Larry Elder, Gubernatorial candidate in the state of California, running as a Republican, would be the state’s first black governor if elected. Larry joins to explain exactly why he's running for office.
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Right Hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn a number, you want to be a part of the program. Twenty six days Americans held hostage there behind enemy lines. But in just let's see five days from now. The race to recall Gavin Newsom, now, of course has been early voting that's been going on for weeks, and millions and millions of ballots have been sent out. You got Kamala Harris. We won't let what's happening in Texas and Georgia happen in California. Here's what she said, going to get this done out here. She is a horrible candidate, by the way. So I'm watching, and we actually aired this on Hannity last night on television, and it's enough to make anybody's stomach turn. Gavin Newsom refused to condemn the racist democrat who assaulted Larry Elder. He had literally the La Times using language I don't even want to repeat race language about Larry Elder. And I'll give him a chance to respond on a second, but listen to this one in particular anti Larry Elder protester shouting that all these attacks against him up I don't understand that here's a man that don't even let us own people and running for governors for what he has one year to do. If he even wins, he can't do He wouldn't he ever getting nothing to do? So why is he running Democratic to throw everything? He could get nothing done? Larry Elda now joins us. But just what five days to go? It's next Tuesday, the election the fourteenth in California. The recall question one, do you want to recall Gavin Knewsome? Question two? Well, who do you want to want to replace him? In? Larry Elder's winning by double digits, he joins us. Now, how are you sir? Well, Sean, I'm feeling above. How are you doing? It's great to have you back. Um, I've been watching I watched yesterday in particular. You know, liberals have horrible lame by the way, I've seen this before and Coulter once used that line when a guy tried to throw a pie at her and but it's dangerous out there. But this would be the biggest headline in every newspaper about how angry the left is if in fact it happened to be you know, a Democrat, well of course it would. And you know, you know this double standard. You've not been talking about it for decades. If I were a liberal and somebody wearing a gorilla mask, white woman threw an egg at me, they'd be yelling and screaming about systemic racism, foundational racism, endemic racism, overt racism, YadA. Black. But when it happens to a black Republican, nobody cares. And again, John, you know, I don't play the race guard. I'm not asking people to vote for me because I'm black or giftly because I'm black. We're just talking about the double standard here. The other day there was a fun page or article about me in the New York Times. It was negative. It never once mentioned that I'm black, never once mentioned that I'd be the first black governor of California. Again, I'm not making any kind of big deal out about that. But on the very same page, right across the right, across the page was a big article about quote, the first female governor of New York close quote. Even though she didn't run and win, she succeeded to it because almost down they made a big deal out of her being the first female. But I'm not even mentioned. My race isn't even mentioned in the New York Times. This is the kind of double standard that you and I've talked about for a long time. And one more quick point, Sean, before you jump back in. You mentioned all these outsiders kind of steralize this race. Whether it's Kamala Harris or Bernie Sanders or Barack Obama, nobody has uttered the following word, Sean, Gavin Newsom has done a good job for California. Nobody says that because they can on crime. They can't on homelessness. They can't on the way he's shut down the state and the more severe way than did the other forty nine governess. They can't on the declining quality of our public education. They can't talk about the fact that for the first part of this year, more businesses have left California than have left all of last year, and the rate at which businesses they're leaving California is twice the rate at which they've left for the last three years. They're not saying any of that. They're just saying, this is the Republican take over. Outside of the trying to take over the Republican the California dream, YadA blah, because they cannot defend the record. I just want to hear one of them say even Knewsom has done a good job. If nobody's coming close to saying that. John, you know, the La Times has played the race card against you, and I don't know how deeply you want to get into it, but I found it enormously offensive. I did a whole segment on and then I had you on to respond to it. It's we watched this happen with the likes of Clarence Thomas and so many others. If you're African American, you happen to be a conservative, You're I would say, you're more libertarian conservative than anything else. You've always been. You've always had libertarian leanings, and we've had minor disagreements on issues, but not major disagreements on issues over the years. But if anything, I've probably become more libertarian like you. But I mean to compare you to the to the white to the clan and the clansmen and David Duke. I mean, I just like, how far do these people go? Well, it shows you again, Sean, they're out of AMMO. The La Times called me, quote the black face of white supremacy, close both and when you have to go down that bar, you've got nothing else left again. Uh, two people signed up a to get rid of this guy and the good A third of them were the very people who voted for him just two years earlier. A sixty three percent of Hispanics did. Now the majority of Hispanics wanting gone. How can this be a Republican takeover? The majority of independence now once this man gone, that's all they've got playing the race card, scaring people saying, don't vote for this guy because he'll do everything up to it, including reenacting slavery. I mean, it's idiotic. Again, they cannot despend this man's record. A third of a small businesses are now gone forever here in California, many of them owned by black and brown and Asian American people. That's the left fights is up on caring about. I've noticed that in this race, the amount of money that's flowing in from Hollywood and the radical hard New Green Deal left is enormous to Gavin Newsom. Gavin Newsom's actions have shown that he's tremendously afraid. Gavin Newsom is in the process of giving If I understand it, correctly, at least sixty percent of the people of California. They're getting big checks now from the state of California. I don't know what I grew up in New York, Larry. If you've paid out money to voters before an election like this and use taxpair of dollars to do it, I think a lot of ethical questions would be raised at the timing of such and that the appropriate time would be after such a recall race, wouldn't it exactly? Even the prevs governor at Democrat Garry Brown, criticized all of the spending. They're scared to death they're regarding Hollywood. You're right, Hollywood is now writing big checks. And it's interesting Hollywood every year goes to Sacramento to get tax breaks so that they can stop so called runaway productions while voting for the party that raises your taxes. This is kind of hypocrisy that's going on in California, and people have had it independent of at it, Democrats have had it. And don't get me started on the public school Seventy five percent before COVID could not read at state level the proficiency SEAN and those levels are low and mask scores even worse. Half of all third graders could not read at state level of proficiency again mask scores or even worse. Eighty percent of the kids and our government schools in California sean black and brown. I only mentioned their race because of the left. Pride yourself on caring about that. And the one I've got a former state senator named Gloria Romero, a Democrat whose now cross line. She used to be the Senate majority leader, and now she's deporting me primarily over the issue of school choice because Hispanic kid are getting ripped off. They're getting the worst teacher as, the worst principles, the worst bureaucrats, and the worst outcomes. And the route to leave poverty, to get to the middle class, of course, is to at least finish high school one presumably where you can read write a coputic grade level. And because of their substantial education, they're not getting it. You know, it's the saddest thing, because it's our national treasure. And it's not just California, it's universal. It's happening in every big city. And these are the cities and states that have been run by liberal Democrats for the longest period of time. Let me ask you about the COVID hypocrisy, because you had Gavin Newsom in restaurants when other people, other Californians, weren't allowed, and businesses were shut down, but they weren't shut down for him. Schools were shut down, but not Gavin's kids who went to this prestigious private school that had in person learning but not promost California children, just like his kids went to camp when most other Californian kids, you know, didn't have the opportunity to do so. And all he just says after each fence is oh, I'm sorry, I should have thought about that. Well, that's right. And he shut down the state, he ignored the science. Sitting up there with the lobbyists that grafted at the mandate, they were not wearing masks while telling you to do it, they were not engaging in social distancing while telling you to do it. And you're quite right. And his own skids were enjoying in person private education, and he was exempting his own winery from the very mandate that shut down. I forgot about the winery. Tell him, tell everybody, remind everybody about the winery. Well, you know, Gavin Knwsom called to himself an entrepreneur, right, He's an entrepreneur who started his winery, high end winery, by the way, with getting money. But he called himself, you know, an entrepreneur. He's kind of entrepreneur. Chihn. You heard the line born on third base and thought he hit a triple. My dad came to California without two nipples above together, started a little cafe and got to the middle class. That's a hard story. But Gavin Newsom came from affluence. It lives in affluence while while shutting down businesses. A third of all my businesses I've mentioned are gone forever. These are businesses owned by hard working Black, Asian American and Hispanic people, the kind of people that people like Gavin Knwsom cide themselves on caring about. You know, the fact that they're trying to bring in every outside dollar they can into the state, and Obama into the state, and Kamala Harris back into the state, and below see back into the state, and Hollywood trying to exert its influence. The amount of money flowing into the coffers of Gavin Newsom's campaign shows a real fear that exists now. The polls at different times have had had him upside down, and even it seems like the latest poles have him on a little bit of a bounce. I'm not sure what to make of the polls in this particular race, but I have a question because I believe that a lot of states in twenty twenty didn't follow the laws where partisan observers watch the vote count start to finish. They didn't have good chain of custody integrity measures. They don't update voter rolls. A lot of states like New York, you don't need any any photo identification or signature verification. I think every state should have that to ensure election integrity and confidence of results. How do you feel about the process to currently exist in California, Well, I'm worried about it. I mean, you didn't add one other thing. You could also print your own ballot here in California, I believe it or not, you could print your own ballot. Now, what could possibly go wrong? We know about all the shenanigans that took place in twenty twenty, and I'm asking people to go to elect dot com. We have a voter integrity project all set up there. If anybody sees anything, suspicious, here's anything suspicious, knows about anything suspicious, go to elect Elder dot com. We have our lawyer ready to follow lawsuits right away. One of the reasons why lawsuits were dismissed in the twenty twenty election is it the courts only to overturn an election that they waited too long. They dismissed them one procedural ground. We're filing laws way whenever we hear of anything. So if anybody spotted anything, go to Elder dot com. And while you're there, sean have people told him something? In the tip jar, my opponent has already raised seventy five million dollars. It is estimated he might raise as much as one hundred million dollars from the usual suspect teachers union, public sector unions, Hollywood, and big text. So I'm gonna need some help to make this somewhat of a fair fight. Quick break kiss five days away the recall Gavin Newsom Mount in California. Can a political earthquake really take place? More with Larry Elder and we got Peter Schweitzer of the Government Accountability Institute. He's going to join us along with Eric Eager's same institute. And then we're waiting for Biden's mandates on COVID and it's twenty six days Americans held hostage behind enemy lines. We will never forget schools back in session. We're getting reports every day now, videos even activist teachers out there indoctrinating, brainwashing young students. One teacher telling her students turn off Fox News that their parents are dumb young people being taught. Oh, America is not the greatest country that God gave man. As I believe that America's racist capitalism is evil, socialist indoctrination. That's a huge problem in schools. So the question, you're a parent, you're a grandparent, what can you do well? The best way is to teach your kids the values that you hold near and dear. Liberty, freedom, democracy, free markets, capitalisms, principles, the Golden rule, all of that. The radio show, the mainstream media Love State. This is a Sean Hannity show. As we continue five days away from the California recall election. We continue now with Larry Elderho's leading the field right now. There is one phenomenon is and I think Donald Trump had a big part to play in all of this. There's actually a study that has now come out confirming it, and that is that the Democratic Party now is the party of coastal elites, there's no doubt about it, and the Republican Party. The study, by the way, performed by the New York Times indicates those who hold an undergraduate postgraduate degrees living these big cities both with Democrats by a combined forty nine points, and those working Americans seem to now move to and break towards the Republican Party by larger and larger numbers. I see this in the demographic breakdowns Hispanic Americans in California, African Americans at California, they seem to be breaking from the Democratic stranglehold that they've had. Absolutely there's been a war on for example, the timber industry, middle class jobs have lost, or on the oil and gas industry, middle class jobs have gone. California used to be headquartered to all ten of the top oil and gas companies. Now it's just one Chevron, and they're increasingly putting operations in Texas. How there's been a hollowing out of the middle class and of the working class. And when people in the middle class of bringing class leave, the number one reason they cite if they cannot afford the price of a home. The average price of a home in California because of the environmental extremists that stop any development for any reason jacking up the price is eight hundred thousand dollars. That's anywhere from one hundred and fifty percent the two hundred and fifty percent above the national average that then make a fund the study that you read. These are middle class jobs that are going out, and the elites can still afford to live there, even though California at the highest state income tax in the country thirteen point three percent. But when rich people leave, they also bring their tax base with them. Out of forty million people living in California, sean only one percent pay on most half of the state income tax, and the state income tax is California's largest source of So when millionaires and billionaires that Bernie dismisses lead California, California at thirty is the best money for schools, less money for highways, less money for the kinds of thing government is supposed to do. That's why now, for the first time in one hundred and seventy one years, you see a mass net exodus of people from California and take that Take that U haul from California to Texas. It's twenty five hundred bucks. Take it back from Texas to California. You do a new haul of favor, you could probably get it for three or four hundred bucks. Larry Elder, we're gonna be watching five days away, but it's probably gonna take a month to get the results. But we'll be watching out in California. Good luck, and we appreciate your time and wish you're the best on Tuesday, for sure. Thanks God, Bless, God bless eight hundred nine for one Seawan toll free telephone number. We expect Joe Biden with his new COVID mandates his six point plan that he's been planning forever. Now that with a three hundred percent increase in cases compared to what we had last year. Wow, imagine if Trump was president. HI twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, we expect at the top of the hour that Joe Biden. I guess he doesn't like to work at night. I don't think he hasn't done a nighttime press conference. They had a hard time adjusting his peak cognitive hours during the campaign. If your call, if there was a debate, if there was the DNC convention speech, whatever it happened to be, he disappeared for six days. And I said at the time, I said, they're adjusting his peak cognitive hour to the nine pm hour, only, you know, as a means of being prepared for the big moment that he has to rise to the occasion, because he certainly doesn't have the energy. Let's be honest. He's weak, he's frail, and he's a cognitive mess. Anyway, joining us with some insight. He's been following this very closely. Peter Sweitzer, President of the Government Accountability Institute, host of the drill down dot com podcast. Eric is with us, Vice president of the Government Accountability Institute. He's a co host. He's two worked together twenty four to seven. I guess, yeah, but you know, here you got two top officials at the FDA resigning in protest over this booster shot or a third dose of the vaccine, you know. And this then gets to the question of Fauci, which we now know he lied about pretty much everything, and he knew a lot that he didn't tell the American people from day one, and he was conflicted on the issue of coronaviruses from day one. And now it's all there, and we'll get to the intercept and we'll get to the emails in a minute. But what's your take on these two FDA officials resigning? Peter, Well, it's interesting, Sean. You know, the league claim. The argument from the mainstream media when Donald Trump was president was that he was politicizing the process, you know about the vaccine, which really wasn't true. He was just trying to speed up the process. The reason that these two FDA officials are resigning, based on the reporting from Politico and others, is precisely because the process is being politicized by the Biden administration. In other words, they're not convinced, they are not certain, they are not competent in the idea that these booster shots are necessary or effective. They don't know how healthy they might be. They don't like the fact that the Food and Drug Administration is being pushed to essentially approve this process, and they've resigned as a result. You know, the fact of the matter is sewn that Joe Biden when he was running for president, made it sound so simple. He was just going to effectively snap sort of the bureaucratic fingers of the federal government, and they were going to fix all of these problems. We know that the COVID situation is a lot more complicated than that, and now that it is continuing to be a problem that's unfolding all the new cases talked about, he is pressuring the medical professionals in the government establishment to try to get them to push things through to basically save himself politically, and that to be fair. So far, with these breakthrough cases, people are warned about that possibility. But with these breakthrough cases, the odds are still very likely that you won't be hospitalized if you're fully vaccinated, and that you won't die if you're fully vaccinated. But it doesn't go into a whole host of other complications that some people have had. One of the things that bothers me the most about this and Peter, I've been very clear, I'm telling everyone take this sucker seriously. I know people that have died, I've seen the worst of this virus. I know people that have survived ventilators barely after forty days and have been right at death's door and so, but I'm not a doctor. I'm not going to play it on radio or television in spite of all the pressure brought to air on me to tell everybody what to do. I'm only urging people to take it seriously because I love my audience to do their own research, take into account their unique medical history, their current medical condition, talk to their own doctor or doctors and medical professionals they trust, and then they're going to have to make their own decision on what's the right decision for them. I also believe in medical privacy, and I believe in doctor patient confidentiality. I guess that's an anequated view in America, but the reality is there are people with very rare conditions that can't, for whatever reason, take a vaccine. I've interviewed a number of those people. They never talk, it seems, about therapeutics. Then you have the whole other issue about well, if we're following the science to Cleveland Clinic, highly prestigious medical university says if you had COVID, you don't need any of the vaccines. Are we just going to ignore that science because it's not convenient to one particular narrative about the vaccine. We'll ask you Eric. Yeah, I think one of the things that we've explored in our research, as Gi and on the podcast, is a perverse incentive structure. Nobody wants to be anti science. Everybody wants to be as safe as possible, but would also be as intellectually honest as possible. And when you look at the dramatic profits that some of these big pharmaceutical companies have made since the COVID era began, since this push for vaccines, you know, I think it begs the question of why some of the remedies and some of the things that people don't seem to make much money off much money off of, are dismissed when the things that people at the big pharmaceutical companies is obviously are incredibly influential politically and otherwise when they're making might have to they seem to be not only pushed, but now renewed. And as you know, we need this third booster shot over apparently the very vehement protests of FDA officials who have resigned, right, I mean, I think it begs the question of, hey, let's do what's in the best interest of the people, not just what's in the best interest of the corporation. You know, we've had this phenomenon of breakthrough cases. One of the things that has frustrated me in this whole process is most people, I could tell you in New York, especially throughout twenty twenty, we're told, Okay, you have COVID, you need to do contact tracing, you need to go home, isolate yourself from your family. Okay, if you get a temperature, take tile at all to lower your temperature. Check your oxygen levels, and if it goes below ninety. If it goes ninety or below, you need to go to an emergency room. Most people run into lung problems anywhere between days six and ten, and by the time that it results in a decrease in their oxygen level, the damage has mostly been done. Peter and I've interviewed many doctors, many trained at Harvard, many like doctor Fred or doctor Reich who has trained to Yale Medical School or some of the best, most prestigious medical institutions in the country, and they've been strong proponents of therapeutics, like regennaon the anti colonial antibody treatments, infusions. I know Rhonda Santas set up centers all across Florida, but nobody ever talks about that either. I know a seventy four year old man that was tested positive. He was not vaccinated. He got the infusion of Regenaon at Emory University Hospital in Georgia, and he felt like a new man in forty eight hours and he was fined. Same with his wife. It's also unvaccinated. I have a friend of mine in my town where I live in New York fully vaccinated, had Regennaon infused in twenty four hours and he was fine too. So nobody ever talks about that science that seems to exist. Everyone wants to talk about, you know, ivermectin and HCQ. There's numerous studies, starting with the Henry Ford study about HCQ and taken early eighty four percent effective in mitigating some of the side effects of COVID. That's right there, the science, the Cleveland Clinic science that I mentioned. Ivermectin. Okay, yeah, they do use it in animals, that's the animal version, but the human version won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in twenty fifteen, and the fact that it might have crossover appeal by some doctors. I'm not a doctor. I just don't That's not my era of vokexpertise, Peter. I'm not going to tell people what to do. No. I think you're exactly right, Sean. Look, if you look at how we got the vaccine in the first place, it was not a top down government effort. It was the work of scientists and researchers at pharmaceutical companies and government agencies. The point is, I think what frustrates a lot of people about the way that doctor Fauci has been handling this is this sort of top down mentality that he is the one that has all the truth and all the information, and the fact of the matter is that there are lots of possible aids that can help people get through this terrible illness, that can take off some of the effects of the illness. You're exactly right, people need to take this deadly seriously and not just sort of fluff it off. But the frustration that people have is that when you have this top down approach that Sauci has had, and he reverses himself one hundred and eighty degrees from something he said maybe two months ago, it leads people to distrust what they're being told. I think he and the American people need to have a lot more faith and recognize that there are lots of smart people in this country that have solutions and this top down government approach is not ultimately the way that we're going to get through this pandemic together. Well said Eric, let's get your take on that. Yeah, And I just think in addition to what Peter said, I think the politicization of what the solution should be. I mean, people think that the Republicans have been politicized in but in Florida, what we think the opposite's true. Right, And you mentioned that government Descantis has been promoting for general as in a treatment to be had in lieu of, or in addition to the vaccine. And unfortunately, despite the many examples you've listed, to many examples that we all know personally of success, that that is sort of dismissed and instead of being touted as somebody that's advocating the life saving treatment, Ron de sciantists is criticized by both the media and the people that are running for his job as not being pro vaccine enough, not profouncy enough, right, not abiding by the guidance that the CDC says this week. Who knows what they'll say next week, But this week, the government descantists or anyone else dares to be intellectually honest and stand for something that isn't the politically expedient maneuver, regardless of what the science says. And they're criticized, and it's unfortunate, but we're seeing it right here in Florida. But we're thankful for the people that are willing to advocate solutions regardless of the political implications. Quick break, welcome back. More on the other side. Peter Schweitzer, Eric Eggers awaiting Joe Biden's press or supposedly at the top of the hour, Based on past history, it could be hours later. As to continue. Peter Schweitzer, Eric Eggers, both with the Government Accountability Institute. You know, this is where it really bothers me. You know, imagine, how do we get up three hundred percent COVID cases from last year? How is that possible? What have they done wrong? You know, now it's gonna be We're gonna have one size medicine. Fitzall Well, I interviewed a nineteen year old girl that in twenty nineteen Peter Sweitzer that got a vaccination and she was paralyzed for over a month. Her dream was to go to BYU and Hawaii. This is not a BYU rule, this is a state rule in Hawaii. And she couldn't get a medical exemption because of her unique medical condition that preventative from taking a vaccine and go to the school, even though she was willing, perfectly willing to socially distanced mask whoever follow all the rules and all the protocols out there. You know, what do we do when people are trying to follow science? And I believe in science. I even believe in the science of vaccination. I just don't agree that I can tell people what to do because I'm not the doctor. I mean, do you think I'm qualified to tell people what to do to be with medicine, Peter. Let's be honest. No, you don't because I'm not. Yeah, and but but here's the important thing that you recognize, Sean, which is that there are limitations to what you know, and you don't want to compel other people to do things when there's some ambiguity. So you know, for example, you mentioned the Cleveland Clinic study about people that have had a COVID in the past, that their resistance to the disease is greater than those that have had the vaccine. They're better off. The problem is is that that science is in the Cleveland clinic study. There's been studies out of Israel and elsewhere that confirm that these are bona fide, peer reviewed medical studies. That's essentially ignored by the Biden administration in the CDC, the point being that they want to mandate vaccines and there's no exemption even if you can show that you had COVID and that you have I think what they call T cell immunity, which is you had it and you have resistance to it. You're in a sense in a better position than somebody who hasn't had it. But they're not allowing those exemptions. It's the sort of typical thing we get from government, unfortunately, which is one size fits all. And I think the bottom line sewn You've said it before, I certainly believe it. You've got to take this disease seriously. There are some really powerful tools like the vaccine that can be brought to bear, but this notion that the government by basically wants people to be quiet to fall in line, exist, listen to exactly what they say. Don't listen to somebody from Johns Hopkins, don't listen to somebody from the Cleveland Clinic. It's part of the reason we have people now that are distrustful of what Fauchi is saying. He's changed his story. He's not been honest in it. He's not been honest. He wasn't honest. And he was told on January thirty first to twenty twenty that it looked like this virus was manipulated on a lab. The frenzy of emails that were revealed that he was scared to death. It would be discovered that the NIH funded the Wuhan Virology lab and that gain of function research and coronavirus studies he knew was taking place there. And now, of course, the nine hundred page nine hundred pages were released by the Intercept expose all of Fauci's lies. It looks like the American people helped fund the gain of function research that led to the coronavirus from the Wuhan virology lab that we were paying for. But God forbid we, you know, he gets charged. He gets charged with lying under oath all right, Peter, thank you, Peter Schweitzer, Eric Ergers, thank you both. Quick break right back