Legal Ramifications

Published Jan 7, 2021, 11:00 PM

Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), co-host of Jay Sekulow Live and author of The Next Red Wave: How Conservatives Can Beat Leftist Aggression, RINO Betrayal & Deep State Subversion and Gregg Jarrett, Host of the new podcast, The Brief, and author of two New York Times’ bestsellers, The Russia Hoax and Witch Hunt, discuss the legal ramifications of all that has transpired since Election Day.

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All right, thanks Scott Shannon, and welcome a board. Glad you're with us toll free telephone numbers eight hundred and nine four one, Sean you want to be a part of the program. The sergeant at arms in the House of Representatives has now resigned. I want to know who at the Capitol police allowed yesterday to happen. I mean, we've got to get answers. You know, we do live in a post nine to eleven world. Nearly twenty years ago, you know, this country came under brutal attack. Now again, I want to reiterate here. I mean, so you have we have advanced warning that hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people are going to be in Washington, DC at a rally. Okay, you would think that the smart thing to do is to prepare. They're going to march from the Washington Monument and straight on down to the Capitol. There had been reports, and there's a lot of investigations going on as to whether or not the organized agitators within the group of people that you know, got into the Capitol yesterday. But you know, I'm looking at this from just one one objective perspective. Here, this is our capital this is the US capital, and with relative sadly I say that with relative ease. In a matter of just a few minutes, you know, a massive security breach at a level I never thought could ever be possible, and especially when you consider that there was advanced warning that you had a march from the Washington Monument to the Capital was going to take place, and if you monitor social media, not that it confirms it, but there was chatter that different groups we're going to agitate. And I'm not saying left or right and left right whoever, I don't care what extreme you might be. In other words, troublemakers in other words, people that are there to create a conflict, and that we didn't do more in terms of protecting, at first the lives of innocent people that work in the capital, the lives of our elected officials that are in that capital. This transcends all politics, and the fact that they breached within minutes at that level is breathtaking and can happen in this country. This cannot happen, and people need we need an explanation first, and number two, we need an immediate plan to make sure that's never gonna happen again. Because when you have that many people, they're bound to be agitators or people that have other agendas than that of the peaceful protesters. And there was a great distinction. The overwhelming of people that went to yesterday's rally were there to peacefully protest. Liberals love peaceful protesters. You know, Look, at least we're consistent all summer long. We kept saying, you need to restore law and order. You can't allow American institutions like courthouses to be attacked the way they were being attacked nightly. You can't allow people to tear down statues. You want to, you want to it removed, go through the legal process like politicians that promised to do it for you. But you know the idea. You know, we all watched and I stand, I don't ever want to see what happened yesterday ever happened again, and we can prevent it. We're able to send people to the moon and bring them back anyway. And I know the media blame Trump, blame Trump, flame Trump. Well, I blame the people responsible, as I always do. You know, when it was a Bernie Sanders supporter shooting Steve Scalise and others in that ballfield, I didn't say Bernie's responsible. If I was a liberal, you know, and it was somebody that supported a conservative candidate, they would blame the candidate. Now it's I blame the person. But um, you know, for all the I agree, you can't have mob violence. It has to be peaceful protest. And that was most of the people yesterday peaceful. Um, violence can't. If we're gonna say violence can't be tolerated, then then why all of last summer as we watched city after city after city go up in flames at the hands of left wing rioters in that case, remember the chop Zone, the chad Zone, the autonomous Zone, the Summer of Love Zone, the spaghetti potluck dinner zone. Remember all of that. Remember Remember police stations burned to the ground, police precincts, Remember police precincts and city blocks taken over. Remember Portlands months of never ending nightly violence. If we were told that it's not violence, and you know, remember yet Jerry Nadlers, No, no, no, that's that's a myth. Remember he said that is true. The whole country that's having Portland right now, that's that's a myth that's being spread only in Washington, DC. About Antifa in Portland. Yes, sure, there's there's videos everywhere online, there's fires and riots, there's they're throwing some works at federal officers, dhs is there look onlines. It gets crazy, mister Greler, remember Nancy Pelosi. People are just gonna do what they're gonna do. I don't care, respectfully, shouldn't have been done by a commission or the city council, not a mob in the middle of the night throwing it into the hart do what they do. It's it's a it is. I do think that from a safety standpoint, it would be a good idea to have it taken down if the community doesn't want it. I'm a safety stand but just take it down. But that's not People are gonna do what they're gonna do. Well, now, it got awfully close to home for a lot of these politicians that were quite silent at the time, and the same with mob media, media, mob members as well. Look, if you're gonna be consistent, we're being concerned we condemn violence, then we condemn it now. And I'm saying that we've got to protect every politician, every single person that works in that capital, and protect American institutions like our capital. You know, when you think about this from a security standpoint, what happened yesterday in a post nine to eleven world, every one of America's enemies saw a vulnerability that I could pretty much safely bet they had no idea existed in Washington, d C. That is really scary. But where was Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Nadler and Chucky Schumer and the media mob all summer long last summer? Because if they want to say violence is unacceptable, why did they go along with Kamala Harris? Remember in Minnesota part of a group fundraising raising money to bail out violent rioters. You know, it's states like New York, cities like New York City that allow no bail rules that you know, you get arrested, you get taken down on the precinct, you get let go because there's no bailed laws. You know, nobody, no, no sane thinking American supports any violence, including yesterday's. You know, the people that are responsible, all of them, should be held accountable and people that were that were We have cops injured from yesterday. This. I watched it a number of times. I couldn't watch it. Anymore. This woman who served her country was in the Capitol and for no reason, this guy just shot her. She was she was trying to obviously get into the Capitol and go places. She's not a threat to anybody at that moment. And you know, innocent people died here. When cops are physically threatened, well, the Republican Party, I view, is the party of law, in order of peace and stability. And when they came under attack, when lives are in danger, and they were yesterday, the police need to be able to respon on with force. But I didn't think that moment needed it or called for it. But I'm sure there'll be an investigation. Um, they used tear gas. Okay, fine, that is an acceptable line of defense. And you know, at some point too, if lives are in jeopardy, the police are going to have to use the next level of force. We don't want it to ever happen, you know, But but not tolerating violence, you know, just go back to last summer. I don't care who's responsible where it's happening. Who broke through the Capitol Hill barricades, Who was in Portland, who was in Seattle, who was in New York, city, you know, any of it. We must protect innocent men, women and children in every town, in every city. I mean, it's just that simple. For example, you know, let's go back to the summer media democrats out there downplaying the twenty twenty rights. Just listen to this exactly should not be done by our commission or the city council. Not a mob in the middle of the night across the whole country. That's happening in Portland right now, that that's a mid that's being spread only in Washington, DC. About the Antifa in Portland. Yes, they're not going to stop before election day in November, and they're not going to stop after election day. And that should be everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this isn't they're not going to let up, and they should not mostly protest. It is not. It is not, generally speaking unruly what fires have been started. Perhaps this is some sort of mechanism for a restructure in our country. Remember, you know, now we've made a distinction on this show and on Hannity the TV show. Remember you had Black Lives Matter, the group, the organized group, and you know you had in some of the early days a couple of years ago they were chanting what do we want that comps? When do we want them? Now? You know? Uh, and pigs in a blanket and probably now there were people that would use the term black Lives Matter after the death of George Floyd that have no connection to the radical group black Lives Matter. But you have other you know, radical groups like Antifa or antipha, depending on how you like to say it, and you know, listen to the media here supporting them. I argue to you tonight, all punches are not equal morally in the eyes of the law, yes, but in the eyes of good and evil. Here's the argument. They are strictly principled anti fascists and what they see in the Trump administration and what they see happening in this country, they see they see the neo fascism that we see, and they've taken a principal stand to stand against white supremacists and white nationalists wherever they may show up. It says it right in the name Antifa, anti fascism, which is what they were there fighting. Listen, there's no organization is perfect. There are some violence. I think that a lot of people recognize that when pushed self defense is a legitimate response to white supremacist neo Nazi violence. The problem is to equate the violence in reaction against bigotry with the bigotry itself. Is to misunderstand the fact that when you go to cancer treatment, the radiation is tough treatment, but it is meant to remove the cancer. There's a group of anti fascists called the Black Block which do tend to get violent. Their idea is, look, non violence hasn't worked, and we are going to try to stop this. But they wouldn't have been there, They wouldn't have been anywhere near there had it not been for the fact that white supremacists neo Nazis were out scaring the living daylout out of most of the people in that towns. Thuggishness is thuggishness wherever it comes from, politically, and we should be the first to call it all. I disagree. I mean, you know, well, no organization is perfect. The media was saying what they saying that about those people that invaded the capital yesterday. I mean, the double s it's just sickening. Here's the bottom line here. You know, where were they all this summer? They were all denying a truth and denying a reality and denying what was before our very eyes. I showed it last night on TV. Remember the video CNN report, Well, it's mostly been a very peaceful protest, a city ablaze behind the guy. I mean, the screenshot went viral as we continue, Sean Hannity showed. You know, the thing is, you know, I just am shocked at how quickly they were able to breach the US Capital Building yesterday. I'm shocked by that. Now, I'm not shocked that they're bad actors. I'm never shocked at that. Nothing like that shocks me. Sadly. You know, this is after nine to eleven, twenty years after, and I'm thinking, all right, what are America's enemies in Russia and China and the Malls and Iran and Kim Jong lun whoever, all these bad actors, all these hostile regimes are what are they thinking of here? You know, what if what if people that were had infiltrated the peaceful protesters and infiltrate and were part of this, what are they were part of some type of organization that had some real weaponry with them. Severe You know, enough enough carnage was done yesterday watching this poor woman get shot again and again. I've watched it at number two. I can't even take it. This can't happen again, you know, so uh and we watched it go all over all city long. Where were these Democratic leaders then? Why didn't they speak up? Then? Why? You know, every weekend in pretty much every big city it's the same biol story. You get the same statistics Chicago, New York, you know, the worst years on record for violence. What are they doing differently except defunding the police and other and by the way, pledging to go even further than that? Portland, Seattle. Did they ever prosecute the Chop Chaz Summer of Love Zone, those attacking the court building in Portland? They ever get them? So I don't remember reading it, and I read a lot. You know, what are we going to do to make sure this doesn't happen anymore? We're gonna get rid of these insane no bail laws where people are out there committing acts of violence and then they get taken in by the police, they get let out in the rear door, and they're back out with their friends five minutes later. I mean, we've got to be a nation of law and order, So we keep everybody safe and secure. Democrats in big cities all around this country. They've had complete control for decades and they've done nothing. People are asking me, well, Hannity, you lived in Georgia, right, and I'm like, yeah, I lived there and left in nineteen ninety six when I got hired by Fox. Demographically, the state has changed dramatically. Cobb County is now a Democratic county. It used to be Nuke Gingrich's home district, when that county now goes Democrat on top of Fulton, on top of the cab they have not gone Republican. And so yeah, and a lot of people, a lot of this is states like Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, in South Carolina, Florida, all these people escaping you California, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois. They're moving to a place with lower taxes and less regulation, but they're bringing their dumb politics with them. We'll continue all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the programmer. So, I was reading Red State and they had somebody writing an interesting column and it's like, you know, I think of everybody I know in life, and I look at the crowd yesterday and I you know, you've been You've watched how many Trump rallies now over the years. Peaceful people, hard working, law abiding, tax paying moms and dads that go out work hard, put in their twelve fourteen hours a day, pay their taxes, obey the laws, raise their kids, and you know, and basically you know, do it day in and day out. They make the country great. They do all the working and serving and producing of everything that the country needs. That's what I see. You know, these are people that would never ever put a hand on law enforcement. Otherwise you go to jail, as this article says, or put your hand on another human being, or threaten somebody, you go to jail. Or damage public or private property, you go to jail. Things that we said over the summer and things we're saying about, you know, for the small group of people that invaded the Capitol yesterday, can happen. You break into a trespass a prohibited area or private property, go to jail. You go to somebody invade, impede their lawful business, you go to jail. That's what was so outrageous about everything that happened all last summer and with little to no condemnation, if not no condemnation, actual outright support. There was, you know, entire city blocks taken over for weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks. Remember when we had Horace Lorenzo Anderson Senior who lost his son in the Chop Chaz Summer of Love Autonomous Zone and never received a call from anybody. Then President saw him being an interview to my TV show and called them, you know, it's so sad. You look at this woman that was shot. Fourteen year veteran, four tours of duties. Apparently she's from San Diego, and she was an Air Force VET, strong supporter of the president, and anyway, she was just in the capital not she wasn't really, It's very clear from the video that moment not causing a threat to anybody, just being in the building. And it's for everybody's safety and security that you don't allow any opportunity for any security breach at our Capitol building. And and the FBI is asking the public to identify those in the breach. I would say, help the FBI out. Be a good citizen. One thing, Ari Fleischer tweeted out, is that, you know, if you don't like what's happening today, maybe you should go back four years, look in the mirror and ask if it was a good idea to declare hashtag not my president, or to declare yourself the resistance, or you know, boycott and inaugural. On one side violates norms, the other will too. Well, you know, none of those things really offend me. I mean, I think one of the things that is most clear Democrats they feign a lot of phony outrage. They don't really mean it. You know, every single sentenced to every tweet Trump would would put out there, just outrage. I never believed it was real. I don't believe it's real today. And if you really, you know, do they really think that this was all Trump supporters? Then Trump did this only for cheap political points that they can score because President was saying to be peaceful. But anyway, if yesterday's violence was Trump's fault and we're going to use the same standards of the Democrats and the same standards as the medium mob, then both Joe Biden and Kamala and the likes of Bernie Sanders have a lot of explaining to do they really do, because it's more than a little disgusting to see the number of people that are just lashing out when they themselves were so silent over the summer. You know, whatever groups might be involved, I don't know. There's investigations going on by a lot of people, and we need to get justice served as quickly as possible. But you know what, you know, whoever they are, they were not the ninety nine percent. When I talked about the FBI corruption and abuse of power, I talked about the ninety nine percent of good people in the Department of Justice, FBI, in our intelligence community. I stand by that today, you know. But you know, when you have Joe, you know Biden, what did he do all summer long? When did he have that moment where he spoke out? You know, we talk about in the Clinton era the quote Sister Soldia moment. When did he ever have one? Because I don't remember it. How does Kamala Harris support raising bail money for people arrested for the violence taking place in this particular case of Minneapolis, or the groups that are out there and the Democratic politicians that are involved in defunding the police, like Los Angeles, which was praised by Kamala Harris or in New York. You know, billion dollar cut to the NYPD, no undercrime, METS and murder rate at its highest level. And however, many years Biden I don't recall saying much, if anything at all, as all of this madness and mayhem and rioting took place all throughout the summer nominating convention, devoted many hours. You know, they would partner with the actual group black lives matter, not people that would use the phrase black lives matter. The group remember that group was on tape what do we want dead cops? When do we want him now? And pigs in a blanket for I am like bacon people. I guess just forgiven that. You know, if the president is you know, if you want to blame him for yesterday, well then what about Kamala Harris and Joe Biden? Because we lost twenty five according to the different reports. UK Guardian was one of them, twenty five innocent Americans that were killed, many others injured. We had rescue workers that couldn't get to people that had been shot or there were victims of violence. Biden didn't say anything. Is the killing continued throughout the summer, nobody said anything about Kamala supporting defunding the police, or Kamala supporting raising bound money for people that were arrested during these moments. You know, it's just such a double standard. Anyway, The New York Post has an eyewitness account of the shooting yesterday of this woman who apparently had served her country for fourteen years and four tours of duty. And anyway, they point out the US Capitol Police lieutenant who did fatally shoot this woman didn't have a choice. According to a GOP lawmaker said after witnessing, I do get into a situation. I don't like to judge by videotape, but you do have a group of people trying to open doors and break them down, let's be frank and just transparent, and trying to break them down. So you have one armed. I don't know who it is. Seems like we've learned since we believe it to be a cap A police lieutenant that shot this woman, and they're saying that they didn't have a choice. And the way I just saw it differently, now, these people were I didn't see any weapons on any of the people that were there at all. There there was a breach in the Capital. They were trying to breach into another area. Should they be there, no? Should it happen No, But there was plenty of room for anybody in that particular area of the Capital to get the hell out of the way. And instead the shot was fired and it was one shot to the neck and it was fatal. And they were trying to get through the door. Was there imminent danger? I didn't see it. You want more of the double standard? You know, back, remember what had happened with the Kavanaugh situation. Remember back October twenty eighteen. Have we our memories that short that we forget that the Heart Senate office building was breached and all these protesters got inside there to protest Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination. Remember that angry mob filled the room, blocking access for people who are supposed to be there, shouting insults at the top of their lungs. Did everybody forget these moments? I haven't waving ugly signs, holding the room hostage until finally reinforcements from the Capitol police arrived and shut the angry mob down. The media reaction back then, you know, you got over at MSDNC. You got a Guary Garrett, whatever his name, reporting, I guess on Nicole Wallace's show, the distinct lack of courage in the Listen to what the reporter said. Here, we've seen protesters on Capitol Hell, you've been reporting all week about how high the tensions are. Where do things stand this hour? Well, Nicole, the protest that's happening behind me now and may made me slightly hard to hear is by far the largest and most well organized protest against that I've seen yet this week. Oh okay, here's another example. Washington Times pointed out. You remember we were watching night after night, week after week, month after month in Portland saying when are we going to restore order? And the President eventually sent people in. It was a big deal because he was protecting the courthouse that they were assaulting every night. As a report in the Washington Times that Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, one of the other genius mayors in all of this, was having dinner with a woman in the outdoor dining area of a Northwest Portland restaurant when he was approached by a group of protesters. I think you need to leave, mister Wheeler. Told one of them who was recording the incident. According to footage that was, I guess made available to different media outlets. Are you comfortable, the protester asked, I think you need to do your job as blanking mayor. I think you're a disgrace. You're going to be made to feel like the scum you are. And then one person punched Wheeler in the shoulder and then fled the scene. Portland Police, you know affiliated, told the local ABC affiliate there the reported contact was not captured on the air end on videotape, but that there was another video posted by another apparently an anti police account I'm told, claiming that someone assaulted him anyway. The mayoral spokesperson said in a statement that a member of the group started swatting the mayor and made physical contact with him. You know, it's sort of like, oh now, all of a sudden, it matters because it's the capital and it's where the Democrats work, or it's the mayor. I don't want this to happen to anybody. That's the whole point. And this is my great frustration with Democrats that lead big cities for decade after decade after decade after decade. The fallacy of liberalism is they always create false hope promises that will never be fulfilled, all in the name of security. Okay, what's their track record? How many times do I have to explain this? Well, for decades in liberal cities like New York and Portland and Illinois. How are they doing with safety and security? I'd give them all an f you know, are they keeping people safe and secure in their homes? Not? Really? And see the evidence in the shooting numbers every weekend. Or you're letting the anarchists take over the streets. How are they doing educating your kids? They're not doing very well, are they. But as we spend more money per capita than any other nation in the industrialized world, and in these big cities, the results are beyond atrocious, a miserable failure. How did that Obamacare thing work out? How did those promises that keep your doctor plan and say mont didn't work out? Now, gree new deal is on its way. Everything's going to be free guaranteed government job, guaranteed wage, guaranteed, government healthcare, guaranteed, government vacation guaranteed, government retirement guaranteed, guaranteed guaranteed. Okay, you really have faith. The same people that can't keep a single city safe and secure, can't educate kids in their city, have failed miserably on every healthcare promise they've made millions, losing doctors and plans and everybody paying a lot more money. You think they're gonna come through for you, because I don't think they are. I don't have a lot of confidence that they are. And then all of a sudden you're gonna realize, well, you got to figure out at that point, well, how much of your freedom did you give them the give up for false security? That's a big question. Chuck Schumer, expressing his frustration, condemning Trump supporters. We Trump supporters that were at this massive rally yesterday had nothing to do with what happened at the Capitol and never would be a part of what happened at the Capitol. And they condemn violence in any form. But you know, why let the truth get in the way of a good Chuck Schumer lie, but he condemns the people who follow him. Really, Obama blamed Trump, Trump called for peace, and oh, facts getting the way of a good narrative for Democrats. You know, I think the thing that really, really I just it's so revealing, you know, like smelly Walmart shoppers, Trump supporters is revealing. Irredeemable deplorables is revealing. Anyway, I happen to know Olive Garden restaurants really well. I happen to know Holiday Inns really well, Hilton Gardens really well, Courtyard Marriott's really well. My kids were both in sports. I spent a lot of weekends on the road with my kids, and that's that was pretty much the only option in town. But when I for one of the first things I usually look up is is there an Olive Garden in town? I mean, they have their their garlic breadsticks. Wow, it's like heaven on Earth, unlimited pasta. Amazing. They've got these doughnuts you can dip in like carmel or you know, chocolate, and you put it on top and they're hot and it's so delicious, powdered sugar on them. Just amazing. Anyway, Anderson Cooper doesn't think much of us that like Olive Garden. My view, its fine dining. They're high fiving each other for this deplorable display of completely unpatriotic, completely against law and order, completely unconstitutional behavior. It's stunning, Cooper said. And then they go back to their Olive Garden, to the holiday inn that they're staying at with a Garden Marriott. It's actually Courtyard Marriott and Hilton Garden plus. You know, I get those facts right. They're gonna have drinks and talk about the great day they had in Washington. They stood up for nothing other than Mayhem. Am I the only one in this audience that likes Walmart and Olive Arden. I'm guilty on both fronts. I love Olive Garden. I think the food is great. What can I tell you a simple taste? I don't know where does Anderson stay the Ritz? The four seasons, expensive resorts, aspens he fly out to you know, the fancy ski slopes here and there, and find nineting at the world's most expensive restaurants. Most people can't afford that. Anderson, I'm let it. Skinner's simple man. That can only mean one thing, and that is the twenty twenty one return of all Things. Bill O'Reilly, who claims he's a simple man, argue, I argue he is not a simple man. He's a complicated human being on so many different levels. How was your holiday? How is your time off. I don't remember, Okay, Joe, is this Joe Biden? Hello? Looking for Bill O'Reilly? Yeah? And you gotta know some other simple people. I know you hang with boy the almost more simple than me. But let me well, let me ask you this, mister, mister simple man. Now, have you ever and be honest, have you ever been Olive Garden? Yes? Do you have been to Olive Garden? You had to think? Yeah, I ordered eggplant pomajan. Oh, good grief, I hate eggplant pomajan all right now, Now I love their salads. Do you like their salads and their garlic breadsticks? Yeah? I think Olive Garden does a pretty good job for being a chain. I mean, yeah, you and I have our Italian restaurants on the north shore of Long Island that you know, listen, Lot Bozzetta and Chris and Tony's. You know I love those places. Yeah, we got a number of them. But Olive Gardens, all right. If I'm in a hurry, it's like, you know, you sound like, Oh, McDonald's is okay if I'm in a hurry. By the way, I happen to love McDonald's, Wendy's White Castle, I love it all. Um, all right, now I have another question. Did you have you ever stayed at a holiday in Hilton Gardens, a courtyard, Marriott? Yeah, all of them, all of them. Okay. When I was a correspondent for CBS and ABC News, they weren't putting this up at the Four Seasons. I mean, we were running and gunning down in the motel places and they were all fine. I don't have a problem with they're all fine, right. I mean, you know, if you go to a courtyard marriage a lot of these places, you get free breakfast, which is included in your stay, and you get a buffet. It's awesome. I mean I've stayed there a ton. I mean, U and I like the only reason I say this, did you hear what Anderson Cooper said? You know how, for example, Struck said, you know, we're smelly Trump supporting Walmart shoppers. Um, you know I can smell them from here, or irredeemable deplorables whatever, Hillary, he says, and look at them talking about some of the protesters yesterday, not the ninety nine percent that were peaceful, And he said, they're high fiving each other for this deplorable display of completely unpatriotic, completely against law and order, completely unconstitutional behavior. It's stunning. And then they're gonna go back to the Olive Garden into the holiday in they're staying at, or the Garden Marriott. It's actually Hilton Garden or Courtyard Marriott, but white, white, split hairs, and they're gonna have some drinks and talk about the great day they had in Washington. They stood for nothing but mayhem. Guess what. Olive Garden quickly started trending on Twitter. I'm like, I love Olive Garden, I love Walmart two. I don't know if a guy like that we did a exposition on New Year's Eve where they were down and shot, should be commenting on it. It's true it didn't he get didn't he get a little sauced on that show? I didn't want Andy Cone. I mean, yeah, I'm not. I don't know if Anderson Cooper is really the barometer of American culture. I'm not. I'm not quite sure that the guy you want to use as your roadmap. Maybe I'm wrong, Maybe I'm ang. I want to talk about humor, you want to talk about sure, right ahead, I'm I've known Schumer thirty five years I want one New Yorker to tell me, in all the time that he's been in the Senate, one thing he has done that has made any New Yorker's life better. Just one they can't, Okay. So today Schumer gets out there and says, I want to remove Donald Trump, who only has thirteen more days to serve, by using the twenty fifth Amendment that he is incapable of being president. I want to do that. So number one, I'm an expert on the twenty tie of amendment because it played a large part in my book, Killing Reagan Right. And number two, my question to Senator Schumer is who would that help you claim? And so does Joe Biden. If you want to unite all Americans, so you are going to be the Senate leader for all Americans. You think a stunt like that isn't going to divide millions of Trump supporters, isn't going to make them more hateful towards you, So you're creating hatred and under the guise of all want to I want to be the Senate majority leader for everybody. So that's what I want to say about him. And then, of course little Nancy Pelosi follows up about two hours later, Now she's just evil. In my opinion, she's an evil person. I think she's evil. I think I think just a scared political operative that's clinging to power. And she's zero. Correct, you hit the power button. Correct. But this is why I think she's evil. And I don't say that. I don't apply that word evil is like you know, a word your home for, like a terrorist. I mean, no, no, no, no. Nancy Pelosi doesn't care about her own district. If you go through and you see the deplorable conditions that everybody's living under, and here is the most powerful woman in the federal government. What has she done to alleviate the suffering with her power? You know, there's an old Biblical saying, to whom much is given, much is expected. What has the Speaker of the House done with the poor, suffering people in her district? The answer is nothing. Let me reinforce this for you. And I don't think she's you know, I don't think she's evil. I think she's power hungry. I don't know how you define evil. I don't want to get off on a tangent, but let me say this, so I sent our correspondent on Hannity the TV show Lawrence Jones a couple of times to her district. Do you know, Bill, She lives in a very expensive, multimillion dollar mansion in a gated community, and one mile in one direction is her office. One mile in another direction is her home. In the middle of those two places the center point. This is where we showed people defecating on the streets urin eighty on the streets, needles thrown all over the place. Not a place you'd want to bring your kids to. When you have needles and bloodstained clothing in the streets, that can't be safe for anyone. I do see like road needles, and then you know feces everywhere, and then that's obviously about drugs and stuff like that kind of makes it a trap when you walk around and you see needles and also a playground and just feces everyhere. Having the smell of it all, it's kind of definitely have to look on the ground when you're walking and it's been It's definitely an uptick because I've lived in this city more than thirty years and this is probably the worst I've seen it. Now. She has a lot of money in her family and my questions around a lot of very very Silicon Valley type wealthy people, why didn't you know I always say liberals are generous with other people's money. Why hadn't she gone to all her neighbors and said, Hey, I'm going to kick in a million. You kick in a million, will kick in, and we'll build a place where people can take a shower, maybe get a hot meal once a day, and maybe even if they want to get drug counseling or put, you know, at least some information to direct them so they can get off that crap that's killing them. What about the kids who have to live in that district, right, the children who have to go out every day and see this hell? You know, when when you purport to be looking out for the American public, as Schumer and Pelosi absolutely say they are, and in my opinion, both of them create more hatred. So the riots and the assault on the Capitol yesterday was driven by hatred. That's what it was driven by people who did that hate the system. They believe the system is corrupt, and they believe that the election was fraudulent. So their hatred hurt the guy they loved the most, Donald Trump, and that's an unbelievable irony. And I get into this very heavily tonight on Bill O'Reilly dot com. So the people you saw that crowd yesterday, that was a tiny portion of a massive crowd, of course, but there were professional agitators in the craft. But unfortunately those pictures are going to define President Trump to some extent. To some extent, I have advice President. I have advice for him. Do you want to hear that advice? I do. But I want to point one thing out because you made a good point about Schumer and Pelosi. You made two great points, one on each, and I just want to say, you know, they do share one common fear. You know what that fear is Joe Dude, that we're gonna play Jeopardy. They both fear Alexandria Cossio Cortez. Pelosi fears because she can lose her speakership. Schumer knows that she might challenge him for the US Senate in New York about three to one Schumer would beat her three Cortez. Yeah, three to one. Schuman's machine in New York State admitable. Yeah. And I don't think he fears her. She annoys him. But he is, well, she annoys him. What do we do to him? He hates us too? Yeah, all right, so, Chuck, I don't like the hatred Hannity. This is eroding our country. Agreed. So the hatred now is being boosted up. And here's the final point on this. If Joe Biden was really really serious about bringing in the country together, uniting the country, which is what his inaugural address is going to be all about, if he were really serious about it, he tells Schumer and flows you to stand down, let Donald Trump finish his term out, knock it off. One of the odds of that bell O'Reilly, simple man, Okay, are not? The odds are that he doesn't even know what happened by he's kind of out of it. But if he did it, at least you could respect that. Correct. Yeah. I think it would be the right thing to do. And I also think he should. And if some Democrats sought to say, hey, there are issues with the with the voting, with our voting system that do need to be fixed, dramatic things, absolutely, But but Biden, you know, you can yap all day long. But all Biden has to do, they say, we don't want any more hatred. Now we're gonna let Donald Trump finish his term, have a smooth transition. So with all due respect, tennergor Schumer and Congresswoman Pelosi knock it off. You see, Do I tell you what's kind of happened. Let me give you a preview. Two things are going to happen. Bill a rally, and you tell me I might be a dummy. I might be just a smelly Walmart Trump supporter likes Olive Garden. I don't know, but I think two things are going to happen. Number one, the Left is going to overreach dramatically and they're going to awaken this country when people see the damage that they're going to inflict policy wise, I think that's that's number one. I think number two you can predict with certainty is that things when they implement their plans, Nothing that they're going to implement is going to work, and you're going to see Americans and some people have lost hope. They don't think that, they don't understand. I guess the EBB and flow of political cycles, but there's going to be America. You know, rejecting in massive ways is what is now coming their way. I see a backlash in two twenty two. I see it starting in twenty one. Well, but it won't matter because there are thirty four seat Senate seats up in twenty two. Yep, all prerational seats are up. Correct, So you can have a massive change in this country in two years, a change for the better. It all depends on the economy, so that will be the chell. So I did everybody. Now, let's stand down. Biden's in not going to change. Let's see what he does for the first six months. You can object to it if you want, but let's stop the hatred now because there is an opportunity now to write this country in a traditional way. It's coming, and sometimes you have to reach rock bottom, and I think yesterday was rock bottom. I think we've reached it. Bill. I think the radicalism of their stated policies are real. They will implement the Green New Deal, there will be amnesty, there will be a total shutdown of energy production in this country. There will be higher taxes, there'll be more regulation. It's coming. Well, then it's going to be California. Exactly what's happening in California will happen nationwide, and then you will have a tremendous backlash as you have in California with millions of people moving out. Well, the problem is they moved to Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, Florida, and they bring their dumb policies with them, even though they tried to escape them. And that's that's becoming a problem. All right, all things, mister Bill O'Reilly bill, O'Reilly dot com. And happy New Year. And we got a lot of ground to cover, and we have a country that desperately needs the right direction. So we'll try and shine some lights some days. Okay, all right, as we roll along eight hundred and nine pol when Sean you know, the feigned outrage double standard, remember the Biden staff. This was in US News World Report donating to a group paying the bill in riot torn Minneapolis, or Kamala Harris praising the group people let's say Black Lives Matter after George Floyd's death, but the group Black Lives Matter, it's essential for change. And then she supported, you know, raising bail money for people that were arrested part of that anarchy. How can people forget these things so quickly? Remember the summer thirty people died and mostly peaceful protests how quickly they forget all right, we'll come back. We'll get to your calls full free. Join us eight hundred and nine for one, Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, quick break right back news you won't get from the mob. It's the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one, Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, all right, A lot of you were at the rally yesterday, have anecdotal insight you want to share with this audience. A lot of you been, you know, waiting a long time. Let me get to the phones. We'll start with Mark. He's in Florida, was at the rally yesterday. What's up? Mark? How are you glad you called? Are your home safe? I hope? Hey, Sean, Nope, I'm still in North Carolina. I pulled off the road so I could talk safely. Yes, sir, I was at the rally yesterday, and what the first part of it? First day? Everything was really great. The speeches that Trump finished off was fabulous. Everybody. I loved what I heard from everybody, everyone around me. It was like hanging out with a million of your best friends and really had a great time. I'm almost all of us stayed until Trump finished his speech. But you know, when Trump gives a speech, or even John Junior gives a speech, they really let it out there and it gets the crowd fired up, just like they like to do. But I believe that whatever happened, whether it was agitators or whatever, there was different levels of fired up. And I think all it might have took for a couple of people that might have been too fired up to send them over the deep end. But I got to say that ninety percent of us pulled back. When I arrived at the Capital, they were already on the steps, things were already wide open, and me and my wife looked at each other and said, do think what we came here for? We went back to the room. I think your story is probably, you know, the same as as I would say the ninety nine percent. I mean, relatively speaking, it was a small part of the crowd that breached capital security. And you know, nobody's, nobody that I know, is doing anything but condemning what happened yesterday. It can't happen in this country. But putting that all aside, you know, you're raising a good question here, what would bring a sea of people that large to our nation's capital. Well, you know, what would motivate so many people to come. I mean, we've had marches on Washington before. You know, that's the think of Martin Luther King Junior and I have a dream. We've had big crowds for inaugurations, other big events that took place over the years. You know, But what is it? And I'm telling you what it is? It is real frustra and anger. Not only main significant issues involving the election that people wanted answers to and rightly so, about laws ignored, constitution, state and our federal constitution ignored. All of this has factored into it also, I think, you know is what has gone on the last four years. You know, the degree to which there's been a willingness of the mob, the media to just lie, create falsehoods, false narratives, conspiracy theories, and push them and shove them down the throat of the American people, only to lie to them and then just move on to the next conspiracy theory. The lack of so many different things, of failure of institutions has led to a lot of people's frustration, but most people came to do express themselves peacefully. And we you know, you saw the president he asked people to be peaceful yesterday. But you know, with the results of last night, the presidents, you know, we've tried every option, every remedy, every single one of them, and and he's right constitutionally, and he's right on the law, and so you know, we are where we find us now. With that said, you know, I just I want to also give people hope here. And I'm not Pollyannish, and I don't lie to my audience ever. I call it as I see it. I told everybody this was going to be a very tight election. You have to assume you're down, and we don't have a lot of it's going to take every single vote to make this happen. And it's just the way the electoral map works out at this moment in history. And maybe there'll be some changes over time, but I can tell you that there is in this country a minimum of seventy five million people to believe in lower taxes, limited government, secure boarders, energy and dependence. They don't want judicial activists on the court. They want America first. They want a strong national defense. They want America to lead the world of manufacturing, job creation, industry, better free or fairer trade deals and that agenda. I don't think people are going to turn away from that. Also, the value systems that have made this country great. There are Americans that would believe we're capable of better in terms of law and order and safety security. They want that. That is the ninety nine percent of the crowd that was there yesterday. They're not law breakers. I saw moms and dads and families and grandmas and grandpas that took the time to express you know, they're very passionate point of view about the direction of the country. And Democrats do it all the time. You know, there was moren't upset about the violence that took place over the summer. Now that it's like, oh, it happened where some Democrats live and work and then there, How could this happen? Why didn't they speak out over the summer? You know, I'm speaking out. I mean anybody that used this rally as a means of being violent, involved in law breaking and raiding the Capitol building. That can't happen in the country. And we've got to have peace, law in order, and most people there believe that. So the thing is is, you know, look, I've been at this a long time. I wish every single election would go my way. It doesn't. You know, I'm not throwing a temper tantrum. I'm not, you know, I'm just regrouping like everybody else, and I know that we can win in the arena of ideas. I think I can make a fairly confident prediction of where Democrats are going to go. They're going to go hardcore left. The country's going to see the damage quickly, and then there's going to be an opportunity to once again get the country back on the right track. And we'll try to do it peacefully and legally and do it through the process, the electoral process that we have in the country. In the meantime, we've got to put a lot of pressure on state legislatures to get election laws free and fair that we can have trust, hope and confidence. It makes sense. It's going to be a job. It's gonna be a job. Yeah, we got work to do, we do. Yeah. I booked my room a half hour after those words left his mouth. I told my wife, I said, this is going to be big. I'm just a lowly mechanic, you know. And I said, listen, by the way, there's no such thing as a lowly mechanic, because I've opened the hood of my car and I, by the way, I used to do tune ups and breaks. I did it all my own oil changes. I do a lot of work over the years. I can't begin to find my way under a hood today. Yeah, you know, you were talking about fixing stuff. You know when your car nowadays, you can't fix anything until you bring it to me. The deal is, as something happens within your car. A light pops on, if your tire goes low, a light pops on, your alternator quits, a light pops on. So when you're talking about fixing this, when we have these little safeguards in place, maybe a light should pop on and we should investigate that. Look, one thing you're gonna get here is, you know, you see Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, the weak, frail, cognitively struggling Biden. But look at what their stated agenda is. This is why I wrote Live Free or Guy America in the World on the Brink, because it's a tipping point moment they're going to implement what they said they're going to implement. I'm taking them out their word they mean it, And I'm not sure Joe ever would have the ability to stop the radicals at his party anyway. But the antidote is going to be peaceful, freedom loving Americans that think we're on the wrong track, that are willing to focus their time and energies on making the American people aware that there is an alternative look. Conservatism works. Whenever conservative autism is tried and implemented, it works. Reagan made it work. Trump made it work. And you know, there are a lot of other factors that go into the election. I think COVID certainly is a factor in this past presidential election. I think that we have electoral problems that absolutely need to be addressed on on a severe level. But you know, by the way, how much do you am I allowed to ask us, how much do you make an hour? As a mechanic? What is a full on? Well, it's it's an hourly base with a bonus performance incentive. In other words, the more cars you see or whatever, it pays the bills. But that's about it. Um, what if you worked in a dealership what is the average hourly rate for a good mechanic. Well, the problem today was working at the dealership is that no one wants to bring their car there anymore because it costs too much and um and they're really the last place somebody's gonna go. You're gonna make a lot of money on the stuff you do work on there, but you're not going to see as much stuff, so it's going to kind of balance out. I've worked for dealers as well. Yeah, but listen, you know what, it is a good profession for people. I'd love to work it on my cars, you know. I used to actually do bondo work and body work and then paint my own car. Spray. One time I sprayed Imron you ever hear of it with? I did it with one of those little, you know, white masks instead of a instead of a respirator. Was not good. It was not good for my lungs. Oh no, no, no, no, yeah, I did it. Yeah. I remember they burned for two months and then the scar tissue there. One day, I'm like, oh boy, that wasn't smart. When I was twenty, I was a dope. What can I tell you? Anyway, I appreciate all you do. Listen, you should be proud of what you do every day because you're providing your fellow citizens a much needed service. We can't fix cars ourselves anymore. I mean, I bet there's very few people that come in and said, well, I was working on this and I wasn't able to fully fix it. Can you help me with this? I bet that never happens anymore, does it? Anyway? Wouldn't you know I used to have a straight six two fifty. Oh I think it was a two fifty. If I'm gonna get it wrong, Hannity's lying, No, I used to it was a Ford Maverick. And as we continue back for Busy, Busy Telephones eight hundred and nine four one, Sean say hi to doctor doctor Larry. Apparently as hard as trouble, Doctor Larry. What's going on in Ohio? Hey, hey son, how are you doing good? What's going on in Ohio? Is I'm I am so despairing and so in the dump that I'm like about ready to quit. I mean quit in terms of any kind of concerns about politics or what to do in Washington. It's like, turn it off, just Larry, let me ask you a quick question you have kids, Yeah, you have grandkids. You have three adult children, three adults. About your care about your kids? Yes? To do care about your grandkids? Oh yeah? Seven of them? Okay, Now, Larry, let me ask you a real question. You can complain. We're all capable of whining a little bit, and I have whined a time or two of my life, trust me. But when push comes to shove and you think of your kids and grandkids? Uh, do you have any bandwidth to say, I'm not going to continue to fight for a better America? I hear you. I answer is you can't say. Watching them, the protesters yesterday, yeah, well they're not. They're not the concern that they're the fringe. They don't represent the law biding, hard working, UH contributing, tax paying citizens that make the country grant every day, that have legitimate concerns that they were expressing. I have no problem with protesters anywhere. I don't. I mean, it's when it gets violent, anybody that's involved in that part of it, I don't. We don't want anything to do with that part because we don't need to go there. You know, we have an ability if we mobilize and we're smart, you know, right now. I think Task number one needs to be a lot of pressure on state legislators to now fix their broken election system so that in future elections this can't happen again. And I mean in every state that we've been talking about. Rhonda Santis did it in Florida, and it this past election when you know perfectly well, with faith, hope, integrity, confidence in the result, we've done it. We can do it again. We can we can duplicate success. But look, don't despair, don't listen to sunshines. You know, God is in charge. We don't have the story eventually ends, not that I really want to go down that road quite yet. And you know what, there's always you know, I can't imagines for so many people that have fought, bled and died. All we have to do is put a little pressure on politicians to now do the right thing and elect the right people. That's what that's really what it comes down to for us. What what is so discouraging to me is that that people who have obviously broken the law, obviously broken the law, are walking the streets, are walking free. Um and and it starts with Hillary and all the way down the list. It's like people should be held accountable for for for the times that they are essentially breaking the law and then hurting, hurting the population, hurting us. Uh, listen, I think most Americans are pretty hipped to the idea that, you know what, we don't really want a lot of government in our life. We want to we're minimalist in that sense. You know, we understand government and best state is a necessary evil, as Thomas Paine said, and it's worse stated than tolerable one. We understand lower taxes, less regulation works. We understand we need secure borders and energy and dependence. We understand we need better trade deals. We understand we need a strong national defense. Our agenda is simple, and you know, and we don't have faith in the government to do much of anything because everything they have done here too four they have screwed up. Anyway, hang in there, doctor Larry, Let not your heart be trouble. Find a way. The sunshining God is in charge you we have we will be back. And that's it. And I mean that. I'm not saying. It's not a cliche, it's not a bumper sticker, it's not a slogan. There's an ebb and flow to political cycles,

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