Judge Phil Ginn - October 7th, Hour 3

Published Oct 8, 2024, 2:02 AM

Judge Phil Ginn, President of the Southern Evangelical Seminary, the SES Mission: To “train men and women, based on the inerrant and infallible written Word of God, for the evangelization of the world and defense of the historic Christian faith.” The Judge and his group are doing clean up in Boone, NC and helping as many as they can on the ground. 

Stay right here for our final news round up and Information Overload.

All right News round up in Information Overload hour. Here's our toll free number. It is eight hundred and nine foot one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. Twenty nine days, our thirty day countdown has begun till an inflection point for the country. One of the most important elections you'll ever see. I've said it before, but this is it. And anyway, all betting markets are shifting dramatically. It seems like all the movement now is towards President Trump. But don't but don't take any solace in that there's only one poll that's going to matter at the end of the day, and that's on election Day. And if you don't do your part, then you're going to regret it. He has a public service of put on Hannity dot com how to register to vote and when early voting begins in your state, five more states starting today, and when early voting stops, and all the information you might want about Kamala Harris that she's never had to answer for. Tim Walls that he hasn't had to answer for the files, the Wallis wallsfiles all on Hannity dot Com. We keep talking about the disaster that is especially is North Carolina. We have Sarah Carter, She's in some of the hardest hed areas tonight. She's been going back and forth for us and she's been talking to people in North Carolina on the ground. And let me play her talking to North Carolina residents about the absolute devastation, the lack of government response, and the frustration with the federal government in terms of their response to Hurricane Helene. And by the way, as we say this, we've got what looks like a Cat five hurricane about to cover and blanket almost the entire state of Florida, the Free State of Florida, my state. And it's going to look like a direct hit. It's going to be right where it was the last time in Tampa. I mean, I have so many friends in the area that got blown out the last time. It's just, you know, a week and a half later, here we go again. But the lack of concern, the tone deafness the administration, I mean to think that you know the whole you have whole towns and areas in the entire southeast wiped out, and supplies in some cases delivered by mules. And some Americans are so cut off we don't even know. We haven't even had made contact with them at this late date. The Department of Homeland Security tells us they have no money. But you know, Alejandro Majorcis is shopping in elite Is stores this weekend, And and Harris is out there doing interviews on you know, call Me Daddy podcast instead of helping the people in North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Florida. He's not doing a damn thing. Haven't lifted a finger, and she's going on every liberal show she can get on. He's going to do the view Howard Stern Call Me Daddy podcast in sixty minutes, but not help the people in North Carolina and Georgia. Pretty unbelievable. Anyway, here's Sarah Carter on the ground show. She'll be with residents tonight on Hannity a special edition so DVR nine Eastern, but talking to North Carolina residents about how bad this is.

Listen, there's just no words. I don't think people can even understand what this is like unless they walk through your community to see this.

I've never would have imagined.

I mean I'm from the Gulf Coast and I've been through a lot of hurricanes, but nothing like this. You've never seen it like this.

No, what about FEMA FEMA.

I haven't seen FEMA. I don't know anything about FEMA as far as them coming around. This is the first time I've ever had to experience anything like this, So I don't know what protocol is, So I'm just being patient and waiting. I have heard rumors that they are around, but I haven't seen anybody. And we're right here in the middle of ground zero, so and we've been here every day, so it's not that we've missed it them. We just missed them.

It's just been amazing that it's been a real community effort.

Yeah, Like I'll tell you, it just brings me the tears to see people which have been like this Right now.

The New York Posts and some others have reported that basically FEMA FEMA is allocated one point four billion dollars, but that money was allocated for illegal migrate crisis, not for hurricanes, not for natural disasters, for the illegal migration crisis. When you hear that, as a taxpayer, what goes through your mind?


You should look out for your people that are helping you run this country.

We just need help.

We need FEMA, We need somebody to start rolling in with some dollars.


It's just diar.

You know.

You told me earlier you've never asked for a dollar in your life from anyone. But this is one of those times where the American public, just like your neighbors, might have to pick up the slack and help your community get.

Out of this.


Yeah, we will. We'll. I have to.

We don't have a choice. I may not be able to open my business back up again. I hope. So I'm telling people that I am because I want to give hope. But if I can't, then how I had plenty of I had a time.

To help, all right.

Sarah will be with us tonight on Hannity on the Fox News channel, and she's doing exactly the same thing. She's gonna be talking to residents about how the government abandoned them, because that's what Kamala Harris and Joe Biden did. Although Joe Biden says that well, everyone's getting everything they need, it is. It is a flat out lie. It's like inplation being transitory and the border being secure. None of which was ever true, or that Joe knows what day of the week it is, and they just they lie about every joining is now. As Judge Phil Ginney's the president of the Southern Evangelical Seminary, the sees based on, you know, basically the written word of God. They like Samaritans Person and other great Christian groups and Baptists organizations in the area. You know, they have been doing the job that the federal government should be doing but is not doing. And anyway, their organization has been out there helping to clean up and help as many people as they can on the ground. And anyway, mister Ginn, thank you for being with us. We appreciate it and our prayers and apologies, you know for all that you guys have had to go through and best wishes. But you know, I donated to Samaritans Person. I know they've been doing a good job. Tell us what's going on on the ground.

There, well, Sean, First of all, thank you very much for having me on. And you're correct, my friend Franklin Graham is and their group is doing a Gillman's job in really carrying the.

Braun of the recovery that's here coupled with a great partnership with churches, followed closely by the volunteer fire departments, and they're the ones that are leading the juggernaut of the cleanup that's here.

You know, FEMA has come in with paperwork, and our neighbors are coming in with muddy boots and helping hands. And that's really the distinct difference between the two operations.

Now, I look at for example, I just pulled up today, I did a little research over the weekend, and I look at how much money we give globalist organizations around the world. For example, you know, seventy billion dollars total foreign aid per year, one hundred and seventy nearly two hundred billion in Ukraine, eight billion a week and a half ago additional to Ukraine, and nearly two hundred billion total. We give eighteen billion dollars a year to the United Nations that have proven over and over again that they're anti Semitic and anti American, with eight hundred and fifty million to the WHO, which was a proper ganda wing for the communist Chinese during COVID. You know, we sent six hundred million dollars a year to NATO every single year. You know, Ethiopia gets two point one nine billion, Afghanistan and even the Taliban one point three to nine billion, Yemen one point three eight billion, Egypt one point three seven billion, Jordan one point one nine billion, Nigeria one point one five billion, Somalia one point one four billion, UH South South Sudan one point one two billion, Kenya one point zero three billion. And I'm just touching the surface now. I'm not saying that that that that we shouldn't offer aid to people. I would get out of all these globalist organizations myself, because I think their history is one of just hypocrisy, and they have an agenda that is not one that looks out for America. But if we're going to give all that money to all those foreign countries and two hundred billion dollars to Ukraine, we can't help out the people in North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Florida better than we have been helping them, because they they basically have been abandoned. Am I wrong in suggesting they've been abandoned.

I don't know that we've been totally abandoned, but we're certainly not being treated fairly and there's a growing frustration. Let me give you a specific example of what I'm talking about. It It came from the Vice President's taught just the other day, probably Saturday, maybe Friday. That time has run together with me.

But she announced this great one hundred and forty million dollars that was coming to the hurricane ravaged area of western North Carolina eastern Tennessee, and with a little footnote, it was designated to rebuild I forty, which is I'm thankful for that, but that's what we got, and that doesn't help put people in the houses. The second thing that she touched on was an announcement she was going to give one hundred and fifty seven billion dollars to one hundred and fifty seven billions gives me to Lebanon to help rebuild where where they it been, you know, suffered because of the attack of the Israelis, according to her, on the Hasbola Hesbola pocket targets. So, I mean, we don't really care what pocket the government gives out money from Sean. We just see it flow into the legal aliens to Lebanon and all these other places around the world that you're talking about, and with only a trickle that's coming back to us.

And quite honestly, it's our money.

It's not the government's money.

It's our money, and there's just a big government.

Well, you are aware that a billion dollars was diverted out of FEMA, and Alejandro mayorc has announced that, of which I couldn't believe that they're almost out of money and they didn't have money, and that we then found out a billion dollars went from It's on FEMA's website, the Shelter and Services program for Harris Biden unveted illegals in which they free food, housing, healthcare, education, text change, surgeries, and a path of citizenship. Does that seem right to you, because it doesn't seem right to me.

I'll just say tell you that many of us here in western North Carolina seawan. I don't really expect our present government to talk sense to us anymore. But what we're seeing is far and fewer people are listening to their nonsense.

All right, quick break more with Judge Phil gin is with us, and he's the president of the Southern Evangelical Seminary. He's been on the ground in North Carolina that he's seen the devastation up close and personal. Samaritanspers dot org for those that want to donate and help out people that pretty much have been abandoned by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, who's lying saying, Oh, they have everything they need, they're very happy. No, they don't have everything they need anyway. We're also tracking this new hurricane that is headed towards the coast of Florida. Looks like it's going to go right across the entire state or pretty much close to the entire state, and we'll continue to update you on that throughout the week as well. Eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn. As we continue, we've seen.

Our friends and neighbors lose their homes. We've seen classrooms of children who have no longer have their homes. We are hunting for teachers. We have twenty three teachers out of our list that we haven't been able to find. I've been a teacher in Black Mountain for twenty five years. I've been a resident.

There for forty eight and we've never experienced anything like this. We don't know school is out indefinitely. And that was where many of our families received food services like their therapy, their physical therapy, there's speech therapy. It was their community. We need so much help. We don't want to be forgotten. Our communities all hold hands with each other.

We continue now with Judge Bill Gin He's the president of the Southern Evangelical Seminary. He's been on the ground in North Carolina. He's seen the devastation up close and the horrific response of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, and Joe Biden flat out lying saying people are getting everything they need and they're very happy. There isn't one happy person I've spoken with. Is there anything we can do to help your organization? I've been supporting Samaritans first for years. I know Franklin personally. Anything anything people can do to help.

You, well, certainly pray for us Sean.

That's the that's the big concept of Franklin Graham.


I'm telling people to give to their local churches. Here are who were leading out who you know. We're going in Jesus' name, But we're not particular.

About who we are. It doesn't matter what your status in life is. We're helping.

What a lot of people don't forget about us is that if it hadn't been for the folks in the area that's ravage by Helene, we would not have had a country because it was our group of men who traveled over mountains to the Battle of King's Mountain and turned the tide of the Revolutionary War in the South and lit the British for the first time in a long time there at that battle. So we're resilient people. We look after one another. We just don't like the concept of FEMA coming in and taking credit part after the fact.

We we are praying for our friends in North Carolina, and I'm so sorry. So many people have just been wiped out here and for a full week pretty much they were abandoned, and the government, you know, even still has not stepped up the way that they should. Our prayers are with North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina. Sir, God bless you and samaritanspurs dot org. If people want to donate, we have a link on hennity dot com for that as well.

Thank you, sir, Thank you so much, and keep up the good work. We appreciate you, sir. Thank you.

Eight hundred ninety four one Shawn us On number one All right twenty five to the top of the hour toll free our number. He is eight hundred nine to foot one sean if you want to be a part of the program, if you are current or retired military or police, or first responder or teacher, if you served or served your country, your community in any way I've been telling you about gove x. It is absolutely free. Now I know more about govex than I ever have because you may not know this, but sweet baby James, well, he served in the military, and he was in the Navy, and so now he is a member of gove x. You sign up for free, get your free membership when you go to govx dot com. And I looked at all of the things that James can get. This is really for people that have served or are currently serving, and James is now a proud member. Anyway, you get forty percent off the biggest brands things you're going to buy anyway, ray Ban, Oakley, Yetti, north Face, so much more. Forty percent off or up to forty percent off Amazing vacations. How about this up to one thousand dollars off all cruises, unlimited open bar, special dining with Norwegian Cruise Lines How great is that just because you served and they want to give back and they've worked out these great deals for you and it doesn't cost you a penny. That is real money in your pocket for things that you're gonna buy or do anyway. I mean, see, if you qualify, just go to their website. It's g o v x dot com. Use the promo code sewn se a N. That's g o v x dot Com promo code sean. Now look, just ten million members is saving millions of dollars every single month, mostly on things that they're going to buy anyway. And that's what sweet baby James is doing. And now haven't looked at you know, all these discounts. This is an amazing amount of money you'll save and it doesn't cost you a penny. G o v x dot Com promo code sean sea N. You got fifteen bucks off additional via first purchase. Is that simple?

All right?

Let's get to our busy phones. Let's say hi to Wayne in the hard hit state of North Carolina. Wayne, how are you glad.

You called h on cause you give you an updated colle on what's been going on here?

By the way, Joe, but Joe Biden said, everybody's getting everything they need and everybody's very happy in North Carolina.

Is that true?

No, that's not what That's not the experience I've had. Last week. We got friends up there and and we have people were going up daily, and one of the things that that came out they needed was basic medical supplies. My wife happened to be a veterinarian, owns their own business, and a nurse up there that we knew, and a lady who's the nurse practitioner with her. You know, we're beating needing things like antibiotics because folks were consuming water that had made them sick. They were needing stuff to treat pneumonia. They were needing bandages, galls and that sort of thing, and so she was sending that up and basically we were getting a list daily of what they needed and somebody would get it up to them. And largely it's been churches, private individuals, Samaritans, purse uh no words from FEMA. So I was up there on Saturday night. We took goods up and that church had had not heard anything from They hadn't FEMA hadn't even been by. And this is in the northern end of Buckham never mainly going out to rural counties and getting the people that were roads for Goudolphs. And you know, if it hadn't been for private citizens, churches and these individuals, I don't know what those people would have done. And then I guess over the weekend what really bothered me was, you know, Kamala goes to Charlotte, makes Mecklenburg County a federal disaster area when they're not meeting the needs in the hardest hit areas of the state. It's kind of real slapping the face not only of those counties western North Carolina, it's also slapping face to Governor camp Georgia, where he wanted to expand the number of counties. It's just very irritating she made it.

I mean, they only gave him eleven counties originally as natural disaster areas. He asked for ninety. Then he went back and then they gave him thirty. And I'm like, Okay, you're not understanding. He's on the ground. He's in Georgia, just like the people are on the ground in North Carolina and you're not listening to them, and you're making proclub acclamations that are just absolutely void of any connection to reality, and it's the worst hurricane response in the history of the country. And then you got guys like David Axelrod out there saying, yeah, I think the people in Ashville, the liberal areas of Asheville, they're they're smart, they'll find a way to vote. But I doubt these other people are going to be able to go out and vote in the red areas of North Carolina. I'm like, wow, feel sorry that people have to live through this. I'm sorry about the people in Tampa and you know, parts of Florida that about it looks like a Cat five now is going to hit on Wednesday. Wayne. Anyway, we appreciate the call, thanks for checking in with us. Our prayers are with our friends there, Doug. In Georgia they got hit particularly hard as well. Governor Kemp, like Governor DeSantis, prepositioned all the utility trucks and food and supplies and was ready. Kamala and Joe preposition nothing and they haven't lifted a finger that you know. Finally, we find out last week that they're broke because they're giving the money away to their Unvetit illegal immigrants and other Anyway, Doug, thanks for checking in. Sorry about what's going on in Georgia, and we appreciate you being with us.

Well, Sean, it didn't really get us. We were just out of power. But we went up Saturday anyway, thank you for having me.

Yeah, you're welcome.

You went up where Saturday We went to Spruce Pine where the lady you called in while Ago went to the volunteer fire department. But it wasn't just me. I own a small moving company, so I got calling around and I said, listen, I got trucks sitting down here in the yard. So we started loading Friday around daylight. Were loaded to I didn't stay until late, late, late, but I know they worked until after midnight. We took up probably seventy five thousand pounds of water, and you can you could name all the products we sent up. I know they were people. That's what reason I wanted to call you, just to get a thanks out everybody that helped us.

Well, it is amazing and the worst of times you do get the best out of people. And I saw that with Samaritans Pirst which is why you know, I've known Franklin for years. I got on the phone. I called him, I said, how bad is it? He goes sean, you have no idea. It's worse, the worst I've ever seen. And then I just cut him. I checked myself. It was that simple. And I put him in touch with people that want to volunteer. And I've been in touch with his people. I've stayed in touch with them, and I was in touch with them all weekend.

We got out there Friday. I mean, there's kids with no shoes on.

Oh man, that's awful.

Flass, flight blanket, this stuff that I ain't really getting. But we took up I don't know, truckload of water, cooking stuff, stuff you can cook quick, you know, on the fire bread. You just wouldn't believe it. But you wouldn't believe when we got there, the line was probably a mile long there at Sprace Pine Volunteer Fire Department.

So, and these are people that just need water and basic necessities. And isn't not people that normally would be looking for any handout. They can't get it anywhere. They have no choice.

Yeah, seven hundred and fifty dollars ain't gonna help them. We did say some fame of people, though, we did see some fame of people.

We just rode No, they finally got up there. After a week of us bitching up the storm about it, they finally a couple of them showed up. Yeah, thanks a lot, although they don't have any money. According to all Hundromorcas well.

Now there's plenty of FAMA people, but they were all in the motel parking lot. I didn't see no people. But we just rode through one of the only motels that had power and there's FEMA cars all in there with government tags. We just rode through there. We was trying to see some of the damage and get some pictures. But anyway, I.

Had a friend of mine tried to volunteer talk to the FEMA people and he said they're Hugh was told, well, just get on the payroll and just you know, and we'll tell you when we need you. And he's like, I don't want to get paid. I'm up here to help and work.

Yeah, it's crazy, but we had people that went up, took their skids stairs and they're still up there. I'm an old maid. I can't do changs. I all work no more. But anyway, John, I was going to ask you if you could get Shane Jenkins over at Victory Baptist Church and clars we're going to try to go again, and I tell them i'd how it, and if I could get you a phone number to maybe get the word out to getting some stuff to take up.

Listen, I don't think you can go wrong. There are a lot of good local churches in every one of these states. You know, ask them what they're involved in. They're doing a lot of good work. People helping people has been the most effective way of helping the people. The government response has been pathetic and right now we just got to get them the help first and then we'll deal with the you know, the political side of this later. Anyway, Doug appreciated, buddy. Thank you. Eight hundred and nine to four one, Shawn Tim in my free state of Florida. What's going on, Tim?

How are you been doing good? Trying to get ready for this storm? Just so thankful for our great governor Rohn descentis I don't know if you've got a notification of it or not, and he is shut down all southbound lanes of seventy five and converted them to going north evacuations. So now if you're leaving the Tampa area, You're going to have basically six lanes of interstate going north to get out of the evacuation area.

I already know that he's prepositioned like he did before Hurricane Helen, thirty thousand utility trucks and supplies and food and water and emergency workers to get in like he did, like he always does. I mean, there's what he did. Governor Kemp did his job. The governor of South Carolina did his job. And it's just it's infuriating to me that Biden and Harris are just clueless.

It is. And we took up a couple U hauls. We left last Wednesday up to Newland, North Carolina, up on top of the mountain right there off Highway WON eighty one, and Sean we got a phone call from the lady who we were following up there. She purchased all the stuff down here in Florida to be brought up, and she called me on the phone. She was about I guess a half a mile ahead of me in the mountain is twenty two miles going up. Well, it took us a little over two hours to get up to the top, and she told me that a friend of hers had called her that had just made it to the top and said, look, you're going to see some pretty gruesome stuff. We just passed three bodies that were in a tree and the lady yeah, and what did you say. The lady got on the phone, she called FEMA and told FEMA about it. That's one of the only numbers he could get to. And FEMA's reply to her was, well, we can't get anybody out there right now, and we don't know when or if we're going to be able to get out get some out there. And like you were talking about a few minutes ago, all these countries that we have given billions and billions of dollars to, I don't think this country should give one single penny to another country until the cities are rebuilt to the way they look before the hurricane. And I'll leave you with that, sir, and thank you so much for all you were doing in your staff.

I agree completely with what you just said. We shouldn't give one dime to anybody until we take care of the people in our country first. These lives have upended in ways that you can't even imagine.


Professor Katz California. We only have about a minute, but Professor, we're glad you called, thank you for joining us.

Thank you Sean, and God bless you. And I just want to say that today is October the seventh, and it's exactly a year ago today that people were killed in massacred twelve hundred people in Israel. And we still have hostages, American hostages omer Etai, Fagi, Godi, Judith and Keith waiting to be rescued. And where is Kamala, Where is Joe Biden? And where is Wald? She avoided Bibie, She pressured Israel into ceasefires on a sixty minutes interview, she couldn't even say that we stand with Israel one hundred percent. She's held back weaponry and the billions that she gave to Iran that emboldened all of the terrorists all over the world. Let terrorists on the watch listen to our country. All of that could have gone to help our brethren here in the United States during these times. And you know, every time when we sing on the happy holidays, we sing, you know, havn aguila, And there's a time you say ura scheme and it means awaken brethren. I don't care what religion you are, what political party, or whatever. Today the President of the United States needed to be with Israel and the Jewish people and people of good faith. But President Trump is at the o Hell, at the burial place of the Revy, one of the most and all over New York, from City Hall to to the UN Building whatever, people are out there calling for the death of Jews, and the death of Israel, and the death of America. And we have one man, one President, President Trump, who is there with the Jewish people showing his solidarity. And he has always been with Israel and with the American people one hundred percent, and that's what we want. I'm the daughter of a Holocaust survivor who's almost ninety seven, and two aunts who are ninety nine and ninety five, and they do nothing but from the moment they wake up in the morning till they go to bed at night, pray for President Trump. And they said to tell you, we need a leader, not a laimack. In Yiddish, a laimack is a weak person. You need a person of strength and of courage. And that's President Trump. And we all love him. And I just hope whether no matter what your background is, get out and vulte vote, because whether you care about the economy, public policy, I mean domestic policy or foreign policy, whether you care about children or whatever, they're trying to make this a one issue vote. And Ronald Reagan, God bless him, may rest in peace, said the people who care about you know, abortion or people who are already alive. And why is it that when you hit a car and a woman is pregnant, you get convicted for a double homicide. That's a human being. And President Trump has already said the exception. So don't listen to all the lies that Walls and Kamala are pushing about twenty twenty five, about all these things that President Trump has already made it very clear what he will do. Kamala's had four years to do whatever it was she said she's going to do, and she's done nothing. President Trump in his four years, kept his promises and he'll do it again. So please take your friends, take your family, get out there, defend President Trump on social media everywhere, and get out and vote for the most promis.

I'm up on the constraints of times. I couldn't say it any better. And you know what the only message America should have sent Israel from day one when they lost the equivalent of forty thousand Americans in a day, is go win your war against radical Islamic terrorists that were responsible for murder, rape, kidnapping, torture, and beheading. That message was never sent, and it's still not being sent. It is pathetic. We'll continue. You know, most of us, you think, okay, God forbid that moment comes and somebody breaks into your house. What do you think in your mind, You're going to be the person that saves your life, your family's life, and you're going to be there and you're going to take away the threat and keep your family safe. This is why the USCCA exists. Now I've been a proud member for nine years. You get world class safety and training and self defense, liability insurance, and God forbid this moment ever comes, you're not going to fit alone. They're over eight hundred thousand plus American gun owners like me that trust the USCCA, and they want to give every one of you listening to my voice right now, a life saving resource for free. It's called the Concealed Carrion Defense Guide. It just texts my last name Hannity to eight seven two to two two. And also you can look at their exclusive limited time deal for Hannity listeners if you want to be a proud member like I am, and how this membership can safeguard you and your family if God forbid, you need to defend yourself and save your life and your family's life, even in the comfort of your own home. Text my name Hannity to eight seven two to two Hannity to eight seven two to two two. Today, All right tonight, full coverage of Hurricane Milton, the fallout, the disaster. Sarah Carter is doing a town hall with people in North Carolina. We'll also check in with Senator Ted Budd and Senator Tom Tillis. It's all coming up nine eastern. Say you DVR and we'll tell you where the rest of your money is going. Meanwhile, North Carolina, Georgia be of an abandoned nine eastern on Hannity, See you tonight, back here tomorrow. Thank you for making this show possible.

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