Killing Crazy Horse

Published Sep 9, 2020, 10:00 PM

Bill O’Reilly, the best-selling author of 15 instant #1 books including the #1 “Killing” series of histories, and his latest book out just yesterday ``Killing Crazy Horse,” which he stops by to discuss. 

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I gladuate with us. Thank you, Scott Shannon eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Look, I said it to be well. I said it before I went on vacation at Christmas time. I said, Okay, rest up, enjoy your family, enjoy the holidays. I'll see after the new year. And but get ready, it's gonna be an emotional rollercoaster of a year. And we're fifty five days now out of I think a defining election, in the defining election in American history. I don't think there's any doubt about that. I've been saying to anybody that'll listen. You know, the greatest country God gave man, the greatest wealth creating nation ever in the history of mankind, a country that has a system of governance where we have proven the wisdom of our founders and framers to right wrongs, correct injustice. Is to become a more perfect union. I mean, it's not a perfect system, because there's no perfect people on earth, but there's never been a better system ever designed or created by man. And you know, the United States is responsible for advancing the human condition because of liberty, freedom, capitalism, risk reward because of what you know? How else do you describe it? By the way, if James can print out the six texts about Faucio, I would like to see that. Thank you. And so it is. You know, we have we have transformed the human condition, invention, innovation, that is America. I know it's maybe it's not popular, I guess anymore. American greatness, American goodness, American exceptionalism. But with that said, we have, as I was pointing out yesterday on this program, and I did it on TV last night, we now have an environment in which every single solitary major institution, the media, the mob, print, broadcast, ABCNBCCBS, cable networks devoted to hating you know, Donald Trump, every second, minute, hour of every day, could never say a single good thing this man has done. They have been after him and his family the moment this man came down the escalator. They laughed at his candidacy, they laughed at the idea he could win the primary. They never had a chance against the Clinton machine. And then it's interesting because he actually did something the very few politicians ever end up doing, and that is keeping his word and keeping his promises. We've gone through the checklist over and over again. But it's now the biggest choice election in history. The stated policies of the ever confused. I mean, is there really any doubt that there's some kind of cognitive issues going on with Biden? I mean, is that even in dispute, are we gonna be honest here? Because if we're honest, you know, it's obvious. It's obvious the mob, the media they're protecting him. It's obvious Hollywood's protecting them and just propping them up with as much money in a slick ad campaign. And you know it's obvious that you know, all these institutions. Now, the good news is it doesn't matter what they say, what they report. I mean, there's a danger that some people might still believe their crap and their lies and their conspiracy theories and their hoaxes. But back to my original point, this is now fifty five days out, This is now the insanity season. Every day there's gonna be a new bombshell, bombshell. Donald Trump said this about the military. Well, he also there has been no president since Ronald Reagan generations now a massive military build up. It was Donald Trump. It wasn't Joe, And it wasn't Barack. Obviously, it was under Joe and Barack that we exposed how corrupt the VA system is. Those are promises we made to our vets. They didn't fix that. Donald Trump fixed it. And if the VA is not providing the healthcare our brave men and women were promised and they deserve. They have the option now to go to their own private hospital and they get the medical attention they need in a timely fashion. You know, Donald Trump gave the biggest pay raise in a generation to our military. Donald Trump followed through on his promise to rebuild America's broken down, dilapidated military. He took off literally the handcuffs on the rules of engagement. Joe and Barack they couldn't beat the callo fate because they had so many restrictions on our military. And it was you know, I had to be fired on first. You're never gonna win a war that way. President following through on pulling out a protracted wars. Look, you're never gonna hear it every day. It's going to be some breathless hysterical reporting about how much they hate Donald Trump and and it's such overkill. In many ways. But I don't, you know, That's why I don't. I don't have a crystal ball. I can't tell you who's gonna win. I can tell you assuming the cheating is not that bad. Do have what twelve hundred eighty five cases of voter fraud identified in America? According to the Heritage Foundation, almost a thousand people arrested for such We have it in recent elections New York, by the way, they've had that. They threw out eighty four thousand ballots in two districts in New York. Are you kidding me? It's happening all around the country. But let's change the system with fifty five days to go. Oh, I have a lot of faith in government to really do that. Right. They've done so well with social security in Obamacare, and so well with a law and order in safety and security. They've done so well in liberal cities and states run by Democrats for decades. And oh, of course we'll put our faith, hope, and trust in them. So it's gonna be something a day. I mean, now, it's like a book a day, you know. I guess Cohn's book comes out yesterday, you know, as I wake up to Michael kone, Well, I did admit that. It's never my attorney said, oh, we've got some progress in life, which he did apologize privately, and I just knew, I just like you know, I gotta forgive, gotta move on. You know, it's just as uh, you know, at least he admitted that, but he'd said he had done so privately. But you know, now it's Bob Woodward and he's got a bombshell interview tapes. The only criticism my mind having the book is called rage, and Bob Woodward always writes pretty explosive books, and so it's gonna go from okay, but Donald Trump doesn't like the military. It's not true. It's an absolute pulsehood and as evidence by actions, not evidence by words. There's so much symbolism. You know, if you if you wear a mask, you're symbolically really doing No, you're not. And it's the same thing now because they have these tapes. And what's pretty fascinating is the media is interpreting it all wrong as usual. Now I happened to be in the middle of this in terms of remember it was Joe Biden. It wasn't Joe Biden talking about a travel band ten days after the first identified case a coronavirus. That would be Donald Trump, who did that first identified case January twenty first of this year. Travel band January thirty first of this year. We first interviewed doctor Fauci on this program that when did that happen? Foucci on what January twenty seventh? I interviewed him again, I think February eleventh. We had other experts on before the travel band and the travel band. What did Joe Biden say about the travel ban? It was hysterical, xenophobia and fear mongering. Okay, that turned out to be one of the dumbest things he's ever done and said over the years, and then the subsequent travel bens and the first quarantine and what fifty or sixty years. All right, so Donald Trump is on the phone, he's with Bob Woodward and the date is February seventh. Now I happen to interview the President February second at the Super Bowl, and I asked him about coronavirus. Even in that interview, how the President put the travel ban in effect after the first case in ten days, after thinking how many lives have been saved, how many Americans did not contract the virus because of these decisions, the decisions Joe never would have made. So on February seventh, he's telling Bob Woodward, I guess explaining, Look, it's only at that point. It was what seventeen days after the first identified case of Corona. This is what the President is telling Bob Woodward that Corona seems more deadly than than a strenuous flu. Let's listen, it goes through air, Bob. That's always tougher than the touch. The touch don't have to touch things, right, but the air. You just breathe the air. That's how it's the past. And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than you're you know, you're even your strenuous flues. So the president sees something that the rest of the country's not seen, and that is, yeah, this is bad. I'm really taken this very seriously. That's what I'd take out of that, and that the president is okay, he's taking steps that nobody had ever taken in the year. Nobody ever put a travel ban in effect that past and Joe Biden, if you were president, wouldn't have done it either, all right? Then fast forward to the middle of March, telling Bob Woodward, and this is where the controversy is, the coronavirus. You know that he wanted to play it down. He didn't want to start a panic over it. In other words, if exponentially, because I interpret it exponentially, if it's five times worse what the president was saying February seventh, expon eventually. Okay, the average flu year thirty forty fifty thousand. Most people don't even know. We lose forty fifty thousand people a year off and with the flu and anyway, so he's telling Bob woodworre he doesn't want to hype this thing up and didn't want people to panic. Wow, he was downplaying it. He said, Okay, I downplay it, meaning I'm not hyping it up. As my clear interpretation. You decide, well, I think Bob really to be honest with you. I want you I wanted to I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down, yes, because I don't want to create a panic. So he's talking about two different things than what the mob and the media is ever going to talk about. Now, remember the initial models. They were all wrong. We didn't even know at this point that China had lied to us on a profound level. We found out later that they had their own travel band. You couldn't leave Wuhn Province and go to any other part of China, or you couldn't come from any other part of China into Wuhan Province. But they left their airports open. We're leaving Wuhan Province for Italy or any other part of the world that travel existed. I mean, it's madness on their part, total madness. Now what they're you know, they're also apparently claiming in the book that doctor Fauci said, all right, the president has a short attention span. What they're not saying is okay. Doctor Fauci was on Life, Liberty and Levine, and Fauci said Trump never challenged him on the science of coronavirus, and Fauci said, the response of the Trump administration has been impressive. I can't imagine anybody could be doing anything more. Doctor Fauci, let me ask you questions. You've been doing this a long time. Have you ever seen this big of a coordinated response by an administration to such a threat health threat? Well, we've never had a threat like this, and the coordinated response has been there a number of adjectives to re describe it. Impressive I think is one of them. I mean, we're talking about all hands on deck. Is that I as one of many people on a team, I'm not the only person since the beginning that we even recognize what this was. I have been devoting almost full time on this, almost full time. I'm down at the White House virtually every day with the task force. I'm connected by phone throughout the day and into the night. When I say night, I'm talking twelve one, two in the morning. I'm not the only one. There's a whole group of us that are doing that. It's every single day. So I can't imagine that under any circumstances that anybody could be trying doing more. I mean, obviously we're finding a formidable enemy this virus. This virus is a serious issue here. Now. Nobody likes the flue killing people every year either nobody. But but then we had the largest medical mobilization. Nobody's criticizing the Blasio. Here are my recommendations. Go out on the town in march or you know, Cuomo, We're not like to do the countries. We have the best healthcare system in New Wheels. Excuse our arrogance as New Yorkers. I speak for the mayor also on this point, we think we have the best healthcare system on the planet right here in New York, and I have. So when you're saying what happened in other countries versus what happened here, we don't even think it's going to be as bad as it was in other countries. Oh, I guess that was wrong too. Anyway, eight hundred nine one. It's going to be every day. They don't want America to focus on the president's record, the president's positions, and the fact that Joe well he's frail and weak and it's obvious to everybody. They'll protect him. That's what the next fifty five days is about. So Fauci is saying that nobody could ever act any better, and that that that gets ignored. Look one of the keys, and I would argue any campaign has to understand, and that is this is now coordination. You have coordination as it relates to the mob, the media. You have coordination, Rhino Republicans, all these varying groups. You know, the same people that tried to tell us weak conservatives, you gotta suck it up and you gotta support, you know, the Rhino Republican candidate for the good of the team, and most of us did because it became a choice of the you know, better of two horrible choices. And yet they have in large numbers. You know, you begin to see where people are coming from. I mean, they're not just Rhino Republicans. They're they're willing to support a radical, extreme socialist in a clear, you know, cognitive state of weakness and frailty and then embrace radical socialism and redistributionism and the New Green Deal and open borders and liberal justices on the Supreme Court. Now, when we come back, the President might speak with Bill O'Reilly today more Zogby says Biden is in trouble with African American voters. Will get to that and much more straight ahead. All right, Amazon dot Com forty percent off bookstores everywhere, deep discounts. Thank you again. It's kind of surprised us going back up to number two all week on Amazon dot com. I think the definitive book everything that's at stake, which is what the media mob. This is my whole point about this is going to be a daily distraction. It's going to create anything to obstruct from Donald Trump's record in a full complete analysis of Joe Biden and his agenda, his stated agenda that would end in a disaster, his record of fifty years in the swamp as record eight years as vice president. They desperately don't want to talk about any of those things ever. But that is the nature of the body politic in the world we live in today, and we just all have to, you know, stay steady and understand that this election matters. And you know, you watched last night anecdotally, I see this massive crowd in Winston Salem for the President. I don't see that for Joe Biden. I don't see any enthusiasm for Joe Biden. Joe Biden want to talk about the president saying, yeah, Corona's vad bad. That's why I put in the travel band. Why didn't Joe? Why did Joe Biden call it historical xenophobia and fearmonger? How many other Americans thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of Americans like it would have contracted the virus And you know, mathematically, you play that out died from the virus had he had his way. It's say, you know you have a Boston coronavirus lab suspended after four hundred false positive tests were uncovered. We had the same problem down in Florida. Now they know in New York it's over eleven thousand elderly people that died needlessly because of the stupid executive order of New York politicians. Unbelievable by the way. LA officials have just announced that Halloween trick or treating will be strictly prohibited this year due to coronavirus. Okay, what if it's a protest, What if it's a Black Lives Matter protests, They're going to say no to that too. Apparently that's exempt. According to the Washington Examiner, guideline released ahead of Halloween, the La County Department of Public Health said residents will not be permitted to participate in any form of trick or treating where the door to door, car to car because of coronavirus. It is not allowed because it can be very difficult to maintain proper social distancing on porches and the front doors, especially in neighborhoods that are popular with trick and treats or treaters, whatever you call it, trick or treating events anyway, the guideline suggested holiday revelers consider participating in the celebration by holding an event online or dressing up in their home. Okay, as long as like Donald Trump made the mistake in Oklahoma, he should have just called it a protest. He would have been fine. But it is, you know, for Democrats. You know, the virus is now in decline, and you see the hot spots. It seems to have taken on the same pattern Florida, Arizona, Texas, California, even you know, flattening of the curve, then the drop off, then the dramatic drop off. John Hopkins, there are a couple of states that that s cases rising in on. One of them's Iowa. West Virginia is another one of the four states. But for the most part, it's you know, it's been a challenge. The world was lied to anyway, Suddenly Joe and Kamala Harris to sounding like fringe parents or you know, you know these people. And by the way, I don't have any negative words to pre parents that are anti vaccine, and it's so controversial I'm like, of course I believe in science and vaccination. Thought for me it wasn't no brainer. You know, there were people that wouldn't get their kids vaccinated against polio even today. And you know, for whatever, I try to be respectful of people that have bizarre views because to me, that's that just makes no sense. But I try to be respectful. I understand some people have deeply held religious values and I want to respect their religious freedom. And I think it's crazy, but you know they do it. But anyway, now we have h I love this, you know, Biden Harris. They want to erode confidence in the vaccine. Now, Astra Zeneca did have a temporary stop because of you know, potential problem that they want to investigate. We're in final stage human trial testing for a vaccine act. You get every give every American hope this invisible virus will be defeated by American ingenuity, American researchers, medical researchers and scientists and doctors and medical professionals. And anyway, I want to see what the scientists said about the vaccine, Biden huffing and buffing. I want full transparency, that is, don't trust a vaccine Okade by Team Trump. It's not gonna be each team Trump that the sides. It's gonna be Astra Zeneca, it's gonna be Maderna. They're the ones that are going to decide if it's ready. And you know, Harris More, she would, she'd trust the word of public health experts, but not the president. President's not gonna make that decision. They're gonna they're gonna tell him. In other news, American optimism is up. Americans are becoming less likely to say the coronavirus pandemic is getting worse, less worried about falling ill than they were in recent months. Gallop just found out in a poll they had that's just forty seven percent of adults said the pandemic was getting worse, down from sixty one percent who said the same thing last month. Well, that's because they were able to flatten the curve again and then the patterns. And by the way, it was just ten days ago Biden was finally forced out of his basement because of his plunging poll numbers. He's been flipping and flopping and flailing all over the place. You know, Oh, no, I've never said I was against fracking that's a lie. I mean, he flip flaps on fracking because he knows he's gonna lose Pennsylvania and Io is against fracking all throughout the primary campaign. Then two days on the campaign trail, he realized, oh yeah, I need those voters. Let me lie you know you have. After the George Floyd protester up, Biden said repeatedly he wanted to redirect funds away from the police. Yes. Absolutely. Then when, of course, now the riding goes on and on and on, I never said that. Well, that's a lie too. Bozo O'Rourke was the flavor of the month or in the primary, vowed to start gun confiscation as soon as Bozo Hell, yeah, we're coming for your ak. Forty sevens after he crashed and burned, Biden said he to appoint him as a guns are Now we have the Birdie Bolshevik Bernie Biden Manifesto of one hundred and ten pages of pure socialist drivel that should frighten every American because it'll destroy the greatest wealth producing economy on the face of this earth that brings us to today. Flip flopped, and then Biden, backing off his own national mask mandate, saying he wouldn't issue any binding orders because he believes it would be unconstitutional. Oh what you got some brushback? John Zogby is now saying that Biden is in trouble with African American voters. By the way, this has now been a trend. This isn't one pole. This is now the last six We've had this trend going on throughout the election. These are not outliers anyway. The numbers of likely African American voters for Biden are nowhere near what Democrats would normally expect, which is ninety percent. He added, this alone could potentially cost Biden the election. Paul for Newsmax. Zogby said two thousand and eight two twelve, Barack Obama got ninety six percent and ninety three percent of the Black vote. Hillary clinton eighty nine percent was not enough for her to win the presidency. He says, if Donald Trump gets fourteen percent of the African American vote in November, well that would hurt the Democratic nominee against many critical rust belt states along with Minnesota, Georgia, Texas, which Biden has I don't believe it that he hopes to win and insiders in the White House said yeah, well, now we have four poles with Trump anywhere between nineteen and twenty four percent of African American support, he gets half that it's a major win. We have an update, by the way, as it relates to John Durham's investigation. I know many of you are frustrated. I'm frustrated. Mark Meadows, the chief of Staff of the President, said he has seen quote additional documents pertinent to John Durham's criminal inquiry into the Russia investigation. He was on with our friend and colleague Maria Barrett to Romo on Tuesday, quote additional documents that I've been able to review, say, a number of the players, the Strucks, the Andrew McCabe, the James Coomey's and even others in the administration previously are in real trouble because of their willingness to participate in an unlawful act. And I would use the word unlawful. At best, what they did broke all kinds of protocols. At worst, people should go to jail. I'll have to see what happens with that. A little too slow for my liking. I'm not gonna lie anyway. Rasmussin says seventeen percent of Trump voters are unwilling to say who they will vote for. This is historic. That's like the Cato Institute. I mean, it's that. And I don't blame anybody for not telling any poster a thing. I don't think they did, you know, and I we have our poster friends on all the time. But I'm honestly, I don't trust anybody. They haven't been fair in their samples. They were wrong in twenty sixteen. They were wrong on election day November eighth of twenty sixteen. They've been wrong the whole time. Latest rasmusin survey has Biden Trump in a statistical dead heat today. And it's you know, my motto, my refrain remains the same. You're six points down, you have no timeouts, you're on your own twenty You got to march down the field eighty yards, got to cross the plane, kick the extra point to win. That's how that's that's how I am viewing this election. And I am not, by the way, changing that between now an election day, because yeah, if people don't participate, I can't make people vote. I am one vote anyway. This has to make Remember Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize for nothing. Now Trump's been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the Norwegian officials, citing the Israeli UAE peace deal. I don't make liberal heads in the mob explode anyway. The Pentagon is set to announce another promise of the president. You didn't want to keep American brave men and women national treasure in harm's way. And with the investment now in modern medical I'm sorry, modern warfare and technology, we don't need to go door to door in Iraq. The president proved that by defeating the Caliphate in Syria. Democrats privately of fearing a twenty sixteen repeat. Despite Biden's leading the polls, the president now as approvals hited as high water marks, first one since June. That was the latest till Harris poll. Trump I was sailing to an easy election until the pandemic hit. I think there's some truth to that. By the way, the President will be on Hannity tonight ninety eastern on the Fox News Channel. Now you know the President is out there in front saying, by the way, have you noticed these people in restaurants now they're just walking over the tables on the street grabbing somebody's cocktail their beer. Let's go to the president. He's announcing, Well, he's actually announcing judicial appointments. We won't do that now, the President says. Restaurant rioters will be in charge if Joe Biden wins. Well, these are all democratic run cities. Preview of coming attractions is what I call it, you know, and rightly the President pointing out Kamala Harris because the mob won't do it is far to the left than Bernie Sanders. That's all true. US Army vet says he was used as a prop and an anti Trump propaganda video. Well, I look at actions, not words, and President's actions towards the military speak for themselves, fixing the VA pay raise, largest military build up since Reagan. You know, Biden on the tray, he's actually in Michigan. Our own Lawrence Jones is there. He'll report tonight from Michigan. And I was told that they withheld from the media where the event was going to take place, and then at the last minute to find out there were more Trump supporters there than they were Biden supporters. That's pretty interesting. The President will visit Michigan tomorrow, The President says, the economy would collapse and the rioters and the anarchists and the looters. Yeah, what is Biden and Kamal are going to do about all of this? I mean, it is sad that there is this information crisis in the country. You can't get straight news from anybody in the mainstream media. Mob and there were a mob, and they have an agenda, and their agenda is to defeat Donald Trump at all costs. I'm sorry what he's hitting the left, boss, if you want to take it for a little bit in the left, all right, let's dip in from all over the world to pursue the American dream based on this sacred principle. Equality under the law is the bedrock of our society. It is the principle that inspired American heroes to abolish slavery and segregation, secure civil rights, and build the most free and just nation in history. Unfortunately, there is a growing radical left movement that rejects the principle of equal treatment under the law. If this extreme movement it is granted a majority on the Supreme Court, it will fundamentally transform America. Without a single vote of Congress, radical justices will erase the Second Amendment silence political speech and require taxpayers to fund extremely term abortion. They will give unelected bureaucrats the power to destroy millions of American jobs. That's the President, and he's going into his announcement on judicial appointments. Will keep monitoring. We got Bill O'Reilly coming up. Also, our posters will get into them today. Our two Sean Hannity Show best election coverage available on your radio dial eight hundred and ninety four one Sean our toll free number. You want to be a part of the program fifty five days, you are the ultimate jury. By the way, Tom Cotton, Senator Ted Cruz, their names added to a list of potential the court appointments that the President made earlier. We're gonna go right to. Just moments ago, the President did a Q and A with the mob and the media a lot of the questions dealing with his answer to Bob Woodward in his new book Rage Now. The interesting thing is the way the mob is carrying this and the way that Joe Biden is reacting to this, because the President remembered the timeline actually matters here. January twenty first, this year, the first identified case of coronavirus the thirty first of January this year, that's ten days later, the President puts the China travel band in effect, and of course subsequent travel bands. Then the first quarantine in what fifty sixty years? Then remember Joe Biden's reaction was this is hysterical, seen a phobia and fearmongering. What were the rest of the Democrats doing well, They were in the middle of their impeachment trial, which Hunt while ignoring quid pro quo Joe and zero experienced Hunter. Then in March, so February seventh, he does the interview with Bob Woodward. Yeah, it looks like it's five times more deadly than the you know, a regular flu. A lot of people don't know that people die annually from the flu virus. Some years it's tens and tens of thousands of Americans that will die from the influenza virus, the flu virus. Here's what the President told Woodward on February seventh. It goes through air, Bob. That's always tougher than the touch. You know, the touch, you don't have to touch things, right, but the air, you just breathe the air. And that's how it's the past. And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one. It's also more deadly than you're you know, you're even your strenuous flues, more deadly than even your strenuous flues. Well, it does explain his willingness to go even against every expert in the Oval office. I've I've beterviewed people that were in the room when the President made the call ten days after the first identified case of Corona, and they've all said the same thing. Nobody thought that was needed at the time, but he did it. Joe Biden was against it. Now, you know, to get lectures from Biden, the mob, the media, Kamala Harris, and others, when that one decision alone, in calculable thousands of Americans did not contract the virus because of that one decision. They were wrong, just like they were busy in their impeachment witch hunt. And so where they're now focused on is now in March, another phone call with Bob wood Word writing this book. I guess the President cooperated with this. I'm not sure exactly why, but anyway, tells wood Word, well, I don't want to create a panic. In other words, he wasn't going to overhype this thing. Now, even if it is five times worse than your average flute, you're not talking about millions of Americans dying. But maybe who knows what would happened at the travel bend not bought us all the time that that bought us. Here's what he said. Well, I think Bob really, to be honest with you, I wanted to I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down, yes, because I don't want to create a panic. So, I mean, there's two different things they're compleating here. It was interesting. Now, Doctor Anthony Fauci defended the president today from claims that he lied about the coronavirus. He says, I don't recall anything that was any gross distortion and things that I spoke to him about. And this is after the Bob woodword interview and tape came out. Anyway, the Washington Post went further, saying the President had been intentionally misleading Americans the president. Do you really want a president to say you're all going to die? I mean, it was first of all, it's not true. Nobody likes one death. You know, I consider myself pro life. I don't like one death, and you don't want anybody dying from the flu annually either, and Foucci went on Box News, I don't think the president never distorted things I spoke to him about, referring to the president's press briefies. He said, I don't think he said much different than what we said to him when we were in the Oval office. So, I mean, you know, it's pretty amazing to me. March, Fauci told The Gray One on Life Liberty Levin the Trump's response to the pandemic had been impressive. I can't imagine that under any circumstances that anybody could be doing more. That guy forgotten about two and I interviewed Fouci January twenty seven. I interviewed him again February eleventh. I interviewed the president February second for the Super Bowl. Then he said, explaining why put the travel ban in effect, So obviously the president was taking it seriously, doing things that you know, caused Democrats to be calling him hysterical and xenophobic and pretty much a racist and everything else in between, and a fearmongirl. Anyway, the president just got questions on it. Let's dip in, does anybody have any questions on the judges. Please, anybody want the judges excuse me? Any questions are outstanding people, very important decision, very important that Joe Biden put up potential nominees. I think it's a very important thing for our country that he do that. Okay, please go ahead. Do you have a question? Good question? The concerns from the Woodword book in regards to whether did you lead a polaying down play that well. I think if you said in order to reduce panic, perhaps that's so. The fact is, I'm a cheerleader for this country. I love our country and I don't want people to be frightened. I don't want to create panic, as you say, and certainly I'm not going to drive this country or the world into a frenzy. We want to show confidence, we want to show strength. We want to show strength as a nation, and that's what I've done, and we've done very well. We've done well from any standard. Do you look at our numbers compared to other countries on the parts of the world. It's been an amazing job that we've done. I think it's very sad in many respects because the incredible individuals working so hard on it, including our Vice president, they've done this great job. They haven't been acknowledged by the news media, and they should for the job we've done. Whether it's ventilators and now you'll see very soon with vaccines and with therapeutics, the job we've done has been incredible. But we we don't want to instill panic. We don't want to jump up and down and start shouting that we have a problem that is a tremendous problem, scare of everybody. And I'll tell you the other thing. We immediately started buying all over the world. We started buying masks and gowns and everything else. And we don't want to cause pricing to go up to a level that becomes almost unaffordable. So yeah, and so in that sense, I agree with it. Yeah. Please, how do you reassure the American public going forward that they can trust what you're saying? Well, I think that's really a big part of us. We have to have leadership, We have to show leadership, and the last thing you want to do is create a panic in the country. This was a horrible thing. It was sent to us by China. Should not have happened, should never have happened. This is a disgusting terrible situation that was foisted upon us, and we have to show we just don't want to use the best word as panic. We don't want to have to show panic. We're not going to show panic. And that's exactly what I did, And I was very open. Whether it's to Woodward or anybody else, it's just another political hit chub. But whether it was Woodward or anybody else, you cannot show a sense of panic or you're going to have bigger problems than you had before. Pleasing more than trying to reduce panics or in February seven, board it's more deadly than you're stressing flue. But go ahead, please, mister president. Don't look like if you were more forthright with the American people, more laves could have been saved. Do you took responsibility at all for some of the two hundred thousand deaths that we've had, So I think if we didn't do what we did, we would have had millions of people. We closed up our country. We closed it up, very very quickly, very effectively. We did a job. We learned about this horrible disease along with the rest of the world which had to learn about it, and then we opened it up, and now we know the vulnerable, we know who it attacks, who it's so vicious against. And I think we've done, from every standpoint, a incredible job. We shouldn't have lost anybody. Nobody should have lost. China released something that they shouldn't have been allowed to. Really, they should not have released. It came out of China, it went to Europe, it went all over the world. Should have never happened. They could have stopped it. They stopped it from going into the remainder of China. It started in Wuhan and they stopped it, but they didn't stop it from coming to our country. Now we had to show calm. We had to show you know, if it was up to you or whoever. I have no idea what he said in the book, And again it's a book that I gave him some quotes, and frankly, we'll see how the book turned out. I have no idea. You're asking me questions for the first time. But again, the last thing we can show is panic or excitement or fear or anything else. We had to take care of that. We had to take care of the situation we were given now, long before anybody else wanted to do it. I closed our borders to a very heavily infected China. If I didn't do that, we would have had hundreds of thousands more people die. Doctor Fauci said it. Many people said it. It was a great decision, a decision I made and I had to make. It was a decision that a lot of people thought I was wrong. Nancy Pelosi said I was wrong, Joe Biden said I was wrong. They all came back and they said it was the right decision. And I was way early. That was in January, the end of January. I did that, So that was a very good thing we did. Otherwise we would have had hundreds of thousands more. But if we didn't close the country, we would have been talking about millions of people instead of the numbers that we have right now. You mentioned that you were trying to avoid price douging, but you've mentioned a bob would were that you recognized as insvirus spread through the air on February seventh. You didn't begin Trajet air bridge until March. You didn't use the diductionation until March. You didn't starting You didn't really think it was going to be to the point where it was all of a sudden, the world was infected. The entire world was infected. Everyone was scrambling around looking where buy face masks and all of the other things. We've opened up factories. We've had tremendous success with face masks and with shields, and with the ventilators. We're now supplying the rest of the world. We have all the ventilators we can use. And remember this, the ventilators were very important. That one person that needed a ventilator didn't get it, and these are very complex, expensive machines to make. We opened up something like hadn't been done since the Second World War. We honestly, we've done an incredible job. But we don't want to run around screaming shouting, oh look at this, look at this. We have to show leadership, and leadership is all about confidence, and confidence is confidence in our country and our people have been great. We've been put through a lot by China by releasing this, by having this come here, we were put to a lot. They could have done something about it, and they chose not to. I am very honored to have presented to you today a list of twenty incredible people, and we will talk later I'm sure we'll be meeting later in the day. Thank you, very very late, junywhere are you new? Help? That was the President just moments ago. And by the way, the President will join us on Hannity tonight ninetiester on the Fox News Channel. This is just gonna be a daily, a daily exercise by the mob. Do you think the last Joe Biden, why did you call it? Why did you call the travel band hysterical? Xenophobia and fear mongery? Kamala, why were you busy? Why didn't you jump into this early? You had access to all the scientists. Fauci, he's on record of saying, I can't imagine under any circumstances that anybody could be doing anything more the great doctor Fauci, praised by all the media. And by the way, I've never had a problem with Fauci. You know, a lot of people got everything wrong because we were led to on a spectacular and a precedented level. Right as we roll along eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Look, this is gonna be and I'm trying to offer some perspective here. I'm thinking about this and you know, I think of like my dad's generation and my grandparents, my grandparents. I've told the story before, turning the last century. They're in the teens, they come to America, all four from Ireland, all four grandparents. They have no money in their pocket, and they've struggled their whole lives. They're always poor. My mom grew up in the South Bronx kind of poor. My dad bed Stared Brooklyn, really poor, and his mom died not long after his birth from complications during And I think of their, my parents' lives growing up during a depression, and that you know, my father's spending four years fighting in the Pacific. And I think, and I'm like, Okay, I wonder if Donald Trump ever said we have nothing to fear but fear itself. My parents I never understood. It's sort of like, you know, my kids now understand it, but they didn't understand it for a long time. You know, two days now, it's going to be what twentieth anniversary of you know, nine to eleven. Think about that. You know, they were just born. They didn't live it like we did that are older. You know, we're in the middle of a depression, which soup lines and poverty and unemployment, you know, thirty percent whatever it was, and just a disaster for so many. What does FDR say, there's nothing to fear but fear itself. Well, you're downplaying the effects of the depression. What do they expect the president who took the action of the coronavirus ten days after the first identified case, while Joe Biden is saying it's hysterical zenophobia and fear mongering, and and follows up with, Yeah, this is serious. We're taking it seriously, you know, but I don't want to create a panic. As the worst thing ever said it was the President's supposed to create a panic. We're all going to die now. They were working with medical researchers and medical scientists and medical professionals and the Coronavirus Task Force, and they're dealing with it. And you know, this is the land of the free and the home of the brave. The last time I checked, I will come back. We'll get to your calls. Bill O'Reilly the President on Hannity tonight at nine, all right, Live free or Die, America, The world on the brink Back in the top five on Amazon dot Com, Top two yesterday. Thank you for making that happen, and I hope you got a copy. It defines everything that is in jeopardy, everything that's at stake, everything the mob won't tell you, Everything that they are proposing that will end in disappointment, failure, things that they will never promises they can never fulfill, and all the freedoms you'll give up in the process. Their stated policies will destroy America's economy and strength around the world. It's scary, scary times anyway. Amazon dot Com forty percent discount, Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere, Costco, Walmart, Target It Books, a million, Barnes and Noble. You know we're gonna get to our phones here in just a second. These are very fascinating times. We're now at the point in this election where you might as well just buckle up. It's going to be a huge controversy a day, everything but talking about Donald Trump and his record versus Joe Biden's fifty years of failure and Joe Biden's cognitive struggles. It's all designed to keep America off balance every single solitary day and try to throw the Trump campaign off balance as well. All right, let's go to our phones here as we say hi to Mike Is in Texas. Mike, Hi, how are you glad you called? Sir? Hi, Sean's an honor to talk to you. Thanks for serving America every day. Well, thank you for this microphone. I can't do it without you, sir. Yes, So I just wanted to get you an update on my uncle Bobby. He was His name is Robert Cobb. He was the one who got attacked in Kenosha, the seventy one year old man and he got a broken jaw off I remember, right, he did, Yeah, in like two places right now. It's wired shut. Actually, by the way, people would wish that in my life. But seriously, that's a painful, painful injury. Yes, So when we got there, he was it was hard for him to talk. And he actually has he got donated to him from some old ladies a bunch of syringes and food that he could eat, like liquid foods, and he puts it in a syringe and that's how he eats every day, with mashed potatoes and soup in that kind of thing. Man. That's rough. That is really rough. Let me remind people, because we just keep forgetting, you know, this is Kenosha, this is New York, This is Chicago, this is Portland, This is a Seattle, this is Los Angeles, this is San Francisco, It's everywhere. We got to absorb this, and the Democrats deny you know what our very eyes show us. And then the silence deafening from Biden. Kamala Harris, the deep fund efforts she supported, Biden realocating funds. Police become the enemy. There's no place for violence, no place for looting or destroying property, or burning churches or destroying businesses, many of them built by the very people of color for the first time in their lives, are beginning to realize their dreams and build wealth for their families. Nor is it acceptable for our police, sworn to protect and serve all people, to escalate tension, resort to excess of violence. We need to distinguish between legitimate, peaceful protests and opportunistic violence destruction. We have to be vigilant about the violence that's being done by this incumbent president to our economy and to the pursuit of justice. Does it hurt Democrats cause if there are some in your party that are saying defund the police, the president is suggesting that Show's Democrats are weak in terms of President has no credibility on anything he lies. He's the first person anyone can think of in modern history who's taken regular military officers and had the move against peaceful demonstrators, causing four former chiefs of staff to say, this guy's bad, this guy's wrong. He should just stop Sir. Plus military equipment for law enforcement. They don't need that. The last thing you need is an up armored hum V coming into a neighborhood. It's like the military invading. They don't know anybody to become the enemy. They're supposed to protecting these people. So my jineering point is that we agree that we can redirect some of the funding. Yes, absolutely. One of the things that we also need to be doing is fundamentally changing the way, and I've been pushing it for years, changing the way we deal with our prison system. We've got to re examine what we're doing with American taxpayer dollars and ask the question, are we getting the right return on our investment? Are we actually creating healthy and safe communities. It's a legitimate conversation and it requires a really critical evaluation. I plot Eric CARCAIDI for doing what he's done. I mean, it is it is frightening out there, and now your family is a victim of this, Mike, right, and everybody that I spoke to in the community, I mean me and my dad, Mark Cobb, we went out there and talk to different people with him, and they said that he's just a very generous man and they all know him in the community. I mean they said, like, if anybody didn't deserve it, it it was him. Oh. I mean it's sad. I mean, that's that is a very painful injury. And you have your jaw wired shut. I know because it's happening to friends of mine that I train with, and you know, just in the normal course of us doing our martial arts. It's very painful anyway, Mike, I mean it's sad. Please send your seventy one year uncle Bob our best and our prayers and a speedy recovery. Okay. Yeah, And I just wanted to tell you we put out a YouTube video for for anybody who'd like an update. We just put it out if you just if you just to type in aftermath Kenosha Man Reunion, you'll seed on on YouTube. But I just wanted to also say thanks to Emily kay Hill. If it wasn't for her, I don't believe she saved his life. We really believed. Stay right there, Linda, is Diana ask you a question so I will make an allowance? Interrupted Jim, he's screaming in my arm. I did not interrupt. I asked you nicely off in my ear while I'm talking, but just said, listen, Mike, I'm so sorry. And you know, we it's one of these things that Katie and I deal with every day. We get calls like yours, people who are living this every day, and you know, we're no exception because we're here in New York and we have our own experiences. But I'm just curious if anyone from local government or the celebrities have started to go fund me for your uncle, or if there's any you know, people reaching out to talk about the horrific way in which is seventy one year old man was treated by a bunch of you didn't mention about some nice women in his neighborhood that were making them special food. That was pretty cool. I mean, I think that's nice. Unfortunately, I asked to step it through a straw. But yeah, I'm being facetious obviously, Like has anybody you know of from the government or anybody locally reached out and said, this is so horrible, Like I mean, and what happened to the store that he was protecting? Is it trashed? Yeah? No that none of the government has tried to get a hold of them. In fact, just a good friend of theirs. It's the one who started up the go funni page, which is if you watch the YouTube video, there's a link for you to see the go fundi page. But it's funny that when we went to ask about the insurance company, they actually rejected their claim because they said it's an act of terrorism. No way, Are you serious? Yeah, no, yes, So they're fighting that right now because you know, federally they haven't. So the insurance company knows it's terrorism, but Joe Biden doesn't. Okay, so this is good. So maybe they should run for president. Yeah. And in fact, you know, Joe Biden when he came out, he didn't ask to talk to my uncle, but the Trump campaign people asked he he didn't want to talk to any of the media. He just didn't want anything to do with that. But yeah, Trump people tried to call him, but the Biden people, they just wanted to talk to the Black Lives as Matter people and the and the story he protected was not his own. No, he was working for a lady. He delivers mattresses for her. Her name is Sue. She's this man. It's seventy one years old, is delivering mattresses, working hard every day, protects that of another human being, in true American helping your fellow patriot. And this is what happens to him the game. And you know you're instigating. I shot kick that foot back, yes, gastand yes that stay're gonna deployed there getting out can form God, yeah, baby can get in to kick the boot it back there. They don't have gas mask on. You heard it that se This poor man got his house, his business caught on fire. I'm sorry, sir, I'm very sorry about that. Man. Hey, I have nothing to do with that. I'm trying to stop this here, dude. I'm gonna help this guy. I don't give foo if I get beat up. They just threw a bottle at this guy. Hey, Hey, non okay, bif turn his head turning and him up him up. I have it all on videos. Is just wrong. Guys, do you not see this? This is wrong. This is what's gonna happen to every one of you whose nationwide. I don't think you realize this. Please, guys, thank you for letting us know about this. Mike. All right, Mike, thank you appreciate the call. Eight hundred and nine for one. Sean. Listen, this is the most important election in our lifetime. It just is. All right, let's get to our busy phones. Uh, Sam and California, Sam, how are you glad you called? Well, let me tell you, Sean, it's an honor to speak with you. Oh my god, I've been telling you. I think we. I firmly believe California is handing Trump one of his many golden tickets. I mean, seriously, if you it's just I'm watching Fox News Orange hate. It is an apocalypse here, It's armageddon. The reason for that is you've heard of the black the rolling blackouts. Oh yeah, by the way, turn off. You're an air conditioner. Now set your thermostat to seventy eight. Use a fan? Who wants to use a fan? I had a fan growing up, and I remember sleeping in my bed sweating profusely. Then we're doing that. Now you can't go outside. The air quality is bad. But I'm telling you this hasn't got to do with the Democratic policies. I mean, Trump has to hear. I mean, President Trump has to realize that California has been trying to do what AOC Biden. I mean, you know, unfortunately Governor Nuisances has fed into this because for the past several years, we used to have this controlled fires in California. Let's slowly like the Fire Department, the forestry. They defunded the forestry about eight nine years ago, and now the last three or four years in a row, we have these every year. It's worse and worse and worse. We have the two point four million acres in California that have currently burned. Yeah, I mean, I mean that's I remember when I lived in Santa Barbara, was the poorest person there and in the early eighties, and I remember not long after I left, Hope Ranchwichard was a beautiful part of Santa Barbara. I mean, nearly the whole neighborhood burned down. It's terrible. And from the Santa Santa Inez Mountains there, and you know, it's such beautiful terrain, but you have to manage it. You have to have you know, forestry going on, and that is in part that means controlled burns. If you don't, this is what happens. Thank you, thank you. And so for the past several years now with Governor Brown prior so, the green people came in, we went to win and we went to solar. Well, then they cut away ten percent of our natural resources. You've got to be kidding me. And now we actually have to pay and borrow from other states to buy energy because we don't have enough. We are buying our energy from from Arizona, from Nevada, from Oregon. It's we are a third world country. Now we have the fifth largest d in the world. But I'm not lying, and you already know this. The mass exodus. I can't wait to get out of California. And I was born and raised here. I'm fifty eight going I cannot wait to get out of here. Yeah, you better get out soon, because they're about to implement a wealth tax that even if you are no longer a resident, they want to still charge you for ten consecutive years state income tax. You don't even live in the state. That's how nuts it's gotten in California. Now, I don't see what you're seeing. I don't. I don't think there's a chance in hell that California turns read. Oh see, that's why I feel like I'm unordy. I'm so glad again to be on your show, because I mean, I run a small dental practice. And let me tell you, I have to keep my mouth shut twenty four seven because you know it's just you just have to watch everything you say. Here forget it, San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles. Just start there. And I'm telling you, I don't think the votes exist, but we'll see. Listen. California's beautiful state. But it is now you know, it is a preview of coming attractions in Biden and Kamala Harris as America. But anyway, appreciate the call. Wish you the best pail. Sorry, if everybody that's impacted by all of this, I live free or tie. Yes, America, the world and the brink. You are the ultimate jury. It's only fifty five days. Hang on to that is that Leonard Skinner. That can only mean one thing, simple man, all things Bill O'Reilly. Now, this is a very difficult dilemma that I find myself in today because, by the way, Bill's going to stay with us for the hour. Bill is now fifteen number one best selling books. I only have four, and I'll never have another one. Bill wins. But he's got this fascination and passion and love for history. Many of you may not know the Bill was once a professor. Thank God, I didn't. I thought. I thought the nuns its Sacred Heart were bad, and the priests at Saint Pius were bad. I can only imagine a filey as my teacher. God help me. Um, but he was. And it's killing crazy horse called the Merciless Indian Wars in America. The Killing series, by the way, that the number one history selling series in the history of of these biographies actually in many ways history books. Um. I actually had time to read it this weekend. It was it was a great escape. I don't know as much about this time. I did not know much about this topic, and I learned a lot. Um. I know people always still always comes under fire when he writes a book, Killing Jesus, Killing Reagan, I know, created big controversies, but that's kind of the story of Bill O'Reilly's life. We're gonna get to that in a minute. Mister o'reiley fifteen number one bestsellers. That's okay, not bad, sir, for a simple guy. That's pretty cool. You know, you're still beating me on Amazon though. Today he is beating O'Reilly on Amazon. Oh my god? Is that why we now exist? Is this now you know? Is there a competition here? Seriously, I'm just having to two Irish guys in the top ten. I mean, but this is how nice the guy Hannity he is after this huge interview on more than six hundred stations, I could overtake him on Amazon, but Hannity is silk, and by the way, I would be perfectly fine with that. I mean, I guess maybe you know Liffrey or Dieing. I know I had my two non cupcake interviews with you, and I the hard part is is I can't do the same to you because this is not as much about you know, all right, defend your position on this. This is you telling a story, yep. And this is about research that you and your co author with this, with Martin Dugard, who was a great writer and a great researcher. And I know you're best friends with him. Um, I was planning on talk about politics, but maybe we should start with the book. You know, it became a big controversy, for example, with Elizabeth Warren claiming that she was Native American. Somebody that I am very dear friends with Ricky Medlock. He plays guitar for Leonard Skinnyard by the way, ironically right, simple man. Yeah, And I have sat and listened to Ricky Medlock, and he's Native American teach me things about his heritage that I am blown away by. So I'm messdated by the topic. You listen. I wrote this book because I am sick and tired of hearing about far left people propagandize the nation's history. I didn't know a former history You mentioned a former history high school teacher in Opelaca, Florida, a salum of Miami, and I did every two years. And then when I started researching Killing Crazyhorse with Martin Dugard, I couldn't believe what happened because I had no clue. Wasn't taught in school. You don't know who these people are. Coachi's Geronimo, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bowl, all the big names. We tell you exactly who they are and what happened, and we tell the truth. And that's the key thing. That Americans should know the truth about their country, both good and bad, because it's relevant today. I have a really good Biden thing. By the way, later on when we talk, just remind me I have it right in front of me. But anyway, if you don't know the truth about your country, you can't defend it. And right now I'm involved in a campaign that you've helped me with called stand up for your Country. I'm not kneeling, all right. So tomorrow the National Football League starts, You're going to see all kinds of kneeling. I'm going to see black lives matter on the helmets. You're going to see stuff in the end zone, all politics, all the time on the football field. Number one, that's insulting to me. I just want to see a game. I'm a sports fan as well as a political analysts. I don't need guys telling me on the thirty yard line about black lives matter. I know about black lives matter. So anyway, I want people to stand up for their country. But in order to do that in a responsible way, you have to know the truth about your country, and Therefore, when I put out history books like Killing Lincoln, Killing England, and now Killing Crazy Horse, if you read those books, they are entirely fact based. I am telling you the truth, both good and bad, about America. All right. Every country on the planet has social injustice in its past, every single one, including the Vatican. That's a great point, by the way. That and I'm very vocal about a bill. I was raised Catholic on us down the line and saw am I And that's why I believe we're successful. I believe the two Irish guys in the top ten on Amazon dot Com quite successful because we're honesty. But if you're going to be honest, you have to say, this happened in your country, and that's what Killing Crazy Horse is all about. Here's what happened, and then you, the honest American reader, can make up your own mind. You know, Listen, there's no dispute. Slavery is evil. Slavery is wrong. That is just a It is human evil as far as I'm concerned, There's no other way to describe it. It is a part of our history. The beauty that I always like to point out about our founders and our framers is and there was a big fight at the Constitutional Convention in seventeen eighty seven over this very issue. Civil War was fought in large part over this issue, you know, leading to courageous change and the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. And history doesn't capture that Lincoln was a Republican. They don't capture that Lyndon Johnson needed eighty percent of republic in the House and Senate for the Civil Rights Act because Joe Biden's mentor, Robert the former Clansmen Bird was filibustering the Civil Rights Act. But the beauty of our framers and founders, and there's no perfect country on Earth, is that they did build a system to right wrongs, correct injustices, and that system has worked effectively, and we've made major strides. We have major strides to still make. The narrative though with Native Americans is very clear too. Pilgrims come to the United States, not the United States at the time, the thirteen Colonies, and that they wouldn't have survived the winner without the help of Native Americans. I believe that part of history is one hundred percent true, and that there were conflicts and battles, but the narrative you would learn in school is that it was always you know, the settlers that were always wrong and indigenous people had their land rob from them. Is that true? No, it is a no. Let's let's start with your slavery point. And I write all about this in Killing Lincoln. What about the hundreds of thousands of white young men who were killed and maimed trying to free the slaves? You have to really think about that, all right. These were sixteen to twenty three year olds. That was the Union Army. They were conscripted, they were drafted, they were fighting. They knew what they were fighting for it and it wasn't the tariff, and it wasn't States rights. It was free the black man. And they were willing to run into bullets and have their legs amputated without anesthesia in order to free the black man. Have you heard that from Black Lives Matter movement? Or see? But it goes deeper, Bill, all right, gotta take a quick break. We'll come back more with Bill O'Reilly. The latest in his killing series, author of fifteen number one bestsellers. It's called Killing Crazy Horse. It's part of his historical killing series Lincoln Kennedy, Jesus Patton Reagan. As we continue, Bill O'Reilly out with his latest in his killing series, Killing Crazy Horse, the Merciless Indian Wars in America, Harriet Tubman, and the Underground Railroad. There were people in all racests that were working to end the evil of slavery. That's a fact too sure. The the Underground Railroad could not have existed without people like Harriet Tubman, a black woman, or other people like Frederick Douglas who escaped and we did this on the No Spin News last week. Tremendous story. Should be a movie made about him, all right, ehs escape slavery and he went up to New England and became Abraham Linker's top black advisor. But anyway, my overarch point is this, these situations are very complicated. Slavery Native American wars. I mean some of these wars had to be fought. The Comanches in Texas but were a good example. They were out of control. They were the most feared group in North America of any group. I mean, if you were unlucky enough to run into the Comanches, you didn't come out intact. But there were other Indian tribes that were noble that wanted to form an alliance with the Great White Father in Washington, as the Indians called him. So it's a very complicated situation. And we don't live in a complicated age now. We live in an age of hate. One side hates the other, one side hates America, one side hates the people who hate America, and all factual basis is being lost, which is why Killing Crazy Horse is a history book. It's a fun book to read, all right, but it's also very relevant to right now. Know your history, love your country invests some time to learn about it. Do you think as we've gone through and there's been numerous attempts to right the wrong and injustices of Native Americans, I would actually be fascinated to bring you back to talk about the book and have Ricky Medlock on with us because of his knowledge and his background being Native American and one of my dear friends, and and he's so knowledgeable, he's so passionate about it. Are there instances where we have been able to correct wrong and injustices, and tell me how there have been? There has been an attempt on the Native American front by the federal government to give reparations. And this is very interesting. Most Native Americans have assimilated into our society. So they're half Cherokee, half Irish. They're assimilated. They don't you don't even know unless I tell you that they're from that ancestry. The reparations toward the Indian tribes came in the form of a casino license. That's more modern United States. But we had reservations and lands set aside earlier. Yeah, but you know what, that's not great land. They the best land went to the white folks, and bad land went to the Indians. And that was unfair, brutally unfair. And that's a cause most of the wars. And I in the book I Go eighteen thirteen, eighteen ninety, as you know, we cover all of the conflicts. But today the federal government basically says, look, we know we host you. We know we broke the treatise. So here's a casino license, and you can make as much money as you can if you distribute it among your tribe. That's the caveat all, right, so that the people living on the reservations they benefit. Mohegan Sun up in Connecticut, the hard Rock down in Hollywood, Florida Seminole, and so they've tried to do it that way, and I thought that was a pretty good way, even though you know, I'm not a big gambler and I don't encourage that, but I thought that was a pretty good way to at least give the Native American tribes who are on the reservations a lot of money. And they also have given a mineral rights in some cases, and on and on and on. Does it make up for what happened? Not? Really? Is it an attempt a trot What a noble country does try to right wrong? So I believe that we have tried in that regard, but in the end, you believe we have not been able to do it. I think what this is another complicated question. I think the United States government tried too late to right the wrong. However, the Native Americans themselves are so industrious and so motivated to improve their live. Talking about Native Americans who have accepted our system of capitalism, have gone into it and succeeded. Stay right there, Bill, O'Reilly, and I'm sure Destin will now be an another number one best seller. It's all part of a killing series. I mean, the list is long, killing Lincoln, Kennedy, Jesus, Patton, Reagan, The Rising Sun, England, the SS. You know, obviously the best selling I guess series history series ever sold. If I'm not mistaken eight hundred nine four one sean. If you want to be a part of the program, it's on Amazon dot com. Has Bill mentioned Bill's looking to kick my ass and beat me on Amazon right now? But that's fine with me. I don't know why I should have known. All right twenty five till the top of the hour. Leonard Skynyrd, simple man. That means it's all things Bill, O'Reilly. We're going to get to the topic of well, we have an election in fifty five days. I want to ask him one more question. He's just released his new book today, part of his best selling killing series. I mean, from Killing Lincoln, Kennedy, Jesus Patton, Reagan, Rising Son, England, the SS. All these books have done phenomenally well, Killing Crazy Horse, The Merciless Indian Wars in America. How do you view one of the things that Ricky Medlock instilled in me when we did this tour with Leonard Skynyrd, and it was part of the Freedom Concert tours, that I used to do is this passion among you know that he has as a Native American for bravery, honor, valor that he says defined but him and his family and his ancestors. And I loved all of that because I think that that is what makes any society a great society, those qualities. What did you find? That's why I put Crazy Horse on the cover. Here was a guy who was the best Native American military commander, and he had a very strict code of honor. Now some of his braves broke it. And the aftermath of the Little Big Horn Custer's last stand was as gruesome as you're going to find. And that was because of the personal animus between Crazy Horse and Custer, which we write about extensively in Killing Crazy Horse. But Custer's body was not touched. It was the only body of the almost three hundred people the Indians killed in that battle, including two journalists, Hannity, two journalists who are along because because you say, right along with me, I'm going to kick crazy Horses. But he didn't the accordant plan out the way. No, and you have to take all we took all of our all of our reporting on the Little Big Horn Battle from the Indians because they were the only eyewitnesses that lived. We don't report it from the white man's point of view, which makes it a fascinating part of the book. But anyway, crazy Horse had a sense of honor, and your friend in Leonard Skinnard is absolutely correct the bravery of these Native Americans up against the most powerful military machine in the middle of the nineteenth century. After the Civil War, all of the veterans of the war went out west. All the people stayed in the army to defeat the Indians because it was so much chaos out there. That's how Custer got out there. And the Indians were out gunned, outmanned out everything, and they individually won most of the fights. It's an incredible saga, and nobody knows it. Nobody knows it, and that's what that Again, we go back to the fact that if you love your country, you got to know about your country. And that's why, by the way, and that's the good, the bad, and the ugly, because if you want to become a more perfect union, you've got to acknowledge fault where it exists. All of this stuff was driven by money. I always say slavery money, Indian appropriation of their land's money. It always comes down to money. And you know what I wrote. You're gonna get a kick out of this. You're a football fan, Haney, Right, yes, sir. Why are the San Francisco forty nine ers haven't been canceled? Why the forty nine ers, as I write about in Killing Crazy Horse, were prospectors who went in and decimated the California Indians, stole land, mind on their land, wipe them out with the help of the California governor. I don't think it. Wi Schwitzenegger was a little bit further back. Okay, so what do we have the forty nine ers? For the forty nine ers should have been canceled a long time ago. But if you've got to cancel them, I have a new name for the San Francisco football team. Is it San Francisco Pelosis. Then you're gonna need a new o. The way everyone gets a free hair salon appointment, um, with every with every season ticket holder, last question, every one of your Killing series books. And as I was reading through it, I actually still have more to get through. Um. As I was reading through it, I'm trying to figure out all right, where are they going after O'Reilly here? I mean you got you got hammered on killing Reagan, you got hammered on killing Jesus. Yeah, and everything we wrote was true. Well, I'm not not questioning any of that. I'm not a historian, But but where do you think they're going to attack you on this book? I don't think that they're to do it. I really think that this book is so tight. Du Gard and I I mean, we hired historians to read the manuscript. We hired, not hired, but we send it to Native American scholars. I don't think they're going to come at us because it would be very difficult to say this didn't happen when we can prove it did. All of our research is primary source material. That means that we don't go by another book, or we don't go buy a magazine. We do it. Du Gard went there, Okay, he read the Letterers. You know, Indian history is oral tradition, but it got into the written once the Indians became more educated. They wrote down the stories of the little Big Horn. They wrote down what Geronimo and coach she said. So I don't know where they're gonna come man, you're probably right. They probably will, but we're ready. As I said, well, I don't think you really give a rip. Plus, be honest, we're fifty five days out of an election. Obviously we have a presidential candidate that I was clearly in decline. Biden is out there all day to day. He blames the coronavirus on Trump. Meanwhile, he was against the travel ban, the quarantine and the subsequent travel bans, and the Democrats were impeaching. And you know a guy that rarely has to ever answer a question, now he gets caught saying can you move up to teleprompter while answering questions? And he's protected by a medium mob that hates Donald Trump. How's this going to play out? I used to do that. Can you move up that prompter? Come on, I hear my questions. Yes, listen, you touched on this. But this is this tells you everything you know you need to know about Joe Biden. I'm a simple man. I have a simple question. What does Joe Biden stand for? Give me one thing he stands for anybody listening, all the millions of people listening to John Annie, Now, give me one thing he doesn't stand for anything. Twenty four days ago, on August thirteenth, at a press conference in Wilmington, Joe Biden said, let's institute a mask mandate nationwide. Remember that yep? Okay? Twenty four days ago. On September six, three days ago, he said to affiliate KTVK in Phoenix, Arizona, quote, the federal government is a constitutional issue. Whether the federal government could issue such a mandate. I don't think constitutionally they could, so I wouldn't issue a mandate. Wait a minute, Joe, twenty four days ago, you said I'd institute a mask mandate, Now you won't. That epitomizes Biden so simple. I said, this is perfect for the simple man contradicts himself. Twenty four days later on a huge issue, What does Joe Biden stand for? I think it's a great question. Um, I've never seen a mobilization. And I was making this point on radio and TV yesterday of you've got the medium mob as I call them, and it's it's everybody in print, it's three broadcast networks, it's every cable news network except for Fox. I mean, it's it's so one sided. You got Hollywood, you've got the elites all standing against Donald Trump. They all think he's gonna lose. And I went back and reminded people yesterday of everything they were predicting and the fact that they were laughing at the idea that Trump could run, win the nomination and then win the presidency. M I saw that on your show TV show last night. Thank you for watching clips of all those pinheads, and I mean it was startling, and I did not even remember the coal bearers of the world, and in all these are never gonna be Look, it just points out ignorant and when you're a hater, and this is for everybody, listen to me, when you hate that you're incapable of making sound judgments. You can't because that hate is the most powerful emotion we have and it clouds you. Now. Do the media elite believe Donald Trump is going to lose? I don't think so. I think that's why they're hating so much. I think they know that. Right now in America, the violence in Portland, Oregon, Minneapolis, Kenosha, Wisconsin, and other cities has shaken the independent voters, the people who aren't ideological, has shaken them so much that that has overcome COVID and is now the prime merry motivator for voting for President. Biden has not said one word, not one word against the Black Lives Matter movement. Again, I have no thing with that slogan. That slogan is fine, black lives do matter, but the movement is Marxist. And if he has not said one word against it, I think that has turned the tide in favor of Donald Trump. Now he might lose it because you know, he could say anything at any time, but September twenty ninth is the defining moment in this election. That's the first debate. Yep. If he does not show well on September twenty ninth in Cleveland, Donald Trump will win. You think it's a one ninth thing. Now, I would argue, I put it nicely. I would guess that Joe Biden's going to be drinking a lot of coffee that day and leading up to that debate, and I would imagine Joe has been spending a lot of his basement bunker time, you know, memorizing his lines. Bill, I don't think you dispute that well. Chris Wallace is the moderator, and we know him very well. And I think Wallace is going to commend loaded with questions that are not going to be predictable, and that will be very interesting. You got to hit both candidates with questions they are not expecting and then follow up say you didn't answer it or I'm not clear about the answer or whatever. I think Wallace is going to do that well. I thought he moderated the best debate in the last election cycle. That was my opinion. Yeah, I mean Wallace doesn't like Trump, all right, that's a fact. I don't dispute that. But but I thought he was the most fair of the three debates in twenty sixteen by far, by a big Martin. It's a little bit more than that though. It's a legacy play for Chris. So his father, Mike Wallace, in my opinion, best broadcast journalist in history. You are friends with him up to what you are friends with them. I was very good friends with him, and he was unbelievable. Oh it should show everybody how old O'Reilly is. Geez well, I was only sixteen. Such a liar, you know, for a simple man, you gotta very complicated response that comes flying out. But go ahead, all right, So Chris wall it's a legacy play, all right. This is his big stage. Millions of people all over the world going to watch this debate. So he's got to be tough on both candidates. I think he will be. Can Biden to handle it. I mean, we'll see. I've got a question. I'm not going to sell it to you now, but I will tell it to you that when we talk right before the debate, that would knock Joe Biden off the stage. And it is an extremely simple question, because, as you know, I am a simple man. All right, Bill O'Reilly. His new book is out Amazon dot com. We have a link on Hannity dot com. It's now in bookstores everywhere. It's called Killing Crazy Horse The Merciless Indian Wars in America. It's part of his Killing series. Now, what is it? This is the best selling series history series ever. What do you on fiction books? Is of all time? That's pretty big, that's pretty exciting and is amazing. It certainly beats O'Riley the O'Reilly factor for kids for crying out loud. I mean, you know, you know we have grandpa lecturing kids. Geez, leave those kids alone. They love Oh my gosh. All right, book out on Halloween's yeah, exactly, you'll be giving away all the bin copies, all right. It's on Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere, Killing Crazy Horse, The Merciless Indian Wars in America, Bill O'Reilly. Always a pleasure, Thank you, good luck with the book, and uh, we'll have you back next week. Before you go. I want to play Fauci aget President, he said, defending the President. I can't imagine under any circumstances anybody could be doing more. Yeah, he said that. As you hear the hysteria tonight in the mob, doctor Fauci, let me ask you questions. You've been doing this a long time. Have you ever seen this big of a coordinated response find administration to such a threat health threat? Well, we've never had a threat like this, and the coordinated response has been there a number of adjectives to be describe it. Impressive, I think is one of them. I mean we're talking about all hands on deck. Is that I, as one of many people on a team, I'm not the only person since the beginning that we even recognize what this was. I have been devoting almost full time on this, almost full time I'm down at the White House virtually every day with the Task Force. I'm connected by phone, so I can't imagine that under any circumstances that anybody could be doing more. I mean, obviously, we're finding a formidable enemy, this virus. This virus is a serious issue here right. Lawrence Jones is at Michigan. Who's there with Biden? Karl Rove's on the program to now you got to meet the mother of the seven year older than friend that was punched real life, you know, tragedy, the president of the United States. We'll talk about obviously, the Woodwear Book, and much bunch more nineties Turn Second DVR. I hope you sell your DVR every night. Fox News. We'll see you tonight. We'll be back here tomorrow as always, Thanks for being Will Us

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