Kayleigh McEnany, National Press Secretary for the Trump 2020 Campaign and Jeff Lord, author of the upcoming book, Swamp Wars: Donald Trump and the New American Populism vs. The Old Order, today they discuss the horrid comments by Rashida Tlaib and her refusal to apologize for the pain she has caused members of the Jewish community. They also discuss Rod Rosenstein’s remarks to the graduating class of the University of Baltimore. Last but not least, it looks like the memo went out to the democrats for their talking points: Evidently Democrats need only utter the words "constitutional crisis" for the media to report it as fact.
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Hey guys, it's Linda from the Handity Show here. And as you know, Sean and I never promote the stock market or investing in it, but I'm sure you've all seen the great GDP numbers, the awesome economy that Donald Trump is giving us, and we want you to benefit from it as well. So now we've discovered doctor Richard Smith his incredible financial software tools. They're trusted by thousands. It tracks over twenty billion dollars of investments. And if you're planning for your retirement, you have any money at all invest in the stock market, you need to go to Hannity dot com forward slash retirement right now. Check it out, Hannity dot Com Retirement. All right, glad you with us and write down our toll free telephone number. We'd love to hear from you. It's eight hundred and nine four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. Oh, we're telling you it's coming, it's coming, and it's coming now. It's going to be well. It's like an avalanche. And as much as you get that first bit of snow to start, next thing, you know, it starts building up momentum and gets ahead of itself, and that is exactly what's going to happen here. Late last night, just before we're coming on TV, we had The New York Times, John Solomon, Fox News, we all kind of confirmed it simultaneously that the Attorney General of the United States, William Barr, just appointed the top US attorney in Connecticut to investigate the origins of the witch hunt into the Trump campaign. Now, remember Barr said to Lindsey Graham, he was very very clear, Lindsey went through we have that. Let me know, Jacon, do you share my concerns about the FISA warrant process? Yes? Do you share my concerns about the counterintelligence investigation, how it was opened and why it was opened. Yes, you share my concerns that the professional, lack of professionalism and the Clinton email investigations something we should all look at. Yes. Do you expect to change your mind about the bottom line conclusions of the Muller report? No. Do you think the president's campaign in twenty sixteen was thoroughly looked at in terms of whether or not they colluded with the Russians? Yes, and the answer is no. According to Bob Muller, that's right. He couldn't decide about obstruction you did, Is that correct? That's right. You feel good about your decision, absolutely, all right, So Mueller's over, which I've been telling you, But all these other issues are not. By the way, the president's motorcade had been in an accident. From all our understanding is nobody was hurt. I've seen that car, the beast is it is so fortified. You can't even believe you could withstand anything in that car, maybe short of a nuclear bomb dropped on it, but everything else you would withstand. So, you know, if you pay attention to what the Attorney General said in that exchange, and what the Attorney General is now doing, and what we already expect coming, and that would include the FIS applications themselves, the three O two's, the FBI's own investigation into the FBI apparently not complimentary. I'll get into that in a second. And then the you know, all this information is going to come cascading down. Now there might even be the possibility. I don't know this to be true, but it wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility that the Inspector General Horowitz may have even handed over to the Attorney General the report of his and perhaps it's even connected to his announcement last night, and that is because it's huge news that the Attorney General appointed this top US attorney in Connecticut to investigate the origins of the witch hunt into the Trump campaign. It could all be related, is it? I don't know, but we know that when the Attorney General said what we all knew, and that was the Trump campaign was by we now know in a multitude of ways. One of the ways was based on the phony pies applications with Russian disinformation in them that Hillary paid for that were unverifiable. I mean that was one way they not only got a warrant to spy on Carter Page, Trump campaign associate, but also all things within the Trump campaign and used it as such. I mean, that was a backdoor into everything past, present, future. That was like a get out of jail, spy on everything cart for all things campaign Trump and then thereafter transition Team Trump and then thereafter that President Trump. Because it went on a full year because pies application has to be renewed every three months. So is it related. I don't know, but watching this happen at this time and knowing that we expected sometime mid May the release of the IGS report. It would not shock or surprise me that that report is already finished. I don't know where John Hoober stands with his report as it relates to leaking, but the Attorney General himself was very clear that he is going to look into the spine. He will look into the investigation of possible crimes that Hillary Clinton had committed. If you really want to break it down, this is what really happened in twenty sixteen. They robbed Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders didn't know it at the time, but he had no shot. The system was rigged in Hillary's favor, and Bernie had no chance to win. Now they've made some tweaks and changes to the Democratic nominating system, but not enough that would really make it fair. But it's certainly going to be more fair, which won't bode well for Biden if he's supposed to be Hillary. You know Redux or you know, the second coming of Hillary. So that's point number one. Then you've got the Hillary investigation, and you know, it's kind of laffable when you get the text messages released of Struck and Page and they're both saying that, well, no, all those decisions are being made by Lauretta Lynch, the same person that met with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Arizona and Phoenix just days before the final decision about whether to indict his wife was being made. They only talked about grandchildren and of course telling Comy it's a matter, it's not an investigation. No, it was an investigation. It was supposed to be midyear investigation, not operation crossed by our hurricane. Then it's a question of the FISA applications and the lies that were told to FISA court judges. And in that particular case, this was a conspiracy. This was a premeditated conspiracy to commit fraud on the court withholding certain information like that Hillary paid for it, and not verifying the information later finding out it's unverifiable because the author doesn't stand by it, and then that gives them an opportunity to spy into the Trump campaign through Carter Page, a Trump campaign associate. Simultaneously, at some point we have the hiring of the spies. Now there's some dispute as to whether it's the FBI or whether or not it's our Intelligence community CIA people. But Stephan Helper is empowered to go talk to again they're using this other spy, Joseph of Mood, the guy that is the professor in London but also has connections to many spy agencies. And now we found out about the you know, the hot, flirtatious, thirty year old blonde, bombshell spy that was very well, let's say, touchy feely, which with George Popiopolis. So that all went on too, and they were going after Page Popiopolis, Sam Clovis another way they spied on the Trump campaign. And remember the media outrage age when the President said that you know, Obama's team was spying on him. Well, it turned out all of that was true. We just didn't know the details of how they were doing it or why they were doing it. But the issue now of you know, if you purpose, if you didn't verify that information and affies application says verified, and you're putting your signature on it, and you're doing it for political purposes because you want that backdoor into the Trump campaign and you can't get it legally, well that would be a significant, serious felony violation of constitutional rights in an attempt to rig the twenty sixteen election, just like they rigged the primary election, and then we get into the post presidency and the behavior at that point, well, that's when the insurance policy that struck him. Page talked about. You know, he can't win, right, tell me he can't ever win, and in the no, he's never gonna win, and it can't happen, it won't happen, and if it does, we haven't an insurance policy. Well, then they talk about the insurance policy being discussed in McCabe's office. McCabe was the one guy that was honest enough to say at one point, were it not for the dirty Russian dossier, there wouldn't be a fis A warrant to begin with. And then every three months thereafter they've got to get a FIES of renewal warrant. And the bulk of information remains the bought and paid for Clinton dossier. And every time they're not telling the files of court judges. There are numerous judges I assumed four separate ones in this particular case, and they're being told by the highest ranking people in our government FBI, Department of Justice that are signing their name to it that they have verified that the information they're presenting to the court is true. And accurate, and there's lies by omission. I think it would be a big red flag for any judge if you said, well, yeah, this ebolveds the twenty sixteen presidential campaign and Hillary paid for it the opposition party, And I think any judge would say, hold on, why would we believe in the validity of this or does the author even stand by it at that point? No? And so what Barr is going to do here is he's assigned to get to this. We're now going to get to the bottom of this. It's interesting to watch the in fighting because now you got struck in page they're now turning on the likes of Loretta Lynch and the Department of Justice under her. That raised his questions about where are her emails, text messages and what did she know and when did she know it? We know there were meetings inside the Oval office. Susan Rice we hear has been in some of these meetings, and Joe Biden and Barack Obama himself, what did they know and when did they know it? Then you've got James Comey ripping mad at Rod Rosenstein, and Rod Rosenstein now firing back against James Comey in a speech saying he's acting as a partisan pundit. I don't blame the former FBI director for being angry. I would be too, So I do not blame the former director for being angry. I wouldn't be too if I were in issues. But now the former director seems to be acting as a partisan pundit, selling books and earning speaking fees while speculating about the strength of my character and the fate of my immortal soul. I kid you not. That is disappointing. A little beyond disappointing. I mean, Jim Comey, is you know the great paragon of virtue is in more trouble than anybody I think in all of this, and I think Rosenstein was right to unload on him. Rosenstein's problem and all of this is how is he going to answer why he signed the fourth FISA application, the third renewal. And of course the cowardly shift is predicting this country won't survive another four years of President Trump. I think we'll survive. Whether he can survive four more years of you lying, though, would be a whole different question, wouldn't it. Now. What's interesting is we had Trey Gaudy on last night and people like Trey Gaudy. Let me play with Trey Gaudy said, because it's people like him and Lindsey Graham. They're all saying that there are these sensitive documents never before seen, that are going to prove many things that we have put out there. Listen, are you convinced that there was a fraud committed against the FISA court withholding that Hillary paid for that Nassier and that in fact the bulk of evidence was unverifiable, and that they never verified whether anything Steel Road is true, and that they do it to spy on the Trump campaign. Sir Sean, I can tell you it is even worse than what you described. It is what you described in addition to the withholding of his culpatory information, which is what has Johnny Ratcliffe so exercised. And they made no effort to corroborate the dossier until after it had been used in the application and a renewal. No effort. It's not that they failed, they made no effort to ask questions. So whoever is investigating this, tell them to look for emails between Brennan and come in December of twenty six type there's something there. He's obviously seen it? Who else may have seen this? Now? Lindsey Graham, He too wants to classify the sensitive documents that prove the FBI knew the Steel dossier lack credibility. I'm gonna tell you something. I'm assuming these guys saw something here and if they did, and it sounds like what I think it is withholding of exculpatory information, everybody that's signed is gonna go to jail if we, of course, have equal justice and application of our laws. What's up, everybody? Linda from the show on Hannity Show here to talk about your money, retirement. Your money. It's like your health right. You know, you don't think about it until you don't have it. And a lot of people are making really bad mistakes, especially with their retirement. They're not retiring with enough money. You know what, It's just wrong. But have no fear. Meet one of the most incredible financial minds in America, doctor Richard Smith, and rich It's extraordinary tools are trusted by thousands of Americans. It tracks over twenty billion dollars in the stock market, and his tools can help you reset your retirement. You're gonna be hearing a lot from Sean and me about Richard and literally we have never endorsed any financial software tool until now. Why because we've never seen anything like this before. So see it for yourself. Go to Hannity dot com Retirement, that's Hannity dot com forward slash retirement and check it out. All right, A great roll along Sean Hannity Show eight hundred ninefold one. So guys like Trey Goudy and Lindsey Graham, they've they've seen something. What that sounds to me like is exculpatory information evidence that is going to trickle out because they're demanding that it get out now. The other thing that they're finding is there is a nexus with Comey and Brennan. I really want to find out what the involvement of Brennan and Clapper are in all of this as well, because you know, just Comey alone seems to be the nexus of all of this Comy. You know, then with the FBI, you've got McCabe and you got Struck, and you got Paige, and you got Baker. You know, there's sort of voll in his web and his relationship too with the Attorney General at the time, which would be Loretta Lynch. Here's what Congressman Ratcliffe said, to make this point, Democrats are scared to death. They were in a panic about evidence of collusion quickly unraveling. And he's a member of the House Judiciary Committee, explaining these congressional Democrats were on the offensive over Bill Barr and his refusal to comply with their demands given they were concerned that the claims of collusion were unraveling. That's only a part of the story, though, And Comey is contradicting himself left and right. He actually contradicted his own memo on the Trump Oval Office meeting. And you know, there a number of discrepancies that he's put on record now because he keeps talking and he's keeps putting his foot in his mouth. And the FBI steals story, as we said, has fallen apart because everybody knew, and everybody knew before the first FISA warrant was even signed to spy on the Trump campaign. And Carter Page, I'm gonna give you these new details about Bill Barr, his new appointment. What this means, We have Greg Jarrett much more coming up as we continue. Hey guys, it's Linda the executive producer for the Sean Hannity Show. You might also know me as Shaun's daily sparring partner, and now that he's a ninja, of course, and every day we argue about all sorts of things and talk about lots of stuff, including the incredible economy that the President has given everyday Americans. And just like that, well, we want to tell you about how to fight for your retirement. And that's right. Fight. There's a huge crisis in America. Millions of people are retiring and without enough money. And if that's not shocking enough, even if you think you've got your financial act together, chances are there a retirement killers out there that you don't know anything about. Have no fear. We have one of the brightest financial minds in America to help make sure your investments for your future retirement are on the right track. I'm talking about doctor Richard Smith, the founder of Trade Smith, and his mission is to help Americans be more financially literate. That's right, put the power, put the knowledge back in your hands, make better investment decisions, and avoid catastrophic mistakes that could cause your retirement to be a disaster. That could cause your retirement to be a disaster. Thousands and thousands of people trust Doctor Smith's investment tools to track over twenty billion dollars in the stock market, and I'm telling you you should too. When we're talking about your retirement. You're in a financial fight for your future. Please do yourself a favorite, folks, register right now for Doctor Smith's special online event, the Great Retirement Recess. Go to Hannity dot com forward slash retirement. That's Hannity dot com forward slash retirement. Eliminate the stress, eliminate the worry of investing in the stock market. Register now Handity now dot com forward slash retirement. All right, breaking news, Acasio Cortez climate change will destroy the earth in twelve years. That claim was not literal, like literally, Why did you think it was literal? Anyway? Suggesting that people who believe the suggestion that the world will end in twelve years have the intelligence of a c sponge. She made the claim in January. Sorry, we're just quoting you. Guess we're all c sponges and you're, you know, a genius. No. I think she's probably been dressed down by more than a few liberals over in Washington about the whole thing. Um. I think that the part of it that is generational is that millennials and people and you know, gen Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up and we're like, the world is going to end in twelve years if we don't address climate change. And your biggest issue is biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it? And like this is the war. This is our World War two? Okay, our World War two. Now it's time to pop out, bring out the popcorn. Because Biden and Sleepy Creepy you know, Uncle Joe and Alexandria Cossio Cortez oac are now publicly feuding over the New Green Deal, and last week, Biden's aides told Reuters that the Democratic presidential candidate was exploring quote middle ground option for tackling climate change, and Acasio Cortez seized on the remark during a Green New Deal rally in DC on Monday yesterday. And try to paint Biden as the centrist that is out of touch with the progressive vanguard of the Democratic Party. I will be damned if the same politician Asians who refused to act are going to try and come back today and say we need a middle of the road approach to save our lives. That's too much for me, Biden. Well, then he fired back, I've never been in the middle road on the environment. And I tell her to check, you know, uh, the statement that I made, and look on my record. She'll find that nobody has been more consistent about taking it on the environment and a grain revolution than I have. And so look anyway, but I so I can't. I don't think she's talking about for this idea that I haven't done anything. Take a look at the record, That's what I'd say. I'm sure she will get time to look at it. You noticed Biden doesn't really have the high level of energy that I think a presidential candidate needs. He sounds like he's exhausted already and it's just getting started. You know, this is not for the faint hearted. I've been out on the road. You've got to have that inner drive that is pushing you. Not that it's my time, mom, due, what do you want? What's the question? I mean, not a good idea. So let me tell you more about John Durham, appointed by bar pretty extensive background prosecuting high level government corruption. So when it comes to him, it's hard to imagine that there is a prosecutor out there with a more extensive background and cracking high level government corruption. Durham was prosecuted during the He prosecuted the Boston mob and he's a former acting US Attorney Deputy US Attorney, was the Chief of the Criminal Division, also once headed the New Haven Field Office and the Boston Strike Force or on Organized Crime. Was involved in special investigation projects under four attorney General Attorneys General. In two thousand and two, Durham helped secure the conviction of retired FBI agent John Connolly Junior, who was sentenced to ten years in prison on federal racketeering charges tied to his relationship with the well known mobster Whitey Bulger. And then he led investigators into a former Connecticut governor. And he helped prosecute the former Republican Connecticut governor John Rowland, who served two prison stints for not paying taxes and accepting one hundred and seven thousand dollars in gifts from people doing business with the state. And he was also responsible for prosecuting mobsters in the Boston area and led an inquiry into allegations the FBI agents in Boston police had ties with the MOP he investigated the CIA. That was in two thousand and nine. Then Attorney General Eric Holder, a Democrat, appointed Durham to lead the Ustice Department investigation into the legality of the CIA's use of enhanced interrogation techniques. Apparently he cleared the CIA on the media's hysterical torture allegations, since there's no mention of any prosecutions. I remember three people were waterboarded. One of them was Khalee Chek Muhammad. That's how we found the courier that gave us Bin Laden. Yeah, and you know when they do this, and I had to explain to us people in the room at the time, Well, when they're doing that to people, you have doctors standing by. They had very strict rules about how to do it, how to scare the living daylights out of these guys, and they did sing. And if you have knowledge that will save American lives and you're keeping it inside and we're just trying to be nice to you, you're not going to get the information that can protect Americans lives. I wonder what people would do in this day and what they would think if it was World War two, beating back the forces of fascism, Nazism, and imperial Japan, the unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor, and you have President Truman deciding to drop the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What would the liberal reaction be to that? Now, did innocent people get hurt? Yeah? Is it a tragedy, Yeah, it's horrible. War is awful. But how many American lives ultimately were saved by ending that war? It's not an easy question to answer. But they started it when they invaded an attack Pearl Harbor unprovoked. As a matter of fact, they were lying to us at the time the Japanese were Then we've got other information as it relates to Bill Barr, the Attorney General. Now this was in the Washington Post. Since the Russia Gate investigation began with Comey's FBI, Brennan CIA, and Clappers was the Director of National Intelligence overseeing the whole thing. It's only fitting I think that Barr's investigation into the Russia Gate hoax returned to the scene of the crime. And even CNN fake News reported the Attorney General William Barr is now working in close collaboration with the CIA director Gina Haspell, Director of the National Intelligence Dan Coates and the FBI Director Ray, and there had been speculation as to why Haspell has been spotted at the Justice Department in recent weeks. Ray testified last week that he was assisting bar John Durnham is also working with the Justice Department's Inspector General, Michael Harrowitz as well. After a hearing last month, Barr said, I think spying occurred, and the media had a collective freak out because it did occur. It's not even in dispute anymore at all. Is it in dispute anyway? John Hoober of Utah no longer involved on Russia issues. It had originally been tasked with looking into allegations of surveillance abuse by former Attorney General Sessions, but has been in a holding pattern as the Inspector General completes the review of the FISA issue and surveillance warrants the FBI obtained on Trump campaign foreign policy advisor Carter Page and Hoober's review of other issues related to Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation apparently nearing completion. According to one source that the Niicia didn't respond for comment in that case, but it is interesting Sarah Carter came out with a piece that the leading Russia Gate hoaxter James Clapper hit the panic button yesterday when he found out that John Durham had been appointed to find out whether Brannan and Comy Well whether they concocted bogus intelligence to try and frame Trump. You know, I think we're going to also discover at some point just too many sources are going too close to this. I don't have it buttoned up yet that we're going to find out that certain intelligence gathering techniques that would be illegal in this country without a warrant, or probably outsourced to allies and friends. In other words, you know, you have the five spy, you know, in other words, we have relationships with Great Britain and Italy and Australia and other countries. I'm just keeping an eye on. I'd want to see where that ends up going, anyway, So Clapper's upset. Clapper never complained when Congress was conducting multiple Rushigate investigations. He didn't seem to mind when ninety percent of the media not to mention the special prosecutor with a posse of Hillary donors, were chasing down every anti Trump allegation under the sun. But now he says, we don't need Durham's investigation because the DOJ's Inspector General is already probing the same territory. Nope. So Clapper said this in an interview on Fake News CNN where he gets his paycheck, and he was asked about the Attorney General's appointment of Durham for the job to investigate how the FBI Russia investigation started. And Clapper clearly didn't like the idea You're gonna have to stand in line and take a number to do the investigation of the investigators. Oh, if that's what it takes, I'm not in disagreement with that. We have to stand in line. Let's stand in line. So anyway, Durham, it just has a reputation as being, you know, a pretty hard charging bulldog, according to some quotes. And there's a piece in Fox News Today Foxnews dot Com that the US attorney appointed by a bar to examine the origins here have been working on his review for weeks. Of person familiar with the process telling Fox News and all the intelligence collection activities related to the Trump campaign during the twenty sixteen presidential election, sounds like he's hitting their ground running that He's been doing this for some time. Durham, known as a hard charging bulldog prosecutor, according to a source, will focus on the period before November seventh, twenty sixteen, including the use and assignments of FBI informants, as well as alleged improper issuance of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants. See this is what makes me think that I'm beginning to think that Harowitz has done really I'm thinking it might even be handed over to the Attorney General. I'm just a total gas speculation on my part, but it would fit based on the timing and the naming of Durham. Another source told Fox News the bar is working collaboratively on the investigation with the CIA director Gina Hospital and the Director of National Intelligence Dan Coates. And Meanwhile, President Trump praised Bar for appointing Durham and maintained that he did not request that the Attorney General do so. I think the President is being smart. He's staying out of it and let's he's letting the people do their job, which is the best way to handle anything like this. Otherwise he'll be accused of politicizing it. In two seconds now, he can probably rightly focus on the economy and some of the other issues that you know, the country's facing. How about maybe we focus in on the idea this may sound novel, that America is no longer a hackable nation, and we build the defenses so that these foreign entities and foreign countries can hack in and rob us of our top secret information. Because that's been going on for four decades. Never mind election interference, it's just a small aspect of it, which we were warned about in twenty fourteen by Devin Nunez, and nobody paid attention in the Obama administration to his admonitions and his warnings. By the way, it was really funny this morning over at Trump Tower today, Comrade build the Blasio. You know, maybe it's a preview of coming attractions. He said, he's gonna you know what he's gonna face if he decides to run for president. He was pretty much boot off the stage at a Green New Deal rally by a crowd of people chanting and shouting, you suck and you're the worst mayor ever. Anyway, he was growing a little horse shouting over the cranked up sound of Frank Sinatra in Trump Tower's lobby I don't know why they had it there as he tried to promote his Green New Deal. Anyway, the Trump Tower staff turned up the dial on the PA system moments before the mayor entered the Fifth Avenue building, and there was Tony Bennett, Stranger in Paradise and Frank Sinatra I've Got You under my Skin blasting through the speakers during the big event, according to the New York Post, and Trump's supporters joined in on the noise and started booing and saying you suck as he tried to shout over the music and the protesters. I don't know what's not really sure why he was there anyway, what he's looking for? All Right, we got a lot more to get to. This is a big deal. This is a huge deal, and I think it is based on something more profound than anybody's picked up on yet. And we won't know probably for oh we couldn't know any day, but if this may take a week, two weeks, and then we're all going to find out. So I'm not playing the former director for being angry. I wouldn't be too if I were in his shoes. But now the former director seems to be acting as a partisan pundit and earning speaking fees while speculating about the strength of my character and the fate of my immortal soul. I kid you not. That is disappointing. We finally have somebody outside of politics, and I want to give mister drms at his name, I don't even know him, dispace to his job. I'm a Republican judiciary chairman. He now got a prosecutor. I don't want to get in their way. I don't want to mess up his criminal investigation, and I don't want to put people at risk. Simill back off. Are you convinced that there was a fraud committed against the FISA court withholding that Hillary paid for that Nassier and that in fact the bulk of evidence was unverifiable, and that they never verified whether anything steel Road is true, and that they do it to spy on the Trump campaign. Sir Sean, I can tell you it is even worse than what you described. It is what you described in addition to the withholding of his culpatory information, which is what has Johnny Ratcliffe so exercised, And they made no effort to corroborate the dossier until after it had been used in the application and a renewal. No effort. It's not that they failed, they made no effort to lask questions. So whoever is investigating this, tell them to look for emails between Brennan and Come in December of twenty sixteen. All right, that was Trey Gaudy, who was on with me last night on Hannity, and he's now bringing up things I'm beginning. I'm beginning to put two and two together, because what he's saying is that there is a document. There are documents, and I always thought it was the Gang of Eight documents where the FBI actually did their own internal review. And when we see their own analysis of their own work, it's not pretty. And Lindsay Graham and others are now working to declassify the sensitive documents that proved that the FBI knew, they all knew that Steele lacked all in any credibility. I'm getting some of my little Birdie's sources telling me that if Horowitz has not turned over the report he was doing on FISA applications and FISA warrants and committing fraud before the FISA court, he's very near the point he's doing so some people that I've been talking to are speculating very strongly today that, in fact, the Attorney General William Barr appointing this new US attorney John Durham from Connecticut is a direct result of the fact that the FISA abuse findings are devastating. We bring in Diana West, nationally syndicated columnist, author by the way of a brand new book called The Red Thread, Greg Jarrett, Fox News legal analysts, author of the number one New York Times bestseller The Russia Hoax. I don't know if you're hearing the same thing that I'm hearing, but this did not happen in a vacuum, meaning the appointment of mister Durham. And from all I can read and see about this guy, he apparently is a tough nosed prosecutor that gets the job done. William barn knows what the Inspector General has already come up with. And I think you've nicely summarized it, that there was lying going onto the fisiquard, a fraud on the court, concealing of evidence, deceiving the judges. And you know, William Barr is the Attorney General, knows where this is headache to a grand jury, and he needs a top prosecutor to be able to present that to a grand jury. So he's picked mister Dunham, who I know quite well since he's the US attorney where I live, and you know he is a hard charging, no nonsense bulldog of a prosecutor with an excellent track record of uncovering corruption at the FBI, And so he's the perfect pick to get to the bottom of this. Well, yes, yes, there's an interesting question here that needs to be asked and thought about. And this is really what I was trying to do in the Red Thread, which is the subtitle, is a search for ideological drivers inside the anti Trump conspiracy. And that question is why would all of these top officials, these top level powerful people at the head of the Justice Department, the FBI, throughout the Obama administration and elsewhere in Washington risk everything when all we do in America the basis of the admiration of our political system is the peaceful transition of power. In other words, why didn't they wait till next time? And I think what's an important question here is to get to motivation, to try to understand the thinking of these people who do not believe in democracy small d. I mean, this is sort of the overriding theme that I am finding inside the anti Trump conspiracy in terms of a hard left ideological drive to take down not just a generic Republican president, but this Republican president who is a counter revolutionary feak. Here analysis of all this, if we're gonna do this right, and I have every belief that bars going to unravel the mess that he inherited. Because this we need to remind people too that this all happened under Biden Obama. All of this Russian interference. They were warned many many times by the intelligence community. They were warned in an article in twenty fourteen by Devin Nuness. It seems like they wanted this to happen at any point, the FBI or the Obama administration. They were at liberty, They could have pulled Donald Trump in for a private, secure meeting and said, look, we're worried about what the Russians are trying to do with the election, and I imagine Donald Trump would have asked, well, what can I do to help? He was never given that opportunity, just like when he's having a private meeting with Komey, you know, Coomey could have said, it serves a little bit different than what you understand in your past life as a business person. But you know, just so you know, the depart I'm gonna justice is separate and apart the FBI, separate and apart on all the decision making as a means of being able to be a fair broker and discerning the law and upholding the law. They didn't want that because they wanted to set them up, Greg Jarrett. They wanted that response and Callmey either lied in October twenty sixteen when he signed the first phony FAISA with Russian lies that Hillary paid for, or he lied when he said it was silatious and unbeverified, And my guests as he probably lied in both instances, if at all possible, just to keep the president off track. Well, James Coney signed not just the first, but the second and the third FISA applications. So you're talking about a period of one hundred and twenty days in which they clearly knew that what they had presented to the court they had been unable to verify, even belatedly. They have an affirmative duty under the law to immediately notify the FISA judges if they uncover information that's beneficial to the target, which was Carter Page. So they didn't do any of that. And what was very revealing in your interview, excellent interview last night with Trey Gaudi said, look for the document exchange between James Cobey and John Brennan. The lines were blurred between the CIA and the FBI and indeed the White House. I think in the end we'll find out that all three were involved, not just in spying an unlawful surveillance, but an attempt to stop Donald Trump from becoming president. And to answer Dina's question, why why would they do this? Because it's the arrogance of power, and they never thought they'd get caught because they assumed. So we have a situation and Hillary would win. We have a rigged Democratic primary against Bernie Sanders, then a rigged investigation to keep Hillary in the race, because after all, Trump is lonesome, bast them and should lose one hundred million zero. So they take care of Hillary even though the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible, as is the obstruction thereafter, as she tried to destroy the evidence. Then you're gonna try and use the phony, unverified, uncorroborated dossier, leak it to the press as a means of disseminating the salacious information to the American people visa the Washington Post, David Korne, Michael Izakoff, and probably others. And then you're going to use the same dossier to spy on the Trump campaign while simultaneously taking away the constitutional rights of an individual, but also all the individuals where they spied on when they got into that network, while simultaneously using spies in Europe to go and have meetings with the likes of Popadoppolo's Carter page Sam Clovis, and just for a little icing on the cake, they even throw in a hot thirty year old, flirtatious model spy that wants to basically telegraph the George Popinoppolo she's available as long as he gives her information. Yes, they went to a lot of trouble, didn't they. But again it's this wondering of what they were afraid of. Maybe is a better way of getting into this What were they afraid that Donald Trump would do? As president? And here is where I think we again get to this hard left bias driving them, which is Donald Trump, this counter revolutionary figure, was going to restore the nation's state, which is the biggest and most important weapon against the whole liberal, so called liberal world order, the socialist international order that has never really been tried ever since it really got started after World War Two. And I think that their desperation is what caused them to take these tremendously reckless measures, these lawless measures. And because Donald Trump one, as you both have told us and explained, this is why they were possibly caught. And we're at this point of exposure that is truly of a magnitude we've never really seen before. So it's a very very important moment where I do think again getting to the sort of notion of what inspires them is very important. What I discovered in this little book, the Red Thread, is that you see in many of these figures inside the anti Trump conspiracy, by their own words, an affinity, a connection to Marxist ideology, to communist beginnings. James Comy himself discussed being a communist in college. You have John Brennan openly discussing his vote for Gus Hall in the bregnev nineteen seventies. I mean, these are hard left biases and looking at Nellie or she is someone who as an academic, was very fond of Joseph Stalin. She saw terror, yes, but excitement literally those are her words, the terror and excitement of the Stalin era. And this is when she was a professor at Vassar in the nineteen nineties, when another Fusion GPS contractor, Edward Baumgartner, was a student there. So this connection, this thread, if you will, this continuity among them. Ideologically speaking, I don't believe it's accidental and could be very very illuminating. And what's your final word on to say that. I think it's It may be ideological, but I think it's more personal and visceral. Donald Trump promised to drain the swamp. People like Coomee and Brennan and Clapper. They were all the swamp and they knew they were going to get drained. Hillary Clinton allowed them, upon her election as president to keep their jobs and their power. They would likely all stay on. I think that's what drove them. Yeah. Well, the question is do you believe Barr will hold well he do the whole job or does he start after the exoneration of Hillary, Because I I don't think if the Clintons get a pass in this again, and they've gotten many many passes over the years, I think there's not going to be the confidence that needs to be restored for people to have the rightful respect of America's premiere law enforcement and intelligence agencies. But if we do get the whole thing right, I think that confidence will be restored. And I also think we send a loud message that it's never going to be tolerated again, and we ought to put in a system of checks and balances, Greg, to make sure it doesn't happen again. I mean, it's pretty stage I Greg, you wholeheartsholetely. And the problem for the Justice Department is some of the statute of limitations or five years on the alleged crimes that Hillary Clinton committed. Not all of them have run, but many of them have, so that's an obstacle for them. But I do believe there is an investigation going on at the DOJ into Hillary Clinton's activities on uranium, one that has a longer statute of limitations of ten years, and so that's not a prohibition. But I agree with you they need to look at all of it. Nana, where do you see this all ending in. You know, how soon do we get the horrow It's report, and how devastating you think that's going to be. Well, I hope it's devastating. If it were to be an honest reckoning, I think it would be one of the most devastating documents in American history. I'm of a mind right now that the best way to get this thing really moving forward is the complete declassification of as much of the FISA documentation and other pieces of information that have been withheld from us all of this time as possible. I think that that is the place where you will not see spin and you will get the real information about how this attempted coup went down. Oh good point. Last word, Greg Jarrett. I think the IG report will in the end be shot that there will inevitably be criminal referrals. Evidence will be presented to a grand jury by Dunham and others at the Department of Justice, and I think in the end there may be some indictments, as there should be. All Right, thanks so much both of you for being with us wide open telephones when we come back eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. We have Kaylee McKinney, Jeff Lord, they'll check in with us. We'll talk about the constitutional crisis the Democrats the media keep reporting when in fact, the only constitutional crisis is the one they missed. We'll have a lot more is the Sean Hannity Show continues. So now you hear the term constitutional crisis. You know, you hear this word constitutional crisis, A little constitutional crisis. What exactly counts is a constitutional crisis? Are we in a constitutional crisis? Is this a constitutional crisis? I think it's a constitutional confrontation, constitutional stress test, constitutional showdown, constitutional confrontation, confrontational crisis. Do you agree with him and Natler? Country is currently in a constitutional crisis. Yes, it's a constitutional crisis. Okay, constitutional crisis because we have the option of impeachment, and we think this is a constitutional crisis. Start impeachment proceedings. Why not pursue impeachment? Why are you resisting? Some people would argue, we've been in a constitutional crisis since Donald Trump was elected president. Oh yeah, is it a constitutional crisis? Yeah, well, we have an informational crisis. I can tell you about that because all the voices pretty much you just heard there. Well, they're known liars, they're known conspiracy theorist. They have pushed the biggest hoax that I think most of us have ever seen in our life. Anyway. Kaylee mcinny, National press secretary for the Trump twenty twenty campaign. Jeff Lord his new book coming out, Swamp Wars, Donald Trump and the New American Populist Populism Versus the Old Order, and you can order it early on Amazon dot com. Welcome both of you, Thanks so much. Look, there is an informational crisis, is not the only constitutional crisis? Is how did they rig a primary so Bernie had no shot of winning, How did they rig a criminal investigation so Hillary had no chance of being indicted? How did they try to rig a presidential election using of all things, Russian lies to bludgeon Donald Trump and disseminate false information through their media friends. And then what about the constitutional crisis of some of the top people in our government trying to unseat the duly elected president and setting him up for such You're exactly right. Those are all the crises that are actually happening and are actually on the horizon. It's incredible. You know, only the Democrats can rig a primary, rig it for Hillary Clinton. She was in de facto control of the DNC and get away with it. Only Hillary Clinton could take sledgehammers to her blackberries, bleach bid her server, and she gets away with it despite it active violation of the law. She has the FBI and jem Comey and Loretta Lynch coverings for her, who, of course we know, met Bill Clinton on the tarmac. But nevertheless, here we are. They're declaring constitutional crisis after two years of investigating the president and absolute total exoneration. But yet nevertheless, today pair at the DNC talking points, That's exactly what we were just hearing. Jeff Lord, you're back with us. What do you think, Sean, The only constitutional crisis here is at a silent pool. It's a test pulled off by these people like James coming. They played the same kind of games with Bernie Sanders and the Democratic primary. You know, Sean, I keep listening to every time you say that James Colemy should just be quiet and save his advice, you know, give him advice. I'd like, I'm telling me he has the right to remain silent, and he's not listening to me. And I think it's dumb. I watched that CNN thing and I thought to myself, man, this guy is getting himself in seriously deep trouble. Oh, I think it's even worse than that. I mean, the one thing that I really am watching very very closely, we see the liberal anger towards the Attorney general. I mean the idea Kaylee mckinanny, that some stupid, dopey congressman on the House Judiciary Committee are talking about the sergeant of Arms handcuffing the Attorney General of the United States because the Attorney General refuses to break the law and saying that they're going to force him to testify. And then they want to break a two hundred and six year precedent and history and rather than have duly elected, accountable lawmakers ask questions of the attorney general, well for the first time, as I said, in two hundred and six years, they'd rather the lawyers do that work because obviously they're not capable of questioning the Attorney General in a way that's going to be most effective for them. Now, they're still gonna have the lawyers right out the questions. The problem is, well, if you don't know the law, and he does, you're likely going to look pretty stupid in the end, and I think that's what they fear more than anything that's exactly right. And here's what they're counting on, and they're counting on this incorrectly, is they're counting on the American people to turn to blind eye, to ignore the facts, to ignore the idea that this hasn't been done in two hundred and seven years, but nevertheless, we're demanding it now. They're counting on the American people to be ignorant to the fact that they're asking Bill Barr to break the law by delivering grand jury testimony, which we know is illegal under the very laws of Congress. They're counting on the American people to be ignorant on this. But they're the American people, aren't They're smart. They see through these antics, they see through this political theater and the games of Democrats, and they see that there is no collusion and they don't want more investigating, which is why sixty percent say let's move on. So Democrats proceed at their own peril here. What do you think I mean now that Muller really is dead, I mean, the Attorney General couldn't be any more clear. Mueller had the time and the resources, and and he had all the ages that he wanted, and he was thorough in his search, and he came up with no collusion and no obstruction, And in spite of what other people say, that that is the conclusion. And do you think this matter is closed, mister Attorney general? Do you think you'll change your mind on the Mueller report? He says no, But he is interested in looking into, well, how did Hillary's criminal investigation get rigged, who was involved, why would it have happened. Then he's interested in getting to the FIS abuse issue. I think we're getting very close to hearing from Michael Harrowitz and his report. And I think one of the early signs that that is happening is the appointment by the Attorney General topping tapping a prosecutor to investigate the origins of the FBI Trump Russia probe and the specific spying. And the guy's name is John Durham, who apparently has a stellar record, and people say that he is as thorough as they come. I can't imagine that those that relied on Hillary's dossier and didn't tell the court that Hillary paid for it, and that Steel had an agenda. I can't assume any other outcome except what the obvious would be, Jeff Lord, and that is they committed a fraud on the court. Well, that's right, and you know, Sean, I took a look back. In twenty eleven, the New Republic ran a list of the most unfamous people in Washington. One of them was John Durham, and it goes into great detail in this about how he handled quote unquote some of the most sensational FBI trials in history. And not only that, he's been in charge in previous times with investigating CIA abuses. So he is exactly the person you want here, somebody who knows exactly what he's doing, who knows where to look for the buried bodies as it were. Well, I mean, I don't think they're going to get what they want. Now. There's another strategy emerging too, with all these people that have had to pay thousand dollars an hour for lawyers to go before the Senate and House committees, and they've answered every imaginable question, and many of them also got brought before the the Democratic hit squad of the witch hunt team of Robert Muller, and what are we now going to start dragging them back one by one? What is Senator Burr of North Carolina Republican thinking, Kaylee mckinnanny, because that sounds like the dumbest idea I've ever heard from a Republican in all this. Yeah, that is a pretty dumb idea, And I'm not entirely sure as to why you went down this path. It's nonsensical and it's playing right into the Democrats' hands. You know, these were many innocent Americans who were dragged into this, who had human sources placed on them bis in other words, I know Democrats won't use that word, but that is exactly what they were. They were spied on. They were then dragged through legal proceedings exactly as you set millions of dollars in some cases, certainly hundreds of thousands when you aggregate it all together, all of this money spent. Why were they targeted simply because they had an R behind their name and because they worked and more affiliated with President Donald Trump. That is a scary day in America when the American intelligence community can be earned against you, and the legal community weaponized, the DOJ weaponized against you. How does this play out? In twenty twenty, as all these new Green Deal candidates are trying to make the case for greater socialism, more government control of our lives, they'd want to alter the lifestyle of the American economy at a literally at its core, Jeffrey Lord, and you know, by eliminating the lifeblood of the economy with oil and gas. Do you really believe that there's enough people out there in a Democratic primary that would buy into some of these nutty ideas that are being put forth by all of the candidates. Yeah, I do think there are some. You know, this reminds me increasingly of nineteen seventy two, when the Joe Biden of the day was Senator Edmund Muskie, the establishment favorite. He was supposed to win this going away, and he was upended by George McGovern's pass an army of you know, like college kids and far left, these anti war types. I think this is right to happen to Joe Biden. I see that the congresswoman Ocasio Cortez has already attacked him for trying to play to the middle on climate change. She's furious about it, and she's going after him. I think he is going to have an increasingly difficult time. Yeah, what do you think? I mean, how's this play out? And I can't ask both of you, Kelly, I'll ask you first. Who do you think emerges as the leader and the person that ultimately wins the nomination. Yeah, it's a great question. I think people right now are saying Joe Biden's running away with this, but I think they're making a real mistake here when Bernie Sanders stands beside him on that debate stage, looks in an eye and says, under your leadership, we lost two hundred eleven thousand manufacturing jobs because of you, because of NATO, because of the TPP. That was a million jobs hemorrhage. Another half million had TPP got through. I don't see how Joe Biden survives. I don't see how he survives is the failed Obama record. I don't see how he survives the radicalism of the far left that demands he embraced a Green New Deal. So I think you're going to see a far left Jisiphernie, a Warren, a far less to submerge, a socialists take the range. So you agree with Kaylee, it's not going to be creepy, crazy sleepy Uncle Joe. Yeah, I do. I think he's got a big problem. You know, we're distracted by the number of people here in this race, but if it all starts to focus on one of these far left people, then the other one sees that they can't win, they'll go with that person and it will basically be Joe Biden against all of these people supporting one of them. That kind of helps him in them bide in the beginning, But as you whittled down the field, I mean, look at Acasio Cortez's comments going after Biden on climate issues. I will be damned if leaders try to sell middle ground of middle ground approach, who's talking about Biden? There you go, that's what I saw. That's that's exactly right. He is going to have a serious problem. And the other problem here that he's also going to have is all this attention to Don Junior is bringing attention to the activities of Hunter Biden, and I think that is going to prove to be a serious problem for it. I think it's a big problem. And we got him on tape bragging how he withheld a billion dollars of American aid until well, they had a six hour deadline to fire the prosecutor that we now know is investigating his own son. Then we've got Peter Schweitzer's chronicling the Bidens moves in China, where you know, literally it's a field he's not even engaged in at all. And as we continue, Kaylee mcinanny is with US National Press Secretary for the Trump twenty twenty campaign, Jeff Lord. His upcoming book, Swamp War, is Donald Trump and the New American Populism versus the old order, well, the old Daughter also, and I think this is important to make this distinction, is also Republicans. Jeff, Yeah. Absolutely. One of the things I talked about in the book are the never Trump Republicans and their attacks on Donald Trump and you as a matter of fact, I mean they are just you know, candidate, I mean you mean people attack me. I've never known that before. Linda, did you ever hear about this? When did that start? But these people are so wedded to the establishment and the old ways of doing things that this is the problem here is that they feel that Donald Trump and his supporters, I might add, are you a problem for them? And will end their reign as it were with the Republican party, they're right, Well, I haven't. So if the Republicans and this is a problem, Kaylee mckin any you're working for the Trump twenty twenty campaign. There are a lot of Republicans in the Senate, every House members also, you know, up for reelection. And then the question is these the senators, these House members that haven't supported the president and a successful agenda, where do they go? Yeah, they're in trouble in their district. And it's something we saw play out through the primaries. If you don't support the president, you're in trouble with your constituents. Because here's the secret. And I know that Jeff would agree with me on this, both of us having worked at CNN. These so called never Trump Republicans only exist in the media and the swamp. It's a very small group of elected officials. It's a very small group of punnits over at CNN and an SNBC who are not at all reflective of where this party stands with nineties. There's a little secret Jeff and I have. Jeff would be up there. Let's see against Axel, Rod Van Jones, Donna Brazil, you know, Anderson Cooper, Um, Amanda Carpenter, I think would be on those panels and like, you're the only conservative supporting Trump, the only one. Oh yeah, they' on leave out a navarrow up And so I'd be watching, and I'm like, I watch only because Jeff is my friend and I'm watching. The funny part is he gets ninety percent of the airtime because all of the attention is fixated on when the same with you, Kaylee, because all the attention would be on the two of you because not one person there could stand you, and they just hated everything that you said and they couldn't be They were shocked, you know, forty thousand times an hour. Why don't you believe that chucking shocking, shocking? Um no one. Remember when you sent me an email on one occasion in the middle of this and I looked down at it said I can't bear to watch. I walked away. I abandoned you in the battlefield. They said, I can't handle it anymore. That enough is enough? All right, thank you both people on our side. That's true. Yeah, all right? Eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program News Round Up, Information Overload Hour at the top of the next hour and much more coming up straight ahead and a lot of your calls eight hundred and nine four one Shawn if you want to be a part of the program, and awesome Hannity tonight at nine on Fox Straight Ahead. Coming up next, our final news round up and Information Overload Hour. What it's too much for me is the fact that in nineteen eighty nine, the year that I was born, the year that I was born, the year that many of us were born, and in years after and right before that, politicians were first informed by NASA, that Congress was first notified by NASA that climate change was going to threaten my life and everyone hears life to come, and they did nothing. That is too much for me. The critics have lined up to take their shots at the Green New Deal, totally bogus stories about ice cream and Hamburgs and airplanes. They call the Green New Deal pie in the sky. They call it socialism, But what about what about the oil and gas industry tax rates that are a permanent part of the tax code, some of which have been on the books for over one hundred years. But Republicans only call it socialism when we try to help the things we like. So here's what I say for wind and solar and all electric vehicles and clean energy, give us some of that socialism that the oil and gas industrate has had for a century. Trump's buildings in New York City produce as much greenhouse gases at fifty eight hundred cars a year, and we won't allow him to go on like that. So we have a message for President Trump and all the other big building owners in New York City. Cut your emissions or we will cut something you really care about. We will take your money, we will find you, we will hold you accountable. Road. I've never been in the middle road on the environment, and I tell her to check, you know, the statements that I made and look at my record. She'll find that nobody has been more consistent about taking it on the environment and a green revolution than I have. And so look anyway, but I so I can't. I don't think she's talking about this idea that I haven't done anything. Take a look at the record. That's what I say. I'm sure. All right, News round up in information Overload our on the Sean Hannity Show. This this is what now modern liberalism, the Democratic Party has evolved into. I mean, it is just it's it's off the rails, you know, and so ironic because we're at a point where it's a tipping point moment. I mean, there's no doubt about it. Twenty twenty is going to be a choice election year. At stake, it won't be any more clear. I mean, Biden is going hard left because he wants to get the nomination, and you know, even if he were to win, this is the party that will push him, even in the presidency, further left. It is not based on the science that they are saying. There's no other country on Earth that is cut back on CO two emissions than this one. Yes, we should be good stewards of the gifts that God gives us, the greatest country God gave man. Nobody wants dirty water, nobody wants dirty air. Nobody wants to also go back to, you know, the Fred Flintstone era and you know, use rocks as means of transportation in a phony car. I mean, it just becomes absolutely insane. And as we go forward, this is what they want now all Cassio Cortez gotta give her a little credit. She did back off the well the planet is dead in twelve years. Thing is that correct, Linda, Well, she says she was kidding. Now she's just kidding. It's all big joke, all big joke. She was kidding. I guess you have made fun of enough that that's the only reason. Well know, what happened was was she went on her little, you know, talk show spree, and everywhere she went, even the liberals were confused by what she was saying because she makes no sense. She talks in circles. She literally gets handed a script by her chief of staff and he says, these are your talking points. But the problem is, if anybody asks a follow up question, it's done. It's over because she doesn't have any answers. He has no answer, she can't spell answer. It is a problem. This woman is running around screaming and yelling, and you know what, she is a gift. She is a gift to Donald Trump because you know what, she never would have gotten past the first leve They're all Donald Trump. I mean, because this is where the party is. I mean, that's why Biden wants, you know, free healthcare for illegal immigrants. That's why that's Kamala Harris. Now that she's taken over that no, well, Biden's right there with her. That's why they want to eliminate private insurance. Right. But the thing that bothers me more about Kamala Harris is, here's a woman who's in California. You're seeing what's happening to your people. You're seeing what's happening to your constituents. You're seeing needles in the street, You're seeing illegal immigrants taking jobs away from people that could be working them that are American citizens, and you don't care. I mean, how much more money do you want to take away from the average American? Yeah? I think that's the last thing they're concerned about. When you ask anybody how to pay for it, they have no answer. Right, let's get to our phones. A lot of you be impatient. Daniel is in Georgia eight hundred nine four one. Sean told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program News Round Up, Information Overload Hour. How are you, sir? I'm doing great, Sean? How are you good? What's happening? Well? First I got to say, Sean, you're a great American. Hadn't heard anybody tell you that in a long time. Thank you. I appreciate it, So are you, sir? Well? Thank you well, Sean, I really I had actually called yesterday was but we were talking about Rashida Talib and everything that's going on. Sean. Here's this thing. I'm thirty years old, right, and I do not understand, well, how in the world people my age are so heavily voting Democratic. I mean I am, and this whole thing, this all this stuff about paying for healthcare for illegals and everything. Who's going to pay for that? I mean, I work. Listen, it isn't what they are. What they are putting forth Medicare for all, for example, that in ten years it's going to cost ninety four billion dollars. The GRNW Green Deal, the numbers are staggering. You know, they're already saying they want a seventy percent personal individual tax rate, then they want a ninety percent corporate rate. It'll stifle and stop and its tracks all economic growth in this country. We will have negative GDP growth. We will not we will not have and become the prosperous society we can be. We're literally on sitting on the verge of more wealth creation ever in American history because of new found sources of energy, meaning natural gas. You know, we are the entire Middle East of natural gas, clean burning gas. On top of that, our oil reserves are massive. Anwar is open. We have two pipelines being built, and production is continuing in states like Texas and Oklahoma and even off the Gulf Coast, the Pacific Coast, and of course the eastern coast of our country. You know, we have the ability now to be the biggest net exporter of energy in the world. And the difference between us doing this and other countries doing this is it's not going to be in the hands of a you know, Hugo Chavez or a Vladimir Putin or a bad actor. You know, in this case, this can be wealth that literally lifts every single solitary American out of poverty into a new standard of living that we maybe never envisioned that would be, that would happen for everybody, or at least everybody that chooses to work, everyone that wants to put in the time and have the nice house and a nice car, and the nice vacations and go out to eat the simple things in life. And hey, Sean, can I jump in here for one quick second. Yeah, so job is already sent me an article this morning. I don't know if you saw it. He had not beat in Fox News and he literally breaks apart this Green New Deal that these dems are talking about, and he's like, it's going to cost ninety three trillion dollars on the first ten years. And he said, that's six hundred thousand dollars for every household according to the American Action Form, So six hundred thousand dollars for every US household. Listen, retro fitting every building in every home in America. They don't even answer how you're going to pay for that? How do you build a skyscraper? And I'm sure there's a way. How do you build skyscrapers in New York without stealing without glass? What are the materials going to be made of? And maybe they've come up they're not going to use plastics, They're not going to be able to use wood, so what do they use? That then stops all progress in building in New York City, and New York City begins to stagnate, and then New York City loses population as they already are because of the you know, confiscatory tax rates and the burdens and regulation on everybody. And the one funny thing that Joe points out, is that what they want to do will literally only reduce and this is insane, will literally only reduce the rise in global temperatures by point not one point oh one degree celsius one. That's insane. It's not discernible even that's the point. All right, let's get to our phones. Mary Jane is in Ohio. How are you, Mary Jane? Glad you called? I am glad I talked to you, you know, I just to me. I'm just like amazed that these people are so out of touch. What news do they listen to? How what is there? What's the motivation for them to continue this? I mean, what does they get out of it? Are they getting paid off or they what do they get out of this listening they're protecting criminals. It's a great question. You ask. What they get is their power? Remember it's all about power. It's much power. If they'd switch and say, man, I don't believe this, he's at all, you know, I think it's really crazy and switch the whole thing that could be on top of the world. America can be the best richest country on the face of the earth. And then you know, America has been kind of throughout its history and very generous country. Then we'll share that wealth with other people. You know, it's amazing. If we're having job seminars in prisons in Pennsylvania, I think that's a pretty good sign that our economy now needs other workers. And if you can prove that, we can vet you, you're safe. You want to be a part of our family. You want opportunity and you can take care of yourself. That's got to be mandated as well. You can't come to America then be a burden on the system because you got one of the highly coveted positions. Anyway, thank you for the call. Appreciated it. Right as we continue back to our busy telephones. Eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, Bruno Dallas, Next, Sean Hannity Show. What's happening, Bruno? How are you? I'm doing well, Sean? How are you all right? What's going on? Well? Listen. A couple of weeks ago, middle of April, I believe it was in New York Times came out with an article talking about Russian disinformation is what fed into the Christopher Steele dossier, and as a paralegal, went to college and studied and worked independently for years. The very first thought that entered my mind is, if we don't challenge every time they say information and say prove it, we may be giving everybody who is culpable criminally in any way. With the dossier and the entire debacle against the campaign and the presidency of Donald J. Trump, we are giving them a get out of jail free card. Potentially, it's all true. I mean, that's why you can't give You can't have a dual justice system in America. You can't have let's start with the surveillance, unmasking, leaking, raw intelligence. We can't use the powerful tools of intelligence, and they're more powerful than they've ever been. We entrust people to use it to protect us. You can't turn those powerful weapons on us. Number one. Number two, we are a constitutional republic. We do have protections. And when one family breaks the law and the evidence is overwhelming and everybody else would go to jail, well then we really don't have a constitution, you know, equal justice under the law or equal application of our laws. That's why getting this right and going back and fixing everything that was done wrong, everything that was rigged or attempted to be rigged, and holding those people accountable it's going to be good for everybody in the end, because the rank and file special agents that I know are disgusted at what the upper management ranks did. Within the FBI, same in the intelligence community. You know, you gotta understand that if you're an intelligence officer, if you're an FBI agent, you love your job. I've never met a guy that did these jobs that didn't love it. They embrace it, they work hard at it, they're proud of what they do. They know things that would blow the minds of the average American, and they know it's necessary and needed because there's a lot of dark forces in this world. But they do it because they want us to remain free. And to then use it against certain people because of their political point of view, or even weaponizing the irs for that matter, is an extraordinarily dangerous thing. I mean, this is what happens in these banana republics, these dictatorships, and that's how freedom erodes, and fundamentally, it's one of the most important things that we've got to do. And let's get to the bottom of it all. And as we can see, we're getting closer. And what we saw yesterday with the appointment by the Attorney General he tapped a prosecutor to investigate the origins of the FBI Trump Russia probe. We're getting rumblings that the IG report is coming very very soon. My gut tells me, and I don't know for sure, but my gut tells me past experience, the IG may have already handed over his report, and that may have been what triggered the decision by the Attorney General to grab this top federal prosecutor in Connecticut and look at the origins of the twenty six encounter intelligence investigation that conducted you know, we know, spying on the Trump campaign, because that would also fall under the umbrella of FISA abuse and committing a fraud on the FISA court. So I think all of that is relevant here. This was a big day yesterday. This wasn't It was massive. This is a day where you know it. But it shouldn't be a surprise because we've been telling you this is all coming. It's a surprise to the media because they're still waiting for the Muller report to find collusion and they can't believe it didn't come out the way they had predicted for two years it would come out, and they're not going to admit there wrong. They're just going to double down on the next whatever it is to hate Trump on. Do you think seattle't have a homeless problem? Yes, I see it every day when I walk to work. In the last five years, it's gotten steadily worse, with the numbers of people actually living on the streets rising at an exponential number. Would you say there's a homeless problem with Yeah, there is a homeless problem. It's a big, big time homeless problem. Subscribe to me. What you see intends on the sidewalk, debris and let are like everywhere. I actually see a lot of marijuana smoke. I've found needles in the park. I've seen heroin deals go down in my backyard. Called the police and they never showed up. They said, there's just no same drug deals in your backyard. I've seen them heating up the heroine in a spoon in my backyard. What all the tech companies coming to Seattle? Do you actually think it's the money problem or do you feel like the people that are elected here are focused on other issues? I think, sadly looks like they don't catch But I don't think the city is really doing their job on I think they're they're putting their efforts into the wrong place. The big companies Amazon, Starbucks, Microsoft, Boeing, even the small tech companies could really do a little bit more humunity service. Do you feel safe with all of this more? Now? I try not to make eye contact. Could I walk as fast as I can? Be a partial ancestry? All right? That was? You know, you can't make this stuff up. Lawrence Jones is in Seattle. We've been sending Lawrence and our producers out across the country to some of the more liberal cities. Uh. One of the first ones we went to was San Francisco. And it's amazing because in the distance between Nancy Pelosi's office and Nancy Pelosi's multi million dollars, you know, guarded neighborhood, gated neighborhood, walled up house in the middle of all of that, Well, you have a crisis that she can't she can't possibly avoid seeing, and that is that these liberal cities in San Francisco in particular, their big problem is needles from drug addicts are everywhere. And that's a mile from her office a mile from her home, and then people are literally defecating on the streets and human feces are pretty much everywhere. How do you feel about, Nancy Belows's leave the sweep in the zool. Things need to change a little bit here. I've been around here a little bit. I've seen needles, feces, and where. How do y'all feel about the state of y'all community? It's pretty bad. I mean, especially you work in We work around this building right here in here city. All it's beautiful, nice scenery and beautiful weather. Kind of makes it a drab when you walk around and you see needles and close to a playground and just feces everywhere, having the smell of it all. When you have needles and bloodstained clothing in the streets, that can't be safe for anyone. Does an increase of poverty, drugs, needles on the street, feces everywhere? How do you feel about they? That's really crazy because you know that I do see like a lot of needles and then you know feces everywhere. So the quack the homelesseners has not become the new normal in San Francisco. Absolutely. Nancy Pelosi she's a representative of this area. Do you blame her for some of these issues? I think Nancy Pelosi has done a pretty fine job to date. I you know, I that's she's been in office for over twenty years. Does she have some type of responsibility and that kids there to say, yes, Nancy Pelosi is your leader in the area. How do you feel about her leadership. I think that she's great. I think that she's strong. I think she's a fantastic negotiator. I think that she gets a bad rap because probably because she's a one. What about the leadership? Nancy Pelosi is the leader here, She's about to become the Speaker of the House. I feel about her leadership. I think that she's the old blood and any from new blood in there. I definitely don't feel very good about her leadership. You know so, I don't think she's being a very I think she's status quo. She has to do a lot better. I think we actually need new blood, new faces, people with a little bit different ideas and fresher ideas. Yeah, there's species everywhere, homeless people needles. Is that the norm around here? Unfortunately it is, It's devolved. The city has become so much worse than the last ten years. That's a disgrace. I could see a lot of people in the area that were and they were all like, you know, needles, you know, pumping up in their arms just outside. Everybody's shooting up right up the street. They don't care something dope, crack whatever. It's a bad situation. I don't really know what the solution is going to be. So what do you see on a typical day with people drug use? People shoot up right in the middle of the street. It's great while the kids are crossing, families are going and everything excrements all over the floor, all over the ground. Isn't really safe for kids to play in the playground when you see all this way human waste and needles everywhere. I wouldn't bring my kids to the playground. I wouldn't bring my kids here. About how many pounds of specs at least five became and the needles ten twenty every day every day. Man, that can vary. It could be anywhere from five to ten or ten to twenty. Devis on what route she's changing and pasapoop man. And that's the biggest thing, is the sneal. My grandkids here. You know, I'm scaring on a walk on severody. You know, I sometimes I have to pick up and carry him. I don't want him to step on the needle with our political leaders are not dealing with this, ya, they're not dealing with But I think it's correct. This is a normal This is a normal jays. And then they got a worse problem. You have mental illness and you got drug addiction. It's it's just all over the place. And I just sit here and I scratched my head and I'm wondering, Okay, Nancy Pelosi or how many decades now has she been in the Congress and been in the leadership of the Democratic parties? Maybe now she's just speaker in name only. But you know, forget about the government. Why do we always have to look to the government. She lives in one of the richest parts of the country, San Francisco. May it sound like it's something defense fighting words don't tell, but San Francisco values, that's what we're about. I mean, all the Silicon Valley money and big tech money that live in the adjoining neighborhoods. You can't get together and say, all right, I'll kick in a million. You'll kick in a million, right, I got another one. We have fifteen, all right, let's go for twenty million. Do some fundraisers, and all of a sudden, maybe you build something pretty spectacular for the people of your own city, your own neighbors, and maybe within that facility you can give out, you know, a couple of warm meals a day to the people that don't have any money. Maybe you can allow people to take a shower. Maybe you can even offer drug counseling of some kind, maybe a cot on a cold night with blankets off. These people are freezing and it does get cold sometimes in San Francisco. They're never gonna do it, and if they ever decide they want to do it, they're gonna say we the people have to step up and pay for it for them, because they're only generous with other people's money. Linda, did you see the video from last night? These ten cities that all these homeless people in Seattle live in. It's disgusting. It's disgusting. I mean now I get it that, you know, Pete, the same liberals don't want to control the border where all the heroine and fentenall is coming across but heroin is the is the main drug that people are using when they're using needles to shoot up with. And on top of that, now they're lacing heroin with fenton All. That's why we have what three hundred people on average a week dying from these overdoses in small towns, big cities all across America. I am telling you. I was in Denver a few weekends ago for our friend Israel del Toro's retirement from the Air Force, and I was very exciting because I'd never been to Denver other than our very brief stint when we were there for the vice presidential debate, and that was Joe Biden and Paul Ryan. So I get to Denver and the minute that I land, the airport looks like a third how do you say it, the Minnie Land, Yeah, the Midland Land. Okay, keep going whatever anyhow, So get to the airport. It's a complete debacle. I'm like, hmmm, this looks lovely. I don't know what they're doing. It's their idea of renovation. It'll probably take them twelve years because they're all stoned. So get into the town. The city's nothing but tents everywhere. The homelessness is rampant. You don't want to know why, because everybody's allowed to sit around on the street it's smoke pot. So everybody's sitting around smoking pot bonds there. I mean, it's like ridiculous where people vape their cigarettes here in New York and they have like you know, the jewel or whatever. These people are vaping weed. Then you go around when they vape weed. The kids are doing it in school because it doesn't smell like we it is that exactly right, So they're using the water vapor to cover up the smell of pot, which absolutely reads the way. You cannot walk through the streets of New York and I they're about to, I guess make pot legal in New York, right, that's one of the agenda. Well, they no longer prosecuted. So if a police officer walks by you and you're, you know, you're in the middle of the street smoking a dube, he'll just keep it moving. The thing is, it smells like a dead skunk, but you smell it every single day you walk past, and I'm like, you know what, there are so many other things that I would rather smell than someone smoking pot, like like a like a rotting dead body would be preferable over somebody's smoking pot in the middle of the street. I'm just saying it's absolutely disgusting. But to go back to your original point, when I when I saw your piece last night on Seattle, it literally could not hold a candle to what I saw in Denver Denver Um. It's sad, though, Look, I I understand that pot is in a different class of itself. One of the big problems is is, you know, when criminals put their mind to something, they're really good at what they do sometimes and what they have done, as it relates to weed in particular, is they've made it stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger. It's not like what it was in the seventies or eighties. I mean, this is a powerful drug, yeah, people, depending what it's laced with, even hallucinating. And now they're I guess the criminalizing the use of psychedelic mushrooms. Well, what's the equivalent between that and do an LSD? Is there much of a difference? Don't you go on a trip? But see, that's not the point. The point is what you have always said, which is that weed pot whatever you know, this is the gateway drug. People say, oh, there's no such thing as a gateway drug. Oh really, let me tell you something. Go to any of these cities where they've legalized pot. Right here in New York City, you will sleep. You will see people. They go from cigarette, they have a couple of drinks at a bar, they come outside, they smoke a little pot. Then maybe somebody else says, oh, you should try this drug. Oh, this is atterall, this is methamphetamine. Just snored a little coke. You know, they got some really good coke coming in right now, and before you know, you're doing all sorts of things that you never should have been doing because you tried one stupid drug and that's pot. Yeah. Well, now I will say the artis gateway drug because I think once you like drugs, you like drugs, and then I get excited by the next whatever next drug there happens to be. If we can extract the medicinal properties like Charlotte's Web, which they use young children with epilepsy, then I'm down. That works great, wonderful. Well, and they do do that Linda's talking about. They'll like extract from the hemp plant certain oils that are affected in effective and not curing but managing certain diseases that people have. But it doesn't have the THHC content in it which would get you high, which I think is great. I think, you know, that's a good use of marija, right, I think I think medicinally people that argue, well, we needed for medicinal purposes, there's a thousand different better drugs for that. The biggest problem, though, is the rampant prescriptions given to people like I had this root canal on what Friday of last week? And I mean, yeah, it was Friday before and I was doing the radio show, so I was in the chair for three hours, and it was it was a major, major job on molars in the back of my lower jaw. It felt like I broke my jaw so I couldn't get my mouth numbers or you know. I hate that feeling too. I know a lot of people like it, all right, So I let the guy do it. He put a couple of drops of novocaine in the hole when he finally drilled the hole, and then he takes these like long needles and twist them and twist them and twist them until eventually you can scoop out the actual nerve. There were three different routes he had to go down and they were really deeply embedded pretty much into my jaw, and I mean I was I felt pain that it's indescribable, and I took it. I didn't really care that much, but literally tears. I wasn't crying, just like flowing down the side of my eyes, and I remember seeing stars. That hurt so much because imagine a needle going straight into a nerve inside of your sensitive mouth and it's it's not the greatest feeling in the world. And at one point that the dentist even said, I can't do this anymore. I'm like, why not. Nobody does it this way? Why are you making me do it this way? I said, because I got a radio show. Just finish up. It's fine. And you're looking at me like I'm crazy. Well, that's completely insane. I mean, that's just what it's really not. I kind of it's because you know, at the end of the day, what you could have done is what normal people do, which is just have a little bit of novocaan or have them knock you out for this for a very brief moment, get it done, bought a being bought a boom. You're done, all right, Hannity. Tonight at nine, we have some breaking news with John Sloan and Devin Nowness. Also will be joined by Greg Jarrett, Andy McCarthy, Dan Bongino, Haraldo Rivera and Rudy Giuliani and Jesse Waters. That's nine Eastern tonight on Hannity. Thanks for being with us. We'll see it tonight. Back here tomorrow