Keeping America Great

Published Jun 18, 2019, 10:00 PM

Vice President Mike Pence is here live from the rally in Orlando, Florida to talk about the next four years, and why the Trump/Pence ticket is the one to deliver on economic prosperity and freedom for the American people. If you don't think that the Trump Administration has made America Great Again, this is a must listen show!

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All right, welcome aboard, glad you are with us. Right down our toll free telephone number, it's eight hundred and nine one Sean. Yeah, it is a circus in this radio studio today. Why because Linda brought her across the pond BFF Katie Hopkins into the studio for later in the program. And I don't know what the hell they've been doing in there all day. It looks like they've been hitting the moonshine just to just to let everybody know ahead of time. I don't know what's gonna happen when they finally get on the program later today. But this is hilarious. I mean it, Jason, Am, is there any mischaracterization of me describing Linda lightly over the top? Uh? No, I'm not over the top. Yes, you are a little over the top. All right, let me ask you this the moonshine. Has anybody opened any of the moonshine today? Well, Jason and Jason, the normal taste that we usually take before the show starts. Nothing more than normal. You know, people might interpret that to mean that, you know, if you work for me, you you kind of need moonshine to get your day going. That's sort of how I just interpreted shine and Coke, come on, Coca cola, Coca cola, and I even here, by the way, and Ethan has to take off yesterday because the baby, by the way, was to get vaccines. Yeah, yeah, the baby gets back now a kid. I didn't even get thanked for doing all that work. So I got a question, how old does the baby? No? One month? All right, month old? The baby doesn't know it's getting a shot at that age, but when the baby becomes one or two? Now, listen, what do I know? I'm not, you know, I just you know. It's it was very hard. Patrick goes hard for two issues, shots and haircuts. It didn't matter that you put him in the fireman's seat for the haircut. Either he didn't want his haircut, it was not getting cut. There was no in between. I can tell you that he actually was pretty good with the shot. I just had to be there because my wife unfortunately couldn't be there because of a scheduling conflict. So that's why I had to take off. Well, listen, you're welcome to have off. I mean you you literally, by the way, don't we offer some kind of like vacation, you know, you do did, but I opted because I love working here so much. I opted to, you know, make sure I'm here. I don't know, that's like a benefit you should take that. How much time do we are we supposed to give you off according to company policy? I didn't even look it up on we we What did I say to Linda when she had Liam three years ago? I said, you never have to come in ever again. You can work from home. I said, if you really, if, if that is what's best for you and Liam and the kid said and and She's like, well, you can tell me that all you want. But if I'm not here, this doesn't get done. This doesn't get done. This, you know, because she's hold. She's a control, she's a control for as we all know that moon shot. Oh yeah really, Oh my god, I don't know what it is. So remember Ethan, you were there, and Jason you were there, and um baby was there. Well, when Katie was in town, we all as a team. Sweet baby, you Jason, me uh Lauren, uh Lauren brought her boyfriend fiance Don and a that's your brother, I know. And I got stuck sitting next to Linda at one point, and Linda, you hadn't been out since you had the baby. Say you got stuck started next to me, Jason, and I had you on one side, Jason on the other side. Jason, you tell me when this was wrong? And she hit me again and again. Jason is sitting next to me now, so he's a little worried about the answer. Exactly. I mean, that's that's a big problem. You love tap, I mean, I love ta over you overstate things just okay, slugged down like two Cosmopollens in ten seconds. It's like, oh boy, here, don't you have your sense a punch you for fun every morning? I mean, Linda doesn't feel harder than him. On pain day, we he I have to stand there and put my hands on my hips and let him hit my stomach as hard as he wants. And I have to take five shots to this day. And I've been doing this now seven Maybe you should just invite Linda over on those days and she could give you five shots. Yeah, they would she compared to I'll do it for free. Yeah, I got it. It's a much cheaper option. And then you guys have seen what we do. You watched it. When I have to lay it literally put my two arms out and he pounds on them both as hard as he can. I mean, it feels like your bone is breaking. But if you see Dan Bino this morning, I didn't see it, but I heard he did something jiu jitsu, Resilian jiu jitsu, by the way, that's part of our We do eclectic blend of arts and Brazilian jiu jitsu, crobmagaw, kempo boxing, street fighting. That's what we do with blade training, firearm training. It's basic, you know. Start is that at the very end when I kicked you the end. But even Dan, and if we need to, I'll call him, by the way, he was great. I watched I saw him this morning and yesterday's um and uh, he's done so well on TV, so well with his podcast. He's such a good guy. Um. We love Dan Bungi, you know, and it was just great to see. Uh, you know, a great person who gets you know, opportunities and he's a wonderful, loyal, unbelievably incredibly gracious friend. Um did you see that stuff with Lawrence Jones who was going to join us Lane, Oh, it's absolutely disgusting. I'm so discussed, you know how angry I was on Saturday. Well, it's a party of tolerance, right until you don't agree. I'm literally I get I get a phone call from our from Tiffany, the producer and porter who we love right, wonderful people like you. Okay, so and so they're like the TV version of you, um really hard. I got a call and they said, uh, listen, we need to give your heads up. This incident just happened because Lawrence Lawrence is and I've had this conversation with him many times, and you know, he is a total natural rock star. Lawrence is only twenty six years old, I mean, and he has the grace, the poise, the humor. He's brilliant, He's he's got he's got it. And I make fun of him because he's the only guy that can get away with wearing a tight purple tshirt and look unbelievable on TV. And and he and Tim, my brother in law, have become best friends in this whole thing. And so they go on the road together. It's like they can't be they can't go out, he can't not go with each other. It's like ridiculous. And anyway, so they're in New York and then I got this story some guy. I can't even say I am. I really am so pissed off about it still, It's just it's a natural anger. And Lawrence, to his twenty six year credit in experience, handled it like a pro. He got called horrible, vile, vicious, racist slurs by the Party of Love and Peace, and you know, I'll one was, oh, you go back to fox and pick cotton, and then we did get the other one on tape, which is, you know, go back to Kenya. And you know, he was raised by a mother who's a minister. I don't know if you know this part of his life, and he's a you know, he's a really really religious guy. And so I'm talking to both of them. By the way, Tim nearly got in the fight. He was so angry because they're so close and they you know, at the end it didn't happen. They tried to, you know, they went to the police. They had security with them, which I've always insisted on, and but I tell you, I don't even think Lenn would have been a control Clem would Clem would have broke them. I mean, it was really vile. It's sad that that exists, and especially coming from the Party of Love Right and the Party of Compassion. It's unbelievable. I think it's pretty pretty scary, but also incredibly hopeful that this person was brazen enough to do it on tape after being told he was on tape, So that means he's committed to that kind of thought. Yeah, I thought the left was supposed to. You know, it's funny, and I say this all the time. I know that we always break things down demographically during elections. You know, I used to say it's every two and four years that Republicans are and Conservatives are labeled racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobicsophobic, islamophobic, whatever, phobic, and they want dirty air and water, and they want children to die, and they want to throw Granny over the cliff. And none of it has ever been true. But now it's like on a regular rotation, it never stops anymore. And then you go to one of these you know, insane extreme radical leftists impeached Trump rallies. They were one hundred and thirty of them, none of them were attended. Well, so anyway, we just this is what we do. We cover news that nobody else will cover. And then this whole thing goes down and um, I listen, I'm still very angry about it, and uh, but I will tell you that, you know, God bless Lawrence. He handled it like a pro and I really admired him. But you know, remember Deni Barelli in or we haven't had we gotta get Blacklash. Yeah, remember Deneen and Tom are also good friends. I haven't I don't know why why have we not booked them recently? We text her right now and apology text her. Yeah, Um, I missed them both. They're really good people and they've been doing some great stuff. I forgot what they told me they were doing. But uh, and I know they wished me a happy Father's Day, which was really nice. You know. And she literally says in the beginning of that book black lash, and this is sad. If you're black and conservative, you're an outcast and it and the most horrible things are had about African Americans that are also conservative. Now, if you look at policy, the people that were hurt the most under Biden Obama socialism were minorities. You know how many times have I said thirteen million more Americans food stamps, eight million more poverty, lowest labor participation, rate in the seventies. Disproportionately, the people most negatively impacted by socialism, by redistributionism were minorities. In America, the people that have benefited the most for the Trump tax cuts. And again, what was the election about the forgotten man and woman? The people that were on food stamps were in poverty. You know, I can't think of a worse life if you wake up and you don't have something to do that day. As much as we whine and bitch and moan and grown about work, you know, if you think about not working, your life's gonna suck. You're not gonna be feeling great about yourself if you're not contributing in some way. The bottom line is we're born, I believe as human beings. You know, if you look at the word at education, which I studied in high school a little bit of Latin, I'm not good at it, but it is rooted in the word at duka a to bring forth from within. Well, what does that mean? That means it's already there. That means that every human being on the face of this earth has talent from God. You know, remember people used to get pissed off at Rush because he's a talent on loan from God. Remember you do that, and now, by the ways, it's God's talent. And people thought he was being sacrilegient. People are so stupid. I mean, it's real, it's really hilarious and anyway, but it pre it is predicated on a belief that we all have talent, and all of a sudden, you open up the economy the way the President did with tax cuts and deregulation and especially energy, which I've been harping on now for three days. I'm just telling you, there's no we can literally lift the standard of living of every American because we now have the best employment situation in this country since nineteen sixty nine the Mets won the World Series. I know because I was in a fanatic Mets fan as a little kid, and I was little. And the point is, and I can give you the whole lineup, but the point is, nineteen sixty nine record law unemployment, African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment. If I didn't work as a kid, I'm telling you I would have been I'm arrested every other day hanging out with my dopey friends. It's the best antidope for all kids to be out working. But you know, if then you look at the poll numbers, demographic, why does the Democratic Party get that vote when all they do is, you know, they've destroyed people with dependency. You know the reason socialism themselves is because they're playing on your fear. Everybody has a natural fear. They want of a house to one, of a place to stay. They're not gonna have food, water, clothing, shelter, etc. But the government's promise just remember keep your doctor plan and save money. How did that work out? It was pretty crappy. All right. We got a lot of deep state news we're gonna get. We got a lot of border news. President announcing today, yep, that's it. Ice will begin removing a million plus people next week. Well, and by the way, finally Mexico steps up. And now all these crossings have stopped. Why not because of Mitch McConnell, Republicans in the Senate and the House. No is Donald Trump that said I'm going to blast you with tariffs. Many of you saying, oh no, we don't want protectionism. We believe in free trade. And I said, yeah, so does he but he has to use the leverage he has, and he has to be able to act like he means it and really mean it. If they don't get their act together. Mexico never used to let the migrant caravans form like this ever, And if they want to be our partner, they have the ability to stop it. And they've got to help participate in what is a huge national security issue for their partner, US. And that's where ninety percent of heroin comes across into the country, and we're losing three hundred kids a week. That's where most of the fentanall is coming from. Anyway, So they and Acasio Cortez, Speaker of the House, you know, is making the comparison of border facilities to quote concentration camps, wow, and border patrol age. They're furious over this because they're doing everything they can do to make everybody comfortable. The person that stopped people quote being detained in separation was Trump, but by the way, it was a policy of Obama and Bush before him, and nobody said a word anyway. Andrew Cuomo, as we speak, by the way, defied New York State and told posters they they even opposed this is a New York opposing Cuomo's plan. Now they're gonna give drivers licenses to illegals in New York. But you literally have most New York are saying that's a dumb idea, you would think anyway. We have also the President's immigration crackdown. You know, it's you know, now it's a full focus. Now it's gonna get handled. Now the President again goes it alone and wins. And I'm not sick of winning. Huge rally. We're gonna check in on the ground. Lawrence Jones and Kaylee mcinanny in Orlando coming up all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, Gladial with us. Both Kaylee mcinaney and our friend Lawrence Jones are down in Orlando, and I just got an update. I mean, it's like a rock concert outside of the hall where Donald Trump, the President is going to announce tonight, is is well announcing that he's running for reelection. You know, as I survey all of this within the Democratic Party, and I'm serving everyone and I'm watching Linda tell me if I'm wrong. I don't see anybody that has any charisma none. I don't see anybody that I mean, if Bernie and Elizabeth Warren are like the top contenders against sleepy, creepy, crazy Uncle Joe. They're doomed. I don't see. And by the way, people in the news media saying, well, Hannahy is going after Joe Biden's health and speculating about it. I'm not speculating on his health. I don't know anything about his health. Well I know is it looks like as zero energy and him mentioning him one day in Iowa Donald Trump seventy six times is not a winning strategy. Donald Trump and I are both in town day. Everybody knows who Donald Trump is Trump Trump. Trump's Donald Trump, but he's the president. Trump's tariffs about Trump is tweeting now. He barely the facts Trump. He doesn't even tweet about it anymore. President Trump. Is this President Trump, the tax cutty pass President Trump, Trump, his policies Trump. He thinks Trump doesn't see it that way. Trump. What has Donald Trump done? Did he do any of you? Donald Trump? His alliance with Trump, Donald Trump the president the United States, Trump Trump the president. He said, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump. No, you Donald Trump, crazy creepy uncle Joe. We gotta get the crazy Scott Channel voice in there too. Um. Now, it's interesting because Elizabeth Warren is sort of like trying to become the kingmaker again. Nancy Pelosi speaker in name only the people that every single presidential candidate now has in some former fashion adopted speaker Alexandria Cassio Cortez's new green deal idea, and the one that was, you know, most flagrant about it in terms of oh, I've got to do this because she's making me was Joe Biden. I mean one point seven billion dollars, another six seven billion trillion dollars, I think what trillion dollars? Who knows crazy amounts of money? And he did it, but it's twenty forty or twenty fifty in a costume quart dumb. I'm not going to support you. Then she went after sleepy, creepy, crazy uncle Joe, this time on an issue of a flip flop. Now, remember he flip flopped on the high Amendment. He's been apologizing all over the place to Anita Hill, I don't know how he apologizes, whether you can't go to a seven eleven unless you have a slight Indian accent, or how he apologizes. Man, this is the first time an African American is clean and articulate. The first. Now that's all right, I don't play if everyone's heard it, say, you know, I'm like, wow, the first It's historic. Man. I'd love to take him out behind the school. I mean, it's just it's so bad. He can't help himself. But watch sleepy, creepy crazy, and I'm gonna tell you gotta see this guy no energy, you know, I don't. You can't do that job unless you live, eat, breathe sleep. Being the president, Now there are guys that are more laid back than others. Look, George Bush was more played back. Obama was mister coole and mister cool. I don't want to know what he knew and when he knew it with the deep State and the unmaskings and the surveillance, and what he knew about Loretta Lynch and the tarmac and and how Hillary Clinton violated the law. We I'd love to know what creepy crazy, sleepy Uncle Joe knew too. So Acasio Cortez, you know, told Jonathan Carl, what did you say? Your favorite Jonathan Carl question was Linda, I forgot all about this. This was cracking me up yesterday. I'm sorry and already. First of all, you were still asking the question. Second of all, I was drinking some moonshine. Third of all, it was just the way. I don't care about that. You canna drink whatever you want. The job gets done. I don't care. I'm getting done here, I am doing it. I'm doing I wouldn't touch that crap that you guys drinking there. Yeah, I know, what was it? John? Who was the one that asked the question? Jeff Zeleny, He was Enchantment. So that was the guy that I did see in Helsinki and bought drinks for. Right, Well, it wasn't just him, but yeah, okay, so a bunch of But by the way, that was not the unusual behavior for me. Would it just so please? You buy drinks for everybody? Okay? So now the thing is, you know, I was thinking about this yesterday because apparently little Jimmy, you know, fake news Acosta is pretty pissed off that we and I'm gonna be honest that his team is reps, his book. Reps have been begging you, begging TV to be on the show so he could teddle his fake newsbook. His conspiracy theory book and tell everybody he's an egomaniac. And so he tells this story apparently in his stupid book that and you remember this, I don't know. You remember things that are so unimportant, and I never remember unimportant things, and but you remember everything. You're like an elephant in terms of memory. Now, if you ask me about Reagan's record, I can tell you. If you asked me about Clinton's record, I can tell you Bush's record, Obama's record, Trump's record. I've got it down, pat. This is what matters to me. Superfluous things. You know, asked me who was on my TV show last night. I'm gonna have a hard time giving you the right answer. It's just that I don't I don't think that way. That's why it's scary to think that. You know, when they interview people in the FBI or of these congressional hearings and they're like, now, two years ago, I'm like two years ago, I don't remember two seconds ago. Somebody's got to keep track of all this stuff, right, So you did remember that Acosta got one thing right? That apparently we were on a bus together. Is that what it was? He actually writes about it in his book. So our friend Molly Hemingway tweets out, you know how poorly written his book is from just you know, sentences and conjugation and grammar, and it's like, you know, aside from the ridiculous nature of the quote, which was that you and a couple other hosts were on this bus and didn't have you know, that the will or the courage to come and see him in the back of the bus. And my first response was like, why does anybody have to come to you? First of all. Second of all, if you want to talk to somebody or confront them in a professional setting, then you come up and do it. I mean, that's just not the way. Well, you know, I didn't think about that yesterday. I'm thinking, well, we were on the bus and you wanted to talk to me. If you're so offended you can't handle that, you are fake news. But you know, here's what he's asking, No, here's what he's begging through his reps, his book reps. They're begging to be on the number one rated. And by the way, thank you to the audience. This is not like a brag thing. We work hard. I want to be number one, but I have to earn that every day and we know that. And we're on six and eighteen of the best radio stations in the country. Thank you for listening and telling your friends about us. And we work hard and I think we do things on this show that nobody else in media does, and we're proud of that too. Yeah, of course I call these people out, you know, Like I saw humpty dumpty, what's that guy's name over at the stenographer, Jeff right, whatever his real name is, I forget anyway, So so we're at that one of these events and I don't know, I was waiting for a taxi or an uber or whatever, a car and lo and bahold. I'm just sitting there on my phone and he comes up and he goes, I just want you to know it's not personal. I'm like, huh, I just want you to know, you know, none of this is just business, is not personal. And I looked at him, I said, Humpty dumpty, Right, whatever you want, I don't care because I don't really read I don't read it, and none of this stuff bothers me. One of the great advantages you have, Like when I would fight Jimmy Kimmel or fight, you know. Remember we were fighting be Bette Middler for a while, but it was funny, and we've picked on Alec Baldwin. We've had a few classics over the years. But I don't tweet anymore or not much, only on special occasions, because you took Twitter off my phone and you said, I'm not allowed to just know what you want to say in a nicer and more articulate fashion. So I take your words. I know what you want to say out there. We've changed the Twitter handle to basically be more of a news and information thing. We linked to Hannity dot com. We tell people the guests that are coming up, and we just do it very differently. So I didn't remember he was on the bus. I asked you, and you said, yeah, he was, and I'm like, okay, great, he was on the bus. Now there was a guy correct me if I'm wrong. Remember a guy walked by me and said you were jerked to me on Hannity and Holmes. However many years ago, do you remember that. I think that was the same. I remember you saying who are you? I didn't. I had no idea who the guy was, and I said who are you. I don't know who you are? And then he mentioned his name and I still didn't know who he was, and I'm like, am I supposed to know you? I don't know? Like so and I was telling everybody yesterday. So I go over to Haraldo's book party. Of course there's a thousand paparazzi and media people there. Haraldo's a big star. He deserves it all. But I just walk in. I just want to show loyalty to my buddy, because I like Coraldo personally a lot. He's a great man and he's done incredible work. He's been in broadcasting fifty years. And so I go in and I don't know if you were there for this. I think sweet baby James was next to me and this guy stops me and he goes, Sean, Sean, hey, how are you? I said, hid? I said, do I know you? Oh? Yeah, it's me And then he goes his name's Oliver, and I'm like, okay, doesn't ring a bell? No, no, no no, no, you know you remember me? Right? And I'm like not really. He goes, no, no, no no, no, I I what do you do? No? I work at CNN. I'm like it came flying out of my Oh fake news. I swear I said that, and I guess I met the guy, but I don't really have a deep recollection of it. You know. I think he writes and tweets, you know, crap about me like everybody else in the news industry. But I don't, you know, I just don't care. And so what this guy wants is he wants attention. Now he did add something today. Did you see this? Oh, Sean Hannity won't have me owner. Of course, he wants to be on the number one show on cable and six hundred and eighteen of the best radio stations in the country, and to get him mention on the most amazing website at Hannity dot com. That's right, wants me to know. Now, I put Mark Levin on. And by the way, you know, there are a couple of radio stations that don't like it. If there's a few markets where maybe I'm on a station he's on a competitor, but they, you know what, our stations are really cool. They understand. And Mark wrote a really good book and it's been number one, what three four weeks now in a row. On The New York Times, Greg Jarrett was number one on the New York Times best seller list for what I think five six weeks something like that. And I watched him write this book, and I'm you know, we have our ensemble cast, so we don't book as many new people as we used to because of you know, the nature of this deep state abuse of power story, and of course the election coming up, and you know, so why wouldn't Why would I put on a liar? Why would I put on someone that is just an absolute liar? And he says this thing today and it was covered by Dan Abrams, sit media. It's basically you know, inside the media people, and you know he's trying to ratchet up I guess he was on Hugh Hewitt's radio shop. We like Hugh a lot. He was a great guy, and something to the effect that, you know, we're afraid to have him on, but you know, they won't meet me in the back of the school. I'm like, well, hold on a minute. And then I asked you the question, did he ever ask to meet me in the back of some schoolsoplace? So what was your answer? Oh God, I don't remember. You stop, what do you mean you don't remember? And so was that happened to two hours ago. You said to me, No, I never got that request. They're just still begging to come on the TV and radio show. No, I mean, listen, it never ends. All the request never end. Yeah, but this is a different request. If he wants to meet me in the back of the schoolyard somewhere, I don't know. I might be available for that. I don't know if he's ready for that. Now. See No, but no, don't give away our secrets. Let's just sit back and let other people be stupid, and I might show up for that. I might be game. Know what we should do? Actually, hold on a second. I have an idea. Why don't we do a charity match? Yeah, here's the problem. I'm not building up this guy's No. If it's gonna be he asked behind a school, I will grant that. But if you think that, look he can't. The problem for him is, and it's I understand it. He's on the lowest rated cable network. You know, preliminary numbers for last night show. I think we're at three three three four million people one airing. You know CNN can't break a million people? Why why? So of course he wants to be on. Now you're saying, well, we'll do something. No, if he wants to meet me privately and he has something he wants to say or try to do to me, I'm available that you can't can't no, no, no no, no, no, no no. Why do I Why would I build up a guy on the lowest rated cab that's shooting down. He desperately wants attention, but probably we're wrong giving it to him now. But he's such a liar, and you know when he said that, I, you know, wouldn't wouldn't confront him. I'm like, no, I'm not giving you no. You are on a low rated cable network with a massive ego, and you can't handle the fact that nobody I will not subject my audience to your lies, your fake news, and your conspiracy theories and your hatred of Donald Trump. That's why you're losing. That's why we're kicking your ass every day. And that's why we're not going to say, salvage your crappy book. If you want to sell it, sell it on fake news CNN, the lowest rated you know, national cable news channel. Go sell it there now. If he wants to meet me privately, you can call Linda, have your reps call Linda. Yeah, give me a call, Jimmy m aqual and don't you and don't you utter a word? You gotta which is for you hard to do? Wow, Sean, I'd tell you no. You know, people wonder why this is why? Yeah, this is why I take that back. You know, I just don't want you know, this is why you get shouted. I said, I'll even I apologize. I came out the wrong, all right, so you accept my apology. All right. I'm here because I believe in democracy, and you believe the president should be in peace? I did why because he's in the league president, he's an illegal president. Explained that for me, he was in he was in colusion with the Russians. Why do you believe the president should be in peace? Because suddenly he's objective justice. I mean, he's emitted really impeachable offenses. If there were any other president, any democratic president, any other even Republican president, he would have been in peace and going out of office. Do you believe the president should be impeached? No, that has been investigation after investigation. They found nothing. He even investigated more than any other president. Crimes as he committed, he was he was with everything with UH with Russia like it, like he conned his way into the office. They've been putting up with an illegal, fake, illegally elected president for over two years. What crime do you suspect the president has committed, well, number one conspiracy with the Russians, and then he covered it up like like, I can't believe he's he's a criminal for a long time. Why don't you think the Democrats have brought up the art of a women coachment. It's a good question. I wish I could read Pelosi's mind, but I can't. Do you believe he's put in the country in real danger? Yes, every day, every single day. He loves our country. He's a good man. They won't communism here. Well, then go to Venezuela and I'm very angry, confident, all right. That last line go back to Kenya was only one of a number of racial comments made to our friend Lawrence Jones, who's our guy on the street. He's down in Orlando today. And remember Lawrence has been out to California, Nancy Pelosi's district. What a couple of times down on Los Angeles in the streets there in the homelessness that is out of control because that idiot Gavin Newsom is absolutely clueless with all the money they take from the people that are all now leaving their state. I couldn't believe Mike huck could be last night told me, by the way, if you take a U haul from Texas to California, it's about four hundred bucks. If you take it from California to Texas, it's sixteen hundred bucks. And I said, why is that he goes, because basically you're doing you hall of favor because everyone's leaving California, just like New York, just like Illinois, just like New Joy's. Yeah, California's leading the way with a thirteen and a half percent income tax um. So I got a call on Saturday, and I'll let Lawrence speak for himself here. But Lawrence and I have become really really close friends. And Linda will tell you this that I you got to admit I don't. I can get irritable when I'm tired, but I'm not an angry person, und saying usually, no, no, not usually. But because you were pretty mad when you heard about this, Oh no, no, it was more than mad. It was I was I was. I was almost at the level where the media mob is every day. I was. It was it was rage that built up in me. And I had a long talk with Lawrence and a long talk. I don't know what the heck it is. But my brother in law, Tim, who's worked on the show forever, Um, just you know, maybe i'll sweet Baby James, my other brother in law. But I won on TV one on radio and they both do great work. And anyway, Um, so I got Tim and I got Lawrence on the phone now by the way, and I did say that if you're playing golf, you want Tim, he's a scratch golfer. If you're gonna get in a street fight, you want me Lawrence. I should have been there. Um. But um, you know, we've developed a very good friendship. I mean, and from my perspective, I mean, we were hanging out the Saturday together before. I'm not gonna tell everybody where they would they probably laugh. Don't tell them, right, they'd laugh. Um, and what have I said to you from day one? And you're not gonna like what I'm about to say because it's very complimentary and you're gonna be embarrassed. And I know that your mom's a preacher and you're from Houston. You're not gonna like what I'm gonna say, but just suck it up because it's all true. But I'm never gonna let you get you know, too big for your bridges, as they say, and your ego is not gonna get out of control, because what would I My advice to you is always listen to that mom. And you're in your head because your mom and dad and your dad is a truck driver and your mom is a pastor, a preacher, And I said, don't ever lose, don't ever lose what your wonderful parents gave you, because that's the person that I know. But there's very few people that have this natural gift or talents. He has far more natural talent than I have ever had in TV. And he has a fearlessness about him, and he's smart as hell, and he loves being around people, and he had in other words, I keep tell him, you're going to be a huge star. Here are the pitfalls, here are the dangers. I want to make sure you're safe. I want to make sure you you you I'm gonna enjoy watching this rise in your career. And I not said all that to you day one, and you know, so we've developed the friendship and I kind of feel like the older brother. Is that a fair analogy? I mean you almost like a god. But okay, if you want to do the brother things, let's do that. Really, so I'm almost like a dad. Is that what you're saying to me? You know? I mean, I mean, all nice to you, and you're being a jackass back to your your BF here. You know this is no one gives you more crap about you know, the clothes you wear on TV than me, and you get away with it all right. So he's smart, he's tough, he loves people, um, and he's got a natural charisma and I think it's a natural gift. So when you called Saturday, I'll let you take it from there. Or it really made me very angry because I feel very protective, and that's just how I feel. Yeah, you're you're serious, and you wanted to you immediately wanted to pull me out of the field for my safety. And look, we would do it just like any of report we go across the country, because there's a lot of people in the mainstream me and not reporting on what's actually happened in these cities. What the American people are feeling. So we go to the rallies that we tend to not agree with. This was an impeaque Donald Trump rally. Uh. And as we're going through the crowd, you know, we're trying to interview people. One of the guys said, you know, go back to Fox and pickcot. The other one, I want people go back to Fox and pick cotton. Tickcotton, tickcotton? Yeah, tickcot? A jackass? What? What? What? These are the liberals? Right? These are people on the left. Now the adsome context part of the impeachment and some of the signs are out there was to a protest quote unquote Trump's racism and his bigotry. All right, this this is what they were claiming that the president was doing. And in the same breath, yeah, people that are at Israelly telling me to go to pick cotton and go back to Kenya. Um. And you know, now the mainstream media knows about this. None of them are calling them out about this. They think it's totally fine. And I think we really got to have a conversation in this country. Why why do the Democrats get away with this? Can you imagine if a Trump rally people says this and the outrage if someone said that's as seen in reporter that was black, or an MSNBC reporter that was black. What would be the consequences for that. Meanwhile, the mainstream press have said nothing about this incident. I know they know about it because we've got three point some million people that watched the show every night. Okay, so they're fully a weird lips in place. There has been not one call from the mainstream press. Nobody. People are nobody, no, no, no. We aired this last night. I didn't get the final rating ship, but it's gonna be about three or three point four or five million, I think watching the first airing, you know. I And then this is what really irritates me. And I mentioned Deneen Burrelly. We got we I don't know why we haven't had Deneen in a while. And Tom they're friends of mine, and I liked them both very much. And she wrote this book years ago, um Black Clash. And then it starts out just google my name. And she is a lovely woman. Her husband's a wonderful guy. They have the best relationship, and the most horrible things are said, and this is and this happens to every conservative that also happens to be African American. And I don't like it. And I don't know why in this world of pc ism, why is that allowed? Because you're you're right. They pick on a sixteen year old kid, that's fine. They'll go after Cavanaugh for you know, something forty years ago. But they shut their mouth about the Democratic lieutenant governor in Virginia. You know, they care about obstruction, but only if it's Trump, but not Hillary's obstruction and deletions of subpoena emails. They're just lying hypocrites. We have allowed them to call the sas for so long and quest Frankly, I'm sick of his son, because there is a lot going in I said this yesterday on your Progress. There's a lot of poverty. There's a lot of issues that are affecting a brokenness in the community with it comes to the education, the economy. Within those communities, they're run by the liberals, by the way right and the Democrats. Every single year you can bet your money or do an election time. They started this identity politics, this racism narrative of the right. But they won't call out the people, the racist people in their own side, and I think it's something the rest to start calling them out. So you know, I guess they expected after this incident, I was going to back down. I'm back out in the field. We're gonna double down. We're gonna be at the debate. Well ut, no, no, no, But you know you don't know that I made an executive decision and I don't want you to get mad at me, and I'm saying it publicly because so you were scheduled to go out to Oakland and Berkeley today, right, yeah, yeah, I called. I know I did. I called an audible and I said, no, I want Lawrence to go down to Orlando today, and and I didn't. I didn't tell you, but that was too audible that I called. Now, what was the reaction in Orlando today to you? Oh my god? And you got to see you tonight. I can't wait. We're loving people hugging me, telling me how they feel about the country. These are supposed to be the people that are supposed to be the racist crowd, the people that don't like America. And you know, I'm sitting here with the agents here that are protecting me and that no, no, no, By the way, tell Tim he's a little I can't believe that he won't get on the phone. I invited him to be on with you, you know, right, he refuses to tell him. I can't believe that he is whimping out. Tell him I said that, I'll tell no. Let him hear it now, because I'm pissed. He's he doesn't like your whipping out. He doesn't like he wants. No, he's not gonna get on the phone. By the way, He's tried to teach me golf for ten years and I still suck. Yeah, you gotta get better at that because I know you might be a good martial artist. But you know I'm a great martial artist. But don't talk about it because Jim Acosta wants to meet me in a schoolyard. And I'm willing to meet him in a schoolyard. All right, but I mean, but wait minute, so down I really want to know this. So you go down to Orlando today. I called the audible, all right, and people know you're from the show now they do, okay, And on a scale of one to ten, love beside your mom and dad, who I love the story of your mom and dad. Yeah, did you ever get in your life more love than you received down in Orlando? And I'm serious, I mean, I'm been here. I wouldn't lie, you know. Uh, theco were so loving as well. You know what side. You know, we haven't had an opportunity to tell people this, but I'm a libertarian. You know, I don't agree with everything. But what I respect about your show is you've never forced me to do anything that I want to do. You asked me to cover the facts at a serious support and we aired every single night, and the people respected that. All these people want this fair journalism, fair reporter. They want they don't want to be labeled as hateful people. And I gotta tell you to love you. These people are standing in the rain, they're wrapped around the building. Okay, they're only going to be twenty thousand people that are going to be able to get into building. I think the projections are already almost up to one hundred thousand people trying to get in, So it's a lot of people here. You know. I'll tell you why I made the audible because I get that feedback on you. Now, what people don't know is you're only twenty six, right, yeah, yeah, I mean for you to have this level. I only started my radio career when I was twenty seven, that's thirty years ago. And I didn't get paid when I started my radio career, and my first job paid me nineteen grand a year in hunts Fell, Alabama. I was so happy to have it. But Bill Dunovan, you know, and Dave Stone I lost as a dear friend. I mean, these people saved my lid. I've changed my life. And then Eric Seidel Slugo in Atlanta gave me another chance. And you know, I never thought i'd be successful ever. I always thought I was doing my last show. I still, in the back of my head think I'm doing the last show. But I but I see in you gifts that I never had. I really do, and I just I'm so happy for your success. And I just thought, after what happened Saturday, I wanted you to see the other side. And I know you're a libertarian, and I'm more libertarian than you think. We agree on a lot of issues. You know, I don't care. I don't give a flying rip what people do privately. It's none of my business. Brought That's how I feel and I'm t I want the country saved. Let me ask a last question. You start, you're you're a student of politics. Under Biden Obama, thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty. You know, sadly they were more African American more mine already's disproportionately negatively impacted. Who's done the best under Trump? Who's if Donald Trump has set records for African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, women and youth in the workforce one hundred percent. And then you can even go down to the first Step at the Criminal Justice Reform. You got Joe Biden, who was the Crime Bill guy. Okay, now you have President Trump that has signed the First Step Act. Look, this president has done a lot, and which is why sometimes I get so frustrated at the White House, because they have to message better. Okay, he has the policies to back it up, he has the numbers to back it up. Let the president talk to the people. There's a lot of forgotten men and women in the black community as well, and the President went out there and he fought for it. And so allow the presidents to mess to those people. You know, there's a lot of people out here that care about the president, that believe in the president, believe that he is what's best for the black of America. Well, you're gonna be You're gonna be reporting live from the event tonight. We love you. I'm sorry you went through that, but I'm really happy that you got all the love you got today. And I'm honored to be your friend and thank you for what you did. And I'm I just I'm angry that happened. And you know, we love you, and you handled it like a pro. You really did. It was hard and it's very hard to deal with that state always. All right, tell me you know who, man, I'm gonna never I'm never letting go of this. Goodbye, all right, quick break right back, Vice President Pence. Next, I twenty five till the top of the hour. Toll free telephone numbers eight hundred and nine for one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. An amazing event is unfolding before our eyes down in Orlando. Now. We just spoke to our friend Lawrence Jones. He's down there, and he said, there's like a hundred thousand people there already. The arena in Orlando, great place. I think it holds twenty thousand, that's it. About one hundred and fifty thousand people wanted to be there tonight, where we expect the President will announce he is running for a second term. I know we forget I don't know what this is. We have very short memories. And then maybe you know, we forget the great blessings that we live in the greatest country God ever gave mankind. That's a fact. And you know, as my buddy Barry Farber says, there's never been a country in history that has accumulated more power and abused it less than this country. We're not perfect, nobody's perfect. We're human beings. But I'd add to that, there's never been a country that has accumulated more power and used it to advance the condition of humanity, not just American citizens, but humanity more than the United States, this country. I shuddered to think what the world looks like without a strong United States. The world needs us. It's our responsibility. Many have fought, bled and died for the liberties and freedoms we have every single day. You know, one of the things I hammered home in the twenty sixteen election. What eight years Biden Obama? Thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more Americans in poverty, real people, real families, real suffering, disproportionately negatively impacting minorities in America. The lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, the worst recovery since the forties, the lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years. The Biden Obama more debt than all forty three presidents before them combined, and of course, the only presidency in history never to reach three percent GDP growth in a single year of the presidency. There's not one person in this crazy radical green new deal I hate Trump. Joe Biden mentions Donald Trump seventy six times one day, and I one day Donald Trump lives in his head. And what we're seeing is a history in the making and a phenomenon. If you can't play guitar piano and saying how many people are gonna line up in these numbers forty five fifty hours before an event begins like has been unfolding in Orlando. One of the people that will be there has been a very big part of all of this success. I've got I've known Mike Pence for so many years. He's a human being, a rock. He is principled, he is tough, he is he is strong. Now. By the way, he's more quiet than the president by nature, which is interesting to me. But has been a good friend of mine for years. But he's been part of this new winning, this transformation of the country. Mister Vice President. Welcome back to our radio show, Sean. It's great to be on and thanks for the kind words. And I'll tell you I'm sitting here in Orlando. I'm at the Amway Center. We just pulled in and the atmosphere here is absolutely electric, um, and the excitement is building. As you said, people literally been camping out for a couple of days here. I do think the lines are longer here at the Amway Center than they are at Disney World today. I don't know, did you see last night? I know the President can't wait to get here, and we just can't wait to get out there and talk about getting four more years of President Donald Trump. I will tell you, I pray you know, and by the way, I really don't have any doubts about that, um, But I will tell you, did you happen to watch Hannity last night. I would understand if you didn't, because if the president doesn't watch some night, yeah, otely watch in front of the show, So did you. It was like, I'm looking at the we have our reporter down there and a lot Valerie who's a works locally at Fox Starting five in Orlando, wonderful girl, and she's down there, and I'm like, this is like a tailgate party before the super Bowl, And I'm like, why, am why didn't I go down and have some you know, beer, hot dogs hang out with everybody. It's like when there's not even the Rolling Stones can't get this. We're crying out, why is there? This all? We're all wondering why you're not down here? We're kind here, But yeah, I know it's I'd actually think they did have a Trump tailgate this morning outside the Amway Center. But you know, it's all a reflection of the man and the message and the record, and nobody talks better about this president's record than you have. I just heard you were signing it a couple of minutes ago, and uh, you know, I'm supposed to get up and speak for ten or fifteen minutes this morning and this afternoon I gotta tell you this morning, we were working on it. It is hard to just and you do this well on your show. It is really hard to summarize everything that this president has been able to accomplish for the American people in the less two and a half years, from rebuilding our military, to reviving our economy, to unleashing American energy, to better fair trade deals. One hundred and ten conservatives appointed to our courts. I mean, America standing tall in the world again, standing with our allies, standing up to our enemies. I mean, it's an incredible record. But you know, as you know, you know the President, well you've known him longer than you and I've known each other. That's true. People don't understand it. It's just a good start. I mean, for President Trump, it's always it's always out the windshield, it's never in the rearview mirror. He's always about what's next. And that's why tonight's going to be all about how we keep America great. Having restored American greatness, how we continue to build on it. And that's going to take four more years of President Donald Trump in the White House. Well, you know, mister Vice President, I'm now in third years doing this, if you can believe it. And I'm like the bridge between two generations at Fox, and I'm very grateful we have the number one rated cable news show in the country by far. In congratulations, Dank and six and eighteen of the greatest radio stations. Some people might not know Mike Pence was once a radio talk show host and he used to talk a little more than he does now. But you know, I love your quiet stillness that you bring to the table and always honest with the president. And that's an absolute fact. But you know, I only cared about one thing. I care I you know, you know my background. My grandparents had no money when they came from Ireland to the turn of the last century. My parents grew up dirt poor. My mother South Bronx. My dad in bed sty. He lost his mom complications when he was born. He had a tough life. My mom was a prison guard, worked double shifts. I can't tell you how many years, over twenty five years. My dad family court probation, and I grew up in a little Cape cod how you know, three older sisters in one bathroom. Don't take it the wrong way, but my definition of hell on Earth when you need to go to the bathroom. And but I will tell you that we all stand on the shoulders of so many other people. And this is something that I know you know deeply because I've heard you go on about this. It's so compelling when you do talking about this great experiment America and now we now have our challenges and we have our obligations for the next generations. Well, look, everybody knows your story. But it's it's one of the ways that the President I connected when we first started talking about doing this together. You know, more than more than two and a half years ago, when he first spoke to me about being his running mate, and that was you know, his grandfather immigrated to this country. My grandfather immigrated to this country from Ireland. You know, his dad built a business with his own two hands. My dad built a small business in a small town. I mean, for Sean, for the President, for me, it's all about the American dream. And it's not a bumper sticker. It's it's what we've lived. And I got to tell you, I think it's what it's what it's what animates this president every day when he talks about reviving the economy and the economy is booming. He's I think he's more proud of the fact that wages are rising for working Americans at a more rapid rate than in ten years than anything else. That forgotten men and women of America are forgotten. No more. People are beginning to be able to realize their dreams once again. Small business is growing and expanding like it hasn't in decades. And you know, you get lost in some of these statistics, but the reality is the American dream is coming roaring backs because you've got a president, and I say very humbly, a vice president and guys like you out there who understand that the American dream is the birthright of every American. And I promise you the next five hundred and three days, the President I are going to take that message to the four corners of this country. And I just know that the American people, just like happening in twenty sixteen, are gonna are gonna say yes to the American dream and yes to a president who believes in the American dream and will fight for it. They're going to say yes to four more years with President Donald Trump. You know I really believe that. Look, I'll just throw it out as a general question, what do you what do you think of the twenty four people running for you know, the nomination, and you know, I'll let you take it wherever you want to go. I don't know, I I uh, you know, we we like all of them, I mean not mean really and truly we got it. You got Bernie. That's the greatest answer ever. Go ahead, we love all of them. Yeah, I mean seriously, it's it's a you know, it's an embarrassment or riches because either you've got people that are running as socialist or sprinting as fast as they can to the left to embrace a socialist agenda, or or you got folks that are saying that's what they're I mean, you know, I mean, honestly, this is going to be such a clear choice. The stakes have never been higher, but the choice has never been clearer. And it's it's something the President I are going to say over and over again. Our vision is for more freedom. Their vision is for more government. I mean, we're about empowering the American people to realize their dreams. They're about empowering bureaucrats and growing the size and scope of government and things like Medicare for all and the Green New Deals. So whoever, whoever is their standard bearer, we know what they're going to be running on, and it's the same tired, failed liberal policies of the past. We're going to fight to continue to move this country forward on all the policies of President has been advancing. I tell you what, I can't wait to get out there on the campaign. I know, you know the thing that I'm happiest about more than anything else, you know, I love the fact that the President never gives up. You know, like, for example, you know, he never get He does the emergency declaration because he can't get legislation from the Democrats that are just full of rage and they want the five hundredth investigation into their conspiracy theories. And he gets it. He gets a court ruling, he gets the money, he gets more than he thought he'd get, and then he says to Mexico, I'm gonna put a tariff on you, and guess what, Mexico. He didn't even have some Republicans on his side, and he still won that. And but I'm most happy about energy independence and the fact that we now have the best job market since nineteen sixty nine, I don't even know if you're alive in nineteen sixty nine. In nineteen sixty nine, the Mets won the World Series. I mean, I love that because those are real people having real opportunity to really better their lives, which is what I've had happened in my life, and I'm so blessed to have it. Well that that's exactly right, and it's it's going to be. You know, on election night twenty sixteen, there whenever it was four in the morning, um, you know, when when the President elect stood up and spoke, he said his ambition was to be president for all Americans. And that's going to be part of what I say tonight. I want to. I want to. I want to say to every American that's looking on from Afar that you know, if you know, if you're better off today than you were three years ago, if if you like having a president that fights for you every day, will always put America first at home and abroad, then I'm going to tell people to join us. Because there's I mean, honestly, this is you understood it early on. People around this this Amway Center today already know it or part of it. But this is not so much a political campaign. This is a movement, and it's a movement of the American people that knew we could be strong again. They knew we could be prosperous again, they knew we could be safe again. And that's that's what President Trump gave voice to in twenty sixteen, and that's the message we're going to carry all the way to the checkered flag on election Day twenty twenty. You know, people ask me, now, I'll tell you my answer, if did you tell me yours what would you tell people about the president that you would want people to know that you think people don't know? Well, when I tell people who ask me, yeah, sometimes people will say, what's he really like? Now I get the question about me too. I know. I tell people you ever watched a rally? They say yeah, and I say, that's what he's really like. He is literally the same person in the Oval office as he'll be at the podium tonight. He speaks to the American people the same way that he speaks to our team, the same way that he speaks to visiting heads of state, the same way that he speaks to members of Congress. What you see is what you get. I think that's the reason why you know, you saw Mexico step forward as quickly as they did. Right now, Mexico has done more in the last ten days to help secure our border than the Democrats in Congress have done in the last ten years. I think the reason they responded, because I was in on those negotiations, was because they knew this is a president who says what he means, and means what he says. You know, there's no pretense about it. And I think that authenticity is what connected to the American people in twenty sixteen. It's connected every day since, and I believe it's going to carry the day in twenty twenty. I tell people the exact same thing that you do, and I add one thing. I've never met anybody more fearless and more courageous. Look at Israel, you know, go on, look at the capital Jerusalem. I mean, he will do what he promises and fight and fight and fight, and he doesn't care. And I love that about him. And by the way, you are right there by his side every day helping him. Mister Vice President will be watching tonight. By the way, the President will be on with me on Wednesday night, that's why I'm not down there. But don't tell anybody. Have a great now We'll be watching and covering it live on Fox News. Mister Vice President, thank you for helping the people this country have a better, safer, more secure, stronger economy and jobs and everything else. We needed this badly, Thank God. And yeah we need four more years. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Sean. Great to be with you, and thanks thanks for all you do for the cause and for the country. I have to tell you we are making America great again. Coming up next, our final news round up and information overload our two thirty a m. We got here. This valley is a big one. This is the mother of all rallies. To night. Melanie is going to be here, His whole family is going to be here, the first lady, the second lady, Vice President Mike Pence will be here, and it's a big announcement for twenty twenty. I was second in line in the Trump rally in Panama City and she was like fourth, So we met there. This time in history for our nation is critical because of the shape our country has been in for so long, because the fact that the politicians have put themselves so far above the people that our nation was about to fail, and if it wasn't for Trump, our nation would have already failed. But we're being attacked in so many different ways. We're all united. I mean I just talked to Democrats. I get along with them. But if you're go on, if you watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, they're just stirring the pot. And he's save in America. He loves this country. He loves us. He loves us like family, and we love him back like family. He wants to save the nation. Trump cares about America. He can't be bought. He's an American. He built America. He worked hard, and he's our president and I'm proud of him. And it's a critical time in history. If we don't all stand up, there's a good chance Lady Liberty won't make it. But that won't ever happen because we got Trump. I like to be up front and close and see him. I usually stand right in front of the podium when he comes out and they play that song Lead Greenwood and called the Tier the Goosebumps, and he's looking at us and he's pointing, he's winking. It's just an amazing feeling to be out of rally. Everybody should come experience a Trump rally. It's amazing feeling here. It's too great. Everybody's happy they're going to see Trump. Where like the first hundred line are better, thank you very much. Everybody's looking out for everybody. He's doing the right thing because he's looking out for the country. He's not looking out for the bureaucrats. He's looking out for us common people that work every day and have to pay the taxes and support all the people that are living off the taxes, and he's looking out for us. It really looking frump. We flew from Boston. We live in Cape con why'd you come all the way down here for this? Because we're Trumpsters. We love President Trump. I used to wait in line like this and hitchhike to Grateful Dead. That's what it reminds me of. My eye was there buttons. You'll have to look at the restaurant. I'm just keep turning, yeah, because I think they sat under butt for eight years whining them out Obama and then didn't have anything ready to go to correct things. So Trump supporter, but still wanting to hold the Republicans account absolutely. So the swamp still needs to be well, the swamp needs to be drained. Yes, absolutely, I think Mitch McConnell and a whole bunch of them are just covering their butts. And yeah, I hope a lot of the Republicans, I hope new ones get voted in. All right, that's from the rally. I mean it's amazing. Forty plus hours earlier, somewhat one hundred and fifty thousand people wanting to attend a little more than Joe Biden's eighty five people. Pretty unbelievable, and it's gonna be a big party tonight. And they literally were out in a pouring rain in Orlando yesterday. Anyway, glad you with US News round Up, Information Overload, our Sean Hannity Show. Kaylee McKinney, National Press secretary for the Trump twenty twenty campaign. Our friend Jeff Lord, author of Swamp Wars, Donald Trump and the New American Populism versus the Old Order. He is going to be in a bar drinking during this tonight. I don't know what the drinking game is, but welcome both of you. Kayleie. You're on the ground, you're in Orlando, you're with the crowd. How many people would you estimated there, Hey, Sean, Yeah, I'm here in the Amway Center now. It's safe to say there are tens of thousands. There are people everywhere. It started pouring rain. We made an inclement weather announcement. There are people standing out here with their umbrellas as you're hearing thunder, rain pouring down. It's incredible. This is psych excitements like nothing I've ever seen. People camping out for two blocks. Women they say there are female Trump reporters. Just what there are at Black Americans, Spanic Americans, people everywhere, and it's the excitement. You could feel it. Wow. And how many people would you say overall they're already? And how many people were camped out overnight? You know, we don't have an estimate for who's here now, but I would say it's safe to say tens of thousands here now waiting in lines of having a staff burned out to me, yes, tens of thousand. Last night, I would say there was about three quarters of a mile of people with tenth all lined up, sleeping out, loud, sleeping out there, ready to go, ready to go for the president in Rain. I kid you not in their tenth in rain. Wow, unbelievable. Now is it a party atmosphere? Is it a fun atmosphere? I mean, you get those Florida you know, late afternoon thunderstorms, but it actually it ends up cool in the place, off pretty good, and then it stops fairly quickly. Now I assume because you're connected, Kaylee mcinaney, and you are the national press Press secretary for Trump twenty twenty in the re election campaign, I'm assuming you're gonna have a pretty good seat tonight. I will, I will have a very good feed from a skybox here. But I can tell you this, the best feat is surrounded by these amazing supporters. It's a party atmosphere. Exactly like you said, there's fun. There's music outside. They were just playing three Birds from Leonard Skinners. And there has done other than Wallman, who made an appearance town. You'll remember Hiving in his brick law suits. So a pretty exciting night for us. Wow And all right, So Jeff Lord, by the way, very early on knew that Trump phenomenon was happening, and thus he had his first best selling book, tell us what your plans aren't tonight? Because you're cracking me up I have to work on obviously, but go ahead. I just knew I had to pass this on to Trump supporters here are gathering. They've taken over a tavern here in the little borough of New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, and there's it's a watch the speech party and it's gotten so large now that they've had the issue tickets to this event. But believe me, this is a central Pennsylvania version of what Kayley is seeing. I mean, these people are really ginned up about President Trump and they're gonna, you know, turn out and support him. This is just over the border. One of the sponsors of this is that York Republicans York County, which is adjacent to us here, and I spoke there a while ago, and before I went down to speak, I took a look at twenty sixteen returns. Your county gave Donald Trump sixty three percent of the vote and played a real role in carrying Pennsylvania for him. So, in other words, these are the same folks and they are turning out and they're getting ready to do it again. Wow, unbelievable. And you know when I told you that story that you know in Pennsylvania, the jobs are so in abundance that they're literally having job fairs in prison. We didn't make that up. That's really happening. Oh, absolutely, it's happening. I can't tell you. Every time I drive around here, I see now hiring signs. I go into stores and they're hiring for this, they're hiring for that. It is all over the place and around In fact, I saw a sign just the other day for a job fair around here. So absolutely this is a very big deal and people get it for sure. Well, I think it's obvious. I mean again, when you compare and contrast, you know, when you compare, you know, Kaylee, we could look at the size of crowds and you could see enthusiasm. That's what I see. And this is not just enthusiasm, this is passion. I was kidding around last night with Karl Rove and Ari Fleischer, and I said, you know, I would think that if Carl Rove played guitar, and you know, like maybe Jimmy Page of Zeppelin or Jimmy Hendricks, and then he had let's say Ari Fleischer could play the piano like Elton John and and piano man himself, Billy Joel And let's say I could sing like Roger Daltrey. I don't think we'd have crowds that big waiting for us the night before. I just don't. Yeah, I don't think so. There's been nothing like this in modern political history. I mean, think about this, more than one hundred thousand RSVPs. That is absolutely incredible. Compare that to Joe Biden eighty five person crowded Sean. You know, these aren't just any people either, are hard working Americans. I can tell you a veteran who got out of intensive care after two weeks of being in intensive care, argued with his doctor, his wife's help, he's got to go. He's got to camp out the night before the Trump rally. Camped out the night before the Trump rally. And he said he's doing that because he picked up the phone called the VA hotline. I'm Laura Trump called him back. There's another lady today I met too, cut out of the hospital. A we could go coming up in our wheelchair through the rain. These are people who have passion exactly like you said, Wow, unbelievable. You know, and look at what Biden. You know, we did see something. I hate to admit this, whether true or not. I mean, the whole hope and Change Obama movement. And I tried to be the voice of reason and actually do some real vetting of this guy. But from my perspective, you know, I'm just you know, blown away by the fact that people don't think this enthusiasm factor matters. And we talked to posters yesterday, Jeff Lord on the program, John Jim McLaughlin, and Matt Towery, and they're like, yeah, it matters. Donald Trump does not pull like any other political figure in history. Well, that's right. I was listening yesterday and they were they were spot on. I have a column on this at the American Spectator this morning, and I opened it Sean with I mean, here they are trying to project that five hundred some od days before this election, Donald Trump is going to lose to this that or the other Democrat. And I put a link in the very opening of my column to a New York Times story that when it was posted at ten twenty election morning, twenty sixteen, and the headline was Hilly Clinton has an eighty five percent chance of winning the election. And they've incited all of these polls, I mean, and they were just totally wrong. And here they go again. Yeah, and here they go again. You know, I think also to the president could take a pretty big victory lap here. And I gave out all those statistics in twenty sixteen and even earlier about how bad the Biden Obama years are, and it's really, are you better off than you are four years ago? It comes down to that the answer. We have the best employment situation in those country since nineteen sixty nine, the biggest tax cuts we've had in history, the single biggest number of instances where deregulation has taken place at an astronomical pace. We now have literally two million more jobs than we have people on unemployment, record law unemployment. When you break it down demographically, Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth ONPOY, it's never been better. And America is stronger than it's ever been before. So where do you run and say, well, I'm gonna I hate Trump or Joe Biden mentions Trump seventy six times in a day. Does that have any impact either one of you? Well, yeah, I think it does have an impact. I mean, one of the things that's going to be key here if in fact, this does turn out to be Joe Biden as the nominee. He's going to have to defend the Obama years, all of it, and he's going to be tagged with it big time. And you can bet that the president, President Trump will not let him get away with it, right, No, I know, I don't think so either. I mean I actually can't. I don't know who it's gonna be. I don't think Joe Biden. Maybe I'm wrong, Kaylie. I don't see any energy in him. I don't see any excitement about him. I see that he's like trying to get some energy and he's trying to dig down deep, but he just doesn't have it. I don't see that he has any charisma at all. He has none. And it was so interesting this week. Last week's rather to watch the two shot of Joe Biden him President Trump, and you have President Trump up there off the cost being real, being authentic, being the person who won the presidency because he spoke from the heart, and you have Joe Biden trying to muster enough energy to make it through a primary, staring down at his sheet as he reads off criticisms of President Trump. He of course had seventy six of them. He's reading them off of a piece of paper. Bill energy, Joe charisma, bill passion, and certainly no authenticity. Those were scripted, Those were written, Those were poltested focus group points, just like Hillary Clinton didn't work the first time. I'll tell you what helps you know? And I got to take a break more with Kaylee mcinanny. She's down in Orlando. This is gonna be a huge rally tonight. It starts at eight. I'm sure it'll bleed into my hour at nine on Fox, and of course we'll have full coverage thereafter. Right as we continue, Kayley mcinaney's the National Press Secretary Trump twenty twenty campaign is down in Orlando. Crowd's massive already and they have been. I want to see what the crowd outside is going to be like tonight. You have well over one hundred, one hundred and fifty thousand people wanting to go, people lining up forty plus hours before the president's announcement tonight. And as Kayley has been describing, it's also like a fun party atmosphere. It's sort of like a how do you despect? Maybe it's sort of like, you know, before a football game, and you're you know, what do you call it with them? You're you're out tailgating. Yeah, see how I went to college. Yeah, that's right. This is the big the ESPN game day. You could imagine food trucks outside, live music. We're about to go live on the President's Facebook. And look, this is just exciting outside. There's no doubt it's gonna be a party outside. Someone asked me how long is the tailgate going on? It's about forty five. That's it's going all night. I mean, this is the enthusiasm. People are so pumped that President Trumps announcing his reelection. I had one woman tell me I don't want to become a US citizen under President Obama. I changed my mind. I'm a citizen right now. Just got my citizenship thanks to President Trump. That he's out there celebrating, that's awesome. And you know, so you're gonna be drinking. What's your drink? A choice? Jeff Lord just curious. Oh, I'll have to do the white wine here. I've long ago past those days. You know what we'll do next time, Jeff and Kaylee is we'll have Sean at the next Trump rally and he can get up on stage and sing. So then we'll have that. We'll have that, we would do it. And you know what he sings best is Charlie Daniels. So as Charlie Daniels to come to the rally. If you've ever seen Sean sing, it's it's just a wonder, you know what, you really love it. By the way, she saw that performance at a party. As I've seen you recalling, I think you did there. Jeff, well done, sir, very well done. You know, I don't even know what to say here. I gotta tell you you but you know, anyway, have a good time. We'll be looking for you in the massive crowd indoors. Kaylee mcinanty tonight, and Jeff Lord, congrats on the new book. By the way, we have it up on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. Swamp Wars Donald Trump and the New American Populism versus the old order both very key, very instrumental, battling back against the medium mob, and they frankly both deserve medals of Freedom of the time. Thank you, son, and I will raise a glass to you and the President and d group I had a group of volunteers say last night where Sean Hannity, He's our hero. We want him here. Lawrence Jones is down there being a rock star. I don't know if you've caught up with him yet, but he's having the time of his life. He want your hear well, I'm gonna be out on the campaign trail. Tell everybody letting out their their little hearts be troubled. They'll be sick of seeing me by the end of the campaign. All right, quick, quick break, Well come back, we'll continue. And on the other side, the great Hatie Hopkins and Rose Tenant all straight ahead. Stand that I and other progressives will face massive attacks from those who attempt to use the word socialism as a slur. But I should also tell you that I have faced and overcome these attacks for decades, and I am not the only one. Now, let us be very clear. While President Trump and his fellow oligoques attack us for our support of democratic socialism, they don't really oppose all forms of socialism. They may hate democratic socialism because it benefits working people, but they absolutely corporate socialism that it riches Trump and other billionaires. Our job, seventy five years later is to complete what Roosevelt started and that is why today I am proposing a twenty first century economic Bill of rights, a bill of rights that establishes one send for all, that every American, regardless of his or her income, is entitled to the right to a decent job that pays a living wage, the right to quality healthcare, the right to a complete education, the right to affordable housing, the right to a clean environment, and the right to a secure retirement. As you know, the taxes in many of those countries are much higher than they are in the individual personal tax, much higher than they are in the state. But I suspect that a lot of people in this country would be delighted to pay more in taxes if they had health if they had comprehensive healthcare as a human right. Uh yeah, okay, twenty four now till the top of the hour. Gladuate with US eight hundred and nine for one. Sean told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, everything's free. Well, we've tried this everywhere in the world. It never works, It never were. It is the single biggest lie that governments perpetuate, and they literally every single time. It ends up that the few, the rich, the power hungry. They use false promises, play on people's fears that everything in their life is going to be handled. They never can ever deliver what they promise, but they do great that that's how that story would ever end in this country. And meanwhile, we have now, for the first time in what forever, we're energy independent, and which would literally lift the standard of living of every American to levels we'd never dreamed of. If we now produce the energy that we're capable of producing, we are the world's biggest reserves natural gas, oil, coal. Look at the phenomenon in Pennsylvania, you know, really job fairs in jail because we don't have enough workers. When do you get out, we want to hire you. I had never heard of that before. So good luck to you know, creepy, sleepy, crazy uncle Joe Win in Pennsylvania joining us now. It's so great to have her back in studio. I can't believe it. Um Katie Hopkins from across the Pond is visiting. Well, that means that there's gonna be some restaurant bar tonight that is going to be very loud with Linda and Katie Hopkins and Rose Tenant. By the way, who is our friend from PA in Pittsburgh and longtime friend of the program, and good to see you all. How y'all, what are you doing here from across the mall. We're gonna trouble, I think now I'm here, Sean, causing trouble in the States, as you can rely on me, and there's clear that you just played there. I mean, really, we are not all equal. Some people are less deserving than others. We have to accept some people on this planet need to be introduced to their own reflection in a mirror. These are the sort of people that Bernie Sanders thinks we're equal to, and frankly we're not. Some people are just stupid. A third of the UK has an IQ less than eighty. I am not the same as them, and I don't want to be included with them. And these sort of socialists always pull everybody down to the lowest common denominator and that's not good enough for me, and I find it as dounding Sean. If you don't mind that the continued failures of socialism are completely ignored or now it's being replaced by a new narrative. They're calling it democratic socialism, and there's no such thing. As democratic socialism. I mean, your first election under democratic socialism will be your last free election. And he knows it and we know it, but unfortunately the masses, as Katie just mentioned, do not know it. And when we talk about how this is so appealing to the millennials, it makes sense, doesn't it, because over responsibility in the first place, right, love a government that's going to take our responsibility for everything. What's the best way, the fastest way to turn someone from being a democrat, you know, ask them to get a job and pay tax here and suddenly they wake up and go it's not quite as much fun as I thought. But Sean, would you like to be treated under the British National Health Service socialized? Well, let me ask you, my British friend, is that your best British accent? Because the gobby one says it's terrible. The gobby one chill out and um, you know, you know what happens is you have these the royalty and we is this your? Is this your? And they curtsy and there's Katie please stop on Pakistan. I can't work it out better. I can do a better, Lenda, you know, lend really well do it. I can do a better Lenda than you. I can do a Linda. Sean, what why are you talking about? Tw what's like this? Let the women talk? Shout up for what Sean? We basically have British Linden in the studio today anyway, So what do you want to say? What's your point? Point is? Linda is more like this though, Sean? How are you doing? Listen? We gotta go to the calls and I'll say, where are broadcasting from Singapore? No? No where where Singapore. We're in Singapore. I'm like, do you know, Sean, they're not allowed chewing gum in Singapore, that's how tightly. Yeah, you're not allowed East SIGs there either, but we snuck them in. Now that we're out of them, we can you know, admit, there are a whole bunch of jewels in my pocket. Rose Tenant, the voice of reason. Now, Rose, The thing is is everybody becomes Linda's best friend, which is really Lindy Ith. Here we go ahead, tell the world how much you love like I do as there's something about her that is so unique and you know it, Sean, you just hate to admit it, but this girl she is when she's your friend, my God, no one can get in your way and nobody's going to take you down. Don't never end up on or a hate list, because you're gonna get a five inch heel on your neck until literally it perforates. We don't do anything half fast. Everything is a commitment fast, so we're consistent. We're consistent. Did that without moving half face? How many people, by the way, um, how many people, by the way know that Linda can get really mad and has a hate list everybody. I call her to find out if somebody I'm wonder, I'm no news, no Sean. When I want to check someone out, I called Linda first. I'm sorry, I do I trust her? What do you mean? Check them out? If they're cool, if they're legit, I'll call her. Yeah. And when you're in England, you called Katie, And when I'm in England, I'll call yeah. By the way, I don't even know what I've read that you got in serious trouble and I have no idea what it was about. What did you do now? Because I remember years ago I interviewed you, Katie, and you, oh, yeah, the British authorities wanted to take my children. I'm like, what, Yes, So basically, if you speak out against the narrative, I'm sure you don't understand that at Fox. But if you speak out against the narrative that you're allowed to no, no, I understand it. Well, yeah, it was a little wink and a nod that one. But if you speak out against the narrative that you're allowed to say, basically, the state comes after you. And my British government after g Hardy has tried to behead me for speaking out against certain things that we shan't mention here. The British government even commissioned a play called The Assassination of Katie Hop Can remember that? Yeah, so they really go for you. So I'm just generally naughty. But the thing I'm in trouble for right this second is that Trump retweeted one of my tweets where I was just explaining Mayor of London is stant is simply useless. So Trump retweeted that, and of course now everybody's having a complete fit in the UK. I'm the worst person on the planet. They're trying to remove my home, my kids, whatever, because Trump agreed with me once. So yes, that's why I've been naughty now, because I'm a friend of Trump. You know what do you mean by what does naughty mean? But you did mention yes, naught Trump, that's yes, it's naughty to support Trump in the UK? Do you know what they did? Sure? Do you know they did? What did they do? Kiddie? Stop speaking you know urdu and just be sent what they did in the UK and Bami we have to pay for the BBC our state propaganda agent. Right they took the Trump balloon, they remodeled one and they put it in the BBC studio. You know that is the level of disrespect the British government and the state have for the office of the President of the United States. And I cannot tell you how emotional it makes me to be back here, to see your flag flying strong, and just even to be at the airport and listen to you guys saying service personnel, you are welcome to board. First, we thank you for your service. You know it's enough. It just set me crying in Newark Airport. I look like the mad woman who's been laughing at the rain. It's just an emotional thing for me to be an American. And I can't tell you your first and second in a moment, your Constitution, your president. There's never been a more important time for you and Trump and the work that you do. I genuinely mean that, Olaf, You're awesome. And you know what, Katie, what's interesting too is your country. I mean, it was tyranny that we escaped that and now we find that the horse stet You know, when tyranny come. Now, tyranny comes to America, it's going to be riding a horse called freedom or fairness, and it's not. And PJ Media has a great article out today that Mayor Pete wants to free us from freedom, my god, and that's exactly what it's all about. And when so when we see tyranny coming back to America, it's gonna be riding a horse called fairness. And don't and listen, Mayor Pete. He just doesn't tip his hand, but he's just as dangerous as Bernie Sanders. We don't have all the lights that we have of Bernie Sanders, but Mayor Pete he just like Obama, he is not going to show his hand. But I think he's even more dangerous. He's as far left as any hardcore socialist out there. I'm just gonna says by the way, it's a disaster. I never get any points for being straight, like I'm a straight white Chris gin for that. Okay, I just like some because they get loads of points for being anything. So I'm just going to score ten for those. I would score you a ten regardless. Yeah, okay, I would definitely say she's a ten. Yes, window agrees. So one, do you want to talk about my health service or not? Or do you want to the problem is that if you need a hip replacement or a near replacement and your life expectancy you've lived beyond it, they say no, tell me if that's true or false. Absolutely true. You know, a six month waiting list if you want an operation or any kind of procedure, and if you want a new hip now and you're over a certain age, they won't do it because you're not worth it. And they won't help people who are blind to be able to see if you're over the age of sixty five, because you're not worth it. That is what you've got coming here with socialized healthcare. People think it's this kind of panacea for health. I tell you, it's wait list, it's cues, and mind you, you know, healthcare is not a right. It's a privilege, and it's a privilege that America used to do very well well, used to it as a good point, you know. I mean, it's pretty unbelievable to me that we want to go that, you know, we follow, or how anyone could trust the government. The government's saying everything's going to be free. By the way, you can't get your own healthcare anymore. We're gonna have Medicare for all, and yet Obamacare keep your doctor, keep your plans, save money, everybody paid more, millions lost their doctors and plans. I mean, why would anyone have any faith in these idiots in government? I don't know's it's so true. You know what I'd love to see as an advert, a sort of presidential advert where you have juxtaposed against those guys Bernie and the other saying free Medicare for all, and then show your border force fans bringing the migrants in in McCallan to the Catholic charities there. You know, free healthcare for all means free healthcare for half of South America as well right now. And that's a very dangerous thing for an American taxpayer. It is a dangerous thing, you know. I do have you know? We should really be learning a lot from Great Britain roles, don't you think? I mean they so? I mean that's that's how this country was. A Staikins could teach Hannity a thing about basic personal hygiene for status. What you don't like the way I dress? I think he's the best looking guy on radio. And the pants are getting high? Why are you insulting me? Like? I don't know why. I just think I'm just saying I want you to have a lower pant, A lower punt, lower pump? What does that mean? Lower on the ankle, lower on the hip, not lower on the ankle, although that's also true because it's higher, it's higher, because that's are you little thing that he wears mom pants? I'm saying that as men get older, they typically dye their hair the wrong shade of black and they lift their packs. I've never died to take a stand. I'm sorry, maybe I've never I never have a high pant. You have a hYP What is the high pump? Me? Your listeners know, your listeners know they're with me on this hand Singapore, and tell me what is the high pant? Just basically something that happens to men of a fifty. It's a mom Jean where essentially you move things to a certain side to lift your pants a little higher. Okay, slow down, everybody, Slow down, everybody? Can I just say something, Linda, Am I not in the best shape all the years you've known me? By the way, I think. I think what we should really talk about is Kami Hawkins impersonation of view. I can see I am going to concede. This half hour radio that will go down in the history is one of the few I've lost completely control, any control a little bit, but it's just so funny, all right, Hannity Tonight, ninety eastern Fox News President's Big announcement Orlando. Massive crowds inside and outside the arena. We will have full and complete coverage, and our own Lawrence Jones is on the ground. We'll have him and the latest. We have breaking News with Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch if we can get it in, and John Solomon has Breaking News ninety Eastern Hannity the President Round two, and we'll see it tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow, as always, thank you for being with us.

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