Sean does a quick review of the Trump Administration's success so far. While the media is focused on reporting the negative, the track record of success so far is amazing! Let's focus on the good news because you'll be really impressed with the results. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your Heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio Show podcast, Let not your Heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio Show podcast. All right, glad you with a Shawn Hannity Show right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. So many things happening uh today, and we're glad you're on board. You know, no, but you're never gonna ever hear that US crude oil production in America has now hit an all time high. Now listen, I'm gonna tell you something that is a massive, massive, massive story because that means literally millions of high paying jobs for forgotten men and women in America. I know we talk a lot about Russia, Trump Trump, Russia, Russia, Trump Trump, Russia. I know that if you watch cable news, if the president if Whole Picks resigns, it's one big, massive conspiracy at Oh, she had to resign because A, B, C, D, E, and F and nobody knows about it. And I'm actually somebody that has reached out and talked to Ho Picks. And I'm not gonna tell you because it was a private conversation. All I'll tell you is media speculation is as usual wrong. Now the next point is is that we spend so much time, because there's so much corruption in the in the sewer, in the swamp that is Washington, d C. That we often forget about how great things have gotten and how good things can be, and what this country can be and what we can provide for future generations. We have the ability to do great, amazing, profound, deep things for the entire country, and every person that's suffering, and every person in poverty, and every person on food stamps, and every person that's been left behind, and every person can listen, like so many of you out there, I don't know in my life many people that came from money. May I got the best team here, and I don't know anyone in that works here on this team that came from a lot of money. Now, maybe we grew up in a in all typical We all pretty much the same story. A nice small house, fifty by a hundred lot, you know, good neighbors, you know a little at the time. It's it's not like it is today where you can't let your kids out of sight for five seconds. It's a lot different, you know. So anyway, um, I literally read this today and I said, nobody's ever gonna mention this today. Nobody will, but I want to mention, you know, and we gotta start spending time on the good news of the day, and we gotta start spending time on why is this important? You know, November's figure exceeded ten million barrels produced daily. You know that was in November of nine seventy. Here's how big this story is. US crude oil production shattered a forty seven year output record this past November, according to the U s Energy Department, as oil production from shale now continues to upend global supply patterns. Well, why do you think that the Middle eat, why do you think the Saudias and the cart and OPEC and others, why do you think they reduced oil going back a couple of years ago. It was all because of shale production in the United States and a desire to run the United States out of the out of this business. That's what there, That's what their whole thing was. You know, the new record probably is not gonna last. The US government is forecasting we're gonna hit eleven billion a million barrels per day. Later this year, the President opened an noir the Code of pipeline and know the what, what's the other pipeline? You know, we opened them all up Keystone Pipeline. Yeah, thank you. You know, if we would actually now we're opening. He singlehandedly saved West Virginia and and the coal industry. And you know, amazing things are gonna happen out of this. Amazing jobs are gonna be created. And it's smart, by the way, from a national security standpoint. Think about it. The US doesn't have to worry anymore about what they're gonna do in the Middle East, at least for the time being, unless with America is stupid enough to retreat because they're buying the media narrative on Donald Trump, and all they wanna do is is attack Donald Trump. And and we still have so many deep staters in there, it's ridiculous. Al right. By the way, other news we're gonna get into this in more detail later in the program. Today, the American people get it in terms of how the government failed, and they blame the government failures in Proward County Sheriff and the FBI on this shooting down in Florida and how every sign was missed. Only Americans are blaming guns. So the American people seem to get this. It's interesting that you know, all these groups that went out and started attacking the n r A, well they're now hearing from n r A members that are saying, in a pretty loud voice, Okay, you're not understanding who we are. You know, who are the people that I've known in the n r A in my life, every single person that I know, every single one. By the way, Trump is speaking at a summit on the opioid crisis. By the way, Kelley and gave me an update on that last night. I've been watching this show on Netflix. I digress here for a second. I was watching this show. Uh, and it goes from Cleveland to Atlanta to Mexico and the production of heroin. This is this is why opioid us is so scary, because you know, we now are producing There was one particular county in Ohio where they're like producing per capita sixty two OxyContin pills per person, an insane amount per year. Now here's the problem. If you're taking vicot and percose at oxycont and I've never taken one of those pain pills in my life, I will say I fear little in life. They scare me. They scare me because of what I've witnessed in my life. You know, you take one pill for legitimate reasons, you got a bad back, you had an operation anyway, and the next thing, you know, smart, hard working, intelligent people, they're hooked like that. It happens. It's scary, it happens. And we're handing these things out like they're candy. And if anyone is ever in a hospital, you know what it's like. All you have to do is say that, oh my back, oh it hurts, and they want to give it to you with no questions as a matter of fact, by law they feel they have to as a means of managing pain. Then they got the pain management centers out there, which is just addiction centers in a lot of different ways. A lot of them are and I know some people need it. I know it's a way to wean people off. I know it has good benefits. But I'm being practical, honest and real about all of this. And then the next thing you do is you get addicted. You start with the pills that you got then the doctor finally says, all right, listen, you're probably getting addicted. I gotta cut you off. And then you go on the street and you start paying eighty bucks a pill, and then somebody will say to you, because you're desperate and you need it, you know, well, why don't you try this ten dollar bag of heroin? Now the highest bigger Now you have a huge, bigger problem, greater addiction. And you have no idea what you just put into your system, whether you're snorting it and then eventually shooting it. It's only you wonder how this can happen. It's happening, and it's scary, and it's happening in small towns, and it's happening in big cities. And these drug cartels are actually targeting middle class America and upper middle class America, and they're doing it successfully. There's no socio economic boundaries here. You've got people with no money in the middle people with a lot of money. They're all doing this crap and it and it all ends up the same way in either a rehab center a morgue. Very few people when they get addicted that the rate of success at these rehab centers is astronomically low. And usually it takes people two, three, four or five and six times and their sincere and wanting to get better. But the pull and the drive and I don't understand it, but I've had it explained to me is so great. They can't stop themselves. Now at the end of the day, we all have the ability to say not to anything. We all have that ability. In other words, if not, then we're conceding a fact that I'm not willing to concede, and that would be that human beings have no control over their decision making. I'm not buying that. If one heroin addict of fifteen years can quit, that says everybody has a shot at quitting. And I don't know what. There's no secret sauce it works differently for everybody else. You ever watched the show on a and Equaled Intervention. I watched that show. It breaks my heart. One addicted person literally destroys an entire family every time. Now you're gonna say, well, you gotta have tough luff. And if your kid comes home and they're high or they've been using drugs and they're asking you for money for food, what are you gonna say? Now the right answers. You say, no, the right answers. He said, get your ass out of my house, don't come back to you clean, and if you want to come back, the only these are the conditions. You get drug tested, you got a job, you finished rehab, blah blah blah blah blah. And people try it, but they you know, I don't think that their misintentions. I don't think that their intentions are bad. But then the kid comes up, you know, three in the morning, and they want a place to sleep. It's either that or the cold weather where you're worried to death. They might die, or you know, if they're in your house, at least they're not shooting up that night. At least they're safe for that one night, and that gives you peace of mind. It's horrible, absolutely horrific. I didn't plan on talking about this, but it literally went on, you know, the President saying, we have drug dealers who deal to hundreds of people. They don't go to jail. He's right, we don't put drug dealers in jail. You know, I don't think the answer is put in the attics in jail. But there's gotta be some penalty. For them. Actually, if you put them in jail, you're doing them a favor. You know, there should be at least within the criminal justice system away the people that are addicted or mentally ill when they're incarcerated or you gotta be able to get them off the drugs or they're gonna die. And there's a system of medical way of getting people off drugs that I really don't know what it is, but I know they do it. I know if you to a rehab center, you know it's educated me. The most about this is Bob Beckel. Bob Beckel, I mean has been God bless him. I mean, he's doing well now, but he's been an addict as entire life in many ways, and he's described and he's then he's spent a good part of his life helping a lot of these people. You know, he tells me these stories. He'll go to the homes, he will be involved in these interventions, and you know, I'll go to the homes and the people are alcoholics, and the idea of the family has gotten together. They're gonna say, Okay, you go to rehab or you're out. We cut you off. That's how the meeting goes and everybody's prepared, everybody has the letters written. It's a very emotional scene and Bob has been through this a thousand times. You go to the person's house and Bob will say, Okay, do you have any booze in the house? And the person, he says, inevitably will always say absolutely not. And he says, okay, I'm gonna search the house. He finds it buried inside of toilets. The way people will the lengths and frankly cleverness in some regards. If they would use it towards more positive aspects of life, they'd be doing well. You know that. You know the back of the toilet you lifted up, they stick the booze in there. Who's ever gonna open that up? He says, you will find it in places that you never They will create holes in the wall and make it so perfect that you would never notice with the naked eye. But he finds it. It's just insane, So we do have to fix it. Anyway. I've got all the other news of the day. We got investigative there. There is such a negligence in terms of our justice system. We'll get to the battle between the Attorney General Sessions and of course the President. That's tongue going. Michelle Malcolm's checking in today. Luke Rosiac has an incredible investigative report. We have the other news of the day. Eight nine one, Shaun is a number. You want to be a part of the program, all right, as we roll along, Sean Hannity Show, eight nine one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Uh, we have an update about Senator Grassley and the probe into possible collusion and this matters, especially as it relates to between Hillary's campaign and Russia. Now it's a I know that that's not what you read every day. I know that's not what the the destroyed Trump media says to you every day. Anyway, the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles grass Lely has launched an investigation that could potentially expose collusion between Clinton's presidential campaign in Russia. Now, specifically, what Grassley is doing here is now seeking information on Russian sources that provided dirt on then candidate Donald Trump to Christopher Steele. Remember that Hillary all paid for. This is the guy, the British spy. I thought foreign nationals weren't supposed to be involved in our politics and our elections anyway. So the Daily Caller puts out today Chuck Ross is the author of this that Grassly sent letters to the State and Homeland Security Departments yesterday seeking the visa records of this guy, olag uh Derris Baca, an aluminium aluminium magnet with links to Russian Premier and President Vladimir Putin. The committee has been examining relationships between Christopher Steele and others who may have provided information or participated in the creation of his dossier, and grass Lely sent letters in February to a lobby is named Adam Waldman and Paul Howser, London based attorney who represents this guy, asking about their connections to Christopher Steele. Now, grass Ly also asked whether this guy ever hired Steele. Now, this is an interesting line of question. He must know something anyway. In his letters, Grassley is asking you know what he knows when he knew it, and the implications of a connection between the two would be massive and significant because of steals thirty five page report, which remains unverified and relies on information from unnamed Russian sources. So when his letter, Grassly is asking the Secretary of State Rex Tiller's in and the Department of Homeland Security chief for this guy's visa records, which finally makes sense. You know, there there is so much. This is what's frustrating. If you read the New York Times today, they basically convict Jared Kushner of nothing to do with Trump Russia collusion at all. But they convict him of some type of loan that he took out on one of his properties, and they make it the most corrupt. But then they at the end they'll say, yeah, but we are we are not able to verify, we are not fully able to confirm. We don't know, but we just said we knew everything. And the media is so corrupt in this country. It is so abusively biased. And they've been after this man even before the election and ever since he's been elected. Now they want to undo the election, basically undo the vote of the American people. It's sickning a right. As we roll along twenty five till the top of the hour one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, Gladial with us. You know, um so Chuck Todd over at NBC, he's telling the White House because whole Picks had mentioned, well, I might have told white lies about the president. And again, she's testifying before a House committee on Intelligence. You're sworn to uphold the truth. And so she said, yeah, I've I've told white lies. Now let me ask Linda. This is an important question. Um, This is how I view a white lie. Um. One day, I come into work and I'm wearing something hideous and uh, maybe instead of a typical black shirt, maybe it's a different shirt that's like green with rainbows on it and and flowers, and you're looking at me or whatever it is or stripes, and you think it's hideous looking. Now, are you gonna tell me? And you're you always claim to be the most honest person, Are you gonna actually tell me that it looks hideous? Are you gonna say, well, it looks nice. I would always tell you it looks hideous? All right, you. I can name five specific instances where you have told lies, so don't please name them. I look forward to, Okay, treat about that you're lying now, but the lie absolutely not. All right, there's no point, Sunshine. I'll ask you, because you're gonna be You're gonna be you, And this I think you look great every day no matter what. Okay, even if I look hideous, You're not gonna tell me I look hideous, right, And if you look like a beast? Okay. So if Donald Trump says to a reporter, oh, he'd really like to do the interview with you, but he's you know, he's he's got a lot of requests backed up and he's not going to be able to do it. Um knowing that the President doesn't want anything to do with this reporter because of the way the reporter has been corrupted biased, that that, to me is the white lie. And I'm sure Hope Pix probably on occasion said exactly that that is what a white lie is. Have you ever told a white lie, as we call it whatever, a white lie? Yeah, No, I don't think I tell you. I think no, I actually think you do. And you you don't want to admit it because you've got you've got to present this image of you, which is I'm the only one that will ever tell you the truth. There's a couple so privately Linda, Linda tells me that treat no way that dog makes of privately. Perhaps that's the word we should be talking about, not white lie tells me privately that Treat the dog is never gonna make it through training. And then one day we're on the air. That's not what I said. And then one day we're on the air and I'm saying, Linda, do you think Treat that the dog that's being prepared to help you know, military vets, And it's it's one of these dogs that that Lauren and our heart is training. But you have to give up the dog. And you tell me, no way the dog ever passes. And then you say, oh no, I absolutely think Treat has a great opportunity to pass. I think she's gonna do it. That's what you said to me. That is called a white lie. It's not a real lie. But you proclaim that I'm the only one that will ever told the whole truth, the budge of truth. I tell it straight, man, I'm the one I got. I'm never gonna be ever, ever, ever in any way not tell you that Reasonally, I may not tell people that they don't look good in something. Occasionally I may say something because I don't want people to you know, hear me saying something that could maybe offend them. But on serious issues, I always tell the truth. So on the bottom that is not true, by the way, and you know it. But I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna break the privacy code already not gonna. No, I didn't break it because I could break done. It's broken. I could take a vase and chattered across the room and it would be, you know, pretty blunt force, which you say you love, but you really don't because you have a heart and you don't want to tell Jonathan that he really needs to trim his cheered a little bit. Actually, you know what, It's funny. I was talking to Jonathan earlier. Jonathan's in the studio, Jonathan hanging out with us today is going to be on a little bit. But you know, this is a true story. Jonathan just asked me a question, a very personal question. What was it about his appearance? And did you what did you say that? And I gave him blunt force, trauma truth and what did you say to him? I you know, I said, yeah, right, oh god, Okay, So we're gonna we're gonna do a poll. We'll do it on handy dot com. We'll take a picture and we'll post it. Since I'm going to talk about this anyway. But Jonathan has hair right now on his head, which he doesn't normally have. He normally is you know this bald. Let me let me be more blunt honest with you. Jonathan looks like crap today. I don't know what you've done to yourself today. I mean, you've got this sweatshk up, what time did you wake up today? You look like you rolled out of bed. No, I mean that's what I'm writing another book, so I'm not sleeping when I start writing. No Sheep No More has done so well. I'm not surprised. I mean that book has killed it and good for you. But Jonathan has a sweatshirt on. But it's one of these sweatshirts where like it's so open on the neck that it actually shows his full shoulders are because he's a beast. He's got a thick neck because he's a Navy seal. Okay, he doesn't ever trim his beard, which is makes him look scary. And this is not the point of the story. First of all, you hijacked the entire narrative. I need to reclaim my time and my story. The point is is that Jonathan asked me a question about his appearance, and I could tell that he wanted the answer to be I of the way your hair looks. But I told him the truth. I said, I like you bold and Lauren, And Lauren said what she said she would do well, she said she loved the hair. I really do, though, Lauren is let me tell you something, Lauren is never ever going to tell you the truth that she thinks think about the way you used to drop in her that terrible you looked. But you gotta tell him the gist of how we broke the tie. Well, you don't even like my golf shirts, so now I wear like those on Tucket shirts. First of all, Boost of all, you had like three shirts in rotation for five days. Inappropriate. Let's start there. It's not inappropriate because they gets cleaned every day. I go home shirts and rotation. Blaiir is also in the studio today, and Blair does a lot of our computer work. And and Blair we call him Sleepy Beauty because when you ever you need him for an emergency to get something up on the website, he's never available. See now this is when we should go into definitions of exaggeration, because that happens one time, one time, Sunshine, Stop lying. That's another No, it was one time. Okay, you gotta call it a white line because you and I both know it's not true. So when he's missing an action, I go where the heck is Blair? And she goes, no, no, no, he's that's a white lie because that's not what you said. No, you said no, that's not the language you used at all. That's a big old white lie, big white lie, not a white lie. Because I'm I'm within FC, within FCC. But Blair was missing in action when we needed him, and you go to cover for him, like for example, I'll say, I'll give you another example of your white lives is wonderful. I'll give you anough. So I will say, when somebody messes up on the program, which doesn't really happen, not off, I'll say, Okay, who did it? Was it Lauren? Was it Sleeping Beauty? Was it Jason? Was it Ethan? And I'll ask you and you won't tell me said no, no, no, And then you'll say it's my fault. Unlike Scott. When I take responsibility for my team, okay, that's admirable. But then when I go in and I say, who did it, and you say to me, oh, it's it's all my fault. I did it. You're lying, and you're lying to protect your are my crew, your crew over there, you know, as if as if they're gonna get yelled at by me, which never happened. Never happened, that's correct. They just get called out on their sleeping beauty. That's that's not at all. Listen, Blair's the greatest computer guy I ever met. But God help you if you need him in an emergency, he's sleeping. And God forbid if you call his cell phone, he's not picking up because he needs the rest for all the work you're going to give him during the day. I don't listen. That's a really critical element of the story that you're leaving out. What time did the did the action occur here of the day when you needed us? What time was it? Tell us? I think ten o'clock at night? Oh, ten o'clock? Really is that what I was? No? I think you're wrong. You think I'm wrong. I actually know you're wrong. But what time is that? I don't remember. It was twelve fifteen in the morning. I remember I was on a plane. I remember that parts. I remember I was on a plane and uh oh yeah, I will give Ethan was out cold to he was gone. He was sleeping. Beauty number two Lauren, she's just slow poke. It took her two hours, but the rallied. I fell asleep, but I will all right. Then she's like, hello, do you need me? Um? Like, but you up to your credit. You're always up. I'm always up and I'm always on duty. No you're not really, Oh my god, Okay you serious? You just have insults for the whole scene today. No, I'm not insulting anybody. Uh but really, you're not insulting anyone. I'm insulting anyone. That a white lie, I don't think I am. That's the truth. That's not an insult because you believe it. Wait a minute, why can't we all just admit a simple truth that we all tell white lies. I think don't tell white lies. I know you do, So you know nothing. I know what I know, and you know what you know. When you say that you're telling a full on lie because you know you tell white lies. You believe what you want to believe. It's just a little truth that you tell white lies. And just stop. What else though you're above telling a white lie. First of all, I am not honest. Why do you have to lie about? Why do you have to lie about I'm not lying about it. You have to believe it doesn't make it true. Did you or did you not tell me privately? The treat is never gonna make it? Okay? My point? And then you came on air and you said, absolutely, I believe treat's gonna make it. That was a white lie. I think I think we need clarity on the issue. In my heart of heart. Watch, by the way, is like she's speaking like a Democrat. This is like Bill Clinton. It all depends what is duty? Then I'm a Democrat. Now I'm a white liar. Is there anything else we need to check off the list today? Well, if you remember I gave you recently a test at two thirty in the morning. Was the test if you were up? Okay? Did I not do that? Yeah? A test? What is it? But if you said it because urgent, I didn't say urgent urgent, that's right, so it wasn't. I said, are you up? Because you always say you never sleep? I was testing. But there's a caveat to that because my little guy was in my arms and the light is very bright on the phone. That's another lie you just told. No, it's not because if you were up, you would have texted me. No, I couldn't because he was sleeping. To your credit, I don't want to make it a big deal, because to your credit, your big deal at all. You're available pretty much seven and you're no sleeping beauty or sleeping beauty too. I love how it's the two guys that are missing in action now. Jason, God love him. He just doesn't have anything to do with the computer side of everything except for running, you know, all the engineering side of it. So I'm wondering. I didn't try Jason, but I bet you Jason would have been up because he probably was still a coyote. But he never answers his phone, so you can't text him. If I wrote hime, no, he would write me back. He's always written me back, whatever the truth. He's he's slow to text back. Kay. Yeah, I'm I'm a little slow, But for me, I'm awakened. If you saw my email, you'd immediately respond. If it's you, Yeah, you'd respond, would respond. You would never exactly, and I'd leave it. I'd try to leave everybody alone on weekends. I usually say to you, what, enjoy your weekend, have fun. I'll be testing you ato. I did that one time because you were saying I never sleep well. I don't. I wasn't a blah blah. How many times does this I that's another never. It's an amazing fact that with our audience, who's you know, excuse me, we want to tell everybody to hold tru This was when my Twitter account was quote compromised, a k A hacked and like, I don't know how to fix this garbage. I'm like, okay, this is you know, and you know this is the funny. I don't know. I don't have no idea how to fix this. I don't even tweet hardly any and I asked. I asked everybody to send the tweet for me, because you all hate the way I tweet and you don't like it when I get in big fights with people. Everyone know, stop stop stop stop stop? You know why are you wasting your time on this, nobody? I'm like, because I'm enjoying myself. Um I actually, but the problem is when I tweeted a real lot, it was like another job and I don't have time for another job. I want to do this job well, which I apparently did not do in this particular half hour because I've been distracted by my team. Well, the only point I'm making is, you know, when Chuck Todd is out there suggesting to and this bothers me because every woman in the Trump administration, and I wrote you a long piece about this yesterday, every woman around Donald Trump, his daughter, his wife, Hope Picks, anybody that has been and as even as a eleven year old kid is fair game to this corrupt media. Hope Picks has been there from the beginning. I was there when it was Trump, Hope and Corey Lewandowski, and that was the whole team for the most part. And they were the ones that traveled with him. They were the ones that were with him, and Keith, his bodyguard, was usually around for most of that time as well. And I saw how hard they work. I know how many hours they put in and in all honestly, it's comparable to what all of you do every day. And I applaud all of you, even sleeping beauty. Um, I listen, the lesson has learned. Just you gotta have a phone next to you that can wake you up, that's all I need. It will happen once a year, not I hope we don't get hacked four hundred times a year. But there's been so many attempted hackings on us. I mean, it's ridiculous. And all of you are in charge of everything now, so it's you know you're responsible. It's not my It's not my deal anymore now, staying in later, if I write him at three in the morning, he's gonna be out cold too. It's you notice it's the guys on this team sleeping beauty Blair, sleeping beauty Ethan And where are you going to be at two o'clock on a weekend night. You have never reached me and I have not gotten right back to you. That's in how many years have we worked together? Twenty six years together. I think that's probably true. But on this occasion it was really late at night, and I know you're older now and you've got two kids, and you're back in the day. Stanger would be up at seven o'clock in the morning from the night before. You actually texted me one time at six am on a Sunday, and I happened to be up because my kid was sick, and you said, I answered your question, and then and then you said, what are you doing away? I have a sick hit. Listen. Everybody wonders why they get text emails at three in the morning, two in the morning, six in the morning for me, And I'm like, because I sleep in spurts. I get a little sleep and then I get up, I work, and then I do a little sleep and get up and work. And why am I even talking about this? All right, We're gonna get focused here when we get back Michelle, Malcolm is gonna be with us one Shawn. But the bottom line is everybody tells white lies. And if they say, then not don't tell white lies. They're actually full online. That's my contention, all right. Not going to disclose the video at this time, and we may never disclose the video, depending on the prosecution and the criminal case. Well, what I saw was a deputy arrive at the west side of Building twelve take up a position, and he never went in. I didn't even release it, right, look at the video one week after the shooting. You hadn't looked at the video yet. I looked at the video as soon as our investigators. Uh, it wasn't my job to look at the video seeing red flag after red flag after red flag, warning after warning after warning. They hear that your office didn't even initiate a report when they got a call saying that this guy could be a school shooter in the making. How could there not even be a report on this one? Well, if if that's accurate, Jake, there were there. There needed to be a report, and that's what we're looking into. That a report needed to be completed. It needed to be forwarded to our either Homeland Security or or violent Crimes unit, and they would have followed up from your notes from released by your office. I'm not I'm not making this up. This is from Broward. No, and that's and that's what that the The officer who handled that is on restrictive duty and we are as an active internal investigation and we are looking into it. I can't tell you. I can't predict how an investigation is going, but we have I've exercised my due diligence. I've led this county proudly as I always had. We we have restricted that deputy as we look into it. You know, uh, you know, the their deputies make mistakes. Police officers make mistakes. We all make mistakes, but it's not the responsibility of the general or the president. If you have a desert, you'll look into this. We're looking into this aggressively, and uh, we'll we'll take care of an injustice will be served, all right, one shot. If you want to be a part of the program, that of course is Scott Israel and you know some of the more amazing things this guy keeps going out there. Oh, I'm not responsible for what my deputies do, and I didn't bother looking at the tape, but I've done an amazing job. If you just look at me and you know it's not my fault when deputies fail, I'm like, I've given amazing leadership. I would have been the first person in Well, now we're discovering that in fact, it was all about protocol that was being filed because it never made sense. And in fact, Coral Springs police officers went in and meanwhile, Broward Sheriff's the one guy that was actually working had a vest on, any had a concealed carry, and he was there and he stayed outside, and then the E m T s were told to stay outside, and three other Broward County deputies. They didn't go inside. It's just you can't fathom this. Now they don't even want to release the tape, according to the sheriff. Anyway, joining us now is Michelle Malkin, always glad to have her. She hosts, of course, the award winning TV series on CRTV, and apparently the Hollywood International Independent Film Awards announced that one of your episodes about the fishing wars and about commercial fishing industry on a top award. Um I am shocked because usually, you know, we don't win awards, especially with anything to do with Hollywood. How did that happen? They made a big mistake. What did they not know who it was? They definitely didn't get the message. But um, yeah, we're thrilled about it. And you would love this story too, because these are the forgotten men and women that you have devoted so much of your attention and energy to. These guys love you. I was out in Stonington, Connecticut and Providence, Rhode Island, and these are third and fourth generation family fisher people who are suffering under the boot of big government, trying to get their story out. So we're just excited that we can help them do that. You know, you've been a strong advocate. You're watching as I'm watching everything that's going on as it relates to this particular uh, you know, Sheriff, and I'm thinking that this is not the police that I know, This isn't the FBI. I know, missing two huge, you know, basically take out a billboard. I want to be a professional, professional school shooter. Oh and by the way, phone call tip, he's gonna blow up a school and shoot up a school and they didn't do anything. And thirty nine times they've been to this kid's house, but they don't report it every time. Oh why because it might impact the finances that they get in the school district. Yeah, that's right. I mean these aren't just red flags, uh as you're suggesting. These were Neon Broadway A sized signs that were ignored deliberately. I mean, this is this by design and not by accident. And in large part it's because of UH the Chicago crony edgecrats that have infested so many of these school districts. Robert Runzi, who is the school superintendent, who worked with Sheriff Israel on these restorative justice policies that UH intended to erase any kind of law enforcement records simply because there were racial disparities that they couldn't accept, and so they didn't want to record that a disproportionate number of black students and Latino students were being referred, so they don't refer anybody. It's that bureaucratic agenda of no records, no problem. Well, what it would lead to the deaths of seventeen inocent, innocent teachers and students are river of blood and all of these unanswered questions. And you know you've you played the clip there of Jake Capper, and in large part I blame him and his sect network for jumping to conclusions about what happened there. Imagine that they had done all of this shoe leather reporting before they decided to make a big public Democrat talking points gun grabbing convention out of it. I think that they're now trying to overcompensate. And I've mentioned this lawsuit that they and two other media outlets are um part of now to dislodge the surveillance videos that are being held under our lock and key UM and those surveillance videos could be released tomorrow. I think it's a farce. Why don't we have surveillance video. Well what's the point listen. I First of all, it should go to law enforcement. But when the sheriff says we may never release it, um, excuse me. Those are our surveillance videos. We paid for them, just like you know dash cam videos. They just should be a matter of course release it. If you have to hold it back for legal purposes in the interim, okay, so as soon as we can legally do so, we will do it. But well, now it'll go before a district judge who will review the videos in camera. And to the extent that anything needs to be redacted because of confidentiality, for concerns or ongoing criminal investigation, then the judge should do that. But release those portions, uh, that are subject to the Open Records Act. And here you see the collusion between the school district and the Sheriff's department. They said that they confiscated the videos as part of their investigation, and then the school district says, oh, well, it's out of our hands because we gave it over. Well, they should have maintained a copy as a requirement of the Open Records Act, and then they could have have had the option to release it, but they're trying to hide behind the sheriff's skirts and cover their own tracks too. All right, let me move on because I want to get your thoughts on the VIA abuses, the battle between the president and the Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Um if the Attorney General was going to in fact recuse himself the minuity got into office, why did he accept that job number one, number or two? Now that we in fact no, And I'm interested in the i G report. I hope it comes out sooner rather than later. I think we should get a lot of information. And I will say that Harowitz seems to be going a lot further than the Attorney General's office unless the the d o J are doing things that we don't know about. But it's taken an awfully long time, and it makes me think that things are not being done. But I just wanna I think this is a simple, basic, fundamental case. If you're lying to fis a court judges for the purpose of getting a warrant on a not only an American citizen, but an opposition party candidate in a presidential election year, and you don't tell the judges well the first time, the initial application and three subsequent applications or renewals, if you don't tell the judge that the opposition party candidate paid for it, and you don't tell the judge that it wasn't verified, and you actually go out of your way to create the sense that there was you know, two separate its sources corroborating a story, but it's really one source. You know. That seems to me that something is really a miss, because that would be shredding the Constitution and shredding our Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure. Absolutely, I mean, we are in a grave crisis here and um, so many of these agencies credibility have have been completely shot. Let me say this. I followed a lot of Inspector General Michael Horowitz's work under the Obama administration, and he is no Obama lackey. This is somebody who publicly challenged Obama stonewalling on Fast and Furious and the I R. S Investigation, who called out, um, the Obama's evasion of uh cooperation with the Independent Inspector General for you know, almost the entire eight years that Obama was in office, um, and I have been a champion of the Inspector is in general in Washington for the last two decades under both the Bush and Obama administrations. I have no doubt that when that report comes out, that it will be serious, that it would be comprehensive, and that we will know that all of these months that we've been laboring to to find out whether anything was happening. UM, that in fact, that that this investigation has been ongoing. And I think that some people may be misinterpreting um sessions answer yesterday that people seem to think meant that they were only getting started on an investigation into these five abuses. Now, I think if we read between the lines up and especially if we look at all of the information that has been disclosed today, I mean this. I think that that the investigation not only has been ongoing, but it has been wide in its scope. Explain to me your thoughts on how the media, without evidence, has has been able to keep a narrative alive for a year. Um and if there is evidence of Trump Russia collusion, now you get we're now getting a leak a day from the Special Counsel's office. They they now have They're now using their willing accomplices in the media. Uh. Every single day to leak something that is either old or something they've not been able to corroborate, to create the impression that any second now that Donald Trump is is gonna be, you know, accused of colluding with Vladimir Putin, that he knew about Julian Osangi and Wiki leaks and and knew that that was all coming out and colluded to release that information. And there's no evidence of any of it. But the media, breathlessly, hysterically has now been reporting it for almost twenty months. Yes, and that is the stubborn tower of the Beltway press echo chamber and the muscle that the Fourth of State has wielded almost without challenge for so long. But I think the good news is that they're not nearly as as powerful as they think they are. And I think the success of your show, not just the ratings, but your ability to get the real truth out and by extension that the manifestation of people's hunger to get the truth out um should give us, uh, you know, cause for not celebration, but at least relief. You know, for all of these years you've always told people, let let not your heart be troubled. And I feel that as much turmoil as uh the news media, the news trolls, who are worse than any Russian trolls out there in sowing the seeds of division in this country, are not going to succeed. Look at what the New York Times is doing. If you read the New York Times on Jared Kushner today, you would expect that Jared and the irony of all ironies. Ken Starr said, this is such an overreach by Robert Muller, and he's right, but but you would think that was the issue, nothing to do with Russia at all, but everything to create every possible impression of of quid pro que financial dealings with Jared Kushner that you would think he's guilty. And it seems in this environment that even a mere mentioned by any news media, regardless of their media bias, that it's it's guilt the minute they just say it might have happened, right. And that is the manufacturing of all of these squirrels. I call them distract distraction squirrels, um. And you know, these these news hounds create these squirrels to try and distract the public um from the basic fact that their thesis from the from day one of the Trump administration, and even before that has been completely sabotaged. There is no truth to it, and they'll keep repeating it over and over again, and they'll keep digging and digging, and they'll keep digging in their heels. And I have to say, I think this is a concern about prost probably among a lot of people, about why they don't want to appoint a second special counsel, because if you are going to give them all those prosecutorial powers, we're gonna end up with molar two point out. All right, we'll take a break, we'll come back. We'll talk about the Attorney General and the president. They're back and forth yesterday Michelle Malcolm award winning show on CRTV. Now, congratulations again, quick break. Hey. One of the best things about refinancing your student loans at try Sophie dot com when you go to the website is, of course, all the money you're gonna save on average over twenty two thou dollars over the course of your loan. And that means, Okay, go buy a new car or put the money down for a down payment for a house. Now, refinancing with try Sophie dot com atill lower your student loan interest rate. 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So you have it back and forth with Jeff Sessions yesterday, and I just want to get your your take on it. I don't like to see fighting within the family. Certainly, it's almost like mom, Dad, stop fighting. UM. There there are a lot of people who have the hope that this is part of the four D chess game, that what they're doing is sort of luring the left into uh siding with Sessions and and Horrowitz and then you know, when the results of that Inspector General's report come out, they'll be you know, boxed in. UM. I I hope so UM. But what we do have here I don't think is necessarily a I mean, the obvious read on it from from mainstream media that's taking glee in it is that this is an adversarial and hostile relationship. But you know, I go back and look at how Jeff Sessions was one of the earliest backers um of Donald Trump, you know, faced the wrath of so many of the establishment A Republican senators. And if the contrast is here between um, you know, the relationship between between Trump and the Attorney General versus the lackey that Eric Holder was um doing everything to pervert the Department of Justice and make it a tool of a left wing president who had no respect for the Constitution. Maybe that's what we're going through here all right, Michelle Malcolm, love having you as always, Thanks for being with us, and uh congratulations again on the award for your show CRTV. Now till the top of the hour and the second, we're gonna be joined here by Luke Rosia, investigative reporter for The Daily Caller. We're gonna talk a lot about his news story about the FBI, the d o J, their actions in the house hacking case, which are even more indefensible than the and in the other cases that we know about. And you know how the inexplicable lack of charges tells us everything you need to know about how deep state the deep state really is and the power they have. UM. Now, if you watch and have you been following those of you on the ship what we do on this show, well, you know that Luke Rosiac has been we've been covering this now for a year with him as he's been breaking this news. You got a well respected i G saying that based on the indisputable server logs, the Pakistani's remember hacked Congress's data and there were numerous other frightening red flags and prosecutors never charged them without the FBI even looking into it enough to disprove it, and the FBI put a first year agent on the case who followed a suspect to the airport, found an illegal amount of cash on her, let her board the flight anyway, and file papers saying well, she's gone for good. And then six months later, no one can explain how the lack of hacking charges can be justified given the amount of facts. But we'll hear more about Trump and Russia. Don't worry about that. And remember this includes the imron A Juan and he stole the server containing the evidence after they were caught, and the d o J never even charged things that the FBI actually brought to them, And Debbie Wasserman Schultz has fought to keep prosecutors from bringing charges and her brother, remember, works as an assistant U S attorney in the same office that's actually handling the case. Now. One of the code defendants said that she's being controlled by m wan Iran uh Iran. Well, this guy imron A wan is his name uh via death threats and prosecutors never mentioned the fact that she's obviously under durest uh nor trying to flip her. And Jeff Sessions, why isn't he acted here and there's there's irrefutable evidence in this case and it's arming national security. Let's go back at our archives and listen to Debbie Wasserman Schultz threatening the that Capitol Police officers, remember he had the laptop. And then Debbie Wasserman Schultz, you know, regarding her im rona one saying well, he did the right thing. Okay, he was overcharging in people that had no I T. Skills were being paid massive amounts of money. And then she talks about you know, the staffer was says that that she fired him after only after he was arrested, and she says she kept im run Iran around because of concerns that he was being ethnical, ethnically and racially profiled. Let's play those under my understanding, the Capital Police is not able to confiscate member's equipment when the member is not under investigation. It is their equipment and it's supposed to be returned. Well, I think there's stanuating circumstances in this case. And I think I think that you know, working through my counsel and you know, the necessary personnel if if that in facts the case and with the permission of through the investigation and will return the equipment. But until that's accomplished, I can't try to equipment. I think you're violating the rules when you when you conduct your business that way, and to expect that there would be consequences. Not only I believe that I did the right thing, and I would do it again because, as I said at the beginning of this conversation, there are times when you can't be afraid to stand alone and you have to stand up for what's right. And you know, even in the phase you have to there are times you have to spend a little capital to do what's right. Like I said, the easier thing to to to do for me would have been to just fire him. Obviously, I was the person who's had the most political challenges in the last year, so it would have been much easier for me to just cut and loose and say, you know, I'm gonna look out for my guest interests and better than stand up for what I believe in. But I have to be able to look at myself in the mirror every day and uh, I'm if there's one thing I'm going to make sure that I uh, that I maintain is my intechrity. Well he's not my stafford. He no longer works for me, and when he was arrested, I terminated him. I kept him on the payroll during the time that he was not arrested and not charged with anything, and that was because, as I said, that I was concerned about the violation of his due process rights and also that there were racial and ethnic profiling concerns as well. I have maintained that it was important and will continue to maintain that when someone's due process rights are are potentially being violated, that I'm going to stand up and make sure that that that people's rights are protected in this country. That's the oath that I swore to uphold, when I swore to uphold the Constitution, And when he was arrested and do process was established, then I terminated him, all right. Joining us now, investigative reporter Luke Rosiak is with us. You know, you've done an amazing amount of work in the last year, and it's beyond shocking that there's no indictment, seemingly no movement, and we keep literally spinning our wheels on the same topics every day, and despite all the evidence that we bring forward, well, absolutely nobody and I don't understand it. Now you've got the President and Jeff Sessions that are and you know, attacking each other because they're both sick and tired of each other. Yeah, exactly so. And it's real to be talking about this with you today because it's been exactly almost of the day a year since we've been talking about m ran Lan and what we've learned in the in the months since then about the FBI and the d o J in general, we've seen how time and again they've had evidence things about things like Hillary Clinton sending classified information on private servers. They have the evidence, and they don't bring any charges, and that's been the pattern that's been so clearly emerging. But I think this case is the most damning of all of them, and I think that Jeff Sessions is going to have to ask answer a lot of questions if they don't end up bringing charges. These guys are going to be in court next week on Thursday, and right now there's still They've just charged them with minor things involving wiring hundreds of thousands of dollars over to Pakistan, and they acknowledge in court papers that they say they were doing that to escapes the under the underlying investigation. They knew we were already onto them for the house stuff, and they were trying to flee. Okay, well, where are the charges for the house stuff? Because they have the the investigation from the i G. And so in these other failings of the FBI, and and there's so many of them, there's the failed The political failings is probably the wrong word because when you see them not bringing charges against Democrats, it kind of seems like it's not necessarily uh like like it might be intentional. But then you also have the bungled things like when the school shootings and they don't follow up on the tips. But with this is like the House Inspector General spent six months a team of government cybersecurity experts built this case on these guys, and it indicated strong suspicion that these guys could be foreign spies, They could be blackmailing members with their data, they could be selling info. The investigation uses words like insider threat and necesarious. And this is happening at the same time that we're constantly hearing from Democrats and others about cybersecurity is the biggest threat. We're being hacked for in meddling. This was totally consistent with all those things, and they give it to the FBI and they literally put a first year agent on the case. I mean, just one guy and he's just kind of rooting around. I mean I think if him round and one would have pulled out to joint and smokes in marijuana, just sessions would have sick more uh agents on and then they did in this case. It's let's go over if we can all the evidence that and all the stories that you've now broken in a year because you know, we've been so busy obviously focused on on FIS abuses, Hillary's email uranium one. Um. Uh, the special counsel that the double standard, no equal justice under the law, dual application of laws, that this actually goes by the wayside, and it's a massive scandal, and we have all the evidence. I want to just want you to bring everybody up to speed. Well, um, what the i G found is that they're you know, impersonating members of Congress, They're moving data off the House network, and my reporting found that they were operating these side businesses, one of which took a hundred thousand dollars from this fugitive tied to Hezbollah, They're moving huge amounts of money around their family. Members say that they would sell their own family for a penny. They do anything for money. So people really think that they were blackmailing members or selling this data. And really, you know, there's been there's so much there. But what I think, what I want to focus on today is the way that the d o J and the FBI responded to this. I mean, they followed them to the airport, they let her leave, and you know this information that I've reported, I've done fifty stories on these guys. Let me let me go back a little bit further so we can give a little more background for our audience, because listen, I'm following all of those every day and I forget details. And you know, you've done such a good job exposing this case. But remember, so m Ronawan actually is the I T guy for Debbie Wasserman, Schultz and a number of the Democrats. And let's let's pick it up from there. And and literally ended at the point where he not only the airport where they let this woman get away, but also when he leaves a note for law enforcement with Debbie Wasson and Schultz laptop. Explain, right, So the the uh I G finds that he's doing all this really bad stuff on the house network, and they banned him from the computers. Um. But he comes into the office anyway after he's been banned, and he takes Debbie wasser and schultz is hard computer and leaves it in a phone booth at midnight after he's been banned from But explain, we we have people he's double billing. He's hiring family members, if I recall correctly, one worked at a fast food place, another work to something involved in the sale of automobiles. And if they really had the I T experience that they getting paid a lot of money for I mean the equivalent in some cases of what the chief of staff of any congressman or woman would get, which is a lot of money in Washington. And literally they don't have the qualifications. And they were caught double billing, and Debbie wassup and Chultz kept him on and he still had access to the computers. And there we believe that there was top secret, secret and special Access program classified information on these computers, don't we uh you know, I I don't know about class fined information. But it's stuff that members of Congress you can blackmail them with, you can sell it to I s I, things like that in Chelton, Paxstani Intelligence. So there's a couple different things going on here. It seemed like they're probably ghost employees and they're getting paid seven million dollars over the last they've been getting They got the whole family on the pay roll, like you said, one of them were actually working at McDonald's. There no shown employees by by a lot of different pieces of evidence, and uh so there's the component of that, that kind of fraud, and then equipment is going missing. But really the most concerning one is the is the data stuff. And you know, some of the investigators are like, honestly, when we saw the data stuff, I mean, honestly, it doesn't even matter if they still ten million dollars. This is frightening stuff. But what we didn't see as a commensurate response from law enforcement. And some months go by and they're just kind of nibbling around the edges. I go down to court and I find out that they're in they're suing their own family, their families suing them. They're in court, were constantly being accused of fraud by different people suing other people. I find that this guy has two different wines under Islamic law in Virginia, and both of them called the police on and blood and they were found bloodied. One of them said she was being kept kept like a slave. And this is stuff that's going on in suburban Virginia by some of the houses, the highest the highest paid staffers in the house. And so looking at these court papers involving this woman who says she's being kept as a slave, I find that he's using a secret email address one to three at mail dot house dot gov. I traced that back to Andre Carson. Uh, why isn't this That's the question here, And I don't think we have time to go by the way more about this. Isn't it likely Debbie Wasserman Schultz is complex sit in this. Yes. The reason so this has occurred, the lack of proper response under the g J has occurred primarily this year under Jeff Sessions. And the reason that they haven't done anything is because Debbie Wasserman Schultz has used her power to pressure them. So you hear you have Jeff Sessions he doesn't want to. Uh when when you know, Trump is encouraging him to do things. He says, oh, that would be inappropriate for me to respond. But when the Democrats are pressuring the d o j um, Wasserman Schultz is still manipulating the d o J on this and that is why they haven't charged him despite the evidence that they have. Isa stay right there, We're gonna come back. Investigative reporter with The Daily Caller Luke Rosiak is with us. Hey, if you believe in the Second Amendment like I do, and you're a responsible gun owner like I am, and you need to be responsible. Look, if you're looking for the perfect handgun for self defense these days that you know, the day and age of home invasion, the day and age where you know people literally shot in their cars. And as we continue, Investigative reporter Luke Roseac is with The Daily Caller and we're talking about his his brand new column out today. So let me go to the headline of your story. You know, why did the FBI well in this particular case in the d G Why why are they acting the way they're acting So the d n C and the Democrats still seem to have this hold on the FBI. Uh and they've manipulated them so much. I mean, let's go back to the election. You've got Washerman Choltz in charge of the DNC, and you've got her manipulating the FBI into starting this investigation into Trump by feeding the FBI this dacier that the d n c s paid for. At the same time, the d n C IS half their emails are released and they start saying, well, foreign meddling and hacking, these are the worst things in the world. The sky is falling, But the FBI can't see the server of the d n C UM. So what people didn't really know until recently is around the same time the I G at the House came out with this report indicating that Wasserman Schultz, his own Pakistani born I T guy, seem to have done just that there was numerous indications that he was doing hacking and potentially foreign meddling, potentially having connections to foreign governments, and so Wassonan Schultz instead of saying, well, geez, we got to treat this just as seriously as we have with all the other cyber breaches. Uh, she starts meddling with the dj again, this time in the opposite direction. Making sure they don't pursue it. So we heard that that audio clip where she's threatening the police chief with consequences. Yeah, you apprehend the woman at the airport, you let her go, get out. She's suspected of hacking Congress uh A one and his family members, you know, logging into servers of of congressmen and women, uh people they don't work with. Unbelievable And where does it go and who's paying them? All right, great work, I gotta tell you, Luke Roziac. We'll stay on it where you seem. Eventually, hopefully one day the Department of Justice FBI gets their act together. This is the most corrupt I've ever seen it. All right, when we come back, Jonathan Gilham, Daniel McLaughlin. Only other news of the day that we haven't had time to get to. And you're calling straight ahead eight nine one, Shawn are told Pree telephone number one of the things that we've heard. And I don't know if this is true or not. I can hope you can shed some light on it is that there might have been a stand down order somebody on the radio telling Broward deputies not to enter the school until a swat team arrived. What can you tell us about that. I can't tell you anything about that. I haven't heard that. As I said, we feverishly had dissecting. It's a voluminous investigation. There was wall, the killer was on campus with this horrific killing. Uh, there was one deputy, one armed person within the proximity of that school, and that was Peterson. Everything else is fluid and uh, as I said, we will get to the truth. But right now, people could have conjecture, people could act on rumors and people have You know, everybody has the right to their own opinion, but nobody has the right to their own set of facts. Yeah, nobody has their right to their own set of facts. Now we know there was a stand down order, which makes sense. What have I've been saying? I never, in my entire life ever heard of a police officer that was armed and had a vest on that would take a position outside and not go in. And then on top of that, it made no sense that three other cops didn't go in as well. But the Coral Springs, which is the local community, those cops came and raced it, and then the Broward County Sheriff. Then what they tell in the e M T s. They can't go in and people literally seconds matter when you're bleeding out after a shooting and you can save lives. It never made sense. I've never known any police officer that would ever act that way, never mind four But it appears it was protocol. It appears that that's what they were told to do. And on top of every other ridiculous thing that's sure of, Scott Israel has said, oh, I may never release the video of the school shooting. No, you gotta release the video. Let's see what happened. Let's see what so we can prevent it from ever happening again. And you know, he doesn't look at the video for over a week say oh, that's not my job. Oh, it's not my fault when my deputies fail. And you know, I've given amazing leadership as the Broward County Sheriff, but I would have been the first person in unbelievable anyway, News round up, information overload, glad you're with us eight nine for one. Shawn, Jonathan Gillham, Danielle McLaughlin are here with us. Uh, Jonathan, I you know, it never made sense. It never made sense, And I'm thinking, all right, maybe one cop just was he wasn't part of the ninety nine point nine percent. But for no way, there's there was no way in hell four cops would stay outside when they know there's an active shooter of students inside. No way. You know, in the my book Sheep No More Art of Awareness and Tax Revival, you wrote the forward to it. I put in there, uh, some history, past history of failures, and I included in their Columbine which is the the attack by Clibolton Harris to students who did not use a R fift and uh and all the mistakes that they made that were repeated in Orlando. Did that many years later. Columbines set something emotion called active shooter response, and all law enforcement is trained in that. But something's going on down in Florida. When you look at the response of what happened in San Bernardino with with the terrorists, that was effective response, timely and effective. What happened in Orlando, and now what happened here with this sheriff. I have to think because in both of these locations the politics are so leftist. Well did you see that? No, Look when the Corals Springs police Captain or sheriff. I'm not sure who was. I don't know. You know, it's a it's a least apartments part. When they came out with their statement that our guys went in, we want the community to know we got there and we did our job and we were the first in. And that's not a higher that's not an elected official. No. See, there's the difference a police department. There's a difference. Okay, now here's a simple question, Danielle. You're in any municipal building, God forbid, uh, there's an active shooter. Would you feel better if you knew that there were trained retired police officers, trained retired military that had concealed carry and that we're on the premises there as it's going on, especially knowing that the average shooting in a case like this is over and under three minutes. Hid Hi, Jonathan, Great to be with you again. Look, I actually do agree. I think that we have uh people have crossed to defend us in case of trouble. Not no, no, So you want you want the retireed armed military, retired armed police on site if God forbid, you're in a building with an active shooter. I think we need to look at this not only in a municipal building, and I no, no, I'm not asking if we should look at it. I'm asking, if your God forbid ever in in a municipal building and there's an active shooter, would you rather have armed, trained, retired military police officers right there on site? As it's absolutely okay. That was a simple question. Now you can go on with your other statements. No, in all I mean was to say that I actually think that we do need to look at hardening these schools. I love Jonathan's approach, which is looking at these schools from the attackers approached. And I know obviously that's a lot of what your book deals with. Jonathan. I had grave concerns about putting teachers in the line of fire by arming them. That's a whole other conversation which I'm not in support of. But we have people who are trained, even police officers, when they are facebook gunfire. The numbers aren't great in terms of being shot or being injured. The FBI did it in a survey between two thousand and It's not without its risks, but we need to do something about this gun violence epidemic, and I think it needs to be multifaceted. But I'm not an agree. I'm not in disagreement that it shouldn't be something forget about the gun debate, which is I've been arguing from the beginning, is it's this happens, It's predictable. Although President Trump is is trying to find a middle ground. I don't agree with every one of his proposals, but he's obviously trying to find a middle ground. But here's my point to you. So the idea that we would do a full security threat assessment of every school in America and that we would control the perimeter in terms of entry points at least you know, maybe it's two or three people outside walking around the outside of the school, that we have an I D system that nobody gets in the school unless you have a proper I D. You go through a metal detector. Every school floor has concealed carry retired military police. Um, would that be a good idea to prevent and help in case of something happening. Wouldn't that go a long way to stopping this, Danielle, I think it has to be a part of the solution. But here's my concern. If we do this to schools, this is a very reactive response. Wait a minute, since of shooting incidents occur in no gun zones, but what happens in movie theaters, what happens in more what happens not only schools. Are we going to overly militarize our community so that everywhere you go is you feel like you're in prison, Like there has to be a way of dealing with this without tuning us into our own prisoners, of our own security. That's the argument, And I went on. One thing I do want to say is I'm finding that more and more liberals are coming on board with the reality that we have to secure stuff rather than just start messing with the constitution. But here's one thing that I want Danielle and all the other liberals to understand is that and not just liberals, but anybody out there, that we're not militarizing. See that's you don't look at the airport is being mill terrize. You look at the airport is being heavily secured. Um, even that needs to be rethought somewhat. But if we had the schools where we had a controlled perimeter, you're not gonna be walking on there saying this is like walking you know, being a part of the military. It's not what you're gonna you're gonna say. I mean, when you go to a federal building, you know, you you work in courthouses, you don't feel like it's militarized. You feel like it's controlled. And that's the thing that we need to do is set up these systems to control who comes in, and who comes and and who's around the facility so that we can stop an attacker before they ever get in. And that's that's not what's being talked about. I gotta say, from my point of view of what the president is talking about, um for the first time, I think in his short career so far, he's now a politician. He's now looking at things from a political standpoint, and that is going to be the downfall of this is that he's not talking about security. He's talking about Well, he talked this first point yesterday was about security as very first point you've been how loss and it's also the second point was about mental health, and then he talked about getting everybody together in one bill shifted. Well, yeah, I mean, listen, I think that the president is trying to be reactive and and one of the hallmarks of You know, one of the things that I think he wants to do differently is that he wants to get actually get things done, and that means concessions that I would not give into. Um, But I do believe that people that are mentally unfit have should have no access to a gun. And and in this case, we missed every sign and symptom. All right, let me move on to another topic here. So there's a feud with the Trump administration and California. It's like all out warfare now over the issue of immigration. Of course, we know it's a sanctuary state. And we also know that we have an Oakland mayor that actually went out and warned the illegal immigrants of looming sweeps out there, leading Homeland Securities Deportation Chief to accuse her of endangering her city and his officers. So they're actually you have an Oakland mayor aiding and abetting what is the law, whether you like the law, don't like the law. He's tipping off and literally acting as an accomplice in law breaking, and and by tipping people off, doesn't that create a danger for law enforcement? Daniel, how don't you take this in first? Oh? Yes, thank you, so much. You know what, I actually don't think that somebody in political offices should be doing this. There are plenty of immigration groups, public interest groups, people who help people who are trying to find a path here, and there is plenty of warnings that go out across communities believing that happens. I I know about this. Actually don't think that the mayor should be getting involved in this particular thing. But I do think that sanctuary cities form have a purpose. They have they have you know, they have power and authority over their own laws. And what they're doing actually is an example of federalism, which tends to be something that Republicans really get behind, which is states get to do what they want to do unless there's a power, you know, articulated in the institution that the federal government has. And so I'll be very like honest with you. Normally liberals don't like federalism. They want more power in the federal government. But right here, what ICE is doing is trying to get states to do things that they are not legally required to do. And that's why we have this pinction between the federal government on one side and the cities and states on the other. All right, take a break, we'll come back. Jonathan got off the hokey dodged and duck like I've never seen him dodging be prosecuted. That's if you look at the facts that are already in the public domain, they're pretty damning. Starting with what we know about George Papadopolis, one of the few foreign policy advisers to the campaign. We now know that Papadopolis was approached by the Russians and told back in April of the election year, even before the Clinton campaign knew that the Russians had stolen Clinton and d n C emails, And we also know that they previewed their dissemination, the anonymous dissemination of those emails with Papadopolis back in April. Now, it was only weeks later that the Russians made a second approach to the Trump campaign, this time at the highest levels at Tump Trump Tower um in a meeting that they previewed by saying that they wanted to offer incriminating information about Hillary enough for Mueller to bring charges. Because if it isn't enough for Muller to bring charges, what does that mean? Well, what do it means that charges? And this is this is a very important question, um, and that is what's Mueller's job and what's our job. Bob Mueller will make the decision whether there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt to in indict and convict people. It is not his responsibility to tell the country what happened, and indeed, there's no guarantee that the country will ever learn what Bob Mueller finds. Apart from an indictment. It's the job of the converse to tell the American people what happened, whether it reaches the standard beyond a reasonable doubt or we merely find clear and convincing evidence of collusion. So it's important, I think that we set out the facts for the public. Set out the facts about what the Russians told Papadopolis, about what the Russians did in setting up that meeting in Trump Tower. Now bear in mind that meeting a Trump Tower, which takes place after the campaign has alerted the Russians have these emails. All right, let me move on, all right, So that's Adam Schiff. Papadopoulos was approached by Russians and told the Russians stole the d n C emails. I'm not believing his four way hearsay. And then of course Shiff Don Jr. Meeting with the Russians a Trump tower looks like allusion to me. How about paying for a Russian dossier full of Russian government lies? That looks like collusion to me? Jonathan Gilham, are you gonna punt this one? Are you gonna stick with Daniel McLaughlin and uh and and take it on. No, Listen, anytime I can talk bad about Adam Schiff, I'll talk about him because I have never he is the quintessential uh corrupt politician. This guy. I mean, nothing that he says is fact base. It's all ideological, left based. And when he I don't even know why he's on that committee because he doesn't do anything but obstruct uh, real things from being done. And uh, it's caused a huge problem and trying to identify how corrupt Mueller and this investigation actually is because he's constantly egging um, the rest of the people that are trying to do what's right in this committee. Um, he's constantly getting in the way of that. And I have a real problem. That's not what we hire politicians to do. We hired them to go up there and manage the country, and in this case, he just like the the mayor that we were talking about from Oakland before we went to break. You know, he's obstructing justice, all right, Danielle, how do you argue with that? Look? I think the problem here is Steven Nooness. I think that the all of the nonsense with the Republican Majority report coming out ten days before the Democrats, the Democrats could get a rebottle out there. It's really problematic, especially at a time where social media, you know, ten days is a lifetime in terms of trying to Rebut some of the claims that were made. That memo was full of emissions, and as you will know, when you, you you know, swear to tell the truth, you tell the whole truth, and a lie can be a live omission. The Democratic memo, I think was very clear on its use of the dossier and the extent to which there are many other things that corroborated some of the information in the dossier to support the Fiser warrants. So I don't actually have excuse me. If you look at the Grassly Graham memo, the bulk of the application was that they the phony Clinton bought and paid for Dossie that they never told the Fiser judge about. But I gotta leave it there. Thank you both. One Sewn Tolfrey telephone number. Your calls are next an amazing Hannity. I'll tell you about it straight ahead of nine Eastern Tonight Information download Sean Hannity and the breaking news you might have missed today. Shahn's Insider Information Hannity is on right now with Shaun Hannity Show. Shan challenged me to see if I could do at least ten reps of two hundred and thirty pounds bench pressing. So I believe he said I would get five dollars for doing that, so I'm able to collect my money. So let's do this. First off of me show you that the weight is indeed on two hundred and thirty pounds right there. The weight is a hundred and fifteen pounds on each side. So I will do at least ten reps, and I think, just to show off, I'll do at least fifteen, maybe twenty. So that's it, twenty one reps of two hundred and thirty pounds. I should get a good grand for that effort, and I'll take my money in small bills. Thank you very much. I'm counting four, six, eight five. Uh, Jason, can you walk in the studio and Ethan you take over, you take over the board, and I will show this on the air now, the entire video. I didn't believe it. I didn't think that he could. I didn't believe that he'd be able to do two thirty ten reps. But you know what, I'm proud of him, all right now, wait, hang on one second, because this is important, alright. Twenty w forties sixty eight one, sixty eight, two, six eighty three, twenty four six eighty five. Oh, I almost gave you an extra one. There you go, but you did here take the extra one. There you gotta. By the way, that was pretty awesome. I'm actually very proud of you. And because you haven't been working out a lot, so I figured you might be getting soft on us. That's pretty awesome. We're proud of you. No, you gotta talk into a microphone. It's radio for crying out loud. Yes, I hate to become Doughey like you've become the last year. Really does this look Doughey? Thanks a lot. I don't feel Doughey. There you go. Well, you're not doing anymore. You just gave it like a dough away. I gave all my door away. Um, I'm proud. I'm really proud of empty pockets, Hannity. You know everybody thinks that if I challenge somebody, like, for example, I don't think you could do twenty five push ups on the tape today, could you know? I could not know? But you could run? What's that silly bike program that you're a part of? This Pillowton? What's Pillowton that you actually peloton? Is this like ER's dream? Okay? So you you go on the bike and you have a video when you actually take a course and you try and keep up with people strangers. Do you get thousands and thousands of people all over You can't see each other at the same time, right, can you see them? Now? I can see people in the class, but I can't see people. Cycling at home is always a live class, or you can do live classes any time of the day. You can do on demand classes. You can go for a scenic ride, which I did the other day with Liam. He sat on the handlebars and we took a scenic ride through to Liam didn't sit on the handlebars for longer than twenty seconds, because for a good minute, it was impressive. That was so a minute workout. I mean that's a record. And how long do you usually ride that silly bike? For? You ride that bike for an hour and it's like an intense what do you called spin class? Yeah, I've burned like a thousand calories. That's crazy. It's awesome. Now, Sunshine, have you ever seen your sister do this or what? No? I haven't, but I am familiar with the program. Oh you do it too? No, no, no, I don't do that, but I know it's a good workout. People love it. And Ethan, do you do any workout at all? Chop? Would do you? Really? Yeah? Last time, Baby James, she was chopping wood and his back was out for a month. I don't know if that's the best exercise. It's it's actually a very good exercise. I mean that's basically what CrossFit. CrossFit they have the people take the sledge hammers and slam the tires like they're chopping wood, but they don't actually get anything done. Let me just say to Jason. The entire video of Jason lifting is up on Hannity dot com. I think we just took up video because I see sleeping Beauty is here taking videos of the show. He's actually very fit. To know he used to do marathons. Well, what do you call the bigger? He's a triath triathlon? He's a triathlete. Alright. Put Blair on the microphone. So you did triathlons? Describe what a triathlon is? What did you? Iron man? What is it? What is the iron man? What do you gotta do? What is an iron man? You gotta explain it? This is radio. What's wrong with you people? It's a two point four miles swim, hundred twelve mile bike and then a marathon two miles. Say it again, two point four swim? All right? If anyone does that alone, you're dead. Go ahead. Twelve my on bike. I could do that more easier than anything. How long does that take? Takes me? About five hours and fifteen minutes. And how long does it take you to do the swim? About fifty six minutes? Okay, and then twenty then you do a full on marathon after that, and how many hours total do you get it done? It? Um? The best I've ever done is nine hours and fifty two minutes of NonStop exercise. What do you feel like the next day? Death? Death's and when you train for it, you can't actually train and actually do a full iron man, right, No, you just do a lot of biking, lot of running, a lot of like and do you still do this? Is that maybe why you're always sick and in the hospital because you're breaking everything, but you're pushing your body over. Listen, I'm not disagreeing, but you better be careful. They're handsome because you know, uh, she saved your sleeping beauty. And if I start talking about that story, you're not gonna like it. All right, But let me just say publicly to Jason rock Star, very impressive. I'm very proud of you. I didn't even think about you following up because I didn't think you were gonna follow up. And not only that, instead of ten, how many times did you do the reps? How many reps did you actually get in? And all that? I ended up doing twenty one so that bench presses for the record. We all said he could do it. You were the only one who did not have anything. Well. I wanted to see if he could because he gives me such a hard time A tremendous failure. You didn't think I do the video. You didn't think I know. I didn't know. I didn't. It's not I think a lot of you. I think I think a lot of you as a person, But I did. But you. I think what's really funny is that he did it. Can you finish? I think? What can you finish? I can time claiming my time? If anybody knew, No Sean, they know that's his famous line, Can I finish? Can I finish? But in all seriousness, I think it's really funny is that the money that he used. You know, how he earned this money? He's going to spend it all on beer and things that are going to be bigger, which is actually really funny. What do you do? Do you know what you're gonna spend it on? Do you have? Have you been talking about it in there while I'm actually working. No, I'm not sure yet. I just got it all right? Well, I pay well, I pay my listen, do I pay my debts? I made a bet. I lost the bet, and then and then some and then I'm proud and I'm saying publicly, I'm really proud of you, and I think it's amazing that you you did that. Congratulations, Well, thank you very much. And I'm not going to be where you think I'm going to be this weekend, so so the money isn't going to be where you usually are on the weekend. Coyote leaves those small bills for next weekend. Where you going next weekend? Back to Coyote Ugly? Obviously it's always a return this weekend. I'm off from there. What do you mean you're off from there? Why do you take off from a weekend of your usual place? What is that all about? The updating the polls? Oh, the way, that's cold, it's closed. For those that never saw the movie Coyote Ugly, it is a real bar with two locations in New York, and that's where, for whatever reason, Jason hangs out, which is why Jason is not married, because that's not the one you're gonna go. That's not the place you're gonna go if you wanted to get married. First of all, even the way, there's no naked there's no naked people in there can go there if you're married. Every weekend, every weekend, really every weekend, you have a very good selection of beer. Okay, every weekend. I just say, hell no ahe two? Oh, I remember the moment the marriage vows. I'm pretty darn best edition. The best edition of the Devil went down to Georgia. In the History of Mankind is on that bar in that movie. Um, but that's so. Now that you have an extra five hundred bucks, why wouldn't you go to the usual hangout? I want to know plans this weekend that you don't include the bar? Oh you have plans? This is? You have a date this weekend? Yes? Really? How long you've been dating her? Oh? No, no, no, no? Yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah we picked her up on the bar last week? Did you meet her at the bar? Really? See? I told you well, I said, that's not where you would usually go if you wanted to usually that's if you wanted to get a girlfriend that we want to be where you meet? Am I right? That's not the place you'd go to find a girlfriend. Usually, if you wanted to find a real, steady, steady, serious girlfriend, you wouldn't go there first off? Right, probably not, thank you? You probably don't check me. Listen, I'm not saying anything about the people to go there. All I'm saying is it wouldn't be the place you go if you want. But see now, your soul mate, he's going to stay married because they met there. So when he says, but honey, I met you there, Let's go together. This is a couple that will stay together forever. Okay, it's a great spin on your part. It's it's a great great Yeah. The commonality of of coyote ugly is really gonna work into your seventies. I can see that happening. Are together, stays together exactly. In all seriousness, I'm very proud of you. You did a great job on the video. Everybody can see it. We put it up on Hannity dot com and Blair came in to watch me pay the money and I counted it out. All right, Let's go back to our phones. Oh, Nikki is in Austin, Texas. NICKI, Hi, how are you? Glad? You called? Hi? Sean, first time color, Thank you, welcome aboard, Thank you. I I wanted to call and and add my voice to the Black Rifle Company coffee. Um I would I just did my third online order yesterday and I turned on the radio and they were on the radio with you, and I wanted to say that The reason I initially ordered coffee from them is because I wanted to support their endeavor and the best coffee right exactly. The reason I continue and have have suggested that other people try it is this really good coffee. It's good, strong coffee, which you can't make a strong cup of coffee on a curing ever. I only like dark, strong roast as a matter of fact, the strongest possible roast ever. Anyway, thanks Nikki, we appreciate it. Uh. Let's say hi to Melissa Sarasota, Florida. What's up, Melissa? How are you? I'm Gray Seahn. How are you. I'm good, Thank you, wonderful. I'm calling because I am a guardian and item in the state of Florida, which is a court appointed child advocate, and I don't see anybody connecting the dots with If you look at the fatherless home increased by decade, okay since the seventies, and compare that to the mass shooting in schools increased by decade, it is almost identical. And that is the root of the problem. It breaks down the nuclear family. I sit in family court every week and it's just absolutely horrendous. What's what's going on it really is. Listen, I gotta tell you something that that what we have seen is no doubt about it. And I give this family that took this kid in all the credit in the world. I don't know this. Nobody ever knows what's really going on in some some inside somebody's home. They can speculate all you want. And when I heard the parents say that they had no idea, I of course you believe them. The only thing I might have taken issue with is that the firearms can't be available to any kid. Um I could tell you, and you know, in my house with my Liberty safe, I could tell you where my firearms are, and you're never gonna get to them, you'll, honestly unless you bring like dynamite and blow up the safe. And I don't even think you could blow it up. And I'm just using that as an example. That's how secure you want to keep firearms. And you know, there is this natural curiosity sometimes the kids have as it relates to firearms, and and that's the scary part. And I'm not uging them. I'm not saying they made a mistake. I'm just saying that we've got to understand if especially if the kid got kicked out of school and the kid couldn't bring him backpack to school, and you know the cops with the thirty nine times, I don't think I would have let that kid have a gun, that's my thinking. And he was going to get psychiatric help. So yeah, every every single level in this case, the ball was dropped. It's and it's so sad because it's so preventable. Would there have been a warrant of five the warrant granted without the inclusion of the steel downcier, I think uh. And the only testament we have on this is that it was a part of the complete whole of the application, and all the parts were important. So I don't know that I can answer that except to say I think it was important. I'll also say this, though there's been a lot made about the fact that some of the steel reporting at the time it was included was uncorroborated. That's true of almost every warrant application. If search warrant applications and criminal wiretap applications and FISA court applications could only rely on things that were proven and verified, you'd have very few of them. All Right. That's gonna wrap things up to today. Let me tell you everything we've got going on tonight on Hannity. All right, so nine Eastern, the great One, Mark Levin rare appearance, He joins us tonight. Sarah Carter, Tommy Laren, and Dan Mongino. Ryans previous also joins us. Look, we've got stories on the Florida shooting. Ken Starr is now saying Mueller has gone way beyond his mandate. We have literally no evidence of collusion. While all this is happening. Putin is out there, you know, taunting America, saying, oh, my nukes can beat yours. Then we've got an Oakland mayor that's out there literally saying uh hey, by the way, immigration is coming and literally putting harm's way people in harm's way. So we'll get to that, and we are going to go after the media in a massive way tonight and so much more so. Say you DVR Hannity tonight on the Fox News channel nine eastern. We hope you'll join us and we'll see it tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow