Justice on Trial: A Look Back at the Kavanaugh Hearings

Published Jul 8, 2019, 10:00 PM

Carrie Severino, is the chief counsel and policy director of the Judicial Crisis Network and Mollie Hemingway, is a senior editor at The Federalist, and a Fox News contributor, have co-authored a book recounting the harrowing details of Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation. 

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All right. I hope you had a great fourth. It is great to be back right down on toll free telephone number eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Why is Linda looking at me today as we start with the I got something on my mind? Look and it doesn't look too happy? What did I do something wrong? While I was on for four days, I couldn't yell at you. It was so lonely. You know. I had always nice guests. I had to be nice to them. It was It was very hard. It still is very hard. It's hard every time. I'm not the greatest vacation taker in the world. And as much as I just can't shut off the switch in my head and just be on vacation and be present wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, it just doesn't work that way for me. I think there are other people like that. I actually was Keith Koowski Mentor of the Years. I went to dinner with him and a couple friend of his, and and we're hanging out, and they had just gotten back from a week at some beach in New Jersey that they stayed at they rented. I guess a house on the beach or something like that, and their whole family, and I'm like, they had the deepest, darkest tan I think I've ever seen in my life. And I said, well, you must have been out in the sun a lot, and they said, oh yeah, we'd go out at the father in this case he had two kids too, because yeah, I've got to go out at like six thirty in the morning and hang out in the sun, and I wouldn't come back till like five or five thirty. And I said, well, would you be under an umbrella? And he goes no. I'm like, well, I could tell you that I'd be in a hospital burn unit if that was ever me, because you're the same way you're Irish translucent. Oh yeah, I'm transparent. Forget about it. But the thing is, I get bad sunburns in like an hour. I hate getting sunburn I do not like it. And I become a big believer in sunscreen. And you know, when I actually played golf a few days and not great at it, but I'm getting better. I took a couple of lessons. I'm never going to be good at golf. That's the bottom line. I don't have time to be good at golf, I just have to accept my place. What's up, You're pretty good at golf, Yeah, golf, golf, golf. Well, I'm a good athlete, so I can. I managed to get by, and when I listened to the the instructor, I do a lot better and just certain little things that I haven't Yeah, I take took lessons because I haven't played it. He took golf lessons. I hadn't played but four times in a year. Yeah, I need to do this on vacation. This is this past week. Yeah, took golf lessons. Okay, why is that funny to you? This is ridiculous, seriously. Yeah. I mean I had a golf pro, really good guy by the name of Matt. He was teaching me how to play, and I took lessons. I actually the way I take lessons, I can't stand it. Just stay on the range. I said, come on, we'll go play. Okay, So clearly I'm I'm the odd man now because I think this is ridiculous. But everyone, the student says, this is totally normal. Okay, Well you don't think that that baseball players have a bad coach. There's not a pitching coach. There's not a first base coach, a third base coach, or I don't even know how many bases are in the game, So I have no idea how there's a coach coaches all over the place in football. I mean, what sport are you gonna learn and mask like a highly overstaffed environment. I don't know. Well, every sport. If you want to be good at it or decent at it, you have to, you know, learn the fundamentals, I guess, But I mean, can you just practice? Yeah? But what if you're all right? The golf grip in and of itself is a problem. Oh yeah, how do I put my hands on this giant stick? Let me say, one hand? Are you gonna well? No, I guarantee you would not get it right away because it feels so unnatural and awkward. If you'll hold it right, oh my god, you know it would be great. What we should do the show one day from a golf course and I'll go out. I'm never golfed in my life. You never golfed in your life? Oh my god, I'll tell you. This weekend, though there was a half price, Linda is going to be at the at the country club trying to get into the country club, which is, by the way, awards some of these places because people are so uptight about they become country club. No. I mean, well, well, there's an impression of me. The people think that I'm going to go into a golf club and start talking about Trump and I'm polis. The last thing I'm gonna do is I'm I'm quiet and I'm polite. It's like that idiot Jimmy Acosta. By the way, his book tanked. Do you know the first two weeks never sailed. He sold under ten thousand. I think the I know for a fact the first two weeks. Meanwhile, Leavin's book sold hundreds and hundreds of thousands in four weeks. This guy died and he's like, well, I made the New York Times list. I'm like, yeah, once and it was dead on arrival. When you look at BookScan numbers, the only had sold six thousand his first week, two thousand and a second week. It was terrible. Um. Anyway, you were saying, no, no, please continue, I mean, maybe that's what we should do. Maybe we Well, could you ever play a sport at a high level? Did I have a play a sport at a hot Okay, did you all right? Did you have a play a sport? Let's begin at the beginning. You're never in school played anything? As played violin, then I played the clarinet, then I played alto socks. All right, did you played? Did you have music lessons? I did? Okay, same thing, music teacher, music professional, like I didn't you know a right? Teach me bring me up to speed because I hadn't played in a while, and I started playing amazing. Actually I would us because I was a hockey player. I have a natural drive and when I as a sport, I can get into. I love hockey. Okay, this conversation talkie sports with you is just impossible, exasperating. You know nothing about sports, and I just need to remember absolutely nothing. There's not a sport out there. If you shoot archery, you get lessons. If you shoot a gun, you get lessons. Anybody. By the way, people call me asked me all the time, but what kind of guns do you have? I have, well, a pretty big collection. What are you looking for? Well, something to protect my house? I said, Well, whatever you choose, get trained by a coach, by a professional instructor. How do you use it? Safely. I ended up a while ago going shooting a buddy of mine and his He was teaching his kid how to shoot, and I said, sure, I'll tag along, and I will tell you that the instructor was amazing. You know, first thing that you shouldn't have instructors to learn new things. I was under the impression that you knew how to play golf. That's why I'm laughing. I didn't understand, okay, but I didn't know you were. It's not like my life's not busy. I mean, you know how crazy my life is. Where I just didn't know that you didn't know how to play golf. I thought you knew golf. Yes, well I did, but I needed to refreshers and it was the best thing I did. I got an instructor a couple of days. I'm very excited for you that you and I pay. I picked up right where I left off, except I'm a better putter now than I've ever been. How do you like I even change my putting grip? That's fascinating. I just want to know if you have a golf swing like Charles Barkley. No, that's the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. I play basketball. Yeah. That was the worst thing I've retired players do is that they play a lot of golf. Yeah, because they're competitive athletes and it's a golf is fun. Golf is not like any other sport. You really have to work at that game. It's not like you can, like I can pick up any other sport fairly quickly and practice on my own. And once you learn the fundamentals of shooting a basketball and dribbling a basketball, you're you're in. You can go play. I mean, there's finer aspects to the game passing. You know, if you want to be great like Magic Johnson and you know, put on showtime and pass around your back and do all this other crazy stuff, or shoot like Larry Bird, you're gonna have to spend a lot of time on the basketball court or whoever else. A lot happening in the basketball world, all right. Also a lot happening in the political world. Um so I'm watching from Afar. All of this happened on the G twenty trip and I'm just kind of like fascinated by it. And the only thing and I'll sum it up really quickly here. You know, when the president says, you know, I'm not gonna ask anybody. I'm gonna tweet out maybe when I go to South Korea and I'm at the DMZ, maybe Kim Jong un will come and visit. We met twice, and people think this is outrageous, this is terrible. What is he doing? Well, he's not doing what Obama did with the RAND and he's not doing what Clinton did with Kim Jong UN's father, and that is he's not trying to bribe dictatorships with and get back false promises. You know, what they don't understand is that Trump's foreign policy is clear. He's a non interventionist. He doesn't want to go change the fabric of society in the Middle least. He'd rather move America towards energy independence. He's not There's no way America's tried that we are going to fundamentally be capable of being the world's policeman. Now I am very frustrated, and I think the whole way that America wages future wars needs to dramatically change. That. The next level of weaponry, sophisticated arms that the US gets needs to be made with such an idea that we don't have at all the capacity politically in this divided country to fight a war to win the war in a conventional sense, and frankly, there's no need for it because of technology now. In other words, we can look back even at the Iraq War and we didn't have the options that we now have today. And it's getting better every day. Remember the President the biggest single increase that he made was in defense spending. We're gonna build the next generation of weaponry so we don't have to send kids ever again to a rack or Afghanistan with the idea of them knocking door to door to find out and pull out terrorists and then these kids having their legs blown off. If countries want help and assistance, it's gonna be on the intelligence front. And America's ability for bombardment with devastating weapons and pinpoint accuracy like guys in Tampa pushing buttons, and able to literally devastate and obliterate any part of the world that we need to if necessary, you know, which might happen or run sometime in the near future. We'll see. But if we can't, look at Vietnam and you know, then pulling out after fifty eight thousand of America's greatest treasure die and not win the war. You can't look at Iraq and Afghanistan. Although we did weed out ISIS, which I mean what we did in Syria was phenomenal, but we didn't do it on the ground. We did it from the air. And this new generation of weaponry we better be way ahead of our enemies and our adversaries is not only going to protect the continental United States but our allies and also will have the ability to do what we need to do aggressively abroad. Look. Look, sanctions have sent Iran in their economy into a tizzie, and the President pulled out of the Iranian deal. The differences. They think that Trump is like them, that he's going to be the great appeaser, It's just the opposite. Trump is an America first guy. He's not going to drop one hundred and fifty billion in cash and other currencies on the tarmacs of Mullahs and beg them to like us. He's not going to do anything like that with Kim Jong. Look, whether we get an agreement or not, North Korea can't get nuclear weapons, nor can Iran. If they move towards it, and it becomes a possibility I guarantee you that the world is going to unite. It's already there is a new, a new alliance that has already been forged against Iranian hegemony, and it includes the United States and Israel and all our historic allies. But it also includes the Jordanians, Egyptians, the Saudis, and the Emirates. You might say, well, what about the journalists, Kris Shogging. I don't think anyone's been more critical of Saudi Arabia than yours, truly, which is why it's so outrageous that they were able to buy Hillary Clinton's silence on the abuse of women, the killing of gays and lesbians, and the persecution of Christians and Jews. I don't want their money, and I don't want to be dependent on their oil. And we're not. You know, the Straits are hormoved, are less strategically important than they've ever been. Why, Because Trump kept his promise on energy independence. Now it's a matter of preventing these these crazy New Green Deal people from ever moving forward with that insanity of getting us off oil and gas, the lifeblood of every economy. We ought to be looking at that as the single greatest opportunity to increase the wealth of every American. It'll raise the standard of living of every American. It's all oil and gap. We've got enough and then some for the rest of the world for hundreds of years. We don't need theirs. We just need to be smart enough to get ours, all right, A lot to get to the census battle, Oh, Joe Biden wouldn't happen on my watch. We're gonna get to that. And man, he's I don't. I think Biden's as close to done as anybody. And I'll explain that why the media doesn't get this president and he says, to poop, don't meddle in our What did they want him to do? Stand up and slap him in the face with a glove and have a duel? I mean, or the fourth of July celebration? Why not? It was patriot It wasn't political. They're all making these predictions that were ridiculous. All right. I gotta say when Biden claims Russia would never have interfered with the elections on our watch, I'm like, wow, did we set up NATO Chris so no one nation could abuse the power in the region in Europe? It would suck us in in a way they did in World War One. On World War Two, it's being crushed. Look at what's happening with Putin, Well, he will prudent, is trying to undo our elections. He is undoing elections in Europe. Look what's happened, Hungry. Look what's happening in Pull. Look what's happened. Look what's happening. Do you think that would have happened on my watching Barack's watch. You can't answer that, but I promise you wouldn't have. And it didn't. It did, and it all happened on your watch. And what makes it even worse is you're that out of touch that you don't even know it. And by the and it was a beat down by Kamala Harris. Why she backed off I can't Kamala Harris, whoever's running that campaign of hers, I can't figure out. Because they had so clearly, because they were ready to tweet out immediately after she brought up that she had been involved in bussing when she was younger, Every eye was dotted, every t was crossed, that line was practiced, that line was prepared. They had and then she backed away from the statement after she delivered the devastating blow in the debate to Biden. Now the question is why, Well, she did the same thing. Remember she was Medicare for all and you can't have private insurance. Then she backtracks, then she goes back again. All right, glad you when us twenty five till the top of the hour. Glad you're with us. You know it's amazing. I don't care what happened in the week. I'm gone. The president is well, Conservatives wouldn't have put up with Obama stepping across the DMZ. You know, there is context, there is um, there's texture, there is Yeah, I don't trust Democrats that would be stupid enough to drop one hundred and fifty billion in cash and other currencies on the on the tarmac of Iranian Mullah's the chant death to Israel, death to America. Yeah, I don't trust those people. I don't trust them at all. As a matter of fact, Sean, can I interrupt from one moment? Yeah, just completely off topic. There's nothing to do with what you're talking about. Earlier in the show, we were talking about Guelf and I asked the team about the Charles Barkley things. I didn't know what you were talking about. Because I thought that Hank what's his name, Hainey, he took classes. It means nothing to me, you know that I don't know who that is. So by the way, Rush did it once, but go ahead. So, Charles Barkley, I thought you were kidding me, you know, like trying to like play a goof on me because I don't know anything about sports. So we googled. Um, Charles, it's awful. Oh my god, it's the worst thing ever. It's so funny that I'm going to post it on Hannity dot com because everyone needs to see this. It is unbelievable. All Right, the next time I play, I'll take videos and we can compare and contrast my swing. I'm gonna come along. I want to come. I want to play. I don't know if you could get into any country club, but that mean you you you have this vernacular that you use. I will go and play in silence. Okay, that's impossible. Also, nothing is talk about realistic expectations here. Okay, I'll just talk a little bit. To get into a country clup, you actually you have to, you know, put on a show and not drop f bombs. And I just don't like guest. Yeah, you could definitely be a guest. Yeah, we'll just be a guest. Or you could just go to a public course and hang out. You know, Bethpage is a great public course. I'll go to a public course. Awesome. I don't need to be private. Hey, yeah, yeah, all right, Well, whenever you and the team want to go, you let me know and I'll prepare for the day. Fantastic. I'm sorry, I got a lot to get to. Let me get this out. So I'm watching Trump's trip. Now, you're right, if it's Obama and Kim Jong un and Obama and Putin and Obama and China, well, I know Obama's weak, and I know, like Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton. This deal is a good deal with American people. With Kim Jong Ill Kim Jong Gun's father, and they tried to bribe him out of getting nuclear weapons. It didn't work. This president has put sanctions on the Iranians, and that's why the Iranians are acting out because the sanctions are devastating to their economy. That is a good play by the president. And the president is a business man, so one of the ways when you do business, you don't always do business with people that you like, you sometimes do business with people that you don't like. And the President's foreign policy is simple. He's a non interventionist, but he wants a big, mean, tough military with the next generation of weaponry so that we can protect the people of the United States. That is a good foreign policy to me, especially in light of the political environment. Where we start wars, we send kids, they go die and bleed or national treasure, and then we say never mind. I don't think the country has the will or desire for any long protracted conflict anymore. And I think that the answer is the next generation of weaponry that can devastate anybody anywhere, any place, and that that war can be fought from the conveniently in an air conditioned room in Tampa or whatever other command center we might set up at any place. And at that point, yeah, it's going to mean more collateral damage. But you know, when somebody starts a war with us, do where you rather the Americans die or the people in the country that started the war die. I'd rather nobody dies. I'd rather nobody starts or messes with the USA. But in war, people are going to die. It rather than in that case when we're innocent victims and we're attacked, that would be them, not us. And if that makes me whatever, then I'm whatever. I don't want Americans bleeding, fighting, dying, giving up limbs for wars that'll be politicized anymore. But it's a very ugly dangerous world. And you have a lot of evil in this world, and the Iranian regime and these countries that live under Shariah. Yeah, it's it's so alien to anything we believe and so countered to our Judeo Christian values. So the idea that the president is going to talk to Kim Jong un and say, hey, I'm here if you want to make that deal, fine, And you know, at Vladimir Putin, President's not saying to Vladimir medal in the elections, just the opposite, don't meddle in elections. But it's not something you're gonna get out of him in front of Putin to try and embarrass him, to start and escalate a conflict that is already in existence, because they are a hostile regime. And that was what was so obscene and absurd about creepy, sleepy crazy Uncle Joe's comments. You know, I frankly was shocked. Let's play it again. He said it wouldn't happen on mine and Obama's watch, and it all happened on their watch. Listen, why did we set up NATO, Chris, so no one nation could abuse the power in the region in Europe? It would suck us in in a way they did in World War One. On World War Two, it's being crushed. Look at what's happening with Putin. Will he Will Prutin is trying to undo our elections. He is undoing elections in Europe. Look what's happened Hungry. Look what's happening in Pull. Look what's happened to Look what's happening. Do you think that would have happened on my watcher? Barocks watching? You can't answer that, but I promise you wouldn't have. And it didn't. It did. All of it happened on the then Biden and the interview goes on to say, what is a known failed policy. This is the policy that got us thirty more million Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty. The horror that was the eight years of Biden Obama. Oh, I'm gonna increase the corporate tax rate up eight percent, and I'm like, great, that's gonna chase businesses the hell out of here. By the way, corporations don't pay taxes. They pass it on to we, the consumers. He's like, well, that'll raise billions of dollars. No, won't. It'll turn corporations right around that have been enticed to come back to the United States, and they'll start leaving again expeditiously, just like people are leaving New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and California. Then he says he's gonna raise the top marginal tax rate yep, right up to thirty nine point nine percent. Again, well, that's gonna put individuals in a position not to invest again. And you know right now it was lowered to twenty one percent. We're gonna double it. Okay. That means businesses are are going to invest money. That means the jobs we created are gonna start going away. That means you know, meanwhile, President Trump, you know, all this hoopla, they don't understand him. He's coming at this from a business pro America perspective, America first perspective, and if it means that he can get these people by talking to them building a relationship that they stop building nukes and create some trust and show that there's a mutually beneficial way of moving forward economically for the North Koreans or others that would be in the world's best interest. And the same with Putin. Of course, we've got to stop Putin. Putin is a hostile actor. The one thing we actually learn from the Mueller report no collusion, no obstruction, but they did find that Putin, at his direction, launched a massive attack on us and our electoral process. And by the way, people like Devin Nunez, we're warning about it in what twenty fourteen, two years before it happened. You know, the president's approval ratings are soaring, but yet he's been pounded about what happened at the DMZ. What was bad about meeting people. He's not bribing him like the Clintons or Obamas. He's never gonna give money to a regime like Kim Jean Wills Uns. He's never given money to the Mullus. That's not who he is. He's gonna say, Okay, you want to join the World community, here's the carrot. If not, you start trouble, here's the stick. And the stick is gonna be devastating bombardments. Okay, China trade deficit five hundred billion. Either you change your policies or we're gonna impose these tariffs. He's imposing the tariffs. But now we made some headway. Now China is moving back in our direction. Okay, just like he had better trade deals with Canada and Mexico and recently said Mexico, you better stop the migrant caravans from Central America or I'm putting terriffs on you. And Republicans were afraid of that too, and we had oh every time they say the Labor Department announced two hundred and twenty four thousand jobs last month. Oh, another success. But that wasn't expected to happen either, you know, Biden, Russian wouldn't have interfered in our elections. Tell Vladimir I'll have more flexibility after the election. And this is on top of what was a disaster for Joe Biden. Joe Biden had the single I don't know if he can at this point even begin the process of recovery. I really don't. Joe Biden is in deep trouble, especially as it relates to you know, the takedown by Kamala Harris was massive. You know, we had broken the story a while back. I did monologues on it. You know that he was working with Democratic segregationists in the nineteen seventies. Remember Jay William Fulbright, known segregationist. Well, that was Bill Clinton's mentor, not a Republicans, that was Clinton. You know, Hillary Clinton's mentor was Robert the former clansman KKK Bird. That didn't even come up in twenty sixteen. Imagine if Donald Trump's mentor was a former clan member, you know Biden. You know he's gonna be in NonStop damage control and they haven't even even hit the You can't work on a Duncan Donat or a seven eleven unless you have a slight Indian accent. Or for the first time ever, you have this African American. It is clean and articulate. Wow, which story? What? Who talks like this? My slave is a slave state. It's blunder after blunder, gaff after gaff, and it's not stopping. You know, the issue that Kamala Harris brought out was about bussing and a plan to integrate public schools in the nineteen seventies. You know, he made inflammatory remarks when the Clinton crime bill came out. He called he used the phrase predators on our streets, Apicut, not they're the victims of society. The end result is they're about to knock my mother on the head with a lead pipe, shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take on my sons. So I don't want to ask what made them do this. They must be taken off the street. We should focus on them now, not out of a liberal instinct for love, brother and humanity, although I think that's a good instinct, but for simple pragmatic reasons. If we don't, they will, or a portion of them will become the predators fifteen years from now. And Madam President, we have but there's a pattern with this guy, and you know, making excuses for segregationists. You know, well just a product of his time. You know, remember this was the Democratic Party. Democrats suppose the significant numbers of them, the Civil Rights Act of sixty four, the Voting Rights Act of sixty five, and it was Republicans that helped Lyndon Johnson. You know, and look at the friendships, look at the background, look at the history. That's why, you know, if you're We've never had record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment. Maybe you don't like Trump's style, but he's getting results, you know, you know, look at the other positions. All right, So some of these these Democratic candidates want to seventy percent top marginal tax rate, a ninety percent corporate rate. It's the end of capitalism. It will destroy it forever. Kamala Harris, you know, saying she wants to abolish all private insurance and we all get Medicare for all. She faces a backlash, then she says, no, no, no, I'd offered people choices. Then she goes back to her original position. You can't make up where these Democrats are now coming from. And then of course everyone says illegal immigrants, they're gonna get free healthcare. How do we afford that? Then they want open borders. Kamala Harris announcing the first plank of her racial reparations plan, one hundred million dollars. She wants American taxpayers. You know. Biden, by the way, is no longer the Democratic frontrunner. Latest Quinnipiac University POL Biden twenty two percent Harris twenty percent all because of that one exchange and he and he made it worse this weekend. And I don't think he's going to get out of it that that quickly either. You know, you look at these radical groups that are supporting the Democrats. You know, look at AOC. One of the funniest things going on right now is this feud between Pelosi and Acasio Cortez and well, Nancy plot it's only four of them and Cozio Cortez. She's not taking that. She's fighting right back. You know, everybody in the media attacking the president his fourth of July praising the military that keeps us free. If America doesn't have a military, we don't beat back fascism, communism, Nazism, and imperial Japan. We don't win. Freedom doesn't win again. Hannity is m part one. Barry Farber. Has never been a country in the history of man that's accumulated more power and abused it less. Hannity abused it less and used that power for the advancement of the human condition worldwide. Of course, we're imperfect. There's no such thing as perfection in mankind. Everybody's fallen short. We understand now Biden is on another apology tour, you know, saying he's sorry for the pain and misconception caused by his remarks working with segregation as senators. And you know this is just getting ugly. Just like the deep state has created a circular firing squad, so too has these Democratic candidates and their position. They all want free healthcare for illegal immigrants. Most want open borders, Most want medicare for all. Most want massive increases in taxation and onerous government bureaucracy on businesses. It'll drive businesses out, it'll take away job creation and wealth creation. And they support some idiotic version of the New Green Deal which gets rid of the lifeblood of our economy, which is oil and gas. Bad idea, and it ought not happen. This confirmation process has become a national disgrace. The Constitution gives the Senate an important role in the confirmation process, but you have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy. The consequences will extend long past my nomination. The consequences will be with us for decades. I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. You've tried hard, You've given it you're all no one can question your effort. But you're coordinated and well funded effort to destroy my good name and destroy my family will not drive me out. I am innocent of this charge. I intend no ill will to doctor Ford and her family. The other night, Ashley and my daughter Liza said their prayers, and little Eliza, all of ten years old, said to Ashley, we should pray for the woman. It's a lot of wisdom from a ten year old. All right, hour too, Sean Hannity, show that from the Kavanaugh hearings. Listen to what he's saying here. You know what is going on, a coordinated, well funded effort to destroy my family. And this is no longer advice and consent. This is seek and destroy a circus. And then of course Robert Bourke and then you have Clarence Thomas, and this is now the weapon of choice to smear, slander, besmirched, destroy at whatever level necessary. And that represents pretty much the entire radical, extreme New Democratic Socialist Party. You know, every when I'm used to say every two years, every four years, Republicans are racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic. They want dirty air, dirty water, they want to kill children, and they want to throw granny over the cliff. It sounds absurd, but it is used as a playbook. It doesn't even happen every two and four years any longer. Under Trump, the rules are pretty much never ending. Every second, every minute, every hour of every day. Now there is a new book out that chronicle just how bad this is, because it's it's a definitive moment, because if this is allowed to continue, this is the future. Who else is ever gonna want to run for president and go through all the deep state harassment that this president has been through. Who's gonna want the appointment to the Supreme Court and watch their family go through the type of garbage that Justice Kavanaugh went through, and it got is so obscene. You know. Remember there was the you know, the piling on of stories, and there was the great Michael Avanati representing this one woman who was claiming, well almost every other weekend and when they were in high school, that the boys would spike the punch and then they would they would intoxicate these women and drug them and then they line up in the hall and take their turns gang raping these women. And then she just backed well, I didn't see Justice Kavanaugh ever give anybody punch. I saw him near a punch bowl once and he had a red Solo cup and he was in the hall, but he wasn't online in the hall. And are you telling me that this happened every other weekend for a year and nobody told the parent, nobody told an adult, nobody told the counselor, nobody told anybody law enforcement and the media just runs with it all in the hopes of stopping somebody that they think will be a constitutionalist and originalist on the Supreme Court. But that's where we are anyway. It is literally a brand new book just out the truth behind the Kavanaugh confirmation. It's called Justice on Trial, the Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the US Supreme Court. Molly Hemingway and Carry Severino both joining us co authors of this book. Glad you're both with us. How are you great to be here? With you here? All right? Well, Molly, let's start with you. I mean, we see a lot of this name calling, the characterization of all conservatives. The way I say, it's not every two and four years anymore, it's pretty much every hour, every minute, every day. Right. We wrote justice on trial because we thought that what happened last year with the Kavanaugh confirmation was the most important thing to happen in the country. And we interviewed more than a hundred people, including the President and several Supreme Court justices, many senators to get the facts out because this horrified people, not just because it was an attack on an individual, but because it was an attack on our entire system of justice and rule of law and due process. And it was appalling for people to see so many people just cast out these things that should matter and just clearly don't matter to some people on the left anymore. But you know, Carrie, this is this is now the tried and true tactic, and they've been successful. They haven't always been successful, but it works, and it works I don't know what, maybe forty percent of the time, but you know, to bring this man to the point of where we saw him just raw anger emotions. You know, this just went to the core of who this man is. I don't even know how you recover from something like that. Yeah, And you know, as you said, this does work all too often. What was such an important thing in this battle was that it didn't work. He was confirmed and a lot of credit goes to President Trump, who stuck with his nominee. A lot of people, even top ranking people like senators, were telling him it's time to cut and run, and he said, no, I'm going to stand behind this nominee. Look, I worked for Justice Thomas. I've seen this. As you said before, this is a playbook. We've done this before, and we know the next step as well, which is the revisionist history. And I'm sure they're already getting ready to do what they did it with Justice Thomas. When he was confirmed, two to one Americans across the spectrum said, we think he's telling the truth, not Anita Hill. And now I think those numbals would be flipped because of a constant campaign of misinformation. So Molly and I wanted to make sure we got the real story out there to first people would know what the true facts are. It'll help us prepare because we know there's always going to be a next time. They're going to try it again. But by the way, we'll get to this in a second. I'm not even sure where Justice Kavanaugh, you know's in the court in terms of his ideology yet I haven't it's been a little bit up and down for me is record. But let's go back to Ted Kennedy. Let's go back to Kennedy, and of course the term now borking a nominee, and this is what he was saying. Now, Robert Bork was a great intellectual mind, and he had written extensively. By the way, that's a mistake. Don't ever write, don't ever say anything if you want to be a Supreme Court justice. As a matter of fact, as little as possible, you don't want to say anything publicly that can be used against you. It's not a matter of is this person fit for the role anymore of being a justice. It's a matter of does this person fit the right ideology. And if it's a left wing ideology that would site foreign law, that's okay, But not somebody that is that believes in a strict interpretation of the constitution or rule of law. But this is where it kind of started. Listen, Robert Bork's America is a land of which women would be forced into back alley abortions, Blacks would sit at segregated lunch countess rogue police could break down citizens stores and midnight raids, and school children could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censured at the whim of government. Okay, none of which was going to be true. And then there was the last minute attack on Clarence Thomas, and Clarence Thomas had to defend his honor, and he did in a moment that made history. This is a circus. It's a national disgrace, and from my standpoint as a Black American, as far as I'm concerned, it is a high tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas. And it is a message that unless you cow town to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed caricature by a committee of the US US Senate. Rather than hung from a tree, You're gonna be lynch destroyed caricature word, you know, rather than being hung from a tree, Molly, I mean really powerful words. But we don't learn from this. They just come back and the same tactics are used time and again. Well, yes and no. And I'm really glad that you have these tapes of what Ted Kennedy did just making up scurreless and false and unsubstantiated claims to destroy Bork listening to what Justice Thomas had to go through to be confirmed on the Court, and people did respond to this. A lot of Republican administrations responded to this by trying to pick candidates who could fly under the radar and who didn't have good records and whatnot, and that kind of backfired. We go through looking at how Republican presidents have not done a good job with their nominees in some cases and the lessons learned from it. This is one of those things again. Donald Trump, even in the primary, he starts to put together what he wants, what his vision is for not just potential nominees to the Supreme Court, but just judges in general. He wants people who are originalists who do care about the Constitution. But he also starts looking for people who have a demonstrated track record of having courage under fire. And you said you don't know yet about Kavanaugh. I think it actually is good to give people two to three years to get a good idea of what they're going to be like. But this first year he actually was quite a bit like he had been in those previous twelve years. Why is he but I oftentimes they see him on the other side, for example of Neil Gorsage. Why well, you know, this is one of those things. You've got a conservative majority, but they don't always vote in lock step like you see in the liberal block. But they both have they have interesting differences in their jurisprudence. Kavanaugh was the justice who was in the majority more than any other justice, followed by Roberts, but then followed closely by Aldo as well. He tends to be good at getting people who are moderate to align themselves with more conservative positions, and he had some good rulings this year as well. Carry might speak to that, yeah, well, and carry it. The only thing I would add to that is, you know, look at for example, Clarence Thomas has gone on to be one of the great originalists on the Court today, and I think, you know, in the absence of Anton and Scalia, I think a great conservative, reliable legal mind along with sam Alito. One. If I'm disappointed with anybody the most, that's John Roberts, who we clearly now know allowed politics or the perception of the court to interfere with his healthcare decision. Yeah, and unfortunately this term, we saw that come back again with the Census decision, which was really discouraging. It's a particularly unfortunate because he seems to want to be motivated by the legitimacy of the court and the view of the court. But I think he unfortunately is undermining himself because when you make a decision that is more based on the politics of the case than the legal standard. I mean, for example, in the Census case, as much as said the legal standard says the president can do this, but you know, he really just kind of felt an ich factor or something about the way it was done in this case. That's not your reason for doing this. You don't try to split the baby and say, well, he can do it, but he shouldn't do it right now. That's a politician's job and not a judge's job. So I think when you make the court that political, you start seeing these really contentious hearings instead of having people who just decide the law on the basis of the laws. That's the recipe for trying to get those politics out is get the court out of politics, and then we won't be treating them like politicians. All Right. The book is called Justice on Trial, The Cavanol Confirmation The Future of the Supreme Court will come back on the other side more with Kyrie Severino Molly Hemingway, the co authored the book. Also, I want to ask him when we come back, what they think about the FISA premeditated FISA abuse and fraud committed on the FISA Court. And will John Roberts allow at some point those judges to come forward? Right as we continue final moments, Justice on Trial, the Cavanol Confirmation in the Future of the Supreme Court in bookstores everywhere tomorrow, It's on Amazon dot com, Hannity dot Com, and we continue with Carrie Severino and Molly Hemingway. Quick questions. So John Roberts as the Supreme Court Justice Chief Justice, he gets to pick these FISA Court judges. I think the evidence is now overwhelming and incontrovertible that FISA abuse occurred and that a fraud was a premeditated fraud was committed on the court. When do we get to hear from these justices that were lied to? Molly Well, I do hope that people care much more. There's so little oversight of the FISA courts. You know, this is not a situation where you have people who are about to be spied on getting to defend themselves or whatnot. This is a very one sided court situation, and we are reliant on these appointed judges to make sure they are caring themselves about the civil liberties of people. We already know in at least one case with Carter Page, that his civil liberties were violated with how our government one after him called him an agent of a foreign government. He's never been charged with anything. They were obviously wrong about that, and yet they surveiled him for more than a year, and not just with wire tapping, but with human informants and overseas intelligence operations. There needs to be proper oversight. We yes, the judges need to care, but also the media need to care. More and more people in Congress needs The media was too busy pedaling their conspiracy theories and their lies for two plus years. Isn't an amazing The stupid little talk show hosts like me carry ended up being right and they're wrong, and we're going to be proven more right in the future. Absolutely, And you know that's a theme that we found throughout Justice on Trial was the problems with many in the media who were simply not reporting the stories that were right in front of them. That was one of the reasons we wanted to make sure that we were out there getting these stories told. There were so many people who were close to Judge Kavanaugh at the time, for example, who were trying to talk to the media and say here's the person, and no one wanted to print it because it didn't line up with the narrative. So we tell a lot of those stories and we try to dig into some of the areas that unfortunately many of the journalists weren't looking into. All right, thank you both for being with us. We really appreciate it, and good luck with the book. It's on Hannity dot Com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere tomorrow. Carrie Severino, Molly Hemingway, Justice on Trial, Quick Break, We'll come back, John Solomon, the latest on the deep State. We got some breaking news we'll share with you, and the news that you missed last week while I was away for the fourth of July. Quick Break, right back, We'll continue. Glad You're with us. The Sean Hannity Show continues twenty fives at the top of the hour, Glad You're with Us? Eight hundred and ninefold one. Shaun has on number A lot happened, by the way Deep State News while we have been away, reluctant witnesses and the FISA abuse probe agree to talk to the DOJ Inspector General. That is big. Also Peter King now joining the chorus. Severe serious abuses by the FBI and the SEA and the Russia probe are all going to come out. That's new from him and Struck page text. We're out we've discovered debating whether to share details with the DOJ on a key London meeting in twenty sixteen. But just breaking now our own friend of this program, Executive vice president for The Hill investigative reporter John Solomon, he has well coupled himself with the Southeastern Legal Foundation to sue the US State Department to force the disclosure of records related to the Biden's Joe and Hunter and much more. And he joins us now tell us about the lawsuit. Yeah, hopefully Sean will bring to light whatever contacts Joe or Hunter Biden had at the State Department. So I filed for several weeks back and the State Department has not engaged on it. And so the best way to go forward is like we saw with the State Department records we unearthed about a few months ago from Christopher Steel in his contacts. Here, let's litigation and try to get these documents found and identified and potentially produced for the public so they can understand. So we know that in the time frame that Hunter Biden was working for Barisma, a giant natural gas company in Ukraine, his father, Joe Biden, as Vice President, was the point man for all Ukraine policy for Barack Obama. And I have some reporting indicating that there were contacts at the State Department from Hunter Biden or his acolytes or his emissaries, and so we want to find out what the State Department has in terms of records that it's Kiv embassy or at its headquarters in Washington, And that's what we're working on to try to get an answer to the American public. It would be an extraordinary story if the Vice President's son or I think we need to set the states here because there are two separate investigations involving Joe Biden's son. One has to do with China, separate and apart, and he'd never been part of a hedge fund group, and he flew on Air Force too, and two weeks later, lo and behold, he's making this what billion dollars plus deal in an area of work that he's never been involved in his life. What you're specifically referring to has to do with the natural gas company in Ukraine as known as Barisma. And okay, and then we have this other tape. I believe it's related when Joe Biden was leveraging a billion dollars in taxpayer money because we've found out and Ukraine has been willing to provide US documents and documentation and evidence that in fact, his son Hunter was being investigated by the prosecutor there. And Joe Biden, on a trip to give this taxpayer money to Ukraine, said well, I'm not going to give it to you unless this man who we now know is investigating his son is fired. You got six hours. And in that six hour interim they did fire the guy. Here's Joe Biden bragging about it as I'm not going to We're not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority, You're not the president. The president said, said call him. I said, I'm telling you're not getting a billion dollars. I said, you're not getting a billion. I'm gonna be leaving here. And I think it was about six hours. I look, I said, leaving six hours. If the prosecutors not fired, you're not getting the money. Son of them got fired. Son of them he got fired. So he leveraged a billion dollars in taxpayer money for a guy that did. Do we know that he knew at the time he was investigating his son, Well, that's the key, right. Joe Biden has said, I had no idea there was an investigation going on, and I think Hunter Biden has indicated he had no role or any involvement in it. So, but what do we know about the process and what an American is under investigation by a foreign power. Often they turned to the State Department, to the embassy in the country, or to the State Department proper. And that's why we're focusing our legal efforts at trying to divulge any contacts at Hunter Biden or Bisma or Bresma's lawyers or lobbyists or PR consultants might have had at the State Department during this time, because if the Bidens did know there was an investigation, and there were contacts. It undercuts the story that they've carefully crafted in the public the last few months. And as far as the China story goes, do we know if there's any Well, if Hunter Biden or Joe Biden is going to the State Department and seeking their assistance in this, this is to enrich the Biden family. Isn't that the same thing with the China deal? Well, that's really what's concerning. And remember Hunter Biden went over to China on his dad's Air Force two plane, So he starts the trip in an official capacity aboard the Vice President's plane, and then he ends up with this really lucrative deal. The concern here, of course, always is trading off your relatives government position. And here you've got the appearance issue without a doubt. And the real question is beyond appearances, what sort of involvement culpability engagement that the vice president have knowledge that the vice president have about anything his son was doing on his watch. China where two of Joe Biden's biggest policy issues when he was under President Obama, and here you see his son casting in on both. That raises a lot of concerns. And now the question is what did Joe Biden no? When did he know it? And hopefully lawsuits like this we'll get us some more information. Specifically, you're asking in your request for records related to contacts between Blue Star Strategies and the State Department, including the US Embassy in Kiev, between Hunter Biden and the State Department in between, and you name American businessmen Devon Archer in the State Department, including the US Embassy again in Kiev, and you intend to analyze, interpret etc. This should not be something that should be withheld, correct. No, Listen to contacts with the State Department are almost always public, right, And so why the State Department can't response to this lawsuit to provide information? Move we could get Christopher Steele's contact with Deputy Assistant Secretary Cavalac in the in the Russia case, we should be able to get this. And there's a there's a game of keepaway going on right now? Why is Blue Star Strategies important? Let me explain. I can see in the records I've obtained from Bresma Holdings internal books, their accounting books, that this American firm, Blue Star Strategies, is hired in the timeframe right right before Hunter Biden's name surfaces in an article about the investigation. So there's a news article suggesting Hunter Biden is entangled in this Ukrainian investigation, and just before Joe Biden issues that famous order to the president of Ukraine, if you don't fire that prosecutor, I'm pulling your billion dollars of USA. So why if Hunter Biden has nothing to do with this and this is a Ukraine only issue, why is an American firm suddenly being hired at that moment to work for Barrisma in this timeframe and it's got a public relations in a lobbying background, that's it's principal interest. We found that in the records, and now we're asking the public or the State Department to tell us what contacts did you have with loost Oar Strategies, What contacts did you have with Hunter Biden, What contacts did you have a Devin Archer his business partner, And hopefully from those documents we'll be able to tell who knew what when and whether the Vice president or her staff was involved in any way. Let me go to Biden making the claim on fake news Sea and then that well Putin would never interfere in Europe's election or our elections during his tenure or Obama's presidency. When all of it happened during that time, Let's play that. Why did we set up NATO, Chris so no one nation could abuse the power in the region in Europe, it would suck us in in a way they did in World War One. On World War Two, it's being crushed. Look at what's happening with Putin? Well he well, Prutin is trying to undo our elections. He is undoing elections in Europe. Look what's happened, Hungry, Look what's happening in Pull Look what's happened? And well, look what's happening. You think that would have happened on my watch or baroqus watch. You can't answer that, but I promise you wouldn't have. And it didn't. Actually it did, John Solomon, all of it happened on his watch. Every bit of it happened on his watch. And more ironically, Devin Nounez wrote a very prominent article and many others were screaming from the rooftops in twenty fourteen, two years prior that Russia and Putin the hostile regime the hostile actors were going to do this, and they did nothing to stop it. Well, let's look at the record of the Obama Biden administration on Russia. They started, and Hillary Clinton because she was the Secretary of State when they started, they started with a reboot, a reset. They were going to make things all right with that guy, Vladimir Putin because they had a better approach. And how did they reboot, Well, they did things like they gave billions of dollars of utility contracts to Ukraine. I got to Russia for uranium in the United States. This isn't uranium one. These are contracts that require a US utility to buy Russian uranium to fuel our election sit here in the United States. Billions of dollars of giveaways, and of course we know about uranium one and the mining assets under the ground in the United States that was approved by the by the United States government under Obama, specifically benefiting Putin. Again, after three or four years of giveaways, Hillary Clinton's husband, Bill Clinton, got a five hundred thousand dollars donation. Okay, we'll get that, a speech fee for that. But after giving all these things, what does Russia do They invade Ukraine in CRIMEA. They did it right on Barack Obama and Joe Biden's watching. Then, after Newton has warned in twenty fourteen, I think Russia might meddle in our election, specifically through cyber attacks, what happens in twenty sixteen, they're silent when they see evidence of Russia doing that. All of that happened on Barack Obama and Joe Biden's watch. And all of it began with a policy of appeasement. We're going to give away things to Russia and we'll turn them into good guys. And Vladimir Putin played them and showed that he is the guy that he is. He's a manipulator. He will get what he wants out of a relationship, and then he'll turn against you. And all of that happened on Joe Biden's watch. He can't say it didn't with it. Tell Vladimir, I'll have more flexibility after the election. And remember my favorite audio of all time, though, is the cowardly shift saying, well, what is the nature of the compromise? Pick the naked tomb and naked tomb Vladimir see these, but yes, the pick the naked tomb Ladimir. But of course, but of course can I have them. I mean, it's on tape. The idiot is, you know, outright collusion. But now here's Biden. Now it's interesting he doesn't want to go back. Kamala. Harris really whacked him, and I had discussed in the first hour today his history on race, which is not pretty um. And now he still can't answer the question about why he basically stood up for against integration and for segregation. Here's his answer to that question. But it's so easy to go back and go back thirty forty fifty years and take a context and take it completely out of context. And I mean, you know, I get all this information about other people's past and what they've done and not done, and you know, I'm just not going to go there. If we keep doing that, that's I mean, what we should debating what we do from here. For example, this whole thing about race and busing. Well, you know, I think you to take a look. Our positions aren't any different as we're finding out, Senator Harris. Yeah, she sees it as a tool, not a must in all circumstances. Yeah, well look at my record. And then he's I'm not interested in going back, all right, quick break more with John Solomon. He is the executive vice president for The Hill, Investigative Reporter. More on the other side, as we continue, Executive vice president for The Hill and Investigative Reporter, John Solomon is with us. Let me go to some of the other developments that have taken place, and that is we now know these Struck page texts that have come out debating how much information they should share with the State Department about a meeting. You know, Struck writing, I think we need to consider the lines of what we disclose to the DOJ. For example, the last stipulation notes we will will we will not disclose. Then he identifies the identities outside the FBI. I think you can argue the unauthorized disclosure might reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to US national security. And Struck also reports that he had a good meeting and page warning make sure you can lawfully protect what you sign thinking about for your request, for example, that's right, what did you think of that? No, listen, I think we're The more we learn about the FBI's conduct, the more you can understand what Peter King said This weekend that I think there was some serious wrongdoing going on. Peter King, someone who's read in and done a lot of these look at a lot of these documents, really understands what was going on in the spisum I there is an unusual behavior here, first in taking an investigation like the Russia inclusion case out of the field where it normally would be done, moving it to headquarters, and then manipulating it through all these different things. We can't tell the CIA this, we have member political pressure from the White House member of that text message, or we have to hurry the f up and get this fight it through before the election. None of those are things or ways that normal FBI agents in the field talk. They don't play by a political clock, they don't play by secrecy. They're not thinking about FOYA results four years down the road. They're trying to do their job to solve a crime. Yet in this case you see Pete Stroke and Lisa Page and some of their other colleagues at the senior level of the Bureau constantly worrying about a chess caam that is only about politics and about secrecy and keeping things quiet and hidden from the various people that have oversight. I think that should trouble us all. And I think that's why Peter King sent himents express this weekend, so we're so eye opening. He's a person that tends to be very pro law enforcement, very seldom criticizes the FBI. When he comes out and says something like that, we all should pay attention. All right, John Solomon, we'll have the latest with him tonight on Hannity nine Eastern and other information. Now, the Harowitz Report about a month the laid in large part because you have reluctant witnesses in the FISA abuse probe now talking to the DOJ inspector General Harrowitz. And then of course mister Durham is going to be speaking or has spoken to We don't know Christopher Steele. We know what Steal's got to say because he was under oath in that interrogatory. John Solomon, great work. We'll have more tonight nine Eastern on Hannity. We'll continue stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. All right, News round up, Information overload. You know this. When I reach stories like the one I'm about to tell you about, it drives me nuts. It really does you know, as we have discussed and debated, and we've been investigating now over two years, this abuse of power. You know, I've said it many times. It hurts personally when the first I'll never forgot the first time that Joe de Jenova used the word dirty cops, because I grew up with a family in law enforcement. You know, imagine your mother twenty five years as a prison guard. Well, that's what my mother did, working many sixteen hours shifts. You know, she was in law enforcement. My dad was family court probation. So many of my relatives were cops, New York City cops a lot of them, and elsewhere. And then you know, two guys were Deity. Wow, they made it to the FBIST. Look, even though I'd go out of my way to say the ninety nine percent, this is the premier law enforcement agency in the world, not just the country, the FBI. And the same goes with our intelligence gathering, the premier intelligence gathering, you know, community in the entire world. We need that in this dangerous world, just like we need police to protect and serve. And there's always an assumption among some that well, if there's one bad cop, they're all, no, that's not true. And I could tell you my personal experience with every other person I know in the FBI or in the intelligence community, and I happen to be blessed to know many of them, I can tell you that they are aghast at the likes of Comy McCabe, Struck Page, etc. Or Clapper, Brennan and everybody else. And they know the tools of intelligence were turned on the American people. They know that power was abused, and they know corruption happened, and at a really dangerous level for the country because now we're talking about a soft coup. But if you like me and you have an instinctive like and trust for law enforcement, we'll just imagine for a second a world without them, and you've got to protect yourself. Well, good luck with that. I don't think it's going to work out as well. You know, there's a reason these guys carry guns. There's a reason that these guys, you know, we look at what they do as courageous. Every time a cop pulls somebody over, they have no idea what is on the other side of that, none whatsoever. Drugs guns, They have no clue. So it, I guess shouldn't surprise me with Starbucks that you know, this incident happens where a couple of cops go into a Starbucks, as in Tempe, Arizona, and they purchased, you know, drinks at Starbucks, and we're standing together when one of the employees at Starbucks asked them to move out of the customer's line or leave because a customer complained about feeling unsafe. And I'm like, what now if I was the owner of any store and the cops came into my store. Let's say I owned a donut shop. All right, we'll use a caricature cliche. It's not true that cops et a lot of donuts, all right. They the cops would come in every night for donuts and coffee. Maybe they're working the overnight shift. I'd be happy they're there because I know that's the safest part of my night and a lot of burglaries do occur late at night. Anyway. This is on top of, of course, the Starbucks putting in these containers to take needles. You can dispose of your needles inside Starbucks bathrooms. Now you all know that I'm a fan of the Black Rifle coffee company, and I don't buy any other coffee as a matter of fact, once you try Black Rifle, you're never gonna go back. You don't have a hard time understanding why you thought other brands were good and you had a bunch of guys not. You know, here American heroes, American warriors that are literally fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, and they don't like government coffee, so they start importing beans and making their own blends and they turn it into this amazing company, just like for example, Nine Line Apparel. You know. So, anyway, our friends at Black Rifle did something that was really cool, and nine Line did something really cool. And you know, in the Middle military, the actions of our subordinates, even those who have no daily interaction with become your responsibility. They're the term is known as strategic private. In this context, only one individual wearing a Starbucks uniform represents the ideals and norms of the organization. And this is what they did to these cops in Tempe, Arizona, the police department. And anyway, I know that our friends there are now around the country. There are a number of Black Rifle coffee shops opening. And by the way, cops, if you see a Black Rifle Coffee company shop in your store. You can go in and they get free cups of coffee, which, by the way, is a very cool thing that they do. Anyway, joining us for a quick update on this Tyler Merit of nine Line Apparel and Evan Hayfer. He's with the Black Rifle Coffee Company, two CEOs. These are both veteran owned operated companies. They give back, they hire first responders, they hire American heroes, and they want to make sure that a cop never has to pay for coffee. And by the way, my own life, you know. And recently was at a local pizza place and the cop was buying his food and I told the guy that I know behind the counter, No, no, I want to buy his lunch because just to say thank you, because that guy's risking his life for the whole community. Anyway, guys, good to have you back. How are you well? Takes a lot, Sean, I'm great. This is Evan, by the way, Evan, And by the way, if you want to see sick, fun, crazy videos, just go to Black Rifle Coffee dot com slash Sean and you're gonna love the videos that you guys put up. All right, so you guys decided to say, you know what, we want to thank cops for the jobs they do. Tell us the difference, Well, this is this is oh go ahead, Oh sorry. So I should kind of preface the fact that both Tyler and I Tyler at Nineline Apparel down in Savannah to r J. He's got a Black Rifle coffee shop right there, and both he and I have been giving free coffee to police officers and law enforcement since the day that we opened our doors. So this isn't even new for us. This is just something that we've done every day since we opened our doors to the public. What I like to say is it's not pr it's who we are, and it's up and we've done every day that we've been in business. And you're a former Special Ops soldier, Tyler, and and you understand the importance of leading from the front. You've made this decision a long time ago when you open your doors. Well, Evan, this is Tyler the way. Evan is what you would consider that silent professional. And I'm going to brag on him a little bit. I met Evan through watching his videos and reached out and said, hey, you know what, I'd really loved the partner and I love what you guys are doing. I feel like we have similar value sets. Let's link up. And I remember shortly after working with these guys, they're like, Hey, you've got friends in the one sixty, the special operators, pilots. Can you get some of our coffee overseas? Absolutely? They sent pallets and pallets and pallets a coffee for our special operators, deployed all of it in the world. Evan, do you want me to take pictures you want to get you know, articles from the guys, show what you guys are doing. You're like, Nope, don't need any puploks. He just sent it out there. And that's the type of person he is. When we talked about, hey, what about coffee for our first responders, for our veterans get there in uniform. It's free. It wasn't even a debate, a question. And that's the culture and the climate of black rifle. And that's what's missing in Starbucks. That should keep it private, represents who they are. They talk about how sorry they are, how about some actions. Why don't you offer free coffee for the next month because it would hurt your bottom line? That's why, Well, I mean the other point that I'd like to make is a couple of years ago, they asked to non paying patrons to leave their store, and when they did that, they went back a week or so later and shut down all their stores for sensitivity training. And these are just regular people that they had to come back because they were in a minority status, come back and retrain their entire workforce. Well, because of this incident, I would like to ask them, why aren't they retraining their entire workforce to understand the importance of law enforcement within their ablishment. They're not, And I think that's just indicative of the cultural differences between those who have served and those who haven't served. You know, I just and not only that, I mean it's the coffee is different. Yeah, why don't you tell the story because I don't tell as well as you do. You know, you guys are serving abroad, and I would assume that government coffee really sucks, and so you so you guys very cleverly, and I don't know how you did it, because I mean, I know you're stationed and abroad in Afghanistan. Iraq Hall you guys, he said, you know what, I think We're just going to order some coffee. Beans from around the world to make our own blends. How did that all happen? Well, I was in kirk Cook, Iraq, actually, and I was going to what's commonly known as the chowhall and drinking coffee from the chowdhall. And it tastes like coffee that has been put through an old sponge. It's so bad that you can't imagine how bad it is. One I'm a coffee he had. So I came back from that deployment and went to work trying to figure out a little coffee roaster that I could buy to take with me. And I found frying pans, all these different things. I started roasting coffee. So what they just say coffee that went through an old sponge. Yeah, that's the way it tasted. It was so bad, sort of like Starbucks, right, And so I started roasting coffee because the what is it the mother of invention or the mother of invention is necessity in a sense of I've got to solve a problem. I wanted great tasting coffee. I started roasting it when I when I separated from service in twenty fourteen, I came back and I had my service rifle next to my little one pound coffee roaster as I was training future or CIA guys to shoot more proficiently. And I combined those two things, which was roasting coffee and my service rifle, and that's where the name Black Rifle Coffee comes from. I stood up a company and a couple of years later, we've got coffee shops with guys like Tyler at nine one. That's pretty amazing. And look at where you are today. I know the last time I saw you, and I just have my own. You know, I'm just a Black Rifle coffee guy. And it's the culture, it's everything in between. And I will tell you that. You know, as you begin to build out these franchises, I know you're starting small, but how soon will it be that people can go to a Black Rifle coffee shop in their town? Well, that's that's a tough one. When I see that, you know, it's it's we're expanding as fast as we possibly can. I brought in the former he's a former Force Reton Marine, former president of Panda Express. His name's Tom Davin to help me with the expansion on this. He came in at the beginning of this year and we've identified places around the United States to start building Black Rifle coffee shops. And the great thing about this economy is we all know is we've got a low unemployment rate, we've got a high economic success, which also makes property more difficult to find. So we're looking as fast as we can to put coffee shops in around the United States, and partners with sign Line, they're gonna put how many shops down in Savannah Tyler, Yeah, we've got one open already. We've got another that's ready to open the next thirty days. We've got one in Charleston that should be done in about two months, and then we're ready to keep on rocking and rolling. Well, I mean for me, it's great, um, because there's a culture behind it. Two, Um, why don't you just so Black Rifle Coffee dot com, slash sean is the website, and how do we get to nine Line Apparel? By the way, it's just nine Line Apparel dot com. And again, if you're looking for those alternatives to say Nike one hundred percent USA made, our place is a place to go. I can't believe they treat cops like this. I mean really, I mean, why would you do that? Why would you not want the cops in your store. And just because one of your customers is a raging left wing lunatic that pre judges police officers, Well, what's that person going to do when they're in trouble. They're going to call on the coffee shop personnel to save them. It's unbelievable to me. Yeah, good luck with the coffee shop personnel person saving you. Right, I'm like, if I'm in a coffee shop, I want the cops there. I want to buy their coffee if you didn't buy their coffee. It's really the mindset of some people are unbelievable. Well, that's a good thing about the Black Rifle score is that there's no shortage of first responders that are coming in and out of that door because we've set that culture. Evans set that culture. If you have a firearm, bring it, be responsible. There's nothing wrong with carrying a weapon with people who understand how to use it, implore it, and we encourage them to come to stores like Black Rifle because people do feel safe when they know that there's a first responder there. Unless you're a criminal, then you don't feel because you probably are doing something wrong. Yeah, it's deterrence through community culture, which is we have a lot of police officers, first responders and law abiding citizens that carry firearms and people know that. So I would say that the amount of criminals step into a Black Rifle coffee is significantly lower than other establishments because we're really safe and we have a lot of protect and serve people within the underneath the ruves. The Black Rifle. Well, it's the best coffee out there too. Guys, you're awesome. We'll put it up on the website. Thank you both. Eight hundred and nine four one, Sean Tolfree telephone number. All right, So, by the way, I want to announce as we got a second here Tokova's Boots or a new advertiser of the program. And I'm going to tell you something. This company is amazing. I've always loved Cowboy boots, wear them all the time. And Linda, you've met these guys. So here's the thing. You get direct to consumer prices. You have no middlemen markups here, all right. So you're gonna pay half of what you pay at any of the store because you're buying direct. They have direct to consumer prices. There's no markup at all, and did you get the boots that we sent you? Did you know I got the boots, I got the bag. The stuff is gorgeous. First of the way, the bags that leather smell. How great is that I get about it. It's like new car smell, except you get too carried on your shoulder. I'm never ever going back to that other pair of Gene company again. The Genes are amazing. They are really really all their stuff is just really well made and it's well packaged. I mean, we're just we're super excited to have them on the show. They're just awesome. Listen, I just I'm so happy and excited to have these guys. We're gonna talk about them later. But to Covis boots, the best quality raw materials, half the price, incredible marksmanship and I'm not marksmanship, incredible craftsmanship. Two hundred steps to complete one set of boots, two hundred and the price is half what you'll pay or by the way, it's to Covis dot com slash Hannity. It's amazing. We'll put it up on Hannity dot Com. All right, break, we got to come back. Final half hour as we continue The Sean Hannity Show all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sean, if you want to be a part of the program. So we have interviewed many times in the past, combat pilot, the guy that held the Clinton nuclear football. Now, remember wherever president of the United States goes, there's a guy with the football, which is all of the codes if God forbid, armageddon happens and the president needs to launch a nuclear weapon. And if you remember back in the day, this Buzz Patterson was very outspoken about President Clinton. Wrote the book bestseller Dereliction of Duty and eyewitness account of how Bill Clinton compromised America's national security. He is now running for Congress. He said in a tweet, California is broken and bankrupt. Democratic leadership has failed miserably and it might cause one to give up. But as California go, so goes much of the nation. I'm here to fix it, and I'm running for the congressional seventh district that I'd love your support. I mean, he's spent what sixty nine countries, twenty years of service, and an Air Force pilot, and he began under Ronald Reagan and flew combat all over the globe and anyway, we welcome him back to the program. All right, you're really now now you're sinking into the swamp. Why would you ever want to sink into the swamp, especially from California, which I think has gone anyway? Hey Sean, Yeah, Well, you know what, I've been asked for years and years and years to run and it's just time now. I mean, I live in California and there's definitely a leadership vacuum, and not only in California but in our nation, especially in Congress, and it's time for an outsider who has some insider experience and knowledge to come back and try to fix things. I'm so explain the California seventh District. It's look, most of the districts there are Democrat plus What what is the percentage of Democrat versus Republicans in your district Sacramento County Eshaw and it's D plus two and there's lot and it's very very winnable. Um. Okay, there's a guy named Dan Lungern who was a Republican here for years that had that district and until the Democrats we distriject in the acts, elected a guy named Ammi Barra, who is a probably a decent guy, but he's a do nothing Democrats, has been there for eight years. He's a doctor and that's all he does. He likes to initiate bills to name post office, but he won't do anything about the homelessness, the homeless vets in Sacramento and Los Angeles and San Diego and San Hi. If he walked downtown, if he ventured downtown in California, he's say downtown LA or Sacramento. It is a war zone and the Democratic politicians, Gavin Newsom and the like are not doing anything about it. And you know who's losing in the war zone or the homeless and our homeless vet And we are California in the nation is turning. It is turning in you know there we're willing to prioritize illegal aliens over our own vets and our own homeless, who are we're actual citizens in this country and it's got to stop. So my campaign, my platform, is going to be a strong immigration policy, a wall, a border. We are going to place prioritize our homeless and our vets above illegal aliens. And that's how we're gonna start. And we're gonna We're gonna take this country back. We're gonna take California back. And I'm the first first shot across that bell and I'm looking forward to it. Look, I give you a lot of credit. I mean you now are a sanctuary state. You're right. I mean historically, as has gone California, so too has gone the rest of the country. You see all these Democratic presidential candidates, they want, you know, open borders, they want, you know, free healthcare for illegal immigrants, and then they basically all want to adopt this crazy green New Deal. I do think there's going to be a backlash at some point. Um you see a mass migration out of California, people moving to Texas and other states that don't have I mean, you have a thirteen and a half percent state income tax. Gavin Newsom basically has put up a sign saying, come here, we don't care if you're legal or illegal, and you're going to get free healthcare from me and the people of California. I don't I don't see how that ends well for the people of California. And I think more and more people are going to pack up and leave. Well that's been the case so far, but I think it's time, Sean for adults to come back into the discussion, adults back in the room. I mean, if you look at what's going on in our Congress right now with AOC or shoot at leab lan Omar, Nancy Pelosi, I mean, it's there is no there's no leadership, there's no maturity there. It's just a bunch of kids playing in the sandbox. And it's time for us to introduce and put some kind of sane, rational maturity back into the process of our democracy. Our republic in California is the perfect place to start. And I SI travel across the state constant. I live in California, I speak across the state constantly, and he'd be surprised. I mean, most of the state is read. If you drop you, if you parachute into San Francisco or La or Sacramento, You're it's going to be a blue area, very very blue. But if you go out into the the partland of California, seeing away from the Civil coast to the heartland, and it is predominantly read. If Sacramento is read, if Sacramento can be taken back again by Republicans, if we have the right people the right leadership going. Well, look, I give you a lot of credit. I mean D plus two is not an unwinnable district. But I will say this, and this is why I never get overconfident about any Republican winning any national election, because whoever the Republican is. Even though the President has built an incredible track record. You know, we have now unemployment wise, the best number since nineteen sixty nine, you know, record low unemployment for all different demographic groups, and we now are energy independent. The President has helped bent on getting that wall built, and it's getting built. But you know he's doing the heavy lift a lot by himself. He could use some help from Republicans in the Senate, in the House sometimes they're pretty weak. But the reality is where we are today is that you know, we start out without New York and their electoral votes, without California, without Illinois, without New Jersey. So if you're a Republican and you got want to win, you gotta get Ohio, Florida, North Carolina. Then you gotta, you know, pick off Pennsylvania. You got to pick off Wisconsin and Michigan, and then those are not easy states for Republicans to win. I would argue that Trump on paper, I don't care what the polls say. I don't think he polls well. He should win. I don't see a Democratic contender that has an agenda that's going to be palpable to the middle of America in any way. And um, but you can you never know, because it's a heavy lift. Anytime a Republican for president is run, it's always gonna be a heavy lift. With you know, fifty five electoral votes from California just goodbye. Yeah, you know, well, you know, you know, Donald Trump saw better than anybody probably. You know, he's a fighter, and when we need fighters, I'm a fighter too. I've been in combat. I'm not going to back down from a fight, which is why I'm gonna wun for office in California. I would really appeal to people out there who want to support a conservative military guy wenting for Congress out here to go to buzz for Congress dot com Buzz for Congress. That's pretty easy to remember. And I'm running. Love your support, love your help anyway, shape or form. Uh and Sean, you know, but I've got to take a moment here. You gave me a break when I was a fledgling author back to two thousand and three. You were the first mainstream, you know, profile, high profile newsperson journalist who gave me a break and actually carried my my exclusive for Derrelex's duty and also for by the way, it was a great book. And what did you hit on the New York Times list? Did you get number one? We were number two under Harry Potter, So i'll take numbers. Wow, that's kind of number one. He can't carry Potter doesn't count extly. That's the way I looked at it. So you figured with we were number two. We were number two for a long time, six months. That book is still selling. Will Sean, thanks to you, and again you gave me a break. You're you're my butt, and I really appreciate all the time. Listen, I support what you do, and I really do. I think it takes great courage to run, anybody to run. But listen, it takes great courage for anybody to be in the public eye. You know, when I talked to my kids, it's about what they want to do as they're getting older. Now, you know, the last thing I ever mentioned is anything in the public eye. And then while it's been really good for me in my life. Um, and I've had opportunities that I'd never dreamed i'd have, and I've been blessed beyond what I ever deserve. UM. I also know that there's a downside of getting the crap kicked out of you every day, and thank god my kids don't pay any attention to it. I mean, that's the greatest blessing in the world. That's the secret. It's tough, and I know, I mean, I'm not quite the lime light that you do, but I had to make sure my wife and my kids were on board with this. They have not been in the past, by the way, so this is this is a revelation in our family. So the fact that they want me to go out and do this and they support that is again it's it's unique, but there is your right. John. You are you have to expect you're going to get to the crap kicked out of you daily, and a lot of it being probably being unfactual, incorrect, and something you've got to respond to anyway. Unfortunately, that's just that's just our culture. I think it's time for a culture change in this country. I think it's time for us to get back to conservative values. Start putting adults back in the discussion, and let's not go crazy with this. This lurks to the left, and I think that I'm actually, you know, there's I'm a pretty optimistic person. This is a due or die time. If they ever were if they ever got power back now and they were able to cement in these changes to the healthcare system and these changes in terms of environmental extremism, We're done. Capitalism and their their high rates attack, we are done. It will all end. The Republic will no longer exist as it once did, and it will change the course of history, and it will create a society of great wealth and prosperity and opportunity into a dependency society at an unsustainable level. And the amount of pain it would take to ever get back isn't a shudder to think what it would take to win it back. I don't even know if it's doable at that point. I'm right there with you, and I think I should sex Sean. You know when when until Clinton lost in twenty sixteen to Donald trup I think if we had if this country had elected Hillary Clinton and we had eight years of her, we would not have recovered from eight years of a bomb and eight years of Clinton. So thank god we elected Donald Trup and thank god we got a kid, we got a reelected in twenty twenty. I think you're right. I think this is the most critical election of our adult lifetimes. And that's why I want to be a part of it. I want to help in any way, shape or form. I want to help President Trump. I want to turn California back around again, back to our Reagan California, a golden state and a state where people are fleeing left and right to Nevada and Texas in Colorado. All right, Buzz Patterson, there, election of duty. Good luck California seventh. We'll stay in touch with you throughout the campaign. Good luck to you, and we we give you the warmest endorsement we possibly can because you're an amazing human being. Thank you for all your service here to four. God bless you, Sean, Thank you for all your service. Thank you, sir, God bless you. All right, eight hundred nine for one trun Well, all right, you've been like looking at me all day with the I have something to say to you. You've been just got back from vacation, look, and you want to unload something. What is it that's in that head of yours that you've been You haven't said it. It's a non verbal communication. What would you like to say? I think there are a lot of things I would like to say, Sean. I mean, you know, four days without irritating you or being able to make fun of you on the air. That's not true. I actually talk to you last night. Yeah, I know, but it's just not the same. I need the audience to really get my digs in. You know, it's not as fun. It's just not as fun making your digs alone. Nah, you know, I need an audience. I need somebody hearing me on. I know that the audience is out there going yeah, Linda, get them, get them, Linda. You know what makes you think? People ask me? Was she really that mean to you? That's what they ask And you said, hell yeah, I said worse than that? Does it? You know? God? By the way, God forbid those construction or noise in the background, God or God forbid it rains. One day. You have to do an additional show one day? Are you ready for the Try not blow a fifty thousand dollars? That's right, Just talk over me. Like Alan Colmes, like god, rest is so well. Let me say, you gotta admit, though this entire presidential campaign has taken a dramatic turn. I literally watched him fascination last week. As you know, are you gonna tell Putin not to meddle in our elections? Don't meddle in our elections. I'm dying because what did they want him to do? Did they want him to start a fist fight right there at the G twenty? You know, you know one thing that Donald Trump's not gonna do is sell out the country. You know, just like if he's he decides, oh I'm gonna tea I'm gonna tweet out to Kim Joan Ung. Maybe you can meet me at the DMZ or I'm gonna honor our military and honor the country on the fourth of July. And honestly think that they're so dumb that their hatred and rage has blinded them. They're incapable of seeing anything through a different lens anymore. It's darkened, it's it's it's blinders. But you know it's worse than that, it's willful blindness. It's basically like you know, you you don't want to hear it. You don't want you don't want what's best for the country. You want what's best for your agenda. And I think the country has spoken. All we need to do is look at the ratings. You know, CNN, MSNBC, Liberal talks, you're bragging on our big rating story that came out the week I was on vacation. I would never do that. Yes, you know exactly what you do it. You know, I don't feel that way um about good ratings in the sense that I don't feel a sense of pride. I feel a sense of thankfulness, and I feel a humble you know, I got a lot of work to do and I've got to earn this every day. And but I am very appreciative. I mean, we came in by one, unlike your liberal counterparts who feel entitled. That's the difference. You're listening to your audience, You're giving what they want. They rush to judgment. They don't care about truth anymore. And that's why the media is you know, you look at the favorability of the media. It's never been this bad, this slow, and they have earned every bit of contempt people have for them. They don't respect their audiences. They don't care about how Americans are doing so well unto Trump's policies. That's the furthest thing from their mind. So what do we say, I mean, is it just about them? Yeah? Of course it's just about them, and that's the biggest problem. And that's why they're losing on every single front, and that's why Trump will win in twenty twenty. I don't already got our first dropout. We got our first you know. Oh yeah, of course D school drop out. All right, that's gonna wrap things up at today. All right. The media, the left, we'll never get Trump. The meltdown a Biden and company we have Deep State News will get to Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Trey Gaudy, John Solomon, Lawrence Jones, Pam Bondi, Larry Elder, and Jesse Waters nineties during Tonight, We're back, Kennedy, Fox News. Glad to be back. We'll see it tonight at nine. Sea back here tomorrow

The Sean Hannity Show

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