well, look, I wrote best selling book, so well goose, I'm a man. Yeah. Well, I mean, Bernie, I think you should have just given that book away, right, yeah, agree, redistribution? Right? Why why are you charging thirty bucks for your book? I mean, this is this is wrong. I mean people you know in some places don't have thirty dollars. Give it to him. Let me explain something to everybody, because this is true. You live in New York. I live in New York. Okay. We now we don't get the ability to deduct any longer because all of these blue states had a benefit that every low tax red state didn't have. You can deduct your state and local taxes. That doesn't even I'm paying more, but I'm happy because why should the red states be subsidizing states like New York and California? Because and rewarding them for electing these high tax politicians. But so we pay about a forty percent federal income taxes. We don't get that state deduction. You pay in New York literally another ten percent state income tax. That's fifty if you work in New York City four more percent income tax. That's fifty four percent. Add your sales taxes, the highest property taxes in the country. It's sixty five cents of every dollar we pay. And you know what a fair share. You're not paying your fair share. You're not doing it. Look, it's a big con. And here, if you don't believe me, read the column. But here's the crusher on a column. In the last two years, Bernie Sanders has spent ready three hundred and forty thousand dollars on private jets. Oh wait, where's the Green New Deal. You know what Bernie's green New deal is in his wallet, That's where his green New deal is. So I want to know what Alexandria Ocasio Cortez stinks about Bernie flying around on private jets. Well, wait a minute, Bill forty bucks, we actually done a little investigative reporting on this show and on TV, and we found out that you know, she has the option of taking Amtrak and the Accela trade and I bet you've taken it in your life. I've taken it many times to Washington d c Oh, No, she takes the Delta shuttle. Well, I don't, I don't. I'm not worried about her. I'm worried about Sanders because Sanders is really pushing a very destructive and harmful point of view, and that is that we in America are not prospering economically, when it's just a lie. And if the reason that we have a record jobless rate and the minority communities are benefiting more than anyone and wages are going up is because of the corporate tax cut, which he would abolish, immediately, slap on onerous taxes, and then strangle a private economy. Bernie. Now, if you don't have to be a macro economic guy to understand. But he runs around, he doesn't walk the walk, and he does his stuff, and I just don't understand how people can even put up with it anymore. It's insane. Let me go through the list. Just give me like forty five seconds, and then I want you to go off on all of this. This isn't what they're proposing. Bill number one. They want. He wants prisoners to vote medicare for all. But you don't have any more choice or option. I have a private plan, open borders. They want to cut, take down walls, eliminate ice. They want to eliminate the electoral college so New York, New Jersey, and California will pick every president. Then, of course they want to stack the Supreme Court. They want during and even after, if you listen to the Virginia governor birth abortion. They want no oil or gas in ten years. They want to get rid of the combustion engine in ten years. But you're guaranteed, absolutely guaranteed a job, wages, healthy government food, government, healthcare, government daycare, government college, and in government everything. Then they're gonna have a seventy percent top marginal tax rate for individuals, ninety percent corporations, planes in cows go as soon as possible. Um. And that's what they are selling the American people. Can that can they pull that off? No? And and whoever the Democratic nominee is going to be isn't going to even try. This is just a madness, uh situation. Most common sense people know that all of This is hysteria because the Democratic Party really doesn't have any problem solving ability at this point. You know, Barack Obama, you can you not like them, you can like them, whatever, But he didn't solve very many problems. Did he? Did he solve the ISIS problem? He did not. Listen, I get, I'm a broken record. Thirteen million more Americans, I know, But but who's feeling to the people who basically they're not ideologs? So what did he What did Barack Obama solve? Did he solve the border? Did he solve the economy? No? Did he solve ices? Did he do any of that? Nope? No. So it's all about problem solving. But what the Democrats are trying to tell you is that our system, entire system is rotten and bad and racist and white supremacists and all of this stuff. And I'm telling you, I think there's gonna be a ferocious backlash against Alis. And you know where it's going to start, anity, and or it's going to start. You tell me, May Madness. I've got the brackets, May Madness. Yea, the brackets are who's gonna be indicted? Okay, I got Comy, I got McCabe, I got struck, I got paid, I got or, I got three more blanket brackets. All right, it's gonna be may madness. It's gonna be like the Godfather in the Bardzini family on the baptism of Michael Corleone's grandchild. I understand everything you're saying. Listen, this is what's coming. And I know the media is hoping and praying and that they get three lines out of the Mulla report that they will sink their teeth into. Tipped it yesterday, he tipped it again. Today he had He said the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. You know, Bill, I've spent two years of my life on this, and with an ensemble, I'll put the brackets up, up brackets, Okay, I want to see Hannity's may madness brackets. Here's what we know, though, while they're fixated again, there's been four separate occasions where we have gotten the conclusion no Trump Russia collusion. All right. Now, criminal referrals begin this week. There's going to be eight of them, but more to come. Bar is now confirming that he will look into the FBI abuse, the origins of the investigation into Trump and said today, the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. We have the Horowitz Report coming, we have the Hoober Poor coming, we have more closed door testimony like we got today with James Baker saying he wanted to indict Hillary. And then of course FISA applications with us, the well Gang of eight three zero two's and Joe Biden has the Ukrainian issues to our first conversation. Once that happens, then the whole Democratic Party and it's madness on social issues, on stock, on bonds, on taxes, on border. It all crumbles. See there's a linkage into it. Agreed, and that's what's going to happen. It's speculation, but it's educated speculation. We have built a case while the pretty much ninety nine point nine percent of the media went in one direction, and they've been lying, and they've been spinning these tinfoil had conspiracy theories for years. And meanwhile, while they've been doing that, a whole other narrative has emerged, and that is the irony that there was collusion with Russia. It happened to be Hillary Clinton. They also rigged an investigation into her, the favored candidate. They tried to disseminate the Russian lies to the American people. Then it was used to spy on the Trump campaign, and then it was used as an insurance policy to bludgeon a duly elected president and undo that election. All of this stuff that you've been reporting on and then others have been reporting on, has got to come to fruition, word of the day, fruition in at least a month. It has to. I don't know. I can't put a timetable on it. Though. Once it does, then the whole culture shifts, the whole culture war shifts, and all of the left wing media on television, newspapers, and you know, it's not even does anybody remember from day to day what bombshell the New York Times had? I don't. I mean, I don't even read it anymore. It's all anonymous sources. But television, those networks are suffering now now, and you can imagine what's going to happen when all of their favorite sons got cuffs on. So this is a big thing that people should be preparing themselves for. This is going to this is the biggest boomerang. But it's bigger than that what I've been calling it, and I think we've had it nailed from the beginning. It is the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in American history. And now the rule of law is clearly going to be followed. And those people that you mentioned. Bar has got to step up and be a patriot. He's got to do his job. YEA. Trump can't do it. Bar's got to do it. Yeah, all right, mister O'Riley. Bill O'Reilly dot com is where you can find all things o'reiley. And you know, I like when you get mad. I kind of appreciate that. Yeah, and I want to ride on Bernie's jet. I think you and I should go with that. I'm with you. I'm all for it, all right, all right, Bill O'Reilly, Thank you. And I think if people bought in at a price they could afford, like four percent of income, that would work. And if you match it with your employer and you had a choice over the way we wrote Senator Sanders's bill, I got to write the transition piece or work on that piece. We had to buy in over four years. I think most Americans, if you do your number crunching in your own head, four percent of your income, Yeah, it's probably less than your paying now, and people will choose it. I would choose it in a New York minute. And I think if you got, if you got to Medicare for all, what you're going to do is have economies of scale, which will bend the cost curve. You'll have all Americans have access to preventive care, which bends the cost curve. And then you need to actually get some costs out by ending fee for service, making sure our doctors can work on a continuum of care model like they have at the Mayo Clinic, and make sure that you get the price of pharmaceuticals down. That means taking on the drug companies. All right. That was from the town Hall by the way, twenty four till the top of the hour Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred nine four one, Sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program. That was a full hour and seven minutes last night, town Hall twenty twenty Hopeful New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, I mean, I can't. I'm looking at the ratings from last night in front of me, and I'm thinking, well, this has to be a mistake. It can't be that bad. But it is that bad. She they see it fake news. CNN had under a half a million viewers for this town hall, four hundred and ninety one thousand people. I will call it a half a million, you know whopping one hundred and fifteen thousand in the demo, we were the thanks to all of you. We always give credit our beloved audience. You give us the microphone every day on the camera every day, and we were the number one show on cable by a long shot last night. But three point almost just shy at three point two million, how do you get under four to ninety one thousand. By the way, Linda's back, where have you been the last couple of days we've now? I was just getting my nails done, taking a couple of days off, you know, relaxing. Well, you were doing kids stuff. You said, you said you went to a play with your three year old. Yeah, that was actually over the weekend. I took Liam to see a pup Patrol live. Poop say it again, pap Patrol Patrol Live. Kind of an epic fail. So Liam, I think probably for the first twenty minutes of my one hour experience, for my one hundred dollar ticket, spent face down in his blanket on my shoulder, hysterically crying that he was scared of the characters on stage because they were too big. Now, we went to Sesame Street once, like at MSG. It was terrible. I mean it's a nightmare, and the kids are the kids are scared to death. And the woman in front of me literally has a three and a half year old just like me. She looks at me and she goes, well, this was a genius plan. How I said, absolutely? Why are they scared of the bos? They love it on? I guess. Tell well, there's two things. One is dirt giant. They're huge. I mean they're bigger than me. He's giant. Because this show's all about it's doks the bigger than you. That must be huge, funny, the lodger than life. But yeah, so anyways, all that's in there, and then you know, you got the music which is blaring. It's just blaring, and then you got nine million kids. It's just the whole thing. It's just so much going on, and they all the thing is they make so much money on selling the crap. Oh, forget about it. I bought the lights, you have no idea. I bought this thing. I honest, the guy couldn't say what it is. The Paw Patrol has something called the Lookout. Basically it is like an airport tower, and on the top it had this thing that's twenty five dollars. I don't know what it does. My son is infatuated with it. So between the tickets, the parking, and the twenty five dollars a half hour, we spent ten minutes before the shows over. Liam looks at me and he goes, Mama, I'm ready. Yeah, he's ready to go home. And look at him and go, dude, there's ten more minutes that you want to see the end. Did you get him popcorn and cotton candy? No? I brought my own healthy snacks. Oh good, that is awful. That is awful. Now, my sister Teddy, I remember when we were young. Actually, I remember we'd go to movies, right, she'd make her own popcorn. I'm like, I don't want your popcorn. I like popcorn from the movie theater. I'm buying my own popcorn. No, it's much cheaper that way. I'm like, I don't care if it's cheaper. It tastes better when they make it right there. Hot, I agree with you. This something about the experience. But I'm a little weird about what goes in his body. So I bring with me um my weakness. It would maybe like three years ago when I mean it's salt. I got to go to a Ranger game, which I wish I got more time to go to us. You know, I grew up playing hockey and love. I mean when there's a fight in a hockey game, which is less and less of them. Fortunately, because everybody you should hear Madison Square Garden when a fight breaks out of the garden. Oh back in the Flyers Ethan's a huge used all the games. Oh yeah, Well, everybody has time to do great faith. Everyone that works for me goes on these incredible vacations. I have a new employee's six months she went to a Ruba. I'm like, oh, good, nice for you. I'm like, when do I get one of these radio staff. No, that was you know, Haley from TV. So I'm like, what we gonna say, my brother in law is that every single Ranger game, every single night on the class it's but but you're right, the crowd when they fight we were out of playoff, they love it. Two or three years ago and it was two against five by the end of the game because there was so much fighting and the crowd was nuts. I wrote, Ethan, you got to tell the better story, though, about what your brother in law wears. My brother in law wears a Trump jersey and he's known as Joe Trump in all of that really has a reputation, Dude, Joe Trump. It's a Ranger jersey. It's a Ranger jersey and it has the CC for Commander in Chief on its forty five on the back of it. Hious guards love him and he walks down the street of You know, Trump has loved in New York. I mean by by by the average New Yorker, let's put it that way. I mean the elite is to live in the whatever ascon's communities. I have no idea what part of New York is better than the next, but um, because I just not part of it. And the range of games they used to have it that the entire benches would clear that the gold ten watch fights where goldtenders start fighting each other, and it was, oh, that's terrible, that's bad for the sport. I'm like, no, it's not. You know, I was a big Broad Street Bullies fan back. My Bobby Clark was my idol wanted and he had no teeth, and I was the only one of my friends that didn't lose teeth or get stitches playing hockey. And then sure enough I start in construction. I fall three stories off a roof on frozen ground and busted up my dislocated my arm literally hads dangling half. I felt like it was it was disconnected. It literally came out of the socket, busted up all my teeth. I used to bond them for years. It was the best I could do. Then you take a bite of an apple, three of them pop out one day to the next day, and I had to finally get him fixed. Well, he'd be like an honorary Canadian. I really would. It's like, for example, I would ride a bicycle. I was not a kick for a while riding a bike outside. I'd just like to get outside once in a while. And everybody has a helmet like a Schwinn. I love Schwinn. That's a good vesper. I'll shush up you. It's just you just stop and calmed down in there. And I'd ride a bicycle and every I mean, people would ask me. My kids would ask me, where's your helmet, dad? Because I make them wear a helmet. I'm not wearing a helmet. Nobody wears a helmet. Wouldn't move. I got so embarrassed first time I took Liam out. I take him out and put him on the bike. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm training wheels, you know, No, it was. It's something called a cruizy, and so they don't have training wheels and teaches kids balance without the training wheels. It's really cool. So they move right there camp fall off, correct, So they go right from the cruizy to a regular two wheeler. Okay, fine, I don't even think about the helmet. So they take him out. I'm in the park and I'm getting a lot of side eye, a lot. I'm not popular at all, and I'm like, gosh, this mom walks over me and she's like I'm high. And I was like, hey, how are you doing? She's like, is that your son over there without the helmet on? Really unmind your own business? And I look at her and I go, mind your own business? Like he's doing like three miles an hour. Yeah, I'm just like, help it for what she goes, oh, well, I guess if you want to risk brain injury, and I'm just like, dude, what the front door. I'm like, you gotta be kidding me. Listen. I'm all in favor of, like some of the rules new rules in football. I get you don't want you don't want to destroy somebody's career. I think, you know, the brain injury issue is a real issue. Concussions are real issues. Um, we have too much evidence now to back that up. Okay, that's that's fine. But you know what, I don't want to lose football to take the you know, the edge out of football, and they're taking it out of hockey now. And if it's just a paint, it's just uh. You know, when we were kids, we would constantly drop our gloves, have fights, pick up our gloves and start playing again. And guess what we we we we survived. We're okay, I don't know, but I would let my own kids do it. My son played hockey till he broke his leg skiing. I think was it. I think the thing that we're talking about here is that walking about we're having a patrol, talking about having a little conversation. But in all seriousness there. There are serious injuries. They need to be addressed. But when we when we start taking it to a place that is so aggressive, so egregious, where kids can't have fun anymore because we're micromanaging them, we can't listen. I admit I was a helicopter parent like everybody else. They're the worst. I am not. Oh you are full of it. Here's the problem, though, is when I got out of school and I got off the bus, I went ran it inside, grabbed some food, you know, through in my hand, got my hockey stick, my roller skates, or my baseball bat or my football or my basketball. I was out the door. It's a different time. I was it. No, you can't do that today. You can't. It's horrible. You can't. I mean, you've got these these predators everywhere, and I mean it's so horrible. It's not me. It's the times that we live in. I mean, I definitely find myself, you know a lot. I was actually thinking about this the other day. You know, I was at the park with my son, and you know, my time with my son is my time with my son. I'm all in. I'm hands on parent, but these people are all in the park and they're on their cell phones and they're not paying attention. And they've done a bunch of those hidden camera shows now where they'll show a parent and the other parent whether they're divorced or whatever it is, and they'll they'll they'll show how distracted they are. They'll have a person come up lure the kid away with candy or a toy or whatever, and then the other parents watching on film as their child is kidnapped. It's terrible. All right. Let's say, hi, the Angel is in Long Island and in New York. Big problem in Long Island MS thirteen, the guy that was guilty of manslaughter illegal immigrant that got caught just a week ago. Angel, How are you glad you called? Thank you? So. I'm a first time caller, and my question is about the Fiser abuse. When you go in front of the Fiser quote for the first time, the original fis up, and then you went back for three more. Is it all in front of this same judge or is it four separate judges? And why haven't we gotten their names to find out if they were Obama appointees? Thank you, Sean Well. I think that's a good point. I mean, all of this is now coming. That's the Bill Barr, the Attorney General, William Barr, confirming that the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign, and those what he's saying when he says that, as attorney general, you're not allowed to turn the powerful tools of intelligence on the American people. And what he's saying is we are going to uphold the law. And that's what he said yesterday and he confirmed again today. And that's why all of this is so important. That's why I spent all this time today going over all of this. Let's say HI to Doug Kansas. Doug, how are you glad you called, sir Hi sean glad to talk to you from the center of the country. I don't believe what you're telling me. I have listened to you forever and for the last two years. You said everybody's going to be held accountable. I don't believe it's going to happen. You're not. We've had We've had you and John Solomon and Greg Greg Jarrett wrote a book on what was going on. It's been out for six months, and Barr is going to say, I'm going to look into it. Where's the whistle blowers Hillary, the Hillary looking into her campaign. It was taken away from the rank and file. Where's the rank and file whistle blowers? No, No, all right, you gotta listen to me. I know you're frustrated. I know it's taken us two years of a lot of investigative reporting, and I can tell you this small group of us, Dave, I'm gonna forget people, Greg Sarah, John, David Sydney Powell. Help me out. I just Alan Dersh, Sydneypal, David shown. I mean, we have all the Arsuzer and and then other people on the radio like Russian Mark and and Laura was and Talk and people like that, but there's not a lot of us. And frankly, this is we have done. I would argue we're the show of record on this. We have been on this longer and from the beginning. It started in March of twenty seventeen when we began the process. Now here's what's coming. This is what I've been saying to you. Take bars comments today confirming and put it together with yesterday's comments about unlawful surveillance of US citizens happening about the FBI's you know how this all originates about certain the FISA abuse. Remember we're getting criminal referrals. The bar now has an investigation. We have the horror Its Report on the Hoover Report on leaking, more closed door testimony, FISA applications, Gang of eight materials, three O two's. It's gonna come cascading down. It's happening. And I haven't been wrong yet, and that's why I would just ask you to please be patient and hanging with us, and and we'll get there. I promise you that we'll get there. All right. That's gonna wrap things up at today. We got a great Hannity tonight, the Attorney General admitting, yeah, the Trump campaign was spight on. That means the mediate Democrats they all lie to you. We're gonna lay out the closing arguments and buckle up for what's about to come. Lindsay Graham was at the hearings today, Jim Jordan, Sarah Carter, Greg Jarrett, Glenn Beck tonight, also Lawrence Jones, Steve Scalise, and Joe Concha. Hannity nine Eastern. We'll see you tonight back here tomorrow four four