Leaving Afghanistan

Published Aug 17, 2021, 10:02 PM

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that evacuation flights from Afghanistan are leaving "nearly empty" and we're leaving thousands behind! Sean investigates the numbers...

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Thanks to all of you for being with us. Right down on a a toll free number, It's eight hundred and nine for one. Sean you want to be a part of the program. Donald Trump will be joining us on Hannity tonight on camera, and we're going to dispel how would he have handled this. I was told by a source that apparent because people said, well, he talked to the Taliban. I was told that this is the conversation of all conversations. And I'm gonna ask him about it because I wasn't on the call, I don't know. I'm just telling you what sources are telling me. And let's just say, what happened to the caliphate in Isis will be your future if you dare, dare don't abide by everything we're agreeing to that day was as strong a message sent that they'd be a price to pay for any of this. Remember last week there was the Taliban already had sixty percent of the country. Nobody lifted a finger. And now what we're learning and discovering is even more alarming. We now know that Pentagon officials, and this is now widely reported, say that they've been warning Biden for months and months and months, how to handle any exit out of Afghanistan. You know, one symbol question is, well, if you're stupid enough not to logistically plan for the removal of munitions and cases of munitions and weapons and vehicles and up armored humbs and all the you could have at least destroyed it. You could have just not left it for the Taliban to not only take it over, but then to arm them. So, as you know, we now see this, this rapid dissension into blood so chaos. Pentagon officials are pointing directly at Joe Biden and the Oval Office, saying they've been warning don't blame us. We've been warning him for months that he was risking an unmitigated disaster if he tried to rush the troop withdrawal. But Joe's also missing something that Donald Trump had. They believed him. If Donald Trump said I will blow you into oblivion if you dare not abide by what we agree to here, then I think they believed him, just like when he threatened trade wars and then implemented them, then people began to believe it. And that's the difference, you know, And look, and this I've been saying for some time the world is watching. They're not seeing Joe Biden through the prism of a corrupt mob in the media that are really just an extension of the Press office of Jensaki, the White House Press Secretary. They're seeing Joe the way we see him as confused, you know, be fuddled to use O'Reilly's favorite word, that compromised week frail, a cognitive mess. They see it, they understand. They also know his history. You have Defense Secretary Gates. Yeah, he hasn't gotten a single foreign policy issue righting forever anyway. So the mood and the cards or the Pentagon where the US military personnel watching this unfold in shock and horror. All you know, we warned the White House for months and months that this situation was urgent. One military official said, I'm not angry, I'm frustrated. Another officer remark that we've been warning this is happening. It could have been handled so differently and successfully. Now we've got reports the Taliban is beating people and have now created a perimeter around Cobble Airport so nobody else can get there to get out of there, and they're beating people. Apparently, according to foxnews dot Com, Fox former senior defense officials in contact with commanders on the ground in Cobble say that the Taliban now has a ring outside of the airport won't let anyone inside it. And the big issue here is that no people outside of the Taliban ring will get in and separately in afghan who is a former State Department contractor, told Foxnews, Taliban fighters have established checkpoints all throughout the city already, especially around the airport, and he said they've been beating people on the way to the airport. When the former contractor described the chaotics scene at the airport, he said, there are kids, women, babies, old women that could barely walk. It's that bad, I'm telling you. At the end, I was thinking there was like ten thousand or more more than ten thousand that were running into the airport. The Taliban were beating people, and the people were jumping from the fence and and around walls and doing anything that can. They know this is their last shot. But then the problem gets even worse because now as the Taliban's consolidating control inside of Afghan's capital, Afghanistan's cap or should I say the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, because now China and Russia are instantly trying to make new alliance here. One political leader of the Islamist movement returned to the country while people fear retributions to get out. What is our State Department under the ever so cognitively frail Joe Biden telling Americans and Cobble you need to shelter in place. What shelter in place? They're saying this to US citizens that if we don't get them out of there, every single hour that passes, the odds of them getting out of their alive deteriorate dramatically, and we could be, you know, on the verge of America held hostage Day four hundred and forty four. Again, the State Department advising American citizens shelter in place, don't attempt to travel to Cobble's Karzai International Airport until further notice. Oh okay, that's gonna work out well. Defense officials now saying that they can only it looks like say, five thousand people a day, but up to forty thousand Americans remain stranded. Taliban fighters have now been closing in on the airport at all access points, and defense officials are claiming that, you know, they're likely removing a little over five thousand people a day every day, but only fourteen hundred have been moved into three days now since the Taliban has claimed the city of Cobble. Since Sunday overnight, only seven hundred people were moved, including only one hundred and sixty five Americans on the C seventeen jet that we saw the images inside of. You know, they got six hundred and forty people, that's it out of Cobbal on Sunday. So it's unclear, you know why only a hundred people are being parted at a time, because that's that's a waste of resources. Wall Street journals pointing out that the evacuation flights are taking off almost empty anywhere between ten forty thousand American civilians. Now we're not even talking about the interpreters, which I'll get to in a minute. Those are the people that for twenty years, many of them ten years, a lot of them that put their lives on the line. They will face certain death when they get exposed as having helped the United States. They will die. Many of you saying well, we can't take in the world's refugee population. I'm not saying we have to, But I do think we have a more obligation. We did promise this to them for the record, as a country, honor matters, your word matters, that we would get them the hell out of there if this moment ever came. But anywhere between ten and forty thousand Americans remained trapped on the ground in Cobble being told to shelter in place. Is now the Taliban is erecting the checkpoints. Some evacuation flights were leaving near empty as a result. According to The Wall Street Journal, the German militaries eight four hundred m airbus with a capacity of well over one hundred passengers. Yeah, they only took off with seven passengers on board. Even the Washington Post is saying Joe Biden has now left thousands of Americans trapped in Afghanistan. How long do you think it's gonna take before Americans now start getting held hostage? This is all preventable, All of it's preventable, you know. Last I couldn't believe that the Taliban had already taken over sixty percent of the country, and they say no, would be the earliest they'd ever get. This was our intelligence. Joe Biden telling us last week it would take him at least sixty to ninety days. What and it happened in twenty four to forty eight hours. It was over. But they've got one of the best militaries, he told us a couple of weeks ago, best military trained militaries in the face of the Earth. They got an air force. They're over three hundred thousand strong, and the Talibans only got seven thousand. Let me play this is Joe. Listen to what Joe said. Takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable? No, it is none. Yes that because you have the Afghan troops have three hundred thousand wo wow, well equipped as well as as any army in the world, and an air force against something like seventy five thousand Taliban. It is not inevitable. There's gonna be no circumstances to see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy of the United States from Afghanistan. No circumstances. Yeah, that already happened in record time. Joe Saigon, How could you be so wrong? How could you be this wrong? Even the Washington Post, I think they've got reporters there. I don't care if you're part of the liberal media. We can have our disagreements here. Get Americans home, all of them, and as far as the people that risk their lives to provide us the intelligence to beat back the insurgency in the Taliban, we gave them our word. I'm not you know, I'm not a person that believes in breaking our word. Washington Post is even reporting that Joe Biden has left thousands of Americans trapped in Afghanistan and they don't have any way to get past these Taliban checkpoints on their way to Kabbal Airport for evacuation. That isn't even happening. Well, I'm going to send in three thousand, Well we're gonna make five thousand troops. Where are they five thousand? How about fifty thousand? How many Americans are going to end up being taken hostage or dead if we don't get them the hell out of there? Now, that's how incompetent this group of people are being nice here and cleaning it up. It's hard on the fly, thousands of sitting Washington Posts and this is not the right wing news Washington Post. Situation in Afghan's capital continues to deteriorate thousands of US citizens are trapped in and around Cobble with no ability to get to the airport, which is their only way out of the country. As Taliban and soldiers now go door to door searching for Westerners, these US citizens are now reaching out to anyone and everyone back in Washington for help. The Biden administration must get moving on a plan to rescue them before it is too late. You know, my number one fears it might be too late. I pray to God it's not. They going door to door. Plenty of time later to look back on the how and the why of all of it. Right now, job one, this is the Washington Post. Sean Hannity, agreeing with the Washington Post, the US government. Job one is to rescue our troops. Well, first to get them there apparently they haven't even arrived, many of them, and rescue every American citizen and then the Afghans that risk their lives based on America's promise of safety. I agree completely. We have how did how could this ever happen? We got the greatest military fighting force on earth, but we have the most incompetent person as president. I don't think he even knows what day it is. He gives his ten minute speech right back on vacation. How would you like to be in Comble today as an American and you can't get to the airport where you thinking your life has headed break will continue right as we roll along. Eight hundred and nine one, Sean off Hill. Want to be a part of the program we now have. You know, one thing we've got to look at here is how we got here. I want to stay with the immediacy here at this humiliation, which is less important to me than getting Americans home right now, this is now, this is deaf Coom five. We got to get every American out of there. And if we can get the people that are known to be having assisted us the hell out of there, we need to get them out of there too. Some of you are, Hannity, how many people? These are people that will die? This is a guaranteed death sentence. We know who they are, we made promises to them. But thousands of US citizens can't even make it to the airport. This is scary. Even the Washington Post is pointing out the US embassy staff has been transported to Cobble Airport. Okay, good for them, but thousands of US citizens did not get there. They're now in hiding. They're now hoping someone saves them before these roaming Taliban gangs find them. Several Congressional officers are scrambling like hell. I've talked to some people in Washington and they're telling me almost everybody has somebody from their district or their state that are there, and all complaining that the Biden administration completely dropped the ball. My office has heard from over a hundred Americans that need help getting out of Afghanistan. Sent in a Cotton said, we can't fly planes or open gates, but we can at least give people information. Well, the information they're hearing from Joe's State Department is shelter in place. The Biden administration needs a plan to get him the hell out, and every day it's going to become a more difficult military challenge. Congressional staffers telling him that American citizens have been flooding their office phone lines after being told Sunday by the State Department of shelter and plays and not go to the embassy or the airport. We've been screaming at the State Department over this issue. One senior GOP Senate staffer said, this is a total Adams shift show. Everyone saw coming, and they didn't do a damned thing about it until twenty four hours ago, after days of pounding on them in Washington. There's not a single tally of US citizens in danger of cobble. President Biden didn't address the issue of how the US government is going to assist. We had no idea that it's as many as ten to maybe forty thousand. We don't even have an exact number of Americans that need saving. Ohen, did I tell you that Joe Biden and Obama let the Taliban leader out of Gitmo? I'll get to that too, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. Thousands of Americans trapped inside of Afghanistan, no plan as of yet how to get them out. How do we even identify how many where they are. They're just being told if they're not at the airport, to stay sheltered in place. I guess it doesn't really mean a whole lot at this point, but it should anger everybody that we now have confirmation and full reports. Paul Sperry, New York Posts, so many others. The front cover of the New York Post today literally has on it blowback top. Taliban is a terrorist that Obama let go from Gitmo. You've got to be kidding me. We had him in our possession, we let him go. He's now in charge. When he released five Taliban commanders from Gitmo and some exchange for an American deserter in twenty fourteen, he is short of very weary public that the dangerous enemy combatants would be transferred to cutter and kept from causing any trouble in afghanistand great job. It's sort of like keep your doctor plan and save money. Didn't work out the way they promised. New Green Deal socialism won't work either, but I digress. In fact, they were left free to engineers Sunday's sacking of Cobble. Soon after gaining their freedom, some of the notorious Talan five pledged to return to fight Americans in Afghanistan and made contacts with active Taliban militants there. But the Obama Biden administration turned a blind eye to the disturbing intelligence reports, and it wasn't long before the free detainees used Cutter as their base to form a regime in exile and eventually recognized by Western diplomats as official representatives of the Taliban during recent peace talks. Interesting to get Donald Trump's perspective on all of this. Nobody wants to stay for the endless war, don't. I don't want anyone to misinterpret here that there had to come a point where Afghanistan had to take care of itself. But there could but the smallest presence of the US military and the support of our air superior air power could have assisted in the strength and the conditioning of the Afghan army. So they didn't flee and fold like a cheap suit, unlike what Biden was telling the world two weeks ago. So they now freed this guy. That's just a side note. And Pentagon officials are apoplectic and livid right now. And then Americans, Yeah, you just shelter in place. Good luck with that daily mail. Defense officials say they'll say five thousand a day, but up to forty thousand Americans remain stranded. That's the numbers they have. I mean, what is I guess his former CIA director, retired General David Petrea, is calling the race to evacuate a Dunkirk moment Bay of pigs Dunkirk. I guess it's all appropriate, he said. He called the race to evacuate that, and then he and Bush Assistant Secretary of State Robert Charles. He's the one that said between fifteen thousand and forty thousand Americans are stranded. Trump says, you know he won't Biden's efforts here make Vietnam looked like child's play. We'll talk to Donald Trump on Hannity tonight. I want to know why defense officials are claiming yesterday they were moved between five and nine thousand people, but only fourteen thousand have been removed in the three days since the Taliban claimed the city of Cobble. Overnight, seven hundred people were removed, including one hundred and sixty five Americans on seven C seventeen jets. One plane used to ferry six hundred and forty people out of Cobble on Sunday. It's unclear you know who. Only one hundred aboarded at a time. I'm trying to understand that part of it, and the Pentagon is rightfully warning a worsening terrorist threat after the Palestine has the Taliban has taken over. The Taliban leader was freed in the Biden Obama prisoner swap. You know, I will give credit. I mean, some people have been critical of CNN reporter was forced to put on a jab overnight as the Taliban begin began their campaign against women, and even asked one of the Taliban leaders, well, what's going to happen to women, and they said no, no, we want to as long as they by by the principle Islam. And he said, is the hajab enough? They said no, you need a full face covery. Now in the previous you know, rule of the Taliban there and that previous period of time, women weren't allowed to go to work or go to school. Reports are ready beginning to filter out that young women as young as you know, twelve thirteen years old are being taken quote as wives their words obviously not mine. That would be slave, that would be rape. So which wouldn't be the first time this group is guilty of such heinous acts. Their treatment of women is atrocious, which we've chronicled that length many times over the years. Epic Times is pointing out Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has not suffered, not offered to resign over this. A Defense Department spokesman said, no, oh, okay, we we're gonna give him a raise. Joe Biden is still vacationing. I guess in where is he? It's Camp David. Sure he's doing wonders there. I mean, the fall of Kabble now is the shot heard round the world to the dismay of both our allies and the light of our enemies. You know, I mean, it's easy to say Biden is weak, at least defonic, He's unfit to serve as president. We've kind of been pointing that out. There's not a single thing I can point to, not one thing that he has done that has been successful. Now, China and Russia are now moving very quickly to recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and get their heels in there. Washington Post Josh Rogan Thousands of citizens trapped as the Taliban is now going door to door. Taliban has formed a ring around the airport, won't let anyone inside, shelter in place. I keep going back to that reports the Taliban brutally taking brutality taking place in towns and cities that they've already conquered in provincial towns again from the Washington Post, not from Sean Hannity, and provincial towns and cities overtaken. In recent days reports of a return to the brutal ideology of the Taliban from the nineties, including harsh dictates, shuttered schools, orders to women and girls who stay at home, and worse. Afghan director issues warning of massacres, child brides, banned arts amid Taliban takeover. But yet the head fake is the Taliban is declaring amnesty and they call on women to join the government. That would be called propaganda. The AP reporting that the Taliban has seized an enormous amount of US applied military equipment. How did they not make preparations to either remove it or destroy it? Two decade cost over eighty three billion dollars. We left billions of dollars of munitions and arms and equipment that the Taliban now has in their possession. So five thousand troops now they've got a formidable fighting force. And clearly that superior Afghan trained army and military that Joe was bragging about two weeks ago, they're nowhere to be found, according to the AP. The Taliban captured an array of modern military equipment. Bigger gains followed, including combat aircraft, huge mounts of fuel, and cases of munitions as they literally rolled up provincial capitals military bases with stunning speed, topped by the capture of Kabbal. Defense official yesterday confirming the Taliban's sudden accumulation of US supplied Afghan equipment is enormous, unbelievable. The Taliban commander, the one that Biden and Obama freed, gave a speech of victory speech from the Kabble Palace since he's now back in charge. Biden, of course pointing fingers at of this debacle after promising he wouldn't blame others. The buck stops with me. But it's really Trump's fault and the Afghan President's fault in the Afghan military that he was praising two weeks ago. It's fault editorial board. By the way, this was pretty interesting of the Wall Street Journal Biden to Afghanistan dropped dead. Kamala Harris have emerged. Whether it was just a stupid tweet that's not even worth reading. Biden's Defense secretary won't resign. Who's going to be held accountable? For this. Who are the intelligence officials that said last week, oh, it's the least sixty to ninety days before they ever get anywhere near cobble. We really probably have been lied to for decades about all of this. I mean, I can't believe how wrong we are. Biden's media allies continue to turn on them. How could they not? But there's most media outlets have colleagues that are trapped there. We need to get every one of them home. Leon Panetta had the guts to say what this is. It's like the Bay of Pigs. David Petreas described it as catastrophic. And this is only the beginning. I don't feel confident in telling you that we're gonna get these Americans out safely. And none of this was necessary, just like opening your borders in the middle of a pandemic was not necessary. And building overcrowded cages and dispersing people untested, unvaccinated, no vaccine passports, mask mandates unbelievable. Notice the Obamas have turned off their social media comments as criticisms mount. Unbelievable. This is so sad, it is and this speech so disconnected from truth and reality. How about a word that we will be there to rescue you. Hang on because the people stuck there not a word to the Americans stuck behind enemy lines. You have one x Obama advisor calling on Biden to shake up as national security team immediately. You're not wrong, Rett Brewin, director of Global Engagement in the Obama White House. Democrats begging Biden open the US border to a flood of Afghan refugees. We don't have to take everyone in, but we we We've got to rescue them. They're dead, They're walking dead. They will die, they will be killed, they will be slaughtered. We'll probably see some of it on internet videos. I hope to god I'm wrong. Pentagon still can't answer any questions about They won't answer the question about how they obtained all of our weaponry. I mean, it's this, this is you know, one thing's worse than another. Female Afghan reported to the Pentagon press secretary. Everyone's upset, especially women, because they know what they're this means for their future. See the stunning photo of the six hundred Afghans packed inside the air Force lane. How could you not look at this and realize? How did you not know? How could you be so checked out? How could you not listen to your own professionals on this well, Hannity, Donald Trump talked to the Taliban. I'm gonna ask Donald Trump about that tonight. I want to know what that conversation is. Maybe we'll even ask if they can release it. Every time he's on a call they release it anyway, Maybe they'll release that call because I kind of suspect that if we heard the call, you'd learn the difference between piece through Strength and this mess of Joe Biden. It didn't have to happen this way. Marco Rubio was on Hannity last night saying, we had all the intelligence not to do this this way. We warned them every day, and they wouldn't listen. How do you bungle something this bad? Oh? Donald Trump asociated the deal. Donald Trump was based on conditions on the ground and the warning that what happened to the Caliphate's gonna happen to you. Because of course, nothing was done by the likes of Biden and Obama to stop the Caliphate and the rise of isis. Everyone blames you know, blames everybody but himself. This is beyond a critical moment. This is beyond the bay of pigs. Even ex Obama officials are saying heads need to roll. Lindsey Graham saying this, this Biden is so dangerously incompetent. This is one of the Chinese military the same They're not gonna, not gonna protect Taiwan. They could move in tomorrow and he wouldn't do a damn thing. Would be my best guess. There's one UK mirror saying that drawing up a kill list for afghanis that helped the US. Are We're going to do anything to help those people. We have a moral obligation to help those people. Biden's Office of American decline an American defeat

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