John McLaughlin, Pollster and Strategist and Retired Syndicated Columnist and Pollster, Matt Towery, review the last two nights and debates and the winners and losers as we look at the ratings, social media and the messaging.
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All right, glad you with us sloaded up today. It is amazing how bad this cast of characters are that want to be the next president of the United States. I mean, it's like a train wreck. I watched it because it's that entertaining it You can't believe they're that bad. But they're really, really, really that bad. And no matter how hard the the medium mob tries to bail them out of that disaster that was last night's debate on top of the night before his debate, they can't do it. It's not feasible, it's not possible, it's not humanly possible. And that's only one of our stories. How did they get through an entire two nights what was it, two two and a half hours each night of you know, of twenty mostly unknown people. Nobody inspires on that stage at all. Nobody is that interesting. And that's why I keep saying, Poles, we'll have our posters later. It sounds a little stupid, but I don't think this president polls well. I don't think this president will ever poll well. I don't even think that Donald Trump can be pulled like any normal politician, because he's not. He is a transformational president. And in more ways than we can even list. First, he's a guy that actually keeps his word, keeps his promises, and fights for what he promised he would do. I mean that's rare. Everything from judges to look at the money that he won as he sent said he would, the emergency order that he sent out, the reallocation of moneys that were not spent from the Defense Department now can be allocated billions of dollars towards building the wall. Nobody in the media is going to talk about that big win of the president. Nobody's going to talk about the President promising the biggest tax cuts, followed through with that new trade deals. Yeah, we're getting fairer, freer trade deals as he promised, and I expect at some point he'll get it with China. And then the president of course promising energy independence. You know, that was one of the biggest issues I had with the President when he was running for office. I was like, no, no, no, we need to be energy independent. He goes, I know, I know, we need to be Well how important is that to you? That's the lifeblood of the economy. Well, now we're energy independent for the first time in seventy five years and so I'm watching all this and again it's gonna come down to are you better off than you were four years ago? No matter what, that is a major question for any president seeking reelection. Doesn't have to be the issue, but it's a significant factor. And then you ask the question, well, is the president gonna lose any of the support that he had from those people who enthusiastically went out there in twenty sixteen and lied to the posters and said they wouldn't vote for Trump? Well, I don't think he's lost many, if any, all right, maybe lost a few percent. Maybe maybe some people can't take his style, whatever, it's just too much. I actually think the opposite has happened, and I think people have gotten used to his iconoclastic and disrupt their style, and I think people tend to like it. You know, it's kind of refreshing to hear somebody say what they mean, mean what they say, and not back down from a fight, because that's not the typical politician. I mean, he's about as anti politician as a politician can be. All politicians like to hide who they really and truly are, and they like to create an image of veneer that there's somebody that they're not and the last thing they ever want is to be exposed for who they really are. And yet Donald Trump just the opposite. He's like, yeah, well, you know, I'll say what's on my mind and worry about the consequences later. That's not exactly, you know, the model of your establishment politician, nor is keeping promises, which is a sad commentary on politics in general, because a lot of these guys, Republicans and Democrats, are weak and they don't mean it, and they don't want to fight, and they want to stay happy, and they want to keep their comfortable job, and they want to get reelected without having to do too much. I mean, by the way, didn't they these guys just they're getting what six weeks vacations. We'll get six weeks vacation. I'm sitting there like, are you kidding me? Six weeks vacation? I have I think six or eight weeks in my contract. I think I take three, that's it, and then you know a couple of fridays in the summer, and that's that's my vacation. You know, long long holiday weekends that's usually spent on tennis courts, watching balls, go back and forth. It's more actually less stressful to work. Um So, all these people, all these nights Mueller, they've taught Muller Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Fake news CNN. That's all that they have done for two and a half years, advancing lie after lie after life, building up expectations that were never going to be met, and disappointing their audiences one let down after another. It's all showing up in ratings. I know that I don't spend a lot of time talking about ratings on this program on TV. I just don't. It's just it's naturally uncomfortable for me to do. So I can't tell you that by far we're number one in all the cable news. And I can also tell you that fake news CNN they're having trouble, nothing about this. They can barely get a million people at night. Didn't no show, no hour of the day can get a million people. They have hours of the day where there's like two hundred thousand people watching the whole network. How is that even possible? And the same with ms DNC, the conspiracy television network. I mean, Roswell, Rachel, I mean they have so light on such a spectacular level, and they so over promised, and the hype and the hysteria and the breathless reporting, and we got him, we got him, We got him. Know he didn't get him two nights, four or five hours whatever. It ultimately ended up being not one question about Mueller. Their conspiracy theories, it never never came up. How is that even possible? And the idea that this is a team of you know, moderate Democrats versus the radical Democrat that's all a croc Also, I'm watching this train wreck last night. Kamala Harris got wrecked last night in that debate after everyone said how great she had done the last time and taken on Joe Biden. But you know, look at Van Jones, what has Kamala Harris done? The show that she's so vicious that no one can lead a glove on her. I thought that was a pretty interesting remark on his part. But you know, she literally got I thought she got by Gabbard. Whoever that lady is, Tulsi. She's a congresswoman, I guess, you know, mostly known for her views on Syria, President assad playing a role similar to Chris Christie. She knows her chances are probably pretty low. And she went after Kamala Harris and she did a masterful job of just it was a it was a great takedown. I was like, Wow, that was pretty good. That was pretty impressive. And you know, Joe Biden and Kamala you know what was that all about with kid and Senator? I mean, it's just odd and weird and I didn't understand that at all. But it all comes down to some very simple fundamentals in all of this, and most of it has to do with the ideas that everyone on that stage, both nights believe in. And Joe Biden is a train wreck, he is a horrific candidate. And Axel Rod he's not a dummy. Axel Rod. I actually respect axel Rod's mind. He's pretty thoughtful and not um um. He's a little dangerous. I think he's got a pretty sinister mind in terms of politics. Reminds me a little bit of James Carvill. There's nothing stupid about James Carvill. James Carver was a master, masterful um strategist for Clinton. But Axelrod says about Biden is just maybe the best he can do, and I actually think he's right. I think that's the best you're gonna get out of Biden, and I don't think it's gonna get any better. And then Biden having to take attacks, withering attacks from Booker. Um, I mean, we got Joe Biden on seven specific claims. He's just dead wrong. He's defending Obamacare. The amount of trashing of Obama last night was also pretty stunning to me. Um, Joe Biden has gone so far left, he's flip flop flailed. He I mean, the ads you could put out on him already about Anita Hill and on segregation. Now at the Democratic debate, he's talking about eliminating cold fossil fuels and fracking. That's how desperate he needs. The squad's approval in all of this, and Harris calling Biden senator, and then Booker turning to Biden and says, excuse me, you destroyed communities like mine, and Joe Biden flops on TPP as first put forward, and that was pretty ugly. And then you get down to the nitty gritty, which is the ideas. All those people both night support the insanity of the Green New Deal. The Green New Deal, their ten year plan that's going to eliminate all oil and gas in the lifeblood of our economy in ten years, and they're word on a scale not seen since World War Two. Is how they sold it. Move America towards one hundred percent renewable energy. We're gonna millions of families. Everybody's guaranteed a family supporting wage, where ensuring that every worker has the economic security that they deserve. Equal justice. Why everything's equal, a job with a sustaining wage, medically vacation, retirement security. Now education is going to be spread out into college and trade schools, and preschool and kindergarten. Everything's included, including government healthy food and guaranteed clean air, in high quality healthcare, and you may not have a choice of ever getting a private ensurer in your healthcare system. And then of course safe housing, affordable housing, adequate housing for everybody, economic security, whether you're willing or unwilling to work. And then ultimately we'll get rid of cows and we'll get rid of airplanes in the process. Okay, well that's a train wreck. You add up the numbers. John Stossel wrote a column on town Hall just biden a loan, wanting to triple the money we're paying for Title one schools a thirty two billion, Create a universal PreK that's twenty six billion. Free community college that's another six billion. Double the number of psychologist social workers in school's fourteen A seventy eight billion dollars deal, but much less than what Kamala Harris would spend. You know, she's had one hundred and seventy seven billion, and not to be outdone, you got Mayor Pete His is about eighty seven billion. And the plasioll just come and write the hell out saying we're gonna tax the hell out of the wealthy. Well, that's what they're gonna do. That's what the plan is. And as I think it was congresswoman to leave, I believe that said we're gonna take everybody's money and give it back to those people that deserve it and earned it. Okay, what about the people that own it, that built it. I guess you don't. But you didn't build that. Protesters screaming multiple times because they're not left wing enough. Hairston Jillabrand white privilege keeps whites from being shot. Everybody's supporting illegal immigration and free healthcare for illegal immigrants. Corey Booker's bizarre comments Trump won Michigan because Russians suppressed black vote in Michigan. Andrew Yang, who I have no earthly idea? Who the guy is too late to stop global warming? We gotta move to higher ground. Well where are we gonna move to? You know, I can't breathe protesting going on there. Book are saying, you know, s whole as many times as he can. I'm like, okay. And people from s whole countries have a right to come here. What we're gonna pay for their healthcare, in their housing and the Green New Deal for everybody. And this is what's gonna take on Donald Trump. This is not gonna happen. And if it does happen, you know what, forget about higher ground, find other ground because the United States as we know it is going to cease to exist. Freedom goes away, capitalism goes away, money goes away because people that have it are gonna remove it and get the hell out of here, just like they're doing in New York, New Jersey and California. They're leaving. And all throughout all of this, they ignore the big news of the day, which is the Inspector General Michael Horowitz has referred Jim Comey for prosecution under the Espionage Act and for lying to the FBI, because the FBI, we now know we didn't know, went to his house to retrieve the documents that were classified that he stole from the Bureau on the way out the door. So we can get the special counsel appointed. But that's only the tip of the iceberg. Nobody mentioned that last night. All right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show, so let me we'll have John Solomon at the top of the next hour. Now, this is an amazing thing for fake news CNN. And oh, we got the figures, Linda, you gotta remind me. So, Mark Levin's book is still in the top five on the New York Times list for ten straight weeks. Correct, that would be correct. And I looked at the BookScan numbers and Mark has sold hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands if he had the audiobook everything, well nearly five hundred thousand books. Now, Jimmy Acosta's book came out three weeks after Mark. He's been on the market for seven weeks. And I looked at his book scan numbers. Do you do you remember? Because I sent it to you because I don't tweet myself. Do you remember how many books did fake news Jim sell? Remember they were begging you, the book people and his people begging to be on this radio show. Is that correct? Indeed it is okay and to the point where it was like bordering on harassment. Correct, sure, sure, okay, Marisa tourmeat all right. Now the question is if I my memory serves me well in seven weeks again, Mark has three weeks extra weeks he got. Mark is at nearly at half a million sold Mark, And where is he was at fourteen thousand, eight thousand, one hundred thirty seven total books? Fourteen thousand and how many did he sell just last week? Because we know it, that's one four, six hundred and four every family member he had. Okay, that is the biggest, most epic fail, just like oh, fake news CNN. Now fake news CNN on an average tonight can't get one show to break a million viewers. And now here you have this comparison, and there you got Jeff Zucker and his stenographer. They got to write a book about Fox, like anyone gives a rip what they think about Fox. Nobody's gonna buy that clickbait. Yeah, but okay, we hate Fox. We're from CNN shocker. All right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. The President heading to the great city of Cincinnati, the home of Skyline Chili. Once friend of mine who won't talk to me anymore is John Kasik, who is John the Shark A little bit. I have an interesting story about my fiftieth birthday party and John Kasik and the man we now have on the line, Bill Cunningham, You're a great American. Thank you for calling from Cincinnati. Inside the arena, I want a full report, Sean Hannity, How are you? How are you? My? You know what? I love Bill Cunningham. So I gotta tell a little story about you. You ready, I'm ready. So before I went to Atlanta, Eric Slugo Sidell, who hired me for that job in Atlanta, they brought in Bill Cunningham the week before I was to start, just to piss every listener off so bad that anybody that came on after was going to be beloved. And he goes in, I'm Billy Cunningham from Cincinnati. The Reds are the greatest team in the history of baseball. The Atlanta Braves suck. And by the way, this city has got off ol. You can't even get any decent food here at night. And those of you that like the Varsity or out of your freaking minds true or not true, mister Cunningham, one drew him under oath. They only speak the truth to the American people and to the fellow great American. Sean Hannity tell them most levin Sean Hannity Bill Cunningham story with kays Oh my gosh, this is all right. So it's my fiftieth birthday party. John Kaysick is in. We were down in southwest Florida, and and you nearly got in a fifth fight with the guy. I mean, what else am I supposed to say? And I had to go over and tear you to apart because you were about to kill each other. Because he pisses me off so much as to why, and because I knew what was coming in his governorship, I knew what he would do. Imagine him in a party in the great state of Ohio called the Republican National Convention. You're throwing the party and you refuse to attend and you're the governor. Imagine that. And by the way, what did Trump went Ohio by? What was it? Seven points nine points? All right? So it was funny because I look, you and I've been through a lot of elections together. And I remember, you know, being there in two thousand and four we went on a big tour together. That's when Neil Boorts actually cursed inside of a church. I said, oh no, Neil Boorts, what are you doing? And we had to bail him out of that trouble at the time, and you and I were there, and we knew that. We knew that the great state of Ohio, and as goes Ohio, so goes the presidential election. We knew that George W. Bush was gonna want win. Now. On election day when that came around in November of old four, the exit polls showed that John Kerry was going to be the next president. On this radio show six thirty five, I'm sorry five to thirty five Eastern, I got a call from the Vice President at the time, Dick Cheney, and Dick Cheney was saying, Ohio, we need you. He was saying, Florida Southwest Florida, Panhandle. I four, Carter, we need you. And then you were telling only me it's not true. There's no way that Ohio was going blue. And you said to me, these eggs and poles are dead wrong Sean Hannity In twenty sixteen, it was either Don Junior or Eric I had on the show with me like a two h six and we're off the air for about three minutes, and he says to me, you know, Willie, we could have won Ohio. I said, I know, Casey didn't help. He said, we could have won Wisconsin. Walker wasn't there. Ruby O Bush didn't help me and didn't help us in Florida. And I said, look, people are voting right now. Be positive. It's election day. I get a texted five thirty five from you saying it's worse than we thought. The eggs at polling is terrible. Trump loses Ohio, Florida, Michigan. He's got no chance. And so I communicated with Don Junior. He texts back, you know, the eggs and polling is terrible. About nine thirty ten o'clock, we text back and forth and I texted you dog catch his car and all right, so right, all right, now this is gonna turn really really inside baseball, and then we'll get to the Kasik fight story. Then we're gonna talk about tonight. So I at that point then Candidate Trump had a cell phone. I had his cell phone number, and so I got I mean, as soon as they hit the presses, I got the exit polls. I got them immediately. Now you're not supposed to talk about them when you get them, but if you watch the fake phony medium mob in this country, you know they go on the air and you can tell they've all read the same thing that I read, and they were all giddy at six o'clock. So I didn't want the president to I did not want him to think at time, then Candidate Trump that it was over, and so I wanted to get to him first. I don't remember how we did it. Linda would be able to remind me, but at some point I know that I was checked out and I was calling Donald Trump and I said, somebody is they're drawing straws right now because somebody's gonna walk in and give you horrible news in a minute. And I said, you gotta listen to me. You do not pull like any other politician. I'm telling you, I'm not buying it because it's these eggs and poles show. You didn't win a single state and it's just not possible. It is mathematically impossible. And he goes, oh, well, I guess I'll just go back to business. He was very matter of fact, didn't react to it. I don't know who got to him next, but I'm sure the person was scared to death. And he goes, I know the eggs of poles suck. But anyway, long story short, Don Junior did call into my show about five to forty five that afternoon, just like Dick Cheney called five thirty five and two thousand and four. And the long and short of it is, then you see the media go on giddy at six o'clock at night. Then Bill Cunningham, what happened? What happened all of a sudden is people actually voted, not the ones that were being pulled, but residents about Fountain, residents of Batavia, residents of it Shibulah, residents of Belle Fountain, and all of a sudden, Ohio, which is losing by five percentage points by the way, Governor Richard Cordray loses to Mike DeWine by like eight percentage points, but every poll in Ohio had Governor Richard Cordray winning by five. It will all bunch of crap because they didn't pull the people that actually voted. I'm in Cincinnati now. Last night about seven eight pm, television news went to sleeping bags and pitch tents outside of Heist Bank Arena right now. You can't get within a mile. The Cincinnati police are saying, do not come to downtown Cincinnati because it is packed. And it's not packed because of Florida Georgia Line about two miles up the river bends packed because Donald J. Trump, the rock Star is in Cincinnati at Uess Bank Arena right now. There's gonna be eighteen thousand people and the media will not cover it as such because it's jurious. And one last thing, Sean Hannity, the Cincinnati Choir, which is a Gannette publication, said that they're calling upon this president to be civil, to use the right language, don't call people names. What the hell happened last night with the ten Democrats. They called him a predator, they called him a racist, they called him a rapist. They said put him in jail. The most vile, filthy language you used by Democrats. That doesn't matter. What matters is what Trump says, not what the Democrats say about him. And that drives me frigging nuts. The media mob, Bill cunning And this is what we have known for years. It wasn't an accident. I didn't just think, oh maybe I'll make up a line about the media and I said journalism's dead. I wasn't lying. I just didn't know how right I was at the time. At this point, you bring up the martial event and Jim Acosta situation. It's the democratic media that is telling us what to think and what to do. Last night, the mob dator Don Lemon called our president a racist after Joe Biden or after the debate, walks over embraces and hugs Al Sharpton. So we're supposed to believe that Al Sharpton is about civil rights and Donald Trump is a race bader. Are you kidding me? Bill Cunningham, Have you ever heard the montage on the Sean Hannity radio or TV shows about rever Now by the way, he once said, yeah, you want to get it on. You know, Pinyon Yamick is on backwards. He actually said that, except that's not on tape. Can you imagine look at Obama Obama where I thought Obama was a terrible president, and those who agree with me are the Democrats on the stage last It was unbelievable. I said this, the Democrats are after Obama. And when five cops are killed in Dallas and three killed in Baton Rouge, Obama invites in Black Lives Matter, del Ray McKesson and others to talk about civil rights. It's unbelievable. You know. I do think this is a tipping point for the country, and maybe I think in every election year, but I don't think I've ever felt it as as much as I do. But I want to go back to Kasick for a second because and I'll let you tell the story what really happened, because I wasn't there in the beginning of it. I just broke it up before it became a melee. And but John Kasi's running for office. I get in touch with John Kasik. He's out there trashing Trump to candidate, and I said, Governor, you got a minute, can we talk any right? Well, if it's about Trump, no, never. And then I write it back. I said, oh, Okay, So I'll ask you how are you and not mean it. I'll say how's the weather in Ohio and not mean it. I'll ask how are your kids? And it means nothing. And I won't talk about the disaster of the Biden Obama economy and thirteen million Americans added to the food stamp roles and eight million more in poverty and given Mulla's an Iran one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash, another cursy. I won't talk about any of that. So that's the relationship that you want. That's it. We never talking. We never spoken again. And I know you know, Sean. One great thing about that conversation, there was a good chance that Trump was gonna pick Kasey to be his vice president. Imagine if John kasy had played nice hit his true character and became the vice president and he was the vice president now instead of Mike Pence. Wouldn't that been a disaster for the country. You know, I thought I knew John Kasy, I really did, And you had told me years earlier. No, no, no, I know stuff about him that well, no, no, you know you told me he's not as he appears. That's what you said to me. You said to me that he's a meaner guy than I know, and I had never seen that side of him. I guarantee, if Casey was picked by a mistake, he'd be undermining the president and he'd be destroying the Trump agenda, the Trump presidency. The best thing that could have happened is when Trump picked a former radio talk show down to me, less head Pensanna. That was a brick and perfect and perfect compliment. Now, listen, I thought when I was thinking about I thought, Kasi, absolutely, you can't win the presidency without winning Ohio. That's how important Ohio is, and that's how important your voice is. And by the way, Billy Cunningham is the number one rated host in the entire state. He still is the only radio host that gets double digit ratings in these days on actual ratings, because people have so many other platforms they can listen on. Now tell the story. It's my fiftieth birthday party. You and Kasok are alone. What happened? Well, John kask and I think John, I think I think John Rich was there. What wasn't it? Yes, John Rich was there, all right, And so Kasy and I start talking about you know, John, this is what you promised to do, income tax cuts, your promise enterprise zones. You promised to do something positive on CBD and marijuana. You promised to do something on casinos. And he'd done none of this stuff. And I said, what are you going to keep your word? So he got in my face into to poking me in my chest. I said, get your hand out of my face and get your finger off my chest, otherwise I'm gonna deck your ass. And at this point two highway patrolman get in between us, and then they said take it outside. So Mark Levin follows us outside. I'm yelling at him, calling him a liar. He's yelling at me, calling me whatever it was, MF this and MF that you got whenever you came out. And I said, at that point, never trust that guy. He's a liar and what he does, he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. And that guy's gonna say one thing and do another. You can't trust the damn thing he says. And now he believes in his heart that's why he's on the Clinton News network so much that somehow Trump is going to collapse. That all the people I see here in Cincinnati getting ready for this rally, are going to quit supporting the president and that they're gonna turn to John Casey to become the president nominee at the Republican Party. If that happens, I'm gonna go to Madagascar and beget and begin breeding Comodo dragons. If that happens, I'm going to mad gas guard that guy you can't trust. And I knew it then and I know it now, and that's this guy. I mean, I'm not listening. I don't I don't really have a problem with people fighting. I know that that's not a very politically correct thing to say, but you know, I mean, I played hockey as a kid. We fought every day, every single day. We dropped the gloves and we threw punches every like. I meet these kids today and I'm like, do you ever have a fight? Nope? I mean, how do you go through life and not have one fist fight? I was that possible? Let me ask you this, Billy Cunningham. We now know the Inspector General Michael Horowitz and his team have referred James Superpatrioch comy or possible prosecution under the Classified Information Protection Laws. That would be the Espionage Act that would be the removing of classified documents. That would be theft of government documents, and also eighteen USC. One thousand, which would be making false or misleading statements. The Attorney General is declined prosecu at this time. Now, on the surface, I'd be mad, but my sources tell me no, they're not going for low hanging fruit. This is going much deeper than anybody knew. Good at this point. Good, at this point, James Comy needs to face the bar of justice by the standards that he said, thinking about his ridiculous news conference about Hillary Clinton, which Democrats then said, you know what, that guy's got to be fired. All Trump did was fire Comy, which is what Hillary would have done. And a month later, Bill Cunningham, in a month to his own former employees, FBI agents were banging at the door, getting his classified documents that didn't belong in his house and interrogating him. And then he still arrogantly went out there and wrote a book. I warned him, Bill Cunningham, I said, you have the right to remain silent. I suggest you exercise that right, I warned him. Who sold more books? Was all right? I got a roll all right, We're gonna watch the President at seven tonight. And by the way, I get to talk to you, Mark Levin I spoke to earlier and Rush Limbaugh on TV tonight. How great is my life? Pretty good? Bill Cunningham, God bless you, God bless America. You're a great American. You look at this White House now, and it's hard to imagine two FBI agents sending up in the same room. How did that happen? I sent them something I probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized investigation and more organized administration in the George W. Bush administration, for example, or the Obama administration. The protocol two men that all of us have perhaps increased appreciation for over the last two years. And in both those administrations there was process, and so if the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the White House Council and then we discussions and approvals and who would be there. And I thought it's early enough, Let's just send a couple of guys over all, right, how is it? By the way, that's James called me hour or two. Sean Hannity Show eight hundred nine for one, Shaun is a number you want to be a part of the program. Now, what he's saying there to me is beyond repugnant, and it's everything you don't want in a law enforcement officer. And you know, I still get squeamish every time I hear Joe de Jenneva say the word dirty cop. The Comey's a dirty cop. And I think it's because I just have this natural instinctive love of law enforcement that was born out of the family that I come from, and my mom the prison guard, and my dad the family corp probation guy, and you know, the cousins one after another that were police officers and the two that were day that made the FBI. And I'm thinking, So Andrew McCabe tells Lieutenant General Flynn he doesn't need a lawyer when he's told all we're sending a couple of guys in the SEU, and so he's thinking, all right, well, I don't need I don't need to worry about this conversation. It is not about anything that I did. And then Comey bragging that he sent guys into the White House to do something he would never do on it to the Obama or Bush administrations, and that was interrogate Lieutenant General Flynn and basically sandbag him after they said, no, forget about Miranda rights, Oh, forget about the normal process one would go through, forget about letting him defend himself. This guy served his country thirty three years. And on top of that, we discovered that they illegally surveiled, unmasked General Flynn, and they had the raw intelligence that means the conversations that the questions we're going to be based on, they had the verbic on it, which means it's a perjury trap from the get go. If god forbid, General Flynn doesn't remember perfectly everything that happened in the conversation with the individual that they're talking about, and it's worse than that. And then, of course we have the whole FISA issue and the numerous warnings that James Coomy got that number one Hillary paid for the dirty Russian dossier, that Steele hated Donald Trump, that Steele had a deadline that was election day. He signed the first FISA application. We now know it was an unverifiable document, but he verified it. He said it was verified and corroborated, and he put his signature to it. And then he goes just a few months later to Trump Tower and tells the President elect, Oh, it's unverified, but salacious. The whole narrative now is flipped on its head. Well, now we go to Well investigating the investigators, and once again it's John Solomon breaking the story that in fact, the Justice Department their chief watchdog, the Spector General Michael Horowitz, that his report on FISA abuse is going to be beyond damning, and that already Michael Harrowitz's team, at least on one issue, has referred Comy for possible prosecution as it relates to the Espionage Act, and also for being less than than candid lack of candor which means lying when questioned about it. We learned that after Comy was fired that FBI agents actually went to his house, interrogated him, and also retrieved the documents classified documents that he had taken out of his house, which is illegal again violation eighteen Usc. Seven ninety three, and numerous other violations. The only other sidebar to this story is that, at least for now, the Attorney General has declined to prosecute James Coomy, because they're apparently bigger fish to fry, starting with FISA abuse. Here to weigh in on all of this and probably say it a lot better than I just did, is our good friend. John Solomon is the executive vice president of The Hill Investigative Reporter. John, how are you? I'm good. I think he hit it right out the head shown that was perfect. All right, let's go through what you know and you know where we are. And if he was recommended for prosecution, that means that Michael Horowitz concluded what we had concluded a long time ago, which is right. This was classified information. The notes he took on on the president and for him to have him outside of his office as a violation of the law. Also, and if there was a lack of candor, that's another way of saying lying, Yeah, he listened. He had an opportunity when the FBI agent showed up at his house on June seven, twenty seventeen, to collect these memos that he had improperly taken out the FBI. He had an opportunitio Fellas. I didn't just take him home. I emailed him to other people, and he stayed silent, did not tell the FBI agents had according to my sources and also according to the FBI interview of him, that judicial was able to win yesterday in its FOIL lawsuit. So let's go back and remind people who James Comey said he was and what we've learned about him. He's the guy who said, my bureau followed the rules. Well, guess what we found out in the Hilary email case. He violated the rules. He's the guy who said my bureau doesn't leak, Well we now know he leaked and Andrew mccabelea. And now he said that we did everything by the book on Russia and the face is good. I think we're going to find out the same reversal of fortune for James Coomey when the IG report comes out in the fall on the larger issue of face abuses. But the next report to come out is going to focus specifically on Comy and his conduct in those memos. It's going to be a stinging rebuke of the top leader of the FBI not following the very rules he was charged with imposing for the rest of the bureau. Well, you think about somebody like Christian Saucier or the numerous names that Greg Jarrett has in his book, people that have been prosecuted for far less as it relates to the Espionage Act. And it gets a little bit chilling and a little bit scary to me that we have a dual justice system. Now, I kind of started prodding your Your article broke just before Hannity last night, so I didn't have the time to check in with some sources of mine, and I think some that you know that I have and some that maybe are separate from those that you have. And what I was told is this is not over. What I was told is this is the low hanging fruit. This was the easy part. What I'm told is that there are far bigger issues in play. Fi obviously being one of them, and his knowing that the dossier was dirty and unverified, but a premeditated fraud before FISA court is a far bigger issue. And other issues apparently that might go beyond the borders of this country are being investigated, and I don't know, you probably know more about that than I do. Yeah, listen, we talked about this on the show last night. And agree with what your sources are telling you. My sources are saying the same thing. There are quotes in my column that really go to that issue, which is, hey, this was a small issue. Could we a prosecuting maybe, Could we have won in New York or the district of Columbia? Probably not. So why bring a chase against a guy that, if he gets acquitted he can take a victory lap for very bad behavior. Why not let the report speak for self and focus on the larger issues. And here are the larger issues as I understand them. There could be false testimony by several of the players in the abuse. Remember a lot of them are testified to Congress, either publicly or privately. That's a much bigger case and an easier case to make to the American public when you come to a jury. And then there's the broader question of whether this entire investigation, particularly the fis constituted some form of a fraud, a conspiracy to defraud the country, the United States through the election, or to a conspiracy to defraud the fist of court. Now, nothing's been proven. We should wait and see what evidence comes out. But I think what your sources are telling you are what my sources are telling me. There's a much bigger issue here. Comby's not off the hook yet, off the hook on this smaller issue, but keep your eyes focused on the bigger issue. And I think the Attorney General, bar John Durham, Michael Horowitz will be judged on the totality of their investigations when they all come out. And patience has always been the better side of prudence in these sort of investigations. Well, and now we're getting into the real weeds here. What we know is what we know that Durham has spoken to Steal for maybe what sixteen hours. We know the actually there was their ig invest I'm sorry I thought it would I thought he met with the Durham the prosecutor. No, my understanding it from my sources, as it would Inspector General. So of course the great thing is John Durham has access to all that, So it really doesn't matter who did the interview. Both the IG and Durham are going to have access to that important interview. Yeah, well they will. But also other people now have figured out that the premeditated FISA fraud is a big issue. I've got to believe John, at some point we're going to hear from somebody within the FISA court system. Now they're appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts. But here to four. While you and I might know the names of the judges, most people do not know those names. He makes those appointments. But I got to imagine those judges are apoplectic about what has happened here because there was a fraud purposely committed against them. And I would think anyone that's signed off on those warrants and those applications is being verified, and we now know they're unverifiable because the author of the dossier says he has no idea if any of it's true, and the FBI's final fact checking showed that basically none of it was true. Also, yeah, you've got it right. And I think you know what. The Court often on these issues, don't look about the overall conduct of the FBI. They look at what came into the court. What did they represent to us? Now, let's take a look at what we know they represented. They represented emphatically that they had verified the fact that Carter Page had met with Igor Dashevski and Igor Session, two close associates of Vladimir Putin during his July twenty sixteen trip. We now know from the Mullah report. We now know from that spreadsheet that we've reported on those meetings did not occur and they were never verified. Therefore, when the FBI told the court, we've verified that and this is a reason why you should allow us to invade Carter Page's privacy intrude on the Trump campaign, they falsely represented that information was verified. A second thing that they said emphatically Airfield, will be specifically to the court, we have no derogatory information on Christopher Steele. There is overwhelming evidence the United States government had significant derogatory information about Steele and his conduct in this case, everything from leaking, to the quality of his intelligence, to his political motives and his hatred for Donald Trump. And that is a false statement if you represent to the court we don't have derogatory information when all that information is sitting in your files and in your knowledge and in the use of the government's knowledge. So that's the sort of thing the court looks for. What did you say before us and can we hold you? I want you to stay right there, because we got other breaking news. Part of it is Andrew McCabe was in contact with British intelligence at the beginning of the Russia Gate hoax again. This brings us overseas again. Then one has to wonder what the role of Brennan is in all of this, and Clapper may have been in all of this. And what's interesting is your piece has gotten picked up about Christopher Ray. I want to ask you about that. On the other side, we'll continue. This is big news. I was more dubious last night than I am today about why not prosecute immediately? But I think I see something bigger, a lot more depth to this than the surfacing stuff we're reading, And maybe John will shed some light on that when we get back. All Right, as we continue, John Solomon, executive vice president and investigative reporter for The Hill, breaking this big story. So the Inspector General recommending prosecution for Comey. The real answer to this, though, is the Attorney General is digging into much bigger issues that Comy may be involved in. Now we learned and I thought this was pretty interesting from the Daily Wire that Andrew McCabe was in contact with British intelligence at the beginning of the Russia Gate hoax, and Meadows has bypassed Christopher Steele in a bid to expose the dossier, which, by the way, the President has handed off to the Attorney General to release at any point that he deems proper. Listen, there are so many things that are going to happen over the next few weeks that are going to be dramatic. Sean, I think there are so many moving parts. People are being interviewed at rapid speed, Documents are being obtained at rapid speed. The investigation is accelerating, and I think the answers that have been evasive for the last two and a half years are finally going to be nailed down. And I think people like Devin Junia, As, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, who laid out the fears of what they thought went behind the scenes of this investigation are going to be vindicated. All the people who laid out evidence on your show of what went wrong here are going to be vindicated. And I think the most important part is the FBI will have an opportunity to be held to account for the sort of conduct that we never want to see our bureau do. We don't want to see our bureau be involved in politics and settling political scores, doing political opposition research, or picking one candidate over the other. Using its investigative powers, and that's what went on here at its core, that's what's wrong. And I hope in the very very future, an air future, people are going to begin to see the breath of evidence that underlies those concerns. I think James Coleby should have taken my advice. I gave it to him long before his book ever came out. You have the right to remain silent. I advise you take that right seriously. But well, he's certainly silent today. I'm going to tell you something. I want to say something. I don't take any glee that anybody in the world's premiere law enforcement organization is up to no good like this, but what he did is horrible. It is horrid. We've known it for some time now. He will pay the price for doing so. By all accounts that all the things that I'm hearing, great reporting as usual, John Solomon, way ahead of the curves. Stay with us while I'm more on the deep state. Throughout the program, We're gonna stop and take a look at the polls. Are posters, John McLaughlin, Matt Towery coming up next, and also our news round up information Overload Hour got a lot of stuff we haven't hit yet, Rush Limbaugh on Hannity Tonight, nine eastern on the Fox News Channel. The first thing that I'm going to do when I'm president is I'm going to clarox the Oval Office, and if they don't have any money, they're getting free. So this idea is a bunch of Milwaukee. I don't know what Matthew you do in New York. I don't know what Matthew do earn California, but I tell you that's a lot of money. This is one of those instances where the house was set on fire and you claim responsibility for those laws. We have a system right now. That's OK. And if you want to compare records, and frankly, I'm shocked that you do, I am happy to do that. It looks like one of us has learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. Why did you announce in the first day as zero tolerance policy of stop and frisk and hire Rudy Giuliani's guy in two thousand and seven when I was trying to get rid of the crack cocaine. Mister Rice, President, there's a saying in my community, you're dipping into kool aid and you don't even know the flavor. You need to come to the city of North Had I been in the United States Senate at that time, I would have been completely on the other side of the aisle. And let's be clear about this. Had those segregationists there away, I would not be a member of the United States Senate. Corey Booker would not be a member of the United States Senate, and Barack Obama would not have been in a position to nominate him to the title he now holds. This is the fourth debate that we have had in the second time that we have been debating what people did fifty years ago with busing. When our schools are segregated today, is it worth fifty years ago? The surprise, President, You can't have it both ways. You invoke President Obama more than anybody in this campaign. You can't do it when it's convenient and then dodge it when it's not your responsor yes, how he said, would I insist but labor be engaged? The answers, yes, I consider to have victory. Well, I love your affection for him, and you spend a lot of time with me. You know what we believe in redemption down. We believe in redemption at this party. Well, I tell you what, I hope your paris. We need to do the opposite a much of what we're doing right now, and the opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes mass We need a nation that understands it. These tired old language. Stand by Senor. I'll stand by it. Please stand by it. Let him talk about any of this when he was a secretary. Please be respectful, Please be respectful in the crowd. Please continue that, mister Vice President. We will ensure that everyone has access to healthcare. Your plan, by contrast, leaves out almost ten million Americans. To mister Vice president, you want to be president of the United States, you need to be able to answer the tough questions. I guarantee you if you're debating Donald Trump, He's not gonna let you off the hook. So did you say those deportations were a good idea or did you go to the president say this is a mistake, we shouldn't do it. Which one? I was vice president. I am not the president. I keep my recommendation him in private. Unlike you, I expect you would go ahead and say whatever was said privately with him. That's not what I do. What I do say to you is he moved to fundamentally change the system, all right. That was from last night's debate twenty poor now till the top of the hour eight hundred for one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, I have said, and I stand by this, that I don't believe this president, that Donald Trump, President Trump will ever poll like any politician, any other politician. And we kind of saw that on election night twenty sixteen. I mean, the eggs of Poles had him losing every single state pretty much. I don't remember one state that the Eggs of Poles showed that he was gonna win, not one. So I'm not really sure. I mean, I think we're just sort of getting little snapshots. I think there is the emphasis now is certainly on the enthusiasm level. The President is going to be speaking seven o'clock tonight in Cincinnati, Ohio, and I think the President is going to have his typical huge, massive crowds people waiting outside even at this hour, as they've been all day, dying to get in to see him and watch him speak and stand the whole time and cheer like it's a concert. I mean, I don't know anyone that can do that and doesn't play a piano like Billy Joel or Elton John, or a guitar or somebody that you think is a good guitar player or a great singer. I don't know anybody that can do it and that phenomenon, that enthusiasm that we say matters. Obama had it, but I don't see any current Democrat having it. And I thought it was a disastrous night, especially for Joe Biden, but frankly for everybody on that stage. And in spite of what the media is telling you that there's some battle between moderates and the radicals of the Democratic Party, no, it's basically a battle between radical or more radical as all of these ideas that we have been pointing out literally are not resonating with the American people. John McLaughlin is with us. He's a poster and also former poster who's still a poster, who still can't retire. Matt Towery is with us. Let's get both of your takes on the debates the last two nights. I don't see I think the big winner from my perspective is Trump, because they all look horrible. First of all, I do think Trump wanted the debate that Look at this, Sean, You've got the media today trying to spend that somehow Biden was the winner of that debate last night, he had seven major gafts at the end. He was in the wrong century, the century when he tried to get this website to go to. I mean that if that were Donald Trump, they would massacre him for doing that. And then you look at the other candidates on the stage, both Knights, they want to make a big point here. You have both of the Lizabeth Warren and with Bernie Sanders, and then last night with Kamela Harris and the other a lot of the other candidates they don't smile. They's humorless. Now, likability is still something that matters in politics, and people may think the process not likable, but in fact he's human and he can be funny. No one headed he humor. I won't give Correy Bookers some credit. He can at least file and he's can at least try to have a little humor. But those people were generally speaking unlikable. Drifting way off to the list being told by the West wing of the party, and might I might add one other thing at the date, the last two hours and forty five minutes on a network is too long for anyone. So that's another loser, and that is the group is sponsibius to say well, and I gotta be honest. We go back to twenty fifteen. John McLachlin. I mean, I guess CNN's crowing about their ratings, but considering they don't have ratings on any average night, I guess anything is good for them. But it was more than two and a half times higher in about this time in twenty fifteen when Republicans were running, so there was far more interest then. And again I don't see. Look, enthusiasm matters, crowd size matters. Here's two questions. Is are there any Trump supporters the voter from in twenty sixteen that are leaving him? Question two? Can he gain voters among those people demographic groups that have prospered under his policies? And I think the answers, No, he hasn't lost anybody, and yes he can gain new voters. Yes, you're exactly right. And by the way, sixteen on election night, I was in your radio studio with Linda and we were saying we're the only ones saying the exit polls were wrong and that Trump was going to win. And by the way, on our website, on McLaughlin online dot com, we just put up a national survey that we'd completed right before this debate, and Biden was already falling. He last month he at thirty four Percenties at twenty eight, and they still got Sanders at fifteen, Kamala Harris at ten, Warren at nine, and the liberals. Among liberals who will dominate this primary, Biden's only twenty three and Standers is at twenty one, Harris eleven, and Warren at twelve. I tell you that, you know, the only big win for the Democrats was that the ratings were down, and so fortunately for them, a lot of people didn't see this as they're going off the edge of the earth again and taking positions at the majority of Americans would disagree with. And when you think of their slide, as they continue to slide, well the president of sixties, they're talking about healthcare. By the way, did you ever see a debate where they don't bring up the economy? Not one question last night on the economy, And because they know They'd all have to say, is yep, Donald Trump's tax cuts work. The economy has grown. He's created almost six million jobs. And when you think about when you think about where those Democrats are headed on open borders and all these other positions, I mean, the president will do well. We had this on our website. We had a question about if they disagree or disagree that politicians have been talking for years about turning the econom around, limiting the legal immigration, standing up against unfair foreign trade practices. But it took Donald Trump to make it happen. And sometimes it's a bowl in the china shop that has to do that. And the American people they agree with it that they want someone like Donald Trump. Fifty two to forty, that's a majority, so Trump has to get He's got a solid Republican conservative base. They will pack the house in Cincinnati or wherever the rally is, cinnat Cincinnati, right, yeah, I'm on the campaign. I should know. But it is in Cincinnati, and they will pack the house. But we still have to go up with independence and moderates. And the independence and moderates that are watching these debates are going, oh my gosh, I can't vote for these people, they'll take away my healthcare, they'll cost me my job, they'll make me pay more taxes. I mean, they're really setting up a great comparison for twenty twenty four US. I don't think it could be any bigger in terms of this being a tipping point or a choice election, which as a conservative, especially coming off the economic success of the president, the trade deal success, the energy independent success, the President winning now in the courts on the border wall, literally reconfiguring and reallocating money from the Defense Department. He won that case in court, which means that the money for the wall is greater than anybody thought. That means that's going to be finished as well by twenty twenty. If I was the president, one little piece of the puzzle I would add Matt Tower is I would tell him treat Baltimore just like he treated the Wolman Ring in New York City, and I would partner with people and I fix Baltimore and then say that the rest of these liberal cities, look, I showed you how to do it. Now you do it. Well. Then let's take this frameboard off of that and talk about this racism issue that we hear over and over and over again. Have you ever heard of debate in your life which a real debate, which a moderator begins with a preconceived notion that the president's statements are without a doubt racist. Now, that's not the way it debate takes place. You can say allegedly racist or whatever. But in this case, it was just thrown out there like a red meat. So that wasn't a debate. That was That was a partisan meeting last night with questions that were directed to try to move opinion within a certain group. But with regard to Baltimore, again, I think at some point the president has to be able to say, very clearly, why is it racist to say that you're concerned about a city that has a tremendous blight, where the people are living in poverty, where nothing's being done. We've seen the rand infestation, the other problems they have. Where is what did he say specifically that's racist? Because over and over we're hearing this racism being thrown out left and right. And of course, if he's tall, everybody in the world of racist that there's somebody who left thoughts be a race. But I don't see we're pressing Trump one time is uttered a quote racist word, but they acute racism to real situations. Much of what they respond they're responsible for. How do they get through these two nights and not ask a single question about Muller Russia, Russia Russia when that network in particular, that's all they've covered for two and a half years, lies, conspiracies and a hoax. John McLaughlin, Well, the fact of the matter is the minute Muller looked terrible, I couldn't believe they brought him up for the hearings. I mean, by the way, there is a commonality between Muller and Joe Biden. I mean, Joe Biden got hurt again last night because he just doesn't look with it. He doesn't look like he knows what he's doing. And people that I know that sor Muller's testimony, we're saying, you know, this something wrong. He's too old, they should have never run to testify. And he couldn't even remember things out of his own report that he had written. And you're getting Joe Biden, he's been asked about his record from the twentieth century that he can't even remember. So and Donald Trump the one thing he knows I mean, he reacts, he makes decisions, he makes things happen. He's disruptive. I mean, he just he's getting things done. And you know healthcare, well, they were all talking about healthcare and socialized medicine. Trump was enacting a plan yesterday to allow cheaper drugs to be imported from Canada. So he's actually helping people and lowering the prices and establishing a record. And so you've got a president who's doing things. He's going to have a great record to compare to these terrible ideas that the Democrats are all running out there on where I mean when they all raised their hands in the previous debates that they were going to give free healthcare to illegal immigrants. Most of the people here who are struggling to pay co pays to duck tables to their own healthcare but can keep control of their own healthcare and don't give it to the government. They're pulled by that, as they should be. All Right, we're gonna take a break. We'll come back more with the posters, then we'll get to your calls. Final half hour of the program. Rush Limbaugh tonight on Hannity nine Eastern on Fox. All Right, Final thoughts as we continue with our posters. John McLaughlin, Matt Towery. All right, so who gets the nomination twenty seconds each. Matt will start with you. For the Democrats, well, I said it was going to be Harris, but she really blew it last night. She came across as a tough and so her chances go down. Corey Bookers went up. I still think an African American candidate has the inside shot here if they get endorsed by someone like an Oprah Winstry like Obama did. But I still think it's a nineteen seventy two race. It's mcgoverned all over again. And Trump wins, all right, last word, John McLaughlin, Donald Trump's winning, but the potential nominee watch for Elizabeth Warren to make a move that she wins Iowa wins New Hampshire, and then Harris is probably the only one could stop her if she could beat her in South Carolina. All Right, guys, we'll be checking in throughout this election cycle. It's amazing it starts early, but I would say that this is not a good star for the Democrats by any measure. When we come back the news of the day that we haven't hit, including our top story. Yeah, the IG recommending prosecution for James Comey. Two specific issues. We'll have full coverage again on Hannity tonight at nine and Rush Limb what joins us in a rare TV appearance. Look forward to that and your calls are next eight hundred nine for one, Shawn straight ahead. This is the United States of America. We've acted together. We have never, never, never been unable to overcome whatever the problem was. If you agree with me, go to Joe three three three oh and help me in this fight. Thank you very much. My plan makes a limit of cope to be one thousand dollars because we further support the ability to buy into the Obamacare plan. Secondly, idea that this is somehow a bad idea. No one has to keep their private insurance, but if they would like their insurance, they should be able to keep it. Nothing is demanded on my plan that there be private insurance. It says if one hundred and sixty million people who haven't say they like their employer insurance, they should have a right to have it. This is not a recoveraging talking point. The Republicans are trying to kill Obamacare. Obamacare took care of twenty million people right off the bat, one hundred million people with pre existing conditions. And in fact, what we got is a public option that in fact would allow anybody to buy in. No one has to keep their private insurance. They can buy into this plan, and they can buy into it with a thousand dollars deductible and never have to pay more than eight point five percent of their income when they do it, And if they don't have any money, they'll get in free. So this idea is a bunch of Milwaukee. What we're talking about here. The fact of the matter is the fact of the matter is that there will be a deductible. It will be a deductible under paycheck. Birnie acknowledges it. Birnie acknowledged three thirty trillion dollars has to all let me be paid. And I don't know what Matthew you do in New York. I don't know what Matthew do are California. But I tell you that's a lot of money. And there will be a deductible. The deductive will be out of your paycheck, because that's what'll be required. Kamala Harris said she's not trying to restructure society. Well, I am. For forty years, working people have taken it on the chin in this country. For forty years, the rich have gotten richer, and they paid less and lesson taxes. It cannot go on this way. When I'm president, we will even up the score and we will tax the hell out of the wealthy to make this a fairer country and to make sure it's a country that puts working people first. Thank you, Mary to Blasio. Senator Michael Bennett, all right, that was from the debuncle that was supposed to be a debate last night among the radical extreme socialists that now rule the Democratic Party. I mean, I honestly think that Axel Rod may be right in the sense that he said the bad news for Biden is this is probably the best that he's ever gonna do. And Biden getting attacked from all sides, withering attacks from from Booker, and you know, Biden claiming Obamacare's working after years of failure. That's that's not going to work really well. Then the back and forth between Kid and Kamala Harris saying, Senator, I mean, what was that all about? Booker going after Biden on criminal justice reform, saying that you destroyed communities like mine. Wow, that's a great campaign ad. Should Biden ever be the nominee? And then the hot mic stuff going back and forth. Now it's even worse than that, though, because Mark Penn wrote the best piece. As I mentioned earlier, Democrats debate was a panderfest. But if you go through the money which we have done, and nothing is for free. You know, Biden wants to triple the amount of money that we spend on Title one schools that's thirty two billion dollars, and universal pre K twenty six billion dollars, in free community college that's six billion more. And double the number of psychologists and social workers in schools, well, that's seventy eight billion dollars total more. And we get nothing out of the schools we have. And until we break this unholy alliance between teachers unions and the Democratic Party, we're not gonna We're never gonna fix it. And then you got comrade de Blasia, we're gonna tax the hell out of the wealthy. And Hereston Jillibrand white privilege keeps whites from being shot. And Booker Trump won Michigan because Russian suppressed black voters, and you know, Donald Trump is enjoying this debate the most right now, which I think is probably true. Then of course we had the protesters or the I can't breathe chanting that went on there, and Booker saying s whole as much as he can that people from s whole countries have a right to come here. And then we got Mayor Pete saying that socialism will be called will be called socialist. It's obviously, it's obvious why. And it became literally a brawl at this whole thing. Anyway, nobody really stood out. I guess in the two nights, Mary Ann Williamson is the winner, but probably the real winner was Donald Trump. Anyway, eight hundred nine for one, Sean Tolfrey telephone number, Jonathan Gillham, Danielle McLaughlin back with us, Danielle, your thoughts or observations on your party the last two nights. Hey Sean, Hey Jonathan. You know, actually I agree with Sean. I think last night they'll los it was the democratic potsy. I was horrified to see the amount of in fighting. Part of that, I think was the way that CNN asked the questions. But I think these guys have forgotten that they're going to go into a general election and all of the attacks that they used against one another are going to be weaponized against them by the Republican Party. I think the first night it was interesting, I thought to see Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren really put to the test with their progressive ideas. I thought John Delaney did a really good job of pressing them. And it's good to see that kind of back and forth about ideas in the party. And I think that's really what we all want, right But this, uh, you know, by trying to get oppo research and trying to attack one another on the debate stage, a lot of which we saw last night. It was, it was, it was horrifying. What do you think, Jonathan Gillham, I mean, I think both the Knights proved that nobody in the Democrat Party, that is an establishment member in the Democrat Party has the ability or the experience or the competency to run the nation. I think they proved that That's that's where the American people won, was that they saw if they listened, even Dan Yellow saying that she was let down by this, they will see that these are incompetent people that do not have the ability to run for prey or run the country. And I think there's a couple of things in there that a lot of people overlooked. One Corey Booker insulting anybody about their cities or about how Joe Biden did this or that in the country. Corey Booker, when he was the mayor of Newark, did nothing to clean up Newark, New York just as bad as it was before, a terrible crime rate. You would not want to go there at night and get stuck there as a good chance you could get shot or something can happen to you. It's a bad place. So this is my take about last night. I'll get I want to know if you agree with it. Even the New York Times debate analysis points out no Democrat currently running can be Trump, and I guess there's a big push onto Oh. We need Michelle Obama to run more than anything. She's got her run. She must run. But New York Times columnist Frank burn Im weighing in on the second debate, saying he expected so much more from Biden than others, then you got Biden. Biden is not sharp anymore. Axel Rod's observation, I think is he's telling the truth here is maybe the best you're going to get out of him, because he stumbled repeatedly as rivals were literally just pounding on him the entire night, and then botching his closing statement in a make or break debate with yeah, I got on my website, Joe three zero three three zero, and help me in this fight, like, okay, whatever, sleepy, creepy crazy. He's kind of you know, needs a little more arrest during the day. And Democrats then use the debate to trash Obama's legacy, which was also my favorite. Your take on that, Danielle Well, I mean, clearly that was extremely disappointing to me. Obama was and remains an extremely popular president across the general population, but obviously more so when you, you know, we identify Democrats. So the fact that they were attacking Biden and by PROXYO tacking Obama, I just thought was incredibly bad political tactics because at the end of the day, they obviously want to be in power, they want to win Senate seats, they obviously want to take back the presidency. I'm not convinced you do that by attacking one of the most popular presidents, certainly from your own party, in living history. UM, I will say that I do believe that there is somebody up there who can run the country. I think you can learn to be president. One example, I think, and you can, of course, I mean Donald Trump. I mean and if Donald Trump came in with no political experience and albody is prepared for that job, no, I know, but you can nobody. I'm not saying that you're That's exactly good point. I think you can learn. You have to learn if you are if you have an open mind, if you're a smart person. Of course, somebody to any to any extent, everybody has had to learn on the job. Um. You know, leadership qualities. You need to be intellectually curious, you need to be strong. There are many qualities that you need to have. One thing I will say, and I'm sure I'm going to get pushed back here is you know, yeah, I and I haven't picked a favorite here, and I'm not here to advocate for anybody. You know, I do think that with all of these plans and with that, Elizabeth Warren she could lead this country. She has a plan for literally everything. I sometimes I wonder what to wear in the morning. I think, well, Elizabeth Warren would know. Um, we can talk about how she does. Say Sometimes I don't know what I should wear in the morning. I wonder what Elizabeth Warren would tell me to wear that. I mean, that's that's your criteria or the president. This was my lament team to a humor, so I guess I should like to stop the stand up. It went right over my head something. Perhaps you caught the humor and that I did not. The only thing I would want to ask Elizabeth Warren on how to do is if I was a bad person wanting to get into a college and make war in a thousand dollars, how can I lie to make that money on a minority into a college or a university. That's what she did. She did that very well. When it comes to politics, Danielle, none of the people in the past two days had plans that would allow them to carry out but not sense that they put out. Their plans are too expensive, their plans are dreaming. Their plans count on changing the constitution. You know. De Blasio tweeted out all my comrades, I wish you best of luck. I mean that end of itself shows you what's going on. And I think one of the reasons why Joe Biden has such a hard time is because I don't know if he believes in this socialist, communist mindset, but yet he's you know, he's an establishment guy who just wants to be elected to be in office. He's proven that to thirty years of work. And I think he has a hard time with saying what they're saying. And that's probably one of the confusing things that gave him such a hard time was that he's trying to play their game and he can't play it because he because it's too far left for him. Here's what I think is a little bit unfair on the way that Democrats are treated. So Donald Trump was elected, he said I'm going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it. And I have not heard anybody on the right say, well, but how are you going to do it? Nobody ever questioned his plan and how it was going to be paid for, and obviously Mexico has not paid for it. So to Elizabeth Warren's credit, whether you like it or not, she has talked about certain wealth taxes. She has said, you know, obviously the seventy percent. I think it's seventy percent over ten million, you take the first two cents of that earning. So she at least she's trying to talk in reality about some of the things that she wants to do, and I think, more importantly, how she's going to do it. I think it's unfair because Trump wasn't held to that standard. Listen, I hope you're right in the fact that they choose Elizabeth's want because Donald Trump will crush her. But you know, other than that, as far as leaving the country goes, you're trying to make it sound like it's possible that she could leave the country. We don't need somebody Democrat or Republican to run for office that could run the company. We need people who can run the company, will show up day one and say we've got problems. Left six those problems. The biggest issue Donald Trump has had is not that he's not capable of and that it's that from the day, even before day one, he has had the leftist media and all this propaganda and lies from the deep state coming down on him like he has never happened before in history, and yet he has still done the job. Why because he was qualified for it. And that is not something you can say about any of the people we saw on stage for the past two days. They're not qualified. All right, stay right there, eight hundred nine four one, Sean Tolfrey telephone number, Russia, Lumba Tonight, Hannity, Fox News. You don't want to miss that. We also have the latest on Komi and yeah, recommended indictments on two counts. Will update you completely on where that investigation the investigators is going. All right, I think continue with Danielle McLaughlin and Jonathan Gillham. I just don't know. I mean, I think for a while I thought that it was going to be Joe Biden. I think Axelrod. You gotta give Axel rods due. Axelrod is not a stupid guy. And if this is the best Joe has, that means he's not going to be the nominee. So let's assume for a minute he's not. Then who gets it? Danielle McLaughlin, Elizabeth Warren, your personal clothes shopper, personal stylist. You know, I think it's going to be It'll be Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren. I mean there's a there's a group running behind Biden certainly in terms of the polling, and it's Biden. Excuse me, it's it's it's Sanders, it's a Harris. I think Boudajidge could be a late run. I'm kind of a big fan, honestly. I like the way he talks about freedom. This might shock you. And I think that if he can get an oh mayor, Pete, I can see him negotiating with a poutin. That's going to be in tough negotiation. He's a super smart guy who's a Rhodes scholar. I mean, we talk about who's qualified to be prison. He's a smart guy. He served that's important to people. A smart guy in a horrible president. Well, you know, all I'm saying is what we'll keep your eye Pete Boudajidge. I like the way he talks about freedom. Last word, Jonathan, I think whoever knows how to play the primaries, you are going to be the one the person that comes out of hand probably. I think Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, even though he's doing you know, he's not doing real well in these debates, people forget real quick. And he's a personal person. When he goes up to our these different places, and then I think I still think Elizabeth Warren has a shot at it, but I think who ever does well in the face to face stuff coming up over the next two years are going to be the one who gets it. All right, we'll watch very closely. A matter of fact, we'll take calls on that and what people thought of all of it when we get back. Thank you, Jonathan, and thank you Danielle. Eight hundred and nine for one. Shaun is a number. Don't forget Rush Limbaugh. Tonight on Hannity we'll get his take on all of this and the squad, and of course our big story is the Inspector General has recommended the prosecution of Jim Comey too specific charges and as of now the Attorney General has declined I suspect. As John O'slomon and I were discussing earlier, there's bigger issues in play. We'll get to all that and your calls coming up next on the show on Hannity Show all right, twenty five now until the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one, Seawn, If you want to be a part of this extravagance, how does CNN FIG News not bring up the issue of impeachment two nights in a row with all these Democrats that have been screaming in Peach and Peach and Peach and Peach, Peach, and some of them still bringing it up. They don't bring it up because they know the answer is going to be the wrong answer. There's no right answer on this because if they want to appeal to the radical left wing base, they know that they have to say, yeah, Hi, crimes misdemeanor. What are they They can't answer if they say, don't do what do you mean? Don't do it? All of this while the media ignores the biggest story that has broken in the last twenty four hours, and that is that, you know, mister SuperPatriot himself, Jim Comey, has in fact been recommended and it has been for prosecution. In other words, the Inspector General has referred Comy for possible prosecution of the Espionage Act point number one and the Espionnagat. And we never knew until this week that the month after Comey was fired, that Comey had FBI agents go to his house retrieve the illegal memos, in other words, the government property that he took with him, and those were the things that he had sent to the professor that leaked to the New York Times that led to what his hope was the appointment of a special counsel. Now, the only thing that's frustrating in all of this is at this point, at this time, the Attorney General has declined prosecution on that issue. And by the way, he was apparently less than Frank or lacking candor. Well, that's another way of saying Eline. Now, how do you explain to Christian Saucier who had six pictures of a submarine and spend a year in jail the Espionage Act that he gets prosecuted. Hillary doesn't, and Comey doesn't. How do you Blaine to all of the people charged with lying, including General Flynn, including Manophor Cone and everybody else that's been charged with lying and the big deal to media made over that, and if you showed a lack of candor in other words of James, call me lyed, when is he going to get indicted? Now? The only thing that I have figured out here more than anything else, is that there's so many bigger fish. It appears based on the sourcing that I have, and we'll have a lot more on Hannity tonight, John Solomon. We'll also get RuSHA Limbo's take on it tonight. The only thing I see here is that this is way further along than any of us know. And what I suspect is that this, a lot of this now is going to move right into what we have described as premeditated FISA abuse and fraud, a fraud committed on the court, and a fraud so serious that you denied Americans their civil liberties, their constitutional rights. Even bragged about it. Remember McCabe said, oh, you don't need a lawyer. Huh. I took advantage of the chaos of the Trump years and I sent my guys in. I'd never do that with Obama or Bush. And people are now taking it seriously. If you commit a fraud against the court, premeditated and you verify, you say this is verified, this is we have confirmed this to be true. Now. The FBI, and this is another interesting point on their own, had figured out long before the third and fourth fis of warrants the last two renewals applications went in that ninety percent of the dossier, the bulk of information used to obtain the fies of warrants, they had a ready to determine. It was all bs. So now the question is, how did that happen. I'm just telling you. Some people saying this can't happen, Hannity, this can't. I'm like, calm down. They are not going in head first the way. This is what I'm hearing. I'm only passing on what I know. I don't know everything, but we've been pretty right up to this point, is that they're not going to go head into what is the lowest hanging fruit as it relates to Komy in other words, that it goes much further. And from what I'm picking up is all of the issues surrounding the spying on the Trump campaign. It goes a lot deeper than the fis of fraud. Everything we're discussing here shreds the constitution, shred civil liberties, shreds due process. And then again then we have another aspect to this, and that's Hillary Clinton's role in all of this. Then we have the aspect of okay, well, they decided to run interference and prevent Hillary from ever getting indicted when it's very obvious that she violated numerous laws. As we have been telling you and she For example, we've laid out eighteen Usc. Seven ninety three, and what do we know about eighteen Usc. Seven ninety three. We know that that is the Espionage Act, and we know even from Komy's own voice, that in fact Hillary Clinton had marked classified top secret information on hers a hard drive that she ended up the leading after being subpoenaed and then cleaning the hard drive up. But you know, these laws can't be any more clear. I mean, eighteen Usc. Seven ninety three, Well, that's the Espionage Act. Well, that's exactly what Comy himself violated, because when they fired him and then went to his house and recovered the very documents that should never have left his office, well that means he was guilty of it. But I think there's just much more in play here than anybody knows. But what we do know and what we can say and what we can report, is that Michael Harrowitz apparently he's doing his job, and he did refer Comy for possible prosecution on two fronts, one being violating the Espionage Act, and that would be under the Classified Information Protection laws. The DLJ prosecutors working for the Attorney General bar can go after him for that. By the way, also he leaked this to his friend, the professor at Columbia, for the purpose of getting the special counsel appointed, of which he was successful at And by the way, he admitted in congressional testimony that in fact it contained classified information. But he says, well, it was at the lowest level of confidential. That doesn't mean that the lowest level, that doesn't mean anything. He still did it, and he still had it in his possession, and then he was grilled and interrogated by his own FBI agents after he was fired. Then you have eighteen USC. Nineteen twenty four, which is you're not allowed to remove classified documents eighteen Usc. Six forty one. The theft of government documents eighteen Usc. A thousand falls from misleading statements. Okay, Well, lacking candor means July, Well, a lot of people just gotten a whole lot of trouble and a lot of jail time for lying Michael Cone lying to Congress. So apparently we prosecute some people but not other people. All right, why have you been in this, my cousin Vinnie Moore all day, Linda, Because I mean, after three hours a democratic debate, something's got to wake up. You know, you got a YouTube something. Listen. I was engaged. I was interested in all of it. Oh, you're joking. It was a It was a train wreck of monumental proportions. You don't want to see it in the sense that if it was a real train wreck, but if something is going so badly, you wonder just how bad politically you can get for people. And it got worse. I always knew you were a nerd, but you might be a bigger nerd than I thought because I used to watch c SPAN. I used to watch Bob Dornan doing special orders on the floor of the House of Representatives. It doesn't get any more nerdy than that. That is pretty nerdy. Actually, yeah, but I've become a fashion trend center thanks to to Covis. Oh yes, well, of course, a nerdy trend center. That's what everyone looks for. Absolutely really okay, you know what, Missfittau. Listen. So last night I was watching YouTube and I was I was laughing because I was thinking about, you know, John Solomon had told me about this big news that you know, we broke today and how you know, James Comey is you know, to be in big trouble. The IG's calling for him to be, you know, brought up on charges for for all that he did. And I was thinking about, you know, no, the defense is wrong and the whole thing. Oh no, you gotta set it up right, because this is Joe Pecci in one of his best roles, well every role he had. He's just great. He's a great actor. I don't know anything about him, but he's a great actor, Miss Vito. It's been argued by me to defense that the two sets of guys met up at the sack of SuDS at the same time driving identical metallic mint Green nineteen sixty four Buicks Skylark convertibles. Now, can you tell us what you see in this picture, if the defenses case holds water, and what happens during that time because they're fighting. It's actually a lot like that. He goes, Miss Vito, but she hates him at that moment, even though she's apparently his fiance. Please answer the question, does the defenses case hold water? No? What does she say? The defense is wrong? Are you sure? I'm positive? Check? It's like the best. That's why I said to you last week, I said, you gotta play it back to just so the audience knows how much we butchered that we're gonna play it for real. All right, go ahead to the question, does the defenses case hold water? No, the defense is wrong. Are you sure? I'm positive? How could you be so sure? Because there is no way that these tire marks were made by a sixty four Buick skylock. These marks were made by a nineteen sixty three Pontiac tempest objection, your honor, can we clarify to the court whether the witness or stating opinion or fact is your opinion? It's a fact. I find it hard to believe that this kind of information could be ascertained simply by looking at a picture. Would you like me to explain? I would love dear? Is so literally like, this is what I'm watching as the Democratic debates are going on because I cannot. I couldn't take another second of Biden giving out the wrong website, of Kamala Harris playing the victim. I just couldn't take it anymore. I was like, this is crazy. Corey Booksher's right, say the defense is no, the defense is wrong. No, the defense is wrong. Are you sure? I mean? I mean it's the funniest thing. Now. The literally reason this is so funny to me is because I lived this life and I show up in Huntsville, Alabama. How you doing. Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Glad you called Talk Radio seven seventy am. Every once in a while, I still catch you every once in a while, Don't you know when it comes out when I have had no sleep? Yeah, just everything gets lazy no sleep time, and I don't I can even hear it the second it happens. Now, it's actually very funny. I think there was a time. Sorry, but it's actually very funny. I think it's hysterical. I mean I I even hear it in yourself. You don't even hear it yet, I mean to me, you know it's funny. When I was just at fort eleven Worth and I went and I was I was talking to Clint Lrance, and Clint's like, you know, he's he's I'll tell you one funny thing that we talked about and you'll get a kick out of it. So I said, well, what's your favorite kind of car? And he goes fee fifty for laugh And I said that that's great. What kind of car is that? And he looks at me. That's a truck. And he looks at me and he goes, Okay, are you being serious? And I was like, yeah, I'm not into us. He goes, first of all, it's a truck and he's like, He's like, that is like the most classic truck ever. It was like the funniest thing. And he goes, Oh my god, you really are in New Yorker. It was a star goal. The whole thing was a stoical Uh yeah, all right, let's go to well Linda speaking of Linda in New York. Linda, are you sure welcome to the program? Yes? I think I'm one of both of you. It comes out the language dialect. I just wanted to say, I'm absolutely It's beyond comprehension that it takes President Trump to bring out what is crystal clear that I have been saying the last five years. Because I did have an opportunity to live in Baltimore, I called it the land of the walking dead zombies. I feel so sorry for these people, but I do not know how anything is going to ever be reversed in that city unless you really have a change in Derek government. It is there is a way to do it. I listen, I can tell you what. I can tell you what I think you have to do if you are you interested or you know, I have an idea because New York City could use and parts of Harlem, which I'm in now. I moved to Harlem for academic reasons. Let me tell you something deports of Harlem that I'm extremely disgusting, species all over horrible. But Harlem has also undergone a transformation. And as much as there has been as housing needs have grown in New York, people have moved further and further uptown. And what's happened is is they keep transforming these these brownstones, older houses. A lot of gutting has occurred. Now it's not the but you know there are parts that still need work. But the way I would do it is I'd get a public private partnership and I'd call somebody like Home Depots Bernie Marcus, and I say, Bernie, it's a president. I need a favor. What is it, sir? I need you to give me the best prices you can give me so I can build all these homes in Baltimore. And that means I want everything. I want, every nail I want lumber. I want appliances. I want the work for every house, but I want you to give it to me for cost. How Bernie Marcus is gonna say, you know, I'm in business, mister President. I know. And then he's gonna say, well, you're I'm the president. I'm asking you to do me a favor. What do you think Bernie Marcus would probably do in those circumstances. He would comply, He would say he won't. Look, I know, Bernie. I just happened to know Bernie Marcus, and Bernie Marcus has already made a lot of money. Bernie Marcus would do that for the president and the country in a heartbeat. Now he's gonna kill me for testing it. And then what you do is you, Donald Trump, you know a lot of great builders. You find five, six, seven of the best builders that he knows. You bring him down to Baltimore, and then you build out cruise and create jobs ten bucks an hour, and those guys supervise the building and rebuilding in those neighborhoods. But before you do any of that, you first got to get rid of the rats and vermin and the mice and the critters and the creatures. That's the first thing I do, because I'm not working in any house that has rats, period. Nobody should have to live with rats. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for tonight. All Right, we have a lot of breaking news. Of course, Jim Comey, referred to for possible prosecution, will break it down. We have our team of experts, John Solomon, Tom Fitton, also Bongino Haraldo and then Rush Limbaugh exclusively tonight Hannity, Fox News nine Eastern. Thank you as always for being with us. We'll be back here tomorrow. We'll see it tonight at nine News. You won't get from the media mob