Legalized Infanticide

Published Jan 30, 2019, 11:00 PM

Jon Speed, owns “Jon Speed: The Book Scout,” a book store in Syracuse, New York, and he is taking a stand against New York Governor Cuomo’s victory regarding late term abortions into 9 months, which he titled the Reproductive Health Act or RHA. Now California and Virginia are attempting to do the same thing, with House Dems proposed legislation to provide abortions up to just seconds before birth. Check out Jon's website!

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All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code topper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep. You ever had you mentioned a Podesta You were talking specifically about one Podesta, were you not? And I was actually the attorney correct, No, I was talking about both Podesta brothers, because on July thirty first, Peter Schweitzer wrote a devastating monograph called from Russia with Money about John and Tony making millions from the oligarchs around putin in aluminum, in a uranium, in gas, in banking. And then on the fourteenth of August, Breitbart published another story by Schweitzer tying Tony Podesta to the same Ukrainian political party as Paul Menaphord. So I said the Podesta's time in the barrel would come. What I was saying was I intended to get that information on a background basis to a number of reporters. Any other narrative about what happened there is false, And there was no controversy about my tweet for six weeks until it is alleged that Stone was foreshadowing Podesta's emails being stolen. Let me be clear, I never knew the source of the content of any allegedly act or allegedly stolen emails. That is a lie. I believe I will be vindicated. It's funny to watch pre Bahara and CNN say this is a slam dunk, calls me a liar. Here's a guy who a federal judge lashed for lying in the William Walton case. You're the liar, pre So, and then watching reporters jump to conclusions Tucker and say, oh, well, the Trump campaign official who directed Stone to find out about WikiLeaks was Donald Trump. No, it was not all right. That was Roger Stone, who has been speaking out after what happened what five days ago, and that is that in the pre dawn hours of January twenty fifth, seventeen vehicles, including armored tactical trucks, and twenty seven heavily armed well agents, federal agents dressed in swat gear, surrounded his home, drew their weapons, pounded on his door. A guy that's not charged with a violent crime, not a drug kingpin, not even a flight risk, doesn't have a passport. They could have looked up if he has a gun. He does not. Instead, he's indicted on processing violations. Again, our friend Andy McCarthy, Fox News contributor and a calumnist for the National Review, who has been amazing on all of this from the get go. You know, he had an interesting take on this. Now, remember he's the former United States Attorney for the prestigious Southern District of New York, and he was responsible for the prosecution and successful prosecution of the Blind Shake. He's written extensively on the Muller probe and the search for collusion, and now the indictment of Roger Stone. And he joins us, now, how are you, sir, I'm doing I'm good. Um, Look, this happens. We have a whole list of people that I've been talking about on television, one after another, that we know lied to Congress, that we know led under oath one of the charges in this particular indictment. It's weird how we never see Eric Calder, Clapper Brennan, or Lois Lerner or Hillary Clinton. They never get pre dawn raids with armored vehicles and swat teams. But Mantaphar got it, Roger Stone got it, and Michael Khne got it. So what is going on here? Is this not overkilling? Your view? Oh, it's totally overkill, Sean. And I think I've been as loud a complainer, well, maybe not as loud as you but almost as loud as anyone on the fact that nobody who is objective put everybody's politics aside. Who looked at the Hillary Clinton emails investigation and looked at the so called Trump Russia investigation, nobody who looked at those objectively could say the same quality of justice was accorded to each side. And the only explanation for that is politics. I think this is a very politicized investigation. It's got there are a lot of the regularities, and the only sensible explanation I can gather from it is that the people who were in power when Hillary was being investigated favored her side, and they scorched the earth to try to make a case on Trump. The irony of all of it is there was Russian interference. And by the way, people like Devin Nuness were out there warning everybody in twenty fourteen that the Russians would try to disrupt in some way are elections. They've done it before. You know, I never understood how we don't at some point look internally here. You know, if guys like Julian Assang can hack into NASA and the Department of Defense when they're sixteen years old and it's forty years later and we're still getting hacked into. By the way, Wiki leagues claims they didn't do it. They got the information, to be clear, but you know, we don't have defenses at this point. Is is mind boggling to me. This is you know, top secret information. Yes, it is Sean And you have to hope that the that our defense Department, in our intelligence people do a lot of work that we don't see to try to protect us. But the point I'd make politically is that Russia has been whether it was as the Soviet Union or the current regime, Russia has been interfering in politics in the United States and in politics in the West for as long as you know, going back to the Bolsheviks, probably, And yeah, at some point this isn't a shame on us, not shame on you. We should be protecting ourselves. Yeah, of course we should. But the point I would make is that it was a trifle, and Obama treated it as a trifle this time around until Trump won, and then he did a one eighty and ordered the intelligence community to put out four of the intelligence agencies to put out a report that would ordinarily have taken over a year to do the way the government works. Obama wanted the report put out while he was still president so that he could publicize it. The report not only made a bigger deal than Obama certainly had made about the Russian interference that he knew about during the election, they made sure to say in there that they thought that Putin wanted Trump to win. When I think anybody who knows and studies Russia knows that what they were trying to do is so discord in our society. Usually what Russia does is they don't back to the person they want to win, back the people they think are going to lose, because that's the best way to sow chaos and dissent in a society. But they did this for political reasons because after Clinton lost, they had to come to grips with an explanation for why she's lost, and this is what they came up with. But the thing is is that the very people that were involved, and Komy said under oath by the way, that he did not write an exoneration before, and we learned later that in fact he had again that would be lying the same things that other people get in trouble for. So we don't have equal justice under the law. But they were writing an exoneration in May before they interviewed Hillary or anybody else on the violation of the Espiona Jack the top secret classified information that was on the server in the mom and pop shop bathroom closet. But those same people that were responsible for the interview and the exoneration, Peter Struck in particular out there saying, oh, Hillary should win one hundred million to zero. And then we just learned that the dossier, the Russian lies that were propagated to the American people, that she paid for, well, then the basis of a Phiser warrant. And now we know, according to Bruce Or's testimony that everybody in the DOJ and the FBI all were warned by bruce Or that Steel hates Donald Trump, that Hillary paid for it. None of it's verified, but they used it as the basis for Phiser warrants. Now, why are any of these people in trouble? Why is it always just one direction? Why if they're interested in Russia collusion, why didn't they investigate the dirty dossier or the uranium one deal. Well, Sean, I hope they are investigating it. I mean, you'd really have to put those questions to the current Justice Department. I know why the last Justice Department did what it did. Haven't quite figured out what the current Justice Department is up to. But I think you're quite right. There are a lot of the regularities here. We understand the inspector generals looking into it. We were told when Jeff Sessions was Attorney General that he had appointed this guy, John Uber, the US attorney in Utah, to look into all this stuff. I like to think that the reason that we haven't heard much about that investigation is because you shouldn't hear about investigations until the government's ready to charge someone or do something about it. But I must say, it's been two years and we haven't heard of Pete. We don't seem to get anything from Congress in the way of well, we get daily coverage. You yourself have written about the rational for the Trump Russia investigation, that the Trump campaign coordinated with the Kremlin's cyber espionage operation. Now we all know they're bad actors, and Putin is a bad actor, Russia a bad act They're bad actors on the world stage. There's been no evidence, none, right, And you look at these indictments, these process crime indictments, and you gotta ask yourself, what are they doing here? Yeah, Sean, can I just say, I think it's actually worse than that there's no evidence, because if you follow the logic of what Muller has proved, it's not that there's no evidence, it's that it didn't happen. What Muller's theory is, after all this investigation, Russia acted on its own. It didn't want or need help from anybody on the American side, not just Trump, but anybody. Some of the operations predated Trump's entry into the campaign. Some of the operations are actually against Trump, and this latest indictment of Stone shows that the Trump campaign didn't even know what Wiki Leaks had, forget about what Russia had. Their theory is that Russia operated alone and was not in cahoots with the Trump administration, which I think is a fine conclusion because it seems to be consistent with the evidence. But my question is, why haven't they said that. Why have we labored for two years under this cloud of suspicion that the president is a Russian agent when they're operating under an investigative assumption that Russia acted alone. We had the unprecedented move a couple of fridays ago when Muller said the BuzzFeed article isn't true. Wouldn't he at some point want to make the American people aware that we've found no evidence of collusion. The president is not a target, is not in legal jeopardy. Do something to help inform the American people. You know, we see the left, they're like bombing at the mouth at the thought that they can use this to either impeach or get rid of the president. Ordinarily they would tell you that, you know, the government doesn't talk about investigations, but here they did talk about the investigation, and they quite intentionally told the public. In this March seventeenth or March twenty seventeen House Intelligence Committee testimony by then Director Comy, which he said was done with the authorization of the Justice Department, they quite publicly said that they were investigating Russia and that a threat of the investigation was whether the Trump campaign coordinated in Russia's cyber espionage. I think having said that publicly, they owe it to the public to correct that misimpression, because that appears to be what it is. I'd love to think that Muller felt obliged to do that, but I think he really corrected the BuzzFeed story because the way BuzzFeed reported it, it looked like the League was coming out of Muller's own shop. So I don't think he was looking to defend the president. I think he was looking to defend his own investigation. Oh, I understand, But I mean, you know, I watch all this, this big, huge double standard existing here, and what I see are some very powerful individuals in the FBI, the DOJ, the intel community that literally help one candidate avoid what would be certain prosecution for anybody else. So we have a dual justice system. And then when that person buys Russian eyes was supposed to look in a Russian interference, they allow it to be used as a FISA warrant. They lie to the FISA judges, they omit certain information, and they never verify or corroborate. If I did that, what would happen. I'm gonna let you think about that when we get back. If you're in a relationship with that special person, there are a couple of important dates that require roses, you know, birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine's Day is coming, so when you're looking for the biggest, best quality roses, you gotta check out my friends at one eight hundred flowers dot com. 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That was the New York State legislature after they passed this bill that allows abortion, yeah, even into the ninth month, and then we had these events unfolding in Virginia today, and to this very second, I'm still extraordinarily shocked, and it's quite appalling how this is now spreading. I mean, you had this Democratic delegate down and we'll get into this more also in the next hour introducing there and she actually says, oh, yeah, no, you can have an abortion up until dilation. Listen to this. In the third trimester, could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated it would impair the mental health of the woman or physical health? Okay, okay, I'm talking about the mental health. So I mean through the third trimester. The third trimester goes all the way up to forty weeks, okay, but to the end of the third trimester, yep. I don't think we have a limit in the bill. So where it's obvious that a woman is about to give birth, she has physical signs of that she is about to give a birth, would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified she's dilating, Mister chairman, that would be a you know, a decision that the doctor, the physician, and the woman understand that. I'm asking you if your bill allows that, my bill would allow that. Yes, up to dilation. That means the mother's giving birth. That's not We're now out of the realm of abortion. That is a viable, full term child. That's called infanticide. I don't know why this is now spreading like wildfire. That's you know, first New York, now Virginia, now Rhode Island in California. This is now what have I been saying the new radical extreme socialist Democratic Party on every issue, not just this. Why the great cause now to be able to get an abortion in the ninth month. You can have intellectual differences with people over all, right, when life begins, you know, child's not viable in the first trimester. For example, I personally believe life begins at conception. I have friends that disagree. All right, put that aside. That's not what anybody's talking about here. You carry a baby full term and start the birthing process and say, wait a minute, don't I can't handle this emotionally and he backs it up and you can have you can you can literally use and fantaside and a child dies that's fully viable. So John Speed owns John Speed the book Scout. It's a store in Syracuse, New York. And after the New York Legislature and Andrew Cuomo, you know, pass this late term abortion into the ninth month law in New York called the Reproductive Health Act or r h A. You know, as they always they don't say what it really is, it's the Health Act. Anyway, Cuomo was apparently, you know, giddy, and wore pink tie for the occasion thanking advocates. And I was speaking to one of my daughters, and I said, oh, it's the great legislature is gonna pass the Reproductive Health Act. And she said, the Reproductive Health Act. Weren't you supposed to do that like eight years ago? Cuomo told the audience to laughter, and she said, hey, Dad, don't ever give me problem for a deadline again. On Tuesday, and right after they passed the bill, this is what happened in the New York State legislature. They started clapping, all right. So anyway, John Speed closed his bookstore and protest of the signing of this bill plays a sign in the storefront. It read, today is a day of morning in New York State. We will not be collecting sales taxes today for a tyrannical government that murders babies. We will resume regular business tomorrow collecting sales tax under duress. He is a pastor at Christ the King Baptist Church assuming Syracuse. Also he joins us, now, how are you. I'm well, thanks for having me on the show. Let's go to the heart of this. Now. Apparently this is now the big cause for the left in the country. And I don't think it's even about abortion. This is about legalizing infanticide. Well, you know, whenever a woman has an abortion after twenty four weeks, they're essentially giving birth. It's either by c section or natural birth. Even when they're doing an abortion, they are having birth. They're having a birth process, and this baby that they're giving birth to is going to be murdered. That it's no more, no less than that. Well, the child at this point is viable on its own. And when you really think about it, I mean it is the ultimate and innocence if anyone needs protections of government in the sense that you know, at that point, if it's a living human being on its own, to allow this to happen is unconscionable to me. It's gruesome in many ways. Anyway, So you made this statement about New York taxes. What's the result, What has been the consequences and results of your stand What happened. Well, the consequences. We've had a few people in the immediate neighborhood who weren't really happy about us talking about it at all. Um, But other than that, it's been overwhelmingly positive. We've had. I was talking to my wife here a minute ago. I think we're over around six hundred and fifty orders in that neighborhood that's come in for multiple titles. It's just been a incredible Is that Is that a lot for you? Six hundred and fifties a big day? That is uh, you know we might do on a big day. Ten. Wow, what's your what's your website? We can plug away and so people can buy any book from you. Do you find um hard to find books? Yeah? We do out of print hard to find um. Our website is John j o n speedbooks dot com and uh yeah, so they supports been overwhelming. Actually, it's ironic because now we're probably gonna have to shut the store down for two weeks while we fill these orders. We've got volunteers in here that we're training today. No no no, no, no, no no, no, don't stop taking the orders. Just say we'll get to it as quickly as possible. Let me let me help you out as a businessman. That's what we're doing. Don't shut down for two weeks. We're taking all your orders. What's the website again, speed Books? Jo? Yeah, funny because I just I just now that I know you exist. I just bought a whole bunch of Talor Caldwell original hardback novels. I got the whole collection, and I could have just gone to you and you could have gotten it for me. Uh. She happens to be my favorite novelist and over Christen. Yeah. Um well, you know, I don't even know what else to say except that I really have a hard time understanding how this has become the big cause of state after state. We know New York's liberal, California's liberal, but I don't even know anybody that I know, let's pro choice, that supports abortion in the first trimester, that would support this. A few years ago, we did a documentary called Babies Are Murdered Here. I know there's debates about and the baby's viable, but I think it's pretty clear at conception you've got human life. It's not a giraffe. Yeah, it's a it's it's not a goldfish or something. This is human life. And I think when we start to really get a sense that this is really murder, we might actually rise up and do something about it. And I think, well a lot of people think. I mean, there's a lot of hyperbole, especially when there's a Supreme Court opening. You know, if you remember infamously Ted Kennedy going out there, Robert borks America. You know of segregation and back alley abortions. Know, if Rovi Wade were somehow overturned not likely, by the way, whether people want to hear that or not, it would go back to the states and states like you're always going to have states that are having legal abortion. The question is, you know, at what point when the child's viable, At what point do you say you have to make a decision. You can't wait till you're giving birth to saying you know what, I I'm not having a good feeling about this. Um yeah, right, um yeah, and uh really they really there's a time before that and that's when they decide to have sex. Um. Well, there's a lot of choices there too. I mean, if you if you want to prevent pregnancy, um, it's very easy to do, isn't it. Yeah, it's staying. Oh that's the short fire away. But I'm talking about let's there's plenty of birth control. If you decide you're gonna have sex, you can prevent pregnancy, and we should be you know, if you're not ready whatever. But even that said, there is you know, this is not even to me abortion. This is just in fantaside, pure and simple, and how it's become the big cause of the left. I don't know what's happened to this party, but all right, pastor, but listen, I wish you're the best in your bookstore and it's John Speed what is it books dot com? That's correct? Okay, yeah, and we also have end Abortion Now dot com. It's a great resource if people want to get interest involved in that. Okay, thank you. And you know there's other groups out there like Live Action, Lila Rose and you know other people. You know, just search your own conscience on something like this and we'll talk more about at the top of the hour. All right, let's get back to our phones as we say hi to our buddy. Let's see Greg is in Orange County. What's up, Greg? How are you? Jay Sean, I'm a certified financial planner, and I deal with a lot of businesses with medical insurance. I want to start off by saying Obamacare is the most successful government program in history. It was designed to crash the system so they can come and save us with a single pair. That was the goal of the whole time. So this thirty two trillion dollar price tag that they're banning about is a lie because that's assuming that providers and hospitals are going to accept a forty percent pay cut. Well, Kamala Harris, she did pull away pretty quick, but you know it's a real position. I mean she was asked directly, you know, would you get rid of private insurance? Yes? That all that impacts one hundred and seventy five million Americans, And you're right. They kind of destroyed the system to create Medicare for all. Even Michael Bloomberg says you can't afford it, although you know, I think he's thinking about a third party or democratic run himself. The Medicare trustees owned calculations. There's sixty billion a year in fraud and waste currently in Medicare, and you want to add to that. It doesn't make any sense. And the unfunded liability alone is one hundred trillion dollars at unfunded liabilities. So I was they were saying, if they doubled federal tax revenue, it still wouldn't make up the shortfall. It really wouldn't, And so they won't be honest with everybody. We know Harris wants it, Sanders wants it, and all the other crazies. But you know, I mean California, they're trying to do it here. The price tag is one hundred billion the first year, and the total budget that California is one hundred and seventy seven billion. Let me tell you something California's put up. Get healthcare for free. Sign with Gavin Newsom, legal illegal immigrants. You get it for free. It's unbelievable. And by the way, you have to pay for your water after you're thirteen and a half percent income tax hit the highest in the country. All Right, thank you so much, Greg for the call. Appreciate it. When we come back our news round up information over, we're gonna go over this again. Linda is like busting out of her chair. She's so upset about this, and rightly so. I just you know, if somebody did this to a puppy, I go insane nine months during dilation in the birth process. It's I can't conceive it. I really we're losing it. Smoking is not about politics, it's about people. There are thirty four million Americans that smoke. 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Joe has been calling me since my Atlanta days. Good man, Joe, how are you? John? I'm great, great show. Appreciate all you do for Donald Donald Don Trump. He's the best president history in my opinion. And yesterday you were talking about Shultz running as independence. I think that's great. We all ought to encourage him because I think that will give it to Trump, because Shoults will take a lot of the Democrat votes, don't you think? Uh? Probably, But I would expect that you're gonna get one of these never trumpers, you know, Bill Crystal and his friends, and John McCain's supporters and John Kasick. I would expect an independent that thinks they're gonna draw votes from Trump. I have no doubt that's gonna happen. Did you see the story, by the way, Linda, about John Kaysick. He was in first class, he was bumped to, you know, a regular class. He wouldn't leave his seat, and so some lady, for the sake and love a peace, gave up her set because he wouldn't give up his He's an embarrassment. Uh, you know I used to like John Kaysick. I know. Um so my fiftieth birthday party, Billy Cunningham was there. John Rich was there. Case happened to be in town, so we invited him and him and Cunningham nearly got into it because Bill Cunningham is, you know, the biggest radio host by far in Cincinnati, and uh, anyway, he's got so when Trump had happened to Cunningham trying to tell him the truth and he I had to break up what was about to become a fifth fight. Okay, that was funny and you missed it because you want to fight. Well, but here's the thing, John Kasik I wrote him about Donald Trump. I said, hey, do you have a minute. We were friends. I said, can I call you? This is for the election? If he writes back, if it's about Trump, no, I wrote back, Okay, so we're gonna have a superficial relationship. We could say hi, how are you, how's the family, but not really want an honest answer. We can't talk about the forgotten men and women and the thirteen million Americans after Obama on food stamps and the eight million in poverty, or U taking on more debt than every other president before him combined. We just we'll just have one of those superficial relationships. That's what you want. Never wrote me back, Never heard from him again. You know what he's planning on running, Yes, Gart either as if he can't, he'll either primary Trump or he'll run as an independent to hurt Trump, not that I think he will. Well, all right, News round up. We'll get back to this race to allow abortion in the ninth month next stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. You mentioned a Podesta. You were talking specifically about one Podesta, were you not? And correct? You know I was talking about both Podesta brothers because on July thirty first, Peter Schweitzer wrote a devastating monograph called from Russia with Money about John and Tony making millions from the oligarchs around poutin in aluminum, in a uranium, in gas, in banking. And then on the fourteenth of August, Breitbart published another story by Schweitzer tying Tony Podestas to the same Ukrainian political party as Paul metaphords. So I said the Podesta's time in the barrel would come. What I was saying was I intended to get that information on a background basis to a number of reporters. Any other narrative about what happened there is false, And there was no controversy about my tweet for six weeks until it is alleged that Stone was foreshadowing Podesta's emails being stolen. Let me be clear, I never knew the source of the content of any allegedly act or allegedly stolen emails. That is a lie, all right, So gladuate with US News round up information overload hour four days ago, the morning hours pre dawn hours of January twenty fifth, well seventeen vehicles, including armored tactical trucks, rolled into Roger Stone's Fort Lauderdale neighborhood, and two dozen heavily armed federal agents dressed in swat gear, surround his home, draw their weapons, pound on his door, and take him into custody. He's not a drug kingpin, not even charged with any violent crime of any kind. He's not a mafia figure or ruthless gangster. This is not el chopo. He has As we have discussed, this has now become another Robert Mueller process violation. In other words, if you don't have the witch hunt. None of this happens. And we all know there's no Russia collusion. There never has been any at any point. There are real questions here. This has now become the tactics of Andrew Weisman the pitbull, and Robert Muller and in his merry band of Democratic donors and even hiring Hillary Clinton's lawyer. And we went over a list last night of all the Obama people that lied. When is the pre dawn raid gonna happen for Hillary slam dunk case although they put the fix in that would be Struck, and Comey Struck who wanted Hillary thought she should win a hundred million zero Then of course subpoen at emails, deleted computers, hard drive acid wash with bleach bit and them busting up devices. Or when are we going to get to Eric Holder or Cheryl Mills or Brennan or Clapper who will all led under oath or Treasury officials under Obama or any of the other numbers of people. Anyway, Roger Stone is with us now. I got to imagine, I mean, there's been a lot of talk. You thought the last time I interviewed you that you were being targeted that it might happen. Did you expect that to happen this way? No, Sean. I'm represented by attorneys. The Special Council's Office is well aware of that. I'm sixty six years old. Although I support the Second Amendment, I don't own a gun, I don't have a valid passport, I have no previous criminal record. I'm not a flight risk. The court said that when they gave me essentially a bond on my own signature. Uh, this was this was meant to send a a an intimidating signal to to other witnesses. It was meant to intimidate. May twenty nine, swat team, armed FBI agents surrounding my home, wearing night goggles, brandishing assault rifles. I opened the door, facing down the barrel of two guns. I was summarily. By the way, good morning, Roger. We'll just you know, that'll wake up better than any cup of coffee. And I'm not making light of it because it shouldn't happen, not unless, of course, and of course there's a camera crew fifteen feet away from CNN capturing the whole thing for posterity. Yeah, just by accident, by the way, they just happened to figure out. The one day that they that I heard of was the only day. Now you said something last night. Now your wife is sleeping right, Yes, she was just sleeping. My wife is hearing impaired. She was not woken up by this discommotion. I came downstairs. They marched me outside in handcuffs, bare feet, wearing my Rogerstone did nothing wrong t shirt Jim Shortz and they said, who else is in the house? They said my wife. I was afraid that they were going to think she wasn't complying with an order because she can't hear, and shoot her. Did you tell them that I told them that she was hearing impaired. They still went upstairs, pounded on the door. They've scared the daylights out of her. They traumatized my dogs. All of this could have been avoided by simply calling my attorney. The idea that they couldn't do that because I might destroy evidence is absurd. I've been under investigation for two years and they have brought nineteen of my current or former associates before the grand jury or interrogated them by the FBI. If I was going to destroy evidence, which I haven't done, wouldn't I have done it a long time ago. It's an absurd These are the police state tactics of the Gestapo. This is something you'd expect in Nazi Germany or in Soviet Russia, but not here in the United States. But the idea Actuan is to poison the jury pool, to make me look like public enemy number one, for the American people to paint the black hat on me before I'd had a fair trial. If I can get a fair trial in the District of Columbia, and then of course to break me financially. I don't have the funds to hire the lawyers to fight this. They want to do to me what they did to Michael Flynn. Forced me to plead guilty to something I didn't do, which is why I asked people to go to Stone Defense Fund dot com. I urgently helped need help from the supporters of the president and other Americans who are outraged at what's being done to me. You know, I look at what happened to you Manafort, same thing, Cone, the same thing, and you in General Flynn. I mean what we learned that the deputy FBI director tells General Flynn, you don't need a lawyer and Comy braggs that he did to General Flynn and the Trump administration that which he'd never do if it was Obama or Bush's president. There's something really and a three star general and a perjury trap he can't afford a lawyer. They threatened to go after his son. He falls on the sword for that reason. You know, I know that it's probably you know, you're more of your makeup. I've known you for a number of years. I guess to just, you know, say that I'm not gonna suborn, that I'm gonna be able to get me to suborn perjury. You're not gonna lie. But then they threaten you with what, however, many years in jail and you're sixty six years old. That's not I'm looking at. I'm looking at a potential forty five years sentence based on these completely bogus charges. And I know how the indictment reads. But no lawyer, no reasonable individual could understand without seeing all the transcript of the four and a half hours that I voluntarily testified to see how bogus and fabricated these charges are, which is why I pled guilty today in my arraignment. But sitting at the prosecution table, smirking. Jeannie Ray, the personal attorney for Hillary Clinton in the illegal email server case, the email case, and who represented the Clinton Foundation against charges of racketeering. She has been running the investigation into mean, she's been questioning the witnesses before the grand jury about me. Sitting next to her. Aaron Zalinski, former counsel to the State Department under Hillary Clinton. His emails are actually among the emails published by Wicki Lake's clear conflict of interest recommended for his job by Rod Rosenstein, who he served as an assistant US attorney too. By the way, that's a violation to the US attorney apart me. The Justice Department is supposed to be completely independent of the Special Council's Office. So these are partisan hit people there, they are, you know, they are Hillary supporting partisans, and their their goal is quite simple. Silence me, Silence me on the Info Wars platform. Silence me so with a gag order so I can't come on with you, Sean, that's the whole plan. And then crush me financially, which is the worst part. I am gratified that so many people have gone to Stone Defense Fund dot com to help me because my life is now in their hands. We have a precedent setting case that's called the Pentagon Papers. I went on over it on this show in great detail last week, and I've gone over it before. A lot of this case is this indictment against you, which I've read now a couple of times, surrounds your desire to get information about what WikiLeaks might release before the election in twenty sixteen. Now, No, in the Pentagon Papers case, as well as I do well, it was a sixty three Supreme Court ruling at the New York Times Washington Post that they had every right to publish even stolen materials, as long as they weren't part of a conspiracy to steal it or steal it themselves. You're just trying to find out, Like by the way, I think almost everybody in the media was wondering what wiki leaks was going to drop at that time, and at one point you're speculating in one of the emails that it was about the foundation Clinton Foundation, and you weren't right about that, which as oh, you didn't have any coordination of any time, you didn't conspire to steal, and you didn't steal it. So how is this that is correct? In fact, there's also they site an email from doctor Jerry Corsi telling me that the disclosures will come in August in two DOTA releases. That's also incorrect. That turns out to be totally wrong. So it's very clear that I never had advanced notice of the source or the content of the wiki leaks disclosures either stolen or allegedly hacked, that I never received any such materials, that I never passed anything of the kind onto the Trump campaign or Donald Trump. And I'm not sure what about the claim, because they're claiming that you did have contact with and a high ranking Trump official about this whatever information you were getting, but it wasn't anything you were ever able to confirm. Is that correct? I got an email from somebody in the Trump campaign about Osinge's public press conference, and I responded with two things from that morning's media, both of which were public information that Assinge was concerned about his personal security. The Guardian reported that, and that there would be weekly disclosures for every week from October first to the election. Politico had reported that five hours earlier, So again, no inside information. I do think there are some in the Trump campaign who have been pressured to bear false witness against me, and that will be proven at trial. My lawyers look forward to calling Adam Shift to the stand and Eric Swolwell to the stand because I'm entitled if I was accused of lying to the committee, to call committee members and see what they had to say that day and what the Republican members of the committee thought in terms of whether my any error I made before the committee in my testimony involves either intent or materiality. All Right, We're going to take a break more with Roger Stone on the other side. Eight hundred nine for one, Shaan is a toll free telephone number. All right, as we continue Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred nine for one, Shawn is our number. How did they get to this point where now this is the new radical extreme democratic Socialist Party when it's a battle, this is a battle between the you know, the good and the evil. I mean, when you start taking a life at nine months, that's just evil. I don't know, it's not even for me. It's not political, it's not Democrat, it's not a Republican. Listen and I both. I'm sure you have friends like I do that maybe they have a different interpretation in terms of okay, they think in the first trimester it's still not viable. It's growing inside. A person has a right to choose, Sean, I have to be honest here. When I started working for you, you and I used to have debates, and you probably don't remember because you've got a lot of stuff to remember, you know how she always says that there are the little shots behind that, and miss she says, I have an elephant's memory. Or are you getting sensitive on me? Do you need a blanket if you're not feeling up to the day, No, one that had to get you some ice cream the other day because you are having a horrible day. If you remember having a horrible day, I know, but you haven't want an award for me getting ice cream from you? No, Do you want to pat on the back the longer you need to Spec made me try it and had peanut butter and chocolate in it, and you're welcome. It was fat free to make such a difference, but wolf topic, in all seriousness, I was pro choice. At one point when I came to New York and a friend of mine very smartly said to me, Linda, can I ask you a question. I said, sure, have you ever seen said sure, they said have you ever seen an abortion? And I said, oh my god, no, Okay, watch an abortion and then tell me if your pro choice, And I said, you know what, that's a very fair point. So me, being the tough New Yorker than I am, I went and I sat down and I watched an abortion, and I was pro life from that point forward. It is Look, I do believe that people should be more responsible. We can prevent pregnancy, by the way, all it takes is a little care and a desire to be a responsible adult. Remember the priests that was on Hannity and Combs years ago and he said he wouldn't give me communion. Oh yeah, because I said, by the way, he ended up getting a lots of trouble anyway. So I'm talking as guy said, well, people that aren't Catholics, I'd rather they use birth control than have an abortion. That's all I said. I'm a Christian now, I can't support the Catholic Church after all that it's done and all the cover ups. And let me just in ruught for one minute. So if you want to give a woman flowers and you want to take her out. You know, Valentine's Day is coming up. People are going to make all kinds of choices. We want to think about the happiness of love and life. And if you decide you want to create a life, awesome. But let's just be smart people when we make these If you don't want, if you're not ready for a child, you can prepare your salt. Exposing left wing media bias. No stone left unturned. The Sean Hannity Show is back on the air. All right, twenty five now till the top of the hour. We're gonna get to your calls here in a minute. You know, So since the President decided, all right, well they're not going to talk to me, and air travel might be impacted, and TSA workers might go on strike, and we might have a you know, an inconvenience of the American people and the furloughed workers. You know, nobody cares about them. And by the way, we got a great story out today about Nancy Pelosi. You know, she's so busy all the time. You know, Nancy Pelosi now is attending Remember she went on her Hawaii vacation. She wouldn't sit down with the president. She declined his invitations. She and Chuck Schumer, you know, they sent aids to negotiate, supposedly with the Vice president and everybody in the media. Well, Nancy won. What did she win? The President was fighting to stop drugs from coming into the country, stop human trafficking, stop Fenton All and heroin, and keep our borders safe and secure and not allow people that end up killing in US An Americans, you know, the one or two percent that we don't vet the cross that border illegally. By the way, Nancy's going to have a really great time with all the music elite at the Grammys this weekend. We hear that she's among the guests expected at Clive Davis's annual pre Awards Galla, and he's getting officer as high as one hundred thousand dollars per table to attend. Let's see Jamie Fox and Alice Cooper and Mark Anthony and Smokey Robinson. Sound like a fun time. Maybe she could negotiate the wall. So you know, I told everybody, I think I know Donald Trump pretty well. I look at his promises that he's kept, and how he goes down the list, how tenacious he is, and I don't think a train change in strategy and allowing Congress three more weeks to get the job done is an indication he's caved in any way, matter of fact, to bolster my argument that he's going to do it on his own, and I'm i'd bet ninety nine that's my personal opinion. If he doesn't do it on his own, then you know, call me and yell at me in three weeks or two weeks now, whatever it is. Now, the President USA today reporting we now have three migrant caravans heading to the US border, one of which includes over twelve thousand people held bent on entering the United States one way or the other. Now, the President has responded and ordered an additional five thousand troops to the military contingent he's already sent down there. And remember they're putting up a razor wire, some board er, some protection. Now, what if twelve thousand people arrive not at a point of entry, arrive not at a place that is cordoned off, where there's a wall or a barrier. What if they walk over to one of those open areas. And why if they decide that all at once they're gonna come into America? Is that good for them? Is that good for this country? As how do you stop that? Because then the border patrol, you know, what do we do to protect our borders at that point? Because the reports are out, even fake news, CNN finally picked up on it that several bus loads of migrants were dropped off on Highway Too in Mexico, just south of the Arizona border. They walked about one hundred yards, they climbed under and over the vehicle barrier that is the only infrastructure in that area. Agents were called to make the arrest. According to the Tucson Border Patrol Chief Jeffrey Self, In total, two hundred and forty two people, mostly from Guatemala, arrested when Border patrol agents arrived at the scene and they were detected by a mobile surveillance system. Now, what are you going to do here? Now? I think the president sending these additional groups to the border to deal with this caravan threat as an indication. And I'm going to end up being right that the President's going to go his own way, maybe a national emergency, or maybe he just sends the military and so to start building the wall. Yeah, they'll be court challenges, the attempts at injunctions they'll do their judge shopping. But if it becomes a national emergency issue, I got to imagine that you got to expedite the process, and that would then, you know, maybe it takes three, four or five six months. He's not giving up. A new strategy does not mean you're giving up. You know, if you look, for example, there was a Washington Examiner piece, you know, those things you might not hear about in the mainstream media. Border patrol agents arresting a Salvadorian mail crossing illegally from Mexico, and according to Customs and Border Protection, his arrest was in the process. The agents identified him as an active MS thirteen gang member, and they caught a cluster of illegal immigrants shortly after they crossed into the US. They check their records. One of them previously convicted for attempted second degree murder in New York. He had been sentenced to five years confinement, walking right back across. That's not a big deal though, right because we allow him fanticide now, so that makes a lot of sense why we'd let him back in. So you have MS thirteen gang members, an attempted murderer apprehended. It was a great op ed on Fox News by Timothy Ballard, and he says, as a former Department of Homeland Security special agent on the southern border who fought sex trafficking over a decade, I can say with certainty that the issue of the border wall should not should be not about the power in partisan politics. It should be about the children. By the way, there is something called permanent separation. Democrats care about separation, but Nancy Pelosi won't meet with angel moms and dads anyway. He goes on, it should be about the kids and the tens of thousands of them who have been and are being trafficked in the US and forced into the commercial sex trade. That's also part of the crisis that's happening at the border. Human trafficking. It's one of the fastest growing criminal enterprises on the planet, and you have millions of children victims stuck in the clutches of evil. You know it's and he said, I spent twelve years as a special agent undercover operator for Homeland Security investigations in the Child Crimes Child Trafficking Unit. I was stationed there to border in Colexio, California. Based on my extensive experience fighting transnational crime along the southern border. I know that we should absolutely finish building the wall for the sake of children. Not long ago, at thirteen year old girl from Central America, he gives an let's call her this Liliana, hidden that from her village traffic to the US at a location where there's no wall, no barrier. From there, she was taken to New York City, rape by American men thirty to forty times a day. Do you think this guy's lying, I don't. I think he's giving an accurate report, Joshaw. Another thing we should bring up is that the super Bowl is one of the most it's the highest trafficked sex traffic times in the United States is during the Super Bowl. So this weekend on Sunday, we are going to have young girls and boys, some as young as the ages of seven and eight, being raped by people who are buying them during the Super Bowl. Because there's so much happening, so much being brought into the United States for this huge event, millions and millions of dollars being spent on ad time, and people aren't paying attention to the fact that all of these children are being sex trafficked. In fact, our friend Amy Kramer is doing some awareness about it in Atlanta because Atlanta is one of the biggest hubs for sex trafficking. So people should really look into what this all means during the Super Bowl and how they can help. Unbelievable, so sad, and you know again, liberals are all this is happening. At what point do they bear responsibility for not solving the problem? When do they get in trouble for not doing their job? Anyway? Eight hundred nine for one, Shawn is our toll free telephone number. Marshes in Brooklyn, New York, The all New AM seven ten, The Talk of New York. What's going on? Hey, Sean, it's a pleasure to talk to you in an honor. What's going on? I'm a legal currently legal residence here in Brooklyn, New York, and I'm currently going through the process to become a citizen. Good for you, my taxes. I do things the right way, and I think it's very unfair what's happening right now, what the Democrats are doing. So it's you went through what is a difficult process, right, correct, And it took a long time, very long. There's some vetting and all right, I'm going through the vetting process again. Yeah, okay, and then you're here, you're successful, you pay your taxes, you did it legally, and you're a member of our family. Where did you come from? By the way, I came from Trinidad. Well, welcome to our family. It's great to have you. And by the way, and that's the other thing is you know, if you give an amnesty, all it does, you know, it rewards illegal behavior. If we're gonna give out these precious you know what, we can't take the world's population. After world would want to come in one day. But for those people that get the honor of joining our family. You know, if you do illegally, why would reward reward the people that do it right like you did. That's what I say. I just want to add that Trinidad is in proximity to Venezuela. We're one of the closest countries and what's happening there because of what's going on in Venezuela, it's disgusting. They're all coming over drugs. They just kidnapped a few fishermen from my country and they calling for ransoms. It's crazy what's happening. They pouring into our country. It's crazy, you know, every once in a while, like dealing with this whole topic of abortion in the ninth month, and you know this former DHS agent saying, you know, kids are trafficked and rape thirty forty times a day. I mean, they're there's such evil in this world at times. And when I wrote the book Deliver Us from Evil many years ago, I think it was two thousand and four I wrote this book. I remember I did a lot of research for the book, and I just looked at the last hundred years, last century human evil. When you add it up, it's about one hundred million plus human souls murdered, governments, Tyranny, Nazism, fascism, communism, Stalin, Paul pot, the killing fields, Hitler, Mussolini. You know, Tojo's Japan, all innocent I mean human being. It's hard for good people to wrap their good, generally good minds around pure evil. You know, if you could do this to an innocent child and traffic them and destroy them for money, you know, selling them and ruining their souls, or you can sell heroin or fittonal and not think twice about that's evil. Let's say, you know, where is the heart of the left when it comes to this ninth month abortion obsession. Now that they have what it starts in New York, now California, now Rhode Island. It's it's unbelievable. What were you saying in my ear? Oh oh oh yeah. By the way, Andrew Cuomo just spoke out, I was actually just wanting to print. My printer is not working. Oh thank you, but yeah, let's play it. Just apparently Andrew Cuomo just said this earlier. The church cannot remain indifferent to this, and the church must punish such priests, and that includes to support the legal action. There is no other way out of this, because it's a crime. No worse, it's leaving them alive but destroyed. All right. But that's not that these laws are being purposely vague to say, as this delegate in Virginia said, even if a woman's dilating and going through the process and they're very clear about it, and they say, well, and this is the just pay very close attention because the laws that they're advocating for here they are purposely saying health without definition. But a doctor can say, well, at that last minute, she emotionally wasn't ppared for this and she didn't know, she wasn't prepared for this, and that's the difference. All right, back to our phones, Biloxi, Mississippi. George's next, Hey George, how are you? And welcome to the show, big fan. Appreciate you very much. Oh, thank you, sir, Glad you called so like. I have a couple of questions. One is um William Barr. Is he someone that we're gonna be able to count on. Look, people that I know love and trust swear by him. Even Joe de Jenneva loves the guy. What he wrote that we know he wrote, you know what, it makes me feel at least some hope about the guy. Um, I don't know. I don't know him. I don't know. That's my answer. Now. I assume after what happened with Jeff Sessions, we're gonna have a real attorney general. We'll know because if the law starts getting applied equally and we have equal justice and he does his job, then these household names in the Deep State, all these people that lie to Congress, they're gonna get their own little pre dawn raids for lying to Congress, for committing fraud on FISA courts, for destroying evidence and everything else in between, for rigging investigations, for politicals, for people you politically support, etc. So we're gonna find out. I don't know the answer yet, but we'll find out pretty soon. Pretty sure were given immunity on Hillary side. Well, once they're given immunity, I don't think you can take it back. You're right, Cheryl Mills and Uma Aberdeen. That's a great point. Sad, isn't it

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