John Solomon, Editor in Chief of Just the News and Author of Fallout discusses John Durham as he zeroes in on the Clinton campaign, and the news that he could call some aides to testify, in a newly released court memo. Solomon was blocked on social media, “Breaking: Twitter admits ‘error’ in suspending Just the News founder John Solomon’s account over COVID facts,” the platform also silenced Dr. Robert Malone this past week.
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Day number one forty two an hour to Sean Hannity's show. Great to be back, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Now I'm away, And what do I hear? Joe Biden saying, well, first, he doesn't know what it means. Let's go Brandon, what rock are you living under? But that's a different story for a different day. Biden saying, there's no federal solution to COVID. We'll get into more of this in the next hour, but this is important. I'll tell you why in a second. Look. There is no federal solution. Let's gets solved at a state level. I'm looking at Governor Sanuno on the board here. He talks about that a lot, and it ultimately gets down to where the rubber meets the road, and that's where the patient is in need of help or preventing the need for help. I'm not gonna shut down the economy. I'm gonna shut down the virus. He said it again and again and again and again and again. Listen, what I would say is I'm going to shut down the virus, not the country. Is his ineptitude that caused caused the country to have to shut down in large part, and as I've gone through in the last hour, the media mob was there at the same time, all lying to you. We learned a lot, and we'll talk to our medical professionals at the top of the next hour. Fully vaccinated people, they're getting omicron. Fully vaccinated. People with boosters are getting omicron. Fully vaccinated people with boosters and previous infections are getting omicron. How do I know, because I know people. I dealt with this my entire vacation to be very honest with you, but don't if you listen to MSDNC. The vaccine stops the virus instead of the virus being able to hop from person to person to person, potentially mutating and becoming more virulent and drug resistant along the way. Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person. A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them. The virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else. You cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to go get more people. Wrong again means wrong again anyway. John Solomon, Editor in chief, justinews dot com actually went through a spat with Twitter, had to appeal their decision, which was to suspend him on Twitter, and they've since lifted this suspension. John Solomon joins us, Now, first you didn't what was it that they felt that they didn't want, because the first thing they did was put up a disclaimer don't trust this information, right, Yeah, So listen, this wasn't a controversial story at all. What it was was a story where we interviewed Fiser, and Fiser said, before we start to use the new version of our vaccine, the one it is fully market approved, we're going to use the remainder of the version of the vaccine that was approved under the emergency order beginning when President Trump they had access supply and they wanted to use that up makes its right until they use any one. There's very little difference in the chemical makeup of the vaccines. In fact, Fiser says it's indistinguishable. But there are different legal distinctions. If someone gets the emergency use of vaccination versus the market approve one, there are both liability protections that are different, and an emergency use vaccine can't be mandated by a government to be taken by someone. The government can't mandate someone take the emergency use they can mandate take us to All we did was point this out because a federal judge pointed it out in a court ruling one hundred percent accurate. Nothing in the story was inaccurate, wasn't even controversial, and Twitter flagged they suspended me from Twitter for twelve hours. We appealed. We said, listen, the story is right, but not only that. Fiser is not objecting to it. And we interviewed ten immunologies, ten experts, and said, is there anything inaccurate in this story dangerous to the poplic helf? Every one of them said no. And Twitter came back in about a day and said, we made an error. We should ever suspended you, We should never have blocked the story. And they reversed that their entire decision. So that's how that's the world we live in. And they admitted that they made a mistake on not carrying the Hunter Biden laptop story too, But that was well enough so far after the election. It was a ridiculous statement at the time. Here, I want to ask you to about two other issues. One, I want to get an update on the what's going on this revelation inside a court filing this month as it relates to John Durham. I know this audience is frustrated by all of this as I have been. All of this could have the low hanging fruit in the Inspector General's report was enough from my estimation, to indict a lot of people, and that never happened. But anyway, the filing this month in the case of Igor Danchenko, a Russian analyst, was a probably who was a primary source for Steele's You Dirty Russian dossier that Hillary paid for. Is now charged repeatedly with lying to the FBI during the Russia collusion probe and has pleaded innocent. But the motion asked a presiding judge to determine whether dan Chenko's lawyers and law firm posed a conflict of interest as the firm also represented Hillary the Hillary for America campaign, as well as several former campaign officials. It matters before the Special Council. Yeah, an extraordinary filing. And one of the things you learned about John Durham's investigation is that every court filing tells a story. It isn't just an avenue to debate an issue. He actually tries to tell a story. So in this one, he goes on and says, listen, it's odd to me that Hillary Clinton's law firm is also representing this witness. And as this trial goes along, and as we explore the possibility that we show the court that the information in this Steel do say was wrong, Hillary Clinton the campaign may have divergent interest from Igor Dan Chaco, the man who gave the bogus information to Christopher Steele, And therefore, Judge, before we proceed any further, please check and see if this is a conflict of interest that you don't want to occur in your courtroom. He dropped several bombshells and making that case, he says it's possible Hillary Clinton campaign officials will be called to testify these court proceedings, including the trial. He said that there may have a different They may begin pointing to fingers at each other, meaning Dan Chanko is going to say Hillary Clinton gave me bad information or gave me a bad assignment, and Hillary Clinton campaign is gonna say, well, no, he gave Christopher Steel and made that whole document a problem for us. So the divergent interest, he points that out. All of these are big hints of what he's been finding in his very secret grand jury investigation. And what's clear now is that Hillary Clinton's campaign is the center of one aspect of this investigation. What they knew, did they know they were giving false information to the FBI. That's become a central question for John Durham to resolve now. If he's going to resolve it in the affirmative, that would mean for somebody like me or you that we'd been indicted yet to see that happen. And there were multiple referrals relying to Congress, for example, and Michael Harrowitz his Inspector General report. Nobody moved on those. That's right. There's many, many, many people that have been referred. I don't think anyone that was referred is out of jeopardy. The I see a lot of activity right now, Sean. I know it's slow when it's long, but I think we've been accurate in reporting what was going on. I think there are a lot of people that are still in jeopardy. And I think there are two buckets that John Durham is focused on. One is the Hillary Clinton world. Who was involved in creating the fall story and did they know what they were giving to the FBI was false, because if they known the and willfully did so, then they're about to be indicted. And you saw Michael Sussman and one of Hillary Clinton's lawyers indicted in November. The second bucket is what did the FBI know about the bad level of how bad the information was, and did they ignore those warning signs and go to the court, go to Congress and give a bad story. If so, more people in the FBI are likely to be charged. I see two different investigations going on in the Grand jury right now, talking to defense lawyers and other people. Both are very active, and I think we're going to see some new activity publicly for the first time early this year. All right, let me ask you about something that I know you're working on as it relates to perhaps ballot harvesting in twenty twenty. Can you give us any hint of what might be coming? Absolutely so. The one area that we've gotten a lot of traction, a lot of evidence starting to build is the possibility that in some battleground states there was an operation for people to go out and gather others votes and deliver them for them. That's a tactic called harvesting in most states like Georgia. In Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, it is illegal for someone to deliver another person's vote. For instance, the Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf had to admit a couple of weeks ago that he illegally allowed his wife to deliver his vote. Not a big deal, not a big scandal, but it's illegal. If you do it on a widespread basis, you could influence the election. You could have one party abiding by the law and another party not abiding by the law and getting more votes delivered because they were harvesting. We are seeing signs that harvesting was going on in four or five states. We're digging in. We believe there's one or two states that are now opened real investigations into it, and I hope over the course of this week and next week we'll be able to break some news on this front. But I think this is one of those unresolved questions from twenty twenty. Did a group of people cheat? Did they go out and gather other people's votes and deliver them to those drop boxes. It's looking like there's more and more evidence that that may have occurred, and we're going to get to the bottom of it step by step. There are some reports that may be video evidence. Is that true? Yes, Remember in Georgia, for instance, and in other states, there were video cameras, surveillance cameras put on the drop boxes. So the ferry has always been if someone was going to run a harvesting campaigny would put them into these new drop boxes that were sitting street corners and in other locations. So there is video footage that I've seen that would suggest that people were coming at wee hours of the morning with large numbers of ballots putting them into a box. Again, it's the video looks to be that way, but you got to do the ground investigation and find out what was really going on. But there's some video footage. There also maybe one or two cooperating witnesses in one of these states that have acknowledged it. The states that I've been looking at Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia, and I think George is the most ripe. I think in the next couple of days we'll learn some new information there. All right, John Solomon, editor in chief, Just the News dot Com, thank you so for being with us. As you get more information, we'll bring it to this audience. We appreciate it as always you being with us. Thanks Sean, have a good day, A hi, quick break. We'll come back right to the phones. Eight hundred nine for one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. All right, let's get more busy telephones here. Let's say hi to Barbara as in Maryland. Happy New Year, Barbara, Glad you checked in with us. Hope you had a good holiday. Sean, how are you. I'm great. I had an imacron vacation, but I don't know's it's too deep to go into all the details, but thank god, everybody's okay. How are you well, I'm recovering right now, and I had three vaccine that I'm recovering right now. You might be able to hear I've got a little bit of raspuness. But you know what, Sean, I call it the a'micron voice. I can. I actually can almost spot it now and hear it when I talk to people, because it did you know, that's where it started was in the float. Well yeah, and for a lot of people, it's not been that. For most people, I know, it's not been that severe. It was a little touching go early on in terms of I didn't know how bad this could get for some people. Younger people are getting it. Vaccinated people are getting it. People like you've vaccinated and boosted or getting it. People vaccinated and having previous infections are getting it. It's it's unlike anything we've seen. All of these all the more reason why all of these mandates, everything should be stopped immediately, because what we're trying to fight is really a very bad cold Sean, That's what this is. I have had not so late, but I had hangovers worse than covid. Okay, what's your drink of choice? I really do like Crown Royal wow. Um, But this is a variant that is way more contagious, far less lethal. Um. But what I don't understand is how did we run out of testing? How is it possible that the one thing that you can use as a therapeutic and we'll get into it more with Brian Tyson and doctor Brian Tyson and doctor Fred. How is it we ran out of monoclonal antibodies? How is it that these new medicines, the anti viral medicines, were not available. How does Joe Biden get to go on vacation and walk on the beach with his wife in the middle of all of this. As I mean, you're talking about percentages as high as twenty percent in cities like New York and other places in the country. Time to prepare us so they can steal the twenty twenty two elections. They're not fooling me, They're not fooling the vast majority of us. And you know what this is, This what's happened with this armoricron and now it's so mild, and it's so many cases. You know why? This is God giving us herd immunity. When we come on the other side of this, we're done. I would not, you know, as far as mass mandate, it's time for the people in this country to stand up and stop asking me as if we're even the Europeans are showing more cohonies than we are right now. Those most people I know have had it. The trust in at the trust in government now is like below zero. Off at all possible. I hope, I just hope you feel better. Are you feeling okay? I'm feeling really much better. I went out and did my yard just before the snow. I did went out and got my you know, things taking care about there for the new year. You don't want to have trash in your front yard and stuff like that, you know, But you know, Sean, before we before, I just gotta tell you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much. I said I was not going to cry about this. I wasn't because for a long time, every time I thought about the gift you said for my grandson, that Nintendo's switch that you said was such a godsend to us. And I'm so grateful to you. Does he like it? Is you happy? Oh? My goodness? She has people know how Jennim she are and how sweet it was and how much it was. So it was so helpful to me for him for Christmas. And I'm very grateful to you for that. Well You're very You're very, very welcome, and I'm so happy he liked it. I consider my life an undeserved life, and upon reflection, I'm very grateful for all the things that I have, including this audience and the opportunity here every day with you. And if I get to do something nice occasionally for people, it's my pleasure. God bless you. Barbara feel better, Okay, thank you so much, Sean, and stay sweet just like you are. Well, you're very kind. God bless you. Quick break right back. You'll hear what everyone really thinks in DC. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five down till the top of the hour. We'll get to your calls here. Joe Biden in a New Year's message, Americans are back to joy. I don't know what world he's living in. I don't know what his Christmas vacation was like New Year's vacation was like. But mine was pretty much dominated with Amicron and friends and listeners to the show. Linda, how many people do we know over the course of my two week vacation got in touch with us? What's that? What is Hannity advising again on the on the if you test positive for COVID thing, and we give out as much information as we can and tell people, of course to coordinate with their doctor doctors. And you know, early on I was more nervous in the beginning of it, and it turned out to be far less lethal. It's still dangerous for a lot of people with comorbidities and pre existing conditions and compromised immune systems, but for most people. It's highly contagious, far less lethal and impactful than prior variants. But you don't know until you know. But Joe's New Year's messages Americans are back to joy. I'm like, no, they're not. We're over here. People described as ordinary Americans. There's nothing ordinary about them. After losing loved ones, jobs and facing out a certainty or perseverance, were recovering, back to work, back to school, back to Jordan. That's extraordinary. I say, way being trash, I'll embrace the mixt together. Man, that's uplifting. Doesn't that make you feel better? It makes me feel so much better about where I am in life. He's delusional. More COVID deaths in twenty twenty one than twenty twenty. Great job, Joe, you handed three vaccines and monoclonal antibodies that you did nothing with. And now, by the way, that all these governors Christy, Nome and Abbott and DeSantis, they're begging the federal government, can we buy our own monoclonal antibodies because they're trying to get ahead of this themselves, and because Joe Biden, you know, went to work and literally GSK, which is the one monoclonal antibody that everybody wanted, especially for this particular very end, is just not available. And that's just because the federal government's buying it and they're rationing it, and it's just sitting there and it's called Setrova MAB put out by Glasgow Smith Klein, and nobody can get it. And rightly, Rohn de Santas is saying, let me buy my own, like I did the last time after you started rationing it, the one time he mentioned monoclonal antibodies. It's unreal. Now you want to talk about the Nile. It even gets worse. Barbara Streisan, Only Barbara Streissen could do this. Joe Biden's economic record in his first year is the best in forty years, she said on Twitter. I'm like maybe in her life, but for most people it's been an absolute Adam shift show, a third nine year inflation, high, gas prices up a buck fifty a gallon. We don't see any hope that they're going to decline, because of course Joe has artificially reduced the world supply. And he just continues to bang his head on the wall and repeat the same mantra, begging OPEC and begging Russia to produce more energy. You see the price of everything you buy costing more. The cost to fill your tank, heat your home, buy groceries, buy items at the drug store, go to home depot, go to lows, and everything you pay for costs more. By the way, inflation is causing. The average used car price is now twenty nine thousand dollars. Okay, most people you know, they want to use card, don't want to pay twenty nine thousand dollars. And Biden's going to meet with farmers about plans to lower their meat prices to meet competition. They can't lower their meat prices because it costs more to take that meat, ship it in an eighteen week. That's paying a buck fifty more a gallon for diesel to get it to the store and locations around the country. You notice there was an article that now restaurants are selling chicken thighs instead of like chicken breasts and the more desirable parts of the chicken that people tend to like more. I'm not a big chicken thigh guy. Linda, you like chicken thighs, I don't like them. I mean, it's so funny saying this because I literally went through this this weekend. I was at the store and I was getting food for the week, you know, and kids back to school, or they should be, and the whole produce, produce and poultry section was completely empty, completely empty. I went up to the guy in the store, so what's going on? He goes, we can't get it in tons of stuff, the chicken links. I went shopping yesterday, A ton of stuff I couldn't get. What is wrong to consider inflation transitory? These price spikes has seem like they're going to be with us a while. Kamala Harris is on CBS Sunday Show and economists or admitting, and the FETE is now admitting. Even Janet Yellen is beginning to admit that inflation has only gotten worse and it's likely to be sustained for a long period of time. But we have to address the fact. We've got to deal with the fact that folks are paying for gas. Groceries need solutions, So let's talk about that. Short term solutions include what we need to do around the supply chain. No that the number one answer is energy. By the way, this is the articles on foxnews dot Com or I'm sorry. Fox business dot Com pricey Chicken puts thighs on restaurant menus. I'm not a big fan of a chicken thigh. And I like chicken cutlets, like chicken breast. I don't like chicken. I'm not a big chicken by guy. Do you think it's pretty good? I don't know. I like it. Well, it depends on how you cook. You're a good cook. You'll figure it out. You know, it's not a matter of being a good cook. You're only as good as the quality of meat that you're cooking with. I don't disagree with chicken cutlets or I like the whole chicken brast and and I have my own way, as you know, of cooking. They yes, you do. Anyway, Let's see what's going on here with Keith is in North Carolina. What's up, Keith? Glad you called? Nice? Thought to you a big fan. Thank He's going to give you an update on the Monoconnell antibodies. My seventeen year old son tested positive for COVID about two weeks ago, maybe three weeks ago, and after he tested positive, the doctor said, well, you can take him to the local hospital and they can give him the antibodies. So I was there the next morning. First thing got him in line to get him although he didn't tech the qualifying for the antibodies, they pushed him through. He got the antibodies the next afternoon, about twenty six twenty seven hours later. You never knew the kid was sick. He was over at the fever, the aches, everything was gone. And every single person that I know, and it used to be, you know, a piece of cake for me to help people find a place to get him, I can't find places anymore. No. My neighbors actually tested positive last week and they went to get the hand of bodies at the same hospital that I went to, and they didn't have them and didn't know when they're you can't get a test like for example, Abbott did a great job of putting together these home tests and let's say the ninety seven or eight percent accurate. I know people that took the home test and that was their first indication they were COVID positive. And now nobody can get a home test. Now you got to wait in line. The lines in New York four or five hours long to get even a rapid test, and you know, and on top of that, then there's no therapeutics available, although in New York, I've got to give you know New York their props. New York is now prioritizing minorities to get either the anti viral medicines that are now apparently doing well with people I've not I don't know people that have used them yet, so I can't give you any anecdotal information. I know doctor or Oz has talked at length about him, swears by him, and thinks that they're going to go a long way in helping people. But the one thing that I know that worked for everybody that I know that I helped get Linda. How many people have I helped get monoclonal antal bodies for it in terms of finding looking researching where they can get them, and like a real number real night, I would say at least a hundred, if not more more. Yeah, And it's, you know, because it's the one thing that I know that has worked on everybody. It's and it's worked on people that are fully vaccinated, fully vaccinated and boosted people with previous infections. I know now a dozen people that had a previous infection that got it again, and my um my son well, there is four other people in the house besides my son, and none of us ever got enny symptoms whatsoever. And we're all unvaccinated, but none of us had any issues at all. And he actually tisted negative or whatever reason. He tasted naked it four days later. Yeah, well, the monoclonal antibodies I have found, but check with your doctor work. Yeah, you know, and work for my son, and I honestly, I probably wouldn't have known anything about it had I'm out listened to Hannity every day. Oh, I'm glad. I'm glad. Listen. I'm glad it helped. That's my job, and nobody else wants to talk about it. You know, now that we have breakthrough cases, and he breakthrough cases with boostered people, and now that we have cases where people previously infected are also getting it again, maybe it's time to talk about the therapeutics that work. Why aren't aren't tests available? Why aren't monoclonal antibodies available? Why didn't Joe Biden have the wisdom to warp speed production of testing. He had a full year to do it. Why didn't he warp speed the use of monoclonal antibodies? He only mentioned it in his vaccine mandate speech and has never mentioned it again. You never hear it from Fauci, You never hear from any of these guys, because it's one size fits all medicine. You know, I think the debate over vax don't vax is over, and I think people have made up their mind. And I think at this point, you know, we don't want anybody to die, regardless of what their decision is, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with their decision. Like I read today the Congresswoman Presley, I agree with nothing she says, and my attitude is I wish her well. I hope she gets, you know, a speedy recovery. You know, Joe Rogan gets pounded. He says, I used everything that I could throw at this monoclonal antibodies. He used hydroxy cleric when I remectin. That was his choice in consultation with his doctor. You know what, I'm glad. I'm glad that Joe Rogan got better. That's when I read that. I'm glad he got better. But you know, you know, you're not even allowed to talk about anything else in this crazy world anyway. Keith, God bless your man best to your son. I back to our busy phones, Bruce and you talk. Bruce, You're next, Hey, Sean, appreciate all that you do and say. You know, but thinking a lot about this idea of build back better when you think about these words, you know, think about the word back. You know, when you look at a conservative position, conservatives are about rising tides, raise all boats. When you look at the opposite side of the spectrum, it's a race to the bottom. All equality means equal misery. So to me, you know, we don't spend enough time thinking about this word back. Why are we going back, which means to destroy to rebuild? Why don't we build up better instead of back. I'm more concerned about all of the things that we're talking about, which essentially is designed to destroy the economy, destroy the functional democracy we have, so that it's a scorched earth philosophy to build and reconstructive with the new philosophical structure. To me, we know what that's exactly what the New Green Deal was a mount Yeah, I don't know. I'm reading articles that Joe Mansion came back from vacation is now back in negotiations with the White House over this you would think after the CBO scoring, eliminating all these accounting gimmicks and eliminating you know, the sunset provisions that are not real and a real scoring, that one point seven five trillion is really five point one trillion, that's going to add three trillion to the deficit. You would think that Joe Mansion would stand strong, knowing the impact it's having, the negative impact it's having on inflation. I don't know what where Joe Mansion's head is at here. He made the right decision before Christmas, but I'm sure the pressure is going to be enormous on him. Look Democrats right now that they don't want to talk about the border, which is a disaster, COVID spreading like wildfire, no tests available, no therapeutics available, because they didn't prepare for this. They're like and they're they're literally hoarding all the monoclonal antibodies and states can't even get their own. They don't want to talk about that. They don't want to talk about a forty year high of inflation. They don't want to talk about the bad economy, the high price of energy, the cost of everything going through the roof. All they want to talk about is January sixth, and Liz Cheney in an interview this weekend, you know, basically said she wants to purge the party of Donald Trump. And that's what the motivation is. I mean, they're announced, they're telegraphing where they're going with this, and it's you know, it's just it's it's so predictable. If we're going to talk about what happened on January sixth, can we talk about the five hundred and seventy five riots that killed dozens of Americans, injured thousands of cops, and caused billions of property damage? Can we talk about those two exactly right? I mean, isn't it all the same? Ultimately we have to go back and reconstruct that which we already know has been working. And hope to heaven, we can recognize that most republics ended about two hundred and forty five years unless we've really changed the paradigm here. And it's so blatantly obvious. And I love the fact that Tucker and you build, you know, the whole notion that you know, these folks don't believe a word that they're saying. They're primarily you know, pushing away truth because guess what, if you don't believe in God, you want to play God. And that's what they're doing. It's a huge, massive read it is. It is transforming America into a country that to me would be unrecognizable and then not far there. You know, this is why this year is so imperative. This election here, and believe me, we'll be all over it all year long. Anyway, appreciate the call, Thank you for being with us. Quick break right back. I don't call