Judge Jackson - March 24th, Hour 1

Published Mar 24, 2022, 4:00 AM

Sean has the latest on the Jackson confirmation and the continued double-standard that is coming from the left.

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Where will come in to your city, gonna play our gifts and saying you a concocie. We'll all be desire and if you want a little banging again, you ain't come along. Now. There's a time when things are shifted. We're gonna They're gonna be a new world order out there, and we've gotten leaded. Everything is Putin's price heights. Inflation is Putin's fault. People don't believe that either. They know that we had inflation before. This a secret. Most people don't really know what capitalism is. Most people don't even know what socialism is. But most people are not capitalists. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. Yeah, I'm coming to your city. Don't play our gifts. A new Sean Hannity Show more behind the scenes information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind Enemy Lines, Day number two, twenty two. All right, Day two twenty two? Day two, Uh, what is it? Thirty five? When it comes to the promise of Joey that he wouldn't um abandon Americans and are green cardholders, et cetera, et cetera. Gladual with us. We'll get your calls in throughout the program. We're gonna update you on Russia, will update you on the Supreme Court nominee that is proving to be far more controversial than anybody thought. Katanji Brown Jackson and and I know that Republicans are being mean or Republicans are racists. There must be Republicans couldn't have been nicer. They're asking significant real questions, like, for example, every judge holds a hidden agenda. What's yours? That's what she said. Gives a speech University of Michigan Law School, you know, puts praise in for the sixteen nineteen project critical race theory, the notion that somehow identity politics can play a part in sentencing early, you know, light sentences for these people involved in child sex cases and porn cases. In one case, you know, recommended sentence of ten years, you know, gets what three months, apologizing in another case to the pedophile that was just convicted that she has to sentence them. Okay, we're looking at judicial activism. The thing that stands out the most of if you really pay attention, the things that Judge Jackson has said, in the past and the way she is acted in the past is not congruent to what she's saying to the Senate Judiciary Committee. It's like a totally different person to all it is is a show, this is an act. This is okay. She will be a radical, if not the most radical judicial leftist activists ever to be on the US Supreme Court. That that is what her writings, that is what her previous rulings show, and I do not expect anything to change. Marsha Blackburn will join us on this, asked over, well, how do you define what a woman is? And of course that gets to the whole issue of transgender That gets to the issue of transgender transgender people that are biologically male competing in in female athletics, and Title nine comes into it. It's it's it becomes very difficult, and I think Caitlyn Jenner is the one that nailed it the most. I don't really care where your testosterone levels are. Today's talking about Leah Thomas the swimmer, but what were your testosterone levels at puberty at sixteen, at seventeen? At eighteen, Rohn de Santis actually declared the winner of the championship race to be the second place finisher because of this issue. It's it's it's it's not as complicated as people make it out to be. You know. It's sort of like Caitlyn Jenner said to me, and she was on the program TV, and I said, well, she happens to be a great golfer and she would never play in an LPGA event because she's My testosterone levels going back years ago made me physically stronger, no matter how little testosterone or zero testosterone that she may have today and the estrogen she does take. So in that sense, it's just fundamental fairness and looking out for the rights of women to compete on an equal playing field in sports. Really not any more complicated than that. It's not being mean to anybody. You know. I'm reading a lot about what's going on with the Ukraine situation. I'm watching NATO, you know, and a lot of what I'm hearing is sounds very, very Polyannish to me. It's I understand that. Look, there is hope for a lot of what is being reported, and I'll go through all of it, but I'm not sure that's where this is headed, you know. Okay, we hear that the Russian special Bomboy is resigned over the Ukraine invasion. We hear the Sergey Lavrov admitting Russia was surprised by the scale of Western sanctions. We hear Russia's Ministry Ministry of Defense head as report missing, has not made a public appearance in twelve days. Top Russian military leaders repeatedly declined calls from the US, prompting fears of sleepwalking into war. And you know, we keep hearing the threats about potential chemical and biological weapons being used, and that's always been a possibility with Russia. We've always known Russia's a hostile regime led by a hostile actor. This is not new. We know they're in nuclear power, we know they've used chemical weapons before. We know that there's potential. The question is what is Joe and NATO going to do if this happens. That's the question they need to be answering. And the biggest, most important question that nobody's really talking about is if you want to stop Putin, then you want to help the and and stop the territorial ambitions of Vladimir Putin. Right now, the best thing you can do is supply the Ukrainians with the weaponry that they're asking for, begging for, pleading for because they've been really effective in using the equipment they're getting from Europe in the United States specifically drones, specifically javelins, specifically Stinger missiles and Joe. Next time Poland wants to give him miggs, shut up and get out of the way and let Poland give them the MiGs. And if they have some cockamani scheme while your pilots have the flights, no, just leave the keys in the plane and let Ukrainian fighter pilots take it out themselves and say, oops, I have no idea how it happened. That's the answer, But that's only answer one. The second most important part of this and we have four hundred additional sanctions on Russian companies that we're putting in place. Okay, that's good, fine, great, But the real source of money for Vladimir Putin that is enabling him to continue this war is the money he's getting from Western Europe NATO countries for oil and gas. Now, I know they're discussing how to replace their dependency on Russia, but by the time they get the replacement energy, it's gonna be too late. And this is what Donald Trump desperately tried to warn our NATO allies about repeatedly. I played the five minute tape of beat down he gave to the head of NATO, how stupid he is and how stupid NATO countries are. He actually sent then German Chancellor Merkel a white flag. She goes, well, what's this for, Well, you're surrendering, I might as well give you the flag to surrender. And what was he saying? He's surrendered? She surrendered to the radical environmentalists in her country. In other words, they have their own climate alarmist religious cult in Germany, new Green, deo radical socialist in Germany. Germany used to use nuclear power their own power, and they used to use some power from France. Well they gave that up because of to capitulate to the radical environmentalists, the new Green dealers that live in Germany. And then they became dependent on Russia for sixty percent of the natural gas and oil. And at this point they just can't. It is the lifeblood of the world's economy. That's why it is it is critical that the US returned to energy independence. Is no scenario that I can see where Joe Biden is smart enough or strong enough or to go against the climate alarmist religious cult, the New Green Deal, socialist democrats in this country. I don't see it now. If I saw that, that now we're talking about being smart, because then we don't need to give a rip about sucking up to Venezuela. It's embarrassing what Biden is doing with Venezuela. He's begging a murdering thug dictator. You know, he's holding out the carrot of lifting sanctions so we can import Venezuela and oil what and make the thug dictator, murderer rich again. How stupid is he? It was bad enough watching Joe repeatedly beg OPEC nations to produce more energy because he's he's he's he's in handcuffs, you know, because the cult, the religious cult, the climate alarmist religious cult, won't let him drill here and frak here. We have enough natural gas, we have the energy, we have the resources, we have the oil, we have it all. It's this, This is a form of madness, you know, watching Biden in Europe and watching a stupid press conference today. It took like six questions. It was it was, it was just totally meaningless because they need an immediate solution to the problem, and that would be to immediately And I said this before the State of the Union address. What Biden ought to say is I just got off the phone earlier today with the head of every large, medium size, and small energy company in America, and I told them, as of noon today, I have lifted all restrictions on issues involving regulations, auctions, federal lands, drilling, fracking, and I have instructed them to as quickly as possible to get America immediately back to energy and dependence. And then I want them to even go further and produce enough energy so we can help out our Western, European and NATO allies for national security reasons. That's what he should have done. That's what he should be doing now. That's what they're not doing. You know. It is so he's in this summit. It is nothing but weakness. There's nothing thing coming out of this summit that's gonna phase Vladimir Putin because he's still literally getting paid billions of dollars. We put banking sanctions in place. They're full of Adam shift, They're just totally full of it. I hate being led to like this because guess what Germany's paying for the gas and the oil. NATO nations are still paying Putin. He's making billions every day. Why so we can build more weaponry and terrorize the poor people of Ukraine even further. You know, look at look at the look at the city. But the only I forget how many hundreds of thousands of people of Marriopol. They leveled the city, they leveled it, they bombed it into oblivion. How many more dead children do we need to see on the screen, how many more mass graves do we need to see before people wake up. I'm purposely showing it on TV. It is evil in our time. Now, Edy, you sound like you're you sound like you're getting you know, ratcheted up here for what. No, I'll repeat the Reagan doctrine, not one American boot on the ground. Supply Ukraine the weaponry, the drones, the javelins, the stingers, and let Europe it's in their backyard, provide the fighter jets the weaponry needed so that you can defeat Putin and defeat Russia right there in Ukraine. So it doesn't spread like a cancer any further. Cut it out, now, end it now, help the Ukrainians win, stop fighting half asked wars, and now you take out all of Putin's troops, they can do it. They show the will, the valor, the courage, the willingness to fight. All we've got to do, all Europe's got to do is give them the weaponry to do it. Europe, addicted to Russian oil and other carbon fuels, has to stop. You know, it's encouraged by some of the counter offensive offensive. Listen to ze Linsk. He's not asking for boots, he's asking for weapons. And if you want to charge him later there's enough mineral natural resources, then make them pay us back. I'm fine with that. That was Rand Paul's suggestion, not mine. I think it's a good idea. Let's do that eight hundred and nine four one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, listen. Like many of you have suffered from insomnia, I don't anymore, and I have all things my pillow dot Com to thank for it. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. These products work. You're gonna love him now. You have built my Pillow into this incredible company. And by the way, if you want a better night's sleep. Need crave a better night's sleep? Anyway, you're gonna want to go to my pillow dot Com. Remember you get deep discounts when you go to the Sean Hannity Square and click on that. I've been telling you about their Geeza Dream Sheets. I've been raving about him. It's made from the world's best cotton, Giza, the softest sheets you'll ever sleep on, breathable, durable, and right now Giza Dreamsheets. When you go to my pillow dot com, click on the Sean Hannity Square at the lowest price ever sixty percent off thirty nine ninety nine and of course an unconditional sixty day satisfaction money back guarantee. Or you can just call and mention my name, Hannity. When you call eight hundred nine nine zero nine zero. Now those products are going to arrive at your door, and all that sleep you've been wanting and kneading and craving and desiring and deserving will be yours. It's that simple, My pillow dot Com, Sean Hannity Square. You know, Joe Abandon are men and women in Afghanistan, and he checked his watch when the bodies came home. Is this really the Americo we want? This is important here. You're on the Sean Hannity Show. As we roll along Sean Hannity Show. You know these idiots that are in the mob and the media. You know, I'm the one saying, yeah, I hope somebody in Russia, I hope you take them out by any means necessary. You invade a sovereign country and you're killing innocent men, women and children. Your forfeit your right to lead the country, and your forfeit your right to live. Oh that guy, the guy has been You know, we've been chronicling the the what is the human catastrophe and evil of this invasion of Putin? Some people want to put a blind eye towards it. I refuse to. I refuse to not identify evil for what it is, because that's exactly what it is and what was it. Hannity quoted the Kremlin spokesperson. The Kremlin spokesperson just stated what I'd been telling people. I've been telling people, Yeah, Joe's weakness, his frailty, his cognitive decline. We're not the only ones seeing it, and there are polls out there, you can find them. We've sighted him in the past. Majority of Americans see it, but so do our enemies, SODA's China, Sodas, Russia, Iran, And look at little rocket Man is now back. He launched his first ICBM since Trump confronted him about his nuclear arsenal four years ago. Why do you think little rocket Man's back on the seat anyway? Trump raised the prospect of nuclear war with North Korea, boasting on Tuesday Night. This is from January second to twenty eighteen, one year into his presidency, not even a full year into his presidency, and he commands a much bigger and more powerful arsenal of devastating weapons than the outlier government in Asia. North Korean leader Kim Jong un just stated that the nuclear button is on his desk at all times. Trump wrote on Twitter, well, someone from this depleted food star regime please inform him that I have a nuclear button, but it's much bigger and way more powerful than his, and my button works. That's called strength. Ever you think Joe Biden would ever make that statement of putin no. That is called a problem. Eight hun is our number. We have a lot of other news economic more on what's going on in Ukraine. As we continue exposing left wing media bias. No stone left unturned. The Sean Hannity Show is back on the air, all right, twenty five now, so the top of the hour, let me go just jump over to the the hearings of that have been going on of Katanji Brown Jackson and a lot of these centers around And this is a Washington Post piece, a child pornography case at the center of this hearing. Because over these three days center Republicans have beyond critical race theory, the sixteen nineteen project and you know the the oh, every judge has a hidden agenda crap which I've never heard from anybody before. But anyway, over the course of these three days, they often went back to one sentence decision by the nomineque Katangi Brown Jackson in her roll as a judge, to try and paint her and show people that her approach over a decade on the federal bench as dangerously soft on crime. Yeah, by the way, this is racist, racism, it's examining one's record. It's not racism. If you want to look at you vicious, vile, brutal, horrific, unfair attacks against nominees, just look at Robert Bourke, and we played that the other day. Just look at what they did to Clarence Thomas or more recently to Justice Cavanaugh. Anyway, So the criticism this is a twenty thirteen decision by Judge Jackson which sent a nineteen year old then nineteen year old Wesley Hawkins away to prison for three months for trial pornography. But with the new pointed line of attacks, senators now point out that Hawkins must have committed additional sex crimes in the nation's capital to end up back before Jackson in twenty nineteen. Now here's a big problem. Some of the records in this case are sealed. The Washington Post, to their credit, I'm a little shocked. The same people hiding Hunter Baden's laptop saying it's Russian doesn't from there's their apology. Anyway, They pieced together previously unreported aspects to it, and Hawkins had come to the attention of law enforcement in twenty twelve, he was eighteen years old, he uploaded to YouTube five videos of pre pubescent boys engaged in sex acts. By the way, you've got to be really sick to do this, and undercover detectives soon emailed him, suggesting the two had similar interests. Hawkins emailed the age and two videos and wrote that he was interested in boys ages eleven to seventeen. Authorities then executed a search Warren in June, finding seventeen videos, sixteen images of boys on a laptop and a phone, and then Hawkins cooperated with the investigation. Federal prosecutors said in court filings. They wrote that the recent high school grad had agreed to be interviewed by detectives, admitted possession, entered a pre indictment guilty plea, took full responsibility for his actions. Federal sentencing guidelines called for a sentence of eight to ten years. Prosecutors said that given his age and lack of a criminal record, they recommended two years. Again, the document given a senator as a US probation officer recommended a year and a half. Anyway, hawkins defense attorney asked for far less. The defense attorney only wanted a sentence of one day in jail, home detention, five years supervised release. The attorney said that Hawkins was not dangerous, had a sexual identity issue complicated by his mother's strict religious beliefs, and his offense was prompted by a teenage sexual drive, not an intrinsic sexual attraction to significantly younger children. How do you make that argument with a straight face in light of the facts I just read to you now. The piece in the Washington Post goes on. Jackson, who was then a Federal District court judge for DC, said in the court that Hawkins had committed a very serious and in many ways heinous crime, one that capitalizes on the victimization of the most vulnerable members of our society. I cannot even express adequately how horrifying it is for me to know that somewhere out there there are children who are being trapped and molested and raped for the viewing pleasure of people like yourself. Look at this, then, Judge Jackson said she was also persuaded by some of the defense arguments as well as her own review of the record, including that Hawkins had not produced any of the videos or taken any of the pictures, but exchange the ones he found online. And addressing Hawkins, she said this, you are only involved in this for a few months, and quote, other than your engagement with the undercover officer, there isn't an indication that you were in any online communities in advance to advance your collecting of behavior. Jackson and said the relative age of Hawkins was viewing also had to be weighed. Most child pornography offenders are middle aged adults who are devy and strong to pictures of vulnerable children. This case is different because the children and the photos and the videos that you collected were not much younger than you. Excuse me, let me go back and look at this. Let's see. He says he's interested in boys ages eleven? Are you kidding me? And you've got kids as young as what eight years old? They? You know, in the involved in this? Are you kidding me? And this is what Judge Jackson said? And anyway, and this seems to be a situation which which you were fascinated by sexual images involving what was essentially your peero, no peers, what is she? This is insanity. As such, Jackson rejected the so called enhancements to the sentence of Hawkins, including one that would have extended his prison term, because of the young ages of those pictured. These are children, these are little children. I mean, I cannot fathom a mindset that goes here. I know, pre pubescent boys engaged in sex acts. Those are not a nineteen year old young man's peers. How do you come to such a conclusion? And this is why Republicans are saying, what the hell is this? A pattern continues with her handwritten letter three days before the sentence, sing Hawkins asked Jackson for a second chance. I can't say how much I regret blah blah blah blah blah. Jackson imposed a prison term of only three months only, followed by three more months of home detention and then six years of supervision. She warned Hawkins that he had jeopardized the future, and she said she hope that he could rehabilitate and become a productive member of society, noting that he was accepted to college. Josh Hally has been criticized for pointing this out that that is a slap on the wrist. Senator Cotton cited a twenty nineteen court order from Jackson that required Hawkins to enter a halfway house to complete the last six months of his six year term of supervision. The order reiterated earlier terms of his supervision and and his computer and property was subject to search anytime, and added the condition of comp computer monitoring software the underlying request that prompted Jackson's twenty nineteen order is sealed, which quote is typical for a Probation Office application. Now, Cotton asked Jackson weather Hawkins committed additional sex crimes? Well, what did Wesley Hawkins do in twenty nineteen, Judge, I don't remember, that was our answer, Cotton scoff, saying he didn't find that answer credible. You've been asked about it, probably more than any other case you had, referring to the many hours Republicans focused on this case in any other case you had, and since her the beginning of her confirmation, hearing you know what I think. I think he got a call with child pornography again, and he wouldn't have if he had been in prison eight to ten years, as the guidelines called for, Cotton said. Person familiar with the Hawkins case read to the Washington Post the probation officer's request that led to Jackson's order, and the person spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly. The probation officer petition did not allege Hawkins committed any new sexual offense or violation of conditions. However, it stated, despite being in treatment for more than five years, Hawkins to continues to seek out sexually arousing, non pornographic material and images of males thirteen to sixteen. In other words, he's got it in his head. He's a danger to society, a danger specifically to the most vulnerable in society. That part Judge Jackson got right. The petition asked Jackson to order close to supervision to reduce the risk of recitivism and help Hawkins regain independent function. The Post has not found any subsequent criminal warrants or arrest for Hawkins, registered sex offender since twenty fourteen. So I don't think all of this with Hawk with her, I don't see that she's been telling us the truth. That's what it comes down to. And we'll talk to Marsha Blackburn later in the program today about all of this. But this is really weird, bizarre, strange and troubling, you know, and in prison, and I know people that have been to prison, Hannity, who hell are you hang out with? I just know people that have been to prison talked to him about their one was for example, he's recently passed away or passed away a while back former Providence mayor Buddy Sancey, And I like the guy who's the most gregarious guy in the world. Anyway, did his time political corruption. Used to be a guest on my show. Nice personable, nice in every way, nothing bad to say about the guy. And anyway, Buddy Seancy said, you know, explain life in prison to me, which I never understood. And there's there's two things that anybody have ever talked to that's been in prison, and anybody interviewed. They hate prisoners hate they have their own code. They hate two groups of people. They hate pedophiles and they hate rats, people that rat out other people. That's those are the two groups of people they hate the most. And then you know, depending on the whether or not it's a maximum security prison or whatever, you know, you have different different factions here and there. She should not be confirmed she has She is a judicial activist. Her record does not qualify her to be on the US Supreme Court. And this has to do with race. No, it has nothing to do with race. It has to do with somebody that says every judge is a hidden agenda that means she has won. This has to do with a belief system on the sixty nineteen projects, CRT, etc. It has to do with her past record of showing incredible it's almost incomprehensible leniency when it comes to these sex crimes of children. I don't get it, because if I'm a judge, I'm throwing the book at you, and I'm throwing your ass in jail as long as I can. That's simple. You have now picked on the single most vulnerable people in society, was held. What about Hannity? They're just looking at pictures, just looking at pre pubescent naked children performing sex act. If you don't see that as sick and evil and twisted and ugly, then there's something wrong with you, because that is the most innocent among us. And if the law doesn't protect them, the law is not protecting anybody. It's not that complicated. You know, all of this fear. What if Russia does a cyber attack? What if Russia uses chemical? What if Frussia uses nuclear? They've always had the capability. Why all of a sudden, why don't you give the answer that Donald Trump gave little rocketman Kim Jong un? This is from the New York Times, January twenty eighteen. Yeah, North Korea leadag Kim Jong un stated that the nuclear button is on his desk at all times. That's after I guess he had fired a weapon. That's why he got the name Little rocket Man, Trump wrote on Twitter, writes it on Twitter. Well, someone from his depleted and food star regime, please inform him that I too have a nuclear button, but it's much bigger and more powerful than his, and my button works. And that was the last we heard from Little rocket Man Kim Jong un as far as missile testing, well, Hannity spoke to Hannity. He met with Kim Jong on numerous time. I was there for those meetings, not in the meetings, but I've covered it, you know, for the show. And what did Donald Trump give Little Rocketman? Nothing except his time? And then what did he get in return? He got the remains of Americans from the Korean War back and Little rocket Man stopped firing rockets. Now he's back firing rockets. And my point was Hannity quoted the Kremlin's folks person. No I didn't, they quoted me, and that when the American people see what I see, a weak, frail, cognitive mess of president, not only do we see it, our enemies see it and they're acting on it. And that's why Crimea was annexed. With Obama and Biden. Nothing will happened during the Trump years. Biden becomes president, back into Ukraine, Vladimir goes and right behind this, I'd say it's a pretty good bet that that Taiwan is a threat, under a severe threat. And I think China's just gonna watch this play out, figure out what their strategy is, and their quote reunification will happen. That's my prediction. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. And in the meantime, Joey's began Iran, Venezuela and OPEC. I cannot fathom how dangerous this is for the world. You know, I wrote Live for or Die America and the world on the brink, meaning if Joey won, Biden burning Manifesto, forty year high inflation, Ukraine now invaded by Putin, you know, China about to take Taiwan. Little rocket Man back in action. He's not going to be ignored in this. And now Biden talking to our biggest enemies, Iran Venezuela. I just can't believe. I want to cry. It's so bad, and we've got nearly three more years of this. God help us. Look, I'm not good at decorating or making those decisions. I don't know. It's just hard for me to commit to one thing. But when it comes to custom window treatment, it's the one decision I don't need to make. I just use blinds dot Com now right now. No store can beat their price, no store at all, and they're going to give you an additional thirty five percent up to thirty five percent off sitewide and blinds dot Com can make your dream home a reality. I've seen firsthand custom window treatments. By the way, it's a minor home improvement that has a major impact. It can transform any or all rooms in your home. And blinds dot Com they make it simple, simple, simple, fast, affordable easy it really is. 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