Let's Go Brandon - October 15th, Hour 3

Published Oct 15, 2021, 10:00 PM

 Joe Pags, host of the Joe Pags Show, has a new parody set to the tune of We Will Rock You! “Let’s Go Brandon!” This is a MUST HEAR!

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I News round Up Information Overload Our touched on a briefly earlier. Supreme Court has now is now forcing the Biden administration to resume the remain in Mexico policy. This is pretty interesting. They lost the legal battle, and the Biden administration tentatively plans a mid November restart of the Trump era policy. You know, this is amazing to me. You have a president of the United States takes an oath to uphold the laws of this land, our Constitution, all our laws rooted in that document that is our foundation. And he not only doesn't enforce the law, he aids and abets the law breaking. And that seems perfectly okay with every liberal on television, every idiot in Washington in the swamp. Just like it's illegal to be a sanctuary city or state, what are the consequences? And then ask yourself this question, what happens to you? You know, now in Janet Yelling and Biden are going to be scouring over every banking transaction you do and spending you know, eighty seven or ninety or one hundred billion dollars on new irs agents. By the way, all that means that's not going to change my life because you're just you're just gonna live my life. You'll you're gonna start getting the handity treatment. What do you think the odds are, Linda, that my my file gets pulled every single solitary year. I think it gets pulled every single day. You're probably I don't know what you're talking about. So I have it. You know, it's a daily routine. You know, we wake Biden up around like noon, you know, we give him some cocoa, and then we bring in the Handity file. We'll see what he's doing today. Yeah, exactly what is exactly what happens? Usually next to nothing? Right, I mean seriously, man, I just I think they look at it every day. I'm not getting so anyway. You know, you talk about what's that two authentications? What do you call that? Dual authentication? Right for two factor authentication, two factor authenticate. Okay, So I do two factor accounting on my at taxes. And by the way, I am serious to everybody. If they will put you in jail if you don't pay a taxes, they really will if you're especially if you're a conservative and you're outside. Yeah, I think is my mantra when it comes to taxes. You know, you know, because you've known me all these years. What do I always say, over pay, over pay, over pay, pay pay, just pay it. Well, you could probably get away with this to pay it pay. I don't even waste my time because it's not worth it. You know, it's it's But now the rest of the country is gonna get a little sneak into the world if you're an outspoken conservative and so well. I think I think what you pointed out yesterday and we were talking about it. You know, we're looking at you know, six hundred dollars plus if you do anything, they're looking at your Vemo, yours, Dell, your Chase money, pay you want that much I'm giving my daughter for clothes, or how much I'm giving my son for Uber eats, because that's all he seems to care about, you know, although I don't give any money anymore. He's on his own, makes his own money. But he's doing good and he's understanding the value of a dollar now. No, he complained bitterly when I when I said, no more. You know, you're making your own money. Goes. But Dad, you said unlimited Uber and you there's no limit on how much food I can eat. I said, that's right, because he's very fit. I mean heats. He eats all the crap. You eat all the awful food. First of all, you eat it now too, So welcome to the club. I'm eating vegetables that's not quite you know, the green, disgusting cattles shakes and that orange puke that you have, or that putrid green drink that you know looks like projectile vomit from the Exorcist, coming from the who eats Matt, who eats marrow and put salt on it. That's a really rich statement. No, it's chicken broth, and it's only twenty calories. Some versions actually have fifteen calories and use two cups of water. Sometimes I'll do four cups of water and I just drink it. It's awesome. It's like forty calories. What's a big I think it's a great thing. I will tell you, Sean, if you remember five or six years ago when we were like all eating lunch together. I was eating the chicken noodle soup the Campbell's old school, and we were eating that. That thing's only one hundred and twenty calories a can. It's awesome. I eat that every day, honestly, and how many cans to have I eaten over the course of the years. Right, Oh, forget about it. We were ordering it by the caseload. It was coming in the studio. Everybody's like, what's going on? Something like this is during the beginning of COVID. It became impossible at one point to get Campbell's chicken noodle soup. And I tasked everybody on my staff to scour the web and find it. And you know who found Kristen found it. Kristen's amazed, and she had cases delivered to my house and by the way, most of them are gone by Now. Wait, can we talk about something else you love that we had sent to your house. Do you remember when we got the black pearl chowder? Oh, man, do you remember that? You know who found that was Elease? Elease found that and then he called in right, all right, Well, it's my favorite clam chowder in the whole world. It's a newport and it's on the wharf. And I actually was there not that long ago. Go and did it feel the same to you or did it feel different? Oh? The soup is still amazing. I mean, this is the greatest soup ever made. The only bad thing is when you get the frozen version sent to you. You You see how much butter is in it. I'm like, oh, I Now, if I drank this every day, I'd be dead. In a year. You'd be floating. Yeah, you'd be on the wharf. I know. All right, let's get to our phones here. Let's say hi to t Bone, T Bone, Florida. What's up, T Bone? I love t Bone Steak. What's going on? Hey, Sean? I just want to thank you very much for what you're doing, putting this platform out here and doing using your influence to thank you for giving me this microphone. Why did they call you t Bone? Oh? Well, that's a that's a fairly long story. I can make it really short. You're flying the airplane into a cow, the cow dies, and you tell your friends. You get a call sign. Oh come on, you did not crash a plane into a cow, did you? I did in college, but I didn't tell the Marine Corps that when I when I joined, so I got to retire after twenty five years as a marine fighter pilot. But they're a fighter pilot. Now, you're a fighter pilot. By the way, how the hell did you survive them the plane crash. That sounds like, yeah, you had a cow. It's like if you hit a deer. I know people that have gotten severely injured heading a deer for crying out loud. Well, by the grace of God, the four of us that were on that college airplane, we all walked away. The cow did not, but we certainly did. And I was roadkill. Stakes. Yeah, A real godly woman looked at us and said, I said, young man, you should not be alive. And they're only here because God has something big for you to do. And we all went on to do great things, and I just retired after twenty five years. Some rose waivers, and I'm passing that word to all the bases within the Panhandle here that I have friends at. But my answer to that is they're not a fear approved and my son should not have been forced to take that shot any more than the students that I've flown with, the instructors that I served with, who have been told you have to take the shot. And it's interesting. And I wanted to give you this static because I know we don't have a lot of time, but I want you to know that all now robed yesterday, two days ago, the thirteenth, And in there it uses the word lawful order. If it's not a lawful If it's a lawful order, why do you have to say it's a lawful order? And it also says that commanders who do not take the shot in the next five days, which would be Monday, can I ask you another personal question? Because I got the point. I got the point. You're going to be out. Did you have COVID? You don't have to answer no, I don't. I'm happy to answer. My wife and I both survived it last month, and we have the antibodies. So that's that's my main reason. By the way, you're not even supposed to ask per the science even think about the vaccine if you just had it for three to six months, of my understanding, So you're absolutely right, and here you got. But you got to be encouraged by the New York Court decision allowing religious exemptions against the mandate. I'm encouraged by that. But here's the thing. My son also had COVID and he was he was not outside that ninety day window when they said no, you gotta get your shot. And if you don't have it now you won't be on the schedule and you won't fly that airplane. So he was put in a tough position. That's in every single one he took the shot. Is that what he did, he did well. If you look at this all now, the CNO says that our military have already taken the shot. There's there's a few holdouts, and I'm fighting on behalf of them. By the way, there's more than a few, there's thousands of them. And this is the problem. We have a bad economy and now these mandates. And this is not really a discussion about get the shot, don't get the shot. I tell people take it seriously, do your research so you can ask informed decisions of your doctor and doctors. And you have to factor in your medical history and current medical condition. Okay, so I got I keep telling people take it. I've no people that died. So with all of that said, I thought if people got the shot, that they were protected. That was the whole point of the shot. Now we do have breakthrough cases, and that's why I thought it was very smart of Rhonda Santis based on what I have. I'm not recommending you get monoclon Atlanta bodies. I'm recommending you know about them to ask your doctor whether you have a breakthrough k so or I'm vaccinated. Anyways, you finish, I'll give you the last word here. Yeah, I appreciate that last word. And I'll just say this, I want to thank you for all the times that you've shared that over and over again. You're being incredibly responsible. That my son had it and he should not have had to take the shot, and he wanted to go down a religious exemption path, as do so many And what I spoke about in Pensacola was about how all these folks are going to their chaplains and the chaplains are either being told not to accept it, or the chaplains are said, hey, do your job and go ahead and make your recommendation. But when it gets to the command, the higher leadership is driving the train to say reject them, or if they don't reject them, it's an automatic paperwork drill for an admin separation. So when you realize that going to the chaplain is just a fruitless stop on the road to know, you don't go to the chaplain, which means our chaplains don't get to do their job and we don't have that service, it becomes an administrator or political arm of the command. And I guess my parting shot shot would be this, if your listeners could do what I asked three thousand tons of coals to do, to reach out to the DoD and say, reach out to their congressmen to pressure the DOOD to let our military do their job and not have to get forced with unvaccinated I'm sorry, UNFDA approved immunizations. I think it is FDA approved at this point, isn't it negative? There's not one FDA approved one in the United States. The one that is is not in the US, and so we are being forced to take a NONFDA approved vaccination. That's true of the GS and the I'm pretty sure that all three vaccines they remember what they got emergency use authorization to start with, and then they've got final FDA approval. It was only you know, maybe a month or so ago. But no, whatever, I don't want to get off on a tangent here, you know. It's it's sad to me that the government feels that they've got to force people, and then you at the scolders out there, you need to for the greater good, to hell with your freedom, blah blah blah. I'm like, whatever happened to medical privacy, whatever happened to my body, my choice? You know, I'm not willing to give up freedom. I am. I am begging everyone in this audience is this is dangerous. We lost seven hundred and fifteen thousand of our fellow citizens, especially if you are older, compromise immune systems, underlying conditions, comorbidities. Anyway, I hope your situation marks out. Please update us, Please tell your entire marine family simplify for me. And and we can't thank our military enough. I mean, they're risking their lives when we send them to Fallujah, and we send them to Iraq and Bagdad and send them to Afghanistan. If they want to make that choice, and they're willing to take the test every day, at least that is an option so they can keep their pension. I don't want them losing their pension annity. Anyway, I appreciate you calling in. Thank you best to you and your family. Quick break right back all right, twenty five down to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Everybody, for some reason, things that everybody on radio, talk radio, and on TV hates each other, except for these idiots on like fake news, CNN and MSDNC, and then the three broadcast networks and most print writers except for the New York Posts and a couple in the whole street journal I just don't have respect for them because their phonies, and they lie and they say they're journalists, and they're really talk show hosts just like me, but they're just less honest about it. But I am lucky to work in a business where I'm friends with everybody, and I've also become close with Joe Paggs. Every time Joe Paggs is successful, I'm happy to hear it. And all these guys, as I always say, all of us where we need to be all hands on deck. We're all spoken the wheel, and if we want to save this country, we need all of us listen. Glenn Beck is helping to rescue Americans trap behind enemy lines. I called him, I said thank you. I said, it's awesome. Whatever, you know. I don't know who his team is, you know, but he's been out there on the front lines trying to rescue Americans and our allies and their families and Green card holders and Afghan allies. I'm all right, Well Joe abandoned them. Thanks, thanks for trying, and they're getting stymied by Joe's state department. Well, you can't land your charter in America, don't You got a third party country to take the charter and let it land. That's fine, but if they need our authorization, it won't be forthcoming. I'm like, this is something so sick about that mindset that I find so disgustingly repulsive. I can't even words, cannot describe how I feel. Anyway, I enter another issue. So my buddy Joe PAGs, he's been, you know, every once in a while, we've been tasking him to do one of these parody songs, and this just came in the mail last night and I'm literally tears are coming to my eyes and I'm I'm crying. Um, and it's it's to the song We Will Rock you. Uh. Let's go Brandon, uh and we'll talk to Joe on the other side. Listen, Biden, you're a man child gone wild, so overvi'le trying to make us move to the progressive lets. You got smirk on your face, your big disgrace, kicking our freedoms all over the place, singing, let's go, let's go, Brandon, let's go, let's go, Brandon. Biden. You're a slow man, old man, old man, standard down in front of his of us. Pull your strings. You've got blood on your hands, Afghanist, stand for your bas policies. We will not stand and let's go. Let's go Brandon, sing it out, let's go, let's go, Brandon, Biden. You're a sick man can playing hot dam going down a road we can't understand. We won't let this pass. You got no class. Why don't you pucker up and kiss my ass? Let's go, let's go, Brandon, let's go, let's go Brandon. Everybody, let's go. Let's go Brandon. Let's go, Let's go Brandon. It's just awesome anyway. Joe PAGs our buddy, the host of The Joe Pag Show. When did you know you had some singing talent? I'm trying to figure this part of your life out because I did. All these years i've known you, I didn't know you did these. You know. My mother actually saw Elvis in concert at Madison Square Garden in nineteen seventy two, and I wore that record out, Sean, I wore it out, you really so I always wanted to be Elvis or Johnny Cash or somebody. But who who knew I would do these dumb songs for a lifting later on? No, the funny part is, if you ask me, I probably can give you like eighty five to ninety percent of what is it called Bohemian Rhapsody? That song? Um right? Did you see them? But these songs, these ideas just come to you. Isn't an amazing thing? This let's go Brandon moment for people that may not know let me, let me bring you back. There was an interview with an NBC reporter. Brandon was Brandon Brown, Right, Brandon Brown wins the race and the reporter says, oh, they're even cheering for you. They weren't cheering for Brandon. He was saying, f Joe Biden, listen right, Oh my god, such an unbelievable moment. Brandon. You also told me you can hear the chance from the crowd. Let's go, Brandon, And you told me you were going to kind of hang back those two stages and just watch and learn what you learn that helps you there in those closing laps. Oh my god, it was learning how this line didn't stay to one. Now the reporters, I really thought that they were chanting, let's go Brandon, but they're obviously chanting F Joe Biden. So now called Brandon has gone viral. It's hilarious. There are schools that two schools have thought on this number one. She knew what they were saying, and she paused to let us all hear it, or she truly thought they were saying, let's go Brandon. I gotta be honest, Sean, I don't know if you know. I don't know her name. I have no idea who the reporter is. I'm going to defend her in this sense. Now, okay, because what a lot of people don't know about TV is we have an earpiece in our ear. You you're not supposed to see it, right, goes around the outside of your ear chord, goes down the back of my jacket and actually inside my jacket on top of my shirt. I put my jacket on over it. And so it does distort your ability to hear because you're hearing your own voice simultaneously, so you're not your ear, your ear or lisiting capacity is lowered significantly. Agreed, Right, So I think she probably did think it was let's go Brandon. And by the way, I don't think she didn't do anything wrong. She sounds like a nice lady. It's just it's hilarious that it went so viral. Well when when that happened, and when I saw let's go Brandon, you know, trending for days and days and days, you know, I do these dumb songs and thank you for playing them. I had to figure out something and I didn't know what would work, and this just jumped out at me, and well, I mean, this is kind of simple, but I think it might make sense. And the fact that we can say let's go Brandon so loudly and proudly and yell at from the highest mountain and not get in troubled because we know it's a upams and we know what we're really saying, but but we get away with it. It just it just hit me, just right. I'm glad you like it. Well. The best part is is, like, I mean, these are heavy, heavy times. I am. I am as concerned about the future of this country, not we're now getting older. God has given me an undeserved life. I have not deserved all the blessings I've gotten in my life, and I really believe that. And I'm more worried about my kids. I mean, I don't know if I'll ever see grandkids, but I've ever seen grandkids. I'm worried about your kids. I mean, it's it's it's that bad. I never thought we'd abandoned Americans in Afghanistan. I never thought what happened at the border, in the middle of a pandemic, preferential treatment for illegal immigrants. You know that that no COVID tests because they're not going to be here very long, and no vaccine mandate for them, only for American citizens. Um. I can't believe what Joe Biden gave up energy independence. I can't believe he's begging Opec to produce more oil. I can't believe he gave a waiver of Vladimir Putin. I can't believe he won't stand up to China talking about reunification with Taiwan and flying the military jets all over Taiwan airspace. I'm really worried. This is not going well at all. Well, I want to say a couple of things if you don't mind that, the audience already knows. Number one, you worked your ass up to get what you have. Yes, you're blessed. I'm blessed, But you weren't lucky. You didn't fall off the truck and somebody handed jew what you have. You worked for it. Another thing, if you don't mind, you know success is in a zero sum game. I'm not more or less successful because you or Mark or anybody else or Bland is more or less successful. What you said in the beginning was absolutely spot on. There is plenty of room for everybody who wants to do what we do. If you're good enough at it, if you work hard at it, you can succeed at it. And all the things that you just said were absolutely spot on correct. About this administration, in nine months, they ruined things. I've got two grand kids. I'm worried, you know, beyond worry about what their future looks like. So Charlin, I can let my hair down a little bit and do a stupid song for a minute and a half and make people smile. Maybe for a second that makes me feel good, but it doesn't change what we're all facing. We're all facing an amazing challenge. I mean, it's it's it's a final half hour on a Friday, and I'll have to get back to me in a little serious tonight. We got a great TV show, but you know, this was a nice relief and I just started laughing. I mean, I am hopeful though. I think the American people see what's happening. I hope they wake up. I hope we have integrity in our election system. We can lock it up. There's no reason to have, you know, not following laws like partisan observers observing. We got to make those changes. But I think at the end of the day, if we all stick together, we can get this country back on track. We've been through a civil war, We've been through two World wars. We've been through a depression, We've been through nine to eleven. This country has faced a lot of difficult times. And right now I'm worried about you know, middle class Americans, people that don't make as much money as we make, filling up their gas tanks, heating and cooling their homes, paying more for every single product they buy because of this self inflicted economic disaster. You know, I do worry about my fellow Americans, and only because I was there. I was the guy that struggled to pay rent. And it's not a great feeling. Man and Sean. They're being lied to. They're being led to every day from the left media, big tech, and from the Biden administration. That's why, thank god, you're out there on this huge platform telling people the truth. They need the truth from you, they need it from me. They need some smile, some laughs, they need to entertainment, but they need real fact. Otherwise the other side wins because those middle class people that don't have gasoline, or it's costing them not much money, or the shelves are getting bare, they're being told by Biden, don't worry, we got it. We're all set, and you and I are going to tell them the truth. And that's it's so necessary. I don't know why this is. And tell me if you experiences too, because I don't know. I don't know if at any point in your life. I mean, I really I had two hundred bucks in the bank. I was I was done. I had no money. I really struggled to pay my rent and there was no going out to eat. And this didn't happen just for six months of my life. It was a number of years until I kept working harder and harder and putting them as much money away as I possibly can, and buying a two hundred dollars truck and a three hundred and fifty dollars for Maverick, and fixing it up myself and all this stuff, and to me it was probably some of the best things I've had. But there are a lot of Americans that I'm really going to suffer here, maybe, but my mind set has never changed. For example, it pisses me off, Joe PAGs when I see that my filling my gas tank is like thirty thirty five bucks more. It pisses me off because I do my own grocery shopping, right. I talk about it all the time. People ask what are you doing here? I'm like buying food. What do you think I'm doing here? But Oscar Meyer thick cut bacon is up like two or three bucks higher than it was at this point last year. Now it's stupid because I can afford it. I don't have to even look at the price. But my mind never got out of the mindset that this could all go away in a second. Does that make any sense? It does? Well, when when I made the decision to get into radio and broadcasting. I had nothing. I was poor. I was oh, didn't even couldn't even afford the O in the R at the end of the word. I had my car, we possessed, we got evected from a from our apartment. It didn't look like it was going to work. So yeah, a small change at the gas pump made everything to me. I was working two jobs, three jobs, four jobs, five jobs, kicking around in a six hundred dollars vehicle like you were. That that's what we had to go through. And we can only find that success if we weren't being smacked in the face by any but by an economy that was set up by somebody to Washington. How much did your first radio gig pay you? Four dollars and twenty five cents an hour I drove, I got I got nineteen grand. But but I had to end up doing the morning show and the afternoon show and Saturday show and run the board on Sunday for NASCAR, Saturday, Saturday, whatever day it was. Right now, I listen, and that's really the history of it. And we knew what we wanted to do. We knew what we thought we could do. But if you're like me, you also drove a truck and you I hosted karaoke shows for God's sake. I did anything I could to survive and support my family, and then eventually, you know, we made it okay. But but you're right. People who are facing well we faced thirty years ago. Economically, they can't take what Biden's doing to their economy. They can't do with Biden's doing to their bank account. This is nuts. People are going to be evicted, People are gonna lose their places to lift, people are gonna have a hard time eating Sean And their answer is I will open the port of LA for twenty four seven. What is that going to solve if there are no trucks to drive it anywhere? It doesn't make any sense. Scary times. Jill PAGs, you're always generous and share your creative talents with us. We appreciate it. We love you. Thank you, brother, and to all our fellow hosts out there, please keep doing what you're doing. We need every voice, every listener, all hands on deck. Every one of us is a single spoke in this big wheel, and that is to preserve the greatest country God ever gave man and not give up this wealth creation system. We've created more wealth than any other country in the history of mankind. And we've also used our power to advance the human condition and share it with the entire world, just like three vaccines for example. All Right, Joe Packs, thanks my friend. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up with today. All Right, Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern. Everything you need to know about this economic disaster, this energy disaster, border disaster, Afghanistan disaster, COVID disaster, Peter Navarro, Kaylee mckin any, Leo two point z, Tore Clay, Travis Oh. Where do you see the images of a woman badly beaten? Oh by the Taliban, the business like in professional Taliban. We'll check in with Congressman Waltz, Rick Grinnelle, Mark Bernovich, Tom Holman, Nine Eastern News. I promise you won't get from the mob tonight on Hannity. Have a great weekend. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here on Monday,

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