Jonathan Gilliam: The Communist Creep Is Real

Published Jul 2, 2019, 10:00 PM

Sean is vacationing and Jonathan Gilliam fills in and talks about the battle to protect Capitalism and reminds 'Hannity' listeners of just how real the communist creep is!  There are some clear examples if you are paying attention! The bottom line?  Liberals believe in equality of the outcome while Conservatives believe in the quality of the opportunity!

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This is Jonathan Gillham back in from my good buddy Sean Hannity on the Sean Hanny Radio Show. Yeah, I'm fighting a little bit of a cold, but that always seems to happen when I come and do this show. You know why, I'll tell you why. This is a perfect segue into what I want to talk about today. You know, God doesn't necessarily want everything to be easy for you in life, right, That's the way it's meant to be. It's not meant to be all happy and everybody gets what they want. And I want to be famous, so you just be famous? What is famous? What is that? Anyway? You know, this world and especially in this country, you are given an equal opportunity to be your best. That's what you're given. You're not given and it wasn't set up to be this way. You're not supposed to have everything given to you. What happens inevitably with all animals anywhere in the world. You look a tiger, for instance, a tiger. I posted a video the day of a tiger. These guys were driving on a motorcycle to Bangladesh. All a sudden, this tiger comes running out of the woods or the jungle or whatever it is over there, and it almost got these guys because he's hungry and his instinct says kill if a piece of food drives by and a motorcyclist is gonna go after it. But when I've also seen in the past couple of days, there's been a picture going around on social media that has a tiger that is fat as can be. Because when you put a tiger in a cage and feed them everything that they want, they're gonna give up on trying to do anything else. They're just gonna eat, eat, eating, whenever, whatever they're given, they're gonna take it, and that's gonna be the extent of how far they go in life. And it's the same exact thing when I was for human beings, when I was listening to the DNC and I saw how they were putting all of their propaganda, their subverses type messages out there. What I saw across the board both day, and trust me, folks, it was a grind watching these things for two days. The first night was like a basically like a Saturdaynight Live skit. The second night was more polished but full of blatant lies. I mean, there were lies in the first night as well, but the lies were so blatant that we saw on the next night that it was hard to They were hard to miss. But overall, the message was, let's give you everything you need to live. Let's give you everything that you think you need to have a successful life. Let's give you everything we can that everybody else has that may have worked for it or fallen under good fortune. You deserve it too. And I'm not really clear on where they're getting this message. I've searched in search and search to try to find out where this comes from. Does it come from love? Does it come from their desire to just bring everybody up and be all one happy fam No, it has not come from that. If you look at Marx, if you look at Lenin, and you really look at Stalin, if you look at Salo Lensky, and I remember on this show, I don't know, four or five years ago talking about the same exact thing. But people at that point in time were very nervous or they just didn't think that the word communism associated with globalism or socialism. They didn't really think that those things. Even though Barack Obama was in office, they didn't think that those things were going to come to fruition. I remember giving a speech several years ago at a Vietnam memorial down in New Jersey, and a lot of people because I kept talking about communism. I would say that the very people that you all were fighting, I was talking to Vietnam bets. I said, the very people that you were fighting, the ideology that you were fighting, not the people, but the ideology in Vietnam is the exact same ideology that has secreted its way into our government and unfortunately into the minds of many Americans. Today's show, if you stay on and you listen to the show the entire time, we're going to talk about socialized medicine. That was something that was huge during the debates, the Democrat debates. There weren't really debates. They really were more than anything, just big billboards for what their platform is the Democrat Party. Capitalism, What is the reality of capitalism? We're going to talk about that. And indoctrination. Where does this start? How did it? How is it that young people believe in socialism? How is it that old people now believe in socialism and they're ignoring the communist threat? How is it that it is seeped into our military, into the jag corps, to the point where they are disrupting the ability of warfighters to even fight. Now, I think everybody this is on your minds. You're seeing this day in the day out. But here's the problem. I don't think you all realize why this is important for you. I don't think liberals realize it. I don't think conservatives realize it. And I know if you listen to me, you know that I don't like the turn liberal and conservative. Why do I not like those because they tend to pull people away from effective decision making. The reality is liberal and conservative or ideologies. And you may say, yes, well, I listen this. I am a conservative person. You may have conservative values. You may actually have a conservative live a very conservative life. You may be very liberal in your values. When I find when I go around the country and I talk to different people, liberal and conservative, that that's the way that they define themselves. What I find is that when we talk about effective solutions, they actually are on a very common ground. And that's the problem is that most people don't realize that they have this common aspect of what is effective, in this understanding of if this is broken. We can fix it. They think that they have to subscribe to the liberal side or to the conservative side, and that's just not true. Conservatives, it's important for you to listen to this today to understand when you talk to people who define themselves as liberal and they have these crazy, off the wall ideas. I know every Thursday I'm on with Danielle McLoughlin. We we debate back and forth, but the reality is, at the end of the day, I have at times been able to tell Danielle a few things and give her insight that of knowledge that I have in the government and things that I've done throughout my career, and show her why they won't be effective, regardless of liberal or conservative. Just won't be effective. It's not a solution. That's why it's important for you to hear these things. And if you're liberal, it's important for you to see what is actually the wool that's being pulled over your eyes. This is not just a US problem. This is a global problem. I have people ask me that all the time. Is this something that's around the world or is this just the United States? It's global. I went to Ireland last October. I believe it was, and I was shocked at what had a heard over there. Everything that they want to do here has actually already been done over there across Europe, getting rid of the borders, massive immigration, one basically one region currency, all these different things that they've done, and what has happened. It has destroyed. When I went over to Ireland, destroyed the culture of Ireland. I watch and I look at all these different countries that exist around there, and their cultures are gone. Germany is effacing terrible problems with their culture because they bring in all these mass immigrants from Syria that have nothing to do with the way things have been done in Germany for years and years and the culture that exists there. They come in, they don't want to assimilate. They just want a place to live, and so that's what they do. They live without assimilating. Assimilating now has been given a bad rap. They you talk about people come to the United States, they should speak English, or they should learn our culture in our ways they will. People will tell you the left that you're a racist, you're a bigot. That's not true. But here's the most important thing to know about the United States, about what we're going through here is that if the US topples to this ideology, the rest of the world is gone. It will trickle into every nation, and in some cases it won't trickle. It'll be like a tsunami going across and just crushing the traditions the cultures of these other countries. Now, the players are very important for you to realize because you see them every day, and I've talked about them before on this show and a lot of shows, but I want to remind you, and the more I see of this, the more it is easier for me to go out and identify these people. Politicians, activists that work with the politicians, the media, which is you can't even separate the media from the politicians these days, and the judges. That's one group. The big money donors, the people that you don't see. Sometimes you do see them because they are triggered so bad by Trump that they come out and they identify themselves. But they are big money donors. They are the ones that will fund a lot of this leftist movement in this country. Remember when I say leftists, I'm not talking about you the Democrats. Somebody who identifies with old school Democrat party ways, somebody that believes in, you know, having social values or however they say it, conservative fiscal vice. What I'm not talking about you when I say the left or leftists. What I'm talking about are people that want to usher in the era of communism around the world. Globalism, socialism, whatever you call, it's all the same. It all equals up to one thing. The powerful become more powerful, and the middle class goes away and the poor become poor. That's the way it always ends up. You have to understand that there are groups of people in certain places where they can indoctrinate young people and adults alike. The media, as I said, is a huge part of this. Repeat something, repeat a lie, or repeat a twist of the truth, and peat it often and over and over, and eventually in people's minds it becomes truth. And the youthful idiots, the people that hear that and then go out and get in arguments or tell their friends, this is the truth. This is the way it is when they have never done any research themselves. But biggest of all, biggest of all, this is what's hitting me in the past five years, as I've been talking about this on radio, you the American people constantly saying I don't have time. I work for a living. I can't just go out and protest. I can't just go out and do these things. The reality is, folks, you can. There is time, and you have to start uniting against this. I know this sounds like a campaign speech, but the reality is you have to be willing to first and foremost recognize reality and what's going on. And secondly, you must be willing to get up off your couch when you're not working and go and do something about this. Unions are far left. The Teachers Union, which we'll talk about later today is unbelievable. It's a communist and they actually tell people who to vote for. They have teachers that say tell us who to vote for, not even thinking on your own. But the American people that sit out there and choose to bitch and complain and they don't get up and go do anything, you're the real problem. You are giving away your freedom to the people who are actually doing something to take it away. And that, folks, is why I've crafted this show today to give you some insight into what they're talking about in these debates, what the left is actually spewing, and the reality of all of it so that you can actually get together and start to see where the cracks are in there. This thing that they're doing, this communist thing that is moving across I don't even actually know what to call it. It's moving so fast. It's it's like a hurricane. It's like a tornado where there's there. I know they had a tornado in Long Island. Nobody's ever hardly seen a tornado on Long Island. They don't know how to react to that. We've never seen this in this country to this extent, and most people don't know how to react to it. So it's very important that you understand what is actually happening. And don't forget folks, the deep state is real. The deep state is real. The deep state what you need to realize about that You have the DNC in the RNCY that is really where a lot of these problems ferment. But the deep state is a group of people that can circumvent either what politicians that aren't in a position or ideologues that aren't in a position of authority. They can take what they believe and circumvented into the system, or if they have a direct order from somebody in authority, these deep state people can avoid that and they protect each other. That's why they don't go to jail. The majority of things that have happened in the past just five years since I've gotten out of the FBI, the major where are your things that have happened I would have gone to jail for. When we talk about these executive directors, they never go to jail. This Johnathan Gillham filling in for my good buddy Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. Make sure right now you go get my book Sheep No More, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. You can get this on Amazon or wherever books are sold, and get this today the second workbook comes out. That's right, you have. Now you have the Threat Assessment Workbook and the Defense Assessment Workbook. Go get them. Read Sheep No More. First. Then apply what you're learning here in these two workbooks, and I can guarantee you not only will you be safer, but your awareness will be so heightened that you'll start to see a lot of these things. Sheep No More, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. And one last thing, it's very important for you to get your news from multiple outlets scour the Internet, including Jonathan T. Gilliam dot com, where we have amazing writers. If this isn't just something that you're just getting stories coming from other websites, we are actually taking real experts, looking at what their knowledge is and giving you insight into what's happening. Jonathan T. Gilliam dot com. We'll be right back on the Sean Hanny Radio Show eight hundred nine one seven three two six. Collin one hundred nine one seven three two six. I don't know if you can tell, but I just gotta burst the energy. I don't know why I feel a little bit better. I was feeling pretty bad today. I feel great now. I think it's because I get to be around this incredible staff. I think it could also be because Blair back in there has an armed shirt on that has been blinding me the entire time, and now I feel like the sun has been right in front of me literally the entire time. I think you just made my home. I don't know if he's gonna go hunting or if you're look like a giant construction con. You do you look like that is going to be your new nickname now, construction Cone. So listen. I wanted to bring it, so I told you that I was gonna try to inform you throughout the day about the different ways that we are being indoctrinated or that the communist creeps happen within the government. We talked about this healthcare versus insurance and how it's a big manufactured problem. You heard that from a doctor, not from me. You know, you want to talk about law enforcement, or how to go through a door, or the failure of leadership and government, I'm your guy. But when it comes to talk about medicine, I'm not going to sit up here and act like I know anything about the way this stuff works. I'm not a doctor and I've never worked in that industry. The same thing goes for finances. I am as much of a stickler for not spending money. That's what I do. I just don't spend money. That's how I manage my finances. If I don't need it, I don't get it. And if I want it, I have to have enough money to get two of them before I buy it. But so I figured I would bring in my good buddy Daryl Hornbacher. He's from minus financial company. He is actually become a very good friend of another person out in Arizona. Arizona is where I grab all my experts. I guess it's hot out there, it's dry, and so that's where the brains grow best, I guess. But Daryl and I have had many any conversations about the reality of capitalism versus what the Democrats vilify, uh saying that it's capitalism, about the way that the banks play with people's credit and things like that. And it's pretty fascinating when you start to look at the other things that these democrats we're talking about in the debate the other night, about the reality of what capitalism is. I think that it's a very necessary thing for the American people, liberal or conservative, to understand what capitalism is. So Daryl, thanks for joining me and tell the American people if you could. We've we've discussed this several times. What actually is capitalism and why is it such an integral part of what this country is all about? Well, hey, Jonathan, thank you so much for having me on. But before I before I answer that question, I got a couple of things to say. Number One, you like have fans everywhere when everybody when all my buddies found out from coast to coast. I was going to be on the Sean Handy, the Ray Realm. They were all excited, and when I told them that you were interviewing me, there was a couple of them that I had no clue even knew who you were. And and one of my buddies, Jim from Colorado, was like, oh my gosh. Every time he fills in for David Webber Andrew or whatever. I listened to every show. And I have another buddy of mine from Michigan that Danny that he was like, oh my god, I can't believe you're getting interview but by this guy. So I'm like, I'm like, well, this guy's been at my house. Interview by I mean, you've made me margueritas before that were amazing. I know, right. And you should have seen the clam chowder I made for the team this week. You would have loved it. But anyway, that's another thing. The second thing is let me put a caveat on what I'm going to how I'm going to answer your question. I'm I'm a poor little guy that comes from rural Michigan. Okay, So, so my idea of capitalism is on the street level. I'm not a Wall Street guide, don't have a warrant in MBA any of that stuff. This is street level experience that I've garnered over fifteen years of running this company, and as you know, we've done okay. But here I mean this is really very simple. Liberals believe in the equality of outcome. Conservatives believe in the equality of opportunity. So if you think about that and take that statement in comparison to the debates, everybody else in those debates want to give something for free. That's at least the real far left liberal view, and they've basically overtaken the Democratic Party. Whereas conservatives, it doesn't matter what color you are, it doesn't matter what faith you are, it doesn't matter what your gender designation is. None of that stuff matters. All we want is to give you an equalityity of opportunity. Now, contrary to what the liberals will tell you, Conservative opportunity is true opportunity. Where the liberal from the liberal standpoint, they want everything to be great, they want everything to have, everyone to have the same thing, and they want Big Brother to control at all. Now the equality, well, let me say this, equality does not equal. Does is not the same as equal. You know, you can't say that opportunity is going to make when we give them opportunity. What you're saying that the conservatives in this country and capitalism says, you're going to have the opportunity to do these things, but you're not going to necessarily be equal. It's just like going out in sprinting. I may not be on the same status as somebody who's ran in the Olympics before. It's just not going to happen. I get that. But at the end of the day, everybody has the same opportunities equal equality, however you want to designate it. Everybody has the exact opportunity. You know. I have people look at me and I have very few liberal friends, but I have a few, and when they see what I do, or what we have, or how we truly enjoy our life, and they question that, I'm like, dude, when you're sleeping in on Sunday, and you've been at my house, so you know what I do. When you're sleeping in on Sunday before I go to church, I'm up at four thirty in the morning answering phone calls and emails and things like that. I don't need to do that. But guess what I do because I want something different and I want my family to be different. Now, the other, the other thing that is different between liberals and curtainservatives. When it comes to stuff, it boils down to three words, trickle down economics. Have you ever known a liberal to agree what's the trickle down theory? No, you haven't because it ruins their narrative of the big bad rich getting richer and the poor and dot downtrodden getting poor. Now, I can tell you every time I leave my house and go to a gas station or or the grocery store or the restaurant, at least a hundred people are the beneficiary of the money I spend when I leave my house. So how can you say that it doesn't work right? Right? That's the thing. Yeah, I see exactly what we're saying. We're talking about trickle down. You're talking about you have a service, people pay for that service, You become more wealthy. Then you go out and you buy things, you spend your money, and it trickle and that creates more and more jobs. The trickle down wealth aspect of that, if you really look at it, and you know me, I'm a country boy, from mission. Hello, ow Michigan out there. That's where I'm from. Um, I'm a country boy from Michigan. So I look at this stuff at the lowest level. I look at the American, the true American small business owner and what they do and what they contribute to this economy. And this is this is pure capitalism at its finest. When a guy like I mean, you know, I I spend some of my money on dance lessons. You know, it's just it's it's it's pure capitalism from from the street level. Why has Wall Street moved so far left? That's one thing I think a lot of people can't understand now now that we're understanding a little bit more about what the reality is of true capitalism, how it's not actually evil. Um, why is if that's the case, why has Wall Street muso far left? You know? And this is for me, So this isn't There's there's nothing that that I have to prove the statement I'm gonna make. But you know what, when you've got to the point where you have so much that you can never ever spend it, then obviously your point of view is going to change, and then you become more of a person that. You know, I call it a maoist syndrome. Do as I do, not do as I say, not as I do. And you know that's that's just the way. I don't know. I mean, you know again, I'm I'm a street level guy. You know. We we deal with the butcher and the baker, and the candlestick maker and the dry cleaner and and you know that's who we find money for. And uh, you know those aren't typically guys you see on Wall Street. They service Wall Street, but they're not on walls, right right. Um, I wanted to ask you real quick. We got about four minutes left. Um. I want to ask you about something we've talked about before, which is the banks and the credit issues, because I think this is one of the things where people start to when they start to accuse capitalism of being bad. This is one of the things where this may actually occur. Most people don't realize first and foremost that bad credit is not forever, and if you know the reality of the laws, you can actually circumvent that. And how much different somebody who has a five hundred and something credit score versus somebody who has a seven hundred credit score. How much they're spending a month. I mean, there's a lot, as you know, there's a lot of truckers that listen to this show, and I don't think they realize when it comes to refinancing their truck or actually buying their own truck, the reality of the game that's being played on them. Yeah. So here's another thing. So the credit bureaus are private, private for profit enterprises. They make money off of selling your information. Your you know, how much income you have, when was the last time you had a late payment, anything and everything that data that can cause the credit bureau can find about you. They put a price on that information. The sad thing about it is that people with bad credit their information is worth more than people with good credit for obvious reasons. But here's what really kills me with that situation is that if you have a six twenty credit score versus a seven twenty credit score, you are paying on average seven hundred and thirty five dollars a month more and interest payments and insurance payments than your counterpart with a seven twenty credit score. So think about that. You've grown up, you've paid your bills on time, You've done everything you're supposed to do, and then one of life's evil nuances got a hold of you. You lost your job, you lost a spouse, you've got sick, or you've got divorced, one of those things. And none of those fourth days make you a bad person. They just make you a person that something bad happened to. But you can go out and commit a felony and go to state prison, and you can be out of prison faster committing an actual felony than if you go out and miss three or four payments or get a foreclosure or a charge off or a collection on your credit account, you're you're in credit prison for seven to fifteen years. So think about that, and like I said, the difference all of these people, think about single mom out there that got a divorce and now has three kids in her custody and lives in a two bedroom apartment and hasn't been in the workforce for I don't know ten years or more. She's got a college education, but that's all she's got, and her credit sucks because the bank because because of the divorce, and now she needs to do something and she needs to get a job, and imagine just car payments, mortgages. If she can get them, rent credit cards, any of that stuff. And this is a person that can least afford it. But she's paying eighty eight hundred and twenty dollars a year more than her counterpart that's still married and hasn't had this malady hit her, you know, in a year. So think about a woman's that is, or anybody for that matter, that is making forty grand a year after taxes, she's got thirty four grand a year, and now you take eighty eight hundred and twenty dollars out of it, and she's got twenty six grandy year. How do you raise three kids on that? Gotta break it right there, my friend, listen. Thank you very much Daryl for coming in and explaining that. For those of you want more information about Darryl's company, it is Midas Dash Financial Company. You can go look them up, and I put out the website and stuff here in just a minute. But go check them out and and understand that if especially if you're you know, if you're trying to make something to yourself and you have a family, this is stuff that you can concentrate on to get around this game that the bank plays. I think this just like the healthcare issue that we're talking about earlier is stuff that the left can play with, and quite often people have no idea the reality of what's going on. This John the Gillian filling in for Shaun Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show eight hundred nine four one seven three two six the number. We'll be right back. This is Johnathan Gilliman for Sean Hannity. Sean Hannity Radio Show, eight hundred nine four one seven three two six. You know, earlier when I was talking to Sergeant Derek Miller, who spent I think it was eight years in Leavenworth for something ridiculous, he promised the guys that when he got out, he would come back for them. And this is we're not talking about criminals. We're talking about innocent men that have been convicted for these ridiculous things. And so it looks like right now breaking news at Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher was found not guilty of charges of murder and attempted murder. So I know that Sergeant Miller is gonna be happy about that. Congratulations to my brother Eddie Gallagher. But you can go to the Congressional Justice for Warriors Caucus. That's something that's been approved for all these other warriors to get Congress members on board. I can't help but think that this is going to help out tremendously in that congratulations once again, Eddie Gallagher not guilty. Well that was no surprise. I hope, I hope the prosecution goes and has a nice down or cup of coffee to night and realizes that they lost. Is Johnathan Gillham. We'll be right back on a Shawan Andy radio show and or nine from one seven, three, two six, go get my book sheet no More of the Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. We'll be right back. This is Jonathan Gillham, back in from a good friend Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. All over the Universe, and listen. I just wanted to mention because I didn't get to give their uh websites out before we went off. Darryl's website is go to midas dot com. You can spell that anyway, because he owns all of them. GEO to Midas dot com. UH. That's for credit repair or loans or the truckers that are out there. You'll be interested in this. And also the doctor is summitmedpeds dot com dot com, summitmedpads dot com. Uh. Both those guys are incredible professionals if you want to reach out to them for anything. Um, you know, before I go to my next guest, the beautiful Tracy Belmonte, I want to go to. Uh. We have somebody here who actually has read the book who called in and wanted to talk about it. Dave in Texas. Go ahead, Dave, Hey, how you doing job of the book? Thank you? I think the one thing that I'd like you to talk about and how correlates with our president and his posture and how other countries and the bad guys see us, but just in general, how bad guys see you based on how you carry yourself. A lion's going to go after the goat that slimping more than it will be the one that's out there doing something stuff. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely, here's the bottom line for this day. What you know since you read it is that it doesn't matter if we're talking about the president and how he wants to determine how the other countries look at us, or if you're a single mom and you want to determine who would attack you where it would happen, how they would carry it out, when it would happen, and why. You can actually literally determine all this stuff one hundred percent. But you can't just say I want to be more secure, so I'm going to get an alarm system. That's not the way it works. You have to learn all these different aspects of this so that you can determine the probability that it would happen. And you have to look at different your life in different sectors. Not every aspect of your life is the same. At work, it's different than when you're at home, and you're commute to home or to work is different than your commute to go out at night to go and have a dinner or go to a concert. So you've got to look at all these things in sectors and then determine what the possibility is and then you can turn around and set up realistic defenses. But overall, I gotta go real quick. But overall, Dave, would you think, Man, it's a great boat, very very good refresher on situational awareness and just being aware of surroundings, and uh, you know, it just reminded me of like what I had to do when I went to Yelvil. Since I was from Flipping, i'd be aware of my surroundings. Yeah, now I know who I'm talking to. You know, I grew up in Yeoville as well. You know, well, well I grew up in Flipping. So the people don't realize we're talking about towns in Arkansas here, Yeoville and Flipping. We're not talking about coins. We're talking about towns in Arkansas. Hey, listen, God bless you brother, And uh, of course you're a great guy if you grew up in Flipping or Yoville or any of these places. Uh, this is um. I think towards the end of the show here, what I want to do is I want to wrap this up in there. There's a reason why I brought Tracy Bell Monte in. She is a twenty one year teacher in a liberal state in New York, and she has seen and understands the indoctrination that happens from a very young age. The reality is, and she can explain this better than I can, is that the stuff that you're seeing the media do in politics and the politicians sales pushing the A out to the American people, it is it starts at a very very young age. But Tracy, I don't think people realize how young. No, they don't, Jonathan. Look, are there some teachers that are consciously contriving this plan to push their left wing ideology and students. Absolutely, but there are many, many more teachers, millions of them that are doing it unconsciously because what happens is ideologus and they're left wing ideologues. Are the ones that are writing curriculum and lesson plans for teachers. A lot of this gets endorsed by the unions at the national level and they get paid off by George Soros and move on dot org those kind of organizing pardon me organizations, So those organizations actually do really exist. That's the other thing that I find with people is that they get they think that when these things are reported over about George Soros and move On, they don't realize how prevalent they are. Also a Planned Parenthood, We're going to set up a little clip here. I want you to tell everybody about what this is, and this just goes to show you how young they're starting and who actually makes this video series. Well. Planned Parenthood put out a video series and educational guide that's used by educators all over and it educates students from the ages of four to seventeen on human sexuality. And it's an agenda driven education, left wing content. It normalizes gender as a social construct, It demonizes pro life pregnancy centers, and it graphically teaches children about many sexual topics. If you look on amazed dot org, you would never know that planned parenthood is behind us, right and these are actually shown in some schools. Yes, absolutely, And in fact they have educators that have playlists that you can see on amazed dot org that give validity that this is the greatest thing ever since slice bread. Let's go ahead and play. Part of that is Alex a boy or a girl? Actually, Alex doesn't define themselves as boy or girl? What else is there? Back in your day, most people understood the world in terms of just boys and girls. But now we know gender is more complex than that. Wait, aren't we just talking about whether you're born on with A or Hey. When you're born, your sex is assigned in a medical way, but the sex listed on your birth certificate may not necessarily match your gender identity. Gender identity is a person's inner experience of who they are in terms of gender, the deep personal sense of being male, female, a blend of both or neither. Okay, So it's hard to believe that that is actually being taught in schools, but it has actually being shown to people, young people as young as how old, four years old? Four years old in public schools, and they say that children between ages and one and five, it's the smartest you'll ever be as a human. Oh yeah, and you absorb this like a sponge. And this is a pure classic indoctrination, because indoctrination doesn't care about the truth. It cares about a certain truth. And the certain truth is liberal in nature. Is it's left wing ideology, and it's normalizing that there are thousand genders, even though there's no science that back set up. Right, So we're talking about the kids. Are the teachers indoctrinated themselves? I think, I think we know the answer to that. But explain to that, Oh, they certainly are. Only twenty seven percent of American school teachers identify themselves as a Republican. I don't know. Most people don't realize that. And it does start on the college level. And when I was getting teacher training, I remember that there were textbooks that taught me to get together with other like minded teachers and align with certain political philosophies. It says this in the textbook. Wow, yeah, so obviously I have an independent mind. I want to teach my children that come into my classroom to think independently for themselves and to think critically and analytically. But that's not what they do nowadays. And the unions are just as bad in continuing that indoctrine. Absolutely, they're they're complicit. I mean common Core gets its roots from Stalinism. If we I mean, we really would need a whole show to go into that. But the root if you look at Stalin's philosophy and Obama and his common Core and the way they both spoke about education, coming from the top down, you wouldn't know who said what. In twenty seventeen, you were telling me that you got a magazine from your union. Describe what was on the cover of that for everybody. Maybe you could put that up on Twitter. Some people could say absolutely, it was from the American Federation of Teachers that came to my home, and it was a bunch of teachers that were protesting Donald Trump's inauguration holding signs that said Black lives matter, trans people deserve love to you know, YadA YadA. You know. They were wearing all their little pink hats with the little cat ears, and yeah, this is what got into my house. This is what my union dues are paying for, which explained that you try to get out of those union dues for that particular thing. For vote. What is it called, it's well votecope. Yeah, when you're a new teacher, the union airs you and they say you have to vote the way we tell you to vote, otherwise you're not going to have a job. So you listen to what we say, and we have this great program vote Cope that it's going to ensure you that you have job security for many many years. To come donate as much as you can to us. And what it is is a pack. It's a super pack that goes to prop up candidates that you might not necessarily support, like Hillary Clinton. Does the president? Do you think the president can see this? What does he have to be educated on so that he can see this? I believe that Donald Trump knows. And President Trump is trying to return education to the local level where it belongs because what I'm learning or teaching in New York is not what I should necessarily be teaching in Arkansas. Education should be tailored at the local level and not the federal government. The federal government, it's illegal for them to write curriculum, but that's exactly what they did with common Cores, and they kind of snuck it in and skirted the laws and they got it through right now. And you're very passionate about that. I mean, you were very passion about empowering the children, and you believe that common Core takes away from the empowerment and basically turns them into I don't know if robots is the right word, but where they're not people who go out and actively learn. It's just about standardized testing and teaching to the test. And don't even get me started what they did with the English Language Arts program because they now put the emphasis on nonfiction reading and they got rid of fiction books altogether. So there are some school districts in the United States that aren't even teaching classics like Shakespeare. Wow. And what is the core science? And what is that called the STEM? Which is why is that so important? Why is STEM so important? Well, it's it's science, technology, engineering, and math and it's being pushed a lot since the common Core came into existence, and I don't think necessarily that's the most important thing. Stalin was very big on STEM as well, like Obama, and the reason that they pushed it was because they thought that was the way to get rich in their economy. And we know what they really wanted. They wanted to be the wealthy elites while the rest of us were peasants just toiling for it, right right? How much in twenty one years since you left college have you changed in the way you see this and how much has it actually changed as far as indoctrination goes. The indoctrination, Oh, it's it's blatant. Now they don't hide it anymore. I have been in classrooms where they've shown propaganda films Al Gore, The Inconvenient Truth, Fahrenheit nine one one. This is propaganda, This is left wing propaganda. There is no place in schools for this type of rubbish, and parents need to become very actively engaged. That's the question I want to have. We got about a minute and a half left. How do parents, so, I ask you about President Trump? I mean, how do parents see this? How do they not like you're saying that this may be that video that we played a clip from could be played in their school, in their classroom. How do parents know this and how do they tell their kids to stand against that? They have to be actively evolved in their child's education. That's where it starts. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and if you don't, don't just settle for the answer. What did you learn in school today? Nothing? No, look at their notebooks, look at their textbooks, skim everything and anything you see that is not in line with your ideology. You get very loud and very vocal and always threaten a lawsuit. And they all stand together on the left. That's the other thing that parents need to be standing together on the right. You know. I was going to lead in with this as talking about the book, and we had the caller security. Just real quick, thirty second answer. Security in schools? Does it teach awareness or are they just teaching overall just to be stagnant. They're teaching sit against the wall and be quiet. That's what the that's what they teach, and right that's the tactics. See, that's where the overall awareness training can come in handy because exactly what we're talking about, the parents coming together, people working together, understanding within awareness. It can be a force multiplier big time. Absolutely, listen, Thank you very much. Tracy Belmonte at Real Polita Diva on Twitter, they can find you also, Yeah, just on Twitter for now you're gonna I want you to put up a picture of that Union magazine so people can see that. And folks, this is something that you can actually Again, everything we've been talking about today are things that you can actively stand against if you stand together. Would you not agree with it? Absolutely? This John the gill and filled in for my good buddy Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. Will be right back again breaking news. Eddie Gallagher a freeman again not guilty of killing an ISIS fighter. Can you believe that a murder will be right back? This is John and the Guillam for the final couple minutes here of the Sean Hannity Radio Show. Listen, I want to leave you all with this. This is probably the most important thing that I will have said all day long. I want to reiterate that you are responsible for what happens into in this country. If there is and there is a left. There's subversive movement going on in this country. You can call it communists, globalists, socialists, it doesn't matter. What it ends up being is where the power brokers are in charge of everything in the middle class, and the freedom that this country thrives on will be diminished to a point where you have to take handouts. That is what's happening around the world. I don't know why people can't understand it and get it through their thick heads that it's happening here as well. It's happening. And the only way to combat that is it only It's the same as the way you're going to combat against attackers that may come into your home or your city or your business, is if you increase your awareness of what's actually going on and you stand together. The American people and what the founding fathers gave them is an amazing thing. It's called freedom. But freedom is fragile, and those that fight for it oversees and abroad, and those law enforcement agents that are here inside the United States, they can't do it alone. Politicians tell them who to fight. But guess what, politicians cannot tell you who to fight. But if you're smart enough and you're educated enough, and you go out and you have an understanding a proper understanding of who the enemies are, you will be able to see what's going on and stand together. Go get my book Sheep No More, The Art of Awareness and a Tax Survival. It's got two workbooks that come with it. Now I can guarantee you it will increase your awareness and make you a safer American, a more aware American. And remember, wherever you see my face, the truth has arrived.

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