Kayleigh McEnany, Fox News Contributor and former White House Press Secretary, is here to discuss her new book, For Such a Time as This: My Faith Journey through the White House and Beyond, out tomorrow.
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Day number one fourteen. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. All right, News round Up, Information overload, Your calls coming up eight hundred and nine for one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. One job I don't think anybody would ever want in the White House is being the press secretary. And we happen to be friends with a number of ex press secretaries Ari Fleischer for example, Sarah Sanders, our friend Kaylee mcinanny, who is going to join us in a minute. You know, look at Jansaki. The difference is if you're representing somebody like President Trump or George Bush, you know you're getting a living crap beat out of you every day. But you know, if you represent a liberal Democrat, somebody like Joe Biden, except if you if your name is Peter Doocey, You're not going to get a tough question. It's just how sycophantic the medium mob is. First, they allowed Joe to hiding his basement bunker throughout the entire campaign without asking questions. Joe hid, they helped him hide, And then of course now it's the Presidential Protection program and he rarely talks to anybody, and when he does, he mumbles and stumbles and is an incoherent mess and a cognitive you know, struggling week for rail president. That's an embarrassment. Anyway, here's Jensaki. She has to clean up the mess of Joe Biden. And she's also told a number of whoppers herself. She couldn't get out of the mess last week when Peter Doocey said, well, this is what Joe Biden said in the debate. If two and twenty thousand Americans die from COVID, they should no longer be president. Well, since Joe's been president, three hundred and fifty five thousand Americans have died of COVID. We have more people dead from COVID this year twenty twenty one than last year election year twenty twenty. It's pretty sad and unbelievable. Of course, then she'll lie and she'll say stuff like, oh, we don't need to test the illegal immigrants. They get preferential treatment, no vaccine mandates for them because they're not going to be here very long. We know that's a lie too, and she spins in the meet. It gives her a pass. Anyway, here is jen Saki and just I mean, it's laughable. Listen, there certainly is not an open border as individuals. As individuals come across the border and they are both assessed for whether they have any symptoms. If they have symptoms, they are the intention is for them to be quarantined. That is our process. They're not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time. I don't think it's the same thing. It's not the same thing. Better will not add a dime to the national days, correct, it won't go ahead? What if tax is that he says you want to get more time? Is what if the economical solar lots of things going to happen. What are you you're gonna tell from their future generations not even born yet that they're out in the book for this? Is that right? That's right? Okay? Following up by something else the president said last night, why did President Minds say he has been to the border? Well, Peter, as you may have seen, there's been reporting that he did drive through the border, and he was on the campaign trail in two thousand and eight. It was crystal fear that things were not improving. One people couldn't get swapshers, and furniture and treadmills delivered on time, not to mention all sorts of other things. So why is the tragedy of the short the treadmill that's delayed? The tragedy of the treadmill? You know, Santa Claus, Well, you should have bought your Christmas gifts by Halloween. If you didn't, it's your fault. When your kids are crying Christmas morning that their favorite toys not under the tree and Santa disappointed them. Blame Santa, Blame the ups, Blame fed X, bring the blame the postal Service, Blame Donald Trump. Kaylee mcinanny has a brand new book out today and I've gotten an early copy of it and I've read it and it's a phenomenal book. It's on Hannity dot com, Amazon book dot com and bookstores everywhere. Anyway for such a time as this my faith journey through the White House and beyond, Kaylee, h you had a rough time in the White House. I mean, think about it. There you are at the podium, You're communicating with the American people. You know, we have the worst pandemic since nineteen seventeen and eighteen. Not an easy assignment. No not an easy assignment, not made any easier by a lying press corps. And I don't say that lightheartedly. I went into the job wanting to have a good relationship with the press, but knowing, as any conservative does, that that would likely be impossible, and that proved to be the case. I mean, I do a whole chapter called vindication all the fake news headlines that have been disproven that, you know, Trump ignored bounties on the heads of American troops in Afghanistan, That was a lie. Trump gassed and pummel protesters to take a photo out of church Saint John's Church, that was a lie. The Infectives General found that out. You know, Trump saying that COVID might have originated at the Luhan Institute of Virology, which now looks likely. But we were told that was just an outright life from Trump. It was not. It was actually probably where it originated from. I mean, narrative after narrative. I would tell reporters this isn't true, but they write the story anyway. Seohn, the prise, surprise. You know what some people may not know about you. One thing we do have in common is I've had twelve years of a Catholic school. Education. You went to a Catholic all girls high school. I went to a Catholic all boys high school. One of the big differences. You ended up at Harvard Medical School and I ended up in front of a microphone. So I'm not sure who did better, but I mean it's a very impressive background. And you know your book is you know, My Faith Journey through the White House and Beyond. One of the things I noticed that you would do is you'd go into that briefing room every day armed with a binder full of facts and on every single topic imaginable. And I can only imagine the work that went behind that. Yeah, a lot of work. I mean, look, my time at Harvard Law and Oxford and Georgetown definitely prepared me to, you know, have that binder talk fool where by the way, reporters there was a camera behind me. The camera would take pictures of my binder, and CNN literally put out headlined decoding the mysteries of Kaylee mckinnanny's binder, and they tried to discern what the cabs were. I wish we would have done a headcake and made the tabs stead of like COVID and therapeutics, you know, John Carl, Caitlin Colin. It would have been a funny headfake for the press. But look when I stood at that podium, if you saw any sort of peace, serenity, confidence in me, it did not come from my preparation at all the universities. It came from faith in Christ. We prayed every time before I went to the podium. It's the last thing I did. And look, it took everything within me not to last out at the press at times. And the only reason I was able to stand there is because a lot of Christians across the country praying. You know, it's interesting. I've said this to Aria, I've said it to Sarah Sanders, I've said it to you. I could not do that job because I can't stand those people. In all the years I've been at Fox Now in my twenty sixty year believe it or not, and all the years i've been on radio thirty three years now, I've never been to a White House correspondence didner And people ask me, why haven't you ever gone. I'm like, because I don't like them and they don't like me. So let you know, let's get rid of all the pretense here, and when you're dealing with somebody like President Trump, it's a more difficult task. And as much as he's not the easiest guy to speak for, because he's so outspoken himself and spent more time with the press than I think any president in the modern error, Yeah, but the one thing with President Trump is he was authentic. And I talked about in the book being a meeting where everyone in the meeting, or at least half of the folks in there, Kelly Ann included, myself, included Bill Barr, included that him, mister President, maybe you want to get out of this Obamacare lawsuit. It's timed around the election. This isn't the best thing to be doing in the middle of COVID nineteen. And the President looked at me, and I'll never forget him looking straight at me and saying, Kaylee, I stand with my base, and I always will, and I'll stand by the promises I made on the campaign trail. So while yes, he was throw a curveball here and there, I always knew where he stood and it was right exactly where he was on the campaign trail. And I think he's one of our first Republican presidents that's really been that way. So it was an honor to work Tim. See, I think that's what to find the Trump presidency. Let's go through the issues. He gave us a list of Supreme Court justices he choose from. He stuck to that list. He said he'd cut taxes. He did. He said he would eliminate burdensome bureaucracy. He did. He said that he would, you know, bring us energy independence. He accomplished that, a massive accomplishment. He said he would get control of the borders. He built five hundred plus miles of border wall. He wanted free or fair or trade deals, he got them. He wanted us out of foreign conflicts, and he was in the process of doing it safely, in in a smart way, with the threat of obliterating the talent ban until Joe Biden botched it. So he really did keep his promises. But I don't think there's ever been a president in my lifetime that I can think of that's been as hated by the media as this one. Yeah, to he held him accountable. I mean, that's that's with the capital a. You know, he wasn't afraid to fight back against them. Most of the publican presidents them is to go in, be silent, take the hits, take the job, don't fight back. This president did fight back, and as you know, Sean, you know, you get to swamp edc and the establishment to foreign policy establishment on the academics say you can't do this. You can't get out of the Paris Climate Accords, you can't get out of the Round Nuclear Deal. If they did that with President Trump, and every time he looked him dead in the eye and said, watched me, and he did it. And it's why I think he's the most successful president in my lifetime. We'll see what happens in twenty twenty four. You have a good feeling sense you know him as well as anybody, that he runs again. If I had to guess, I would say yes, Sean. You know, he says, you're going to be very happy with my decision, and I can't believe by that he means happy with the decision for him not to run. So I think he'll be out there, but we'll see coming quick. You know, it really is tell us more about your background that gave you the strength to go through all of this, and faith is obviously a big part of your journey. And a big part of your life. As I get older, my faith is more Portland and it's ever been. I know that there is a God, a creator. You can't look at the majesty of creation and universes within universes within universes in my mind and determine anything other than that there is, you know, something far greater, more powerful than us, that is a creator of all things. And I believe that. I believe in heaven, I believe in Hell, and I believe you know those things I did learn in Catholic school, and they mean more to me today than ever tell us about. You know you're young and you've embraced this faith from a pretty young age. In other words, I got in a lot more trouble and when I was younger than you did. I doubt that's John. I'm sure you were a choirboy. But no, Kaylee, I can promise you I was not a choirboy. I don't believe it for a second, son, But I'll take you at your word. But look, I grew up in a Southern Baptist church, as you noted, I went to an overalls Catholic school. And you know your parents tell you to believe something or want you to believe something. But I discovered it for myself out in the real world when the going got tough. It's funny how Jesus Christ speaks. If you speak for him, he will answer you. And for me, that was taking a job as press secretary. I was nervous. I was petrified, and my dad texted me, maybe you were made for such a time as this. That's the words from the Book of Esther. And separately, in apart from that, a few weeks later, a Democrat commentator by the name of Van Jones, who you may know, texted me, Kaylee, maybe you were made for such a time as this and happened to me oftentimes in life and oftentimes in the hardest parts of life. That God will send me a message twice through two different ways, through two different people, but the exact same message. And I know he's real. I know he's out there. I believe more than the sky is blue and the grass is green, that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. And if you read this book you'll see how He's worked through my life. I'll never forget watching you and poor Jeff Lord and another friend of the program being tortured at times nine against one on these fake news CNN panels, and I just couldn't believe it. That's an interesting story though, about for such a time as this and the title of where it came from and what it means to you. These are troubled times, but I sense that, you know, Joe Biden in eleven months has proven to the world he's not up to this job. And I think I never I wrote a book last year warning people, live for your die. America in the world on the brink. We're now on the brink. I wish we weren't, but we are. We are on the brink on every single front. It's terrifying. And you know, we don't often talk about foreign policy, but when you look at Russia on the border of Ukraine and China and researching, investing in hypersonic missiles in North Korea, all of a sudden firing off rockets themselves. I mean, we're in a very dangerous, very scary place. And what's the Biden Ministry has to doing? Your President Biden's going to get accolades, that Kennedy Center a standing ovation. He's going to his billionaire friend's house for Thanksgiving, as the world is crumbling. I mean, it's totally stick in the head. And his cheep of staff were sitting there complaining saying, Donald Trump got better media coverage than we did. What a joke, what a farce, What an absolutely pathetic way to be, particularly as Americans can't even afford gas many Americans and Christmas presents for their kids, and they're out there partying, it seemed, and totally ignoring the plight of the American people. Quick break, we'll come back. We'll continue eight hundred and nine for one Sean if as we continue with Kaylee mcinaney, and as we continue with Kaylee mcinaney, she has her brand new book out today. It's on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere, and it's called for such a time as this, My Faith Journey through the White House and Beyond. A couple of unknown facts about Kaylee mcinaney. One is you once interned to the Fox News channel and you worked on a particular program there known as Hannity. I did. That was my first internship at Fox. I remember you were so nice to me, Sean, you even threw me a little party before I left. I'll never forget that. I was just mesmerized by you and Alan Colmes at the Kennedy and now of course Kennedy. But yeah, it was my first internstip and you even signed a coffee mus for me on my way out. I have it displayed here in my house in a curio case. Oh my gosh, I can't believe that's still in existence. Another unknown fact is your husband's a professional baseball player. That's right. And President Trump loved that. He would always bring it up to me, and one time he even told me as we were landing on Marine one on the White House lawn, he said, go into my private dining room in my oval office and go watch her husband pitch. And by the way, never missed another one of his baseball games. So that's exactly right. My husband pitched with the Mets in the World Series and had a great career, and it's been awesome to be a part of amazing. The book is phenomenal as well, and for such a time as this and at this time of the year in particular, it makes a great gift and also gives great wisdom my faith journey through the White House and beyond Now at Hannity Dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. Hayley, We're proud to have you at Fox. We wish all the best with the book, and we love having you on the show as often as you come. And we'll be talking hopefully after the new Year. And have a merry Christmas and a great new year. Thanks so much for our support. John eight hundred nine one, Shawn our number. You want to be a part of the program, your calls coming up straight ahead the news Sean Hannity Show talking about what's right for America with a renewed commitment to keep you up to date on the breaking news stories. All right, twenty five until the top of the hour. Let's hit our busy phones as we say hi to Bob is in North Carolina. What's up, Bob? Glad you called, sir, Hey Sean, thank you for taking my call, and thank you for being the patriot that you are and having a voice for US conservatives out there. Thank you very much, Thank you. What's going on? My son is in North Carolina University. He's in the Air Force RTC program and he got an email from his lieutenant commander about a week and a half ago saying that they have to get vaccinated by January thirty first. And my son has had COVID, as have I. He does not want to get vaccinated. He's unfortunately willing to leave the service because of that. But my question to you is, I know there's a lot of this going on around the country with every branch of the service. But you know, rather than me getting an attorney and sue in the army, which would be like, you know, spitting in wind, is there any kind of group I can you know join. It's called the Liberty It's called the Liberty Justice Center. We've had him on the program and they are helping a lot of people with these mandates. And as you can see now we were now three for three with court battles and stopping and putting a hold on at least temporarily the vaccine mandates of Joe Biden in terms of the constitutionality. So um. But they are helping people pro bono. I know that it's Liberty Justice Center. Will put a link on Hannity dot com. We put one up last week and you can go there and get started that way. It is expensive to hire attorneys. I get it. Believing great, great, Yeah, the email part of it had mentioned something about the Air Force RTC has um kind of an overage of members across the country and they're not willing to lose members, and that was very disheartening to see or to read something to that effect. But you know, he's a true patriot, just like you are. So he's We're doing ever they can and everything we can to fight. So see if they can't help you out, all right, and and keep us up to speed. We'll do that. Thank you, Joan. All right, buddy. Thanks Bob Bill in Connecticut, Sean Hannity Show, Hey Bill, how are you, Sean? How you doing good? Sir? All right? I just wanted to you are talking about Alec Balldman there the other day with him saying that he didn't pull the trigger. Most modern replica guns have a hammer block. The only way the block moves away to let the hammer hit the firing pin is by pulling the trigger. I was a small in repairman in the Army. I worked at a manufacturer here in Connecticut for a short time. I know guns, and if it's a period gun from the eighteen hundreds, the hammer's exposed, and normally you leave that on an empty chamber because you don't want to get shoot yourself from the foot. Well, for example, if you pull back the trigger and it doesn't lock in, and let's say you release it and you're aiming it at somebody, you would acknowledge that that weapon is capable of going off. Correct. Well, the hammer block stays in front of the hammer and prevents the hammer from hitting the firing pin. It should, you're right, but but it can result in a firing if you let go of the trigger before it locks down and gets cocked. Correct. Yeah, you could. He had his finger on the trigger. He had to get that hammer block out of the way, and that's the only way it can happen. Yeah. Look, it's just the whole thing is a nightmare, and a lot of it's not making sense at this point. No, it's not. And everything they're saying. I heard something about they had a problem putting the bullets into the chamber. They would do well when you reload, which I do, and you've tried to crimp that thing too tight. You bulge the cartridge a little bit and they're hard to get into the cylinder. And that's what's kind of I'm hearing these other things kind of flaky. You know when it comes to that, Yeah, look a lot. It's obviously he didn't have any knowledge of firearms. And she tells me to point here. She told me to point there. But I never point a gun at anybody. You feel responsible, No, not at all, not me. I did do anything wrong the gun. Yeah, and you know, it's so unfortunate. I'm trying to understand how it's possible that live ammunition gotten that gun in the first place, or why I was even on the set at that right there boggles my mind. I mean, you would never do that. I mean I was in the service. I was a safety range safety officer, you know, NCO. I had to keep an eye on to make sure people didn't need to make sure people didn't do something stupid and shoot themselves. And that's when, like rule number one, you don't have live ammo and any any weapons that you're going to be using, you know, as pretend. You know. I kind of like what George Clooney has said that I think it's responsible. This is simple gun safety one O one. Somebody's responsible for this. There is culpability here, There is liability here, whether or not it's criminal in any way. At this point, I just can't give a definitive no. Do I think a Alec Baldwin went to work that day thinking he was going to kill this woman. I have a real hard time believing that in any way, shape, manner, or form. But on the other hand, you know it, I'm pretty confident that Leo Terrell's analysis was dead on accurate. He went into that interview fully completely prepared. He memorized his lines. He is an actor. One has to raise the question that you know, was that a bit of a show that he put on? The dramatic music of ABC was nauseating during the whole thing. A woman died here, a mother, And I'm I have more questions now as a result of that interview than I had before the interview. I oh, I agree with that, because that was he was acting. That's what he does. And they're they're trying to get this somehow, some kind of a ploy where he won't get charged. It should be I mean, involuntary manslaughter. He gone, we'll see. I mean, it does make a lot of sense to me, and we need to get answers. The family deserves answers, the country deserves answers. Here. Oh yeah, obviously, all right, well, thanks Bill. Anyway, my friend, thank you for your expertise. For appreciate it. Tony is in Los Angeles on the Sean Hannity Show. Tony, how are you? I'm doing good. I just wanted to share my experience with COVID and monoclonal antibodies. Okay, so you got COVID, did you have a breakthrough case or were you not vaccinated? No? No, no, I'm not vaccinated. And this goes back in August and I was traveling from Florida back to Los Angeles, and most likely it was the Delta. I'm not one hundred of percent sure, but I didn't feel good, went for the test, came back positive. I was running about one hundred and three SIVERB. I was watching my oxygen fortunately the place where I had gone to or same Dave also doing a trial on a new monoclonal antibodies and they called me and asked me if I wanted to participate. So I haven't even heard of it. I mean, monoclonal antibodies are monoclonal antibodies. Is it just a different brand? Uh huh uh huh yeah? And oh can you can you tell us? Oh? You can't you might be under a non disclosure. No, No, I'm not. I'm not. It's uh, it's uh. It's called the pronunciation of it. It's so to V with MAB and it's a new one and it's done by um UM, two companies, Glaxol and veer and up in San Francisco, and actually so UH they were going to they pulled my name and it would say whether I would have an IV or I would just have it an injection. I came up with the I V and so it was a fifteen minute infusion, went home, went to sleep, woke up ten hours later, no fever, feeling great because the biggest problem that I was having I was watching my oxygen and that was okay, but the body aches were just I felt like, how many days after you tested positive did you get the infusion? Day two? You see, now I have friends again. I'm getting calls every day in my life because and because people know that I'm talking about this, but they're not taking notes. If you're in a car right now, you're not taking notes and saying mona clonal and the bodies you know, or I tend to use the word regenerons about the same amount of time. ELI Lily has their version of it that's very good as well. And but the purposes is what I've discovered is with all the talk about vaccines, nobody's talking about and started with Delta, people that weren't fully vaccinated, including very good friends of mine that test positive. Anyway, Now, if you were vaccinated so far, this science shows so far again variants change that your risk of hospitalization and death are greatly reduced. Okay, that's good, but you're still tested positive. And every single person that I know within the first forty eight hours, timing is key, if they get the infusion, if they get monoclonal antibodies. Where Genera and Eli Lily and maybe eventually the one you took part in a study of They've all told me the same exact thing. Every single one vaccinated breakthrough cases, every person taking it early is done well. And I have people with multiple comorbidities, you know, preexisting, serious preexisting conditions, even friends that are obese by definition, and this has been in every case. Now, I'm only speaking anecdotal, and I'm telling everybody talk to you doctor first. I'm not a doctor. I'm not going to play one on radio or TV. Um. But you are affirming everything I've heard from people that that get the infusion or the shot. I know people that have gotten both. Right, So well, listen to this. I you know, because I'm in this study. I go once a month, They draw blood, they do nasal swabs on me, they do um um saliva tests, and so for the next six months. You know, I've been going once a month for this. The first week I was going every day and then um uh. Worst part was the body aches uh and that was what in the fever, and that's what broke immediately. But what I've read recently because I'm so interested in what they gave me, is that they're saying that this is um this works against the new guy omicron yeah, uh huh and other variants. And now what they're doing is the same company is actually doing studies on giving it to people who don't have COVID but might you know, be at risk forgetting it as as a prophyloctic In other words, Well, first of all, let me let me applaud you. I mean, if it was me, I think I don't know for sure, but if it was me, I think my gut tells me I probably would have gone with the known and not the unknown, because I know from people so many different people that I know that that got the infusion. Now many people just getting the shop at the same results. I don't know if I would have been willing to take part of in a study because the risk is greater. But you did it, and you're helping science. You deserve a lot of credit for that, and more importantly, you feel better. I've had people describe it to me as almost immediately that they feel the antibodies go to war with COVID inside their body. They can feel the internal war and that almost immediately you know they know things have changed. And then usually no later than forty eight seventy two hours max. They're feeling a hell of a lot better in every case. But again, take it. These are people that I I'm telling get it early. Don't wait, well, guests, watch on everything. Can get your doctor approval. But go ahead. Yeah, I've been going to another place for testing for antibodies. It's been let me see, I got it in the beginning of August. I'm still showing that I have natural antibodies. Wow, well, listen, I'm infusion and my blood is still showing antibodies. Well, remember you're gonna have T cell antibodies that won't even be discernible if they take your blood and test it. Oh absolutely, but els are showing it. You know, it's almost I stand corrected. Yes, you're right, listen, I'm good for you. I look what I'm telling this audience remains the same. Take the sucker seriously. Even the early observations on amicroners it is it is more contagious, but the symptoms so far seem mild. And that's what we heard from South African medical professionals and people that first picked up on this. Anyway, that's the early indicator. But that means a lot more people will be testing positive breakthrough cases or people that didn't get vaccinated at that point, at least for this audience's sake. You know, I know it's not a word that's top of mind for most people. Mono clonal antibodies. You know, we should really do Linda's maybe put a link on the website now. But I also add this caveat. I'm not telling you to get it. I'm telling you to immediately ask your doctor about whether or not this is a therapeutic that you would qualify for. I've yet to meet a person that's not qualified for it. Let me put it that way. I've already discussed it with my doctor. I'll go right to get the infusion within minutes, and if I don't on my own, he'll probably come take me, kidnap me and take me and make sure I get it. Anyway, Thanks, really courageous. Tony eight hundred nine one, Shaun is our number. Come on, man, It's taken me forty seven years to perfect doing nothing. I had to become president to show yeah, I could do that better than anybody. Joe Biden the most dangerous man in America. This is the Sean Hannity Show. I's gonna wrap things up for today, but we have a great Hannity nine Eastern tonight on the Fox News Channel. We'll load it up. Will David Purdue challenge Governor Camp to go up against Stacy Abrams, who absolutely lied on NBC, and we'll prove it tonight in terms of challenging the election results from twenty eighteen. Anyway, David Produce checks and Eric Trump, Dan Bongino and Haraldo Leo two point Terrell Pam Bandi, rins previous and Dan Hoffman on the real threats that are Russia, Iran and China Anyway, news you'll never get from the media mob site. You DVR Hannity nine Eastern. We'll see you then back here tomorrow. You make this show possible. We don't thank you enough. Thank you. We'll see you tonight, back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.