Liberal Crazy, The New Norm - 6.26

Published Jun 26, 2018, 10:00 PM

DC McAllister and Geraldo Rivera stop by the show to discuss the outrageous behavior from the liberal Hollywood elite. What was once considered "way out there" in terms of attacks on Conservatism has now become the new norm. Remember Madonna's threat to blow up the White House? That's nothin' compared to the latest round of crazy. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your Heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity radio show podcast The Threat is a new hit podcast from Ozzi Media that explores history surprising connections in order to discover how one thing leads to another, like how John Lennon's murder connects all the way back to communist leader Vladimir Lenin. Get it on iHeart Radio or wherever you listen. All right, glad you're with us, and welcome aboard and write down our toll free telephone number. It's eight nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program with us today, we got a lot of big news. We're gonna get to. How does the Democratic Party deal Remember the song? How do you deal with Maria? What's the name of that song? And the sound of music? How do you that that that that that that you know, you know the song I'm talking about? How do you deal with a woman like Maria you don't remember bingo? How do you solve a problem like Maxine Waters because she is the Democratic Party and she's just saying what they all want? This I was no man Max was in. That was actually a label on the New York Post today. Yeah, so you're you didn't see it? You know you the difference between me, You do not need to read a hard copy newspaper. I was a paper boy. I want my hard copy. And then I do. I actually agree with you. I like the hard time. Do anything better than waking up on a Sunday morning and opening your paper? I do. I read the hard copy scrambled eggs? And then the way you eat eggs? What's wrong the way I eat eggs? Sunny eggs. Oh, that's right. We had this little problem in Singapore. Apparently the eggs were too wet. She didn't like it was disgusting in Singapore at the hotel. Worst thing. And then just like you know, I'm a little buffe everywhere. Okay, So Linda would say, I want you to burn the eggs to them because I don't want any moisture, because otherwise it looks running and Disgusting's the well, I never use that word. And second of all, I just don't like wet eggs. Gross. Okay, eggs are wet, and eggs are you know, they're wet until you cook them. Then they made him the way they're supposed to be. Mad. I bet you eat your steak well done, don't you? Yeah, don't much steak? Okay, But when you eat steak, how do you order it? Well, it's not still moving. How do you order your sneak like you do like like a caveman. It's not like a caveman medium, medium, rare, because that's correct. No, it's got to be because you're losing all flavor. You might as well get a rubber hose and eat that by the time you're done burning it, but put on it. What's the difference that that might be a little true shame? Excuse me? Um? Do you want me to tell the Cosmopolitan story in the day that you were adult and Katie Hopkins was there and you had seven drinks and forty five minutes and and you were hitting everybody at the table, not everybody and me especially just you never sit with you again. Definitely learn your lesson on that's right. We don't sit next to each other anymore. I've had a busy day today, so have I went down to d C after TV last night and I just had the best time I was. I went to see my buddy Mark Levin and Mark has his hit TV show on Fox Now on Sunday Nights Life Liberty and thank Me the great one, and he he was. He asked me to be a guest for the hour, and I said, are you sure? You know you really want me? And I've watched the show. I like the interviews with had Walter Williams and he's had he's had a lot of friends on UM. Yes, Sarah Palin, which was a great I have always liked Sarah. I really I hate the way they've treated this poor woman. Uh and she was the first. Now we got Pam Bondi and now we've we've got all these other women, Vanka Trump and milan Ians. Look at how they're treating poor Sarah Sanders and and Secretary Nielsen. I mean, it is unbelievable the treatment of women by liberals, by the left, and even going after children. We've really got to go after a twelve year old kid like Peter Fonda did, and the silence of Hillary Pelosi, Senator Warrant, it's deafening because then you don't want to go against their base. All right, So we went there. I did the hour and it was really interesting. I have no idea how it came out. I don't know. I'm not used to being a guest anymore. I figured four hours of Hannity's enough, and he just started asking me questions that nobody asked her, Like, oh, while you're asking me that, And he wanted me the whole time to be talking about me, and I kept flipping it. I'm like, I don't really. If you really pay very close attention to the show, I don't. I give you glimpses of me, but I don't really. Other people do that. Other people are very very open about their life, and I just can't do it. Remember the day you and Ainsley were both crying when she was telling the story about she's so open. I'm like, I'm not doing that, and and you started crying. She was crying. We're up on a clock. The interview is about the end, and I'm coming off as the hard ass that's shutting it down because there's no time left in the show. And then we had to bring it back and then let her finish the story. But I admire people that want to reveal things about them, so I like to keep things private. And it's all bottled up, it's in there and it's no and I also have a sense of it's nobody's business, nor do I think people care. I don't think my life is all that interesting. It's just, you know, it's my life. And here's the truth. It's like everybody you know, Michaela got a new car today. She's so happy with a new car, and so's they're sending me pictures into a new car and I'm happy, of course, I'm happy for and she's doing phenomenal in law school and uh and she has two babies now. She'll probably tell the audience who Michaela is. Well, she's worked with us for years. And Kayla used to work for Sean and now she's in law school and she has her own family and she still helps on in between having your family and going to loss. And I'm the godfather of one of her children, and I take it. So's the only place I disagree with her. I lost. You know, It's like, what do you think? Why didn't you pick me? I would like to know the answer to that. For Liam, why did you not pick me? First of all? First of all, I haven't baptized my son yet. Why not? Because I'm not a Catholic. I don't need to hurry up and do it when he's still three months old, and he has no idea why some kind of big broke warm water over his head. Okay, so you're not going to baptize your child. May next time I see him, I'm gonna spit on him and say, I don't think that Jesus is going to deny him entry, goodest spit on. I'm gonna lick my face to give him a handy blessing, Hannity blessing. I just well, sal the Irish do it. You didn't know, Okay, being Irish is a blessing and it's a curse. It's very true. That's all there is to it, all right. Um, anyway, so we got a lot going on. I had a great day with Mark. We flew back. Um, I'm on the plane flying back and just as we're taking off, I get the the five four ruling in the Supreme Court. And remember Democrats were you know how they are when President Trump, you know, they were attacked the judiciary because they went judge shopping, and judge shopping is go to any place on the West Coast knowing you're gonna get a liberal judge and knowing when you to appeal that it's going to go to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the most liberal appeals court in the country. And then you gotta fight it even further. And we had different variations of this, this ban and m y Us Brennan Law Center, for example, Donald Trump has displayed a troubling pattern of attacking judges and courts. Remember that they were saying Trump is attacking the judges because he disagrees with their rulings. And it's a pattern that began during his presidential campaign and even before and has continued into his presidency. Remember Chuck Schumer, The president's attack on Judge James Robart, a Bush of pointee who passed with ninety nine votes, shows a disdain for an independent judiciary. They don't want an independent judic judiciary. What the liberals can never get done at the ballot box. They want to use legislate from the bench, just like their agenda for this year. They're not telling you what their agenda is. If they win in twenty eighteen the mid terms, it's impeaching Trump, open borders, Obamacare, and they want the crumbs back, and by the crumbs, that means the extra money in your check out one. They're actually stupid enough to tell you about. But the rest don't tell anybody. We're gonna impeach Trump. Please please vaccine, stop it stop, don't say it anymore? What are you doing? Yeah? Okay, Well, anyway, what's interesting. Guess who's attacking the judiciary now today? Five Ford decision and maybe you never Trumpers, maybe you might want to know without your help, we got a great decision in the Supreme Court today. You had nothing to do with it except attack me and Rush and Mark and you know the few of us, Laura that we're out there on a limb at the tallest tree and the littlest twig and the one leaf that was left from the fall. We're hanging on it together. And you guys were all over us hoping and praying that on November sixteen you could come out and you could actually say Hannity's career is over. John, we got him. I'm sure my obituary was written a thousand different ways, um, but I don't care about them today, because you know what I'm happy about, the forgotten men and women of this country. You know what millions of jobs, energy independence, Our path is wide open, ending burdensome regulation. And yeah, a conservative Supreme Court justice, which on its own merit should have been enough just to elect Donald Trump, because I guarantee you Hillary would have appointed somebody that would have voted the other way today. So it's had already a big impact on the country. And by the way, the rest of the this year, you got Keith Ellison. He's slamming the Supreme Court. You know, he's uh, he's he's talking about plus e versus Ferguson that established separate but equal, and this decision will someday serve as a marker of shame. No and Ellison, of course, the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and he's a candidate now to be Minnesota's attorney general. I will never move to Minnesota if he's the attorney general. H Enough people in New York hape me for crying out loud because I'm one of those conservatives. I'm pro live um, pro Second Amendment. We're not real New Yorkers. We are outsiders. That's what our own governor said about us. Like hip problem, hip problems are they are these extreme conservatives who are right to like me to assault weapon, pro second amendments, exact who they are. I'm not anti anything they are and if they hang conservatives, extreme have no place in the state of New York. That's not who New Yorkers are. We have no player, I have no place in the state. Well, why am I paying you all my money? Because you guys ripped away a fortune from me every year in the state of New York. You remember shoot a dea? How many bullets do you need to shoot a deal? It's simple. No one hunts with an assault rifle. No one needs ten bullets to kill a deal. No one knights ten bullets to kill a dia. Say Dia Dia. It's like the way you say Singapore for crying out loud. It's unbelievable anyway, So last year, Nancy Pelosi, wait, wait, wait, can we play one more funny thing? Go ahead, take over my show. Do you remember when they when they made the song for you for you to stay in New Yorkers were like, I'm leaving. Do you remember this? That was on John Stewart Show. This is hilarious, hannay, Who would we tax too this money was gone? Who would be imposed socialism? My fun say life? Can days? Stay in your first and second homes? Don't disappear for ever by callin ball please Mr Hennie any you need random bar right and Sanna. He saved to your way to the rest of you stay is a candidate classic. This is when you know you've made it in the States. That fills you with Kates all right, we can That was the real Jersey Boys that are on Broadway singing lot and the real Nathan Lane, who's actually one of the best Broadway actors ever. Great. I mean, and I'm not a Broadway I don't go to plays. You go to all that crap. I don't go to that. You do so you've been you do, so go to that stuff that I don't know the Vicus all right. By the way, Obama State Department officials says the travel Band wouldn't have stopped any attacks on the U. By the way, you know said that Marie Harf she works at the Fox News Channe. She won't even meet with me. She's the one to call for jobs, jobs for s hotties. Remember that. That's why she doesn't want to even meet me. I said, would you like that we've invited around the show? Nope? You wanna you wanna ever come on the show? Nope? He can't handle that. I'm like, why not. I mean, I'm a nice person. All right, let me take a break here, all right. We also the democratic insanity of meltdown is continuing. It's it's getting somebody's gonna get killed. This is now, it's not a game anymore. It's real. And I'll tell you why. There's more insanity as we roll along. Sean Hannity Show, eight d nine one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, I don't even know what to tell you except that this is all real and it's all dangerous and it is Um. It's all because the president successful no other way to really, it's not a spin. It's just simple, basic fundamental truth, you know. Yeah, I know they want to CeNSE her on maxim waters and have her resign and and I didn't call for harming people, she said, and so on and so forth, and the House Republicans are moving against her. And you know, by the way, she's been named the most corrupt member of Congress for four years in a row. By I don't even like this stupid group though, crew the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics, um. But this is how bad it is. And these are Democrats they're attacking pain Am Bondi, the a g of Florida, a woman. They're attacking Secretary Nielsen, a woman there at they've been attacking Ivanka, They've been attacking uh Milania. They you know, look at what they did. Sarah Sanders can't go in a whatever that disgusting places down there. The President's right. I looked at it him, like what a dive? What is what is Sarah Sanders doing there? If I could, I'd send it like a really cool steakhouse. But I'll get accused of, you know, something horrible, So I can't do it. But but my heart's there, Sarah Sanders hears about this. Um, I guess I could take her out to dinner and her family out to dinner when I'm in d C. Right, that's allowed. We've been friends young time. I do know her dad, and I know no I know her and I think she's doing a fabulous job. And then they're attacking children. Isn't that cute? They go after nobody speaks up for parent. Trump, You know, twelve year old kid that you want to throw in a cage with a bunch of pedophiles. Where As all the outrage on the left, you know, and I have a whole other list here that I'm gonna share with you. Let's see Matt al Madonna, Jim Carrey, Obama, Biden, Tim Kine, Lauretta Lynch, Maxine Water, Steve Coobill, Bill mar Robert DeNiro, Michelle Will protesters, Robert de Niro again, and Maxine Waters. Please Maxine, stop it stop. You're hurting the whole cause it's a trick. We're supposed to keep it quiet to the top of the hour. So we told you about Secretary Nielsen and Sarah Sanders, and we told you about Pam Bondi, and we told you about Baron Trump and the four year old granddaughter of the President, Don Junior's daughter, Chloe, beautiful girl. I've actually met his kids. They're amazing four year old little girl. And you got this guy in Canada your next. I mean, that's how sick it is out there. But then again, we you know, this all happened in the beginning when Trump won, because they never thought Donald Trump would ever win, and then he won. But now they've got a bigger problem that's emerging before them, and that is that, oh every Donald Trump is turning everything around after eight years of horrific economic statistics. You can all say in by heart, thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the lowest labor participation rate since the nineteen seventies, lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years, worst recovery since the forties, a doubling of our national debt. That's Barack Obama eight years, Donald Trump in five hundred days, four million, nearly four million new jobs created. We now are on a path to energy independence. The greatest dismantling of the federal bureaucracy, all the burdensome regulation that was putting a stranglehold on business, and business creates jobs. A president that picks up the phone and calls companies and says, stay in America because we want you here. So the forgotten men and women can have jobs of future about her life by a new car, take a vacation, go out to dinner occasionally, and live in a nice house in a safe neighborhood, all things that every American wants. So, of course, if you're a liberal Democrat and you want to get your power back, and you want the big blue tidal wave of eighteen, you don't want Donald Trump to succeed anymore. And on top of it, Wow, finally a politician that means what he says, says what he means. In Jerusalem is now the capital of Israel, a promise that multiple presidents made and never kept. He got us out of the horrific Iranian deal, although we really should get our hundred and fifty billion dollars back. But the Iranian economy is now tanking, and little Rocket Man's not firing rockets over Japan threatening the entire region. He's dismantling nuclear test sites. He's released three hostages, he's willing to talk about the nuclearization of the Korean peninsula. Oh and by the way, he has purged hardliners, and he stopped what is a yearly annual fest of American bashing because he wants to negotiate and we've given him nothing. Oh wait, we get a photo up, photo up. I think I would trade a photo up for three hostages myself. I'd take that deal. Never mind the dismantling of nucleus. I'd never mind no more rockets being fired over Japan and Guam and everything in between. So they want Trump to fail. The only way Democrats can get back power as if Donald Trump fails, so they have to root for failure. And on top of everything that I just mentioned, Robert Mueller's witch hunt is collapsing before their eyes. Their hopes and their dreams of impeachment are dissolving like Alka Seltzer in water and the year and a half lie that they told didn't actually turn out the way they said it was gonna turn out, which is, oh my gosh, the Democrats, it's like the end of you know, life on earth. Apparently, Maxine Waters was confronted by remember Laura Loomer. She was at when don't you get to the buil Clinton? She was at the Bill Clinton book signing. Anyway, she've confronted her and she said, call my office. Okay, maybe I'll call Maxine's office and Maxine want to talk to me. When we give Maxine waters office a call, I'd like to have a discussion because I want to give her a platform. I'll give her a full hour and I'll just pretty much shut up and she could do her anti Trump rant right here on this radio program. Can reclaim her time in my time, okay, they claim in my time? Please, Okay, I allowed to questions, proclaim in my time, but we didn't leave a message would reclaim in my time? He failed to tell you what when on my time? I can reclaim it? Reclaim it. You can reclaim your time. Okay, she reclaimed her time. And then, of course in Peach forty five is you know she's been told now not to say it anymore, but now she's urging people to actually go after people that work for the president and find him in grocery stores and gas stations and department stores and build the crowd and and you know, go after them and tell them you're no longer wanted here. What are they supposed to go somewhere else? Are you're throwing them out? I mean, it's now we have apparently off camera, there was a cadre of reporters asking Maxie and Walters questions just off the house floor just about an hour ago, um about her calls to quote harass administration officials, which she's now denying. Seven said, but we got the tape. I'll play it later, And she says she won't to answer questions on if what she said is pad for the party. We'll only talk about the children. It's always about the children. Well, they didn't say anything when Barack Obama was president and the children were in cageous and the children didn't have their parents, and the children was separated. And the person that fixed the horrific low was Donald Trump. Fixed Congress's law because that was their law, it wasn't Trump's law. Um, you know, this is very interesting times. This is the most important mid term election in your lifetime, Hannity, you're using hyperberly. No, their agenda is clear, Impeach Trump, open borders, keep Obamacare, and they want the crumbs back. That's the Democratic agenda. Now, there are some of you that are gonna have a hard decision to make here. For me, it's not hard. The decision is you've got a crappy, weak Republican Party rhino in your district. I don't know what to tell you. You you're saying to me, But Hannity, the guy's visionless. And I'm gonna say I agree with you, And you're gonna say he's weak, he doesn't fight, And I'm gonna say, I agree with you, and he didn't keep his premises, And I'm gonna say that I agree with you, and he's feckless and I'm gonna say, I agree with you, and he doesn't have a spiner backbone. Handy, you got a spine your backbone. They have no back. They won't fight. I'm gonna say, I agree with you. But the alternative of not going out and voting for that idiot, whoever your idiot happens to be, is gonna result in the election. And Nancy Pelosi, who wants a crumbs back and has stated so, and they privately want to impeach the president. That's who you're gonna elect, and that's gonna forever change history. They want to undo your election. They never thought he would win, and you decided otherwise. Not only did they not want him to win, but they were undermining him, using the upper power of the FBI and our intelligence community to do so. They literally rigged an investigation for a guilty party Hillary. They hated Trump, and not only did they exonerate her before investigating her, then they started literally trying to destroy Donald Trump the candidate. And then they had the insurance policy, and then they lied to a FISA court four times, original application, three subsequent applications. They lied in each one, and each one the bulk of information was oh, it was Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for Russian lies that she paid for through a law firm called Perkins Cooie that then funnel money to Fusion GPS that then hired a outside national, foreign national by the name of Christopher Steel. Christopher Steele uses Russian sources, Russian government sources, and that becomes the dossier, and that becomes the bulk of evidence to get a FISA warrants buying an American citizen not once, not twice, not three times, but four times. And Rob Rosenstein did number four. So I'm thinking this is the biggest abusive power we've ever seen. You know what the press is saying, He's he's after us. It's no fear he's trying to suppress freedom of the press. No he's not. He's calling you out for the liars and pathetic so called journalists. You you think you are a bunch of arrogant, you know, self righteous, pathetically weak, can't take a punch back. It's the entire media against Trump, and Trump's winning. It's amazing. You see all those people back there, fake news. You know what the brand was, I know we played that. Now this is how bad it's gotten. I mentioned, I mentioned Secretary Nielsen, and I mentioned Pam Bomady, and I mentioned Milani Avanka, Sarah Sanders and Baron and a four year old granddaughter the President. Now we've got one of the Department of Homeland Security and somebody on my staff talk to this individual last night. That literally is now a warning to Homeland Security employees of an increased level of threat um to their safety with the areas of violent acts now being sent to them. And we have one particular threat that came out where you have a dead carcass apparently decapitated, left on a staffers porch on fire, burned. Then you got a Florida Democrat arrested for threatening to murder a Republican congressman's children. That's number two. Then you've got police officers not being served at Burger King. Really I was burger King, I'd give them free whoppers with cheese and say thank you for being here. I feel safer with you around. That's me. You know, probably the cops can't take it, but the offer is nice. Then we've got Pelosi now is just trying so desperately to keep their real agenda, which was impeaching Donald Trump. Open borders, keeping Obamacare, and of course taking the crumbs back and then attacking women and children in the process and claiming, you know, they have a monopoly of compassion on women and children. And of course protesters gathering outside of Stephen Miller's apartment passing out wanted flyers. Remember aren't these the same people that got upset over targeted districts. Bob Beckel made up the term targeted districts. Everybody's used the term targeted districts. You're inciting violence, But what are you doing here? These people? You know. The reason why it's important to understand what's happening here is this is the only thing this morally bankrupt party known as the Democratic Party has. I challenge you, tell me what their agenda is? What to go back to the Obama policies? Eight years of failure? You want that because that's that's all they got. So, because they don't really have anything inspiring, they go to their playbook, and the playbooks the same every two in four years. Republicans are racist, their sexist, their misogynists, xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic. They wanna poison the air and water by the way that they drink and they want to kill children, and they want to throw Granny over the cliff. And you say, any so, Hannity, how do you know this? I showed it to you last I'll show it again tonight on TV. But it doesn't change. It's the same playbook, the same thing. Now, you know, I could go through the list of Madonna wanting to blow up, dreaming about and thinking about blowing up the White House, and you know, then you got conspiracy TV, MSNBC what's the Lady's name? And nine of matt Ow saying oddly influential with the guy who wants to kill us? NBC Nightly News with Aster Holt. By the way, Tom Broke, call you proud of that? Is anybody in an NBC proud of that? And you've got Obama? Remember I didn't take it too seriously. We'll say, Mr Burgess to fight, Sean Hannity, argue, getting their face, He'll tear them up. Okay, you want to get I'd rather get in my face. Then you're get in the face of Sarah Sanders or Pam BONDI. You can get in my face instead, or rather than getting the face of Milania Avanka or threatened Baron, why don't you. I am offering myself up. Take your shots at me or Secretary Nielsen. I don't really care you put your hands on me. I'm not responsible for what it's going to happen next. That's all I have to say. It's easy to pick on a girl, I guess right, or a woman. I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them, whether they're independent or whether they are republic I want you to argue with him and get in their face and Okay, yeah, well send Mr Burges to fight. Sean Hannity will tear him up. Joe Biden, I want to take Trump out behind the gym and fight him. Joe, I'll take his place. I am willing to stand in. If you have a better idea, you should have a spelling contest with Joe. Yes. No, no, no, on two no. He literally said he wants to take Trump behind the gym and fight him. I'm offering if you want to beat somebody up, you have at me. You want to beat up, even want to take on Sarah Sanders, I'll yell at me. You want to kick me out of a restaurant. I don't care. You want to kick Secretary Neils, I'll kick me out. You want to yell shame, shame, shame, go ahead, have at it. Why is it always women and children that the Left seems to be attacking, Always women and children. I thought they had a monopoly of compassion, Tim Caine, fighting the courts, fighting the streets. Imagine if I said any of this crap, you know, Loretta Lynch, Ordinary people saw what needed to be done. They marched, they bled, some died. We've done this before, we're doing again now. They're wear brave people I have praised all my career. I've knew a lot of them. In Atlanta, Maxine Waters damned the Tea Party straight to hell. Colbert Donald Trump is Putin's deep holster, Bill Maher of Anka, you know a sexual suggestion of Trump and sex. Nice guy he is, let's say, Robert de Niro, Trump is a punk. I want to punch him in the face. I am willing to once again offer myself up. Robert de Niro, you can try and punch me in the face. I'd go right ahead. I'm available. I'm fine with that. Michelle Wolf making fun of Sarah Sanders. You know, Tommy Laren, really you might need some legal help. You know, we're gonna go after twenty four year old girl to Tommy Laren. Uh that we're that we're gonna do. Let's see Maxie Waters. I'm just offering myself. You wanna, they're offering violence, I'm not. I don't want to get violent. I'm just saying I will substitute myself for all the women and the president and all the children that you're attacking. I'm glad you're with us. Eight hundreds, I'm watching. I'm paying attenn I'll shushed up in there. Good grief. Eight nine for one Seawan is our toll free telephone number if you want to be a part of the program. So Sunshine, uh uh, you're soon to be sister in law's leaving the program. I know. And you have a friend of ours here, Kylie Kramer, Amy Kramer's daughter, who we've known for how long? How many you put put your microphone? It's a mic, it's radio. You gotta talk. Shaking your head doesn't work around radio. Hi, go ahead, that's a rule. You gotta get close to it. Boy, you're real subtle to the new person I haven't even hired yet. All right, chill out, this is what I do. Okay, talk, pull it down. Yeah, oh yes, that's it, you know. Okay, So you're here, all right? And so I loved your mom forever. I remember when I first gave your mam a hug. It was in a tea party. It was in April and we were doing Hannity in Georgia and there was five thousand, thirty thousand people showed up because your mother organized that, and I'm like announced that I'd be there, and I'm thinking, wow, maybe there's like a few hundred people show up. The street was packed. John Rich performed at the end of the show. So you're filling in. There's another liberal girl that that Linda's auditioning, apparently for your job that you're applying for. So how many people have you now whittled it all down to? Can you tell us how many did I start with? How many I have? Now? How many did you start with? How come everybody wants to work for me? Well that wasn't even all the people. But you know, did you tell Kylie that you have she has to sign a non disclosure where all of George Carlin's finished. Seriously seriously, yeah, seriously, And in it you have to put in every curse word you say. I'll have every outrage you say. Thank you, David, you know and you and you're responsible, and you're gonna put it there in Linda's people like my vernacular, all right, can you you've heard only a small Well, here's the question. Are you hiring her? How many people are you down to? First of all, because I don't do the hiring around, correct, you don't. I don't want to my mind, yo, Olcome, it's a woman's paro left. So the liberal and Kylie that's right, And she's a conservative and you're thinking about a liberal for the show. We're an equal opportunity job. So what is Kylie? Is it fifty fifty? Or you leaning towards one or the other? Tell the truth. I think Sarah and David have some things to offer us. You are you leaning towards one person over another? Yes or no answer? I'm your boss. That's like saying what do you like better? And I like the peanut, buddy, like the jelly. You know, it all makes it's a beautiful thing together. So right now, if you had to pick today, which one would you pick? I would pick to go home early and not have this conversation with you on radio. Come your face is so red because I'm Irish. Anyway, joining us. We're so pleased and proud and happy to have back with us. Investigated reporter and Fox News contribute to Sarah Carter David Showne civil liberties attorney and criminal Uh what are you the criminal defense attorney? How are you good to see you both? He's a civil liberties attorney. I said that if you would have paid attention and stop yelling I was interviewing someone. I'm sorry, um, but anyway, good to hear you both. You know, there's a lot of news actually on the whole Russia gap front today. Let me give a few headlines. Well, we got the troll farm what was it? An eighty page rebuttal beat down a Bob Mueller because Bob Mueller when he indicted the thirteen companies actually never thought they'd show up in court, and now that they've showed up, they actually believe in discovery and they're demanding to see the Rosenstein memo in total. And by the way, now we have Thursday, Peter Struck is testifying behind closed doors. But tomorrow, what testimony is tomorrow, Sarah something somebody's testifying tomorrow is it's going to be gray and and then wed tomorrow is going to be Struck behind closed doors. And the House Judiciary Committee, if I'm not mistaken correct, and it's also a joint committee, I think also tray Outi's committee. No him, Are or am I wrong on that? No? I think you're right on that. Everybody. Look, everybody wants to know what Struck has to say, right, and even if it's behind closed doors. I think it's unfortunate, and I think the President was right shine that the American people should hear this testimony as well. We should have a right to hear it. Um Struck with at the center of the one of the biggest scandals in modern American history, he should explain himself to the American people. It's the U S tax dollars that we're paying a salary. And you know, here's the thing, why would they allow Struck? Why would they agreed to behind closed doors? Because the President tweeted out last night and I agree completely Peter Struck, the anti Trump hating individual at the center of it all. Why does he get to go behind closed doors and will he be under Oh that's another question I want to answer. Well, I don't know this. This is the thing he decided to not go. They said, look, you don't need to subpoena Peter Struck. His attorney came out and said, don't subpoen m don't subpoena him. He'll more than willingly go and talk to you. He'll speak to you. Well, it's also a little bit tricky here. It isn't that Peter Struck just wants to clear his conscience and tell the truth about everything. I mean, I don't know what his intentions are, what he's actually thinking. It was a maneuver on his attorney's part because if he is subpoena, uh, it would be much more rigorous, the questioning could be much more rigorous, vigorous, and he wouldn't answer all of those questions, you know. So now he's going in voluntarily he can try to explain himself. He cannot answer questions, So I think David Hull would be able to explain the legal ease behind this. But it was definitely a calculated move on his attorney's part to try one to make him look good. If if that's even possible in front of the public and to to uh, you know, basically give him more of an opportunity to either not answer questions or to evade questions once he's behind closed doors. All right, let's talk about the legal side. David shown you all called it. You forget maybe you all called it. Just a couple of days ago. You said on this show, Struck Lawyers says, Struck wants to testify openly, etcetera. You said, it will never happen. Let's see what happens. It will never happen. I thought, you know, if the lawyer really was going to put structfolward to testify publicly, he should give back his law life. The rank and file of the agents hated when another agent comes toward and testifies and takes the fifth. Struck should have been put in that position. You should have been put in the position. Said he wants to testify. Give him a choice, testify publicly or take the fifth. That's up to you. The American people now know what you did. Part of what you did we still don't know is private emails. The whole other server up there we don't have. The American people are entitled to the full story is a public servant um. And that's the end of it. You know. The thing is, it's it's absolutely right. And you know, only until recently, even knowing everything we knew, this guy still has still has a job. And I'm thinking why and if it works for the American people. I think we have a right to know, and I think we have a right to get to the bottom of all of this. And the reality is is they're keeping it from the American people. Now. By the way, Sarah, you have a breaking story. Literally, I just got pot off the presses. I just saw that you posted it on your website. At the House Judiciary Committee now approved a resolution today demanding the Deputy Attorney General turnover all requested subpoena documents regarding the is handling of the Russian investigation during the presidential election after seven days or the impeachment and contempt move forward. Um. Well, it's about time. Um, I've been waiting for a while. And of course, the people that are at the forefront of it are the Freedom Caucus because they're the only ones that really given darn about what the their agenda is and standing up for principle and fighting for the country. You know, the rest of them are frankly just pathetic. But that's a different story. Yeah, So the resolution went through today. I have been told by a number of people that they've been sitting on this for quite some time. It was a long party line votes, so it was fifteen to eleven. They passed the resolution, and they are requesting their demanding actually that Rosenstein turn over all the documents that they have been requesting over the past year. And if he does not turn those over, they're giving him up to seven days. So they're gonna have to wait till everybody comes back from the from the break from the fourth of July break, and once all the members returned, then it'll be up to leadership. If they haven't turned over the documents, it'll be up to Paul Ryan and others to take that to a full house vote. Ryan says he's gonna do it. And Ryan and Goudy and good Lad and Nuness met with met with Rosenstein, and I was supposed to produce documents the following week, And that kind of came and went, didn't it With a few documents went over. Oh that's right, I mean it came and went. I know that they're not the only ones frustrated. UM Chairman Nuness is absolutely frustrated with this, a number of other lawmakers that have been sitting back waiting for Rosenstein to turn these over. I've also been told, and this is breaking news I guess as well, that last week Senator Grassley's office approached Rosenstein for documents and they actually met with Rosenstein and not to your surprise, Sean, because you say it all the time on the show, there was actually a shouting match UM behind closed doors again and Rosenstein refused to comply at that time with what they were requesting and was told told them basically, go ahead and take me to court. Remember that's one of the options that they can, you know, pull the contempt, do the impeachment, or go to court for these documents. And apparently Rosenstein feels that he can wait out all of this, and and maybe he's trying to see if they're serious. Maybe he says, you know, let's see how serious these guys really are. If they're serious, they're going to move forward with this, and if they're not, well then I've won this battle. But right now it looks like they're pretty serious because this is amount time. How many do we know FBI rank and file. I'm predicting a gonna be the heroes of the story. How many of those guys are waiting, hoping, begging to be subpoenaed because when they talk, they're going to expose a lot of corruption at the FBI. And I'm also being told that as many as twenty pretty more anti Trump people were actually working on a lot of this stuff. Is that true? I have been told that, Sean, Yeah, as well, there's a number of anti Trump people still working. I mean, this is the reason why they want to know everybody. These are lawmakers, are Congress wants to know who are the people working on Mueller's team? Who are the people that we we need to investigate. I mean, if you look at Kevin Kleinsmith, do you know another name that's just popped out? There was a very anti Trump bias on his part, uh, and he was with the FBI. There's other FBI agents that they're investigating. And remember one of the questions you had is why was Peter Struck still working at the FBI. There could have been a number of reasons, but a really important one too, is the fact that he didn't leave. He didn't just walk away, which left him open to talking to the Inspector General. Remember, Inspector General Horowitz can oversee those investigations for the people that are still employed still what's under the Department of Justice, and that gave him the ability to really grill down and interview Peter struck Uh and Lisa Page and the others who are still employed with the FBI. But he did lose his security clearance, and eventually, of course he was walked off. But he was working. I mean I knew people who saw him. In fact, he was traveling the country. Um, last place I was told was Alabama, where he was doing some work. And and David, let me ask you a legal question. So Robert Mueller files against these charges against these thirteen Russian butt companies, but clearly never thought they'd defend themselves, and they are. They're actually arguing, Robert Mueller is they don't deserve the right to discovery, which is the most idiotic argument I've ever heard. Uh, why did they file charges if only I argue to get the name Russia in all of this, and thinking that they never show up in court, and now that they not only showed up in court. But they got a pretty kick ass attorney who have filed an eight page beat down of Mueller. Um, what does he do now? But dropped the charges because he doesn't want to score coovery. Okay, well, that's another point. You've made, a very important one all along. Since the things first surface doesn't do, process requires that they get this discovery and specifically the Roses team memo. If there's no authority for the course of the investigations Cook, then they shouldn't have been in court in the first place. They shouldn't have been in the court in the first place for many other reasons. But you're right. I mean, he's gonna make a choice, You're gonna drop it. Let's just hope. So you have a judge who holds their feet to the fire. I want to say this, you know, is there any judge you can think of that wouldn't allow discovery on behalf of somebody charge? Because that doesn't sound like they have the ability to defend themselves. I mean, isn't that kind of basic if they follow the law? Absolutely? Are the judges who don't follow the law also, absolutely, political appointees often don't follow the law. Unfortunately, I want to say this. You know, we've talked about Stroke and what he said. We know about him already. The IG report is very important for many reasons. But one of the reasons also is what's not in it? And you know what, we never see in there anyone at any point saying to Stroke McCabe, who we also was in the meeting or page, guys, this is dead wrong what you're doing. This is not about a political agenda. I didn't see that in report any time, any official. So that tells you something about the team that's been compiled. Remember, mother had a universe of capable attorneys from around the country to choose. He only chose people with a political agenda. And I hope Rosenstein has asked that question when he comes before Congress. There are many things he needs to answer, but one is all right, stay right there, we gotta we gotta take a break. Also, we're gonna get into the developments on the absolute meltdown by the left. Will continue with Sarah Carter and David Shown. Also coming up, we have the Chairman of the Freedom Caucus, Mark Meadows, and Rhonda Santas joining us. All right, Mark Meadows and Rhonda Santas coming up at the bottom of the hours. They now moved towards Yeah, the possible impeachment of Rod Rosenstein. We continue with Sarah Carter and Greg Jared. You know, one of the things you know is the d o J. This is a report that came out um earlier today that information remains so secret that the Justice Department Inspector General had to censor it from his five plus page report. Not even members of Congress with top security clearance have been allowed to see unverified documents from presumed Russian sources in which the head d n C, Debbie Washson and Schultz allegedly implicates the Clinton campaign and Loretta Lynch, you're on radio. That's Sarah carn Is that analyze high Ana Analyze is actually still at summer camp. She went to six Flags today, so she's having a great time, okay, and she's on all the roller coasters throwing up as we speak. I got it, and um uh but real quick, is that true? Do you think? Oh? Well, yeah, absolutely. I mean I think that they're they're trying well, I think they're trying to keep information from the lawmakers, Shawn. But I also believe that there are some things in or that may be classified that they may feel they can't share because of sourcing and methods, and that's very common. What about this? What about the FBI began investigating the Trump campaign possible ties to Russia, crossfire, hurricane and Clinton connected informants approached the Trump campaign seven times before the FBI launched Russia Gate. That's real clear investigations. Did you see that? Yes? And I did see that story, And I think that's so important. That story is not it's I think it's just the beginning of the iceberg. But let me bring something else up. Developed the necessity to keep those things classified, but they leaked the majority of that information that led people to see what was going on, all right, David Shown, Sarah Carter, thank you, Uh, Mark Meadows, Rhondes Santis next, Sean Hannity. Well. Peter Struck is a key figure in both the investigation into Hillary Clinton emails and other investigations regarding the former Secretary of State and presidential candidate, and a lead instigator and the lead of the investigation for quite some time into the so called Trump Russia collusion matter, uh, and his text messages between himself and Lisa Page have been very enlightening, but they raised as many questions as they answer, and therefore we have a lot of questions for Mr Struck about his involvement in both of these investigations UH and the apparent bias that those text messages reflect. And so we UH indicated we wanted him to come. We've been working for quite a few weeks to have this happen. His attorney UH recently said well, he'll come voluntarily. But then when we had everything set, it became apparent that he was not committing to the time and place that we had thought we had agreed upon. So I issued the subpoeno last Friday, and he UH is commanded to appear on Wednesday. All right. That was Bob Goodluck of his committee and and asking what to ask Peter Struck on on the hearing tomorrow. And I just want to know why this is not a public hearing, because this is the person at the center of all of this, and considering he's the guy that interviewed Hillary, he's the one that wrote the exoneration before investigation, he's the biggest trumpeter of them all, and then he began and was a key investigator, which might have rendered legitimate from the get go, the whole so called Russia collusion with there's still no evidence after all this time. Anyway, joining us to discuss is the Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows. He's with from North Carolina and uh gubernatorial candidate or friend Ron des Santis of Florida. I actually think I'm gonna see you down in Florida over the vacation and I look forward to it. Uh, welcome both of you to the program. And uh, I want to know why, Congressman Meadows, why is this private? Why can't the public see? And is he gonna be under oath? Well, he should actually be in public, and we should have a transparent hearing. Candidly, I have fought for that, believe that we should be there. And yet most of the other transcribed interviews we've had have been in private. But it leads a whole lot for interpretation, and so, uh, you know, we guess the chairman, the good lad has said that he will be coming back and doing a public interview then. But I think both Ron and I believe that transparency is the best medicine for what ails us with this d O j FBI debacle. Well, I want to understand Congressman de Santis, I want to understand, uh, number one to do we know yet if he's under oath tomorrow. I think he will be under oath. But I agree with you, Sean, it should be made public. What he did, uh goes far beyond just his individual circumstances. I mean, he tried to influence a presidential election illegitimately, and his conduct did cast the crowd over Trump's initial presidency. I mean, he started this whole collusion narrative by opening up the counterintelligence investigation. And he did it because, as he texted a week after he opened the case, Uh, he wanted to stop Trump and so this was his insurance policy. So this the public needs to see him answer tough questions. And I'm not opposed to do in depositions, but we've just moved so slow on this thing. I think the public once answers now, and I think the public deserves answers now. And considering that Congressman Meadows, he's been at the heart of this whole thing. You know, there are a lot of reports flying all over the place about what's going on, uh in terms of Washington, not the least of which is that you know, we have at the d o J now sitting on a bombshell evidence that would implicate Loretta Lynch and that apparently there's a report Real Clear Investigations via the Washington Times saying that Clinton connected informants approached the Trump campaign seven times before the FBI launched Russia Gate. What about the fact that an FBI informant in may remember, this whole Trump Russia collusion thing didn't officially start to the end of j Lie right after Hillary was exonerated. How is it that Michael Caputo was approached by a guy that said he had information that he had from Russia and he wanted to and wanted to meet Roger Stone, and Roger Stone met him for fifteen minutes and the guy wanted two million dollars and it turns out he was an FBI informant. Is this just another spy that we didn't know about? Well, a lot of those unanswered questions seen are exactly that. What happens is the timelines are not actually adding up, and no one's been more focused on it than uh Rhonda Santis and Jim Jordan and Matt Gates and I you know, when we've looked at this and we've looked at these documents and and here we we do know before the investigation was open, it appears that there were a number of other contacts that bring real question too was there really an investigation and informants before the July thirty one date that where the Russia investigation started. Here's the other interesting thing is we also know the Peter Struck who's being interviewed tomorrow, had a number of conversations and uh exchanges about impeachment of this president. And and that was before the investigation really got underway. I mean, it's very troubling that the bias that is out there, and yet uh, somehow we we pretend like this was a legitimate investigation. I am told there may be as many as twenty or thirty more people involved in both the Clinton email server investigation and the so called Trump Russia collusion investigation that haven't been identified. We don't we don't even know the five people that have been recommended for further investigation. You mentioned the name of of what is it? Gladstein? Is now the third person? You know, who's the next person? Aren't there? How many people do we know of that are involved in us? Well? Go ahead on. Yeah, well, no, Mark has done a good job of identifying some of the folks that the i G report wasn't because the FBI and the d O j Ill legitimately said that these were people encounter intelligence and therefore they couldn't have their identities released. That is not true. Mark blew the whistle on that. So we do know the names of some of them, including one of the FBI attorneys who was mourning after Hillary's law saying what could we at the FBI have done different, elector? And then he said he's gonna dig in because Viva resistance. So he's going to use his perch in a position of power in the FBI to try to resist actively resist a newly elected president. And that is really I think synonymous with how this whole investigation has been has been run by people who are out to get Trump and has no more legitimacy left. Let me ask about what is now the resolution that the House Judiciary Committee has drawn up, and I know Congressman Meadows and De Santis Bold of View were very aware of this. That we now have had active obstruction by the Department of Justice where they refuse to listen to congressional subpoenas, and there's uh, you know, this has now gone on. This game has gone on for well over a year, and it even goes back to when Jason Chaffins was was sitting on a committee and that the d o J refuses to turn over the documents so that Congress can do what it is constitutionally authorized to do and required to do, which is oversight. And they have used you know, basically they just don't comply, or they use heavy redactions in the name of national security, and then it turns out it has nothing to do with national security, and then after that they they just lie. So my question is, are you serious? Is this real? What the Judiciary Committee is now approved for the first time, this resolution demanding Rosenstein turn over the requested documents or face possible impeachment or contempt. Well it it is. Uh, it was voted out of Judiciary today. Actually, Ron and Jim Jordan's uh did a great job and in their their efforts there, But it wasn't just today. They've they've been at the very forefront of all of this. And and I'm here today and we'll we'll break the news on on your show. Uh. It appears that we're going to be able to vote on Thursday in the House before the entire House a sense of Congress that uh gives d o J a very short time frame to turn over the rest of the documents. And was it a week? I heard it's a week. It was proposed to be seven days. Uh And and so obviously voting on that, it's incumbent upon every every freedom loving, transparency loving member to vote for that because it's it's time that we get the documents. So the bottom line is now Rosenstein and Ray they're gonna they're set to testify. Here's my questions. Are they gonna testify on Thursday? Um, so tomorrow? Are there any Freedom Caucus members that will be able to ask Peter Struck questions or any go ahead? Probably just Jim Jordan. I mean, that's one of the things, Sean, when you do this stuff behind closed doors. The way the Judiciary Chairman has handled it is there's only a hint certain people can even ask questions. And uh, Jim initially wasn't allowed to ask questions. He's been really fighting to do it. So he's gonna be asking questions. I'll be in there probably telling him, Hey, what about this? What about that? But it's not conducive too, because what you want in this are the people who really know the facts well to be the one doing most of the questioning, and that's not necessarily going to be the case if the chairman just picks random people. So I'm glad Jim's in there because Jim's a bulldog, and Jim will go after Struck and he will confront him with the truth. But we're not going to be able to hear we won't hear one word of what goes on there. Well, I think so, I mean, unless we do nless they release the transcript, which I think they should do. I mean, obviously I think it's you be before the cameras, but if it's not, at a minimum, you've got to release the transcript so that the American people can see what went on there. So yeah, I'm I'm very concerned if we just do this and then it's kind of buttoned up and no one is able to access the truth other than the handful of people who are in there. Well, I know that there are people that actually have a great skill of a transcription that can actually do it in real time, and and literally we could be getting reports every hour about what is happening in there. Who would be the person that makes that decision or or would there be a vote on that? Well, there's not really a vote on it. Sean Ron's right, It's it's basically a call that Chairman Gality and Chairman good Lad make on that and and to keep those confidential. I think there has been real pressure. I know that I mentioned something the Chairman good Lad earlier today that I felt like that Peter Struck, of all individuals, should be the one where we have really this transparency for the American people to hear for themselves what went on. And yet as of right now, it is going to be a confidential transcribed interview with things that uh, you know, candidly would have to be leaked out in order for you to be able to report on him. You know, it is a little bit uh disconcerting to me that this guy gets to go in privately and hide behind closed doors and not in front of television cameras. Um and he says he's willing to testified. We are we sure he's not getting any sweetheart deal, that he's not getting any immunity. There's no profer involved in this nothing. Well, no weren't. They're certainly not from the Congress, but I don't think we can be sure. I think he needs to be questioned about how he was handled in the FBI and Justice Department. And don't you think it's sean that the guy who probably most clearly had no business being in the FBI as the last guy to get fired. I mean, Comy fired, McCabe, fired, James Baker out of the government, Rebecky out of the government, all these people, and yet Struck has been there a LEASA page gone. So I'm not saying there's anything there, but we definitely need to ask him that question and figure out what the heck are you doing on a taxpayer salary this whole time after you got demoted, Because it seems to me, once his first text messages came out many months ago, he should have been fired the next day. Doesn't this whole thing at the beginning of the entire Mueller investigation? Does it not begin as is illegitimate when it's the guy that we know hates Trump that literally I would we know Hillary committed felonies. We know that they wrote an exoneration before investigation we know that she obstructed. Has never been a more clear cut case for obstruction of justice. Others have gone to prison for far less than what Hillary we know did, and Comey admits she did. And the question is, now that he begins the Russia investigation, doesn't that render the whole the whole investigation illegitimate under the circumstances and under which it was the beginnings of this whole thing? Well, uh, it obviously does. I mean, ron Is is a very gifted attorney and and and very credential, so he can maybe speak to this better than I can. But here here is the problem when you have someone with that much inherent bias, as Peter Struck has displayed in his text message and his emails, and and where the investigative team was a very small group. Now you mentioned twenty or so other people. Here's the thing is, the people who controlled this investigation were a very small group of people who have displayed bias through their text messages and email exchanges. And yet they're the ones that put forth the evidence for Bob Muller to uh to look at this collusion. It's it's very troubling. Doesn't stop Trump, doesn't an insurance policy sound like collusion at the highest levels of the FBI. Yeah, I mean, think about it. Sean Struck was famously whenever when Trump will set up the Republican nomination, he texts Leasa Page, Now, we've got to bring the Hillary thing to an end. And of course he helped do that. He's the one that starts the counter intelligence case against Trump's campaign. He says, we'll stop him. A week later, and then a week after that he says, well, look, you guys say he can't get elected, We can't take that risk. We need an insurance policy. So what he is saying is he had this investigation specifically as an insurance policy to kneecap Trump. That is not a valid pretext or an investigation. And it wasn't just any investigation. It was unleasing the counter intelligence powers of the federal government against an American campaign. Massive abuse of power, and I think he absolutely should face justice for abusing power. Are there are there many more people that we're going to hear about that hated Trump and that we're involved in these investigations and supported Hillary. Last question, Mark Meadows, Yes, you'll you'll see additional names that will come out. Other than just the uh Klin Smith and lawyer and some of the others. You'll hear additional names that will come out in the coming days. But I think you've only seen the tip of the iceberg. These text messages were bad, but the emails that I'm starting to review actually are worse. With the question even they're even worse in way. So it is very troubling. But the American people have waited too long. Hopefully justices are around the corner. Mark Meadows, Rhonda Santis. I'm not I'm not letting go until we resolve this, and I want to thank you both for what you're doing, because you know what, if we don't have equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws, uh, we don't have a constitutional Republican any longer. It's that serious. And I am shocked that we we had all of this go on. To me, it's like a soft coup attempt in America, and it's not funny by people that actually had the power. Mark Meadows, Rhonda Santis, thank you. Coming up next, our final news round up and information Overload. Our truma is one who is creating laws of trying to have people believe that I talked about harming people. There's nowhere in my statement any time, for any place that we talked about harm. And so are members of the Democratic Caucus are talking about civility, and that makes good sense. But protests is civility. Protests is about peaceful resistance to the kind of actions that we're experiencing from this president. And if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at the cal station, you get out and you get and you got back on them, and you tell them that I wilcome you any Lloyd not welcome anymore. You show up, you build a crowd in a restaurant and gas stations and department stores. Oh but I didn't say any of that, And that's Trump's fault. I mean, it's it's about as unhinged as I've ever seen it. You know, it got so bad, as I mentioned earlier in the program today, by the way, news round up information overload our Shawan Hannity show. Now we've got and I know this is true because somebody spoke to the guy, a DHS employee with a decapitated, burned carcass on his porch, and UH was barely able to get rid of it before his kids came home. You got a Florida Democrat arrested for threatening to murder Republican congressman's children. Uh, you got police, Yeah, the ones that protect and served the of people that risk their lives for us. Yeah, they were refused service by Burger King employees. Um. And while Pelosi don't talk about impeachment, you know, just you can't say all of this. Maxine Water stopped being so crazy. You know that's not work. And then we got the red hand and the owner literally it even got worse we didn't know originally follows Sarah Sanders family to the next restaurant and then brings in protesters. Again, wasn't enough that she threw it out her heart restaurant Pam Bondi, you know, called every vile, vicious, hateful name in the book, and you know, surrounded by you know, three big guys, and they're saying to a boyfriend, your girlfriend's a well A B, C, D, E F go through the alphabet, and what are you gonna do, blue eyes? You're gonna let us call her? And then they'd say it again, provoking a fight. Really, the piece in the Boston Herald. The left has got to practice what they p preach. You got protesters now gathering outside of the White House Stephen Miller's apartment, passing out wanted flyers. Then of course we've got uh ice agents, phone numbers all over the internet and their home addresses. Oh in Chicago and Chicago bar bands. What hat you can wear? They've lost their minds? Why because, Oh, the economy is on fire since Donald Trump has become president, A little rocketman's not firing rock gets anymore. And he's releasing hostages and dismantling nuclear test facilities, and on and on and on, and he's talking about the nuclearization of the entire peninsula. Oh, and then the Iranian deal is done as he promised. Oh and then Jerusalem is now the capital of Israel, as he promised so many other presidents promising but not delivering anyway. Joining us to discuss the debate, our old friend where she'd been. I have no idea. D C. McAllister's back with us. And Haraldo rivera Fox News legal analysts author of the best seller of The Horaldo Show. Horaldo, you know one thing, I will say. We don't agree on everything, and honestly, we agree on a lot of stuff. I think the biggest disagreement we have is about immigration on some issues. But you should be proud of the president because he fixed what no other president would fix, and that's Congress was. Congress is crappy law. And by the way, I don't even think it will hold constitutional muster. But he gave Congress time to do their job. Um. But besides that, you you want this president to succeed in how he's succeeding in the Left can't stand it because they see their power slipping away, you know the way I see it. And you went through the list and that list, that litany of of incivility. I think Sean will be the reason there will be no blue wave in November. I think that the Democrats will lose. They'll fall far short in the House and in the Senate. I think there's a chance that you may even have some red state pickups because the American people don't like confrontation. We don't like, you know, the kind of in your face, you know, lack of basic manners that has been expressed by Carmson, Waters and and and others. I think that it's really really the failure of the left to really perceive where they have to go if they want successfully to oppose President Trump. President Trump, and he got a big triumph today in the United States Spreme Court, as you know, show any got huge. The travel band has been upheld as constitutional on a close five to four vote. But what the court said, and I think that this is important, and I think that everybody has to listen to the underlying message. What is the underlying message? Very briefly, it's that President Trump sometimes uses RhD Rick that incites people to lose their They go Trump crazy, They go way beyond where they usually they just just make some nuts. That's President Trump's words. But President President Trump his actions. He has governed as a traditional conservative president, and he's been, as you noted, I think, very clearly very successful at it, with the economy and some of the other initiatives, North Korea being foremost amongst. You know what you should be saying. You should be saying to your best friend Sean Hannity, Hannity, you've been right all along, Handy, I'm messing with you, by the way you but no, but you know, the president says that of you, and as Yea said, often you're the second a travelman in the country, because that's scary. Your symbiotic relationship. And you're and you're clear thinking and and very articulately expressed, because you're very you're very kind of looks and I'm a spoken a wheel and that's how I view myself. I'm and I'm not being trying to be humble here. I just I know every voter has to say every other you know, talk hosts they get it, have to say. You have had to say you have powerful, powerful impact too, you know, d C. One of the problems Democrats have is the eight years of Obama were atrocious. I can cite all the statistics. I've done it many times for this audience. But what do they stand for now? Impeaching the president, but we're not going to tell you we're gonna do it. They want basically open borders, they want Obamacare, and Nancy Pelosi wants her crumbs back, she wants the tax cut money back, and she's running on taking raising people's taxes. I don't see that as an agenda that's gone to be successful. It's never been successful, this liberal agenda, and the underlying issue here is not just deranged feelings about Trump, but an ideological problem. For eight years, the left had their ideology stroked and pampered, and they didn't have anything to get upset about. Whether things are bad or not, it didn't matter. Their ideology was making headway and was respected and was out there to be approved by Obama. But now with Trump, it's not just his tweets and his attitude, but it's also that he's poking a whole in the ideology of the left and its ideology, and it's that left is ideology that's undergirding the immigration debate. And one thing with Maxine Water, she gave that litany of what God whose side God is on. One thing she didn't say is that God is on the side of truth. And when you're gonna be protesting, and we're going to be standing in the streets protesting, and I don't have a problem with people protesting peacefully and rightly, but you better be standing for the truth. I don't. I don't advocate protesting for just anything. Free expression. To the free expression is meaningless if that free expression is rooted in something substantial and true, And the whole immigration anger today is rooted in something that is just simply not true. And that that Trump is abusing children at the borders and they're being ripped from the arms of their parents unjustifiably. And so this is it's all being used to promote an ideology, and that's what they're most angry about. And that's what you're seeing their anger. And if they continue to lose elections, their anger is going to get worse. Well, I think a lot of it is rooted, and this is what they do every two or four years, which I went through in great detail earlier in the program. You know the problem, Haraldo is I know you and if your Pam Bondi's boyfriend now Pam, to our credit, told him to stop, don't do it. Don't do it. But if they're getting in your grill or my grill and they're saying that about your wife, I don't think you're gonna wait. I don't think you can wait. I don't think it's possible. I absolutely would not. But I want to say this about civility and the need for it, and how the left is losing their killing themselves. They're joking themselves by being gangs to and uh, you know, in in and losing the basic manners that we need to co exist in a very diverse and bustling country. Uh, you know, going forward, you we we need to have a system where people are allowed to speak their mind. Don't get in my face. If you get in my face, you know you you know it's it's I'm not asking to turn the other chief, but I'm what I'm saying is Maxine Waters is self destructing. The Democrats are self destructing. On the other hand, you cannot, on the one hand, uh say to the red hand, how dare you when you go to the President Trump rally and they're yelling at Jim Acosta fake news, fake news and drowning out the guy's live shot. We need stability on both sides. We need manners on both sides. We have to allow people to speak and and just to to say one brief thing to d c Uh. You know I think that Uh, you know, it's it is pretty clear to me that the President committed an unforced error with the zero tolerance policy that was not clearly thought out. Facilities were not ready for the policy, the policy was implemented prematurely, and it resulted in families being traumatized and the President's suffering unnecessarily being labeled as a as heartless and cruel and all the rest of it. It could have been much more, much more, but haral, I don't want to get into it. The only thing I'm gonna say, and then I'll throw it to d C, is this is the law. Congress passed the law, not Donald Trump. Donald Trump said from day one he didn't like it. And number two, he fixed the bad law that he had nothing to do with, which, by the way, Obama never did. So let's be clear here. There is a constitutional order. And Obama said, look, even I have to enforce the laws, even if people get hurt, I can play you the words because it dealt with immigration. Uh tc. Yeah, this clause in for sport. We're not enforced during Obama, but for years, and we know what it is and what's involved in it. If there's any kind of process or structural thing that need to be handled, was the courts to be overflowing from the federal courts to the state courts with other kind of issues like drug smuggling. But as far as the law as it is, it didn't create theer talents, didn't create this manifestation of separating children from their parents and that's part of a lot itself. If you're gonna enforce the law, that's gonna happen. And I would like to say of the children who are taken from their parents, are released to a sponsor, or, to to a parent or close relatives immediately. So we're talking about a very small percentage of people. Is that small percentage of people who are still although coming here illegally pictures of kids in cages, but they were under Obama's term, and Obama didn't fix it. I mean, it's just the fact now, just like you know, the little girl on Time magazine was never separated from our mom and dad. And now we're in a season where Democrats say Republicans are racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, is lomophobic, they want dirty air water, they want children dead, and they wanted to throw Grandma over the cliff. It's the same playbook, it's the same lie. It's all they've got. The obviously they can't really run on the crappy agenda that I mentioned earlier, But stay right there. We'll come back more with d C. McAllister and Horaldo Riverica. And as we continue with DC McAllister of PJ Media. Horaldo Rivera who really needs no introduction DC. By the way, UH currently authoring a book with our friend Dan Bongino on Trump and the Russia investigation. That's great news. By the way, d c um, you know, Horaldo, at the end of the day, don't we all want the same things? Don't we really? Is it? Really? You have agreed that the president has gone far. He's saying, give me the money for the wall. You support him building it. You said, oh, you're fine with it. He's giving on DACA, and he's willing to make the permanent VIX so no child has ever separated from their parents. That sounds like a win. But Democrats don't want to win. They want a campaign issue that becomes their problem. You may be right about that that the Democrats and the Republicans both see it in their best interests to keep this, uh, this tense and hostile confrontation and keep immigration out there as the big divide between you know, the Trump base and and the and the Democratic base, such as it is a couple of quick things. Number one Obama. President Obama did have a majority in a super majority in the Senate. He had the House of Representatives during the first two years of his first term. He should have done immigration reform then, as he promised, rather than the Obamacare, which ended up dividing the country in a way that that no one perhaps foresaw. And I think that the president president of the forty fourth president dropped the ball in that regard. The second thing I want to say is that now that the President Trump, the president has won this, this resounding victory in the Supreme Court, I would hope that he would be magnanimous in his tone and spirit. The vast majority law otherwise law abiding. He's doing everything you want. He's doing it. He's offering it be sincere. He wants it done. Build the wall and then get and and also at the same time get a kind of comprehensive Immigrants don't want it, they don't alive, million people. Democrats don't want it. DC will give you the last work. One of the things I really want to point out here is about the civility that Harald is talking about, is that one thing that can get lost in the call for civility is just the seriousness of the conflict and the tension. And I agree with Hund that there are people on the both sides that like to keep that tension going. But I think there are a whole sloth of Americans who really, true, truly care about the law and keeping the law and protecting our nation and honoring our nation as it sounded, and that their servancy should protect. That may cause rise and emotions. Hostility is not called for, but sometimes you have to be firm and strong against a hospital enemy who are forced that's coming after you, in order to stand your ground for what you believe and what you believe is true. And we're gonna see this more and more as long as leftist ideology, which is in itself hostile um continues on the rise. All right, I gotta let it go there. D C McCalister Haraldo Rivera Haraldo was booked by the way, The Horaldo Show in bookstores, and soon DC McCalister and Dan Mongino's book is coming out. Thank you both. The eight hundred nine for one Shaun is a toll free telephone number, straight to the phones. When we get back, we have an amazing Hannity Hope you'll join us tonight nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. As we continue till the top of the hour, one sewn to free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Yeah, the travel ban upheld. We have the Democratic Party in a total and complete and utter meltdown mode. And uh, you know one thing we really haven't talked a lot about. Even time said that Donald Trump could deport illegal aliens without due process. Oh maybe because they're not citizens. Maybe that was meant for American citizens. Just a side note, there is a horrific story going on in New York. I. You know, there's evil in this world. I've said it many many times. I wrote a book, deliver Us from Evil. You know that's actually in the Lord's prayer, deliver Us from Evil. Well, there's evil in this world. For example, if you're a radical Islamist and in the name of Allah you kill innocent men, women and children, and you just you you literally preferred a religion to justify killing innis in people that murder. Fascism isn't murder, that's you know, we go back throughout history. Stalin's Russia, thirty plus million people murdered. Nazi Germany is evil. There's evil. When you know think of rape, rape is evil. You know, a pedophile is an evil human being. There's no other way to describe it. I don't know how else. What do you want to say that it's a chemical amountance. No, it's something so dark, so sinister, so repugnantly evil that you don't even see the harm you you are perpetrating on innocent people. So in New York there is well, there's the most heartbreaking picture on the New York Post today and his Light Lives on is what the headline is. And a sea of candles honoring an innocent teen murdered by a gang. And anyway, the candles with the exact spot where this young man, Los Aros Jr. Guzman felez Is was killed with a machete. It was a case of mistaken identity by this Trinitario gang member. Is is the name of the gang? Not one that I'm that all familiar with. And uh, what's so unbelievably horrible about all of this is this fifteen year old kid. The murder was called on video and you see literally they're pounding a knife into this fifteen year old kid's chest. It is so grotesque and so dark, and you know there's a sea of mourners and you could just see how this is impacted everybody. But you know, here you have this young kid walking into a boy's home and uh, you know, just hanging out. And they spent about fifteen minutes, you know, people going back and forth out of the house, etcetera, etcetera. And I don't know how you ever recover from something like this. You know, our friend over at Majestic Manner Puppies as woman Connie, I won't give her a last name. Us the seventeen year old daughter to a drunken driver who was an illegal limour. You only spent eight years in jail. That's you know, you talk about separation. Then then she recently sees a report the guy's back in the country, they called him, but he's back in the country illegally. Anyway, I've gotten to know this lady because my my, my dog Marley just had five puppies, and uh, they're the most beautiful puppies, uh you'd ever see. Anyway, it's so sad, and I don't know how she's dealing with this very rough. All right, let's get to our busy phones here as we say hi to Katherine is in Wichita, Kansas, k and s S. I have a quick question, have you ever heard of Atlas m D in Kansas, in Wichita? Um, I don't think so. Huh you haven't heard of our friend? Um Uh Dr Josh Umber And you gotta call this guy and you gotta he's got to become your doctor. He's right in your town. Guess where you pay a month for unlimited care for you, for you as an adult. Take a guess, primary care doctor dollars fifty thirty dollars a month. I mean a doctor couldn't open his door for thirty. You barely opened it at fifty. But you know, think of this unlimited care, unlimited and you buy, and you get your you get your prescriptions right there on site, and then you catastrophic care like for example, if you have a heart attack, god forbid, cancer, bad accident, and you're paying less than you've ever paid with the best concierge care in your life. Anyway, what's on your mind today, Catherine, Well, I just wanted to share with you a short story about being Dr Krawdhammer a few years ago. Uh, we went to Dallas from my husband's office, mating and he was a speaker there and I was privileged enough to go and be able to hear him speak, and he was generous enough to hand out copies of this book signed the course. After he got done speaking, my husband and I went to an elevator to go back up to our room, and Dr Krawhammer happened to get on the same elevation. Durnally All said hello, and the young gentleman I was with him looked at me and I was holding the book, and he said, well, I heard that book is a very good book to read. And I said, yes, I've heard the same thing. And you hear his voice said, well, I hear the guy that wrote it is pretty good too, and we really laugh. That's funny, I know, we all kind of laughed. And I looked at him. I think he's the same thing. And I think that also, And you know, it was a very very brief, encountered very sweet, but just what a lovely man. And it's a wonderful sense of humor and will truly truly be miss You know, it's very interesting that in his speech that he tell the story about what a dope I am, or than they didn't tell it in that particular speech. I didn't know he didn't that. I was very surprised when he came out on stage myself, to be honest, and he came out in a wheelchair, and I was like, it's amazing how many people like me never knew. And he loved it because he never wanted to be defined by it. And I'm the dope that said to him after I interviewed him, you know a lot, I said, I never knew, and he loved it. And he told that story over and over and over again at my expense. You know, he was just an intellectual powerhouse. And I just admire people that I think overcome the most challenging things in life that I don't think I could do. I don't I I would like to think I could handle it as gracefully as he did. I don't think I could have. And I just you know, he built a life for himself in spite of, you know, being a very pretty young man who would just become a doctor when all has happened to him, and uh, everything that he did in life was that much more difficult just getting up out of bed and getting dressed and taking a shower and eating breakfast and getting in a car. I mean you're talking about hours, you know, of your day every day and I'm sure it was frustrating at times for him, but he never showed it. I just happened to see, uh, some some of the people that knew him best, that did hair and makeup in the Washington, d C. Bureau of the Fox News Channel, and I mean they're devastated. They loved them, absolutely loved them. And they're the people that know the real side of people. You want to talk to, what people are really liking TV. Talk to the hair and makeup people. They know it all because you know what kind of in those moments where the good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly comes out. Um anyway, well not looks I'm talking about inside, No, no, for sure. I mean without your fake lashes, you look hard, You're you're like you're you have your own park side. You know that you have, just for sure. Anyway, Katherine, thank you so much for the call, and that's just I'm glad you shared that story with us. Thank you. Christina is in Orlando, UH News five. What's going on, Christina? How are you? I'm great, Shahn, thank you so much for your time. Thank you you You've covered all this yesterday, but I just wanted to just even stress it even more that. It's just so disappointing how the left behave, you know, I mean, if we would have done any of this virtual on when Obama was an office, we would all be you know, prosecuted. We'd have the FBI at our doorstep, you know, interrogating us what is going on. We probably would be arrested. And I just don't understand how, like just Fond and all these people can say such vile things and not get arrested. It's it's mind boggling. How did Madonna Nick not get arrested for saying I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. I mean, but just because she's Madonna, she gets away with that. And you know what, you know what I learned about Madonna thinks Madonna's it. Madonna thinks Madonna's the thing. And you know what I saw in that moment a very ugly person inside. And you know, you know, I'm just like, Okay, that's who you are. You just revealed yourself for being really dark and ugly. I mean, that's an ugly, hard thing, and that's the thing. And I was telling um, I don't know it was on the phone, but I was telling them you know, I'm I don't even want to say anything to any of my friends that are Democrats. I mean, when Trump won, it was just the funniest thing I've ever seen. I mean, they were all crying. We had the Women's March, and they were all doing the Women's March. It was great. It was the whole thing was great. Oh it was. I enjoyed every minute of it. I think my favorite was Ashley Judd. Did you hear Ashley Judd that day? She was disgusting. It was awful. I mean, it was just embarrassing. And and they don't represent me, and I am an educated woman and I do make my own choices, and it's very disappointing. I mean, I had I had friends come up to me and my son's daycare saying, you know, did you did you hear the news? I'm like, yeah, I voted for Donald Trump. And they're like, why would you do that? I'm like, because they's a smart businessman and that's what we need to make this country, this country great again. And then I saw them again at you know, a birthday party, and they were at the Women's March, and I swear to god, I was I was just the worst person in national party. I didn't care. I didn't care because you know what, I knew that Donald Trump was speaking for me. And if they don't believe what he's doing and all the good things he's doing for this country, they really have their blinders on. And you know, if we would have behaved like this during Obama years, it would have been bad. I mean, I met Bill Nelson in a parking garage going to church. Can you imagine if I would have accosted him because I didn't like that he voted for healthcare. I mean, it would have been just it would have been blasphemy and I would have been in so much trouble. And and we need to be as Republicans. We need to stand or you know, just period, as Americans need to stand strong and believe that we need this country great again, just like Donald Trump is saying, and keep doing what we're doing and keep the fight. But it is scary. I don't want to say anything to any of my you know, Democratic friends, because I just can't withstand their their vile talk. And they don't let me in. They don't let me say anything. They let me tell you something. There are people I know, especially in New York that love Donald Trump and they just don't even bother saying it. That's why I I say that Donald Trump underpolls five to seven points at least. And that's why they're never gonna figure him out. Because there, you know, the media lives in a bubble, and the media they talk to each other, and the media tries to out hate Trump and out and out fag outrage if you will, over Trump, and it's just's not gonna work. Yeah, I'm listen. I'm not gonna lie. And by the way, great hall Christina and great points. I'm not gonna lie. I loved Ashley Judd and Madonna and these lunatics now, except that it's getting dangerous. I don't like that part that insists that this march will never add up to anything. Thank you you, But this is the hallmark of revolution. Yes, I'm angry, Yes I am outraged. Yes I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. I am a nastty woman. I'm nasty, like my blood stains on my bed sheets. We don't actually choose if and when to have our periods. Believe me, if we could, some of us would. We don't like throwing away our favorite pairs of underpant's. Tell me why our tampons and pad still taxed when viagra and rogaine are not? Is your direction really more than protecting the sacred, messy part of my womanhood? Is the blood stain on my jeans more embarrassing than the thinning of your hair? Never get I never get sick of it, I tell you, man of it. Nothing like talking about the bloodstains on your sheets. Right, that's a real lady right there at class act. I have so many thoughts, and clearly I mean Madonna of all people to pontificate over. You know why we should? You know? Why is there her? She looks like a different person now, she doesn't even look like Madonna anymore. Something happened. Well, you know, she took lessons to have a British accent, and then she had more face son than Joan River? Is that what it is? I'm a woman, it's my revolution to recognize her face work. What if you're wrong, what if that didn't happen? Definitely not wrong. I'm I'm betting you. I bet all the women in your audience right now are in their cars going that's right. She had some bad work done. I just have no idea where the time goes. Let not your hearts be troubled. We've got an amazing show tonight, Travel Band lifted Boom. Where are you never Trumpers? Tonight? Uh? You know, because you didn't even think the Supreme Court mattered? Uh, it mattered today. We'll get to all of that. Also, liberal hate, liberals unhinged. We've got the latest bontages and a history of liberal hate. Also tonight, Well, we've got more deep state news. Here's a hint. This is now going to be bigger than what we told you it was going to be in January. See it tonight at nine. We'll be back here tomorrow. Thank you, as always for being with us.

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