Leave Your Politics - January 11th, Hour 1

Published Jan 11, 2022, 11:02 PM

Sean talks about how much he loves Florida and how he wants to live in "God's Waiting Room." Floridians are begging for the world to "keep their liberal politics away..." and it's true, many New Yorkers are retreating quickly to the Sunshine State.

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Dat of a one fifty day one sixty three since Joe promised that he would not allow abandoned Americans behind enemy lines. Now there's a proposal. I'll get to it in the course of the program today. Joe Biden wants to give humanitarian aid to the tune of three hundred and eight million dollars to the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. Well, where's that money gonna go? Right in the hands of the Taliban. Now, what are the odds that the Taliban is going to use it for the people in Afghanistan? Probably zero. It's not enough that he gave them what eighty billion dollars in the most sophisticated military weaponry on the face of this earth. No, let's make it worse. Now, if you're gonna give Afghanistan three hundred and eight million dollars, why don't you demand the release of the hostages first? Well, Hannity, that's then you're paying a ransom. Well, Joe said, he at all the leverage. Where's the average Joe, Because all these people are still trapped behind enemy lines. But I know you've turned the page. The media mob has turned the page. Everyone's turning the page looking the other way. And you know we're supposed to forget about our fellow Americans, military family members, thousands of Green cardholders, Afghan allies. That we made a pledge of promise, a solemn vow too, that we if this day ever came, we'd get them the hell out of there, not necessarily bring them here. The RNC is now suing to protect the integrity of our elections, as they issued a statement after filing suit against the new Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, and the New York City Council and the New York City Board of Elections in state court for illegally allowing non citizens to vote in city elections. In other words, illegal immigrants can vote in a municipality elections. American elections should be decided by American citizens. If Democrats can subvert elections this flagrantly in America's largest city, they can do it anywhere. The RNC is now suing to protect the integrity of our elections. We stand ready to do the same wherever Democrats try to attack the basic security of your ballot. So that suit is now going forward. But by the way, it's not just New York City. Their counties in Vermont. You know, it's a pretty amazing thing what's going on here today because you got Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. We're never seen together, all right, but they're seen. They going to Georgia. They're in Georgia today. And what's fascinating more than anything else about this whole thing is what their plan is. In Georgia. They're set to the you know, they're talking about voting rights. Here's the problem. As they get off Air Force one. Here's the b their masks on, you know, socially distant Kamala Harris getting off Air Force one. So they're going to the state of Georgia. Now we've already talked about the Attorney General Garland has now weaponized the Department of Justice and by going after the voting laws in Georgia and in Texas. Now the state of Georgia happens to have some of the most accessible voting opportunities for the people of Georgia than any other state. They have seventeen days of in person early voting. The state of Delaware, which Joe has represented now for five hundred thousand years, he never once lifted a finger or even talked about election accessibility. They have some of the most restrictive election laws in the country, and yet Merrick Garland goes the state that has accessibility for elections. Every district in Georgia has a drop box. There's no early voting in Delaware in person early voting in there's no dropbox. You got to give a reason if you want to vote absentee in Delaware. You don't need to give a reason in Georgia. Both states have voter ID laws. So why would Marrick Garland be attacking Georgia. Why is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris going to lecture and scold the people of Georgia. If not, it's all political now that this is now their big push. Yesterday Joe Mansion said it's over. Build back Better is dead. He's not supporting it. His offer of one point seven or eight trillion, whatever it was, is off the table, and he's not putting it back on the table now. Mansion and Cinema are the two. The Washington Post had a piece out today. I saw our friend both Snerdley from Russia from the Rusia, Lambusho tweeted this out. That's where I first caught it. James caught it. Actually, I don't go on Twitter, and anyway, reporting the Washington Pope fretting that cinema is stubbornly opposed to eliminating the filibuster. Washington Post reports frets that cinema stubbornly opposed eliminating the filibuster, and the Washington Post reporter deviated from her past coverage of the former president Donald Trump's efforts to scrap the filibuster rule. Anyway, it's not just mansion and it's not just cinema. According to the Politico, now mansion in cinema are the source of liberal frustration around the country, and there's a lot of venom and hate and vitriol against both of them. Now, I can play you and I'll play in a second all the Democrats what they've said about ending the filibuster over the years, you know, Chuck Schumer culminating with him saying we will become of an honor republic. But it appears now Mark Kelly's feeling the heat from the Arizona Attorney General, Mark Bernovich, and Mark Kelly is not yet committed to going along with this one time change in the rules. So that they could have their election reform bill passed, which, by the way, they want to get They want what happened in twenty twenty to happen again. What did I say we need if we want integrity, if you're a person that's really honest and you want integrity and elections, voter ID signature verification, chain of custody controls, and other words. With mail in ballots that people on both sides know where they are, can watch them at all times. You can put cameras, surveillance cameras and make sure nobody messes with them. The same with the drop boxes. There are surveillance cameras. Hearing details. There might be some shenanigans that were caught on tape, but we'll find out in the days ahead. But that's for a different day. But apparently Mark Kelly now is feeling the heat because there's a very good chance that Attorney General of Arizona, Mark Bernovitch would win that election. By the way, he would deserve to one. I think you'd be a great senator myself. And we've gotten to know him because of all the lawsuits he's filed against the Biden administration. Everything from Manday I know He's indicted nine people for ballot harvesting out there, so it's going to be interesting now. Senate Republicans have come up with a dramatic counter move to derail Biden's plan to change the filibuster. If the Democrats do weaken the filibuster, Senate Republicans are threatening to take control of the Senate agenda by forcing votes on issues ranging from the Keystone XL pipeline to abortion rules to the US Mexico border wall. They're looking at smaller bills such as the proposal to prohibit the administration from imposing a fracking band by executive order, a prohibition on the IRS, implementing new reporting on banks to disclose individual's banking activity, and mandatory detention for illegal immigrants who commit serious crimes. Senate Republican leaders said they have a list of bills that they will bring up on the floor under Rule fourteen, and they will debate it if Chuck Schumer is able to round up enough votes to lower the threshold for beginning debate on this. Oh, we want to win every election law that they want to pass. So Democrats are opposing Biden's push to torpedo the filibuster now Issues and Insights. According to the latest Issues and Answers poll, forty six percent of adults survey said they supported leaving the filibuster unchanged, versus thirty one percent of said they don't. Republicans Democrats see almost eye to eye on the issue. You know, some fifty one percent of Democrats support leaving it as it is, fifty three percent of Republicans, and by a margin of fifty one versus thirty African Americans Hispanic support leaving it unchanged. And you can break it down further demographically. One oddity about today's trip to Georgia, and that is that gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrahams won't be attending the speech by Biden and Kamala Harris and voting rights groups have also said they won't be attending Biden's speech. Why because, apparently, according to Newsweek, they're expressing their frustration with the apparent lack of progress on protections for voting rights and other agenda items of the Biden administration. Abrams cited a scheduling conflict and by the way, all you know, this is what makes us a you know, an absolute ridiculous sham committee. I mean, you got the biggest purveyor of election lies ever in the history of the country. And Adam Schiff, you know, the Stacey Abrams is loved and adored by Democratic rank and file. They all, you know, Shift Shift to this day is pushing his phony Russia Trump collusion narrative. Stacy Abrams still thinks she won in twenty eighteen and says so, and then I she ever said it. We got all the tape to prove it. You know, all these Democrats, all this is is a power grab. If we don't win this next election. If you think this is bad, it's all going to get worse because they want to and the filibuster wants they'll do it again. They want to DC Puerto Rico statehood. You know, they want to pack the Supreme Court. All of those issues are on the table now. When it comes to past remarks from Democrats on the issue of eliminating the filibuster, they had a very different point of view when they were not in power. Listen, speaking of those other kennedyates, several of them have proposed major structural reforms to our government and to our democracy. These include abolishing the electoral college, expanding the size of the Supreme courts, setting term limits for justices, abolishing the legislative filibuster, which if any of these do you support none. What the filibuster does, what the extended debate does, is to force both sides of the aisle to come together in a bipartisan, compromising way. They want, because they can't get their way on every judge, to change the rules in midstream, to wash away two years of history. They want to make this country into a banana republic where if you don't get your way, you change the rules. Oh, you mean exactly what they're trying to do now, turn the country into a banana republic. Chucky. I mean, it should be so obvious, and you know, all in an effort. All Republicans want our integrity measures, partisan observers, observed chain of custody, updated voter roles, voter ID, voter signature verification. And yeah, you have to be a legal citizen to be able to vote. That's not that restrictive, considering you need an ID to buy a six pack of beer or a bottle of wine, or pack of cigarettes. For crying out loud, if you're a smoker, bad idea, bad for your health, even a jewel pot of your vape. It's ridiculous. You need an ID to get into the DNC convention. You need an ID to get into the White House. You need it an ID. I'd go to the White House occasionally do an interview. Oh hi, mister Hannity, how are you? Yeah, we need your picture ID. They know who I am. They still need the picture ID. You go through the process. I go to the DNC convention. Mister Hannity, do you have your credential? Okay, thank you, have a good day. That's what happens at the DNC. Go to the Capitol, same thing, but you can't. These are the same people ironically passing, you know, the idea that we need vaccine passports. Can't make this hypocrisy up. It's so disgusting and repulsive as we roll along. Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. By the way, you know, the Biden economy is doing so good now we're expecting four rate hikes this year. For this is all based on Joe Biden. You know, failed policies. You know they can they can deliver. They think their speech on voting rights is going to make a difference. It's not going to make a difference. Even Georgia lawmakers are furious and apoplectic because what are they trying to do here? And I read this yesterday. They're trying to federalize the elections. The manner in which and the time in which the states it's up to the state legislatures, but they want to take all of that power. It's a huge, massive power grab. And what do they ultimately want. They don't want any of the integrity protections that Republicans want. You know, give me a good excuse why you'd be against a voter ID, a picture idea. Why would you be against signature verification? Why would anybody be against if you have to have mail in ballots, even though there's greater odds of corruption in my view, if you're gonna have them, why would you not want to have with them integrity measures that the chain of custody is never lost, that they could be put in a room the mail in ballots before they get counted, and they could be put in that room and you have cameras on it, and you know if any shenanigans go on, if you're gonna have dropboxes. Same thing. You know's what's wrong with updating voter rolls to make sure they're current. You know what is wrong with the policy idea of the law in many states that partisans from every party get to watch the vote counting up close from start to finish, which many states called for, but that didn't happen in twenty twenty. Why do we have laws if we're not going to enforce them? How could you know, how do you justify, like New York City allowing illegal immigrants they're here illegally the right to vote legally, just like Joe is aiding and abetting law breaking and illegal immigrants, you know, with process and release and then you know, of course they get preferential treatment, no COVID tests, no vaccine mandate, and transportation to the state of their choice where the states then pick up food, shelter, healthcare, education, you name it. Why would they be against it unless they had nefarious intentions? Twenty five till the top of the hour. Thank you for being with us. Eight hundred nine four one. Shaun is on number. So now we know that on numerous occasions, Donald Trump, as the law requires, authorized the use of up to twenty thousand National guardsmen in the lead up to January sixth. Oh, well, he knew something was going to happen, you idiot, hennity, he knew, he knew, No, he didn't know any such thing. What he knew is we came off a summer of five hundred and seventy four riots, which I keep telling you, and billions of property damage and arson and looting, and dozens dead and thousands of cops injured. Yeah, that one. There's no committee looking into that, but we know that multiple requests were made. We know that Cash Ptel was in the Oval office, he's the Department of Defense chief of staff. We know Mark Meadows, the President's chief of staff, was in the room. We know that the Defense Secretary was in the room. We know the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs was in the room. As the law requires, the President authorized it. Well, then the chain of command goes to Nancy Pelosi and to Muriel Bowser. They have jurisdiction. The president can authorize it, but they don't have to accept it. We saw that unfold all through the summer twenty twenty. The President would offer help and whatever liberal mayor whoever had you know, had to authorize it, they wouldn't do it, and as a result, people died, property was destroyed, and thousands of cops injured. Great job, Now this these are the questions. Now, now we get to the heart of this. The chairman of the committee. Now, they kicked off Jim Jordan and Jim Banks. Pelosi did that, replacing them with Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. Why the reason is obvious because they're not They're gonna go along with the Democrats. They have the same goal, that's to purge Donald Trump, not just from the Republican Party, from all politics forever. And I'll play this later in the program. We have Liz Cheney's primary opponent. You know, when Liz Cheney on the Sunday programs, they're saying Trump's unfit for elected office, should never be allowed near the Oval Office ever again, Well, that would be the predetermined outcome I told you about. But if they really want to stop this from ever happening again, you gotta ask why did these people turn down the National Guard? If we had twenty thousand National Guard troops there, I doubt January sixth would ever be discussed because it wouldn't have happened. They forget Trump's words. Many of you will peacefully and patriotically make your way to the Capitol so your voices can be heard. So now we have the chairman of the committee saying Nancy Pelosi is off limits. Then we have Nancy for example, Now how Kevin McCarthy, the minority leader in the House, is now saying Republicans take back the House in twenty twenty two. The GOP will use their power to look into the missteps of Nancy Pelosi and her appointees ahead of the January sixth rally. And he said, when you watch what Nancy Pelosi has done, she's politicized the process, not getting to the two main questions, why was the Capitol so ill prepared that day? And how do we make sure nothing like this ever happens again. Congressman Rodney Davis is asking for the communications between the Sergeant at arms and the speaker, and the speaker says they will not come forward with the information. That's why it's a sham committee with a predetermined outcome. That's what I've been telling you. Pelosi's denying the information that can give us the answer. And I had to bet it's probably been bleach bitted to death or hammered to death by this point anyway, And we'll get into more of this later in the program with Eric Trump and and others. It's just don'tbelieve it. If you don't, you don't want this to ever happen again. It can't ever happen again. You know, Ted Cruz was on fire today and anyway, in a dramatic under old testimony top FBI official, Well, let me play it for you and you decide. I want to turn to the FBI. How many FBI agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of January sixth? Sir, I'm sure you can appreciate that. I can't go into the specifics of sources and methods. Did any FBI agents or confidential informants actively participate in the events of January sixth? Yes, sir, I can't. I can't answer that did any FBI agents or confidential informants commit crimes of violence on January sixth? I can't answer that, sir. Did any FBI agents or FBI informants actively encourage and incite crimes of violence on January sixth? Sir? I can't answer that, Miss Sadburn, who is Ray Epps. I'm aware of the individual, Sir, I don't have the specific background to him. Well, there are a lot of people who are understandably very concerned about mister Epps. On the night of January fifth, twenty twenty one, Epps wandered around the crowd that had gathered, and there's video out there at hen channing tomorrow. We need to get into the capital, into the capital. This was strange behavior, so strange that the crowd began chanting fed, fed, Fed, Fed, fed fed. Miss Sandburn was yaps of fed, Sir. I cannot answer that question. The next day, on January sixth, mister Epps is seen whispering to a person, and five seconds later, five seconds after he's whispering to a person, that same person begins to forcibly tear down the barricades. Did mister Epps urge them to tear down the barricades, Sir? Similar to the other answers, I cannot answer that. Shortly thereafter, the FBI put out a public posts listing seeking information on individuals connected with violent crimes on January sixth. Among those individuals and the bottom there is mister Epps. The FBI publicly asked for information identifying offering cash rewards, leading information leading for information leading to the arrest. This was posted, and then sometime later, magically, mister Epps disappeared from the public posting. According to public records, mister Epps has not been charged with anything. No one's explained why a person video urging people to go to the capitol, a person whose conduct was so suspect the crowd believed he was a fed would magically disappear from the list of people the FBI was looking at. Miss Sandburn. A lot of Americans are concerned that the federal government deliberately encouraged illegal and violent conduct on January sixth. My question to you, and this is not an ordinary law enforcement question, This is a question of a public accountability. Did federal agents are those in service a federal agent actively encourage violent and criminal conduct on January sixth? Not to my knowledge, sir Wow paging FBI Director Chris Ray. Director, you might need some the answers here, especially in light of what we know now. The Justice Department is forming a new domestic terrorism unit. By the way, the day after we get McCabe saying that they need to do this. By the way, are they going to look into you know, groups a chant? What do we want dead cops? When do we want them now? And pigs in a blanket and prim like Bacon. I wonder if they're gonna I wonder if that's included in their definition of domestic terrorism. Remember we have Andrew McCabe making the comment mainstream conservatives need to be surveiled. Mainstream even said mainstream not talking about people that support violence of any kind. You know, I will tell you it is. These are unbelievable times that we're living in here. The tone and coverage I don't know who sent this from every clip I've been able to find in the days leading up to days simply do not match the tone the text messages that we've now seen as notable handed. Who's that from? Probably the medium mob hating me? That's all they ever do, Linda, You think the medium mob cares about my civil liberties? Are right? I think they care a lot. I think they care a lot about your feelings. You know, about your care, how long it is, how thick it is, all right, you've done? You know what I deserve? I think we could all use a little levity. I'm just saying I opened the door for that. I deserve it, I get it. So the Biden inflation tax, the average American family is suffering the equivalent of a five thousand dollars pay cut last year thanks to Biden inflation. The Biden inflation tax, combined with higher taxes owed by workers because of their inflated wages, have now pushed them into higher tax brackets. This analysis by Penn Wharton and their budget model found inflation cost the average American household five thousand dollars in higher prices and tax increases. Wow. At today's six point eight percent inflation rate is translated into translates into a fifteen hundred tax increase for a household earning the median income thirty five hundred with a lot of purchasing power, blah blah blah blah, five thousand dollars a year. The Fed chair even came out and said, Biden is wrong about the supply chain crisis. You actually said to me, now, there's definitely empty shelves in my store where I go to, but it's not dramatic. I mean I don't eat cereal, so I don't really care if frosty flakes are there or not. I happen to love frosty flakes. I'm the type of person that is a frosty flake addict, and flakes cereal really yeah, frosty flakes, Tony the Tiger, I know I love frosty flakes. I just never pictured you eating them. Oh my gosh, I love frost The problem is this, I'll wake up at two in the morning if there was a box of frosty flakes, I'll eat the whole box. Oh wait, I do remember telling me that I cannot have cereal in the house. I'm doing. I'm only eating mostly meat and salad. That's what I eat. Now. I've seen your dry kail chips call a flower chips. I'm not eating that. No, no, you're not just just meat. No, just all meat and salads. That's it. Okay, every day. Don't you want to know what I had for braccat too? SCRAMs? What kind of let us so you using? Because iceberg doesn't count? You know that, right? Iceberg in Romaine? Okay, you know iceberg doesn't count. It's fake. I just said iceberg in Romaine. What part of that did I heard? The iceberg. I'm just saying I heard the romaine too, okay. And I like plum tomatoes or roma tomatoes, whatever you call them, And I like I put onions in its, celery in it, and cucumbers in it. What else do I put in it? And I usually just use a little bit of light mayo on top of mayo. Yeah, in your salad? Yeah, okay, that's kind of like, no, what's wrong with mayonnaise? I love me, Oh boy, mayonnaise just no good. So I had today, I had two scrambled eggs and probably about a third of one of those pre prepared Patty hamburgers. I just cut it off and I just chop it up in the pan. That's cool. Put salt, yeah, of course. I put salt on everything, and put salt on ice cream for Crono lout, I know you put salt and salt. Very interesting. Bear Shelves Biden is trending on Twitter fed Reserve saying inflation exacts a toll on the economy. Bear Shelves Biden. I love that Treasury warning of enormous challenges this tax filing season. Here we go, you know, all these new agents that they're gonna hire it's not going to impact my life. You're just it's going to impact all of your lives. You're gonna get the Hannity treatment. In other words, handy ding ding ding ning ning, pull the file. I mean that's how many times have I said, well, audited it again, audited again. The thing is is that we pay all our taxes. By the way, I would highly recommend pay your taxes. I know people now, Linda get this, They're moving to Florida. There are more New York State irs people state I rus people um down in Florida, I think than in New York because they make a minute. They make you prove that you really are living in Florida six months in a day. Oh no kay. If it's even if you can prove six months in a day, there's still gonna fight you on it. Did you hear about the guy who's going around all the parking lots looking for the New York state license plates? Did you hear about this story? I did? I mean that's hilarious. I mean he literally had a leaving notes one. They're on their dash leak politics in New York. Kind of hilarious, but it's you know it honestly bears, repeating people need to be reminded, like you moved here because we do freedom right. So leave your you know, you know, take your crappy post. And I mean that too. I go to Florida, everybody is going to welcome me because they know who I am exactly. I mean, there are liberals down in Florida. I gotta get the home there are in Miami. You know, Okay, I ain't hanging out of Miami exactly. How well do you know me? You think I'm gonna go to very well? If I found you at a Miami nightclub, I'd be very surprised. I want to hang out with old people, and I want to join them in God's waiting room. That's where I want to be. I think God's waiting room. Where are you gonna move to the villages? Is that what you're gonna do? You know, one day God's gonna take me home and I'm gonna then I'm really bored. You know, this day you shall be with me in paradise, in my father's house. There are many mansions. I think you're gonna be here for a while, boss, Well, what would make you think that? You don't? Honestly? Yeah, You're right. None of us knows. We're never promised the day after tomorrow, you know. And we've never promised the day we're in you know. We're all just doing the best we can. My humble opinion, I think that all of us have a purpose here. Sometimes we can't see it so clearly when we're in the moment. We just do the best. And I think it's real quick. So the I always say, let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. In my father's house this is the same verse John fourteen, in my father's house or many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you I will go and prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, that ye may all maybe also. And whether I go, you know the way? You know? Thomas then said to him, Lord, we know not whether thou goest, How can we know the way? Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth and the life. And no man cometh unto the Father. But through me, if you know me, you know my father also, And henceforth you know me and have seen him. I mean, it's that's, that's the whole verse. Mind's a little shorter. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and no, it's actually your heart, mind, body, and soul. But you know, don't let mine, don't let my seminary education getting the way. I won't at all. You know, the troubles of this world are real. You know. There are the days I'm like, take I'm coming home, Elizabeth, remember that come. We could all use a little Jesus Man. We could all use it.

The Sean Hannity Show

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