Congressman Doug Collins (R-Ga.), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, is keeping his promise to the American people and releasing the transcripts of those people who promised to uphold the truth and constitution during their questioning regarding their involvement with attempted coup of President Trump.
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That's promo code Sewn seven Sea and seven at mipillow dot com. All right, happy Friday, and yes we made it. It's been a long newsbreaking week. Next week, we'll get more of the same. We expect the Mueller report Monday or Tuesday. The media will try to find the one sentence, the one phrase, the one See, he didn't want General Flynn charged by the way, the FBI didn't even think he was lying. He hoped that he wouldn't get in trouble, didn't stop any investigation. You know, all these people on the left that they care about obstruction, they're just liars. I keep using the same example. If they cared about obstruction of justice Hillary Clinton, all of those people would look at what she did with those subpoena emails, and they, like me and others, would say that is obstruction. There was great intent there to demolish and eliminate any memory of the emails. And now we know thanks to Tom Fitton and the Judicial Watch. Yeah, they took a sampling of only forty of her emails, and what do we know, four of them top secret classified information on the emails. It's unbelievable. But what the Democrats and what the medium mob is not telling you. This is their last gasp, whatever whatever lines they may pull out of the Muller report, that they are going to fixate and focus on is going to be meaningless in the end, because of everything that they have ignored for two and a half years is now going to be made public. You know, the things that we learned this week about the General Counsel of the FBI under Jim Comey, that being James Baker, and how James Baker, number one lawyer at the FBI, thought that Hillary in fact, should be indicted. It's a clear vie. If you have four emails that are marked classified top secret on a secret server, that is a felony, a violation of the Espionage Act. Now, considering we've watched a lot of people get you know, PERP walked, and we've watched a lot of pre dawn raids and you know, early morning or twenty seven people or whatever showing up CNN cameras there to capture it all. What was that in the Roger stonecase. You know, we've seen a lot of process crimes that they've gone after. Now. Granted, I'm glad on the one hand, I am glad that one thing about the Muller report, But we knew what was happening ahead of time. Anyone that listened to Devin Newness, you know, I've gone back and read his column twenty fourteen. I think it was the Washington Times of the Washington Examine, or one or the other. And in that he warned us. He told us about the hostile regime of Putin and their history of doing the same thing, trying to create chaos in the electoral process of other countries. This is what they do. And he warned the then Obama administration, nobody seems to really care that it was the Obama administration, and they did nothing to fix it, nothing to prepare for it, absolutely nothing. And it happened on their watch. So as the media, you know, I can tell you exactly what they're gonna do next week. They're gonna look at this line. Is it possible that he really did fire? Comy thinks he got fired. Now now he thinks he got fired because of obstruction. Everyone forgets Comey said under oath that he can get fired for any reason or no reason at all. When I was appointed FBI Director in twenty thirteen, I understood that I served at the pleasure of the president, even though I was appointed to a ten year term, which Congress created in order to underscore the importance of the FBI being outside of politics and independent. I understood that I could be fired by a president for any reason or for no reason at all. Yeah, for any reason, no reason at all. So I guess does that obstruction did Let's say, all right, so Donald Trump calls Buller's witch hunt or witch hunt? Okay, Well, they actually concluded that there was no evidence of collusion, none whatsoever. I mean, this is the funny thing about this. You know, everybody talks about the the Attorney General, William Barr. The reason that William Barr gets to decide whether he will release annie or all of the Mueller Report is because that's what the Democrats wanted. How many people have seventeen current Democrats included including Gerald Nadler himself, that never wanted the Star report released on clinton impeachment. They wanted to keep it hidden. It proves again that they are but political. It's like will bludge Injustice Kavanaugh for insane allegations by Michael Avanati's client about how every other weekend almost that these kids were spiking the punch bowl and getting these girls intoxicated and lining up in the hall and gang raping these girls again almost every other weekend. No due process, no presumption of innocence, which by the way, Michael Avanati is now saying he deserves for himself. But he didn't deserve it more, you know, he didn't reserve that or fight for that for Justice Kavanaugh and the media put him on a whopping two hundred and fifty four times in the year leading up to his legal troubles. I'm sure they'll have him on again. Why did they want him on so much? Because he's you know, a rage hate Trump, you know, medium mob fan, and that's basically it. So what is happening though they get they get their last gasp, What can they talk about? Obstruction? Muller was never fired. Comey was fired, but he didn't need a reason to fire callmey. We now know from the testimony of James Baker this week they were thinking about wearing a wire the twenty fifth Amendment. All these upper echelon people that we now know abuse their power and hated Donald Trump and had an insurance policy from the get go in case he won. We know a lot of things happen. And now after they have their Monday and Tuesday and they'll try to stretch it to Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. This is it for the the collusion delusion. It's over. They have nothing else that they that is coming. Nobody's gonna pay attention to what Gerald Nadler says because they got rid of the independent Council law, the Democrats did, and then they made the Special Council Law so that the Attorney General would have the leeway to decide what does or does not become public and to watch, you know, what's happening with the media mob freaking out that the Attorney General has stated what is an irrefutable fact that the Trump campaign was fight on by our own federal government. They're freaking out. These people better buckle up because the Bar investigation that he started this week, that he has told us he is going through a full investigation into the abuse of power, the use of our intelligence weapons against our own people, you know, and FISA abuse, which is going to be one of the biggest corruption scandals ever. As we've been telling you, you know, they can't handle this. We have the criminal referrals that are beginning the Bar investigation. We have ig Horowitz's report on FISA, we have the Uber report on leaking, we have more closed door testimony. Oh, it's all coming, including people like McCabe and probably people like Homey. Then, of course my last interview with the President, he said he would release the FISA applications themselves. The bulk of evidence was, of course, the dirty Russian dossier paid for by Hillary, and then it will be clear and obvious to everybody that a fraud was committed on the FISA court, that our constitutional rights were just shredded in the process. Then the Gang of Eight materials, where we know that the FBI themselves admit that they handled all of this in a wrong way, and the three O two's and the Ukrainian issue, etc. Etc. I don't care if it's the surveillance and denial of constitutional rights to Carter Page or unmasking at an increase of three hundred and fifty percent Americans. Well, a MASKI means they surveil other countries, which we want our intelligence community to do to keep us safe. They're supposed to minimize if they find an American is on the line talking to a foreigner. Usually reports are that whoever the target of the warrant is, that you listen to them, you surveil them, and if you write up a report, you just say American. You do not unmask that American, even if you know who it is. That's what the law requires. And then to a mask at a rate of three hundred and fifty percent in that election year, Well, that means they're abusing the powerful tools of intelligence for political purposes. If that's the case, we're not going to have a country. Make no mistake about it. The Trump campaign was spied on in numerous ways by the Obama administration and now will be investigated by the Attorney General. Barr Any and all wrongdoing by the FBI and dj as they went along their witch hunt against Donald Trump. And of course swamp monsters are scattering like rats. You know, I guess led by Jim Comey, who lives in another universe. He doesn't even well, surveillance really like spying. He's like that. I really don't know what he's talking about when he talks about spying on the campaign, And so I can't really react substantively when I hear that kind of language used. It's concerning because the FBI, the Department Justice conduct court ordered electronic surveillance. I have never thought of that as spying. If the Attorney General has come to the belief that that should be called spying. Wow, that's going to require a whole lot of conversations inside the Department of Justice. But I don't know what he meant by that term. In factually, I don't know what he meant because I don't know of any electronic surveillance aimed court order, electronic surveillance aimed at the Trump campaign, aimed at the tribe. No idea what he's talking about. Yeah, Okay, really, Jim, are we supposed to believe? Let me break it down, mister super You know a lot of these people think they're superpatriots. They believe we are smelly Walmart people. They think they're smarter than us. Why do you think why did they rig the investigation into Hillary? Why did the General Counsel say, yeah, the classified, top secret private email server and a mom and pop shop bathroom closets illegal because it had all that sensitive information that, by the way, we believe at least six foreign intelligence agencies broke into to the point where as the as Judicial Watch in their four your request points out, when people became aware of it, they knew sources, methods, and relationships with foreign countries were in jeopardy because of the stupidity of it and the recklessness of it all, and then to cover it all up. It's the biggest case of instruction we've ever seen in our line, you know. And on top of that you got, oh, then we got the whole dossier issue. You know. Remember it was Rod Rosenstein that said, oh, well, to get a FISA warrant, don't play it. A career law enforcement official must swear that the information is true and accurate, and if it's wrong, that person is going to face consequences. Okay, Jim, call me. Signed the first FISA warrant, and again the bulk of information the dirty bought and paid for Russian lies of Hillary Clinton and never verified or corroborated the bulk of that information. And oddly enough, the fourth FISA warrant, the third renewal warrant, was signed by Rod Rosenstein himself, you know, and even its author doesn't stand by it. Christopher Steele doesn't stand by I have no idea if any of this is true, no idea whatsoever. You know, the people that are involved in this, this is a real This was an attempted coup, This was an attempt to elect one favored candidate, over the hated candidate, the guy that interviews Hillary allows two people in the room with her interviews or July second, Comey exonerates are on the fifth, even though the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible. Oh if Michael Flynn didn't forget to get the rest of his life in jail. He can't have a dual justice system, one for the Democrats, one for liberals, one for the Clintons, and one for the rest of us. All right, we'll get into all of this. We've got a lot to get to. Today's the media has no idea. What's about to hit them. We've been right, They've lied to you and have been wrong and have bought into tinfoil hat conspiracies, and the reckoning is coming and to those that abuse power the same. Smoking is not about politics, it's about people. There are thirty four million Americans that smoke. For me, Jewel was a game changer because you switched to Jewel. It's simple, it's satisfying and no more smell. I watch people all the time they run outside and the freezing coal you can be grabbing their cigarette. Well, with Jewel, you'll take a quick puff and you're good. That's it now. Jewel is designed which smokers in mind. 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This is from not Donald Trump. This is from the letter the Attorney General Bar sent for four page letter about when he's gonna release He said, he quoted the Muller report quote. The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. Those are Muller's words from Mueller's report. He didn't make a decision unobstruction. He just laid out the case as the law that the Democrats wanted, and very quickly, even Rod Rosenstein said, no evidence, it doesn't rise to the level of obstruction. But the same people that are going to try and tell you on Monday substruction obstruction will never talk about Hillary substruction, which was the biggest slam dunk case ever in history. And they're still just ratcheting it up now. They're so mad at Bar for admitting, yeah, the truth that the Trump campaign was spied on. They have no idea what's about to hit them. They are about to be exposed as the liars, the tinfoil hack conspiracy theorists they are once the criminal referrals become public, once the Bar investigation, which seems real, happens, once the Horowitz report on FISA abuses out, and the Hoober Report on leaking once more closed door testimony and the FISA applications and GANGA eight materials and three O two's and now Ukraine admitting they interfere to hell Pillory. How are they going They're going to lose their minds, I predict. I want to remind you too, if you're an unhappy timeshare owner, you want on a vacation you have in the time of your life. Somebody says you can duplicate this every year for the rest of your life, and then you never end up going back, and then you realize there are other nice places I could go too, and I could better use that money. But every year you got to pay the maintenance fees and whatever other fees associated with it. You wish you never did it. Well, there's a way out. 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I have no clue, but I do know that the reason we're at this point is because the Democrats, all of those that put all of their hope, all of their belief, all of those that have lied, all of those that have said definitively that there was collusion, collusion, collusion, collusion, which has now gone on for over two and a half years, This is there. This will be the last piece of the puzzle for them. The puzzle will then be complete and the answer is not what they told you. It was going to be definitively They've told you. They have built up false hope, they have told outright lies. They have allowed their rage, their hatred for all things Trump, literally no pun Trump, their common sense. It defied all logic at the time, but they wouldn't allow themselves to see it because they're locked into the prism of waking up both the media and the Democrats every second, every hour, every minute of every twenty four hour day of every seven day week of every month of every year now in hating Donald Trump and all things Donald Trump, and hating anybody that likes and supports Donald Trump. Smellie Walmart people, irredeemable deployles that cling to their God, their Bibles, their guns, and their religion because that's what they think of us. You know, I'm convinced. I'm really convinced the Komi types, the upper echelon, those that abuse power, those that will we will hold accountable. I really believe in their minds they do look down on the American people and think they know better, think they know what is best for this country. They think they they cannot believe Smelly Walmart voters that they you know, Peter Struck really believe Trump was lonesome and that that Hillary should win one hundred million to one to zero. Sorry, they can't get over even Page and Struck admitted after the nine month FBI investigation from July of twenty sixteenth through the appointment of Muller in May of twenty seven they cannot believe that they didn't find any evidences. No, they're there, They had nothing. Both Paige said it and Struck said it thanks to the released closed or testimony that we've gotten because of the courage of Congressman Doug Collins, who's going to join us at the top of the hour. They can't believe it. They can't wrap their arms around it. The media, if you watch them over the years, it was every day they oh, good, great show. You know, it sounded like hyper ventilating. Oh, there's such a blessing to see you, mister president. Thank you for taking time out of your day. Oh grascious, God, thank you so much. It's things like that. It's it's the breathlessness in hysteria in reporting that has happened here. It has gotten so out of control. They never stopped. You know, there was a parallel universe that has existed for two years. And by the way, this is not patting myself on the back. It's not about that. You know. I'd rather never say a negative word about the world's premiere law enforcement agency, except wow, we're so lucky to have them, and for the ninety nine point nine percent of FBI agents, Wow, we are lucky to have them because they protect us. You know, we shouldn't have to think that Schumer is right that you take on the intel community, they're gonna get you six ways In Sunday, I'm like, huh, So, the United States of America, we give them this awesome power, the tools of intelligence, literally big and listen in any conversation, videotape anybody, any place, anywhere, anytime. Thank God when we use it right, because we're protecting our liberties and our freedom in this country that we love, and those that do that many put their lives on the line. But you can't take the powerful tools of intelligence and turn them on the American people or turn them into a political weapon, which is what has happened here. I have no problem with the fact that Devin Newness was right in twenty fourteen warning about the hostile regime of Putin and the hostile actors in Russia wanting to create create havoc in our election crisis. You know, process. Rather, he warned us, nobody in the Obama administration would listen. He's the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. They would not listen to him. And there were others that do as well. And they did. And I'm Robert mu I know that they're not the indictments that mean as much as oh, process crimes like you know Michael Kohane and loan applications and taxes with him in mantaphor it. And I have no earthly idea why General Flynn was treated a thirty three year vet the way he was treated. It is it discussed me that you have the deputy FBI director call him when FBI agents are on their way over to interrogate him. So oh no, no, you don't need a lawyer to have the FBI director bragging that he was taking advantage that it was only day four the Trump administration. I'd never do this in the and the Bush administration or the Obama administration. Sure, we took full advantage of the chaos in the early days. Yeah, to get to get General Flynn that's how we treat a thirty three year veteran. He doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt combat veteran too. On top of it, he doesn't deserve to be told you better get a lawyer. He doesn't deserve not being sandbag like this. The fact that the agents that interviewed him didn't think he lied at all, but that's what he pled guilty to it. Why because he's broke, he had to sell his house, he has no money, and I'm sure they do what they always do, which is, you know, put the screws to him so he sings or composes something we all now understand, like we never understood what bleach pit was. I never whoever heard of bleach pit? And now we get the four investigation, FBI nine month investigation, the House Intel Committee investigation, the Bipartisan Senate Committee investigation. And again I'll quote directly from the Mueller Report, which was put out by Mueller. This was not done by you know, anybody else, you know, all these people. And in the Mueller Report, you actually read it, it's clear in stating there was no well, here's what it says. The investigation did not establish the Muller report did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. So now the only thing they've got in their arsenal, that they've put all their hopes in is that Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Barr, who were given the task by Muller, here's the information. This is what the Democrats set up. You get to make the decision. Does it rise to the level of well, first of all, what's the underlying crime of obstruction? What that he the president knows he didn't, Colude knows what Muller is saying. What Muller finally concluded that he didn't nobody conspired or coordinated with the Russian government and election activities interference activities. So he he's saying loudly, it's a witch hunt, and they're gonna say that's what obstruction. That's not obstruction. That's what innocent people do when they're accused of something they didn't do. Or the fact that that he said, oh, I hope the General Flynn, I hope nothing happens to him. That's night. He didn't stop the investigation, nor did he stop the indictment. So he couldn't have obstructed if there's no collusion, what's the underlying crime? Firing COMI, we'll call I played it in the last half hour. He has every right to fire Comy obstruct? What what is he? Actually, this is what they've hung their hats on. And they'll find their two three sentences and they'll beat the living crap out of it and they'll all focus on the same thing. But it's irrelevant. The decision has been made. Remember, with obstruction, you also need something called intent. Now we learned this week again all of these these things that that they have been telling you they were wrong, and we pointed out for over two years how wrong they were. There weren't a lot of us. Joe Degeneva, Victoria, Greg Jarrett, David Shone, Sidney Powell, we had John Solomon, Sarah Carter, you know. Alan Dershoitz helped me out, Linda, because everyone gets mad when I take you know, my team in radio and TV, everybody that is behind the scenes that you hear me talk of, and those that you'll never hear me talk about. They we were all over it. And what did we discover? And now what is being confirmed by these closed door testimonies Hillary's investigation was rigged. In other words, the midterm exam was fixed, and that even Page and Struck admitted and knew it was fixed. We know now that the General Council thought Hillary should have been indicted. We know that Struck thought Hillary should win one hundred million to zero. He got to do the interview with Hillary and broke all protocol and allowed Hillary to bring two people in with her on July second, twenty sixteen, and then Coomy goes forward July fifth, twenty sixteen exonerates her, even though he lays out that she did everything that would violate the Espionage Act. And remember Struck, under the guidance of Coomy, was writing the exoneration of may at twenty sixteen before anybody was interviewed or before they ever investigated, an exoneration, before an investigation. And then we know the intent. The crime is the Espionage Act, and the intent by racing subpoenat emails and destroying the hard drive nobody knew what bleach bit was and busting up devices that would be obstruction. So those people Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, they're going to scream obstruction over nothing. They won't bring up Hillary's obstruction, just like they don't care about I believe unless you can say I believe against a Republican or somebody that's tied to Trump, because they're not doing it to the Virginia Lieutenant governor, which is outrageous. The interviews of Gail King had with these two women accusing him of rape, violent assault, sexual assault? Where are the I believers selective moral outrage? But what now? If they can't handle a bar said, which is a fact the Trump campaign will spight on, how are they going to handle these criminal referrals bars? Full investigation, the FISA report of Horowitz, the Hoover report, What are they going to do? Is more testimony corroborates everything that we told you for two and a half years that ninety nine point nine percent of the news media missed what I've been calling the biggest abuse of power eruption scandal in the history of this country. When the FISA applications are released, and yeah, Grassley, Graham and Nunez are right, the bulk of information is hillaries bought and paid for Russian dossier. How ironic Russian lies used to and disseminate it to let's say The Washington Post, David Korne, Michael Lizzikoff. Why to influence the American people to believe, Oh, the Trump had hookers in Russia urinating on his bed. All of it debunked and we know it was unfarifiable because Christopher Steele doesn't even stand by his own dossier. Then they took away the constitutional rights of Carter Page, and then they got a backdoor into all things Trump campaign and spied on the Trump campaign. Then you have the whole issue of other people that the FBI coordinated with, and I believe at the end of this, we're going to find out the intelligence community used foreign countries to sort of get around the restrictions and laws of this country to do their dirty work for them, Which is why these countries like Australia, Great Britain, maybe Italy, they don't want any they don't want any of this out. They're scared to death because they're going to be exposed as having to coordinated and work with some only a few intelligence people here to do things that are not legal here. And we get the information that way and skirt the law that way. That's all going to come out. It's not about being right. I wish this never happened. I don't want, I don't ever want to talk badly about the world's premier law enforcement agency in the world or the world's premiere intelligence community in the world. I don't no joy at all. But they tried to take out a sitting president after he was elected with an insurance policy, and they used an opponent's phony dossier with Russian lies to do it, and the media was their willing accomplices in this, And the damage that they have done is tremendous. There is not a lot of them, that's the other thing, just a few powerful at the top. And if we don't fix it, it's the end of the rule of law in America. We'll have a dual justice system, one for them and one for the rest of us. We won't have equal justice under the law, we won't have equal application of our laws, and we might as well just shred the constitution, which has served us so well. I believe double transcripts from the interviews the Judician Committee's investigations into the apparent role and doing the FBI in Justice Department. Today, I'm releasing another The American people deserve transparency, they deserve to know what transpired at the highest levels of the FBI and at the origin of the probe into the President Trump's campaign. Therefore, mister Speaker, I request at the link Doug Collins dot house dot gov forward slash Baker be placed in the records so the American people can review the transcript of James Baker's interviews. Out an abundance of caution, this transcript has limited number of narrowly tailored redactions relating only to confidential sources and methods, non public information about ongoing investigations, and non material personal information. I will continue to work to release as many transcripts as possible, including the entirety of mister Baker's interview with the Judiciary Committee. The American people deserved the truth. James Baker was the top lawyer at the FBI reported directly to James Coming. Numerous officials at the DOJ and the FBI have told us under oath that the FBI, nobody at FBI or dj knew anything about the Democratic Party being behind the Clinton dirt. Well, now you have one of the top lawyers for the Democrats and the Clinton campaign who was feeding information directly to the top lawyer at the f B I during before even the FISA warrant. So so now you have absolute proof that that wasn't told to the FISA court. So you want your evidence of FISA abuse. There it is right there, a secret warrant was gone again, was placed on an American citizen during a political campaign, and yet the FBI did not tell the court that they were getting this information directly from the opponent of that campaign. And this is this is really bad stuff. It's it's it's very simple. I mean, you just had a it's not complicated. People should know it's probably not appropriate for a top lay lawyer of the Democratic Party to take dirt and give it to the top lawyer at the FBI. Right well, you just heard there was Devin Newness and um wow, all these criminal referrals. Mark Meadows of North Carolina says that it's going to be a lot more than that. Eight hundred nine four one, Sean is our told free telephone number one of the reasons we are getting the closed door testimony of Bruce and Nelly Or and Peter Struck and Lisa Page and the McCain aide And yeah, now I think two of the biggest blockbusters we've ever had, which is the general counsel under James Comey, the top lawyer at the FBI, James Baker, And the things that he's been saying is because they have courageously been given to the public by Congressman Doug Collins of Georgia, who joins us, now, how are you, i'd how about you? I'm good. Let's go over Baker a little bit, because he thought, as as all of us believe that have been on the right side of this, that from the very beginning and page and struck the closed door testimony that you released on them proves that the investigation into Hillary Clinton and the email server and then obstruction subsequent obstruction was real. And he wanted to her and it was go ahead, No, no, go ahead, you're I mean, I want to make it clear because it gets to be a lot of things out there, and Sean, you've done a great job of blocking this out night after night, but this is something that needs to be had because everybody wanted to say this would never have gotten charge. Hillary was always in the clear. Nobody ever thought about her being indicted or drug into this, and that's why they were doing this the process like they were, and this was a Democrat's talking point, Hillary's talking points. But the truth of the matter is a lawyer who was looking at it objectively there at the department said he had every intention that there was going to something happen and was actually talked out of it. Now we know through the other transcript release that this was being pressured from the probably the highest up of the Attorney general own balancing we're not going to handle it that matter. Well, I think what's really important here is that what the top lawyer the FBI, James Baker, is saying, is that, yeah, I think there's an indictment here, but I think it gets even more revealing the earlier closed door sessions and the testimony of Lisa Page and Peter Struck, because they say a couple of things, but on this particular issue, they're like laughing at the fact that everybody knew there would be no indictment of Hillary, that the fix was in, that it was rigged because unbeknownst to any of us up till this point you getting out these transcripts. Up to that point, we had no idea of the level of involvement of the Attorney General at the time, which was Loretta Lynch and Struck and Page are both confirming that everything was being run through her office and the FBI had no power and no decision making, and they're laughing amongst themselves in the sense, yeah, this is going nowhere. They're all Democrats. They're they're gonna cover this up, and they did so they knew what was going on. And what that does to me and my mind raises a lot of questions about Loretta Lynch. Now we already knew she improperly met with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Arizona, supposedly forty five minutes talking about grandkids, just days before the Department of Justice was to render their decision on the midyear exam investigation into his wife. He's talking to Loretta Lynch, totally inappropriate. And we know that Comy testified that when he met with the Attorney General he was instructed not to call it an investigation but a matter. And now Struck and Page of saying that she controlled the whole thing, Well it is. And I think what's interesting if you go back to the folks who want to see the transcer like that, they can get that it's out there and as on our Twitter place. We put it out because we wanted everybody to see this. Pages. On the day one transcript we were released, there was on page thirty round thirty thirty two, Baker actually said he was concerned and freaked out about this. The Midyear Exam, is what they called the Clinton investigation, was being influenced by political decisions, and that was coming in coordination with the texts that were later revealed by Struck and Page. This is important because everybody, you can't take these in separated parts, the transcripts, the text, the other you know, things that are all here gives an insight into what was actually happening. The text give you the sort of the behind the scenes look at what they were thinking as then comes forward in the transcripts as it was being you know, set forth. And this was Baker, this is again the highest Attorney was freaked out in his own words about what he was seeing about the political nature of what was then known as the Midyear Exam, which for for all of us is the Clinton email exam, Clinton email discussion. Let me give it during the testimony. Let me let me tell you how Baker described Clinton's behavior. Uh, yeah, he said he freaked out, but he also said it is alarming, and he found it appalling and went on to admit under oath in this closed door session that thanks to you, we have now available to us, you know, arguing with others about why they thought she shouldn't be charged. And then in one of the earlier releases, the earlier release this was by the Freedom of Information Act request from Judicial Watch, Well, they got FBI emails, and when some members of the FBI tested some of the emails, they only picked forty. And of the forty emails we're talking about, sixty three thousand, thirty three thousand ended up being deleted. Remember, but they picked a sampling of forty, and four of them had top secret and classified information marked as such on the emails, which is a clear violation of the Espionage Act eighteen USC. Seven ninety three, which would render an indictment for any other American. Is that not a fact? Well, that's what we've been saying all along, Sean, that this was handled differently. And when we were having the discuss about this, when we had you know, call me in, when I actually, at one point and go back in time, come in, I was actually told, comey, you got played, and he got furious with me because but I said, you got played, got told what you know you wanted to see? You let her off because anybody else and I am still in the military, I have to go through this every year on how you handle classified information at the levels that I am, and everybody understands this. So this is what made him a question. This is what made him a Paul. It's what should make every American of Paul, because these discussions, remember, were happening and taking place before they were ever really even digging in and interviewing witnesses such as Hillary Clinton, which all happened toward the end of this process. So well then, but we got to take it even a step because if you go, you know, we have four separate investigations into Trump Russia collusion that all come up with the same conclusion, which is nothing. Now, if we stay on this particular issue and the lead up to the exoneration of Hillary and James Comidy's press conference on July fifth, twenty sixteen, just prior then to an immediate launch, although there's reason to believe it happened much earlier in to quote Trump Russia collusion, but in May of twenty sixteen. We know as a fact that Peter Struck James Comey's involvement are beginning to write Hillary's exoneration. This is before they interviewed her, before they interviewed seventeen other key witnesses. The person or one of the people that interviewed Hillary Clinton was Peter Struck. But also the FBI doesn't allow other people in the room when you're being interviewed on a criminal investigation. She was allowed two people in their highly unusual and Struck we already know had a political bias where he had stated that Clinton should win one hundred million to zero and that Trump voters, you know, he could smell them, the smelly Walmart people like me. So that would tell me that that investigation was tainted all the way around, when they're writing exoneration before even investigating. Oh, I agree. And one of these thing you've mentioned, the people being in the room, we're not like, were they people in the room with Clinton who had been offered you know, deals here, but they were also key fact witnesses. This was not just people that she was allowed to have. These were fact witnesses that had already been involved in this. So yes, this is what we're seeing here. And this is why I was turning the sort of the attention to this week and what we've heard from Attorney General Bill Barr, who I cannot again it's we talked about a PAULI. It's appalling the way the Democrats are treating Attorney General Barr, who's actually done everything he said he would do. He's been factually accurate, he's been completely upfront and done exactly everything he wants to do. I don't care what Chairman Nadler says he's not allowed to get and what he wants is two different things because he actually has to go by the regulations in the law. So I'm tired of the Democrats and my chairman twisting that fact and Bill Barr going back now and saying I want to see how this started. I want to know what's going on. And remember we still have the whole internal ig investigation over the POS issue. There's still Huber out there who's looking into this as well. So I'm glad to seeing the American people all to be happy to see this is happening. That's why we're releasing these transcripts, That's why we're having these comments. I want to ask you about that one. I want to, but there was none. The FBI determined that, also the House Intel Committee, the bipartisan Senate Intel Committee, and of course the Muller Report. You can't be any more clear. All right, we'll come back. We'll continue on the other side of this. Congressman Doug Collins single handedly responsible for these closed door transcripts now being made available to the public, which now is filling in a lot of gaps about the abuse of power and corruption that we have been telling you about. All right, as we continue with Congressman Doug Collins, who single handedly is made available the closed door transcripts of Nellie Bruce or lease of Page Peters struck two separate closed door interviews with the General Council James Baker undercome a person who thought that Hillary should be indicted based on all we know. I have two questions in the more time we have, based on all we know, if there's justice and equal justice, an equal application of laws, should the Hillary investigation be reopened based on just what we know now. I believe there's enough evidence right now to have a serious discussion about that, because we see we've so much now that we know, after the fact has come to light. I think an honest investigation would show that here's the issues that we're happening, without the prejudice of political bias, without the prejudice of an attorney general saying this isn't a investigation, this is a matter. I think it would. I think it is definitely something that could happen. Okay, next question is how many more closed door transcripts are available? How many more will be coming? Do you know? Yes, I mean we've got more coming. And it's sort of funny now that we've started in releasing the transcripts, we actually heard sort of at least it was it is reported to me true or not is up there, but it would hurt that others like Andy McCabe is saying, release our transcripts. Well, don't worry, miss mcgabe, you're in line, you're getting ready. We'll release your as well. He was very early on in the process, and we'll explain that as we go further, we're going to release all of these that we're done so that the people can see with transparency. It is the Republicans that are looking for transparencies. The Republicans that want the truth is the Republicans that keep putting the mentors to the American people in our national security. Up front, you cannot have a Department of Justice and an FBI in which people believe there's two sets of justice skills here, one for the Clintons and the Democrats and one for everybody else. We've got to make sure that we continue to do this. Bill Barr has committed it publicly to making sure he looks into this. That's why we're going to be releasing these transcripts, and that is why I believe it is important for the American people to understand the whole story. They get. But next week we're going to get the only thing they've got left, the Mullah Report, and I'm sure they'll find a sentence or two they want to cling onto in the rage Trump media mob. But we have the criminal referrals with Devinunis now an Attorney general, Barr William Barr, who has his investigation, the Horowitz Report, the Hoober Report, more closed door testimony that you're releasing, and the President the last time I interviewed him, will be releasing the FISA applications, Gang of eight materials, the three zero twos, and we have a new investigation. Ukraine has admitted tampering and trying to influence our elections and helping Hillary Clinton. If only somebody would pay attention. They want to give us the evidence. Thank you, Doug Collins, Congressman Georgia. We appreciate you being with us, ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee. Sir, all right, when we come back, he's back. James O'Keefe the next in a series of voter fraud exposed. More of a Hannity investigation, continuing news you won't get anywhere else. Glad you with us. This is the Sean Hannity Show. All right, do you happen to have I'm missing something here. Do you happen to also have the residence in Florida? He used to, Yeah, okay, because I'm also seeing that you voted absentee in Florida in the twenty eighteen election that would be the past last year. Yeah, I was down there for a funeral, and so I voted early voting. You early voted in Florida eighteen and voted in person in the folds here in New Hampshire. Yeah, I guess I did, okay, And so the twenty eighteen congressional race that would have been looks like Soderberg was the Democrat versus Walls the Republican. Where in Florida for the congressional disc I don't know anything about that, I think. Okay, So do you still own your property down there in Florida or you don't? Okay, I haven't owned it for a couple of years. But you they still let you. I'm just curious they still let you, were able to let you vote down there in Florida in eighteen Yeah, I was still on the Florialist director. That's what I just a voter. Yeah, I got it. That's interesting. So, um, so you were able to vote in both places, and so you voted there, you voted early, and then you came back up here. I voted there because I was there for a funerals Okay, okay, I voted early down there because I was down there for the funeral and I had to swap swap out cars at the dealership in bomb Coast. And then I got back up there in November and I voted the election. So, and you're a resident here in New Hampshire, yes, do you know how long have you been in New Hampshire resident, not a Florida residence. I don't know it kind of it's kind of foggy. Yeah, it was not a happy situation in flat. I'm sorry to hear that. I get these glitches and Ardida and it'll give us like for some reason, there was like in Hampshire address yeah for him, yeah, and this one and we were just really yeah, we were married, We're not I'm here. He lived here at sometime, yes he did, Okay, but how long has it? When did he move to Newhamshire two years ago? Okay? And the address three years ago? Twenty sixteen? So okay, because the well, because we thought that he lived here, because we go to the Boro elections to verifyllow our data and it had that he voted here in person, like early voting, like for the last three elections. So he's still voting in Florida. That's what it said. That's what they told us. Um, right, I don't know, yeah, I have so here it is okay, so she said, Robert bell Um twenty eighteen twenty we'll see. So twenty eighteen, twenty sixteen general early voting, So that would have been like in person hasn't lived here versus Yeah, we were the only thing I can think of. I mean, I know in New Hampshire you have to show your driver's license when you vote. Now, I don't know if he voted there and he was here for funeral and voted here. He should not be voting anymore in Florida. The New Hampshire New Hampshire Union Leader headline top fold Project Veritas targets Atkinson man for voter fraud. What do you mean targets? All right, let's let's get to the bottom of this project Veritas releasing undercovered, undercover footage of a New Hampshire resident admitting to voting twice in the twenty eighteen general election. Yes, it is a Atkinson, New Hampshire resident. Now he had cast in an early voting ballot in Florida and voted in person at the polls in New Hampshire and is admitting to such. Now. This is the third video in a series the Project Veritas as released exposing the faces of voter fraud. Now, you know, as James O'Keefe will join us in a second said, voter fraud is real. The integrity of America's electoral system is being undermined. Election insiders, poll workers and even voters can help. Project Veritas exposed double voting, ballot harvesting, and voting by illegal immigrants, which by the way, is even being advocated by top Democrats. Now the ironic thing about all of this is now we actually have an investigation in New Hampshire into Project Veritas. And literally he got a subpoena when he went to New Hampshire to show the video to state officials. And now James O'Keefe he was there to testify for an investigation into the operations of Project Veritas. What I think James O'Keefe, by the way, who is the founder of Project Veritas, joins us down. So now you're the target, not the guy that voted twice as the target. Yeah, but that's that's typical in my life. They, as you rightfully pointed out, the subpoena which was handed to me by the state officials when I showed them the video. They hadn't even finished watching the video in the lobby of the building in Conquered to Hampshire. The state officials were prepared to give me a subpoena quote into the operations of Project Veritas unquote and it's kind of created a massive story there in the state. As you said, it's on the front page of the papers. The other thing, I'm targeting a guy, A targeting a man. This man admitted he voted twice. You played all that audio. The audio you heard was of the man and of his ex wife both admitting to what he did, and he also admitted it to the newspaper. And for some reason, Sean, they're coming after me. And this is in our day and age, the powers that be used the legal system to settle political disputes and targets journalists for exposing voter fraud and they don't want exposed. Well, the thing is, I'm just trying to understand why is there a subpoena against you? Now? I know because of years of showing the work that you do to our audience and telling people about what you're doing. And I know you get a lot of criticism from the media, but it's frankly old style sixty minutes is what you're doing. And but they always go after you the person here. You have a guy that did something illegal and I listen, by the way, I'm not saying this guy should go to jail. I'm saying I'm not convicting him, I'm just listening in his own words what he's doing here. I am concerned about the integrity of our elections, about the electoral system in the country. I know New York is now talking about early voting. All these states are early voting. To me, they just lends itself to more possible corruption and crime associated with ballot stuffing or whatever other activities some people get involved in. And to have the integrity of our system must be in the forefront of our minds. They we want to elect the right people and we want a fair system. So now this conversation, is New Hampshire a one party record state. I assume it is right that the issue is Sean. And again I have no evidence that the subpoena is not specific. It just says into the operations of Project Veritas. I would suspect Sean that New Hampshire, as you point out, as a state where you require the consent of both people. But but there's an exception if you have the camera out in public view, if if they can see the camera, right, I mean, news crews interview people all the time in New Hampshire. They interview candidates every day. So when we talk to this man, Robert Bell, we had the camera out in the open, was a massive television camera that we were using. And he also have to weigh I think you have to weigh the newsworthiness of what you're reporting. I mean, this is a pretty big story. A guy confesses to committing a felony. It's a felony in New Hampshire, It's it's a felony in Florida, it's a federal felony, and he confesses it. So you have to weigh what is a compelling public interest. And the bottom line, Sean, is that the powers that be, the people that are in that Attorney General's office, the holdovers from a previous Democratic administration in the state, don't want voter fraud exposed. They've come after me a number of times in the past, you know those stories. They're the former governor wanted me prosecuted for exposing voter fraud. That's what this is really about. They don't want facts exposed that undermine their narrative that this cannot happen. Because this is an incontrovertible, irrefutable piece of evidence. No one's ever done it before. Is as far as I know, cross referenced all the voters in Florida and New Hampshire and found duplicates, interviewed them and gotten a confession. No one's ever done that before. We've done it. They don't like it, so they're not trying to make an example out of me, Sean by issuing me a subpoena so that the media can say, Oh'keith got a subpoena, he must have done something wrong. And that's what's wrong with this country is that nobody has the stones to actually expose fraud because they're going to come after you for doing it. And I think that's wrong, And I actually think it's a good thing they did it, because I think people are finally waking up and seeing what they're doing. Let's talk about the other examples of voter fraud that you have found and what else is in the works, because there's always a lot of things in the works with you. Tell me is what you found and what's coming after this? Well, this is as I said, Part three. You've said Part three. In an investigation, we cross reference the data in New York, We cross reference the data in New York and Florida. In New Hampshire and Florida, and we're going to be doing this across the United States. There's fifty states in the Union, so we're going to go to California and Texas, We're going to go to Texas and New York. We're going to go to all these states. Colorado is a mail in ballot system and just show instance after instance after instance of confessing voter fraud. We're also going to investigate ballot harvesting, where companies do this illegal aliens voting. Although, as you point out, some people are proudly saying that this is okay, but Sean, they don't even think that voter fraud is possible. They don't even say that people can vote twice or do vote twice. So we're trying to show you those those evidence that's impossible to deny. And we're also going to be in New Hampshire shiren In reviewing some of the candidates there, and we're gonna not break any laws. We're gonna we're gonna make sure that we are in full compliance with the law. But we will be filming in New Hampshire. We will be covertly talking to some of the presidential candidates about this issue that are in New Hampshire currently. I just think that these people are trying to, you know, shut me down, break my will, and deter others from doing what I'm doing by issuing me the subpoena. It really is amazing the times we live in. I gotta tell you, all right, when we come back, news round up, information overload our Ami Horowitz finding virulent anti Semitism at a Duke UNC conference. Yeah right here in America. That's next, and your call straight ahead, all right, as we continue with James o'keey for Project Veritas. You have how many attorneys now that work with Project Veritas? We have fourteen attorneys that work with me. Yeah, okay. So at the end of the day, you know, you that every state law, every federal law before you involve yourself in any operation. Correct. That's correct. And New Hampshire is a one party record state, is it not? It is unless there's an area of new expectation of privacy or if the camera is visible and we satisfied both of those requirements. There you go. So this is basically a harassment subpoena and who are you supposed to respond to? Well? I think that the top Attorney General who is appointed by Snounu. I don't. I don't think he from my understanding from my sources, I don't even think he knew about it. Apparently he wasn't in the state that day and some people who are holdover has made a decision. So I have to show up in court on May May seventeenth. I'm going up to New Hampshire on Saturday to give a speech. I'm not sure what the purpose or the end goal of the subpoena is. Is it to put me in jail? Is it to arrest me? Is it to reveal my sources? But no self respecting journalist sean in this country would comply with this, and that's where we are as a country is who is a journalist and who is not? Who has the rights to inform the public When the media is abdicating their responsibilities, it's the citizens have to do the job now, And they would say the citizens don't have the rights. So it's a really interesting point I think in our country's history, when independent people have to do the media's job for them and the government doesn't consider me a journalist, this is a very fascinating moment and my solution is to press on is to recruit more people to do more stories on voter fraud, and I actually think that their reaction will be the death of them. I think that they're showing who they really are, and I think it's a good thing in the end. We have all these videos on Hannity dot com, Project Veritas dot com as well. Well. Once again, James O'Keefe, we appreciate your sharing your undercover work with us. We'll follow the story, we'll see what happens with the subpoena, and to me, that's just an intimidation effort on their part and we'll watch it all closely and I expect more in the future. Thanks so much for being with us. We appreciate it all right, eight hundred ninety four one sean toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, come out next our final news round up and information overload hour Fleck help have a lot of also reason to be angry at Jews now. The conference wouldn't allow me to film inside, so my sound guy set me up with a hidden mic with very little prodding. The veneer of being anti Israel in an effort to hide their hatred of Jews was easily scratched away and evolved into open anti Semitism. I first asked them about the most powerful modern anti Semitic trope. Does Jewish money control US government policy? Oh? Absolutely, you guys. Not you guys. Jewish lobbists are very rich. The Jewish lobby is influencing our government and how that's changing us. Followers, they're influencing our politics. You know, the root and the money rules the world. Yeah, no, meaning like, uh makes the decisions. I appreciate your recurred Oh this is interesting what you are doing. Yeah, yeahs I'm Jewish. I don't know. Yeah, I could already tell you didn't have the telling me. I don't think offense at all. No, I mean I appreciate people who are questioning their own background. Look at the treatment of Ethiopian Jews, right, Jews that are supposedly in the club, but they're Ethiopian. The Blackloo refugees who come to Israel, assuming if as a Jewish state, have actually been sterilized in the past. Or you're telling me that the Jewish government sterilized Ethiopian Jews coming into Israel. Yeah, yeah, that's crazy. Why Dollar police, why are we causing trouble. We don't understand what your intentions are. Just days after the conference, swastikas were found on campus. Thirty eight the largest departments and schools at the University of North Carolina sponsored this event. It also got a federal grant of nearly a quarter of a million dollars. It's just a typical of song. Mama full in love with the June. That's the same, and I'm gonna need your help singing. And I said something like, uh, that's fine. I'm we love with the June, love and the gum. That's all I have to say, Oh love, And did you have a love in the gent Then I'll continue. Her skin is white and my skin is well. She was going up up, I was going downs all illovator two story, not leling's not real even so, just flying together because I need you. I cannot be at them alone. Oh I'm in love when I see Oh I you just saves. Oh, I feel in love with the jew. Her skin is white and my skin is brown. She was going up, I was going down. Oh yes, Wow, unbelievable news round up information overload our of interesting few weeks. Tommy Harowitz had as his work, took him to a major Duke UNC conference where you can hear and he'll explain in more detail, and was exposed to it, actually filmed open anti semitism. And we've talked a lot about Congresswoman Omar and others and the comments virulent anti Semitism on the rise, not just in America, but sadly in the halls of Congress throughout Europe, and now on tape at this particular conference, and literally you know, he has traveled the world himself. He's embedded himself in Palestinian groups and even with terrorists. Remember he did he joined the migration to Europe and Germany when he got in boats in Greece and Turkey, and Amy was pretty shocked to see this open hatred for the Jewish people here in the US. And then he puts it on YouTube, and YouTube took down him, exposing hate speech, which is in and of itself unbelievable to me. Ammy Horowitz, how are you? It's always a pleasure be of you. Sean'm a man. Well, first, it was amazing, and I'm very grateful and thankful that the people of Israel re elected Prime Minister netanyahuo in in a really simple election. All the polls had it wrong, as they usually do. But he's been a voice of moral clarity on the world stage now for a long time, and to lose that voice, especially at a time when the United States and Israel have never been closer. As President Trump has recognized Jerusalem as the rightful capital of Israel and goal On Heights as the territory of Israel, very important, important distinctions that other presidents said they would do but never did. All right, so you go to Duke and this UNC conference. Let's why don't you paint the picture, bring us into what's going on. Sure, so I heard about this conference that was going to be ostensibly about Gaza, but as we all know, these things can always end up being you know, Israel bash fest, even though they're you know, major university conferences. So I went there to see what I could uncover and find. Of course, I found that it was a whitewash of Hamas, whitewash of cousin Ballah attacked Israel at every turn, But that, unfortunately was not what shocked me. Which shocked me was this just devolved into open and obvious and disgusting antisemitism. Look, this whole veneer. It used to be, maybe a few years ago, that when people were attacking Israel, those a debate whether or not if you're if you're only attacking Israel not other countries, does that make you anti Semitic? I think it does, But at least the other side could have pretended that it really was about Israel, not about Jews. That has all gone away over the last few years. And the only good news, the only silver lining, is that we see who these people are for what they really are. So when I got to this conference, the main of that you played a part of what he was saying. The main event, the main entertainment for the night was this palace Dnian rapper who, by the way, the New York Times a few days later, not knowing he made these comments so I hadn't released it yet, had this fawning article about him, how wonderful he is and how how great he is for his first Palestiny community. He got up there and rapped openly and openly a Semitic song where he says, this is my ni Semitic song, and the whole audience is giving him repeated standing ovations. It was absolutely disgusting as I watched, by the way, the head of this conference, who was a who works at Universe South Carolina, standing there watching with its big smile on his face. Sean, it was one of the most repulsive things I've ever witnessed in my life. What's the worst that you heard there? And explain in detail. I mean, it was, it was all awful. I mean, essentially, I wanted to get a sense from from the professors, the students, the administrators who were attending what their views were about not Israel Jews. So I used one of the most offensive, damn jing tropes that it has ever existed about Jews, that Jews use their money to control governments, okay, And I asked them, does the Jewish Jewish money, not Israel Jewish money, control of the US government. And I would say, I spoke to probably thirty forty people, and I would say, I'm on those thirty forty people. Two people said I don't really think so. Everybody else absolutely and totally agreed with that statement. Okay. It was absolutely insane, It was incredible, and it was unbelievable that this is exactly what the response I was getting from these students, professor and administrators you know, so you hear about this conference going on, and you know, this is what you do, and this is what you're really good at, and you have a lot of courage to go into this environment. I was really insulted, you know when they say, oh, I knew you were Jewish. I'm like, what, you know, With all due respect, I can tell if that was if that was the worst of it, then then I'd be okay with it. But I mean, look, you you expect and you know looks no, no, you expect these attitudes from neo Nazis or these insane white nationalists um but or radical Islamists that believe in this extreme Shariah that chant death to America, death to Israel, burn the American flag, burn the Israeli flag, or some of the propaganda that kids and the Hamas. They even have cartoons that teach and indoctrinate young children into hating the Jews when they're two and three, um and the idea and indoctrinate some kids into you know that it's okay, Well, strap bombs on you to kill in us some people and you know, Allah awaits you in heaven with seventy two virgins, and parents allow their children and encourage their children sometimes to do this. Yes, this is real, elected, you don't expect it in the halls of Congress and the halls of academia. And the big lie that's out there, the big lie is that all this everybody agrees that that that anti Semitis is on the rise, but they all think to think that somehow started all in twenty sixteen, which is the biggest lie, the growth and anti Listen, we know that neo Nazi don't like Jews. Whoope, thanks a lot, I would realize that. But the growth and anti Semitism is on our college campuses and it's coming from the left, almost exclusively our college campuses from the left, and they're doing nothing about it. Look, you're looking at at the leadership of people on the left out. Rashia to Leave and elan Omar are not just two freshmen congresswomen. They are dictating the policies of the Democratic Party. Which is why most of the major candidates for president wouldn't even go to APAC, a bi partisan organization for Israel. They wouldn't go there because essentially they got their marching orders from Rashida to Leave and elan Omar and the rest of their disgusting crew. You know, let me play, because I really you know, we've had these anti semitic comments, for example a Congresswoman Omar and the more recent controversy about and something happened about nine to eleven, and well, we lost three thousand, nearly three thousand Americans that day because radical Islamis, you know, thought that this attack on America was something good that they were doing and that they were trained to believe is a good thing. Let me let me play her remarks. CARE was founded after nine eleven. That's not true, because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. Some people did something, I did something? What what? What? I love the New York Post yesterday some this is the something. But I don't forget the CARE. It was the undone it co conspirac co conspirator in the Holy Nowns Foundation when they were raising money for Kamas, so that the organizations, if she was speaking to just so we were clear. And by the way they were formed I believe in eighteen ninety four. They were not formed after nine eleven, two thousand and one. But I will tell you. You know, I listened and her anti Semitic remarks prior and this unwillingness of the Democratic Party, I mean a real unwillingness of the Democratic Party to challenge and take on this virulent anti Semitism, I mean the comments that she made at this care event. Chuck Schumer said, no comment. Why not, Chuck, You live in New York. You knew people that died on nine to eleven, just like I did. I know people that died in a Pentagon. Will never forget what happened in the field in Pennsylvania. You know, I knew people that worked for Canor Fitzgerald. The whole literally floors of Canor Fitzgerald employees were wiped out that day. Fireman ran up the stairs when every bit of common sense would say, get the hell out of there to save lives and first responders and cops. You know that something, something happened that day. No, we were attacked. We were attacked by radical Islamists that want to destroy Israel and America. And this is now acceptable speech on a college campus at a college conference is despicable. And by the way, so everybody knows, there's an actual bill that Tim Scott and Bob Casey of sponsor which is being stalled that we need to push through called the Anti Anti Semitism Awareness Act, which essentially, if universities don't investigate incidents of anti Semitism, which a lot of times they don't, they will be in trouble of losing federal funding. This conference got a quarter of a million dollars grant from the US federal government. Sean, what are we doing? We got to stop this stuff. We've got to stop it. All right, gotta take a break. We'll come back more with filmmaker Ammy Horowitz on the other side. Eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. All right, Ammy Horowitz continues with us on the Sean Hannity Show. Let's go to YouTube. So you've posted us on YouTube? Right, Why would they ever take it down? So I got an email from them it was taken off. It was, you know, we put it up in about thirty minutes later, you know, it was the views are rolling in and all of a sudden it just stopped. And I was wondering why. And I got an email from YouTube saying that we've identified this as hate speech. It was flagged by by some people. They reviewed it. It wasn't even like it was some kind of algorithm. They actually had a human review it and say, oh, this is hate speech, and they took they took it. They essentially took it down. They basically made it where you couldn't find it in a finder, and you couldn't have you couldn't share it, you couldn't do anything with with with a stupid video unless you had the actual URL, so it was impossible to find it. They essentially banned it, and for twenty four hours nobody could see it. But I made an appeal and the number of people who I tweeted about it contacted YouTube, and YouTube actually made a statement shockingly apologizing for their error and then reinstated it. But the fact that somebody, a human being reviewed what I did when I was exposing anti Semitism, exposing hate speech, and to call me hate speech, Sean, it's the height of irony. I don't know. I don't know what else to call it. Unbelievable. Well, what we're going to do is, um, we are going to put this up on our website, all right, so if you want to see it, make a judgment for yourself. Unlike YouTube, we're not gonna we're not gonna censor this ammy Again, thank you, very courageous and very important work you're doing. We appreciate it and support you and what you're doing every day. Thank you, oh always, my pleasure of man. All right, eight hundred nine for one Seawan told free telephone number, Friday Concerts series and yes your calls, final half hour. What a week this has been, and what a week is coming next week? Buckle up. These are now interesting times and probably more interesting than I've seen in a career. Straight ahead, just seeing a little bit of the Linda dance thing whatever, what do you call that? That you just we're doing in there thing dancing the hands and the moves. Some people call it dancing, so we're not call what you do dancing. But all right, I don't do dancing. I'm aware I can't dance. I don't know how to dance. I've witnessed it. Yeah, listen, when I watch these people, you know, you see people at weddings or parties or whatever, and they you know, they're feeling all good because they had a couple of drinks in the game. I don't need any alcohol to do what I'm doing. Oh, it's obvious you didn't have any So it's obvious that you know you're you're perfectly fine doing it. But you watch the guys in particular, it's like so embarrassing how they do it. There is nothing more attractive than a man who can dance. Let me tell you, right, what about a man that can't dance? That's you know, got you? That's all No. I just but I'm smart enough to know not to do it because I don't know how to do it. Every once in a while you have to take a little risk. Show on you got you gotta shake a little something. My whole life has been a risk every time. Everything I've done, not political risks, not career risks. You know, you have to dance like no one's watching. Okay, I don't dance when no one's watching either. There's no dancing in my showers. I don't sing in the shower. I sing in the car sometimes. But first of all, I've sing on air on the show Oh What the Devil went down to Georgia. So you've sung other songs too. I mean you sing terribly, but at least you don't care. Oh I care a lot. Actually it's humiliating, but you know it was for a good cause. That's why I did it. And the worst part is is, you know it takes one of Charlie's signature songs. And should we play it now so you can sing along? No, I don't want to sing along. No, no singing today. No. But Linda actually sang for years and years in a real band. What was the guy's name that was on American Idol that you sang with years? Big Mike? Right, yeah, yeah, and you could you could sing every weekend, three times a weekend still if you wanted. Yeah, I was doing five weddings a weekend. It was great. It's crazy. You know, people don't believe me when I tell them I used to part tend five weddings a weekend. How'd you do that? Well? You know what's fun is when you do the second and a third one. It really gives you a lot of faith in marriage. Oh geez, does you mean they request you ten years later? Well, listen, you know I would get you know, i'd be friendly with the wife or the husband, and then you know they call quits, and the way say, listen, I'm getting married again. You want to do my second wedding. I'm like, sure, did you ever do a wedding and then you did the wife's second wedding and the husband's second wedding? I have Oh my gosh, it's not a little weird then, huh, not at all. I've actually done weddings where the formers were guests at both of their previous spouses weddings. Oh my gosh, Well, it's what's the world comes out. I know one wedding in particular, you told me and I don't know if you want to go here or not that at the wedding. The groom well I wouldn't call it asking out, but okay, a little more. I'm trying to be diplomatic here when I couldn't leave on his wedding day. Someday I'll write a book, all right. Right, it'll be in the X rated section, but it'll be a book. All right. Let's get to our busy phones. Uh, let's say hi to chat Is in middle of Texas. Hey, Chad, how are you glad you called? Hey Sean, I'm doing good. I hope you're doing great. You're the best on radio and TV. And thank you for taking the call. Oh, thank you for calling glad you called them, Yes, sir, Listen, it's been a huge news news week and we can get a little bobbed out on political talk. So I don't you like to have fun? You'd like to talk sports? Um? You know with the NH the Stanley Cup playoffs in full swing? Uh, ticket asus, you gonna watch your buddy doc Hemrick call a game? Do you think you're out? There's what? Now? You're a Rangers fan? I'm sorry? Uh? Well, Doc, by the way, is one of the best of all time. Hockey is one of the hardest. Well, football is hard to u and basketball a little easier, but it's really hard to call up hockey game. Um, in my opinion, don't you think? Well, I never call them, but it's really exciting and there's nothing like Stanley Cup playoffs at ever, especially uh in person? Who do you think he's gonna win the Masters? You know, I don't know. I mean, because Tiger's in the hunt. I guess he had a seventy of the first day and that's the score that he got on the previous occasions when he won the Masters and played at August. Augusta's the most beautiful golf course on the face of the earth. It just is and with a it's it's just that good. I went there once after the Masters, and you wouldn't know that all of those people were all over that golf course. You could literally register every piece of grass ut at Augusta. Um. So I'm there and one of the guys actually showed me a couple of him. Is the putts. I mean, if you want to puddle hole that's down here to the left, you have to fight. You put literally put all the way up to the right, down the center, out the middle, and down the side, and then get anywhere near the cup. It's crazy. By the way, this is Doc Emmer play him and he's great game all right? So you here, Doc, I mean, I am mesmerized by him. I could not do what he just did there. He's so, I mean, he's phenomenal. He is. I hope my Dallas Stars get a game on NBC Sports so I could just watch him call the game versus the the guys would normally called the Stars games. Uh, what'd you think about your New York or New Jersey Jets news uniforms? Have you seen those? Yeah? I don't know. If I'm a fan of it. By the way, you know, other announcements I like. I like Joe Buck. I think he's awesome. He's got a great set of pipes. Uh. Jim Nance is the nicest human being in broadcasting. I met Bob Costa. He's a great guy. I don't think he agrees with my politics, but he's a very very nice man. We've had conversations a few times. I don't know. I love sports broadcasting. I think one of your sports broadcasting fellas should get you, like in the booth for like a preseason. No, no, no, no, like that. I'm only watching. I'm not gonna go in and try. You know. By the way, you know you have, for example, Russian, Canadian names and all over hockey, and it's like, I don't know how you know, and he does it so quickly. Um, you've got to have that encyclopedic memory and ability to pronounce names that well, it's not my greatest skill in life. I'd have to literally spend an entire day before, you know, writing it out. Don't forget it, let's phonetically. But whatever. I think it'd be fun to watch you. Speaking of hockey, you know my Sounden and Almans in York last month that we caught an Islanders Islanders game at the Nasau Coliseum. So I was kind of like a I guess I'll walk throw away from you, Sean. Uh. It was great because it was a smaller arena. I don't know if you've ever been there lately or not. No, no, no, look, I'm I watched the Islanders and Flyers. I was the biggest Bobby Clark fan growing up because I was a hockey player and I'd love you know, I loved hockey back in the old days when they would have more fights and it was real and it's just a little more exciting. And I know they've cut back on it. I'm not looking for anyone to get hurt, like, for example, some of the rules in football are necessary based on the fact that all these guys are getting these concussions and they have lifelong ramifications for these guys. We've got to make it a little bit safer, but not destroy the sport. Makes sense to me. But all right, good diversion chat. I appreciate it. Thanks for being with us eight hundred and nine for one, Seawn. If you want to be a part of the program, that's gonna wrap things up at Tonay. Remember, so next week the Democrats, we already know Muller's conclusion on both obstruction and any collusion, but the media will still try to find something. What they don't know is that cascading documents that will be pounding on their head proving that they've been liars and conspiracy theorists. The criminal referrals, the Bar investigation, Horowitz report on fis Uber report on leaking Monday Sean Hannity Show, have a great weekend. We'll see you on Monday.